Made for static Single page apps. Get started with files and structure ready.
When developping using an es modules capable browser you don't have to bundle your js modules, just refresh your browser to see changes.
Node 14+
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npm i
Edit files in source/
- Create a new html file next to index.html, for example game.html
- Create a new css file next to index.css, for example game.css
- Create a folder of the component name inside source/components
- Create a html file with the template of the component for example source/components/superParagrah.html
- Optional, create a css and js file in the same folder
- Inside your html import it with
<script type="text/html" src="components/superParagraph/superParagraph.html"></script>
- Optional inside your css of the page or pages that is using it import its stylesheet with
@import '../components/superParagraph/superParagraph.css';
- Optional inside your js main of the page or pages that is using it import its js file with
import * as superParagraph from "../components/superParagraph/superParagraph.js";
and use it
Open home.html
in source/
To enable auto reload use
npm run serve-dev
then visit http://localhost:8080/home.html
Html includes are handled by tools/inlineHTMLRuntime.js
. It inlines every imported html file. It checks for type="text/html"
and src
. Open source/home.html
for an example.
<script type="text/html" src="html/superParagraph.html"></script>
JS and CSS modules are handled by the browser natively.
npm run build-prod
The results will be in dist/
The results must be served as top level url.
npm run serve-prod
Or as individual commands
npm run inline-html
This will run tools/inlineHTML.js
which is almost like its runtime counterpart, except that it creates a new file with every import inlined to avoid network requests.
npm run bundle-js
This will run parcel, so that JS files and CSS files also have their imports resolved to avoid network requests. It also minfies files and can use a babel config for transpiling.
npm run lint
npm run lint-fix
to automatically fix some issues