Releases: GetStream/stream-chat-react-native
Releases · GetStream/stream-chat-react-native
What's Changed
- feat: add sender and receiver message theme background color by @khushal87 in #2485
- fix: broken imports in SDK as per TS by @khushal87 in #2487
- feat: introduce grouped message theming for message and fix message pinned header styles by @khushal87 in #2488
- fix: return type of setInterval and setTimeout by @khushal87 in #2489
- fix: improve attachment picker and image gallery bottom sheet implementation by @khushal87 in #2490
- fix: ts issue in getPhotos around Platform.Version by @khushal87 in #2493
Full Changelog: v5.27.1...v5.28.0
What's Changed
- docs: improve expo installation explanations by @santhoshvai in #2478
- fix: messages not received when connection recovered and do not reload channel when sending message by @khushal87 in #2479
- chore: upgrade react native SDK version to 0.73.6 and fix incompatibilies by @khushal87 in #2475
- fix: giphy border radius and color issue by @khushal87 in #2484
Full Changelog: v5.27.0...v5.27.1
What's Changed
- fix: add channel prop to ChannelPreviewStatus and fix docs props information by @khushal87 in #2455
- fix: deprecate global config from usage and add resizableCDNHosts to resizableCDNHosts by @khushal87 in #2457
- feat: add customizability for attachment picker ios select more photos component by @khushal87 in #2458
- fix: undefined local states for reaction count by @santhoshvai in #2460
- fix(offline-support): when user is not connected don't render null by @santhoshvai in #2462
- feat: expo 50 version upgrade in sample app by @khushal87 in #2463
- fix(sample-app): for the loading status which did not return to false when the list of attachments or pinned messages was empty by @sn4f in #2459
- fix: playing video in image gallery even when thumb_url not present by @khushal87 in #2466
- fix: offline support saving cyclic structure by @santhoshvai in #2469
- fix: theme for MessageList and SendMessageDisallowedIndicator by @khushal87 in #2470
- fix: scroll to bottom issue when the message list is empty by @khushal87 in #2471
- fix: crashes due to negative bottom sheet snap points by @santhoshvai in #2473
- fix(offline-support): foreign constraint failure by @santhoshvai in #2472
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v5.26.0...v5.27.0
What's Changed
- docs: add moderation guide by @khushal87 in #2447
- feat: add portuguese translation by @arthurgeron in #2224
- fix: metro config for example apps by @khushal87 in #2448
- fix: authorNameFooterContainer theme in Card component by @khushal87 in #2449
- feat: add optional logging for sqlite methods by @santhoshvai in #2453
Full Changelog: v5.25.0...v5.26.0
What's Changed
- fix: lint in language translations by @khushal87 in #2421
- feat: add a way to insert a custom field into a message through message input context by @santhoshvai in #2422
- feat: ability to override the emoji auto complete search input results using emojiSearchIndex by @khushal87 in #2423
- fix: auto complete suggestion list container theme by @khushal87 in #2429
- feat: introduce upload progress indicator spinner theme color by @khushal87 in #2437
- fix: undefined thumb_url when image grid opens in image gallery by @khushal87 in #2438
- fix: do not render channels on offline support before db init by @santhoshvai in #2444
- fix: channel disabled/frozen UI re-render issue by @khushal87 in #2436
- docs: v3 refresh by @khushal87 in #2424
- fix: calendar undefined issue in MessageSearchList in SampleApp by @khushal87 in #2445
- refactor: remove ios/.xcode.env.local through gitignore by @khushal87 in #2446
Full Changelog: v5.24.0...v5.25.0
What's Changed
- fix: ReactNativeFlipper TS app package import by @khushal87 in #2406
- fix: keyboard transition issue when switching from attachment picker to keyboard by @khushal87 in #2404
- feat: Moderation: show Blocked messages in SDK by @khushal87 in #2408
- fix: scroll to bottom when message is removed from message list by @khushal87 in #2411
- refactor: remove URL regex usage to check if message text contains URL by @khushal87 in #2413
- fix: outdated unread count on offline support by @santhoshvai in #2412
- feat: add ability to handle bounced message by @khushal87 in #2415
- fix: send button icon theme by @khushal87 in #2417
- fix: my message theme not passed to overlay by @santhoshvai in #2416
- docs: add message bounce docs by @khushal87 in #2418
Full Changelog: v5.23.2...v5.24.0
What's Changed
- docs: add video compression example by @santhoshvai in #2338
- fix: incorrect message list state when non recent messages are loaded by @santhoshvai in #2342
- fix: remove url encoding by @khushal87 in #2345
- fix: make iOS14RefreshGallerySelection optional by @khushal87 in #2346
- fix: do not clear the scroll failure timeouts before the failure scroll completes execution by @santhoshvai in #2347
- fix: message action list item title theme by @khushal87 in #2352
- fix: null check attachment duration by @tao-qian in #2348
- refactor: width and height passed to ImageResizer were reversed by @tao-qian in #2350
- feat: compress images selected through file picker while upload by @khushal87 in #2359
- docs: update example apps with latest steps by @khushal87 in #2355
- feat: optimise message list scrolling performance by @santhoshvai in #2388
- fix: myMessageTheme prop change did not cause a rerender by @santhoshvai in #2390
- fix: parsing links from message text having links in markdown format by @khushal87 in #2391
- feat: introduce focused message input styling using theme by @khushal87 in #2336
- fix: emoji skin_variations undefined warning when emoji is not found by @khushal87 in #2381
Full Changelog: v5.22.1...v5.23.0