1.5.2 (2023-05-06)
- deps: update dependency jacoco to v0.8.10 (973d07c)
- deps: update dependency org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-jul to v2.20.0 (3926c69)
- deps: update dependency org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-web to v2.20.0 (3f7df97)
- deps: update dependency org.jetbrains:annotations to v23.1.0 (c3d3cda)
- deps: update dependency org.jetbrains:annotations to v24 (66970d4)
- deps: update junit5 monorepo (d02dc63)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v3 (9cd15b6)
- deps: update actions/setup-java action to v3 (7a48dfb)
- deps: update actions/upload-artifact action to v3 (ef2c397)
- deps: update dependency @babel/eslint-parser to v7.21.8 (8866089)
- deps: update dependency axios to v0.27.2 (9af5430)
- deps: update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v8.8.0 (348e692)
- deps: update dependency eslint-webpack-plugin to v3.2.0 (e13e461)
- deps: update dependency gradle to v7.6.1 (1a1d5ea)
- deps: update dependency quasar to v2.11.10 (37bfe36)
- deps: update docker/build-push-action action to v4 (664162e)
- deps: update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v2 (497ed90)
- deps: update docker/setup-qemu-action action to v2 (92d470f)
- deps: update ghcr.io/griefed/gitlab-ci-cd docker tag to v2.2.10 (1a066ec)
- deps: update griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 docker tag to v2.0.20 (d020018)
- deps: update griefed/gitlab-ci-cd docker tag to v1.1.0 (87b9718)
- deps: update griefed/gitlab-ci-cd docker tag to v2.2.10 (997b593)
- deps: update jamesives/github-pages-deploy-action action to v4.4.1 (06de144)
- deps: update node.js to v18 (910b5c4)
- deps: update plugin com.github.ben-manes.versions to v0.46.0 (a08548f)
- deps: update plugin io.spring.dependency-management to v1.1.0 (478f0d1)
- deps: update tj-actions/branch-names action to v6 (8ce3559)
1.5.1 (2023-04-04)
- GitLab: Fix coverage job (32ef201)
- deps: update dependency jacoco to v0.8.9 (8cbec5e)
- deps: update dependency @babel/eslint-parser to v7.18.2 (2700344)
- deps: update dependency @babel/eslint-parser to v7.18.9 (1c66a03)
- deps: update dependency @babel/eslint-parser to v7.21.3 (236b8a8)
- deps: update dependency @quasar/extras to v1.14.2 (641dc50)
- deps: update dependency @quasar/extras to v1.15.1 (54057e4)
- deps: update dependency @quasar/extras to v1.15.10 (3624df4)
- deps: update dependency @quasar/extras to v1.15.11 (043b129)
- deps: update dependency @quasar/extras to v1.15.2 (ccac45b)
- deps: update dependency @quasar/extras to v1.15.4 (cb203b2)
- deps: update dependency @quasar/extras to v1.15.5 (112f54d)
- deps: update dependency @quasar/extras to v1.15.6 (471e7d2)
- deps: update dependency @quasar/extras to v1.15.9 (ea04125)
- deps: update dependency de.griefed:versionchecker to v1.0.8 (851924e)
- deps: update dependency ghcr.io/griefed/gitlab-ci-cd to v2.0.5 (3e0bb78)
- deps: update dependency ghcr.io/griefed/gitlab-ci-cd to v2.0.6 (e09a578)
- deps: update dependency ghcr.io/griefed/gitlab-ci-cd to v2.0.7 (f2c0b14)
- deps: update dependency ghcr.io/griefed/gitlab-ci-cd to v2.0.8 (95ee497)
- deps: update dependency ghcr.io/griefed/gitlab-ci-cd to v2.0.9 (c06763b)
- deps: update dependency griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 to v2.0.10 (a064a56)
- deps: update dependency griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 to v2.0.11 (8853b96)
- deps: update dependency griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 to v2.0.12 (ac7797e)
- deps: update dependency griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 to v2.0.13 (2565b7a)
- deps: update dependency griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 to v2.0.8 (c18a486)
- deps: update dependency griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 to v2.0.9 (a37d9aa)
- deps: update dependency org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api to v2.17.2 (8ebc5b2)
- deps: update dependency org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core to v2.17.2 (d8bbda0)
- deps: update dependency org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-jul to v2.17.2 (8eebb30)
- deps: update griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 docker tag to v2.0.14 (8601252)
- deps: update griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 docker tag to v2.0.15 (3fd1adc)
- deps: update griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 docker tag to v2.0.16 (4e61f58)
- deps: update griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 docker tag to v2.0.17 (0d47746)
- deps: update griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 docker tag to v2.0.18 (b0f22b5)
- deps: update griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 docker tag to v2.0.19 (190416f)
- deps: update plugin edu.sc.seis.launch4j to v2.5.3 (7acfb91)
- deps: update plugin edu.sc.seis.launch4j to v2.5.4 (891c72f)
- deps: update plugin io.spring.dependency-management to v1.0.12.release (4d878ec)
- deps: update registry.gitlab.com/haynes/jacoco2cobertura docker tag to v1.0.9 (482f90a)
1.5.0 (2022-03-12)
- Host Information: Set hostsOk and hostsDown in backend, instead of iterating and pushing in frontend. Moves computation from the user/frontend to the backend. (ea1c7a0)
- Allow blinking of hostDown cards. Move hostOk and hostDown to components. Move toggles for blinking, fullscreen, darkmode to settings dropdown. Cleanups and beautifications. (586ec06)
- Notifications: Use notify instead of q-dialog for displaying update information. Display button next to version if an update is available, so users can always trigger the update notification again. (f0c9f7a)
- Status Page: Display hostsOk and hostsDown using splitters and scroll-areas, improving user experience. Allows users to hide all hostsOk. (9c5bc3a)
- Status Page: Display rings-spinner whilst acquiring hosts and preparing visuals. Center chips in hostsOk-section. (bc6447e)
- DNS matching: Display expected and mismatched IP in tooltip of IP badge. Check expected IP for availability, instead of acquired IP. (563baf9)
- Host Information: Fix regression bug introduced in previous commit. Correctly acquire IP from http or https address. (2ca5e02)
- Update dependencies. Update screenshots. (bcbdaee)
- README: Small typo in license-badge which resulted in wrong licence being displayed (5abd24d)
1.4.0 (2022-03-08)
- InformationService: Refactor InformationService.getHostInformationAsJson to receive the full host JsonNode and return status OFFLINE if hostAvailable is false. (1f8ac75)
- Disabling Notifications: Set de.griefed.monitoring.notifications to false to globally disable all notifications. Per host, set notificationsDisabled to true to specifically disable notifications for a single host. (9bf96aa)
- DNS matching: Allow specifying of expectedIp. If the automatically acquired IP does not matche the expected IP, DNS MISMATCH is set as the host status. (410cc9d)
1.3.2 (2022-03-07)
- MainLayout Icon: Replace icon in layout with animated logo (4f7523b)
- Status Page: If host name or address exceed certain lengths, truncate them and add a hover-tooltip. (822db37)
- Update Checks: Periodically check for available updates. Configurable via property de.griefed.monitoring.schedule.updatecheck (d1d3dd3)
- Releases: Degrade improv-type to patch-release. (37213fa)
1.3.1 (2022-03-06)
- Startup: Run initial polling of host information in separate thread so it doesn't block the startup sequence. (f7bdd8f)
- Update Checks: Fix update dialog showing up briefly, even though no update is actually available. (0498471)
- gitignore: Add Monitoring-*.jar to ignore list. Nice for testing stuff. (4251d3b)
- Logging: Set default logging to INFO level. (24df16a)
- README: Update badges (7e678a6)
- README: Update screenshots in README (e860c4d)
1.3.0 (2022-03-06)
- Update Checker: Check for available updates. Display popup with information and link to update release page. Update reminders can be disabled by clicking "Don't remind me again". To reactivate, clear cookies. (6d4911f)
1.2.0 (2022-03-05)
- Host Availability: When ping fails, check with socket connection and configurable ports. (8fed7d4)
- Host information: Retrieve host information at startup to prevent multiple pollings running at once. (c4baed6)
- Host information: When the address is only an IP address matching d+.d+.d+.d+, only check for host availability. (870cf42)
- Status Page: Improve visuals and identification of problematic hosts. (cc057f0)
- Add documentation for properties, ports. Add missing param in javadocs. (069d1f7)
- Logging: Split Monitoring log-level so Spring and Monitoring logging have separate log-levels, allowing for more control. (c8f1c00)
- deps: update dependency ghcr.io/griefed/gitlab-ci-cd to v2.0.4 (e4e269c)
- deps: update dependency griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 to v2.0.7 (dab1080)
- README: Replace image in docker-compose example (b86c11b)
1.1.0 (2022-02-27)
- Host Availability: Depending on hostAvailable, and whether an IP address was acquired, display in green/red whether host is available. (7611742)
- GitHub: Correctly execute (pre)release actions when tags are pushed. (6629c13)
- Releases: Create minor release upon improv-commit. (e45c4db)
- deps: update dependency ghcr.io/griefed/gitlab-ci-cd to v2.0.3 (c68c840)
- deps: update dependency griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 to v2.0.6 (196ba0b)
- deps: update jamesives/github-pages-deploy-action action to v4.2.5 (ca4ec47)
- deps: update plugin edu.sc.seis.launch4j to v2.5.2 (8bbdc69)
1.0.1 (2022-02-20)
- Provide default hosts.json for Docker container. Cleanup application-properties. Update README. (ec30419)
- Correctly display problematic hosts and those which are okay. Improve visualization of both. (19bfb09)
1.0.0 (2022-02-19)
- Add GitHub workflow for GitHub PRs (c5cb38a)
- Dockerfile: Remove unnecessary command chaining causing the build to fail. (9bab116)
- Dockerfile: Remove unnecessary command chaining causing the build to fail. (a7ec245)
- Complete rework. Gather information for hosts configured in hosts.json in the base-directory. Display problematic hosts first, others last. No longer acquire system-specific information. (426fcde)
- deps: update ghcr.io/griefed/gitlab-ci-cd docker tag to v2.0.2 (7a7103e)
- deps: update griefed/baseimage-ubuntu-jdk-8 docker tag to v2.0.5 (d914a7c)
0.11.16 (2021-12-29)
- Add jacoco coverage and dependencies scanning. Whoops :) (dc4cdc5)
- Fix username acquisition (cc3c955)
- Rework CI/CD configuration for GitLab, GitHub and DockerHub. (9a0d6b5)
- Update renovate-config (1697c59)
- Add funding stuffs (8fb2457)
- Bring README somewhat up to date with other repos (43166a8)
- deps: add renovate.json (b7a17cf)
- deps: pin dependencies (b870a28)
- deps: update dependency @babel/eslint-parser to v7.16.5 (9a79455)
- deps: update dependency @quasar/app to v3.2.6 (5663b34)
- deps: update dependency com.github.oshi:oshi-core to v5.8.6 (6ac0775)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.20.1 (a8e1d73)
- deps: update dependency eslint to v8.5.0 (bb907c4)
- deps: update dependency gradle to v7.3.3 (8cb57a1)
- deps: update dependency quasar to v2.4.2 (ba0b9a3)
- deps: update jamesives/github-pages-deploy-action action to v4.1.8 (d612315)
- deps: update npm to v8 (27e32e3)
- deps: update spring boot to v2.6.2 (6747c29)