- Fixed the affix shard recipe showing as no-input on dedicated servers.
- Prevented a crash if some mod puts an invalid value in the itemstack attribute modifier map.
- Moved the books on top of the enchantment library so it does not z-clip if a block is placed above it.
- Affix Colors have been revamped! The new color scheme should hopefully provide a smoother transition, and really give that "specialty" to ancient items (which will arrive in 4.9.0)
- Tomes have received new textures, and no longer use the enchanted book texture.
- Fixed scrapping tome tooltips not being gray
- Brutal Pillager spawners will now spawn pillagers with crossbows.
- Reduced the height range on deadly module worldgen
- Add a lot more error handling regarding the deadly module.
- Bytegm: Updated russian translation
- Aikini: Updated chinese translation
- The Enchantment Module tooltip error logger is now at the debug level.
- The Enchantment Library is now sorted alphabetically.
- Shields with the "arrow duplication" affix now actually only work on arrows (and not tridents).
- The enchantment library tooltip is now on the left of the gui.
- Added a tooltip to an enchanted tome so that users know they need to convert it to a book.
- Fixed all apoth arrows not working in dispensers.
- Fixed affix loot item trades from wandering traders being broken.
- Added the Enchantment Library - a brand new storage system for enchanted books!
- Fixed an issue where fletching tables were crashing when opened.
- Wandering Trader trades that produce no output will not be registered, instead of causing the trader to sell nothing.
- Enchantment Stat tooltips will use the default state of a block, if the placement state cannot be determined.
- Fixed an issue where datapack-loaded worldgen entries were not reading their weights, and crashing as a result.
- Bosses will no longer select invalid or empty items as their affix item.
- Having affixes on invalid items will no longer crash, though it will spam the log.
- Properly crash if an attribute modifier is attempted to be added to a null entity.
- Bytegm: Update ru_ru.json
- Aikini: Update zh_cn.json
- Updated to Official Mappings.
- Removed random nbt tag on the blaze powder in the Potion Charm recipe.
- The Piercing affix will no longer break the names of items.
- Capturing can no longer drop eggs for mobs that are blacklisted for spawner application.
- Added the option to always apply a curse to boss items.
- Fixed ConfiguredFeatures not being registered.
- Fix Occult Aversion reducing damage dealt by more than intended.
- Allowed modification to the ambient and visible status of ChancedEffectInstance.
- Allowed for the specification of custom NBT to be fed to generated bosses.
- Made rarity thresholds configurable.
- Fixed certain attribute modifiers being removed when they were a copy of existing ones.
- A crash will no longer occur when attempting to upgrade the Draw Speed affix
- Random Boss Transforms and Random Affix Loot can now be disabled.
- Nitess - add ru_ru.json
- Made the Affix Loot Pool Entry support loot conditions and functions.