diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b67a72e..e4b7e71 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,5 +3,152 @@
![GitHub Workflow Status (with event)](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/GuoXiCheng/TinyCRUD/ci.yml)
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+## 介绍
+TinyCRUD 是一个基于代码托管平台 Issue API 的轻量级数据存储库,它可以将 Issue 作为数据库表,Issue 的评论作为数据表记录,通过 Issue API 将数据序列化/反序列化,实现数据的增删改查。
+## 适用场景
+TinyCRUD 适合用于满足小型团队或个人项目中需要简单、轻量级数据存储,但又不想或不需要设置复杂数据库系统的情况。
+## 支持的代码托管平台
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ API latest ✔
+ |
+ API v4 ✔
+ |
+ API v5 ✔
+ |
+## 支持的请求库
+ |
+ |
+ axios ✔
+ |
+ wx(微信小程序) ✔
+ |
+## 安装
+npm install tiny-crud
+## 使用
+### 创建请求
+import axios from "axios";
+import { createRequest } from "tiny-crud";
+const GithubRequest = createRequest({
+ httpLib: "axios",
+ httpClient: axios,
+ accessToken: "Your Personal Access Token",
+ platform: "github",
+ owner: "Your Owner",
+ repo: "Your Repo",
+### 创建数据模型
+import { BaseModel } from "tiny-crud";
+export interface UserModel extends BaseModel {
+ name: string;
+ age: number;
+ gender: string;
+### 创建数据存储库
+import { GithubRepository } from "tiny-crud";
+import { githubRequest } from "./github-request";
+export class UserRepository extends GithubRepository {
+ constructor() {
+ super(githubRequest, "Your Issue Number");
+ }
+### 基本操作
+const userRepository = new UserRepository();
+// 创建数据
+ name: "John",
+ age: 30,
+ gender: "male",
+// 查询数据
+// 更新数据
+userRepository.updateById(1, {
+ name: "Mary",
+ age: 25,
+ gender: "female",
+// 删除数据
+## 说明
+* 更好的阅读体验以及详细的使用文档请戳 👉[TinyCRUD Docs](https://guoxicheng.top/projects/TinyCRUD-Docs/)
+* 如果对你有帮助的话可以给颗小星星,感谢支持!🌟
+## License
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index e9f6ade..5214362 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "tiny-crud",
- "version": "1.0.24",
+ "version": "1.1.0",
"description": "A tiny CRUD library based on Git Issue API",
"main": "dist/bundle.cjs.js",
"module": "dist/bundle.esm.js",
diff --git a/src/repository-lib/gitee/gitee-repository.ts b/src/repository-lib/gitee/gitee-repository.ts
index d48b01a..2cacbd8 100644
--- a/src/repository-lib/gitee/gitee-repository.ts
+++ b/src/repository-lib/gitee/gitee-repository.ts
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ export class GiteeRepository extends BaseRepository {
* Finds items in the Gitee repository.
* @param params - Optional parameters for the search.
+ * @param params.since - Only issues updated at or after this time are returned.
+ * @param params.page - The page number to retrieve.
+ * @param params.per_page - The number of items to retrieve per page.default: 20, maximum: 100
+ * @param params.order - The sort order of the results.Either 'asc' or 'desc'.
* @returns A promise that resolves to an array of items.
async find(params?: GiteeParams): Promise {
diff --git a/src/repository-lib/github/github-repository.ts b/src/repository-lib/github/github-repository.ts
index ecd5485..246eb93 100644
--- a/src/repository-lib/github/github-repository.ts
+++ b/src/repository-lib/github/github-repository.ts
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ export class GithubRepository extends BaseRepository {
* Finds items in the GitHub repository.
* @param params - Optional parameters for the search.
+ * @param params.since - Only issues updated at or after this time are returned.
+ * @param params.page - The page number to retrieve.
+ * @param params.per_page - The number of items to retrieve per page.default: 30, maximum: 100
* @returns A promise that resolves to an array of items.
async find(params?: GithubParams): Promise {
diff --git a/src/repository-lib/gitlab/gitlab-repository.ts b/src/repository-lib/gitlab/gitlab-repository.ts
index 8b264f8..6fbf11a 100644
--- a/src/repository-lib/gitlab/gitlab-repository.ts
+++ b/src/repository-lib/gitlab/gitlab-repository.ts
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ export class GitlabRepository extends BaseRepository {
* Finds items in the Gitlab storage based on the provided parameters.
* @param params - Optional parameters for the find operation.
- * @returns A promise that resolves to an array of items found in the Gitlab storage.
+ * @param params.sort - Return requests sorted in asc or desc order. Default is desc.
+ * @param params.order_by - Return requests ordered by created_at or updated_at fields. Default is created_at.
+ * @returns A promise that resolves to an array of items.
async find(params?: GitlabParams): Promise {
const url = this.getRoute(RouteType.find);