contributors: @GitYCC
- Drawbacks of R-CNN
- Training is a multi-stage pipeline: training a softmax classifier, SVMs, and regressors in three separate stages
- Training is expensive in space and time: For SVM and bounding-box regressor training, features are extracted from each object proposal in each image and written to disk.
- Object detection is slow: R-CNN is slow because it performs a ConvNet forward pass for each object proposal, without sharing computation.
- Contributions
- Higher detection quality (mAP) than R-CNN, SPPnet
- Training is single-stage, using a multi-task loss
- Training can update all network layers
- No disk storage is required for feature caching
Step0: Prepare
Initializing from pre-trained ImageNet networks:
- S: CaffeNet (essentially AlexNet)
- M: VGG_CNN_M_1024
- L: VGG16
First, the last max pooling layer is replaced by a RoI pooling layer.
RoI max pooling works by dividing the
$h × w$ RoI window into an$H × W$ grid of sub-windows of approximate size$h/H × w/W$ and then max-pooling the values in each sub-window into the corresponding output grid cell. Pooling is applied independently to each feature map channel, as in standard max pooling.
Second, the network’s last fully connected layer and softmax are replaced with the two sibling layers:
a fully connected layer and softmax over
$K+1$ categories -
category-specific bounding-box regressors
Multi-task loss:
$L(p,u,t^u,v)=L_{cls}(p,u)+\lambda [u\geq 1]L_{loc}(t^u,v)$ - By convention the catch-all background class is labeled
$u = 0$ -
$[u \geq 1]$ evaluates to$1$ when$u \geq 1$ and$0$ otherwise - The hyper-parameter
$\lambda$ controls the balance between the two task losses (All experiments use$\lambda = 1$ )
- By convention the catch-all background class is labeled
Third, the network is modified to take two data inputs: a list of images and a list of RoIs in those images.
Step1: Region Proposals
Selective Search (Selective Search for Object Recognition (2012), J.R.R. Uijlings et al.)
- Simiarity Calculation: a combination of the below four similarities
- colour similarity
- texture similarity
- size similarity (encourages small regions to merge early)
- fill similarity (measures how well region
$r_i$ and$r_j$ fit into each other)
- Where: initial regions
$R={r_1,...,r_n}$ using Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation
Step2: Fine-tuning for detection
- hierarchical sampling: first by sampling
$N$ images and then by sampling$R/N$ RoIs from each image - Critically, RoIs from the same image share computation and memory in the forward and backward passes. Making
$N$ small decreases mini-batch computation.-
$N=2$ and$R=128$ here
- jointly optimizes a softmax classifier and bounding-box regressors, rather than training a softmax classifier, SVMs, and regressors in three separate stages
- we take 25% of the RoIs from object proposals that have intersection over union (IoU) overlap with a ground- truth bounding box of at least 0.5