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Tests Fuzz Testing

This repository contains the core smart contracts for the Swaplace Protocol; The lightest Swap protocol in the market.


This repository is subjected to incentives for the community to contribute to the project. The incentive distribution and amount are being discussed but the eligibility has already started.


  • Yarn:

You should install the dependencies using Yarn to deploy this code to a local testnet. The project uses Hardhat as a development environment. Which relies on Node.js (Recommended v18.16.0).

Install Yarn globally:

npm install --global yarn

Check your Yarn version:

yarn --version

Later on, install the dependencies using Yarn.

yarn install
  • NodeJS:

Windows: download the recommended version here: v18.16.0

MacOS/Linux: run the following command to install the correct version:

nvm install 18.16.0

To make sure that NodeJS is installed correctly, open the integrated terminal in MacOS/Linux, or command line (cmd), PowerShell in Windows. Run the following commands to verify the installed versions:

node -v

You should see this:


And also run this:

npm -v

You should see this:


Later on, install the dependencies using NodeJS.

npm install

Environment Variables

The project comes with a .env.example file. You should rename it to .env and fill the variables with your own values. Most RPC providers offer free testnet nodes. You can use Alchemy or Infura to get a free node.

WARNING: The private keys used in the .env file are from hardhat accounts. They are not meant to be used in production.

Testing and Deploying

Run the tests in localhost or try the contracts in a desired network by specifying the network name in hardhat.config.js.

yarn test
yarn testnet <network>

Deploy the contracts in the desired network according to the networks available in hardhat.config.js.

yarn deploy <network>


  • Contracts cannot be upgraded.
  • Contracts have no ownership.
  • Contracts don't charge fees.
  • There are no external contract dependencies.
  • The protocol operates using available allowances.

Making Assets

An Asset is a struct that stores the contract address and the amount or ID of ERC20 or ERC721.

struct Asset {
    address addr;
    uint256 amountOrId;

Making Swaps

A Swap also has an owner and an allowed address. The owner is the one that can cancel the swap while the allowed address is the one that can execute the swap but anyone can accept if it`s set as the Zero Address.

A Swap also has an expiry period in seconds. The Swap can only be executed before the expiry period is reached.

The Asset type represents in one hand the asset being bidded and the other for the asset being asked.

    struct Swap {
        address owner;
        address allowed;
        uint256 expiry;
        Asset[] biding;
        Asset[] asking;