is an R package that provides functions for calculating Von Bertanlanffy growth parameters needed for stable isotope analysis of whiskers or any other tissue types that have non-linear growth.
Animal whiskers or vibrissae grow along an exponential growth curve which is represented by the Von Bertanlanffy growth equation (von Bertanlanffy, 1938)
To install whiskR
in R:
Our website and vignette can be found using the links: whiskR
and Vignette
whiskR github link: (https://github.com/GaryTruong/whiskR)
von Bertalanffy, L. (1938). A quantitative theory of organic growth (Inquiries on growth laws, II). Human Biol 10(2): 181–213
The whiskR package is a collaboration between members of the mammal lab from the Evolution and Ecology Research Centre at the University of New South Wales
Collaborators: Gary Truong, Ben Walker, Anna Lewis