bsdiff and bspatch which generates binary diff file in server and binary patch file in client
DiffHelper.startDiffByCmd(String oldApkPath, String newApkPath, String patchPath) that bsdiff by commond in server
DiffHelper.startDiff(String oldApkPath, String newApkPath, String patchPath) that bsdiff by JNI invoke in server,which will load dynamic link library.
java -jar diffbinary2.jar oldApkPath newApkPath patchPath by commond in server
PatchBinary: PatchUtil.getInstance().applyPatch(oldApkPath, newApkPath, patchPath, targetMd5Hex) that generates new APK and make sure new APK MD5 equals targetMd5Hex
bsdiff-win64-dll: bsdiff win64 source code which can generate bsdiff-win64-dll.dll run on windows x64
bsdiff: bsdiff win64 source code which can generate bsdiff.exe on windows x64
bspatch-win64-dll: bspatch win64 source code which can generate bspatch-win64-dll.dll on windows x64
bspatch: bspatch win64 source code which can generate bspatch.exe on windows x64
Linux: bsdiff bspatch executable file on Linux
Mac: bsdiff bspatch executable file on mac os