TrustME is a full-fledge blockchain application which serves trade partners to process their trade with a middleman is replaced by a smart contract and everything is settled on a single ledger. It is a decentralized platform that allows users to trade assets with each other in a secure and transparent manner. The platform is built on Ethereum and uses smart contracts to facilitate the exchange of assets.
- Major languages: Solidity, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Next.js
- Technologies used: ESLint, Prettier, VSCode, Git, GitHub
- Node.js installed on local system
- yarn (Package Manager)
- npm ( Node Package Manager )
- Git and Github Account
To get a local copy of this application run the following steps:
Open terminal
Change to your desired directory then run the following:
- run
[email protected]:mengiefen/TrustMe-Settlements.git
cd TrustMe-Settlements/
- run
git switch dev
- run
yarn install
- run
yarn dev
- run
Open terminal
Change to your desired directory then run the following:
- run
[email protected]:mengiefen/TrustMe-Settlements.git
cd TrustMe-Settlements/
- run
git switch dev
- run
yarn install
- run
create .env file on the root directory
populate created file with the following environment variables
NEXT_PUBLIC_ALCHEMY_API=your_alchemy_goerli_api_key NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS= your_contract_address
yarn dev
The first step to use the TrustMe Services is to connect with your wallet. You need to have an Ethereum web3 browser extension wallet services. Then you can use the TrustMe Services to settle your trade transactions. It is Simple. Safe & Reliable.
Useful Links
👤 Nicolaes Tollenaar
Github: @NicoTollenaar
Twitter: @NicoTollenaar
Linkedin: @nicolaes-tollenaar-4316492
👤 Gabriel Vince
- Github: @Mr-Biskit
- Twitter: @mr__biskit
- Linkedin: @gabriel-vince-017059214
👤 Rushikesh Jadhav
- Github: @Rushikesh0125
- Twitter: @Rushike57195546
- Linkedin: @rushi441
👤 Anmol Pokhrel
- Github: @pokhrelanmol
- Twitter: @AnmolPokhrel6
👤 Mengstu Fentaw
- Github: @mengiefen
- Twitter: @MengistuFentaw
- Linkedin: @mengefen
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
Alchemy University: AU community
Alchemy: Alchemy Website
This project is MIT licensed.