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5 Must Know JavaScript Features

1. ??

function calculatePrice(price, taxes, description) {
    taxes = taxes || 0.05
    description = description || 'Default description'
    const total = price + (price * taxes)
    console.log(total,  description)

calculatePrice(100, 0.1, 'My description')
// 110 My description
calculatePrice(100, 0, '')
// 105 Default description
  • the issue here is when the taxes passed in is 0, its a false value, so taxes will eventually be 0.05, this is not what we expected.

  • javascript has new thing called nullish coalescing operator (??) that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand.

    taxes = taxes ?? 0.05

2. style out console.log in browser

  • you can actually apply css styling to console.log
    • all you do is to add a %c before the text you want to style, then you pass another property to your console log which is going to be your css styles.
    console.log( `%c ${description} With Tax: %c $${total}`, 
                    "font-weight: bold; color: red",
                    "color: green" );

3. optional chaining

  • we often need write such kind codes to prevent undefined excepton
    function printPersonStreet(person) {
        if ( person && person.address ) {
  • javascript added an easier way to do this and it's something called optional chaining.
    • ? means if things is not null/undefined, then continue
  • optional chaining can be used on things even beyond calling properties, it can be usd even on functions, or other stuffs.
    // function
    // array

4. defer load your javascript

  • we often needs to put our js script at the bottom of html body so that to guarentee the page to be rendered before executing javascript.
    <!--  script.js will change the color of button text -->
    <script src="script.js"></script> 
  • the issue with is the download for you script tag doesn't start until the browser gets to it, which means it could slow down your page.
  • but by just putting your javascript up in the head, and put defer inside it,
    <script src="script.js" defer></script> 
    • the browser gets the script tag , it downloads it but then it continues rendering out everything , adn then as soon as it's done rendering the entire page, then the script will be run.

5. :)