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Fast R-CNN (2015), Ross Girshick.

contributors: @GitYCC

[paper] [code]


Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation (2014), Ross Girshick et al.


  • Drawbacks of R-CNN
    • Training is a multi-stage pipeline: training a softmax classifier, SVMs, and regressors in three separate stages
    • Training is expensive in space and time: For SVM and bounding-box regressor training, features are extracted from each object proposal in each image and written to disk.
    • Object detection is slow: R-CNN is slow because it performs a ConvNet forward pass for each object proposal, without sharing computation.
  • Contributions
    • Higher detection quality (mAP) than R-CNN, SPPnet
    • Training is single-stage, using a multi-task loss
    • Training can update all network layers
    • No disk storage is required for feature caching

Fast R-CNN

Step0: Prepare

  • Initializing from pre-trained ImageNet networks:

    • S: CaffeNet (essentially AlexNet)
    • M: VGG_CNN_M_1024
    • L: VGG16
  • First, the last max pooling layer is replaced by a RoI pooling layer.

    • (from:

    • RoI max pooling works by dividing the $h × w$ RoI window into an $H × W$ grid of sub-windows of approximate size $h/H × w/W$ and then max-pooling the values in each sub-window into the corresponding output grid cell. Pooling is applied independently to each feature map channel, as in standard max pooling.

  • Second, the network’s last fully connected layer and softmax are replaced with the two sibling layers:

    • a fully connected layer and softmax over $K+1$ categories

    • category-specific bounding-box regressors

      • We parameterize the transformation in terms of four functions $d_x(P)$, $d_y(P)$, $d_w(P)$, $d_h(P)$

      • After learning these functions, we can transform an input proposal $P$ into a predicted ground-truth box $\hat{G}$ by applying the transformation:

  • Multi-task loss: $L(p,u,t^u,v)=L_{cls}(p,u)+\lambda [u\geq 1]L_{loc}(t^u,v)$

    • By convention the catch-all background class is labeled $u = 0$
    • $[u \geq 1]$ evaluates to $1$ when $u \geq 1$ and $0$ otherwise
    • The hyper-parameter $\lambda$ controls the balance between the two task losses (All experiments use $\lambda = 1$)
  • Third, the network is modified to take two data inputs: a list of images and a list of RoIs in those images.

Step1: Region Proposals

Selective Search (Selective Search for Object Recognition (2012), J.R.R. Uijlings et al.)

  • Simiarity Calculation: a combination of the below four similarities
    • colour similarity
    • texture similarity
    • size similarity (encourages small regions to merge early)
    • fill similarity (measures how well region $r_i$ and $r_j$ fit into each other)
  • Where: initial regions $R={r_1,...,r_n}$ using Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation

Step2: Fine-tuning for detection

  • hierarchical sampling: first by sampling $N$ images and then by sampling $R/N$ RoIs from each image
  • Critically, RoIs from the same image share computation and memory in the forward and backward passes. Making $N$ small decreases mini-batch computation.
    • $N=2$ and $R=128$ here
  • jointly optimizes a softmax classifier and bounding-box regressors, rather than training a softmax classifier, SVMs, and regressors in three separate stages
  • we take 25%​ of the RoIs from object proposals that have intersection over union (IoU) overlap with a ground- truth bounding box of at least 0.5