Find out how to use the gitversion/execute task using the examples below.
The examples use the latest 0.x version of the GitVersion Execute task. It is recommended to use the latest released version in your own pipelines.
The Execute GitVersion task accepts the following inputs:
description: Optionally supply the path to the working directory.
required: false
default: ''
description: Whether to use a custom configuration file.
required: false
default: false
description: Optional path to config file (defaults to GitVersion.yml).
required: false
default: ''
description: Whether to update versions in the AssemblyInfo files.
required: false
default: false
description: Update versions in specified file.
required: false
default: ''
description: Additional arguments to send to GitVersion.
required: false
default: ''
The Execute GitVersion task creates the following job-scoped variables and multi-job output variables:
- GitVersion.Major
- GitVersion.Minor
- GitVersion.Patch
- GitVersion.PreReleaseTag
- GitVersion.PreReleaseTagWithDash
- GitVersion.PreReleaseLabel
- GitVersion.PreReleaseNumber
- GitVersion.WeightedPreReleaseNumber
- GitVersion.BuildMetaData
- GitVersion.BuildMetaDataPadded
- GitVersion.FullBuildMetaData
- GitVersion.MajorMinorPatch
- GitVersion.SemVer
- GitVersion.LegacySemVer
- GitVersion.LegacySemVerPadded
- GitVersion.AssemblySemVer
- GitVersion.AssemblySemFileVer
- GitVersion.FullSemVer
- GitVersion.InformationalVersion
- GitVersion.BranchName
- GitVersion.EscapedBranchName (since 5.2.0)
- GitVersion.Sha
- GitVersion.ShortSha
- GitVersion.NuGetVersionV2
- GitVersion.NuGetVersion
- GitVersion.NuGetPreReleaseTagV2
- GitVersion.NuGetPreReleaseTag
- GitVersion.VersionSourceSha
- GitVersion.CommitsSinceVersionSource
- GitVersion.CommitsSinceVersionSourcePadded (since 5.2.0)
- GitVersion.UncommittedChanges (since 5.5.0)
- GitVersion.CommitDate
The job-scoped variables can be accessed using the macro syntax $(GitVersion.<variableName>)
in subsequent steps in the same job. Azure Pipelines also creates environment variables of the form GITVERSION_<VARIABLENAME>
. See examples 5 and 6.
The multi-job output variables can be accessed across jobs and stages, in both conditions and variables. See examples 7 to 10.
GitVersion also automatically updates the pre-defined Build variable Build.BuildNumber
Calculate the version for the build.
# gitversion/setup@0 task omitted for brevity.
- task: gitversion/execute@0
displayName: Determine Version
Calculate the version for the build using a config file with the default name GitVersion.yml.
# gitversion/setup@0 task omitted for brevity.
- task: gitversion/execute@0
displayName: Determine Version
useConfigFile: true
Example contents of GitVersion.yml:
mode: Mainline
regex: ^latest$
tag: pr
Calculate the version for the build using a config file named VersionConfig.yml in the root of the working folder.
# gitversion/setup@0 task omitted for brevity.
- task: gitversion/execute@0
displayName: Determine Version
useConfigFile: true
configFilePath: 'VersionConfig.yml'
Show the effective configuration for GitVersion by running the /showConfig command (passed as an additional argument).
# gitversion/setup@0 task omitted for brevity.
- task: gitversion/execute@0
displayName: Display GitVersion config
additionalArguments: '/showConfig'
Calculate the version for the build and display all the calculated variables in the next step.
# gitversion/setup@0 task omitted for brevity.
- task: gitversion/execute@0
displayName: Determine Version
- script: |
echo Major: $(GitVersion.Major)
echo Minor: $(GitVersion.Minor)
echo Patch: $(GitVersion.Patch)
echo PreReleaseTag: $(GitVersion.PreReleaseTag)
echo PreReleaseTagWithDash: $(GitVersion.PreReleaseTagWithDash)
echo PreReleaseLabel: $(GitVersion.PreReleaseLabel)
echo PreReleaseNumber: $(GitVersion.PreReleaseNumber)
echo WeightedPreReleaseNumber: $(GitVersion.WeightedPreReleaseNumber)
echo BuildMetaData: $(GitVersion.BuildMetaData)
echo BuildMetaDataPadded: $(GitVersion.BuildMetaDataPadded)
echo FullBuildMetaData: $(GitVersion.FullBuildMetaData)
echo MajorMinorPatch: $(GitVersion.MajorMinorPatch)
echo SemVer: $(GitVersion.SemVer)
echo LegacySemVer: $(GitVersion.LegacySemVer)
echo LegacySemVerPadded: $(GitVersion.LegacySemVerPadded)
echo AssemblySemVer: $(GitVersion.AssemblySemVer)
echo AssemblySemFileVer: $(GitVersion.AssemblySemFileVer)
echo FullSemVer: $(GitVersion.FullSemVer)
echo InformationalVersion: $(GitVersion.InformationalVersion)
echo BranchName: $(GitVersion.BranchName)
echo EscapedBranchName: $(GitVersion.EscapedBranchName)
echo Sha: $(GitVersion.Sha)
echo ShortSha: $(GitVersion.ShortSha)
echo NuGetVersionV2: $(GitVersion.NuGetVersionV2)
echo NuGetVersion: $(GitVersion.NuGetVersion)
echo NuGetPreReleaseTagV2: $(GitVersion.NuGetPreReleaseTagV2)
echo NuGetPreReleaseTag: $(GitVersion.NuGetPreReleaseTag)
echo VersionSourceSha: $(GitVersion.VersionSourceSha)
echo CommitsSinceVersionSource: $(GitVersion.CommitsSinceVersionSource)
echo CommitsSinceVersionSourcePadded: $(GitVersion.CommitsSinceVersionSourcePadded)
echo UncommittedChanges: $(GitVersion.UncommittedChanges)
echo CommitDate: $(GitVersion.CommitDate)
Calculate the version for the build and use the GitVersion.NuGetVersion
variable to set the NuGet package version.
# gitversion/setup@0 task omitted for brevity.
- task: gitversion/execute@0
displayName: Determine Version
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: Pack Example
command: pack
packagesToPack: src/Example/LibExample.csproj
versioningScheme: byEnvVar
versionEnvVar: GitVersion.NuGetVersion # alternative syntax GITVERSION_NUGETVERSION (the former gets converted into the latter internally)
Calculate the version for the build and use the GitVersion.BranchName
variable in a condition for starting another job.
job: CalculateVersion
displayName: Calculate version using GitVersion
# gitversion/setup@0 task omitted for brevity.
- task: gitversion/execute@0
displayName: Use GitVersion
name: Version # the step MUST be named to access its output variables in another job.
job: CreateReleaseNotes
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.CalculateVersion.outputs['Version.GitVersion.BranchName'], 'main')
dependsOn: CalculateVersion
Calculate the version for the build and map the GitVersion.SemVer
variable into a variable in another job.
job: CalculateVersion
displayName: Calculate version using GitVersion
# gitversion/setup@0 task omitted for brevity.
- task: gitversion/execute@0
displayName: Use GitVersion
name: Version # the step MUST be named to access its output variables in another job.
job: BuildAndPack
Ver.MajorMinorPatch: $[ dependencies.CalculateVersion.outputs['Version.GitVersion.MajorMinorPatch'] ]
Calculate the version for the build and use the GitVersion.Major
output variable in a condition for starting another stage.
- stage: S1
- job: CalculateVersion
displayName: Calculate version number using GitVersion
# gitversion/setup@0 task omitted for brevity.
- task: gitversion/execute@0
displayName: Use GitVersion
name: Version # the step MUST be named to access its output variables in another stage.
- stage: S2
condition: and(succeeded(), gt(dependencies.S1.outputs['CalculateVersion.Version.GitVersion.Major'], 0))
dependsOn: S1
Calculate the version for the build and map the GitVersion.AssemblySemVer
variable into a variable in another job for a different stage.
- stage: S1
- job: CalculateVersion
displayName: Calculate version number using GitVersion
# gitversion/setup@0 task omitted for brevity.
- task: gitversion/execute@0
displayName: Use GitVersion
name: Version # the step MUST be named to access its output variables in another stage.
- stage: S2
dependsOn: S1
- job: UpdateAssemblyVersions
Ver.AssemblyVer: $[ stageDependencies.S1.CalculateVersion.outputs['Version.GitVersion.AssemblySemVer'] ] # Note the 'stageDependencies.<jobName>' syntax.