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Problems viewing/using Generals Panel with Pitea School of Music organ #2108

Answered by larspalo
ekortright asked this question in Help
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Thank you so much for your kind words!

So, the current download of PiteaMHS20160115.orgue use 10 (old style) ODF defined generals on the main panel. They are not the same as the GrandOrgue built-in generals available on the (built-in) panels. That's why they won't lit up on the Panels->Generals panel. Actually, I also see that the divisionals are of the old style ODF defined versions... Thus, the divisionals on the main panel won't be the same as on the Panels->Divisionals.

I should most likely create a new release of this sample set that only utilize the built-in GO generals and divisionals so that no confusion will arise. Basically, the only reason to use the old style of ODF defined ge…

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