- FEATURE: added support for masked strokes line cap and line join
- FIX: callbacks list executing beyond index list
- FIX: missing TextExpressionSelectorPropFactor
- FEATURE: exporter improvements
- FIX: another exporter fix
- FIX: exporter fix
- FEATURE: added support for prefixig ids
- FEATURE: security updates
- FIX: fix image sequencing preloading
- FEATURE: added support for gradient fill expressions
- FIX: disable screen reader visibility of created font-nodes (thanks @)
- FEATURE: added FootageElement that supports json data layer types with expressions
- FIX: xhr open order
- FEATURE: added markers support
- FIX: repeaters with reduced copies
- FIX: unintentional stroke clipping on shapes with large stroke-width (thanks Manan Jadhav)
- FIX: ie11 append missing
- FIX: repeater calling trim twice
- FIX: es6 support on export
- IMPROVEMENT: added linting rules
- FIX: seedrandom and main fix
- FIX: image export fix
- FIX: Enable HImageElement to use preloaded images thanks @dbettini
- FIX: lottie-light effects breaking on destroy
- FIX: loaded_images event fired in safari
- FIX:
method returns function exceptvoid
- EXPRESSIONS: added support for toWorldVec, fromWorldVec and getValueAtTime for transforms
- EXPRESSIONS: fixed propertyGroup expression
- FIX: added svg effects placeholder
- FIX: added check for wrapper on destroy canvas
- EXPORTER: missing layer styles
- EXPORTER: export only work area
- EXPRESSIONS: Added more expressions support
- FIX: Trusted Types compliance by removing calls to .innerHTML
- FIX: make callback parameter of removeEventListener optional
- FEATURE: Audio Support
- REPORT: Improved animation report
- FIX: Expressions separate dimensions
- FIX: propertyGroup for expressions (Duik bones are supported)
- FEATURE: supported Pucked and Bloat
- FEATURE: Extension: reports for not supported features
- FEATURE: Extension: baking keyframes for unsupported expressions
- FEATURE: Extension: improved preview and added Skottie preview
- FIX: default loop to true
- FIX: removing sans-serif and monospace from font preloader to calculate correctly when font is loaded
- FIX: improved image caching when preloading svg image tags
- updated definitions
- fix compression options
- initialization improvement
- not using non breaking spaces for text spaces
- added support for exporting video layers (only export, players don't support them)
- fix for path properties open without nodes
- use original comp name as export name
- added default filter values for banner template
- added option to load local file as lottie player
- initialSegment set before animation configuration
- reading file extension correctly when copying original assets
- fixed inlined json objects with carriage returns
- added loop support for banners
- exporting adjustment layers as null layers
- added checkbox to select comp names as default
- added filter size configuration and defaulting to 100%
- Add missing animation event name definitions
- added initialSegment property
- fix for zip file without root folder
- support for including json in banner html template
- Export 'blur' text animator property
- added support for using original images as assets
- Improved log error fix
- Fixed missing assets during export
- Fix saving json files with special characters
- Improved lottie import
- Fix lottie importer gradient data without keyframes
- Added hidden layers and hidden properties support for importer
- Improved error messaging
- Added assetsPath configuration for typescript
- fixed mangled lottie declaration
- Fix on the exporter for older AE versions when a new project didn't have a saved destination yet
- Support new export mode: Rive
- Support new export mode: Banner
- Improved existing export modes
- Improved image compression solution (now PNGs get well compressed as jpegs)
- Support for importing Lottie Animations!
- fixed build to prevent polluting global scope
- text animator multiplier fix
- fixes #1883 text offset
- fixes #1878 supports id attribute for container
- Improvement: validating if transform is linear to remove spatial interpolation
- Fix: subtract mask transformed fix
- Expressions: added posterize time support
- Fix: incorrect easing function calculation in TextSelectorProperty
- Fix: auto oriented properties with not keyframes
- New: Implement a new Canvas renderer that can run on worker threads
- Typing: added resize to type definitions
- Feature: added image sequence support
- FIX: clipping compositions in canvas renderer
- FIX: added precision to auto orient
- FIX: Setting assets data before loading extra compositions
- FIX: Removed appending json at end of url
- FIX: Camera separate position properties
- Typing: Added animation event name to Lottie definitions
- Feature: Add focusable renderer setting for SVGs
- Feature: Added error handling for config and frame rendering
- EXPRESSIONS: added support for propertyIndex on shapes
- PERFORMANCE: big performance improvement on trim paths (and other modifiers) for paths that don't change over time
- NEW: improved support for astral plane characters (like emojis)
- FIX: surrogate pairs character support in animated text
- FIX: new expressions supported
- changed failed image bg to transparent
- FIX: fix for old json expressions in key function
- FIX: Updates to TypeScript definitions
- FEATURE: support for new expressions
- FEATURE: Add SVG support for Gaussian Blur effects (thanks fmalita)
- FEATURE: Add TypeScript type definitions (thanks D34THWINGS)
- FIX: removed warning of text when created by text formatted
- FIX: fixed merged characters in fonts
- FEATURE: added mutiple settings functionality to extension
- FEATURE: added support for mask opacity in expressions
- FIX: fixes #1552 html renderer wrong font measurement
- FIX: Fix masksProperties key name in JSON docs (thanks john-preston)
- FIX: Fix loader issue on pre-kitkat Android webview
- FIX: eroded masks in svg renderer
- FIX: text alignment in text boxes
- FIX: key expression for new json format
- IMPROVEMENT: forcing a rerender when resize is called in canvas
- ACCESSIBILITY: added title, description and aria label for text layers for svg renderer
- IMPROVEMENT: JSON filesize reduction. Around 25 to 33% filesize reduction with this new version.
- FEATURE: Bodymovin panel with new advanced settings to reduce filesize.
- FIX: honor
when callingplaySegments
(thanks @mrmos) - FIX: added source-over as default blending mode for canvas renderer resetting
- FIX: fixed bezier easing property validation
- FIX: fixed property caching by index instead of bezier data
- FIX: added thisProperty expression value
- FIX: viewport meta tag on android with mask fix
- FIX: fixed enterFrame direction property
- FIX: explicitly iterating math methods
- FIX: added missing expression properties
- FIX: setting class attribute via setAttribute
- FIX: added value property in key method expression
- FIX: text animator expression fix
- FIX: added smooth expression support
- FIX: hcamera expression fix
- FIX: fix animated dash property canvas
- NEW: sourceRectAtTime for images fix
- NEW: Advanced option in Bodymovin extension to skip expression properties
- NEW: removed some unused json properties
- NEW: added blend mode support for shapes in svg renderer
- NEW: removed random ids in favour of incremental ids
- NEW: added new players
- NEW: updated build process. Removed vulnerable dependencies.
- FIX: canvas repeater fix
- FIX: Replaced typekit with Adobe Fonts support
- FIX: subtracting offsetTime for valueAtTime calculation on shapes
- FIX: expressions targeting keys fix
- FIX: multidimensional easing using first dimension value when set to 0
- FIX: added enabled property on effect interfaces for expression
- FIX: font measuring fix for white spaces
- FIX: supporting Effects property on layers in expressions
- FIX: canvas sibling shapes with same style fix
- FIX: caching valueAtTime correctly
- FIX: AVD exporter fix on clip paths
- FIX: AVD exporter fix on initial and end values
- FIX: formatResponse if responseText - thanks @ansmonjol
- NEW: renders class name for nested group elements - thanks @russellgoldenberg
- FIX: missing variable declaration
- EXPRESSIONS: easing functions refactored
- FIX: stroke effect fix with multiple children elements
- FIX: adding max and min values to trim path start and end
- EXPRESSIONS: added velocity property
- FIX(text): Fix charCode assignment and optimize FontManager (thanks @kwilliams-curago)
- FIX: fix for small trim paths
- EXPRESSIONS: added valueAtTime property to expression thisProperty variable
- FIX: added locationHref to gradient data
- EXPRESSIONS: big performance improvement for all expressions that use Expression Values heavily
- FIX: font load fix
- TEXT: End of Text character support
- FIX: light version fix
- FIX: .playSegments when forcing a new segment correctly removes the previous list
- FIX: loading external assets before rendering the first frame of the animation on canvas renderer
- FIX: clearing caching spatial bezier data when previous frame is reached
- FIX: promoting text property to dynamic properties when using text update methods
- FIX: extra comps width and height properties supported
- FIX: multiple trims fixed
- FIX: expressions with non computed memberExpressions
- FIX: animated gradient in svgs
- REFACTOR: canvas shape renderer had an important refactor. Should support new render cases and have a performance improvement.
- EXPRESSIONS: preprocessing expressions allows to prevent getting values if not needed on expressions
- EXPRESSIONS: support for position, scale and anchorPoint variables
- EXPRESSIONS: added numLayer property support to comp interfaces
- REPEATERS: support for start and end opacity
- FIX: Rendering effects before masks fixes some small render cases
- FIX: added orientation support for 3d cameras
- FIX: dashed lines were not resetted in some scenarios
- FIX: text animators based on words and percentages
- EXPRESSIONS: Latest Duik version support
- FEATURE: gradient support in canvas renderer (some cases are not supported)
- EXPRESSIONS: layer name support for expressions
- FIX: reverse play on non loops
- SUPPORT: Orient along path with separate dimensions
- FIX: trim cache issue fixed
- FIX: instaceof Array on expressions fixed
- FIX: text value on expressions fix
- FEATURE: new expressions supported
- FIX: Trim Paths with empty paths fix
- FIX: linear method fix for inverted values
- FEATURE: Ignoring merge path's last path if square
- FIX: Camera zoom
- FIX: Validating if text data is complete on first render
- FIX: Loop counting when playing backwards
- FEATURE: Added inPoint and outPoint to layer's expressions
- FIX: Moved defs to top to avoid Safari issues
- FEATURE: Added crossOrigin attribute to images to avoid tainted canvases
- FEATURE: Added imagePreserveAspectRatio to rendererSettings for image layers
- FIX: splitting animations in multiple files
- FIX: asset error handling
- FEATURE: Rove across time support
- FIX: bevel line support
- FIX: exporting images for older version of AE.
- FEATURE: if needed can skip images export once exported a first time.
- FEATURE: Added freeze/unfreeze methods to stop prevent any animation from playing
- FEATURE: Added getRegisterdAnimations method to get all current animations handled by lottie
- FEATURE: Exporting PNGs with render queue in order to fix black pixels around images
- FEATURE: Support for compressed jpgs when image is not transparent
- FEATURE: Support for exporting base 64 encoded images inlined in the json file
- FIX: Some small expression fixes
- FIX: Dash property animated
- FIX: Canvas renderer skips hidden layers
- FIX: When clearCanvas is set to true on the canvas renderer, every frame is rendered
- FIX: calculation error on masks
- EXPRESSIONS: fix for global variables used in functions
- EXPRESSIONS: operations supported for arrays
- EXPRESSIONS: improved memory management for declared functions
- EXPRESSIONS: speedAtTime support
- FIX: trimmed paths fix
- FIX: destroy method fix
- SSR: checking for navigator to create library
- PERFORMANCE: significant improvement on the svg and canvas renderers
- FIX: floating points fix
- TEXT LAYERS: font measuring and some text fixes
- FIX: 2d and 3d layers stack fix
- FEATURE: added support for assetsPath when using animationData (@kwilliams-curago)
- FEATURE: added getDuration method. In frames and in seconds.
- FIX: fixed breaking change from AE 15.1 with text layers
- EXPRESSIONS: adding name property to shape property group
- FIX: adding timeout before checking loaded fonts
- IMPROVEMENT: html elements now hide their base container when off render time bounds
- FIX: undeclared variable in reverse method
- FIX: text font issues
- FIX: centered tracking
- FIX: augmenting linearity threshold
- FIX: using quaternions to calculate 3d orientation
- FIX: undeclared variables
- FIX: CW CCW ellipse fix
- EXPRESSIONS: added xRotation and yRotation support
- FEATURE: added skew to transform calculations
- FIX: Time remap on html renderer
- FEATURE: calculating shape bounds for html shape elements without depending on getBBox
- FEATURE: Supporting custom tags on html renderer
- FIX: dash array fix
- FIX: looping and non looping animations end frame fix
- FIX: HTMLRenderer image fix
- FIX: HTMLRenderer masked comp fix
- FIX: Text fWeight precedence over fStyle (thanks @nick-vincent)
- FIX: text selector fix
- FIX: text expression fix
- FEATURE: more expressions supported
- FIX: hidden parented layer with mask
- FIX: gradient property animated
- FIX: hindi combined characters support with text as font
- FIX: Color interpolation fix
- FIX: id and classes fix for images and solids
- FIX: canvas nested groups transform fix
- FIX: lottie_light.js fix
- FIX: Expressions switch statements adding variable declaration when missing
- Text Layer keyframed fix
- FEATURE: support for all text document property updates usign TextLayer.updateDocumentData (check Wiki for more information)
- FEATURE: text layers with text boxes have two new methods: TextLayer.canResizeFont and TextLayer.setMinimumFontSize (check Wiki for more information)
- PERFORMANCE: Significant performance improvement on all renderers
- PERFORMANCE: repeaters significant performance improvement
- PERFORMANCE: gradients with opacity significant performance improvement
- REFACTOR: reduced and organized main element classes
- TEXT: text align fix for font based text layers
- FIX: totalFrames and resetFrames
- FIX: canvas destroy method
- FIX: expressions rect size support
- FIX: multiple requestAnimationFrame fix
- FIX: variable not being declared
- FEATURE: support for custom viewBox
- FIX: totalFrames now ends at previous frame to respect AE's last frame
- FIX: duplicate requestAnimationFrame call
- CHANGE: removed M0,0 added to every path. Should fix chrome issues.
- REFACTOR: small changes on AnimationItem
- FIX: if initial value for multidimensional properties was 0 and not in start point, it wasn't getting rendered
- EXPRESSIONS: support for "anchor_point"
- PERFORMANCE: separated opacity from transform properties
- FIX: effects properties offset
- FIX: 3d orientation for negative values
- FIX: IE Arrays support
- FIX: destroy method wasn't releasing all memory if a single animation was loaded.
- FIX: IE masks fix when used as Alpha Masks with gradients.
- IE 10 fix
- loopIn and loopOut fix
- expression fixes
- text box fix
- performance improvements
- bodymovin renamed to lottie!
- gradients performance improved
- cleaned up code
- text expression support
- text update support with updateDocumentData (check wiki)
- tangentOnPath, normalOnPath and more expressions
- loaded_images event
- fixed global calls
- fixed ie9 error
- valueAtTime fix
- caching fix
- velocityAtTime fix
- pointOnLine support
- createPath support
- points, inTangents, outTangents support
- expressions fixes
- className for container via loading config
- 3d orientation fix