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5. Application Infrastructure pipeline


The application infrastructure pipeline deploys the application-specific CI/CD resources as well as any additional application-specific services, such as databases or other managed services.

An overview of application inrastruction pipeline is shown below, in the context of deploying a new applicaiton across the Enterprise Application blueprint. Enterprise Application application infrastructure diagram

Application CI/CD pipeline

The application infrastructure pipeline creates the following resources to establish the application CI/CD pipeline, as defined in the cicd-pipeline submodule:

  • Cloud Build trigger
  • Artifact Registry repository
  • Cloud Deploy pipeline and targets
  • Cloud Storage buckets for build cache and other build artifacts
  • Custom service accounts and IAM bindings

Other applicaiton infrastructure

The application infrastructure pipeline can create additional resources on a per-environment basis.

In this example, some services are using the alloydb-psc-setup submodule for creating an AlloyDB Cluster with Private Service Connect.

You may add additional infrastructure like application-specifc databases or other managed services by creating and invoking new submodules.


Please note that some steps in this documentation are specific to the selected Git provider. These steps are clearly marked at the beginning of each instruction. For example, if a step applies only to GitHub users, it will be labeled with "(GitHub only)."

Deploying with Google Cloud Build

The steps below assume that you are checked out on the same level as terraform-google-enterprise-application and terraform-example-foundation directories.

├── terraform-example-foundation
├── terraform-google-enterprise-application
└── .

Add Hello World envs at App Infra

  1. Retrieve repositories created on 4-appfactory.

    cd eab-applicationfactory/envs/shared/
    terraform init
    export helloworld_project=$(terraform output -json app-group | jq -r '.["default-example.hello-world"]["app_admin_project_id"]')
    echo helloworld_project=$helloworld_project
    export helloworld_repository=$(terraform output -json app-group | jq -r '.["default-example.hello-world"]["app_infra_repository_name"]')
    echo helloworld_repository=$helloworld_repository
    export helloworld_statebucket=$(terraform output -json app-group | jq -r '.["default-example.hello-world"]["app_cloudbuild_workspace_state_bucket_name"]' | sed 's/.*\///')
    echo helloworld_statebucket=$helloworld_statebucket
    cd ../../../
  2. Use terraform output to get the state bucket value from 1-bootstrap output and replace the placeholder in terraform.tfvars.

    terraform -chdir="./terraform-google-enterprise-application/1-bootstrap/" init
    export remote_state_bucket=$(terraform -chdir="./terraform-google-enterprise-application/1-bootstrap/" output -raw state_bucket)
    echo "remote_state_bucket = ${remote_state_bucket}"
  3. (CSR Only) Clone the repositories for each service and initialize:

    gcloud source repos clone $helloworld_repository --project=$helloworld_project
  4. (GitHub Only) When using GitHub, clone the repository with the following command.

    git clone [email protected]:<GITHUB-OWNER or ORGANIZATION>/$helloworld_repository.git

    NOTE: Make sure to replace <GITHUB-OWNER or ORGANIZATION> with your actual GitHub owner or organization name.

  5. (GitLab Only) When using GitLab, clone the repository with the following command.

    git clone [email protected]:<GITLAB-GROUP or ACCOUNT>/$helloworld_repository.git

    NOTE: Make sure to replace <GITLAB-GROUP or ACCOUNT> with your actual GitLab group or account name.

  6. Copy terraform code for each service repository and replace backend bucket:

    cp -R ./terraform-google-enterprise-application/5-appinfra/* $helloworld_repository
    mv $helloworld_repository/apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/terraform.example.tfvars $helloworld_repository/apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/terraform.tfvars
    cp ./terraform-example-foundation/build/cloudbuild-tf-* $helloworld_repository/
    cp ./terraform-example-foundation/build/ $helloworld_repository/
    chmod 755 $helloworld_repository/
    sed -i'' -e 's/max_depth=1/max_depth=5/' $helloworld_repository/
    cp -RT ./terraform-example-foundation/policy-library/ $helloworld_repository/policy-library
    rm -rf $helloworld_repository/policy-library/policies/constraints/*
    sed -i 's/CLOUDSOURCE/FILESYSTEM/g' $helloworld_repository/cloudbuild-tf-*
    sed -i'' -e "s/UPDATE_INFRA_REPO_STATE/$helloworld_statebucket/" $helloworld_repository/apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/
    sed -i'' -e "s/REMOTE_STATE_BUCKET/${remote_state_bucket}/" $helloworld_repository/apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/terraform.tfvars
Commit changes to repository
  1. Commit files to transactionhistory repository a plan branch:

    cd $helloworld_repository
    git checkout -b plan
    git add .
    git commit -m 'Initialize helloworld repo'
    git push --set-upstream origin plan
  2. Merge plan to production branch:

     git checkout -b production
     git push --set-upstream origin production

Running Terraform locally

  1. IMPORTANT The next instructions assume that you are in the terraform-google-enterprise-application/5-appinfra folder.

    cd terraform-google-enterprise-application/5-appinfra
  2. Retrieve state bucket from 4-appfactory and update the example with it:

    export hello_world_statebucket=$(terraform -chdir=../4-appfactory/envs/shared output -json app-group | jq -r '.["default-example.hello-world"].app_cloudbuild_workspace_state_bucket_name' | sed 's/.*\///')
    echo hello_world_statebucket=$hello_world_statebucket
    sed -i'' -e "s/UPDATE_INFRA_REPO_STATE/$hello_world_statebucket/" apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/
  3. Use terraform output to get the state bucket value from 1-bootstrap output and replace the placeholder in terraform.tfvars.

    terraform -chdir="../1-bootstrap/" init
    export remote_state_bucket=$(terraform -chdir="../1-bootstrap/" output -raw state_bucket)
    echo "remote_state_bucket = ${remote_state_bucket}"
    sed -i'' -e "s/REMOTE_STATE_BUCKET/${remote_state_bucket}/" apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/terraform.tfvars

Under the apps folder are examples for each of the applications.

  1. Change directory into any of these folders to deploy.
cd apps/default-example/hello-world
  1. Use example terraform.tfvars and update values from your environment:
cp envs/shared/terraform.example.tfvars envs/shared/terraform.tfvars
  1. Update the configuration with values for your environment.

Deploy the shared environment first, which contains the application CI/CD pipeline.

  1. Run init and plan and review the output.

    terraform -chdir=./envs/shared init
    terraform -chdir=./envs/shared plan
  2. Run apply shared.

    terraform -chdir=./envs/shared apply

You can now deploy each of your environments (e.g. production).

  1. Run init and plan and review the output.

    terraform -chdir=./envs/production init
    terraform -chdir=./envs/production plan
  2. Run apply production.

    terraform -chdir=./envs/production apply

If you receive any errors or made any changes to the Terraform config or terraform.tfvars, re-run terraform -chdir=./envs/production plan before you run terraform apply -chdir=./envs/production.