A MPC for diablo configuration(see as differential car).
If you want to use the code, you should install OSQP
, osqp-eigen
first, and can following steps:
cd test_mpc
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch mpc test_mpc.launch
The output of MPC is linear velocity 'v' and angular velocity 'w'. We provide two mpc model, here is the details.
- Continuous Model: $$ \begin{cases} \dot{x}=v\cdot \cos\theta\ \dot{y}=v\cdot \sin\theta\ \dot{\theta}=\omega\ \end{cases} $$
Discrete Model ( linearize the model at one point
$\hat{X},\hat U$ ): Let state and output be$X_k=[x_k,y_k,\theta_k]^T,U_k=[v_k,\omega_k]^T$ Let model be:$X_{k+1}=A(\hat X,\hat U)X_k+B(\hat X,\hat U)U_k+C(\hat X,\hat U)$ $$ \begin{cases} x_{k+1}=x_k-\hat v\cdot \sin\hat\theta\cdot(\theta_k-\hat\theta)\cdot\Delta t+\cos\hat\theta\cdot(v_k-\hat v)\cdot \Delta t+\hat v\cdot\cos\hat\theta\cdot \Delta t\ y_{k+1}=y_k+\hat v\cdot \cos\hat\theta\cdot(\theta_k-\hat\theta)\cdot\Delta t+\sin\hat\theta\cdot(v_k-\hat v)\cdot \Delta t+\hat v\cdot\sin\hat\theta\cdot \Delta t\ \theta_{k+1}=\theta_k+(\omega_k-\hat\omega)\cdot \Delta t+\hat\omega\cdot\Delta t \end{cases} $$Note that we can get$\hat X$ and$\hat U$ by Odometry. -
Optimization Problem:
We have:
\min_{U_k,\forall k}{}
& J=\sum_{k=1}^{N}||X_k-X_k^{ref}||{Q_x}^2+\sum{k=0}^{N-1}(||U_k-U_k^{ref}||{Q_u}^2+||U_k||R^2)+\sum{k=1}^{N-1}||U_k-U{k-1}||{R_d}^2\
& X{k+1}=A_k X_k+B_kU_k+ C_k, \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad k=0,1,...,N-1\ & ||U_k||\le U_{max},\quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \ k=0,1,...,N-1\ & ||X_k||\le X_{max},\quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad k=1,2,...,N-1\ & ||U_{k}-U_{k-1}||\le U_{dmax},\quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \ \ \ k=1,2,...,N-1\ \end{align} $$
- Continuous Model: $$ \begin{cases} \dot{x}=v\cdot \cos\theta\ \dot{y}=v\cdot \sin\theta\ \dot{v}=a\ \dot{\theta}=\omega\ \end{cases} $$
Discrete Model ( linearize the model at one point
$\hat{X},\hat U$ ): Let state and output be$X_k=[x_k,y_k,v_k,\theta_k]^T,U_k=[a_k,\omega_k]^T$ Let model be:$X_{k+1}=A(\hat X,\hat U)X_k+B(\hat X,\hat U)U_k+C(\hat X,\hat U)$ $$ \begin{cases} x_{k+1}=x_k-\hat v\cdot \sin\hat\theta\cdot(\theta_k-\hat\theta)\cdot\Delta t+\cos\hat\theta\cdot(v_k-\hat v)\cdot \Delta t+\hat v\cdot\cos\hat\theta\cdot \Delta t\ y_{k+1}=y_k+\hat v\cdot \cos\hat\theta\cdot(\theta_k-\hat\theta)\cdot\Delta t+\sin\hat\theta\cdot(v_k-\hat v)\cdot \Delta t+\hat v\cdot\sin\hat\theta\cdot \Delta t\ v_{k+1}=v_k+(a_k-\hat a)\cdot \Delta t+\hat a\cdot \Delta t\ \theta_{k+1}=\theta_k+(\omega_k-\hat\omega)\cdot \Delta t+\hat\omega\cdot\Delta t \end{cases} $$Note that we can get$\hat X$ and$\hat U$ by Odometry. - Optimization Problem: We have the same fomula as control velocity but adjust some parameters.
- Control Velocity: $$ \begin{cases} Q_x=diag(10, 10, 0.5)\ Q_u=diag(2.5,0)\ R=diag(0.01,0.01)\ R_d=diag(0.01,1.0)\ U_{max}=[1.5,2.4]^T\ X_{max}=[\infty,\infty,\infty]^T\ U_{dmax}=[0.5,1.0]^T\ \end{cases} $$
- Control Acceleration: $$ \begin{cases} Q_x=diag(10, 10,2.5, 0.5)\ Q_u=diag(0,0)\ R=diag(0.01,0.01)\ R_d=diag(0.01,1.0)\ U_{max}=[0.5,2.4]^T\ X_{max}=[\infty,\infty,1.5,\infty]^T\ U_{dmax}=[\infty,1.0]^T\ \end{cases} $$
- Models are just for forward tracking, but we can track backward by inversing the model. Besides, the algorithm will choose a better way to track the path.
- When prediction, we don't choose just one point to linearize the model, that isn't precise enough.
- MPC will run iteratively until converge or at max loops.
- 100Hz with 100 predict steps is recommanded for consideration of effect and efficiency.