diff --git a/scripts/optimization/README.md b/scripts/optimization/README.md
index e1a5cad1a..226e10a72 100644
--- a/scripts/optimization/README.md
+++ b/scripts/optimization/README.md
@@ -306,6 +306,30 @@ contains views with JOINs where the JOIN condition is potentially non-optimal.
+🔍 Storage Billing Model Savings DDL
+## Storage Billing Model Savings DDL
+The [storage_billing_model_savings_ddl.sql](storage_billing_model_savings_ddl.sql) script
+creates a table named, `storage_billing_model_savings_ddl` which forecasts which datasets will benefit from
+either the physical or logical storage billing model, and provides the DDL to adjust them across your organization.
+Instructions: Search for marker 'REMEMBER' to tune the queries at your will. You must adjust the region that you're interested in
+and the pricing for each region found [here](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/pricing#storage).
+### Examples of querying script results
+* Top 10 datasets with their respective recommended storage billing model, ordered by forecasted savings
+ ```sql
+ SELECT project_name, dataset_name, currently_on, better_on, monthly_savings, ddl
+ FROM optimization_workshop.storage_billing_model_savings_ddl
+ ORDER BY monthly_savings DESC
+ LIMIT 10
+ ```
# Query Analysis
🔍 Queries grouped by hash
diff --git a/scripts/optimization/storage_billing_model_savings_ddl.sql b/scripts/optimization/storage_billing_model_savings_ddl.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b89dd3149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/optimization/storage_billing_model_savings_ddl.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+-- WARNING #########################################################################################################################################
+-- WARNING If you change the storage billing model of a dataset then you have to wait 14 days before changing it again.
+-- WARNING See https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/datasets-intro#dataset_limitations
+-- WARNING #########################################################################################################################################
+-- Instructions
+-- Search for marker 'REMEMBER' to tune the queries at your will
+-- Run the query to obtain the results including ALTER SCHEMA DDL
+-- Permissions needed
+-- * To run this query https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/information-schema-table-storage-by-organization#required_permissions
+-- * To run the ALTER SCHEMA DDL https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/updating-datasets#required_permissions
+-- REMEMBER: Put here the prices of the region of interest, current values are for the US
+-- See https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/pricing#storage
+DECLARE active_logical_gib_price FLOAT64 DEFAULT 0.02;
+DECLARE long_term_logical_gib_price FLOAT64 DEFAULT 0.01;
+DECLARE active_physical_gib_price FLOAT64 DEFAULT 0.04;
+DECLARE long_term_physical_gib_price FLOAT64 DEFAULT 0.02;
+-- REMEMBER: (optional) Change this if you plan to change the time travel window (e.g. if you currently use the default 7 days and want to reduce it to 2 days put 2.0/7.0)
+-- See https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/time-travel#configuring_the_time_travel_window
+DECLARE time_travel_rescale FLOAT64 DEFAULT 1.0;
+-- REMEMBER: (optional) Change this if you want that the generated DDL statements include time travel window settings (e.g. 2.0*24.0)
+DECLARE time_travel_hours FLOAT64 DEFAULT NULL;
+-- REMEMBER: (optional) Change this to filter based on savings absolute value
+DECLARE min_monthly_saving FLOAT64 DEFAULT 0.0;
+-- REMEMBER: (optional) Change this to filter based on savings % value (e.g. 1% is 0.01)
+DECLARE min_monthly_saving_pct FLOAT64 DEFAULT 0.00;
+CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS optimization_workshop;
+CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE optimization_workshop.storage_billing_model_savings_ddl AS
+storage_sizes AS (
+ project_id AS project_name,
+ table_schema AS dataset_name,
+ -- Logical
+ SUM(active_logical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) AS active_logical_gib,
+ SUM(long_term_logical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) AS long_term_logical_gib,
+ -- Physical
+ SUM(active_physical_bytes - time_travel_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) AS active_no_tt_no_fs_physical_gib,
+ SUM(time_travel_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) * time_travel_rescale AS time_travel_physical_gib,
+ SUM(fail_safe_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) AS fail_safe_physical_gib,
+ SUM(long_term_physical_bytes) / power(1024, 3) AS long_term_physical_gib,
+ -- REMEMBER: Change here to the region of interest
+ -- See https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/information-schema-table-storage-by-organization#schema
+ AND total_physical_bytes > 0
+ -- REMEMBER: (optional) You may want to enable this filter to exclude ML models, materialized views, etc...
+ -- AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
+ GROUP BY 1,2
+storage_prices AS (
+ project_name,
+ dataset_name,
+ -- Logical
+ active_logical_gib AS active_logical_gib,
+ long_term_logical_gib AS long_term_logical_gib,
+ -- Physical
+ active_no_tt_no_fs_physical_gib AS active_no_tt_no_fs_physical_gib,
+ time_travel_physical_gib AS time_travel_physical_gib,
+ fail_safe_physical_gib AS fail_safe_physical_gib,
+ long_term_physical_gib AS long_term_physical_gib,
+ -- Compression ratio
+ SAFE_DIVIDE(active_logical_gib, active_no_tt_no_fs_physical_gib) AS active_compression_ratio,
+ SAFE_DIVIDE(long_term_logical_gib, long_term_physical_gib) AS long_term_compression_ratio,
+ -- Forecast costs logical
+ active_logical_gib * active_logical_gib_price AS forecast_active_logical_cost,
+ long_term_logical_gib * long_term_logical_gib_price AS forecast_long_term_logical_cost,
+ -- Forecast costs physical
+ active_no_tt_no_fs_physical_gib * active_physical_gib_price AS forecast_active_no_tt_no_fs_physical_cost,
+ time_travel_physical_gib * active_physical_gib_price AS forecast_travel_physical_cost,
+ fail_safe_physical_gib * active_physical_gib_price AS forecast_failsafe_physical_cost,
+ long_term_physical_gib * long_term_physical_gib_price AS forecast_long_term_physical_cost,
+ storage_sizes
+storage_prices_total AS (
+ project_name,
+ dataset_name,
+ (forecast_active_logical_cost+forecast_long_term_logical_cost) AS forecast_logical,
+ (forecast_active_no_tt_no_fs_physical_cost+forecast_travel_physical_cost+forecast_failsafe_physical_cost+forecast_long_term_physical_cost) AS forecast_physical,
+ FROM storage_prices
+current_model AS (
+ catalog_name AS project_name,
+ option_name AS dataset_name,
+ LOWER(option_value) AS current_model
+ -- REMEMBER: Change here to the region of interest
+ WHERE option_name = "storage_billing_model"
+storage_prices_compare AS (
+ SPT.project_name,
+ SPT.dataset_name,
+ SPT.forecast_logical,
+ SPT.forecast_physical,
+ (SPT.forecast_logical - SPT.forecast_physical) AS forecast_compare,
+ IF(SPT.forecast_logical > SPT.forecast_physical,"physical","logical") AS better_on,
+ IFNULL(CM.current_model, "logical") AS currently_on
+ storage_prices_total AS SPT
+ LEFT JOIN current_model AS CM
+ USING(project_name, dataset_name)
+storage_prices_compare2 AS (
+ *,
+ IF(currently_on = "logical", forecast_logical, forecast_physical) AS monthly_spending,
+ ABS(forecast_compare) AS monthly_savings,
+ ABS(forecast_compare)/IF(currently_on = "logical", forecast_logical, forecast_physical) AS monthly_savings_pct,
+ FROM storage_prices_compare
+storage_ddl AS (
+ *,
+ IF(time_travel_hours IS NULL,
+ CONCAT("ALTER SCHEMA `", project_name, ".", dataset_name, "` SET OPTIONS(storage_billing_model='", better_on, "' );" ),
+ CONCAT("ALTER SCHEMA `", project_name, ".", dataset_name, "` SET OPTIONS(storage_billing_model='", better_on, "', max_time_travel_hours=", time_travel_hours, ");" )
+ ) AS ddl,
+ FROM storage_prices_compare2
+ WHERE better_on != currently_on
+ AND monthly_savings > min_monthly_saving
+ AND monthly_savings_pct > min_monthly_saving_pct
+ ORDER BY monthly_savings DESC
+-- REMEMBER: (optional) Change here the name of the pseudo-table (CTE) you want to check
+SELECT * FROM storage_ddl;
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