This is a PySpark utility to extract DDLs of all the tables from a HIVE database using Hive Metastore. Users can use this utility to accelerate their Hive migration journey.
It queries Hive Metastore via thrift to get DDLs for each table in the database, and outputs a single text file of semicolon-separated DDLs to a GCS bucket path, creating it with the following sub-path: "//%m-%d-%Y %H.%M.%S/part-00000".
: Hive metastore URIhive.ddl.extractor.input.database
: Hive database for input tablehive.ddl.extractor.output.path
: Output GCS path. Ex: gs://bucket-name/path/to/directory
: Flag to extract DDL of Spark tableshive.ddl.translation.disposition
: Flag to remove location parameter from HIVE DDL to make DDL compatible with BigQuery SQL translator (the translated query will be a native BQ table and not an external one
$ python --template HIVEDDLEXTRACTOR --help
usage: [-h] --hive.ddl.extractor.input.database HIVE.DDL.EXTRACTOR.INPUT.DATABASE --hive.ddl.extractor.output.path HIVE.DDL.EXTRACTOR.OUTPUT.PATH
[--hive.ddl.consider.spark.tables HIVE.DDL.CONSIDER.SPARK.TABLES] [--hive.ddl.translation.disposition HIVE.DDL.TRANSLATION.DISPOSITION]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hive.ddl.extractor.input.database HIVE.DDL.EXTRACTOR.INPUT.DATABASE
Hive database for importing data to BigQuery
--hive.ddl.extractor.output.path HIVE.DDL.EXTRACTOR.OUTPUT.PATH
GCS output path
--hive.ddl.consider.spark.tables HIVE.DDL.CONSIDER.SPARK.TABLES
Flag to extract DDL of Spark tables
--hive.ddl.translation.disposition HIVE.DDL.TRANSLATION.DISPOSITION
Remove location parameter from HIVE DDL if set to TRUE, to be compatible with BigQuery SQL translator (the translated query will be a native BQ table and not an external one.
export GCP_PROJECT=<project_id>
export REGION=<region>
export GCS_STAGING_LOCATION=<gs://gcs-staging-bucket-folder>
export SUBNET=<subnet>
./bin/ \
--properties=spark.hadoop.hive.metastore.uris=thrift://<hostname-or-ip>:9083 \
-- --template=HIVEDDLEXTRACTOR \
--hive.ddl.extractor.input.database="<database>" \
--hive.ddl.consider.spark.tables=false \