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Swen E Gaudl edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 6 revisions

#Setting up Xamarin Studio to build an agent library using POSH-sharp under Windows.

This tutorial guides you through the set up of POSH-sharp for behaviour library development. Instead of Xamarin Studio( formerly known as Monodevelop) it is also possible to use Visual Studio C#.

If you are using another OS steps should be similar and we try to provide more info on that by time.


Set Up the Sources

After installation of the above mentioned software or their alternatives we are now setting up our workplace.

  • Open your project archive (a folder where you normally put your projects in) in our case that's D:\Projects
  • create a new folder for your POSH project; how about "POSH"
  • if you are using just the command line GIT client
    • open a command prompt and cd into your POSH folder: cd D:\Projects\POSH
    • download the latest sources using git clone
  • if you are using SmartGIT (recommended)
    • open menu "Project" -> "Clone ..."
    • put into the Remote GIT URL text field
    • press "Next"
    • Select GIT as repository type otherwise it won't work properly as we are using GIT
    • put D:\Projects\POSH into the Path field
    • press "Next"
    • enter a clever name for new new project so that you can remember it; I recommend naming it "POSH" or "POSH-sharp" or "sharp POSH stuff" ;)
    • press "FINISH"
  • you should now have downloaded the latest sources for POSH# and it should look like this

Set Up the Environment

If you have finished downloading/cloning the repository you are now able to set up your IDE.

  • navigate into your newly cloned source folder (from the steps above) and right click the solution file POSH-sharp.sln -> select "Open With ..." and choose Xamarin Studio
    • If there is no option for Xamarin Studio you might check if it installed correctly on your machine.
  • Your project view should look like this presenting you the different projects inside the solution.

!!!Before starting we should check if everything is set correctly!!!

  • Open the options menu for the start-up project POSH-sharp (A Start-up project defines the execution point for a solution.). To do so click on the small icon right of the bold project. Then press on options.
  • You should see the following screen. Now add the run parameters under RUN -> General and put your parameters into the parameter field, eg. -v -a=PoshBot.dll POSHBot.
  • The only thing left is enable external assembly debugging. To do so, in the main window under Tools -> Options you will find a group called Project and the Debugger. Check that {{{Debug project code only;}} is not tickt

Create your own project or try extending POSHBot!

  • If you want to work with POSHBot try following page page to get going! POSHBot

Enjoy Programming!

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