contributors: @GitYCC
In this paper, we train a neural net- work classifier to make parsing decisions within a transition-based dependency parser. The neu- ral network learns compact dense vector represen- tations of words, part-of-speech (POS) tags, and dependency labels.
Transition-based Dependency Parsing
In the arc-standard system, a configuration
$c = (s,b,A)$ consists of a stack$s$ , a buffer$b$ , and a set of dependency arcs$A$ . -
Depend on a configuration
$c = (s,b,A)$ to determine actions:- LEFT-ARC(
$l$ ): adds an arc$s1 → s2$ with label$l$ and removes$s2$ from the stack. Pre-condition:$|s| ≥ 2$ . - RIGHT-ARC(
$l$ ): adds an arc$s2 → s1$ with label$l$ and removes$s1$ from the stack. Pre- condition:$|s| ≥ 2$ . - SHIFT: moves
$b1$ from the buffer to the stack. Precondition:$|b| ≥ 1$ .
Its features suffer from the following problems:
- Sparsity
- Incompleteness: Because even with expertise and man- ual handling involved, they still do not in- clude the conjunction of every useful word combination.
- Expensive feature computation
Neural Network Based Parser
- We choose a set of elements based on the stack / buffer positions for each type of information (word, POS or label), which might be useful for our predictions.
- POS and label embeddings
- Cube activation function: Using
$g(x) = x^3$ can model the product terms of$x_i$ ,$x_j$ ,$x_k$ for any three different elements at the input layer directly. In our case,$x_i$ ,$x_j$ ,$x_k$ could come from different dimensions of three embeddings. - The choice of
$S_w$ (words),$S_t$ (POS tags),$S_l$ (arc labels)- Following (Zhang and Nivre, 2011), we pick a rich set of elements for our final parser. In detail,
$S_w$ contains$n_w$ = 18 elements: (1) The top 3 words on the stack and buffer:$s1, s2, s3, b1, b2, b3$ ; (2) The first and second leftmost / rightmost children of the top two words on the stack:$lc1(si), rc1(si), lc2(si), rc2(si)$ ,$i = 1, 2$ . (3) The leftmost of leftmost / rightmost of rightmost children of the top two words on the stack:$lc1(lc1(si)), rc1(rc1(si))$ ,$i = 1, 2$ . - We use the corresponding POS tags for
$S_t$ (nt = 18), and the corresponding arc labels of words excluding those 6 words on the stack/buffer for$S_l$ ($n_l$ = 12). A good advantage of our parser is that we can add a rich set of elements cheaply, instead of hand-crafting many more indicator features.
- Following (Zhang and Nivre, 2011), we pick a rich set of elements for our final parser. In detail,
- prediction target: dependents and their labels
- UAS (unlabeled attachment score): # of correct dependents / # of dependents
- LAS (labeled attachment score): # of correct dependents with labels / # of dependents with labels