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  • Install pyenv & install the same python version as in our Dockerfile
  • Install poetry
  • Clone the github repo to gooey-server (and make sure that's the folder name)
  • Create & activate a virtualenv (e.g. poetry shell)
  • Run poetry install --with dev
  • Install redis, rabbitmq, and postgresql (e.g. brew install redis rabbitmq postgresql@15)
  • Enable background services for redis, rabbitmq, and postgresql (e.g. with brew services start redis and similar for rabbitmq and postgresql)
  • Use sqlcreate helper to create a user and database for gooey:
    • ./ sqlcreate | psql postgres
    • make sure you are able to access the database with psql -W -U gooey gooey (and when prompted for password, entering gooey)
  • Create an .env file from .env.example (Read
  • Run ./ migrate
  • Install the zbar library (brew install zbar)


You can start all required processes in one command with Honcho:

$ poetry run honcho start

The processes that it starts are defined in Procfile. Currently they are these:

Service Port
API + GUI Server 8080
Admin site 8000
Usage dashboard 8501
Celery -
UI 3000

This default startup assumes that Redis, RabbitMQ, and PostgreSQL are installed and running as background services on ports 6379, 5672, and 5432 respectively. It also assumes that the gooey-ui repo can be found at ../gooey-ui/ (adjacent to where the gooey-server repo sits). You can open the Procfile and comment this out if you don't need to run it.

Note: the Celery worker must be manually restarted on code changes. You can do this by stopping and starting Honcho.

To run any recipe

  • Save serviceAccountKey.json to project root

To connect to our GPU cluster

  • Connect to k8s cluster -
gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-5 --zone us-central1-a
  • Port-forward the rabbitmq and redis services -
kubectl port-forward rabbitmq-1-rabbitmq-0 15674:15672 5674:5672 & kubectl port-forward redis-ha-1-server-0 6374:6379
  • Add the following to .env file -

Install imagemagick

Needed for HEIC image support -

brew install freetype imagemagick
export MAGICK_HOME=/opt/homebrew

Code Formatting

Use black -

Recommended: Black IDE integration Guide: Pycharm

Running test Whatsapp bot

We use the following facebook app for testing - (dev)
App ID: 228027632918921

Create a meta developer account & send admin your facebook ID to add you to the test app here

  1. start ngrok
ngrok http 8080
  1. set env var FB_WEBHOOK_TOKEN = asdf1234

  2. Open WhatsApp Configuration, set the Callback URL and Verify Token

  1. Open WhatsApp API Setup, send yourself a message from the test number.
  1. Copy the temporary access token there and set env var WHATSAPP_ACCESS_TOKEN = XXXX

(Optional) Use the test script to send yourself messages

python runscript test_wa_msg_send --script-args 104696745926402 +918764022384

Replace +918764022384 with your number and 104696745926402 with the test number ID

Dangerous postgres commands

backup & restore postgres db

on server

# select a running container
cid=$(docker ps | grep gooey-api-prod | cut -d " " -f 1 | head -1)
# give it a nice name 
fname=gooey_db_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%I-%M-%S_%p").dump
# exec the script to create the fixture
docker exec -it $cid pg_dump --dbname $PGDATABASE --format c -f "$fname"
# copy the fixture outside container
docker cp $cid:/app/$fname .
# print the absolute path
echo $PWD/$fname

on local

# reset the database
./ reset_db -c
# create the database with an empty template
createdb -T template0 $PGDATABASE
# restore the database
pg_restore --no-privileges --no-owner -d $PGDATABASE $fname

create & load fixtures

on server

# select a running container
cid=$(docker ps  | grep gooey-api-prod | cut -d " " -f 1 | head -1)
# exec the script to create the fixture
docker exec -it $cid poetry run ./ runscript create_fixture
# copy the fixture outside container
docker cp $cid:/app/fixture.json .
# print the absolute path
echo $PWD/fixture.json

on local

# copy fixture.json from server to local
rsync -P -a <username><username>/fixture.json .
# reset the database
./ reset_db -c
# create the database
./ sqlcreate | psql postgres
# run migrations
./ migrate
# load the fixture
./ loaddata fixture.json
# create a superuser to access admin
./ createsuperuser

copy one postgres db to another

on server

./ reset_db
createdb -T template0 $PGDATABASE