An Open Source version of Cryptonix X and a basic frame for any discord.js bot
(IMPORTANT: Made for discord.js v11, not yet ready for v12)
Made by HarutoHiroki#4000
- Node.js Recommended 10.15.3 and up -
- git -
- Visual Studio Build tool -
npm install -g --production windows-build-tools
- PM2 - NodeJS Module
Make a bot here and grab the token
Fill in the required spots, such as token, prefix and change anything you like in config.json and customisation.json.
To install what you need, do npm install
(If the installation shows error for you windows users, first, blame node-gyp. Second, download integer, better-sqlite3 and quick-db from their respective repo on GitHub, extract into node_modules and cd into the folder then do node-gyp rebuild)
NOTE: Use npm install with Administrator/sudo
Start the bot by having the cmd/terminal inside the bot folder and type node .