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Greg Sutcliffe edited this page Mar 22, 2014 · 3 revisions

Delve currently isn't packaged for any operating systems, so you'll have to use a "from-source" installation.

Running from source


You'll need some packages to get Delve running:

# Debian: 
apt-get install git ruby-dev build-essential libmagick-dev libmagickwand-dev libsqlite3-dev libsane-dev

Clone from git

First, check out the Delve source code using git:

git clone
cd delve

(Optional) You can switch to a specific release after cloning using:

git checkout <tag>


You'll need a database. Delve uses ActiveRecord, which in turn supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.


The default development install setup uses SQLite. Simply add --without production to the bundle install command below.


You'll need to install the PostgreSQL client libraries (libpq on Debian) and set up the host/port/db/user/password in config/database.yml. For example:

# config/database.yml
  adapter: postgresql
  database: delve
  host: delve
  username: delve
  password: secret

Setting up the database itself is left as an excerise for the reader :)


Much the same as PostgreSQL - you'll need the client libraries and change the gem 'pq' line in the Gemfile to gem 'mysql2'.


Eventually the choice of storage location will be configurable. For now you must use public/scans so create this directory

mkdir ./public/scans


Now you need to install the gems, using bundler

gem install bundler
bundle install  # --without production (for sqlite only)
bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
bundle exec rake assets:precompile

Start it up

You should be good to go! The thin gem is included, so starting Rails as normal will use Thin. Simply execute

bundle exec rails s -e production

You can add -d to daemonize Delve, or you could use Passenger with Nginx/Apache (which is also left as a reader exercise).

You should now have Delve running on port 3000! Try it in your web browser - if you do, proceed to the User Guide. If not, check out the Troubleshooting guide.

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