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Dude McDude edited this page Oct 12, 2016 · 14 revisions

New indicator icons may be defined via formatted text file entries.

The files should be placed in the folder rules\indicators\, and will be automatically parsed by the engine.

Example file contents:

ID_string: PSI_FOCUS
effect_type: 2
texture_file: art\interface\player_conditions\conditions\psionic-focus.tga
help_topic: TAG_ROOT
tooltip_base_text: Psionically Focused

ID_string field is used as an identifier.
You can use tpdp.hash() (e.g. tpdp.hash("PSI_FOCUS")) to obtain the numeric ID in py files.

effect_type denotes what kind of indicator it is. 0 is for buffs, 1 is for ailments, and 2 is for conditions. The different types are rendered above, below and inside the portraits, respectively.

texture_file is the tga file. You can provide any path but it's recommended to maintain the vanilla file structure (as above).

help_topic is the topic ID, as in the entries.

tooltip_base_text is the default tooltip text to be displayed when hovering the indicator. You can leave this blank.

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