diff --git a/gooey_ui/components/__init__.py b/gooey_ui/components/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c27edd1d..000000000
--- a/gooey_ui/components/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1009 +0,0 @@
-import base64
-import html as html_lib
-import math
-import textwrap
-import typing
-from datetime import datetime, timezone
-import numpy as np
-from furl import furl
-from daras_ai.image_input import resize_img_scale
-from gooey_ui import state
-from gooey_ui.pubsub import md5_values
-T = typing.TypeVar("T")
-LabelVisibility = typing.Literal["visible", "collapsed"]
-def _default_format(value: typing.Any) -> str:
- if value is None:
- return str(value)
-def dummy(*args, **kwargs):
- return state.NestingCtx()
-spinner = dummy
-set_page_config = dummy
-form = dummy
-dataframe = dummy
-def countdown_timer(
- end_time: datetime,
- delay_text: str,
-) -> state.NestingCtx:
- return _node(
- "countdown-timer",
- endTime=end_time.astimezone(timezone.utc).isoformat(),
- delayText=delay_text,
- )
-def nav_tabs():
- return _node("nav-tabs")
-def nav_item(href: str, *, active: bool):
- return _node("nav-item", to=href, active="true" if active else None)
-def nav_tab_content():
- return _node("nav-tab-content")
-def div(**props) -> state.NestingCtx:
- return tag("div", **props)
-def link(*, to: str, **props) -> state.NestingCtx:
- return _node("Link", to=to, **props)
-def tag(tag_name: str, **props) -> state.NestingCtx:
- props["__reactjsxelement"] = tag_name
- return _node("tag", **props)
-def html(body: str, **props):
- props["className"] = props.get("className", "") + " gui-html-container"
- return _node("html", body=body, **props)
-def write(*objs: typing.Any, line_clamp: int = None, unsafe_allow_html=False, **props):
- for obj in objs:
- markdown(
- obj if isinstance(obj, str) else repr(obj),
- line_clamp=line_clamp,
- unsafe_allow_html=unsafe_allow_html,
- **props,
- )
-def center(direction="flex-column", className="") -> state.NestingCtx:
- return div(
- className=f"d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center text-center {direction} {className}"
- )
-def newline():
- html("
-def markdown(
- body: str | None, *, line_clamp: int = None, unsafe_allow_html=False, **props
- if body is None:
- return _node("markdown", body="", **props)
- if not unsafe_allow_html:
- body = html_lib.escape(body)
- props["className"] = (
- props.get("className", "") + " gui-html-container gui-md-container"
- )
- return _node("markdown", body=dedent(body).strip(), lineClamp=line_clamp, **props)
-def _node(name: str, **props):
- node = state.RenderTreeNode(name=name, props=props)
- node.mount()
- return state.NestingCtx(node)
-def text(body: str, **props):
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="pre",
- props=dict(body=dedent(body), **props),
- ).mount()
-def error(
- body: str,
- icon: str = "🔥",
- *,
- unsafe_allow_html=False,
- color="rgba(255, 108, 108, 0.2)",
- **props,
- if not isinstance(body, str):
- body = repr(body)
- with div(
- style=dict(
- backgroundColor=color,
- padding="1rem",
- paddingBottom="0",
- marginBottom="0.5rem",
- borderRadius="0.25rem",
- display="flex",
- gap="0.5rem",
- )
- ):
- markdown(icon)
- with div():
- markdown(dedent(body), unsafe_allow_html=unsafe_allow_html, **props)
-def success(body: str, icon: str = "✅", *, unsafe_allow_html=False):
- if not isinstance(body, str):
- body = repr(body)
- with div(
- style=dict(
- backgroundColor="rgba(108, 255, 108, 0.2)",
- padding="1rem",
- paddingBottom="0",
- marginBottom="0.5rem",
- borderRadius="0.25rem",
- display="flex",
- gap="0.5rem",
- )
- ):
- markdown(icon)
- markdown(dedent(body), unsafe_allow_html=unsafe_allow_html)
-def caption(body: str, className: str = None, **props):
- className = className or "text-muted"
- markdown(body, className=className, **props)
-def tabs(labels: list[str]) -> list[state.NestingCtx]:
- parent = state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="tabs",
- children=[
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="tab",
- props=dict(label=dedent(label)),
- )
- for label in labels
- ],
- ).mount()
- return [state.NestingCtx(tab) for tab in parent.children]
-def controllable_tabs(
- labels: list[str], key: str
-) -> tuple[list[state.NestingCtx], int]:
- index = state.session_state.get(key, 0)
- for i, label in enumerate(labels):
- if button(
- label,
- key=f"tab-{i}",
- type="primary",
- className="replicate-nav",
- style={
- "background": "black" if i == index else "white",
- "color": "white" if i == index else "black",
- },
- ):
- state.session_state[key] = index = i
- state.experimental_rerun()
- ctxs = []
- for i, label in enumerate(labels):
- if i == index:
- ctxs += [div(className="tab-content")]
- else:
- ctxs += [div(className="tab-content", style={"display": "none"})]
- return ctxs, index
-def columns(
- spec,
- *,
- gap: str = None,
- responsive: bool = True,
- column_props: dict = {},
- **props,
-) -> tuple[state.NestingCtx, ...]:
- if isinstance(spec, int):
- spec = [1] * spec
- total_weight = sum(spec)
- props.setdefault("className", "row")
- with div(**props):
- return tuple(
- div(
- className=f"col-lg-{p} {'col-12' if responsive else f'col-{p}'}",
- **column_props,
- )
- for w in spec
- if (p := f"{round(w / total_weight * 12)}")
- )
-def image(
- src: str | np.ndarray,
- caption: str = None,
- alt: str = None,
- href: str = None,
- show_download_button: bool = False,
- **props,
- if isinstance(src, np.ndarray):
- from daras_ai.image_input import cv2_img_to_bytes
- if not src.shape:
- return
- # ensure image is not too large
- data = resize_img_scale(cv2_img_to_bytes(src), (128, 128))
- # convert to base64
- b64 = base64.b64encode(data).decode("utf-8")
- src = "data:image/png;base64," + b64
- if not src:
- return
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="img",
- props=dict(
- src=src,
- caption=dedent(caption),
- alt=alt or caption,
- href=href,
- **props,
- ),
- ).mount()
- if show_download_button:
- download_button(
- label=' Download', url=src
- )
-def video(
- src: str,
- caption: str = None,
- autoplay: bool = False,
- show_download_button: bool = False,
- autoplay_props = {}
- if autoplay:
- autoplay_props = {
- "preload": "auto",
- "controls": True,
- "autoPlay": True,
- "loop": True,
- "muted": True,
- "playsInline": True,
- }
- if not src:
- return
- if isinstance(src, str):
- # https://muffinman.io/blog/hack-for-ios-safari-to-display-html-video-thumbnail/
- f = furl(src)
- f.fragment.args["t"] = "0.001"
- src = f.url
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="video",
- props=dict(src=src, caption=dedent(caption), **autoplay_props),
- ).mount()
- if show_download_button:
- download_button(
- label=' Download', url=src
- )
-def audio(src: str, caption: str = None, show_download_button: bool = False):
- if not src:
- return
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="audio",
- props=dict(src=src, caption=dedent(caption)),
- ).mount()
- if show_download_button:
- download_button(
- label=' Download', url=src
- )
-def text_area(
- label: str,
- value: str = "",
- height: int = 500,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- placeholder: str = None,
- disabled: bool = False,
- label_visibility: LabelVisibility = "visible",
- **props,
-) -> str:
- style = props.setdefault("style", {})
- # if key:
- # assert not value, "only one of value or key can be provided"
- # else:
- if not key:
- key = md5_values(
- "textarea",
- label,
- height,
- help,
- placeholder,
- label_visibility,
- not disabled or value,
- )
- value = str(state.session_state.setdefault(key, value) or "")
- if label_visibility != "visible":
- label = None
- if disabled:
- max_height = f"{height}px"
- rows = nrows_for_text(value, height)
- else:
- max_height = "50vh"
- rows = nrows_for_text(value, height)
- style.setdefault("maxHeight", max_height)
- props.setdefault("rows", rows)
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="textarea",
- props=dict(
- name=key,
- label=dedent(label),
- defaultValue=value,
- help=help,
- placeholder=placeholder,
- disabled=disabled,
- **props,
- ),
- ).mount()
- return value or ""
-def nrows_for_text(
- text: str,
- max_height_px: int,
- min_rows: int = 1,
- row_height_px: int = 30,
- row_width_px: int = 70,
-) -> int:
- max_rows = max_height_px // row_height_px
- nrows = math.ceil(
- sum(
- math.ceil(len(line) / row_width_px)
- for line in (text or "").splitlines(keepends=True)
- )
- )
- nrows = min(max(nrows, min_rows), max_rows)
- return nrows
-def multiselect(
- label: str,
- options: typing.Sequence[T],
- format_func: typing.Callable[[T], typing.Any] = _default_format,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- allow_none: bool = False,
- *,
- disabled: bool = False,
-) -> list[T]:
- if not options:
- return []
- options = list(options)
- if not key:
- key = md5_values("multiselect", label, options, help)
- value = state.session_state.get(key) or []
- if not isinstance(value, list):
- value = [value]
- value = [o for o in value if o in options]
- if not allow_none and not value:
- value = [options[0]]
- state.session_state[key] = value
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="select",
- props=dict(
- name=key,
- label=dedent(label),
- help=help,
- isDisabled=disabled,
- isMulti=True,
- defaultValue=value,
- allow_none=allow_none,
- options=[
- {"value": option, "label": str(format_func(option))}
- for option in options
- ],
- ),
- ).mount()
- return value
-def selectbox(
- label: str,
- options: typing.Iterable[T],
- format_func: typing.Callable[[T], typing.Any] = _default_format,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- *,
- disabled: bool = False,
- label_visibility: LabelVisibility = "visible",
- value: T = None,
- allow_none: bool = False,
- **props,
-) -> T | None:
- if not options:
- return None
- if label_visibility != "visible":
- label = None
- options = list(options)
- if allow_none:
- options.insert(0, None)
- if not key:
- key = md5_values("select", label, options, help, label_visibility)
- value = state.session_state.setdefault(key, value)
- if value not in options:
- value = state.session_state[key] = options[0]
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="select",
- props=dict(
- name=key,
- label=dedent(label),
- help=help,
- isDisabled=disabled,
- defaultValue=value,
- options=[
- {"value": option, "label": str(format_func(option))}
- for option in options
- ],
- **props,
- ),
- ).mount()
- return value
-def download_button(
- label: str,
- url: str,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- *,
- type: typing.Literal["primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "link"] = "secondary",
- disabled: bool = False,
- **props,
-) -> bool:
- url = furl(url).remove(fragment=True).url
- return button(
- component="download-button",
- url=url,
- label=label,
- key=key,
- help=help,
- type=type,
- disabled=disabled,
- **props,
- )
-def button(
- label: str,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- *,
- type: typing.Literal["primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "link"] = "secondary",
- disabled: bool = False,
- component: typing.Literal["download-button", "gui-button"] = "gui-button",
- **props,
-) -> bool:
- """
- Example:
- st.button("Primary", key="test0", type="primary")
- st.button("Secondary", key="test1")
- st.button("Tertiary", key="test3", type="tertiary")
- st.button("Link Button", key="test3", type="link")
- """
- if not key:
- key = md5_values("button", label, help, type, props)
- className = f"btn-{type} " + props.pop("className", "")
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name=component,
- props=dict(
- type="submit",
- value="yes",
- name=key,
- label=dedent(label),
- help=help,
- disabled=disabled,
- className=className,
- **props,
- ),
- ).mount()
- return bool(state.session_state.pop(key, False))
-def anchor(
- label: str,
- href: str,
- *,
- type: typing.Literal["primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "link"] = "secondary",
- disabled: bool = False,
- unsafe_allow_html: bool = False,
- new_tab: bool = False,
- **props,
- className = f"btn btn-theme btn-{type} " + props.pop("className", "")
- style = props.pop("style", {})
- if disabled:
- style["pointerEvents"] = "none"
- if new_tab:
- props["target"] = "_blank"
- with tag("a", href=href, className=className, style=style, **props):
- markdown(dedent(label), unsafe_allow_html=unsafe_allow_html)
-form_submit_button = button
-def expander(label: str, *, expanded: bool = False, key: str = None, **props):
- node = state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="expander",
- props=dict(
- label=dedent(label),
- open=expanded,
- name=key or md5_values(label, expanded, props),
- **props,
- ),
- )
- node.mount()
- return state.NestingCtx(node)
-def file_uploader(
- label: str,
- accept: list[str] = None,
- accept_multiple_files=False,
- key: str = None,
- value: str | list[str] = None,
- upload_key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- *,
- disabled: bool = False,
- label_visibility: LabelVisibility = "visible",
- upload_meta: dict = None,
- optional: bool = False,
-) -> str | list[str] | None:
- if label_visibility != "visible":
- label = None
- key = upload_key or key
- if not key:
- key = md5_values(
- "file_uploader",
- label,
- accept,
- accept_multiple_files,
- help,
- label_visibility,
- )
- if optional:
- if not checkbox(
- label, value=bool(state.session_state.get(key, value)), disabled=disabled
- ):
- state.session_state.pop(key, None)
- return None
- label = None
- value = state.session_state.setdefault(key, value)
- if not value:
- if accept_multiple_files:
- value = []
- else:
- value = None
- state.session_state[key] = value
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="input",
- props=dict(
- type="file",
- name=key,
- label=dedent(label),
- help=help,
- disabled=disabled,
- accept=accept,
- multiple=accept_multiple_files,
- defaultValue=value,
- uploadMeta=upload_meta,
- ),
- ).mount()
- return value
-def json(value: typing.Any, expanded: bool = False, depth: int = 1):
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="json",
- props=dict(
- value=value,
- expanded=expanded,
- defaultInspectDepth=3 if expanded else depth,
- ),
- ).mount()
-def data_table(file_url_or_cells: str | list):
- if isinstance(file_url_or_cells, str):
- file_url = file_url_or_cells
- return _node("data-table", fileUrl=file_url)
- else:
- cells = file_url_or_cells
- return _node("data-table-raw", cells=cells)
-def table(df: "pd.DataFrame"):
- with tag("table", className="table table-striped table-sm"):
- with tag("thead"):
- with tag("tr"):
- for col in df.columns:
- with tag("th", scope="col"):
- html(dedent(col))
- with tag("tbody"):
- for row in df.itertuples(index=False):
- with tag("tr"):
- for value in row:
- with tag("td"):
- html(dedent(str(value)))
-def raw_table(header: list[str], className: str = "", **props) -> state.NestingCtx:
- className = "table " + className
- with tag("table", className=className, **props):
- if header:
- with tag("thead"), tag("tr"):
- for col in header:
- with tag("th", scope="col"):
- html(dedent(col))
- return tag("tbody")
-def table_row(values: list[str], **props):
- row = tag("tr", **props)
- with row:
- for v in values:
- with tag("td"):
- html(html_lib.escape(v))
- return row
-def horizontal_radio(
- label: str,
- options: typing.Sequence[T],
- format_func: typing.Callable[[T], typing.Any] = _default_format,
- *,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- value: T = None,
- disabled: bool = False,
- checked_by_default: bool = True,
- label_visibility: LabelVisibility = "visible",
- **button_props,
-) -> T | None:
- if not options:
- return None
- options = list(options)
- if not key:
- key = md5_values("horizontal_radio", label, options, help, label_visibility)
- value = state.session_state.setdefault(key, value)
- if value not in options and checked_by_default:
- value = state.session_state[key] = options[0]
- if label_visibility != "visible":
- label = None
- markdown(label)
- for option in options:
- if button(
- format_func(option),
- key=f"tab-{key}-{option}",
- type="primary",
- className="replicate-nav " + ("active" if value == option else ""),
- disabled=disabled,
- **button_props,
- ):
- state.session_state[key] = value = option
- state.experimental_rerun()
- return value
-def radio(
- label: str,
- options: typing.Sequence[T],
- format_func: typing.Callable[[T], typing.Any] = _default_format,
- key: str = None,
- value: T = None,
- help: str = None,
- *,
- disabled: bool = False,
- checked_by_default: bool = True,
- label_visibility: LabelVisibility = "visible",
-) -> T | None:
- if not options:
- return None
- options = list(options)
- if not key:
- key = md5_values("radio", label, options, help, label_visibility)
- value = state.session_state.setdefault(key, value)
- if value not in options and checked_by_default:
- value = state.session_state[key] = options[0]
- if label_visibility != "visible":
- label = None
- markdown(label)
- for option in options:
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="input",
- props=dict(
- type="radio",
- name=key,
- label=dedent(str(format_func(option))),
- value=option,
- defaultChecked=bool(value == option),
- help=help,
- disabled=disabled,
- ),
- ).mount()
- return value
-def text_input(
- label: str,
- value: str = "",
- max_chars: str = None,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- *,
- placeholder: str = None,
- disabled: bool = False,
- label_visibility: LabelVisibility = "visible",
- **props,
-) -> str:
- value = _input_widget(
- input_type="text",
- label=label,
- value=value,
- key=key,
- help=help,
- disabled=disabled,
- label_visibility=label_visibility,
- maxLength=max_chars,
- placeholder=placeholder,
- **props,
- )
- return value or ""
-def date_input(
- label: str,
- value: str | None = None,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- *,
- disabled: bool = False,
- label_visibility: LabelVisibility = "visible",
- **props,
-) -> datetime | None:
- value = _input_widget(
- input_type="date",
- label=label,
- value=value,
- key=key,
- help=help,
- disabled=disabled,
- label_visibility=label_visibility,
- style=dict(
- border="1px solid hsl(0, 0%, 80%)",
- padding="0.375rem 0.75rem",
- borderRadius="0.25rem",
- margin="0 0.5rem 0 0.5rem",
- ),
- **props,
- )
- try:
- return datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d") if value else None
- except ValueError:
- return None
-def password_input(
- label: str,
- value: str = "",
- max_chars: str = None,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- *,
- placeholder: str = None,
- disabled: bool = False,
- label_visibility: LabelVisibility = "visible",
- **props,
-) -> str:
- value = _input_widget(
- input_type="password",
- label=label,
- value=value,
- key=key,
- help=help,
- disabled=disabled,
- label_visibility=label_visibility,
- maxLength=max_chars,
- placeholder=placeholder,
- **props,
- )
- return value or ""
-def slider(
- label: str,
- min_value: float = None,
- max_value: float = None,
- value: float = None,
- step: float = None,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- *,
- disabled: bool = False,
-) -> float:
- value = _input_widget(
- input_type="range",
- label=label,
- value=value,
- key=key,
- help=help,
- disabled=disabled,
- min=min_value,
- max=max_value,
- step=_step_value(min_value, max_value, step),
- )
- return value or 0
-def number_input(
- label: str,
- min_value: float = None,
- max_value: float = None,
- value: float = None,
- step: float = None,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- *,
- disabled: bool = False,
-) -> float:
- value = _input_widget(
- input_type="number",
- inputMode="decimal",
- label=label,
- value=value,
- key=key,
- help=help,
- disabled=disabled,
- min=min_value,
- max=max_value,
- step=_step_value(min_value, max_value, step),
- )
- return value or 0
-def _step_value(
- min_value: float | None, max_value: float | None, step: float | None
-) -> float:
- if step:
- return step
- elif isinstance(min_value, float) or isinstance(max_value, float):
- return 0.1
- else:
- return 1
-def checkbox(
- label: str,
- value: bool = False,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- *,
- disabled: bool = False,
- label_visibility: LabelVisibility = "visible",
- **props,
-) -> bool:
- value = _input_widget(
- input_type="checkbox",
- label=label,
- value=value,
- key=key,
- help=help,
- disabled=disabled,
- label_visibility=label_visibility,
- default_value_attr="defaultChecked",
- **props,
- )
- return bool(value)
-def _input_widget(
- *,
- input_type: str,
- label: str,
- value: typing.Any = None,
- key: str = None,
- help: str = None,
- disabled: bool = False,
- label_visibility: LabelVisibility = "visible",
- default_value_attr: str = "defaultValue",
- **kwargs,
-) -> typing.Any:
- # if key:
- # assert not value, "only one of value or key can be provided"
- # else:
- if not key:
- key = md5_values("input", input_type, label, help, label_visibility)
- value = state.session_state.setdefault(key, value)
- if label_visibility != "visible":
- label = None
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="input",
- props={
- "type": input_type,
- "name": key,
- "label": dedent(label),
- default_value_attr: value,
- "help": help,
- "disabled": disabled,
- **kwargs,
- },
- ).mount()
- return value
-def breadcrumbs(divider: str = "/", **props) -> state.NestingCtx:
- style = props.pop("style", {}) | {"--bs-breadcrumb-divider": f"'{divider}'"}
- with tag("nav", style=style, **props):
- return tag("ol", className="breadcrumb mb-0")
-def breadcrumb_item(inner_html: str, link_to: str | None = None, **props):
- className = "breadcrumb-item " + props.pop("className", "")
- with tag("li", className=className, **props):
- if link_to:
- with tag("a", href=link_to):
- html(inner_html)
- else:
- html(inner_html)
-def plotly_chart(figure_or_data, **kwargs):
- data = (
- figure_or_data.to_plotly_json()
- if hasattr(figure_or_data, "to_plotly_json")
- else figure_or_data
- )
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="plotly-chart",
- props=dict(
- chart=data,
- args=kwargs,
- ),
- ).mount()
-def dedent(text: str | None) -> str | None:
- if not text:
- return text
- return textwrap.dedent(text)
-def js(src: str, **kwargs):
- state.RenderTreeNode(
- name="script",
- props=dict(
- src=src,
- args=kwargs,
- ),
- ).mount()
diff --git a/gooey_ui/components/modal.py b/gooey_ui/components/modal.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e951fc8..000000000
--- a/gooey_ui/components/modal.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-import gooey_ui as st
-from gooey_ui import experimental_rerun as rerun
-class Modal:
- def __init__(self, title, key, padding=20, max_width=744):
- """
- :param title: title of the Modal shown in the h1
- :param key: unique key identifying this modal instance
- :param padding: padding of the content within the modal
- :param max_width: maximum width this modal should use
- """
- self.title = title
- self.padding = padding
- self.max_width = str(max_width) + "px"
- self.key = key
- self._container = None
- def is_open(self):
- return st.session_state.get(f"{self.key}-opened", False)
- def open(self):
- st.session_state[f"{self.key}-opened"] = True
- rerun()
- def close(self, rerun_condition=True):
- st.session_state[f"{self.key}-opened"] = False
- if rerun_condition:
- rerun()
- def empty(self):
- if self._container:
- self._container.empty()
- @contextmanager
- def container(self, **props):
- st.html(
- f"""
- """
- )
- with st.div(className="blur-background"):
- with st.div(className="modal-parent"):
- container_class = "modal-container " + props.pop("className", "")
- self._container = st.div(className=container_class, **props)
- with self._container:
- with st.div(className="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center"):
- if self.title:
- st.markdown(f"### {self.title}")
- else:
- st.div()
- close_ = st.button(
- "✖",
- type="tertiary",
- key=f"{self.key}-close",
- style={"padding": "0.375rem 0.75rem"},
- )
- if close_:
- self.close()
- yield self._container