This is the Beiboot API running as a side component for the Beiboot Operator. It wraps the Beiboot Python client (source code) in a REST API using FastAPI.
To get started, you only need a Kubernetes cluster and the Poetry environment.
Basically, any Kubernetes cluster will do. The following describes a local setup using Minikube.
Assuming you have Minikube installed, please run the following on your terminal:
Create a Kubernetes cluster using the Docker driver
minikube start --cpus=max --memory=4000 --driver=docker --embed-certs --addons=default-storageclass storage-provisioner
Alternatively you can use k3d:
k3d cluster create getdeck-api --agents 1 -p 8080:80@agent:0 -p 31820:31820/UDP@agent:0
context will be set automatically to this cluster (please check it anyway) -
Create the
namespace:kubectl create ns getdeck
. -
Install the Beiboot Operator to this cluster:
kubectl apply -f
Store the Minikube kubeconfig for later use in an application container with (working dir is getdeck-api/app/):
kubectl config view --flatten --minify > app/beiboot_api/kubeconfig.yaml
You can delete the Minikube cluster with minikube delete
. Please find the Minikube docs for further assistance above.
First you need to create a container image from the source. Please run:
docker build app/ -t getdeck-api
It's simple to connect Gefyra (0.13.4+) with a Kubernetes cluster.
If used together with Minikube, please follow these steps:
Set up Gefyra with:
gefyra up --minikube
❗ If you are using a k3d cluster, omit the
option. -
Start a container image locally with (working dir is getdeck-api/app/):
gefyra run -i getdeck-api -n getdeck -N getdeck-api -v $(pwd)/:/app -c "/bin/sh -c 'while sleep 1000; do :; done'" --expose localhost:8001:8000 --detach
Important: Please keep in mind, that you also mount the kubeconfig.yaml for the Minikube cluster. It is needed to make the application able to talk to the Kubernetes API.
Confirm the presence of the kubeconfig file:
> docker exec -it getdeck-api bash > du -h kubeconfig.yaml 4.0K kubeconfig.yaml
Start the fastapi process with:
> docker exec -it getdeck-api bash > uvicorn main:app --host --reload
Find the output on http://localhost:8001
Important: This process is now connected to the Kubernetes API. -
Do the development work!
You can remove/restart the container with:
docker rm -f getdeck-api
(build a new container image with new dependencies and start over again)
Build devcontainer:
devcontainer build --no-cache --image-name "getdeck-api:devcontainer" --workspace-folder "."
Start devcontainer using gefyra run:
gefyra run -i getdeck-api:devcontainer -n getdeck -N getdeck-api -v $(pwd):/workspace -c "/bin/sh -c 'while sleep 1000; do :; done'" --expose localhost:8000:8000