Database dumps are available on Zenodo
The dependency graph database is composed of two node types (for libraries and for their releases) and two edge types (from releases to their dependencies and from libraries to their releases). The nodes for libraries (type Artifact) contain the Maven id (g.a) information and a boolean "found". The "found" boolean is used to know whether the node has been found in the ecosystem or not, that allow provides dependency information even if the artifact is not found on Maven Central. The nodes for releases (type Release) contain the Maven id (g.a.v), the release timestamp, and the version information. The edges for dependencies (type dependency) are from Release nodes to Artifact nodes and contain target version (which can be a range) and scope (compile, test, etc). The edges for versioning (type relationship_AR) edges are from Artifact nodes to Release nodes.
The latest version of our dataset, dated August 30th, 2024, contains 15,117,217 nodes (658,078 libraries and 14,459,139 releases) and 134,119,545 edges (119,660,406 dependencies and 14,459,139 versioning edges).
We also provide a second version of this dataset enriched with the Weaver metrics, which has the effect of creating new “AddedValue” nodes in the database containing the metrics (CVE (dated September 4, 2024), freshness, popularity and speed). This adds 44,035,495 new nodes.
Cypher is Neo4j’s declarative query language, more information here.
Here, we will presents basic examples of Cypher queries on the Neo4j Maven Central dependency graph.
MATCH (r:Release) WHERE'org.jgrapht:jgrapht-core:1.5.2' RETURN r
To retrieve Release nodes only, use this request:
MATCH (a:Artifact) WHERE'org.jgrapht:jgrapht-core'
MATCH (a)-[e:relationship_AR]->(r)
To retrieve the Artifact node, the edges and the Releases, use this request:
MATCH (a:Artifact) WHERE'org.jgrapht:jgrapht-core'
MATCH (a)-[e:relationship_AR]->(r)
RETURN a, e, r
To get all direct dependencies of a Release, use this request:
MATCH (r:Release) WHERE'org.jgrapht:jgrapht-core:1.5.2'
MATCH (r)-[e:dependency]->(a)
RETURN r, e, a
If you want to filter dependencies to remove test dependencies for example, do:
MATCH (r:Release) WHERE'org.jgrapht:jgrapht-core:1.5.2'
MATCH (r)-[e:dependency]->(a) WHERE e.scope<>'test'
RETURN r, e, a
Note that release versions contained in dependency edges can be ranges (e.g. [1.0,2.0)). The following query therefore does not take into account the resolution of this type of dependency.
MATCH (r:Release)-[d:dependency]->(a:Artifact)
WHERE = 'org.jgrapht:jgrapht-core' AND d.targetVersion = '1.5.2'
RETURN r, d, a
This query works on the dump enriched with metrics; here we are simply looking for the CVEs of a specific release.
MATCH (r:Release)-[a:addedValues]->(v:AddedValue) WHERE'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.17.0' AND v.type='CVE' RETURN v.value
For more complicated queries (such as iterations or recursivity), it may be simpler to proceed programmatically, using the neo4j drivers available in the various programming languages.
The Weaver code shows examples of how to use the Neo4j database in Java.