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File metadata and controls

228 lines (187 loc) · 8.57 KB


If you have ever wanted to repartition data using custom partition staying on the Dataset API level leveraging the full power of Catalyst optimizer under the hood, you are welcome!


  • clean code no RDD with Dataset/Dataframe API mixing
  • groupBy by repartitioned key won't add an addition shuffle step
  • join on repartitioned key won't add an addition shuffle step
  • join will properly re-use exchanges


Configuration step

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.ColumnPruning

val conf = new SparkConf()
  //This is a must! See explanation under Limitations section
  .set(SQLConf.OPTIMIZER_EXCLUDED_RULES.key, ColumnPruning.ruleName)

val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate()

//All the magic happens here
spark.experimental.extraStrategies = RepartitionByCustomStrategy :: Nil

Using with Dataset API

  • Create custom Dataset
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, id: String)
val persons: Dataset[Person] = spark.createDataset(makePersons())
  • Define custom partitioner

class PersonByFirstCharPartitioner extends TypedPartitioner[Person] {
  override def getPartitionIdx(person: Person): Int = if ("D")) 0 else 1
  override def numPartitions: Int = 2

There are several differences between built-in Spark partitioner:

  1. TypedPartitioner is a type-safe partitioner with compile time validation.
  2. It takes whole row as input
  • Repartition our data
//adds repartitionBy method to the Dataset API

val partitioned = persons.repartitionBy(new PersonByFirstCharPartitioner)

Lets check the distribution

println(partitioned.rdd.glom().collect() ...)
//partition #0: Person(Denis,0,20780),Person(Denis,0,28867),Person(Denis,0,10671),Person(Denis,0,6121)
//partition #1: Person(Max,0,7920),Person(Eitan,0,19589),Person(Viktor,0,10803),Person(Marat,0,12)

As we could see partition 0 composed of persons with name starts with D.

See for complete example

Using with Dataframe

The single difference is in a partitioner type

val partitioned = departments.repartitionBy(new RowPartitioner {
   override def getPartitionIdx(row: Row): Int =
      if (row.getAs[String]("id").startsWith("d")) 0 else 1
   override def numPartitions: Int = 2

For untyped Dataframe we use RowPartitioner instead.

See for complete example


When we group by column(s) being also a partitioned by key(s) all the data is already co-located, hence there shouldn't be any additional shuffle step.

val data = df.repartitionBy(new RowPartitioner {
   def getPartitionIdx(row: Row): Int = getPartitionFor(row.get("columnA"))

//no additional exchange here

As data is already distributed by columnA grouping clause won't introduce an additional exchange.

But how does Spark know that it is was partitioned by this column? Well we have to explicitly define PartitionKey. PartitionKey is not nothing than a pair of values composed of column name and data type.

val repartitioned = df.repartitionBy(new RowPartitioner {
   def getPartitionIdx(row: Row): Int = getPartitionFor(row.get("columnA"))
   def partitionKeys: Option[Set[PartitionKey]] = Some(Set(("columnA", StringType)))

This additional context will be taken into account by Spark Planner and if there is a match between groupBy clause and partitionKeys expressions it concludes that guarantees made by this partitioner are sufficient to satisfy the partitioning scheme mandated by the required distribution.

val grouped = repartitioned.groupBy($"columnA").agg(sum($"dimension").as("sum"))

assert(grouped.rdd.getNumPartitions == 2)
//there is no additional shuffle step

As you could see after grouping the number of partitions will remain untouched.

See for more examples.


Spark Planner will properly recognize when two dataset are repartitioned by the same join key


Let's say we have departments and employers dataset sharing id as join identifier.

val departmentsRepartitioned = departments.repartitionBy(new TypedPartitioner[Dept] {
  override def getPartitionIdx(value: Dept): Int = if ("a")) 0 else 1
  override def numPartitions: Int = 2
  override def partitionKeys: Option[Set[PartitionKey]] = Some(Set(("id", StringType)))

val employersRepartitioned = employers.repartitionBy(new TypedPartitioner[Emp] {
  override def getPartitionIdx(value: Emp): Int = if ("a")) 0 else 1
  override def numPartitions: Int = 2
  override def partitionKeys: Option[Set[PartitionKey]] = Some(Set(("id", StringType)))

In order to eliminate additional shuffle both Partitioners must have the same values for:

  • PartitionKey (name and data type)
  • numPartitions

If these two conditions are met there won't be additional shuffle step.

val joined = departmentsRepartitioned.join(employersRepartitioned, Seq("id"))

//there is no additional shuffle step


Reference Project

How partitioner works in plain Spark?

val dep_1_rdd = => (, dept)).partitionBy(new Partitioner {
  override def numPartitions: Int = 2
  override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = if (key.asInstanceOf[String].startsWith("a")) 0 else 1

val dep_2_rdd = => (, dept)).partitionBy(new Partitioner {
  override def numPartitions: Int = 2
  override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = if (key.asInstanceOf[String].startsWith("a")) 0 else 1


Well, we have two different instances of partitioner, so Spark will Shuffle the data with the first rdd partitioner.

val byIdPartitioner = new Partitioner {
  override def numPartitions: Int = 2
  override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = if (key.asInstanceOf[String].startsWith("a")) 0 else 1
val dep_1_rdd = => (, dept)).partitionBy(byIdPartitioner)
val dep_2_rdd = => (, dept)).partitionBy(byIdPartitioner)


In this case Spark will properly identify the same partitioner


val dep_1 = department.repartitionBy(depPartitioner)
val dep_2 = department.repartition(2, $"id")

Wrong results, when several partitioners having the same field name and partition

join -> agg have to use .cache()

It is vital to disable ColumnPruning as it modifies datasource As it could modify the source such that an typed partitioner won;t be able to re-create an original object Example

val joined = left.join(right, Seq("department"))
val grouped = joined.groupBy($"department").agg(sum($"salary").as("sum"))

A simplified execution plan with disabled column pruning

+- Project [department, gender, salary, age]
  +- Exchange (custom partitioner) InternalTypedPartitioning
  :     LocalTableScan [department, salary, age]
  +- Exchange (custom partitioner) InternalTypedPartitioning
        LocalTableScan [department#2, gender#3]

A simplified execution plan with enabled column pruning

+- Project [department, gender, salary, age]
  +- Exchange (custom partitioner) InternalTypedPartitioning
  :  +- Project [department, salary]
  :     LocalTableScan [department, salary, age]
  +- Exchange (custom partitioner) InternalTypedPartitioning
     +- Project [department] 
        +- LocalTableScan [department#2, gender#3]

Note the project being pushed, this will prevent

Don't mix partitioners with the same partition key and num partitions!

val data_1 = leftDS.repartitionBy(new TypedPartitioner {
      override def numPartitions: Int = 2
      override def partitionKeys: Option[Set[PartitionKey]] = Some(Set(("department", StringType)))
val data_2 = rightDS.repartition(2, $"department")

As both are repartition bu department into two partitions this will lead to the wrong results. If you want to mix for some reason, use different numPart