diff --git a/TemplePlus/temple_enums.cpp b/TemplePlus/temple_enums.cpp index b3cb55de1..9a914f847 100644 --- a/TemplePlus/temple_enums.cpp +++ b/TemplePlus/temple_enums.cpp @@ -455,13 +455,8 @@ static const char *ObjTypeNames[] = { "obj_t_bag" // 16 }; -static const char* unknownObject = "obj_t_unknown"; - const char* GetObjectTypeName(ObjectType type) { - if (type < std::size(ObjTypeNames)) { - return ObjTypeNames[type]; - } - return unknownObject; + return ObjTypeNames[type]; } const char* GetObjectFieldName(obj_f field) { diff --git a/tpdata/co8infra.dat b/tpdata/co8infra.dat index aaffe430c..a3e6fe26f 100644 Binary files a/tpdata/co8infra.dat and b/tpdata/co8infra.dat differ diff --git a/tpdata/kotbfixes.dat b/tpdata/kotbfixes.dat index e4907603c..a3e339a38 100644 Binary files a/tpdata/kotbfixes.dat and b/tpdata/kotbfixes.dat differ diff --git a/tpdata/tpgamefiles.dat b/tpdata/tpgamefiles.dat index 7b4f6adcd..92f24b753 100644 Binary files a/tpdata/tpgamefiles.dat and b/tpdata/tpgamefiles.dat differ diff --git a/tpdata/tpmes/help_extensions.tab b/tpdata/tpmes/help_extensions.tab index 89fd156a4..9180fbfc2 100644 --- a/tpdata/tpmes/help_extensions.tab +++ b/tpdata/tpmes/help_extensions.tab @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ TAG_AASIMARS TAG_RACES Aasimarsss Aasimars are ~humans~[TAG_HUMANS] with some TAG_AQUATIC_ELF TAG_RACES Aquatic Elf Aquatic elves are also called sea elves, these creatures are waterbreathing cousins to land-dwelling ~elves~[TAG_ELVES]. Aquatic elves are very striking in appearance, with skin that ranges between a light blue to a dark green. They usually have black hair and their eyes are oddly colored, ranging from an iridescent blue to gold to a white-silver hue that shines like mother-of-pearl. Their hands and feet are webbed and they boast a set of gills that runs along their collarbones and down their rib cages. Aquatic Elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -- Favored Class: ~Fighter~[TAG_FIGHTERS] TAG_GRAY_ELF TAG_RACES Gray Elf Gray elves are taller and grander in physical appearance than other ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], gray elves have a reputation for being aloof and arrogant (even by elven standards). They have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. They prefer clothing of white, silver, yellow, or gold, with cloaks of deep blue or purple. Gray elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE], -2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH] -- Favored Class: ~Wizard~[TAG_WIZARDS] TAG_WILD_ELF TAG_RACES Wild Elf Wild elves were always close to nature, even more so than other ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], but they have forgotten many of the high arts and lore of their people, choosing stealth and survival over building and book learning. Wild elves are stocky and strongly built for elves. Their skin tends to be dark brown, and their hair ranges from black to light brown, lightening to silvery white with age. Wild elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -- Favored Class: ~Sorcerer~[TAG_SORCERERS] -TAG_WOOD_ELF TAG_RACES Wood Elf Wood elves are uncommonly strong for ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], but also smaller and less intuitive than most elves. Also called copper elves, they have coppery skin tinged with green, and brown, green, or hazel eyes. Their hair is usually brown or black, with blond and coppery-red occasionally found. Wood elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH], +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Constitution~[TAG_CONSTITUTION] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -2 ~Charisma~[TAG_CHARISMA] -- Favored Class: ~Ranger~[TAG_RANGERS] +TAG_WOOD_ELF TAG_RACES Wood Elf Wood elves are uncommonly strong for ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], but also smaller and less intuitive than most elves. Also called copper elves, they have coppery skin tinged with green, and brown, green, or hazel eyes. Their hair is usually brown or black, with blond and coppery-red occasionally found. Wood elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH], +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Constitution~[TAG_CONSTITUTION] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -- Favored Class: ~Ranger~[TAG_RANGERS] TAG_TIEFLING TAG_RACES Tiefling Tieflings are ~humans~[TAG_HUMANS] with some trace of infernal blood in their veins. Tieflings are sneaky, subtle, and generally conniving. They prefer to strike from ambush and usually avoid a fair fight if they can. Tieflings tend to have an unsettling air about them, and most people are uncomfortable around them, whether they are aware of the tiefling's unsavory ancestry or not. While some look like normal humans, most retain physical characteristics derived from their ancestor, with the most common such features being horns, non-prehensile tails, and pointed teeth. Racial Traits: -- +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY], +2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE], -2 ~Charisma~[TAG_CHARISMA] -- +2 racial bonus on bluff and hide checks. -- Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, and electricity 5. -- Favored Class: ~Rogue~[TAG_ROGUES] -- Level adjustment +1. TAG_SVIRFNEBLIN TAG_RACES Svirfneblin Also called deep ~gnomes~[TAG_GNOMES], svirfneblin are said to dwell in great cities deep underground. Reclusive, suspicious, and resentful of intrusion into their cavern homes, the deep gnomes share little of the humor or openness of their surface cousins. A svirfneblin has wiry, rock-colored skin usually medium brown to brownish gray. Only males are bald; females have stringy gray hair. Racial Traits: -- -2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH], +2 ~Wisdom~[TAG_WISDOM], +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY], -4 ~Charisma~[TAG_CHARISMA] -- Spell resistance equal to 11 + class levels. -- +2 racial bonus on all saving throws. -- +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class -- Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against illusion spells cast by svirfneblin. This adjustment stacks with those from similar effects, such as the Spell Focus feat. -- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids. -- Spell-Like Abilities: Svirfneblin can cast blindness/deafness and blur once per day. Caster levels equals the svirfneblin's class levels. -- +2 racial bonus on listen and hide checks. -- Small size. +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, -4 penalty on grapple checks. -- Base land speed: 20 feet. -- Favored Class: ~Rogue~[TAG_ROGUES] -- Level adjustment +3. TAG_GOLD_DWARF TAG_RACES Gold Dwarf Gold ~dwarves~[TAG_DWARVES] are a forgotten realms race. They are stocky and muscular, Averaging 4 feet tall and weighing as much as an adult human. The skin of a gold dwarf is light brown or deeply tanned, and her eyes are usually brown or hazel. Both genders wear their hair long, and males (and some females) have long, carefully groomed beards and mustaches. Hair color ranges from black to gray or brown, with all shades fading to light gray as time progresses. Like their northern kin, gold dwarves harbor a great deal of pride, both in their own accomplishments and those of their ancestors. They also share the philosophy that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and that the natural world is but raw material to be worked into objects of great beauty. Unlike the long-beleaguered shield dwarves, gold dwarves have not faced a serious challenge to their way of life for thousands of years. Confident and secure in their isolated realm, gold dwarves do not share the pessimism or fatalism of their shield dwarven brethren. To the contrary, having seen the rise and fall of countless elven, human, and shield dwarven empires, their endurance has fostered a deep-seated belief that their traditions and culture are superior to those of all other races. They have the standard dwarven traits except as follows: -- -2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY], +2 ~Constitution~[TAG_CONSTITUTION] -- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against aberrations: Gold dwarves are trained in special combat techniques against the many bizarre creatures that live in the Underdark. (This replaces the attack bonus against ores and goblinoids.) -- Favored Class: ~Fighter~[TAG_FIGHTERS]. diff --git a/tpdatasrc/co8infra/rules/spells/308 - Mind Blank.txt b/tpdatasrc/co8infra/rules/spells/308 - Mind Blank.txt index c6ddb41cd..3f2b78414 100644 --- a/tpdatasrc/co8infra/rules/spells/308 - Mind Blank.txt +++ b/tpdatasrc/co8infra/rules/spells/308 - Mind Blank.txt @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Level: Wiz 8 Component: V Component: S Casting Time: 1 action -Range: Touch +Range: Close Saving Throw: Willpower Spell Resistance: Yes Projectile: No diff --git a/tpdatasrc/co8infra/tpmes/help_extensions.tab b/tpdatasrc/co8infra/tpmes/help_extensions.tab index 6d6c5d74d..1387741c8 100644 --- a/tpdatasrc/co8infra/tpmes/help_extensions.tab +++ b/tpdatasrc/co8infra/tpmes/help_extensions.tab @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ TAG_AASIMARS TAG_RACES Aasimars Aasimars are ~humans~[TAG_HUMANS] with some t TAG_AQUATIC_ELF TAG_RACES Aquatic Elf Aquatic elves are also called sea elves, these creatures are waterbreathing cousins to land-dwelling ~elves~[TAG_ELVES]. Aquatic elves are very striking in appearance, with skin that ranges between a light blue to a dark green. They usually have black hair and their eyes are oddly colored, ranging from an iridescent blue to gold to a white-silver hue that shines like mother-of-pearl. Their hands and feet are webbed and they boast a set of gills that runs along their collarbones and down their rib cages. Aquatic Elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -- Favored Class: ~Fighter~[TAG_FIGHTERS] TAG_GRAY_ELF TAG_RACES Gray Elf Gray elves are taller and grander in physical appearance than other ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], gray elves have a reputation for being aloof and arrogant (even by elven standards). They have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. They prefer clothing of white, silver, yellow, or gold, with cloaks of deep blue or purple. Gray elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE], -2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH] -- Favored Class: ~Wizard~[TAG_WIZARDS] TAG_WILD_ELF TAG_RACES Wild Elf Wild elves were always close to nature, even more so than other ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], but they have forgotten many of the high arts and lore of their people, choosing stealth and survival over building and book learning. Wild elves are stocky and strongly built for elves. Their skin tends to be dark brown, and their hair ranges from black to light brown, lightening to silvery white with age. Wild elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -- Favored Class: ~Sorcerer~[TAG_SORCERERS] -TAG_WOOD_ELF TAG_RACES Wood Elf Wood elves are uncommonly strong for ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], but also smaller and less intuitive than most elves. Also called copper elves, they have coppery skin tinged with green, and brown, green, or hazel eyes. Their hair is usually brown or black, with blond and coppery-red occasionally found. Wood elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH], +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Constitution~[TAG_CONSTITUTION] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -2 ~Charisma~[TAG_CHARISMA] -- Favored Class: ~Ranger~[TAG_RANGERS] +TAG_WOOD_ELF TAG_RACES Wood Elf Wood elves are uncommonly strong for ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], but also smaller and less intuitive than most elves. Also called copper elves, they have coppery skin tinged with green, and brown, green, or hazel eyes. Their hair is usually brown or black, with blond and coppery-red occasionally found. Wood elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH], +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Constitution~[TAG_CONSTITUTION] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -- Favored Class: ~Ranger~[TAG_RANGERS] TAG_TIEFLING TAG_RACES Tiefling Tieflings are ~humans~[TAG_HUMANS] with some trace of infernal blood in their veins. Tieflings are sneaky, subtle, and generally conniving. They prefer to strike from ambush and usually avoid a fair fight if they can. Tieflings tend to have an unsettling air about them, and most people are uncomfortable around them, whether they are aware of the tiefling's unsavory ancestry or not. While some look like normal humans, most retain physical characteristics derived from their ancestor, with the most common such features being horns, non-prehensile tails, and pointed teeth. Racial Traits: -- +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY], +2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE], -2 ~Charisma~[TAG_CHARISMA] -- +2 racial bonus on bluff and hide checks. -- Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, and electricity 5. -- Favored Class: ~Rogue~[TAG_ROGUES] -- Level adjustment +1. TAG_SVIRFNEBLIN TAG_RACES Svirfneblin Also called deep ~gnomes~[TAG_GNOMES], svirfneblin are said to dwell in great cities deep underground. Reclusive, suspicious, and resentful of intrusion into their cavern homes, the deep gnomes share little of the humor or openness of their surface cousins. A svirfneblin has wiry, rock-colored skin usually medium brown to brownish gray. Only males are bald; females have stringy gray hair. Racial Traits: -- -2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH], +2 ~Wisdom~[TAG_WISDOM], +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY], -4 ~Charisma~[TAG_CHARISMA] -- Spell resistance equal to 11 + class levels. -- +2 racial bonus on all saving throws. -- +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class -- Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against illusion spells cast by svirfneblin. This adjustment stacks with those from similar effects, such as the Spell Focus feat. -- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids. -- Spell-Like Abilities: Svirfneblin can cast blindness/deafness and blur once per day. Caster levels equals the svirfneblin's class levels. -- +2 racial bonus on listen and hide checks. -- Small size. +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, -4 penalty on grapple checks. -- Base land speed: 20 feet. -- Favored Class: ~Rogue~[TAG_ROGUES] -- Level adjustment +3. TAG_GOLD_DWARF TAG_RACES Gold Dwarf Gold ~dwarves~[TAG_DWARVES] are a forgotten realms race. They are stocky and muscular, Averaging 4 feet tall and weighing as much as an adult human. The skin of a gold dwarf is light brown or deeply tanned, and her eyes are usually brown or hazel. Both genders wear their hair long, and males (and some females) have long, carefully groomed beards and mustaches. Hair color ranges from black to gray or brown, with all shades fading to light gray as time progresses. Like their northern kin, gold dwarves harbor a great deal of pride, both in their own accomplishments and those of their ancestors. They also share the philosophy that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and that the natural world is but raw material to be worked into objects of great beauty. Unlike the long-beleaguered shield dwarves, gold dwarves have not faced a serious challenge to their way of life for thousands of years. Confident and secure in their isolated realm, gold dwarves do not share the pessimism or fatalism of their shield dwarven brethren. To the contrary, having seen the rise and fall of countless elven, human, and shield dwarven empires, their endurance has fostered a deep-seated belief that their traditions and culture are superior to those of all other races. They have the standard dwarven traits except as follows: -- -2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY], +2 ~Constitution~[TAG_CONSTITUTION] -- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against aberrations: Gold dwarves are trained in special combat techniques against the many bizarre creatures that live in the Underdark. (This replaces the attack bonus against ores and goblinoids.) -- Favored Class: ~Fighter~[TAG_FIGHTERS]. diff --git a/tpdatasrc/kotbfixes/rules/spells/308 - Mind Blank.txt b/tpdatasrc/kotbfixes/rules/spells/308 - Mind Blank.txt index c6ddb41cd..3f2b78414 100644 --- a/tpdatasrc/kotbfixes/rules/spells/308 - Mind Blank.txt +++ b/tpdatasrc/kotbfixes/rules/spells/308 - Mind Blank.txt @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Level: Wiz 8 Component: V Component: S Casting Time: 1 action -Range: Touch +Range: Close Saving Throw: Willpower Spell Resistance: Yes Projectile: No diff --git a/tpdatasrc/kotbfixes/tpmes/help_extensions.tab b/tpdatasrc/kotbfixes/tpmes/help_extensions.tab index 6d6c5d74d..1387741c8 100644 --- a/tpdatasrc/kotbfixes/tpmes/help_extensions.tab +++ b/tpdatasrc/kotbfixes/tpmes/help_extensions.tab @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ TAG_AASIMARS TAG_RACES Aasimars Aasimars are ~humans~[TAG_HUMANS] with some t TAG_AQUATIC_ELF TAG_RACES Aquatic Elf Aquatic elves are also called sea elves, these creatures are waterbreathing cousins to land-dwelling ~elves~[TAG_ELVES]. Aquatic elves are very striking in appearance, with skin that ranges between a light blue to a dark green. They usually have black hair and their eyes are oddly colored, ranging from an iridescent blue to gold to a white-silver hue that shines like mother-of-pearl. Their hands and feet are webbed and they boast a set of gills that runs along their collarbones and down their rib cages. Aquatic Elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -- Favored Class: ~Fighter~[TAG_FIGHTERS] TAG_GRAY_ELF TAG_RACES Gray Elf Gray elves are taller and grander in physical appearance than other ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], gray elves have a reputation for being aloof and arrogant (even by elven standards). They have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. They prefer clothing of white, silver, yellow, or gold, with cloaks of deep blue or purple. Gray elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE], -2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH] -- Favored Class: ~Wizard~[TAG_WIZARDS] TAG_WILD_ELF TAG_RACES Wild Elf Wild elves were always close to nature, even more so than other ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], but they have forgotten many of the high arts and lore of their people, choosing stealth and survival over building and book learning. Wild elves are stocky and strongly built for elves. Their skin tends to be dark brown, and their hair ranges from black to light brown, lightening to silvery white with age. Wild elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -- Favored Class: ~Sorcerer~[TAG_SORCERERS] -TAG_WOOD_ELF TAG_RACES Wood Elf Wood elves are uncommonly strong for ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], but also smaller and less intuitive than most elves. Also called copper elves, they have coppery skin tinged with green, and brown, green, or hazel eyes. Their hair is usually brown or black, with blond and coppery-red occasionally found. Wood elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH], +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Constitution~[TAG_CONSTITUTION] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -2 ~Charisma~[TAG_CHARISMA] -- Favored Class: ~Ranger~[TAG_RANGERS] +TAG_WOOD_ELF TAG_RACES Wood Elf Wood elves are uncommonly strong for ~elves~[TAG_ELVES], but also smaller and less intuitive than most elves. Also called copper elves, they have coppery skin tinged with green, and brown, green, or hazel eyes. Their hair is usually brown or black, with blond and coppery-red occasionally found. Wood elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: -- +2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH], +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY] -2 ~Constitution~[TAG_CONSTITUTION] -2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE] -- Favored Class: ~Ranger~[TAG_RANGERS] TAG_TIEFLING TAG_RACES Tiefling Tieflings are ~humans~[TAG_HUMANS] with some trace of infernal blood in their veins. Tieflings are sneaky, subtle, and generally conniving. They prefer to strike from ambush and usually avoid a fair fight if they can. Tieflings tend to have an unsettling air about them, and most people are uncomfortable around them, whether they are aware of the tiefling's unsavory ancestry or not. While some look like normal humans, most retain physical characteristics derived from their ancestor, with the most common such features being horns, non-prehensile tails, and pointed teeth. Racial Traits: -- +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY], +2 ~Intelligence~[TAG_INTELLIGENCE], -2 ~Charisma~[TAG_CHARISMA] -- +2 racial bonus on bluff and hide checks. -- Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, and electricity 5. -- Favored Class: ~Rogue~[TAG_ROGUES] -- Level adjustment +1. TAG_SVIRFNEBLIN TAG_RACES Svirfneblin Also called deep ~gnomes~[TAG_GNOMES], svirfneblin are said to dwell in great cities deep underground. Reclusive, suspicious, and resentful of intrusion into their cavern homes, the deep gnomes share little of the humor or openness of their surface cousins. A svirfneblin has wiry, rock-colored skin usually medium brown to brownish gray. Only males are bald; females have stringy gray hair. Racial Traits: -- -2 ~Strength~[TAG_STRENGTH], +2 ~Wisdom~[TAG_WISDOM], +2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY], -4 ~Charisma~[TAG_CHARISMA] -- Spell resistance equal to 11 + class levels. -- +2 racial bonus on all saving throws. -- +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class -- Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against illusion spells cast by svirfneblin. This adjustment stacks with those from similar effects, such as the Spell Focus feat. -- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids. -- Spell-Like Abilities: Svirfneblin can cast blindness/deafness and blur once per day. Caster levels equals the svirfneblin's class levels. -- +2 racial bonus on listen and hide checks. -- Small size. +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, -4 penalty on grapple checks. -- Base land speed: 20 feet. -- Favored Class: ~Rogue~[TAG_ROGUES] -- Level adjustment +3. TAG_GOLD_DWARF TAG_RACES Gold Dwarf Gold ~dwarves~[TAG_DWARVES] are a forgotten realms race. They are stocky and muscular, Averaging 4 feet tall and weighing as much as an adult human. The skin of a gold dwarf is light brown or deeply tanned, and her eyes are usually brown or hazel. Both genders wear their hair long, and males (and some females) have long, carefully groomed beards and mustaches. Hair color ranges from black to gray or brown, with all shades fading to light gray as time progresses. Like their northern kin, gold dwarves harbor a great deal of pride, both in their own accomplishments and those of their ancestors. They also share the philosophy that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and that the natural world is but raw material to be worked into objects of great beauty. Unlike the long-beleaguered shield dwarves, gold dwarves have not faced a serious challenge to their way of life for thousands of years. Confident and secure in their isolated realm, gold dwarves do not share the pessimism or fatalism of their shield dwarven brethren. To the contrary, having seen the rise and fall of countless elven, human, and shield dwarven empires, their endurance has fostered a deep-seated belief that their traditions and culture are superior to those of all other races. They have the standard dwarven traits except as follows: -- -2 ~Dexterity~[TAG_DEXTERITY], +2 ~Constitution~[TAG_CONSTITUTION] -- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against aberrations: Gold dwarves are trained in special combat techniques against the many bizarre creatures that live in the Underdark. (This replaces the attack bonus against ores and goblinoids.) -- Favored Class: ~Fighter~[TAG_FIGHTERS]. diff --git a/tpdatasrc/tpgamefiles/mes/stat_ext.mes b/tpdatasrc/tpgamefiles/mes/stat_ext.mes index 3234b0f1d..c2c50c1d9 100644 --- a/tpdatasrc/tpgamefiles/mes/stat_ext.mes +++ b/tpdatasrc/tpgamefiles/mes/stat_ext.mes @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ {12096} Tiefling {Tieflings are humans with some trace of infernal blood in their veins, and their favored class is Rogue. Tieflings are sneaky, subtle, and generally conniving. They prefer to strike from ambush and usually avoid a fair fight if they can. Tieflings tend to have an unsettling air about them, and most people are uncomfortable around them, whether they are aware of the tiefling's unsavory ancestry or not. While some look like normal humans, most retain physical characteristics derived from their ancestor, with the most common such features being horns, non-prehensile tails, and pointed teeth. They possess the following traits: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence and -2 Charisma, resistance to fire 5, cold 5, and electricity 5 and +2 racial bonus on bluff and hide checks. Level adjustment: +1.} {12098} Gray Elf {Gray elves are taller and grander in physical appearance than others of their race, gray elves have a reputation for being aloof and arrogant (even by elven standards). Gray elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength. Their favored class is wizard.} {12130} Wild Elf {Wild elves were always close to nature, even more so than other elves, but they have forgotten many of the high arts and lore of their people, choosing stealth and survival over building and book learning. Wild elves are stocky and strongly built for elves. Wild elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence. Their favored class is Sorcerer.} -{12162} Wood Elf {Wood elves are uncommonly strong for elves, but also smaller and less intuitive than most elves. Wood elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Their favored class is ranger.} +{12162} Wood Elf {Wood elves are uncommonly strong for elves, but also smaller and less intuitive than most elves. Wood elves have all the standard elven racial traits except as follows: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence. Their favored class is ranger.} {12161} Gold Dwarf {Gold dwarves are a forgotten realms race. They are stocky and muscular, Averaging 4 feet tall and weighing as much as an adult human. They have the standard dwarven traits except as follows: -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution. +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against aberrations: Gold dwarves are trained in special combat techniques against the many bizarre creatures that live in the Underdark. (This replaces the attack bonus against ores and goblinoids.) Their favored class is fighter. } {12102} Strongheart {Strongheart Halflings are a forgotten realms race. While the lightfoot halflings value the experience of travel and the sight of new lands and peoples, the stronghearts are a more organized, oderly, and industrious race. They build to last, and fiercely defend their homelands against threats that their lightfoot kin would simply flee. They have the standard halfling traits except as follows: Strongheart halflings gain one extra feat at 1st level. Srongheart halflings do not receinve the halfling racial +1 bonus on all saving throws.} {12038} Tallfellow {Tallfellow halflings are somewhat rare among halfling folk. Tallfellows are 4 feet tall or more and weigh between 30 and 35 pounds. They have the standard halfling traits except as follows: +2 racial bonus on Search, Spot, and Listen checks. Like an elf, a tallfellow who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check as though actively looking for it. This trait replaces the lightfoot's +2 bonus on Listen checks. Tallfellows are less athletic than lightfoot halflings and do not have a racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks.}