pip install ipykernel
- within the env:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name envname --display-name "Python (envname)
- To list which are already there:
jupyter kernelspec list
In order to run the all tests some preparation steps are needed:
- to run the Stanza tests: install model:
import stanza
- to run the Spacy tests: install model:
import spacy.cli
- to run the GateWorker tests:
- Java and Java GATE must be installed
- Environment variable GATE_HOME must point to the GATE installation directory
- certain versions of gatenlp map to versions of the GATE plugin Python, e.g. 1.0.2 to 3.0.2
- gatenlp may receive more releases, the in between releases would be etc
- to better distinguish versions which are not released but part of a snapshot Python plugin release, use local development version numbers e.g. 1.0.5.dev3 which could eventually get released as 1.0.5
- There may also be alpha, beta or release candidate releases e.g. 1.0.5a1, 1.0.5b2, 1.0.5rc1 (see PEP 440)
- since development version numbers do not refer to a single state but a range of commits, the commit should
still be specified whenever referring to a development version (
git rev-parse --short HEAD
) - whenever a development version gets incremented, a tag of the form v1.0.5-dev3 is added just before the next development version (1.0.5-dev4)
- Once we have reached stable release 1.1 the mapped releases would be 1.1/3.1, 1.2/3.2 etc with in-between releases of gatenlp 1.1.1 etc.
For now rather simple:
make sure everything is pulled and we are on branch main
make sure it works: run tests
and make sure the github action works -
!! make sure the latest version of the htmlviewer javascript is released and the correct version number is used in the serializer and
python make-viewer.py
has been run to copy to the package directory
!! make sure the version has been updated to what we want to release!
run ./gendoc-pdoc3.sh
add anything that needs to get added
and change the version of python plugin to the upcoming one which will contain the new GateNLP release -
python make-java.py
re-install current directory locally using
pip install -e .[alldev]
double check that gateworker tries to load the new (not-yet existing) release
commit and push, Python plugin tracks main, so we have now what we need
create release branch and push - this is for going back to this version more easily later
In plugin Python:
- pull, make sure ready for release
git submodue update --remote
- commit/push/check it compiles (check we compile with Java 8!!!!!!)
- this is now the version we can release, which contains the submodule commit of what will be the gatenlp release
- Actually create the Python plugin release the normal way
- wait until available on Maven Central
upload to pypi
create annotated tag v9.9
!! GateNLP is now released!
checkout main
increase the gatenlp version, make it a development version (-dev0)
and change version to next Python plugin snapshot -
create next Python plugin snapshot
How it works:
- without any options:
- pytest does not show stderr/stdout for passing tests
- pytest does not show any logging output for passing tests
- pytest DOES show stderr/stdout for failing tests
- pytest DOES show info/warning logging for failing tests
- option -s: show stderr/stdout
- option --log-cli-level: enables cli logging of given level or above
- can be configured with
log_cli=true, log_cli_level=xxx
- can be configured with
For a test with some keyword and set logging level:
pytest -k test_call3 -s --log-cli --log-cli-level=DEBUG
- for debugging test code we use print or logger at level debug and run with:
pytest -s --log-cli-level DEBUG module
- normal testing is done without -s but with
to show important feedback from the tests, e.g. when a test is skipped because of the local config
For all tests:
- either
pytest --cov=gatenlp ...
(using pytest-cov plugin) - or
coverage run --branch --source=gatenlp -m pytest
- either followed by
coverage report
and/orcoverage html -i
Just a module, e.g. gateworker:
coverage run --branch --source=gatenlp/gateworker -m pytest tests/test_gateworker.py && coverage report && coverage html -i
Build a wheel: pip wheel .[gazetteers]
or similar, store in docs/wheels for use by pyodide
- (note: our own first version was release 2019-07)
- by year:
pypinfo -sd 2019-07-01 --all gatenlp year
- by version:
pypinfo -sd 2019-07-01 --all gatenlp version