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187 lines (119 loc) · 6.12 KB

My Nix Dot files

Repo Structure

  • flake.nix the sources for all software, eg. nixpkgs, home-manager, and stylix.
  • wallpapers my collection of wallpapers. I haven't found a cleaner solution than including them in the repo 🤷
  • configs all the possible configurations
    • hosts the configs for individual systems such as laptops, desktops, servers
      • hostname
        • configuration.nix some basic configs option for the system (bootloader, timezone, etc) TODO move configs out of here
        • hardware-configuration.nix config for the system's hardware
        • system contains all system configurations
          • graphics configs for wayland, stylix
          • packages system level packages that should be installed
          • services configs for services that run on the system (greeter, CUPS, etc)
          • system system level configs (timezone, hostname, bootloader, etc)
    • uses configs for individual users on these system and their dotfiles
      • username
        • home.nix the basic setup for the user, and where all other HM configs are imported
        • configs config files for various programs
        • packages the packages to be installed for that user
        • scripts helper scripts with various functionality
        • secrets encrypted secrets and their configuration

Setup Instructions

Home manager

nix run #.homeConfigurations.gideon.activationPackage


to switch this repo over to SSH to push any changes and be authed SSH keys must exist

git remote set-url origin github:gideonwolfe/nix


Initial steps required for setup

  • Calendars and Contacts

    • vdirsyncer discover calendar_gmail to initialize auth to vdirsyncer
    • vdirsyncer discover contacts_gmail to initialize auth to vdirsyncer
    • there's a couple things you have to agree too, like creating the local calendar files, how to automate this?
  • Set up browser plugins

    • ~/.config/darkreader/darkreader.json needs to be manually imported via darkreader settings (FF and Chromium)
    • New Tab Override (FF) and New Tab URL (Chromium) needs to be set to point at http://localhost:9876
  • Discord

    • Vesktop has to be launched for a first time setup
    • You have to select "Stylix" theme in "Theme" settings page
    • Can I force enable this through settings.json? Maybe use JQ
    • Login
  • KDE Connect

    • Add your device
  • Signal Desktop

    • Verify/add device


  • lualine config not advanced enough for me to inject mode formatting function
    • I checked in matrix and they want to fix/update this


  • Find way to automate plugin installation (in settings.json) but there are "stateful" lines in that file, how to programatically chnge? JQ?
  • Find a way to automate theme selection to stylix (settings.json)
  • change the color values in top level settings.json for splash screen, it doesn't use hex though

Real Time Audio (for music production)

Add theme to cli-visualizer

command is vis, takes a config file with a theme

Add custom icons of some sort

Change workspace icon when new window opened

like if I click a link and it opens a tab in FF in another workspace, that workspace icon should get a highlight. I think its called urgent or something

Add theme to audacity

seems to have a "Custom" option for theme

Configure spicetify lets you specify custom colors in nix Already installed this, works well with preset themes. Now need to make a stylix theme

Hardware only stuff (can't really config in VM)

  • Multi monitor outputs
  • Bluetooth (should be configured already)
  • Virtual machines (should be configured already)
  • Backlight control (already have module but need to test)
  • Hibernation/sleep

Seahorse won't import SSH key

Could not display “<key_name>”
Reason:	Unrecognized or unsupported data.

is it because the keys aren't in .ssh? I don't think that's been an issue before

Emoji fonts rendering as colored emoji

I have emoji font specified in stylix as Symbola, and fonts.fontconfig.defaultFonts.emoji = ["Symbola"]

I have symbola and noto-fonts-monochrome-emoji installed, which both seem to be showing in gucharmap

It's just not changing the system emoji font :(

Qt Theming

Ongoing discussion on Stylix github, how to access these new features?


Build UI Elements

Window switcher

to switch between windows on all workspaces

Fancy logout/shortcut/power menu

on old system it was build with rofi, but this will change

Set up Hyprland

hard to do in a VM since it runs like shite

Improve waybar media playing module

maybe this third party one or just hack on it

Add waybar desktop notification toggle

maybe adapt to toggle notifications instead of adaptive sync


  • cava continues to hear audio even when system vol is muted

Wanted Packages