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+# Selection of health conditions
+The number of finished consultant episodes (FCEs) (the time spent under the care of one consultant whilst an inpatient) for all diagnoses in England from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 was obtained from inpatient activity reports published by NHS Digital [1]. Diagnoses were coded using three and four character International Classification of Diseases, tenth revision (ICD-10) codes. The FCEs for codes in ICD-10 chapters I-XIV and XVI-XVII were examined. Pregnancy-related conditions, symptoms, signs, abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, and external causes of morbidity and mortality were excluded. Three or four character ICD-10 codes were assigned to specific conditions in the different disease categories as agreed between Dr Valerie Kuan and: Professor Aroon Hingorani (benign neoplastic, cancers, cardiovascular, digestive, ear, endocrine, eye, genitourinary, haematological or immunological, infections, musculoskeletal, neurological, perinatal or congenital, psychiatric, respiratory, and skin), Dr Osman Bhatti (benign neoplastic, cancers, ear, endocrine, eye, haematological or immunological, musculoskeletal, neurological, perinatal or congenital, psychiatric, respiratory, and skin), Dr Shanaz Husain (benign neoplastic, cancers, ear, endocrine, eye, haematological or immunological, musculoskeletal, neurological, perinatal or congenital, psychiatric, respiratory, and skin), Dr Shailen Sutaria (infections), Professor Dorothea Nitsch (genitourinary), Mrs Melanie Hingorani (eye), Dr Constantinos Parisinos (digestive), Dr Tom Lumbers (cardiovascular) and Dr Reecha Sofat (cardiovascular).
+Conditions with codes that had more than 10,000 FCEs were included. If a condition had fewer than 10,000 FCEs but it was considered to be clinically important, it was included in the study.
+Infections were categorized by organ system and causal organism. Chronic infections with long-term sequelae included were HIV, chronic viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, and rheumatic fever. Acute infections were limited to hospital admissions. Obesity was only considered for individuals above the age of 18 years.
+308 physical and mental health conditions involving intensive use of healthcare resources were selected. These included health conditions from QOF, with modifications for more granular phenotypes reflecting distinct pathological pathways where applicable, such as type 1 diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetes mellitus (‘other’ or ‘unspecified’).
+# Derivation of phenotyping algorithms
+Health conditions were harmonised across primary and secondary care coding systems and organised into 16 disease categories corresponding closely to ICD-10 chapters.
+Phenotyping algorithms defining 302 of the 308 conditions were based on diagnosis or procedural codes. The case definitions for the remaining six conditions used blood test values or other measures, namely: estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) for chronic kidney disease, total cholesterol (TC) for raised total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) for raised LDL-C, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) for low HDL-C, triglyceride (TG) for raised triglyceride and body mass index (BMI) for obesity. Phenotyping algorithms for eleven conditions (stable angina, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease not otherwise specified, hypertension, peripheral arterial disease, atrial fibrillation, abdominal aortic aneurysm, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and diabetes other or not specified) were adapted from algorithms and codelists that had previously been defined in the CALIBER portal.
+Diagnoses and procedures are recorded in CPRD using Read codes. ICD-10 diagnosis codes and Office of the Population Censuses and Surveys Classification of Interventions and Procedures version 4 (OPCS-4) procedural codes are used in HES-APC.
+The selection of ICD-10 codes for the ICD-10 codelists has been described above. These ICD-10 codes were mapped to Read codes as follows: cross-maps provided by NHS Digital were used to look up similar terms between ICD-10 and Read codes [2]; a list of keywords for each condition was constructed in agreement with the clinicians responsible for diseases in the respective categories; keyword searches were performed on a lookup file provided by CPRD (medical.txt) which contains Read codes, CPRD medcodes and a verbal description common to both codes; Read codes with their corresponding descriptive terms identified from the cross-mapping and keyword searches were concatenated into a long list; the long list was further supplemented by Read codes in the Read code hierarchy that were adjacent to the codes identified from the cross-mapping and keyword searches, which were considered possible candidates for inclusion in the respective codelists; finally, this long list was pruned in collaboration with the clinicians responsible for the respective categories to obtain the final Read codelists for each condition.
+Where procedures were identified in Read codes for a specific condition, a keyword search for these procedures was performed in the OPCS-4 dictionary. These terms were concatenated with adjacent terms within the OPCS-4 hierarchy that were considered potentially relevant to the specific condition to form a long list. The final OPCS-4 codelist was constructed from this long list together with the clinicians responsible for diseases in the respective categories.
+# References
+1. NHS Digital, https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/hospital-admitted-patient-care-activity/hospital-episode-statistics-admitted-patient-care-england-2014-15
+2. https://isd.digital.nhs.uk/trud3/user/guest/group/0/pack/9/subpack/255/releases
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+# Mapping 306 CALIBER phenotypes to 16 disease categories
+This maps 306 of the CALIBER phenotypes by *Kuan et al.* to the following 16 categories:
+* Diseases of the Circulatory System
+* Diseases of the Digestive System
+* Skin conditions
+* Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+* Haematological/Immunological conditions
+* Mental Health Disorders
+* Diseases of the Respiratory System
+* Musculoskeletal conditions
+* Diseases of the Eye
+* Neurological conditions
+* Infectious Diseases
+* Benign Neoplasm/CIN
+* Perinatal conditions
+* Diseases of the Endocrine System
+* Diseases of the Ear
+* Cancers
+These 16 categories are taken from *Supplementary Table S1. Medical Conditions with the abbreviated terms used in this article and their disease categories* from the paper:
+>Kuan V., Denaxas S., Gonzalez-Izquierdo A. et al. _A chronological map of 308 physical and mental health conditions from 4 million individuals in the National Health Service_ published in the Lancet Digital Health - DOI 10.1016/S2589-7500(19)30012-3
+Please note:
+* *Supplementary Table S1* does not provide a direct mapping to CALIBER phenotypes and there are cases where different names are used (e.g. `Scleroderma` vs `Systemic Sclerosis`).
+* Conditions `Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus` and `Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus` are present in *Supplementary Table S1* but not listed as phenotypes within `dictionary.csv` and therefore these conditions are not included in the mapping (although they would be classified under `Diseases of the Endocrine System`)
+The below mapping is produced and shared by [Dr Chris Tomlinson](https://ctomlinson.net).
+# `phenotype_categories_mapping.csv`
+Content reproduced in markdown below for ease of browsing:
+| Phenotype | Category |
+| Abdominal aortic aneurysm | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Abdominal Hernia | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Acne | Skin conditions |
+| Actinic keratosis | Skin conditions |
+| Acute Kidney Injury | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Agranulocytosis | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Alcohol Problems | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Alcoholic liver disease | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Allergic and chronic rhinitis | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Alopecia areata | Skin conditions |
+| Other anaemias | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Anal fissure | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Angiodysplasia of colon | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Ankylosing spondylitis | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Anorectal fistula | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Anorectal prolapse | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Anxiety disorders | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Aplastic anaemias | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Appendicitis | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Asbestosis | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Aspiration pneumonitis | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Asthma | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Atrial fibrillation | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Atrioventricular block, first degree | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Atrioventricular block, second degree | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Atrioventricular block, complete | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Autism and Asperger's syndrome | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Autoimmune liver disease | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Disorders of autonomic nervous system | Neurological conditions |
+| Bacterial Diseases (excl TB) | Infectious Diseases |
+| Barrett's oesophagus | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Bell's palsy | Neurological conditions |
+| Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system | Benign Neoplasm/CIN |
+| Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal | Benign Neoplasm/CIN |
+| Benign neoplasm of ovary | Benign Neoplasm/CIN |
+| Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum | Benign Neoplasm/CIN |
+| Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus | Benign Neoplasm/CIN |
+| Hyperplasia of prostate | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Bifascicular block | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Bipolar affective disorder and mania | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Visual impairment and blindness | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Bronchiectasis | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Other Cardiomyopathy | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Carpal tunnel syndrome | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Cataract | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Cerebral Palsy | Neurological conditions |
+| Carcinoma in situ_cervical | Benign Neoplasm/CIN |
+| Cholangitis | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Cholecystitis | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Cholelithiasis | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Non-acute cystitis | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia | Neurological conditions |
+| Chronic Kidney Disease | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| COPD | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Chronic sinusitis | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Chronic viral hepatitis | Infectious Diseases |
+| Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Coeliac disease | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Collapsed vertebra | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Congenital malformations of cardiac septa | Perinatal conditions |
+| Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Crohn's disease | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Cystic Fibrosis | Diseases of the Endocrine System |
+| Hearing loss | Diseases of the Ear |
+| Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Dementia | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Depression | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified) | Skin conditions |
+| Diabetes | Diseases of the Endocrine System |
+| Diabetic ophthalmic complications | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Diabetic neurological complications | Neurological conditions |
+| Diaphragmatic hernia | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Dilated cardiomyopathy | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic) | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Down's syndrome | Perinatal conditions |
+| Dysmenorrhoea | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Anorexia and bulimia nervosa | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Encephalitis | Infectious Diseases |
+| End stage renal disease | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Endometriosis | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Enteropathic arthropathy | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Enthesopathies & synovial disorders | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Epilepsy | Neurological conditions |
+| Erectile dysfunction | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Essential tremor | Neurological conditions |
+| Fatty Liver | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Female infertility | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Fibromatoses | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Folate deficiency anaemia | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Fracture of hip | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Fracture of wrist | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Mycoses | Infectious Diseases |
+| Gastritis and duodenitis | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Giant Cell arteritis | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Glaucoma | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Glomerulonephritis | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Gout | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Haemangioma, any site | Benign Neoplasm/CIN |
+| Heart failure | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Hidradenitis suppurativa | Skin conditions |
+| High birth weight | Perinatal conditions |
+| HIV | Infectious Diseases |
+| Hodgkin Lymphoma | Cancers |
+| Hydrocoele (incl infected) | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Hyperkinetic disorders | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Hyperparathyroidism | Diseases of the Endocrine System |
+| Splenomegaly | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Hypertension | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Hyposplenism | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Intracranial hypertension | Neurological conditions |
+| Immunodeficiencies | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Infection of anal and rectal regions | Infectious Diseases |
+| Infection of bones and joints | Infectious Diseases |
+| Infections of the digestive system | Infectious Diseases |
+| Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections | Infectious Diseases |
+| Eye infections | Infectious Diseases |
+| Infections of the Heart | Infectious Diseases |
+| Infection of liver | Infectious Diseases |
+| Lower Respiratory Tract Infections | Infectious Diseases |
+| Infection of male genital system | Infectious Diseases |
+| Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system | Infectious Diseases |
+| Other nervous system infections | Infectious Diseases |
+| Other or unspecified infectious organisms | Infectious Diseases |
+| Infections of Other or unspecified organs | Infectious Diseases |
+| Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues | Infectious Diseases |
+| Intellectual disability | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Intervertebral disc disorders | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Intracerebral haemorrhage | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Intrauterine hypoxia | Perinatal conditions |
+| Iron deficiency anaemia | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Irritable bowel syndrome | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Ischaemic stroke | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Juvenile arthritis | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Keratitis | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Left bundle branch block | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Leiomyoma of uterus | Benign Neoplasm/CIN |
+| Leukaemia | Cancers |
+| Lichen planus | Skin conditions |
+| Hepatic failure | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Slow fetal growth or low birth weight | Perinatal conditions |
+| Low HDL-C | Diseases of the Endocrine System |
+| Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic) | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Macular degeneration | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Male infertility | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Meniere disease | Diseases of the Ear |
+| Meningitis | Infectious Diseases |
+| Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Migraine | Neurological conditions |
+| Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) | Cancers |
+| Motor neuron disease | Neurological conditions |
+| Multiple sclerosis | Neurological conditions |
+| Multiple valve dz | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Myasthenia gravis | Neurological conditions |
+| Myelodysplastic syndromes | Cancers |
+| Myocardial infarction | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Nasal polyp | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn) | Perinatal conditions |
+| Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma | Cancers |
+| Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Obesity | Diseases of the Endocrine System |
+| Obsessive-compulsive disorder | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Obstructive and reflux uropathy | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Oesophageal varices | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Osteoarthritis (excl spine) | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Osteoporosis | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Other haemolytic anaemias | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Pancreatitis | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Parasitic infections | Infectious Diseases |
+| Parkinson's disease | Neurological conditions |
+| Patent ductus arteriosus | Perinatal conditions |
+| Female pelvic inflammatory disease | Infectious Diseases |
+| Peptic ulcer disease | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory) | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Peripheral arterial disease | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes) | Neurological conditions |
+| Peritonitis | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Personality disorders | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Pilonidal cyst/sinus | Skin conditions |
+| Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms | Cancers |
+| Pleural effusion | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Pleural plaque | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Pneumothorax | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Polycystic ovarian syndrome | Diseases of the Endocrine System |
+| Polycythaemia vera | Cancers |
+| Polymyalgia Rheumatica | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Portal hypertension | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Post-term infant | Perinatal conditions |
+| Postcoital and contact bleeding | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Posterior Uveitis | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Postmenopausal bleeding | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Prematurity | Perinatal conditions |
+| Primary Malignancy_biliary tract | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Bladder | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Breast | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Cervical | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Liver | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Other Organs | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Ovarian | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Prostate | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Stomach | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Testicular | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Thyroid | Cancers |
+| Primary Malignancy_Uterine | Cancers |
+| Primary pulmonary hypertension | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Psoriasis | Skin conditions |
+| Psoriatic arthropathy | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Ptosis of eyelid | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax) | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Pulmonary embolism | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Raised LDL-C | Diseases of the Endocrine System |
+| Raised Total Cholesterol | Diseases of the Endocrine System |
+| Raised Triglycerides | Diseases of the Endocrine System |
+| Raynaud's syndrome | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Postinfective and reactive arthropathies | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Respiratory distress of newborn | Perinatal conditions |
+| Respiratory failure | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Retinal detachments and breaks | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Retinal vascular occlusions | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Rheumatic fever | Infectious Diseases |
+| Rheumatic valve dz | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Rheumatoid Arthritis | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Right bundle branch block | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Rosacea | Skin conditions |
+| Sarcoidosis | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Scleritis and episcleritis | Diseases of the Eye |
+| Systemic sclerosis | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Scoliosis | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Seborrheic dermatitis | Skin conditions |
+| Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland | Cancers |
+| Secondary Malignancy_Bone | Cancers |
+| Secondary Malignancy_Bowel | Cancers |
+| Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial | Cancers |
+| Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct | Cancers |
+| Secondary Malignancy_Lung | Cancers |
+| Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes | Cancers |
+| Secondary Malignancy_Other organs | Cancers |
+| Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum | Cancers |
+| Secondary Malignancy_Pleura | Cancers |
+| Secondary polycythaemia | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Secondary pulmonary hypertension | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Bacterial sepsis of newborn | Perinatal conditions |
+| Septicaemia | Infectious Diseases |
+| Sick sinus syndrome | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Sickle-cell anaemia | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Sickle-cell trait | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Sjogren's disease | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Sleep apnoea | Diseases of the Respiratory System |
+| Spina bifida | Perinatal conditions |
+| Spinal stenosis | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Spondylolisthesis | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Spondylosis | Musculoskeletal conditions |
+| Stable angina | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Stroke NOS | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Subarachnoid haemorrhage | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Other psychoactive substance misuse | Mental Health Disorders |
+| Supraventricular tachycardia | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone | Diseases of the Endocrine System |
+| Thalassaemia | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Thalassaemia trait | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Thrombophilia | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Hypo or hyperthyroidism | Diseases of the Endocrine System |
+| Tinnitus | Diseases of the Ear |
+| Transient ischaemic attack | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Trifascicular block | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Trigeminal neuralgia | Neurological conditions |
+| Tuberculosis | Infectious Diseases |
+| Tubulo-interstitial nephritis | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Ulcerative colitis | Diseases of the Digestive System |
+| Undescended testicle | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Unstable Angina | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Urinary Incontinence | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Urinary Tract Infections | Infectious Diseases |
+| Urolithiasis | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Urticaria | Skin conditions |
+| Female genital prolapse | Diseases of the Genitourinary system |
+| Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE) | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Ventricular tachycardia | Diseases of the Circulatory System |
+| Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV) | Infectious Diseases |
+| Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia | Haematological/Immunological conditions |
+| Vitiligo | Skin conditions |
+| Volvulus | Diseases of the Digestive System |
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Machine-readable versions (CSV files) of electronic health record phenotyping algorithms for Kuan V., Denaxas S., Gonzalez-Izquierdo A. et al. _A chronological map of 308 physical and mental health conditions from 4 million individuals in the National Health Service_ published in the Lancet Digital Health - DOI 10.1016/S2589-7500(19)30012-3
+The phenotypes are defined across multiple controlled clinical terminologies depending on the source dataset used:
+| Dataset | Contents | Terminology |
+| CPRD GOLD | Longitudinal primary care records | Read V2 |
+| HES APC | Admitted patient hospitalization episodes | ICD-10 |
+| ONS Deaths | National death registrations | ICD-10 |
More information and implementation details for algorithms located on the CALIBER Portal: https://www.caliberresearch.org/portal/phenotypes/chronological-map
+_Note_: GitHub has a hardcoded file limit when rendering markdown files; as a result, this file is truncated when viewed on github.com (download it localy to render the entire contents properly).
Abdominal Hernia
-Abdominal Hernia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Abdominal Hernia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Abdominal Hernia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Abdominal Hernia diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Abdominal Hernia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Abdominal Hernia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Abdominal Hernia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Abdominal Hernia during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14C3.00 | H/O: abdominal hernia |
25P2.00 | O/E - reducible hernia |
25P..12 | O/E - hernia |
25P3.00 | O/E - irreducible hernia |
25P4.00 | O/E - strangulated hernia |
25P5.00 | O/E-hernia-cough impulse shown |
25P6.00 | O/E-hernia descends to scrotum |
7H10.00 | Simple excision of inguinal hernial sac |
7H10y00 | Other specified simple excision of inguinal hernial sac |
7H10z00 | Simple excision of inguinal hernial sac NOS |
7H11000 | Primary repair inguinal hernia using insert natural material |
7H11100 | Prim repair inguinal hernia using insert prosthet material |
7H11111 | Primary mesh repair of inguinal hernia |
7H11200 | Primary repair of inguinal hernia using sutures |
7H11211 | Bassini repair of inguinal hernia |
7H11212 | Ferguson repair of inguinal hernia |
7H11213 | McVay repair of inguinal hernia |
7H11214 | Shouldice repair of inguinal hernia |
7H11300 | Primary repair inguinal hernia & reduction of sliding hernia |
7H11400 | Endoscopic primary repair of inguinal hernia |
7H11500 | Bilateral inguinal hernia repair |
7H11600 | Primary laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia |
7H11.00 | Primary repair of inguinal hernia |
7H11y00 | Other specified primary repair of inguinal hernia |
7H11y11 | Halsted repair of inguinal hernia |
7H11z00 | Primary repair of inguinal hernia NOS |
7H12000 | Repair recurr inguinal hernia using insert natural material |
7H12100 | Repair recurr inguinal hernia using insert prosthet material |
7H12200 | Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using sutures |
7H12300 | Removal prosthet material fr previous repair inguinal hernia |
7H12.00 | Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia |
7H12.11 | Herniorrhaphy for recurrent inguinal hernia |
7H12y00 | Other specified repair of recurrent inguinal hernia |
7H12z00 | Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia NOS |
7H13000 | Primary repair femoral hernia using insert natural material |
7H13100 | Primary repair femoral hernia using insert prosthet material |
7H13200 | Primary repair of femoral hernia using sutures |
7H13211 | Cheadle repair of femoral hernia |
7H13212 | Henry repair of femoral hernia |
7H13213 | Lockwood repair of femoral hernia |
7H13214 | Lotheissen repair of femoral hernia |
7H13215 | McEvedy repair of femoral hernia |
7H13300 | Endoscopic primary repair of femoral hernia |
7H13.00 | Primary repair of femoral hernia |
7H13.11 | Femoral hernia repair NEC |
7H13y00 | Other specified primary repair of femoral hernia |
7H13z00 | Primary repair of femoral hernia NOS |
7H14100 | Repair recurr femoral hernia using insert prosthet material |
7H14200 | Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using sutures |
7H14300 | Removal prosthet material fr previous repair femoral hernia |
7H14.00 | Repair of recurrent femoral hernia |
7H14.11 | Herniorrhaphy for recurrent femoral hernia |
7H14y00 | Other specified repair of recurrent femoral hernia |
7H14z00 | Repair of recurrent femoral hernia NOS |
7H15000 | Repair of umbilical hernia using insert of natural material |
7H15100 | Repair umbilical hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
7H15200 | Repair of umbilical hernia using sutures |
7H15300 | Remov prosthet material fr previous repair umbilical hernia |
7H15.00 | Repair of umbilical hernia |
7H15y00 | Other specified repair of umbilical hernia |
7H15z00 | Repair of umbilical hernia NOS |
7H16000 | Prim repair incisional hernia using insert natural material |
7H16100 | Prim repair incisional hernia using insert prosthet material |
7H16111 | Primary mesh repair of incisional hernia |
7H16200 | Primary repair of incisional hernia using sutures |
7H16.00 | Primary repair of incisional hernia |
7H16y00 | Other specified primary repair of incisional hernia |
7H16z00 | Primary repair of incisional hernia NOS |
7H17000 | Repair recurr incision hernia using insert natural material |
7H17100 | Repair recurr incision hernia using insert prosthet material |
7H17200 | Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using sutures |
7H17300 | Removal prosthetic material fr prev repair incisional hernia |
7H17.00 | Repair of recurrent incisional hernia |
7H17.11 | Herniorrhaphy for recurrent incisional hernia |
7H17y00 | Other specified repair of recurrent incisional hernia |
7H17z00 | Repair of recurrent incisional hernia NOS |
7H18000 | Repair of ventral hernia using insert of natural material |
7H18100 | Repair of ventral hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
7H18200 | Repair of ventral hernia using sutures |
7H18300 | Removal prosthet material fr previous repair ventral hernia |
7H18400 | Repair of epigastric hernia, unspecified |
7H18.00 | Repair of other hernia of abdominal wall |
7H18.11 | Repair of other ventral hernia |
7H18y00 | Other specified repair of other hernia of abdominal wall |
7H18z00 | Repair of other hernia of abdominal wall NOS |
7H1C000 | Primary rep umbilical hernia using insert natural material |
7H1C100 | Prim rep umbilical hernia using insert prosthetic material |
7H1C200 | Primary repair of umbilical hernia using sutures |
7H1C300 | Remov prosthet material fr previous repair umbilical hernia |
7H1C.00 | Primary repair of umbilical hernia |
7H1Cy00 | Other specified primary repair of umbilical hernia |
7H1Cz00 | Primary repair of umbilical hernia NOS |
7H1D100 | Repair recurrent umbilical hernia us insert prosthetic mater |
7H1D200 | Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using sutures |
7H1D.00 | Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia |
7H1Dy00 | Other specified repair of recurrent umbilical hernia |
7H1Dz00 | Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia NOS |
7H1E000 | Repair recur ventral hernia using insert natural material |
7H1E100 | Repair recurrent ventral hernia insert prosthetic material |
7H1E200 | Repair of recurrent ventral hernia using sutures |
7H1E.00 | Repair of recurrent other hernia of abdominal wall |
7H1Ey00 | Other specified repair recurrent other hernia abdominal wall |
7H1Ez00 | Repair of recurrent other hernia of abdominal wall NOS |
82B2.00 | Manual reduction of hernia |
J300000 | Unilateral inguinal hernia with gangrene |
J300300 | Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with gangrene |
J300.00 | Inguinal hernia with gangrene |
J300z00 | Inguinal hernia with gangrene NOS |
J301000 | Unilateral inguinal hernia with obstruction |
J301100 | Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with obstruction |
J301200 | Bilateral inguinal hernia with obstruction |
J301.00 | Inguinal hernia with obstruction |
J301z00 | Inguinal hernia with obstruction NOS |
J302000 | Unilateral inguinal hernia - irreducible |
J302100 | Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - irreducible |
J302200 | Bilateral inguinal hernia - irreducible |
J302300 | Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - irreducible |
J302.00 | Inguinal hernia - irreducible |
J302z00 | Inguinal hernia - irreducible and NOS |
J303000 | Unilateral inguinal hernia - simple |
J303011 | Left inguinal hernia |
J303012 | Right inguinal hernia |
J303100 | Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - simple |
J303200 | Bilateral inguinal hernia - simple |
J303300 | Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - simple |
J303.00 | Simple inguinal hernia |
J303z00 | Simple inguinal hernia NOS |
J304.00 | Direct inguinal hernia |
J305.00 | Indirect inguinal hernia |
J30..00 | Inguinal hernia |
J30..11 | Bubonocele |
J30..12 | Direct inguinal hernia |
J30..13 | Indirect inguinal hernia |
J30..14 | Scrotal hernia |
J30y000 | Unilateral inguinal hernia unspecified |
J30y100 | Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia unspecified |
J30y200 | Bilateral inguinal hernia unspecified |
J30y300 | Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia unspecified |
J30y.00 | Inguinal hernia unspecified |
J30yz00 | Unspecified inguinal hernia NOS |
J30z.00 | Inguinal hernia NOS |
J310000 | Unilateral femoral hernia with gangrene |
J310.00 | Femoral hernia with gangrene |
J310z00 | Femoral hernia with gangrene NOS |
J311000 | Unilateral femoral hernia with obstruction |
J311.00 | Femoral hernia with obstruction |
J311z00 | Femoral hernia with obstruction NOS |
J312000 | Unilateral femoral hernia - irreducible |
J312100 | Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia - irreducible |
J312.00 | Femoral hernia - irreducible |
J312z00 | Femoral hernia - irreducible and NOS |
J313000 | Unilateral femoral hernia - simple |
J313100 | Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia - simple |
J313200 | Bilateral femoral hernia - simple |
J313.00 | Simple femoral hernia |
J313z00 | Simple femoral hernia NOS |
J31..00 | Femoral hernia |
J31y000 | Unilateral femoral hernia - unspecified |
J31y100 | Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia - unspecified |
J31y200 | Bilateral femoral hernia - unspecified |
J31y.00 | Unspecified femoral hernia |
J31yz00 | Unspecified femoral hernia NOS |
J31z.00 | Femoral hernia NOS |
J320100 | Paraumbilical hernia with gangrene |
J320z00 | Umbilical hernia with gangrene NOS |
J321100 | Paraumbilical hernia with obstruction |
J321.00 | Umbilical hernia with obstruction |
J321z00 | Umbilical hernia with obstruction NOS |
J322100 | Paraumbilical hernia - irreducible |
J322.00 | Umbilical hernia - irreducible |
J322z00 | Umbilical hernia - irreducible and NOS |
J323100 | Simple paraumbilical hernia |
J323.00 | Simple umbilical hernia |
J323z00 | Simple umbilical hernia NOS |
J32..00 | Umbilical hernia |
J32..12 | Paraumbilical hernia |
J32y100 | Unspecified paraumbilical hernia |
J32y.00 | Unspecified umbilical hernia |
J32yz00 | Unspecified umbilical hernia NOS |
J32z.00 | Umbilical hernia NOS |
J330100 | Incisional hernia with gangrene |
J330200 | Epigastric hernia with gangrene |
J330.00 | Ventral hernia with gangrene |
J330z00 | Ventral hernia with gangrene NOS |
J331100 | Incisional hernia with obstruction |
J331200 | Epigastric hernia with obstruction |
J331.00 | Ventral hernia with obstruction |
J331z00 | Ventral hernia with obstruction NOS |
J332000 | Ventral hernia unspecified - irreducible |
J332100 | Incisional hernia - irreducible |
J332200 | Epigastric hernia - irreducible |
J332.00 | Ventral hernia - irreducible |
J332z00 | Ventral hernia - irreducible NOS |
J333000 | Simple ventral hernia unspecified |
J333100 | Simple incisional hernia |
J333200 | Simple epigastric hernia |
J333211 | Epigastric hernia |
J333.00 | Simple ventral hernia |
J333z00 | Simple ventral hernia NOS |
J33..00 | Ventral hernia |
J33..11 | Epigastric hernia |
J33..12 | Incisional hernia |
J33z000 | Unspecified ventral hernia NOS |
J33z100 | Incisional hernia NOS |
J33z200 | Epigastric hernia NOS |
J33z.00 | Ventral hernia NOS |
J35..00 | Gluteal hernia |
J36..00 | Ischiorectal hernia |
J373.00 | Simple lumbar hernia |
J37..00 | Lumbar hernia |
J37y.00 | Unspecified lumbar hernia |
J37z.00 | Lumbar hernia NOS |
J381.00 | Obturator hernia with obstruction |
J383.00 | Simple obturator hernia |
J38..00 | Obturator hernia |
J38z.00 | Obturator hernia NOS |
J3A..00 | Sciatic hernia |
J3B3.00 | Simple retroperitoneal hernia |
J3B..00 | Retroperitoneal hernia |
J3C0.00 | Spigelian hernia with gangrene |
J3C1.00 | Spigelian hernia with obstruction |
J3C2.00 | Spigelian hernia - irreducible |
J3C3.00 | Simple Spigelian hernia |
J3C..00 | Spigelian hernia |
J3Cy.00 | Unspecified Spigelian hernia |
J3Cz.00 | Spigelian hernia NOS |
J3D..00 | Perineal hernia |
J3...00 | Hernia of abdominal cavity |
J3y0.00 | Other specified abdominal cavity hernia with gangrene |
J3y1.00 | Other specified abdominal cavity hernia with obstruction |
J3y2.00 | Other specified abdominal cavity hernia - irreducible |
J3y3.00 | Other specified abdominal cavity hernia - simple |
J3y..00 | Other specified hernias of abdominal cavity |
J3yy.00 | Other specified abdominal cavity hernia, unspecified |
J3yz.00 | Other specified abdominal cavity hernia NOS |
J3yz.11 | Richter's hernia |
J3z0.00 | Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia with gangrene |
J3z1.00 | Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia with obstruction |
J3z2.00 | Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia - irreducible |
J3z3.00 | Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia - simple |
J3z..00 | Abdominal cavity hernia NOS |
J3zz.00 | Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia NOS |
Jyu3000 | [X]Other specified abdominal hernia+obstruction,w'o gangrene |
Jyu3200 | [X]Oth spcfd abdominal hernia without obstructn or gangrene |
Jyu3.00 | [X]Hernia |
PG8..00 | Congenital inguinal hernia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K40 | Inguinal hernia |
K41 | Femoral hernia |
K42 | Umbilical hernia |
K43 | Ventral hernia |
K45 | Other abdominal hernia |
K46 | Unspecified abdominal hernia |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
T19 | Simple excision of inguinal hernial sac |
T19.1 | Bilateral herniotomy |
T19.2 | Unilateral herniotomy |
T19.3 | Ligation of patent processus vaginalis |
T19.8 | Other specified simple excision of inguinal hernial sac |
T19.9 | Unspecified simple excision of inguinal hernial sac |
T20 | Primary repair of inguinal hernia |
T20.1 | Primary repair of inguinal hernia using insert of natural material |
T20.2 | Primary repair of inguinal hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
T20.3 | Primary repair of inguinal hernia using sutures |
T20.4 | Primary repair of inguinal hernia and reduction of sliding hernia |
T20.8 | Other specified primary repair of inguinal hernia |
T20.9 | Unspecified primary repair of inguinal hernia |
T21 | Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia |
T21.1 | Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using insert of natural material |
T21.2 | Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
T21.3 | Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using sutures |
T21.4 | Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of inguinal hernia |
T21.8 | Other specified repair of recurrent inguinal hernia |
T21.9 | Unspecified repair of recurrent inguinal hernia |
T22 | Primary repair of femoral hernia |
T22.1 | Primary repair of femoral hernia using insert of natural material |
T22.2 | Primary repair of femoral hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
T22.3 | Primary repair of femoral hernia using sutures |
T22.8 | Other specified primary repair of femoral hernia |
T22.9 | Unspecified primary repair of femoral hernia |
T23 | Repair of recurrent femoral hernia |
T23.1 | Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using insert of natural material |
T23.2 | Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
T23.3 | Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using sutures |
T23.4 | Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of femoral hernia |
T23.8 | Other specified repair of recurrent femoral hernia |
T23.9 | Unspecified repair of recurrent femoral hernia |
T24 | Primary repair of umbilical hernia |
T24.1 | Repair of umbilical hernia using insert of natural material |
T24.2 | Repair of umbilical hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
T24.3 | Repair of umbilical hernia using sutures |
T24.4 | Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of umbilical hernia |
T24.8 | Other specified primary repair of umbilical hernia |
T24.9 | Unspecified primary repair of umbilical hernia |
T25 | Primary repair of incisional hernia |
T25.1 | Primary repair of incisional hernia using insert of natural material |
T25.2 | Primary repair of incisional hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
T25.3 | Primary repair of incisional hernia using sutures |
T25.8 | Other specified primary repair of incisional hernia |
T25.9 | Unspecified primary repair of incisional hernia |
T26 | Repair of recurrent incisional hernia |
T26.1 | Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using insert of natural material |
T26.2 | Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
T26.3 | Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using sutures |
T26.4 | Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of incisional hernia |
T26.8 | Other specified repair of recurrent incisional hernia |
T26.9 | Unspecified repair of recurrent incisional hernia |
T27 | Repair of other hernia of abdominal wall |
T27.1 | Repair of ventral hernia using insert of natural material |
T27.2 | Repair of ventral hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
T27.3 | Repair of ventral hernia using sutures |
T27.4 | Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of ventral hernia |
T27.8 | Other specified repair of other hernia of abdominal wall |
T27.9 | Unspecified repair of other hernia of abdominal wall |
T97 | Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia |
T97.1 | Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using insert of natural material |
T97.2 | Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
T97.3 | Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using sutures |
T97.8 | Other specified repair of recurrent umbilical hernia |
T97.9 | Unspecified repair of recurrent umbilical hernia |
T98 | Repair of recurrent other hernia of abdominal wall |
T98.1 | Repair of recurrent ventral hernia using insert of natural material |
T98.2 | Repair of recurrent ventral hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
T98.3 | Repair of recurrent ventral hernia using sutures |
T98.8 | Other specified repair of recurrent other hernia of abdominal wall |
T98.9 | Unspecified repair of recurrent other hernia of abdominal wall |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Abdominal Hernia' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14C3.00 |
+ H/O: abdominal hernia |
+ 25P2.00 |
+ O/E - reducible hernia |
+ 25P..12 |
+ O/E - hernia |
+ 25P3.00 |
+ O/E - irreducible hernia |
+ 25P4.00 |
+ O/E - strangulated hernia |
+ 25P5.00 |
+ O/E-hernia-cough impulse shown |
+ 25P6.00 |
+ O/E-hernia descends to scrotum |
+ 7H10.00 |
+ Simple excision of inguinal hernial sac |
+ 7H10y00 |
+ Other specified simple excision of inguinal hernial sac |
+ 7H10z00 |
+ Simple excision of inguinal hernial sac NOS |
+ 7H11000 |
+ Primary repair inguinal hernia using insert natural material |
+ 7H11100 |
+ Prim repair inguinal hernia using insert prosthet material |
+ 7H11111 |
+ Primary mesh repair of inguinal hernia |
+ 7H11200 |
+ Primary repair of inguinal hernia using sutures |
+ 7H11211 |
+ Bassini repair of inguinal hernia |
+ 7H11212 |
+ Ferguson repair of inguinal hernia |
+ 7H11213 |
+ McVay repair of inguinal hernia |
+ 7H11214 |
+ Shouldice repair of inguinal hernia |
+ 7H11300 |
+ Primary repair inguinal hernia & reduction of sliding hernia |
+ 7H11400 |
+ Endoscopic primary repair of inguinal hernia |
+ 7H11500 |
+ Bilateral inguinal hernia repair |
+ 7H11600 |
+ Primary laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia |
+ 7H11.00 |
+ Primary repair of inguinal hernia |
+ 7H11y00 |
+ Other specified primary repair of inguinal hernia |
+ 7H11y11 |
+ Halsted repair of inguinal hernia |
+ 7H11z00 |
+ Primary repair of inguinal hernia NOS |
+ 7H12000 |
+ Repair recurr inguinal hernia using insert natural material |
+ 7H12100 |
+ Repair recurr inguinal hernia using insert prosthet material |
+ 7H12200 |
+ Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using sutures |
+ 7H12300 |
+ Removal prosthet material fr previous repair inguinal hernia |
+ 7H12.00 |
+ Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia |
+ 7H12.11 |
+ Herniorrhaphy for recurrent inguinal hernia |
+ 7H12y00 |
+ Other specified repair of recurrent inguinal hernia |
+ 7H12z00 |
+ Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia NOS |
+ 7H13000 |
+ Primary repair femoral hernia using insert natural material |
+ 7H13100 |
+ Primary repair femoral hernia using insert prosthet material |
+ 7H13200 |
+ Primary repair of femoral hernia using sutures |
+ 7H13211 |
+ Cheadle repair of femoral hernia |
+ 7H13212 |
+ Henry repair of femoral hernia |
+ 7H13213 |
+ Lockwood repair of femoral hernia |
+ 7H13214 |
+ Lotheissen repair of femoral hernia |
+ 7H13215 |
+ McEvedy repair of femoral hernia |
+ 7H13300 |
+ Endoscopic primary repair of femoral hernia |
+ 7H13.00 |
+ Primary repair of femoral hernia |
+ 7H13.11 |
+ Femoral hernia repair NEC |
+ 7H13y00 |
+ Other specified primary repair of femoral hernia |
+ 7H13z00 |
+ Primary repair of femoral hernia NOS |
+ 7H14100 |
+ Repair recurr femoral hernia using insert prosthet material |
+ 7H14200 |
+ Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using sutures |
+ 7H14300 |
+ Removal prosthet material fr previous repair femoral hernia |
+ 7H14.00 |
+ Repair of recurrent femoral hernia |
+ 7H14.11 |
+ Herniorrhaphy for recurrent femoral hernia |
+ 7H14y00 |
+ Other specified repair of recurrent femoral hernia |
+ 7H14z00 |
+ Repair of recurrent femoral hernia NOS |
+ 7H15000 |
+ Repair of umbilical hernia using insert of natural material |
+ 7H15100 |
+ Repair umbilical hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ 7H15200 |
+ Repair of umbilical hernia using sutures |
+ 7H15300 |
+ Remov prosthet material fr previous repair umbilical hernia |
+ 7H15.00 |
+ Repair of umbilical hernia |
+ 7H15y00 |
+ Other specified repair of umbilical hernia |
+ 7H15z00 |
+ Repair of umbilical hernia NOS |
+ 7H16000 |
+ Prim repair incisional hernia using insert natural material |
+ 7H16100 |
+ Prim repair incisional hernia using insert prosthet material |
+ 7H16111 |
+ Primary mesh repair of incisional hernia |
+ 7H16200 |
+ Primary repair of incisional hernia using sutures |
+ 7H16.00 |
+ Primary repair of incisional hernia |
+ 7H16y00 |
+ Other specified primary repair of incisional hernia |
+ 7H16z00 |
+ Primary repair of incisional hernia NOS |
+ 7H17000 |
+ Repair recurr incision hernia using insert natural material |
+ 7H17100 |
+ Repair recurr incision hernia using insert prosthet material |
+ 7H17200 |
+ Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using sutures |
+ 7H17300 |
+ Removal prosthetic material fr prev repair incisional hernia |
+ 7H17.00 |
+ Repair of recurrent incisional hernia |
+ 7H17.11 |
+ Herniorrhaphy for recurrent incisional hernia |
+ 7H17y00 |
+ Other specified repair of recurrent incisional hernia |
+ 7H17z00 |
+ Repair of recurrent incisional hernia NOS |
+ 7H18000 |
+ Repair of ventral hernia using insert of natural material |
+ 7H18100 |
+ Repair of ventral hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ 7H18200 |
+ Repair of ventral hernia using sutures |
+ 7H18300 |
+ Removal prosthet material fr previous repair ventral hernia |
+ 7H18400 |
+ Repair of epigastric hernia, unspecified |
+ 7H18.00 |
+ Repair of other hernia of abdominal wall |
+ 7H18.11 |
+ Repair of other ventral hernia |
+ 7H18y00 |
+ Other specified repair of other hernia of abdominal wall |
+ 7H18z00 |
+ Repair of other hernia of abdominal wall NOS |
+ 7H1C000 |
+ Primary rep umbilical hernia using insert natural material |
+ 7H1C100 |
+ Prim rep umbilical hernia using insert prosthetic material |
+ 7H1C200 |
+ Primary repair of umbilical hernia using sutures |
+ 7H1C300 |
+ Remov prosthet material fr previous repair umbilical hernia |
+ 7H1C.00 |
+ Primary repair of umbilical hernia |
+ 7H1Cy00 |
+ Other specified primary repair of umbilical hernia |
+ 7H1Cz00 |
+ Primary repair of umbilical hernia NOS |
+ 7H1D100 |
+ Repair recurrent umbilical hernia us insert prosthetic mater |
+ 7H1D200 |
+ Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using sutures |
+ 7H1D.00 |
+ Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia |
+ 7H1Dy00 |
+ Other specified repair of recurrent umbilical hernia |
+ 7H1Dz00 |
+ Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia NOS |
+ 7H1E000 |
+ Repair recur ventral hernia using insert natural material |
+ 7H1E100 |
+ Repair recurrent ventral hernia insert prosthetic material |
+ 7H1E200 |
+ Repair of recurrent ventral hernia using sutures |
+ 7H1E.00 |
+ Repair of recurrent other hernia of abdominal wall |
+ 7H1Ey00 |
+ Other specified repair recurrent other hernia abdominal wall |
+ 7H1Ez00 |
+ Repair of recurrent other hernia of abdominal wall NOS |
+ 82B2.00 |
+ Manual reduction of hernia |
+ J300000 |
+ Unilateral inguinal hernia with gangrene |
+ J300300 |
+ Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with gangrene |
+ J300.00 |
+ Inguinal hernia with gangrene |
+ J300z00 |
+ Inguinal hernia with gangrene NOS |
+ J301000 |
+ Unilateral inguinal hernia with obstruction |
+ J301100 |
+ Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with obstruction |
+ J301200 |
+ Bilateral inguinal hernia with obstruction |
+ J301.00 |
+ Inguinal hernia with obstruction |
+ J301z00 |
+ Inguinal hernia with obstruction NOS |
+ J302000 |
+ Unilateral inguinal hernia - irreducible |
+ J302100 |
+ Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - irreducible |
+ J302200 |
+ Bilateral inguinal hernia - irreducible |
+ J302300 |
+ Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - irreducible |
+ J302.00 |
+ Inguinal hernia - irreducible |
+ J302z00 |
+ Inguinal hernia - irreducible and NOS |
+ J303000 |
+ Unilateral inguinal hernia - simple |
+ J303011 |
+ Left inguinal hernia |
+ J303012 |
+ Right inguinal hernia |
+ J303100 |
+ Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - simple |
+ J303200 |
+ Bilateral inguinal hernia - simple |
+ J303300 |
+ Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - simple |
+ J303.00 |
+ Simple inguinal hernia |
+ J303z00 |
+ Simple inguinal hernia NOS |
+ J304.00 |
+ Direct inguinal hernia |
+ J305.00 |
+ Indirect inguinal hernia |
+ J30..00 |
+ Inguinal hernia |
+ J30..11 |
+ Bubonocele |
+ J30..12 |
+ Direct inguinal hernia |
+ J30..13 |
+ Indirect inguinal hernia |
+ J30..14 |
+ Scrotal hernia |
+ J30y000 |
+ Unilateral inguinal hernia unspecified |
+ J30y100 |
+ Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia unspecified |
+ J30y200 |
+ Bilateral inguinal hernia unspecified |
+ J30y300 |
+ Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia unspecified |
+ J30y.00 |
+ Inguinal hernia unspecified |
+ J30yz00 |
+ Unspecified inguinal hernia NOS |
+ J30z.00 |
+ Inguinal hernia NOS |
+ J310000 |
+ Unilateral femoral hernia with gangrene |
+ J310.00 |
+ Femoral hernia with gangrene |
+ J310z00 |
+ Femoral hernia with gangrene NOS |
+ J311000 |
+ Unilateral femoral hernia with obstruction |
+ J311.00 |
+ Femoral hernia with obstruction |
+ J311z00 |
+ Femoral hernia with obstruction NOS |
+ J312000 |
+ Unilateral femoral hernia - irreducible |
+ J312100 |
+ Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia - irreducible |
+ J312.00 |
+ Femoral hernia - irreducible |
+ J312z00 |
+ Femoral hernia - irreducible and NOS |
+ J313000 |
+ Unilateral femoral hernia - simple |
+ J313100 |
+ Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia - simple |
+ J313200 |
+ Bilateral femoral hernia - simple |
+ J313.00 |
+ Simple femoral hernia |
+ J313z00 |
+ Simple femoral hernia NOS |
+ J31..00 |
+ Femoral hernia |
+ J31y000 |
+ Unilateral femoral hernia - unspecified |
+ J31y100 |
+ Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia - unspecified |
+ J31y200 |
+ Bilateral femoral hernia - unspecified |
+ J31y.00 |
+ Unspecified femoral hernia |
+ J31yz00 |
+ Unspecified femoral hernia NOS |
+ J31z.00 |
+ Femoral hernia NOS |
+ J320100 |
+ Paraumbilical hernia with gangrene |
+ J320z00 |
+ Umbilical hernia with gangrene NOS |
+ J321100 |
+ Paraumbilical hernia with obstruction |
+ J321.00 |
+ Umbilical hernia with obstruction |
+ J321z00 |
+ Umbilical hernia with obstruction NOS |
+ J322100 |
+ Paraumbilical hernia - irreducible |
+ J322.00 |
+ Umbilical hernia - irreducible |
+ J322z00 |
+ Umbilical hernia - irreducible and NOS |
+ J323100 |
+ Simple paraumbilical hernia |
+ J323.00 |
+ Simple umbilical hernia |
+ J323z00 |
+ Simple umbilical hernia NOS |
+ J32..00 |
+ Umbilical hernia |
+ J32..12 |
+ Paraumbilical hernia |
+ J32y100 |
+ Unspecified paraumbilical hernia |
+ J32y.00 |
+ Unspecified umbilical hernia |
+ J32yz00 |
+ Unspecified umbilical hernia NOS |
+ J32z.00 |
+ Umbilical hernia NOS |
+ J330100 |
+ Incisional hernia with gangrene |
+ J330200 |
+ Epigastric hernia with gangrene |
+ J330.00 |
+ Ventral hernia with gangrene |
+ J330z00 |
+ Ventral hernia with gangrene NOS |
+ J331100 |
+ Incisional hernia with obstruction |
+ J331200 |
+ Epigastric hernia with obstruction |
+ J331.00 |
+ Ventral hernia with obstruction |
+ J331z00 |
+ Ventral hernia with obstruction NOS |
+ J332000 |
+ Ventral hernia unspecified - irreducible |
+ J332100 |
+ Incisional hernia - irreducible |
+ J332200 |
+ Epigastric hernia - irreducible |
+ J332.00 |
+ Ventral hernia - irreducible |
+ J332z00 |
+ Ventral hernia - irreducible NOS |
+ J333000 |
+ Simple ventral hernia unspecified |
+ J333100 |
+ Simple incisional hernia |
+ J333200 |
+ Simple epigastric hernia |
+ J333211 |
+ Epigastric hernia |
+ J333.00 |
+ Simple ventral hernia |
+ J333z00 |
+ Simple ventral hernia NOS |
+ J33..00 |
+ Ventral hernia |
+ J33..11 |
+ Epigastric hernia |
+ J33..12 |
+ Incisional hernia |
+ J33z000 |
+ Unspecified ventral hernia NOS |
+ J33z100 |
+ Incisional hernia NOS |
+ J33z200 |
+ Epigastric hernia NOS |
+ J33z.00 |
+ Ventral hernia NOS |
+ J35..00 |
+ Gluteal hernia |
+ J36..00 |
+ Ischiorectal hernia |
+ J373.00 |
+ Simple lumbar hernia |
+ J37..00 |
+ Lumbar hernia |
+ J37y.00 |
+ Unspecified lumbar hernia |
+ J37z.00 |
+ Lumbar hernia NOS |
+ J381.00 |
+ Obturator hernia with obstruction |
+ J383.00 |
+ Simple obturator hernia |
+ J38..00 |
+ Obturator hernia |
+ J38z.00 |
+ Obturator hernia NOS |
+ J3A..00 |
+ Sciatic hernia |
+ J3B3.00 |
+ Simple retroperitoneal hernia |
+ J3B..00 |
+ Retroperitoneal hernia |
+ J3C0.00 |
+ Spigelian hernia with gangrene |
+ J3C1.00 |
+ Spigelian hernia with obstruction |
+ J3C2.00 |
+ Spigelian hernia - irreducible |
+ J3C3.00 |
+ Simple Spigelian hernia |
+ J3C..00 |
+ Spigelian hernia |
+ J3Cy.00 |
+ Unspecified Spigelian hernia |
+ J3Cz.00 |
+ Spigelian hernia NOS |
+ J3D..00 |
+ Perineal hernia |
+ J3...00 |
+ Hernia of abdominal cavity |
+ J3y0.00 |
+ Other specified abdominal cavity hernia with gangrene |
+ J3y1.00 |
+ Other specified abdominal cavity hernia with obstruction |
+ J3y2.00 |
+ Other specified abdominal cavity hernia - irreducible |
+ J3y3.00 |
+ Other specified abdominal cavity hernia - simple |
+ J3y..00 |
+ Other specified hernias of abdominal cavity |
+ J3yy.00 |
+ Other specified abdominal cavity hernia, unspecified |
+ J3yz.00 |
+ Other specified abdominal cavity hernia NOS |
+ J3yz.11 |
+ Richter's hernia |
+ J3z0.00 |
+ Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia with gangrene |
+ J3z1.00 |
+ Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia with obstruction |
+ J3z2.00 |
+ Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia - irreducible |
+ J3z3.00 |
+ Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia - simple |
+ J3z..00 |
+ Abdominal cavity hernia NOS |
+ J3zz.00 |
+ Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia NOS |
+ Jyu3000 |
+ [X]Other specified abdominal hernia+obstruction,w'o gangrene |
+ Jyu3200 |
+ [X]Oth spcfd abdominal hernia without obstructn or gangrene |
+ Jyu3.00 |
+ [X]Hernia |
+ PG8..00 |
+ Congenital inguinal hernia |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K40 |
+ Inguinal hernia |
+ K41 |
+ Femoral hernia |
+ K42 |
+ Umbilical hernia |
+ K43 |
+ Ventral hernia |
+ K45 |
+ Other abdominal hernia |
+ K46 |
+ Unspecified abdominal hernia |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ T19 |
+ Simple excision of inguinal hernial sac |
+ T19.1 |
+ Bilateral herniotomy |
+ T19.2 |
+ Unilateral herniotomy |
+ T19.3 |
+ Ligation of patent processus vaginalis |
+ T19.8 |
+ Other specified simple excision of inguinal hernial sac |
+ T19.9 |
+ Unspecified simple excision of inguinal hernial sac |
+ T20 |
+ Primary repair of inguinal hernia |
+ T20.1 |
+ Primary repair of inguinal hernia using insert of natural material |
+ T20.2 |
+ Primary repair of inguinal hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ T20.3 |
+ Primary repair of inguinal hernia using sutures |
+ T20.4 |
+ Primary repair of inguinal hernia and reduction of sliding hernia |
+ T20.8 |
+ Other specified primary repair of inguinal hernia |
+ T20.9 |
+ Unspecified primary repair of inguinal hernia |
+ T21 |
+ Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia |
+ T21.1 |
+ Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using insert of natural material |
+ T21.2 |
+ Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ T21.3 |
+ Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using sutures |
+ T21.4 |
+ Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of inguinal hernia |
+ T21.8 |
+ Other specified repair of recurrent inguinal hernia |
+ T21.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of recurrent inguinal hernia |
+ T22 |
+ Primary repair of femoral hernia |
+ T22.1 |
+ Primary repair of femoral hernia using insert of natural material |
+ T22.2 |
+ Primary repair of femoral hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ T22.3 |
+ Primary repair of femoral hernia using sutures |
+ T22.8 |
+ Other specified primary repair of femoral hernia |
+ T22.9 |
+ Unspecified primary repair of femoral hernia |
+ T23 |
+ Repair of recurrent femoral hernia |
+ T23.1 |
+ Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using insert of natural material |
+ T23.2 |
+ Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ T23.3 |
+ Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using sutures |
+ T23.4 |
+ Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of femoral hernia |
+ T23.8 |
+ Other specified repair of recurrent femoral hernia |
+ T23.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of recurrent femoral hernia |
+ T24 |
+ Primary repair of umbilical hernia |
+ T24.1 |
+ Repair of umbilical hernia using insert of natural material |
+ T24.2 |
+ Repair of umbilical hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ T24.3 |
+ Repair of umbilical hernia using sutures |
+ T24.4 |
+ Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of umbilical hernia |
+ T24.8 |
+ Other specified primary repair of umbilical hernia |
+ T24.9 |
+ Unspecified primary repair of umbilical hernia |
+ T25 |
+ Primary repair of incisional hernia |
+ T25.1 |
+ Primary repair of incisional hernia using insert of natural material |
+ T25.2 |
+ Primary repair of incisional hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ T25.3 |
+ Primary repair of incisional hernia using sutures |
+ T25.8 |
+ Other specified primary repair of incisional hernia |
+ T25.9 |
+ Unspecified primary repair of incisional hernia |
+ T26 |
+ Repair of recurrent incisional hernia |
+ T26.1 |
+ Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using insert of natural material |
+ T26.2 |
+ Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ T26.3 |
+ Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using sutures |
+ T26.4 |
+ Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of incisional hernia |
+ T26.8 |
+ Other specified repair of recurrent incisional hernia |
+ T26.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of recurrent incisional hernia |
+ T27 |
+ Repair of other hernia of abdominal wall |
+ T27.1 |
+ Repair of ventral hernia using insert of natural material |
+ T27.2 |
+ Repair of ventral hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ T27.3 |
+ Repair of ventral hernia using sutures |
+ T27.4 |
+ Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of ventral hernia |
+ T27.8 |
+ Other specified repair of other hernia of abdominal wall |
+ T27.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of other hernia of abdominal wall |
+ T97 |
+ Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia |
+ T97.1 |
+ Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using insert of natural material |
+ T97.2 |
+ Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ T97.3 |
+ Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using sutures |
+ T97.8 |
+ Other specified repair of recurrent umbilical hernia |
+ T97.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of recurrent umbilical hernia |
+ T98 |
+ Repair of recurrent other hernia of abdominal wall |
+ T98.1 |
+ Repair of recurrent ventral hernia using insert of natural material |
+ T98.2 |
+ Repair of recurrent ventral hernia using insert of prosthetic material |
+ T98.3 |
+ Repair of recurrent ventral hernia using sutures |
+ T98.8 |
+ Other specified repair of recurrent other hernia of abdominal wall |
+ T98.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of recurrent other hernia of abdominal wall |
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm
+Use MODIFIED CALIBER 'Abdominal aortic aneurysm' phenotyping algorithm:
+At the specified date, a patient is considered to have an 'Abdominal aortic aneurysm' IF they meet any of the criteria below on or before the specified date.
+The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+1. Primary care
+ 1. Diagnosis of AAA during a consultation: arterial_gprd: category 4
+ 2. Performance of emergency AAA repair procedure recording during a consultation: aaa_ops_gprd: category 3
+ 3. History of AAA during a consultation. The following Read code from CPRD:
+ 1. Read:14AE.00 Medcode:16993 Descr:H/O: aortic aneurysm
+2. Secondary care
+ 1. Diagnosis of AAA as the primary or secondary diagnosis of any hospitalization: arterial_hes: category 4
+ 2. Performance of emergency AAA repair procedure recorded: aaa_ops_opcs: category 3
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7A11000 |
+ Emerg repl aneurysm bifurc aorta by anast aorta to fem art |
+ 7A11200 |
+ Emerg repl aneurysm bifurc aorta by anast aorta to iliac a |
+ 7A11211 |
+ Y graft of abdominal Aortic aneurysm (emergency) |
+ 7A13.00 |
+ Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of aorta |
+ 7A13.11 |
+ Emergency repair of aortic aneurysm |
+ 7A13300 |
+ Emerg replace aneurysm infrarenal aorta by anast aorta/aorta |
+ 7A13400 |
+ Emerg replace aneurysm abdom aorta by anast aorta/aorta NEC |
+ 7A13411 |
+ Tube graft abdominal Aortic aneurysm (emergency) |
+ 7A13y00 |
+ Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of aorta OS |
+ 7A13z00 |
+ Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of aorta NOS |
+ G714.00 |
+ Abdominal aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture |
+ G714.11 |
+ AAA - Abdominal aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture |
+ G716.00 |
+ Aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture NOS |
+ G716000 |
+ Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture |
+ 14AE.00 |
+ H/O: aortic aneurysm |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_AAA.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I714 |
+ Abdominal aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture |
+ I716 |
+ Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture |
+ I719 |
+ Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, without mention of rupture |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Acne IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Acne' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Acne diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Acne' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Acne or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
2FG5.00 | Acne scar |
M260000 | Acne frontalis |
M260.00 | Acne varioliformis |
M260z00 | Acne varioliformis NOS |
M260z11 | Acne necrotica |
M261000 | Acne vulgaris |
M261011 | Blackhead |
M261012 | Comedo |
M261100 | Acne conglobata |
M261200 | Bromine acne |
M261300 | Chlorine acne |
M261400 | Iodine acne |
M261500 | Colloid acne |
M261600 | Cystic acne |
M261900 | Occupational acne |
M261A00 | Pustular acne |
M261B00 | Steroid acne |
M261C00 | Tropical acne |
M261F00 | Acne fulminans |
M261G00 | Acne agminata |
M261J00 | Acne necrotica |
M261.00 | Other acne |
M261X00 | Acne, unspecified |
M261z00 | Other acne NOS |
M26y200 | Giant comedo |
Myu6800 | [X]Other acne |
Myu6F00 | [X]Acne, unspecified |
N25..00 | SAPHO syndrome Synov, Acne, Pustul, Hyperost, Osteomyelitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L70.0 | Acne vulgaris |
L70.1 | Acne conglobata |
L70.2 | Acne varioliformis |
L70.3 | Acne tropica |
L70.8 | Other acne |
L70.9 | Acne, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Acne' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 2FG5.00 |
+ Acne scar |
+ M260000 |
+ Acne frontalis |
+ M260.00 |
+ Acne varioliformis |
+ M260z00 |
+ Acne varioliformis NOS |
+ M260z11 |
+ Acne necrotica |
+ M261000 |
+ Acne vulgaris |
+ M261011 |
+ Blackhead |
+ M261012 |
+ Comedo |
+ M261100 |
+ Acne conglobata |
+ M261200 |
+ Bromine acne |
+ M261300 |
+ Chlorine acne |
+ M261400 |
+ Iodine acne |
+ M261500 |
+ Colloid acne |
+ M261600 |
+ Cystic acne |
+ M261900 |
+ Occupational acne |
+ M261A00 |
+ Pustular acne |
+ M261B00 |
+ Steroid acne |
+ M261C00 |
+ Tropical acne |
+ M261F00 |
+ Acne fulminans |
+ M261G00 |
+ Acne agminata |
+ M261J00 |
+ Acne necrotica |
+ M261.00 |
+ Other acne |
+ M261X00 |
+ Acne, unspecified |
+ M261z00 |
+ Other acne NOS |
+ M26y200 |
+ Giant comedo |
+ Myu6800 |
+ [X]Other acne |
+ Myu6F00 |
+ [X]Acne, unspecified |
+ N25..00 |
+ SAPHO syndrome Synov, Acne, Pustul, Hyperost, Osteomyelitis |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_acne.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L70.0 |
+ Acne vulgaris |
+ L70.1 |
+ Acne conglobata |
+ L70.2 |
+ Acne varioliformis |
+ L70.3 |
+ Acne tropica |
+ L70.8 |
+ Other acne |
+ L70.9 |
+ Acne, unspecified |
+Actinic keratosis
-Actinic Keratosis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Actinic keratosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Actinic keratosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Actinic keratosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Actinic keratosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Actinic keratosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7G09800 | Cryotherapy to actinic keratosis |
M222.00 | Senile keratoma |
M226.00 | Solar keratosis |
M226.11 | Actinic keratosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L57.0 | Actinic keratosis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Actinic keratosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7G09800 |
+ Cryotherapy to actinic keratosis |
+ M222.00 |
+ Senile keratoma |
+ M226.00 |
+ Solar keratosis |
+ M226.11 |
+ Actinic keratosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L57.0 |
+ Actinic keratosis |
+Acute Kidney Injury
-Acute Kidney Injury
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Acute Kidney Injury IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Acute Kidney Injury' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Acute Kidney Injury or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N17.0 | Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis |
N17.1 | Acute renal failure with acute cortical necrosis |
N17.2 | Acute renal failure with medullary necrosis |
N17.8 | Other acute renal failure |
N17.9 | Acute renal failure, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Acute Kidney Injury' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_AKI.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N17.0 |
+ Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis |
+ N17.1 |
+ Acute renal failure with acute cortical necrosis |
+ N17.2 |
+ Acute renal failure with medullary necrosis |
+ N17.8 |
+ Other acute renal failure |
+ N17.9 |
+ Acute renal failure, unspecified |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Agranulocytosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Agranulocytosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Agranulocytosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Agranulocytosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Agranulocytosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
42H2.00 | Leucopenia - low white count |
42H2.11 | Leucopenia |
42H4.00 | Agranulocytosis |
42J2.00 | Neutropenia |
D400000 | Idiopathic agranulocytosis |
D400011 | Idiopathic neutropenia |
D400100 | Primary splenic neutropenia |
D400200 | Agranulocytosis - drug induced |
D400211 | Neutropenia - drug induced |
D400312 | Neutropenia due to irradiation |
D400400 | Agranulocytosis due to infection |
D400411 | Neutropenia due to infection |
D400600 | Drug-induced neutropenia |
D400800 | Acquired neutropenia NEC |
D400811 | Acquired agranulocytosis NEC |
D400900 | Cyclical neutropenia |
D400A00 | Leucopenia |
D400.00 | Agranulocytosis |
D400.11 | Kostmann's syndrome |
D400.12 | Neutropenia |
D400y00 | Other specified agranulocytosis |
D400z00 | Agranulocytosis NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D70 | Agranulocytosis |
-Alcohol Misuse
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Agranulocytosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 42H2.00 |
+ Leucopenia - low white count |
+ 42H2.11 |
+ Leucopenia |
+ 42H4.00 |
+ Agranulocytosis |
+ 42J2.00 |
+ Neutropenia |
+ D400000 |
+ Idiopathic agranulocytosis |
+ D400011 |
+ Idiopathic neutropenia |
+ D400100 |
+ Primary splenic neutropenia |
+ D400200 |
+ Agranulocytosis - drug induced |
+ D400211 |
+ Neutropenia - drug induced |
+ D400312 |
+ Neutropenia due to irradiation |
+ D400400 |
+ Agranulocytosis due to infection |
+ D400411 |
+ Neutropenia due to infection |
+ D400600 |
+ Drug-induced neutropenia |
+ D400800 |
+ Acquired neutropenia NEC |
+ D400811 |
+ Acquired agranulocytosis NEC |
+ D400900 |
+ Cyclical neutropenia |
+ D400A00 |
+ Leucopenia |
+ D400.00 |
+ Agranulocytosis |
+ D400.11 |
+ Kostmann's syndrome |
+ D400.12 |
+ Neutropenia |
+ D400y00 |
+ Other specified agranulocytosis |
+ D400z00 |
+ Agranulocytosis NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D70 |
+ Agranulocytosis |
+Alcohol Problems
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Alcohol Problems IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -98,31 +1874,631 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Alcohol Problems or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
136S.00 | Hazardous alcohol use |
136T.00 | Harmful alcohol use |
136W.00 | Alcohol misuse |
13Y8.00 | Alcoholics anonymous |
1462.00 | H/O: alcoholism |
1B1c.00 | Alcohol induced hallucinations |
66e0.00 | Alcohol abuse monitoring |
66e..00 | Alcohol disorder monitoring |
7P22100 | Delivery of rehabilitation for alcohol addiction |
8BA8.00 | Alcohol detoxification |
8CAv.00 | Advised to contact primary care alcohol worker |
8G32.00 | Aversion therapy - alcoholism |
8H35.00 | Admitted to alcohol detoxification centre |
8H7p.00 | Referral to community alcohol team |
8HkG.00 | Referral to specialist alcohol treatment service |
8HkJ.00 | Referral to alcohol brief intervention service |
9k12.00 | Alcohol misuse - enhanced service completed |
9k1..00 | Alcohol misuse - enhanced services administration |
9k1A.00 | Brief intervention for excessive alcohol consumptn completed |
9k1B.00 | Extended intervention for excessive alcohol consumptn complt |
9NN2.00 | Under care of community alcohol team |
C150500 | Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome |
C251.11 | Wernicke's encephalopathy |
C253.00 | Wernicke's encephalopathy |
E010.00 | Alcohol withdrawal delirium |
E010.11 | DTs - delirium tremens |
E010.12 | Delirium tremens |
E011000 | Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis |
E011100 | Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis with peripheral neuritis |
E011200 | Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome |
E011.00 | Alcohol amnestic syndrome |
E011z00 | Alcohol amnestic syndrome NOS |
E012000 | Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome |
E012.00 | Other alcoholic dementia |
E012.11 | Alcoholic dementia NOS |
E013.00 | Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis |
E015.00 | Alcoholic paranoia |
E01..00 | Alcoholic psychoses |
E01y000 | Alcohol withdrawal syndrome |
E01y.00 | Other alcoholic psychosis |
E01yz00 | Other alcoholic psychosis NOS |
E01z.00 | Alcoholic psychosis NOS |
E230000 | Acute alcoholic intoxication, unspecified, in alcoholism |
E230100 | Continuous acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism |
E230200 | Episodic acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism |
E230300 | Acute alcoholic intoxication in remission, in alcoholism |
E230.00 | Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism |
E230.11 | Alcohol dependence with acute alcoholic intoxication |
E230z00 | Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism NOS |
E231000 | Unspecified chronic alcoholism |
E231100 | Continuous chronic alcoholism |
E231200 | Episodic chronic alcoholism |
E231300 | Chronic alcoholism in remission |
E231.00 | Chronic alcoholism |
E231.11 | Dipsomania |
E231z00 | Chronic alcoholism NOS |
E23..00 | Alcohol dependence syndrome |
E23..11 | Alcoholism |
E23..12 | Alcohol problem drinking |
E23z.00 | Alcohol dependence syndrome NOS |
Eu10100 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use of alcohol: harmful use |
Eu10200 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: dependence syndr |
Eu10211 | [X]Alcohol addiction |
Eu10212 | [X]Chronic alcoholism |
Eu10213 | [X]Dipsomania |
Eu10300 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: withdrawal state |
Eu10400 | [X]Men & behav dis due alcohl: withdrawl state with delirium |
Eu10411 | [X]Delirium tremens, alcohol induced |
Eu10500 | [X]Mental & behav dis due to use alcohol: psychotic disorder |
Eu10511 | [X]Alcoholic hallucinosis |
Eu10512 | [X]Alcoholic jealousy |
Eu10513 | [X]Alcoholic paranoia |
Eu10514 | [X]Alcoholic psychosis NOS |
Eu10600 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: amnesic syndrome |
Eu10611 | [X]Korsakov's psychosis, alcohol induced |
Eu10700 | [X]Men & behav dis due alcoh: resid & late-onset psychot dis |
Eu10711 | [X]Alcoholic dementia NOS |
Eu10712 | [X]Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome |
Eu10800 | [X]Alcohol withdrawal-induced seizure |
Eu10.00 | [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol |
Eu10y00 | [X]Men & behav dis due to use alcohol: oth men & behav dis |
Eu10z00 | [X]Ment & behav dis due use alcohol: unsp ment & behav dis |
F11x000 | Cerebral degeneration due to alcoholism |
F11x011 | Alcoholic encephalopathy |
F144000 | Cerebellar ataxia due to alcoholism |
F25B.00 | Alcohol-induced epilepsy |
F375.00 | Alcoholic polyneuropathy |
F394100 | Alcoholic myopathy |
G555.00 | Alcoholic cardiomyopathy |
G852300 | Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver |
J153.00 | Alcoholic gastritis |
J610.00 | Alcoholic fatty liver |
J611.00 | Acute alcoholic hepatitis |
J612000 | Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver |
J612.00 | Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver |
J613000 | Alcoholic hepatic failure |
J613.00 | Alcoholic liver damage unspecified |
J617000 | Chronic alcoholic hepatitis |
J617.00 | Alcoholic hepatitis |
J670800 | Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis |
J671000 | Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis |
Z191100 | Alcohol withdrawal regime |
Z191200 | Planned reduction of alcohol consumption |
Z191211 | Alcohol reduction programme |
Z191.00 | Alcohol detoxification |
Z4B1.00 | Alcoholism counselling |
ZV11300 | [V]Personal history of alcoholism |
ZV11311 | [V]Problems related to lifestyle alcohol use |
ZV57A00 | [V]Alcohol rehabilitation |
ZV6D600 | [V]Alcohol abuse counselling and surveillance |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F10.1 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Harmful use |
F10.2 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Dependence syndrome |
F10.3 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Withdrawal state |
F10.4 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Withdrawal state with delirium |
F10.5 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Psychotic disorder |
F10.6 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Amnesic syndrome |
F10.7 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder |
F10.8 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Other mental and behavioural disorders |
F10.9 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Unspecified mental and behavioural disorder |
E24.4 | Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome |
G31.2 | Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol |
G62.1 | Alcoholic polyneuropathy |
G72.1 | Alcoholic myopathy |
I42.6 | Alcoholic cardiomyopathy |
K29.2 | Alcoholic gastritis |
K70 | Alcoholic liver disease |
K85.2 | Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis |
K86.0 | Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis |
Z50.2 | Alcohol rehabilitation |
Z71.4 | Alcohol abuse counselling and surveillance |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 136S.00 |
+ Hazardous alcohol use |
+ 136T.00 |
+ Harmful alcohol use |
+ 136W.00 |
+ Alcohol misuse |
+ 13Y8.00 |
+ Alcoholics anonymous |
+ 1462.00 |
+ H/O: alcoholism |
+ 1B1c.00 |
+ Alcohol induced hallucinations |
+ 66e0.00 |
+ Alcohol abuse monitoring |
+ 66e..00 |
+ Alcohol disorder monitoring |
+ 7P22100 |
+ Delivery of rehabilitation for alcohol addiction |
+ 8BA8.00 |
+ Alcohol detoxification |
+ 8CAv.00 |
+ Advised to contact primary care alcohol worker |
+ 8G32.00 |
+ Aversion therapy - alcoholism |
+ 8H35.00 |
+ Admitted to alcohol detoxification centre |
+ 8H7p.00 |
+ Referral to community alcohol team |
+ 8HkG.00 |
+ Referral to specialist alcohol treatment service |
+ 8HkJ.00 |
+ Referral to alcohol brief intervention service |
+ 9k12.00 |
+ Alcohol misuse - enhanced service completed |
+ 9k1..00 |
+ Alcohol misuse - enhanced services administration |
+ 9k1A.00 |
+ Brief intervention for excessive alcohol consumptn completed |
+ 9k1B.00 |
+ Extended intervention for excessive alcohol consumptn complt |
+ 9NN2.00 |
+ Under care of community alcohol team |
+ C150500 |
+ Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome |
+ C251.11 |
+ Wernicke's encephalopathy |
+ C253.00 |
+ Wernicke's encephalopathy |
+ E010.00 |
+ Alcohol withdrawal delirium |
+ E010.11 |
+ DTs - delirium tremens |
+ E010.12 |
+ Delirium tremens |
+ E011000 |
+ Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis |
+ E011100 |
+ Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis with peripheral neuritis |
+ E011200 |
+ Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome |
+ E011.00 |
+ Alcohol amnestic syndrome |
+ E011z00 |
+ Alcohol amnestic syndrome NOS |
+ E012000 |
+ Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome |
+ E012.00 |
+ Other alcoholic dementia |
+ E012.11 |
+ Alcoholic dementia NOS |
+ E013.00 |
+ Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis |
+ E015.00 |
+ Alcoholic paranoia |
+ E01..00 |
+ Alcoholic psychoses |
+ E01y000 |
+ Alcohol withdrawal syndrome |
+ E01y.00 |
+ Other alcoholic psychosis |
+ E01yz00 |
+ Other alcoholic psychosis NOS |
+ E01z.00 |
+ Alcoholic psychosis NOS |
+ E230000 |
+ Acute alcoholic intoxication, unspecified, in alcoholism |
+ E230100 |
+ Continuous acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism |
+ E230200 |
+ Episodic acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism |
+ E230300 |
+ Acute alcoholic intoxication in remission, in alcoholism |
+ E230.00 |
+ Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism |
+ E230.11 |
+ Alcohol dependence with acute alcoholic intoxication |
+ E230z00 |
+ Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism NOS |
+ E231000 |
+ Unspecified chronic alcoholism |
+ E231100 |
+ Continuous chronic alcoholism |
+ E231200 |
+ Episodic chronic alcoholism |
+ E231300 |
+ Chronic alcoholism in remission |
+ E231.00 |
+ Chronic alcoholism |
+ E231.11 |
+ Dipsomania |
+ E231z00 |
+ Chronic alcoholism NOS |
+ E23..00 |
+ Alcohol dependence syndrome |
+ E23..11 |
+ Alcoholism |
+ E23..12 |
+ Alcohol problem drinking |
+ E23z.00 |
+ Alcohol dependence syndrome NOS |
+ Eu10100 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use of alcohol: harmful use |
+ Eu10200 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: dependence syndr |
+ Eu10211 |
+ [X]Alcohol addiction |
+ Eu10212 |
+ [X]Chronic alcoholism |
+ Eu10213 |
+ [X]Dipsomania |
+ Eu10300 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: withdrawal state |
+ Eu10400 |
+ [X]Men & behav dis due alcohl: withdrawl state with delirium |
+ Eu10411 |
+ [X]Delirium tremens, alcohol induced |
+ Eu10500 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due to use alcohol: psychotic disorder |
+ Eu10511 |
+ [X]Alcoholic hallucinosis |
+ Eu10512 |
+ [X]Alcoholic jealousy |
+ Eu10513 |
+ [X]Alcoholic paranoia |
+ Eu10514 |
+ [X]Alcoholic psychosis NOS |
+ Eu10600 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: amnesic syndrome |
+ Eu10611 |
+ [X]Korsakov's psychosis, alcohol induced |
+ Eu10700 |
+ [X]Men & behav dis due alcoh: resid & late-onset psychot dis |
+ Eu10711 |
+ [X]Alcoholic dementia NOS |
+ Eu10712 |
+ [X]Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome |
+ Eu10800 |
+ [X]Alcohol withdrawal-induced seizure |
+ Eu10.00 |
+ [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol |
+ Eu10y00 |
+ [X]Men & behav dis due to use alcohol: oth men & behav dis |
+ Eu10z00 |
+ [X]Ment & behav dis due use alcohol: unsp ment & behav dis |
+ F11x000 |
+ Cerebral degeneration due to alcoholism |
+ F11x011 |
+ Alcoholic encephalopathy |
+ F144000 |
+ Cerebellar ataxia due to alcoholism |
+ F25B.00 |
+ Alcohol-induced epilepsy |
+ F375.00 |
+ Alcoholic polyneuropathy |
+ F394100 |
+ Alcoholic myopathy |
+ G555.00 |
+ Alcoholic cardiomyopathy |
+ G852300 |
+ Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver |
+ J153.00 |
+ Alcoholic gastritis |
+ J610.00 |
+ Alcoholic fatty liver |
+ J611.00 |
+ Acute alcoholic hepatitis |
+ J612000 |
+ Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver |
+ J612.00 |
+ Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver |
+ J613000 |
+ Alcoholic hepatic failure |
+ J613.00 |
+ Alcoholic liver damage unspecified |
+ J617000 |
+ Chronic alcoholic hepatitis |
+ J617.00 |
+ Alcoholic hepatitis |
+ J670800 |
+ Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis |
+ J671000 |
+ Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis |
+ Z191100 |
+ Alcohol withdrawal regime |
+ Z191200 |
+ Planned reduction of alcohol consumption |
+ Z191211 |
+ Alcohol reduction programme |
+ Z191.00 |
+ Alcohol detoxification |
+ Z4B1.00 |
+ Alcoholism counselling |
+ ZV11300 |
+ [V]Personal history of alcoholism |
+ ZV11311 |
+ [V]Problems related to lifestyle alcohol use |
+ ZV57A00 |
+ [V]Alcohol rehabilitation |
+ ZV6D600 |
+ [V]Alcohol abuse counselling and surveillance |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F10.1 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Harmful use |
+ F10.2 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Dependence syndrome |
+ F10.3 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Withdrawal state |
+ F10.4 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Withdrawal state with delirium |
+ F10.5 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Psychotic disorder |
+ F10.6 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Amnesic syndrome |
+ F10.7 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder |
+ F10.8 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Other mental and behavioural disorders |
+ F10.9 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Unspecified mental and behavioural disorder |
+ E24.4 |
+ Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome |
+ G31.2 |
+ Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol |
+ G62.1 |
+ Alcoholic polyneuropathy |
+ G72.1 |
+ Alcoholic myopathy |
+ I42.6 |
+ Alcoholic cardiomyopathy |
+ K29.2 |
+ Alcoholic gastritis |
+ K70 |
+ Alcoholic liver disease |
+ K85.2 |
+ Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis |
+ K86.0 |
+ Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis |
+ Z50.2 |
+ Alcohol rehabilitation |
+ Z71.4 |
+ Alcohol abuse counselling and surveillance |
+Alcoholic liver disease
-Alcoholic Liver Disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Alcoholic liver disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Alcoholic liver disease' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Alcoholic liver disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Alcoholic liver disease' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Alcoholic liver disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G852300 | Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver |
J610.00 | Alcoholic fatty liver |
J611.00 | Acute alcoholic hepatitis |
J612000 | Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver |
J612.00 | Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver |
J612.12 | Laennec's cirrhosis |
J613000 | Alcoholic hepatic failure |
J613.00 | Alcoholic liver damage unspecified |
J617000 | Chronic alcoholic hepatitis |
J617.00 | Alcoholic hepatitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K70 | Alcoholic liver disease |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Alcoholic liver disease' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G852300 |
+ Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver |
+ J610.00 |
+ Alcoholic fatty liver |
+ J611.00 |
+ Acute alcoholic hepatitis |
+ J612000 |
+ Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver |
+ J612.00 |
+ Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver |
+ J612.12 |
+ Laennec's cirrhosis |
+ J613000 |
+ Alcoholic hepatic failure |
+ J613.00 |
+ Alcoholic liver damage unspecified |
+ J617000 |
+ Chronic alcoholic hepatitis |
+ J617.00 |
+ Alcoholic hepatitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K70 |
+ Alcoholic liver disease |
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis
-Allergic/chronic Rhinitis
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Allergic and chronic rhinitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -130,122 +2506,855 @@ Primary care
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Allergic and chronic rhinitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14B1.00 | H/O: hay fever |
H120000 | Chronic simple rhinitis |
H120100 | Chronic catarrhal rhinitis |
H120200 | Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis |
H120300 | Chronic atrophic rhinitis |
H120400 | Chronic infective rhinitis |
H120500 | Chronic ulcerative rhinitis |
H120600 | Chronic membranous rhinitis |
H120700 | Chronic fibrinous rhinitis |
H120.00 | Chronic rhinitis |
H120z00 | Chronic rhinitis NOS |
H13..11 | Chronic rhinosinusitis |
H170.00 | Allergic rhinitis due to pollens |
H170.11 | Hay fever - pollens |
H170.12 | Pollinosis |
H171000 | Allergy to animal |
H171100 | Dog allergy |
H171.00 | Allergic rhinitis due to other allergens |
H171.11 | Cat allergy |
H171.12 | Dander (animal) allergy |
H171.13 | Feather allergy |
H171.14 | Hay fever - other allergen |
H171.15 | House dust allergy |
H171.16 | House dust mite allergy |
H172.00 | Allergic rhinitis due to unspecified allergen |
H172.11 | Hay fever - unspecified allergen |
H17..00 | Allergic rhinitis |
H17..11 | Perennial rhinitis |
H17..12 | Allergic rhinosinusitis |
H17z.00 | Allergic rhinitis NOS |
H18..00 | Vasomotor rhinitis |
H330011 | Hay fever with asthma |
H330.13 | Hay fever with asthma |
Hyu2000 | [X]Other seasonal allergic rhinitis |
Hyu2100 | [X]Other allergic rhinitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J30.1 | Allergic rhinitis due to pollen |
J30.2 | Other seasonal allergic rhinitis |
J30.3 | Other allergic rhinitis |
J30.4 | Allergic rhinitis, unspecified |
J31.0 | Chronic rhinitis |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14B1.00 |
+ H/O: hay fever |
+ H120000 |
+ Chronic simple rhinitis |
+ H120100 |
+ Chronic catarrhal rhinitis |
+ H120200 |
+ Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis |
+ H120300 |
+ Chronic atrophic rhinitis |
+ H120400 |
+ Chronic infective rhinitis |
+ H120500 |
+ Chronic ulcerative rhinitis |
+ H120600 |
+ Chronic membranous rhinitis |
+ H120700 |
+ Chronic fibrinous rhinitis |
+ H120.00 |
+ Chronic rhinitis |
+ H120z00 |
+ Chronic rhinitis NOS |
+ H13..11 |
+ Chronic rhinosinusitis |
+ H170.00 |
+ Allergic rhinitis due to pollens |
+ H170.11 |
+ Hay fever - pollens |
+ H170.12 |
+ Pollinosis |
+ H171000 |
+ Allergy to animal |
+ H171100 |
+ Dog allergy |
+ H171.00 |
+ Allergic rhinitis due to other allergens |
+ H171.11 |
+ Cat allergy |
+ H171.12 |
+ Dander (animal) allergy |
+ H171.13 |
+ Feather allergy |
+ H171.14 |
+ Hay fever - other allergen |
+ H171.15 |
+ House dust allergy |
+ H171.16 |
+ House dust mite allergy |
+ H172.00 |
+ Allergic rhinitis due to unspecified allergen |
+ H172.11 |
+ Hay fever - unspecified allergen |
+ H17..00 |
+ Allergic rhinitis |
+ H17..11 |
+ Perennial rhinitis |
+ H17..12 |
+ Allergic rhinosinusitis |
+ H17z.00 |
+ Allergic rhinitis NOS |
+ H18..00 |
+ Vasomotor rhinitis |
+ H330011 |
+ Hay fever with asthma |
+ H330.13 |
+ Hay fever with asthma |
+ Hyu2000 |
+ [X]Other seasonal allergic rhinitis |
+ Hyu2100 |
+ [X]Other allergic rhinitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J30.1 |
+ Allergic rhinitis due to pollen |
+ J30.2 |
+ Other seasonal allergic rhinitis |
+ J30.3 |
+ Other allergic rhinitis |
+ J30.4 |
+ Allergic rhinitis, unspecified |
+ J31.0 |
+ Chronic rhinitis |
+Alopecia areata
-Alopecia Areata
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Alopecia areata IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Alopecia areata' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Alopecia areata diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Alopecia areata' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Alopecia areata or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
M240100 | Alopecia areata |
M240111 | Ophiasis |
M240B00 | Alopecia totalis |
M240K00 | Alopecia universalis |
M240U00 | Ophiasis |
Myu6200 | [X]Other alopecia areata |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L63 | Alopecia areata |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Alopecia areata' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ M240100 |
+ Alopecia areata |
+ M240111 |
+ Ophiasis |
+ M240B00 |
+ Alopecia totalis |
+ M240K00 |
+ Alopecia universalis |
+ M240U00 |
+ Ophiasis |
+ Myu6200 |
+ [X]Other alopecia areata |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L63 |
+ Alopecia areata |
+Anal fissure
-Anal Fissure
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Anal fissure IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Anal fissure' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Anal fissure diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Anal fissure' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Anal fissure or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Anal fissure' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Anal fissure during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7739300.0 | Excision of anal fissure |
J530000 | Acute anal fissure |
J530100 | Chronic anal fissure |
J530.00 | Anal fissure |
J530.11 | Tear of anus - non-traumatic |
J53..00 | Anal fissure and fistula |
J53z.00 | Anal fissure and fistula NOS |
J544.00 | Ano-rectal fissure abscess |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K60.0 | Acute anal fissure |
K60.1 | Chronic anal fissure |
K60.2 | Anal fissure, unspecified |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
H56.4 | Excision of anal fissure |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Anal fissure' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7739300 |
+ Excision of anal fissure |
+ J530000 |
+ Acute anal fissure |
+ J530100 |
+ Chronic anal fissure |
+ J530.00 |
+ Anal fissure |
+ J530.11 |
+ Tear of anus - non-traumatic |
+ J53..00 |
+ Anal fissure and fistula |
+ J53z.00 |
+ Anal fissure and fistula NOS |
+ J544.00 |
+ Ano-rectal fissure abscess |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K60.0 |
+ Acute anal fissure |
+ K60.1 |
+ Chronic anal fissure |
+ K60.2 |
+ Anal fissure, unspecified |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ H56.4 |
+ Excision of anal fissure |
+Angiodysplasia of colon
-Angiodysplasia of colon
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Angiodysplasia of colon IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Angiodysplasia of colon' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Angiodysplasia of colon diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Angiodysplasia of colon' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Angiodysplasia of colon or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
J577000 | Angiodysplasia of colon |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K55.2 | Angiodysplasia of colon |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Angiodysplasia of colon' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ J577000 |
+ Angiodysplasia of colon |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K55.2 |
+ Angiodysplasia of colon |
+Ankylosing spondylitis
-Ankylosing Spondylitis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Ankylosing spondylitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Ankylosing spondylitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Ankylosing spondylitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Ankylosing spondylitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
2377.00 | O/E - ankyl.spondyl.chest def. |
388p.00 | BASDAI - Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index |
N100.00 | Ankylosing spondylitis |
N100.11 | Marie - Strumpell spondylitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M45 | Ankylosing spondylitis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Ankylosing spondylitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 2377 |
+ O/E - ankyl.spondyl.chest def. |
+ 388p.00 |
+ BASDAI - Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index |
+ N100.00 |
+ Ankylosing spondylitis |
+ N100.11 |
+ Marie - Strumpell spondylitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M45 |
+ Ankylosing spondylitis |
+Anorectal fistula
-Anorectal Fistula
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Anorectal fistula IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Anorectal fistula' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Anorectal fistula diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Anorectal fistula' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Anorectal fistula or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Anorectal fistula' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Anorectal fistula during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7729700.0 | Closure of rectal fistula |
7738000.0 | Laying open of low anal fistula |
7738100.0 | Laying open of high anal fistula |
7738200.0 | Laying open of anal fistula NEC |
7738300.0 | Insertion seton in high anal fistula+part lay open track HFQ |
7738400.0 | Fistulography of anal fistula |
7738600.0 | Excision of fistula in ano |
7738611.0 | Excision of anal fistula |
7738.11 | Anal fistula operations |
7738900.0 | Repair of anal fistula using plug |
J531000 | Sub-mucosal anal fistula |
J531100 | Inter-muscular anal fistula |
J531200 | Ano-rectal fistula |
J531300 | Rectal fistula |
J531.00 | Fistula-in-ano |
J531z00 | Fistula-in-ano NOS |
J53..00 | Anal fissure and fistula |
J53z.00 | Anal fissure and fistula NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K60.3 | Anal fistula |
K60.4 | Rectal fistula |
K60.5 | Anorectal fistula |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
H55.1 | Laying open of low anal fistula |
H55.2 | Laying open of high anal fistula |
H55.3 | Laying open of anal fistula NEC |
H55.4 | Insertion of seton into high anal fistula and partial laying open of track HFQ |
H55.5 | Fistulography of anal fistula |
H55.6 | Probing of perineal fistula |
H55.7 | Repair of anal fistula using plug |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Anorectal fistula' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7729700 |
+ Closure of rectal fistula |
+ 7738000 |
+ Laying open of low anal fistula |
+ 7738100 |
+ Laying open of high anal fistula |
+ 7738200 |
+ Laying open of anal fistula NEC |
+ 7738300 |
+ Insertion seton in high anal fistula+part lay open track HFQ |
+ 7738400 |
+ Fistulography of anal fistula |
+ 7738600 |
+ Excision of fistula in ano |
+ 7738611 |
+ Excision of anal fistula |
+ 7738.1 |
+ Anal fistula operations |
+ 7738900 |
+ Repair of anal fistula using plug |
+ J531000 |
+ Sub-mucosal anal fistula |
+ J531100 |
+ Inter-muscular anal fistula |
+ J531200 |
+ Ano-rectal fistula |
+ J531300 |
+ Rectal fistula |
+ J531.00 |
+ Fistula-in-ano |
+ J531z00 |
+ Fistula-in-ano NOS |
+ J53..00 |
+ Anal fissure and fistula |
+ J53z.00 |
+ Anal fissure and fistula NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K60.3 |
+ Anal fistula |
+ K60.4 |
+ Rectal fistula |
+ K60.5 |
+ Anorectal fistula |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ H55.1 |
+ Laying open of low anal fistula |
+ H55.2 |
+ Laying open of high anal fistula |
+ H55.3 |
+ Laying open of anal fistula NEC |
+ H55.4 |
+ Insertion of seton into high anal fistula and partial laying open of track HFQ |
+ H55.5 |
+ Fistulography of anal fistula |
+ H55.6 |
+ Probing of perineal fistula |
+ H55.7 |
+ Repair of anal fistula using plug |
+Anorectal prolapse
-Anorectal Prolapse
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Anorectal prolapse IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Anorectal prolapse' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Anorectal prolapse diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Anorectal prolapse' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Anorectal prolapse or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Anorectal prolapse' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Anorectal prolapse during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7720.00 | Partial excision of rectum and sigmoid colon for prolapse |
7720y00 | Partial excision of rectum and sigmoid colon for prolapse OS |
7720z00 | Partial excision of rectum & sigmoid colon for prolapse NOS |
7723400.0 | Proctopexy for prolapse of rectum |
7723411.0 | Erickman repair of prolapse of rectum |
7723500.0 | Insertion of sponge for rectal prolapse |
7723511.0 | Insertion of Wells sponge for rectal prolapse |
7723.00 | Fixation of rectum for prolapse |
7723.11 | Proctopexy for prolapse of rectum |
7723.12 | Rectopexy for prolapse |
7723y00 | Other specified fixation of rectum for prolapse |
7723z00 | Fixation of rectum for prolapse NOS |
7724011.0 | Graham repair for rectal prolapse |
7724012.0 | Roscoe repair for rectal prolapse |
7724.00 | Other abdominal operations for rectal prolapse |
7724y00 | Other abdominal operation for rectal prolapse OS |
7724y11 | Delorme repair of rectum for prolapse |
7724z00 | Other abdominal operation for rectal prolapse NOS |
7726400.0 | Reduction of prolapsed rectum NEC |
7727011.0 | Thiersch wiring for prolapse of rectum |
7727400.0 | Excision of mucosal prolapse of rectum NEC |
7727500.0 | Perineal repair of rectal prolapse NEC |
7727.00 | Perineal operations for rectal prolapse |
7727y00 | Other specified perineal operation for rectal prolapse |
7727z00 | Perineal operation for rectal prolapse NOS |
7728400.0 | Manual reduction of rectal prolapse |
J571000 | Partial rectal prolapse |
J571100 | Complete rectal prolapse |
J571200 | Anal prolapse |
J571.00 | Rectal prolapse |
J571.11 | Procidentia - anus and/or rectum |
J571.12 | Proctoptosis |
J571z00 | Rectal prolapse NOS |
J579.00 | Rectal mucosa prolapse |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K62.2 | Anal prolapse |
K62.3 | Rectal prolapse |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
H36 | Other abdominal operations for prolapse of rectum |
H36.1 | Abdominal repair of levator ani muscles |
H36.8 | Other specified other abdominal operations for prolapse of rectum |
H36.9 | Unspecified other abdominal operations for prolapse of rectum |
H42 | Perineal operations for prolapse of rectum |
H42.1 | Insertion of encircling suture around perianal sphincter |
H42.2 | Perineal plication of levator ani muscles and anal sphincters |
H42.3 | Insertion of supralevator sling |
H42.4 | Removal of encircling suture from around perianal sphincter |
H42.5 | Excision of mucosal prolapse of rectum NEC |
H42.6 | Perineal repair of prolapse of rectum NEC |
H42.8 | Other specified perineal operations for prolapse of rectum |
H42.9 | Unspecified perineal operations for prolapse of rectum |
H44.2 | Manual reduction of prolapse of rectum |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Anorectal prolapse' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7720 |
+ Partial excision of rectum and sigmoid colon for prolapse |
+ 7720y00 |
+ Partial excision of rectum and sigmoid colon for prolapse OS |
+ 7720z00 |
+ Partial excision of rectum & sigmoid colon for prolapse NOS |
+ 7723400.0 |
+ Proctopexy for prolapse of rectum |
+ 7723411.0 |
+ Erickman repair of prolapse of rectum |
+ 7723500.0 |
+ Insertion of sponge for rectal prolapse |
+ 7723511.0 |
+ Insertion of Wells sponge for rectal prolapse |
+ 7723.00 |
+ Fixation of rectum for prolapse |
+ 7723.11 |
+ Proctopexy for prolapse of rectum |
+ 7723.12 |
+ Rectopexy for prolapse |
+ 7723y00 |
+ Other specified fixation of rectum for prolapse |
+ 7723z00 |
+ Fixation of rectum for prolapse NOS |
+ 7724011.0 |
+ Graham repair for rectal prolapse |
+ 7724012.0 |
+ Roscoe repair for rectal prolapse |
+ 7724.00 |
+ Other abdominal operations for rectal prolapse |
+ 7724y00 |
+ Other abdominal operation for rectal prolapse OS |
+ 7724y11 |
+ Delorme repair of rectum for prolapse |
+ 7724z00 |
+ Other abdominal operation for rectal prolapse NOS |
+ 7726400.0 |
+ Reduction of prolapsed rectum NEC |
+ 7727011.0 |
+ Thiersch wiring for prolapse of rectum |
+ 7727400.0 |
+ Excision of mucosal prolapse of rectum NEC |
+ 7727500.0 |
+ Perineal repair of rectal prolapse NEC |
+ 7727.00 |
+ Perineal operations for rectal prolapse |
+ 7727y00 |
+ Other specified perineal operation for rectal prolapse |
+ 7727z00 |
+ Perineal operation for rectal prolapse NOS |
+ 7728400.0 |
+ Manual reduction of rectal prolapse |
+ J571000 |
+ Partial rectal prolapse |
+ J571100 |
+ Complete rectal prolapse |
+ J571200 |
+ Anal prolapse |
+ J571.00 |
+ Rectal prolapse |
+ J571.11 |
+ Procidentia - anus and/or rectum |
+ J571.12 |
+ Proctoptosis |
+ J571z00 |
+ Rectal prolapse NOS |
+ J579.00 |
+ Rectal mucosa prolapse |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K62.2 |
+ Anal prolapse |
+ K62.3 |
+ Rectal prolapse |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ H36 |
+ Other abdominal operations for prolapse of rectum |
+ H36.1 |
+ Abdominal repair of levator ani muscles |
+ H36.8 |
+ Other specified other abdominal operations for prolapse of rectum |
+ H36.9 |
+ Unspecified other abdominal operations for prolapse of rectum |
+ H42 |
+ Perineal operations for prolapse of rectum |
+ H42.1 |
+ Insertion of encircling suture around perianal sphincter |
+ H42.2 |
+ Perineal plication of levator ani muscles and anal sphincters |
+ H42.3 |
+ Insertion of supralevator sling |
+ H42.4 |
+ Removal of encircling suture from around perianal sphincter |
+ H42.5 |
+ Excision of mucosal prolapse of rectum NEC |
+ H42.6 |
+ Perineal repair of prolapse of rectum NEC |
+ H42.8 |
+ Other specified perineal operations for prolapse of rectum |
+ H42.9 |
+ Unspecified perineal operations for prolapse of rectum |
+ H44.2 |
+ Manual reduction of prolapse of rectum |
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
-Eating Disorders
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Anorexia and bulimia nervosa IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -253,345 +3362,3216 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1467.00 | H/O: anorexia nervosa |
E271.00 | Anorexia nervosa |
E275100 | Bulimia (non-organic overeating) |
Eu50000 | [X]Anorexia nervosa |
Eu50100 | [X]Atypical anorexia nervosa |
Eu50200 | [X]Bulimia nervosa |
Eu50211 | [X]Bulimia NOS |
Eu50300 | [X]Atypical bulimia nervosa |
R036011 | [D]Bulimia NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F50.0 | Anorexia nervosa |
F50.1 | Atypical anorexia nervosa |
F50.2 | Bulimia nervosa |
F50.3 | Atypical bulimia nervosa |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1467 |
+ H/O: anorexia nervosa |
+ E271.00 |
+ Anorexia nervosa |
+ E275100 |
+ Bulimia (non-organic overeating) |
+ Eu50000 |
+ [X]Anorexia nervosa |
+ Eu50100 |
+ [X]Atypical anorexia nervosa |
+ Eu50200 |
+ [X]Bulimia nervosa |
+ Eu50211 |
+ [X]Bulimia NOS |
+ Eu50300 |
+ [X]Atypical bulimia nervosa |
+ R036011 |
+ [D]Bulimia NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F50.0 |
+ Anorexia nervosa |
+ F50.1 |
+ Atypical anorexia nervosa |
+ F50.2 |
+ Bulimia nervosa |
+ F50.3 |
+ Atypical bulimia nervosa |
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis
-Anterior Uveitis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1486.00 | H/O: iritis |
A173300 | Tuberculous chronic iridocyclitis |
A532200 | Herpes zoster iridocyclitis |
A544400 | Herpes simplex iridocyclitis |
A984100 | Gonococcal iridocyclitis |
C34y300 | Gouty iritis |
F432300 | Posterior cyclitis |
F432311 | Pars planitis |
F440000 | Unspecified acute iridocyclitis |
F440100 | Unspecified subacute iridocyclitis |
F440200 | Primary iridocyclitis |
F440300 | Recurrent iridocyclitis |
F440400 | Secondary infected iridocyclitis |
F440500 | Secondary noninfected iridocyclitis |
F440600 | Hypopyon |
F440700 | Diabetic iritis |
F440.00 | Acute and subacute iridocyclitis |
F440.11 | Iritis - acute |
F440z00 | Acute or subacute iritis NOS |
F441000 | Unspecified chronic iridocyclitis |
F441100 | Chronic iridocyclitis due to disease EC |
F441200 | Chronic anterior uveitis |
F441.00 | Chronic iridocyclitis |
F441.11 | Chronic iritis |
F441z00 | Chronic iridocyclitis NOS |
F442000 | Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis |
F442100 | Glaucomatocyclitic crises |
F442200 | Lens-induced iridocyclitis |
F442.00 | Certain types of iridocyclitis |
F442z00 | Certain types of cyclitis NOS |
F443000 | Anterior uveitis |
F443100 | Iritis |
F443.00 | Unspecified iridocyclitis |
F443.11 | Uveitis NOS |
F44..12 | Iridocyclitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H20.0 | Acute and subacute iridocyclitis |
H20.1 | Chronic iridocyclitis |
H20.2 | Lens-induced iridocyclitis |
H20.8 | Other iridocyclitis |
H20.9 | Iridocyclitis, unspecified |
H22.0 | Iridocyclitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
H22.1 | Iridocyclitis in other diseases classified elsewhere |
H30.2 | Posterior cyclitis |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1486 |
+ H/O: iritis |
+ A173300 |
+ Tuberculous chronic iridocyclitis |
+ A532200 |
+ Herpes zoster iridocyclitis |
+ A544400 |
+ Herpes simplex iridocyclitis |
+ A984100 |
+ Gonococcal iridocyclitis |
+ C34y300 |
+ Gouty iritis |
+ F432300 |
+ Posterior cyclitis |
+ F432311 |
+ Pars planitis |
+ F440000 |
+ Unspecified acute iridocyclitis |
+ F440100 |
+ Unspecified subacute iridocyclitis |
+ F440200 |
+ Primary iridocyclitis |
+ F440300 |
+ Recurrent iridocyclitis |
+ F440400 |
+ Secondary infected iridocyclitis |
+ F440500 |
+ Secondary noninfected iridocyclitis |
+ F440600 |
+ Hypopyon |
+ F440700 |
+ Diabetic iritis |
+ F440.00 |
+ Acute and subacute iridocyclitis |
+ F440.11 |
+ Iritis - acute |
+ F440z00 |
+ Acute or subacute iritis NOS |
+ F441000 |
+ Unspecified chronic iridocyclitis |
+ F441100 |
+ Chronic iridocyclitis due to disease EC |
+ F441200 |
+ Chronic anterior uveitis |
+ F441.00 |
+ Chronic iridocyclitis |
+ F441.11 |
+ Chronic iritis |
+ F441z00 |
+ Chronic iridocyclitis NOS |
+ F442000 |
+ Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis |
+ F442100 |
+ Glaucomatocyclitic crises |
+ F442200 |
+ Lens-induced iridocyclitis |
+ F442.00 |
+ Certain types of iridocyclitis |
+ F442z00 |
+ Certain types of cyclitis NOS |
+ F443000 |
+ Anterior uveitis |
+ F443100 |
+ Iritis |
+ F443.00 |
+ Unspecified iridocyclitis |
+ F443.11 |
+ Uveitis NOS |
+ F44..12 |
+ Iridocyclitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H20.0 |
+ Acute and subacute iridocyclitis |
+ H20.1 |
+ Chronic iridocyclitis |
+ H20.2 |
+ Lens-induced iridocyclitis |
+ H20.8 |
+ Other iridocyclitis |
+ H20.9 |
+ Iridocyclitis, unspecified |
+ H22.0 |
+ Iridocyclitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H22.1 |
+ Iridocyclitis in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H30.2 |
+ Posterior cyclitis |
+Anxiety disorders
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Anxiety disorders IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Anxiety disorders' disorders IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Anxiety disorders diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Anxiety disorders' disorders diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Anxiety disorders or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1466.00 | H/O: anxiety state |
146G.00 | H/O: agoraphobia |
1B1H.11 | Fear |
1B1V.00 | C/O - panic attack |
1Bb..00 | Specific fear |
225J.00 | O/E - panic attack |
225K.00 | O/E - fearful mood |
285..00 | Neurotic condition, insight present |
286..00 | Poor insight into neurotic condition |
8G52.00 | Antiphobic therapy |
8G94.00 | Anxiety management training |
8HHp.00 | Referral for guided self-help for anxiety |
9N54.00 | Encounter for fear |
E200000 | Anxiety state unspecified |
E200100 | Panic disorder |
E200111 | Panic attack |
E200200 | Generalised anxiety disorder |
E200300 | Anxiety with depression |
E200400 | Chronic anxiety |
E200500 | Recurrent anxiety |
E200.00 | Anxiety states |
E200z00 | Anxiety state NOS |
E201B00 | Compensation neurosis |
E202000 | Phobia unspecified |
E202100 | Agoraphobia with panic attacks |
E202200 | Agoraphobia without mention of panic attacks |
E202300 | Social phobia, fear of eating in public |
E202400 | Social phobia, fear of public speaking |
E202500 | Social phobia, fear of public washing |
E202600 | Acrophobia |
E202700 | Animal phobia |
E202800 | Claustrophobia |
E202900 | Fear of crowds |
E202A00 | Fear of flying |
E202B00 | Cancer phobia |
E202C00 | Dental phobia |
E202D00 | Fear of death |
E202.00 | Phobic disorders |
E202.11 | Social phobic disorders |
E202.12 | Phobic anxiety |
E202E00 | Fear of pregnancy |
E202z00 | Phobic disorder NOS |
E20..00 | Neurotic disorders |
E20y100 | Writer's cramp neurosis |
E20y200 | Other occupational neurosis |
E20y300 | Psychasthenic neurosis |
E20y.00 | Other neurotic disorders |
E20yz00 | Other neurotic disorder NOS |
E20z.00 | Neurotic disorder NOS |
Eu34111 | [X]Depressive neurosis |
Eu34113 | [X]Neurotic depression |
Eu34114 | [X]Persistant anxiety depression |
Eu40000 | [X]Agoraphobia |
Eu40011 | [X]Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder |
Eu40012 | [X]Panic disorder with agoraphobia |
Eu40100 | [X]Social phobias |
Eu40112 | [X]Social neurosis |
Eu40200 | [X]Specific (isolated) phobias |
Eu40211 | [X]Acrophobia |
Eu40212 | [X]Animal phobias |
Eu40213 | [X]Claustrophobia |
Eu40214 | [X]Simple phobia |
Eu40300 | [X]Needle phobia |
Eu40.00 | [X]Phobic anxiety disorders |
Eu40y00 | [X]Other phobic anxiety disorders |
Eu40z00 | [X]Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified |
Eu40z11 | [X]Phobia NOS |
Eu40z12 | [X]Phobic state NOS |
Eu41000 | [X]Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety] |
Eu41011 | [X]Panic attack |
Eu41012 | [X]Panic state |
Eu41100 | [X]Generalized anxiety disorder |
Eu41111 | [X]Anxiety neurosis |
Eu41112 | [X]Anxiety reaction |
Eu41113 | [X]Anxiety state |
Eu41200 | [X]Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder |
Eu41211 | [X]Mild anxiety depression |
Eu41300 | [X]Other mixed anxiety disorders |
Eu41.00 | [X]Other anxiety disorders |
Eu41y00 | [X]Other specified anxiety disorders |
Eu41y11 | [X]Anxiety hysteria |
Eu41z00 | [X]Anxiety disorder, unspecified |
Eu41z11 | [X]Anxiety NOS |
Z481.00 | Phobia counselling |
Z4L1.00 | Anxiety counselling |
ZV11200 | [V]Personal history of neurosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F40 | Phobic anxiety disorders |
F41 | Other anxiety disorders |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Anxiety disorders' disorders or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1466 |
+ H/O: anxiety state |
+ 146G.00 |
+ H/O: agoraphobia |
+ 1B1H.11 |
+ Fear |
+ 1B1V.00 |
+ C/O - panic attack |
+ 1Bb..00 |
+ Specific fear |
+ 225J.00 |
+ O/E - panic attack |
+ 225K.00 |
+ O/E - fearful mood |
+ 285..00 |
+ Neurotic condition, insight present |
+ 286..00 |
+ Poor insight into neurotic condition |
+ 8G52.00 |
+ Antiphobic therapy |
+ 8G94.00 |
+ Anxiety management training |
+ 8HHp.00 |
+ Referral for guided self-help for anxiety |
+ 9N54.00 |
+ Encounter for fear |
+ E200000 |
+ Anxiety state unspecified |
+ E200100 |
+ Panic disorder |
+ E200111 |
+ Panic attack |
+ E200200 |
+ Generalised anxiety disorder |
+ E200300 |
+ Anxiety with depression |
+ E200400 |
+ Chronic anxiety |
+ E200500 |
+ Recurrent anxiety |
+ E200.00 |
+ Anxiety states |
+ E200z00 |
+ Anxiety state NOS |
+ E201B00 |
+ Compensation neurosis |
+ E202000 |
+ Phobia unspecified |
+ E202100 |
+ Agoraphobia with panic attacks |
+ E202200 |
+ Agoraphobia without mention of panic attacks |
+ E202300 |
+ Social phobia, fear of eating in public |
+ E202400 |
+ Social phobia, fear of public speaking |
+ E202500 |
+ Social phobia, fear of public washing |
+ E202600 |
+ Acrophobia |
+ E202700 |
+ Animal phobia |
+ E202800 |
+ Claustrophobia |
+ E202900 |
+ Fear of crowds |
+ E202A00 |
+ Fear of flying |
+ E202B00 |
+ Cancer phobia |
+ E202C00 |
+ Dental phobia |
+ E202D00 |
+ Fear of death |
+ E202.00 |
+ Phobic disorders |
+ E202.11 |
+ Social phobic disorders |
+ E202.12 |
+ Phobic anxiety |
+ E202E00 |
+ Fear of pregnancy |
+ E202z00 |
+ Phobic disorder NOS |
+ E20..00 |
+ Neurotic disorders |
+ E20y100 |
+ Writer's cramp neurosis |
+ E20y200 |
+ Other occupational neurosis |
+ E20y300 |
+ Psychasthenic neurosis |
+ E20y.00 |
+ Other neurotic disorders |
+ E20yz00 |
+ Other neurotic disorder NOS |
+ E20z.00 |
+ Neurotic disorder NOS |
+ Eu34111 |
+ [X]Depressive neurosis |
+ Eu34113 |
+ [X]Neurotic depression |
+ Eu34114 |
+ [X]Persistant anxiety depression |
+ Eu40000 |
+ [X]Agoraphobia |
+ Eu40011 |
+ [X]Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder |
+ Eu40012 |
+ [X]Panic disorder with agoraphobia |
+ Eu40100 |
+ [X]Social phobias |
+ Eu40112 |
+ [X]Social neurosis |
+ Eu40200 |
+ [X]Specific (isolated) phobias |
+ Eu40211 |
+ [X]Acrophobia |
+ Eu40212 |
+ [X]Animal phobias |
+ Eu40213 |
+ [X]Claustrophobia |
+ Eu40214 |
+ [X]Simple phobia |
+ Eu40300 |
+ [X]Needle phobia |
+ Eu40.00 |
+ [X]Phobic anxiety disorders |
+ Eu40y00 |
+ [X]Other phobic anxiety disorders |
+ Eu40z00 |
+ [X]Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified |
+ Eu40z11 |
+ [X]Phobia NOS |
+ Eu40z12 |
+ [X]Phobic state NOS |
+ Eu41000 |
+ [X]Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety] |
+ Eu41011 |
+ [X]Panic attack |
+ Eu41012 |
+ [X]Panic state |
+ Eu41100 |
+ [X]Generalized anxiety disorder |
+ Eu41111 |
+ [X]Anxiety neurosis |
+ Eu41112 |
+ [X]Anxiety reaction |
+ Eu41113 |
+ [X]Anxiety state |
+ Eu41200 |
+ [X]Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder |
+ Eu41211 |
+ [X]Mild anxiety depression |
+ Eu41300 |
+ [X]Other mixed anxiety disorders |
+ Eu41.00 |
+ [X]Other anxiety disorders |
+ Eu41y00 |
+ [X]Other specified anxiety disorders |
+ Eu41y11 |
+ [X]Anxiety hysteria |
+ Eu41z00 |
+ [X]Anxiety disorder, unspecified |
+ Eu41z11 |
+ [X]Anxiety NOS |
+ Z481.00 |
+ Phobia counselling |
+ Z4L1.00 |
+ Anxiety counselling |
+ ZV11200 |
+ [V]Personal history of neurosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F40 |
+ Phobic anxiety disorders |
+ F41 |
+ Other anxiety disorders |
+Aplastic anaemias
-Aplastic Anaemias
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Aplastic anaemias IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Aplastic anaemias' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Aplastic anaemias diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Aplastic anaemias' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Aplastic anaemias or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
D200000 | Congenital hypoplastic anaemia |
D200011 | Constitutional aplastic anaemia without malformation |
D200100 | Fanconi's familial refractory anaemia |
D200111 | Fanconi's hypoplastic anaemia |
D200200 | Constitutional aplastic anaemia with malformation |
D200211 | Pancytopenia-dysmelia |
D200300 | Constitutional red cell aplasia and hypoplasia |
D200311 | Blackfan - Diamond syndrome |
D200312 | Congenital pure red cell aplasia |
D200313 | Constitutional red cell hypoplasia |
D200314 | Congenital red cell hypoplasia |
D200400 | Erythrogenesis imperfecta |
D200.00 | Constitutional aplastic anaemia |
D200.13 | Blackfan - Diamond syndrome |
D200.15 | Hypoplastic anaemia - familial |
D200y00 | Other specified constitutional aplastic anaemia |
D201000 | Aplastic anaemia due to chronic disease |
D201100 | Aplastic anaemia due to drugs |
D201111 | Hypoplastic anaemia due to drug or chemical substance |
D201200 | Aplastic anaemia due to infection |
D201211 | Hypoplastic anaemia due to infection |
D201311 | Radiation aplastic anaemia |
D201400 | Aplastic anaemia due to toxic cause |
D201412 | Hypoplastic anaemia due to toxic cause |
D201500 | Pancytopenia - acquired |
D201600 | Pancytopenia NOS |
D201611 | Pancytopenia with malformation |
D201612 | Pancytopenia with pancreatitis |
D201700 | Transient hypoplastic anaemia |
D201800 | [X]Pure red cell aplasia |
D201.00 | Acquired aplastic anaemia |
D201.11 | Normocytic anaemia due to aplasia |
D201z00 | Acquired aplastic anaemia NOS |
D201z12 | Red cell hypoplasia |
D201z13 | Secondary red cell hypoplasia NEC |
D201z14 | Secondary red cell aplasia NEC |
D202.00 | Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia |
D203000 | Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood |
D203.00 | Transient acquired pure red cell aplasia |
D204.00 | Idiopathic aplastic anaemia |
D20..00 | Aplastic anaemia |
D20X.00 | Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified |
D20z.00 | Aplastic anaemia NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D60 | Acquired pure red cell aplasia [erythroblastopenia] |
D61 | Other aplastic anaemias |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Aplastic anaemias' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ D200000 |
+ Congenital hypoplastic anaemia |
+ D200011 |
+ Constitutional aplastic anaemia without malformation |
+ D200100 |
+ Fanconi's familial refractory anaemia |
+ D200111 |
+ Fanconi's hypoplastic anaemia |
+ D200200 |
+ Constitutional aplastic anaemia with malformation |
+ D200211 |
+ Pancytopenia-dysmelia |
+ D200300 |
+ Constitutional red cell aplasia and hypoplasia |
+ D200311 |
+ Blackfan - Diamond syndrome |
+ D200312 |
+ Congenital pure red cell aplasia |
+ D200313 |
+ Constitutional red cell hypoplasia |
+ D200314 |
+ Congenital red cell hypoplasia |
+ D200400 |
+ Erythrogenesis imperfecta |
+ D200.00 |
+ Constitutional aplastic anaemia |
+ D200.13 |
+ Blackfan - Diamond syndrome |
+ D200.15 |
+ Hypoplastic anaemia - familial |
+ D200y00 |
+ Other specified constitutional aplastic anaemia |
+ D201000 |
+ Aplastic anaemia due to chronic disease |
+ D201100 |
+ Aplastic anaemia due to drugs |
+ D201111 |
+ Hypoplastic anaemia due to drug or chemical substance |
+ D201200 |
+ Aplastic anaemia due to infection |
+ D201211 |
+ Hypoplastic anaemia due to infection |
+ D201311 |
+ Radiation aplastic anaemia |
+ D201400 |
+ Aplastic anaemia due to toxic cause |
+ D201412 |
+ Hypoplastic anaemia due to toxic cause |
+ D201500 |
+ Pancytopenia - acquired |
+ D201600 |
+ Pancytopenia NOS |
+ D201611 |
+ Pancytopenia with malformation |
+ D201612 |
+ Pancytopenia with pancreatitis |
+ D201700 |
+ Transient hypoplastic anaemia |
+ D201800 |
+ [X]Pure red cell aplasia |
+ D201.00 |
+ Acquired aplastic anaemia |
+ D201.11 |
+ Normocytic anaemia due to aplasia |
+ D201z00 |
+ Acquired aplastic anaemia NOS |
+ D201z12 |
+ Red cell hypoplasia |
+ D201z13 |
+ Secondary red cell hypoplasia NEC |
+ D201z14 |
+ Secondary red cell aplasia NEC |
+ D202.00 |
+ Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia |
+ D203000 |
+ Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood |
+ D203.00 |
+ Transient acquired pure red cell aplasia |
+ D204.00 |
+ Idiopathic aplastic anaemia |
+ D20..00 |
+ Aplastic anaemia |
+ D20X.00 |
+ Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified |
+ D20z.00 |
+ Aplastic anaemia NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D60 |
+ Acquired pure red cell aplasia [erythroblastopenia] |
+ D61 |
+ Other aplastic anaemias |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Appendicitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Appendicitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Appendicitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Appendicitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Appendicitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Appendicitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Appendicitis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14C2.00 | H/O: appendicitis |
25J6.00 | Appendix mass |
7700000.0 | Emergency excision of abnormal appendix and drainage HFQ |
7700100.0 | Emergency excision of abnormal appendix NEC |
7700300.0 | Emergency appendicectomy NEC |
7700400.0 | Endoscopic emergency appendicectomy |
7700.00 | Emergency excision of appendix |
7700.11 | Emergency appendicectomy |
7700y00 | Other specified emergency excision of appendix |
7700z00 | Emergency excision of appendix NOS |
7701000.0 | Interval appendicectomy |
7701300.0 | Planned delayed appendicectomy NEC |
7701400.0 | Endoscopic appendicectomy NEC |
7701.00 | Other excision of appendix |
7701.11 | Non emergency appendicectomy |
7701y00 | Other specified other excision of appendix |
7701z00 | Other excision of appendix NOS |
7701z11 | Appendicectomy NEC |
7702000.0 | Drainage of abscess of appendix |
7702100.0 | Drainage of appendix NEC |
J200.00 | Acute appendicitis with peritonitis |
J201.00 | Acute appendicitis with appendix abscess |
J201.11 | Abscess of appendix |
J201.12 | Appendix abscess |
J202.00 | Acute appendicitis without peritonitis |
J203.00 | Acute appendicitis with generalised peritonitis |
J204.00 | Acute appendicitis with localised peritonitis |
J20..00 | Acute appendicitis |
J20z100 | Acute gangrenous appendicitis |
J20z.00 | Acute appendicitis NOS |
J21..00 | Appendicitis, unqualified |
J220.00 | Subacute appendicitis |
J221.00 | Chronic appendicitis |
J222.00 | Relapsing appendicitis |
J223.00 | Recurrent appendicitis |
J22..00 | Other appendicitis |
J22z.00 | Other appendicitis NOS |
Jyu2000 | [X]Other appendicitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K35 | Acute appendicitis |
K36 | Other appendicitis |
K37 | Unspecified appendicitis |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
H01 | Emergency excision of appendix |
H01.1 | Emergency excision of abnormal appendix and drainage HFQ |
H01.2 | Emergency excision of abnormal appendix NEC |
H01.8 | Other specified emergency excision of appendix |
H01.9 | Unspecified emergency excision of appendix |
H02 | Other excision of appendix |
H02.1 | Interval appendicectomy |
H02.2 | Planned delayed appendicectomy NEC |
H02.3 | Prophylactic appendicectomy NEC |
H02.8 | Other specified other excision of appendix |
H02.9 | Unspecified other excision of appendix |
H03 | Other operations on appendix |
H03.1 | Drainage of abscess of appendix |
H03.2 | Drainage of appendix NEC |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Appendicitis' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14C2.00 |
+ H/O: appendicitis |
+ 25J6.00 |
+ Appendix mass |
+ 7700000.0 |
+ Emergency excision of abnormal appendix and drainage HFQ |
+ 7700100.0 |
+ Emergency excision of abnormal appendix NEC |
+ 7700300.0 |
+ Emergency appendicectomy NEC |
+ 7700400.0 |
+ Endoscopic emergency appendicectomy |
+ 7700.00 |
+ Emergency excision of appendix |
+ 7700.11 |
+ Emergency appendicectomy |
+ 7700y00 |
+ Other specified emergency excision of appendix |
+ 7700z00 |
+ Emergency excision of appendix NOS |
+ 7701000.0 |
+ Interval appendicectomy |
+ 7701300.0 |
+ Planned delayed appendicectomy NEC |
+ 7701400.0 |
+ Endoscopic appendicectomy NEC |
+ 7701.00 |
+ Other excision of appendix |
+ 7701.11 |
+ Non emergency appendicectomy |
+ 7701y00 |
+ Other specified other excision of appendix |
+ 7701z00 |
+ Other excision of appendix NOS |
+ 7701z11 |
+ Appendicectomy NEC |
+ 7702000.0 |
+ Drainage of abscess of appendix |
+ 7702100.0 |
+ Drainage of appendix NEC |
+ J200.00 |
+ Acute appendicitis with peritonitis |
+ J201.00 |
+ Acute appendicitis with appendix abscess |
+ J201.11 |
+ Abscess of appendix |
+ J201.12 |
+ Appendix abscess |
+ J202.00 |
+ Acute appendicitis without peritonitis |
+ J203.00 |
+ Acute appendicitis with generalised peritonitis |
+ J204.00 |
+ Acute appendicitis with localised peritonitis |
+ J20..00 |
+ Acute appendicitis |
+ J20z100 |
+ Acute gangrenous appendicitis |
+ J20z.00 |
+ Acute appendicitis NOS |
+ J21..00 |
+ Appendicitis, unqualified |
+ J220.00 |
+ Subacute appendicitis |
+ J221.00 |
+ Chronic appendicitis |
+ J222.00 |
+ Relapsing appendicitis |
+ J223.00 |
+ Recurrent appendicitis |
+ J22..00 |
+ Other appendicitis |
+ J22z.00 |
+ Other appendicitis NOS |
+ Jyu2000 |
+ [X]Other appendicitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K35 |
+ Acute appendicitis |
+ K36 |
+ Other appendicitis |
+ K37 |
+ Unspecified appendicitis |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ H01 |
+ Emergency excision of appendix |
+ H01.1 |
+ Emergency excision of abnormal appendix and drainage HFQ |
+ H01.2 |
+ Emergency excision of abnormal appendix NEC |
+ H01.8 |
+ Other specified emergency excision of appendix |
+ H01.9 |
+ Unspecified emergency excision of appendix |
+ H02 |
+ Other excision of appendix |
+ H02.1 |
+ Interval appendicectomy |
+ H02.2 |
+ Planned delayed appendicectomy NEC |
+ H02.3 |
+ Prophylactic appendicectomy NEC |
+ H02.8 |
+ Other specified other excision of appendix |
+ H02.9 |
+ Unspecified other excision of appendix |
+ H03 |
+ Other operations on appendix |
+ H03.1 |
+ Drainage of abscess of appendix |
+ H03.2 |
+ Drainage of appendix NEC |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Asbestosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Asbestosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Asbestosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Asbestosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Asbestosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
H410.00 | Pleural plaque disease due to asbestosis |
H410.11 | Asbestos-induced pleural plaque |
H41..00 | Asbestosis |
H41z.00 | Asbestosis NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J61 | Pneumoconiosis due to asbestos and other mineral fibres |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Asbestosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ H410.00 |
+ Pleural plaque disease due to asbestosis |
+ H410.11 |
+ Asbestos-induced pleural plaque |
+ H41..00 |
+ Asbestosis |
+ H41z.00 |
+ Asbestosis NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J61 |
+ Pneumoconiosis due to asbestos and other mineral fibres |
+Aspiration pneumonitis
-Aspiration pneumonitis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Aspiration pneumonitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Aspiration pneumonitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Aspiration pneumonitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Aspiration pneumonitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Aspiration pneumonitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
H470000 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of regurgitated food |
H470100 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of gastric secretions |
H470200 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of milk |
H470211 | Milk inhalation pneumonitis |
H470300 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of vomitus |
H470311 | Vomit inhalation pneumonitis |
H470312 | Aspiration pneumonia due to vomit |
H470.00 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus |
H470.11 | Aspiration pneumonia |
H470z00 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus NOS |
H471000 | Lipoid pneumonia (exogenous) |
H471.00 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of oil or essence |
H471z00 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of oil or essence NOS |
H47..00 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solids or liquids |
H47..11 | Aspiration pneumonitis |
H47y.00 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of other solid or liquid |
H47yz00 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solid or liquid NOS |
H47z.00 | Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solid or liquid NOS |
Hyu4700 | [X]Pneumonitis due to inhalation of other solids and liquids |
SP13100 | Other aspiration pneumonia as a complication of care |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J69.0 | Pneumonitis due to food and vomit |
J69.1 | Pneumonitis due to oils and essences |
J69.8 | Pneumonitis due to other solids and liquids |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Aspiration pneumonitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ H470000 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of regurgitated food |
+ H470100 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of gastric secretions |
+ H470200 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of milk |
+ H470211 |
+ Milk inhalation pneumonitis |
+ H470300 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of vomitus |
+ H470311 |
+ Vomit inhalation pneumonitis |
+ H470312 |
+ Aspiration pneumonia due to vomit |
+ H470.00 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus |
+ H470.11 |
+ Aspiration pneumonia |
+ H470z00 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus NOS |
+ H471000 |
+ Lipoid pneumonia (exogenous) |
+ H471.00 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of oil or essence |
+ H471z00 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of oil or essence NOS |
+ H47..00 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solids or liquids |
+ H47..11 |
+ Aspiration pneumonitis |
+ H47y.00 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of other solid or liquid |
+ H47yz00 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solid or liquid NOS |
+ H47z.00 |
+ Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solid or liquid NOS |
+ Hyu4700 |
+ [X]Pneumonitis due to inhalation of other solids and liquids |
+ SP13100 |
+ Other aspiration pneumonia as a complication of care |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J69.0 |
+ Pneumonitis due to food and vomit |
+ J69.1 |
+ Pneumonitis due to oils and essences |
+ J69.8 |
+ Pneumonitis due to other solids and liquids |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Asthma IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Asthma' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Asthma diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Asthma' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Asthma or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14B4.00 | H/O: asthma |
173A.00 | Exercise induced asthma |
173c.00 | Occupational asthma |
173d.00 | Work aggravated asthma |
1780.00 | Aspirin induced asthma |
1O2..00 | Asthma confirmed |
2126200.0 | Asthma resolved |
212G.00 | Asthma resolved |
H312000 | Chronic asthmatic bronchitis |
H330000 | Extrinsic asthma without status asthmaticus |
H330011 | Hay fever with asthma |
H330100 | Extrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus |
H330111 | Extrinsic asthma with asthma attack |
H330.00 | Extrinsic (atopic) asthma |
H330.11 | Allergic asthma |
H330.12 | Childhood asthma |
H330.13 | Hay fever with asthma |
H330.14 | Pollen asthma |
H330z00 | Extrinsic asthma NOS |
H331000 | Intrinsic asthma without status asthmaticus |
H331100 | Intrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus |
H331111 | Intrinsic asthma with asthma attack |
H331.00 | Intrinsic asthma |
H331.11 | Late onset asthma |
H331z00 | Intrinsic asthma NOS |
H332.00 | Mixed asthma |
H333.00 | Acute exacerbation of asthma |
H334.00 | Brittle asthma |
H335.00 | Chronic asthma with fixed airflow obstruction |
H33..00 | Asthma |
H33..11 | Bronchial asthma |
H33z000 | Status asthmaticus NOS |
H33z011 | Severe asthma attack |
H33z100 | Asthma attack |
H33z111 | Asthma attack NOS |
H33z200 | Late-onset asthma |
H33z.00 | Asthma unspecified |
H33z.11 | Hyperreactive airways disease |
H33zz00 | Asthma NOS |
H33zz11 | Exercise induced asthma |
H33zz12 | Allergic asthma NEC |
H33zz13 | Allergic bronchitis NEC |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J45 | Asthma |
J46 | Status asthmaticus |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Asthma' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14B4.00 |
+ H/O: asthma |
+ 173A.00 |
+ Exercise induced asthma |
+ 173c.00 |
+ Occupational asthma |
+ 173d.00 |
+ Work aggravated asthma |
+ 1780.00 |
+ Aspirin induced asthma |
+ 1O2..00 |
+ Asthma confirmed |
+ 2126200.0 |
+ Asthma resolved |
+ 212G.00 |
+ Asthma resolved |
+ H312000 |
+ Chronic asthmatic bronchitis |
+ H330000 |
+ Extrinsic asthma without status asthmaticus |
+ H330011 |
+ Hay fever with asthma |
+ H330100 |
+ Extrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus |
+ H330111 |
+ Extrinsic asthma with asthma attack |
+ H330.00 |
+ Extrinsic (atopic) asthma |
+ H330.11 |
+ Allergic asthma |
+ H330.12 |
+ Childhood asthma |
+ H330.13 |
+ Hay fever with asthma |
+ H330.14 |
+ Pollen asthma |
+ H330z00 |
+ Extrinsic asthma NOS |
+ H331000 |
+ Intrinsic asthma without status asthmaticus |
+ H331100 |
+ Intrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus |
+ H331111 |
+ Intrinsic asthma with asthma attack |
+ H331.00 |
+ Intrinsic asthma |
+ H331.11 |
+ Late onset asthma |
+ H331z00 |
+ Intrinsic asthma NOS |
+ H332.00 |
+ Mixed asthma |
+ H333.00 |
+ Acute exacerbation of asthma |
+ H334.00 |
+ Brittle asthma |
+ H335.00 |
+ Chronic asthma with fixed airflow obstruction |
+ H33..00 |
+ Asthma |
+ H33..11 |
+ Bronchial asthma |
+ H33z000 |
+ Status asthmaticus NOS |
+ H33z011 |
+ Severe asthma attack |
+ H33z100 |
+ Asthma attack |
+ H33z111 |
+ Asthma attack NOS |
+ H33z200 |
+ Late-onset asthma |
+ H33z.00 |
+ Asthma unspecified |
+ H33z.11 |
+ Hyperreactive airways disease |
+ H33zz00 |
+ Asthma NOS |
+ H33zz11 |
+ Exercise induced asthma |
+ H33zz12 |
+ Allergic asthma NEC |
+ H33zz13 |
+ Allergic bronchitis NEC |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J45 |
+ Asthma |
+ J46 |
+ Status asthmaticus |
+Atrial fibrillation
-Atrial Fibrillation and flutter
-Use MODIFIED CALIBER Atrial Fibrillation phenotyping algorithm:
+Use MODIFIED CALIBER 'Atrial fibrillation' phenotyping algorithm:
-At the specified date, a patient is considered to have had atrial fibrillation or flutter IF they meet any of the criteria below on or before the specified date.
+At the specified date, a patient is considered to have had 'Atrial fibrillation' or flutter IF they meet any of the criteria below on or before the specified date.
The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
1. 1. Historical & Diagnosed: first recorded AF code indicates monitoring of an existing condition, or reference to a previous AF diagnosis, or a diagnosis code for AF; preference given to the earliest dated record rather than diagnosis source (i.e. no preference for primary versus secondary care).
- 1. af_gprd: category 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- 2. af_hes: category 6
-Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
-Use MODIFIED CALIBER Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm phenotyping algorithm:
-At the specified date, a patient is considered to have an abdominal aortic aneurysm IF they meet any of the criteria below on or before the specified date.
-The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
-1. Primary care
- 1. Diagnosis of AAA during a consultation: arterial_gprd: category 4
- 2. Performance of emergency AAA repair procedure recording during a consultation: aaa_ops_gprd: category 3
- 3. History of AAA during a consultation. The following Read code from CPRD:
- 1. Read:14AE.00 Medcode:16993 Descr:H/O: aortic aneurysm
-2. Secondary care
- 1. Diagnosis of AAA as the primary or secondary diagnosis of any hospitalization: arterial_hes: category 4
- 2. Performance of emergency AAA repair procedure recorded: aaa_ops_opcs: category 3
+ 1. af_gprd: category 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
+ 2. af_hes: category 6
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14AN.00 |
+ H/O: atrial fibrillation |
+ 14AR.00 |
+ History of atrial flutter |
+ 212R.00 |
+ Atrial fibrillation resolved |
+ 662S.00 |
+ Atrial fibrillation monitoring |
+ 6A9..00 |
+ Atrial fibrillation annual review |
+ 9Os..00 |
+ Atrial fibrillation monitoring administration |
+ 9Os0.00 |
+ Atrial fibrillation monitoring first letter |
+ 9Os1.00 |
+ Atrial fibrillation monitoring second letter |
+ 9Os2.00 |
+ Atrial fibrillation monitoring third letter |
+ 9Os3.00 |
+ Atrial fibrillation monitoring verbal invite |
+ 9Os4.00 |
+ Atrial fibrillation monitoring telephone invite |
+ 9hF..00 |
+ Exception reporting: atrial fibrillation quality indicators |
+ 9hF1.00 |
+ Excepted from atrial fibrillation qual indic: Inform dissent |
+ G573200 |
+ Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation |
+ G573400 |
+ Permanent atrial fibrillation |
+ G573500 |
+ Persistent atrial fibrillation |
+ 3272.00 |
+ ECG: atrial fibrillation |
+ G573000 |
+ Atrial fibrillation |
+ G573300 |
+ Non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation |
+ G573.00 |
+ Atrial fibrillation and flutter |
+ G573z00 |
+ Atrial fibrillation and flutter NOS |
+ 3273.00 |
+ ECG: atrial flutter |
+ G573100 |
+ Atrial flutter |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_AF.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I48 |
+ Atrial fibrillation and flutter |
+Atrioventricular block, complete
-Atrioventricular block, third degree
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Atrioventricular third degree, complete IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Atrioventricular third degree, complete IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Atrioventricular block, complete diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Atrioventricular block, complete or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
3293.00 | ECG:complete sinu-atrial block |
3298.00 | ECG: complete A-V block |
G560.00 | Complete atrioventricular block |
G560.11 | Third degree atrioventricular block |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I44.2 | Atrioventricular block, complete |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 3293 |
+ ECG:complete sinu-atrial block |
+ 3298 |
+ ECG: complete A-V block |
+ G560.00 |
+ Complete atrioventricular block |
+ G560.11 |
+ Third degree atrioventricular block |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I44.2 |
+ Atrioventricular block, complete |
+Atrioventricular block, first degree
-Atrioventricular block, first degree
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Atrioventricular block, first degree IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Atrioventricular block, first degree' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Atrioventricular block, first degree diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Atrioventricular block, first degree' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Atrioventricular block, first degree or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
3294.00 | ECG:partial A-V block-long P-R |
32I3.00 | ECG: P-R interval prolonged |
G561100 | First degree atrioventricular block |
G561111 | Prolonged P-R interval |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I44.0 | Atrioventricular block, first degree |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Atrioventricular block, first degree' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 3294 |
+ ECG:partial A-V block-long P-R |
+ 32I3.00 |
+ ECG: P-R interval prolonged |
+ G561100 |
+ First degree atrioventricular block |
+ G561111 |
+ Prolonged P-R interval |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I44.0 |
+ Atrioventricular block, first degree |
+Atrioventricular block, second degree
-Atrioventricular block, second degree
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Atrioventricular block, second degree IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Atrioventricular block, second degree' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Atrioventricular block, second degree diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Atrioventricular block, second degree' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Atrioventricular block, second degree or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
3295.00 | ECG: partial A-V block - 2:1 |
3296.00 | ECG: partial A-V block - 3:1 |
3297.00 | ECG: Wenckebach phenomenon |
3297.11 | Electrocardiogram: Mobitz type 1 second degree AV block |
329H.00 | Electrocardiogram: Mobitz type 2 second degree AV block |
G561200 | Mobitz type II atrioventricular block |
G561300 | Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) atrioventricular block |
G561311 | Mobitz type 1 second degree atrioventricular block |
G561400 | Second degree atrioventricular block |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I44.1 | Atrioventricular block, second degree |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Atrioventricular block, second degree' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 3295 |
+ ECG: partial A-V block - 2:1 |
+ 3296 |
+ ECG: partial A-V block - 3:1 |
+ 3297 |
+ ECG: Wenckebach phenomenon |
+ 3297.1 |
+ Electrocardiogram: Mobitz type 1 second degree AV block |
+ 329H.00 |
+ Electrocardiogram: Mobitz type 2 second degree AV block |
+ G561200 |
+ Mobitz type II atrioventricular block |
+ G561300 |
+ Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) atrioventricular block |
+ G561311 |
+ Mobitz type 1 second degree atrioventricular block |
+ G561400 |
+ Second degree atrioventricular block |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I44.1 |
+ Atrioventricular block, second degree |
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Autism and Asperger's syndrome IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Autism and Asperger's syndrome' and Asperger's syndrome IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Autism and Asperger's syndrome diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Autism and Asperger's syndrome' and Asperger's syndrome diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Autism and Asperger's syndrome or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
E140000 | Active infantile autism |
E140100 | Residual infantile autism |
E140.00 | Infantile autism |
E140.11 | Kanner's syndrome |
E140.12 | Autism |
E140.13 | Childhood autism |
E140z00 | Infantile autism NOS |
Eu84000 | [X]Childhood autism |
Eu84011 | [X]Autistic disorder |
Eu84012 | [X]Infantile autism |
Eu84014 | [X]Kanner's syndrome |
Eu84100 | [X]Atypical autism |
Eu84112 | [X]Mental retardation with autistic features |
Eu84500 | [X]Aspergers syndrome |
Eu84511 | [X]Autistic psychopathy |
Eu84z11 | [X]Autistic spectrum disorder |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F84.0 | Childhood autism |
F84.1 | Atypical autism |
F84.5 | Aspergers syndrome |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Autism and Asperger's syndrome' and Asperger's syndrome or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ E140000 |
+ Active infantile autism |
+ E140100 |
+ Residual infantile autism |
+ E140.00 |
+ Infantile autism |
+ E140.11 |
+ Kanner's syndrome |
+ E140.12 |
+ Autism |
+ E140.13 |
+ Childhood autism |
+ E140z00 |
+ Infantile autism NOS |
+ Eu84000 |
+ [X]Childhood autism |
+ Eu84011 |
+ [X]Autistic disorder |
+ Eu84012 |
+ [X]Infantile autism |
+ Eu84014 |
+ [X]Kanner's syndrome |
+ Eu84100 |
+ [X]Atypical autism |
+ Eu84112 |
+ [X]Mental retardation with autistic features |
+ Eu84500 |
+ [X]Asperger's syndrome |
+ Eu84511 |
+ [X]Autistic psychopathy |
+ Eu84z11 |
+ [X]Autistic spectrum disorder |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F84.0 |
+ Childhood autism |
+ F84.1 |
+ Atypical autism |
+ F84.5 |
+ Asperger's syndrome |
+Autoimmune liver disease
-Autoimmune liver disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Autoimmune liver disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Autoimmune liver disease' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Autoimmune liver disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Autoimmune liver disease' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Autoimmune liver disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
J614111 | Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis |
J616000 | Primary biliary cirrhosis |
J63B.00 | Autoimmune hepatitis |
J661700 | Primary sclerosing cholangitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K74.3 | Primary biliary cirrhosis |
K75.4 | Autoimmune hepatitis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Autoimmune liver disease' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ J614111 |
+ Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis |
+ J616000 |
+ Primary biliary cirrhosis |
+ J63B.00 |
+ Autoimmune hepatitis |
+ J661700 |
+ Primary sclerosing cholangitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K74.3 |
+ Primary biliary cirrhosis |
+ K75.4 |
+ Autoimmune hepatitis |
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
-Bacterial infections
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had bacterial infections IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A00 | Cholera |
A01 | Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers |
A02 | Other salmonella infections |
A03 | Shigellosis |
A04 | Other bacterial intestinal infections |
A05 | Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified |
A20 | Plague |
A21 | Tularaemia |
A22 | Anthrax |
A23 | Brucellosis |
A24 | Glanders and melioidosis |
A25 | Rat-bite fevers |
A26 | Erysipeloid |
A27 | Leptospirosis |
A28 | Other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified |
A30 | Leprosy [Hansen's disease] |
A31 | Infection due to other mycobacteria |
A32 | Listeriosis |
A35 | Other tetanus |
A36 | Diphtheria |
A37 | Whooping cough |
A38 | Scarlet fever |
A39 | Meningococcal infection |
A40 | Streptococcal sepsis |
A41.0 | Sepsis due to Staphylococcus aureus |
A41.1 | Sepsis due to other specified staphylococcus |
A41.2 | Sepsis due to unspecified staphylococcus |
A41.3 | Sepsis due to Haemophilus influenzae |
A41.4 | Sepsis due to anaerobes |
A41.5 | Sepsis due to other Gram-negative organisms |
A42 | Actinomycosis |
A43 | Nocardiosis |
A44 | Bartonellosis |
A46 | Erysipelas |
A48 | Other bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified |
A49 | Bacterial infection of unspecified site |
A50 | Congenital syphilis |
A51 | Early syphilis |
A52 | Late syphilis |
A53 | Other and unspecified syphilis |
A54 | Gonococcal infection |
A55 | Chlamydial lymphogranuloma (venereum) |
A56 | Other sexually transmitted chlamydial diseases |
A57 | Chancroid |
A58 | Granuloma inguinale |
A65 | Nonvenereal syphilis |
A66 | Yaws |
A67 | Pinta [carate] |
A68 | Relapsing fevers |
A69 | Other spirochaetal infections |
A70 | Chlamydia psittaci infection |
A71 | Trachoma |
A74 | Other diseases caused by chlamydiae |
A75 | Typhus fever |
A77 | Spotted fever [tick-borne rickettsioses] |
A78 | Q fever |
A79 | Other rickettsioses |
B20.1 | HIV disease resulting in other bacterial infections |
B92 | Sequelae of leprosy |
B94.0 | Sequelae of trachoma |
B95 | Streptococcus and staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
B96 | Other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
B98.0 | Helicobacter pylori [H.pylori] as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
B98.1 | Vibrio vulnificus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
G00 | Bacterial meningitis, not elsewhere classified |
G01 | Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
G04.2 | Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified |
G05.0 | Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
H62.0 | Otitis externa in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
H67.0 | Otitis media in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
I00 | Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement |
I01 | Rheumatic fever with heart involvement |
I02 | Rheumatic chorea |
I05 | Rheumatic mitral valve diseases |
I06 | Rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
I07 | Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases |
I09 | Other rheumatic heart diseases |
I32.0 | Pericarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
I41.0 | Myocarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
I98.0 | Cardiovascular syphilis |
J02.0 | Streptococcal pharyngitis |
J03.0 | Streptococcal tonsillitis |
J13 | Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae |
J14 | Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae |
J15 | Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified |
J16.0 | Chlamydial pneumonia |
J17.0 | Pneumonia in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
J20.0 | Acute bronchitis due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae |
J20.1 | Acute bronchitis due to Haemophilus influenzae |
J20.2 | Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus |
J34.0 | Abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of nose |
J36 | Peritonsillar abscess |
J39.0 | Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess |
J39.1 | Other abscess of pharynx |
J86 | Pyothorax |
K61 | Abscess of anal and rectal regions |
K63.0 | Abscess of intestine |
K67.0 | Chlamydial peritonitis |
K67.1 | Gonococcal peritonitis |
L00 | Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome |
L01 | Impetigo |
L02 | Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle |
L03 | Cellulitis |
L05.0 | Pilonidal cyst with abscess |
L08.1 | Erythrasma |
M00.0 | Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis |
M00.1 | Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis |
M00.2 | Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis |
M00.8 | Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents |
M00.9 | Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified |
M01.0 | Meningococcal arthritis |
M01.2 | Arthritis in Lyme disease |
M01.3 | Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
M03.0 | Postmeningococcal arthritis |
M03.1 | Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis |
M49.1 | Brucella spondylitis |
M49.2 | Enterobacterial spondylitis |
M63.0 | Myositis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
M65.0 | Abscess of tendon sheath |
M65.1 | Other infective (teno)synovitis |
M68.0 | Synovitis and tenosynovitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
M71.0 | Abscess of bursa |
M71.1 | Other infective bursitis |
M72.6 | Necrotizing fasciitis |
M73.1 | Syphilitic bursitis |
M86 | Osteomyelitis |
M90.1 | Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
M90.2 | Osteopathy in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
N13.6 | Pyonephrosis |
N15.1 | Renal and perinephric abscess |
N29.0 | Late syphilis of kidney |
N39.0 | Urinary tract infection, site not specified |
N41.0 | Acute prostatitis |
N41.2 | Abscess of prostate |
N41.3 | Prostatocystitis |
N43.1 | Infected hydrocele |
N45 | Orchitis and epididymitis |
N70 | Salpingitis and oophoritis |
N71 | Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix |
N72 | Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri |
N73 | Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases |
N74.3 | Female gonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease |
N74.4 | Female chlamydial pelvic inflammatory disease |
N74.8 | Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere |
N75.1 | Abscess of Bartholin's gland |
P23.1 | Congenital pneumonia due to Chlamydia |
P23.2 | Congenital pneumonia due to staphylococcus |
P23.3 | Congenital pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B |
P23.4 | Congenital pneumonia due to Escherichia coli |
P23.5 | Congenital pneumonia due to Pseudomonas |
P23.6 | Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents |
P36 | Bacterial sepsis of newborn |
P37.2 | Neonatal (disseminated) listeriosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A00 |
+ Cholera |
+ A01 |
+ Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers |
+ A02 |
+ Other salmonella infections |
+ A03 |
+ Shigellosis |
+ A04 |
+ Other bacterial intestinal infections |
+ A05 |
+ Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified |
+ A20 |
+ Plague |
+ A21 |
+ Tularaemia |
+ A22 |
+ Anthrax |
+ A23 |
+ Brucellosis |
+ A24 |
+ Glanders and melioidosis |
+ A25 |
+ Rat-bite fevers |
+ A26 |
+ Erysipeloid |
+ A27 |
+ Leptospirosis |
+ A28 |
+ Other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified |
+ A30 |
+ Leprosy [Hansen's disease] |
+ A31 |
+ Infection due to other mycobacteria |
+ A32 |
+ Listeriosis |
+ A35 |
+ Other tetanus |
+ A36 |
+ Diphtheria |
+ A37 |
+ Whooping cough |
+ A38 |
+ Scarlet fever |
+ A39 |
+ Meningococcal infection |
+ A40 |
+ Streptococcal sepsis |
+ A41.0 |
+ Sepsis due to Staphylococcus aureus |
+ A41.1 |
+ Sepsis due to other specified staphylococcus |
+ A41.2 |
+ Sepsis due to unspecified staphylococcus |
+ A41.3 |
+ Sepsis due to Haemophilus influenzae |
+ A41.4 |
+ Sepsis due to anaerobes |
+ A41.5 |
+ Sepsis due to other Gram-negative organisms |
+ A42 |
+ Actinomycosis |
+ A43 |
+ Nocardiosis |
+ A44 |
+ Bartonellosis |
+ A46 |
+ Erysipelas |
+ A48 |
+ Other bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified |
+ A49 |
+ Bacterial infection of unspecified site |
+ A50 |
+ Congenital syphilis |
+ A51 |
+ Early syphilis |
+ A52 |
+ Late syphilis |
+ A53 |
+ Other and unspecified syphilis |
+ A54 |
+ Gonococcal infection |
+ A55 |
+ Chlamydial lymphogranuloma (venereum) |
+ A56 |
+ Other sexually transmitted chlamydial diseases |
+ A57 |
+ Chancroid |
+ A58 |
+ Granuloma inguinale |
+ A65 |
+ Nonvenereal syphilis |
+ A66 |
+ Yaws |
+ A67 |
+ Pinta [carate] |
+ A68 |
+ Relapsing fevers |
+ A69 |
+ Other spirochaetal infections |
+ A70 |
+ Chlamydia psittaci infection |
+ A71 |
+ Trachoma |
+ A74 |
+ Other diseases caused by chlamydiae |
+ A75 |
+ Typhus fever |
+ A77 |
+ Spotted fever [tick-borne rickettsioses] |
+ A78 |
+ Q fever |
+ A79 |
+ Other rickettsioses |
+ B20.1 |
+ HIV disease resulting in other bacterial infections |
+ B92 |
+ Sequelae of leprosy |
+ B94.0 |
+ Sequelae of trachoma |
+ B95 |
+ Streptococcus and staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
+ B96 |
+ Other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
+ B98.0 |
+ Helicobacter pylori [H.pylori] as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
+ B98.1 |
+ Vibrio vulnificus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
+ G00 |
+ Bacterial meningitis, not elsewhere classified |
+ G01 |
+ Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G04.2 |
+ Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified |
+ G05.0 |
+ Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H62.0 |
+ Otitis externa in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H67.0 |
+ Otitis media in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I00 |
+ Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement |
+ I01 |
+ Rheumatic fever with heart involvement |
+ I02 |
+ Rheumatic chorea |
+ I05 |
+ Rheumatic mitral valve diseases |
+ I06 |
+ Rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
+ I07 |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases |
+ I09 |
+ Other rheumatic heart diseases |
+ I32.0 |
+ Pericarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I41.0 |
+ Myocarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I98.0 |
+ Cardiovascular syphilis |
+ J02.0 |
+ Streptococcal pharyngitis |
+ J03.0 |
+ Streptococcal tonsillitis |
+ J13 |
+ Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae |
+ J14 |
+ Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae |
+ J15 |
+ Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified |
+ J16.0 |
+ Chlamydial pneumonia |
+ J17.0 |
+ Pneumonia in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ J20.0 |
+ Acute bronchitis due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae |
+ J20.1 |
+ Acute bronchitis due to Haemophilus influenzae |
+ J20.2 |
+ Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus |
+ J34.0 |
+ Abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of nose |
+ J36 |
+ Peritonsillar abscess |
+ J39.0 |
+ Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess |
+ J39.1 |
+ Other abscess of pharynx |
+ J86 |
+ Pyothorax |
+ K61 |
+ Abscess of anal and rectal regions |
+ K63.0 |
+ Abscess of intestine |
+ K67.0 |
+ Chlamydial peritonitis |
+ K67.1 |
+ Gonococcal peritonitis |
+ L00 |
+ Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome |
+ L01 |
+ Impetigo |
+ L02 |
+ Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle |
+ L03 |
+ Cellulitis |
+ L05.0 |
+ Pilonidal cyst with abscess |
+ L08.1 |
+ Erythrasma |
+ M00.0 |
+ Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis |
+ M00.1 |
+ Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis |
+ M00.2 |
+ Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis |
+ M00.8 |
+ Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents |
+ M00.9 |
+ Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified |
+ M01.0 |
+ Meningococcal arthritis |
+ M01.2 |
+ Arthritis in Lyme disease |
+ M01.3 |
+ Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M03.0 |
+ Postmeningococcal arthritis |
+ M03.1 |
+ Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis |
+ M49.1 |
+ Brucella spondylitis |
+ M49.2 |
+ Enterobacterial spondylitis |
+ M63.0 |
+ Myositis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M65.0 |
+ Abscess of tendon sheath |
+ M65.1 |
+ Other infective (teno)synovitis |
+ M68.0 |
+ Synovitis and tenosynovitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M71.0 |
+ Abscess of bursa |
+ M71.1 |
+ Other infective bursitis |
+ M72.6 |
+ Necrotizing fasciitis |
+ M73.1 |
+ Syphilitic bursitis |
+ M86 |
+ Osteomyelitis |
+ M90.1 |
+ Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M90.2 |
+ Osteopathy in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N13.6 |
+ Pyonephrosis |
+ N15.1 |
+ Renal and perinephric abscess |
+ N29.0 |
+ Late syphilis of kidney |
+ N39.0 |
+ Urinary tract infection, site not specified |
+ N41.0 |
+ Acute prostatitis |
+ N41.2 |
+ Abscess of prostate |
+ N41.3 |
+ Prostatocystitis |
+ N43.1 |
+ Infected hydrocele |
+ N45 |
+ Orchitis and epididymitis |
+ N70 |
+ Salpingitis and oophoritis |
+ N71 |
+ Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix |
+ N72 |
+ Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri |
+ N73 |
+ Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases |
+ N74.3 |
+ Female gonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease |
+ N74.4 |
+ Female chlamydial pelvic inflammatory disease |
+ N74.8 |
+ Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N75.1 |
+ Abscess of Bartholin's gland |
+ P23.1 |
+ Congenital pneumonia due to Chlamydia |
+ P23.2 |
+ Congenital pneumonia due to staphylococcus |
+ P23.3 |
+ Congenital pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B |
+ P23.4 |
+ Congenital pneumonia due to Escherichia coli |
+ P23.5 |
+ Congenital pneumonia due to Pseudomonas |
+ P23.6 |
+ Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents |
+ P36 |
+ Bacterial sepsis of newborn |
+ P37.2 |
+ Neonatal (disseminated) listeriosis |
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn
-Sepsis of the Newborn
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Bacterial sepsis of newborn IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Bacterial sepsis of newborn IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Bacterial sepsis of newborn diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Bacterial sepsis of newborn or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
Q408200 | Eschericha coli intra-amniotic fetal infection |
Q408400 | Group A haemolytic streptococcal intra-amniotic infect. NEC |
Q408500 | Group B haemolytic streptococcal intra-amniotic infect. NEC |
Q408600 | Pseudomonas pyocyaneus congenital infection |
Q40A000 | Sepsis of newborn due to Staphylococcus aureus |
Q40A100 | Sepsis of newborn due to Escherichia coli |
Q40A200 | Sepsis of newborn due to anaerobes |
Q40A300 | Perinatal coagulase negative staphylococcus |
Q40A.00 | Sepsis of the newborn |
Q40W.00 | Sepsis of newborn due to other+unspecified streptococci |
Q40y000 | Intrauterine fetal sepsis, unspecified |
Q40y011 | Congenital sepsis NOS |
Q40y012 | Congenital septicaemia |
Q40y100 | Neonatal urinary tract infection |
Q40y200 | Septicaemia of newborn |
Q40y.00 | Other specified perinatal infection |
Q40yz00 | Other specified perinatal infection NOS |
Q40z.00 | Perinatal infections NOS |
Qyu4100 | [X]Sepsis/newborn due to other+unspecified staphylococcus |
Qyu4200 | [X]Other bacterial sepsis of newborn |
Qyu4800 | [X]Sepsis of newborn due to other+unspecified streptococci |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
P36 | Bacterial sepsis of newborn |
-Barrett's Oesophagus
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Barrett's oesophagus IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
-Primary care
-1. Barrett's oesophagus diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
-Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Barrett's oesophagus or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
J101611 | Barrett's oesophagus |
J102500 | Barrett's ulcer of oesophagus |
J10y600 | Barrett's oesophagus |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K22.7 | Barrett's oesophagus |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ Q408200 |
+ Eschericha coli intra-amniotic fetal infection |
+ Q408400 |
+ Group A haemolytic streptococcal intra-amniotic infect. NEC |
+ Q408500 |
+ Group B haemolytic streptococcal intra-amniotic infect. NEC |
+ Q408600 |
+ Pseudomonas pyocyaneus congenital infection |
+ Q40A000 |
+ Sepsis of newborn due to Staphylococcus aureus |
+ Q40A100 |
+ Sepsis of newborn due to Escherichia coli |
+ Q40A200 |
+ Sepsis of newborn due to anaerobes |
+ Q40A300 |
+ Perinatal coagulase negative staphylococcus |
+ Q40A.00 |
+ Sepsis of the newborn |
+ Q40W.00 |
+ Sepsis of newborn due to other+unspecified streptococci |
+ Q40y000 |
+ Intrauterine fetal sepsis, unspecified |
+ Q40y011 |
+ Congenital sepsis NOS |
+ Q40y012 |
+ Congenital septicaemia |
+ Q40y100 |
+ Neonatal urinary tract infection |
+ Q40y200 |
+ Septicaemia of newborn |
+ Q40y.00 |
+ Other specified perinatal infection |
+ Q40yz00 |
+ Other specified perinatal infection NOS |
+ Q40z.00 |
+ Perinatal infections NOS |
+ Qyu4100 |
+ [X]Sepsis/newborn due to other+unspecified staphylococcus |
+ Qyu4200 |
+ [X]Other bacterial sepsis of newborn |
+ Qyu4800 |
+ [X]Sepsis of newborn due to other+unspecified streptococci |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ P36 |
+ Bacterial sepsis of newborn |
+Barrett's oesophagus
-Bell's palsy
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Bell's palsy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Barrett's oesophagus' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Bell's palsy diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Barrett's oesophagus' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Bell's palsy or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1476.00 | H/O: Bell's palsy |
F310.00 | Bell's (facial) palsy |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G51.0 | Bell's palsy |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Barrett's oesophagus' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ J101611 |
+ Barrett's oesophagus |
+ J102500 |
+ Barrett's ulcer of oesophagus |
+ J10y600 |
+ Barrett's oesophagus |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K22.7 |
+ Barrett's oesophagus |
+Bell's palsy
-Essential Tremor
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Essential tremor IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Bell's palsy' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Essential tremor diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Bell's palsy' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Essential tremor or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F131000 | Benign essential tremor |
F131100 | Familial tremor |
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G25.0 | Essential tremor |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Bell's palsy' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1476 |
+ H/O: Bell's palsy |
+ F310.00 |
+ Bell's (facial) palsy |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_bells.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G51.0 |
+ Bell's palsy |
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
-Benign Neoplasm - uterus
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7E0D311 | Endoscopic endometrial polypectomy |
7E0D700 | Endoscopic endometrial polypectomy |
B791000 | Benign neoplasm of endometrium NEC |
B791100 | Benign neoplasm of myometrium NEC |
B791200 | Benign neoplasm of uterine fundus NEC |
B791.00 | Benign neoplasm corpus uteri NEC |
B791z00 | Benign neoplasm of corpus uteri NOS |
B79..00 | Other benign neoplasm of uterus |
B79y.00 | Benign neoplasm of other specified sites of uterus |
B79z.00 | Benign neoplasm of uterus NOS |
ByuGB00 | [X]Benign neoplasm of other parts of uterus |
K540.00 | Polyp of the corpus uteri |
K540.11 | Endometrial polyp |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D26.1 | Other benign neoplasm: Corpus uteri |
D26.7 | Other benign neoplasm: Other parts of uterus |
D26.9 | Other benign neoplasm: Uterus, unspecified |
N84.0 | Polyp of corpus uteri |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7E0D311 |
+ Endoscopic endometrial polypectomy |
+ 7E0D700 |
+ Endoscopic endometrial polypectomy |
+ B791000 |
+ Benign neoplasm of endometrium NEC |
+ B791100 |
+ Benign neoplasm of myometrium NEC |
+ B791200 |
+ Benign neoplasm of uterine fundus NEC |
+ B791.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm corpus uteri NEC |
+ B791z00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of corpus uteri NOS |
+ B79..00 |
+ Other benign neoplasm of uterus |
+ B79y.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of other specified sites of uterus |
+ B79z.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of uterus NOS |
+ ByuGB00 |
+ [X]Benign neoplasm of other parts of uterus |
+ K540.00 |
+ Polyp of the corpus uteri |
+ K540.11 |
+ Endometrial polyp |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D26.1 |
+ Other benign neoplasm: Corpus uteri |
+ D26.7 |
+ Other benign neoplasm: Other parts of uterus |
+ D26.9 |
+ Other benign neoplasm: Uterus, unspecified |
+ N84.0 |
+ Polyp of corpus uteri |
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
-Benign neoplasm - Brain
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B7F0000 | Benign neoplasm of brain, supratentorial |
B7F0.00 | Benign neoplasm of brain |
B7F0.11 | Cerebral tumour - benign |
B7F1000 | Acoustic neuroma |
B7F1.00 | Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves |
B7F2000 | Cerebral meningioma |
B7F2.00 | Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges |
B7F2z00 | Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges NOS |
B7F3.00 | Benign neoplasm of spinal cord |
B7F4000 | Spinal meningioma |
B7F4.00 | Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges |
B7F4z00 | Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges NOS |
B7F..00 | Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of nervous system |
B7FX.00 | Benign neoplasm of meninges, unspecified |
B7Fz.00 | Benign neoplasm of brain or other nervous system NOS |
B7H2000 | Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland |
B7H2100 | Benign neoplasm of Rathke's pouch |
B7H2200 | Benign neoplasm of sella turcica |
B7H2300 | Benign neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct |
B7H2.00 | Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct |
B7H2.11 | Pituitary adenoma |
B7H2z00 | Benign neoplasm of pituitary and craniopharyngeal duct NOS |
B7H3.00 | Benign neoplasm of pineal gland |
B7H4.00 | Benign neoplasm of carotid body |
B7H5000 | Benign neoplasm of glomus jugulare |
B7H5100 | Benign neoplasm of aortic body |
B7H5200 | Benign neoplasm of coccygeal body |
B7H5.00 | Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia |
B7H5z00 | Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia NOS |
BBb5.00 | [M]Choroid plexus papilloma NOS |
BBd0.00 | [M]Meningioma NOS |
BBd3.00 | [M]Meningotheliomatous meningioma |
BBd3.11 | [M]Endotheliomatous meningioma |
BBd4.00 | [M]Fibrous meningioma |
BBd5.00 | [M]Psammomatous meningioma |
BBd6.00 | [M]Angiomatous meningioma |
BBd7.00 | [M]Haemangioblastic meningioma |
BBd7.11 | [M]Angioblastic meningioma |
BBd8.00 | [M]Haemangiopericytic meningioma |
BBd9.00 | [M]Transitional meningioma |
BBd..00 | [M]Meningiomas |
BBdz.00 | [M]Meningioma NOS |
BBe5.11 | [M]Acoustic neuroma |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D32 | Benign neoplasm of meninges |
D33 | Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system |
D35.2 | Benign neoplasm: Pituitary gland |
D35.3 | Benign neoplasm: Craniopharyngeal duct |
D35.4 | Benign neoplasm: Pineal gland |
D35.5 | Benign neoplasm: Carotid body |
D35.6 | Benign neoplasm: Aortic body and other paraganglia |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B7F0000 |
+ Benign neoplasm of brain, supratentorial |
+ B7F0.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of brain |
+ B7F0.11 |
+ Cerebral tumour - benign |
+ B7F1000 |
+ Acoustic neuroma |
+ B7F1.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves |
+ B7F2000 |
+ Cerebral meningioma |
+ B7F2.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges |
+ B7F2z00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges NOS |
+ B7F3.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of spinal cord |
+ B7F4000 |
+ Spinal meningioma |
+ B7F4.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges |
+ B7F4z00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges NOS |
+ B7F..00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of nervous system |
+ B7FX.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of meninges, unspecified |
+ B7Fz.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of brain or other nervous system NOS |
+ B7H2000 |
+ Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland |
+ B7H2100 |
+ Benign neoplasm of Rathke's pouch |
+ B7H2200 |
+ Benign neoplasm of sella turcica |
+ B7H2300 |
+ Benign neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct |
+ B7H2.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct |
+ B7H2.11 |
+ Pituitary adenoma |
+ B7H2z00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of pituitary and craniopharyngeal duct NOS |
+ B7H3.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of pineal gland |
+ B7H4.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of carotid body |
+ B7H5000 |
+ Benign neoplasm of glomus jugulare |
+ B7H5100 |
+ Benign neoplasm of aortic body |
+ B7H5200 |
+ Benign neoplasm of coccygeal body |
+ B7H5.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia |
+ B7H5z00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia NOS |
+ BBb5.00 |
+ [M]Choroid plexus papilloma NOS |
+ BBd0.00 |
+ [M]Meningioma NOS |
+ BBd3.00 |
+ [M]Meningotheliomatous meningioma |
+ BBd3.11 |
+ [M]Endotheliomatous meningioma |
+ BBd4.00 |
+ [M]Fibrous meningioma |
+ BBd5.00 |
+ [M]Psammomatous meningioma |
+ BBd6.00 |
+ [M]Angiomatous meningioma |
+ BBd7.00 |
+ [M]Haemangioblastic meningioma |
+ BBd7.11 |
+ [M]Angioblastic meningioma |
+ BBd8.00 |
+ [M]Haemangiopericytic meningioma |
+ BBd9.00 |
+ [M]Transitional meningioma |
+ BBd..00 |
+ [M]Meningiomas |
+ BBdz.00 |
+ [M]Meningioma NOS |
+ BBe5.11 |
+ [M]Acoustic neuroma |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D32 |
+ Benign neoplasm of meninges |
+ D33 |
+ Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system |
+ D35.2 |
+ Benign neoplasm: Pituitary gland |
+ D35.3 |
+ Benign neoplasm: Craniopharyngeal duct |
+ D35.4 |
+ Benign neoplasm: Pineal gland |
+ D35.5 |
+ Benign neoplasm: Carotid body |
+ D35.6 |
+ Benign neoplasm: Aortic body and other paraganglia |
+Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal
-Benign Neoplasm - Colon
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -599,30 +6579,217 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
771G400 | Colonoscopic polypectomy |
7722.11 | Open operation on rectal polyp |
7722.12 | Open polypectomy of rectum |
7726111.0 | Peranal excision of rectal polyp |
7726112.0 | Peranal polypectomy of rectum |
7726212.0 | Peranal destruction of rectal polyp |
7731200.0 | Excision of anal polyp |
B713000 | Benign neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon |
B713100 | Benign neoplasm of transverse colon |
B713200 | Benign neoplasm of descending colon |
B713300 | Benign neoplasm of sigmoid colon |
B713400 | Benign neoplasm of caecum |
B713500 | Benign neoplasm of appendix |
B713600 | Benign neoplasm of ascending colon |
B713700 | Benign neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon |
B713900 | Benign neoplasm of ileocaecal valve |
B713.00 | Benign neoplasm of colon |
B713.11 | Colon polyp |
B713z00 | Benign neoplasm of colon NOS |
B714000 | Benign neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction |
B714100 | Benign neoplasm of rectum |
B714111 | Benign papilloma rectum |
B714200 | Benign neoplasm of anal canal |
B714300 | Benign neoplasm of anus NOS |
B714.00 | Benign neoplasm of rectum and anal canal |
B714z00 | Benign neoplasm of rectum or anal canal NOS |
J570000 | Anal polyp |
J570100 | Rectal polyp |
J570.00 | Anal and rectal polyp |
J570z00 | Anal and rectal polyp NOS |
J578.00 | Colonic polyp |
J578.11 | Polyp of colon |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D12 | Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal |
K62.0 | Anal polyp |
K62.1 | Rectal polyp |
K63.5 | Polyp of colon |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 771G400 |
+ Colonoscopic polypectomy |
+ 7722.11 |
+ Open operation on rectal polyp |
+ 7722.12 |
+ Open polypectomy of rectum |
+ 7726111.0 |
+ Peranal excision of rectal polyp |
+ 7726112.0 |
+ Peranal polypectomy of rectum |
+ 7726212.0 |
+ Peranal destruction of rectal polyp |
+ 7731200.0 |
+ Excision of anal polyp |
+ B713000 |
+ Benign neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon |
+ B713100 |
+ Benign neoplasm of transverse colon |
+ B713200 |
+ Benign neoplasm of descending colon |
+ B713300 |
+ Benign neoplasm of sigmoid colon |
+ B713400 |
+ Benign neoplasm of caecum |
+ B713500 |
+ Benign neoplasm of appendix |
+ B713600 |
+ Benign neoplasm of ascending colon |
+ B713700 |
+ Benign neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon |
+ B713900 |
+ Benign neoplasm of ileocaecal valve |
+ B713.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of colon |
+ B713.11 |
+ Colon polyp |
+ B713z00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of colon NOS |
+ B714000 |
+ Benign neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction |
+ B714100 |
+ Benign neoplasm of rectum |
+ B714111 |
+ Benign papilloma rectum |
+ B714200 |
+ Benign neoplasm of anal canal |
+ B714300 |
+ Benign neoplasm of anus NOS |
+ B714.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of rectum and anal canal |
+ B714z00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of rectum or anal canal NOS |
+ J570000 |
+ Anal polyp |
+ J570100 |
+ Rectal polyp |
+ J570.00 |
+ Anal and rectal polyp |
+ J570z00 |
+ Anal and rectal polyp NOS |
+ J578.00 |
+ Colonic polyp |
+ J578.11 |
+ Polyp of colon |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D12 |
+ Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal |
+ K62.0 |
+ Anal polyp |
+ K62.1 |
+ Rectal polyp |
+ K63.5 |
+ Polyp of colon |
+Benign neoplasm of ovary
-Benign Neoplasm - Ovary
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Benign neoplasm of ovary IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Benign neoplasm of ovary IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Benign neoplasm of ovary diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Benign neoplasm of ovary or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7E20300 | Ovarian cystectomy |
7E23300 | Open drainage of cyst of ovary |
7E25200 | Endoscopic drainage of cyst of ovary |
7E25211 | Laparoscopic drainage ovarian cyst |
7E29100 | Transvaginal drainage of ovarian cyst |
7E2B000 | Transvaginal ultrasound guided aspiration of ovarian cyst |
B7A2.00 | Benign teratoma of ovary |
B7A..00 | Benign neoplasm of ovary |
B7A..11 | Dermoid cyst of ovary |
BB81.00 | [M]Ovarian cystic, mucinous and serous neoplasms |
BB81z00 | [M]Ovarian cystic, mucinous or serous neoplasm NOS |
K530.00 | Follicular cyst of ovary |
K530.11 | Graafian follicle cyst |
K531000 | Corpus luteum cyst unspecified |
K531100 | Corpus luteum cyst haemorrhage |
K531200 | Corpus luteum cyst rupture |
K531.00 | Corpus luteum cyst |
K531z00 | Corpus luteum cyst NOS |
K532000 | Corpus albicans cyst of the ovary |
K532100 | Theca lutein cyst of the ovary |
K532300 | Simple cystoma of the ovary |
K532.00 | Other ovarian cysts |
K532z00 | Ovarian cyst NOS |
K53..11 | Ovarian cysts |
Kyu9500 | [X]Other and unspecified ovarian cysts |
PC04.00 | Developmental ovarian cyst |
ZV13G00 | [V]Personal history of ovarian cyst |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D27 | Benign neoplasm of ovary |
N83.0 | Follicular cyst of ovary |
N83.1 | Corpus luteum cyst |
N83.2 | Other and unspecified ovarian cysts |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D27 |
+ Benign neoplasm of ovary |
+ N83.0 |
+ Follicular cyst of ovary |
+ N83.1 |
+ Corpus luteum cyst |
+ N83.2 |
+ Other and unspecified ovarian cysts |
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
-Benign Neiplasm - Stomach
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -630,156 +6797,695 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7612000.0 | Open excision of polyp of stomach |
B711000 | Benign neoplasm of stomach cardia |
B711100 | Benign neoplasm of pylorus of stomach |
B711200 | Benign neoplasm of fundus of stomach |
B711300 | Benign neoplasm of body of stomach |
B711400 | Benign neoplasm of pyloric antrum |
B711.00 | Benign neoplasm of stomach |
B711.11 | Gastric polyp |
B711z00 | Benign neoplasm of stomach NOS |
B712000 | Benign neoplasm of duodenum |
B712011 | Duodenal polyp |
B712100 | Benign neoplasm of jejunum |
B712111 | Jejunal polyp |
B712200 | Benign neoplasm of ileum |
B712.00 | Benign neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum |
B712z00 | Benign neoplasm of small intestine or duodenum NOS |
J177.00 | Gastric polyp |
J177.11 | Polyp of stomach |
J178.00 | Duodenal polyp |
J178.11 | Polyp of duodenum |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K31.7 | Polyp of stomach and duodenum |
D13.1 | Benign neoplasm: Stomach |
D13.2 | Benign neoplasm: Duodenum |
D13.3 | Benign neoplasm: Other and unspecified parts of small intestine |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7612000 |
+ Open excision of polyp of stomach |
+ B711000 |
+ Benign neoplasm of stomach cardia |
+ B711100 |
+ Benign neoplasm of pylorus of stomach |
+ B711200 |
+ Benign neoplasm of fundus of stomach |
+ B711300 |
+ Benign neoplasm of body of stomach |
+ B711400 |
+ Benign neoplasm of pyloric antrum |
+ B711.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of stomach |
+ B711.11 |
+ Gastric polyp |
+ B711z00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of stomach NOS |
+ B712000 |
+ Benign neoplasm of duodenum |
+ B712011 |
+ Duodenal polyp |
+ B712100 |
+ Benign neoplasm of jejunum |
+ B712111 |
+ Jejunal polyp |
+ B712200 |
+ Benign neoplasm of ileum |
+ B712.00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum |
+ B712z00 |
+ Benign neoplasm of small intestine or duodenum NOS |
+ J177.00 |
+ Gastric polyp |
+ J177.11 |
+ Polyp of stomach |
+ J178.00 |
+ Duodenal polyp |
+ J178.11 |
+ Polyp of duodenum |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K31.7 |
+ Polyp of stomach and duodenum |
+ D13.1 |
+ Benign neoplasm: Stomach |
+ D13.2 |
+ Benign neoplasm: Duodenum |
+ D13.3 |
+ Benign neoplasm: Other and unspecified parts of small intestine |
+Bifascicular block
-Bifascicular block
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Bifascicular block IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Bifascicular block' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Bifascicular block diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Bifascicular block' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Bifascicular block or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
329F.00 | ECG: right bundle branch and left anterior fascicular block |
329G.00 | ECG: right bundle branch and left posterior fascicular block |
G565100 | Right BBB with left posterior fascicular block |
G565200 | Right BBB with left anterior fascicular block |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I45.2 | Bifascicular block |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Bifascicular block' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 329F.00 |
+ ECG: right bundle branch and left anterior fascicular block |
+ 329G.00 |
+ ECG: right bundle branch and left posterior fascicular block |
+ G565100 |
+ Right BBB with left posterior fascicular block |
+ G565200 |
+ Right BBB with left anterior fascicular block |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I45.2 |
+ Bifascicular block |
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania
-Bipolar Affective Disorder
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Bipolar affective disorder and mania IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Bipolar affective disorder and mania' and mania IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Bipolar affective disorder and mania diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Bipolar affective disorder and mania' and mania diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Bipolar affective disorder and mania or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
146D.00 | H/O: manic depressive disorder |
1S42.00 | Manic mood |
212V.00 | Bipolar affective disorder resolved |
E110000 | Single manic episode, unspecified |
E110100 | Single manic episode, mild |
E110200 | Single manic episode, moderate |
E110300 | Single manic episode, severe without mention of psychosis |
E110400 | Single manic episode, severe, with psychosis |
E110500 | Single manic episode in partial or unspecified remission |
E110600 | Single manic episode in full remission |
E110.00 | Manic disorder, single episode |
E110.11 | Hypomanic psychoses |
E110z00 | Manic disorder, single episode NOS |
E111000 | Recurrent manic episodes, unspecified |
E111100 | Recurrent manic episodes, mild |
E111200 | Recurrent manic episodes, moderate |
E111300 | Recurrent manic episodes, severe without mention psychosis |
E111400 | Recurrent manic episodes, severe, with psychosis |
E111500 | Recurrent manic episodes, partial or unspecified remission |
E111600 | Recurrent manic episodes, in full remission |
E111.00 | Recurrent manic episodes |
E111z00 | Recurrent manic episode NOS |
E114000 | Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, unspecified |
E114100 | Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, mild |
E114200 | Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, moderate |
E114300 | Bipolar affect disord, currently manic, severe, no psychosis |
E114400 | Bipolar affect disord, currently manic,severe with psychosis |
E114500 | Bipolar affect disord,currently manic, part/unspec remission |
E114600 | Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, full remission |
E114.00 | Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic |
E114.11 | Manic-depressive - now manic |
E114z00 | Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, NOS |
E115000 | Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, unspecified |
E115100 | Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, mild |
E115200 | Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, moderate |
E115300 | Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, severe, no psychosis |
E115400 | Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, severe with psychosis |
E115500 | Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, part/unspec remission |
E115600 | Bipolar affective disorder, now depressed, in full remission |
E115.00 | Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed |
E115.11 | Manic-depressive - now depressed |
E115z00 | Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, NOS |
E116000 | Mixed bipolar affective disorder, unspecified |
E116100 | Mixed bipolar affective disorder, mild |
E116200 | Mixed bipolar affective disorder, moderate |
E116300 | Mixed bipolar affective disorder, severe, without psychosis |
E116400 | Mixed bipolar affective disorder, severe, with psychosis |
E116500 | Mixed bipolar affective disorder, partial/unspec remission |
E116600 | Mixed bipolar affective disorder, in full remission |
E116.00 | Mixed bipolar affective disorder |
E116z00 | Mixed bipolar affective disorder, NOS |
E117000 | Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, unspecified |
E117100 | Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, mild |
E117200 | Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, moderate |
E117300 | Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, severe, no psychosis |
E117400 | Unspecified bipolar affective disorder,severe with psychosis |
E117500 | Unspecified bipolar affect disord, partial/unspec remission |
E117600 | Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, in full remission |
E117.00 | Unspecified bipolar affective disorder |
E117z00 | Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, NOS |
E11..11 | Bipolar psychoses |
E11..13 | Manic psychoses |
E11y000 | Unspecified manic-depressive psychoses |
E11y100 | Atypical manic disorder |
E11y300 | Other mixed manic-depressive psychoses |
E11y.00 | Other and unspecified manic-depressive psychoses |
E11yz00 | Other and unspecified manic-depressive psychoses NOS |
Eu30000 | [X]Hypomania |
Eu30100 | [X]Mania without psychotic symptoms |
Eu30200 | [X]Mania with psychotic symptoms |
Eu30211 | [X]Mania with mood-congruent psychotic symptoms |
Eu30212 | [X]Mania with mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms |
Eu30.00 | [X]Manic episode |
Eu30.11 | [X]Bipolar disorder, single manic episode |
Eu30y00 | [X]Other manic episodes |
Eu30z00 | [X]Manic episode, unspecified |
Eu30z11 | [X]Mania NOS |
Eu31000 | [X]Bipolar affective disorder, current episode hypomanic |
Eu31100 | [X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi manic wout psychotic symp |
Eu31200 | [X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi manic with psychotic symp |
Eu31300 | [X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi mild or moderate depressn |
Eu31400 | [X]Bipol aff disord, curr epis sev depress, no psychot symp |
Eu31500 | [X]Bipolar affect dis cur epi severe depres with psyc symp |
Eu31600 | [X]Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mixed |
Eu31700 | [X]Bipolar affective disorder, currently in remission |
Eu31800 | [X]Bipolar affective disorder type I |
Eu31900 | [X]Bipolar affective disorder type II |
Eu31911 | [X]Bipolar II disorder |
Eu31.00 | [X]Bipolar affective disorder |
Eu31.11 | [X]Manic-depressive illness |
Eu31.12 | [X]Manic-depressive psychosis |
Eu31.13 | [X]Manic-depressive reaction |
Eu31y00 | [X]Other bipolar affective disorders |
Eu31y11 | [X]Bipolar II disorder |
Eu31y12 | [X]Recurrent manic episodes |
Eu31z00 | [X]Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified |
Eu33213 | [X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressd,no psychotic symptoms |
Eu33312 | [X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressed type+psychotic symptoms |
ZRby100 | Profile of mood states, bipolar |
ZV11111 | [V]Personal history of manic-depressive psychosis |
ZV11112 | [V]Personal history of manic-depressive psychosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F30 | Manic episode |
F31 | Bipolar affective disorder |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Bipolar affective disorder and mania' and mania or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 146D.00 |
+ H/O: manic depressive disorder |
+ 1S42.00 |
+ Manic mood |
+ 212V.00 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder resolved |
+ E110000 |
+ Single manic episode, unspecified |
+ E110100 |
+ Single manic episode, mild |
+ E110200 |
+ Single manic episode, moderate |
+ E110300 |
+ Single manic episode, severe without mention of psychosis |
+ E110400 |
+ Single manic episode, severe, with psychosis |
+ E110500 |
+ Single manic episode in partial or unspecified remission |
+ E110600 |
+ Single manic episode in full remission |
+ E110.00 |
+ Manic disorder, single episode |
+ E110.11 |
+ Hypomanic psychoses |
+ E110z00 |
+ Manic disorder, single episode NOS |
+ E111000 |
+ Recurrent manic episodes, unspecified |
+ E111100 |
+ Recurrent manic episodes, mild |
+ E111200 |
+ Recurrent manic episodes, moderate |
+ E111300 |
+ Recurrent manic episodes, severe without mention psychosis |
+ E111400 |
+ Recurrent manic episodes, severe, with psychosis |
+ E111500 |
+ Recurrent manic episodes, partial or unspecified remission |
+ E111600 |
+ Recurrent manic episodes, in full remission |
+ E111.00 |
+ Recurrent manic episodes |
+ E111z00 |
+ Recurrent manic episode NOS |
+ E114000 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, unspecified |
+ E114100 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, mild |
+ E114200 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, moderate |
+ E114300 |
+ Bipolar affect disord, currently manic, severe, no psychosis |
+ E114400 |
+ Bipolar affect disord, currently manic,severe with psychosis |
+ E114500 |
+ Bipolar affect disord,currently manic, part/unspec remission |
+ E114600 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, full remission |
+ E114.00 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic |
+ E114.11 |
+ Manic-depressive - now manic |
+ E114z00 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, NOS |
+ E115000 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, unspecified |
+ E115100 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, mild |
+ E115200 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, moderate |
+ E115300 |
+ Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, severe, no psychosis |
+ E115400 |
+ Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, severe with psychosis |
+ E115500 |
+ Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, part/unspec remission |
+ E115600 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, now depressed, in full remission |
+ E115.00 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed |
+ E115.11 |
+ Manic-depressive - now depressed |
+ E115z00 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, NOS |
+ E116000 |
+ Mixed bipolar affective disorder, unspecified |
+ E116100 |
+ Mixed bipolar affective disorder, mild |
+ E116200 |
+ Mixed bipolar affective disorder, moderate |
+ E116300 |
+ Mixed bipolar affective disorder, severe, without psychosis |
+ E116400 |
+ Mixed bipolar affective disorder, severe, with psychosis |
+ E116500 |
+ Mixed bipolar affective disorder, partial/unspec remission |
+ E116600 |
+ Mixed bipolar affective disorder, in full remission |
+ E116.00 |
+ Mixed bipolar affective disorder |
+ E116z00 |
+ Mixed bipolar affective disorder, NOS |
+ E117000 |
+ Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, unspecified |
+ E117100 |
+ Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, mild |
+ E117200 |
+ Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, moderate |
+ E117300 |
+ Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, severe, no psychosis |
+ E117400 |
+ Unspecified bipolar affective disorder,severe with psychosis |
+ E117500 |
+ Unspecified bipolar affect disord, partial/unspec remission |
+ E117600 |
+ Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, in full remission |
+ E117.00 |
+ Unspecified bipolar affective disorder |
+ E117z00 |
+ Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, NOS |
+ E11..11 |
+ Bipolar psychoses |
+ E11..13 |
+ Manic psychoses |
+ E11y000 |
+ Unspecified manic-depressive psychoses |
+ E11y100 |
+ Atypical manic disorder |
+ E11y300 |
+ Other mixed manic-depressive psychoses |
+ E11y.00 |
+ Other and unspecified manic-depressive psychoses |
+ E11yz00 |
+ Other and unspecified manic-depressive psychoses NOS |
+ Eu30000 |
+ [X]Hypomania |
+ Eu30100 |
+ [X]Mania without psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu30200 |
+ [X]Mania with psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu30211 |
+ [X]Mania with mood-congruent psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu30212 |
+ [X]Mania with mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu30.00 |
+ [X]Manic episode |
+ Eu30.11 |
+ [X]Bipolar disorder, single manic episode |
+ Eu30y00 |
+ [X]Other manic episodes |
+ Eu30z00 |
+ [X]Manic episode, unspecified |
+ Eu30z11 |
+ [X]Mania NOS |
+ Eu31000 |
+ [X]Bipolar affective disorder, current episode hypomanic |
+ Eu31100 |
+ [X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi manic wout psychotic symp |
+ Eu31200 |
+ [X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi manic with psychotic symp |
+ Eu31300 |
+ [X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi mild or moderate depressn |
+ Eu31400 |
+ [X]Bipol aff disord, curr epis sev depress, no psychot symp |
+ Eu31500 |
+ [X]Bipolar affect dis cur epi severe depres with psyc symp |
+ Eu31600 |
+ [X]Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mixed |
+ Eu31700 |
+ [X]Bipolar affective disorder, currently in remission |
+ Eu31800 |
+ [X]Bipolar affective disorder type I |
+ Eu31900 |
+ [X]Bipolar affective disorder type II |
+ Eu31911 |
+ [X]Bipolar II disorder |
+ Eu31.00 |
+ [X]Bipolar affective disorder |
+ Eu31.11 |
+ [X]Manic-depressive illness |
+ Eu31.12 |
+ [X]Manic-depressive psychosis |
+ Eu31.13 |
+ [X]Manic-depressive reaction |
+ Eu31y00 |
+ [X]Other bipolar affective disorders |
+ Eu31y11 |
+ [X]Bipolar II disorder |
+ Eu31y12 |
+ [X]Recurrent manic episodes |
+ Eu31z00 |
+ [X]Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified |
+ Eu33213 |
+ [X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressd,no psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu33312 |
+ [X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressed type+psychotic symptoms |
+ ZRby100 |
+ Profile of mood states, bipolar |
+ ZV11111 |
+ [V]Personal history of manic-depressive psychosis |
+ ZV11112 |
+ [V]Personal history of manic-depressive psychosis |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_BAD.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F30 |
+ Manic episode |
+ F31 |
+ Bipolar affective disorder |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Bronchiectasis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Bronchiectasis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Bronchiectasis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Bronchiectasis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Bronchiectasis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
A115.00 | Tuberculous bronchiectasis |
H340.00 | Recurrent bronchiectasis |
H341.00 | Post-infective bronchiectasis |
H34..00 | Bronchiectasis |
H34z.00 | Bronchiectasis NOS |
P861.00 | Congenital bronchiectasis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J47 | Bronchiectasis |
Q33.4 | Congenital bronchiectasis |
-Chronic Kidney Disease
-Apply modified CALIBER Chronic Kidney Disease algorithm in CPRD primary care data as follows:
-A patient is defined as having had CKD stage 3 or above at a specified date:
-IF egfr_ckdepi recorded on or before specified date, THEN
-IF egfr_ckdepi <60 ml/min on the most recent date (index date) before the specified date
-IF egfr_ckdepi <60 ml/min on any date greater than 90 days BEFORE the index date above
-THEN classify as having CKD3 or above
-ELSE the patient is not defined as having CKD stage 3 or above.
-Where egfr_ckdepi up to and including 31 Dec 2013 is defined as:
-egfr_ckdepi = 141 * min(crea_gprd * 0.010746 / K, 1)^alpha
-* max(crea_gprd * 0.010746 / K, 1)^-1.209
-* 0.993^age * 1.018 [if female] * 1.159 [if black]
-alpha = -0.329 for females, -0.411 for males
-K = 0.7 for females, 0.9 for males
-Where egfr_ckdepi from and including 1 Jan 2014 is defined as:
-egfr_ckdepi = 141 * min(crea_gprd * 0.010746 / K, 1)^alpha
-* max(crea_gprd * 0.0.011312/ K, 1)^-1.209
-* 0.993^age * 1.018 [if female] * 1.159 [if black]
-alpha = -0.329 for females, -0.411 for males
-K = 0.7 for females, 0.9 for males
-Where crea_gprd is defined as:
-IF enttype = 165 [Serum creatinine]
-AND data1 [Operator] = 3 ["="] AND data2 [Value] > 0
-THEN crea_gprd = data2
-Low HDL-C
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Low HDL Cholesterol IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date.
-Primary care
-1. IF FEMALE the lowest value EVER recorded for HDL Cholesterol for a patient on or before the specified date is less than:
-a) serum: 1.2 mmol/L
-b) serum: 46.404 mg/dL
-c) plasma: 1.1650 mmol/L
-d) plasma: 45.0524 mg/dL
-2. IF MALE the lowest value EVER recorded for HDL Cholesterol for a patient on or before the specified date is less than:
-a) serum: 1 mmol/L
-b) serum: 38.67 mg/dL
-c) plasma: 0.9709 mmol/L
-d) plasma: 37.5437 mg/dL
-Raised LDL-C
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Raised LDL Cholesterol IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date.
-Primary care
-1. IF the highest value EVER recorded for LDL Cholesterol for a patient on or before the specified date is greater than:
-a) serum: 3 mmol/L
-b) serum: 116.01 mg/dL
-c) plasma: 2.9126 mmol/L
-d) plasma: 112.6311 mg/dL
-Raised Total Cholesterol
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Raised Total Cholesterol IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date.
-Primary care
-1. IF the highest value EVER recorded for Total Cholesterol for a patient on or before the specified date is greater than:
-a) serum: 5 mmol/L
-b) serum: 193.35 mg/dL
-c) plasma: 4.8544 mmol/L
-d) plasma: 187.7184 mg/dL
-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Bronchiectasis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ A115.00 |
+ Tuberculous bronchiectasis |
+ H340.00 |
+ Recurrent bronchiectasis |
+ H341.00 |
+ Post-infective bronchiectasis |
+ H34..00 |
+ Bronchiectasis |
+ H34z.00 |
+ Bronchiectasis NOS |
+ P861.00 |
+ Congenital bronchiectasis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J47 |
+ Bronchiectasis |
+ Q33.4 |
+ Congenital bronchiectasis |
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had COPD IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -787,216 +7493,2509 @@ Primary care
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of COPD or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14B3.12 | History of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
H310000 | Chronic catarrhal bronchitis |
H310.00 | Simple chronic bronchitis |
H310z00 | Simple chronic bronchitis NOS |
H311000 | Purulent chronic bronchitis |
H311100 | Fetid chronic bronchitis |
H311.00 | Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis |
H311z00 | Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis NOS |
H312000 | Chronic asthmatic bronchitis |
H312011 | Chronic wheezy bronchitis |
H312100 | Emphysematous bronchitis |
H312200 | Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive airways disease |
H312300 | Bronchiolitis obliterans |
H312.00 | Obstructive chronic bronchitis |
H312z00 | Obstructive chronic bronchitis NOS |
H313.00 | Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis |
H31..00 | Chronic bronchitis |
H31y100 | Chronic tracheobronchitis |
H31y.00 | Other chronic bronchitis |
H31yz00 | Other chronic bronchitis NOS |
H31z.00 | Chronic bronchitis NOS |
H320000 | Segmental bullous emphysema |
H320100 | Zonal bullous emphysema |
H320200 | Giant bullous emphysema |
H320300 | Bullous emphysema with collapse |
H320.00 | Chronic bullous emphysema |
H320z00 | Chronic bullous emphysema NOS |
H321.00 | Panlobular emphysema |
H322.00 | Centrilobular emphysema |
H32..00 | Emphysema |
H32y000 | Acute vesicular emphysema |
H32y100 | Atrophic (senile) emphysema |
H32y111 | Acute interstitial emphysema |
H32y200 | MacLeod's unilateral emphysema |
H32y.00 | Other emphysema |
H32yz00 | Other emphysema NOS |
H32z.00 | Emphysema NOS |
H36..00 | Mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
H37..00 | Moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
H38..00 | Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
H39..00 | Very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
H3A..00 | End stage chronic obstructive airways disease |
H3...00 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
H3...11 | Chronic obstructive airways disease |
H3y0.00 | Chronic obstruct pulmonary dis with acute lower resp infectn |
H3y1.00 | Chron obstruct pulmonary dis wth acute exacerbation, unspec |
H3y..00 | Other specified chronic obstructive airways disease |
H3y..11 | Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
H3z..00 | Chronic obstructive airways disease NOS |
H3z..11 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease NOS |
H464000 | Chronic emphysema due to chemical fumes |
H464100 | Obliterative bronchiolitis due to chemical fumes |
H583200 | Eosinophilic bronchitis |
Hyu3000 | [X]Other emphysema |
Hyu3100 | [X]Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J40 | Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic |
J41 | Simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis |
J42 | Unspecified chronic bronchitis |
J43 | Emphysema |
J44 | Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14B3.12 |
+ History of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
+ H310000 |
+ Chronic catarrhal bronchitis |
+ H310.00 |
+ Simple chronic bronchitis |
+ H310z00 |
+ Simple chronic bronchitis NOS |
+ H311000 |
+ Purulent chronic bronchitis |
+ H311100 |
+ Fetid chronic bronchitis |
+ H311.00 |
+ Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis |
+ H311z00 |
+ Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis NOS |
+ H312000 |
+ Chronic asthmatic bronchitis |
+ H312011 |
+ Chronic wheezy bronchitis |
+ H312100 |
+ Emphysematous bronchitis |
+ H312200 |
+ Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive airways disease |
+ H312300 |
+ Bronchiolitis obliterans |
+ H312.00 |
+ Obstructive chronic bronchitis |
+ H312z00 |
+ Obstructive chronic bronchitis NOS |
+ H313.00 |
+ Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis |
+ H31..00 |
+ Chronic bronchitis |
+ H31y100 |
+ Chronic tracheobronchitis |
+ H31y.00 |
+ Other chronic bronchitis |
+ H31yz00 |
+ Other chronic bronchitis NOS |
+ H31z.00 |
+ Chronic bronchitis NOS |
+ H320000 |
+ Segmental bullous emphysema |
+ H320100 |
+ Zonal bullous emphysema |
+ H320200 |
+ Giant bullous emphysema |
+ H320300 |
+ Bullous emphysema with collapse |
+ H320.00 |
+ Chronic bullous emphysema |
+ H320z00 |
+ Chronic bullous emphysema NOS |
+ H321.00 |
+ Panlobular emphysema |
+ H322.00 |
+ Centrilobular emphysema |
+ H32..00 |
+ Emphysema |
+ H32y000 |
+ Acute vesicular emphysema |
+ H32y100 |
+ Atrophic (senile) emphysema |
+ H32y111 |
+ Acute interstitial emphysema |
+ H32y200 |
+ MacLeod's unilateral emphysema |
+ H32y.00 |
+ Other emphysema |
+ H32yz00 |
+ Other emphysema NOS |
+ H32z.00 |
+ Emphysema NOS |
+ H36..00 |
+ Mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
+ H37..00 |
+ Moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
+ H38..00 |
+ Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
+ H39..00 |
+ Very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
+ H3A..00 |
+ End stage chronic obstructive airways disease |
+ H3...00 |
+ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
+ H3...11 |
+ Chronic obstructive airways disease |
+ H3y0.00 |
+ Chronic obstruct pulmonary dis with acute lower resp infectn |
+ H3y1.00 |
+ Chron obstruct pulmonary dis wth acute exacerbation, unspec |
+ H3y..00 |
+ Other specified chronic obstructive airways disease |
+ H3y..11 |
+ Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
+ H3z..00 |
+ Chronic obstructive airways disease NOS |
+ H3z..11 |
+ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease NOS |
+ H464000 |
+ Chronic emphysema due to chemical fumes |
+ H464100 |
+ Obliterative bronchiolitis due to chemical fumes |
+ H583200 |
+ Eosinophilic bronchitis |
+ Hyu3000 |
+ [X]Other emphysema |
+ Hyu3100 |
+ [X]Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_COPD.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J40 |
+ Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic |
+ J41 |
+ Simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis |
+ J42 |
+ Unspecified chronic bronchitis |
+ J43 |
+ Emphysema |
+ J44 |
+ Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical
-Cervical Intra-epithelial Neoplasia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Carcinoma in situ_cervical IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Carcinoma in situ_cervical IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Carcinoma in situ_cervical diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Carcinoma in situ_cervical or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
4K2..11 | Dyskaryosis on cervical smear |
4K2J.00 | Cervical smear - low grade dyskaryosis |
4K2K.00 | Cervical smear - high grade dyskaryosis (moderate) |
4K2L.00 | Cervical smear - high grade dyskaryosis (severe) |
4K2N.00 | Cervical smear - ?endocervical type glandular neoplasia |
4K2P.00 | Cervical smear - ?non-cervical type glandular neoplasia |
B831000 | Carcinoma in situ of endocervix |
B831100 | Carcinoma in situ of exocervix |
B831.00 | Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri |
B831.11 | CIN III - carcinoma in situ of cervix |
B831.12 | Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia |
B831.13 | Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III |
ByuFA00 | [X]Carcinoma in situ of other parts of cervix |
K551000 | Anaplasia of cervix |
K551100 | Epidermidization of cervix |
K551300 | Mild cervical dysplasia |
K551311 | Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I |
K551400 | Moderate cervical dysplasia |
K551411 | Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II |
K551.00 | Dysplasia of cervix uteri |
K551.12 | CIN I - II, cervical dysplasia |
K551X00 | Severe cervical dysplasia, not elsewhere classified |
K551z00 | Dysplasia of cervix NOS |
R150000 | [D]Dyskaryotic cervical smear |
ZV13B00 | [V]Personal history of mild cervical dysplasia |
ZV13B11 | [V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade I |
ZV13C00 | [V]Personal history of moderate cervical dysplasia |
ZV13C11 | [V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II |
ZV13D00 | [V]Personal history of severe cervical dysplasia |
ZV13E00 | [V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D06 | Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri |
N87 | Dysplasia of cervix uteri |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 4K2..11 |
+ Dyskaryosis on cervical smear |
+ 4K2J.00 |
+ Cervical smear - low grade dyskaryosis |
+ 4K2K.00 |
+ Cervical smear - high grade dyskaryosis (moderate) |
+ 4K2L.00 |
+ Cervical smear - high grade dyskaryosis (severe) |
+ 4K2N.00 |
+ Cervical smear - ?endocervical type glandular neoplasia |
+ 4K2P.00 |
+ Cervical smear - ?non-cervical type glandular neoplasia |
+ B831000 |
+ Carcinoma in situ of endocervix |
+ B831100 |
+ Carcinoma in situ of exocervix |
+ B831.00 |
+ Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri |
+ B831.11 |
+ CIN III - carcinoma in situ of cervix |
+ B831.12 |
+ Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia |
+ B831.13 |
+ Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III |
+ ByuFA00 |
+ [X]Carcinoma in situ of other parts of cervix |
+ K551000 |
+ Anaplasia of cervix |
+ K551100 |
+ Epidermidization of cervix |
+ K551300 |
+ Mild cervical dysplasia |
+ K551311 |
+ Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I |
+ K551400 |
+ Moderate cervical dysplasia |
+ K551411 |
+ Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II |
+ K551.00 |
+ Dysplasia of cervix uteri |
+ K551.12 |
+ CIN I - II, cervical dysplasia |
+ K551X00 |
+ Severe cervical dysplasia, not elsewhere classified |
+ K551z00 |
+ Dysplasia of cervix NOS |
+ R150000 |
+ [D]Dyskaryotic cervical smear |
+ ZV13B00 |
+ [V]Personal history of mild cervical dysplasia |
+ ZV13B11 |
+ [V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade I |
+ ZV13C00 |
+ [V]Personal history of moderate cervical dysplasia |
+ ZV13C11 |
+ [V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II |
+ ZV13D00 |
+ [V]Personal history of severe cervical dysplasia |
+ ZV13E00 |
+ [V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D06 |
+ Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri |
+ N87 |
+ Dysplasia of cervix uteri |
+Carpal tunnel syndrome
-Carpal tunnel syndrome
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Carpal tunnel syndrome IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Carpal tunnel syndrome' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis, history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Carpal tunnel syndrome' diagnosis, history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Carpal tunnel syndrome or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Carpal tunnel syndrome' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Carpal tunnel syndrome or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7056000.0 | Carpal tunnel release |
7056011.0 | Carpal tunnel decompression |
7056200.0 | Re-release of carpal tunnel |
7056400.0 | Endoscopic carpal tunnel release |
705A100 | Revision of carpal tunnel release |
85BE.00 | Injection of carpal tunnel |
8Hlr.00 | Referral for carpal tunnel injection |
9Nu3000 | Consent given for carpal tunnel injection |
F340.00 | Carpal tunnel syndrome |
F340.12 | CTS - Carpal tunnel syndrome |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G56.0 | Carpal tunnel syndrome |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
A65.1 | Carpal tunnel release |
A69.2 | Revision of carpal tunnel release |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Carpal tunnel syndrome' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7056000 |
+ Carpal tunnel release |
+ 7056011 |
+ Carpal tunnel decompression |
+ 7056200 |
+ Re-release of carpal tunnel |
+ 7056400 |
+ Endoscopic carpal tunnel release |
+ 705A100 |
+ Revision of carpal tunnel release |
+ 85BE.00 |
+ Injection of carpal tunnel |
+ 8Hlr.00 |
+ Referral for carpal tunnel injection |
+ 9Nu3000 |
+ Consent given for carpal tunnel injection |
+ F340.00 |
+ Carpal tunnel syndrome |
+ F340.12 |
+ CTS - Carpal tunnel syndrome |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G56.0 |
+ Carpal tunnel syndrome |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ A65.1 |
+ Carpal tunnel release |
+ A69.2 |
+ Revision of carpal tunnel release |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Cataract IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Cataract' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Cataract diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Cataract' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Cataract or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Cataract' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Cataract during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1483.00 | H/O: cataract |
14N9.00 | H/O: R cataract extraction |
14NA.00 | H/O: L cataract extraction |
14NC.00 | H/O: Bilateral cataract extraction |
22E5.00 | O/E - cataract present |
2BT0.00 | O/E - Right cataract present |
2BT1.00 | O/E - Left cataract present |
2BT..00 | Cataract observation |
7263011.0 | Needling of lens for cataract |
7263.12 | Extracapsular extraction of cataract |
7264.11 | Intracapsular extraction of cataract |
7266100.0 | Discission of cataract |
7266.11 | Other extraction of cataract |
7267600.0 | Cataract extraction and insertion of intraocular lens |
8H5H.00 | Referral for cataract extraction |
8HTV.00 | Referral to cataract clinic |
8LC0.00 | Cataract operation planned |
C108F00 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C108F11 | Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C108F12 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C109E00 | Non-insulin depend diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C109E11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C109E12 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C10EF00 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C10EF12 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C10FE00 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C10FE11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
F460000 | Unspecified infantile cataract |
F460100 | Unspecified juvenile cataract |
F460200 | Unspecified presenile cataract |
F460300 | Anterior subcapsular polar cataract |
F460400 | Posterior subcapsular polar cataract |
F460500 | Cortical cataract |
F460600 | Lamellar zonular cataract |
F460700 | Nuclear cataract |
F460.00 | Infantile, juvenile and presenile cataracts |
F460x00 | Combined nonsenile cataract |
F460y00 | Other nonsenile cataract |
F460z00 | Nonsenile cataract NOS |
F461000 | Unspecified senile cataract |
F461100 | Lens capsule pseudoexfoliation |
F461200 | Coronary cataract |
F461300 | Punctate cataract |
F461400 | Incipient cataract NOS |
F461500 | Immature cataract NOS |
F461600 | Anterior subcapsular polar senile cataract |
F461700 | Posterior subcapsular polar senile cataract |
F461800 | Cortical senile cataract |
F461900 | Nuclear senile cataract |
F461A00 | Total, mature senile cataract |
F461B00 | Hypermature cataract |
F461B11 | Morgagni cataract |
F461.00 | Senile cataract |
F461x00 | Combined senile cataract |
F461y00 | Other senile cataract |
F461z00 | Senile cataract NOS |
F463000 | Unspecified cataracta complicata |
F463200 | Cataract in eye inflammatory disorder |
F463300 | Cataract with neovascularization |
F463400 | Cataract in degenerative disorder |
F463.00 | Cataract secondary to ocular disease |
F463z00 | Cataract secondary to ocular disorder NOS |
F464000 | Diabetic cataract |
F464100 | Tetanic cataract |
F464200 | Myotonic cataract |
F464300 | Cataract associated with other syndromes |
F464.00 | Cataract due to other disorder |
F464z00 | Cataract due to other disorder NOS |
F465000 | Unspecified secondary cataract |
F465200 | Other after cataract with vision normal |
F465300 | After-cataract with vision obscured |
F465500 | Posterior capsule opacification |
F465.00 | After cataract |
F465z00 | After cataract NOS |
F466.00 | Bilateral cataracts |
F46..00 | Cataract |
F46y.00 | Other cataract |
F46yz00 | Other cataract NOS |
F46z000 | Immature cortical cataract |
F46z.00 | Cataract NOS |
F4B4B00 | Keratopathy following cataract surgery |
F4B4C00 | Bullous aphakic keratopathy following cataract surgery |
F4K2D00 | Vitreous syndrome following cataract surgery |
FyuE000 | [X]Other senile cataract |
FyuE100 | [X]Other specified cataract |
FyuE400 | [X]Cataract in other diseases classified elsewhere |
P330.00 | Congenital cataract, unspecified |
P331000 | Capsular cataract |
P331100 | Subcapsular cataract |
P331.00 | Capsular and subcapsular cataract |
P331z00 | Capsular or subcapsular cataract NOS |
P332000 | Cortical cataract - congenital |
P332100 | Zonular cataract |
P332.00 | Cortical and zonular cataract |
P332z00 | Cortical or zonular cataract NOS |
P333.00 | Nuclear cataract - congenital |
P334000 | Total congenital cataract |
P334z00 | Total or subtotal congenital cataract NOS |
P33..00 | Congenital cataract and lens anomalies |
P33y000 | Blue dot cataract |
P33y100 | Congenital membranous cataract |
P33y.00 | Other specified congenital cataract or lens anomaly |
P33yz00 | Other congenital cataract or lens anomaly NOS |
P33z.00 | Congenital cataract or lens anomaly NOS |
ZV45611 | [V]State following cataract extraction |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H25 | Senile cataract |
H26.0 | Infantile, juvenile and presenile cataract |
H26.2 | Complicated cataract |
H26.4 | After-cataract |
H26.8 | Other specified cataract |
H26.9 | Cataract, unspecified |
H28 | Cataract and other disorders of lens in diseases classified elsewhere |
Q12.0 | Congenital cataract |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
C71.1 | Simple linear extraction of lens |
C71.2 | Phacoemulsification of lens |
C71.3 | Aspiration of lens |
C71.8 | Other specified extracapsular extraction of lens |
C71.9 | Unspecified extracapsular extraction of lens |
C72.1 | Forceps extraction of lens |
C72.2 | Suction extraction of lens |
C72.3 | Cryoextraction of lens |
C72.8 | Other specified intracapsular extraction of lens |
C72.9 | Unspecified intracapsular extraction of lens |
C73.1 | Membranectomy of lens |
C73.2 | Capsulotomy of anterior lens capsule |
C73.3 | Capsulotomy of posterior lens capsule |
C73.4 | Capsulotomy of lens NEC |
C73.8 | Other specified incision of capsule of lens |
C73.9 | Unspecified incision of capsule of lens |
C74.1 | Curettage of lens |
C74.2 | Discission of cataract |
C74.3 | Mechanical lensectomy |
C74.8 | Other specified other extraction of lens |
C74.9 | Unspecified other extraction of lens |
C75.1 | Insertion of prosthetic replacement for lens NEC |
C75.2 | Revision of prosthetic replacement for lens |
C75.3 | Removal of prosthetic replacement for lens |
C75.4 | Insertion of prosthetic replacement for lens using suture fixation |
C75.8 | Other specified prosthesis of lens |
C75.9 | Unspecified prosthesis of lens |
C77.1 | Capsulectomy |
C77.2 | Couching of lens |
C77.6 | Insertion of capsule tension ring |
C77.8 | Other specified other operations on lens |
C77.9 | Unspecified other operations on lens |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Cataract' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1483 |
+ H/O: cataract |
+ 14N9.00 |
+ H/O: R cataract extraction |
+ 14NA.00 |
+ H/O: L cataract extraction |
+ 14NC.00 |
+ H/O: Bilateral cataract extraction |
+ 22E5.00 |
+ O/E - cataract present |
+ 2BT0.00 |
+ O/E - Right cataract present |
+ 2BT1.00 |
+ O/E - Left cataract present |
+ 2BT..00 |
+ Cataract observation |
+ 7263011 |
+ Needling of lens for cataract |
+ 7263.12 |
+ Extracapsular extraction of cataract |
+ 7264.11 |
+ Intracapsular extraction of cataract |
+ 7266100 |
+ Discission of cataract |
+ 7266.11 |
+ Other extraction of cataract |
+ 7267600 |
+ Cataract extraction and insertion of intraocular lens |
+ 8H5H.00 |
+ Referral for cataract extraction |
+ 8HTV.00 |
+ Referral to cataract clinic |
+ 8LC0.00 |
+ Cataract operation planned |
+ C108F00 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C108F11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C108F12 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C109E00 |
+ Non-insulin depend diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C109E11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C109E12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10EF00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10EF12 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10FE00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10FE11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ F460000 |
+ Unspecified infantile cataract |
+ F460100 |
+ Unspecified juvenile cataract |
+ F460200 |
+ Unspecified presenile cataract |
+ F460300 |
+ Anterior subcapsular polar cataract |
+ F460400 |
+ Posterior subcapsular polar cataract |
+ F460500 |
+ Cortical cataract |
+ F460600 |
+ Lamellar zonular cataract |
+ F460700 |
+ Nuclear cataract |
+ F460.00 |
+ Infantile, juvenile and presenile cataracts |
+ F460x00 |
+ Combined nonsenile cataract |
+ F460y00 |
+ Other nonsenile cataract |
+ F460z00 |
+ Nonsenile cataract NOS |
+ F461000 |
+ Unspecified senile cataract |
+ F461100 |
+ Lens capsule pseudoexfoliation |
+ F461200 |
+ Coronary cataract |
+ F461300 |
+ Punctate cataract |
+ F461400 |
+ Incipient cataract NOS |
+ F461500 |
+ Immature cataract NOS |
+ F461600 |
+ Anterior subcapsular polar senile cataract |
+ F461700 |
+ Posterior subcapsular polar senile cataract |
+ F461800 |
+ Cortical senile cataract |
+ F461900 |
+ Nuclear senile cataract |
+ F461A00 |
+ Total, mature senile cataract |
+ F461B00 |
+ Hypermature cataract |
+ F461B11 |
+ Morgagni cataract |
+ F461.00 |
+ Senile cataract |
+ F461x00 |
+ Combined senile cataract |
+ F461y00 |
+ Other senile cataract |
+ F461z00 |
+ Senile cataract NOS |
+ F463000 |
+ Unspecified cataracta complicata |
+ F463200 |
+ Cataract in eye inflammatory disorder |
+ F463300 |
+ Cataract with neovascularization |
+ F463400 |
+ Cataract in degenerative disorder |
+ F463.00 |
+ Cataract secondary to ocular disease |
+ F463z00 |
+ Cataract secondary to ocular disorder NOS |
+ F464000 |
+ Diabetic cataract |
+ F464100 |
+ Tetanic cataract |
+ F464200 |
+ Myotonic cataract |
+ F464300 |
+ Cataract associated with other syndromes |
+ F464.00 |
+ Cataract due to other disorder |
+ F464z00 |
+ Cataract due to other disorder NOS |
+ F465000 |
+ Unspecified secondary cataract |
+ F465200 |
+ Other after cataract with vision normal |
+ F465300 |
+ After-cataract with vision obscured |
+ F465500 |
+ Posterior capsule opacification |
+ F465.00 |
+ After cataract |
+ F465z00 |
+ After cataract NOS |
+ F466.00 |
+ Bilateral cataracts |
+ F46..00 |
+ Cataract |
+ F46y.00 |
+ Other cataract |
+ F46yz00 |
+ Other cataract NOS |
+ F46z000 |
+ Immature cortical cataract |
+ F46z.00 |
+ Cataract NOS |
+ F4B4B00 |
+ Keratopathy following cataract surgery |
+ F4B4C00 |
+ Bullous aphakic keratopathy following cataract surgery |
+ F4K2D00 |
+ Vitreous syndrome following cataract surgery |
+ FyuE000 |
+ [X]Other senile cataract |
+ FyuE100 |
+ [X]Other specified cataract |
+ FyuE400 |
+ [X]Cataract in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+ P330.00 |
+ Congenital cataract, unspecified |
+ P331000 |
+ Capsular cataract |
+ P331100 |
+ Subcapsular cataract |
+ P331.00 |
+ Capsular and subcapsular cataract |
+ P331z00 |
+ Capsular or subcapsular cataract NOS |
+ P332000 |
+ Cortical cataract - congenital |
+ P332100 |
+ Zonular cataract |
+ P332.00 |
+ Cortical and zonular cataract |
+ P332z00 |
+ Cortical or zonular cataract NOS |
+ P333.00 |
+ Nuclear cataract - congenital |
+ P334000 |
+ Total congenital cataract |
+ P334z00 |
+ Total or subtotal congenital cataract NOS |
+ P33..00 |
+ Congenital cataract and lens anomalies |
+ P33y000 |
+ Blue dot cataract |
+ P33y100 |
+ Congenital membranous cataract |
+ P33y.00 |
+ Other specified congenital cataract or lens anomaly |
+ P33yz00 |
+ Other congenital cataract or lens anomaly NOS |
+ P33z.00 |
+ Congenital cataract or lens anomaly NOS |
+ ZV45611 |
+ [V]State following cataract extraction |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H25 |
+ Senile cataract |
+ H26.0 |
+ Infantile, juvenile and presenile cataract |
+ H26.2 |
+ Complicated cataract |
+ H26.4 |
+ After-cataract |
+ H26.8 |
+ Other specified cataract |
+ H26.9 |
+ Cataract, unspecified |
+ H28 |
+ Cataract and other disorders of lens in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ Q12.0 |
+ Congenital cataract |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ C71.1 |
+ Simple linear extraction of lens |
+ C71.2 |
+ Phacoemulsification of lens |
+ C71.3 |
+ Aspiration of lens |
+ C71.8 |
+ Other specified extracapsular extraction of lens |
+ C71.9 |
+ Unspecified extracapsular extraction of lens |
+ C72.1 |
+ Forceps extraction of lens |
+ C72.2 |
+ Suction extraction of lens |
+ C72.3 |
+ Cryoextraction of lens |
+ C72.8 |
+ Other specified intracapsular extraction of lens |
+ C72.9 |
+ Unspecified intracapsular extraction of lens |
+ C73.1 |
+ Membranectomy of lens |
+ C73.2 |
+ Capsulotomy of anterior lens capsule |
+ C73.3 |
+ Capsulotomy of posterior lens capsule |
+ C73.4 |
+ Capsulotomy of lens NEC |
+ C73.8 |
+ Other specified incision of capsule of lens |
+ C73.9 |
+ Unspecified incision of capsule of lens |
+ C74.1 |
+ Curettage of lens |
+ C74.2 |
+ Discission of cataract |
+ C74.3 |
+ Mechanical lensectomy |
+ C74.8 |
+ Other specified other extraction of lens |
+ C74.9 |
+ Unspecified other extraction of lens |
+ C75.1 |
+ Insertion of prosthetic replacement for lens NEC |
+ C75.2 |
+ Revision of prosthetic replacement for lens |
+ C75.3 |
+ Removal of prosthetic replacement for lens |
+ C75.4 |
+ Insertion of prosthetic replacement for lens using suture fixation |
+ C75.8 |
+ Other specified prosthesis of lens |
+ C75.9 |
+ Unspecified prosthesis of lens |
+ C77.1 |
+ Capsulectomy |
+ C77.2 |
+ Couching of lens |
+ C77.6 |
+ Insertion of capsule tension ring |
+ C77.8 |
+ Other specified other operations on lens |
+ C77.9 |
+ Unspecified other operations on lens |
+Cerebral Palsy
-Cerebral Palsy
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Cerebral palsy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Cerebral Palsy' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Cerebral palsy diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Cerebral Palsy' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Cerebral palsy or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
38Gw.00 | Gross Motor Function Classification System Cerebral Palsy |
F137000 | Athetoid cerebral palsy |
F137011 | Vogt's disease |
F137100 | Double athetosis |
F137111 | Congenital athetosis |
F137.11 | Athetoid cerebral palsy |
F137.12 | Athetosis - congenital |
F230000 | Congenital paraplegia |
F230100 | Cerebral palsy with spastic diplegia |
F230111 | Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy |
F230.00 | Congenital diplegia |
F230.11 | Paraplegia - congenital |
F230z00 | Congenital diplegia NOS |
F231.00 | Congenital hemiplegia |
F232.00 | Congenital quadriplegia |
F232.11 | Tetraplegia - congenital |
F233.00 | Congenital monoplegia |
F233.11 | Congenital spastic foot |
F234.00 | Infantile hemiplegia NOS |
F23..00 | Congenital cerebral palsy |
F23..11 | Congenital spastic cerebral palsy |
F23..12 | Infantile cerebral palsy |
F23..13 | Littles disease |
F23..14 | Cerebral atonia |
F23y000 | Ataxic infantile cerebral palsy |
F23y100 | Flaccid infantile cerebral palsy |
F23y200 | Spastic cerebral palsy |
F23y300 | Dyskinetic cerebral palsy |
F23y400 | Ataxic diplegic cerebral palsy |
F23y500 | Worster-Drought syndrome |
F23y511 | Congenital suprabulbar paresis |
F23y600 | Choreoathetoid cerebral palsy |
F23y.00 | Other congenital cerebral palsy |
F23yz00 | Other infantile cerebral palsy NOS |
F23z.00 | Congenital cerebral palsy NOS |
F2B0.00 | Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy |
F2B1.00 | Spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy |
F2B..00 | Cerebral palsy |
F2By.00 | Other cerebral palsy |
F2Bz.00 | Cerebral palsy NOS |
Fyu9000 | [X]Other infantile cerebral palsy |
Fyu9.00 | [X]Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes |
G669.00 | Cerebral palsy, not congenital or infantile, acute |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G80 | Cerebral palsy |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Cerebral Palsy' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 38Gw.00 |
+ Gross Motor Function Classification System Cerebral Palsy |
+ F137000 |
+ Athetoid cerebral palsy |
+ F137011 |
+ Vogt's disease |
+ F137100 |
+ Double athetosis |
+ F137111 |
+ Congenital athetosis |
+ F137.11 |
+ Athetoid cerebral palsy |
+ F137.12 |
+ Athetosis - congenital |
+ F230000 |
+ Congenital paraplegia |
+ F230100 |
+ Cerebral palsy with spastic diplegia |
+ F230111 |
+ Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy |
+ F230.00 |
+ Congenital diplegia |
+ F230.11 |
+ Paraplegia - congenital |
+ F230z00 |
+ Congenital diplegia NOS |
+ F231.00 |
+ Congenital hemiplegia |
+ F232.00 |
+ Congenital quadriplegia |
+ F232.11 |
+ Tetraplegia - congenital |
+ F233.00 |
+ Congenital monoplegia |
+ F233.11 |
+ Congenital spastic foot |
+ F234.00 |
+ Infantile hemiplegia NOS |
+ F23..00 |
+ Congenital cerebral palsy |
+ F23..11 |
+ Congenital spastic cerebral palsy |
+ F23..12 |
+ Infantile cerebral palsy |
+ F23..13 |
+ Littles disease |
+ F23..14 |
+ Cerebral atonia |
+ F23y000 |
+ Ataxic infantile cerebral palsy |
+ F23y100 |
+ Flaccid infantile cerebral palsy |
+ F23y200 |
+ Spastic cerebral palsy |
+ F23y300 |
+ Dyskinetic cerebral palsy |
+ F23y400 |
+ Ataxic diplegic cerebral palsy |
+ F23y500 |
+ Worster-Drought syndrome |
+ F23y511 |
+ Congenital suprabulbar paresis |
+ F23y600 |
+ Choreoathetoid cerebral palsy |
+ F23y.00 |
+ Other congenital cerebral palsy |
+ F23yz00 |
+ Other infantile cerebral palsy NOS |
+ F23z.00 |
+ Congenital cerebral palsy NOS |
+ F2B0.00 |
+ Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy |
+ F2B1.00 |
+ Spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy |
+ F2B..00 |
+ Cerebral palsy |
+ F2By.00 |
+ Other cerebral palsy |
+ F2Bz.00 |
+ Cerebral palsy NOS |
+ Fyu9000 |
+ [X]Other infantile cerebral palsy |
+ Fyu9.00 |
+ [X]Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes |
+ G669.00 |
+ Cerebral palsy, not congenital or infantile, acute |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G80 |
+ Cerebral palsy |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Cholangitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Cholangitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Cholangitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Cholangitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Cholangitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
J620100 | Liver abscess due to cholangitis |
J646.00 | Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis |
J661000 | Acute cholangitis |
J661100 | Chronic cholangitis |
J661200 | Recurrent cholangitis |
J661300 | Suppurative cholangitis |
J661400 | Ascending cholangitis |
J661500 | Cholangitis lenta |
J661600 | Obliterative cholangitis |
J661700 | Primary sclerosing cholangitis |
J661800 | Secondary sclerosing cholangitis |
J661900 | Sclerosing cholangitis unspecified |
J661.00 | Cholangitis |
J661y00 | Other cholangitis |
J661z00 | Cholangitis NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K80.3 | Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis |
K83.0 | Cholangitis |
-Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified
-Use MODIFIED CALIBER Coronary Heart Disease not otherwise specified phenotyping algorithm
-At the specified date, a patient is considered to have had coronary heart disease not otherwise specified IF they meet any of the criteria below on or before the specified date.
-The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date.
-1. No previous records meeting the criteria for stable angina OR unstable angina OR myocardial infarction
-AND {
-2. Primary care: chd_nos_gprd: category 1, 3
- a) IF Read code in chd_nos_gprd list, THEN chd_nos_gprd= appropriate category
- b) OR IF enttype = 16, chd_nos_gprd = 1
-3. Secondary care: chd_nos_hes: category 3 }
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Cholangitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ J620100 |
+ Liver abscess due to cholangitis |
+ J646.00 |
+ Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis |
+ J661000 |
+ Acute cholangitis |
+ J661100 |
+ Chronic cholangitis |
+ J661200 |
+ Recurrent cholangitis |
+ J661300 |
+ Suppurative cholangitis |
+ J661400 |
+ Ascending cholangitis |
+ J661500 |
+ Cholangitis lenta |
+ J661600 |
+ Obliterative cholangitis |
+ J661700 |
+ Primary sclerosing cholangitis |
+ J661800 |
+ Secondary sclerosing cholangitis |
+ J661900 |
+ Sclerosing cholangitis unspecified |
+ J661.00 |
+ Cholangitis |
+ J661y00 |
+ Other cholangitis |
+ J661z00 |
+ Cholangitis NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K80.3 |
+ Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis |
+ K83.0 |
+ Cholangitis |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Cholecystitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Cholecystitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Cholecystitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Cholecystitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Cholecystitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
J643000 | Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and no obstruction |
J643100 | Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and obstruction |
J643.00 | Bile duct calculus with acute cholecystitis |
J643z00 | Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis - obstruct NOS |
J644000 | Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and no obstruction |
J644100 | Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and obstruction |
J644.00 | Bile duct calculus with other cholecystitis |
J644z00 | Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis - obstruction NOS |
J650000 | Acute cholecystitis unspecified |
J650100 | Acute angiocholecystitis |
J650200 | Acute emphysematous cholecystitis |
J650300 | Acute suppurative cholecystitis |
J650400 | Acute gangrenous cholecystitis |
J650.00 | Acute cholecystitis |
J650.11 | Abscess of gallbladder |
J650.12 | Empyema of gallbladder |
J650z00 | Acute cholecystitis NOS |
J651000 | Chronic cholecystitis |
J651.00 | Other cholecystitis |
J651y00 | Other cholecystitis OS |
J651z00 | Cholecystitis NOS |
Jyu8100 | [X]Other cholecystitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K80.0 | Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis |
K80.1 | Calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis |
K80.4 | Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis |
K81 | Cholecystitis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Cholecystitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ J643000 |
+ Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and no obstruction |
+ J643100 |
+ Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and obstruction |
+ J643.00 |
+ Bile duct calculus with acute cholecystitis |
+ J643z00 |
+ Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis - obstruct NOS |
+ J644000 |
+ Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and no obstruction |
+ J644100 |
+ Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and obstruction |
+ J644.00 |
+ Bile duct calculus with other cholecystitis |
+ J644z00 |
+ Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis - obstruction NOS |
+ J650000 |
+ Acute cholecystitis unspecified |
+ J650100 |
+ Acute angiocholecystitis |
+ J650200 |
+ Acute emphysematous cholecystitis |
+ J650300 |
+ Acute suppurative cholecystitis |
+ J650400 |
+ Acute gangrenous cholecystitis |
+ J650.00 |
+ Acute cholecystitis |
+ J650.11 |
+ Abscess of gallbladder |
+ J650.12 |
+ Empyema of gallbladder |
+ J650z00 |
+ Acute cholecystitis NOS |
+ J651000 |
+ Chronic cholecystitis |
+ J651.00 |
+ Other cholecystitis |
+ J651y00 |
+ Other cholecystitis OS |
+ J651z00 |
+ Cholecystitis NOS |
+ Jyu8100 |
+ [X]Other cholecystitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K80.0 |
+ Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis |
+ K80.1 |
+ Calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis |
+ K80.4 |
+ Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis |
+ K81 |
+ Cholecystitis |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Cholelithiasis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Cholelithiasis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Cholelithiasis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Cholelithiasis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Cholelithiasis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14CE.00 | H/O: gall stones |
1965.00 | Biliary colic |
1965.11 | Biliary colic symptom |
4775.00 | Faeces: gall stones present |
4G21.00 | O/E: cholesterol gall stone |
4G22.00 | O/E: pigment gall stone |
4G2..00 | O/E: gall stone |
4G2Z.00 | O/E: gall stone NOS |
7648700.0 | Enterotomy and removal of gallstone |
8CMWD00 | On gallstone care pathway |
J503000 | Gallstone ileus |
J640000 | Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis +no obstruct |
J640100 | Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis + obstruction |
J640.00 | Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis |
J640z00 | Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis - obst NOS |
J641000 | Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis +no obstruct |
J641100 | Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis + obstruct |
J641.00 | Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis |
J641z00 | Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis - obstruct NOS |
J642000 | Gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis +no obstr |
J642100 | Gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis + obstruc |
J642200 | Biliary colic |
J642.00 | Gallbladder calculus without mention of cholecystitis |
J642.11 | Gallbladder calculus without mention of cholecystitis |
J642z00 | Gallbladder calculus without cholecystitis and obstruct NOS |
J643000 | Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and no obstruction |
J643100 | Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and obstruction |
J643.00 | Bile duct calculus with acute cholecystitis |
J643z00 | Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis - obstruct NOS |
J644000 | Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and no obstruction |
J644100 | Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and obstruction |
J644.00 | Bile duct calculus with other cholecystitis |
J644z00 | Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis - obstruction NOS |
J645000 | Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis, no obstruction |
J645100 | Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis with obstruction |
J645200 | Bile duct calculus NOS |
J645.00 | Bile duct calculus without mention of cholecystitis |
J645.11 | Choledocholithiasis |
J645z00 | Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis NOS |
J646.00 | Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis |
J64..00 | Cholelithiasis |
J64..11 | Bile duct calculus |
J64..12 | Calculus - biliary |
J64..13 | Cystic duct calculus |
J64..14 | Gallbladder calculus |
J64..15 | Gallstones |
J64..16 | Stone - biliary |
J64z000 | Cholelithiasis without obstruction NOS |
J64z100 | Cholelithiasis with obstruction NOS |
J64z.00 | Cholelithiasis NOS |
J64zz00 | Cholelithiasis NOS |
J670500 | Gallstone acute pancreatitis |
J671100 | Gallstone chronic pancreatitis |
Jyu8000 | [X]Other cholelithiasis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K80 | Cholelithiasis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Cholelithiasis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14CE.00 |
+ H/O: gall stones |
+ 1965.00 |
+ Biliary colic |
+ 1965.11 |
+ Biliary colic symptom |
+ 4775.00 |
+ Faeces: gall stones present |
+ 4G21.00 |
+ O/E: cholesterol gall stone |
+ 4G22.00 |
+ O/E: pigment gall stone |
+ 4G2..00 |
+ O/E: gall stone |
+ 4G2Z.00 |
+ O/E: gall stone NOS |
+ 7648700.0 |
+ Enterotomy and removal of gallstone |
+ 8CMWD00 |
+ On gallstone care pathway |
+ J503000 |
+ Gallstone ileus |
+ J640000 |
+ Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis +no obstruct |
+ J640100 |
+ Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis + obstruction |
+ J640.00 |
+ Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis |
+ J640z00 |
+ Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis - obst NOS |
+ J641000 |
+ Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis +no obstruct |
+ J641100 |
+ Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis + obstruct |
+ J641.00 |
+ Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis |
+ J641z00 |
+ Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis - obstruct NOS |
+ J642000 |
+ Gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis +no obstr |
+ J642100 |
+ Gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis + obstruc |
+ J642200 |
+ Biliary colic |
+ J642.00 |
+ Gallbladder calculus without mention of cholecystitis |
+ J642.11 |
+ Gallbladder calculus without mention of cholecystitis |
+ J642z00 |
+ Gallbladder calculus without cholecystitis and obstruct NOS |
+ J643000 |
+ Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and no obstruction |
+ J643100 |
+ Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and obstruction |
+ J643.00 |
+ Bile duct calculus with acute cholecystitis |
+ J643z00 |
+ Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis - obstruct NOS |
+ J644000 |
+ Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and no obstruction |
+ J644100 |
+ Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and obstruction |
+ J644.00 |
+ Bile duct calculus with other cholecystitis |
+ J644z00 |
+ Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis - obstruction NOS |
+ J645000 |
+ Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis, no obstruction |
+ J645100 |
+ Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis with obstruction |
+ J645200 |
+ Bile duct calculus NOS |
+ J645.00 |
+ Bile duct calculus without mention of cholecystitis |
+ J645.11 |
+ Choledocholithiasis |
+ J645z00 |
+ Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis NOS |
+ J646.00 |
+ Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis |
+ J64..00 |
+ Cholelithiasis |
+ J64..11 |
+ Bile duct calculus |
+ J64..12 |
+ Calculus - biliary |
+ J64..13 |
+ Cystic duct calculus |
+ J64..14 |
+ Gallbladder calculus |
+ J64..15 |
+ Gallstones |
+ J64..16 |
+ Stone - biliary |
+ J64z000 |
+ Cholelithiasis without obstruction NOS |
+ J64z100 |
+ Cholelithiasis with obstruction NOS |
+ J64z.00 |
+ Cholelithiasis NOS |
+ J64zz00 |
+ Cholelithiasis NOS |
+ J670500 |
+ Gallstone acute pancreatitis |
+ J671100 |
+ Gallstone chronic pancreatitis |
+ Jyu8000 |
+ [X]Other cholelithiasis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K80 |
+ Cholelithiasis |
+Chronic Kidney Disease
+Apply modified CALIBER 'Chronic Kidney Disease' algorithm in CPRD primary care data as follows:
+A patient is defined as having had CKD stage 3 or above at a specified date:
-Chronic sinusitis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Chronic sinusitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+IF egfr_ckdepi recorded on or before specified date, THEN
+IF egfr_ckdepi <60 ml/min on the most recent date (index date) before the specified date
+IF egfr_ckdepi <60 ml/min on any date greater than 90 days BEFORE the index date above
+THEN classify as having CKD3 or above
+ELSE the patient is not defined as having CKD stage 3 or above.
-Primary care
-1. Chronic sinusitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
-2. There are at least 2 records satisfying the criteria for Possible diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis during a consultation more than 84 days apart.
+Where egfr_ckdepi up to and including 31 Dec 2013 is defined as:
+egfr_ckdepi = 141 * min(crea_gprd * 0.010746 / K, 1)^alpha
+* max(crea_gprd * 0.010746 / K, 1)^-1.209
+* 0.993^age * 1.018 [if female] * 1.159 [if black]
-Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Chronic sinusitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+alpha = -0.329 for females, -0.411 for males
+K = 0.7 for females, 0.9 for males
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
H01..11 | Sinusitis |
H130.00 | Chronic maxillary sinusitis |
H130.11 | Antritis - chronic |
H130.12 | Maxillary sinusitis |
H131.00 | Chronic frontal sinusitis |
H131.11 | Frontal sinusitis |
H132.00 | Chronic ethmoidal sinusitis |
H133.00 | Chronic sphenoidal sinusitis |
H135.00 | Recurrent sinusitis |
H13..00 | Chronic sinusitis |
H13..11 | Chronic rhinosinusitis |
H13y000 | Chronic pansinusitis |
H13y100 | Pansinusitis |
H13y.00 | Other chronic sinusitis |
H13yz00 | Other chronic sinusitis NOS |
H13z.00 | Chronic sinusitis NOS |
H17..12 | Allergic rhinosinusitis |
Hyu2200 | [X]Other chronic sinusitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J32 | Chronic sinusitis |
+Where egfr_ckdepi from and including 1 Jan 2014 is defined as:
+egfr_ckdepi = 141 * min(crea_gprd * 0.011312 / K, 1)^alpha
+* max(crea_gprd * 0.011312/ K, 1)^-1.209
+* 0.993^age * 1.018 [if female] * 1.159 [if black]
+alpha = -0.329 for females, -0.411 for males
+K = 0.7 for females, 0.9 for males
+Where crea_gprd is defined as:
+IF enttype = 165 [Serum creatinine]
+AND data1 [Operator] = 3 ["="] AND data2 [Value] > 0
+THEN crea_gprd = data2
+Chronic sinusitis
-Chronic viral hepatitis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Chronic viral hepatitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Chronic sinusitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Chronic viral hepatitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Chronic sinusitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
-Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Chronic viral hepatitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
141E.00 | History of hepatitis B |
14i..00 | H/O hepatitis C antiviral drug therapy |
2126700.0 | Hepatitis C resolved |
43B4.00 | Hepatitis B surface antig +ve |
43B5.00 | Hepatitis e antigen present |
43j5.00 | Hepatitis C nucleic acid detection |
43jG.00 | Hepatitis B nucleic acid detection |
43X3.00 | Hepatitis C antibody test positive |
4J3B.00 | Hepatitis C viral load |
4J3D.00 | Hepatitis B viral load |
4JQ3.00 | Hepatitis C virus genotype |
4JQD.00 | Hepatitis C viral ribonucleic acid PCR positive |
4JQD.11 | Hepatitis C PCR positive |
4JQF.00 | Hepatitis C antigen positive |
7Q05200 | Hepatitis B treatment drugs Band 1 |
8BB5.00 | 12 week virologic response to hepatitis C treatment |
9kR..00 | Chronic hepatitis annual review - enhanced services admin |
9kV..00 | Hepatitis C screening positive - enhanced services admin |
9kV..11 | Hepatitis C screening positive |
9kX..00 | Hepatitis status 6 months post treatment - enhanced serv adm |
9kZ..00 | Hepatitis B screening positive - enhanced services admin |
9kZ..11 | Hepatitis B screening positive |
9NgR.00 | On hepatitis C treatment plan |
A703.00 | Viral (serum) hepatitis B |
A705000 | Viral hepatitis C without mention of hepatic coma |
A705100 | Acute delta-(super)infection of hepatitis B carrier |
A707000 | Chronic viral hepatitis B with delta-agent |
A707100 | Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent |
A707200 | Chronic viral hepatitis C |
A707300 | Chronic viral hepatitis B |
A707.00 | Chronic viral hepatitis |
A707X00 | Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified |
A70A.00 | Hepatitis C genotype 1 |
A70B.00 | Hepatitis C genotype 2 |
A70C.00 | Hepatitis C genotype 3 |
A70D.00 | Hepatitis C genotype 4 |
A70z000 | Hepatitis C |
AyuB100 | [X]Other chronic viral hepatitis |
AyuB200 | [X]Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified |
Q409100 | Congenital hepatitis B infection |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
B18 | Chronic viral hepatitis |
+2. There are at least 2 records satisfying the criteria for Possible diagnosis of 'Chronic sinusitis' during a consultation more than 84 days apart.
+Secondary care (ICD10)
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Chronic sinusitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ H01..11 |
+ Sinusitis |
+ H130.00 |
+ Chronic maxillary sinusitis |
+ H130.11 |
+ Antritis - chronic |
+ H130.12 |
+ Maxillary sinusitis |
+ H131.00 |
+ Chronic frontal sinusitis |
+ H131.11 |
+ Frontal sinusitis |
+ H132.00 |
+ Chronic ethmoidal sinusitis |
+ H133.00 |
+ Chronic sphenoidal sinusitis |
+ H135.00 |
+ Recurrent sinusitis |
+ H13..00 |
+ Chronic sinusitis |
+ H13..11 |
+ Chronic rhinosinusitis |
+ H13y000 |
+ Chronic pansinusitis |
+ H13y100 |
+ Pansinusitis |
+ H13y.00 |
+ Other chronic sinusitis |
+ H13yz00 |
+ Other chronic sinusitis NOS |
+ H13z.00 |
+ Chronic sinusitis NOS |
+ H17..12 |
+ Allergic rhinosinusitis |
+ Hyu2200 |
+ [X]Other chronic sinusitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J32 |
+ Chronic sinusitis |
+Chronic viral hepatitis
-Coeliac disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Coeliac disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Chronic viral hepatitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Coeliac disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Chronic viral hepatitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Coeliac disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
6648000.0 | Coeliac disease annual review |
6648.00 | Coeliac disease monitoring |
8IAp.00 | Coeliac disease annual review declined |
9mB1.00 | Coeliac disease monitoring invitation first letter |
9mB..00 | Coeliac disease monitoring invitation |
J690000 | Congenital coeliac disease |
J690100 | Acquired coeliac disease |
J690.00 | Coeliac disease |
J690.11 | Coeliac rickets |
J690.12 | Gee - Herter disease |
J690.13 | Gluten enteropathy |
J690.14 | Sprue - nontropical |
J690.15 | Steatorrhea - idiopathic |
J690z00 | Coeliac disease NOS |
ZC2C200 | Dietary advice for coeliac disease |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K90.0 | Coeliac disease |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Chronic viral hepatitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 141E.00 |
+ History of hepatitis B |
+ 14i..00 |
+ H/O hepatitis C antiviral drug therapy |
+ 2126700.0 |
+ Hepatitis C resolved |
+ 43B4.00 |
+ Hepatitis B surface antig +ve |
+ 43B5.00 |
+ Hepatitis e antigen present |
+ 43j5.00 |
+ Hepatitis C nucleic acid detection |
+ 43jG.00 |
+ Hepatitis B nucleic acid detection |
+ 43X3.00 |
+ Hepatitis C antibody test positive |
+ 4J3B.00 |
+ Hepatitis C viral load |
+ 4J3D.00 |
+ Hepatitis B viral load |
+ 4JQ3.00 |
+ Hepatitis C virus genotype |
+ 4JQD.00 |
+ Hepatitis C viral ribonucleic acid PCR positive |
+ 4JQD.11 |
+ Hepatitis C PCR positive |
+ 4JQF.00 |
+ Hepatitis C antigen positive |
+ 7Q05200 |
+ Hepatitis B treatment drugs Band 1 |
+ 8BB5.00 |
+ 12 week virologic response to hepatitis C treatment |
+ 9kR..00 |
+ Chronic hepatitis annual review - enhanced services admin |
+ 9kV..00 |
+ Hepatitis C screening positive - enhanced services admin |
+ 9kV..11 |
+ Hepatitis C screening positive |
+ 9kX..00 |
+ Hepatitis status 6 months post treatment - enhanced serv adm |
+ 9kZ..00 |
+ Hepatitis B screening positive - enhanced services admin |
+ 9kZ..11 |
+ Hepatitis B screening positive |
+ 9NgR.00 |
+ On hepatitis C treatment plan |
+ A703.00 |
+ Viral (serum) hepatitis B |
+ A705000 |
+ Viral hepatitis C without mention of hepatic coma |
+ A705100 |
+ Acute delta-(super)infection of hepatitis B carrier |
+ A707000 |
+ Chronic viral hepatitis B with delta-agent |
+ A707100 |
+ Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent |
+ A707200 |
+ Chronic viral hepatitis C |
+ A707300 |
+ Chronic viral hepatitis B |
+ A707.00 |
+ Chronic viral hepatitis |
+ A707X00 |
+ Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified |
+ A70A.00 |
+ Hepatitis C genotype 1 |
+ A70B.00 |
+ Hepatitis C genotype 2 |
+ A70C.00 |
+ Hepatitis C genotype 3 |
+ A70D.00 |
+ Hepatitis C genotype 4 |
+ A70z000 |
+ Hepatitis C |
+ AyuB100 |
+ [X]Other chronic viral hepatitis |
+ AyuB200 |
+ [X]Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified |
+ Q409100 |
+ Congenital hepatitis B infection |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ B18 |
+ Chronic viral hepatitis |
+Coeliac disease
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Coeliac disease' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+Primary care
+1. 'Coeliac disease' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+Secondary care
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Coeliac disease' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 6648000 |
+ Coeliac disease annual review |
+ 6648 |
+ Coeliac disease monitoring |
+ 8IAp.00 |
+ Coeliac disease annual review declined |
+ 9mB1.00 |
+ Coeliac disease monitoring invitation first letter |
+ 9mB..00 |
+ Coeliac disease monitoring invitation |
+ J690000 |
+ Congenital coeliac disease |
+ J690100 |
+ Acquired coeliac disease |
+ J690.00 |
+ Coeliac disease |
+ J690.11 |
+ Coeliac rickets |
+ J690.12 |
+ Gee - Herter disease |
+ J690.13 |
+ Gluten enteropathy |
+ J690.14 |
+ Sprue - nontropical |
+ J690.15 |
+ Steatorrhea - idiopathic |
+ J690z00 |
+ Coeliac disease NOS |
+ ZC2C200 |
+ Dietary advice for coeliac disease |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K90.0 |
+ Coeliac disease |
+Collapsed vertebra
-Collapsed vertebra
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Collapsed vertebra IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Collapsed vertebra' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Collapsed vertebra diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Collapsed vertebra' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Collapsed vertebra or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Collapsed vertebra' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Collapsed vertebra during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7J41300 | Vertebroplasty of fracture of spine |
7J41500 | Balloon kyphoplasty of fracture of spine |
7J48M00 | Vertebroplasty |
N331000 | Pathological fracture of thoracic vertebra |
N331011 | Collapse of thoracic vertebra |
N331100 | Pathological fracture of lumbar vertebra |
N331111 | Collapse of lumbar vertebra |
N331800 | Osteoporosis + pathological fracture lumbar vertebrae |
N331900 | Osteoporosis + pathological fracture thoracic vertebrae |
N331A00 | Osteoporosis + pathological fracture cervical vertebrae |
N331C00 | Pathological fracture of cervical vertebra |
N331D00 | Collapsed vertebra NOS |
N331E00 | Collapse of cervical vertebra |
N331F00 | Collapse of thoracic vertebra |
N331G00 | Collapse of lumbar vertebra |
N331H00 | Collapse of cervical vertebra due to osteoporosis |
N331J00 | Collapse of lumbar vertebra due to osteoporosis |
N331K00 | Collapse of thoracic vertebra due to osteoporosis |
N331L00 | Collapse of vertebra due to osteoporosis NOS |
N331.11 | Collapse of spine NOS |
N331.12 | Collapse of vertebra NOS |
N331.14 | Osteoporotic vertebral collapse |
Nyu6700 | [X]Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere |
S100H00 | Closed fracture cervical vertebra, wedge |
S102100 | Closed fracture thoracic vertebra, wedge |
S104100 | Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, wedge |
S106000 | Closed compression fracture sacrum |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M48.5 | Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified |
M49.5 | Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
V44 | Decompression of fracture of spine |
V44.1 | Complex decompression of fracture of spine |
V44.2 | Anterior decompression of fracture of spine |
V44.3 | Posterior decompression of fracture of spine NEC |
V44.4 | Vertebroplasty of fracture of spine |
V44.5 | Balloon kyphoplasty of fracture of spine |
V44.8 | Other specified decompression of fracture of spine |
V44.9 | Unspecified decompression of fracture of spine |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Collapsed vertebra' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7J41300 |
+ Vertebroplasty of fracture of spine |
+ 7J41500 |
+ Balloon kyphoplasty of fracture of spine |
+ 7J48M00 |
+ Vertebroplasty |
+ N331000 |
+ Pathological fracture of thoracic vertebra |
+ N331011 |
+ Collapse of thoracic vertebra |
+ N331100 |
+ Pathological fracture of lumbar vertebra |
+ N331111 |
+ Collapse of lumbar vertebra |
+ N331800 |
+ Osteoporosis + pathological fracture lumbar vertebrae |
+ N331900 |
+ Osteoporosis + pathological fracture thoracic vertebrae |
+ N331A00 |
+ Osteoporosis + pathological fracture cervical vertebrae |
+ N331C00 |
+ Pathological fracture of cervical vertebra |
+ N331D00 |
+ Collapsed vertebra NOS |
+ N331E00 |
+ Collapse of cervical vertebra |
+ N331F00 |
+ Collapse of thoracic vertebra |
+ N331G00 |
+ Collapse of lumbar vertebra |
+ N331H00 |
+ Collapse of cervical vertebra due to osteoporosis |
+ N331J00 |
+ Collapse of lumbar vertebra due to osteoporosis |
+ N331K00 |
+ Collapse of thoracic vertebra due to osteoporosis |
+ N331L00 |
+ Collapse of vertebra due to osteoporosis NOS |
+ N331.11 |
+ Collapse of spine NOS |
+ N331.12 |
+ Collapse of vertebra NOS |
+ N331.14 |
+ Osteoporotic vertebral collapse |
+ Nyu6700 |
+ [X]Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ S100H00 |
+ Closed fracture cervical vertebra, wedge |
+ S102100 |
+ Closed fracture thoracic vertebra, wedge |
+ S104100 |
+ Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, wedge |
+ S106000 |
+ Closed compression fracture sacrum |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M48.5 |
+ Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified |
+ M49.5 |
+ Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ V44 |
+ Decompression of fracture of spine |
+ V44.1 |
+ Complex decompression of fracture of spine |
+ V44.2 |
+ Anterior decompression of fracture of spine |
+ V44.3 |
+ Posterior decompression of fracture of spine NEC |
+ V44.4 |
+ Vertebroplasty of fracture of spine |
+ V44.5 |
+ Balloon kyphoplasty of fracture of spine |
+ V44.8 |
+ Other specified decompression of fracture of spine |
+ V44.9 |
+ Unspecified decompression of fracture of spine |
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
-Congenital Septal Defect
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Congenital malformations of cardiac septa IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -1007,148 +10006,3493 @@ Secondary care (ICD10)
Secondary care (OPCS4)
1. ALL procedures for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14AV.00 | History of ventricular septal defect |
2126800.0 | Ostium secundum atrial septal defect resolved |
24M..00 | Spontaneous closure of ventricular septal defect |
7902000.0 | Correct Fallot tetralogy- valved right ventr outflow conduit |
7902100.0 | Correct Fallot tetralogy- right ventric outflow conduit NEC |
7902200.0 | Correct Fallot tetralogy- right ventricular outflow patch |
7902300.0 | Revision of correction of tetralogy of Fallot |
7902400.0 | Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using transannular patch |
7902500.0 | Repair of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve |
7902600.0 | Repair Fallot-type pulmonary atresia aortopulmonary collater |
7902.00 | Correction of tetralogy of Fallot |
7902.11 | Repair of tetralogy of Fallot |
7902y00 | Other specified correction of tetralogy of Fallot |
7902z00 | Correction of tetralogy of Fallot NOS |
7902z11 | Repair of tetralogy of Fallot NOS |
7906300.0 | Closure of persistent ostium primum |
7906311.0 | Repair of persistent ostium primum |
7908500.0 | Closure of multiple interventricular septal defects |
7908511.0 | Repair of multiple interventricular septal defects |
7908600.0 | Closure interventricular septal defect us intraop trans pros |
7908611.0 | Repair interventricular septal defect us intraop trans pros |
790K100 | Repair of Fallot-type double outlet right ventricle |
P500.00 | Absent septum between aorta and pulmonary artery |
P511300 | Taussig-Bing syndrome |
P520.00 | Tetralogy of Fallot, unspecified |
P520.11 | Ventricular septal defect in Fallot's tetralogy |
P520.12 | Dextraposition of aorta in Fallot's tetralogy |
P521.00 | Pentalogy of Fallot |
P52..00 | Tetralogy of Fallot |
P52z.00 | Tetralogy of Fallot NOS |
P53..00 | Common ventricle |
P540.00 | Ventricular septal defect, unspecified |
P541.00 | Interventricular septal defect |
P542.00 | Left ventricle to right atrial communication |
P543.00 | Eisenmenger's complex |
P544.00 | Gerbode's defect |
P545.00 | Roger's disease |
P54..00 | Ventricular septal defect |
P54y.00 | Other specified ventricular septal defect |
P54z.00 | Ventricular septal defect NOS |
P550.00 | Atrial septal defect NOS |
P550.11 | Auricular septal defect NOS |
P550.12 | Interatrial septal defect NEC |
P550.13 | Interauricular septal defect |
P551.00 | Patent foramen ovale |
P552.00 | Persistent ostium secundum |
P552.11 | Patent ostium secundum |
P553.00 | Lutembacher's syndrome |
P55..00 | Ostium secundum atrial septal defect |
P55y.00 | Other specified ostium secundum atrial septal defect |
P55y.11 | Other specified atrial septal defect |
P55z.00 | Ostium secundum atrial septal defect NOS |
P561.00 | Ostium primum defect |
P561.11 | Persistent ostium primum |
P56..00 | Endocardial cushion defects |
P56y.00 | Other specified endocardial cushion defects |
P56z000 | Common atrium |
P56z011 | Cor triloculare biventriculare |
P56z100 | Common atrioventricular canal |
P56z200 | Common atrioventricular-type ventricular septal defect |
P56z.00 | Endocardial cushion defects NOS |
P56zz00 | Endocardial cushion defects NOS |
P5y..00 | Other heart bulb and septal closure defect |
P5z..00 | Heart bulb or septal closure defects NOS |
P60z100 | Fallot's trilogy |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
Q21 | Congenital malformations of cardiac septa |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
K04 | Repair of tetralogy of Fallot |
K04.1 | Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using valved right ventricular outflow conduit |
K04.2 | Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using right ventricular outflow conduit NEC |
K04.3 | Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using transannular patch |
K04.4 | Revision of repair of tetralogy of Fallot |
K04.5 | Repair of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve |
K04.6 | Repair of Fallot-type pulmonary atresia with aortopulmonary collaterals |
K04.8 | Other specified repair of tetralogy of Fallot |
K04.9 | Unspecified repair of tetralogy of Fallot |
K09 | Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum |
K09.1 | Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using dual prosthetic patches |
K09.2 | Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using prosthetic patch NEC |
K09.3 | Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using tissue graft |
K09.4 | Repair of persistent ostium primum |
K09.5 | Primary repair of defect of atrioventricular septum NEC |
K09.6 | Revision of repair of defect of atrioventricular septum |
K09.8 | Other specified repair of defect of atrioventricular septum |
K09.9 | Unspecified repair of defect of atrioventricular septum |
K10 | Repair of defect of interatrial septum |
K10.1 | Repair of defect of interatrial septum using prosthetic patch |
K10.2 | Repair of defect of interatrial septum using pericardial patch |
K10.3 | Repair of defect of interatrial septum using tissue graft NEC |
K10.4 | Primary repair of defect of interatrial septum NEC |
K10.5 | Revision of repair of defect of interatrial septum |
K10.8 | Other specified repair of defect of interatrial septum |
K10.9 | Unspecified repair of defect of interatrial septum |
K11 | Repair of defect of interventricular septum |
K11.1 | Repair of defect of interventricular septum using prosthetic patch |
K11.2 | Repair of defect of interventricular septum using pericardial patch |
K11.3 | Repair of defect of interventricular septum using tissue graft NEC |
K11.4 | Primary repair of defect of interventricular septum NEC |
K11.5 | Revision of repair of defect of interventricular septum |
K11.6 | Repair of multiple interventricular septal defects |
K11.7 | Repair of interventricular septal defect using intraoperative transluminal prosthesis |
K11.8 | Other specified repair of defect of interventricular septum |
K11.9 | Unspecified repair of defect of interventricular septum |
K12 | Repair of defect of unspecified septum of heart |
K12.1 | Repair of defect of septum of heart using prosthetic patch NEC |
K12.2 | Repair of defect of septum of heart using pericardial patch NEC |
K12.3 | Repair of defect of septum of heart using tissue graft NEC |
K12.4 | Primary repair of defect of septum of heart NEC |
K12.5 | Revision of repair of septum of heart NEC |
K12.8 | Other specified repair of defect of unspecified septum of heart |
K12.9 | Unspecified repair of defect of unspecified septum of heart |
K13 | Transluminal repair of defect of septum |
K13.1 | Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interventricular septum using prosthesis |
K13.2 | Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interventricular septum NEC |
K13.3 | Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interatrial septum using prosthesis |
K13.4 | Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interatrial septum NEC |
K13.5 | Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of unspecified septum using prosthesis |
K13.8 | Other specified transluminal repair of defect of septum |
K13.9 | Unspecified transluminal repair of defect of septum |
K14 | Other open operations on septum of heart |
K14.1 | Open enlargement of defect of atrial septum |
K14.2 | Open atrial septostomy |
K14.3 | Atrial septectomy |
K14.4 | Surgical atrial septation |
K14.5 | Open enlargement of defect of interventricular septum |
K14.8 | Other specified other open operations on septum of heart |
K14.9 | Unspecified other open operations on septum of heart |
K15 | Closed operations on septum of heart |
K15.1 | Closed enlargement of defect of atrial septum |
K15.2 | Closed atrial septostomy |
K15.8 | Other specified closed operations on septum of heart |
K15.9 | Unspecified closed operations on septum of heart |
K16 | Other therapeutic transluminal operations on septum of heart |
K16.1 | Percutaneous transluminal balloon atrial septostomy |
K16.2 | Percutaneous transluminal atrial septostomy NEC |
K16.3 | Percutaneous transluminal atrial septum fenestration closure with prosthesis |
K16.4 | Percutaneous transluminal atrial septum fenestration |
K16.5 | Percutaneous transluminal closure of patent oval foramen with prosthesis |
K16.6 | Percutaneous transluminal chemical mediated septal ablation |
K16.8 | Other specified other therapeutic transluminal operations on septum of heart |
K16.9 | Unspecified other therapeutic transluminal operations on septum of heart |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14AV.00 |
+ History of ventricular septal defect |
+ 2126800.0 |
+ Ostium secundum atrial septal defect resolved |
+ 24M..00 |
+ Spontaneous closure of ventricular septal defect |
+ 7902000.0 |
+ Correct Fallot tetralogy- valved right ventr outflow conduit |
+ 7902100.0 |
+ Correct Fallot tetralogy- right ventric outflow conduit NEC |
+ 7902200.0 |
+ Correct Fallot tetralogy- right ventricular outflow patch |
+ 7902300.0 |
+ Revision of correction of tetralogy of Fallot |
+ 7902400.0 |
+ Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using transannular patch |
+ 7902500.0 |
+ Repair of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve |
+ 7902600.0 |
+ Repair Fallot-type pulmonary atresia aortopulmonary collater |
+ 7902.00 |
+ Correction of tetralogy of Fallot |
+ 7902.11 |
+ Repair of tetralogy of Fallot |
+ 7902y00 |
+ Other specified correction of tetralogy of Fallot |
+ 7902z00 |
+ Correction of tetralogy of Fallot NOS |
+ 7902z11 |
+ Repair of tetralogy of Fallot NOS |
+ 7906300.0 |
+ Closure of persistent ostium primum |
+ 7906311.0 |
+ Repair of persistent ostium primum |
+ 7908500.0 |
+ Closure of multiple interventricular septal defects |
+ 7908511.0 |
+ Repair of multiple interventricular septal defects |
+ 7908600.0 |
+ Closure interventricular septal defect us intraop trans pros |
+ 7908611.0 |
+ Repair interventricular septal defect us intraop trans pros |
+ 790K100 |
+ Repair of Fallot-type double outlet right ventricle |
+ P500.00 |
+ Absent septum between aorta and pulmonary artery |
+ P511300 |
+ Taussig-Bing syndrome |
+ P520.00 |
+ Tetralogy of Fallot, unspecified |
+ P520.11 |
+ Ventricular septal defect in Fallot's tetralogy |
+ P520.12 |
+ Dextraposition of aorta in Fallot's tetralogy |
+ P521.00 |
+ Pentalogy of Fallot |
+ P52..00 |
+ Tetralogy of Fallot |
+ P52z.00 |
+ Tetralogy of Fallot NOS |
+ P53..00 |
+ Common ventricle |
+ P540.00 |
+ Ventricular septal defect, unspecified |
+ P541.00 |
+ Interventricular septal defect |
+ P542.00 |
+ Left ventricle to right atrial communication |
+ P543.00 |
+ Eisenmenger's complex |
+ P544.00 |
+ Gerbode's defect |
+ P545.00 |
+ Roger's disease |
+ P54..00 |
+ Ventricular septal defect |
+ P54y.00 |
+ Other specified ventricular septal defect |
+ P54z.00 |
+ Ventricular septal defect NOS |
+ P550.00 |
+ Atrial septal defect NOS |
+ P550.11 |
+ Auricular septal defect NOS |
+ P550.12 |
+ Interatrial septal defect NEC |
+ P550.13 |
+ Interauricular septal defect |
+ P551.00 |
+ Patent foramen ovale |
+ P552.00 |
+ Persistent ostium secundum |
+ P552.11 |
+ Patent ostium secundum |
+ P553.00 |
+ Lutembacher's syndrome |
+ P55..00 |
+ Ostium secundum atrial septal defect |
+ P55y.00 |
+ Other specified ostium secundum atrial septal defect |
+ P55y.11 |
+ Other specified atrial septal defect |
+ P55z.00 |
+ Ostium secundum atrial septal defect NOS |
+ P561.00 |
+ Ostium primum defect |
+ P561.11 |
+ Persistent ostium primum |
+ P56..00 |
+ Endocardial cushion defects |
+ P56y.00 |
+ Other specified endocardial cushion defects |
+ P56z000 |
+ Common atrium |
+ P56z011 |
+ Cor triloculare biventriculare |
+ P56z100 |
+ Common atrioventricular canal |
+ P56z200 |
+ Common atrioventricular-type ventricular septal defect |
+ P56z.00 |
+ Endocardial cushion defects NOS |
+ P56zz00 |
+ Endocardial cushion defects NOS |
+ P5y..00 |
+ Other heart bulb and septal closure defect |
+ P5z..00 |
+ Heart bulb or septal closure defects NOS |
+ P60z100 |
+ Fallot's trilogy |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ Q21 |
+ Congenital malformations of cardiac septa |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ K04 |
+ Repair of tetralogy of Fallot |
+ K04.1 |
+ Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using valved right ventricular outflow conduit |
+ K04.2 |
+ Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using right ventricular outflow conduit NEC |
+ K04.3 |
+ Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using transannular patch |
+ K04.4 |
+ Revision of repair of tetralogy of Fallot |
+ K04.5 |
+ Repair of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve |
+ K04.6 |
+ Repair of Fallot-type pulmonary atresia with aortopulmonary collaterals |
+ K04.8 |
+ Other specified repair of tetralogy of Fallot |
+ K04.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of tetralogy of Fallot |
+ K09 |
+ Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum |
+ K09.1 |
+ Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using dual prosthetic patches |
+ K09.2 |
+ Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using prosthetic patch NEC |
+ K09.3 |
+ Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using tissue graft |
+ K09.4 |
+ Repair of persistent ostium primum |
+ K09.5 |
+ Primary repair of defect of atrioventricular septum NEC |
+ K09.6 |
+ Revision of repair of defect of atrioventricular septum |
+ K09.8 |
+ Other specified repair of defect of atrioventricular septum |
+ K09.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of defect of atrioventricular septum |
+ K10 |
+ Repair of defect of interatrial septum |
+ K10.1 |
+ Repair of defect of interatrial septum using prosthetic patch |
+ K10.2 |
+ Repair of defect of interatrial septum using pericardial patch |
+ K10.3 |
+ Repair of defect of interatrial septum using tissue graft NEC |
+ K10.4 |
+ Primary repair of defect of interatrial septum NEC |
+ K10.5 |
+ Revision of repair of defect of interatrial septum |
+ K10.8 |
+ Other specified repair of defect of interatrial septum |
+ K10.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of defect of interatrial septum |
+ K11 |
+ Repair of defect of interventricular septum |
+ K11.1 |
+ Repair of defect of interventricular septum using prosthetic patch |
+ K11.2 |
+ Repair of defect of interventricular septum using pericardial patch |
+ K11.3 |
+ Repair of defect of interventricular septum using tissue graft NEC |
+ K11.4 |
+ Primary repair of defect of interventricular septum NEC |
+ K11.5 |
+ Revision of repair of defect of interventricular septum |
+ K11.6 |
+ Repair of multiple interventricular septal defects |
+ K11.7 |
+ Repair of interventricular septal defect using intraoperative transluminal prosthesis |
+ K11.8 |
+ Other specified repair of defect of interventricular septum |
+ K11.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of defect of interventricular septum |
+ K12 |
+ Repair of defect of unspecified septum of heart |
+ K12.1 |
+ Repair of defect of septum of heart using prosthetic patch NEC |
+ K12.2 |
+ Repair of defect of septum of heart using pericardial patch NEC |
+ K12.3 |
+ Repair of defect of septum of heart using tissue graft NEC |
+ K12.4 |
+ Primary repair of defect of septum of heart NEC |
+ K12.5 |
+ Revision of repair of septum of heart NEC |
+ K12.8 |
+ Other specified repair of defect of unspecified septum of heart |
+ K12.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of defect of unspecified septum of heart |
+ K13 |
+ Transluminal repair of defect of septum |
+ K13.1 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interventricular septum using prosthesis |
+ K13.2 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interventricular septum NEC |
+ K13.3 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interatrial septum using prosthesis |
+ K13.4 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interatrial septum NEC |
+ K13.5 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of unspecified septum using prosthesis |
+ K13.8 |
+ Other specified transluminal repair of defect of septum |
+ K13.9 |
+ Unspecified transluminal repair of defect of septum |
+ K14 |
+ Other open operations on septum of heart |
+ K14.1 |
+ Open enlargement of defect of atrial septum |
+ K14.2 |
+ Open atrial septostomy |
+ K14.3 |
+ Atrial septectomy |
+ K14.4 |
+ Surgical atrial septation |
+ K14.5 |
+ Open enlargement of defect of interventricular septum |
+ K14.8 |
+ Other specified other open operations on septum of heart |
+ K14.9 |
+ Unspecified other open operations on septum of heart |
+ K15 |
+ Closed operations on septum of heart |
+ K15.1 |
+ Closed enlargement of defect of atrial septum |
+ K15.2 |
+ Closed atrial septostomy |
+ K15.8 |
+ Other specified closed operations on septum of heart |
+ K15.9 |
+ Unspecified closed operations on septum of heart |
+ K16 |
+ Other therapeutic transluminal operations on septum of heart |
+ K16.1 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal balloon atrial septostomy |
+ K16.2 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal atrial septostomy NEC |
+ K16.3 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal atrial septum fenestration closure with prosthesis |
+ K16.4 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal atrial septum fenestration |
+ K16.5 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal closure of patent oval foramen with prosthesis |
+ K16.6 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal chemical mediated septal ablation |
+ K16.8 |
+ Other specified other therapeutic transluminal operations on septum of heart |
+ K16.9 |
+ Unspecified other therapeutic transluminal operations on septum of heart |
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified
+Use MODIFIED CALIBER 'Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified' phenotyping algorithm
+At the specified date, a patient is considered to have had 'Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified' IF they meet any of the criteria below on or before the specified date.
-Crohn's disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Crohn's disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date.
+1. No previous records meeting the criteria for stable angina OR unstable angina OR myocardial infarction
+AND {
+2. Primary care: chd_nos_gprd: category 1, 3
+ a) IF Read code in chd_nos_gprd list, THEN chd_nos_gprd= appropriate category
+ b) OR IF enttype = 16, chd_nos_gprd = 1
+3. Secondary care: chd_nos_hes: category 3 }
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14AL.00 |
+ H/O: Treatment for ischaemic heart disease |
+ 6A2..00 |
+ Coronary heart disease annual review |
+ 6A4..00 |
+ Coronary heart disease review |
+ 8B3k.00 |
+ Coronary heart disease medication review |
+ 8H2V.00 |
+ Admit ischaemic heart disease emergency |
+ G3...00 |
+ Ischaemic heart disease |
+ G3...11 |
+ Arteriosclerotic heart disease |
+ G3...12 |
+ Atherosclerotic heart disease |
+ G3...13 |
+ IHD - Ischaemic heart disease |
+ G31..00 |
+ Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease |
+ G311000 |
+ Myocardial infarction aborted |
+ G311011 |
+ MI - myocardial infarction aborted |
+ G31y.00 |
+ Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease |
+ G31y200 |
+ Subendocardial ischaemia |
+ G31y300 |
+ Transient myocardial ischaemia |
+ G31yz00 |
+ Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease NOS |
+ G34..00 |
+ Other chronic ischaemic heart disease |
+ G340.00 |
+ Coronary atherosclerosis |
+ G340.12 |
+ Coronary artery disease |
+ G343.00 |
+ Ischaemic cardiomyopathy |
+ G344.00 |
+ Silent myocardial ischaemia |
+ G34y.00 |
+ Other specified chronic ischaemic heart disease |
+ G34y100 |
+ Chronic myocardial ischaemia |
+ G34yz00 |
+ Other specified chronic ischaemic heart disease NOS |
+ G34z.00 |
+ Other chronic ischaemic heart disease NOS |
+ G34z000 |
+ Asymptomatic coronary heart disease |
+ G3y..00 |
+ Other specified ischaemic heart disease |
+ G3z..00 |
+ Ischaemic heart disease NOS |
+ Gyu3.00 |
+ [X]Ischaemic heart diseases |
+ Gyu3200 |
+ [X]Other forms of acute ischaemic heart disease |
+ Gyu3300 |
+ [X]Other forms of chronic ischaemic heart disease |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I250 |
+ Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, so described |
+ I251 |
+ Atherosclerotic heart disease |
+ I253 |
+ Aneurysm of heart |
+ I254 |
+ Coronary artery aneurysm |
+ I255 |
+ Ischaemic cardiomyopathy |
+ I256 |
+ Silent myocardial ischaemia |
+ I258 |
+ Other forms of chronic ischaemic heart disease |
+ I259 |
+ Chronic ischaemic heart disease, unspecified |
+Crohn's disease
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Crohn's disease' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Crohn's disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Crohn's disease' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Crohn's disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
J08z900 | Orofacial Crohn's disease |
J400000 | Regional enteritis of the duodenum |
J400100 | Regional enteritis of the jejunum |
J400200 | Crohn's disease of the terminal ileum |
J400300 | Crohn's disease of the ileum unspecified |
J400400 | Crohn's disease of the ileum NOS |
J400500 | Exacerbation of Crohn's disease of small intestine |
J400.00 | Regional enteritis of the small bowel |
J400z00 | Crohn's disease of the small bowel NOS |
J401000 | Regional enteritis of the colon |
J401100 | Regional enteritis of the rectum |
J401200 | Exacerbation of Crohn's disease of large intestine |
J401.00 | Regional enteritis of the large bowel |
J401z00 | Crohn's disease of the large bowel NOS |
J401z11 | Crohn's colitis |
J402.00 | Regional ileocolitis |
J40..00 | Regional enteritis - Crohn's disease |
J40..11 | Crohn's disease |
J40..12 | Granulomatous enteritis |
J40z.00 | Regional enteritis NOS |
J40z.11 | Crohn's disease NOS |
Jyu4000 | [X]Other Crohn's disease |
N031100 | Arthropathy in Crohn's disease |
N045300 | Juvenile arthritis in Crohn's disease |
ZR3S.00 | Crohn's disease activity index |
ZR3S.11 | CDAI - Crohn's disease activity index |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K50 | Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Crohn's disease' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ J08z900 |
+ Orofacial Crohn's disease |
+ J400000 |
+ Regional enteritis of the duodenum |
+ J400100 |
+ Regional enteritis of the jejunum |
+ J400200 |
+ Crohn's disease of the terminal ileum |
+ J400300 |
+ Crohn's disease of the ileum unspecified |
+ J400400 |
+ Crohn's disease of the ileum NOS |
+ J400500 |
+ Exacerbation of Crohn's disease of small intestine |
+ J400.00 |
+ Regional enteritis of the small bowel |
+ J400z00 |
+ Crohn's disease of the small bowel NOS |
+ J401000 |
+ Regional enteritis of the colon |
+ J401100 |
+ Regional enteritis of the rectum |
+ J401200 |
+ Exacerbation of Crohn's disease of large intestine |
+ J401.00 |
+ Regional enteritis of the large bowel |
+ J401z00 |
+ Crohn's disease of the large bowel NOS |
+ J401z11 |
+ Crohn's colitis |
+ J402.00 |
+ Regional ileocolitis |
+ J40..00 |
+ Regional enteritis - Crohn's disease |
+ J40..11 |
+ Crohn's disease |
+ J40..12 |
+ Granulomatous enteritis |
+ J40z.00 |
+ Regional enteritis NOS |
+ J40z.11 |
+ Crohn's disease NOS |
+ Jyu4000 |
+ [X]Other Crohn's disease |
+ N031100 |
+ Arthropathy in Crohn's disease |
+ N045300 |
+ Juvenile arthritis in Crohn's disease |
+ ZR3S.00 |
+ Crohn's disease activity index |
+ ZR3S.11 |
+ CDAI - Crohn's disease activity index |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K50 |
+ Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] |
+Cystic Fibrosis
-Cystic Fibrosis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Cystic Fibrosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Cystic Fibrosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Cystic Fibrosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Cystic Fibrosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Cystic Fibrosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
66k0.00 | Cystic fibrosis annual review |
66k..00 | Cystic fibrosis monitoring |
C10N100 | Cystic fibrosis related diabetes mellitus |
C370000 | Cystic fibrosis with no meconium ileus |
C370100 | Cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus |
C370111 | Meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis |
C370200 | Cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations |
C370300 | Cystic fibrosis with intestinal manifestations |
C370400 | Arthropathy in cystic fibrosis |
C370500 | Cystic fibrosis with distal intestinal obstruction syndrome |
C370700 | Liver disease due to cystic fibrosis |
C370800 | Cystic fibrosis related cirrhosis |
C370900 | Exacerbation of cystic fibrosis |
C370.00 | Cystic fibrosis |
C370.11 | Fibrocystic disease |
C370.12 | Mucoviscidosis |
C370y00 | Cystic fibrosis with other manifestations |
C370z00 | Cystic fibrosis NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
E84 | Cystic fibrosis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Cystic Fibrosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 66k0.00 |
+ Cystic fibrosis annual review |
+ 66k..00 |
+ Cystic fibrosis monitoring |
+ C10N100 |
+ Cystic fibrosis related diabetes mellitus |
+ C370000 |
+ Cystic fibrosis with no meconium ileus |
+ C370100 |
+ Cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus |
+ C370111 |
+ Meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis |
+ C370200 |
+ Cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations |
+ C370300 |
+ Cystic fibrosis with intestinal manifestations |
+ C370400 |
+ Arthropathy in cystic fibrosis |
+ C370500 |
+ Cystic fibrosis with distal intestinal obstruction syndrome |
+ C370700 |
+ Liver disease due to cystic fibrosis |
+ C370800 |
+ Cystic fibrosis related cirrhosis |
+ C370900 |
+ Exacerbation of cystic fibrosis |
+ C370.00 |
+ Cystic fibrosis |
+ C370.11 |
+ Fibrocystic disease |
+ C370.12 |
+ Mucoviscidosis |
+ C370y00 |
+ Cystic fibrosis with other manifestations |
+ C370z00 |
+ Cystic fibrosis NOS |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_CF.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ E84 |
+ Cystic fibrosis |
+Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances', not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances', not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
2233.00 | O/E - delirious |
E001100 | Presenile dementia with delirium |
E003.00 | Senile dementia with delirium |
E004100 | Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium |
E030000 | Acute confusional state, post traumatic |
E030100 | Acute confusional state, of infective origin |
E030200 | Acute confusional state, of endocrine origin |
E030300 | Acute confusional state, of metabolic origin |
E030400 | Acute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin |
E030.00 | Acute confusional state |
E030.11 | Delirium - acute organic |
E031000 | Subacute confusional state, post traumatic |
E031100 | Subacute confusional state, of infective origin |
E031300 | Subacute confusional state, of metabolic origin |
E031400 | Subacute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin |
E031.00 | Subacute confusional state |
E031.11 | Delirium - subacute organic |
E031z00 | Subacute confusional state NOS |
Eu04000 | [X]Delirium not superimposed on dementia, so described |
Eu04100 | [X]Delirium superimposed on dementia |
Eu04.00 | [X]Delirium, not induced by alcohol+other psychoactive subs |
Eu04.11 | [X]Acute / subacute brain syndrome |
Eu04.12 | [X]Acute / subacute confusional state, nonalcoholic |
Eu04.13 | [X]Acute / subacute infective psychosis |
Eu04.14 | [X]Acute / subacute organic reaction |
Eu04.15 | [X]Acute / subacute psycho-organic reaction |
Eu04y00 | [X]Other delirium |
Eu04z00 | [X]Delirium, unspecified |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F05 | Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances |
-Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and Diabetes Mellitus – other or not specified
-Use MODIFIED CALIBER Diabetes phenotyping algorithm for
-1. T1DM,
-2. T2DM,
-3. Diabetes other or uncertain type:
-IF there is at least one record for code for type 2 diabetes (diabdiag_gprd = 4)
- and no record for type 1 diabetes (no record with diabdiag_gprd = 3)
- then classify the patient as type 2 diabetes
-ELSE if there is at least one record for code for type I diabetes (diabdiag_gprd = 3)
- and no record for type 2 diabetes (no record with diabdiag_gprd = 4)
- then classify the patient as type 1 diabetes
-ELSE if there is at least one record of type 1 diabetes (diabdiag_gprd = 3)
- and type 2 diabetes (diabdiag_gprd = 4)
- then classify as diabetes other or uncertain type
-ELSE if there are no diabdiag_gprd records for this patient:
- If there is at least one record for Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) (dm_gprd = 4 or dm_hes = 4)
- and no record for IDDM (no record with dm_gprd = 3 or dm_hes = 3)
- then classify the patient as type 2 diabetes
- ELSE if there is at least one record for Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) (dm_gprd = 3 or dm_hes = 3)
- and no record for NIDDM (no record with dm_gprd = 4 or dm_hes = 4)
- then classify the patient as type 1 diabetes
- ELSE if there is at least one record of diabetes (dm_gprd or dm_hes category 3, 4, 5 or 6)
- then classify as diabetes other or uncertain type
-ELSE classify as no diabetes
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances', not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 2233 |
+ O/E - delirious |
+ E001100 |
+ Presenile dementia with delirium |
+ E003.00 |
+ Senile dementia with delirium |
+ E004100 |
+ Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium |
+ E030000 |
+ Acute confusional state, post traumatic |
+ E030100 |
+ Acute confusional state, of infective origin |
+ E030200 |
+ Acute confusional state, of endocrine origin |
+ E030300 |
+ Acute confusional state, of metabolic origin |
+ E030400 |
+ Acute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin |
+ E030.00 |
+ Acute confusional state |
+ E030.11 |
+ Delirium - acute organic |
+ E031000 |
+ Subacute confusional state, post traumatic |
+ E031100 |
+ Subacute confusional state, of infective origin |
+ E031300 |
+ Subacute confusional state, of metabolic origin |
+ E031400 |
+ Subacute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin |
+ E031.00 |
+ Subacute confusional state |
+ E031.11 |
+ Delirium - subacute organic |
+ E031z00 |
+ Subacute confusional state NOS |
+ Eu04000 |
+ [X]Delirium not superimposed on dementia, so described |
+ Eu04100 |
+ [X]Delirium superimposed on dementia |
+ Eu04.00 |
+ [X]Delirium, not induced by alcohol+other psychoactive subs |
+ Eu04.11 |
+ [X]Acute / subacute brain syndrome |
+ Eu04.12 |
+ [X]Acute / subacute confusional state, nonalcoholic |
+ Eu04.13 |
+ [X]Acute / subacute infective psychosis |
+ Eu04.14 |
+ [X]Acute / subacute organic reaction |
+ Eu04.15 |
+ [X]Acute / subacute psycho-organic reaction |
+ Eu04y00 |
+ [X]Other delirium |
+ Eu04z00 |
+ [X]Delirium, unspecified |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F05 |
+ Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had dementia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Dementia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Dementia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Dementia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of dementia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1461.00 | H/O: dementia |
66h..00 | Dementia monitoring |
6AB..00 | Dementia annual review |
8CMZ.00 | Dementia care plan |
9hD0.00 | Excepted from dementia quality indicators: Patient unsuitabl |
9hD1.00 | Excepted from dementia quality indicators: Informed dissent |
9hD..00 | Exception reporting: dementia quality indicators |
9Ou1.00 | Dementia monitoring first letter |
9Ou2.00 | Dementia monitoring second letter |
9Ou3.00 | Dementia monitoring third letter |
9Ou4.00 | Dementia monitoring verbal invite |
9Ou5.00 | Dementia monitoring telephone invite |
9Ou..00 | Dementia monitoring administration |
E000.00 | Uncomplicated senile dementia |
E001000 | Uncomplicated presenile dementia |
E001100 | Presenile dementia with delirium |
E001200 | Presenile dementia with paranoia |
E001300 | Presenile dementia with depression |
E001.00 | Presenile dementia |
E001z00 | Presenile dementia NOS |
E002000 | Senile dementia with paranoia |
E002100 | Senile dementia with depression |
E002.00 | Senile dementia with depressive or paranoid features |
E002z00 | Senile dementia with depressive or paranoid features NOS |
E003.00 | Senile dementia with delirium |
E004000 | Uncomplicated arteriosclerotic dementia |
E004100 | Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium |
E004200 | Arteriosclerotic dementia with paranoia |
E004300 | Arteriosclerotic dementia with depression |
E004.00 | Arteriosclerotic dementia |
E004.11 | Multi infarct dementia |
E004z00 | Arteriosclerotic dementia NOS |
E00..00 | Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions |
E00..11 | Senile dementia |
E00..12 | Senile/presenile dementia |
E00y.00 | Other senile and presenile organic psychoses |
E00y.11 | Presbyophrenic psychosis |
E00z.00 | Senile or presenile psychoses NOS |
E041.00 | Dementia in conditions EC |
Eu00000 | [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease with early onset |
Eu00011 | [X]Presenile dementia,Alzheimer's type |
Eu00012 | [X]Primary degen dementia, Alzheimer's type, presenile onset |
Eu00013 | [X]Alzheimer's disease type 2 |
Eu00100 | [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease with late onset |
Eu00111 | [X]Alzheimer's disease type 1 |
Eu00112 | [X]Senile dementia,Alzheimer's type |
Eu00113 | [X]Primary degen dementia of Alzheimer's type, senile onset |
Eu00200 | [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's dis, atypical or mixed type |
Eu00.00 | [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease |
Eu00z00 | [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease, unspecified |
Eu00z11 | [X]Alzheimer's dementia unspec |
Eu01000 | [X]Vascular dementia of acute onset |
Eu01100 | [X]Multi-infarct dementia |
Eu01111 | [X]Predominantly cortical dementia |
Eu01200 | [X]Subcortical vascular dementia |
Eu01300 | [X]Mixed cortical and subcortical vascular dementia |
Eu01.00 | [X]Vascular dementia |
Eu01.11 | [X]Arteriosclerotic dementia |
Eu01y00 | [X]Other vascular dementia |
Eu01z00 | [X]Vascular dementia, unspecified |
Eu02z00 | [X] Unspecified dementia |
Eu02z11 | [X] Presenile dementia NOS |
Eu02z12 | [X] Presenile psychosis NOS |
Eu02z13 | [X] Primary degenerative dementia NOS |
Eu02z14 | [X] Senile dementia NOS |
Eu02z15 | [X] Senile psychosis NOS |
Eu02z16 | [X] Senile dementia, depressed or paranoid type |
Eu04100 | [X]Delirium superimposed on dementia |
F110000 | Alzheimer's disease with early onset |
F110100 | Alzheimer's disease with late onset |
F110.00 | Alzheimer's disease |
Fyu3000 | [X]Other Alzheimer's disease |
ZS7C500 | Language disorder of dementia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F00 | Dementia in Alzheimer's disease |
F01 | Vascular dementia |
F03 | Unspecified dementia |
F05.1 | Delirium superimposed on dementia |
G30 | Alzheimer's disease |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Dementia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1461 |
+ H/O: dementia |
+ 66h..00 |
+ Dementia monitoring |
+ 6AB..00 |
+ Dementia annual review |
+ 8CMZ.00 |
+ Dementia care plan |
+ 9hD0.00 |
+ Excepted from dementia quality indicators: Patient unsuitabl |
+ 9hD1.00 |
+ Excepted from dementia quality indicators: Informed dissent |
+ 9hD..00 |
+ Exception reporting: dementia quality indicators |
+ 9Ou1.00 |
+ Dementia monitoring first letter |
+ 9Ou2.00 |
+ Dementia monitoring second letter |
+ 9Ou3.00 |
+ Dementia monitoring third letter |
+ 9Ou4.00 |
+ Dementia monitoring verbal invite |
+ 9Ou5.00 |
+ Dementia monitoring telephone invite |
+ 9Ou..00 |
+ Dementia monitoring administration |
+ E000.00 |
+ Uncomplicated senile dementia |
+ E001000 |
+ Uncomplicated presenile dementia |
+ E001100 |
+ Presenile dementia with delirium |
+ E001200 |
+ Presenile dementia with paranoia |
+ E001300 |
+ Presenile dementia with depression |
+ E001.00 |
+ Presenile dementia |
+ E001z00 |
+ Presenile dementia NOS |
+ E002000 |
+ Senile dementia with paranoia |
+ E002100 |
+ Senile dementia with depression |
+ E002.00 |
+ Senile dementia with depressive or paranoid features |
+ E002z00 |
+ Senile dementia with depressive or paranoid features NOS |
+ E003.00 |
+ Senile dementia with delirium |
+ E004000 |
+ Uncomplicated arteriosclerotic dementia |
+ E004100 |
+ Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium |
+ E004200 |
+ Arteriosclerotic dementia with paranoia |
+ E004300 |
+ Arteriosclerotic dementia with depression |
+ E004.00 |
+ Arteriosclerotic dementia |
+ E004.11 |
+ Multi infarct dementia |
+ E004z00 |
+ Arteriosclerotic dementia NOS |
+ E00..00 |
+ Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions |
+ E00..11 |
+ Senile dementia |
+ E00..12 |
+ Senile/presenile dementia |
+ E00y.00 |
+ Other senile and presenile organic psychoses |
+ E00y.11 |
+ Presbyophrenic psychosis |
+ E00z.00 |
+ Senile or presenile psychoses NOS |
+ E041.00 |
+ Dementia in conditions EC |
+ Eu00000 |
+ [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease with early onset |
+ Eu00011 |
+ [X]Presenile dementia,Alzheimer's type |
+ Eu00012 |
+ [X]Primary degen dementia, Alzheimer's type, presenile onset |
+ Eu00013 |
+ [X]Alzheimer's disease type 2 |
+ Eu00100 |
+ [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease with late onset |
+ Eu00111 |
+ [X]Alzheimer's disease type 1 |
+ Eu00112 |
+ [X]Senile dementia,Alzheimer's type |
+ Eu00113 |
+ [X]Primary degen dementia of Alzheimer's type, senile onset |
+ Eu00200 |
+ [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's dis, atypical or mixed type |
+ Eu00.00 |
+ [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease |
+ Eu00z00 |
+ [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease, unspecified |
+ Eu00z11 |
+ [X]Alzheimer's dementia unspec |
+ Eu01000 |
+ [X]Vascular dementia of acute onset |
+ Eu01100 |
+ [X]Multi-infarct dementia |
+ Eu01111 |
+ [X]Predominantly cortical dementia |
+ Eu01200 |
+ [X]Subcortical vascular dementia |
+ Eu01300 |
+ [X]Mixed cortical and subcortical vascular dementia |
+ Eu01.00 |
+ [X]Vascular dementia |
+ Eu01.11 |
+ [X]Arteriosclerotic dementia |
+ Eu01y00 |
+ [X]Other vascular dementia |
+ Eu01z00 |
+ [X]Vascular dementia, unspecified |
+ Eu02z00 |
+ [X] Unspecified dementia |
+ Eu02z11 |
+ [X] Presenile dementia NOS |
+ Eu02z12 |
+ [X] Presenile psychosis NOS |
+ Eu02z13 |
+ [X] Primary degenerative dementia NOS |
+ Eu02z14 |
+ [X] Senile dementia NOS |
+ Eu02z15 |
+ [X] Senile psychosis NOS |
+ Eu02z16 |
+ [X] Senile dementia, depressed or paranoid type |
+ Eu04100 |
+ [X]Delirium superimposed on dementia |
+ F110000 |
+ Alzheimer's disease with early onset |
+ F110100 |
+ Alzheimer's disease with late onset |
+ F110.00 |
+ Alzheimer's disease |
+ Fyu3000 |
+ [X]Other Alzheimer's disease |
+ ZS7C500 |
+ Language disorder of dementia |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F00 |
+ Dementia in Alzheimer's disease |
+ F01 |
+ Vascular dementia |
+ F03 |
+ Unspecified dementia |
+ F05.1 |
+ Delirium superimposed on dementia |
+ G30 |
+ Alzheimer's disease |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Depression IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Depression' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Depression diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Depression' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Depression or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1465.00 | H/O: depression |
212S.00 | Depression resolved |
8BK0.00 | Depression management programme |
8CAa.00 | Patient given advice about management of depression |
8HHq.00 | Referral for guided self-help for depression |
9H90.00 | Depression annual review |
9H91.00 | Depression medication review |
9H92.00 | Depression interim review |
9HA0.00 | On depression register |
9k40.00 | Depression - enhanced service completed |
9k4..00 | Depression - enhanced services administration |
9kQ..00 | On full dose long term treatment depression - enh serv admin |
9Ov0.00 | Depression monitoring first letter |
9Ov1.00 | Depression monitoring second letter |
9Ov2.00 | Depression monitoring third letter |
9Ov3.00 | Depression monitoring verbal invite |
9Ov4.00 | Depression monitoring telephone invite |
9Ov..00 | Depression monitoring administration |
E001300 | Presenile dementia with depression |
E002100 | Senile dementia with depression |
E004300 | Arteriosclerotic dementia with depression |
E112000 | Single major depressive episode, unspecified |
E112100 | Single major depressive episode, mild |
E112200 | Single major depressive episode, moderate |
E112300 | Single major depressive episode, severe, without psychosis |
E112400 | Single major depressive episode, severe, with psychosis |
E112500 | Single major depressive episode, partial or unspec remission |
E112600 | Single major depressive episode, in full remission |
E112.00 | Single major depressive episode |
E112.11 | Agitated depression |
E112.12 | Endogenous depression first episode |
E112.13 | Endogenous depression first episode |
E112.14 | Endogenous depression |
E112z00 | Single major depressive episode NOS |
E113000 | Recurrent major depressive episodes, unspecified |
E113100 | Recurrent major depressive episodes, mild |
E113200 | Recurrent major depressive episodes, moderate |
E113300 | Recurrent major depressive episodes, severe, no psychosis |
E113400 | Recurrent major depressive episodes, severe, with psychosis |
E113500 | Recurrent major depressive episodes,partial/unspec remission |
E113600 | Recurrent major depressive episodes, in full remission |
E113700 | Recurrent depression |
E113.00 | Recurrent major depressive episode |
E113.11 | Endogenous depression - recurrent |
E113z00 | Recurrent major depressive episode NOS |
E118.00 | Seasonal affective disorder |
E11..12 | Depressive psychoses |
E11y200 | Atypical depressive disorder |
E11z200 | Masked depression |
E130.00 | Reactive depressive psychosis |
E130.11 | Psychotic reactive depression |
E135.00 | Agitated depression |
E200300 | Anxiety with depression |
E291.00 | Prolonged depressive reaction |
E2B1.00 | Chronic depression |
E2B..00 | Depressive disorder NEC |
Eu20400 | [X]Post-schizophrenic depression |
Eu25100 | [X]Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type |
Eu25111 | [X]Schizoaffective psychosis, depressive type |
Eu25112 | [X]Schizophreniform psychosis, depressive type |
Eu32000 | [X]Mild depressive episode |
Eu32100 | [X]Moderate depressive episode |
Eu32200 | [X]Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms |
Eu32211 | [X]Single episode agitated depressn w'out psychotic symptoms |
Eu32212 | [X]Single episode major depression w'out psychotic symptoms |
Eu32213 | [X]Single episode vital depression w'out psychotic symptoms |
Eu32300 | [X]Severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms |
Eu32311 | [X]Single episode of major depression and psychotic symptoms |
Eu32312 | [X]Single episode of psychogenic depressive psychosis |
Eu32313 | [X]Single episode of psychotic depression |
Eu32314 | [X]Single episode of reactive depressive psychosis |
Eu32400 | [X]Mild depression |
Eu32500 | [X]Major depression, mild |
Eu32600 | [X]Major depression, moderately severe |
Eu32700 | [X]Major depression, severe without psychotic symptoms |
Eu32800 | [X]Major depression, severe with psychotic symptoms |
Eu32900 | [X]Single major depr ep, severe with psych, psych in remiss |
Eu32A00 | [X]Recurr major depr ep, severe with psych, psych in remiss |
Eu32.00 | [X]Depressive episode |
Eu32.11 | [X]Single episode of depressive reaction |
Eu32.12 | [X]Single episode of psychogenic depression |
Eu32.13 | [X]Single episode of reactive depression |
Eu32y00 | [X]Other depressive episodes |
Eu32y11 | [X]Atypical depression |
Eu32y12 | [X]Single episode of masked depression NOS |
Eu32z00 | [X]Depressive episode, unspecified |
Eu32z11 | [X]Depression NOS |
Eu32z12 | [X]Depressive disorder NOS |
Eu32z13 | [X]Prolonged single episode of reactive depression |
Eu32z14 | [X] Reactive depression NOS |
Eu33000 | [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild |
Eu33100 | [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate |
Eu33200 | [X]Recurr depress disorder cur epi severe without psyc sympt |
Eu33211 | [X]Endogenous depression without psychotic symptoms |
Eu33212 | [X]Major depression, recurrent without psychotic symptoms |
Eu33213 | [X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressd,no psychotic symptoms |
Eu33214 | [X]Vital depression, recurrent without psychotic symptoms |
Eu33300 | [X]Recurrent depress disorder cur epi severe with psyc symp |
Eu33311 | [X]Endogenous depression with psychotic symptoms |
Eu33312 | [X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressed type+psychotic symptoms |
Eu33313 | [X]Recurr severe episodes/major depression+psychotic symptom |
Eu33314 | [X]Recurr severe episodes/psychogenic depressive psychosis |
Eu33315 | [X]Recurrent severe episodes of psychotic depression |
Eu33316 | [X]Recurrent severe episodes/reactive depressive psychosis |
Eu33400 | [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission |
Eu33.00 | [X]Recurrent depressive disorder |
Eu33.11 | [X]Recurrent episodes of depressive reaction |
Eu33.12 | [X]Recurrent episodes of psychogenic depression |
Eu33.13 | [X]Recurrent episodes of reactive depression |
Eu33.14 | [X]Seasonal depressive disorder |
Eu33.15 | [X]SAD - Seasonal affective disorder |
Eu33y00 | [X]Other recurrent depressive disorders |
Eu33z00 | [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified |
Eu33z11 | [X]Monopolar depression NOS |
Eu34100 | [X]Dysthymia |
Eu34111 | [X]Depressive neurosis |
Eu34112 | [X]Depressive personality disorder |
Eu34113 | [X]Neurotic depression |
Eu34114 | [X]Persistant anxiety depression |
Eu41200 | [X]Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder |
Eu41211 | [X]Mild anxiety depression |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F32 | Depressive episode |
F33 | Recurrent depressive disorder |
-Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Depression' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1465 |
+ H/O: depression |
+ 212S.00 |
+ Depression resolved |
+ 8BK0.00 |
+ Depression management programme |
+ 8CAa.00 |
+ Patient given advice about management of depression |
+ 8HHq.00 |
+ Referral for guided self-help for depression |
+ 9H90.00 |
+ Depression annual review |
+ 9H91.00 |
+ Depression medication review |
+ 9H92.00 |
+ Depression interim review |
+ 9HA0.00 |
+ On depression register |
+ 9k40.00 |
+ Depression - enhanced service completed |
+ 9k4..00 |
+ Depression - enhanced services administration |
+ 9kQ..00 |
+ On full dose long term treatment depression - enh serv admin |
+ 9Ov0.00 |
+ Depression monitoring first letter |
+ 9Ov1.00 |
+ Depression monitoring second letter |
+ 9Ov2.00 |
+ Depression monitoring third letter |
+ 9Ov3.00 |
+ Depression monitoring verbal invite |
+ 9Ov4.00 |
+ Depression monitoring telephone invite |
+ 9Ov..00 |
+ Depression monitoring administration |
+ E001300 |
+ Presenile dementia with depression |
+ E002100 |
+ Senile dementia with depression |
+ E004300 |
+ Arteriosclerotic dementia with depression |
+ E112000 |
+ Single major depressive episode, unspecified |
+ E112100 |
+ Single major depressive episode, mild |
+ E112200 |
+ Single major depressive episode, moderate |
+ E112300 |
+ Single major depressive episode, severe, without psychosis |
+ E112400 |
+ Single major depressive episode, severe, with psychosis |
+ E112500 |
+ Single major depressive episode, partial or unspec remission |
+ E112600 |
+ Single major depressive episode, in full remission |
+ E112.00 |
+ Single major depressive episode |
+ E112.11 |
+ Agitated depression |
+ E112.12 |
+ Endogenous depression first episode |
+ E112.13 |
+ Endogenous depression first episode |
+ E112.14 |
+ Endogenous depression |
+ E112z00 |
+ Single major depressive episode NOS |
+ E113000 |
+ Recurrent major depressive episodes, unspecified |
+ E113100 |
+ Recurrent major depressive episodes, mild |
+ E113200 |
+ Recurrent major depressive episodes, moderate |
+ E113300 |
+ Recurrent major depressive episodes, severe, no psychosis |
+ E113400 |
+ Recurrent major depressive episodes, severe, with psychosis |
+ E113500 |
+ Recurrent major depressive episodes,partial/unspec remission |
+ E113600 |
+ Recurrent major depressive episodes, in full remission |
+ E113700 |
+ Recurrent depression |
+ E113.00 |
+ Recurrent major depressive episode |
+ E113.11 |
+ Endogenous depression - recurrent |
+ E113z00 |
+ Recurrent major depressive episode NOS |
+ E118.00 |
+ Seasonal affective disorder |
+ E11..12 |
+ Depressive psychoses |
+ E11y200 |
+ Atypical depressive disorder |
+ E11z200 |
+ Masked depression |
+ E130.00 |
+ Reactive depressive psychosis |
+ E130.11 |
+ Psychotic reactive depression |
+ E135.00 |
+ Agitated depression |
+ E200300 |
+ Anxiety with depression |
+ E291.00 |
+ Prolonged depressive reaction |
+ E2B1.00 |
+ Chronic depression |
+ E2B..00 |
+ Depressive disorder NEC |
+ Eu20400 |
+ [X]Post-schizophrenic depression |
+ Eu25100 |
+ [X]Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type |
+ Eu25111 |
+ [X]Schizoaffective psychosis, depressive type |
+ Eu25112 |
+ [X]Schizophreniform psychosis, depressive type |
+ Eu32000 |
+ [X]Mild depressive episode |
+ Eu32100 |
+ [X]Moderate depressive episode |
+ Eu32200 |
+ [X]Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu32211 |
+ [X]Single episode agitated depressn w'out psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu32212 |
+ [X]Single episode major depression w'out psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu32213 |
+ [X]Single episode vital depression w'out psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu32300 |
+ [X]Severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu32311 |
+ [X]Single episode of major depression and psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu32312 |
+ [X]Single episode of psychogenic depressive psychosis |
+ Eu32313 |
+ [X]Single episode of psychotic depression |
+ Eu32314 |
+ [X]Single episode of reactive depressive psychosis |
+ Eu32400 |
+ [X]Mild depression |
+ Eu32500 |
+ [X]Major depression, mild |
+ Eu32600 |
+ [X]Major depression, moderately severe |
+ Eu32700 |
+ [X]Major depression, severe without psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu32800 |
+ [X]Major depression, severe with psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu32900 |
+ [X]Single major depr ep, severe with psych, psych in remiss |
+ Eu32A00 |
+ [X]Recurr major depr ep, severe with psych, psych in remiss |
+ Eu32.00 |
+ [X]Depressive episode |
+ Eu32.11 |
+ [X]Single episode of depressive reaction |
+ Eu32.12 |
+ [X]Single episode of psychogenic depression |
+ Eu32.13 |
+ [X]Single episode of reactive depression |
+ Eu32y00 |
+ [X]Other depressive episodes |
+ Eu32y11 |
+ [X]Atypical depression |
+ Eu32y12 |
+ [X]Single episode of masked depression NOS |
+ Eu32z00 |
+ [X]Depressive episode, unspecified |
+ Eu32z11 |
+ [X]Depression NOS |
+ Eu32z12 |
+ [X]Depressive disorder NOS |
+ Eu32z13 |
+ [X]Prolonged single episode of reactive depression |
+ Eu32z14 |
+ [X] Reactive depression NOS |
+ Eu33000 |
+ [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild |
+ Eu33100 |
+ [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate |
+ Eu33200 |
+ [X]Recurr depress disorder cur epi severe without psyc sympt |
+ Eu33211 |
+ [X]Endogenous depression without psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu33212 |
+ [X]Major depression, recurrent without psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu33213 |
+ [X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressd,no psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu33214 |
+ [X]Vital depression, recurrent without psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu33300 |
+ [X]Recurrent depress disorder cur epi severe with psyc symp |
+ Eu33311 |
+ [X]Endogenous depression with psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu33312 |
+ [X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressed type+psychotic symptoms |
+ Eu33313 |
+ [X]Recurr severe episodes/major depression+psychotic symptom |
+ Eu33314 |
+ [X]Recurr severe episodes/psychogenic depressive psychosis |
+ Eu33315 |
+ [X]Recurrent severe episodes of psychotic depression |
+ Eu33316 |
+ [X]Recurrent severe episodes/reactive depressive psychosis |
+ Eu33400 |
+ [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission |
+ Eu33.00 |
+ [X]Recurrent depressive disorder |
+ Eu33.11 |
+ [X]Recurrent episodes of depressive reaction |
+ Eu33.12 |
+ [X]Recurrent episodes of psychogenic depression |
+ Eu33.13 |
+ [X]Recurrent episodes of reactive depression |
+ Eu33.14 |
+ [X]Seasonal depressive disorder |
+ Eu33.15 |
+ [X]SAD - Seasonal affective disorder |
+ Eu33y00 |
+ [X]Other recurrent depressive disorders |
+ Eu33z00 |
+ [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified |
+ Eu33z11 |
+ [X]Monopolar depression NOS |
+ Eu34100 |
+ [X]Dysthymia |
+ Eu34111 |
+ [X]Depressive neurosis |
+ Eu34112 |
+ [X]Depressive personality disorder |
+ Eu34113 |
+ [X]Neurotic depression |
+ Eu34114 |
+ [X]Persistant anxiety depression |
+ Eu41200 |
+ [X]Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder |
+ Eu41211 |
+ [X]Mild anxiety depression |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F32 |
+ Depressive episode |
+ F33 |
+ Recurrent depressive disorder |
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14F1.00 | H/O: eczema |
26C4.00 | Nipple eczema |
3355.00 | Skin:type 1 immediate reaction |
C391211 | Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency |
F4D3000 | Eczematous eyelid dermatitis |
F4D3100 | Contact or allergic eyelid dermatitis |
F4D3111 | Allergic dermatitis - eyelid |
F4D3112 | Contact eczema - eyelids |
F4D4.00 | Infective eyelid dermatitis of types resulting in deformity |
F4D5.00 | Other eyelid infective dermatitis |
F502400 | Acute eczematoid otitis extern |
F502411 | Eczema of external ear |
H330.00 | Extrinsic (atopic) asthma |
M07y.11 | Pustular eczema |
M07z.14 | Infected dermatitis |
M102.00 | Infectious eczematoid dermatitis |
M102.11 | Pustular eczema |
M104.00 | Pityriasis simplex |
M11..00 | Atopic dermatitis and related conditions |
M111.00 | Atopic dermatitis/eczema |
M1...11 | Dermatitis/dermatoses |
M112.00 | Infantile eczema |
M113.00 | Flexural eczema |
M114.00 | Allergic (intrinsic) eczema |
M115.00 | Besnier's prurigo |
M116.00 | Neurodermatitis - diffuse |
M116.11 | Brocq's neurodermatitis |
M117.00 | Neurodermatitis - atopic |
M119.00 | Discoid eczema |
M11A.00 | Asteatotic eczema |
M11z.00 | Atopic dermatitis NOS |
M120.00 | Contact dermatitis due to detergents |
M12..00 | Contact dermatitis and other eczemas |
M121.00 | Contact dermatitis due to oils and greases |
M12..11 | Contact dermatitis |
M121.11 | Grease contact dermatitis |
M121.12 | Oil contact dermatitis |
M12..12 | Contact eczema |
M12..13 | Occupational dermatitis |
M122000 | Contact dermatitis due to chlorocompound |
M122.00 | Contact dermatitis due to solvents |
M122100 | Contact dermatitis due to cyclohexane |
M122300 | Contact dermatitis due to glycol |
M122z00 | Contact dermatitis due to solvent NOS |
M123000 | Contact dermatitis due to arnica |
M123.00 | Contact dermatitis due to drugs and medicaments |
M123100 | Contact dermatitis due to fungicides |
M123200 | Contact dermatitis due to iodine |
M123300 | Contact dermatitis due to keratolytics |
M123400 | Contact dermatitis due to mercurials |
M123500 | Contact dermatitis due to neomycin |
M123600 | Contact dermatitis due to pediculocides |
M123700 | Contact dermatitis due to phenols |
M123800 | Contact dermatitis due to scabicides |
M123z00 | Contact dermatitis due to medicament NOS |
M124000 | Contact dermatitis due to acids |
M124.00 | Contact dermatitis due to other chemical products |
M124100 | Contact dermatitis due to adhesive plaster |
M124111 | Elastoplast contact dermatitis |
M124200 | Contact dermatitis due to alkalis |
M124300 | Contact dermatitis due to caustics |
M124400 | Contact dermatitis due to dichromate |
M124500 | Contact dermatitis due to insecticide |
M124600 | Contact dermatitis due to nylon |
M124700 | Contact dermatitis due to plastic |
M124800 | Contact dermatitis due to rubber |
M124z00 | Contact dermatitis: other chemicals NOS |
M125000 | Contact dermatitis due to cereals |
M125.00 | Contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin |
M125100 | Contact dermatitis due to fish |
M125200 | Contact dermatitis due to flour |
M125300 | Contact dermatitis due to fruit |
M125400 | Contact dermatitis due to meat |
M125500 | Contact dermatitis due to milk |
M125z00 | Contact dermatitis due to food NOS |
M125z11 | Egg contact dermatitis |
M126000 | Contact dermatitis due to lacquer tree |
M126.00 | Contact dermatitis due to plants |
M126100 | Contact dermatitis due to poison-ivy |
M126200 | Contact dermatitis due to poison-oak |
M126300 | Contact dermatitis due to poison-sumac |
M126500 | Contact dermatitis due to primrose |
M126600 | Contact dermatitis due to ragweed |
M126z00 | Contact dermatitis due to plants NOS |
M128000 | Allergic contact dermatitis due to adhesives |
M128.00 | Allergic contact dermatitis |
M128100 | Allergic contact dermatitis due to cosmetics |
M128200 | Allergic contact dermatitis due drugs in contact with skin |
M128300 | Allergic contact dermatitis due to dyes |
M128400 | Allergic contact dermatitis due to other chemical products |
M128500 | Allergic contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin |
M128600 | Allergic contact dermatitis due to plants, except food |
M129000 | Irritant contact dermatitis due to cosmetics |
M129.00 | Irritant contact dermatitis |
M129100 | Irritant contact dermatitis due drugs in contact with skin |
M129200 | Irritant contact dermatitis due to other chemical products |
M129300 | Irritant contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin |
M129400 | Irritant contact dermatitis due to plants, except food |
M12y000 | Contact dermatitis due to cosmetics |
M12y.00 | Contact dermatitis due to other specified agents |
M12y011 | Lanolin contact dermatitis |
M12y012 | Perfume contact dermatitis |
M12y100 | Contact dermatitis due to cold weather |
M12y200 | Contact dermatitis due to dyes |
M12y300 | Contact dermatitis due to furs |
M12y400 | Contact dermatitis due to hot weather |
M12y500 | Contact dermatitis due to infra-red rays |
M12y600 | Contact dermatitis due to jewellery |
M12y700 | Contact dermatitis due to light (excluding sunlight) |
M12y800 | Contact dermatitis due to metals |
M12y811 | Nickel sensitivity |
M12y900 | Contact dermatitis due to preservatives |
M12yA00 | Contact dermatitis due to radiation NOS |
M12yB00 | Contact dermatitis due to ultra-violet rays (excluding sun) |
M12yC00 | Contact dermatitis due to x-rays |
M12yD00 | Contact dermatitis due to casting materials |
M12yz00 | Contact dermatitis: specified agent NOS |
M12z000 | Dermatitis NOS |
M12z.00 | Contact dermatitis NOS |
M12z100 | Eczema NOS |
M12z111 | Discoid eczema |
M12z200 | Infected eczema |
M12z300 | Hand eczema |
M12z400 | Erythrodermic eczema |
M12zz00 | Contact dermatitis NOS |
M130000 | Generalized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments |
M130.00 | Ingestion dermatitis due to drugs |
M13..00 | Ingestion dermatitis |
M130100 | Localized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments |
M130.11 | Drug induced rash |
M130200 | Drug-induced erythroderma |
M131.00 | Ingestion dermatitis due to food |
M13y.00 | Ingestion dermatitis due to other specified substance |
M13z.00 | Ingestion dermatitis NOS |
M15y200 | Pityriasis rubra (Hebra) |
M165000 | Pityriasis alba |
M173.00 | Lichen simplex |
M182000 | Prurigo aestivalis |
M182.00 | Prurigo |
M182200 | Prurigo mitis |
M182300 | Prurigo simplex |
M182z00 | Prurigo NOS |
M183000 | Prurigo nodularis (Hyde's disease) |
M183.00 | Lichenification and lichen simplex chronicus |
M183100 | Neurodermatitis circumscripta |
M183200 | Lichen simplex |
M183z00 | Lichenification NOS |
M1B..11 | Juvenile plantar dermatitis |
M1y0.00 | Nummular dermatitis |
M1y1.00 | Cutaneous autosensitization |
M252000 | Dyshidrosis unspecified |
M252.00 | Dyshidrosis |
M252100 | Pompholyx unspecified |
M252200 | Cheiropompholyx |
M252300 | Podopompholyx |
M252z00 | Dyshidrosis NOS |
M2y4100 | Menstrual dermatosis |
M2y4811 | Juvenile plantar dermatitis |
Myu2.00 | [X]Dermatitis and eczema |
Myu2100 | [X]Allergic contact dermatitis due to oth chemical products |
Myu2200 | [X]Exacerbation of eczema |
Myu2300 | [X]Allergic contact dermatitis due to other agents |
Myu2400 | [X]Irritant contact dermatitis due to oth chemical products |
Myu2500 | [X]Irritant contact dermatitis due to other agents |
Myu2600 | [X]Unspcfd contact dermatitis due to other chemical products |
Myu2700 | [X]Unspecified contact dermatitis due to other agents |
Myu2A00 | [X]Other prurigo |
Myu2C00 | [X]Other specified dermatitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L20 | Atopic dermatitis |
L23 | Allergic contact dermatitis |
L24 | Irritant contact dermatitis |
L25 | Unspecified contact dermatitis |
L27 | Dermatitis due to substances taken internally |
L26 | Exfoliative dermatitis |
L28 | Lichen simplex chronicus and prurigo |
L30.0 | Nummular dermatitis |
L30.1 | Dyshidrosis [pompholyx] |
L30.2 | Cutaneous autosensitization |
L30.5 | Pityriasis alba |
L30.8 | Other specified dermatitis |
L30.9 | Dermatitis, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14F1.00 |
+ H/O: eczema |
+ 26C4.00 |
+ Nipple eczema |
+ 3355.00 |
+ Skin:type 1 immediate reaction |
+ C391211 |
+ Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency |
+ F4D3000 |
+ Eczematous eyelid dermatitis |
+ F4D3100 |
+ Contact or allergic eyelid dermatitis |
+ F4D3111 |
+ Allergic dermatitis - eyelid |
+ F4D3112 |
+ Contact eczema - eyelids |
+ F4D4.00 |
+ Infective eyelid dermatitis of types resulting in deformity |
+ F4D5.00 |
+ Other eyelid infective dermatitis |
+ F502400 |
+ Acute eczematoid otitis extern |
+ F502411 |
+ Eczema of external ear |
+ H330.00 |
+ Extrinsic (atopic) asthma |
+ M07y.11 |
+ Pustular eczema |
+ M07z.14 |
+ Infected dermatitis |
+ M102.00 |
+ Infectious eczematoid dermatitis |
+ M102.11 |
+ Pustular eczema |
+ M104.00 |
+ Pityriasis simplex |
+ M11..00 |
+ Atopic dermatitis and related conditions |
+ M111.00 |
+ Atopic dermatitis/eczema |
+ M1...11 |
+ Dermatitis/dermatoses |
+ M112.00 |
+ Infantile eczema |
+ M113.00 |
+ Flexural eczema |
+ M114.00 |
+ Allergic (intrinsic) eczema |
+ M115.00 |
+ Besnier's prurigo |
+ M116.00 |
+ Neurodermatitis - diffuse |
+ M116.11 |
+ Brocq's neurodermatitis |
+ M117.00 |
+ Neurodermatitis - atopic |
+ M119.00 |
+ Discoid eczema |
+ M11A.00 |
+ Asteatotic eczema |
+ M11z.00 |
+ Atopic dermatitis NOS |
+ M120.00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to detergents |
+ M12..00 |
+ Contact dermatitis and other eczemas |
+ M121.00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to oils and greases |
+ M12..11 |
+ Contact dermatitis |
+ M121.11 |
+ Grease contact dermatitis |
+ M121.12 |
+ Oil contact dermatitis |
+ M12..12 |
+ Contact eczema |
+ M12..13 |
+ Occupational dermatitis |
+ M122000 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to chlorocompound |
+ M122.00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to solvents |
+ M122100 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to cyclohexane |
+ M122300 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to glycol |
+ M122z00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to solvent NOS |
+ M123000 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to arnica |
+ M123.00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to drugs and medicaments |
+ M123100 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to fungicides |
+ M123200 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to iodine |
+ M123300 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to keratolytics |
+ M123400 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to mercurials |
+ M123500 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to neomycin |
+ M123600 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to pediculocides |
+ M123700 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to phenols |
+ M123800 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to scabicides |
+ M123z00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to medicament NOS |
+ M124000 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to acids |
+ M124.00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to other chemical products |
+ M124100 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to adhesive plaster |
+ M124111 |
+ Elastoplast contact dermatitis |
+ M124200 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to alkalis |
+ M124300 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to caustics |
+ M124400 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to dichromate |
+ M124500 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to insecticide |
+ M124600 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to nylon |
+ M124700 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to plastic |
+ M124800 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to rubber |
+ M124z00 |
+ Contact dermatitis: other chemicals NOS |
+ M125000 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to cereals |
+ M125.00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin |
+ M125100 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to fish |
+ M125200 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to flour |
+ M125300 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to fruit |
+ M125400 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to meat |
+ M125500 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to milk |
+ M125z00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to food NOS |
+ M125z11 |
+ Egg contact dermatitis |
+ M126000 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to lacquer tree |
+ M126.00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to plants |
+ M126100 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to poison-ivy |
+ M126200 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to poison-oak |
+ M126300 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to poison-sumac |
+ M126500 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to primrose |
+ M126600 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to ragweed |
+ M126z00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to plants NOS |
+ M128000 |
+ Allergic contact dermatitis due to adhesives |
+ M128.00 |
+ Allergic contact dermatitis |
+ M128100 |
+ Allergic contact dermatitis due to cosmetics |
+ M128200 |
+ Allergic contact dermatitis due drugs in contact with skin |
+ M128300 |
+ Allergic contact dermatitis due to dyes |
+ M128400 |
+ Allergic contact dermatitis due to other chemical products |
+ M128500 |
+ Allergic contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin |
+ M128600 |
+ Allergic contact dermatitis due to plants, except food |
+ M129000 |
+ Irritant contact dermatitis due to cosmetics |
+ M129.00 |
+ Irritant contact dermatitis |
+ M129100 |
+ Irritant contact dermatitis due drugs in contact with skin |
+ M129200 |
+ Irritant contact dermatitis due to other chemical products |
+ M129300 |
+ Irritant contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin |
+ M129400 |
+ Irritant contact dermatitis due to plants, except food |
+ M12y000 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to cosmetics |
+ M12y.00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to other specified agents |
+ M12y011 |
+ Lanolin contact dermatitis |
+ M12y012 |
+ Perfume contact dermatitis |
+ M12y100 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to cold weather |
+ M12y200 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to dyes |
+ M12y300 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to furs |
+ M12y400 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to hot weather |
+ M12y500 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to infra-red rays |
+ M12y600 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to jewellery |
+ M12y700 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to light (excluding sunlight) |
+ M12y800 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to metals |
+ M12y811 |
+ Nickel sensitivity |
+ M12y900 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to preservatives |
+ M12yA00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to radiation NOS |
+ M12yB00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to ultra-violet rays (excluding sun) |
+ M12yC00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to x-rays |
+ M12yD00 |
+ Contact dermatitis due to casting materials |
+ M12yz00 |
+ Contact dermatitis: specified agent NOS |
+ M12z000 |
+ Dermatitis NOS |
+ M12z.00 |
+ Contact dermatitis NOS |
+ M12z100 |
+ Eczema NOS |
+ M12z111 |
+ Discoid eczema |
+ M12z200 |
+ Infected eczema |
+ M12z300 |
+ Hand eczema |
+ M12z400 |
+ Erythrodermic eczema |
+ M12zz00 |
+ Contact dermatitis NOS |
+ M130000 |
+ Generalized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments |
+ M130.00 |
+ Ingestion dermatitis due to drugs |
+ M13..00 |
+ Ingestion dermatitis |
+ M130100 |
+ Localized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments |
+ M130.11 |
+ Drug induced rash |
+ M130200 |
+ Drug-induced erythroderma |
+ M131.00 |
+ Ingestion dermatitis due to food |
+ M13y.00 |
+ Ingestion dermatitis due to other specified substance |
+ M13z.00 |
+ Ingestion dermatitis NOS |
+ M15y200 |
+ Pityriasis rubra (Hebra) |
+ M165000 |
+ Pityriasis alba |
+ M173.00 |
+ Lichen simplex |
+ M182000 |
+ Prurigo aestivalis |
+ M182.00 |
+ Prurigo |
+ M182200 |
+ Prurigo mitis |
+ M182300 |
+ Prurigo simplex |
+ M182z00 |
+ Prurigo NOS |
+ M183000 |
+ Prurigo nodularis (Hyde's disease) |
+ M183.00 |
+ Lichenification and lichen simplex chronicus |
+ M183100 |
+ Neurodermatitis circumscripta |
+ M183200 |
+ Lichen simplex |
+ M183z00 |
+ Lichenification NOS |
+ M1B..11 |
+ Juvenile plantar dermatitis |
+ M1y0.00 |
+ Nummular dermatitis |
+ M1y1.00 |
+ Cutaneous autosensitization |
+ M252000 |
+ Dyshidrosis unspecified |
+ M252.00 |
+ Dyshidrosis |
+ M252100 |
+ Pompholyx unspecified |
+ M252200 |
+ Cheiropompholyx |
+ M252300 |
+ Podopompholyx |
+ M252z00 |
+ Dyshidrosis NOS |
+ M2y4100 |
+ Menstrual dermatosis |
+ M2y4811 |
+ Juvenile plantar dermatitis |
+ Myu2.00 |
+ [X]Dermatitis and eczema |
+ Myu2100 |
+ [X]Allergic contact dermatitis due to oth chemical products |
+ Myu2200 |
+ [X]Exacerbation of eczema |
+ Myu2300 |
+ [X]Allergic contact dermatitis due to other agents |
+ Myu2400 |
+ [X]Irritant contact dermatitis due to oth chemical products |
+ Myu2500 |
+ [X]Irritant contact dermatitis due to other agents |
+ Myu2600 |
+ [X]Unspcfd contact dermatitis due to other chemical products |
+ Myu2700 |
+ [X]Unspecified contact dermatitis due to other agents |
+ Myu2A00 |
+ [X]Other prurigo |
+ Myu2C00 |
+ [X]Other specified dermatitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L20 |
+ Atopic dermatitis |
+ L23 |
+ Allergic contact dermatitis |
+ L24 |
+ Irritant contact dermatitis |
+ L25 |
+ Unspecified contact dermatitis |
+ L27 |
+ Dermatitis due to substances taken internally |
+ L26 |
+ Exfoliative dermatitis |
+ L28 |
+ Lichen simplex chronicus and prurigo |
+ L30.0 |
+ Nummular dermatitis |
+ L30.1 |
+ Dyshidrosis [pompholyx] |
+ L30.2 |
+ Cutaneous autosensitization |
+ L30.5 |
+ Pityriasis alba |
+ L30.8 |
+ Other specified dermatitis |
+ L30.9 |
+ Dermatitis, unspecified |
+Use MODIFIED CALIBER 'Diabetes' phenotyping algorithm for
+1. T1DM,
+2. T2DM,
+3. 'Diabetes' other or uncertain type:
+IF there is at least one record for code for type 2 'Diabetes' (diabdiag_gprd = 4)
+ and no record for type 1 'Diabetes' (no record with diabdiag_gprd = 3)
+ then classify the patient as type 2 'Diabetes'
+ELSE if there is at least one record for code for type I 'Diabetes' (diabdiag_gprd = 3)
+ and no record for type 2 'Diabetes' (no record with diabdiag_gprd = 4)
+ then classify the patient as type 1 'Diabetes'
+ELSE if there is at least one record of type 1 'Diabetes' (diabdiag_gprd = 3)
+ and type 2 'Diabetes' (diabdiag_gprd = 4)
+ then classify as 'Diabetes' other or uncertain type
+ELSE if there are no diabdiag_gprd records for this patient:
+ If there is at least one record for Non-insulin-dependent 'Diabetes' mellitus (NIDDM) (dm_gprd = 4 or dm_hes = 4)
+ and no record for IDDM (no record with dm_gprd = 3 or dm_hes = 3)
+ then classify the patient as type 2 'Diabetes'
+ ELSE if there is at least one record for Insulin-dependent 'Diabetes' mellitus (IDDM) (dm_gprd = 3 or dm_hes = 3)
+ and no record for NIDDM (no record with dm_gprd = 4 or dm_hes = 4)
+ then classify the patient as type 1 'Diabetes'
+ ELSE if there is at least one record of 'Diabetes' (dm_gprd or dm_hes category 3, 4, 5 or 6)
+ then classify as 'Diabetes' other or uncertain type
+ELSE classify as no 'Diabetes'
+**NOTE**: This algorithm uses components from an existing phenotyping algorithm created by Julie George and Anoop Shah for the CALIBER project: [dm_cprd](/primary_care/CPRD_caliber_dm_cprd.csv), [diabdiag_cprd](/primary_care/CPRD_caliber_diabdiag_cprd.csv) and [dm_hes](/secondary_care/ICD_caliber_dm_hes.csv). More information on the algorithm in the associated publication [Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol
+. 2015 Feb;3(2):105-13. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(14)70219-0. Epub 2014 Nov 11.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213858714702190?via%3Dihub)
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ C108.12 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus |
+ C108.13 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus |
+ C108011 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with renal complications |
+ C108012 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with renal complications |
+ C108211 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C108212 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C108411 |
+ Unstable type I diabetes mellitus |
+ C108412 |
+ Unstable type 1 diabetes mellitus |
+ C108511 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with ulcer |
+ C108512 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ulcer |
+ C108711 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C108712 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C108811 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus - poor control |
+ C108812 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus - poor control |
+ C108911 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus maturity onset |
+ C108912 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus maturity onset |
+ C108A11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus without complication |
+ C108D11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with nephropathy |
+ C108E11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma |
+ C108E12 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma |
+ C108F11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C108H11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with arthropathy |
+ C108J11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C108J12 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C10E.00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus |
+ C10E.11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus |
+ C10E000 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with renal complications |
+ C10E100 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
+ C10E200 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C10E300 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications |
+ C10E311 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with multiple complications |
+ C10E400 |
+ Unstable type 1 diabetes mellitus |
+ C10E411 |
+ Unstable type I diabetes mellitus |
+ C10E500 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ulcer |
+ C10E511 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with ulcer |
+ C10E600 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with gangrene |
+ C10E700 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C10E711 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C10E800 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus - poor control |
+ C10E900 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus maturity onset |
+ C10E911 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus maturity onset |
+ C10EA00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus without complication |
+ C10EA11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus without complication |
+ C10EB00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C10EC00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10EC11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10ED00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy |
+ C10EE00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma |
+ C10EF00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10EG00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy |
+ C10EH00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy |
+ C10EJ00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C10EK00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria |
+ C10EL00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria |
+ C10EM00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis |
+ C10EM11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis |
+ C10EN00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma |
+ C10EN11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma |
+ C10EP00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy |
+ C10EP11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy |
+ C10EQ00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with gastroparesis |
+ C109.12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus |
+ C109.13 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus |
+ C109011 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications |
+ C109012 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications |
+ C109111 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
+ C109112 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
+ C109211 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C109212 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C109411 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer |
+ C109412 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer |
+ C109511 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with gangrene |
+ C109512 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gangrene |
+ C109611 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C109612 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C109711 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control |
+ C109712 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control |
+ C109A11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C109B11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C109C11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with nephropathy |
+ C109C12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy |
+ C109D11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma |
+ C109D12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma |
+ C109E11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C109E12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C109F11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy |
+ C109F12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy |
+ C109G11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with arthropathy |
+ C109G12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy |
+ C109H11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C109H12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C109J00 |
+ Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus |
+ C109J12 |
+ Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus |
+ C109K00 |
+ Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus |
+ C10F.00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus |
+ C10F.11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus |
+ C10F000 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications |
+ C10F011 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications |
+ C10F100 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
+ C10F200 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C10F211 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C10F300 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications |
+ C10F311 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with multiple complications |
+ C10F400 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer |
+ C10F411 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer |
+ C10F500 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gangrene |
+ C10F600 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C10F611 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C10F700 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control |
+ C10F711 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control |
+ C10F900 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complication |
+ C10F911 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus without complication |
+ C10FA00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C10FA11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C10FB00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10FB11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10FC00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy |
+ C10FD00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma |
+ C10FD11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma |
+ C10FE00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10FE11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10FF00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy |
+ C10FG00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy |
+ C10FH00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C10FJ00 |
+ Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus |
+ C10FJ11 |
+ Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus |
+ C10FK00 |
+ Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus |
+ C10FL00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria |
+ C10FL11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria |
+ C10FM00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria |
+ C10FM11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria |
+ C10FN00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis |
+ C10FP00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma |
+ C10FQ00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy |
+ C10FR00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gastroparesis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ E10 |
+ Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus |
+ E11 |
+ Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus |
+ E12 |
+ Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus |
+ O242 |
+ Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus |
+ E13 |
+ Other specified diabetes mellitus |
+ E14 |
+ Unspecified diabetes mellitus |
+ G590 |
+ Diabetic mononeuropathy |
+ G632 |
+ Diabetic polyneuropathy |
+ H280 |
+ Diabetic cataract |
+ H360 |
+ Diabetic retinopathy |
+ M142 |
+ Diabetic arthropathy |
+ N083 |
+ Glomerular disorders in diabetes mellitus |
+ O240 |
+ Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent |
+ O241 |
+ Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent |
+ O243 |
+ Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, unspecified |
+Diabetic neurological complications
-Diabetic Neuropathy
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Diabetic neurological complications IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -1156,163 +13500,1663 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Diabetic neurological complications or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
C106000 | Diabetes mellitus, juvenile, + neurological manifestation |
C106100 | Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + neurological manifestation |
C106.00 | Diabetes mellitus with neurological manifestation |
C106.11 | Diabetic amyotrophy |
C106.12 | Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy |
C106.13 | Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C106y00 | Other specified diabetes mellitus with neurological comps |
C106z00 | Diabetes mellitus NOS with neurological manifestation |
C108200 | Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological comps |
C108211 | Type I diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
C108212 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
C108B00 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C108B11 | Type I diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C108C00 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C108J00 | Insulin dependent diab mell with neuropathic arthropathy |
C108J11 | Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C108J12 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C109200 | Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neuro comps |
C109211 | Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
C109212 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
C109A00 | Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C109A11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C109B00 | Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C109B11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C109B12 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C109H00 | Non-insulin dependent d m with neuropathic arthropathy |
C109H11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C109H12 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C10E200 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
C10E212 | Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological comps |
C10EB00 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C10EC00 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C10EC11 | Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C10EC12 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C10EJ00 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C10F200 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
C10F211 | Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
C10FA00 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C10FA11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C10FB00 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C10FB11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C10FH00 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C10FH11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
F171100 | Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes |
F345000 | Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex |
F35z000 | Diabetic mononeuritis NOS |
F372000 | Acute painful diabetic neuropathy |
F372100 | Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy |
F372200 | Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy |
F372.00 | Polyneuropathy in diabetes |
F372.11 | Diabetic polyneuropathy |
F372.12 | Diabetic neuropathy |
F381300 | Myasthenic syndrome due to diabetic amyotrophy |
F381311 | Diabetic amyotrophy |
F3y0.00 | Diabetic mononeuropathy |
M271100 | Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
E10.4 | Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications |
E11.4 | Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications |
E12.4 | Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications |
E13.4 | Other specified diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications |
E14.4 | Unspecified diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications |
G59.0 | Diabetic mononeuropathy |
G63.2 | Diabetic polyneuropathy |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ C106000 |
+ Diabetes mellitus, juvenile, + neurological manifestation |
+ C106100 |
+ Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + neurological manifestation |
+ C106.00 |
+ Diabetes mellitus with neurological manifestation |
+ C106.11 |
+ Diabetic amyotrophy |
+ C106.12 |
+ Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy |
+ C106.13 |
+ Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C106y00 |
+ Other specified diabetes mellitus with neurological comps |
+ C106z00 |
+ Diabetes mellitus NOS with neurological manifestation |
+ C108200 |
+ Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological comps |
+ C108211 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C108212 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C108B00 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C108B11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C108C00 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C108J00 |
+ Insulin dependent diab mell with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C108J11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C108J12 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C109200 |
+ Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neuro comps |
+ C109211 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C109212 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C109A00 |
+ Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C109A11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C109B00 |
+ Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C109B11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C109B12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C109H00 |
+ Non-insulin dependent d m with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C109H11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C109H12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C10E200 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C10E212 |
+ Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological comps |
+ C10EB00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C10EC00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10EC11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10EC12 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10EJ00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C10F200 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C10F211 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications |
+ C10FA00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C10FA11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C10FB00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10FB11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10FH00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C10FH11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ F171100 |
+ Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes |
+ F345000 |
+ Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex |
+ F35z000 |
+ Diabetic mononeuritis NOS |
+ F372000 |
+ Acute painful diabetic neuropathy |
+ F372100 |
+ Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy |
+ F372200 |
+ Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy |
+ F372.00 |
+ Polyneuropathy in diabetes |
+ F372.11 |
+ Diabetic polyneuropathy |
+ F372.12 |
+ Diabetic neuropathy |
+ F381300 |
+ Myasthenic syndrome due to diabetic amyotrophy |
+ F381311 |
+ Diabetic amyotrophy |
+ F3y0.00 |
+ Diabetic mononeuropathy |
+ M271100 |
+ Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ E10.4 |
+ Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications |
+ E11.4 |
+ Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications |
+ E12.4 |
+ Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications |
+ E13.4 |
+ Other specified diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications |
+ E14.4 |
+ Unspecified diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications |
+ G59.0 |
+ Diabetic mononeuropathy |
+ G63.2 |
+ Diabetic polyneuropathy |
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications
-Diabetic Eye Disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Diabetic ophthalmic complications IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Diabetic ophthalmic complications IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Diabetic ophthalmic complications diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Diabetic ophthalmic complications or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
2BBk.00 | O/E - right eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy |
2BBl.00 | O/E - left eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy |
2BBL.00 | O/E - diabetic maculopathy present both eyes |
2BBM.00 | O/E - diabetic maculopathy absent both eyes |
2BBo.00 | O/E - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy |
2BBP.00 | O/E - right eye background diabetic retinopathy |
2BBQ.00 | O/E - left eye background diabetic retinopathy |
2BBr.00 | Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy |
2BBR.00 | O/E - right eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy |
2BBS.00 | O/E - left eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy |
2BBT.00 | O/E - right eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
2BBV.00 | O/E - left eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
2BBW.00 | O/E - right eye diabetic maculopathy |
2BBX.00 | O/E - left eye diabetic maculopathy |
7276.00 | Pan retinal photocoagulation for diabetes |
C105000 | Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, + ophthalmic manifestation |
C105100 | Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + ophthalmic manifestation |
C105.00 | Diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic manifestation |
C105y00 | Other specified diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complicatn |
C105z00 | Diabetes mellitus NOS with ophthalmic manifestation |
C108100 | Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps |
C108112 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
C108700 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
C108711 | Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
C108712 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
C108F00 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C108F11 | Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C108F12 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C109100 | Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalm comps |
C109111 | Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
C109112 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
C109600 | Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
C109611 | Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
C109612 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
C109E00 | Non-insulin depend diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C109E11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C109E12 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C10E100 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
C10E111 | Type I diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
C10E112 | Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps |
C10E700 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
C10E711 | Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
C10E712 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
C10EF00 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C10EF12 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C10EP00 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy |
C10EP11 | Type I diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy |
C10F100 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
C10F111 | Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
C10F600 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
C10F611 | Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
C10FE00 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C10FE11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
C10FQ00 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy |
F420000 | Background diabetic retinopathy |
F420100 | Proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
F420200 | Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy |
F420300 | Advanced diabetic maculopathy |
F420400 | Diabetic maculopathy |
F420500 | Advanced diabetic retinal disease |
F420600 | Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
F420700 | High risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
F420800 | High risk non proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
F420.00 | Diabetic retinopathy |
F420z00 | Diabetic retinopathy NOS |
F440700 | Diabetic iritis |
F464000 | Diabetic cataract |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H35.0 | Background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes |
H35.2 | Other proliferative retinopathy |
E10.3 | Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications |
E11.3 | Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications |
E12.3 | Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications |
E13.3 | Other specified diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications |
E14.3 | Unspecified diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications |
H28.0 | Diabetic cataract |
H36.0 | Diabetic retinopathy |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 2BBk.00 |
+ O/E - right eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy |
+ 2BBl.00 |
+ O/E - left eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy |
+ 2BBL.00 |
+ O/E - diabetic maculopathy present both eyes |
+ 2BBM.00 |
+ O/E - diabetic maculopathy absent both eyes |
+ 2BBo.00 |
+ O/E - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy |
+ 2BBP.00 |
+ O/E - right eye background diabetic retinopathy |
+ 2BBQ.00 |
+ O/E - left eye background diabetic retinopathy |
+ 2BBr.00 |
+ Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy |
+ 2BBR.00 |
+ O/E - right eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy |
+ 2BBS.00 |
+ O/E - left eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy |
+ 2BBT.00 |
+ O/E - right eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
+ 2BBV.00 |
+ O/E - left eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
+ 2BBW.00 |
+ O/E - right eye diabetic maculopathy |
+ 2BBX.00 |
+ O/E - left eye diabetic maculopathy |
+ 7276.00 |
+ Pan retinal photocoagulation for diabetes |
+ C105000 |
+ Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, + ophthalmic manifestation |
+ C105100 |
+ Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + ophthalmic manifestation |
+ C105.00 |
+ Diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic manifestation |
+ C105y00 |
+ Other specified diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complicatn |
+ C105z00 |
+ Diabetes mellitus NOS with ophthalmic manifestation |
+ C108100 |
+ Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps |
+ C108112 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
+ C108700 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C108711 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C108712 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C108F00 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C108F11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C108F12 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C109100 |
+ Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalm comps |
+ C109111 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
+ C109112 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
+ C109600 |
+ Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C109611 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C109612 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C109E00 |
+ Non-insulin depend diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C109E11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C109E12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10E100 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
+ C10E111 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
+ C10E112 |
+ Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps |
+ C10E700 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C10E711 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C10E712 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C10EF00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10EF12 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10EP00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy |
+ C10EP11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy |
+ C10F100 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
+ C10F111 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications |
+ C10F600 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C10F611 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy |
+ C10FE00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10FE11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
+ C10FQ00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy |
+ F420000 |
+ Background diabetic retinopathy |
+ F420100 |
+ Proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
+ F420200 |
+ Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy |
+ F420300 |
+ Advanced diabetic maculopathy |
+ F420400 |
+ Diabetic maculopathy |
+ F420500 |
+ Advanced diabetic retinal disease |
+ F420600 |
+ Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
+ F420700 |
+ High risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
+ F420800 |
+ High risk non proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
+ F420.00 |
+ Diabetic retinopathy |
+ F420z00 |
+ Diabetic retinopathy NOS |
+ F440700 |
+ Diabetic iritis |
+ F464000 |
+ Diabetic cataract |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H35.0 |
+ Background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes |
+ H35.2 |
+ Other proliferative retinopathy |
+ E10.3 |
+ Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications |
+ E11.3 |
+ Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications |
+ E12.3 |
+ Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications |
+ E13.3 |
+ Other specified diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications |
+ E14.3 |
+ Unspecified diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications |
+ H28.0 |
+ Diabetic cataract |
+ H36.0 |
+ Diabetic retinopathy |
+Diaphragmatic hernia
-Diaphragmatic hernia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Diaphragmatic hernia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Diaphragmatic hernia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Diaphragmatic hernia diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Diaphragmatic hernia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Diaphragmatic hernia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Diaphragmatic hernia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Diaphragmatic hernia during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
760K011 | Allison repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia |
760K012 | Mason repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia |
760K100 | Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using thoracic approach NEC |
760K300 | Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using abdominal approach NEC |
760K400 | Boerema repair of hiatus hernia |
760K500 | Laparoscopic repair of hiatus hernia |
760K.00 | Repair of diaphragmatic hernia |
760K.11 | Repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia |
760K.12 | Repair of hiatus hernia |
760Ky00 | Other specified repair of diaphragmatic hernia |
760Kz00 | Repair of diaphragmatic hernia NOS |
760L312 | Hill repair of hiatus hernia and gastropexy |
J340.00 | Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene |
J341.00 | Diaphragmatic hernia with obstruction |
J342.00 | Diaphragmatic hernia - irreducible |
J343.00 | Simple diaphragmatic hernia |
J344.00 | Hiatus hernia with gangrene |
J345.00 | Hiatus hernia with obstruction |
J346.00 | Hiatus hernia - irreducible |
J347.00 | Simple hiatus hernia |
J348.00 | Sliding hiatus hernia |
J34..00 | Diaphragmatic hernia |
J34..11 | Hiatus hernia |
J34..12 | Parasternal hernia |
J34..13 | Retrosternal hernia |
J34y.00 | Unspecified diaphragmatic hernia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K44 | Diaphragmatic hernia |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
G23 | Repair of diaphragmatic hernia |
G23.1 | Repair of oesophageal hiatus using thoracic approach |
G23.2 | Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using thoracic approach NEC |
G23.3 | Repair of oesophageal hiatus using abdominal approach |
G23.4 | Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using abdominal approach NEC |
G23.8 | Other specified repair of diaphragmatic hernia |
G23.9 | Unspecified repair of diaphragmatic hernia |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Diaphragmatic hernia' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 760K011 |
+ Allison repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia |
+ 760K012 |
+ Mason repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia |
+ 760K100 |
+ Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using thoracic approach NEC |
+ 760K300 |
+ Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using abdominal approach NEC |
+ 760K400 |
+ Boerema repair of hiatus hernia |
+ 760K500 |
+ Laparoscopic repair of hiatus hernia |
+ 760K.00 |
+ Repair of diaphragmatic hernia |
+ 760K.11 |
+ Repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia |
+ 760K.12 |
+ Repair of hiatus hernia |
+ 760Ky00 |
+ Other specified repair of diaphragmatic hernia |
+ 760Kz00 |
+ Repair of diaphragmatic hernia NOS |
+ 760L312 |
+ Hill repair of hiatus hernia and gastropexy |
+ J340.00 |
+ Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene |
+ J341.00 |
+ Diaphragmatic hernia with obstruction |
+ J342.00 |
+ Diaphragmatic hernia - irreducible |
+ J343.00 |
+ Simple diaphragmatic hernia |
+ J344.00 |
+ Hiatus hernia with gangrene |
+ J345.00 |
+ Hiatus hernia with obstruction |
+ J346.00 |
+ Hiatus hernia - irreducible |
+ J347.00 |
+ Simple hiatus hernia |
+ J348.00 |
+ Sliding hiatus hernia |
+ J34..00 |
+ Diaphragmatic hernia |
+ J34..11 |
+ Hiatus hernia |
+ J34..12 |
+ Parasternal hernia |
+ J34..13 |
+ Retrosternal hernia |
+ J34y.00 |
+ Unspecified diaphragmatic hernia |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K44 |
+ Diaphragmatic hernia |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ G23 |
+ Repair of diaphragmatic hernia |
+ G23.1 |
+ Repair of oesophageal hiatus using thoracic approach |
+ G23.2 |
+ Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using thoracic approach NEC |
+ G23.3 |
+ Repair of oesophageal hiatus using abdominal approach |
+ G23.4 |
+ Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using abdominal approach NEC |
+ G23.8 |
+ Other specified repair of diaphragmatic hernia |
+ G23.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of diaphragmatic hernia |
+Dilated cardiomyopathy
-Dilated cardiomyopathy
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Dilated cardiomyopathy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Dilated cardiomyopathy' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Dilated cardiomyopathy diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Dilated cardiomyopathy' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Dilated cardiomyopathy or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G554000 | Congestive cardiomyopathy |
G554400 | Primary dilated cardiomyopathy |
G555.00 | Alcoholic cardiomyopathy |
G55y.11 | Secondary dilated cardiomyopathy |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I42.0 | Dilated cardiomyopathy |
I42.6 | Alcoholic cardiomyopathy |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Dilated cardiomyopathy' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G554000 |
+ Congestive cardiomyopathy |
+ G554400 |
+ Primary dilated cardiomyopathy |
+ G555.00 |
+ Alcoholic cardiomyopathy |
+ G55y.11 |
+ Secondary dilated cardiomyopathy |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_dcm.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I42.0 |
+ Dilated cardiomyopathy |
+ I42.6 |
+ Alcoholic cardiomyopathy |
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system
-Autonomic Neuropathy
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had a Disorder of the autonomic nervous system IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had a Disorder of the autonomic nervous system IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Disorder of the autonomic nervous system diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Disorder of the autonomic nervous system or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
2BE3.00 | O/E - Horner's syndrome |
F170000 | Carotid sinus syndrome |
F170100 | Cervical sympathetic paralysis |
F170.00 | Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy |
F170z00 | Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy NOS |
F171000 | Autonomic neuropathy due to amyloid |
F171100 | Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes |
F171.00 | Peripheral autonomic neuropathy disease EC |
F171z00 | Peripheral autonomic neuropathy due to disease NOS |
F172.00 | [X] Horners syndrome |
F173.00 | Shoulder-hand syndrome |
F175.00 | Autonomic dysreflexia |
F17..00 | Autonomic nervous system disorders |
F17z.00 | Autonomic nervous system disorder NOS |
F17z.11 | Horner's syndrome |
F17z.12 | Autonomic failure |
F347.00 | Complex regional pain syndrome type II |
F369.00 | Complex regional pain syndrome |
FyuAC00 | [X]Autonomic neuropathy/endocrine+metabolic diseases CE |
FyuAD00 | [X]Other disordrs/autonomic nervous system/other diseases CE |
N337100 | Sudek's atrophy |
N337111 | Reflex sympathetic dystrophy |
N337200 | Algodystrophy of hand |
N337300 | Algodystrophy of knee |
N337400 | Algodystrophy of foot |
N337.00 | Algoneurodystrophy |
N337.11 | Algodystrophy |
N337.12 | Reflex sympathetic dystrophy |
N337z00 | Algoneurodystrophy NOS |
N33C.00 | Complex regional pain syndrome type I |
P2x2.00 | Familial dysautonomia |
P2x5.00 | Riley - Day syndrome |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G90 | Disorders of autonomic nervous system |
G99.0 | Autonomic neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases |
G99.1 | Other disorders of autonomic nervous system in other diseases classified elsewhere |
M89.0 | Algoneurodystrophy |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 2BE3.00 |
+ O/E - Horner's syndrome |
+ F170000 |
+ Carotid sinus syndrome |
+ F170100 |
+ Cervical sympathetic paralysis |
+ F170.00 |
+ Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy |
+ F170z00 |
+ Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy NOS |
+ F171000 |
+ Autonomic neuropathy due to amyloid |
+ F171100 |
+ Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes |
+ F171.00 |
+ Peripheral autonomic neuropathy disease EC |
+ F171z00 |
+ Peripheral autonomic neuropathy due to disease NOS |
+ F172.00 |
+ [X] Horners syndrome |
+ F173.00 |
+ Shoulder-hand syndrome |
+ F175.00 |
+ Autonomic dysreflexia |
+ F17..00 |
+ Autonomic nervous system disorders |
+ F17z.00 |
+ Autonomic nervous system disorder NOS |
+ F17z.11 |
+ Horner's syndrome |
+ F17z.12 |
+ Autonomic failure |
+ F347.00 |
+ Complex regional pain syndrome type II |
+ F369.00 |
+ Complex regional pain syndrome |
+ FyuAC00 |
+ [X]Autonomic neuropathy/endocrine+metabolic diseases CE |
+ FyuAD00 |
+ [X]Other disordrs/autonomic nervous system/other diseases CE |
+ N337100 |
+ Sudek's atrophy |
+ N337111 |
+ Reflex sympathetic dystrophy |
+ N337200 |
+ Algodystrophy of hand |
+ N337300 |
+ Algodystrophy of knee |
+ N337400 |
+ Algodystrophy of foot |
+ N337.00 |
+ Algoneurodystrophy |
+ N337.11 |
+ Algodystrophy |
+ N337.12 |
+ Reflex sympathetic dystrophy |
+ N337z00 |
+ Algoneurodystrophy NOS |
+ N33C.00 |
+ Complex regional pain syndrome type I |
+ P2x2.00 |
+ Familial dysautonomia |
+ P2x5.00 |
+ Riley - Day syndrome |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G90 |
+ Disorders of autonomic nervous system |
+ G99.0 |
+ Autonomic neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases |
+ G99.1 |
+ Other disorders of autonomic nervous system in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M89.0 |
+ Algoneurodystrophy |
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
-Diverticular Disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)' of intestine (acute and chronic) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic) diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)' of intestine (acute and chronic) diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)' of intestine (acute and chronic) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic) during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7718000.0 | Excision of diverticulum of colon |
J23z300 | Appendicular diverticulum |
J510000 | Diverticulosis of the duodenum |
J510100 | Diverticulosis of the jejunum |
J510200 | Diverticulosis of the ileum |
J510300 | Diverticulosis of the small intestine unspecified |
J510400 | Diverticulosis of the small intestine NOS |
J510500 | Diverticulosis of the colon |
J510600 | Diverticulosis of the large intestine unspecified |
J510700 | Diverticulosis of the large intestine NOS |
J510800 | Divertic dis/both sml+lge intestin without perfor or abscess |
J510900 | Bleeding diverticulosis |
J510.00 | Diverticulosis |
J510y00 | Diverticulosis unspecified |
J510z00 | Diverticulosis NOS |
J511000 | Diverticulitis of the duodenum |
J511100 | Diverticulitis of the jejunum |
J511200 | Diverticulitis of the ileum |
J511300 | Diverticulitis of the small intestine unspecified |
J511400 | Diverticulitis of the small intestine NOS |
J511500 | Diverticulitis of the colon |
J511600 | Diverticulitis of the large intestine unspecified |
J511700 | Diverticulitis of the large intestine NOS |
J511.00 | Diverticulitis |
J511y00 | Diverticulitis unspecified |
J511z00 | Diverticulitis NOS |
J512000 | Perforated diverticulum of duodenum |
J512100 | Perforated diverticulum of jejunum |
J512200 | Perforated diverticulum of ileum |
J512300 | Perforated diverticulum of small intestine unspecified |
J512400 | Perforated diverticulum of small intestine NOS |
J512500 | Perforated diverticulum of colon |
J512600 | Perforated diverticulum of large intestine unspecified |
J512700 | Perforated diverticulum of large intestine NOS |
J512800 | Divertic disease/both sml+lge intestin with perforat+abscess |
J512.00 | Perforated diverticulum |
J512y00 | Perforated diverticulum unspecified |
J512z00 | Perforated diverticulum of intestine NOS |
J513.00 | Diverticular abscess |
J51..00 | Diverticula of intestine |
J51..11 | Diverticular disease |
J51z.00 | Diverticula of the intestine NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K38.2 | Diverticulum of appendix |
K57 | Diverticular disease of intestine |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
H12.1 | Excision of diverticulum of colon |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)' of intestine (acute and chronic) during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7718000 |
+ Excision of diverticulum of colon |
+ J23z300 |
+ Appendicular diverticulum |
+ J510000 |
+ Diverticulosis of the duodenum |
+ J510100 |
+ Diverticulosis of the jejunum |
+ J510200 |
+ Diverticulosis of the ileum |
+ J510300 |
+ Diverticulosis of the small intestine unspecified |
+ J510400 |
+ Diverticulosis of the small intestine NOS |
+ J510500 |
+ Diverticulosis of the colon |
+ J510600 |
+ Diverticulosis of the large intestine unspecified |
+ J510700 |
+ Diverticulosis of the large intestine NOS |
+ J510800 |
+ Divertic dis/both sml+lge intestin without perfor or abscess |
+ J510900 |
+ Bleeding diverticulosis |
+ J510.00 |
+ Diverticulosis |
+ J510y00 |
+ Diverticulosis unspecified |
+ J510z00 |
+ Diverticulosis NOS |
+ J511000 |
+ Diverticulitis of the duodenum |
+ J511100 |
+ Diverticulitis of the jejunum |
+ J511200 |
+ Diverticulitis of the ileum |
+ J511300 |
+ Diverticulitis of the small intestine unspecified |
+ J511400 |
+ Diverticulitis of the small intestine NOS |
+ J511500 |
+ Diverticulitis of the colon |
+ J511600 |
+ Diverticulitis of the large intestine unspecified |
+ J511700 |
+ Diverticulitis of the large intestine NOS |
+ J511.00 |
+ Diverticulitis |
+ J511y00 |
+ Diverticulitis unspecified |
+ J511z00 |
+ Diverticulitis NOS |
+ J512000 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of duodenum |
+ J512100 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of jejunum |
+ J512200 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of ileum |
+ J512300 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of small intestine unspecified |
+ J512400 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of small intestine NOS |
+ J512500 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of colon |
+ J512600 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of large intestine unspecified |
+ J512700 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of large intestine NOS |
+ J512800 |
+ Divertic disease/both sml+lge intestin with perforat+abscess |
+ J512.00 |
+ Perforated diverticulum |
+ J512y00 |
+ Perforated diverticulum unspecified |
+ J512z00 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of intestine NOS |
+ J513.00 |
+ Diverticular abscess |
+ J51..00 |
+ Diverticula of intestine |
+ J51..11 |
+ Diverticular disease |
+ J51z.00 |
+ Diverticula of the intestine NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K38.2 |
+ Diverticulum of appendix |
+ K57 |
+ Diverticular disease of intestine |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ H12.1 |
+ Excision of diverticulum of colon |
+Down's syndrome
-Down syndrome
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Down's syndrome IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Down's syndrome IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Down's syndrome diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Down's syndrome or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
PJ00.00 | Trisomy 21, meiotic nondisjunction |
PJ01.00 | Trisomy 21, mosaicism |
PJ01.11 | Trisomy 21, mitotic nondisjunction |
PJ02.00 | Trisomy 21, translocation |
PJ02.11 | Partial trisomy 21 in Downs syndrome |
PJ0..00 | Downs syndrome - trisomy 21 |
PJ0..11 | Mongolism |
PJ0..12 | Trisomy 21 |
PJ0z.00 | Downs syndrome NOS |
PJ0z.11 | Trisomy 21 NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
Q90 | Down's syndrome |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ PJ00.00 |
+ Trisomy 21, meiotic nondisjunction |
+ PJ01.00 |
+ Trisomy 21, mosaicism |
+ PJ01.11 |
+ Trisomy 21, mitotic nondisjunction |
+ PJ02.00 |
+ Trisomy 21, translocation |
+ PJ02.11 |
+ Partial trisomy 21 in Down's syndrome |
+ PJ0..00 |
+ Down's syndrome - trisomy 21 |
+ PJ0..11 |
+ Mongolism |
+ PJ0..12 |
+ Trisomy 21 |
+ PJ0z.00 |
+ Down's syndrome NOS |
+ PJ0z.11 |
+ Trisomy 21 NOS |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_downs.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ Q90 |
+ Down's syndrome |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Dysmenorrhoea IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Dysmenorrhoea' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Dysmenorrhoea diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Dysmenorrhoea' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Dysmenorrhoea or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1574.00 | H/O: dysmenorrhoea |
1574.11 | H/O: painful periods |
Eu45y11 | [X]Psychogenic dysmenorrhoea |
K583000 | Primary dysmenorrhoea |
K583100 | Secondary dysmenorrhoea |
K583.00 | Dysmenorrhoea |
K583.11 | Painful menorrhoea |
K583.12 | Painful menstruation |
K583.13 | Period pains |
K583.14 | Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N94.4 | Primary dysmenorrhoea |
N94.5 | Secondary dysmenorrhoea |
N94.6 | Dysmenorrhoea, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Dysmenorrhoea' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1574 |
+ H/O: dysmenorrhoea |
+ 1574.1 |
+ H/O: painful periods |
+ Eu45y11 |
+ [X]Psychogenic dysmenorrhoea |
+ K583000 |
+ Primary dysmenorrhoea |
+ K583100 |
+ Secondary dysmenorrhoea |
+ K583.00 |
+ Dysmenorrhoea |
+ K583.11 |
+ Painful menorrhoea |
+ K583.12 |
+ Painful menstruation |
+ K583.13 |
+ Period pains |
+ K583.14 |
+ Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N94.4 |
+ Primary dysmenorrhoea |
+ N94.5 |
+ Secondary dysmenorrhoea |
+ N94.6 |
+ Dysmenorrhoea, unspecified |
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
-Infection – Ear/Upper Respiratory Tract
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A18.6 | Tuberculosis of ear |
A36.0 | Pharyngeal diphtheria |
A36.1 | Nasopharyngeal diphtheria |
A36.2 | Laryngeal diphtheria |
A54.5 | Gonococcal pharyngitis |
A56.4 | Chlamydial infection of pharynx |
B05.3 | Measles complicated by otitis media |
B27 | Infectious mononucleosis |
B44.2 | Tonsillar aspergillosis |
B87.3 | Nasopharyngeal myiasis |
B87.4 | Aural myiasis |
H60 | Otitis externa |
H62.0 | Otitis externa in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
H62.1 | Otitis externa in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
H62.2 | Otitis externa in mycoses |
H62.3 | Otitis externa in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
H62.4 | Otitis externa in other diseases classified elsewhere |
H65 | Nonsuppurative otitis media |
H66 | Suppurative and unspecified otitis media |
H67 | Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere |
H70 | Mastoiditis and related conditions |
H73.0 | Acute myringitis |
H73.1 | Chronic myringitis |
H75.0 | Mastoiditis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
J00 | Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] |
J01 | Acute sinusitis |
J02 | Acute pharyngitis |
J03 | Acute tonsillitis |
J04 | Acute laryngitis and tracheitis |
J05 | Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis |
J06 | Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites |
J34.0 | Abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of nose |
J36 | Peritonsillar abscess |
J37 | Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis |
J39.0 | Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess |
J39.1 | Other abscess of pharynx |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A18.6 |
+ Tuberculosis of ear |
+ A36.0 |
+ Pharyngeal diphtheria |
+ A36.1 |
+ Nasopharyngeal diphtheria |
+ A36.2 |
+ Laryngeal diphtheria |
+ A54.5 |
+ Gonococcal pharyngitis |
+ A56.4 |
+ Chlamydial infection of pharynx |
+ B05.3 |
+ Measles complicated by otitis media |
+ B27 |
+ Infectious mononucleosis |
+ B44.2 |
+ Tonsillar aspergillosis |
+ B87.3 |
+ Nasopharyngeal myiasis |
+ B87.4 |
+ Aural myiasis |
+ H60 |
+ Otitis externa |
+ H62.0 |
+ Otitis externa in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H62.1 |
+ Otitis externa in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H62.2 |
+ Otitis externa in mycoses |
+ H62.3 |
+ Otitis externa in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H62.4 |
+ Otitis externa in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H65 |
+ Nonsuppurative otitis media |
+ H66 |
+ Suppurative and unspecified otitis media |
+ H67 |
+ Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H70 |
+ Mastoiditis and related conditions |
+ H73.0 |
+ Acute myringitis |
+ H73.1 |
+ Chronic myringitis |
+ H75.0 |
+ Mastoiditis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ J00 |
+ Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] |
+ J01 |
+ Acute sinusitis |
+ J02 |
+ Acute pharyngitis |
+ J03 |
+ Acute tonsillitis |
+ J04 |
+ Acute laryngitis and tracheitis |
+ J05 |
+ Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis |
+ J06 |
+ Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites |
+ J34.0 |
+ Abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of nose |
+ J36 |
+ Peritonsillar abscess |
+ J37 |
+ Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis |
+ J39.0 |
+ Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess |
+ J39.1 |
+ Other abscess of pharynx |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Encephalitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Encephalitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Encephalitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A83 | Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis |
A84 | Tick-borne viral encephalitis |
A85 | Other viral encephalitis, not elsewhere classified |
A86 | Unspecified viral encephalitis |
B00.4 | Herpesviral encephalitis |
B01.1 | Varicella encephalitis |
B02.0 | Zoster encephalitis |
B05.0 | Measles complicated by encephalitis |
B26.2 | Mumps encephalitis |
B94.1 | Sequelae of viral encephalitis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Encephalitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A83 |
+ Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis |
+ A84 |
+ Tick-borne viral encephalitis |
+ A85 |
+ Other viral encephalitis, not elsewhere classified |
+ A86 |
+ Unspecified viral encephalitis |
+ B00.4 |
+ Herpesviral encephalitis |
+ B01.1 |
+ Varicella encephalitis |
+ B02.0 |
+ Zoster encephalitis |
+ B05.0 |
+ Measles complicated by encephalitis |
+ B26.2 |
+ Mumps encephalitis |
+ B94.1 |
+ Sequelae of viral encephalitis |
+End stage renal disease
-End stage renal disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had End Stage Renal Disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'End stage renal disease' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. End Stage Renal Disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'End stage renal disease' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
2. Meets the following criteria (definitions as for CKD):
IF egfr_ckdepi recorded on or before specified date, THEN
@@ -1321,231 +15165,3583 @@ AND
IF egfr_ckdepi <15 ml/min on any date greater than 90 days BEFORE the index date above
THEN classify as having ESRD
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of End Stage Renal Disease or history of diagnosis or procedure during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'End stage renal disease' or history of diagnosis or procedure during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for End Stage Renal Disease during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14S2.00 | H/O: kidney recipient |
14V2.00 | H/O: renal dialysis |
14V2.11 | H/O: kidney dialysis |
1Z14.00 | Chronic kidney disease stage 5 |
1Z1K.00 | Chronic kidney disease stage 5 with proteinuria |
1Z1L.00 | Chronic kidney disease stage 5 without proteinuria |
1Z1L.11 | CKD stage 5 without proteinuria |
4I29.00 | Peritoneal dialysis sample |
4N0..00 | Dialysis fluid urea level |
4N2..00 | Dialysis fluid glucose level |
7B00100 | Transplantation of kidney from live donor |
7B00111 | Allotransplantation of kidney from live donor |
7B00200 | Transplantation of kidney from cadaver |
7B00211 | Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver |
7B00212 | Cadaveric renal transplant |
7B00300 | Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver, heart-beating |
7B00400 | Allotransplantation kidney from cadaver, heart non-beating |
7B00500 | Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver NEC |
7B00.00 | Transplantation of kidney |
7B00y00 | Other specified transplantation of kidney |
7B00z00 | Transplantation of kidney NOS |
7B01511 | Excision of rejected transplanted kidney |
7B06300 | Exploration of renal transplant |
7B0F300 | Post-transplantation of kidney examination, recipient |
7B0F.00 | Interventions associated with transplantation of kidney |
7B0Fy00 | OS interventions associated with transplantation of kidney |
7B0Fz00 | Interventions associated with transplantation of kidney NOS |
7L1A000 | Renal dialysis |
7L1A011 | Thomas intravascular shunt for dialysis |
7L1A100 | Peritoneal dialysis |
7L1A200 | Haemodialysis NEC |
7L1A400 | Automated peritoneal dialysis |
7L1A500 | Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis |
7L1A600 | Peritoneal dialysis NEC |
7L1A.11 | Dialysis for renal failure |
7L1B000 | Insertion of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter |
7L1B100 | Removal of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter |
7L1B200 | Flushing of peritoneal dialysis catheter |
7L1B.11 | Placement ambulatory dialysis apparatus - compens renal fail |
7L1C000 | Insertion of temporary peritoneal dialysis catheter |
8882.00 | Intestinal dialysis |
G72C.00 | Ruptured aneurysm of dialysis vascular access |
G72D000 | Aneurysm of superficialised artery of dialysis AV fistula |
G72D100 | Aneurysm of needle site of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
G72D200 | Aneurysm of anastomotic site of dialysis AV fistula |
G72D.00 | Aneurysm of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
Gy10.00 | Stenosis of dialysis arteriovenous graft |
Gy1..00 | Stenosis of dialysis vascular access |
Gy21.00 | Thrombosis of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
Gy2..00 | Thrombosis of dialysis vascular access |
Gy30.00 | Occlusion of dialysis arteriovenous graft |
Gy31.00 | Occlusion of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
Gy3..00 | Occlusion of dialysis vascular access |
Gy40.00 | Infection of dialysis arteriovenous graft |
Gy41.00 | Infection of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
Gy4..00 | Infection of dialysis vascular access |
Gy51.00 | Haemorrhage of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
Gy5..00 | Haemorrhage of dialysis vascular access |
Gy60.00 | Rupture of dialysis arteriovenous graft |
K050.00 | End stage renal failure |
K05..12 | End stage renal failure |
K0B5.00 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs in transplant rejectn |
K0D..00 | End-stage renal disease |
Kyu1C00 | [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders/transplant rejection |
SP01500 | Mechanical complication of dialysis catheter |
SP05613 | [X] Peritoneal dialysis associated peritonitis |
SP06B00 | Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis associated perit |
SP07G00 | Stenosis of arteriovenous dialysis fistula |
SP08300 | Kidney transplant failure and rejection |
SP08D00 | Acute-on-chronic rejection of renal transplant |
SP08E00 | Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade I |
SP08F00 | Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade II |
SP08G00 | Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade III |
SP08H00 | Acute rejection of renal transplant |
SP08J00 | Chronic rejection of renal transplant |
SP08N00 | Unexplained episode of renal transplant dysfunction |
SP08P00 | Stenosis of vein of transplanted kidney |
SP08R00 | Renal transplant rejection |
SP08T00 | Urological complication of renal transplant |
SP08V00 | Very mild acute rejection of renal transplant |
SP08W00 | Vascular complication of renal transplant |
SP0E.00 | Disorders associated with peritoneal dialysis |
SP0F.00 | Haemodialysis first use syndrome |
SP0G.00 | Anaphylactoid reaction due to haemodialysis |
TA02000 | Accid cut,puncture,perf,h'ge - kidney dialysis |
TA22000 | Failure of sterile precautions during kidney dialysis |
TB00100 | Kidney transplant with complication, without blame |
TB00111 | Renal transplant with complication, without blame |
TB11.00 | Kidney dialysis with complication, without blame |
TB11.11 | Renal dialysis with complication, without blame |
Z1A1.00 | Peritoneal dialysis training |
Z1A2.00 | Haemodialysis training |
Z1A..00 | Dialysis training |
Z919100 | Priming haemodialysis lines |
Z919200 | Washing back through haemodialysis lines |
Z919300 | Reversing haemodialysis lines |
Z919.00 | Care of haemodialysis equipment |
Z91A.00 | Peritoneal dialysis bag procedure |
ZV42000 | [V]Kidney transplanted |
ZV45100 | [V]Renal dialysis status |
ZV56000 | [V]Aftercare involving extracorporeal dialysis |
ZV56011 | [V]Aftercare involving renal dialysis NOS |
ZV56y00 | [V]Other specified aftercare involving intermittent dialysis |
ZV56y11 | [V]Aftercare involving peritoneal dialysis |
ZV56.00 | [V]Aftercare involving intermittent dialysis |
ZV56z00 | [V]Unspecified aftercare involving intermittent dialysis |
ZVu3G00 | [X]Other dialysis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N18.5 | Chronic kidney disease, stage 5 |
T82.4 | Mechanical complication of vascular dialysis catheter |
Y60.2 | During kidney dialysis or other perfusion |
Y61.2 | During kidney dialysis or other perfusion |
Y84.1 | Kidney dialysis |
Z49.1 | Extracorporeal dialysis |
Z49.2 | Other dialysis |
Z99.2 | Dependence on renal dialysis |
N16.5 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection |
T86.1 | Kidney transplant failure and rejection |
Z94.0 | Kidney transplant status |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
L74.6 | Creation of graft fistula for dialysis |
M01.1 | Autotransplantation of kidney |
M01.2 | Allotransplantation of kidney from live donor |
M01.3 | Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver NEC |
M01.4 | Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver heart beating |
M01.5 | Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver heart non-beating |
M01.8 | Other specified transplantation of kidney |
M01.9 | Unspecified transplantation of kidney |
M02.6 | Excision of rejected transplanted kidney |
M02.7 | Excision of transplanted kidney NEC |
M08.4 | Exploration of transplanted kidney |
M17.2 | Pre-transplantation of kidney work-up - recipient |
M17.4 | Post-transplantation of kidney examination - recipient |
M17.8 | Other specified interventions associated with transplantation of kidney |
M17.9 | Unspecified interventions associated with transplantation of kidney |
X40.1 | Renal dialysis |
X40.2 | Peritoneal dialysis NEC |
X40.3 | Haemodialysis NEC |
X40.5 | Automated peritoneal dialysis |
X40.6 | Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis |
X41.1 | Insertion of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter |
X41.2 | Removal of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter |
X42.1 | Insertion of temporary peritoneal dialysis catheter |
+1. ALL procedures for 'End stage renal disease' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14S2.00 |
+ H/O: kidney recipient |
+ 14V2.00 |
+ H/O: renal dialysis |
+ 14V2.11 |
+ H/O: kidney dialysis |
+ 1Z14.00 |
+ Chronic kidney disease stage 5 |
+ 1Z1K.00 |
+ Chronic kidney disease stage 5 with proteinuria |
+ 1Z1L.00 |
+ Chronic kidney disease stage 5 without proteinuria |
+ 1Z1L.11 |
+ CKD stage 5 without proteinuria |
+ 4I29.00 |
+ Peritoneal dialysis sample |
+ 4N0..00 |
+ Dialysis fluid urea level |
+ 4N2..00 |
+ Dialysis fluid glucose level |
+ 7B00100 |
+ Transplantation of kidney from live donor |
+ 7B00111 |
+ Allotransplantation of kidney from live donor |
+ 7B00200 |
+ Transplantation of kidney from cadaver |
+ 7B00211 |
+ Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver |
+ 7B00212 |
+ Cadaveric renal transplant |
+ 7B00300 |
+ Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver, heart-beating |
+ 7B00400 |
+ Allotransplantation kidney from cadaver, heart non-beating |
+ 7B00500 |
+ Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver NEC |
+ 7B00.00 |
+ Transplantation of kidney |
+ 7B00y00 |
+ Other specified transplantation of kidney |
+ 7B00z00 |
+ Transplantation of kidney NOS |
+ 7B01511 |
+ Excision of rejected transplanted kidney |
+ 7B06300 |
+ Exploration of renal transplant |
+ 7B0F300 |
+ Post-transplantation of kidney examination, recipient |
+ 7B0F.00 |
+ Interventions associated with transplantation of kidney |
+ 7B0Fy00 |
+ OS interventions associated with transplantation of kidney |
+ 7B0Fz00 |
+ Interventions associated with transplantation of kidney NOS |
+ 7L1A000 |
+ Renal dialysis |
+ 7L1A011 |
+ Thomas intravascular shunt for dialysis |
+ 7L1A100 |
+ Peritoneal dialysis |
+ 7L1A200 |
+ Haemodialysis NEC |
+ 7L1A400 |
+ Automated peritoneal dialysis |
+ 7L1A500 |
+ Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis |
+ 7L1A600 |
+ Peritoneal dialysis NEC |
+ 7L1A.11 |
+ Dialysis for renal failure |
+ 7L1B000 |
+ Insertion of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter |
+ 7L1B100 |
+ Removal of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter |
+ 7L1B200 |
+ Flushing of peritoneal dialysis catheter |
+ 7L1B.11 |
+ Placement ambulatory dialysis apparatus - compens renal fail |
+ 7L1C000 |
+ Insertion of temporary peritoneal dialysis catheter |
+ 8882.00 |
+ Intestinal dialysis |
+ G72C.00 |
+ Ruptured aneurysm of dialysis vascular access |
+ G72D000 |
+ Aneurysm of superficialised artery of dialysis AV fistula |
+ G72D100 |
+ Aneurysm of needle site of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
+ G72D200 |
+ Aneurysm of anastomotic site of dialysis AV fistula |
+ G72D.00 |
+ Aneurysm of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
+ Gy10.00 |
+ Stenosis of dialysis arteriovenous graft |
+ Gy1..00 |
+ Stenosis of dialysis vascular access |
+ Gy21.00 |
+ Thrombosis of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
+ Gy2..00 |
+ Thrombosis of dialysis vascular access |
+ Gy30.00 |
+ Occlusion of dialysis arteriovenous graft |
+ Gy31.00 |
+ Occlusion of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
+ Gy3..00 |
+ Occlusion of dialysis vascular access |
+ Gy40.00 |
+ Infection of dialysis arteriovenous graft |
+ Gy41.00 |
+ Infection of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
+ Gy4..00 |
+ Infection of dialysis vascular access |
+ Gy51.00 |
+ Haemorrhage of dialysis arteriovenous fistula |
+ Gy5..00 |
+ Haemorrhage of dialysis vascular access |
+ Gy60.00 |
+ Rupture of dialysis arteriovenous graft |
+ K050.00 |
+ End stage renal failure |
+ K05..12 |
+ End stage renal failure |
+ K0B5.00 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs in transplant rejectn |
+ K0D..00 |
+ End-stage renal disease |
+ Kyu1C00 |
+ [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders/transplant rejection |
+ SP01500 |
+ Mechanical complication of dialysis catheter |
+ SP05613 |
+ [X] Peritoneal dialysis associated peritonitis |
+ SP06B00 |
+ Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis associated perit |
+ SP07G00 |
+ Stenosis of arteriovenous dialysis fistula |
+ SP08300 |
+ Kidney transplant failure and rejection |
+ SP08D00 |
+ Acute-on-chronic rejection of renal transplant |
+ SP08E00 |
+ Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade I |
+ SP08F00 |
+ Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade II |
+ SP08G00 |
+ Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade III |
+ SP08H00 |
+ Acute rejection of renal transplant |
+ SP08J00 |
+ Chronic rejection of renal transplant |
+ SP08N00 |
+ Unexplained episode of renal transplant dysfunction |
+ SP08P00 |
+ Stenosis of vein of transplanted kidney |
+ SP08R00 |
+ Renal transplant rejection |
+ SP08T00 |
+ Urological complication of renal transplant |
+ SP08V00 |
+ Very mild acute rejection of renal transplant |
+ SP08W00 |
+ Vascular complication of renal transplant |
+ SP0E.00 |
+ Disorders associated with peritoneal dialysis |
+ SP0F.00 |
+ Haemodialysis first use syndrome |
+ SP0G.00 |
+ Anaphylactoid reaction due to haemodialysis |
+ TA02000 |
+ Accid cut,puncture,perf,h'ge - kidney dialysis |
+ TA22000 |
+ Failure of sterile precautions during kidney dialysis |
+ TB00100 |
+ Kidney transplant with complication, without blame |
+ TB00111 |
+ Renal transplant with complication, without blame |
+ TB11.00 |
+ Kidney dialysis with complication, without blame |
+ TB11.11 |
+ Renal dialysis with complication, without blame |
+ Z1A1.00 |
+ Peritoneal dialysis training |
+ Z1A2.00 |
+ Haemodialysis training |
+ Z1A..00 |
+ Dialysis training |
+ Z919100 |
+ Priming haemodialysis lines |
+ Z919200 |
+ Washing back through haemodialysis lines |
+ Z919300 |
+ Reversing haemodialysis lines |
+ Z919.00 |
+ Care of haemodialysis equipment |
+ Z91A.00 |
+ Peritoneal dialysis bag procedure |
+ ZV42000 |
+ [V]Kidney transplanted |
+ ZV45100 |
+ [V]Renal dialysis status |
+ ZV56000 |
+ [V]Aftercare involving extracorporeal dialysis |
+ ZV56011 |
+ [V]Aftercare involving renal dialysis NOS |
+ ZV56y00 |
+ [V]Other specified aftercare involving intermittent dialysis |
+ ZV56y11 |
+ [V]Aftercare involving peritoneal dialysis |
+ ZV56.00 |
+ [V]Aftercare involving intermittent dialysis |
+ ZV56z00 |
+ [V]Unspecified aftercare involving intermittent dialysis |
+ ZVu3G00 |
+ [X]Other dialysis |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_ESRD.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N18.5 |
+ Chronic kidney disease, stage 5 |
+ T82.4 |
+ Mechanical complication of vascular dialysis catheter |
+ Y60.2 |
+ During kidney dialysis or other perfusion |
+ Y61.2 |
+ During kidney dialysis or other perfusion |
+ Y84.1 |
+ Kidney dialysis |
+ Z49.1 |
+ Extracorporeal dialysis |
+ Z49.2 |
+ Other dialysis |
+ Z99.2 |
+ Dependence on renal dialysis |
+ N16.5 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection |
+ T86.1 |
+ Kidney transplant failure and rejection |
+ Z94.0 |
+ Kidney transplant status |
+Secondary care procedures (OPCS_ESRD.csv)
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ L74.6 |
+ Creation of graft fistula for dialysis |
+ M01.1 |
+ Autotransplantation of kidney |
+ M01.2 |
+ Allotransplantation of kidney from live donor |
+ M01.3 |
+ Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver NEC |
+ M01.4 |
+ Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver heart beating |
+ M01.5 |
+ Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver heart non-beating |
+ M01.8 |
+ Other specified transplantation of kidney |
+ M01.9 |
+ Unspecified transplantation of kidney |
+ M02.6 |
+ Excision of rejected transplanted kidney |
+ M02.7 |
+ Excision of transplanted kidney NEC |
+ M08.4 |
+ Exploration of transplanted kidney |
+ M17.2 |
+ Pre-transplantation of kidney work-up - recipient |
+ M17.4 |
+ Post-transplantation of kidney examination - recipient |
+ M17.8 |
+ Other specified interventions associated with transplantation of kidney |
+ M17.9 |
+ Unspecified interventions associated with transplantation of kidney |
+ X40.1 |
+ Renal dialysis |
+ X40.2 |
+ Peritoneal dialysis NEC |
+ X40.3 |
+ Haemodialysis NEC |
+ X40.5 |
+ Automated peritoneal dialysis |
+ X40.6 |
+ Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis |
+ X41.1 |
+ Insertion of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter |
+ X41.2 |
+ Removal of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter |
+ X42.1 |
+ Insertion of temporary peritoneal dialysis catheter |
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
-Endometrial Hyperplasia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy' and hypertrophy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy' and hypertrophy diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
K542000 | Hypertrophy of uterus unspecified |
K542100 | Bulky uterus |
K542200 | Enlarged uterus |
K542.00 | Hypertrophy of the uterus |
K542z00 | Hypertrophy of the uterus NOS |
K543000 | Adenomatous endometrial hyperplasia |
K543100 | Cystic endometrial hyperplasia |
K543200 | Glandular endometrial hyperplasia |
K543.00 | Endometrial cystic hyperplasia |
K543z00 | Endometrial cystic hyperplasia NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N85.0 | Endometrial glandular hyperplasia |
N85.1 | Endometrial adenomatous hyperplasia |
N85.2 | Hypertrophy of uterus |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy' and hypertrophy or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ K542000 |
+ Hypertrophy of uterus unspecified |
+ K542100 |
+ Bulky uterus |
+ K542200 |
+ Enlarged uterus |
+ K542.00 |
+ Hypertrophy of the uterus |
+ K542z00 |
+ Hypertrophy of the uterus NOS |
+ K543000 |
+ Adenomatous endometrial hyperplasia |
+ K543100 |
+ Cystic endometrial hyperplasia |
+ K543200 |
+ Glandular endometrial hyperplasia |
+ K543.00 |
+ Endometrial cystic hyperplasia |
+ K543z00 |
+ Endometrial cystic hyperplasia NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N85.0 |
+ Endometrial glandular hyperplasia |
+ N85.1 |
+ Endometrial adenomatous hyperplasia |
+ N85.2 |
+ Hypertrophy of uterus |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Endometriosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Endometriosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Endometriosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Endometriosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Endometriosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7E0D800 | Laparoscopic laser destruction of endometriosis |
BBL1.11 | [M]Stromal endometriosis |
K500000 | Internal endometriosis |
K500100 | Endometriosis of myometrium |
K500111 | Adenomyosis of endometrium |
K500200 | Endometriosis of cervix |
K500.00 | Endometriosis of uterus |
K500z00 | Endometriosis of uterus NOS |
K501.00 | Endometriosis of ovary |
K501.11 | Chocolate cyst of ovary |
K502.00 | Endometriosis of the fallopian tube |
K503000 | Endometriosis of the broad ligament |
K503100 | Endometriosis of the pouch of Douglas |
K503200 | Endometriosis of the parametrium |
K503300 | Endometriosis of the round ligament |
K503.00 | Endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum |
K503z00 | Endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum NOS |
K504000 | Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum |
K504100 | Endometriosis of the vagina |
K504.00 | Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum and vagina |
K504z00 | Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum and vagina NOS |
K505000 | Endometriosis of the appendix |
K505100 | Endometriosis of the colon |
K505200 | Endometriosis of the rectum |
K505.00 | Endometriosis of the intestine |
K505z00 | Endometriosis of the intestine NOS |
K506.00 | Endometriosis in scar of skin |
K50..00 | Endometriosis |
K50..11 | Adenomyosis |
K50y000 | Endometriosis of the bladder |
K50y100 | Endometriosis of the lung |
K50y200 | Endometriosis of the umbilicus |
K50y300 | Endometriosis of the vulva |
K50y.00 | Other endometriosis |
K50yz00 | Other endometriosis NOS |
K50z.00 | Endometriosis NOS |
Kyu9000 | [X]Other endometriosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N80 | Endometriosis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Endometriosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7E0D800 |
+ Laparoscopic laser destruction of endometriosis |
+ BBL1.11 |
+ [M]Stromal endometriosis |
+ K500000 |
+ Internal endometriosis |
+ K500100 |
+ Endometriosis of myometrium |
+ K500111 |
+ Adenomyosis of endometrium |
+ K500200 |
+ Endometriosis of cervix |
+ K500.00 |
+ Endometriosis of uterus |
+ K500z00 |
+ Endometriosis of uterus NOS |
+ K501.00 |
+ Endometriosis of ovary |
+ K501.11 |
+ Chocolate cyst of ovary |
+ K502.00 |
+ Endometriosis of the fallopian tube |
+ K503000 |
+ Endometriosis of the broad ligament |
+ K503100 |
+ Endometriosis of the pouch of Douglas |
+ K503200 |
+ Endometriosis of the parametrium |
+ K503300 |
+ Endometriosis of the round ligament |
+ K503.00 |
+ Endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum |
+ K503z00 |
+ Endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum NOS |
+ K504000 |
+ Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum |
+ K504100 |
+ Endometriosis of the vagina |
+ K504.00 |
+ Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum and vagina |
+ K504z00 |
+ Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum and vagina NOS |
+ K505000 |
+ Endometriosis of the appendix |
+ K505100 |
+ Endometriosis of the colon |
+ K505200 |
+ Endometriosis of the rectum |
+ K505.00 |
+ Endometriosis of the intestine |
+ K505z00 |
+ Endometriosis of the intestine NOS |
+ K506.00 |
+ Endometriosis in scar of skin |
+ K50..00 |
+ Endometriosis |
+ K50..11 |
+ Adenomyosis |
+ K50y000 |
+ Endometriosis of the bladder |
+ K50y100 |
+ Endometriosis of the lung |
+ K50y200 |
+ Endometriosis of the umbilicus |
+ K50y300 |
+ Endometriosis of the vulva |
+ K50y.00 |
+ Other endometriosis |
+ K50yz00 |
+ Other endometriosis NOS |
+ K50z.00 |
+ Endometriosis NOS |
+ Kyu9000 |
+ [X]Other endometriosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N80 |
+ Endometriosis |
+Enteropathic arthropathy
-Enteropathic arthropathy
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Enteropathic arthropathy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Enteropathic arthropathy' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Enteropathic arthropathy diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Enteropathic arthropathy' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Enteropathic arthropathy or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
N031000 | Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis |
N031100 | Arthropathy in Crohn's disease |
Nyu1400 | [X]Other enteropathic arthropathies |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M07.4 | Arthropathy in Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] |
M07.5 | Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis |
M07.6 | Other enteropathic arthropathies |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Enteropathic arthropathy' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ N031000 |
+ Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis |
+ N031100 |
+ Arthropathy in Crohn's disease |
+ Nyu1400 |
+ [X]Other enteropathic arthropathies |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M07.4 |
+ Arthropathy in Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] |
+ M07.5 |
+ Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis |
+ M07.6 |
+ Other enteropathic arthropathies |
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
-Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Enthesopathies & synovial disorders IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Enthesopathies & synovial disorders' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Enthesopathies & synovial disorders diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Enthesopathies & synovial disorders' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
N040Q00 | Rheumatoid bursitis |
N04y300 | Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis pitting oedema |
N101.00 | Spinal enthesopathy |
N21..00 | Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes |
N210.00 | Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder |
N210.11 | Bursitis - shoulder |
N210.12 | Frozen shoulder |
N211.00 | Rotator cuff shoulder syndrome and allied disorders |
N211000 | Rotator cuff syndrome, unspecified |
N211011 | Supraspinatus syndrome |
N211100 | Calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder |
N211200 | Bicipital tenosynovitis |
N211300 | Supraspinatus tendinitis |
N211400 | Partial thickness rotator cuff tear |
N211500 | Full thickness rotator cuff tear |
N211600 | Subacromial bursitis |
N211700 | Subdeltoid bursitis |
N211800 | Bursitis of shoulder |
N211z00 | Rotator cuff syndrome NOS |
N211z11 | Painful arc syndrome |
N211z12 | Subacromial bursitis |
N212.00 | Other shoulder affections NEC |
N212000 | Periarthritis of shoulder |
N212100 | Scapulohumeral fibrositis |
N212200 | Subacromial impingement |
N212300 | Coracoid impingement |
N212400 | Impingement syndrome of shoulder |
N212500 | Shoulder tendonitis |
N212z00 | Other shoulder affections NEC, NOS |
N213.00 | Enthesopathy of the elbow region |
N213000 | Elbow enthesopathy unspecified |
N213100 | Medial epicondylitis of the elbow |
N213111 | Golfer's elbow |
N213200 | Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow |
N213211 | Tennis elbow |
N213300 | Olecranon bursitis |
N213400 | Biceps tendinitis |
N213500 | Triceps tendinitis |
N213z00 | Elbow enthesopathy NOS |
N214.00 | Enthesopathy of the wrist and carpus |
N214000 | Bursitis of wrist |
N214100 | Bursitis of hand |
N214200 | Periarthritis of wrist |
N214300 | Carpometacarpal bossing |
N214z00 | Wrist or carpus enthesopathy NOS |
N215.00 | Enthesopathy of the hip region |
N215000 | Hip enthesopathy, unspecified |
N215100 | Bursitis of hip |
N215200 | Gluteal tendinitis |
N215300 | Iliac crest spur |
N215400 | Psoas tendinitis |
N215500 | Trochanteric tendinitis |
N215600 | Adductor tendinitis |
N215700 | Trochanteric bursitis |
N215800 | Snapping hip |
N215900 | Iliotibial band syndrome |
N215A00 | Ischial bursitis |
N215z00 | Hip enthesopathy NOS |
N216.00 | Enthesopathy of the knee |
N216000 | Bursitis of the knee NOS |
N216011 | Semi-membranosus bursitis |
N216012 | Popliteal bursitis |
N216100 | Pes anserinus tendinitis and bursitis |
N216200 | Tibial collateral ligament bursitis |
N216211 | Pellegrini - Stieda syndrome |
N216300 | Fibular collateral ligament bursitis |
N216400 | Patellar tendinitis |
N216500 | Prepatellar bursitis |
N216600 | Infrapatellar bursitis |
N216700 | Subpatellar bursitis |
N216800 | Biceps femoris tendinitis |
N216900 | Semimembranosus tendinitis |
N216z00 | Knee enthesopathy NOS |
N216z11 | Suprapatellar bursitis |
N217.00 | Enthesopathy of the ankle and tarsus |
N217.11 | Tarsus enthesopathy |
N217000 | Enthesopathy of the ankle unspecified |
N217100 | Enthesopathy of the tarsus unspecified |
N217300 | Achilles bursitis |
N217400 | Achilles tendinitis |
N217500 | Tibialis anterior tendinitis |
N217600 | Tibialis posterior tendinitis |
N217700 | Calcaneal spur |
N217800 | Peroneal tendinitis |
N217B00 | Anterior ankle impingement |
N217C00 | Fibular impingement |
N217z00 | Ankle or tarsus enthesopathy NOS |
N21y.00 | Other peripheral enthesopathies |
N21z.00 | Enthesopathy NOS |
N21z000 | Capsulitis NOS |
N21z100 | Periarthritis NOS |
N21z200 | Tendinitis NOS |
N21z211 | Tendonitis NOS |
N21z212 | Bicepital tendonitis |
N21z213 | Tendonitis bicepital |
N21z214 | Adductor tendonitis |
N21z215 | Tendonitis adductor |
N21z216 | Supraspinatus tendonitis |
N21zz00 | Peripheral enthesopathy NOS |
N220.00 | Synovitis and tenosynovitis |
N220000 | Synovitis or tenosynovitis NOS |
N220100 | Synovitis and tenosynovitis with disorders EC |
N220300 | Trigger finger - acquired |
N220311 | Trigger thumb |
N220312 | Snapping fingers |
N220313 | Finger trigger |
N220400 | Radial styloid tenosynovitis |
N220411 | De Quervain's disease |
N220412 | Trigger thumb - acquired |
N220413 | Thumb trigger |
N220500 | Other tenosynovitis of hand or wrist |
N220511 | Other tenosynovitis of the hand |
N220512 | Other tenosynovitis of the wrist |
N220513 | Tensynovitis of fingers |
N220514 | Tendonitis of thumb |
N220600 | Tenosynovitis of ankle |
N220700 | Tenosynovitis of foot |
N220900 | Plant thorn synovitis |
N220A00 | Flexor tenosynovitis of wrist |
N220B00 | Flexor tenosynovitis of finger |
N220C00 | Flexor tenosynovitis of thumb |
N220D00 | Extensor tenosynovitis of wrist |
N220E00 | Extensor tenosynovitis of finger |
N220F00 | Extensor tenosynovitis of thumb |
N220G00 | Acquired trigger thumb |
N220H00 | Achilles tenosynovitis |
N220J00 | Tibialis anterior tenosynovitis |
N220K00 | Tibialis posterior tenosynovitis |
N220L00 | Extensor hallucis longus tenosynovitis |
N220M00 | Extensor digitorum longus tenosynovitis |
N220N00 | Peroneus longus tenosynovitis |
N220P00 | Peroneus brevis tenosynovitis |
N220Q00 | Transient synovitis |
N220R00 | Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist |
N220S00 | Synovitis of hip |
N220T00 | Synovitis NOS |
N220V00 | Synovitis of knee |
N220W00 | Synovitis of elbow |
N220X00 | Synovitis of shoulder |
N220Y00 | Irritable hip |
N220z00 | Other synovitis and tenosynovitis |
N220z11 | Shoulder synovitis |
N220z12 | Synovitis of knee |
N220z13 | Synovitis of elbow |
N222000 | Beat elbow |
N222100 | Beat hand |
N222200 | Beat knee |
N222400 | Miners' knee |
N222z00 | Specific bursitides NOS |
N223.00 | Bursitis NOS |
N223.11 | Postcalcaneal bursitis |
N224000 | Synovial cyst unspecified |
N224400 | Cyst of bursa |
N224A00 | Synovial cyst of popliteal space |
N224A11 | Baker's cyst |
N225.00 | Rupture of synovium |
N225000 | Rupture of synovium, unspecified |
N225100 | Rupture of popliteal space synovial cyst |
N225111 | Rupture of Baker's cyst - knee |
N225112 | Rupture of popliteal bursa |
N225z00 | Rupture of synovium NOS |
N226.00 | Nontraumatic tendon rupture |
N226000 | Nontraumatic tendon rupture, unspecified |
N226100 | Rotator cuff complete rupture |
N226200 | Biceps tendon rupture |
N226300 | Hand and wrist extensor tendon rupture |
N226400 | Hand and wrist flexor tendon rupture |
N226500 | Quadriceps tendon rupture |
N226600 | Nontraumatic rupture of patellar tendon |
N226700 | Nontraumatic rupture of Achilles tendon |
N226800 | Extensor digitorum communis rupture |
N226900 | Extensor pollicis longus rupture |
N226A00 | Long head of biceps rupture |
N226C00 | Flexor digitorum sublimis tendon rupture |
N226D00 | Flexor digitorum profundus tendon rupture |
N226E00 | Flexor pollicis longus tendon rupture |
N226F00 | Tibialis posterior rupture |
N226G00 | Peroneus longus rupture |
N226M00 | Spontaneous rupture of flexor tendons |
N226N00 | Spontaneous rupture of extensor tendons |
N226y00 | Other foot and ankle tendon rupture |
N226z00 | Other nontraumatic tendon rupture |
N23y900 | Calcific tendinitis |
Nyu9100 | [X]Other synovitis and tenosynovitis |
Nyu9200 | [X]Spontaneous rupture of other tendons |
NyuA000 | [X]Other bursitis of elbow |
NyuA100 | [X]Other bursitis of knee |
NyuA200 | [X]Other bursitis of hip |
NyuA500 | [X]Other bursal cyst |
NyuA600 | [X]Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified |
NyuAC00 | [X]Other enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot |
NyuAD00 | [X]Other enthesopathy of foot |
NyuAE00 | [X]Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified |
NyuAJ00 | [X]Enthesopathy of lower limb, unspecified |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M46.0 | Spinal enthesopathy |
M65.2 | Calcific tendinitis |
M65.3 | Trigger finger |
M65.4 | Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de Quervain] |
M65.8 | Other synovitis and tenosynovitis |
M65.9 | Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified |
M66 | Spontaneous rupture of synovium and tendon |
M70 | Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure |
M71.2 | Synovial cyst of popliteal space [Baker] |
M71.3 | Other bursal cyst |
M71.4 | Calcium deposit in bursa |
M71.5 | Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified |
M71.8 | Other specified bursopathies |
M71.9 | Bursopathy, unspecified |
M75 | Shoulder lesions |
M76 | Enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot |
M77.0 | Medial epicondylitis |
M77.1 | Lateral epicondylitis |
M77.2 | Periarthritis of wrist |
M77.3 | Calcaneal spur |
M77.5 | Other enthesopathy of foot |
M77.8 | Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified |
M77.9 | Enthesopathy, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Enthesopathies & synovial disorders' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ N040Q00 |
+ Rheumatoid bursitis |
+ N04y300 |
+ Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis pitting oedema |
+ N101.00 |
+ Spinal enthesopathy |
+ N21..00 |
+ Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes |
+ N210.00 |
+ Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder |
+ N210.11 |
+ Bursitis - shoulder |
+ N210.12 |
+ Frozen shoulder |
+ N211.00 |
+ Rotator cuff shoulder syndrome and allied disorders |
+ N211000 |
+ Rotator cuff syndrome, unspecified |
+ N211011 |
+ Supraspinatus syndrome |
+ N211100 |
+ Calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder |
+ N211200 |
+ Bicipital tenosynovitis |
+ N211300 |
+ Supraspinatus tendinitis |
+ N211400 |
+ Partial thickness rotator cuff tear |
+ N211500 |
+ Full thickness rotator cuff tear |
+ N211600 |
+ Subacromial bursitis |
+ N211700 |
+ Subdeltoid bursitis |
+ N211800 |
+ Bursitis of shoulder |
+ N211z00 |
+ Rotator cuff syndrome NOS |
+ N211z11 |
+ Painful arc syndrome |
+ N211z12 |
+ Subacromial bursitis |
+ N212.00 |
+ Other shoulder affections NEC |
+ N212000 |
+ Periarthritis of shoulder |
+ N212100 |
+ Scapulohumeral fibrositis |
+ N212200 |
+ Subacromial impingement |
+ N212300 |
+ Coracoid impingement |
+ N212400 |
+ Impingement syndrome of shoulder |
+ N212500 |
+ Shoulder tendonitis |
+ N212z00 |
+ Other shoulder affections NEC, NOS |
+ N213.00 |
+ Enthesopathy of the elbow region |
+ N213000 |
+ Elbow enthesopathy unspecified |
+ N213100 |
+ Medial epicondylitis of the elbow |
+ N213111 |
+ Golfer's elbow |
+ N213200 |
+ Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow |
+ N213211 |
+ Tennis elbow |
+ N213300 |
+ Olecranon bursitis |
+ N213400 |
+ Biceps tendinitis |
+ N213500 |
+ Triceps tendinitis |
+ N213z00 |
+ Elbow enthesopathy NOS |
+ N214.00 |
+ Enthesopathy of the wrist and carpus |
+ N214000 |
+ Bursitis of wrist |
+ N214100 |
+ Bursitis of hand |
+ N214200 |
+ Periarthritis of wrist |
+ N214300 |
+ Carpometacarpal bossing |
+ N214z00 |
+ Wrist or carpus enthesopathy NOS |
+ N215.00 |
+ Enthesopathy of the hip region |
+ N215000 |
+ Hip enthesopathy, unspecified |
+ N215100 |
+ Bursitis of hip |
+ N215200 |
+ Gluteal tendinitis |
+ N215300 |
+ Iliac crest spur |
+ N215400 |
+ Psoas tendinitis |
+ N215500 |
+ Trochanteric tendinitis |
+ N215600 |
+ Adductor tendinitis |
+ N215700 |
+ Trochanteric bursitis |
+ N215800 |
+ Snapping hip |
+ N215900 |
+ Iliotibial band syndrome |
+ N215A00 |
+ Ischial bursitis |
+ N215z00 |
+ Hip enthesopathy NOS |
+ N216.00 |
+ Enthesopathy of the knee |
+ N216000 |
+ Bursitis of the knee NOS |
+ N216011 |
+ Semi-membranosus bursitis |
+ N216012 |
+ Popliteal bursitis |
+ N216100 |
+ Pes anserinus tendinitis and bursitis |
+ N216200 |
+ Tibial collateral ligament bursitis |
+ N216211 |
+ Pellegrini - Stieda syndrome |
+ N216300 |
+ Fibular collateral ligament bursitis |
+ N216400 |
+ Patellar tendinitis |
+ N216500 |
+ Prepatellar bursitis |
+ N216600 |
+ Infrapatellar bursitis |
+ N216700 |
+ Subpatellar bursitis |
+ N216800 |
+ Biceps femoris tendinitis |
+ N216900 |
+ Semimembranosus tendinitis |
+ N216z00 |
+ Knee enthesopathy NOS |
+ N216z11 |
+ Suprapatellar bursitis |
+ N217.00 |
+ Enthesopathy of the ankle and tarsus |
+ N217.11 |
+ Tarsus enthesopathy |
+ N217000 |
+ Enthesopathy of the ankle unspecified |
+ N217100 |
+ Enthesopathy of the tarsus unspecified |
+ N217300 |
+ Achilles bursitis |
+ N217400 |
+ Achilles tendinitis |
+ N217500 |
+ Tibialis anterior tendinitis |
+ N217600 |
+ Tibialis posterior tendinitis |
+ N217700 |
+ Calcaneal spur |
+ N217800 |
+ Peroneal tendinitis |
+ N217B00 |
+ Anterior ankle impingement |
+ N217C00 |
+ Fibular impingement |
+ N217z00 |
+ Ankle or tarsus enthesopathy NOS |
+ N21y.00 |
+ Other peripheral enthesopathies |
+ N21z.00 |
+ Enthesopathy NOS |
+ N21z000 |
+ Capsulitis NOS |
+ N21z100 |
+ Periarthritis NOS |
+ N21z200 |
+ Tendinitis NOS |
+ N21z211 |
+ Tendonitis NOS |
+ N21z212 |
+ Bicepital tendonitis |
+ N21z213 |
+ Tendonitis bicepital |
+ N21z214 |
+ Adductor tendonitis |
+ N21z215 |
+ Tendonitis adductor |
+ N21z216 |
+ Supraspinatus tendonitis |
+ N21zz00 |
+ Peripheral enthesopathy NOS |
+ N220.00 |
+ Synovitis and tenosynovitis |
+ N220000 |
+ Synovitis or tenosynovitis NOS |
+ N220100 |
+ Synovitis and tenosynovitis with disorders EC |
+ N220300 |
+ Trigger finger - acquired |
+ N220311 |
+ Trigger thumb |
+ N220312 |
+ Snapping fingers |
+ N220313 |
+ Finger trigger |
+ N220400 |
+ Radial styloid tenosynovitis |
+ N220411 |
+ De Quervain's disease |
+ N220412 |
+ Trigger thumb - acquired |
+ N220413 |
+ Thumb trigger |
+ N220500 |
+ Other tenosynovitis of hand or wrist |
+ N220511 |
+ Other tenosynovitis of the hand |
+ N220512 |
+ Other tenosynovitis of the wrist |
+ N220513 |
+ Tensynovitis of fingers |
+ N220514 |
+ Tendonitis of thumb |
+ N220600 |
+ Tenosynovitis of ankle |
+ N220700 |
+ Tenosynovitis of foot |
+ N220900 |
+ Plant thorn synovitis |
+ N220A00 |
+ Flexor tenosynovitis of wrist |
+ N220B00 |
+ Flexor tenosynovitis of finger |
+ N220C00 |
+ Flexor tenosynovitis of thumb |
+ N220D00 |
+ Extensor tenosynovitis of wrist |
+ N220E00 |
+ Extensor tenosynovitis of finger |
+ N220F00 |
+ Extensor tenosynovitis of thumb |
+ N220G00 |
+ Acquired trigger thumb |
+ N220H00 |
+ Achilles tenosynovitis |
+ N220J00 |
+ Tibialis anterior tenosynovitis |
+ N220K00 |
+ Tibialis posterior tenosynovitis |
+ N220L00 |
+ Extensor hallucis longus tenosynovitis |
+ N220M00 |
+ Extensor digitorum longus tenosynovitis |
+ N220N00 |
+ Peroneus longus tenosynovitis |
+ N220P00 |
+ Peroneus brevis tenosynovitis |
+ N220Q00 |
+ Transient synovitis |
+ N220R00 |
+ Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist |
+ N220S00 |
+ Synovitis of hip |
+ N220T00 |
+ Synovitis NOS |
+ N220V00 |
+ Synovitis of knee |
+ N220W00 |
+ Synovitis of elbow |
+ N220X00 |
+ Synovitis of shoulder |
+ N220Y00 |
+ Irritable hip |
+ N220z00 |
+ Other synovitis and tenosynovitis |
+ N220z11 |
+ Shoulder synovitis |
+ N220z12 |
+ Synovitis of knee |
+ N220z13 |
+ Synovitis of elbow |
+ N222000 |
+ Beat elbow |
+ N222100 |
+ Beat hand |
+ N222200 |
+ Beat knee |
+ N222400 |
+ Miners' knee |
+ N222z00 |
+ Specific bursitides NOS |
+ N223.00 |
+ Bursitis NOS |
+ N223.11 |
+ Postcalcaneal bursitis |
+ N224000 |
+ Synovial cyst unspecified |
+ N224400 |
+ Cyst of bursa |
+ N224A00 |
+ Synovial cyst of popliteal space |
+ N224A11 |
+ Baker's cyst |
+ N225.00 |
+ Rupture of synovium |
+ N225000 |
+ Rupture of synovium, unspecified |
+ N225100 |
+ Rupture of popliteal space synovial cyst |
+ N225111 |
+ Rupture of Baker's cyst - knee |
+ N225112 |
+ Rupture of popliteal bursa |
+ N225z00 |
+ Rupture of synovium NOS |
+ N226.00 |
+ Nontraumatic tendon rupture |
+ N226000 |
+ Nontraumatic tendon rupture, unspecified |
+ N226100 |
+ Rotator cuff complete rupture |
+ N226200 |
+ Biceps tendon rupture |
+ N226300 |
+ Hand and wrist extensor tendon rupture |
+ N226400 |
+ Hand and wrist flexor tendon rupture |
+ N226500 |
+ Quadriceps tendon rupture |
+ N226600 |
+ Nontraumatic rupture of patellar tendon |
+ N226700 |
+ Nontraumatic rupture of Achilles tendon |
+ N226800 |
+ Extensor digitorum communis rupture |
+ N226900 |
+ Extensor pollicis longus rupture |
+ N226A00 |
+ Long head of biceps rupture |
+ N226C00 |
+ Flexor digitorum sublimis tendon rupture |
+ N226D00 |
+ Flexor digitorum profundus tendon rupture |
+ N226E00 |
+ Flexor pollicis longus tendon rupture |
+ N226F00 |
+ Tibialis posterior rupture |
+ N226G00 |
+ Peroneus longus rupture |
+ N226M00 |
+ Spontaneous rupture of flexor tendons |
+ N226N00 |
+ Spontaneous rupture of extensor tendons |
+ N226y00 |
+ Other foot and ankle tendon rupture |
+ N226z00 |
+ Other nontraumatic tendon rupture |
+ N23y900 |
+ Calcific tendinitis |
+ Nyu9100 |
+ [X]Other synovitis and tenosynovitis |
+ Nyu9200 |
+ [X]Spontaneous rupture of other tendons |
+ NyuA000 |
+ [X]Other bursitis of elbow |
+ NyuA100 |
+ [X]Other bursitis of knee |
+ NyuA200 |
+ [X]Other bursitis of hip |
+ NyuA500 |
+ [X]Other bursal cyst |
+ NyuA600 |
+ [X]Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified |
+ NyuAC00 |
+ [X]Other enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot |
+ NyuAD00 |
+ [X]Other enthesopathy of foot |
+ NyuAE00 |
+ [X]Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified |
+ NyuAJ00 |
+ [X]Enthesopathy of lower limb, unspecified |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M46.0 |
+ Spinal enthesopathy |
+ M65.2 |
+ Calcific tendinitis |
+ M65.3 |
+ Trigger finger |
+ M65.4 |
+ Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de Quervain] |
+ M65.8 |
+ Other synovitis and tenosynovitis |
+ M65.9 |
+ Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified |
+ M66 |
+ Spontaneous rupture of synovium and tendon |
+ M70 |
+ Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure |
+ M71.2 |
+ Synovial cyst of popliteal space [Baker] |
+ M71.3 |
+ Other bursal cyst |
+ M71.4 |
+ Calcium deposit in bursa |
+ M71.5 |
+ Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified |
+ M71.8 |
+ Other specified bursopathies |
+ M71.9 |
+ Bursopathy, unspecified |
+ M75 |
+ Shoulder lesions |
+ M76 |
+ Enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot |
+ M77.0 |
+ Medial epicondylitis |
+ M77.1 |
+ Lateral epicondylitis |
+ M77.2 |
+ Periarthritis of wrist |
+ M77.3 |
+ Calcaneal spur |
+ M77.5 |
+ Other enthesopathy of foot |
+ M77.8 |
+ Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified |
+ M77.9 |
+ Enthesopathy, unspecified |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Epilepsy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Epilepsy' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Epilepsy diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Epilepsy' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Epilepsy or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1473.00 | H/O: epilepsy |
1B1W.00 | Transient epileptic amnesia |
1O30.00 | Epilepsy confirmed |
2126000.0 | Epilepsy resolved |
212J.00 | Epilepsy resolved |
6110.00 | Contraceptive advice for patients with epilepsy |
6674.00 | Epilepsy associated problems |
667..00 | Epilepsy monitoring |
6677.00 | Epilepsy drug side effects |
6678.00 | Epilepsy treatment changed |
6679.00 | Epilepsy treatment started |
667A.00 | Epilepsy treatment stopped |
667B.00 | Nocturnal epilepsy |
667C.00 | Epilepsy control good |
667D.00 | Epilepsy control poor |
667E.00 | Epilepsy care arrangement |
667F.00 | Seizure free >12 months |
667G.00 | Epilepsy restricts employment |
667H.00 | Epilepsy prevents employment |
667J.00 | Epilepsy impairs education |
667K.00 | Epilepsy limits activities |
667L.00 | Epilepsy does not limit activities |
667M.00 | Epilepsy management plan given |
667N.00 | Epilepsy severity |
667P.00 | No seizures on treatment |
667Q.00 | 1 to 12 seizures a year |
667R.00 | 2 to 4 seizures a month |
667S.00 | 1 to 7 seizures a week |
667T.00 | Daily seizures |
667V.00 | Many seizures a day |
667W.00 | Emergency epilepsy treatment since last appointment |
667X.00 | No epilepsy drug side effects |
667Z.00 | Epilepsy monitoring NOS |
67AF.00 | Pregnancy advice for patients with epilepsy |
67IJ000 | Pre-conception advice for patients with epilepsy |
8BIF.00 | Epilepsy medication review |
9Of3.00 | Epilepsy monitoring verbal invite |
9Of4.00 | Epilepsy monitoring telephone invite |
9Of5.00 | Epilepsy monitoring call first letter |
9Of6.00 | Epilepsy monitoring call second letter |
9Of7.00 | Epilepsy monitoring call third letter |
Eu05212 | [X]Schizophrenia-like psychosis in epilepsy |
Eu05y11 | [X]Epileptic psychosis NOS |
Eu06013 | [X]Limbic epilepsy personality |
Eu80300 | [X]Acquired aphasia with epilepsy [Landau - Kleffner] |
F132100 | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy |
F132111 | Unverricht - Lundborg disease |
F132200 | Myoclonic encephalopathy |
F142200 | Dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica |
F250000 | Petit mal (minor) epilepsy |
F250011 | Epileptic absences |
F250100 | Pykno-epilepsy |
F250200 | Epileptic seizures - atonic |
F250300 | Epileptic seizures - akinetic |
F250400 | Juvenile absence epilepsy |
F250500 | Lennox-Gastaut syndrome |
F250.00 | Generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy |
F250y00 | Other specified generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy |
F250z00 | Generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy NOS |
F251000 | Grand mal (major) epilepsy |
F251011 | Tonic-clonic epilepsy |
F251100 | Neonatal myoclonic epilepsy |
F251111 | Otohara syndrome |
F251200 | Epileptic seizures - clonic |
F251300 | Epileptic seizures - myoclonic |
F251400 | Epileptic seizures - tonic |
F251500 | Tonic-clonic epilepsy |
F251.00 | Generalised convulsive epilepsy |
F251y00 | Other specified generalised convulsive epilepsy |
F251z00 | Generalised convulsive epilepsy NOS |
F252.00 | Petit mal status |
F253.00 | Grand mal status |
F253.11 | Status epilepticus |
F254000 | Temporal lobe epilepsy |
F254100 | Psychomotor epilepsy |
F254200 | Psychosensory epilepsy |
F254300 | Limbic system epilepsy |
F254400 | Epileptic automatism |
F254500 | Complex partial epileptic seizure |
F254.00 | Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness |
F254z00 | Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness NOS |
F255000 | Jacksonian, focal or motor epilepsy |
F255011 | Focal epilepsy |
F255012 | Motor epilepsy |
F255100 | Sensory induced epilepsy |
F255200 | Somatosensory epilepsy |
F255300 | Visceral reflex epilepsy |
F255311 | Partial epilepsy with autonomic symptoms |
F255400 | Visual reflex epilepsy |
F255500 | Unilateral epilepsy |
F255600 | Simple partial epileptic seizure |
F255.00 | Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness |
F255y00 | Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness OS |
F255z00 | Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness NOS |
F256000 | Hypsarrhythmia |
F256100 | Salaam attacks |
F256.00 | Infantile spasms |
F256.11 | Lightning spasms |
F256.12 | West syndrome |
F256z00 | Infantile spasms NOS |
F257.00 | Kojevnikov's epilepsy |
F258.00 | Post-ictal state |
F259.00 | Early infant epileptic encephalopathy wth suppression bursts |
F259.11 | Ohtahara syndrome |
F25A.00 | Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy |
F25B.00 | Alcohol-induced epilepsy |
F25C.00 | Drug-induced epilepsy |
F25D.00 | Menstrual epilepsy |
F25E.00 | Stress-induced epilepsy |
F25..00 | Epilepsy |
F25F.00 | Photosensitive epilepsy |
F25G.00 | Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy |
F25G.11 | Dravet syndrome |
F25X.00 | Status epilepticus, unspecified |
F25y000 | Cursive (running) epilepsy |
F25y100 | Gelastic epilepsy |
F25y200 | Locl-rlt(foc)(part)idiop epilep&epilptic syn seiz locl onset |
F25y300 | Complex partial status epilepticus |
F25y400 | Benign Rolandic epilepsy |
F25y500 | Panayiotopoulos syndrome |
F25y.00 | Other forms of epilepsy |
F25yz00 | Other forms of epilepsy NOS |
F25z.00 | Epilepsy NOS |
F25z.11 | Fit (in known epileptic) NOS |
Fyu5000 | [X]Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes |
Fyu5100 | [X]Other epilepsy |
Fyu5200 | [X]Other status epilepticus |
Fyu5900 | [X]Status epilepticus, unspecified |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G40 | Epilepsy |
G41 | Status epilepticus |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Epilepsy' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1473 |
+ H/O: epilepsy |
+ 1B1W.00 |
+ Transient epileptic amnesia |
+ 1O30.00 |
+ Epilepsy confirmed |
+ 2126000.0 |
+ Epilepsy resolved |
+ 212J.00 |
+ Epilepsy resolved |
+ 6110.00 |
+ Contraceptive advice for patients with epilepsy |
+ 6674.00 |
+ Epilepsy associated problems |
+ 667..00 |
+ Epilepsy monitoring |
+ 6677.00 |
+ Epilepsy drug side effects |
+ 6678.00 |
+ Epilepsy treatment changed |
+ 6679.00 |
+ Epilepsy treatment started |
+ 667A.00 |
+ Epilepsy treatment stopped |
+ 667B.00 |
+ Nocturnal epilepsy |
+ 667C.00 |
+ Epilepsy control good |
+ 667D.00 |
+ Epilepsy control poor |
+ 667E.00 |
+ Epilepsy care arrangement |
+ 667F.00 |
+ Seizure free >12 months |
+ 667G.00 |
+ Epilepsy restricts employment |
+ 667H.00 |
+ Epilepsy prevents employment |
+ 667J.00 |
+ Epilepsy impairs education |
+ 667K.00 |
+ Epilepsy limits activities |
+ 667L.00 |
+ Epilepsy does not limit activities |
+ 667M.00 |
+ Epilepsy management plan given |
+ 667N.00 |
+ Epilepsy severity |
+ 667P.00 |
+ No seizures on treatment |
+ 667Q.00 |
+ 1 to 12 seizures a year |
+ 667R.00 |
+ 2 to 4 seizures a month |
+ 667S.00 |
+ 1 to 7 seizures a week |
+ 667T.00 |
+ Daily seizures |
+ 667V.00 |
+ Many seizures a day |
+ 667W.00 |
+ Emergency epilepsy treatment since last appointment |
+ 667X.00 |
+ No epilepsy drug side effects |
+ 667Z.00 |
+ Epilepsy monitoring NOS |
+ 67AF.00 |
+ Pregnancy advice for patients with epilepsy |
+ 67IJ000 |
+ Pre-conception advice for patients with epilepsy |
+ 8BIF.00 |
+ Epilepsy medication review |
+ 9Of3.00 |
+ Epilepsy monitoring verbal invite |
+ 9Of4.00 |
+ Epilepsy monitoring telephone invite |
+ 9Of5.00 |
+ Epilepsy monitoring call first letter |
+ 9Of6.00 |
+ Epilepsy monitoring call second letter |
+ 9Of7.00 |
+ Epilepsy monitoring call third letter |
+ Eu05212 |
+ [X]Schizophrenia-like psychosis in epilepsy |
+ Eu05y11 |
+ [X]Epileptic psychosis NOS |
+ Eu06013 |
+ [X]Limbic epilepsy personality |
+ Eu80300 |
+ [X]Acquired aphasia with epilepsy [Landau - Kleffner] |
+ F132100 |
+ Progressive myoclonic epilepsy |
+ F132111 |
+ Unverricht - Lundborg disease |
+ F132200 |
+ Myoclonic encephalopathy |
+ F142200 |
+ Dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica |
+ F250000 |
+ Petit mal (minor) epilepsy |
+ F250011 |
+ Epileptic absences |
+ F250100 |
+ Pykno-epilepsy |
+ F250200 |
+ Epileptic seizures - atonic |
+ F250300 |
+ Epileptic seizures - akinetic |
+ F250400 |
+ Juvenile absence epilepsy |
+ F250500 |
+ Lennox-Gastaut syndrome |
+ F250.00 |
+ Generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy |
+ F250y00 |
+ Other specified generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy |
+ F250z00 |
+ Generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy NOS |
+ F251000 |
+ Grand mal (major) epilepsy |
+ F251011 |
+ Tonic-clonic epilepsy |
+ F251100 |
+ Neonatal myoclonic epilepsy |
+ F251111 |
+ Otohara syndrome |
+ F251200 |
+ Epileptic seizures - clonic |
+ F251300 |
+ Epileptic seizures - myoclonic |
+ F251400 |
+ Epileptic seizures - tonic |
+ F251500 |
+ Tonic-clonic epilepsy |
+ F251.00 |
+ Generalised convulsive epilepsy |
+ F251y00 |
+ Other specified generalised convulsive epilepsy |
+ F251z00 |
+ Generalised convulsive epilepsy NOS |
+ F252.00 |
+ Petit mal status |
+ F253.00 |
+ Grand mal status |
+ F253.11 |
+ Status epilepticus |
+ F254000 |
+ Temporal lobe epilepsy |
+ F254100 |
+ Psychomotor epilepsy |
+ F254200 |
+ Psychosensory epilepsy |
+ F254300 |
+ Limbic system epilepsy |
+ F254400 |
+ Epileptic automatism |
+ F254500 |
+ Complex partial epileptic seizure |
+ F254.00 |
+ Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness |
+ F254z00 |
+ Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness NOS |
+ F255000 |
+ Jacksonian, focal or motor epilepsy |
+ F255011 |
+ Focal epilepsy |
+ F255012 |
+ Motor epilepsy |
+ F255100 |
+ Sensory induced epilepsy |
+ F255200 |
+ Somatosensory epilepsy |
+ F255300 |
+ Visceral reflex epilepsy |
+ F255311 |
+ Partial epilepsy with autonomic symptoms |
+ F255400 |
+ Visual reflex epilepsy |
+ F255500 |
+ Unilateral epilepsy |
+ F255600 |
+ Simple partial epileptic seizure |
+ F255.00 |
+ Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness |
+ F255y00 |
+ Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness OS |
+ F255z00 |
+ Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness NOS |
+ F256000 |
+ Hypsarrhythmia |
+ F256100 |
+ Salaam attacks |
+ F256.00 |
+ Infantile spasms |
+ F256.11 |
+ Lightning spasms |
+ F256.12 |
+ West syndrome |
+ F256z00 |
+ Infantile spasms NOS |
+ F257.00 |
+ Kojevnikov's epilepsy |
+ F258.00 |
+ Post-ictal state |
+ F259.00 |
+ Early infant epileptic encephalopathy wth suppression bursts |
+ F259.11 |
+ Ohtahara syndrome |
+ F25A.00 |
+ Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy |
+ F25B.00 |
+ Alcohol-induced epilepsy |
+ F25C.00 |
+ Drug-induced epilepsy |
+ F25D.00 |
+ Menstrual epilepsy |
+ F25E.00 |
+ Stress-induced epilepsy |
+ F25..00 |
+ Epilepsy |
+ F25F.00 |
+ Photosensitive epilepsy |
+ F25G.00 |
+ Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy |
+ F25G.11 |
+ Dravet syndrome |
+ F25X.00 |
+ Status epilepticus, unspecified |
+ F25y000 |
+ Cursive (running) epilepsy |
+ F25y100 |
+ Gelastic epilepsy |
+ F25y200 |
+ Locl-rlt(foc)(part)idiop epilep&epilptic syn seiz locl onset |
+ F25y300 |
+ Complex partial status epilepticus |
+ F25y400 |
+ Benign Rolandic epilepsy |
+ F25y500 |
+ Panayiotopoulos syndrome |
+ F25y.00 |
+ Other forms of epilepsy |
+ F25yz00 |
+ Other forms of epilepsy NOS |
+ F25z.00 |
+ Epilepsy NOS |
+ F25z.11 |
+ Fit (in known epileptic) NOS |
+ Fyu5000 |
+ [X]Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes |
+ Fyu5100 |
+ [X]Other epilepsy |
+ Fyu5200 |
+ [X]Other status epilepticus |
+ Fyu5900 |
+ [X]Status epilepticus, unspecified |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G40 |
+ Epilepsy |
+ G41 |
+ Status epilepticus |
+Erectile dysfunction
-Erectile dysfunction
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Erectile dysfunction IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Erectile dysfunction' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Erectile dysfunction diagnosis or history of diagnosis during or procedure a consultation
+1. 'Erectile dysfunction' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during or procedure a consultation
-2. Erectile dysfunction possible diagnosis during a consultation IF patient = male
+2. 'Erectile dysfunction' possible diagnosis during a consultation IF patient = male
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Erectile dysfunction or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-2. ALL possible diagnosis of Erectile dysfunction during a hospitalization IF patient = male
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1ABB.00 | Cannot get an erection |
1ABC.00 | Cannot sustain an erection |
1D1B.00 | C/O erectile dysfunction |
7A6G000 | Revascularisation for impotence |
7A6G500 | Ligation of penile veins for impotence |
7C25B00 | Penile injection to produce erection |
7C25E00 | Treatment of erectile dysfunction NEC |
7C25F00 | Operations on penis for erectile dysfunction NEC |
8BB4.00 | Erect dysf unresponsiv to phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor |
8HTj.00 | Referral to erectile dysfunction clinic |
E227300 | Impotence |
E227311 | Erectile dysfunction |
Eu52200 | [X]Failure of genital response |
Eu52212 | [X]Male erectile disorder |
Eu52213 | [X]Psychogenic impotence |
K27y100 | Impotence of organic origin |
K27y700 | Erectile dysfunction due to diabetes mellitus |
Z9E9.00 | Provision of device for impotence |
ZG43600 | Advice on technique for impotence |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F52.2 | Failure of genital response |
N48.4 | Impotence of organic origin |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Erectile dysfunction' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+2. ALL possible diagnosis of 'Erectile dysfunction' during a hospitalization IF patient = male
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1ABB.00 |
+ Cannot get an erection |
+ 1ABC.00 |
+ Cannot sustain an erection |
+ 1D1B.00 |
+ C/O erectile dysfunction |
+ 7A6G000 |
+ Revascularisation for impotence |
+ 7A6G500 |
+ Ligation of penile veins for impotence |
+ 7C25B00 |
+ Penile injection to produce erection |
+ 7C25E00 |
+ Treatment of erectile dysfunction NEC |
+ 7C25F00 |
+ Operations on penis for erectile dysfunction NEC |
+ 8BB4.00 |
+ Erect dysf unresponsiv to phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor |
+ 8HTj.00 |
+ Referral to erectile dysfunction clinic |
+ E227300 |
+ Impotence |
+ E227311 |
+ Erectile dysfunction |
+ Eu52200 |
+ [X]Failure of genital response |
+ Eu52212 |
+ [X]Male erectile disorder |
+ Eu52213 |
+ [X]Psychogenic impotence |
+ K27y100 |
+ Impotence of organic origin |
+ K27y700 |
+ Erectile dysfunction due to diabetes mellitus |
+ Z9E9.00 |
+ Provision of device for impotence |
+ ZG43600 |
+ Advice on technique for impotence |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_ED.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F52.2 |
+ Failure of genital response |
+ N48.4 |
+ Impotence of organic origin |
+Essential tremor
-Infection - Eye
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Eye infections IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Essential tremor' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+Primary care
+1. 'Essential tremor' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Eye infections or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A18.5 | Tuberculosis of eye |
A21.1 | Oculoglandular tularaemia |
A54.3 | Gonococcal infection of eye |
A71 | Trachoma |
A74.0 | Chlamydial conjunctivitis |
B00.5 | Herpesviral ocular disease |
B02.3 | Zoster ocular disease |
B30 | Viral conjunctivitis |
B58.0 | Toxoplasma oculopathy |
B69.1 | Cysticercosis of eye |
B87.2 | Ocular myiasis |
B94.0 | Sequelae of trachoma |
H00.0 | Hordeolum and other deep inflammation of eyelid |
H10 | Conjunctivitis |
H13.1 | Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
H19.1 | Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis |
H19.2 | Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
P39.1 | Neonatal conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Essential tremor' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F131000 |
+ Benign essential tremor |
+ F131100 |
+ Familial tremor |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G25.0 |
+ Essential tremor |
+Eye infections
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Eye infections IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+Secondary care
+1. ALL diagnoses of Eye infections or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_eye.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A18.5 |
+ Tuberculosis of eye |
+ A21.1 |
+ Oculoglandular tularaemia |
+ A54.3 |
+ Gonococcal infection of eye |
+ A71 |
+ Trachoma |
+ A74.0 |
+ Chlamydial conjunctivitis |
+ B00.5 |
+ Herpesviral ocular disease |
+ B02.3 |
+ Zoster ocular disease |
+ B30 |
+ Viral conjunctivitis |
+ B58.0 |
+ Toxoplasma oculopathy |
+ B69.1 |
+ Cysticercosis of eye |
+ B87.2 |
+ Ocular myiasis |
+ B94.0 |
+ Sequelae of trachoma |
+ H00.0 |
+ Hordeolum and other deep inflammation of eyelid |
+ H10 |
+ Conjunctivitis |
+ H13.1 |
+ Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H19.1 |
+ Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis |
+ H19.2 |
+ Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ P39.1 |
+ Neonatal conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis |
+Fatty Liver
-Fatty Liver
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Fatty Liver IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Fatty Liver' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Fatty Liver diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Fatty Liver' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Fatty Liver or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
J610.00 | Alcoholic fatty liver |
J61y700 | Steatosis of liver |
J61y800 | Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis |
J61y900 | Fatty change of liver |
J61y911 | Fatty liver |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K70.0 | Alcoholic fatty liver |
K75.8 | Other specified inflammatory liver diseases |
K76.0 | Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Fatty Liver' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ J610.00 |
+ Alcoholic fatty liver |
+ J61y700 |
+ Steatosis of liver |
+ J61y800 |
+ Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis |
+ J61y900 |
+ Fatty change of liver |
+ J61y911 |
+ Fatty liver |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K70.0 |
+ Alcoholic fatty liver |
+ K75.8 |
+ Other specified inflammatory liver diseases |
+ K76.0 |
+ Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified |
+Female genital prolapse
-Uterovaginal Prolapse
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Female genital prolapse IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Female genital prolapse IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Female genital prolapse diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Female genital prolapse or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1594.00 | H/O: genital prolapse |
7D17000 | Ant and post colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri |
7D17100 | Anterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri NEC |
7D17111 | Fothergill anterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix |
7D17200 | Posterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri NEC |
7D17.00 | Repair of vaginal prolapse and amputation of cervix uteri |
7D17.11 | Colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri |
7D17y00 | Repair of vaginal prolapse & amputation of cervix uteri OS |
7D17z00 | Repair of vaginal prolapse & amputation of cervix uteri NOS |
7D17z11 | Manchester repair |
7D18000 | Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy NEC |
7D18011 | Anterior and posterior repair |
7D18100 | Anterior colporrhaphy NEC |
7D18111 | Anterior repair |
7D18200 | Posterior colporrhaphy NEC |
7D18211 | Posterior repair |
7D18300 | Repair of enterocele NEC |
7D18311 | McCall repair of enterocele |
7D18312 | Moschowitz repair of enterocele |
7D18400 | Colporrhaphy NEC |
7D18500 | Anterior mesh vaginal repair |
7D18600 | Paravaginal repair |
7D18700 | Anterior colporrhaphy with mesh reinforcement |
7D18.00 | Other repair of vaginal prolapse |
7D18.11 | Colporrhaphy |
7D18800 | Posterior colporrhaphy with mesh reinforcement |
7D18y00 | Other specified other repair of vaginal prolapse |
7D18z00 | Other repair of vaginal prolapse NOS |
7D19000 | Repair vaginal vault combined abdominal & vaginal approach |
7D19100 | Repair of vault of vagina using abdominal approach NEC |
7D19200 | Repair of vault of vagina using vaginal approach NEC |
7D19300 | Sacrocolpopexy |
7D19400 | Suspension of vagina NEC |
7D19500 | Sacrospinous fixation of vaginal vault |
7D19600 | Repair of vault of vagina with mesh using abdominal approach |
7D19700 | Repair of vault of vagina with mesh using vaginal approach |
7D19.00 | Repair of vault of vagina |
7D19y00 | Other specified repair of vault of vagina |
7D19z00 | Repair of vault of vagina NOS |
7D1A411 | Colpoperineorrhaphy |
7D1B000 | Insertion of Hodge pessary into vagina |
7D1B100 | Insertion of ring into vagina |
7D1B200 | Removal of supporting pessary from vagina |
7D1B300 | Change of vaginal pessary |
7D1B400 | Removal of ring pessary from vagina |
7D1B500 | Renewal of supporting pessary in vagina |
7D1B600 | Insertion of ring pessary into vagina |
7D1B.00 | Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina |
7D1By00 | Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina OS |
7D1Bz00 | Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina NOS |
K510000 | Cystocele without uterine prolapse |
K510100 | Cystourethrocele without uterine prolapse |
K510200 | Rectocele without uterine prolapse |
K510211 | Proctocele without uterine prolapse |
K510300 | Urethrocele without uterine prolapse |
K510400 | Vaginal prolapse unspecified without uterine prolapse |
K510.00 | Vaginal wall prolapse without uterine prolapse |
K510z00 | Vaginal prolapse without uterine prolapse NOS |
K511000 | First degree uterine prolapse |
K511100 | Second degree uterine prolapse |
K511200 | Third degree uterine prolapse |
K511.00 | Uterine prolapse without vaginal wall prolapse |
K511.11 | Descens uteri |
K511z00 | Uterine prolapse without vaginal wall prolapse NOS |
K512000 | Cystocele with first degree uterine prolapse |
K512100 | Cystocele with second degree uterine prolapse |
K512.00 | Uterovaginal prolapse, incomplete |
K513000 | Cystocele with third degree uterine prolapse |
K513.00 | Uterovaginal prolapse, complete |
K513.11 | Procidentia - uterine |
K514000 | Cystocele with unspecified uterine prolapse |
K514.00 | Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified |
K515.00 | Post hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse |
K516100 | Acquired vaginal enterocele |
K516.00 | Vaginal enterocele |
K516.11 | Pelvic enterocele |
K516z00 | Vaginal enterocele NOS |
K517.00 | Old laceration of pelvic floor muscle |
K518.00 | Female rectocele |
K519.00 | Cystocele |
K51..00 | Genital prolapse |
K51y000 | Incompetence of pelvic fundus |
K51y100 | Weakening of pelvic fundus |
K51y300 | Relaxation of pelvis |
K51y.00 | Other genital prolapse |
K51yz00 | Other genital prolapse NOS |
K51z.00 | Genital prolapse NOS |
Kyu9100 | [X]Other female genital prolapse |
SP07900 | Problem with vaginal pessary |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N81 | Female genital prolapse |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1594 |
+ H/O: genital prolapse |
+ 7D17000 |
+ Ant and post colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri |
+ 7D17100 |
+ Anterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri NEC |
+ 7D17111 |
+ Fothergill anterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix |
+ 7D17200 |
+ Posterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri NEC |
+ 7D17.00 |
+ Repair of vaginal prolapse and amputation of cervix uteri |
+ 7D17.11 |
+ Colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri |
+ 7D17y00 |
+ Repair of vaginal prolapse & amputation of cervix uteri OS |
+ 7D17z00 |
+ Repair of vaginal prolapse & amputation of cervix uteri NOS |
+ 7D17z11 |
+ Manchester repair |
+ 7D18000 |
+ Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy NEC |
+ 7D18011 |
+ Anterior and posterior repair |
+ 7D18100 |
+ Anterior colporrhaphy NEC |
+ 7D18111 |
+ Anterior repair |
+ 7D18200 |
+ Posterior colporrhaphy NEC |
+ 7D18211 |
+ Posterior repair |
+ 7D18300 |
+ Repair of enterocele NEC |
+ 7D18311 |
+ McCall repair of enterocele |
+ 7D18312 |
+ Moschowitz repair of enterocele |
+ 7D18400 |
+ Colporrhaphy NEC |
+ 7D18500 |
+ Anterior mesh vaginal repair |
+ 7D18600 |
+ Paravaginal repair |
+ 7D18700 |
+ Anterior colporrhaphy with mesh reinforcement |
+ 7D18.00 |
+ Other repair of vaginal prolapse |
+ 7D18.11 |
+ Colporrhaphy |
+ 7D18800 |
+ Posterior colporrhaphy with mesh reinforcement |
+ 7D18y00 |
+ Other specified other repair of vaginal prolapse |
+ 7D18z00 |
+ Other repair of vaginal prolapse NOS |
+ 7D19000 |
+ Repair vaginal vault combined abdominal & vaginal approach |
+ 7D19100 |
+ Repair of vault of vagina using abdominal approach NEC |
+ 7D19200 |
+ Repair of vault of vagina using vaginal approach NEC |
+ 7D19300 |
+ Sacrocolpopexy |
+ 7D19400 |
+ Suspension of vagina NEC |
+ 7D19500 |
+ Sacrospinous fixation of vaginal vault |
+ 7D19600 |
+ Repair of vault of vagina with mesh using abdominal approach |
+ 7D19700 |
+ Repair of vault of vagina with mesh using vaginal approach |
+ 7D19.00 |
+ Repair of vault of vagina |
+ 7D19y00 |
+ Other specified repair of vault of vagina |
+ 7D19z00 |
+ Repair of vault of vagina NOS |
+ 7D1A411 |
+ Colpoperineorrhaphy |
+ 7D1B000 |
+ Insertion of Hodge pessary into vagina |
+ 7D1B100 |
+ Insertion of ring into vagina |
+ 7D1B200 |
+ Removal of supporting pessary from vagina |
+ 7D1B300 |
+ Change of vaginal pessary |
+ 7D1B400 |
+ Removal of ring pessary from vagina |
+ 7D1B500 |
+ Renewal of supporting pessary in vagina |
+ 7D1B600 |
+ Insertion of ring pessary into vagina |
+ 7D1B.00 |
+ Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina |
+ 7D1By00 |
+ Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina OS |
+ 7D1Bz00 |
+ Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina NOS |
+ K510000 |
+ Cystocele without uterine prolapse |
+ K510100 |
+ Cystourethrocele without uterine prolapse |
+ K510200 |
+ Rectocele without uterine prolapse |
+ K510211 |
+ Proctocele without uterine prolapse |
+ K510300 |
+ Urethrocele without uterine prolapse |
+ K510400 |
+ Vaginal prolapse unspecified without uterine prolapse |
+ K510.00 |
+ Vaginal wall prolapse without uterine prolapse |
+ K510z00 |
+ Vaginal prolapse without uterine prolapse NOS |
+ K511000 |
+ First degree uterine prolapse |
+ K511100 |
+ Second degree uterine prolapse |
+ K511200 |
+ Third degree uterine prolapse |
+ K511.00 |
+ Uterine prolapse without vaginal wall prolapse |
+ K511.11 |
+ Descens uteri |
+ K511z00 |
+ Uterine prolapse without vaginal wall prolapse NOS |
+ K512000 |
+ Cystocele with first degree uterine prolapse |
+ K512100 |
+ Cystocele with second degree uterine prolapse |
+ K512.00 |
+ Uterovaginal prolapse, incomplete |
+ K513000 |
+ Cystocele with third degree uterine prolapse |
+ K513.00 |
+ Uterovaginal prolapse, complete |
+ K513.11 |
+ Procidentia - uterine |
+ K514000 |
+ Cystocele with unspecified uterine prolapse |
+ K514.00 |
+ Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified |
+ K515.00 |
+ Post hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse |
+ K516100 |
+ Acquired vaginal enterocele |
+ K516.00 |
+ Vaginal enterocele |
+ K516.11 |
+ Pelvic enterocele |
+ K516z00 |
+ Vaginal enterocele NOS |
+ K517.00 |
+ Old laceration of pelvic floor muscle |
+ K518.00 |
+ Female rectocele |
+ K519.00 |
+ Cystocele |
+ K51..00 |
+ Genital prolapse |
+ K51y000 |
+ Incompetence of pelvic fundus |
+ K51y100 |
+ Weakening of pelvic fundus |
+ K51y300 |
+ Relaxation of pelvis |
+ K51y.00 |
+ Other genital prolapse |
+ K51yz00 |
+ Other genital prolapse NOS |
+ K51z.00 |
+ Genital prolapse NOS |
+ Kyu9100 |
+ [X]Other female genital prolapse |
+ SP07900 |
+ Problem with vaginal pessary |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N81 |
+ Female genital prolapse |
+Female infertility
-Female infertility
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Female infertility IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Female infertility' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Female infertility diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Female infertility' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
-2. Female infertility possible diagnosis during a consultation IF patient = female
+2. 'Female infertility' possible diagnosis during a consultation IF patient = female
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Female infertility or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
K26y300 | Infertility due to radiation |
K26y400 | Infertility in systemic disease |
K5B0000 | Primary anovulatory infertility |
K5B0100 | Secondary anovulatory infertility |
K5B0.00 | Female infertility of anovulatory origin |
K5B0.11 | Anovular cycle |
K5B0z00 | Female infertility of anovulatory origin NOS |
K5B1000 | Primary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility |
K5B1100 | Secondary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility |
K5B1.00 | Female infertility of pituitary - hypothalamic origin |
K5B1z00 | Female infertility of pituitary - hypothalamic cause NOS |
K5B2000 | Primary tubal infertility |
K5B2100 | Secondary tubal infertility |
K5B2300 | Blocked fallopian tube |
K5B2.00 | Female infertility of tubal origin |
K5B2z00 | Female infertility of tubal origin NOS |
K5B3000 | Primary uterine infertility |
K5B3100 | Secondary uterine infertility |
K5B3.00 | Female infertility of uterine origin |
K5B3z00 | Female infertility of uterine origin NOS |
K5B4000 | Primary cervical infertility |
K5B4100 | Secondary cervical infertility |
K5B4.00 | Female infertility of cervical origin |
K5B5100 | Secondary vaginal infertility |
K5B5.00 | Female infertility of vaginal origin |
K5B6.00 | Female infertility associated with male factors |
K5B7.00 | Female infertility due to diminished ovarian reserve |
K5B..00 | Infertility - female |
K5By000 | Primary infertility unspecified |
K5By100 | Secondary infertility unspecified |
K5By.00 | Other female infertility |
K5Byz00 | Other female infertility NOS |
K5Byz11 | Subfertility |
K5Bz.00 | Female infertility NOS |
Kyu9G00 | [X]Female infertility of other origin |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N97 | Female infertility |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Female infertility' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ K26y300 |
+ Infertility due to radiation |
+ K26y400 |
+ Infertility in systemic disease |
+ K5B0000 |
+ Primary anovulatory infertility |
+ K5B0100 |
+ Secondary anovulatory infertility |
+ K5B0.00 |
+ Female infertility of anovulatory origin |
+ K5B0.11 |
+ Anovular cycle |
+ K5B0z00 |
+ Female infertility of anovulatory origin NOS |
+ K5B1000 |
+ Primary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility |
+ K5B1100 |
+ Secondary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility |
+ K5B1.00 |
+ Female infertility of pituitary - hypothalamic origin |
+ K5B1z00 |
+ Female infertility of pituitary - hypothalamic cause NOS |
+ K5B2000 |
+ Primary tubal infertility |
+ K5B2100 |
+ Secondary tubal infertility |
+ K5B2300 |
+ Blocked fallopian tube |
+ K5B2.00 |
+ Female infertility of tubal origin |
+ K5B2z00 |
+ Female infertility of tubal origin NOS |
+ K5B3000 |
+ Primary uterine infertility |
+ K5B3100 |
+ Secondary uterine infertility |
+ K5B3.00 |
+ Female infertility of uterine origin |
+ K5B3z00 |
+ Female infertility of uterine origin NOS |
+ K5B4000 |
+ Primary cervical infertility |
+ K5B4100 |
+ Secondary cervical infertility |
+ K5B4.00 |
+ Female infertility of cervical origin |
+ K5B5100 |
+ Secondary vaginal infertility |
+ K5B5.00 |
+ Female infertility of vaginal origin |
+ K5B6.00 |
+ Female infertility associated with male factors |
+ K5B7.00 |
+ Female infertility due to diminished ovarian reserve |
+ K5B..00 |
+ Infertility - female |
+ K5By000 |
+ Primary infertility unspecified |
+ K5By100 |
+ Secondary infertility unspecified |
+ K5By.00 |
+ Other female infertility |
+ K5Byz00 |
+ Other female infertility NOS |
+ K5Byz11 |
+ Subfertility |
+ K5Bz.00 |
+ Female infertility NOS |
+ Kyu9G00 |
+ [X]Female infertility of other origin |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N97 |
+ Female infertility |
+Female pelvic inflammatory disease
-Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Female pelvic inflammatory disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Female 'Female pelvic inflammatory disease' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Female pelvic inflammatory disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N70 | Salpingitis and oophoritis |
N71 | Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix |
N72 | Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri |
N73 | Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases |
N74 | Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in diseases classified elsewhere |
+1. ALL diagnoses of Female 'Female pelvic inflammatory disease' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_PID.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N70 |
+ Salpingitis and oophoritis |
+ N71 |
+ Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix |
+ N72 |
+ Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri |
+ N73 |
+ Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases |
+ N74 |
+ Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in diseases classified elsewhere |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Fibromatoses IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Fibromatoses' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Fibromatoses diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Fibromatoses' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Fibromatoses or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Fibromatoses' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Fibromatoses during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7H32000 | Palmar fasciectomy unspecified |
7H32011 | Dupuytren hand fasciectomy |
7H32013 | McIndoe radical palmar fasciectomy |
7H32100 | Revision of palmar fasciectomy |
7H32400 | Limited palmar fasciectomy |
7H32500 | Radical palmar fasciectomy |
7H32700 | Palmar fasciectomy using open palm technique |
7H34000 | Division of palmar fascia |
7H34011 | Division of hand fascia |
7H34012 | Dupuytren hand fasciotomy |
7H34300 | Needle fasciotomy of hand |
7H35700 | Fasciotomy hand |
N236000 | Dupuytren's disease of palm |
N236100 | Dupuytren's disease of palm, nodules with no contracture |
N236200 | Dupuytren's disease of palm, with contracture |
N236300 | Dupuytren's disease of finger(s) |
N236400 | Dupuytren's disease - finger(s), nodules with no contracture |
N236500 | Dupuytren's disease of finger(s), with contracture |
N236600 | Dupuytren's disease of palm and finger(s) |
N236700 | Dupuytren's dis, palm and finger(s), nodules, no contracture |
N236800 | Dupuytren's disease of palm and finger(s), with contracture |
N236.00 | Dupuytren's contracture |
N236.11 | Palmar fascia contracture |
N237100 | Knuckle pads |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M72.0 | Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren] |
M72.1 | Knuckle pads |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
T52.1 | Palmar fasciectomy |
T52.2 | Revision of palmar fasciectomy |
T54.1 | Division of palmar fascia |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Fibromatoses' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7H32000 |
+ Palmar fasciectomy unspecified |
+ 7H32011 |
+ Dupuytren hand fasciectomy |
+ 7H32013 |
+ McIndoe radical palmar fasciectomy |
+ 7H32100 |
+ Revision of palmar fasciectomy |
+ 7H32400 |
+ Limited palmar fasciectomy |
+ 7H32500 |
+ Radical palmar fasciectomy |
+ 7H32700 |
+ Palmar fasciectomy using open palm technique |
+ 7H34000 |
+ Division of palmar fascia |
+ 7H34011 |
+ Division of hand fascia |
+ 7H34012 |
+ Dupuytren hand fasciotomy |
+ 7H34300 |
+ Needle fasciotomy of hand |
+ 7H35700 |
+ Fasciotomy hand |
+ N236000 |
+ Dupuytren's disease of palm |
+ N236100 |
+ Dupuytren's disease of palm, nodules with no contracture |
+ N236200 |
+ Dupuytren's disease of palm, with contracture |
+ N236300 |
+ Dupuytren's disease of finger(s) |
+ N236400 |
+ Dupuytren's disease - finger(s), nodules with no contracture |
+ N236500 |
+ Dupuytren's disease of finger(s), with contracture |
+ N236600 |
+ Dupuytren's disease of palm and finger(s) |
+ N236700 |
+ Dupuytren's dis, palm and finger(s), nodules, no contracture |
+ N236800 |
+ Dupuytren's disease of palm and finger(s), with contracture |
+ N236.00 |
+ Dupuytren's contracture |
+ N236.11 |
+ Palmar fascia contracture |
+ N237100 |
+ Knuckle pads |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M72.0 |
+ Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren] |
+ M72.1 |
+ Knuckle pads |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ T52.1 |
+ Palmar fasciectomy |
+ T52.2 |
+ Revision of palmar fasciectomy |
+ T54.1 |
+ Division of palmar fascia |
+Folate deficiency anaemia
-Folate deficiency anaemia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Folate deficiency anaemia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Folate deficiency anaemia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Folate deficiency anaemia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Folate deficiency anaemia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Readcode | Readterm |
-C262000 | Folic acid deficiency |
-D012100 | Folate-deficiency anaemia due to dietary causes |
-D012111 | Goat's milk anaemia |
-D012200 | "Folate-deficiency anaemia |
-D012300 | Folate-deficiency anaemia due to malabsorption |
-D012400 | Folate-deficiency anaemia due to liver disorders |
-D012.00 | Folate-deficiency anaemia |
-D012.11 | Folic acid deficiency anaemia |
-D012z00 | Folate-deficiency anaemia NOS |
-D013000 | Combined B12 and folate deficiency anaemia |
-Dyu0300 | [X]Other folate deficiency anaemias |
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D52 | Folate deficiency anaemia |
-Fracture - hip
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Folate deficiency anaemia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ C262000 |
+ Folic acid deficiency |
+ D012100 |
+ Folate-deficiency anaemia due to dietary causes |
+ D012111 |
+ Goat's milk anaemia |
+ D012200 |
+ Folate-deficiency anaemia, drug induced |
+ D012300 |
+ Folate-deficiency anaemia due to malabsorption |
+ D012400 |
+ Folate-deficiency anaemia due to liver disorders |
+ D012.00 |
+ Folate-deficiency anaemia |
+ D012.11 |
+ Folic acid deficiency anaemia |
+ D012z00 |
+ Folate-deficiency anaemia NOS |
+ D013000 |
+ Combined B12 and folate deficiency anaemia |
+ Dyu0300 |
+ [X]Other folate deficiency anaemias |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D52 |
+ Folate deficiency anaemia |
+Fracture of hip
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Fracture of hip IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -1556,16 +18752,492 @@ Secondary care (ICD10)
Secondary care (OPCS4)
1. ALL procedures for Fracture of hip during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14G7.00 | H/O: hip fracture |
7K1D000 | Prmy open red+int fxn prox femoral #+screw/nail+plate device |
7K1D011 | Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Blount nail plate |
7K1D012 | Prim op red # nck femur & op fix- Charnley compression screw |
7K1D013 | Prim op red # nck femur & op fix - Deyerle multiple hip pin |
7K1D014 | Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Holt nail |
7K1D015 | Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Jewett nail plate |
7K1D016 | Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Massie nail plate |
7K1D017 | Prim open red # neck femur & op fix - McLaughlin nail plate |
7K1D018 | Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Neufield nail plate |
7K1D019 | Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Pugh nail plate |
7K1D01A | Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Richards screw |
7K1D01B | Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Ross Brown nail |
7K1D01D | Prim op red # nck femur & op fix- Zickel intramed nail plate |
7K1D01E | DHS - Dynamic hip screw primary fixation of neck of femur |
7K1D01F | Dynamic hip screw primary fixation of neck of femur |
7K1D600 | Prmy open red+int fxn prox femoral #+screw/nail device alone |
7K1D700 | Prmy open red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed device |
7K1DE00 | Prim op red frac neck fem op fix us prox fem nail antirotatn |
7K1H500 | Revision to open red+ext fxtn of proximal femoral # |
7K1H600 | Revsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone |
7K1H700 | Rvsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+ scrw/nl+intramed device |
7K1H800 | Rvsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+ scrw/nail+plate device |
7K1J000 | Cls red+int fxn proximal femoral #+screw/nail device alone |
7K1J011 | Cl red intracaps frac neck femur fix-Garden cannulated screw |
7K1J012 | Cl red intracaps fract neck femur fix - Smith-Petersen nail |
7K1J013 | Cls red+int fxn prox femoral #+Richard's cannulat hip screw |
7K1J500 | Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail device alone |
7K1J600 | Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+scrw/nail+intramed device |
7K1J700 | Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device |
7K1J800 | Revisn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail device alone |
7K1J900 | Rvsn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed dev |
7K1JA00 | Revisn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device |
7K1JB00 | Primary cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone |
7K1JC00 | Prim cls rd+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramdulry device |
7K1Jd00 | Closed reduction of intracapsular # NOF internal fixat DHS |
7K1JD00 | Primary cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device |
7K1JE00 | Rvsn to cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone |
7K1JF00 | Rvsn cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed device |
7K1JG00 | Rvsn to cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device |
7K1K300 | Primary external fixation(without reduction) prox femoral # |
7K1K400 | Revision to ext fxn(without reduction) proximal femoral # |
7K1K500 | Primary cls reduction+external fixation proximal femoral # |
7K1L400 | Closed reduction of fracture of hip |
7K1Y000 | Remanip intracap fract neck fem and fix using nail or screw |
7P20100 | Delivery of rehabilitation for hip fracture |
S300000 | Cls # prox femur, intracapsular section, unspecified |
S300100 | Closed fracture proximal femur, transepiphyseal |
S300200 | Closed fracture proximal femur, midcervical section |
S300300 | Closed fracture proximal femur, basicervical |
S300311 | Closed fracture, base of neck of femur |
S300400 | Closed fracture head of femur |
S300500 | Cls # prox femur, subcapital, Garden grade unspec. |
S300600 | Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade I |
S300700 | Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade II |
S300800 | Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade III |
S300900 | Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade IV |
S300A00 | Closed fracture of femur, upper epiphysis |
S300.00 | Closed fracture proximal femur, transcervical |
S300y00 | Closed fracture proximal femur, other transcervical |
S300y11 | Closed fracture of femur, subcapital |
S300z00 | Closed fracture proximal femur, transcervical, NOS |
S301000 | Opn # proximal femur, intracapsular section, unspecified |
S301100 | Open fracture proximal femur, transepiphyseal |
S301311 | Open fracture base of neck of femur |
S301400 | Open fracture head, femur |
S301500 | Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade unspec |
S301600 | Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade I |
S301700 | Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade II |
S301800 | Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade III |
S301900 | Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade IV |
S301A00 | Open fracture of femur, upper epiphysis |
S301.00 | Open fracture proximal femur, transcervical |
S301y00 | Open fracture proximal femur, other transcervical |
S301y11 | Open fracture of femur, subcapital |
S302000 | Cls # proximal femur, trochanteric section, unspecified |
S302011 | Closed fracture of femur, greater trochanter |
S302012 | Closed fracture of femur, lesser trochanter |
S302100 | Closed fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part |
S302200 | Closed fracture proximal femur, subtrochanteric |
S302300 | Cls # proximal femur, intertrochanteric, comminuted |
S302400 | Closed fracture of femur, intertrochanteric |
S302.00 | Closed fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric |
S302z00 | Cls # of proximal femur, pertrochanteric section, NOS |
S303000 | Open # of proximal femur, trochanteric section, unspecified |
S303011 | Open fracture of femur, greater trochanter |
S303100 | Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part |
S303200 | Open fracture proximal femur, subtrochanteric |
S303300 | Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, comminuted |
S303400 | Open fracture of femur, intertrochanteric |
S303.00 | Open fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric |
S303z00 | Open fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric, NOS |
S304.00 | Pertrochanteric fracture |
S305.00 | Subtrochanteric fracture |
S30..00 | Fracture of neck of femur |
S30..11 | Hip fracture |
S30w.00 | Closed fracture of unspecified proximal femur |
S30x.00 | Open fracture of unspecified proximal femur |
S30y.00 | Closed fracture of neck of femur NOS |
S30y.11 | Hip fracture NOS |
S30z.00 | Open fracture of neck of femur NOS |
S4E0.00 | Closed fracture-dislocation, hip joint |
S4E1.00 | Open fracture-dislocation, hip joint |
S4E2.00 | Closed fracture-subluxation, hip joint |
S4E..00 | Fracture-dislocation or subluxation hip |
SC03.00 | Late effect of fracture neck of femur |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
S72.0 | Fracture of neck of femur |
S72.1 | Pertrochanteric fracture |
S72.2 | Subtrochanteric fracture |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
W19.1 | Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using pin and plate |
W24.1 | Closed reduction of intracapsular fracture of neck of femur and fixation using nail or screw |
O17.1 | Remanipulation of intracapsular fracture of neck of femur and fixation using nail or screw |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14G7.00 |
+ H/O: hip fracture |
+ 7K1D000 |
+ Prmy open red+int fxn prox femoral #+screw/nail+plate device |
+ 7K1D011 |
+ Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Blount nail plate |
+ 7K1D012 |
+ Prim op red # nck femur & op fix- Charnley compression screw |
+ 7K1D013 |
+ Prim op red # nck femur & op fix - Deyerle multiple hip pin |
+ 7K1D014 |
+ Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Holt nail |
+ 7K1D015 |
+ Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Jewett nail plate |
+ 7K1D016 |
+ Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Massie nail plate |
+ 7K1D017 |
+ Prim open red # neck femur & op fix - McLaughlin nail plate |
+ 7K1D018 |
+ Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Neufield nail plate |
+ 7K1D019 |
+ Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Pugh nail plate |
+ 7K1D01A |
+ Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Richards screw |
+ 7K1D01B |
+ Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Ross Brown nail |
+ 7K1D01D |
+ Prim op red # nck femur & op fix- Zickel intramed nail plate |
+ 7K1D01E |
+ DHS - Dynamic hip screw primary fixation of neck of femur |
+ 7K1D01F |
+ Dynamic hip screw primary fixation of neck of femur |
+ 7K1D600 |
+ Prmy open red+int fxn prox femoral #+screw/nail device alone |
+ 7K1D700 |
+ Prmy open red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed device |
+ 7K1DE00 |
+ Prim op red frac neck fem op fix us prox fem nail antirotatn |
+ 7K1H500 |
+ Revision to open red+ext fxtn of proximal femoral # |
+ 7K1H600 |
+ Revsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone |
+ 7K1H700 |
+ Rvsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+ scrw/nl+intramed device |
+ 7K1H800 |
+ Rvsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+ scrw/nail+plate device |
+ 7K1J000 |
+ Cls red+int fxn proximal femoral #+screw/nail device alone |
+ 7K1J011 |
+ Cl red intracaps frac neck femur fix-Garden cannulated screw |
+ 7K1J012 |
+ Cl red intracaps fract neck femur fix - Smith-Petersen nail |
+ 7K1J013 |
+ Cls red+int fxn prox femoral #+Richard's cannulat hip screw |
+ 7K1J500 |
+ Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail device alone |
+ 7K1J600 |
+ Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+scrw/nail+intramed device |
+ 7K1J700 |
+ Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device |
+ 7K1J800 |
+ Revisn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail device alone |
+ 7K1J900 |
+ Rvsn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed dev |
+ 7K1JA00 |
+ Revisn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device |
+ 7K1JB00 |
+ Primary cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone |
+ 7K1JC00 |
+ Prim cls rd+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramdulry device |
+ 7K1Jd00 |
+ Closed reduction of intracapsular # NOF internal fixat DHS |
+ 7K1JD00 |
+ Primary cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device |
+ 7K1JE00 |
+ Rvsn to cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone |
+ 7K1JF00 |
+ Rvsn cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed device |
+ 7K1JG00 |
+ Rvsn to cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device |
+ 7K1K300 |
+ Primary external fixation(without reduction) prox femoral # |
+ 7K1K400 |
+ Revision to ext fxn(without reduction) proximal femoral # |
+ 7K1K500 |
+ Primary cls reduction+external fixation proximal femoral # |
+ 7K1L400 |
+ Closed reduction of fracture of hip |
+ 7K1Y000 |
+ Remanip intracap fract neck fem and fix using nail or screw |
+ 7P20100 |
+ Delivery of rehabilitation for hip fracture |
+ S300000 |
+ Cls # prox femur, intracapsular section, unspecified |
+ S300100 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, transepiphyseal |
+ S300200 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, midcervical section |
+ S300300 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, basicervical |
+ S300311 |
+ Closed fracture, base of neck of femur |
+ S300400 |
+ Closed fracture head of femur |
+ S300500 |
+ Cls # prox femur, subcapital, Garden grade unspec. |
+ S300600 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade I |
+ S300700 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade II |
+ S300800 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade III |
+ S300900 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade IV |
+ S300A00 |
+ Closed fracture of femur, upper epiphysis |
+ S300.00 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, transcervical |
+ S300y00 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, other transcervical |
+ S300y11 |
+ Closed fracture of femur, subcapital |
+ S300z00 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, transcervical, NOS |
+ S301000 |
+ Opn # proximal femur, intracapsular section, unspecified |
+ S301100 |
+ Open fracture proximal femur, transepiphyseal |
+ S301311 |
+ Open fracture base of neck of femur |
+ S301400 |
+ Open fracture head, femur |
+ S301500 |
+ Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade unspec |
+ S301600 |
+ Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade I |
+ S301700 |
+ Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade II |
+ S301800 |
+ Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade III |
+ S301900 |
+ Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade IV |
+ S301A00 |
+ Open fracture of femur, upper epiphysis |
+ S301.00 |
+ Open fracture proximal femur, transcervical |
+ S301y00 |
+ Open fracture proximal femur, other transcervical |
+ S301y11 |
+ Open fracture of femur, subcapital |
+ S302000 |
+ Cls # proximal femur, trochanteric section, unspecified |
+ S302011 |
+ Closed fracture of femur, greater trochanter |
+ S302012 |
+ Closed fracture of femur, lesser trochanter |
+ S302100 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part |
+ S302200 |
+ Closed fracture proximal femur, subtrochanteric |
+ S302300 |
+ Cls # proximal femur, intertrochanteric, comminuted |
+ S302400 |
+ Closed fracture of femur, intertrochanteric |
+ S302.00 |
+ Closed fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric |
+ S302z00 |
+ Cls # of proximal femur, pertrochanteric section, NOS |
+ S303000 |
+ Open # of proximal femur, trochanteric section, unspecified |
+ S303011 |
+ Open fracture of femur, greater trochanter |
+ S303100 |
+ Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part |
+ S303200 |
+ Open fracture proximal femur, subtrochanteric |
+ S303300 |
+ Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, comminuted |
+ S303400 |
+ Open fracture of femur, intertrochanteric |
+ S303.00 |
+ Open fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric |
+ S303z00 |
+ Open fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric, NOS |
+ S304.00 |
+ Pertrochanteric fracture |
+ S305.00 |
+ Subtrochanteric fracture |
+ S30..00 |
+ Fracture of neck of femur |
+ S30..11 |
+ Hip fracture |
+ S30w.00 |
+ Closed fracture of unspecified proximal femur |
+ S30x.00 |
+ Open fracture of unspecified proximal femur |
+ S30y.00 |
+ Closed fracture of neck of femur NOS |
+ S30y.11 |
+ Hip fracture NOS |
+ S30z.00 |
+ Open fracture of neck of femur NOS |
+ S4E0.00 |
+ Closed fracture-dislocation, hip joint |
+ S4E1.00 |
+ Open fracture-dislocation, hip joint |
+ S4E2.00 |
+ Closed fracture-subluxation, hip joint |
+ S4E..00 |
+ Fracture-dislocation or subluxation hip |
+ SC03.00 |
+ Late effect of fracture neck of femur |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ S72.0 |
+ Fracture of neck of femur |
+ S72.1 |
+ Pertrochanteric fracture |
+ S72.2 |
+ Subtrochanteric fracture |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ W19.1 |
+ Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using pin and plate |
+ W24.1 |
+ Closed reduction of intracapsular fracture of neck of femur and fixation using nail or screw |
+ O17.1 |
+ Remanipulation of intracapsular fracture of neck of femur and fixation using nail or screw |
+Fracture of wrist
-Fracture - wrist
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Fracture of wrist IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -1573,326 +19245,4967 @@ Primary care
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Fracture of wrist or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7K1LM00 | Closed reduction of fracture of wrist |
S234000 | Closed fracture of forearm, lower end, unspecified |
S234100 | Closed Colles' fracture |
S234111 | Smith's fracture - closed |
S234200 | Closed fracture of the distal radius, unspecified |
S234300 | Closed fracture of ulna, styloid process |
S234400 | Closed fracture of ulna, lower epiphysis |
S234500 | Closed fracture distal ulna, unspecified |
S234600 | Closed fracture radius and ulna, distal |
S234700 | Closed Smith's fracture |
S234800 | Closed Galeazzi fracture |
S234900 | Closed volar Barton's fracture |
S234911 | Closed volar Barton's fracture-dislocation |
S234912 | Closed volar Barton fracture-subluxation |
S234A00 | Closd dorsal Barton's fracture |
S234A11 | Closed dorsal Barton's fracture-dislocation |
S234A12 | Closed dorsal Barton fracture-subluxation |
S234B00 | Closed fracture radial styloid |
S234C00 | Closed fracture distal radius, intra-articular, die-punch |
S234D00 | Closed fracture distal radius, extra-articular, other type |
S234E00 | Closed fracture distal radius, intra-articular, other type |
S234F00 | Closed Barton's fracture |
S234.00 | Closed fracture of radius and ulna, lower end |
S234.11 | Wrist fracture - closed |
S234z00 | Closed fracture of forearm, lower end, NOS |
S235000 | Open fracture of forearm, lower end, unspecified |
S235100 | Open Colles' fracture |
S235111 | Smith's fracture - open |
S235200 | Open fracture of the distal radius, unspecified |
S235300 | Open fracture of ulna, styloid process |
S235400 | Open fracture of ulna, lower epiphysis |
S235500 | Open fracture distal ulna - other |
S235600 | Open fracture radius and ulna, distal |
S235700 | Open Smith's fracture |
S235800 | Open Galeazzi fracture |
S235900 | Open volar Barton's fracture |
S235B00 | Open fracture radial styloid |
S235C00 | Open fracture distal radius, intra-articular, die-punch |
S235D00 | Open fracture distal radius, extra-articular other type |
S235E00 | Open fracture distal radius, intra-articular other type |
S235F00 | Open Barton's fracture |
S235.00 | Open fracture of radius and ulna, lower end |
S235.11 | Wrist fracture - open |
S235z00 | Open fracture of forearm, lower end, NOS |
S23B.00 | Fracture of lower end of radius |
S23C.00 | Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius |
S4C0000 | Closed fracture-dislocation distal radio-ulnar joint |
S4C0100 | Closed fracture-dislocation radiocarpal joint |
S4C0.00 | Closed fracture dislocation of wrist |
S4C1000 | Open fracture-dislocation, distal radio-ulnar joint |
S4C1100 | Open fracture-dislocation radiocarpal joint |
S4C1.00 | Open fracture dislocation wrist |
S4C2000 | Closed fracture-subluxation, distal radio-ulnar jt |
S4C2100 | Closed fracture-subluxation radiocarpal joint |
S4C2.00 | Closed fracture-subluxation of the wrist |
S4C3000 | Open fracture-subluxation, distal radio-ulnar joint |
S4C3100 | Open fracture-subluxation radiocarpal joint |
S4C3.00 | Open fracture-subluxation of the wrist |
S4C..00 | Fracture-dislocation or subluxation of wrist |
SC3C000 | Sequelae of fracture at wrist and hand level |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
S52.5 | Fracture of lower end of radius |
S52.6 | Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7K1LM00 |
+ Closed reduction of fracture of wrist |
+ S234000 |
+ Closed fracture of forearm, lower end, unspecified |
+ S234100 |
+ Closed Colles' fracture |
+ S234111 |
+ Smith's fracture - closed |
+ S234200 |
+ Closed fracture of the distal radius, unspecified |
+ S234300 |
+ Closed fracture of ulna, styloid process |
+ S234400 |
+ Closed fracture of ulna, lower epiphysis |
+ S234500 |
+ Closed fracture distal ulna, unspecified |
+ S234600 |
+ Closed fracture radius and ulna, distal |
+ S234700 |
+ Closed Smith's fracture |
+ S234800 |
+ Closed Galeazzi fracture |
+ S234900 |
+ Closed volar Barton's fracture |
+ S234911 |
+ Closed volar Barton's fracture-dislocation |
+ S234912 |
+ Closed volar Barton fracture-subluxation |
+ S234A00 |
+ Closd dorsal Barton's fracture |
+ S234A11 |
+ Closed dorsal Barton's fracture-dislocation |
+ S234A12 |
+ Closed dorsal Barton fracture-subluxation |
+ S234B00 |
+ Closed fracture radial styloid |
+ S234C00 |
+ Closed fracture distal radius, intra-articular, die-punch |
+ S234D00 |
+ Closed fracture distal radius, extra-articular, other type |
+ S234E00 |
+ Closed fracture distal radius, intra-articular, other type |
+ S234F00 |
+ Closed Barton's fracture |
+ S234.00 |
+ Closed fracture of radius and ulna, lower end |
+ S234.11 |
+ Wrist fracture - closed |
+ S234z00 |
+ Closed fracture of forearm, lower end, NOS |
+ S235000 |
+ Open fracture of forearm, lower end, unspecified |
+ S235100 |
+ Open Colles' fracture |
+ S235111 |
+ Smith's fracture - open |
+ S235200 |
+ Open fracture of the distal radius, unspecified |
+ S235300 |
+ Open fracture of ulna, styloid process |
+ S235400 |
+ Open fracture of ulna, lower epiphysis |
+ S235500 |
+ Open fracture distal ulna - other |
+ S235600 |
+ Open fracture radius and ulna, distal |
+ S235700 |
+ Open Smith's fracture |
+ S235800 |
+ Open Galeazzi fracture |
+ S235900 |
+ Open volar Barton's fracture |
+ S235B00 |
+ Open fracture radial styloid |
+ S235C00 |
+ Open fracture distal radius, intra-articular, die-punch |
+ S235D00 |
+ Open fracture distal radius, extra-articular other type |
+ S235E00 |
+ Open fracture distal radius, intra-articular other type |
+ S235F00 |
+ Open Barton's fracture |
+ S235.00 |
+ Open fracture of radius and ulna, lower end |
+ S235.11 |
+ Wrist fracture - open |
+ S235z00 |
+ Open fracture of forearm, lower end, NOS |
+ S23B.00 |
+ Fracture of lower end of radius |
+ S23C.00 |
+ Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius |
+ S4C0000 |
+ Closed fracture-dislocation distal radio-ulnar joint |
+ S4C0100 |
+ Closed fracture-dislocation radiocarpal joint |
+ S4C0.00 |
+ Closed fracture dislocation of wrist |
+ S4C1000 |
+ Open fracture-dislocation, distal radio-ulnar joint |
+ S4C1100 |
+ Open fracture-dislocation radiocarpal joint |
+ S4C1.00 |
+ Open fracture dislocation wrist |
+ S4C2000 |
+ Closed fracture-subluxation, distal radio-ulnar jt |
+ S4C2100 |
+ Closed fracture-subluxation radiocarpal joint |
+ S4C2.00 |
+ Closed fracture-subluxation of the wrist |
+ S4C3000 |
+ Open fracture-subluxation, distal radio-ulnar joint |
+ S4C3100 |
+ Open fracture-subluxation radiocarpal joint |
+ S4C3.00 |
+ Open fracture-subluxation of the wrist |
+ S4C..00 |
+ Fracture-dislocation or subluxation of wrist |
+ SC3C000 |
+ Sequelae of fracture at wrist and hand level |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ S52.5 |
+ Fracture of lower end of radius |
+ S52.6 |
+ Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius |
+Gastritis and duodenitis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Gastritis and duodenitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Gastritis and duodenitis' and duodenitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Gastritis and duodenitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Gastritis and duodenitis' and duodenitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Gastritis and duodenitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
A074313 | Helicobacter gastritis |
J11z.11 | Gastric erosions |
J123.00 | Duodenal erosion |
J150000 | Acute haemorrhagic gastritis |
J150.00 | Acute gastritis |
J151000 | Chronic atrophic gastritis |
J151100 | Chronic inflammatory gastritis |
J151200 | Chronic superficial gastritis |
J151.00 | Chronic gastritis |
J151z00 | Chronic gastritis NOS |
J152.00 | Gastric mucosal hypertrophy |
J153.00 | Alcoholic gastritis |
J154000 | Allergic gastritis |
J154100 | Bile induced gastritis |
J154200 | Irritant gastritis |
J154300 | Corrosive gastritis |
J154400 | Helicobacter gastritis |
J154.00 | Other specified gastritis |
J154z00 | Other specified gastritis NOS |
J155.00 | Gastritis unspecified |
J156.00 | Gastroduodenitis unspecified |
J157.00 | Duodenitis |
J15..00 | Gastritis and duodenitis |
J15z.00 | Gastritis and duodenitis NOS |
J4z0.00 | Non-infective gastritis NOS |
Jyu1200 | [X]Other acute gastritis |
Jyu1300 | [X]Other gastritis |
ZV65316 | [V]Dietary counselling in gastritis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K29 | Gastritis and duodenitis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Gastritis and duodenitis' and duodenitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ A074313 |
+ Helicobacter gastritis |
+ J11z.11 |
+ Gastric erosions |
+ J123.00 |
+ Duodenal erosion |
+ J150000 |
+ Acute haemorrhagic gastritis |
+ J150.00 |
+ Acute gastritis |
+ J151000 |
+ Chronic atrophic gastritis |
+ J151100 |
+ Chronic inflammatory gastritis |
+ J151200 |
+ Chronic superficial gastritis |
+ J151.00 |
+ Chronic gastritis |
+ J151z00 |
+ Chronic gastritis NOS |
+ J152.00 |
+ Gastric mucosal hypertrophy |
+ J153.00 |
+ Alcoholic gastritis |
+ J154000 |
+ Allergic gastritis |
+ J154100 |
+ Bile induced gastritis |
+ J154200 |
+ Irritant gastritis |
+ J154300 |
+ Corrosive gastritis |
+ J154400 |
+ Helicobacter gastritis |
+ J154.00 |
+ Other specified gastritis |
+ J154z00 |
+ Other specified gastritis NOS |
+ J155.00 |
+ Gastritis unspecified |
+ J156.00 |
+ Gastroduodenitis unspecified |
+ J157.00 |
+ Duodenitis |
+ J15..00 |
+ Gastritis and duodenitis |
+ J15z.00 |
+ Gastritis and duodenitis NOS |
+ J4z0.00 |
+ Non-infective gastritis NOS |
+ Jyu1200 |
+ [X]Other acute gastritis |
+ Jyu1300 |
+ [X]Other gastritis |
+ ZV65316 |
+ [V]Dietary counselling in gastritis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K29 |
+ Gastritis and duodenitis |
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
-Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
171J.00 | Reflux cough |
1957.00 | Gastric reflux |
760L000 | Antireflux fundoplication using thoracic approach |
760L100 | Antireflux operation using thoracic approach NEC |
760L111 | Antireflux procedure using thoracic approach NEC |
760L200 | Antireflux fundoplication using abdominal approach |
760L300 | Antireflux gastropexy |
760L311 | Antireflux gastroplasty |
760L400 | Antireflux procedure and gastroplasty HFQ |
760L.00 | Antireflux operations |
760L.11 | Oesophageal reflux operations |
760Ly00 | Other specified antireflux operation |
760Lz00 | Antireflux operation NOS |
760M.00 | Revision of antireflux operations |
760Mz00 | Revision of antireflux operation NOS |
J101100 | Reflux oesophagitis |
J101111 | Acid reflux |
J101112 | Gastro-oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis |
J101113 | Oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis |
J10y400 | Oesopheal reflux without mention of oesophagitis |
J10y411 | Oesophageal reflux |
J10y412 | Gastro-oesophageal reflux |
J10y413 | Acid reflux |
J10y500 | Laryngopharyngeal reflux |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K21 | Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
G24 | Antireflux operations |
G24.1 | Antireflux fundoplication using thoracic approach |
G24.2 | Antireflux operation using thoracic approach NEC |
G24.3 | Antireflux fundoplication using abdominal approach |
G24.4 | Antireflux gastropexy |
G24.5 | Gastroplasty and antireflux procedure HFQ |
G24.6 | Insertion of Angelchick prosthesis |
G24.8 | Other specified antireflux operations |
G24.9 | Unspecified antireflux operations |
G25 | Revision of antireflux operations |
G25.1 | Revision of fundoplication of stomach |
G25.2 | Adjustment to Angelchick prosthesis |
G25.3 | Removal of Angelchick prosthesis |
G25.8 | Other specified revision of antireflux operations |
G25.9 | Unspecified revision of antireflux operations |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 171J.00 |
+ Reflux cough |
+ 1957.00 |
+ Gastric reflux |
+ 760L000 |
+ Antireflux fundoplication using thoracic approach |
+ 760L100 |
+ Antireflux operation using thoracic approach NEC |
+ 760L111 |
+ Antireflux procedure using thoracic approach NEC |
+ 760L200 |
+ Antireflux fundoplication using abdominal approach |
+ 760L300 |
+ Antireflux gastropexy |
+ 760L311 |
+ Antireflux gastroplasty |
+ 760L400 |
+ Antireflux procedure and gastroplasty HFQ |
+ 760L.00 |
+ Antireflux operations |
+ 760L.11 |
+ Oesophageal reflux operations |
+ 760Ly00 |
+ Other specified antireflux operation |
+ 760Lz00 |
+ Antireflux operation NOS |
+ 760M.00 |
+ Revision of antireflux operations |
+ 760Mz00 |
+ Revision of antireflux operation NOS |
+ J101100 |
+ Reflux oesophagitis |
+ J101111 |
+ Acid reflux |
+ J101112 |
+ Gastro-oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis |
+ J101113 |
+ Oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis |
+ J10y400 |
+ Oesopheal reflux without mention of oesophagitis |
+ J10y411 |
+ Oesophageal reflux |
+ J10y412 |
+ Gastro-oesophageal reflux |
+ J10y413 |
+ Acid reflux |
+ J10y500 |
+ Laryngopharyngeal reflux |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_GORD.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K21 |
+ Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease |
+Secondary care procedures (OPCS_GORD.csv)
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ G24 |
+ Antireflux operations |
+ G24.1 |
+ Antireflux fundoplication using thoracic approach |
+ G24.2 |
+ Antireflux operation using thoracic approach NEC |
+ G24.3 |
+ Antireflux fundoplication using abdominal approach |
+ G24.4 |
+ Antireflux gastropexy |
+ G24.5 |
+ Gastroplasty and antireflux procedure HFQ |
+ G24.6 |
+ Insertion of Angelchick prosthesis |
+ G24.8 |
+ Other specified antireflux operations |
+ G24.9 |
+ Unspecified antireflux operations |
+ G25 |
+ Revision of antireflux operations |
+ G25.1 |
+ Revision of fundoplication of stomach |
+ G25.2 |
+ Adjustment to Angelchick prosthesis |
+ G25.3 |
+ Removal of Angelchick prosthesis |
+ G25.8 |
+ Other specified revision of antireflux operations |
+ G25.9 |
+ Unspecified revision of antireflux operations |
+Giant Cell arteritis
-Giant Cell arteritis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Giant Cell arteritis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Giant Cell arteritis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Giant Cell arteritis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Giant Cell arteritis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Giant Cell arteritis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G755000 | Cranial arteritis |
G755100 | Temporal arteritis |
G755200 | Horton's disease |
G755.00 | Giant cell arteritis |
G755z00 | Giant cell arteritis NOS |
N200.00 | Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica |
Nyu4100 | [X]Other giant cell arteritis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M31.5 | Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica |
M31.6 | Other giant cell arteritis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Giant Cell arteritis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G755000 |
+ Cranial arteritis |
+ G755100 |
+ Temporal arteritis |
+ G755200 |
+ Horton's disease |
+ G755.00 |
+ Giant cell arteritis |
+ G755z00 |
+ Giant cell arteritis NOS |
+ N200.00 |
+ Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica |
+ Nyu4100 |
+ [X]Other giant cell arteritis |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_GCA.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M31.5 |
+ Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica |
+ M31.6 |
+ Other giant cell arteritis |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Glaucoma IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Glaucoma' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Glaucoma diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Glaucoma' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Glaucoma or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Glaucoma' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Glaucoma during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7259000.0 | Needling of bleb following glaucoma surgery |
7259100.0 | Injection of bleb following glaucoma surgery |
7259200.0 | Revision of bleb NEC following glaucoma surgery |
7259300.0 | Removal of releasable suture following glaucoma surgery |
7259400.0 | Laser suture lysis following glaucoma surgery |
7259.00 | Operations following glaucoma surgery |
7259y00 | Other specified operations following glaucoma surgery |
7259z00 | Operations following glaucoma surgery NOS |
7275.00 | Pan retinal photocoagulation for glaucoma |
F404211 | Glaucoma - absolute |
F450100 | Open angle glaucoma with borderline intraocular pressure |
F451000 | Unspecified open-angle glaucoma |
F451100 | Primary open-angle glaucoma |
F451111 | Simple chronic glaucoma |
F451200 | Low tension glaucoma |
F451211 | Normal pressure glaucoma |
F451500 | Open-angle glaucoma residual stage |
F451.00 | Open-angle glaucoma |
F451z00 | Open-angle glaucoma NOS |
F452000 | Unspecified primary angle-closure glaucoma |
F452100 | Intermittent primary angle-closure glaucoma |
F452200 | Acute primary angle-closure glaucoma |
F452300 | Chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma |
F452400 | Primary angle-closure glaucoma residual stage |
F452500 | Plateau iris |
F452.00 | Primary angle-closure glaucoma |
F452.11 | Closed angle glaucoma |
F452z00 | Primary angle-closure glaucoma NOS |
F45..00 | Glaucoma |
F45y200 | Low tension glaucoma |
F45y.00 | Other specified forms of glaucoma |
F45yz00 | Other specified glaucoma NOS |
F45z.00 | Glaucoma NOS |
F463100 | Glaucomatous subcapsular flecks |
F4H1400 | Optic disc glaucomatous atrophy |
FyuG.00 | [X]Glaucoma |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H40.1 | Primary open-angle glaucoma |
H40.2 | Primary angle-closure glaucoma |
H40.9 | Glaucoma, unspecified |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
C60.1 | Trabeculectomy |
C60.2 | Inclusion of iris |
C60.3 | Fixation of iris |
C60.4 | Iridoplasty NEC |
C60.5 | Insertion of tube into anterior chamber of eye to assist drainage of aqueous humour |
C60.6 | Viscocanulostomy |
C60.8 | Other specified filtering operations on iris |
C60.9 | Unspecified filtering operations on iris |
C61.1 | Laser trabeculoplasty |
C61.2 | Trabeculotomy |
C61.3 | Goniotomy |
C61.4 | Goniopuncture |
C61.5 | Viscogonioplasty |
C61.8 | Other specified other operations on trabecular meshwork of eye |
C61.9 | Unspecified other operations on trabecular meshwork of eye |
C62.1 | Iridosclerotomy |
C62.2 | Surgical iridotomy |
C62.3 | Laser iridotomy |
C62.4 | Correction iridodialysis NEC |
C62.8 | Other specified incision of iris |
C62.9 | Unspecified incision of iris |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Glaucoma' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7259000 |
+ Needling of bleb following glaucoma surgery |
+ 7259100 |
+ Injection of bleb following glaucoma surgery |
+ 7259200 |
+ Revision of bleb NEC following glaucoma surgery |
+ 7259300 |
+ Removal of releasable suture following glaucoma surgery |
+ 7259400 |
+ Laser suture lysis following glaucoma surgery |
+ 7259 |
+ Operations following glaucoma surgery |
+ 7259y00 |
+ Other specified operations following glaucoma surgery |
+ 7259z00 |
+ Operations following glaucoma surgery NOS |
+ 7275 |
+ Pan retinal photocoagulation for glaucoma |
+ F404211 |
+ Glaucoma - absolute |
+ F450100 |
+ Open angle glaucoma with borderline intraocular pressure |
+ F451000 |
+ Unspecified open-angle glaucoma |
+ F451100 |
+ Primary open-angle glaucoma |
+ F451111 |
+ Simple chronic glaucoma |
+ F451200 |
+ Low tension glaucoma |
+ F451211 |
+ Normal pressure glaucoma |
+ F451500 |
+ Open-angle glaucoma residual stage |
+ F451.00 |
+ Open-angle glaucoma |
+ F451z00 |
+ Open-angle glaucoma NOS |
+ F452000 |
+ Unspecified primary angle-closure glaucoma |
+ F452100 |
+ Intermittent primary angle-closure glaucoma |
+ F452200 |
+ Acute primary angle-closure glaucoma |
+ F452300 |
+ Chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma |
+ F452400 |
+ Primary angle-closure glaucoma residual stage |
+ F452500 |
+ Plateau iris |
+ F452.00 |
+ Primary angle-closure glaucoma |
+ F452.11 |
+ Closed angle glaucoma |
+ F452z00 |
+ Primary angle-closure glaucoma NOS |
+ F45..00 |
+ Glaucoma |
+ F45y200 |
+ Low tension glaucoma |
+ F45y.00 |
+ Other specified forms of glaucoma |
+ F45yz00 |
+ Other specified glaucoma NOS |
+ F45z.00 |
+ Glaucoma NOS |
+ F463100 |
+ Glaucomatous subcapsular flecks |
+ F4H1400 |
+ Optic disc glaucomatous atrophy |
+ FyuG.00 |
+ [X]Glaucoma |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H40.1 |
+ Primary open-angle glaucoma |
+ H40.2 |
+ Primary angle-closure glaucoma |
+ H40.9 |
+ Glaucoma, unspecified |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ C60.1 |
+ Trabeculectomy |
+ C60.2 |
+ Inclusion of iris |
+ C60.3 |
+ Fixation of iris |
+ C60.4 |
+ Iridoplasty NEC |
+ C60.5 |
+ Insertion of tube into anterior chamber of eye to assist drainage of aqueous humour |
+ C60.6 |
+ Viscocanulostomy |
+ C60.8 |
+ Other specified filtering operations on iris |
+ C60.9 |
+ Unspecified filtering operations on iris |
+ C61.1 |
+ Laser trabeculoplasty |
+ C61.2 |
+ Trabeculotomy |
+ C61.3 |
+ Goniotomy |
+ C61.4 |
+ Goniopuncture |
+ C61.5 |
+ Viscogonioplasty |
+ C61.8 |
+ Other specified other operations on trabecular meshwork of eye |
+ C61.9 |
+ Unspecified other operations on trabecular meshwork of eye |
+ C62.1 |
+ Iridosclerotomy |
+ C62.2 |
+ Surgical iridotomy |
+ C62.3 |
+ Laser iridotomy |
+ C62.4 |
+ Correction iridodialysis NEC |
+ C62.8 |
+ Other specified incision of iris |
+ C62.9 |
+ Unspecified incision of iris |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Glomerulonephritis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Glomerulonephritis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Glomerulonephritis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Glomerulonephritis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Glomerulonephritis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
D310100 | Henoch-Schonlein nephritis |
G752111 | Antiglomerular basement membrane disease |
G752112 | Anti GBM disease - Antiglomerular basement membrane disease |
K000100 | Crescentic glomerulonephritis |
K000111 | CGN - Crescentic glomerulonephritis |
K000.00 | Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis |
K001.00 | Acute nephritis with lesions of necrotising glomerulitis |
K00..00 | Acute glomerulonephritis |
K00..12 | Bright's disease |
K00y000 | Acute glomerulonephritis in diseases EC |
K00y.00 | Other acute glomerulonephritis |
K00yz00 | Other acute glomerulonephritis NOS |
K00z.00 | Acute glomerulonephritis NOS |
K010.00 | Nephrotic syndrome with proliferative glomerulonephritis |
K011.00 | Nephrotic syndrome with membranous glomerulonephritis |
K012.00 | Nephrotic syndrome+membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis |
K013.00 | Nephrotic syndrome with minimal change glomerulonephritis |
K013.11 | Lipoid nephrosis |
K013.12 | Steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome |
K014.00 | Nephrotic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality |
K015.00 | Nephrotic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
K016.00 | Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
K017.00 | Nephrotic syn difus mesangial prolifertiv glomerulonephritis |
K018.00 | Nephrotic syn,difus endocapilary proliftv glomerulonephritis |
K019.00 | Nephrotic syn,diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
K01A.00 | Nephrotic syndrome, dense deposit disease |
K01B.00 | Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
K01..00 | Nephrotic syndrome |
K01x000 | Nephrotic syndrome in amyloidosis |
K01x200 | Nephrotic syndrome in malaria |
K01x300 | Nephrotic syndrome in polyarteritis nodosa |
K01x400 | Nephrotic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus |
K01x411 | Lupus nephritis |
K01x.00 | Nephrotic syndrome in diseases EC |
K01y.00 | Nephrotic syndrome with other pathological kidney lesions |
K01z.00 | Nephrotic syndrome NOS |
K020.00 | Chronic proliferative glomerulonephritis |
K021.00 | Chronic membranous glomerulonephritis |
K022.00 | Chronic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis |
K023.00 | Chronic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis |
K02..00 | Chronic glomerulonephritis |
K02y000 | Chronic glomerulonephritis + diseases EC |
K02y200 | Chronic focal glomerulonephritis |
K02y300 | Chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis |
K02y.00 | Other chronic glomerulonephritis |
K02yz00 | Other chronic glomerulonephritis NOS |
K02z.00 | Chronic glomerulonephritis NOS |
K030.00 | Proliferative nephritis unspecified |
K031.00 | Membranous nephritis unspecified |
K032000 | Focal membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis |
K032100 | Recurrent benign haematuria syndrome |
K032200 | Focal glomerulon + focal recurr macroscop glomerulonephritis |
K032300 | Anaphylactoid glomerulonephritis |
K032600 | Berger's IgA or IgG nephropathy |
K032.00 | Membranoproliferative nephritis unspecified |
K032y00 | Nephritis unsp+OS membranoprolif glomerulonephritis lesion |
K032y11 | Hypocomplementaemic persistent glomerulonephritis NEC |
K032y13 | Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis NEC |
K032y14 | Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis NEC |
K032y15 | Mixed membranous and proliferative glomerulonephritis NEC |
K032z00 | Nephritis unsp+membranoprolif glomerulonephritis lesion NOS |
K033.00 | Rapidly progressive nephritis unspecified |
K03U.00 | Unspecif nephr synd, diff concentric glomerulonephritis |
K03V.00 | Unspecified nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease |
K03W.00 | Unsp nephrit synd, diff endocap prolif glomerulonephritis |
K03X.00 | Unsp nephrit synd, diff mesang prolif glomerulonephritis |
K03z.00 | Unspecified glomerulonephritis NOS |
K072.00 | Glomerulosclerosis |
K0A0000 | Acute nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality |
K0A0100 | Acute nephritic syndrome, focal+segmental glomerular lesions |
K0A0200 | Acute nephritic syn, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
K0A0300 | Acut neph syn, diffuse mesangial prolifrative glomnephritis |
K0A0400 | Ac neph syn difus endocaplry prolifrative glomerulonephritis |
K0A0500 | Acute neph syn, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
K0A0600 | Acute nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease |
K0A0700 | Acute nephrotic syndrm diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
K0A0.00 | Acute nephritic syndrome |
K0A1100 | Rapid progres nephritic syn focal+segmental glomerulr lesion |
K0A1200 | Rapid progres neph syn diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
K0A1300 | Rpd prog neph syn df mesangial prolifratv glomerulonephritis |
K0A1400 | Rapid progres neph syn df endocapilary prolifv glomnephritis |
K0A1600 | Rapid progressive nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease |
K0A1700 | Rapid progres nephritic syn df crescentic glomerulonephritis |
K0A1.00 | Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome |
K0A2000 | Recurrent+persistnt haematuria minor glomerular abnormality |
K0A2100 | Recur+persist haematuria, focal+segmental glomerular lesions |
K0A2200 | Recur+persist haematuria difus membranous glomerulonephritis |
K0A2300 | Recur+persist haemuria df mesangial prolif glomerulnephritis |
K0A2500 | Recur+persist hmuria df mesangiocapilary glomerulonephritis |
K0A2600 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria, dense deposit disease |
K0A2700 | Recur+persist haematuria difus crescentic glomerulonephritis |
K0A2800 | IgA nephropathy |
K0A2.00 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria |
K0A3000 | Chronic nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality |
K0A3100 | Chronic nephritic syndrm focal+segmental glomerular lesions |
K0A3200 | Chron nephritic syndrom difuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
K0A3300 | Chron neph syn difus mesangial prolifrtiv glomerulonephritis |
K0A3500 | Chronic neph syn difus mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
K0A3600 | Chronic nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease |
K0A3700 | Chronic nephritic syn diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
K0A3.00 | Chronic nephritic syndrome |
K0A4100 | Isolatd proteinur/specifd morphlgcl les foc+seg glom lesn |
K0A4200 | Isolatd proteinur/specfd morphlgcl les df membrn glomneph |
K0A4300 | Isoltd prteinur/spcfd morph lesn df mesngl prolf glomneph |
K0A4500 | Isoltd prteinur+specfd morph les df mesangiocap glomnephr |
K0A4.00 | Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion |
K0A4W00 | Isolated proteinuria, with unspecified morpholog changes |
K0A4X00 | Isolated proteinuria, with oth specif morpholog changes |
K0A7.00 | Glom disordr in blood diseas+disordr invlvg imun mechansm |
K0A8.00 | Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis |
K0A..00 | Glomerular disease |
Kyu0900 | [X]Unsp nephrit synd, diff mesang prolif glomerulonephritis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N00.0 | Acute nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality |
N00.1 | Acute nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
N00.2 | Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
N00.3 | Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N00.4 | Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N00.5 | Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
N00.6 | Acute nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease |
N00.7 | Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
N00.8 | Acute nephritic syndrome - Other |
N00.9 | Acute nephritic syndrome - Unspecified |
N01.0 | Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality |
N01.1 | Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
N01.2 | Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
N01.3 | Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N01.4 | Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N01.5 | Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
N01.7 | Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
N01.8 | Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Other |
N01.9 | Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Unspecified |
N02.0 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Minor glomerular abnormality |
N02.1 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
N02.2 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
N02.3 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N02.4 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N02.5 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
N02.6 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Dense deposit disease |
N02.7 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
N02.8 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Other |
N02.9 | Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Unspecified |
N03.0 | Chronic nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality |
N03.1 | Chronic nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
N03.2 | Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
N03.3 | Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N03.4 | Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N03.5 | Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
N03.6 | Chronic nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease |
N03.7 | Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
N03.8 | Chronic nephritic syndrome - Other |
N03.9 | Chronic nephritic syndrome - Unspecified |
N04.0 | Nephrotic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality |
N04.1 | Nephrotic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
N04.2 | Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
N04.3 | Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N04.4 | Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N04.5 | Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
N04.6 | Nephrotic syndrome - Dense deposit disease |
N04.7 | Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
N04.8 | Nephrotic syndrome - Other |
N04.9 | Nephrotic syndrome - Unspecified |
N05.0 | Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality |
N05.1 | Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
N05.2 | Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
N05.3 | Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N05.4 | Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N05.5 | Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
N05.6 | Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease |
N05.7 | Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
N05.8 | Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Other |
N05.9 | Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Unspecified |
N06.0 | Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Minor glomerular abnormality |
N06.1 | Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
N06.2 | Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
N06.3 | Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N06.5 | Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
N06.6 | Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Dense deposit disease |
N06.8 | Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Other |
N06.9 | Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Glomerulonephritis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ D310100 |
+ Henoch-Schonlein nephritis |
+ G752111 |
+ Antiglomerular basement membrane disease |
+ G752112 |
+ Anti GBM disease - Antiglomerular basement membrane disease |
+ K000100 |
+ Crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ K000111 |
+ CGN - Crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ K000.00 |
+ Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ K001.00 |
+ Acute nephritis with lesions of necrotising glomerulitis |
+ K00..00 |
+ Acute glomerulonephritis |
+ K00..12 |
+ Bright's disease |
+ K00y000 |
+ Acute glomerulonephritis in diseases EC |
+ K00y.00 |
+ Other acute glomerulonephritis |
+ K00yz00 |
+ Other acute glomerulonephritis NOS |
+ K00z.00 |
+ Acute glomerulonephritis NOS |
+ K010.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome with proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ K011.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome with membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ K012.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome+membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ K013.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome with minimal change glomerulonephritis |
+ K013.11 |
+ Lipoid nephrosis |
+ K013.12 |
+ Steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome |
+ K014.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality |
+ K015.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
+ K016.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ K017.00 |
+ Nephrotic syn difus mesangial prolifertiv glomerulonephritis |
+ K018.00 |
+ Nephrotic syn,difus endocapilary proliftv glomerulonephritis |
+ K019.00 |
+ Nephrotic syn,diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
+ K01A.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome, dense deposit disease |
+ K01B.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ K01..00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome |
+ K01x000 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome in amyloidosis |
+ K01x200 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome in malaria |
+ K01x300 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome in polyarteritis nodosa |
+ K01x400 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus |
+ K01x411 |
+ Lupus nephritis |
+ K01x.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome in diseases EC |
+ K01y.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome with other pathological kidney lesions |
+ K01z.00 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome NOS |
+ K020.00 |
+ Chronic proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ K021.00 |
+ Chronic membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ K022.00 |
+ Chronic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ K023.00 |
+ Chronic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis |
+ K02..00 |
+ Chronic glomerulonephritis |
+ K02y000 |
+ Chronic glomerulonephritis + diseases EC |
+ K02y200 |
+ Chronic focal glomerulonephritis |
+ K02y300 |
+ Chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis |
+ K02y.00 |
+ Other chronic glomerulonephritis |
+ K02yz00 |
+ Other chronic glomerulonephritis NOS |
+ K02z.00 |
+ Chronic glomerulonephritis NOS |
+ K030.00 |
+ Proliferative nephritis unspecified |
+ K031.00 |
+ Membranous nephritis unspecified |
+ K032000 |
+ Focal membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ K032100 |
+ Recurrent benign haematuria syndrome |
+ K032200 |
+ Focal glomerulon + focal recurr macroscop glomerulonephritis |
+ K032300 |
+ Anaphylactoid glomerulonephritis |
+ K032600 |
+ Berger's IgA or IgG nephropathy |
+ K032.00 |
+ Membranoproliferative nephritis unspecified |
+ K032y00 |
+ Nephritis unsp+OS membranoprolif glomerulonephritis lesion |
+ K032y11 |
+ Hypocomplementaemic persistent glomerulonephritis NEC |
+ K032y13 |
+ Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis NEC |
+ K032y14 |
+ Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis NEC |
+ K032y15 |
+ Mixed membranous and proliferative glomerulonephritis NEC |
+ K032z00 |
+ Nephritis unsp+membranoprolif glomerulonephritis lesion NOS |
+ K033.00 |
+ Rapidly progressive nephritis unspecified |
+ K03U.00 |
+ Unspecif nephr synd, diff concentric glomerulonephritis |
+ K03V.00 |
+ Unspecified nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease |
+ K03W.00 |
+ Unsp nephrit synd, diff endocap prolif glomerulonephritis |
+ K03X.00 |
+ Unsp nephrit synd, diff mesang prolif glomerulonephritis |
+ K03z.00 |
+ Unspecified glomerulonephritis NOS |
+ K072.00 |
+ Glomerulosclerosis |
+ K0A0000 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality |
+ K0A0100 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome, focal+segmental glomerular lesions |
+ K0A0200 |
+ Acute nephritic syn, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A0300 |
+ Acut neph syn, diffuse mesangial prolifrative glomnephritis |
+ K0A0400 |
+ Ac neph syn difus endocaplry prolifrative glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A0500 |
+ Acute neph syn, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A0600 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease |
+ K0A0700 |
+ Acute nephrotic syndrm diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A0.00 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome |
+ K0A1100 |
+ Rapid progres nephritic syn focal+segmental glomerulr lesion |
+ K0A1200 |
+ Rapid progres neph syn diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A1300 |
+ Rpd prog neph syn df mesangial prolifratv glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A1400 |
+ Rapid progres neph syn df endocapilary prolifv glomnephritis |
+ K0A1600 |
+ Rapid progressive nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease |
+ K0A1700 |
+ Rapid progres nephritic syn df crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A1.00 |
+ Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome |
+ K0A2000 |
+ Recurrent+persistnt haematuria minor glomerular abnormality |
+ K0A2100 |
+ Recur+persist haematuria, focal+segmental glomerular lesions |
+ K0A2200 |
+ Recur+persist haematuria difus membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A2300 |
+ Recur+persist haemuria df mesangial prolif glomerulnephritis |
+ K0A2500 |
+ Recur+persist hmuria df mesangiocapilary glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A2600 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria, dense deposit disease |
+ K0A2700 |
+ Recur+persist haematuria difus crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A2800 |
+ IgA nephropathy |
+ K0A2.00 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria |
+ K0A3000 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality |
+ K0A3100 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrm focal+segmental glomerular lesions |
+ K0A3200 |
+ Chron nephritic syndrom difuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A3300 |
+ Chron neph syn difus mesangial prolifrtiv glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A3500 |
+ Chronic neph syn difus mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A3600 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease |
+ K0A3700 |
+ Chronic nephritic syn diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A3.00 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome |
+ K0A4100 |
+ Isolatd proteinur/specifd morphlgcl les foc+seg glom lesn |
+ K0A4200 |
+ Isolatd proteinur/specfd morphlgcl les df membrn glomneph |
+ K0A4300 |
+ Isoltd prteinur/spcfd morph lesn df mesngl prolf glomneph |
+ K0A4500 |
+ Isoltd prteinur+specfd morph les df mesangiocap glomnephr |
+ K0A4.00 |
+ Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion |
+ K0A4W00 |
+ Isolated proteinuria, with unspecified morpholog changes |
+ K0A4X00 |
+ Isolated proteinuria, with oth specif morpholog changes |
+ K0A7.00 |
+ Glom disordr in blood diseas+disordr invlvg imun mechansm |
+ K0A8.00 |
+ Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis |
+ K0A..00 |
+ Glomerular disease |
+ Kyu0900 |
+ [X]Unsp nephrit synd, diff mesang prolif glomerulonephritis |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_GN.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N00.0 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality |
+ N00.1 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
+ N00.2 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ N00.3 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N00.4 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N00.5 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
+ N00.6 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease |
+ N00.7 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ N00.8 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome - Other |
+ N00.9 |
+ Acute nephritic syndrome - Unspecified |
+ N01.0 |
+ Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality |
+ N01.1 |
+ Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
+ N01.2 |
+ Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ N01.3 |
+ Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N01.4 |
+ Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N01.5 |
+ Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
+ N01.7 |
+ Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ N01.8 |
+ Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Other |
+ N01.9 |
+ Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Unspecified |
+ N02.0 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Minor glomerular abnormality |
+ N02.1 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
+ N02.2 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ N02.3 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N02.4 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N02.5 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
+ N02.6 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Dense deposit disease |
+ N02.7 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ N02.8 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Other |
+ N02.9 |
+ Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Unspecified |
+ N03.0 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality |
+ N03.1 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
+ N03.2 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ N03.3 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N03.4 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N03.5 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
+ N03.6 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease |
+ N03.7 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ N03.8 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome - Other |
+ N03.9 |
+ Chronic nephritic syndrome - Unspecified |
+ N04.0 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality |
+ N04.1 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
+ N04.2 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ N04.3 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N04.4 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N04.5 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
+ N04.6 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome - Dense deposit disease |
+ N04.7 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ N04.8 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome - Other |
+ N04.9 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome - Unspecified |
+ N05.0 |
+ Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality |
+ N05.1 |
+ Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
+ N05.2 |
+ Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ N05.3 |
+ Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N05.4 |
+ Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N05.5 |
+ Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
+ N05.6 |
+ Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease |
+ N05.7 |
+ Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
+ N05.8 |
+ Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Other |
+ N05.9 |
+ Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Unspecified |
+ N06.0 |
+ Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Minor glomerular abnormality |
+ N06.1 |
+ Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
+ N06.2 |
+ Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
+ N06.3 |
+ Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
+ N06.5 |
+ Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
+ N06.6 |
+ Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Dense deposit disease |
+ N06.8 |
+ Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Other |
+ N06.9 |
+ Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Unspecified |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Gout IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Gout' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Gout diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Gout' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Gout or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1443.00 | H/O: gout |
2D52.00 | O/E - auricle of ear - tophi |
6691.00 | Initial gout assessment |
6692.00 | Follow-up gout assessment |
6693.00 | Joints gout affected |
6695.00 | Date gout treatment started |
6696.00 | Date of last gout attack |
669..00 | Gout monitoring |
6697.00 | Gout associated problems |
669Z.00 | Gout monitoring NOS |
C340.00 | Gouty arthropathy |
C341.00 | Gouty nephropathy |
C341z00 | Gouty nephropathy NOS |
C342.00 | Idiopathic gout |
C344.00 | Drug-induced gout |
C345.00 | Gout due to impairment of renal function |
C34..00 | Gout |
C34y000 | Gouty tophi of ear |
C34y100 | Gouty tophi of heart |
C34y200 | Gouty tophi of other sites |
C34y300 | Gouty iritis |
C34y400 | Gouty neuritis |
C34y500 | Gouty tophi of hand |
C34y.00 | Other specified gouty manifestation |
C34yz00 | Other specified gouty manifestation NOS |
C34z.00 | Gout NOS |
G557300 | Gouty tophi of heart |
N023100 | Gouty arthritis of the shoulder region |
N023200 | Gouty arthritis of the upper arm |
N023300 | Gouty arthritis of the forearm |
N023400 | Gouty arthritis of the hand |
N023600 | Gouty arthritis of the lower leg |
N023700 | Gouty arthritis of the ankle and foot |
N023800 | Gouty arthritis of toe |
N023.00 | Gouty arthritis |
N023x00 | Gouty arthritis of multiple sites |
N023y00 | Gouty arthritis of other specified site |
N023z00 | Gouty arthritis NOS |
Nyu1700 | [X]Other secondary gout |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M10 | Gout |
M14.0 | Gouty arthropathy due to enzyme defects and other inherited disorders |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Gout' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1443 |
+ H/O: gout |
+ 2D52.00 |
+ O/E - auricle of ear - tophi |
+ 6691 |
+ Initial gout assessment |
+ 6692 |
+ Follow-up gout assessment |
+ 6693 |
+ Joints gout affected |
+ 6695 |
+ Date gout treatment started |
+ 6696 |
+ Date of last gout attack |
+ 669..00 |
+ Gout monitoring |
+ 6697 |
+ Gout associated problems |
+ 669Z.00 |
+ Gout monitoring NOS |
+ C340.00 |
+ Gouty arthropathy |
+ C341.00 |
+ Gouty nephropathy |
+ C341z00 |
+ Gouty nephropathy NOS |
+ C342.00 |
+ Idiopathic gout |
+ C344.00 |
+ Drug-induced gout |
+ C345.00 |
+ Gout due to impairment of renal function |
+ C34..00 |
+ Gout |
+ C34y000 |
+ Gouty tophi of ear |
+ C34y100 |
+ Gouty tophi of heart |
+ C34y200 |
+ Gouty tophi of other sites |
+ C34y300 |
+ Gouty iritis |
+ C34y400 |
+ Gouty neuritis |
+ C34y500 |
+ Gouty tophi of hand |
+ C34y.00 |
+ Other specified gouty manifestation |
+ C34yz00 |
+ Other specified gouty manifestation NOS |
+ C34z.00 |
+ Gout NOS |
+ G557300 |
+ Gouty tophi of heart |
+ N023100 |
+ Gouty arthritis of the shoulder region |
+ N023200 |
+ Gouty arthritis of the upper arm |
+ N023300 |
+ Gouty arthritis of the forearm |
+ N023400 |
+ Gouty arthritis of the hand |
+ N023600 |
+ Gouty arthritis of the lower leg |
+ N023700 |
+ Gouty arthritis of the ankle and foot |
+ N023800 |
+ Gouty arthritis of toe |
+ N023.00 |
+ Gouty arthritis |
+ N023x00 |
+ Gouty arthritis of multiple sites |
+ N023y00 |
+ Gouty arthritis of other specified site |
+ N023z00 |
+ Gouty arthritis NOS |
+ Nyu1700 |
+ [X]Other secondary gout |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_gout.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M10 |
+ Gout |
+ M14.0 |
+ Gouty arthropathy due to enzyme defects and other inherited disorders |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had HIV IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'HIV' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. HIV diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'HIV' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of HIV or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
43C3.11 | HIV positive |
4J34.00 | HIV viral load |
4J3F.00 | Human immunodeficiency virus viral load by log rank |
65QA.00 | AIDS carrier |
65VE.00 | Notification of AIDS |
66j0.00 | Human immunodeficiency virus annual review |
66j..00 | Human immunodeficiency virus monitoring |
9kl..00 | HIV pos gen health check serv declind - enhanc service admin |
A788000 | Acute human immunodeficiency virus infection |
A788100 | Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection |
A788200 | HIV infection with persistent generalised lymphadenopathy |
A788300 | Human immunodeficiency virus with constitutional disease |
A788400 | Human immunodeficiency virus with neurological disease |
A788500 | Human immunodeficiency virus with secondary infection |
A788600 | Human immunodeficiency virus with secondary cancers |
A788.00 | Acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
A788.11 | Human immunodeficiency virus infection |
A788U00 | HIV disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,NEC |
A788W00 | HIV disease resulting in unspecified malignant neoplasm |
A788X00 | HIV disease resulting/unspcf infectious+parasitic disease |
A788y00 | Human immunodeficiency virus with other clinical findings |
A788z00 | Acquired human immunodeficiency virus infection syndrome NOS |
A789000 | HIV disease resulting in mycobacterial infection |
A789100 | HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease |
A789200 | HIV disease resulting in candidiasis |
A789300 | HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia |
A789311 | HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia |
A789400 | HIV disease resulting in multiple infections |
A789500 | HIV disease resulting in Kaposi's sarcoma |
A789511 | HIV disease resulting in Kaposi sarcoma |
A789600 | HIV disease resulting in Burkitt's lymphoma |
A789700 | HIV dis resulting oth types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
A789800 | HIV disease resulting in multiple malignant neoplasms |
A789900 | HIV disease resulting in lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis |
A789.00 | Human immunodef virus resulting in other disease |
A789A00 | HIV disease resulting in wasting syndrome |
A789X00 | HIV dis reslt/oth mal neopl/lymph,h'matopoetc+reltd tissu |
AyuC100 | [X]HIV disease resulting in other viral infections |
AyuC300 | [X]HIV disease resulting in multiple infections |
AyuC400 | [X]HIV disease resulting/other infectious+parasitic diseases |
AyuC600 | [X]HIV disease resulting in other non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
AyuC.00 | [X]Human immunodeficiency virus disease |
AyuCB00 | [X]HIV disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,NEC |
AyuCC00 | [X]HIV disease resulting in other specified conditions |
AyuCD00 | [X]Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease |
Eu02400 | [X]Dementia in human immunodef virus [HIV] disease |
R109.00 | [D]Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] |
ZV01A00 | [V]Asymptomatic human immunodeficency virus infection status |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
B20 | Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in infectious and parasitic diseases |
B21 | Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in malignant neoplasms |
B22 | Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other specified diseases |
B23 | Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other conditions |
B24 | Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease |
F02.4 | Dementia in human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease |
R75 | Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] |
Z21 | Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection status |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'HIV' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 43C3.11 |
+ HIV positive |
+ 4J34.00 |
+ HIV viral load |
+ 4J3F.00 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus viral load by log rank |
+ 65QA.00 |
+ AIDS carrier |
+ 65VE.00 |
+ Notification of AIDS |
+ 66j0.00 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus annual review |
+ 66j..00 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus monitoring |
+ 9kl..00 |
+ HIV pos gen health check serv declind - enhanc service admin |
+ A788000 |
+ Acute human immunodeficiency virus infection |
+ A788100 |
+ Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection |
+ A788200 |
+ HIV infection with persistent generalised lymphadenopathy |
+ A788300 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus with constitutional disease |
+ A788400 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus with neurological disease |
+ A788500 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus with secondary infection |
+ A788600 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus with secondary cancers |
+ A788.00 |
+ Acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
+ A788.11 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus infection |
+ A788U00 |
+ HIV disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,NEC |
+ A788W00 |
+ HIV disease resulting in unspecified malignant neoplasm |
+ A788X00 |
+ HIV disease resulting/unspcf infectious+parasitic disease |
+ A788y00 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus with other clinical findings |
+ A788z00 |
+ Acquired human immunodeficiency virus infection syndrome NOS |
+ A789000 |
+ HIV disease resulting in mycobacterial infection |
+ A789100 |
+ HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease |
+ A789200 |
+ HIV disease resulting in candidiasis |
+ A789300 |
+ HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia |
+ A789311 |
+ HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia |
+ A789400 |
+ HIV disease resulting in multiple infections |
+ A789500 |
+ HIV disease resulting in Kaposi's sarcoma |
+ A789511 |
+ HIV disease resulting in Kaposi sarcoma |
+ A789600 |
+ HIV disease resulting in Burkitt's lymphoma |
+ A789700 |
+ HIV dis resulting oth types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ A789800 |
+ HIV disease resulting in multiple malignant neoplasms |
+ A789900 |
+ HIV disease resulting in lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis |
+ A789.00 |
+ Human immunodef virus resulting in other disease |
+ A789A00 |
+ HIV disease resulting in wasting syndrome |
+ A789X00 |
+ HIV dis reslt/oth mal neopl/lymph,h'matopoetc+reltd tissu |
+ AyuC100 |
+ [X]HIV disease resulting in other viral infections |
+ AyuC300 |
+ [X]HIV disease resulting in multiple infections |
+ AyuC400 |
+ [X]HIV disease resulting/other infectious+parasitic diseases |
+ AyuC600 |
+ [X]HIV disease resulting in other non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ AyuC.00 |
+ [X]Human immunodeficiency virus disease |
+ AyuCB00 |
+ [X]HIV disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,NEC |
+ AyuCC00 |
+ [X]HIV disease resulting in other specified conditions |
+ AyuCD00 |
+ [X]Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease |
+ Eu02400 |
+ [X]Dementia in human immunodef virus [HIV] disease |
+ R109.00 |
+ [D]Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] |
+ ZV01A00 |
+ [V]Asymptomatic human immunodeficency virus infection status |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_hiv.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ B20 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in infectious and parasitic diseases |
+ B21 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in malignant neoplasms |
+ B22 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other specified diseases |
+ B23 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other conditions |
+ B24 |
+ Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease |
+ F02.4 |
+ Dementia in human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease |
+ R75 |
+ Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] |
+ Z21 |
+ Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection status |
+Haemangioma, any site
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Haemangioma IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Haemangioma, any site' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Haemangioma diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Haemangioma, any site' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Haemangioma or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
2F25.00 | O/E - capilliary naevi present |
7A6G600 | Excision of haemangioma |
B7J0000 | Haemangioma of unspecified site |
B7J0100 | Haemangioma of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
B7J0111 | Skin haemangioma |
B7J0112 | Subcutaneous haemangioma |
B7J0200 | Haemangioma of intracranial structures |
B7J0300 | Haemangioma of retina |
B7J0400 | Haemangioma of intra-abdominal structures |
B7J0.00 | Haemangioma |
B7J0.11 | Glomus tumour |
B7J0z00 | Haemangioma NOS |
B7J..00 | Haemangiomas and lymphangiomas of any site |
B7Jz.00 | Haemangioma or lymphangioma NOS |
BBd7.00 | [M]Haemangioblastic meningioma |
BBd8.00 | [M]Haemangiopericytic meningioma |
BBDC.00 | [M]Glomus tumour |
BBGK.13 | [M]Sclerosing haemangioma |
BBT0.00 | [M]Haemangioma NOS |
BBT2.00 | [M]Cavernous haemangioma |
BBT3.00 | [M]Venous haemangioma |
BBT4.00 | [M]Racemose haemangioma |
BBT4.11 | [M]Arteriovenous haemangioma |
BBT7000 | [M]Haemangioendothelioma, benign |
BBT8.00 | [M]Capillary haemangioma |
BBT8.11 | [M]Haemangioma simplex |
BBT8.12 | [M]Infantile haemangioma |
BBT8.13 | [M]Juvenile haemangioma |
BBT8.14 | [M]Plexiform haemangioma |
BBT9.00 | [M]Intramuscular haemangioma |
BBT..11 | [M]Haemangiomatous tumours |
BBTC.00 | [M]Verrucous keratotic haemangioma |
BBTD000 | [M]Haemangiopericytoma, benign |
BBTF.00 | [M]Haemangioblastoma |
BBTG.00 | [M]Epithelioid haemangioma |
BBTH.00 | [M]Histiocytoid haemangioma |
G771200 | Campbell de Morgan's spots |
PG42000 | Multiple enchondromata with haemangioma |
PG42011 | Kast's syndrome |
PG42012 | Maffuci's syndrome |
PH31200 | Strawberry naevus |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D18.0 | Haemangioma, any site |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Haemangioma, any site' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 2F25.00 |
+ O/E - capilliary naevi present |
+ 7A6G600 |
+ Excision of haemangioma |
+ B7J0000 |
+ Haemangioma of unspecified site |
+ B7J0100 |
+ Haemangioma of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
+ B7J0111 |
+ Skin haemangioma |
+ B7J0112 |
+ Subcutaneous haemangioma |
+ B7J0200 |
+ Haemangioma of intracranial structures |
+ B7J0300 |
+ Haemangioma of retina |
+ B7J0400 |
+ Haemangioma of intra-abdominal structures |
+ B7J0.00 |
+ Haemangioma |
+ B7J0.11 |
+ Glomus tumour |
+ B7J0z00 |
+ Haemangioma NOS |
+ B7J..00 |
+ Haemangiomas and lymphangiomas of any site |
+ B7Jz.00 |
+ Haemangioma or lymphangioma NOS |
+ BBd7.00 |
+ [M]Haemangioblastic meningioma |
+ BBd8.00 |
+ [M]Haemangiopericytic meningioma |
+ BBDC.00 |
+ [M]Glomus tumour |
+ BBGK.13 |
+ [M]Sclerosing haemangioma |
+ BBT0.00 |
+ [M]Haemangioma NOS |
+ BBT2.00 |
+ [M]Cavernous haemangioma |
+ BBT3.00 |
+ [M]Venous haemangioma |
+ BBT4.00 |
+ [M]Racemose haemangioma |
+ BBT4.11 |
+ [M]Arteriovenous haemangioma |
+ BBT7000 |
+ [M]Haemangioendothelioma, benign |
+ BBT8.00 |
+ [M]Capillary haemangioma |
+ BBT8.11 |
+ [M]Haemangioma simplex |
+ BBT8.12 |
+ [M]Infantile haemangioma |
+ BBT8.13 |
+ [M]Juvenile haemangioma |
+ BBT8.14 |
+ [M]Plexiform haemangioma |
+ BBT9.00 |
+ [M]Intramuscular haemangioma |
+ BBT..11 |
+ [M]Haemangiomatous tumours |
+ BBTC.00 |
+ [M]Verrucous keratotic haemangioma |
+ BBTD000 |
+ [M]Haemangiopericytoma, benign |
+ BBTF.00 |
+ [M]Haemangioblastoma |
+ BBTG.00 |
+ [M]Epithelioid haemangioma |
+ BBTH.00 |
+ [M]Histiocytoid haemangioma |
+ G771200 |
+ Campbell de Morgan's spots |
+ PG42000 |
+ Multiple enchondromata with haemangioma |
+ PG42011 |
+ Kast's syndrome |
+ PG42012 |
+ Maffuci's syndrome |
+ PH31200 |
+ Strawberry naevus |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D18.0 |
+ Haemangioma, any site |
+Hearing loss
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hearing loss IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hearing loss IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Hearing loss diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Hearing loss or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1493.00 | H/O: hearing problem |
1C13100 | Unilateral deafness |
1C13.00 | Deafness |
1C13.11 | Deafness symptom |
1C13200 | Partial deafness |
1C13300 | Bilateral deafness |
1C17.00 | Hearing aid problem |
2BL..11 | O/E - deaf |
2BL3.00 | O/E - significantly deaf |
2BL4.00 | O/E - very deaf |
2BL5.00 | O/E - completely deaf |
2BM2.11 | O/E - conductive deafness |
2BM3.11 | O/E - perceptive deafness |
2DG..00 | Hearing aid worn |
2DH0.00 | Uses hearing loop |
7308400.0 | Placement of hearing implant in external ear |
7308500.0 | Attention to hearing implant in external ear |
7308600.0 | Removal of hearing implant from external ear |
7311A00 | Insertn bone anchors subcutaneous bone anchored hearing aid |
7317C00 | Placement of hearing implant in middle ear |
7317D00 | Attention to hearing implant in middle ear |
7317.00 | Removal of hearing implant from middle ear |
7319000.0 | Insertion fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis Stage 1 |
7319100.0 | Insertion fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis Stage 2 |
7319200.0 | Reduction soft tissue for bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
7319300.0 | Attention to fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
7319400.0 | One stage insert fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
7319500.0 | Fitting external hearing prosthesis bone anchored fixtures |
7319600.0 | First stge ins fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
7319.00 | Attachment of bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
7319700.0 | Second stage ins fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosth |
7319y00 | Other specified attachment bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
7319z00 | Attachment of bone anchored hearing prosthesis NOS |
8D21.00 | Provide head worn hearing aid |
8D22.00 | Provide body worn hearing aid |
8D23.00 | Ear fitting hearing aid |
8D24.00 | Replace hearing aid battery |
8D26.00 | Provision of replacement hearing aid |
8D2..12 | Hearing aid provision |
8E3..00 | Deafness remedial therapy |
8E3Z.00 | Deafness remedial therapy NOS |
8HT2.00 | Referral to hearing aid clinic |
8M41.00 | Hearing aid requested |
9N0b.00 | Seen in hearing aid clinic |
9NfB.00 | Requires deafblind communicator guide |
A560200 | Rubella deafness |
F580100 | Presbyacusis |
F580111 | Senile presbyacusis |
F581200 | Noise-induced hearing loss |
F581211 | Noise induced deafness |
F582.00 | Unspecified sudden hearing loss |
F590000 | Unspecified conductive hearing loss |
F590100 | Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of external ear |
F590200 | Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of tympanic membrane |
F590300 | Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of middle ear |
F590400 | Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of inner ear |
F590500 | Conductive hearing loss, bilateral |
F590600 | Conduct hear loss,unilat+unrestric hearing on contralat side |
F590.00 | Conductive hearing loss |
F590.11 | Conductive deafness |
F590y00 | Combined conductive hearing loss |
F590z00 | Conductive hearing loss NOS |
F591000 | Unspecified perceptive hearing loss |
F591100 | Sensory hearing loss |
F591200 | Neural hearing loss |
F591211 | Nerve deafness |
F591300 | Central hearing loss |
F591400 | Congenital sensorineural deafness |
F591500 | Ototoxicity - deafness |
F591511 | Drug ototoxicity - deafness |
F591600 | Sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral |
F591700 | Sensorineurl hear loss,unilat unrestrict hear/contralat side |
F591800 | Congenital prelingual deafness |
F591900 | Bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss |
F591A00 | Bilateral congenital sensorineural hearing loss |
F591B00 | Profound sensorineural hearing loss |
F591C00 | Moderate sensorineural hearing loss |
F591D00 | Mild sensorineural hearing loss |
F591E00 | Severe sensorineural hearing loss |
F591.00 | Sensorineural hearing loss |
F591.11 | High frequency deafness |
F591.12 | Low frequency deafness |
F591.13 | Perceptive deafness |
F591.14 | Perceptive hearing loss |
F591y00 | Combined perceptive hearing loss |
F591z00 | Perceptive hearing loss NOS |
F592000 | Mix cond/sensneurl hear loss,unlat unrestrc hear/contrlat sd |
F592100 | Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral |
F592.00 | Mixed conductive and sensorineural deafness |
F592.11 | Mixed hearing loss |
F593.00 | Deaf mutism, NEC |
F594.00 | High frequency deafness |
F595.00 | Low frequency deafness |
F596.00 | Maternally inherited deafness |
F597.00 | Mild acquired hearing loss |
F598.00 | Moderate acquired hearing loss |
F599.00 | Severe acquired hearing loss |
F59A.00 | Profound acquired hearing loss |
F59A.11 | Deafened |
F59..00 | Hearing loss |
F59..11 | Deafness |
F59y.00 | Other specified forms of hearing loss |
F59z.00 | Deafness NOS |
F59z.11 | Chronic deafness |
F5A..00 | Hearing impairment |
Fy1..00 | Combined visual and hearing impairment |
FyuU000 | [X]Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classified |
FyuU100 | [X]Other specified hearing loss |
P400.00 | Ear anomalies with hearing impaired, unspecified |
P402.00 | Other external ear anomaly with hearing impairment |
P402z00 | Other external ear anomaly with hearing impairment NOS |
P40..00 | Ear anomalies with hearing impairment |
P40z.00 | Other and unspecified ear anomaly with hearing impaired |
P40z.11 | Deafness due to congenital anomaly NEC |
P40zz00 | Ear anomaly with hearing impaired NOS |
PKyP.00 | Diab insipidus,diab mell,optic atrophy and deafness |
Pyu1B00 | [X]Malformation of ear with impairment of hearing, unspec |
Z8B5100 | Able to use hearing aid |
Z8B5300 | Does use hearing aid |
Z8B5311 | Uses hearing aid |
Z8B5500 | Difficulty using hearing aid |
Z8B5.00 | Ability to use hearing aid |
Z911100 | Fit hearing aid |
Z911300 | Adjust hearing aid settings |
Z911400 | Changing hearing aid battery |
Z911500 | Checking hearing aid |
Z911700 | Switching on hearing aid |
Z911800 | Turning off hearing aid |
Z911900 | Putting on hearing aid |
Z911A00 | Listening for feedback whistle of hearing aid |
Z911B00 | Attention to hearing aid |
Z911E00 | Fit ear mould for existing hearing aid |
Z911G00 | Fit ear mould for hearing protection |
Z911.00 | Hearing aid procedure |
Z9E8100 | Hearing aid provision |
ZE87.00 | Hearing loss |
ZE87.11 | Deafness |
ZE87.13 | Hard of hearing |
ZE87.15 | HI - Hearing impairment |
ZE87.16 | HL - Hearing loss |
ZE87.17 | HOH - Hard of hearing |
ZE87.18 | Hearing impairment |
ZE87.19 | Hearing impaired |
ZE87.20 | Hearing impaired |
ZL71600 | Referral to registered hearing aid dispenser |
ZN56900 | Deaf telephone user |
ZN56A00 | Deaf-blind telephone user |
ZV45G00 | [V]Presence of external hearing-aid |
ZV45N00 | [V]Bone anchored hearing aid in situ |
ZV53200 | [V]Fitting or adjustment of hearing aid |
ZV53D00 | [V]Adjustment and management of implanted hearing device |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H90 | Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss |
H91 | Other hearing loss |
Z45.3 | Adjustment and management of implanted hearing device |
Z46.1 | Fitting and adjustment of hearing aid |
Z97.4 | Presence of external hearing-aid |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1493 |
+ H/O: hearing problem |
+ 1C13100 |
+ Unilateral deafness |
+ 1C13.00 |
+ Deafness |
+ 1C13.11 |
+ Deafness symptom |
+ 1C13200 |
+ Partial deafness |
+ 1C13300 |
+ Bilateral deafness |
+ 1C17.00 |
+ Hearing aid problem |
+ 2BL..11 |
+ O/E - deaf |
+ 2BL3.00 |
+ O/E - significantly deaf |
+ 2BL4.00 |
+ O/E - very deaf |
+ 2BL5.00 |
+ O/E - completely deaf |
+ 2BM2.11 |
+ O/E - conductive deafness |
+ 2BM3.11 |
+ O/E - perceptive deafness |
+ 2DG..00 |
+ Hearing aid worn |
+ 2DH0.00 |
+ Uses hearing loop |
+ 7308400.0 |
+ Placement of hearing implant in external ear |
+ 7308500.0 |
+ Attention to hearing implant in external ear |
+ 7308600.0 |
+ Removal of hearing implant from external ear |
+ 7311A00 |
+ Insertn bone anchors subcutaneous bone anchored hearing aid |
+ 7317C00 |
+ Placement of hearing implant in middle ear |
+ 7317D00 |
+ Attention to hearing implant in middle ear |
+ 7317.00 |
+ Removal of hearing implant from middle ear |
+ 7319000.0 |
+ Insertion fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis Stage 1 |
+ 7319100.0 |
+ Insertion fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis Stage 2 |
+ 7319200.0 |
+ Reduction soft tissue for bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
+ 7319300.0 |
+ Attention to fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
+ 7319400.0 |
+ One stage insert fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
+ 7319500.0 |
+ Fitting external hearing prosthesis bone anchored fixtures |
+ 7319600.0 |
+ First stge ins fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
+ 7319.00 |
+ Attachment of bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
+ 7319700.0 |
+ Second stage ins fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosth |
+ 7319y00 |
+ Other specified attachment bone anchored hearing prosthesis |
+ 7319z00 |
+ Attachment of bone anchored hearing prosthesis NOS |
+ 8D21.00 |
+ Provide head worn hearing aid |
+ 8D22.00 |
+ Provide body worn hearing aid |
+ 8D23.00 |
+ Ear fitting hearing aid |
+ 8D24.00 |
+ Replace hearing aid battery |
+ 8D26.00 |
+ Provision of replacement hearing aid |
+ 8D2..12 |
+ Hearing aid provision |
+ 8E3..00 |
+ Deafness remedial therapy |
+ 8E3Z.00 |
+ Deafness remedial therapy NOS |
+ 8HT2.00 |
+ Referral to hearing aid clinic |
+ 8M41.00 |
+ Hearing aid requested |
+ 9N0b.00 |
+ Seen in hearing aid clinic |
+ 9NfB.00 |
+ Requires deafblind communicator guide |
+ A560200 |
+ Rubella deafness |
+ F580100 |
+ Presbyacusis |
+ F580111 |
+ Senile presbyacusis |
+ F581200 |
+ Noise-induced hearing loss |
+ F581211 |
+ Noise induced deafness |
+ F582.00 |
+ Unspecified sudden hearing loss |
+ F590000 |
+ Unspecified conductive hearing loss |
+ F590100 |
+ Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of external ear |
+ F590200 |
+ Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of tympanic membrane |
+ F590300 |
+ Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of middle ear |
+ F590400 |
+ Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of inner ear |
+ F590500 |
+ Conductive hearing loss, bilateral |
+ F590600 |
+ Conduct hear loss,unilat+unrestric hearing on contralat side |
+ F590.00 |
+ Conductive hearing loss |
+ F590.11 |
+ Conductive deafness |
+ F590y00 |
+ Combined conductive hearing loss |
+ F590z00 |
+ Conductive hearing loss NOS |
+ F591000 |
+ Unspecified perceptive hearing loss |
+ F591100 |
+ Sensory hearing loss |
+ F591200 |
+ Neural hearing loss |
+ F591211 |
+ Nerve deafness |
+ F591300 |
+ Central hearing loss |
+ F591400 |
+ Congenital sensorineural deafness |
+ F591500 |
+ Ototoxicity - deafness |
+ F591511 |
+ Drug ototoxicity - deafness |
+ F591600 |
+ Sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral |
+ F591700 |
+ Sensorineurl hear loss,unilat unrestrict hear/contralat side |
+ F591800 |
+ Congenital prelingual deafness |
+ F591900 |
+ Bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss |
+ F591A00 |
+ Bilateral congenital sensorineural hearing loss |
+ F591B00 |
+ Profound sensorineural hearing loss |
+ F591C00 |
+ Moderate sensorineural hearing loss |
+ F591D00 |
+ Mild sensorineural hearing loss |
+ F591E00 |
+ Severe sensorineural hearing loss |
+ F591.00 |
+ Sensorineural hearing loss |
+ F591.11 |
+ High frequency deafness |
+ F591.12 |
+ Low frequency deafness |
+ F591.13 |
+ Perceptive deafness |
+ F591.14 |
+ Perceptive hearing loss |
+ F591y00 |
+ Combined perceptive hearing loss |
+ F591z00 |
+ Perceptive hearing loss NOS |
+ F592000 |
+ Mix cond/sensneurl hear loss,unlat unrestrc hear/contrlat sd |
+ F592100 |
+ Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral |
+ F592.00 |
+ Mixed conductive and sensorineural deafness |
+ F592.11 |
+ Mixed hearing loss |
+ F593.00 |
+ Deaf mutism, NEC |
+ F594.00 |
+ High frequency deafness |
+ F595.00 |
+ Low frequency deafness |
+ F596.00 |
+ Maternally inherited deafness |
+ F597.00 |
+ Mild acquired hearing loss |
+ F598.00 |
+ Moderate acquired hearing loss |
+ F599.00 |
+ Severe acquired hearing loss |
+ F59A.00 |
+ Profound acquired hearing loss |
+ F59A.11 |
+ Deafened |
+ F59..00 |
+ Hearing loss |
+ F59..11 |
+ Deafness |
+ F59y.00 |
+ Other specified forms of hearing loss |
+ F59z.00 |
+ Deafness NOS |
+ F59z.11 |
+ Chronic deafness |
+ F5A..00 |
+ Hearing impairment |
+ Fy1..00 |
+ Combined visual and hearing impairment |
+ FyuU000 |
+ [X]Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classified |
+ FyuU100 |
+ [X]Other specified hearing loss |
+ P400.00 |
+ Ear anomalies with hearing impaired, unspecified |
+ P402.00 |
+ Other external ear anomaly with hearing impairment |
+ P402z00 |
+ Other external ear anomaly with hearing impairment NOS |
+ P40..00 |
+ Ear anomalies with hearing impairment |
+ P40z.00 |
+ Other and unspecified ear anomaly with hearing impaired |
+ P40z.11 |
+ Deafness due to congenital anomaly NEC |
+ P40zz00 |
+ Ear anomaly with hearing impaired NOS |
+ PKyP.00 |
+ Diab insipidus,diab mell,optic atrophy and deafness |
+ Pyu1B00 |
+ [X]Malformation of ear with impairment of hearing, unspec |
+ Z8B5100 |
+ Able to use hearing aid |
+ Z8B5300 |
+ Does use hearing aid |
+ Z8B5311 |
+ Uses hearing aid |
+ Z8B5500 |
+ Difficulty using hearing aid |
+ Z8B5.00 |
+ Ability to use hearing aid |
+ Z911100 |
+ Fit hearing aid |
+ Z911300 |
+ Adjust hearing aid settings |
+ Z911400 |
+ Changing hearing aid battery |
+ Z911500 |
+ Checking hearing aid |
+ Z911700 |
+ Switching on hearing aid |
+ Z911800 |
+ Turning off hearing aid |
+ Z911900 |
+ Putting on hearing aid |
+ Z911A00 |
+ Listening for feedback whistle of hearing aid |
+ Z911B00 |
+ Attention to hearing aid |
+ Z911E00 |
+ Fit ear mould for existing hearing aid |
+ Z911G00 |
+ Fit ear mould for hearing protection |
+ Z911.00 |
+ Hearing aid procedure |
+ Z9E8100 |
+ Hearing aid provision |
+ ZE87.00 |
+ Hearing loss |
+ ZE87.11 |
+ Deafness |
+ ZE87.13 |
+ Hard of hearing |
+ ZE87.15 |
+ HI - Hearing impairment |
+ ZE87.16 |
+ HL - Hearing loss |
+ ZE87.17 |
+ HOH - Hard of hearing |
+ ZE87.18 |
+ Hearing impairment |
+ ZE87.19 |
+ Hearing impaired |
+ ZE87.20 |
+ Hearing impaired |
+ ZL71600 |
+ Referral to registered hearing aid dispenser |
+ ZN56900 |
+ Deaf telephone user |
+ ZN56A00 |
+ Deaf-blind telephone user |
+ ZV45G00 |
+ [V]Presence of external hearing-aid |
+ ZV45N00 |
+ [V]Bone anchored hearing aid in situ |
+ ZV53200 |
+ [V]Fitting or adjustment of hearing aid |
+ ZV53D00 |
+ [V]Adjustment and management of implanted hearing device |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_deaf.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H90 |
+ Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss |
+ H91 |
+ Other hearing loss |
+ Z45.3 |
+ Adjustment and management of implanted hearing device |
+ Z46.1 |
+ Fitting and adjustment of hearing aid |
+ Z97.4 |
+ Presence of external hearing-aid |
+Heart failure
-Heart failure
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Heart failure IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Heart failure' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Heart failure diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Heart failure' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Heart failure or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14A6.00 | H/O: heart failure |
14AM.00 | H/O: Heart failure in last year |
1O1..00 | Heart failure confirmed |
388D.00 | New York Heart Assoc classification heart failure symptoms |
661M500 | Heart failure self-management plan agreed |
662f.00 | New York Heart Association classification - class I |
662g.00 | New York Heart Association classification - class II |
662h.00 | New York Heart Association classification - class III |
662i.00 | New York Heart Association classification - class IV |
662p.00 | Heart failure 6 month review |
662T.00 | Congestive heart failure monitoring |
662W.00 | Heart failure annual review |
679W100 | Education about deteriorating heart failure |
679X.00 | Heart failure education |
8B29.00 | Cardiac failure therapy |
8CeC.00 | Preferred place of care for next exacerbation heart failure |
8CL3.00 | Heart failure care plan discussed with patient |
8CMK.00 | Has heart failure management plan |
8CMW800 | Heart failure clinical pathway |
8H2S.00 | Admit heart failure emergency |
8HBE.00 | Heart failure follow-up |
8HHz.00 | Referral to heart failure exercise programme |
8Hk0.00 | Referred to heart failure education group |
9h11.00 | Excepted from LVD quality indicators: Patient unsuitable |
9h12.00 | Excepted from LVD quality indicators: Informed dissent |
9h1..00 | Exception reporting: LVD quality indicators |
9hH0.00 | Excepted heart failure quality indicators: Patient unsuitabl |
9hH1.00 | Excepted heart failure quality indicators: Informed dissent |
9hH..00 | Exception reporting: heart failure quality indicators |
9N2p.00 | Seen by community heart failure nurse |
9N6T.00 | Referred by heart failure nurse specialist |
9On0.00 | Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring first letter |
9On1.00 | Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring second letter |
9On2.00 | Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring third letter |
9On3.00 | Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring verbal invite |
9On4.00 | Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring telephone invite |
9On..00 | Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring administration |
9Or0.00 | Heart failure review completed |
9Or1.00 | Heart failure monitoring telephone invite |
9Or2.00 | Heart failure monitoring verbal invite |
9Or3.00 | Heart failure monitoring first letter |
9Or4.00 | Heart failure monitoring second letter |
9Or5.00 | Heart failure monitoring third letter |
9Or..00 | Heart failure monitoring administration |
G1yz100 | Rheumatic left ventricular failure |
G210100 | Malignant hypertensive heart disease with CCF |
G211100 | Benign hypertensive heart disease with CCF |
G21z100 | Hypertensive heart disease NOS with CCF |
G232.00 | Hypertensive heart&renal dis wth (congestive) heart failure |
G234.00 | Hyperten heart&renal dis+both(congestv)heart and renal fail |
G400.00 | Acute cor pulmonale |
G41z.11 | Chronic cor pulmonale |
G554000 | Congestive cardiomyopathy |
G554011 | Congestive obstructive cardiomyopathy |
G580000 | Acute congestive heart failure |
G580100 | Chronic congestive heart failure |
G580200 | Decompensated cardiac failure |
G580300 | Compensated cardiac failure |
G580400 | Congestive heart failure due to valvular disease |
G580.00 | Congestive heart failure |
G580.11 | Congestive cardiac failure |
G580.12 | Right heart failure |
G580.13 | Right ventricular failure |
G580.14 | Biventricular failure |
G581000 | Acute left ventricular failure |
G581.00 | Left ventricular failure |
G581.11 | Asthma - cardiac |
G581.13 | Impaired left ventricular function |
G582.00 | Acute heart failure |
G584.00 | Right ventricular failure |
G58..00 | Heart failure |
G58..11 | Cardiac failure |
G58z.00 | Heart failure NOS |
G58z.12 | Cardiac failure NOS |
G5yy900 | Left ventricular systolic dysfunction |
G5yyA00 | Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction |
ZRad.00 | New York Heart Assoc classification heart failure symptoms |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I11.0 | Hypertensive heart disease with (congestive) heart failure |
I13.0 | Hypertensive heart and renal disease with (congestive) heart failure |
I13.2 | Hypertensive heart and renal disease with both (congestive) heart failure and renal failure |
I50 | Heart failure |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Heart failure' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14A6.00 |
+ H/O: heart failure |
+ 14AM.00 |
+ H/O: Heart failure in last year |
+ 1O1..00 |
+ Heart failure confirmed |
+ 388D.00 |
+ New York Heart Assoc classification heart failure symptoms |
+ 661M500 |
+ Heart failure self-management plan agreed |
+ 662f.00 |
+ New York Heart Association classification - class I |
+ 662g.00 |
+ New York Heart Association classification - class II |
+ 662h.00 |
+ New York Heart Association classification - class III |
+ 662i.00 |
+ New York Heart Association classification - class IV |
+ 662p.00 |
+ Heart failure 6 month review |
+ 662T.00 |
+ Congestive heart failure monitoring |
+ 662W.00 |
+ Heart failure annual review |
+ 679W100 |
+ Education about deteriorating heart failure |
+ 679X.00 |
+ Heart failure education |
+ 8B29.00 |
+ Cardiac failure therapy |
+ 8CeC.00 |
+ Preferred place of care for next exacerbation heart failure |
+ 8CL3.00 |
+ Heart failure care plan discussed with patient |
+ 8CMK.00 |
+ Has heart failure management plan |
+ 8CMW800 |
+ Heart failure clinical pathway |
+ 8H2S.00 |
+ Admit heart failure emergency |
+ 8HBE.00 |
+ Heart failure follow-up |
+ 8HHz.00 |
+ Referral to heart failure exercise programme |
+ 8Hk0.00 |
+ Referred to heart failure education group |
+ 9h11.00 |
+ Excepted from LVD quality indicators: Patient unsuitable |
+ 9h12.00 |
+ Excepted from LVD quality indicators: Informed dissent |
+ 9h1..00 |
+ Exception reporting: LVD quality indicators |
+ 9hH0.00 |
+ Excepted heart failure quality indicators: Patient unsuitabl |
+ 9hH1.00 |
+ Excepted heart failure quality indicators: Informed dissent |
+ 9hH..00 |
+ Exception reporting: heart failure quality indicators |
+ 9N2p.00 |
+ Seen by community heart failure nurse |
+ 9N6T.00 |
+ Referred by heart failure nurse specialist |
+ 9On0.00 |
+ Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring first letter |
+ 9On1.00 |
+ Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring second letter |
+ 9On2.00 |
+ Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring third letter |
+ 9On3.00 |
+ Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring verbal invite |
+ 9On4.00 |
+ Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring telephone invite |
+ 9On..00 |
+ Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring administration |
+ 9Or0.00 |
+ Heart failure review completed |
+ 9Or1.00 |
+ Heart failure monitoring telephone invite |
+ 9Or2.00 |
+ Heart failure monitoring verbal invite |
+ 9Or3.00 |
+ Heart failure monitoring first letter |
+ 9Or4.00 |
+ Heart failure monitoring second letter |
+ 9Or5.00 |
+ Heart failure monitoring third letter |
+ 9Or..00 |
+ Heart failure monitoring administration |
+ G1yz100 |
+ Rheumatic left ventricular failure |
+ G210100 |
+ Malignant hypertensive heart disease with CCF |
+ G211100 |
+ Benign hypertensive heart disease with CCF |
+ G21z100 |
+ Hypertensive heart disease NOS with CCF |
+ G232.00 |
+ Hypertensive heart&renal dis wth (congestive) heart failure |
+ G234.00 |
+ Hyperten heart&renal dis+both(congestv)heart and renal fail |
+ G400.00 |
+ Acute cor pulmonale |
+ G41z.11 |
+ Chronic cor pulmonale |
+ G554000 |
+ Congestive cardiomyopathy |
+ G554011 |
+ Congestive obstructive cardiomyopathy |
+ G580000 |
+ Acute congestive heart failure |
+ G580100 |
+ Chronic congestive heart failure |
+ G580200 |
+ Decompensated cardiac failure |
+ G580300 |
+ Compensated cardiac failure |
+ G580400 |
+ Congestive heart failure due to valvular disease |
+ G580.00 |
+ Congestive heart failure |
+ G580.11 |
+ Congestive cardiac failure |
+ G580.12 |
+ Right heart failure |
+ G580.13 |
+ Right ventricular failure |
+ G580.14 |
+ Biventricular failure |
+ G581000 |
+ Acute left ventricular failure |
+ G581.00 |
+ Left ventricular failure |
+ G581.11 |
+ Asthma - cardiac |
+ G581.13 |
+ Impaired left ventricular function |
+ G582.00 |
+ Acute heart failure |
+ G584.00 |
+ Right ventricular failure |
+ G58..00 |
+ Heart failure |
+ G58..11 |
+ Cardiac failure |
+ G58z.00 |
+ Heart failure NOS |
+ G58z.12 |
+ Cardiac failure NOS |
+ G5yy900 |
+ Left ventricular systolic dysfunction |
+ G5yyA00 |
+ Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction |
+ ZRad.00 |
+ New York Heart Assoc classification heart failure symptoms |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_hf.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I11.0 |
+ Hypertensive heart disease with (congestive) heart failure |
+ I13.0 |
+ Hypertensive heart and renal disease with (congestive) heart failure |
+ I13.2 |
+ Hypertensive heart and renal disease with both (congestive) heart failure and renal failure |
+ I50 |
+ Heart failure |
+Hepatic failure
-Hepatic failure
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hepatic failure IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Hepatic failure' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Hepatic failure diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Hepatic failure' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Hepatic failure or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7L1f.00 | Compensation for liver failure |
7L1fz00 | Compensation for liver failure NOS |
A700.00 | Viral hepatitis A with coma |
A702.00 | Viral hepatitis B with coma |
A704000 | Viral hepatitis C with coma |
A704.00 | Other specified viral hepatitis with coma |
A704z00 | Other specified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma NOS |
J600000 | Acute hepatic failure |
J600011 | Acute liver failure |
J600200 | Acute yellow atrophy |
J600.00 | Acute necrosis of liver |
J600z00 | Acute necrosis of liver NOS |
J601000 | Subacute hepatic failure |
J601200 | Subacute yellow atrophy |
J601.00 | Subacute necrosis of liver |
J601z00 | Subacute necrosis of liver NOS |
J60..00 | Acute and subacute liver necrosis |
J60z.00 | Acute and subacute liver necrosis NOS |
J613000 | Alcoholic hepatic failure |
J622.00 | Hepatic coma |
J622.11 | Encephalopathy - hepatic |
J625.00 | [X] Hepatic failure |
J625.11 | [X] Liver failure |
J62y.11 | Hepatic failure NOS |
J62y.12 | Liver failure NOS |
J62y.13 | Hepatic failure |
J634.00 | Hepatic infarction |
J635100 | Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis |
J635700 | Acute hepatic failure due to drugs |
J636.00 | Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver |
SP08600 | Liver transplant failure and rejection |
SP14200 | Hepatic failure as a complication of care |
SP14211 | Liver failure as a complication of care |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
B15.0 | Hepatitis A with hepatic coma |
B16.0 | Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) with hepatic coma |
B19.0 | Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma |
K70.4 | Alcoholic hepatic failure |
K71.1 | Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis |
K72 | Hepatic failure, not elsewhere classified |
K76.2 | Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver |
K76.3 | Infarction of liver |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Hepatic failure' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7L1f.00 |
+ Compensation for liver failure |
+ 7L1fz00 |
+ Compensation for liver failure NOS |
+ A700.00 |
+ Viral hepatitis A with coma |
+ A702.00 |
+ Viral hepatitis B with coma |
+ A704000 |
+ Viral hepatitis C with coma |
+ A704.00 |
+ Other specified viral hepatitis with coma |
+ A704z00 |
+ Other specified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma NOS |
+ J600000 |
+ Acute hepatic failure |
+ J600011 |
+ Acute liver failure |
+ J600200 |
+ Acute yellow atrophy |
+ J600.00 |
+ Acute necrosis of liver |
+ J600z00 |
+ Acute necrosis of liver NOS |
+ J601000 |
+ Subacute hepatic failure |
+ J601200 |
+ Subacute yellow atrophy |
+ J601.00 |
+ Subacute necrosis of liver |
+ J601z00 |
+ Subacute necrosis of liver NOS |
+ J60..00 |
+ Acute and subacute liver necrosis |
+ J60z.00 |
+ Acute and subacute liver necrosis NOS |
+ J613000 |
+ Alcoholic hepatic failure |
+ J622.00 |
+ Hepatic coma |
+ J622.11 |
+ Encephalopathy - hepatic |
+ J625.00 |
+ [X] Hepatic failure |
+ J625.11 |
+ [X] Liver failure |
+ J62y.11 |
+ Hepatic failure NOS |
+ J62y.12 |
+ Liver failure NOS |
+ J62y.13 |
+ Hepatic failure |
+ J634.00 |
+ Hepatic infarction |
+ J635100 |
+ Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis |
+ J635700 |
+ Acute hepatic failure due to drugs |
+ J636.00 |
+ Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver |
+ SP08600 |
+ Liver transplant failure and rejection |
+ SP14200 |
+ Hepatic failure as a complication of care |
+ SP14211 |
+ Liver failure as a complication of care |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ B15.0 |
+ Hepatitis A with hepatic coma |
+ B16.0 |
+ Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) with hepatic coma |
+ B19.0 |
+ Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma |
+ K70.4 |
+ Alcoholic hepatic failure |
+ K71.1 |
+ Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis |
+ K72 |
+ Hepatic failure, not elsewhere classified |
+ K76.2 |
+ Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver |
+ K76.3 |
+ Infarction of liver |
+Hidradenitis suppurativa
-Hidradenitis suppurativa
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hidradenitis suppurativa IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Hidradenitis suppurativa' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Hidradenitis suppurativa diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Hidradenitis suppurativa' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Hidradenitis suppurativa or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
M25y100 | Hidradenitis |
M25y111 | Hidradenitis suppurativa |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L73.2 | Hidradenitis suppurativa |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Hidradenitis suppurativa' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ M25y100 |
+ Hidradenitis |
+ M25y111 |
+ Hidradenitis suppurativa |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L73.2 |
+ Hidradenitis suppurativa |
+High birth weight
-High birth weight
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had High birth weight IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'High birth weight' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. High birth weight diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
+1. 'High birth weight' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of High birth weight or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
L266000 | Large-for-dates unspecified |
L266100 | Large-for-dates - delivered |
L266200 | Large-for-dates with antenatal problem |
L266z00 | Large-for-dates NOS |
Q120.00 | Very large baby - weight greater than 4500gm |
Q121.00 | Other 'large-for-dates' infant |
Q12..11 | Large baby born |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
P08.0 | Exceptionally large baby |
P08.1 | Other heavy for gestational age infants |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'High birth weight' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ L266000 |
+ Large-for-dates unspecified |
+ L266100 |
+ Large-for-dates - delivered |
+ L266200 |
+ Large-for-dates with antenatal problem |
+ L266z00 |
+ Large-for-dates NOS |
+ Q120.00 |
+ Very large baby - weight greater than 4500gm |
+ Q121.00 |
+ Other 'large-for-dates' infant |
+ Q12..11 |
+ Large baby born |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_HBW.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ P08.0 |
+ Exceptionally large baby |
+ P08.1 |
+ Other heavy for gestational age infants |
+Hodgkin Lymphoma
-Hodgkin Lymphoma
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hodgkin Lymphoma IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Hodgkin Lymphoma' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Hodgkin Lymphoma diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Hodgkin Lymphoma' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Hodgkin Lymphoma or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B610100 | Hodgkin's paragranuloma of lymph nodes of head, face, neck |
B610300 | Hodgkin's paragranuloma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B610.00 | Hodgkin's paragranuloma |
B611100 | Hodgkin's granuloma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
B611.00 | Hodgkin's granuloma |
B612400 | Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb |
B612.00 | Hodgkin's sarcoma |
B613000 | Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance unspec site |
B613100 | Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of head, face, neck |
B613200 | Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrathoracic nodes |
B613300 | Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intra-abdominal node |
B613500 | Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred inguinal and leg |
B613600 | Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrapelvic nodes |
B613700 | Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of spleen |
B613800 | Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of multiple sites |
B613.00 | Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance |
B613z00 | Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance NOS |
B614000 | Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis of unspecified site |
B614100 | Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of head, face and neck |
B614200 | Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
B614300 | Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B614400 | Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of axilla and arm |
B614700 | Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis of spleen |
B614800 | Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
B614.00 | Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis |
B614z00 | Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis NOS |
B615000 | Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity of unspecified site |
B615100 | Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes head, face, neck |
B615200 | Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
B615500 | Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes inguinal and leg |
B615.00 | Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity |
B615z00 | Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity NOS |
B616000 | Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion of unspecified site |
B616400 | Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes axilla and arm |
B616500 | Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes inguinal and leg |
B616700 | Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion of spleen |
B616800 | Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes multiple sites |
B616.00 | Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion |
B616z00 | Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion NOS |
B617.00 | Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma |
B618.00 | Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
B619.00 | Mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
B61..00 | Hodgkin's disease |
B61..11 | Hodgkin lymphoma |
B61B.00 | Lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
B61C.00 | Other classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
B61z000 | Hodgkin's disease NOS, unspecified site |
B61z100 | Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
B61z200 | Hodgkin's disease NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
B61z300 | Hodgkin's disease NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B61z400 | Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm |
B61z500 | Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg |
B61z700 | Hodgkin's disease NOS of spleen |
B61z800 | Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
B61z.00 | Hodgkin's disease NOS |
B61z.11 | Hodgkin lymphoma NOS |
B61zz00 | Hodgkin's disease NOS |
BBj0.00 | [M]Hodgkin's disease NOS |
BBj1000 | [M]Hodgkin,s disease, lymphocytic predominance, diffuse |
BBj1100 | [M]Hodgkin,s disease, lymphocytic predominance, nodular |
BBj1.00 | [M]Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic predominance |
BBj2.00 | [M]Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity |
BBj4.00 | [M]Hodgkin's disease,lymphocytic depletion,diffuse fibrosis |
BBj6000 | [M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, lymphocytic predom |
BBj6100 | [M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, mixed cellularity |
BBj6200 | [M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, lymphocytic deplet |
BBj6.00 | [M]Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis NOS |
BBj7.00 | [M]Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis, cellular phase |
BBj9.00 | [M]Hodgkin's granuloma |
BBj..00 | [M]Hodgkin's disease |
BBjz.00 | [M]Hodgkin's disease NOS |
ByuD000 | [X]Other Hodgkin's disease |
ZV10711 | [V]Personal history of Hodgkin's disease |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C81 | Hodgkin lymphoma |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Hodgkin Lymphoma' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B610100 |
+ Hodgkin's paragranuloma of lymph nodes of head, face, neck |
+ B610300 |
+ Hodgkin's paragranuloma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B610.00 |
+ Hodgkin's paragranuloma |
+ B611100 |
+ Hodgkin's granuloma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
+ B611.00 |
+ Hodgkin's granuloma |
+ B612400 |
+ Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb |
+ B612.00 |
+ Hodgkin's sarcoma |
+ B613000 |
+ Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance unspec site |
+ B613100 |
+ Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of head, face, neck |
+ B613200 |
+ Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrathoracic nodes |
+ B613300 |
+ Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intra-abdominal node |
+ B613500 |
+ Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred inguinal and leg |
+ B613600 |
+ Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrapelvic nodes |
+ B613700 |
+ Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of spleen |
+ B613800 |
+ Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of multiple sites |
+ B613.00 |
+ Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance |
+ B613z00 |
+ Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance NOS |
+ B614000 |
+ Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis of unspecified site |
+ B614100 |
+ Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of head, face and neck |
+ B614200 |
+ Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
+ B614300 |
+ Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B614400 |
+ Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of axilla and arm |
+ B614700 |
+ Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis of spleen |
+ B614800 |
+ Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
+ B614.00 |
+ Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis |
+ B614z00 |
+ Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis NOS |
+ B615000 |
+ Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity of unspecified site |
+ B615100 |
+ Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes head, face, neck |
+ B615200 |
+ Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
+ B615500 |
+ Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes inguinal and leg |
+ B615.00 |
+ Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity |
+ B615z00 |
+ Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity NOS |
+ B616000 |
+ Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion of unspecified site |
+ B616400 |
+ Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes axilla and arm |
+ B616500 |
+ Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes inguinal and leg |
+ B616700 |
+ Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion of spleen |
+ B616800 |
+ Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes multiple sites |
+ B616.00 |
+ Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion |
+ B616z00 |
+ Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion NOS |
+ B617.00 |
+ Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma |
+ B618.00 |
+ Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
+ B619.00 |
+ Mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
+ B61..00 |
+ Hodgkin's disease |
+ B61..11 |
+ Hodgkin lymphoma |
+ B61B.00 |
+ Lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
+ B61C.00 |
+ Other classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
+ B61z000 |
+ Hodgkin's disease NOS, unspecified site |
+ B61z100 |
+ Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
+ B61z200 |
+ Hodgkin's disease NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
+ B61z300 |
+ Hodgkin's disease NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B61z400 |
+ Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm |
+ B61z500 |
+ Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg |
+ B61z700 |
+ Hodgkin's disease NOS of spleen |
+ B61z800 |
+ Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
+ B61z.00 |
+ Hodgkin's disease NOS |
+ B61z.11 |
+ Hodgkin lymphoma NOS |
+ B61zz00 |
+ Hodgkin's disease NOS |
+ BBj0.00 |
+ [M]Hodgkin's disease NOS |
+ BBj1000 |
+ [M]Hodgkin,s disease, lymphocytic predominance, diffuse |
+ BBj1100 |
+ [M]Hodgkin,s disease, lymphocytic predominance, nodular |
+ BBj1.00 |
+ [M]Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic predominance |
+ BBj2.00 |
+ [M]Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity |
+ BBj4.00 |
+ [M]Hodgkin's disease,lymphocytic depletion,diffuse fibrosis |
+ BBj6000 |
+ [M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, lymphocytic predom |
+ BBj6100 |
+ [M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, mixed cellularity |
+ BBj6200 |
+ [M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, lymphocytic deplet |
+ BBj6.00 |
+ [M]Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis NOS |
+ BBj7.00 |
+ [M]Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis, cellular phase |
+ BBj9.00 |
+ [M]Hodgkin's granuloma |
+ BBj..00 |
+ [M]Hodgkin's disease |
+ BBjz.00 |
+ [M]Hodgkin's disease NOS |
+ ByuD000 |
+ [X]Other Hodgkin's disease |
+ ZV10711 |
+ [V]Personal history of Hodgkin's disease |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C81 |
+ Hodgkin lymphoma |
+Hydrocoele (incl infected)
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hydrocoele (incl infected) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Hydrocoele (incl infected)' (incl infected) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Hydrocoele (incl infected) diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Hydrocoele (incl infected)' (incl infected) diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Hydrocoele (incl infected) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7C08000 | Excision of hydrocele sac |
7C08100 | Injection sclerotherapy of hydrocele |
7C08200 | Drainage of hydrocele |
7C08300 | Jaboulay's eversion of hydrocele |
7C08311 | Eversion of hydrocele |
7C08400 | Lord's plication of hydrocele |
7C08500 | Diagnostic aspiration of hydrocele |
7C08600 | Correction of hydrocele of infancy |
7C08700 | Other aspiration of hydrocele |
7C08711 | Other aspiration of hydrocele sac |
7C08712 | Tapping of hydrocele NEC |
7C08.00 | Excision of hydrocele |
7C08.11 | Operations on hydrocoele |
7C08.12 | Operations on hydrocoele sac |
7C08.13 | Operations on hydrocele |
7C08y00 | Other specified operation on hydrocele |
7C08z00 | Operation on hydrocele NOS |
K230.00 | Encysted hydrocele |
K231.00 | Infected hydrocele |
K23..00 | Hydrocele |
K23y.00 | Other types of hydrocele |
K23z.00 | Hydrocele NOS |
Kyu6200 | [X]Other hydrocele |
Q476.00 | Congenital hydrocele |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N43.0 | Encysted hydrocele |
N43.1 | Infected hydrocele |
N43.2 | Other hydrocele |
N43.3 | Hydrocele, unspecified |
P83.5 | Congenital hydrocele |
-Hyperkinetic disorders
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Hydrocoele (incl infected)' (incl infected) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7C08000 |
+ Excision of hydrocele sac |
+ 7C08100 |
+ Injection sclerotherapy of hydrocele |
+ 7C08200 |
+ Drainage of hydrocele |
+ 7C08300 |
+ Jaboulay's eversion of hydrocele |
+ 7C08311 |
+ Eversion of hydrocele |
+ 7C08400 |
+ Lord's plication of hydrocele |
+ 7C08500 |
+ Diagnostic aspiration of hydrocele |
+ 7C08600 |
+ Correction of hydrocele of infancy |
+ 7C08700 |
+ Other aspiration of hydrocele |
+ 7C08711 |
+ Other aspiration of hydrocele sac |
+ 7C08712 |
+ Tapping of hydrocele NEC |
+ 7C08.00 |
+ Excision of hydrocele |
+ 7C08.11 |
+ Operations on hydrocoele |
+ 7C08.12 |
+ Operations on hydrocoele sac |
+ 7C08.13 |
+ Operations on hydrocele |
+ 7C08y00 |
+ Other specified operation on hydrocele |
+ 7C08z00 |
+ Operation on hydrocele NOS |
+ K230.00 |
+ Encysted hydrocele |
+ K231.00 |
+ Infected hydrocele |
+ K23..00 |
+ Hydrocele |
+ K23y.00 |
+ Other types of hydrocele |
+ K23z.00 |
+ Hydrocele NOS |
+ Kyu6200 |
+ [X]Other hydrocele |
+ Q476.00 |
+ Congenital hydrocele |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N43.0 |
+ Encysted hydrocele |
+ N43.1 |
+ Infected hydrocele |
+ N43.2 |
+ Other hydrocele |
+ N43.3 |
+ Hydrocele, unspecified |
+ P83.5 |
+ Congenital hydrocele |
+Hyperkinetic disorders
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hyperkinetic disorders IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Hyperkinetic disorders' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Hyperkinetic disorders diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Hyperkinetic disorders' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Hyperkinetic disorders or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
6A61.00 | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder annual review |
8BPT.00 | Drug therapy ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) |
9Ngp.00 | On drug ther ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) |
E2E0100 | Attention deficit with hyperactivity |
E2E1.00 | Hyperkinesis with developmental delay |
E2E2.00 | Hyperkinetic conduct disorder |
E2E..00 | Childhood hyperkinetic syndrome |
E2E..11 | Overactive child syndrome |
E2Ey.00 | Other hyperkinetic manifestation |
E2Ez.00 | Hyperkinetic syndrome NOS |
Eu84400 | [X]Overactive disorder assoc mental retard/stereotype movts |
Eu90000 | [X]Disturbance of activity and attention |
Eu90011 | [X]Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
Eu90100 | [X]Hyperkinetic conduct disorder |
Eu90111 | [X]Hyperkinetic disorder associated with conduct disorder |
Eu90.00 | [X]Hyperkinetic disorders |
Eu90y00 | [X]Other hyperkinetic disorders |
Eu90z00 | [X]Hyperkinetic disorder, unspecified |
Eu90z11 | [X]Hyperkinetic reaction of childhood or adolescence NOS |
Eu90z12 | [X]Hyperkinetic syndrome NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F90 | Hyperkinetic disorders |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Hyperkinetic disorders' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 6A61.00 |
+ Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder annual review |
+ 8BPT.00 |
+ Drug therapy ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) |
+ 9Ngp.00 |
+ On drug ther ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) |
+ E2E0100 |
+ Attention deficit with hyperactivity |
+ E2E1.00 |
+ Hyperkinesis with developmental delay |
+ E2E2.00 |
+ Hyperkinetic conduct disorder |
+ E2E..00 |
+ Childhood hyperkinetic syndrome |
+ E2E..11 |
+ Overactive child syndrome |
+ E2Ey.00 |
+ Other hyperkinetic manifestation |
+ E2Ez.00 |
+ Hyperkinetic syndrome NOS |
+ Eu84400 |
+ [X]Overactive disorder assoc mental retard/stereotype movts |
+ Eu90000 |
+ [X]Disturbance of activity and attention |
+ Eu90011 |
+ [X]Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
+ Eu90100 |
+ [X]Hyperkinetic conduct disorder |
+ Eu90111 |
+ [X]Hyperkinetic disorder associated with conduct disorder |
+ Eu90.00 |
+ [X]Hyperkinetic disorders |
+ Eu90y00 |
+ [X]Other hyperkinetic disorders |
+ Eu90z00 |
+ [X]Hyperkinetic disorder, unspecified |
+ Eu90z11 |
+ [X]Hyperkinetic reaction of childhood or adolescence NOS |
+ Eu90z12 |
+ [X]Hyperkinetic syndrome NOS |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_ADHD.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F90 |
+ Hyperkinetic disorders |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hyperparathyroidism IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Hyperparathyroidism' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Hyperparathyroidism diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Hyperparathyroidism' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Hyperparathyroidism or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
C120000 | Primary hyperparathyroidism |
C120100 | Hyperparathyroid bone disease |
C120111 | Osteitis fibrosa cystica |
C120112 | Von Recklinghausen's bone disease |
C120200 | Tertiary hyperparathyroidism |
C120.00 | Hyperparathyroidism |
C120.11 | Osteitis fibrosa cystica |
C120.12 | Von Recklinghausen's bone disease |
C1z3100 | Ectopic hyperparathyroidism |
Cyu4100 | [X]Other hyperparathyroidism |
K08y100 | Secondary hyperparathyroidism |
N332500 | Brown tumour of hyperparathyroidism |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
E21.0 | Primary hyperparathyroidism |
E21.1 | Secondary hyperparathyroidism, not elsewhere classified |
E21.2 | Other hyperparathyroidism |
E21.3 | Hyperparathyroidism, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Hyperparathyroidism' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ C120000 |
+ Primary hyperparathyroidism |
+ C120100 |
+ Hyperparathyroid bone disease |
+ C120111 |
+ Osteitis fibrosa cystica |
+ C120112 |
+ Von Recklinghausen's bone disease |
+ C120200 |
+ Tertiary hyperparathyroidism |
+ C120.00 |
+ Hyperparathyroidism |
+ C120.11 |
+ Osteitis fibrosa cystica |
+ C120.12 |
+ Von Recklinghausen's bone disease |
+ C1z3100 |
+ Ectopic hyperparathyroidism |
+ Cyu4100 |
+ [X]Other hyperparathyroidism |
+ K08y100 |
+ Secondary hyperparathyroidism |
+ N332500 |
+ Brown tumour of hyperparathyroidism |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_PTH.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ E21.0 |
+ Primary hyperparathyroidism |
+ E21.1 |
+ Secondary hyperparathyroidism, not elsewhere classified |
+ E21.2 |
+ Other hyperparathyroidism |
+ E21.3 |
+ Hyperparathyroidism, unspecified |
+Hyperplasia of prostate
-Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hyperplasia of prostate IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hyperplasia of prostate IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Hyperplasia of prostate diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Hyperplasia of prostate or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14E1.00 | H/O: prostatism |
1AA..00 | Prostatism |
K200.00 | Prostatic hyperplasia unspecified |
K201.00 | Prostatic hyperplasia of the lateral lobe |
K202.00 | Prostatic hyperplasia of the medial lobe |
K20..00 | Benign prostatic hypertrophy |
K20..14 | Enlarged prostate - benign |
K20..15 | BPH - benign prostatic hypertrophy |
K20..16 | Prostatism |
K20z.00 | Prostatic hyperplasia NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N40 | Hyperplasia of prostate |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14E1.00 |
+ H/O: prostatism |
+ 1AA..00 |
+ Prostatism |
+ K200.00 |
+ Prostatic hyperplasia unspecified |
+ K201.00 |
+ Prostatic hyperplasia of the lateral lobe |
+ K202.00 |
+ Prostatic hyperplasia of the medial lobe |
+ K20..00 |
+ Benign prostatic hypertrophy |
+ K20..14 |
+ Enlarged prostate - benign |
+ K20..15 |
+ BPH - benign prostatic hypertrophy |
+ K20..16 |
+ Prostatism |
+ K20z.00 |
+ Prostatic hyperplasia NOS |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_BPH.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N40 |
+ Hyperplasia of prostate |
-Use MODIFIED CALIBER Hypertension phenotyping algorithm:
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hypertension IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
-1) Diagnosis and history of hypertension (primary or secondary) during a consultation in primary care: ht_gprd = 1 OR 3 OR 4
-2) Diagnosis of hypertension (primary or secondary) during a hospitalisation: ht_hes = 3 OR 4
+Use MODIFIED CALIBER 'Hypertension' phenotyping algorithm:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Hypertension' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+1) Diagnosis and history of 'Hypertension' (primary or secondary) during a consultation in primary care: ht_gprd = 1 OR 3 OR 4
+2) Diagnosis of 'Hypertension' (primary or secondary) during a hospitalisation: ht_hes = 3 OR 4
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14A2.00 |
+ H/O: hypertension |
+ 2126100 |
+ Hypertension resolved |
+ 212K.00 |
+ Hypertension resolved |
+ 9OI9.00 |
+ Hypertens.monitor deleted |
+ 6624 |
+ Borderline hyperten:yearly obs |
+ 6627 |
+ Good hypertension control |
+ 6628 |
+ Poor hypertension control |
+ 662F.00 |
+ Hypertension treatm. started |
+ 662G.00 |
+ Hypertensive treatm.changed |
+ 662O.00 |
+ On treatment for hypertension |
+ 662b.00 |
+ Moderate hypertension control |
+ 662c.00 |
+ Hypertension six month review |
+ 662d.00 |
+ Hypertension annual review |
+ 662r.00 |
+ Trial withdrawal of antihypertensive therapy |
+ 7Q01.00 |
+ High cost hypertension drugs |
+ 8B26.00 |
+ Antihypertensive therapy |
+ 8BL0.00 |
+ Patient on maximal tolerated antihypertensive therapy |
+ 8I3N.00 |
+ Hypertension treatment refused |
+ F404200 |
+ Blind hypertensive eye |
+ F421300 |
+ Hypertensive retinopathy |
+ G2...00 |
+ Hypertensive disease |
+ G2...11 |
+ BP - hypertensive disease |
+ G20..00 |
+ Essential hypertension |
+ G200.00 |
+ Malignant essential hypertension |
+ G201.00 |
+ Benign essential hypertension |
+ G202.00 |
+ Systolic hypertension |
+ G203.00 |
+ Diastolic hypertension |
+ G20z.00 |
+ Essential hypertension NOS |
+ G20z.11 |
+ Hypertension NOS |
+ G21..00 |
+ Hypertensive heart disease |
+ G210.00 |
+ Malignant hypertensive heart disease |
+ G210000 |
+ Malignant hypertensive heart disease without CCF |
+ G210100 |
+ Malignant hypertensive heart disease with CCF |
+ G211.00 |
+ Benign hypertensive heart disease |
+ G211000 |
+ Benign hypertensive heart disease without CCF |
+ G211100 |
+ Benign hypertensive heart disease with CCF |
+ G21z.00 |
+ Hypertensive heart disease NOS |
+ G21z000 |
+ Hypertensive heart disease NOS without CCF |
+ G21z011 |
+ Cardiomegaly - hypertensive |
+ G21z100 |
+ Hypertensive heart disease NOS with CCF |
+ G21zz00 |
+ Hypertensive heart disease NOS |
+ G22..00 |
+ Hypertensive renal disease |
+ G220.00 |
+ Malignant hypertensive renal disease |
+ G221.00 |
+ Benign hypertensive renal disease |
+ G222.00 |
+ Hypertensive renal disease with renal failure |
+ G22z.00 |
+ Hypertensive renal disease NOS |
+ G22z.11 |
+ Renal hypertension |
+ G23..00 |
+ Hypertensive heart and renal disease |
+ G230.00 |
+ Malignant hypertensive heart and renal disease |
+ G231.00 |
+ Benign hypertensive heart and renal disease |
+ G232.00 |
+ Hypertensive heart&renal dis wth (congestive) heart failure |
+ G233.00 |
+ Hypertensive heart and renal disease with renal failure |
+ G234.00 |
+ Hyperten heart&renal dis+both(congestv)heart and renal fail |
+ G23z.00 |
+ Hypertensive heart and renal disease NOS |
+ G2y..00 |
+ Other specified hypertensive disease |
+ G2z..00 |
+ Hypertensive disease NOS |
+ G672.00 |
+ Hypertensive encephalopathy |
+ G672.11 |
+ Hypertensive crisis |
+ Gyu2.00 |
+ [X]Hypertensive diseases |
+ L122.00 |
+ Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childbirth/puerp |
+ L122000 |
+ Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childb/puerp unspec |
+ L122100 |
+ Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childb/puerp - deliv |
+ L122300 |
+ Other pre-exist hypertension in preg/childb/puerp-not deliv |
+ L122z00 |
+ Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childb/puerp NOS |
+ L127.00 |
+ Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension |
+ L127z00 |
+ Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia + pre-existing hypertension NOS |
+ L128.00 |
+ Pre-exist hypertension compl preg childbirth and puerperium |
+ L128000 |
+ Pre-exist hyperten heart dis compl preg childbth+puerperium |
+ L128200 |
+ Pre-exist 2ndry hypertens comp preg childbth and puerperium |
+ TJC7.00 |
+ Adverse reaction to other antihypertensives |
+ TJC7z00 |
+ Adverse reaction to antihypertensives NOS |
+ U60C500 |
+ [X]Oth antihyperten drug caus advers eff in therap use, NEC |
+ U60C511 |
+ [X] Adverse reaction to other antihypertensives |
+ U60C51A |
+ [X] Adverse reaction to antihypertensives NOS |
+ 6146200 |
+ Hypertension induced by oral contraceptive pill |
+ G24..00 |
+ Secondary hypertension |
+ G240.00 |
+ Secondary malignant hypertension |
+ G240000 |
+ Secondary malignant renovascular hypertension |
+ G240z00 |
+ Secondary malignant hypertension NOS |
+ G241.00 |
+ Secondary benign hypertension |
+ G241000 |
+ Secondary benign renovascular hypertension |
+ G241z00 |
+ Secondary benign hypertension NOS |
+ G244.00 |
+ Hypertension secondary to endocrine disorders |
+ G24z.00 |
+ Secondary hypertension NOS |
+ G24z000 |
+ Secondary renovascular hypertension NOS |
+ G24z100 |
+ Hypertension secondary to drug |
+ G24zz00 |
+ Secondary hypertension NOS |
+ Gyu2100 |
+ [X]Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I10 |
+ Essential (primary) hypertension |
+ I11 |
+ Hypertensive heart disease |
+ I12 |
+ Hypertensive renal disease |
+ I13 |
+ Hypertensive heart and renal disease |
+ I15 |
+ Secondary hypertension |
+Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
-Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G551.00 | Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy |
G554300 | Hypertrophic non-obstructive cardiomyopathy |
Gyu5M00 | [X]Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I42.1 | Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
I42.2 | Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
-Hypertrophic Nasal Turbinates
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G551.00 |
+ Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy |
+ G554300 |
+ Hypertrophic non-obstructive cardiomyopathy |
+ Gyu5M00 |
+ [X]Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_hocm.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I42.1 |
+ Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
+ I42.2 |
+ Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
+Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -1900,147 +24213,1405 @@ Primary care
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
H1y0.00 | Nasal turbinate hypertrophy |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J34.3 | Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ H1y0.00 |
+ Nasal turbinate hypertrophy |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J34.3 |
+ Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates |
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism
-Thyroid Disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hypo or hyperthyroidism IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hypo or hyperthyroidism IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Hypo or hyperthyroidism diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Hypo or hyperthyroidism or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1431.00 | H/O: hyperthyroidism |
1431.11 | H/O: thyrotoxicosis |
143..11 | H/O: thyroid disorder |
1432.00 | H/O: hypothyroidism |
1433.00 | H/O: thyroid disorder NOS |
212P.00 | Hyperthyroidism resolved |
66B4.00 | Thyroid eye disease |
66B..00 | Thyroid disease monitoring |
66BB.00 | Hypothyroidism annual review |
66BZ.00 | Thyroid disease monitoring NOS |
8CR5.00 | Hypothyroidism clinical management plan |
9Oj0.00 | Hypothyroidism monitoring first letter |
9Oj1.00 | Hypothyroidism monitoring second letter |
9Oj2.00 | Hypothyroidism monitoring third letter |
9Oj3.00 | Hypothyroidism monitoring verbal invite |
9Oj4.00 | Hypothyroidism monitoring telephone invitation |
9Oj..00 | Hypothyroidism monitoring administration |
C020000 | Toxic diffuse goitre with no crisis |
C020100 | Toxic diffuse goitre with crisis |
C020200 | Thyroid-associated dermopathy |
C020.00 | Toxic diffuse goitre |
C020.11 | Basedow's disease |
C020.12 | Graves' disease |
C020z00 | Toxic diffuse goitre NOS |
C021000 | Toxic uninodular goitre with no crisis |
C021.00 | Toxic uninodular goitre |
C021z00 | Toxic uninodular goitre NOS |
C022000 | Toxic multinodular goitre with no crisis |
C022.00 | Toxic multinodular goitre |
C022z00 | Toxic multinodular goitre NOS |
C023000 | Toxic nodular goitre unspecified with no crisis |
C023100 | Toxic nodular goitre unspecified with crisis |
C023.00 | Toxic nodular goitre unspecified |
C023z00 | Toxic nodular goitre NOS |
C02..00 | Thyrotoxicosis |
C02..11 | Hyperthyroidism |
C02..12 | Toxic goitre |
C02y000 | Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin with no crisis |
C02y100 | Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin with crisis |
C02y300 | Thyroid crisis |
C02y.00 | Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin |
C02yz00 | Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin NOS |
C02z000 | Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre or cause no crisis |
C02z100 | Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre, cause with crisis |
C02z.00 | Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre or other cause |
C02zz00 | Thyrotoxicosis NOS |
C040.00 | Postsurgical hypothyroidism |
C040.11 | Post ablative hypothyroidism |
C041000 | Irradiation hypothyroidism |
C041.00 | Other postablative hypothyroidism |
C041z00 | Postablative hypothyroidism NOS |
C043.00 | Other iatrogenic hypothyroidism |
C043z00 | Iatrogenic hypothyroidism NOS |
C046.00 | Autoimmune myxoedema |
C04..00 | Acquired hypothyroidism |
C04..11 | Myxoedema |
C04..12 | Thyroid deficiency |
C04..13 | Hypothyroidism |
C04y.00 | Other acquired hypothyroidism |
C04z000 | Premature puberty due to hypothyroidism |
C04z100 | Myxoedema coma |
C04z.00 | Hypothyroidism NOS |
C04z.11 | Pretibial myxoedema - hypothyroid |
C04z.12 | Thyroid insufficiency |
C04z.13 | Hypothyroid goitre, acquired |
C052.00 | Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis |
C052.11 | Autoimmune thyroiditis |
C052.12 | Hashimoto's disease |
C053.00 | Chronic fibrous thyroiditis |
C05..00 | Thyroiditis |
C05y400 | Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis |
C05y.00 | Other and unspecified chronic thyroiditis |
C05z.00 | Thyroiditis NOS |
C06y100 | Thyroid atrophy |
C134300 | TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone deficiency |
Cyu1100 | [X]Other sp cified hypothyroidism |
Cyu1300 | [X]Other thyrotoxicosis |
Cyu1400 | [X]Other chronic thyroiditis |
F11x500 | Cerebral degeneration due to myxoedema |
F381400 | Myasthenic syndrome due to hypothyroidism |
F381600 | Myasthenic syndrome due to thyrotoxicosis |
F395300 | Myopathy due to myxoedema |
F395400 | Myopathy due to thyrotoxicosis |
F4G2000 | Thyrotoxic exophthalmos |
FyuBD00 | [X]Dysthyroid exophthalmos |
G557500 | Thyrotoxic heart disease |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
E03.5 | Myxoedema coma |
E03.8 | Other specified hypothyroidism |
E03.9 | Hypothyroidism, unspecified |
E05.0 | Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goitre |
E05.1 | Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule |
E05.2 | Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goitre |
E05.5 | Thyroid crisis or storm |
E05.8 | Other thyrotoxicosis |
E05.9 | Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified |
E06.2 | Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis |
E06.3 | Autoimmune thyroiditis |
E06.5 | Other chronic thyroiditis |
E06.9 | Thyroiditis, unspecified |
H06.2 | Dysthyroid exophthalmos |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1431 |
+ H/O: hyperthyroidism |
+ 1431.1 |
+ H/O: thyrotoxicosis |
+ 143..11 |
+ H/O: thyroid disorder |
+ 1432 |
+ H/O: hypothyroidism |
+ 1433 |
+ H/O: thyroid disorder NOS |
+ 212P.00 |
+ Hyperthyroidism resolved |
+ 66B4.00 |
+ Thyroid eye disease |
+ 66B..00 |
+ Thyroid disease monitoring |
+ 66BB.00 |
+ Hypothyroidism annual review |
+ 66BZ.00 |
+ Thyroid disease monitoring NOS |
+ 8CR5.00 |
+ Hypothyroidism clinical management plan |
+ 9Oj0.00 |
+ Hypothyroidism monitoring first letter |
+ 9Oj1.00 |
+ Hypothyroidism monitoring second letter |
+ 9Oj2.00 |
+ Hypothyroidism monitoring third letter |
+ 9Oj3.00 |
+ Hypothyroidism monitoring verbal invite |
+ 9Oj4.00 |
+ Hypothyroidism monitoring telephone invitation |
+ 9Oj..00 |
+ Hypothyroidism monitoring administration |
+ C020000 |
+ Toxic diffuse goitre with no crisis |
+ C020100 |
+ Toxic diffuse goitre with crisis |
+ C020200 |
+ Thyroid-associated dermopathy |
+ C020.00 |
+ Toxic diffuse goitre |
+ C020.11 |
+ Basedow's disease |
+ C020.12 |
+ Graves' disease |
+ C020z00 |
+ Toxic diffuse goitre NOS |
+ C021000 |
+ Toxic uninodular goitre with no crisis |
+ C021.00 |
+ Toxic uninodular goitre |
+ C021z00 |
+ Toxic uninodular goitre NOS |
+ C022000 |
+ Toxic multinodular goitre with no crisis |
+ C022.00 |
+ Toxic multinodular goitre |
+ C022z00 |
+ Toxic multinodular goitre NOS |
+ C023000 |
+ Toxic nodular goitre unspecified with no crisis |
+ C023100 |
+ Toxic nodular goitre unspecified with crisis |
+ C023.00 |
+ Toxic nodular goitre unspecified |
+ C023z00 |
+ Toxic nodular goitre NOS |
+ C02..00 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis |
+ C02..11 |
+ Hyperthyroidism |
+ C02..12 |
+ Toxic goitre |
+ C02y000 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin with no crisis |
+ C02y100 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin with crisis |
+ C02y300 |
+ Thyroid crisis |
+ C02y.00 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin |
+ C02yz00 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin NOS |
+ C02z000 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre or cause no crisis |
+ C02z100 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre, cause with crisis |
+ C02z.00 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre or other cause |
+ C02zz00 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis NOS |
+ C040.00 |
+ Postsurgical hypothyroidism |
+ C040.11 |
+ Post ablative hypothyroidism |
+ C041000 |
+ Irradiation hypothyroidism |
+ C041.00 |
+ Other postablative hypothyroidism |
+ C041z00 |
+ Postablative hypothyroidism NOS |
+ C043.00 |
+ Other iatrogenic hypothyroidism |
+ C043z00 |
+ Iatrogenic hypothyroidism NOS |
+ C046.00 |
+ Autoimmune myxoedema |
+ C04..00 |
+ Acquired hypothyroidism |
+ C04..11 |
+ Myxoedema |
+ C04..12 |
+ Thyroid deficiency |
+ C04..13 |
+ Hypothyroidism |
+ C04y.00 |
+ Other acquired hypothyroidism |
+ C04z000 |
+ Premature puberty due to hypothyroidism |
+ C04z100 |
+ Myxoedema coma |
+ C04z.00 |
+ Hypothyroidism NOS |
+ C04z.11 |
+ Pretibial myxoedema - hypothyroid |
+ C04z.12 |
+ Thyroid insufficiency |
+ C04z.13 |
+ Hypothyroid goitre, acquired |
+ C052.00 |
+ Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis |
+ C052.11 |
+ Autoimmune thyroiditis |
+ C052.12 |
+ Hashimoto's disease |
+ C053.00 |
+ Chronic fibrous thyroiditis |
+ C05..00 |
+ Thyroiditis |
+ C05y400 |
+ Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis |
+ C05y.00 |
+ Other and unspecified chronic thyroiditis |
+ C05z.00 |
+ Thyroiditis NOS |
+ C06y100 |
+ Thyroid atrophy |
+ C134300 |
+ TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone deficiency |
+ Cyu1100 |
+ [X]Other sp cified hypothyroidism |
+ Cyu1300 |
+ [X]Other thyrotoxicosis |
+ Cyu1400 |
+ [X]Other chronic thyroiditis |
+ F11x500 |
+ Cerebral degeneration due to myxoedema |
+ F381400 |
+ Myasthenic syndrome due to hypothyroidism |
+ F381600 |
+ Myasthenic syndrome due to thyrotoxicosis |
+ F395300 |
+ Myopathy due to myxoedema |
+ F395400 |
+ Myopathy due to thyrotoxicosis |
+ F4G2000 |
+ Thyrotoxic exophthalmos |
+ FyuBD00 |
+ [X]Dysthyroid exophthalmos |
+ G557500 |
+ Thyrotoxic heart disease |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ E03.5 |
+ Myxoedema coma |
+ E03.8 |
+ Other specified hypothyroidism |
+ E03.9 |
+ Hypothyroidism, unspecified |
+ E05.0 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goitre |
+ E05.1 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule |
+ E05.2 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goitre |
+ E05.5 |
+ Thyroid crisis or storm |
+ E05.8 |
+ Other thyrotoxicosis |
+ E05.9 |
+ Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified |
+ E06.2 |
+ Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis |
+ E06.3 |
+ Autoimmune thyroiditis |
+ E06.5 |
+ Other chronic thyroiditis |
+ E06.9 |
+ Thyroiditis, unspecified |
+ H06.2 |
+ Dysthyroid exophthalmos |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Hyposplenism IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Hyposplenism' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Hyposplenism diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Hyposplenism' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Hyposplenism or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14N7.00 | H/O: splenectomy |
7840100.0 | Total splenectomy |
7840300.0 | Splenectomy NEC |
7840400.0 | Laparoscopic total splenectomy |
7840.00 | Total excision of spleen |
7840.11 | Total splenectomy |
7840y00 | Other specified total excision of spleen |
7840z00 | Total excision of spleen NOS |
7841.00 | Other excision of spleen |
7841y00 | Other specified other excision of spleen |
7841z00 | Other excision of spleen NOS |
D415400 | Splenic atrophy |
D415600 | Splenic fibrosis |
D415700 | Splenic infarction |
D415800 | Non-traumatic rupture of spleen |
D415A00 | Hyposplenism |
PK01.00 | Absent spleen |
PK01.11 | Asplenia |
PK06.00 | Hypoplasia of spleen |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D73.0 | Hyposplenism |
D73.5 | Infarction of spleen |
-Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
-Primary care
-1. Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
-Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F282.00 | Benign intracranial hypertension |
F282.11 | Pseudotumour cerebri |
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
- ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G93.2 | Benign intracranial hypertension |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Hyposplenism' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14N7.00 |
+ H/O: splenectomy |
+ 7840100.0 |
+ Total splenectomy |
+ 7840300.0 |
+ Splenectomy NEC |
+ 7840400.0 |
+ Laparoscopic total splenectomy |
+ 7840.00 |
+ Total excision of spleen |
+ 7840.11 |
+ Total splenectomy |
+ 7840y00 |
+ Other specified total excision of spleen |
+ 7840z00 |
+ Total excision of spleen NOS |
+ 7841.00 |
+ Other excision of spleen |
+ 7841y00 |
+ Other specified other excision of spleen |
+ 7841z00 |
+ Other excision of spleen NOS |
+ D415400 |
+ Splenic atrophy |
+ D415600 |
+ Splenic fibrosis |
+ D415700 |
+ Splenic infarction |
+ D415800 |
+ Non-traumatic rupture of spleen |
+ D415A00 |
+ Hyposplenism |
+ PK01.00 |
+ Absent spleen |
+ PK01.11 |
+ Asplenia |
+ PK06.00 |
+ Hypoplasia of spleen |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D73.0 |
+ Hyposplenism |
+ D73.5 |
+ Infarction of spleen |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Immunodeficiencies IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Immunodeficiencies' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Immunodeficiencies diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Immunodeficiencies' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Immunodeficiencies or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
C390000 | Hypogammaglobulinaemia NOS |
C390100 | Selective IgA immunodeficiency |
C390200 | Selective IgM immunodeficiency |
C390300 | Selective IgG immunodeficiency |
C390400 | Other selective immunoglobulin deficiency |
C390500 | Congenital hypogammaglobulinaemia |
C390511 | Bruton's agammaglobulinaemia |
C390512 | Congenital X-linked agammaglobulinaemia |
C390600 | Immunodeficiency with IgM hypergammaglobulinaemia |
C390700 | Common variable immunodeficiency |
C390800 | Transient infant hypogammaglobulinaemia |
C390900 | Agammaglobulinaemia NEC |
C390A00 | Dysimmunoglobulinaemia NEC |
C390A11 | Dysgammaglobulinaemia NEC |
C390B00 | Antibod def wth nr-norm imunoglob/or wth hyperimunoglobaemia |
C390.00 | Deficiencies of humoral immunity |
C390.11 | Agammaglobulinaemia |
C390y00 | Other specified deficiency of humoral immunity |
C390z00 | Deficiency of humoral immunity NOS |
C391000 | Predominantly T-cell immuno-deficiency NOS |
C391011 | T-lymphocyte deficiency |
C391012 | Cellular immunity syndrome |
C391100 | Di George syndrome |
C391200 | Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome |
C391211 | Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency |
C391.00 | Deficiencies of cell-mediated immunity |
C392100 | Severe combined immunodeficiency |
C392111 | Swiss type agammaglobulinaemia |
C392300 | Severe combined immunodefiency with reticular dysgenesis |
C392400 | Severe combined immunodef with low T- and B-cell numbers |
C392500 | Severe combined immunodef with low or normal B-cell numbers |
C392600 | Adenosine deaminase deficiency |
C392700 | Purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency |
C392800 | Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency |
C392900 | Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency |
C392.00 | Combined immunity deficiency |
C392z00 | Combined immunity deficiency NOS |
C393.00 | Unspecified immunity deficiency |
C395.00 | Immunodeficiency with short-limbed stature |
C396.00 | Immunodef follow hereditary defect respon Epstein-Barr vir |
C397.00 | Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome |
C398000 | Com var immunodef with predom abn B-cell numbers and functns |
C398200 | Common variable immunodef wth autoantibod to B- or T-cells |
C398.00 | Common variable immunodeficiency |
C39X.00 | Immunodeficiency associated+major defect, unspecified |
C39y000 | Lymphocyte function antigen-1 defect |
Cyu0000 | [X]Other immunodeficiencies+predominantly antibody defects |
Cyu0400 | [X]Other common variable immunodeficiencies |
Cyu0500 | [X]Other specified immunodeficiency disorders |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D80 | Immunodeficiency with predominantly antibody defects |
D81 | Combined immunodeficiencies |
D82 | Immunodeficiency associated with other major defects |
D83 | Common variable immunodeficiency |
D84.0 | Lymphocyte function antigen-1 [LFA-1] defect |
D84.8 | Other specified immunodeficiencies |
D84.9 | Immunodeficiency, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Immunodeficiencies' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ C390000 |
+ Hypogammaglobulinaemia NOS |
+ C390100 |
+ Selective IgA immunodeficiency |
+ C390200 |
+ Selective IgM immunodeficiency |
+ C390300 |
+ Selective IgG immunodeficiency |
+ C390400 |
+ Other selective immunoglobulin deficiency |
+ C390500 |
+ Congenital hypogammaglobulinaemia |
+ C390511 |
+ Bruton's agammaglobulinaemia |
+ C390512 |
+ Congenital X-linked agammaglobulinaemia |
+ C390600 |
+ Immunodeficiency with IgM hypergammaglobulinaemia |
+ C390700 |
+ Common variable immunodeficiency |
+ C390800 |
+ Transient infant hypogammaglobulinaemia |
+ C390900 |
+ Agammaglobulinaemia NEC |
+ C390A00 |
+ Dysimmunoglobulinaemia NEC |
+ C390A11 |
+ Dysgammaglobulinaemia NEC |
+ C390B00 |
+ Antibod def wth nr-norm imunoglob/or wth hyperimunoglobaemia |
+ C390.00 |
+ Deficiencies of humoral immunity |
+ C390.11 |
+ Agammaglobulinaemia |
+ C390y00 |
+ Other specified deficiency of humoral immunity |
+ C390z00 |
+ Deficiency of humoral immunity NOS |
+ C391000 |
+ Predominantly T-cell immuno-deficiency NOS |
+ C391011 |
+ T-lymphocyte deficiency |
+ C391012 |
+ Cellular immunity syndrome |
+ C391100 |
+ Di George syndrome |
+ C391200 |
+ Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome |
+ C391211 |
+ Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency |
+ C391.00 |
+ Deficiencies of cell-mediated immunity |
+ C392100 |
+ Severe combined immunodeficiency |
+ C392111 |
+ Swiss type agammaglobulinaemia |
+ C392300 |
+ Severe combined immunodefiency with reticular dysgenesis |
+ C392400 |
+ Severe combined immunodef with low T- and B-cell numbers |
+ C392500 |
+ Severe combined immunodef with low or normal B-cell numbers |
+ C392600 |
+ Adenosine deaminase deficiency |
+ C392700 |
+ Purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency |
+ C392800 |
+ Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency |
+ C392900 |
+ Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency |
+ C392.00 |
+ Combined immunity deficiency |
+ C392z00 |
+ Combined immunity deficiency NOS |
+ C393.00 |
+ Unspecified immunity deficiency |
+ C395.00 |
+ Immunodeficiency with short-limbed stature |
+ C396.00 |
+ Immunodef follow hereditary defect respon Epstein-Barr vir |
+ C397.00 |
+ Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome |
+ C398000 |
+ Com var immunodef with predom abn B-cell numbers and functns |
+ C398200 |
+ Common variable immunodef wth autoantibod to B- or T-cells |
+ C398.00 |
+ Common variable immunodeficiency |
+ C39X.00 |
+ Immunodeficiency associated+major defect, unspecified |
+ C39y000 |
+ Lymphocyte function antigen-1 defect |
+ Cyu0000 |
+ [X]Other immunodeficiencies+predominantly antibody defects |
+ Cyu0400 |
+ [X]Other common variable immunodeficiencies |
+ Cyu0500 |
+ [X]Other specified immunodeficiency disorders |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D80 |
+ Immunodeficiency with predominantly antibody defects |
+ D81 |
+ Combined immunodeficiencies |
+ D82 |
+ Immunodeficiency associated with other major defects |
+ D83 |
+ Common variable immunodeficiency |
+ D84.0 |
+ Lymphocyte function antigen-1 [LFA-1] defect |
+ D84.8 |
+ Other specified immunodeficiencies |
+ D84.9 |
+ Immunodeficiency, unspecified |
+Infection of anal and rectal regions
-Infection - Anorectal
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infection of anal and rectal regions IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Infection of anal and rectal regions or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A51.1 | Primary anal syphilis |
A54.6 | Gonococcal infection of anus and rectum |
A56.3 | Chlamydial infection of anus and rectum |
A60.1 | Herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectum |
A60.9 | Anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecified |
A63.0 | Anogenital (venereal) warts |
K61 | Abscess of anal and rectal regions |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A51.1 |
+ Primary anal syphilis |
+ A54.6 |
+ Gonococcal infection of anus and rectum |
+ A56.3 |
+ Chlamydial infection of anus and rectum |
+ A60.1 |
+ Herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectum |
+ A60.9 |
+ Anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecified |
+ A63.0 |
+ Anogenital (venereal) warts |
+ K61 |
+ Abscess of anal and rectal regions |
+Infection of bones and joints
-Infection - Bone
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infection of bones and joints IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infection of bones and joints IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Infection of bones and joints or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A18.0 | Tuberculosis of bones and joints |
A54.4 | Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system |
B45.3 | Osseous cryptococcosis |
B67.2 | Echinococcus granulosus infection of bone |
B90.2 | Sequelae of tuberculosis of bones and joints |
M00 | Pyogenic arthritis |
M01 | Direct infections of joint in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
M46.2 | Osteomyelitis of vertebra |
M46.3 | Infection of intervertebral disc (pyogenic) |
M46.4 | Discitis, unspecified |
M46.5 | Other infective spondylopathies |
M49.0 | Tuberculosis of spine |
M49.1 | Brucella spondylitis |
M49.2 | Enterobacterial spondylitis |
M49.3 | Spondylopathy in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
M86 | Osteomyelitis |
M90.0 | Tuberculosis of bone |
M90.1 | Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
M90.2 | Osteopathy in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_bone.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A18.0 |
+ Tuberculosis of bones and joints |
+ A54.4 |
+ Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system |
+ B45.3 |
+ Osseous cryptococcosis |
+ B67.2 |
+ Echinococcus granulosus infection of bone |
+ B90.2 |
+ Sequelae of tuberculosis of bones and joints |
+ M00 |
+ Pyogenic arthritis |
+ M01 |
+ Direct infections of joint in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M46.2 |
+ Osteomyelitis of vertebra |
+ M46.3 |
+ Infection of intervertebral disc (pyogenic) |
+ M46.4 |
+ Discitis, unspecified |
+ M46.5 |
+ Other infective spondylopathies |
+ M49.0 |
+ Tuberculosis of spine |
+ M49.1 |
+ Brucella spondylitis |
+ M49.2 |
+ Enterobacterial spondylitis |
+ M49.3 |
+ Spondylopathy in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M86 |
+ Osteomyelitis |
+ M90.0 |
+ Tuberculosis of bone |
+ M90.1 |
+ Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M90.2 |
+ Osteopathy in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
+Infection of liver
-Infection - Liver
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infection of liver IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infection of liver IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Infection of liver or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A06.4 | Amoebic liver abscess |
B15 | Acute hepatitis A |
B16 | Acute hepatitis B |
B17 | Other acute viral hepatitis |
B18 | Chronic viral hepatitis |
B19 | Unspecified viral hepatitis |
B25.1 | Cytomegaloviral hepatitis |
B58.1 | Toxoplasma hepatitis |
B67.0 | Echinococcus granulosus infection of liver |
B67.5 | Echinococcus multilocularis infection of liver |
B67.8 | Echinococcosis, unspecified, of liver |
B94.2 | Sequelae of viral hepatitis |
K75.0 | Abscess of liver |
K77.0 | Liver disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_liver.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A06.4 |
+ Amoebic liver abscess |
+ B15 |
+ Acute hepatitis A |
+ B16 |
+ Acute hepatitis B |
+ B17 |
+ Other acute viral hepatitis |
+ B18 |
+ Chronic viral hepatitis |
+ B19 |
+ Unspecified viral hepatitis |
+ B25.1 |
+ Cytomegaloviral hepatitis |
+ B58.1 |
+ Toxoplasma hepatitis |
+ B67.0 |
+ Echinococcus granulosus infection of liver |
+ B67.5 |
+ Echinococcus multilocularis infection of liver |
+ B67.8 |
+ Echinococcosis, unspecified, of liver |
+ B94.2 |
+ Sequelae of viral hepatitis |
+ K75.0 |
+ Abscess of liver |
+ K77.0 |
+ Liver disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+Infection of male genital system
-Infection - Male Genitourinary
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infection of male genital system IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infection of male genital system IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Infection of male genital system or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
B26.0 | Mumps orchitis |
N41.0 | Acute prostatitis |
N41.2 | Abscess of prostate |
N41.3 | Prostatocystitis |
N43.1 | Infected hydrocele |
N45 | Orchitis and epididymitis |
N48.1 | Balanoposthitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ B26.0 |
+ Mumps orchitis |
+ N41.0 |
+ Acute prostatitis |
+ N41.2 |
+ Abscess of prostate |
+ N41.3 |
+ Prostatocystitis |
+ N43.1 |
+ Infected hydrocele |
+ N45 |
+ Orchitis and epididymitis |
+ N48.1 |
+ Balanoposthitis |
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
-Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-2. ALL possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system during a hospitalization IF NO record satisfying criteria for Urinary Tract Infections, Infection of male genital system or Female pelvic inflammatory disease 30 days before or 30 days after the first event date for Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system.
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A18.1 | Tuberculosis of genitourinary system |
A51.0 | Primary genital syphilis |
A54.0 | Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland abscess |
A54.1 | Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract with periurethral and accessory gland abscess |
A54.2 | Gonococcal pelviperitonitis and other gonococcal genitourinary infections |
A56.0 | Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract |
A56.1 | Chlamydial infection of pelviperitoneum and other genitourinary organs |
A56.2 | Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified |
A57 | Chancroid |
A58 | Granuloma inguinale |
A59.0 | Urogenital trichomoniasis |
A60.0 | Herpesviral infection of genitalia and urogenital tract |
B37.3 | Candidiasis of vulva and vagina |
B37.4 | Candidiasis of other urogenital sites |
B90.1 | Sequelae of genitourinary tuberculosis |
N75.1 | Abscess of Bartholin's gland |
N77.0 | Ulceration of vulva in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
N77.1 | Vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+2. ALL possible diagnosis of 'Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system' during a hospitalization IF NO record satisfying criteria for Urinary Tract Infections, Infection of male genital system or Female pelvic inflammatory disease 30 days before or 30 days after the first event date for 'Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system'.
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A18.1 |
+ Tuberculosis of genitourinary system |
+ A51.0 |
+ Primary genital syphilis |
+ A54.0 |
+ Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland abscess |
+ A54.1 |
+ Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract with periurethral and accessory gland abscess |
+ A54.2 |
+ Gonococcal pelviperitonitis and other gonococcal genitourinary infections |
+ A56.0 |
+ Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract |
+ A56.1 |
+ Chlamydial infection of pelviperitoneum and other genitourinary organs |
+ A56.2 |
+ Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified |
+ A57 |
+ Chancroid |
+ A58 |
+ Granuloma inguinale |
+ A59.0 |
+ Urogenital trichomoniasis |
+ A60.0 |
+ Herpesviral infection of genitalia and urogenital tract |
+ B37.3 |
+ Candidiasis of vulva and vagina |
+ B37.4 |
+ Candidiasis of other urogenital sites |
+ B90.1 |
+ Sequelae of genitourinary tuberculosis |
+ N75.1 |
+ Abscess of Bartholin's gland |
+ N77.0 |
+ Ulceration of vulva in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N77.1 |
+ Vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
-Infection - Skin
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A06.7 | Cutaneous amoebiasis |
A18.4 | Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
A20.1 | Cellulocutaneous plague |
A21.0 | Ulceroglandular tularaemia |
A22.0 | Cutaneous anthrax |
A26.0 | Cutaneous erysipeloid |
A31.1 | Cutaneous mycobacterial infection |
A32.0 | Cutaneous listeriosis |
A36.3 | Cutaneous diphtheria |
A43.1 | Cutaneous nocardiosis |
A46 | Erysipelas |
A51.3 | Secondary syphilis of skin and mucous membranes |
B00.0 | Eczema herpeticum |
B00.1 | Herpesviral vesicular dermatitis |
B07 | Viral warts |
B08 | Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified |
B09 | Unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions |
B35 | Dermatophytosis |
B36 | Other superficial mycoses |
B37.2 | Candidiasis of skin and nail |
B38.3 | Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis |
B40.3 | Cutaneous blastomycosis |
B42.1 | Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis |
B43.0 | Cutaneous chromomycosis |
B43.2 | Subcutaneous phaeomycotic abscess and cyst |
B45.2 | Cutaneous cryptococcosis |
B46.3 | Cutaneous mucormycosis |
B55.1 | Cutaneous leishmaniasis |
B78.1 | Cutaneous strongyloidiasis |
B85 | Pediculosis and phthiriasis |
B86 | Scabies |
B87.0 | Cutaneous myiasis |
B87.1 | Wound myiasis |
B88 | Other infestations |
L00 | Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome |
L01 | Impetigo |
L02 | Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle |
L03 | Cellulitis |
L05.0 | Pilonidal cyst with abscess |
L08 | Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
L30.3 | Infective dermatitis |
P38 | Omphalitis of newborn with or without mild haemorrhage |
P39.4 | Neonatal skin infection |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_skin.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A06.7 |
+ Cutaneous amoebiasis |
+ A18.4 |
+ Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
+ A20.1 |
+ Cellulocutaneous plague |
+ A21.0 |
+ Ulceroglandular tularaemia |
+ A22.0 |
+ Cutaneous anthrax |
+ A26.0 |
+ Cutaneous erysipeloid |
+ A31.1 |
+ Cutaneous mycobacterial infection |
+ A32.0 |
+ Cutaneous listeriosis |
+ A36.3 |
+ Cutaneous diphtheria |
+ A43.1 |
+ Cutaneous nocardiosis |
+ A46 |
+ Erysipelas |
+ A51.3 |
+ Secondary syphilis of skin and mucous membranes |
+ B00.0 |
+ Eczema herpeticum |
+ B00.1 |
+ Herpesviral vesicular dermatitis |
+ B07 |
+ Viral warts |
+ B08 |
+ Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified |
+ B09 |
+ Unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions |
+ B35 |
+ Dermatophytosis |
+ B36 |
+ Other superficial mycoses |
+ B37.2 |
+ Candidiasis of skin and nail |
+ B38.3 |
+ Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis |
+ B40.3 |
+ Cutaneous blastomycosis |
+ B42.1 |
+ Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis |
+ B43.0 |
+ Cutaneous chromomycosis |
+ B43.2 |
+ Subcutaneous phaeomycotic abscess and cyst |
+ B45.2 |
+ Cutaneous cryptococcosis |
+ B46.3 |
+ Cutaneous mucormycosis |
+ B55.1 |
+ Cutaneous leishmaniasis |
+ B78.1 |
+ Cutaneous strongyloidiasis |
+ B85 |
+ Pediculosis and phthiriasis |
+ B86 |
+ Scabies |
+ B87.0 |
+ Cutaneous myiasis |
+ B87.1 |
+ Wound myiasis |
+ B88 |
+ Other infestations |
+ L00 |
+ Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome |
+ L01 |
+ Impetigo |
+ L02 |
+ Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle |
+ L03 |
+ Cellulitis |
+ L05.0 |
+ Pilonidal cyst with abscess |
+ L08 |
+ Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
+ L30.3 |
+ Infective dermatitis |
+ P38 |
+ Omphalitis of newborn with or without mild haemorrhage |
+ P39.4 |
+ Neonatal skin infection |
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs
-Infection - Other Organs
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infections of Other or unspecified organs IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
@@ -2064,419 +25635,5815 @@ n) Urinary Tract Infections
o) Infection of male genital system
p) Female Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
q) Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A02.2 |
+ Localized salmonella infections |
+ A02.8 |
+ Other specified salmonella infections |
+ A02.9 |
+ Salmonella infection, unspecified |
+ A06.8 |
+ Amoebic infection of other sites |
+ A06.9 |
+ Amoebiasis, unspecified |
+ A18.7 |
+ Tuberculosis of adrenal glands |
+ A18.8 |
+ Tuberculosis of other specified organs |
+ A19 |
+ Miliary tuberculosis |
+ A20.8 |
+ Other forms of plague |
+ A20.9 |
+ Plague, unspecified |
+ A21.7 |
+ Generalised tularaemia |
+ A21.8 |
+ Other forms of tularaemia |
+ A21.9 |
+ Tularaemia, unspecified |
+ A22.8 |
+ Other forms of anthrax |
+ A22.9 |
+ Anthrax, unspecified |
+ A23 |
+ Brucellosis |
+ A24 |
+ Glanders and melioidosis |
+ A25 |
+ Rat-bite fevers |
+ A26.8 |
+ Other forms of erysipeloid |
+ A26.9 |
+ Erysipeloid, unspecified |
+ A27 |
+ Leptospirosis |
+ A28 |
+ Other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified |
+ A30 |
+ Leprosy [Hansen's disease] |
+ A31.8 |
+ Other mycobacterial infections |
+ A31.9 |
+ Mycobacterial infection, unspecified |
+ A32.8 |
+ Other forms of listeriosis |
+ A32.9 |
+ Listeriosis, unspecified |
+ A35 |
+ Other tetanus |
+ A36.8 |
+ Other diphtheria |
+ A36.9 |
+ Diphtheria, unspecified |
+ A38 |
+ Scarlet fever |
+ A39.8 |
+ Other meningococcal infections |
+ A39.9 |
+ Meningococcal infection, unspecified |
+ A42.1 |
+ Abdominal actinomycosis |
+ A42.2 |
+ Cervicofacial actinomycosis |
+ A42.8 |
+ Other forms of actinomycosis |
+ A42.9 |
+ Actinomycosis, unspecified |
+ A43.8 |
+ Other forms of nocardiosis |
+ A43.9 |
+ Nocardiosis, unspecified |
+ A44 |
+ Bartonellosis |
+ A48 |
+ Other bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified |
+ A49 |
+ Bacterial infection of unspecified site |
+ A50 |
+ Congenital syphilis |
+ A51.2 |
+ Primary syphilis of other sites |
+ A51.4 |
+ Other secondary syphilis |
+ A51.5 |
+ Early syphilis, latent |
+ A51.9 |
+ Early syphilis, unspecified |
+ A52.7 |
+ Other symptomatic late syphilis |
+ A52.8 |
+ Late syphilis, latent |
+ A52.9 |
+ Late syphilis, unspecified |
+ A53 |
+ Other and unspecified syphilis |
+ A54.8 |
+ Other gonococcal infections |
+ A54.9 |
+ Gonococcal infection, unspecified |
+ A56.8 |
+ Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of other sites |
+ A59.8 |
+ Trichomoniasis of other sites |
+ A59.9 |
+ Trichomoniasis, unspecified |
+ A63.8 |
+ Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseases |
+ A64 |
+ Unspecified sexually transmitted disease |
+ A65 |
+ Nonvenereal syphilis |
+ A66 |
+ Yaws |
+ A67 |
+ Pinta [carate] |
+ A68 |
+ Relapsing fevers |
+ A69 |
+ Other spirochaetal infections |
+ A70 |
+ Chlamydia psittaci infection |
+ A74.8 |
+ Other chlamydial diseases |
+ A74.9 |
+ Chlamydial infection, unspecified |
+ A75 |
+ Typhus fever |
+ A77 |
+ Spotted fever [tick-borne rickettsioses] |
+ A78 |
+ Q fever |
+ A79 |
+ Other rickettsioses |
+ A90 |
+ Dengue fever [classical dengue] |
+ A91 |
+ Dengue haemorrhagic fever |
+ A92 |
+ Other mosquito-borne viral fevers |
+ A93 |
+ Other arthropod-borne viral fevers, not elsewhere classified |
+ A94 |
+ Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever |
+ A95 |
+ Yellow fever |
+ A96 |
+ Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever |
+ A98 |
+ Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified |
+ A99 |
+ Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever |
+ B00.2 |
+ Herpesviral gingivostomatitis and pharyngotonsillitis |
+ B00.7 |
+ Disseminated herpesviral disease |
+ B00.8 |
+ Other forms of herpesviral infection |
+ B00.9 |
+ Herpesviral infection, unspecified |
+ B01.8 |
+ Varicella with other complications |
+ B01.9 |
+ Varicella without complication |
+ B02.7 |
+ Disseminated zoster |
+ B02.8 |
+ Zoster with other complications |
+ B02.9 |
+ Zoster without complication |
+ B05.8 |
+ Measles with other complications |
+ B05.9 |
+ Measles without complication |
+ B06.8 |
+ Rubella with other complications |
+ B06.9 |
+ Rubella without complication |
+ B20 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in infectious and parasitic diseases |
+ B21 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in malignant neoplasms |
+ B22 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other specified diseases |
+ B23 |
+ Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other conditions |
+ B24 |
+ Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease |
+ B25.2 |
+ Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis |
+ B25.8 |
+ Other cytomegaloviral diseases |
+ B25.9 |
+ Cytomegaloviral disease, unspecified |
+ B26.8 |
+ Mumps with other complications |
+ B26.9 |
+ Mumps without complication |
+ B33.0 |
+ Epidemic myalgia |
+ B33.1 |
+ Ross River disease |
+ B33.3 |
+ Retrovirus infections, not elsewhere classified |
+ B33.4 |
+ Hantavirus (cardio-)pulmonary syndrome |
+ B33.8 |
+ Other specified viral diseases |
+ B34 |
+ Viral infection of unspecified site |
+ B37.0 |
+ Candidal stomatitis |
+ B37.8 |
+ Candidiasis of other sites |
+ B37.9 |
+ Candidiasis, unspecified |
+ B38.7 |
+ Disseminated coccidioidomycosis |
+ B38.8 |
+ Other forms of coccidioidomycosis |
+ B38.9 |
+ Coccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
+ B39.3 |
+ Disseminated histoplasmosis capsulati |
+ B39.4 |
+ Histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified |
+ B39.5 |
+ Histoplasmosis duboisii |
+ B39.9 |
+ Histoplasmosis, unspecified |
+ B40.7 |
+ Disseminated blastomycosis |
+ B40.8 |
+ Other forms of blastomycosis |
+ B40.9 |
+ Blastomycosis, unspecified |
+ B41.7 |
+ Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis |
+ B41.8 |
+ Other forms of paracoccidioidomycosis |
+ B41.9 |
+ Paracoccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
+ B42.7 |
+ Disseminated sporotrichosis |
+ B42.8 |
+ Other forms of sporotrichosis |
+ B42.9 |
+ Sporotrichosis, unspecified |
+ B43.8 |
+ Other forms of chromomycosis |
+ B43.9 |
+ Chromomycosis, unspecified |
+ B44.7 |
+ Disseminated aspergillosis |
+ B44.8 |
+ Other forms of aspergillosis |
+ B44.9 |
+ Aspergillosis, unspecified |
+ B45.7 |
+ Disseminated cryptococcosis |
+ B45.8 |
+ Other forms of cryptococcosis |
+ B45.9 |
+ Cryptococcosis, unspecified |
+ B46.1 |
+ Rhinocerebral mucormycosis |
+ B46.4 |
+ Disseminated mucormycosis |
+ B46.5 |
+ Mucormycosis, unspecified |
+ B46.8 |
+ Other zygomycoses |
+ B46.9 |
+ Zygomycosis, unspecified |
+ B47.0 |
+ Eumycetoma |
+ B47.1 |
+ Actinomycetoma |
+ B47.9 |
+ Mycetoma, unspecified |
+ B48 |
+ Other mycoses, not elsewhere classified |
+ B49 |
+ Unspecified mycosis |
+ B50.8 |
+ Other severe and complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria |
+ B50.9 |
+ Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unspecified |
+ B51 |
+ Plasmodium vivax malaria |
+ B52 |
+ Plasmodium malariae malaria |
+ B53 |
+ Other parasitologically confirmed malaria |
+ B54 |
+ Unspecified malaria |
+ B55.0 |
+ Visceral leishmaniasis |
+ B55.2 |
+ Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis |
+ B55.9 |
+ Leishmaniasis, unspecified |
+ B57 |
+ Chagas' disease |
+ B58.8 |
+ Toxoplasmosis with other organ involvement |
+ B58.9 |
+ Toxoplasmosis, unspecified |
+ B60 |
+ Other protozoal diseases, not elsewhere classified |
+ B64 |
+ Unspecified protozoal disease |
+ B65 |
+ Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis] |
+ B66 |
+ Other fluke infections |
+ B67.3 |
+ Echinococcus granulosus infection, other and multiple sites |
+ B67.4 |
+ Echinococcus granulosus infection, unspecified |
+ B67.6 |
+ Echinococcus multilocularis infection, other and multiple sites |
+ B67.7 |
+ Echinococcus multilocularis infection, unspecified |
+ B67.9 |
+ Echinococcosis, other and unspecified |
+ B68 |
+ Taeniasis |
+ B69.8 |
+ Cysticercosis of other sites |
+ B69.9 |
+ Cysticercosis, unspecified |
+ B70 |
+ Diphyllobothriasis and sparganosis |
+ B71 |
+ Other cestode infections |
+ B72 |
+ Dracunculiasis |
+ B73 |
+ Onchocerciasis |
+ B74 |
+ Filariasis |
+ B75 |
+ Trichinellosis |
+ B76 |
+ Hookworm diseases |
+ B77 |
+ Ascariasis |
+ B78.7 |
+ Disseminated strongyloidiasis |
+ B78.9 |
+ Strongyloidiasis, unspecified |
+ B79 |
+ Trichuriasis |
+ B80 |
+ Enterobiasis |
+ B83 |
+ Other helminthiases |
+ B87.8 |
+ Myiasis of other sites |
+ B87.9 |
+ Myiasis, unspecified |
+ B89 |
+ Unspecified parasitic disease |
+ B90.8 |
+ Sequelae of tuberculosis of other organs |
+ B90.9 |
+ Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis |
+ B92 |
+ Sequelae of leprosy |
+ B94.8 |
+ Sequelae of other specified infectious and parasitic diseases |
+ B94.9 |
+ Sequelae of unspecified infectious or parasitic disease |
+ B95 |
+ Streptococcus and staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
+ B96 |
+ Other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
+ B97 |
+ Viral agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
+ B98.1 |
+ Vibrio vulnificus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
+ B99 |
+ Other and unspecified infectious diseases |
+ G04.1 |
+ Tropical spastic paraplegia |
+ G53.0 |
+ Postzoster neuralgia |
+ G53.1 |
+ Multiple cranial nerve palsies in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G63.0 |
+ Polyneuropathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G94.0 |
+ Hydrocephalus in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ J09 |
+ Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus |
+ J10.1 |
+ Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, other influenza virus identified |
+ J10.8 |
+ Influenza with other manifestations, other influenza virus identified |
+ J11.1 |
+ Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, virus not identified |
+ J11.8 |
+ Influenza with other manifestations, virus not identified |
+ J37 |
+ Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis |
+ J85.3 |
+ Abscess of mediastinum |
+ M60.0 |
+ Infective myositis |
+ M63.0 |
+ Myositis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M63.2 |
+ Myositis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M65.0 |
+ Abscess of tendon sheath |
+ M65.1 |
+ Other infective (teno)synovitis |
+ M68.0 |
+ Synovitis and tenosynovitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M71.0 |
+ Abscess of bursa |
+ M71.1 |
+ Other infective bursitis |
+ M72.6 |
+ Necrotizing fasciitis |
+ M73.1 |
+ Syphilitic bursitis |
+ P35 |
+ Congenital viral diseases |
+ P37 |
+ Other congenital infectious and parasitic diseases |
+ P39.0 |
+ Neonatal infective mastitis |
+ P39.2 |
+ Intra-amniotic infection of fetus, not elsewhere classified |
+ P39.8 |
+ Other specified infections specific to the perinatal period |
+ P39.9 |
+ Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified |
+Infections of the Heart
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A02.2 | Localized salmonella infections |
A02.8 | Other specified salmonella infections |
A02.9 | Salmonella infection, unspecified |
A06.8 | Amoebic infection of other sites |
A06.9 | Amoebiasis, unspecified |
A18.7 | Tuberculosis of adrenal glands |
A18.8 | Tuberculosis of other specified organs |
A19 | Miliary tuberculosis |
A20.8 | Other forms of plague |
A20.9 | Plague, unspecified |
A21.7 | Generalised tularaemia |
A21.8 | Other forms of tularaemia |
A21.9 | Tularaemia, unspecified |
A22.8 | Other forms of anthrax |
A22.9 | Anthrax, unspecified |
A23 | Brucellosis |
A24 | Glanders and melioidosis |
A25 | Rat-bite fevers |
A26.8 | Other forms of erysipeloid |
A26.9 | Erysipeloid, unspecified |
A27 | Leptospirosis |
A28 | Other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified |
A30 | Leprosy [Hansen's disease] |
A31.8 | Other mycobacterial infections |
A31.9 | Mycobacterial infection, unspecified |
A32.8 | Other forms of listeriosis |
A32.9 | Listeriosis, unspecified |
A35 | Other tetanus |
A36.8 | Other diphtheria |
A36.9 | Diphtheria, unspecified |
A38 | Scarlet fever |
A39.8 | Other meningococcal infections |
A39.9 | Meningococcal infection, unspecified |
A42.1 | Abdominal actinomycosis |
A42.2 | Cervicofacial actinomycosis |
A42.8 | Other forms of actinomycosis |
A42.9 | Actinomycosis, unspecified |
A43.8 | Other forms of nocardiosis |
A43.9 | Nocardiosis, unspecified |
A44 | Bartonellosis |
A48 | Other bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified |
A49 | Bacterial infection of unspecified site |
A50 | Congenital syphilis |
A51.2 | Primary syphilis of other sites |
A51.4 | Other secondary syphilis |
A51.5 | Early syphilis, latent |
A51.9 | Early syphilis, unspecified |
A52.7 | Other symptomatic late syphilis |
A52.8 | Late syphilis, latent |
A52.9 | Late syphilis, unspecified |
A53 | Other and unspecified syphilis |
A54.8 | Other gonococcal infections |
A54.9 | Gonococcal infection, unspecified |
A56.8 | Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of other sites |
A59.8 | Trichomoniasis of other sites |
A59.9 | Trichomoniasis, unspecified |
A63.8 | Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseases |
A64 | Unspecified sexually transmitted disease |
A65 | Nonvenereal syphilis |
A66 | Yaws |
A67 | Pinta [carate] |
A68 | Relapsing fevers |
A69 | Other spirochaetal infections |
A70 | Chlamydia psittaci infection |
A74.8 | Other chlamydial diseases |
A74.9 | Chlamydial infection, unspecified |
A75 | Typhus fever |
A77 | Spotted fever [tick-borne rickettsioses] |
A78 | Q fever |
A79 | Other rickettsioses |
A90 | Dengue fever [classical dengue] |
A91 | Dengue haemorrhagic fever |
A92 | Other mosquito-borne viral fevers |
A93 | Other arthropod-borne viral fevers, not elsewhere classified |
A94 | Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever |
A95 | Yellow fever |
A96 | Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever |
A98 | Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified |
A99 | Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever |
B00.2 | Herpesviral gingivostomatitis and pharyngotonsillitis |
B00.7 | Disseminated herpesviral disease |
B00.8 | Other forms of herpesviral infection |
B00.9 | Herpesviral infection, unspecified |
B01.8 | Varicella with other complications |
B01.9 | Varicella without complication |
B02.7 | Disseminated zoster |
B02.8 | Zoster with other complications |
B02.9 | Zoster without complication |
B05.8 | Measles with other complications |
B05.9 | Measles without complication |
B06.8 | Rubella with other complications |
B06.9 | Rubella without complication |
B20 | Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in infectious and parasitic diseases |
B21 | Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in malignant neoplasms |
B22 | Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other specified diseases |
B23 | Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other conditions |
B24 | Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease |
B25.2 | Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis |
B25.8 | Other cytomegaloviral diseases |
B25.9 | Cytomegaloviral disease, unspecified |
B26.8 | Mumps with other complications |
B26.9 | Mumps without complication |
B33.0 | Epidemic myalgia |
B33.1 | Ross River disease |
B33.3 | Retrovirus infections, not elsewhere classified |
B33.4 | Hantavirus (cardio-)pulmonary syndrome |
B33.8 | Other specified viral diseases |
B34 | Viral infection of unspecified site |
B37.0 | Candidal stomatitis |
B37.8 | Candidiasis of other sites |
B37.9 | Candidiasis, unspecified |
B38.7 | Disseminated coccidioidomycosis |
B38.8 | Other forms of coccidioidomycosis |
B38.9 | Coccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
B39.3 | Disseminated histoplasmosis capsulati |
B39.4 | Histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified |
B39.5 | Histoplasmosis duboisii |
B39.9 | Histoplasmosis, unspecified |
B40.7 | Disseminated blastomycosis |
B40.8 | Other forms of blastomycosis |
B40.9 | Blastomycosis, unspecified |
B41.7 | Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis |
B41.8 | Other forms of paracoccidioidomycosis |
B41.9 | Paracoccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
B42.7 | Disseminated sporotrichosis |
B42.8 | Other forms of sporotrichosis |
B42.9 | Sporotrichosis, unspecified |
B43.8 | Other forms of chromomycosis |
B43.9 | Chromomycosis, unspecified |
B44.7 | Disseminated aspergillosis |
B44.8 | Other forms of aspergillosis |
B44.9 | Aspergillosis, unspecified |
B45.7 | Disseminated cryptococcosis |
B45.8 | Other forms of cryptococcosis |
B45.9 | Cryptococcosis, unspecified |
B46.1 | Rhinocerebral mucormycosis |
B46.4 | Disseminated mucormycosis |
B46.5 | Mucormycosis, unspecified |
B46.8 | Other zygomycoses |
B46.9 | Zygomycosis, unspecified |
B47.0 | Eumycetoma |
B47.1 | Actinomycetoma |
B47.9 | Mycetoma, unspecified |
B48 | Other mycoses, not elsewhere classified |
B49 | Unspecified mycosis |
B50.8 | Other severe and complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria |
B50.9 | Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unspecified |
B51 | Plasmodium vivax malaria |
B52 | Plasmodium malariae malaria |
B53 | Other parasitologically confirmed malaria |
B54 | Unspecified malaria |
B55.0 | Visceral leishmaniasis |
B55.2 | Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis |
B55.9 | Leishmaniasis, unspecified |
B57 | Chagas' disease |
B58.8 | Toxoplasmosis with other organ involvement |
B58.9 | Toxoplasmosis, unspecified |
B60 | Other protozoal diseases, not elsewhere classified |
B64 | Unspecified protozoal disease |
B65 | Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis] |
B66 | Other fluke infections |
B67.3 | Echinococcus granulosus infection, other and multiple sites |
B67.4 | Echinococcus granulosus infection, unspecified |
B67.6 | Echinococcus multilocularis infection, other and multiple sites |
B67.7 | Echinococcus multilocularis infection, unspecified |
B67.9 | Echinococcosis, other and unspecified |
B68 | Taeniasis |
B69.8 | Cysticercosis of other sites |
B69.9 | Cysticercosis, unspecified |
B70 | Diphyllobothriasis and sparganosis |
B71 | Other cestode infections |
B72 | Dracunculiasis |
B73 | Onchocerciasis |
B74 | Filariasis |
B75 | Trichinellosis |
B76 | Hookworm diseases |
B77 | Ascariasis |
B78.7 | Disseminated strongyloidiasis |
B78.9 | Strongyloidiasis, unspecified |
B79 | Trichuriasis |
B80 | Enterobiasis |
B83 | Other helminthiases |
B87.8 | Myiasis of other sites |
B87.9 | Myiasis, unspecified |
B89 | Unspecified parasitic disease |
B90.8 | Sequelae of tuberculosis of other organs |
B90.9 | Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis |
B92 | Sequelae of leprosy |
B94.8 | Sequelae of other specified infectious and parasitic diseases |
B94.9 | Sequelae of unspecified infectious or parasitic disease |
B95 | Streptococcus and staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
B96 | Other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
B97 | Viral agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
B98.1 | Vibrio vulnificus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
B99 | Other and unspecified infectious diseases |
G04.1 | Tropical spastic paraplegia |
G53.0 | Postzoster neuralgia |
G53.1 | Multiple cranial nerve palsies in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
G63.0 | Polyneuropathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
G94.0 | Hydrocephalus in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
J09 | Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus |
J10.1 | Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, other influenza virus identified |
J10.8 | Influenza with other manifestations, other influenza virus identified |
J11.1 | Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, virus not identified |
J11.8 | Influenza with other manifestations, virus not identified |
J37 | Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis |
J85.3 | Abscess of mediastinum |
M60.0 | Infective myositis |
M63.0 | Myositis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
M63.2 | Myositis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
M65.0 | Abscess of tendon sheath |
M65.1 | Other infective (teno)synovitis |
M68.0 | Synovitis and tenosynovitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
M71.0 | Abscess of bursa |
M71.1 | Other infective bursitis |
M72.6 | Necrotizing fasciitis |
M73.1 | Syphilitic bursitis |
P35 | Congenital viral diseases |
P37 | Other congenital infectious and parasitic diseases |
P39.0 | Neonatal infective mastitis |
P39.2 | Intra-amniotic infection of fetus, not elsewhere classified |
P39.8 | Other specified infections specific to the perinatal period |
P39.9 | Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified |
-Infection - Heart
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infections of the Heart IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infections of the Heart IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Infections of the Heart or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A39.5 | Meningococcal heart disease |
A52.0 | Cardiovascular syphilis |
B33.2 | Viral carditis |
B37.6 | Candidal endocarditis |
I30.1 | Infective pericarditis |
I32.0 | Pericarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
I32.1 | Pericarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
I33.0 | Acute and subacute infective endocarditis |
I40.0 | Infective myocarditis |
I41.0 | Myocarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
I41.1 | Myocarditis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
I41.2 | Myocarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
I43.0 | Cardiomyopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
I98.0 | Cardiovascular syphilis |
I98.1 | Cardiovascular disorders in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_heart.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A39.5 |
+ Meningococcal heart disease |
+ A52.0 |
+ Cardiovascular syphilis |
+ B33.2 |
+ Viral carditis |
+ B37.6 |
+ Candidal endocarditis |
+ I30.1 |
+ Infective pericarditis |
+ I32.0 |
+ Pericarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I32.1 |
+ Pericarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I33.0 |
+ Acute and subacute infective endocarditis |
+ I40.0 |
+ Infective myocarditis |
+ I41.0 |
+ Myocarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I41.1 |
+ Myocarditis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I41.2 |
+ Myocarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I43.0 |
+ Cardiomyopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I98.0 |
+ Cardiovascular syphilis |
+ I98.1 |
+ Cardiovascular disorders in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+Infections of the digestive system
-Infection - Digestive system
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Infections of the digestive system IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Infections of the digestive system or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A00 | Cholera |
A01 | Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers |
A02.0 | Salmonella enteritis |
A03 | Shigellosis |
A04 | Other bacterial intestinal infections |
A05 | Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified |
A06.0 | Acute amoebic dysentery |
A06.1 | Chronic intestinal amoebiasis |
A06.2 | Amoebic nondysenteric colitis |
A06.3 | Amoeboma of intestine |
A07 | Other protozoal intestinal diseases |
A08 | Viral and other specified intestinal infections |
A09 | Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious and unspecified origin |
A18.3 | Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands |
A21.3 | Gastrointestinal tularaemia |
A22.2 | Gastrointestinal anthrax |
B05.4 | Measles with intestinal complications |
B46.2 | Gastrointestinal mucormycosis |
B78.0 | Intestinal strongyloidiasis |
B81 | Other intestinal helminthiases, not elsewhere classified |
B82 | Unspecified intestinal parasitism |
B98.0 | Helicobacter pylori [H.pylori] as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
K23.0 | Tuberculous oesophagitis |
K23.1 | Megaoesophagus in Chagas' disease |
K63.0 | Abscess of intestine |
K93.0 | Tuberculous disorders of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A00 |
+ Cholera |
+ A01 |
+ Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers |
+ A02.0 |
+ Salmonella enteritis |
+ A03 |
+ Shigellosis |
+ A04 |
+ Other bacterial intestinal infections |
+ A05 |
+ Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified |
+ A06.0 |
+ Acute amoebic dysentery |
+ A06.1 |
+ Chronic intestinal amoebiasis |
+ A06.2 |
+ Amoebic nondysenteric colitis |
+ A06.3 |
+ Amoeboma of intestine |
+ A07 |
+ Other protozoal intestinal diseases |
+ A08 |
+ Viral and other specified intestinal infections |
+ A09 |
+ Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious and unspecified origin |
+ A18.3 |
+ Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands |
+ A21.3 |
+ Gastrointestinal tularaemia |
+ A22.2 |
+ Gastrointestinal anthrax |
+ B05.4 |
+ Measles with intestinal complications |
+ B46.2 |
+ Gastrointestinal mucormycosis |
+ B78.0 |
+ Intestinal strongyloidiasis |
+ B81 |
+ Other intestinal helminthiases, not elsewhere classified |
+ B82 |
+ Unspecified intestinal parasitism |
+ B98.0 |
+ Helicobacter pylori [H.pylori] as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
+ K23.0 |
+ Tuberculous oesophagitis |
+ K23.1 |
+ Megaoesophagus in Chagas' disease |
+ K63.0 |
+ Abscess of intestine |
+ K93.0 |
+ Tuberculous disorders of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands |
+Intellectual disability
-Intellectual Disability
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Intellectual disability IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Intellectual disability' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Intellectual disability diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Intellectual disability' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Intellectual disability or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
918e.00 | On learning disability register |
94Z9.00 | Preferred place of death: learning disability unit |
9HB0.00 | Learning disabilities health action plan declined |
9HB1.00 | Learning disabilities health action plan offered |
9HB2.00 | Learning disabilities health action plan reviewed |
9HB3.00 | Learning disabilities health assessment |
9HB4.00 | Learning disabilities health action plan completed |
9HB5.00 | Learning disabilities annual health assessment |
9HB6.00 | Learning disabilities annual health assessment declined |
9HB6.11 | Learning disabilities annual health check declined |
9HB7.00 | Did not attend learning disabilities annual health assessmnt |
9HB7.11 | Did not attend learning disabilities annual health check |
9HB..00 | Learning disabilities administration status |
9mA0.00 | Learning disability annual health check verbal invitation |
9mA1.00 | Learning disability annual health check telephone invitation |
9mA2000 | Learning disability annual health check invtation 1st letter |
9mA2100 | Learning disability annual health check invtation 2nd letter |
9mA2200 | Learning disability annual health check invtation 3rd letter |
9mA2.00 | Learning disability annual health check letter invitation |
9mA..00 | Learning disability annual health check invitation |
E2F2.00 | Other specific learning difficulty |
E30..00 | Mild mental retardation, IQ in range 50-70 |
E30..11 | Educationally subnormal |
E30..12 | Feeble-minded |
E30..13 | Moron |
E310.00 | Moderate mental retardation, IQ in range 35-49 |
E310.11 | Imbecile |
E311.00 | Severe mental retardation, IQ in range 20-34 |
E312.00 | Profound mental retardation with IQ less than 20 |
E312.11 | Idiocy |
E31..00 | Other specified mental retardation |
E31z.00 | Other specified mental retardation NOS |
E3...00 | Mental retardation |
E3y..00 | Other specified mental retardation |
E3z..00 | Mental retardation NOS |
Eu70000 | [X]Mld mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav |
Eu70100 | [X]Mld mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt |
Eu70.00 | [X]Mild mental retardation |
Eu70.12 | [X]Mild mental subnormality |
Eu70y00 | [X]Mild mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour |
Eu70z00 | [X]Mild mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
Eu71000 | [X]Mod mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav |
Eu71100 | [X]Mod mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt |
Eu71.00 | [X]Moderate mental retardation |
Eu71.11 | [X]Moderate mental subnormality |
Eu71y00 | [X]Mod retard oth behav impair |
Eu71z00 | [X]Mod mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
Eu72000 | [X]Sev mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav |
Eu72100 | [X]Sev mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt |
Eu72.00 | [X]Severe mental retardation |
Eu72.11 | [X]Severe mental subnormality |
Eu72y00 | [X]Severe mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour |
Eu72z00 | [X]Sev mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
Eu73000 | [X]Profound ment retrd wth statement no or min impairm behav |
Eu73100 | [X]Profound ment retard sig impairmnt behav req attent/treat |
Eu73.00 | [X]Profound mental retardation |
Eu73.11 | [X]Profound mental subnormality |
Eu73y00 | [X]Profound mental retardation, other impairments of behavr |
Eu73z00 | [X]Prfnd mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
Eu7..00 | [X]Mental retardation |
Eu7y000 | [X]Oth mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav |
Eu7y100 | [X]Oth mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt |
Eu7y.00 | [X]Other mental retardation |
Eu7yy00 | [X]Other mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour |
Eu7yz00 | [X]Other mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
Eu7z000 | [X]Unsp mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav |
Eu7z100 | [X]Unsp mentl retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt |
Eu7z.00 | [X]Unspecified mental retardation |
Eu7z.11 | [X]Mental deficiency NOS |
Eu7z.12 | [X]Mental subnormality NOS |
Eu7zy00 | [X]Unspecified mental retardatn, other impairments of behav |
Eu7zz00 | [X]Unsp mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
Eu81400 | [X]Moderate learning disability |
Eu81500 | [X]Severe learning disability |
Eu81600 | [X]Mild learning disability |
Eu81700 | [X]Profound learning disability |
Eu81800 | [X]Specific learning disability |
Eu81z00 | [X]Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified |
Eu81z11 | [X]Learning disability NOS |
Eu81z12 | [X]Learning disorder NOS |
Eu81z13 | [X]Learn acquisition disab NOS |
Eu84112 | [X]Mental retardation with autistic features |
Eu84400 | [X]Overactive disorder assoc mental retard/stereotype movts |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F70 | Mild mental retardation |
F71 | Moderate mental retardation |
F72 | Severe mental retardation |
F73 | Profound mental retardation |
F78 | Other mental retardation |
F79 | Unspecified mental retardation |
F81.9 | Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Intellectual disability' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 918e.00 |
+ On learning disability register |
+ 94Z9.00 |
+ Preferred place of death: learning disability unit |
+ 9HB0.00 |
+ Learning disabilities health action plan declined |
+ 9HB1.00 |
+ Learning disabilities health action plan offered |
+ 9HB2.00 |
+ Learning disabilities health action plan reviewed |
+ 9HB3.00 |
+ Learning disabilities health assessment |
+ 9HB4.00 |
+ Learning disabilities health action plan completed |
+ 9HB5.00 |
+ Learning disabilities annual health assessment |
+ 9HB6.00 |
+ Learning disabilities annual health assessment declined |
+ 9HB6.11 |
+ Learning disabilities annual health check declined |
+ 9HB7.00 |
+ Did not attend learning disabilities annual health assessmnt |
+ 9HB7.11 |
+ Did not attend learning disabilities annual health check |
+ 9HB..00 |
+ Learning disabilities administration status |
+ 9mA0.00 |
+ Learning disability annual health check verbal invitation |
+ 9mA1.00 |
+ Learning disability annual health check telephone invitation |
+ 9mA2000 |
+ Learning disability annual health check invtation 1st letter |
+ 9mA2100 |
+ Learning disability annual health check invtation 2nd letter |
+ 9mA2200 |
+ Learning disability annual health check invtation 3rd letter |
+ 9mA2.00 |
+ Learning disability annual health check letter invitation |
+ 9mA..00 |
+ Learning disability annual health check invitation |
+ E2F2.00 |
+ Other specific learning difficulty |
+ E30..00 |
+ Mild mental retardation, IQ in range 50-70 |
+ E30..11 |
+ Educationally subnormal |
+ E30..12 |
+ Feeble-minded |
+ E30..13 |
+ Moron |
+ E310.00 |
+ Moderate mental retardation, IQ in range 35-49 |
+ E310.11 |
+ Imbecile |
+ E311.00 |
+ Severe mental retardation, IQ in range 20-34 |
+ E312.00 |
+ Profound mental retardation with IQ less than 20 |
+ E312.11 |
+ Idiocy |
+ E31..00 |
+ Other specified mental retardation |
+ E31z.00 |
+ Other specified mental retardation NOS |
+ E3...00 |
+ Mental retardation |
+ E3y..00 |
+ Other specified mental retardation |
+ E3z..00 |
+ Mental retardation NOS |
+ Eu70000 |
+ [X]Mld mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav |
+ Eu70100 |
+ [X]Mld mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt |
+ Eu70.00 |
+ [X]Mild mental retardation |
+ Eu70.12 |
+ [X]Mild mental subnormality |
+ Eu70y00 |
+ [X]Mild mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour |
+ Eu70z00 |
+ [X]Mild mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
+ Eu71000 |
+ [X]Mod mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav |
+ Eu71100 |
+ [X]Mod mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt |
+ Eu71.00 |
+ [X]Moderate mental retardation |
+ Eu71.11 |
+ [X]Moderate mental subnormality |
+ Eu71y00 |
+ [X]Mod retard oth behav impair |
+ Eu71z00 |
+ [X]Mod mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
+ Eu72000 |
+ [X]Sev mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav |
+ Eu72100 |
+ [X]Sev mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt |
+ Eu72.00 |
+ [X]Severe mental retardation |
+ Eu72.11 |
+ [X]Severe mental subnormality |
+ Eu72y00 |
+ [X]Severe mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour |
+ Eu72z00 |
+ [X]Sev mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
+ Eu73000 |
+ [X]Profound ment retrd wth statement no or min impairm behav |
+ Eu73100 |
+ [X]Profound ment retard sig impairmnt behav req attent/treat |
+ Eu73.00 |
+ [X]Profound mental retardation |
+ Eu73.11 |
+ [X]Profound mental subnormality |
+ Eu73y00 |
+ [X]Profound mental retardation, other impairments of behavr |
+ Eu73z00 |
+ [X]Prfnd mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
+ Eu7..00 |
+ [X]Mental retardation |
+ Eu7y000 |
+ [X]Oth mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav |
+ Eu7y100 |
+ [X]Oth mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt |
+ Eu7y.00 |
+ [X]Other mental retardation |
+ Eu7yy00 |
+ [X]Other mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour |
+ Eu7yz00 |
+ [X]Other mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
+ Eu7z000 |
+ [X]Unsp mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav |
+ Eu7z100 |
+ [X]Unsp mentl retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt |
+ Eu7z.00 |
+ [X]Unspecified mental retardation |
+ Eu7z.11 |
+ [X]Mental deficiency NOS |
+ Eu7z.12 |
+ [X]Mental subnormality NOS |
+ Eu7zy00 |
+ [X]Unspecified mental retardatn, other impairments of behav |
+ Eu7zz00 |
+ [X]Unsp mental retardation without mention impairment behav |
+ Eu81400 |
+ [X]Moderate learning disability |
+ Eu81500 |
+ [X]Severe learning disability |
+ Eu81600 |
+ [X]Mild learning disability |
+ Eu81700 |
+ [X]Profound learning disability |
+ Eu81800 |
+ [X]Specific learning disability |
+ Eu81z00 |
+ [X]Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified |
+ Eu81z11 |
+ [X]Learning disability NOS |
+ Eu81z12 |
+ [X]Learning disorder NOS |
+ Eu81z13 |
+ [X]Learn acquisition disab NOS |
+ Eu84112 |
+ [X]Mental retardation with autistic features |
+ Eu84400 |
+ [X]Overactive disorder assoc mental retard/stereotype movts |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F70 |
+ Mild mental retardation |
+ F71 |
+ Moderate mental retardation |
+ F72 |
+ Severe mental retardation |
+ F73 |
+ Profound mental retardation |
+ F78 |
+ Other mental retardation |
+ F79 |
+ Unspecified mental retardation |
+ F81.9 |
+ Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified |
+Intervertebral disc disorders
-Intervertebral Disc Disorder
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Intervertebral disc disorders IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Intervertebral disc disorders's IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Intervertebral disc disorders diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Intervertebral disc disorders's diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Intervertebral disc disorders or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Intervertebral disc disorders's or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Intervertebral disc disorders during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7J20000 | Primary laminectomy excision of cervical intervert disc |
7J20100 | Primary hemilaminectomy excision of cervical IV disc |
7J20200 | Primary fenestration excision of cervical intervert disc |
7J20300 | Primary anterior excis cervical IV disc & interbody fusion |
7J20400 | Primary posterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
7J20600 | Primary anterior excision of cervical intervertebr disc NEC |
7J20700 | Primary microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc |
7J20.00 | Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
7J20800 | Primary laser excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
7J20y00 | Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc OS |
7J20z00 | Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc NOS |
7J21000 | Revisional laminectomy excision of cervical intervert disc |
7J21100 | Revisional hemilaminectomy excision cervical intervert disc |
7J21200 | Revisional fenestration excision of cervical intervert disc |
7J21300 | Revision anterior excision cervical disc and fusion |
7J21400 | Revisional posterior excision of cervical intervert disc NEC |
7J21600 | Revisional anterior excision cervical intervert disc NEC |
7J21700 | Revisional microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc |
7J21.00 | Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc ops |
7J21y00 | Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc OS |
7J21z00 | Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc NOS |
7J23000 | Primary anterior excision thoracic disc and fusion |
7J23100 | Primary anterolateral excision thoracic intervert disc NEC |
7J23200 | Primary costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc |
7J23300 | Primary posterior decompression of thoracic disc |
7J23400 | Primary anterolateral biopsy of thoracic intervertebral disc |
7J23900 | Excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC |
7J23w00 | Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc OS |
7J23x00 | Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NOS |
7J24600 | Revisional excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC |
7J24A00 | Revis anterol exc thoracic intervertebral disc graft HFQ |
7J24B00 | Revision percutan endosc exc thoracic intervertebral disc |
7J24x00 | Revisional excision thoracic intervertebral disc NOS |
7J27000 | Prosthetic replacement of cervical intervertebral disc |
7J27200 | Prosthetic replacement of lumbar intervertebral disc |
7J32000 | Primary laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
7J32100 | Primary fenestration excision of lumbar disc |
7J32111 | Primary fenestration of lumbar intervertebral disc |
7J32200 | Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc and fusion |
7J32211 | Freebody anterior excision lumbar IV disc & interbody fusion |
7J32300 | Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc NEC |
7J32400 | Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc and posterior fusn |
7J32500 | Primary ant excision lumbar disc+post instrumentation |
7J32600 | Primary lumbar microdiscectomy |
7J32700 | Primary posterior excision of lumbar disc |
7J32.00 | Primary lumbar discectomy |
7J32.11 | Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
7J32.12 | Primary removal of lumbar intervertebral disc |
7J32800 | Primary laser excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
7J32900 | Primary percutaneous intradiscal lumbar discectomy |
7J32y00 | Other specified primary lumbar discectomy |
7J32z00 | Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NOS |
7J33000 | Revisional laminectomy excision of lumbar intervert disc |
7J33100 | Revisional fenestration excision of lumbar intervert disc |
7J33200 | Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and fusion |
7J33400 | Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and post fusion |
7J33411 | Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and post fusion |
7J33600 | Revisional lumbar microdiscectomy |
7J33700 | Revisional posterior excision of lumbar disc |
7J33.00 | Revisional lumbar discectomy |
7J33.11 | Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
7J33.12 | Revisional removal of lumbar intervertebral disc |
7J33y00 | Other specified revisional lumbar discectomy |
7J33z00 | Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NOS |
7J4H000 | Primary automated percutan mech excis cerv intervert disc |
7J4J000 | Revisional automated percutan mech exc cerv intervert disc |
7J4K000 | Primary percutaneous decompres coblat cerv intervert disc |
7J4L000 | Revisional percutaneous decompres coblat cerv intervert disc |
7J4M000 | Primary percut intrad radio thermocoag cerv intervert disc |
F163000 | Myelopathy due to intervertebral disc disease |
F337100 | Nerve root and plexus compressions in intervert disc disord |
N120.00 | Cervical disc displacement without myelopathy |
N120.11 | Prolapsed cervical intervertebral disc without myelopathy |
N120.12 | Cervical disc displacement |
N121.00 | Thoracic disc displacement without myelopathy |
N121.11 | Prolapsed thoracic intervertebral disc without myelopathy |
N122.00 | Lumbar disc displacement |
N122.11 | Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc |
N123.00 | Disc displacement, site unspecified, without myelopathy |
N123.11 | Intervertebral disc prolapse NOS |
N123.12 | Prolapsed intervertebral disc without myelopathy |
N124000 | Schmorl's nodes of unspecified region |
N124100 | Schmorl's nodes of the thoracic region |
N124200 | Schmorl's nodes of the lumbar region |
N124.00 | Schmorl's nodes |
N124z00 | Schmorl's nodes, region NOS |
N125.00 | Cervical disc degeneration |
N126.00 | Thoracic disc degeneration |
N127.00 | Lumbar disc degeneration |
N128.00 | Degenerative disc disease NOS |
N129000 | Unspecified disc disorder with myelopathy |
N129100 | Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy |
N129200 | Thoracic disc disorder with myelopathy |
N129300 | Lumbar disc disorder with myelopathy |
N129.00 | Disc disorder with myelopathy |
N129.11 | Prolapsed intervertebral disc with associated myelopathy |
N129z00 | Disc disorder with myelopathy NOS |
N12B000 | Cervical disc prolapse with myelopathy |
N12B100 | Thoracic disc prolapse with myelopathy |
N12B200 | Lumbar disc prolapse with myelopathy |
N12B.00 | Disc prolapse with myelopathy |
N12C000 | Cervical disc prolapse with radiculopathy |
N12C100 | Thoracic disc prolapse with radiculopathy |
N12C200 | Lumbar disc prolapse with radiculopathy |
N12C300 | Lumbar disc prolapse with cauda equina compression |
N12C400 | Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc with sciatica |
N12C.00 | Disc prolapse with radiculopathy |
N12..00 | Intervertebral disc disorders |
N12z000 | Other disc disorders of unspecified site |
N12z100 | Other cervical disc disorders |
N12z200 | Other thoracic disc disorders |
N12z300 | Other lumbar disc disorders |
N12z500 | Annular tear of cervical disc |
N12z600 | Resorption of cervical disc |
N12z700 | Calcification of cervical disc |
N12z900 | Annular tear of thoracic disc |
N12zB00 | Calcification of thoracic disc |
N12zD00 | Annular tear of lumbar disc |
N12zE00 | Resorption of lumbar disc |
N12zF00 | Calcification of lumbar disc |
N12zH00 | Cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy |
N12z.00 | Other and unspecified disc disorders |
N12zz00 | Disc disorders NOS |
Nyu7000 | [X]Other cervical disc displacement |
Nyu7100 | [X]Other cervical disc degeneration |
Nyu7200 | [X]Other cervical disc disorders |
Nyu7300 | [X]Lumbar+other intervertebral disc disordrs with myelopathy |
Nyu7400 | [X]Lumbar+other intervertbrl disc disordrs with radiculopthy |
Nyu7500 | [X]Other specified intervertebral disc displacement |
Nyu7600 | [X]Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration |
Nyu7700 | [X]Other specified intervertebral disc disorders |
Nyu7B00 | [X]Cervical disc disorder, unspecified |
Zw04000 | [Q] Central disc prolapse |
Zw04100 | [Q] Posterolateral disc prolapse |
Zw04200 | [Q] Sequestrated disc prolapse |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M50 | Cervical disc disorders |
M51 | Other intervertebral disc disorders |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
V29 | Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V29.1 | Primary laminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V29.2 | Primary hemilaminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V29.3 | Primary fenestration excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V29.4 | Primary anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of cervical spine |
V29.5 | Primary anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc NEC |
V29.6 | Primary microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc |
V29.8 | Other specified primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V29.9 | Unspecified primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V30 | Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V30.1 | Revisional laminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V30.2 | Revisional hemilaminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V30.3 | Revisional fenestration excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V30.4 | Revisional anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of cervical spine |
V30.5 | Revisional anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc NEC |
V30.6 | Revisional microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc |
V30.8 | Other specified revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V30.9 | Unspecified revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V31 | Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V31.1 | Primary anterolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc and graft HFQ |
V31.2 | Primary anterolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC |
V31.3 | Primary costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V31.4 | Primary percutaneous endoscopic excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V31.8 | Other specified primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V31.9 | Unspecified primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V32 | Revisional excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V32.1 | Revisional anterolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc and graft HFQ |
V32.2 | Revisional anterolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC |
V32.3 | Revisional costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V32.4 | Revisional percutaneous endoscopic excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V32.8 | Other specified revisional excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V32.9 | Unspecified revisional excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V33 | Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V33.1 | Primary laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V33.2 | Primary fenestration excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V33.3 | Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine |
V33.4 | Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NEC |
V33.5 | Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior graft fusion of joint of lumbar spine |
V33.6 | Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior instrumentation of lumbar spine |
V33.7 | Primary microdiscectomy of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V33.8 | Other specified primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V33.9 | Unspecified primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V34 | Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V34.1 | Revisional laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V34.2 | Revisional fenestration excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V34.3 | Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine |
V34.4 | Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NEC |
V34.5 | Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior graft fusion of joint of lumbar spine |
V34.6 | Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior instrumentation of lumbar spine |
V34.7 | Revisional microdiscectomy of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V34.8 | Other specified revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V34.9 | Unspecified revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V35 | Excision of unspecified intervertebral disc |
V35.1 | Primary excision of intervertebral disc NEC |
V35.2 | Revisional excision of intervertebral disc NEC |
V35.8 | Other specified excision of unspecified intervertebral disc |
V35.9 | Unspecified excision of unspecified intervertebral disc |
V36 | Prosthetic replacement of intervertebral disc |
V36.1 | Prosthetic replacement of cervical intervertebral disc |
V36.2 | Prosthetic replacement of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V36.3 | Prosthetic replacement of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V36.8 | Other specified prosthetic replacement of intervertebral disc |
V36.9 | Unspecified prosthetic replacement of intervertebral disc |
V51 | Other primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V51.1 | Primary direct lateral excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine |
V51.8 | Other specified other primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V51.9 | Unspecified other primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V52 | Other operations on intervertebral disc |
V52.1 | Enzyme destruction of intervertebral disc |
V52.2 | Destruction of intervertebral disc NEC |
V52.3 | Discography of intervertebral disc |
V52.4 | Biopsy of lesion of intervertebral disc NEC |
V52.5 | Aspiration of intervertebral disc NEC |
V52.8 | Other specified other operations on intervertebral disc |
V52.9 | Unspecified other operations on intervertebral disc |
V58 | Primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
V58.1 | Primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V58.2 | Primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V58.3 | Primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V58.8 | Other specified primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
V58.9 | Unspecified primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
V59 | Revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
V59.1 | Revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
V59.2 | Revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
V59.3 | Revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
V59.8 | Other specified revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
V59.9 | Unspecified revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
V60 | Primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
V60.1 | Primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to cervical intervertebral disc |
V60.2 | Primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to thoracic intervertebral disc |
V60.3 | Primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to lumbar intervertebral disc |
V60.8 | Other specified primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
V60.9 | Unspecified primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
V61 | Revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
V61.1 | Revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to cervical intervertebral disc |
V61.2 | Revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to thoracic intervertebral disc |
V61.3 | Revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to lumbar intervertebral disc |
V61.8 | Other specified revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
V61.9 | Unspecified revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
V62 | Primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
V62.1 | Primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to cervical intervertebral disc |
V62.2 | Primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to thoracic intervertebral disc |
V62.3 | Primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to lumbar intervertebral disc |
V62.8 | Other specified primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
V62.9 | Unspecified primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
V63 | Revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
V63.1 | Revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to cervical intervertebral disc |
V63.2 | Revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to thoracic intervertebral disc |
V63.3 | Revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to lumbar intervertebral disc |
V63.8 | Other specified revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
V63.9 | Unspecified revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Intervertebral disc disorders's during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7J20000 |
+ Primary laminectomy excision of cervical intervert disc |
+ 7J20100 |
+ Primary hemilaminectomy excision of cervical IV disc |
+ 7J20200 |
+ Primary fenestration excision of cervical intervert disc |
+ 7J20300 |
+ Primary anterior excis cervical IV disc & interbody fusion |
+ 7J20400 |
+ Primary posterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ 7J20600 |
+ Primary anterior excision of cervical intervertebr disc NEC |
+ 7J20700 |
+ Primary microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ 7J20.00 |
+ Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ 7J20800 |
+ Primary laser excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ 7J20y00 |
+ Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc OS |
+ 7J20z00 |
+ Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc NOS |
+ 7J21000 |
+ Revisional laminectomy excision of cervical intervert disc |
+ 7J21100 |
+ Revisional hemilaminectomy excision cervical intervert disc |
+ 7J21200 |
+ Revisional fenestration excision of cervical intervert disc |
+ 7J21300 |
+ Revision anterior excision cervical disc and fusion |
+ 7J21400 |
+ Revisional posterior excision of cervical intervert disc NEC |
+ 7J21600 |
+ Revisional anterior excision cervical intervert disc NEC |
+ 7J21700 |
+ Revisional microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ 7J21.00 |
+ Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc ops |
+ 7J21y00 |
+ Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc OS |
+ 7J21z00 |
+ Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc NOS |
+ 7J23000 |
+ Primary anterior excision thoracic disc and fusion |
+ 7J23100 |
+ Primary anterolateral excision thoracic intervert disc NEC |
+ 7J23200 |
+ Primary costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ 7J23300 |
+ Primary posterior decompression of thoracic disc |
+ 7J23400 |
+ Primary anterolateral biopsy of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ 7J23900 |
+ Excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC |
+ 7J23w00 |
+ Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc OS |
+ 7J23x00 |
+ Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NOS |
+ 7J24600 |
+ Revisional excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC |
+ 7J24A00 |
+ Revis anterol exc thoracic intervertebral disc graft HFQ |
+ 7J24B00 |
+ Revision percutan endosc exc thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ 7J24x00 |
+ Revisional excision thoracic intervertebral disc NOS |
+ 7J27000 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ 7J27200 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ 7J32000 |
+ Primary laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ 7J32100 |
+ Primary fenestration excision of lumbar disc |
+ 7J32111 |
+ Primary fenestration of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ 7J32200 |
+ Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc and fusion |
+ 7J32211 |
+ Freebody anterior excision lumbar IV disc & interbody fusion |
+ 7J32300 |
+ Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc NEC |
+ 7J32400 |
+ Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc and posterior fusn |
+ 7J32500 |
+ Primary ant excision lumbar disc+post instrumentation |
+ 7J32600 |
+ Primary lumbar microdiscectomy |
+ 7J32700 |
+ Primary posterior excision of lumbar disc |
+ 7J32.00 |
+ Primary lumbar discectomy |
+ 7J32.11 |
+ Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ 7J32.12 |
+ Primary removal of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ 7J32800 |
+ Primary laser excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ 7J32900 |
+ Primary percutaneous intradiscal lumbar discectomy |
+ 7J32y00 |
+ Other specified primary lumbar discectomy |
+ 7J32z00 |
+ Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NOS |
+ 7J33000 |
+ Revisional laminectomy excision of lumbar intervert disc |
+ 7J33100 |
+ Revisional fenestration excision of lumbar intervert disc |
+ 7J33200 |
+ Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and fusion |
+ 7J33400 |
+ Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and post fusion |
+ 7J33411 |
+ Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and post fusion |
+ 7J33600 |
+ Revisional lumbar microdiscectomy |
+ 7J33700 |
+ Revisional posterior excision of lumbar disc |
+ 7J33.00 |
+ Revisional lumbar discectomy |
+ 7J33.11 |
+ Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ 7J33.12 |
+ Revisional removal of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ 7J33y00 |
+ Other specified revisional lumbar discectomy |
+ 7J33z00 |
+ Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NOS |
+ 7J4H000 |
+ Primary automated percutan mech excis cerv intervert disc |
+ 7J4J000 |
+ Revisional automated percutan mech exc cerv intervert disc |
+ 7J4K000 |
+ Primary percutaneous decompres coblat cerv intervert disc |
+ 7J4L000 |
+ Revisional percutaneous decompres coblat cerv intervert disc |
+ 7J4M000 |
+ Primary percut intrad radio thermocoag cerv intervert disc |
+ F163000 |
+ Myelopathy due to intervertebral disc disease |
+ F337100 |
+ Nerve root and plexus compressions in intervert disc disord |
+ N120.00 |
+ Cervical disc displacement without myelopathy |
+ N120.11 |
+ Prolapsed cervical intervertebral disc without myelopathy |
+ N120.12 |
+ Cervical disc displacement |
+ N121.00 |
+ Thoracic disc displacement without myelopathy |
+ N121.11 |
+ Prolapsed thoracic intervertebral disc without myelopathy |
+ N122.00 |
+ Lumbar disc displacement |
+ N122.11 |
+ Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ N123.00 |
+ Disc displacement, site unspecified, without myelopathy |
+ N123.11 |
+ Intervertebral disc prolapse NOS |
+ N123.12 |
+ Prolapsed intervertebral disc without myelopathy |
+ N124000 |
+ Schmorl's nodes of unspecified region |
+ N124100 |
+ Schmorl's nodes of the thoracic region |
+ N124200 |
+ Schmorl's nodes of the lumbar region |
+ N124.00 |
+ Schmorl's nodes |
+ N124z00 |
+ Schmorl's nodes, region NOS |
+ N125.00 |
+ Cervical disc degeneration |
+ N126.00 |
+ Thoracic disc degeneration |
+ N127.00 |
+ Lumbar disc degeneration |
+ N128.00 |
+ Degenerative disc disease NOS |
+ N129000 |
+ Unspecified disc disorder with myelopathy |
+ N129100 |
+ Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy |
+ N129200 |
+ Thoracic disc disorder with myelopathy |
+ N129300 |
+ Lumbar disc disorder with myelopathy |
+ N129.00 |
+ Disc disorder with myelopathy |
+ N129.11 |
+ Prolapsed intervertebral disc with associated myelopathy |
+ N129z00 |
+ Disc disorder with myelopathy NOS |
+ N12B000 |
+ Cervical disc prolapse with myelopathy |
+ N12B100 |
+ Thoracic disc prolapse with myelopathy |
+ N12B200 |
+ Lumbar disc prolapse with myelopathy |
+ N12B.00 |
+ Disc prolapse with myelopathy |
+ N12C000 |
+ Cervical disc prolapse with radiculopathy |
+ N12C100 |
+ Thoracic disc prolapse with radiculopathy |
+ N12C200 |
+ Lumbar disc prolapse with radiculopathy |
+ N12C300 |
+ Lumbar disc prolapse with cauda equina compression |
+ N12C400 |
+ Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc with sciatica |
+ N12C.00 |
+ Disc prolapse with radiculopathy |
+ N12..00 |
+ Intervertebral disc disorders |
+ N12z000 |
+ Other disc disorders of unspecified site |
+ N12z100 |
+ Other cervical disc disorders |
+ N12z200 |
+ Other thoracic disc disorders |
+ N12z300 |
+ Other lumbar disc disorders |
+ N12z500 |
+ Annular tear of cervical disc |
+ N12z600 |
+ Resorption of cervical disc |
+ N12z700 |
+ Calcification of cervical disc |
+ N12z900 |
+ Annular tear of thoracic disc |
+ N12zB00 |
+ Calcification of thoracic disc |
+ N12zD00 |
+ Annular tear of lumbar disc |
+ N12zE00 |
+ Resorption of lumbar disc |
+ N12zF00 |
+ Calcification of lumbar disc |
+ N12zH00 |
+ Cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy |
+ N12z.00 |
+ Other and unspecified disc disorders |
+ N12zz00 |
+ Disc disorders NOS |
+ Nyu7000 |
+ [X]Other cervical disc displacement |
+ Nyu7100 |
+ [X]Other cervical disc degeneration |
+ Nyu7200 |
+ [X]Other cervical disc disorders |
+ Nyu7300 |
+ [X]Lumbar+other intervertebral disc disordrs with myelopathy |
+ Nyu7400 |
+ [X]Lumbar+other intervertbrl disc disordrs with radiculopthy |
+ Nyu7500 |
+ [X]Other specified intervertebral disc displacement |
+ Nyu7600 |
+ [X]Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration |
+ Nyu7700 |
+ [X]Other specified intervertebral disc disorders |
+ Nyu7B00 |
+ [X]Cervical disc disorder, unspecified |
+ Zw04000 |
+ [Q] Central disc prolapse |
+ Zw04100 |
+ [Q] Posterolateral disc prolapse |
+ Zw04200 |
+ [Q] Sequestrated disc prolapse |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M50 |
+ Cervical disc disorders |
+ M51 |
+ Other intervertebral disc disorders |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ V29 |
+ Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V29.1 |
+ Primary laminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V29.2 |
+ Primary hemilaminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V29.3 |
+ Primary fenestration excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V29.4 |
+ Primary anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of cervical spine |
+ V29.5 |
+ Primary anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc NEC |
+ V29.6 |
+ Primary microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V29.8 |
+ Other specified primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V29.9 |
+ Unspecified primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V30 |
+ Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V30.1 |
+ Revisional laminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V30.2 |
+ Revisional hemilaminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V30.3 |
+ Revisional fenestration excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V30.4 |
+ Revisional anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of cervical spine |
+ V30.5 |
+ Revisional anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc NEC |
+ V30.6 |
+ Revisional microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V30.8 |
+ Other specified revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V30.9 |
+ Unspecified revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V31 |
+ Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V31.1 |
+ Primary anterolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc and graft HFQ |
+ V31.2 |
+ Primary anterolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC |
+ V31.3 |
+ Primary costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V31.4 |
+ Primary percutaneous endoscopic excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V31.8 |
+ Other specified primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V31.9 |
+ Unspecified primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V32 |
+ Revisional excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V32.1 |
+ Revisional anterolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc and graft HFQ |
+ V32.2 |
+ Revisional anterolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC |
+ V32.3 |
+ Revisional costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V32.4 |
+ Revisional percutaneous endoscopic excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V32.8 |
+ Other specified revisional excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V32.9 |
+ Unspecified revisional excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V33 |
+ Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V33.1 |
+ Primary laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V33.2 |
+ Primary fenestration excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V33.3 |
+ Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine |
+ V33.4 |
+ Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NEC |
+ V33.5 |
+ Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior graft fusion of joint of lumbar spine |
+ V33.6 |
+ Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior instrumentation of lumbar spine |
+ V33.7 |
+ Primary microdiscectomy of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V33.8 |
+ Other specified primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V33.9 |
+ Unspecified primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V34 |
+ Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V34.1 |
+ Revisional laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V34.2 |
+ Revisional fenestration excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V34.3 |
+ Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine |
+ V34.4 |
+ Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NEC |
+ V34.5 |
+ Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior graft fusion of joint of lumbar spine |
+ V34.6 |
+ Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior instrumentation of lumbar spine |
+ V34.7 |
+ Revisional microdiscectomy of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V34.8 |
+ Other specified revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V34.9 |
+ Unspecified revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V35 |
+ Excision of unspecified intervertebral disc |
+ V35.1 |
+ Primary excision of intervertebral disc NEC |
+ V35.2 |
+ Revisional excision of intervertebral disc NEC |
+ V35.8 |
+ Other specified excision of unspecified intervertebral disc |
+ V35.9 |
+ Unspecified excision of unspecified intervertebral disc |
+ V36 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of intervertebral disc |
+ V36.1 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V36.2 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V36.3 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V36.8 |
+ Other specified prosthetic replacement of intervertebral disc |
+ V36.9 |
+ Unspecified prosthetic replacement of intervertebral disc |
+ V51 |
+ Other primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V51.1 |
+ Primary direct lateral excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine |
+ V51.8 |
+ Other specified other primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V51.9 |
+ Unspecified other primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V52 |
+ Other operations on intervertebral disc |
+ V52.1 |
+ Enzyme destruction of intervertebral disc |
+ V52.2 |
+ Destruction of intervertebral disc NEC |
+ V52.3 |
+ Discography of intervertebral disc |
+ V52.4 |
+ Biopsy of lesion of intervertebral disc NEC |
+ V52.5 |
+ Aspiration of intervertebral disc NEC |
+ V52.8 |
+ Other specified other operations on intervertebral disc |
+ V52.9 |
+ Unspecified other operations on intervertebral disc |
+ V58 |
+ Primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
+ V58.1 |
+ Primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V58.2 |
+ Primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V58.3 |
+ Primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V58.8 |
+ Other specified primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
+ V58.9 |
+ Unspecified primary automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
+ V59 |
+ Revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
+ V59.1 |
+ Revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V59.2 |
+ Revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V59.3 |
+ Revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V59.8 |
+ Other specified revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
+ V59.9 |
+ Unspecified revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc |
+ V60 |
+ Primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
+ V60.1 |
+ Primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V60.2 |
+ Primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V60.3 |
+ Primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V60.8 |
+ Other specified primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
+ V60.9 |
+ Unspecified primary percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
+ V61 |
+ Revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
+ V61.1 |
+ Revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V61.2 |
+ Revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V61.3 |
+ Revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V61.8 |
+ Other specified revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
+ V61.9 |
+ Unspecified revisional percutaneous decompression using coblation to intervertebral disc |
+ V62 |
+ Primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
+ V62.1 |
+ Primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V62.2 |
+ Primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V62.3 |
+ Primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V62.8 |
+ Other specified primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
+ V62.9 |
+ Unspecified primary percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
+ V63 |
+ Revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
+ V63.1 |
+ Revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to cervical intervertebral disc |
+ V63.2 |
+ Revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to thoracic intervertebral disc |
+ V63.3 |
+ Revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to lumbar intervertebral disc |
+ V63.8 |
+ Other specified revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
+ V63.9 |
+ Unspecified revisional percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation to intervertebral disc |
+Intracerebral haemorrhage
-Intracerebral Haemorrhage
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had an intracerebral haemorrhage IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had an 'Intracerebral haemorrhage' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Intracerebral haemorrhage diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Intracerebral haemorrhage' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of intracerebral haemorrhage or sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
662o.00 | Haemorrhagic stroke monitoring |
7004300.0 | Evacuation of intracerebral haematoma NEC |
G610.00 | Cortical haemorrhage |
G611.00 | Internal capsule haemorrhage |
G612.00 | Basal nucleus haemorrhage |
G613.00 | Cerebellar haemorrhage |
G614.00 | Pontine haemorrhage |
G615.00 | Bulbar haemorrhage |
G616.00 | External capsule haemorrhage |
G617.00 | Intracerebral haemorrhage, intraventricular |
G618.00 | Intracerebral haemorrhage, multiple localized |
G619.00 | Lobar cerebral haemorrhage |
G61..00 | Intracerebral haemorrhage |
G61..11 | CVA - cerebrovascular accid due to intracerebral haemorrhage |
G61..12 | Stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage |
G61X000 | Left sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified |
G61X100 | Right sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified |
G61X.00 | Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified |
G61z.00 | Intracerebral haemorrhage NOS |
G681.00 | Sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage |
G682.00 | Sequelae of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage |
Gyu6200 | [X]Other intracerebral haemorrhage |
Gyu6F00 | [X]Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I61 | Intracerebral haemorrhage |
I69.1 | Sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Intracerebral haemorrhage' or sequelae of 'Intracerebral haemorrhage' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 662o.00 |
+ Haemorrhagic stroke monitoring |
+ 7004300.0 |
+ Evacuation of intracerebral haematoma NEC |
+ G610.00 |
+ Cortical haemorrhage |
+ G611.00 |
+ Internal capsule haemorrhage |
+ G612.00 |
+ Basal nucleus haemorrhage |
+ G613.00 |
+ Cerebellar haemorrhage |
+ G614.00 |
+ Pontine haemorrhage |
+ G615.00 |
+ Bulbar haemorrhage |
+ G616.00 |
+ External capsule haemorrhage |
+ G617.00 |
+ Intracerebral haemorrhage, intraventricular |
+ G618.00 |
+ Intracerebral haemorrhage, multiple localized |
+ G619.00 |
+ Lobar cerebral haemorrhage |
+ G61..00 |
+ Intracerebral haemorrhage |
+ G61..11 |
+ CVA - cerebrovascular accid due to intracerebral haemorrhage |
+ G61..12 |
+ Stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage |
+ G61X000 |
+ Left sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified |
+ G61X100 |
+ Right sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified |
+ G61X.00 |
+ Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified |
+ G61z.00 |
+ Intracerebral haemorrhage NOS |
+ G681.00 |
+ Sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage |
+ G682.00 |
+ Sequelae of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage |
+ Gyu6200 |
+ [X]Other intracerebral haemorrhage |
+ Gyu6F00 |
+ [X]Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I61 |
+ Intracerebral haemorrhage |
+ I69.1 |
+ Sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage |
+Intracranial hypertension
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Intracranial hypertension' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+Primary care
+1. 'Intracranial hypertension' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+Secondary care
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Intracranial hypertension' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F282.00 |
+ Benign intracranial hypertension |
+ F282.11 |
+ Pseudotumour cerebri |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G93.2 |
+ Benign intracranial hypertension |
+Intrauterine hypoxia
-Intrauterine Hypoxia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Post-term infant IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Post-term infant IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Post-term infant diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Post-term infant or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
4H23.00 | Amniotic fluid -meconium stain |
L263000 | Fetal distress unspecified |
L263100 | Fetal distress - delivered |
L263200 | Fetal distress with antenatal problem |
L263400 | Labour and delivery complic by meconium in amniotic fluid |
L263500 | Lab+del comp fetal ht rate anom wth meconium in amnio fluid |
L263600 | Labour+delivery complicatd by biochem evidence/fetal stress |
L263700 | Maternal care for fetal hypoxia |
L263.00 | Fetal distress - affecting management |
L263.11 | Fetal acidosis |
L263.14 | Meconium stained liquor |
L263z00 | Fetal distress NOS |
Lyu4800 | [X]Labour+delivery complicat/oth evidence of fetal distress |
Q212000 | Liveborn with prelabour abnormal heart beat |
Q212100 | Liveborn with prelabour hypoxia |
Q212200 | Liveborn with prelabour meconium in liquor |
Q212.00 | Liveborn with prelabour fetal distress |
Q212.11 | Fetal distress before labour - liveborn |
Q212z00 | Liveborn with prelabour fetal distress NOS |
Q213000 | Liveborn with labour abnormal heart beat |
Q213100 | Liveborn with labour hypoxia |
Q213200 | Liveborn with labour meconium in liquor |
Q213.00 | Liveborn with labour fetal distress |
Q213.11 | Fetal distress in labour - liveborn |
Q213z00 | Liveborn with labour fetal distress NOS |
Q214000 | Liveborn with abnormal heart beat, unspecified |
Q214100 | Liveborn with fetal hypoxia, unspecified |
Q214200 | Liveborn with meconium liquor, unspecified |
Q214.00 | Liveborn with fetal distress, unspecified |
Q214.11 | Fetal distress, unspecified when, liveborn |
Q214z00 | Liveborn with unspecified fetal distress NOS |
Q21..00 | Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia |
Q21..11 | Intrauterine hypoxia |
Q21..12 | Labour fetal anoxia |
Q311000 | Meconium aspiration syndrome |
Z264800 | Meconium stained liquor |
Z264900 | Old meconium staining liquor |
Z264A00 | Fresh meconium staining liquor |
Z264B00 | Thick meconium stained liquor |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
P20 | Intrauterine hypoxia |
P24.0 | Neonatal aspiration of meconium |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 4H23.00 |
+ Amniotic fluid -meconium stain |
+ L263000 |
+ Fetal distress unspecified |
+ L263100 |
+ Fetal distress - delivered |
+ L263200 |
+ Fetal distress with antenatal problem |
+ L263400 |
+ Labour and delivery complic by meconium in amniotic fluid |
+ L263500 |
+ Lab+del comp fetal ht rate anom wth meconium in amnio fluid |
+ L263600 |
+ Labour+delivery complicatd by biochem evidence/fetal stress |
+ L263700 |
+ Maternal care for fetal hypoxia |
+ L263.00 |
+ Fetal distress - affecting management |
+ L263.11 |
+ Fetal acidosis |
+ L263.14 |
+ Meconium stained liquor |
+ L263z00 |
+ Fetal distress NOS |
+ Lyu4800 |
+ [X]Labour+delivery complicat/oth evidence of fetal distress |
+ Q212000 |
+ Liveborn with prelabour abnormal heart beat |
+ Q212100 |
+ Liveborn with prelabour hypoxia |
+ Q212200 |
+ Liveborn with prelabour meconium in liquor |
+ Q212.00 |
+ Liveborn with prelabour fetal distress |
+ Q212.11 |
+ Fetal distress before labour - liveborn |
+ Q212z00 |
+ Liveborn with prelabour fetal distress NOS |
+ Q213000 |
+ Liveborn with labour abnormal heart beat |
+ Q213100 |
+ Liveborn with labour hypoxia |
+ Q213200 |
+ Liveborn with labour meconium in liquor |
+ Q213.00 |
+ Liveborn with labour fetal distress |
+ Q213.11 |
+ Fetal distress in labour - liveborn |
+ Q213z00 |
+ Liveborn with labour fetal distress NOS |
+ Q214000 |
+ Liveborn with abnormal heart beat, unspecified |
+ Q214100 |
+ Liveborn with fetal hypoxia, unspecified |
+ Q214200 |
+ Liveborn with meconium liquor, unspecified |
+ Q214.00 |
+ Liveborn with fetal distress, unspecified |
+ Q214.11 |
+ Fetal distress, unspecified when, liveborn |
+ Q214z00 |
+ Liveborn with unspecified fetal distress NOS |
+ Q21..00 |
+ Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia |
+ Q21..11 |
+ Intrauterine hypoxia |
+ Q21..12 |
+ Labour fetal anoxia |
+ Q311000 |
+ Meconium aspiration syndrome |
+ Z264800 |
+ Meconium stained liquor |
+ Z264900 |
+ Old meconium staining liquor |
+ Z264A00 |
+ Fresh meconium staining liquor |
+ Z264B00 |
+ Thick meconium stained liquor |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ P20 |
+ Intrauterine hypoxia |
+ P24.0 |
+ Neonatal aspiration of meconium |
+Iron deficiency anaemia
-Iron Deficiency Anaemia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Iron deficiency anaemia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Iron deficiency anaemia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Iron deficiency anaemia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Iron deficiency anaemia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Iron deficiency anaemia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Readcode | Readterm |
-D000.00 | Iron deficiency anaemia due to chronic blood loss |
-D000.11 | Normocytic anaemia due to chronic blood loss |
-D000.12 | Iron deficiency anaemia due to blood loss |
-D001.00 | Iron deficiency anaemia due to dietary causes |
-D00..00 | Iron deficiency anaemias |
-D00y000 | Sideropenic dysphagia |
-D00y011 | Kelly-Paterson syndrome |
-D00y012 | Plummer-Vinson syndrome |
-D00y.00 | Other specified iron deficiency anaemia |
-D00y.11 | Kelly - Paterson syndrome |
-D00y.12 | Plummer - Vinson syndrome |
-D00yz00 | Other specified iron deficiency anaemia NOS |
-D00z000 | Achlorhydric anaemia |
-D00z100 | Chlorotic anaemia |
-D00z.00 | Unspecified iron deficiency anaemia |
-D00zz00 | Iron deficiency anaemia NOS |
-D0...11 | Asiderotic anaemia |
-D0...12 | Sideropenic anaemia |
-Dyu0000 | [X]Other iron deficiency anaemias |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D50 | Iron deficiency anaemia |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Iron deficiency anaemia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ D000.00 |
+ Iron deficiency anaemia due to chronic blood loss |
+ D000.11 |
+ Normocytic anaemia due to chronic blood loss |
+ D000.12 |
+ Iron deficiency anaemia due to blood loss |
+ D001.00 |
+ Iron deficiency anaemia due to dietary causes |
+ D00..00 |
+ Iron deficiency anaemias |
+ D00y000 |
+ Sideropenic dysphagia |
+ D00y011 |
+ Kelly-Paterson syndrome |
+ D00y012 |
+ Plummer-Vinson syndrome |
+ D00y.00 |
+ Other specified iron deficiency anaemia |
+ D00y.11 |
+ Kelly - Paterson syndrome |
+ D00y.12 |
+ Plummer - Vinson syndrome |
+ D00yz00 |
+ Other specified iron deficiency anaemia NOS |
+ D00z000 |
+ Achlorhydric anaemia |
+ D00z100 |
+ Chlorotic anaemia |
+ D00z.00 |
+ Unspecified iron deficiency anaemia |
+ D00zz00 |
+ Iron deficiency anaemia NOS |
+ D0...11 |
+ Asiderotic anaemia |
+ D0...12 |
+ Sideropenic anaemia |
+ Dyu0000 |
+ [X]Other iron deficiency anaemias |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_IDA.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D50 |
+ Iron deficiency anaemia |
+Irritable bowel syndrome
-Irritable Bowel Syndrome
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Irritable bowel syndrome IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Irritable bowel syndrome' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Irritable bowel syndrome diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Irritable bowel syndrome' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Irritable bowel syndrome or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14CF.00 | History of irritable bowel syndrome |
8Cm..00 | Management of irritable bowel syndrome |
J521000 | Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea |
J521.00 | Irritable colon - Irritable bowel syndrome |
J521.11 | Irritable bowel syndrome |
J521.13 | Spastic colon |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K58 | Irritable bowel syndrome |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Irritable bowel syndrome' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14CF.00 |
+ History of irritable bowel syndrome |
+ 8Cm..00 |
+ Management of irritable bowel syndrome |
+ J521000 |
+ Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea |
+ J521.00 |
+ Irritable colon - Irritable bowel syndrome |
+ J521.11 |
+ Irritable bowel syndrome |
+ J521.13 |
+ Spastic colon |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_IBS.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K58 |
+ Irritable bowel syndrome |
+Ischaemic stroke
-Ischaemic Stroke
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had an ischaemic stroke IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had an 'Ischaemic stroke' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Ischaemic stroke diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Ischaemic stroke' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of ischaemic stroke or sequelae of ischaemic stroke during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G63..11 | Infarction - precerebral |
G63y000 | Cerebral infarct due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries |
G63y100 | Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries |
G640000 | Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries |
G640.00 | Cerebral thrombosis |
G641000 | Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries |
G641.00 | Cerebral embolism |
G641.11 | Cerebral embolus |
G64..00 | Cerebral arterial occlusion |
G64..11 | CVA - cerebral artery occlusion |
G64..12 | Infarction - cerebral |
G64..13 | Stroke due to cerebral arterial occlusion |
G64z000 | Brainstem infarction |
G64z100 | Wallenberg syndrome |
G64z111 | Lateral medullary syndrome |
G64z200 | Left sided cerebral infarction |
G64z300 | Right sided cerebral infarction |
G64z400 | Infarction of basal ganglia |
G64z.00 | Cerebral infarction NOS |
G64z.11 | Brainstem infarction NOS |
G64z.12 | Cerebellar infarction |
G683.00 | Sequelae of cerebral infarction |
G6W..00 | Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries |
G6X..00 | Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs |
Gyu6300 | [X]Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs |
Gyu6400 | [X]Other cerebral infarction |
Gyu6G00 | [X]Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I63.0 | Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries |
I63.1 | Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries |
I63.2 | Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of precerebral arteries |
I63.3 | Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries |
I63.4 | Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries |
I63.5 | Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of cerebral arteries |
I63.8 | Other cerebral infarction |
I63.9 | Cerebral infarction, unspecified |
I69.3 | Sequelae of cerebral infarction |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Ischaemic stroke' or sequelae of 'Ischaemic stroke' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G63..11 |
+ Infarction - precerebral |
+ G63y000 |
+ Cerebral infarct due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries |
+ G63y100 |
+ Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries |
+ G640000 |
+ Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries |
+ G640.00 |
+ Cerebral thrombosis |
+ G641000 |
+ Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries |
+ G641.00 |
+ Cerebral embolism |
+ G641.11 |
+ Cerebral embolus |
+ G64..00 |
+ Cerebral arterial occlusion |
+ G64..11 |
+ CVA - cerebral artery occlusion |
+ G64..12 |
+ Infarction - cerebral |
+ G64..13 |
+ Stroke due to cerebral arterial occlusion |
+ G64z000 |
+ Brainstem infarction |
+ G64z100 |
+ Wallenberg syndrome |
+ G64z111 |
+ Lateral medullary syndrome |
+ G64z200 |
+ Left sided cerebral infarction |
+ G64z300 |
+ Right sided cerebral infarction |
+ G64z400 |
+ Infarction of basal ganglia |
+ G64z.00 |
+ Cerebral infarction NOS |
+ G64z.11 |
+ Brainstem infarction NOS |
+ G64z.12 |
+ Cerebellar infarction |
+ G683.00 |
+ Sequelae of cerebral infarction |
+ G6W..00 |
+ Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries |
+ G6X..00 |
+ Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs |
+ Gyu6300 |
+ [X]Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs |
+ Gyu6400 |
+ [X]Other cerebral infarction |
+ Gyu6G00 |
+ [X]Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I63.0 |
+ Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries |
+ I63.1 |
+ Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries |
+ I63.2 |
+ Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of precerebral arteries |
+ I63.3 |
+ Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries |
+ I63.4 |
+ Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries |
+ I63.5 |
+ Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of cerebral arteries |
+ I63.8 |
+ Other cerebral infarction |
+ I63.9 |
+ Cerebral infarction, unspecified |
+ I69.3 |
+ Sequelae of cerebral infarction |
+Juvenile arthritis
-Juvenile Arthritis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Juvenile arthritis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Juvenile arthritis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Juvenile arthritis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Juvenile arthritis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Juvenile arthritis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
N043000 | Juvenile rheumatoid arthropathy unspecified |
N043100 | Acute polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |
N043200 | Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |
N043300 | Monarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |
N043.00 | Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis - Still's disease |
N043z00 | Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis NOS |
N045000 | Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis |
N045100 | Juvenile seronegative polyarthritis |
N045200 | Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis |
N045300 | Juvenile arthritis in Crohn's disease |
N045400 | Juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis |
N045500 | Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |
N045600 | Pauciarticular onset juvenile chronic arthritis |
N045.00 | Other juvenile arthritis |
Nyu1500 | [X]Other juvenile arthritis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M08 | Juvenile arthritis |
M09 | Juvenile arthritis in diseases classified elsewhere |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Juvenile arthritis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ N043000 |
+ Juvenile rheumatoid arthropathy unspecified |
+ N043100 |
+ Acute polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |
+ N043200 |
+ Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |
+ N043300 |
+ Monarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |
+ N043.00 |
+ Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis - Still's disease |
+ N043z00 |
+ Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis NOS |
+ N045000 |
+ Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis |
+ N045100 |
+ Juvenile seronegative polyarthritis |
+ N045200 |
+ Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis |
+ N045300 |
+ Juvenile arthritis in Crohn's disease |
+ N045400 |
+ Juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis |
+ N045500 |
+ Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |
+ N045600 |
+ Pauciarticular onset juvenile chronic arthritis |
+ N045.00 |
+ Other juvenile arthritis |
+ Nyu1500 |
+ [X]Other juvenile arthritis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M08 |
+ Juvenile arthritis |
+ M09 |
+ Juvenile arthritis in diseases classified elsewhere |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Keratitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Keratitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Keratitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Keratitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Keratitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
A173200 | Tuberculous interstitial keratitis |
A173400 | Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis |
A532100 | Herpes zoster with keratoconjunctivitis |
A544200 | Herpes simplex dendritic keratitis |
A544300 | Herpes simplex disciform keratitis |
A55x000 | Measles keratoconjunctivitis |
A771.00 | Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis |
A776.00 | Keratoconjunctivitis due to adenovirus |
A903.00 | Syphilitic interstitial keratitis |
A984300 | Gonococcal keratitis |
AD67000 | Acanthamoeba keratitis |
F4A1.00 | Dendritic keratitis |
F4A2000 | Unspecified superficial keratitis |
F4A2100 | Punctate keratitis |
F4A2112 | Thygeson's superficial punctate keratitis |
F4A2200 | Nummular keratitis |
F4A2300 | Striate keratitis |
F4A2400 | Macular keratitis NOS |
F4A2500 | Filamentary keratitis |
F4A2.00 | Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis |
F4A2z00 | Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis NOS |
F4A3000 | Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis |
F4A3300 | Exposure keratoconjunctivitis |
F4A3400 | Neurotrophic keratoconjunctivitis |
F4A3.00 | Specific keratoconjunctivitis |
F4A3z00 | Specific keratoconjunctivitis NOS |
F4A4000 | Unspecified keratoconjunctivitis |
F4A4100 | Keratitis or keratoconjunctivitis in other exanthemata |
F4A4.00 | Other keratoconjunctivitis |
F4A4z00 | Other keratoconjunctivitis NOS |
F4A5000 | Unspecified interstitial keratitis |
F4A5100 | Diffuse interstitial keratitis |
F4A5200 | Sclerosing keratitis |
F4A5400 | Keratitis due to syphilis |
F4A5500 | Keratitis due to tuberculosis |
F4A5.00 | Interstitial and deep keratitis |
F4A5z00 | Interstitial and deep keratitis NOS |
F4A..00 | Keratitis |
F4A..11 | Keratoconjunctivitis |
F4Ay.00 | Other forms of keratitis |
F4Az.00 | Keratitis NOS |
FyuD100 | [X]Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis |
FyuD200 | [X]Other keratitis |
FyuDA00 | [X]Keratitis+keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases CE |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H16 | Keratitis |
H19.1 | Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis |
H19.2 | Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
H19.3 | Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Keratitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ A173200 |
+ Tuberculous interstitial keratitis |
+ A173400 |
+ Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis |
+ A532100 |
+ Herpes zoster with keratoconjunctivitis |
+ A544200 |
+ Herpes simplex dendritic keratitis |
+ A544300 |
+ Herpes simplex disciform keratitis |
+ A55x000 |
+ Measles keratoconjunctivitis |
+ A771.00 |
+ Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis |
+ A776.00 |
+ Keratoconjunctivitis due to adenovirus |
+ A903.00 |
+ Syphilitic interstitial keratitis |
+ A984300 |
+ Gonococcal keratitis |
+ AD67000 |
+ Acanthamoeba keratitis |
+ F4A1.00 |
+ Dendritic keratitis |
+ F4A2000 |
+ Unspecified superficial keratitis |
+ F4A2100 |
+ Punctate keratitis |
+ F4A2112 |
+ Thygeson's superficial punctate keratitis |
+ F4A2200 |
+ Nummular keratitis |
+ F4A2300 |
+ Striate keratitis |
+ F4A2400 |
+ Macular keratitis NOS |
+ F4A2500 |
+ Filamentary keratitis |
+ F4A2.00 |
+ Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis |
+ F4A2z00 |
+ Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis NOS |
+ F4A3000 |
+ Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis |
+ F4A3300 |
+ Exposure keratoconjunctivitis |
+ F4A3400 |
+ Neurotrophic keratoconjunctivitis |
+ F4A3.00 |
+ Specific keratoconjunctivitis |
+ F4A3z00 |
+ Specific keratoconjunctivitis NOS |
+ F4A4000 |
+ Unspecified keratoconjunctivitis |
+ F4A4100 |
+ Keratitis or keratoconjunctivitis in other exanthemata |
+ F4A4.00 |
+ Other keratoconjunctivitis |
+ F4A4z00 |
+ Other keratoconjunctivitis NOS |
+ F4A5000 |
+ Unspecified interstitial keratitis |
+ F4A5100 |
+ Diffuse interstitial keratitis |
+ F4A5200 |
+ Sclerosing keratitis |
+ F4A5400 |
+ Keratitis due to syphilis |
+ F4A5500 |
+ Keratitis due to tuberculosis |
+ F4A5.00 |
+ Interstitial and deep keratitis |
+ F4A5z00 |
+ Interstitial and deep keratitis NOS |
+ F4A..00 |
+ Keratitis |
+ F4A..11 |
+ Keratoconjunctivitis |
+ F4Ay.00 |
+ Other forms of keratitis |
+ F4Az.00 |
+ Keratitis NOS |
+ FyuD100 |
+ [X]Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis |
+ FyuD200 |
+ [X]Other keratitis |
+ FyuDA00 |
+ [X]Keratitis+keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases CE |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H16 |
+ Keratitis |
+ H19.1 |
+ Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis |
+ H19.2 |
+ Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H19.3 |
+ Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+Left bundle branch block
-Left Bundle Branch Block
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Left bundle branch block IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Left bundle branch block' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Left bundle branch block diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Left bundle branch block' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Left bundle branch block or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
329A.00 | ECG: left bundle branch block |
G562.11 | Left bundle branch block |
G563.00 | Left main stem bundle branch block |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I44.7 | Left bundle-branch block, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Left bundle branch block' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 329A.00 |
+ ECG: left bundle branch block |
+ G562.11 |
+ Left bundle branch block |
+ G563.00 |
+ Left main stem bundle branch block |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_LBBB.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I44.7 |
+ Left bundle-branch block, unspecified |
+Leiomyoma of uterus
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Leiomyoma of uterus IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Leiomyoma of uterus' of uterus IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Leiomyoma of uterus diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Leiomyoma of uterus' of uterus diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Leiomyoma of uterus or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7A54A00 | Perc embolisation of uterine fibroid using fluoroscopic guid |
7E06111 | Excision fibroid |
7E0DC00 | Transcervical resection of fibroid |
B780.00 | Submucous uterine leiomyoma |
B781.00 | Intramural uterine leiomyoma |
B781.11 | Mural fibroids |
B782.00 | Subserous uterine leiomyoma |
B78..00 | Uterine leiomyoma - fibroids |
B78..11 | Fibroids |
B78z.00 | Uterine leiomyoma NOS |
BBK0000 | [M]Leiomyoma NOS |
BBK0011 | [M]Fibroid uterus |
BBK0300 | [M]Epithelioid leiomyoma |
BBK0500 | [M]Cellular leiomyoma |
BBK0600 | [M]Bizarre leiomyoma |
BBK0.00 | [M]Leiomyomatous neoplasms |
BBK0z00 | [M]Leiomyomatous neoplasm NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D25 | Leiomyoma of uterus |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Leiomyoma of uterus' of uterus or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7A54A00 |
+ Perc embolisation of uterine fibroid using fluoroscopic guid |
+ 7E06111 |
+ Excision fibroid |
+ 7E0DC00 |
+ Transcervical resection of fibroid |
+ B780.00 |
+ Submucous uterine leiomyoma |
+ B781.00 |
+ Intramural uterine leiomyoma |
+ B781.11 |
+ Mural fibroids |
+ B782.00 |
+ Subserous uterine leiomyoma |
+ B78..00 |
+ Uterine leiomyoma - fibroids |
+ B78..11 |
+ Fibroids |
+ B78z.00 |
+ Uterine leiomyoma NOS |
+ BBK0000 |
+ [M]Leiomyoma NOS |
+ BBK0011 |
+ [M]Fibroid uterus |
+ BBK0300 |
+ [M]Epithelioid leiomyoma |
+ BBK0500 |
+ [M]Cellular leiomyoma |
+ BBK0600 |
+ [M]Bizarre leiomyoma |
+ BBK0.00 |
+ [M]Leiomyomatous neoplasms |
+ BBK0z00 |
+ [M]Leiomyomatous neoplasm NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D25 |
+ Leiomyoma of uterus |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Leukaemia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Leukaemia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Leukaemia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Leukaemia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Leukaemia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1429.00 | H/O: * leukaemia |
B624000 | Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of unspecified sites |
B624300 | Leukaemic reticuloend of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B624.00 | Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis |
B624.11 | Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis |
B624.12 | Hairy cell leukaemia |
B624z00 | Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis NOS |
B640000 | B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia |
B640.00 | Acute lymphoid leukaemia |
B641000 | B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia |
B641011 | Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia of B-cell type |
B641100 | Clinical stage A chronic lymphocytic leukaemia |
B641200 | Clinical stage B chronic lymphocytic leukaemia |
B641300 | Clinical stage C chronic lymphocytic leukaemia |
B641.00 | Chronic lymphoid leukaemia |
B641.11 | Chronic lymphatic leukaemia |
B642.00 | Subacute lymphoid leukaemia |
B64..00 | Lymphoid leukaemia |
B64..11 | Lymphatic leukaemia |
B64y100 | Prolymphocytic leukaemia |
B64y200 | Adult T-cell leukaemia |
B64y300 | B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia |
B64y400 | T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia |
B64y500 | Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia (HTLV-1-associated) |
B64y.00 | Other lymphoid leukaemia |
B64yz00 | Other lymphoid leukaemia NOS |
B64z.00 | Lymphoid leukaemia NOS |
B650.00 | Acute myeloid leukaemia |
B651100 | Chronic myeloid leukaemia, BCR/ABL positive |
B651200 | Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia |
B651300 | Atypical chronic myeloid leukaemia, BCR/ABL negative |
B651.00 | Chronic myeloid leukaemia |
B651.11 | Chronic granulocytic leukaemia |
B651z00 | Chronic myeloid leukaemia NOS |
B652.00 | Subacute myeloid leukaemia |
B653000 | Chloroma |
B653100 | Granulocytic sarcoma |
B653.00 | Myeloid sarcoma |
B654.00 | Acute myeloblastic leukaemia |
B65..00 | Myeloid leukaemia |
B65y100 | Acute promyelocytic leukaemia |
B65yz00 | Other myeloid leukaemia NOS |
B65z.00 | Myeloid leukaemia NOS |
B660.00 | Acute monocytic leukaemia |
B661.00 | Chronic monocytic leukaemia |
B662.00 | Subacute monocytic leukaemia |
B663.00 | Acute monoblastic leukaemia |
B66..00 | Monocytic leukaemia |
B66..11 | Histiocytic leukaemia |
B66..12 | Monoblastic leukaemia |
B66y.00 | Other monocytic leukaemia |
B66yz00 | Other monocytic leukaemia NOS |
B66z.00 | Monocytic leukaemia NOS |
B670.00 | Acute erythraemia and erythroleukaemia |
B670.11 | Di Guglielmo's disease |
B672.00 | Megakaryocytic leukaemia |
B672.11 | Thrombocytic leukaemia |
B673.00 | Mast cell leukaemia |
B674.00 | Acute panmyelosis |
B675.00 | Acute myelofibrosis |
B677.00 | Myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disease |
B67..00 | Other specified leukaemia |
B67y000 | Lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia |
B67y.00 | Other and unspecified leukaemia |
B67yz00 | Other and unspecified leukaemia NOS |
B67z.00 | Other specified leukaemia NOS |
B680.00 | Acute leukaemia NOS |
B681.00 | Chronic leukaemia NOS |
B682.00 | Subacute leukaemia NOS |
B68..00 | Leukaemia of unspecified cell type |
B68y.00 | Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type |
B68z.00 | Leukaemia NOS |
B690.00 | Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia |
B691.00 | Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia |
B692.00 | Subacute myelomonocytic leukaemia |
B693.00 | Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia |
B69..00 | Myelomonocytic leukaemia |
BBr0000 | [M]Leukaemia NOS |
BBr0100 | [M]Acute leukaemia NOS |
BBr0111 | [M]Blast cell leukaemia |
BBr0112 | [M]Blastic leukaemia |
BBr0113 | [M]Stem cell leukaemia |
BBr0200 | [M]Subacute leukaemia NOS |
BBr0300 | [M]Chronic leukaemia NOS |
BBr0400 | [M]Aleukaemic leukaemia NOS |
BBr0.00 | [M]Leukaemias unspecified |
BBr0z00 | [M]Leukaemia unspecified, NOS |
BBr2000 | [M]Lymphoid leukaemia NOS |
BBr2011 | [M]Lymphatic leukaemia |
BBr2100 | [M]Acute lymphoid leukaemia |
BBr2300 | [M]Chronic lymphoid leukaemia |
BBr2500 | [M]Prolymphocytic leukaemia |
BBr2600 | [M]Burkitt's cell leukaemia |
BBr2700 | [M]Adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma |
BBr2.00 | [M]Lymphoid leukaemias |
BBr4000 | [M]Erythroleukaemia |
BBr4.00 | [M]Erythroleukaemias |
BBr4z00 | [M]Erythroleukaemia NOS |
BBr6000 | [M]Myeloid leukaemia NOS |
BBr6011 | [M]Granulocytic leukaemia NOS |
BBr6100 | [M]Acute myeloid leukaemia |
BBr6200 | [M]Subacute myeloid leukaemia |
BBr6300 | [M]Chronic myeloid leukaemia |
BBr6311 | [M]Naegeli-type monocytic leukaemia |
BBr6600 | [M]Acute promyelocytic leukaemia |
BBr6700 | [M]Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia |
BBr6800 | [M]Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia |
BBr6900 | [M]Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia |
BBr6.00 | [M]Myeloid leukaemias |
BBr6z00 | [M]Other myeloid leukaemia NOS |
BBr7000 | [M]Basophilic leukaemia |
BBr9000 | [M]Monocytic leukaemia NOS |
BBrA100 | [M]Megakaryocytic leukaemia |
BBrA111 | [M]Thrombocytic leukaemia |
BBrA400 | [M]Hairy cell leukaemia |
BBrA500 | [M]Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia |
BBrA.00 | [M]Miscellaneous leukaemias |
BBrAz00 | [M]Miscellaneous leukaemia NOS |
BBr..00 | [M]Leukaemias |
BBrz.00 | [M]Leukaemia NOS |
ByuD500 | [X]Other lymphoid leukaemia |
ByuD600 | [X]Other myeloid leukaemia |
ByuD700 | [X]Other monocytic leukaemia |
ByuD800 | [X]Other specified leukaemias |
ByuD900 | [X]Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type |
ZV10600 | [V]Personal history of leukaemia |
ZV10611 | [V]Personal history of lymphoid leukaemia |
ZV10613 | [V]Personal history of myeloid leukaemia |
ZV67811 | [V]Follow-up examination after chemotherapy for leukaemia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C91 | Lymphoid leukaemia |
C92 | Myeloid leukaemia |
C93 | Monocytic leukaemia |
C94 | Other leukaemias of specified cell type |
C95 | Leukaemia of unspecified cell type |
-Lichen Planus
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Leukaemia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1429 |
+ H/O: * leukaemia |
+ B624000 |
+ Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of unspecified sites |
+ B624300 |
+ Leukaemic reticuloend of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B624.00 |
+ Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis |
+ B624.11 |
+ Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis |
+ B624.12 |
+ Hairy cell leukaemia |
+ B624z00 |
+ Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis NOS |
+ B640000 |
+ B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia |
+ B640.00 |
+ Acute lymphoid leukaemia |
+ B641000 |
+ B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia |
+ B641011 |
+ Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia of B-cell type |
+ B641100 |
+ Clinical stage A chronic lymphocytic leukaemia |
+ B641200 |
+ Clinical stage B chronic lymphocytic leukaemia |
+ B641300 |
+ Clinical stage C chronic lymphocytic leukaemia |
+ B641.00 |
+ Chronic lymphoid leukaemia |
+ B641.11 |
+ Chronic lymphatic leukaemia |
+ B642.00 |
+ Subacute lymphoid leukaemia |
+ B64..00 |
+ Lymphoid leukaemia |
+ B64..11 |
+ Lymphatic leukaemia |
+ B64y100 |
+ Prolymphocytic leukaemia |
+ B64y200 |
+ Adult T-cell leukaemia |
+ B64y300 |
+ B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia |
+ B64y400 |
+ T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia |
+ B64y500 |
+ Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia (HTLV-1-associated) |
+ B64y.00 |
+ Other lymphoid leukaemia |
+ B64yz00 |
+ Other lymphoid leukaemia NOS |
+ B64z.00 |
+ Lymphoid leukaemia NOS |
+ B650.00 |
+ Acute myeloid leukaemia |
+ B651100 |
+ Chronic myeloid leukaemia, BCR/ABL positive |
+ B651200 |
+ Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia |
+ B651300 |
+ Atypical chronic myeloid leukaemia, BCR/ABL negative |
+ B651.00 |
+ Chronic myeloid leukaemia |
+ B651.11 |
+ Chronic granulocytic leukaemia |
+ B651z00 |
+ Chronic myeloid leukaemia NOS |
+ B652.00 |
+ Subacute myeloid leukaemia |
+ B653000 |
+ Chloroma |
+ B653100 |
+ Granulocytic sarcoma |
+ B653.00 |
+ Myeloid sarcoma |
+ B654.00 |
+ Acute myeloblastic leukaemia |
+ B65..00 |
+ Myeloid leukaemia |
+ B65y100 |
+ Acute promyelocytic leukaemia |
+ B65yz00 |
+ Other myeloid leukaemia NOS |
+ B65z.00 |
+ Myeloid leukaemia NOS |
+ B660.00 |
+ Acute monocytic leukaemia |
+ B661.00 |
+ Chronic monocytic leukaemia |
+ B662.00 |
+ Subacute monocytic leukaemia |
+ B663.00 |
+ Acute monoblastic leukaemia |
+ B66..00 |
+ Monocytic leukaemia |
+ B66..11 |
+ Histiocytic leukaemia |
+ B66..12 |
+ Monoblastic leukaemia |
+ B66y.00 |
+ Other monocytic leukaemia |
+ B66yz00 |
+ Other monocytic leukaemia NOS |
+ B66z.00 |
+ Monocytic leukaemia NOS |
+ B670.00 |
+ Acute erythraemia and erythroleukaemia |
+ B670.11 |
+ Di Guglielmo's disease |
+ B672.00 |
+ Megakaryocytic leukaemia |
+ B672.11 |
+ Thrombocytic leukaemia |
+ B673.00 |
+ Mast cell leukaemia |
+ B674.00 |
+ Acute panmyelosis |
+ B675.00 |
+ Acute myelofibrosis |
+ B677.00 |
+ Myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disease |
+ B67..00 |
+ Other specified leukaemia |
+ B67y000 |
+ Lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia |
+ B67y.00 |
+ Other and unspecified leukaemia |
+ B67yz00 |
+ Other and unspecified leukaemia NOS |
+ B67z.00 |
+ Other specified leukaemia NOS |
+ B680.00 |
+ Acute leukaemia NOS |
+ B681.00 |
+ Chronic leukaemia NOS |
+ B682.00 |
+ Subacute leukaemia NOS |
+ B68..00 |
+ Leukaemia of unspecified cell type |
+ B68y.00 |
+ Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type |
+ B68z.00 |
+ Leukaemia NOS |
+ B690.00 |
+ Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia |
+ B691.00 |
+ Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia |
+ B692.00 |
+ Subacute myelomonocytic leukaemia |
+ B693.00 |
+ Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia |
+ B69..00 |
+ Myelomonocytic leukaemia |
+ BBr0000 |
+ [M]Leukaemia NOS |
+ BBr0100 |
+ [M]Acute leukaemia NOS |
+ BBr0111 |
+ [M]Blast cell leukaemia |
+ BBr0112 |
+ [M]Blastic leukaemia |
+ BBr0113 |
+ [M]Stem cell leukaemia |
+ BBr0200 |
+ [M]Subacute leukaemia NOS |
+ BBr0300 |
+ [M]Chronic leukaemia NOS |
+ BBr0400 |
+ [M]Aleukaemic leukaemia NOS |
+ BBr0.00 |
+ [M]Leukaemias unspecified |
+ BBr0z00 |
+ [M]Leukaemia unspecified, NOS |
+ BBr2000 |
+ [M]Lymphoid leukaemia NOS |
+ BBr2011 |
+ [M]Lymphatic leukaemia |
+ BBr2100 |
+ [M]Acute lymphoid leukaemia |
+ BBr2300 |
+ [M]Chronic lymphoid leukaemia |
+ BBr2500 |
+ [M]Prolymphocytic leukaemia |
+ BBr2600 |
+ [M]Burkitt's cell leukaemia |
+ BBr2700 |
+ [M]Adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma |
+ BBr2.00 |
+ [M]Lymphoid leukaemias |
+ BBr4000 |
+ [M]Erythroleukaemia |
+ BBr4.00 |
+ [M]Erythroleukaemias |
+ BBr4z00 |
+ [M]Erythroleukaemia NOS |
+ BBr6000 |
+ [M]Myeloid leukaemia NOS |
+ BBr6011 |
+ [M]Granulocytic leukaemia NOS |
+ BBr6100 |
+ [M]Acute myeloid leukaemia |
+ BBr6200 |
+ [M]Subacute myeloid leukaemia |
+ BBr6300 |
+ [M]Chronic myeloid leukaemia |
+ BBr6311 |
+ [M]Naegeli-type monocytic leukaemia |
+ BBr6600 |
+ [M]Acute promyelocytic leukaemia |
+ BBr6700 |
+ [M]Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia |
+ BBr6800 |
+ [M]Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia |
+ BBr6900 |
+ [M]Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia |
+ BBr6.00 |
+ [M]Myeloid leukaemias |
+ BBr6z00 |
+ [M]Other myeloid leukaemia NOS |
+ BBr7000 |
+ [M]Basophilic leukaemia |
+ BBr9000 |
+ [M]Monocytic leukaemia NOS |
+ BBrA100 |
+ [M]Megakaryocytic leukaemia |
+ BBrA111 |
+ [M]Thrombocytic leukaemia |
+ BBrA400 |
+ [M]Hairy cell leukaemia |
+ BBrA500 |
+ [M]Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia |
+ BBrA.00 |
+ [M]Miscellaneous leukaemias |
+ BBrAz00 |
+ [M]Miscellaneous leukaemia NOS |
+ BBr..00 |
+ [M]Leukaemias |
+ BBrz.00 |
+ [M]Leukaemia NOS |
+ ByuD500 |
+ [X]Other lymphoid leukaemia |
+ ByuD600 |
+ [X]Other myeloid leukaemia |
+ ByuD700 |
+ [X]Other monocytic leukaemia |
+ ByuD800 |
+ [X]Other specified leukaemias |
+ ByuD900 |
+ [X]Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type |
+ ZV10600 |
+ [V]Personal history of leukaemia |
+ ZV10611 |
+ [V]Personal history of lymphoid leukaemia |
+ ZV10613 |
+ [V]Personal history of myeloid leukaemia |
+ ZV67811 |
+ [V]Follow-up examination after chemotherapy for leukaemia |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C91 |
+ Lymphoid leukaemia |
+ C92 |
+ Myeloid leukaemia |
+ C93 |
+ Monocytic leukaemia |
+ C94 |
+ Other leukaemias of specified cell type |
+ C95 |
+ Leukaemia of unspecified cell type |
+Lichen planus
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Lichen planus IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Lichen planus' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Lichen planus diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Lichen planus' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Lichen planus or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
M170000 | Lichen planus actinicus |
M170100 | Lichen planus annularis |
M170200 | Lichen planus atrophicus |
M170300 | Lichen planus bullosus |
M170400 | Lichen planus hypertrophicus |
M170500 | Lichen planus linearis |
M170700 | Lichen planus obtusus |
M170800 | Subacute active lichen planus |
M170900 | Follicular lichen planus |
M170.00 | Lichen planus |
M170z00 | Lichen planus NOS |
M240R00 | Lichen planopilaris |
Myu3200 | [X]Other lichen planus |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L43 | Lichen planus |
L66.1 | Lichen planopilaris |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Lichen planus' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ M170000 |
+ Lichen planus actinicus |
+ M170100 |
+ Lichen planus annularis |
+ M170200 |
+ Lichen planus atrophicus |
+ M170300 |
+ Lichen planus bullosus |
+ M170400 |
+ Lichen planus hypertrophicus |
+ M170500 |
+ Lichen planus linearis |
+ M170700 |
+ Lichen planus obtusus |
+ M170800 |
+ Subacute active lichen planus |
+ M170900 |
+ Follicular lichen planus |
+ M170.00 |
+ Lichen planus |
+ M170z00 |
+ Lichen planus NOS |
+ M240R00 |
+ Lichen planopilaris |
+ Myu3200 |
+ [X]Other lichen planus |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L43 |
+ Lichen planus |
+ L66.1 |
+ Lichen planopilaris |
+Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and 'Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and 'Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
C310400 | Glycogenosis with hepatic cirrhosis |
C350012 | Pigmentary cirrhosis of liver |
C370800 | Cystic fibrosis related cirrhosis |
G852200 | Oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of the liver |
G852300 | Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver |
J612000 | Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver |
J612.00 | Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver |
J612.11 | Florid cirrhosis |
J612.12 | Laennec's cirrhosis |
J613000 | Alcoholic hepatic failure |
J613.00 | Alcoholic liver damage unspecified |
J615100 | Multilobular portal cirrhosis |
J615300 | Diffuse nodular cirrhosis |
J615400 | Fatty portal cirrhosis |
J615500 | Hypertrophic portal cirrhosis |
J615600 | Capsular portal cirrhosis |
J615700 | Cardiac portal cirrhosis |
J615711 | Congestive cirrhosis |
J615800 | Juvenile portal cirrhosis |
J615812 | Indian childhood cirrhosis |
J615C00 | Xanthomatous portal cirrhosis |
J615D00 | Bacterial portal cirrhosis |
J615G00 | Zooparasitic portal cirrhosis |
J615H00 | Infectious cirrhosis NOS |
J615.00 | Cirrhosis - non alcoholic |
J615.11 | Portal cirrhosis |
J615y00 | Portal cirrhosis unspecified |
J615z00 | Non-alcoholic cirrhosis NOS |
J615z11 | Macronodular cirrhosis of liver |
J615z12 | Cryptogenic cirrhosis of liver |
J615z13 | Cirrhosis of liver NOS |
J615z15 | Hepatic fibrosis |
J616100 | Secondary biliary cirrhosis |
J616200 | Biliary cirrhosis of children |
J616.00 | Biliary cirrhosis |
J616z00 | Biliary cirrhosis NOS |
J617000 | Chronic alcoholic hepatitis |
J617.00 | Alcoholic hepatitis |
J61..00 | Cirrhosis and chronic liver disease |
J61y300 | Portal fibrosis without cirrhosis |
J61y400 | Hepatic fibrosis |
J61y500 | Hepatic sclerosis |
J61y600 | Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis |
J635600 | Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver |
Jyu7100 | [X]Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K70.1 | Alcoholic hepatitis |
K70.2 | Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver |
K70.3 | Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver |
K71.7 | Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver |
K74.0 | Hepatic fibrosis |
K74.1 | Hepatic sclerosis |
K74.2 | Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis |
K74.4 | Secondary biliary cirrhosis |
K74.5 | Biliary cirrhosis, unspecified |
K74.6 | Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver |
+1. ALL diagnoses of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and 'Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ C310400 |
+ Glycogenosis with hepatic cirrhosis |
+ C350012 |
+ Pigmentary cirrhosis of liver |
+ C370800 |
+ Cystic fibrosis related cirrhosis |
+ G852200 |
+ Oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of the liver |
+ G852300 |
+ Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver |
+ J612000 |
+ Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver |
+ J612.00 |
+ Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver |
+ J612.11 |
+ Florid cirrhosis |
+ J612.12 |
+ Laennec's cirrhosis |
+ J613000 |
+ Alcoholic hepatic failure |
+ J613.00 |
+ Alcoholic liver damage unspecified |
+ J615100 |
+ Multilobular portal cirrhosis |
+ J615300 |
+ Diffuse nodular cirrhosis |
+ J615400 |
+ Fatty portal cirrhosis |
+ J615500 |
+ Hypertrophic portal cirrhosis |
+ J615600 |
+ Capsular portal cirrhosis |
+ J615700 |
+ Cardiac portal cirrhosis |
+ J615711 |
+ Congestive cirrhosis |
+ J615800 |
+ Juvenile portal cirrhosis |
+ J615812 |
+ Indian childhood cirrhosis |
+ J615C00 |
+ Xanthomatous portal cirrhosis |
+ J615D00 |
+ Bacterial portal cirrhosis |
+ J615G00 |
+ Zooparasitic portal cirrhosis |
+ J615H00 |
+ Infectious cirrhosis NOS |
+ J615.00 |
+ Cirrhosis - non alcoholic |
+ J615.11 |
+ Portal cirrhosis |
+ J615y00 |
+ Portal cirrhosis unspecified |
+ J615z00 |
+ Non-alcoholic cirrhosis NOS |
+ J615z11 |
+ Macronodular cirrhosis of liver |
+ J615z12 |
+ Cryptogenic cirrhosis of liver |
+ J615z13 |
+ Cirrhosis of liver NOS |
+ J615z15 |
+ Hepatic fibrosis |
+ J616100 |
+ Secondary biliary cirrhosis |
+ J616200 |
+ Biliary cirrhosis of children |
+ J616.00 |
+ Biliary cirrhosis |
+ J616z00 |
+ Biliary cirrhosis NOS |
+ J617000 |
+ Chronic alcoholic hepatitis |
+ J617.00 |
+ Alcoholic hepatitis |
+ J61..00 |
+ Cirrhosis and chronic liver disease |
+ J61y300 |
+ Portal fibrosis without cirrhosis |
+ J61y400 |
+ Hepatic fibrosis |
+ J61y500 |
+ Hepatic sclerosis |
+ J61y600 |
+ Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis |
+ J635600 |
+ Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver |
+ Jyu7100 |
+ [X]Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K70.1 |
+ Alcoholic hepatitis |
+ K70.2 |
+ Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver |
+ K70.3 |
+ Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver |
+ K71.7 |
+ Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver |
+ K74.0 |
+ Hepatic fibrosis |
+ K74.1 |
+ Hepatic sclerosis |
+ K74.2 |
+ Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis |
+ K74.4 |
+ Secondary biliary cirrhosis |
+ K74.5 |
+ Biliary cirrhosis, unspecified |
+ K74.6 |
+ Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver |
+Low HDL-C
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Low HDL Cholesterol IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date.
+Primary care
+1. IF FEMALE the lowest value EVER recorded for HDL Cholesterol for a patient on or before the specified date is less than:
+a) serum: 1.2 mmol/L
+b) serum: 46.404 mg/dL
+c) plasma: 1.1650 mmol/L
+d) plasma: 45.0524 mg/dL
+2. IF MALE the lowest value EVER recorded for HDL Cholesterol for a patient on or before the specified date is less than:
+a) serum: 1 mmol/L
+b) serum: 38.67 mg/dL
+c) plasma: 0.9709 mmol/L
+d) plasma: 37.5437 mg/dL
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
-Infection - Lower Respiratory Tract
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Lower Respiratory Tract Infections IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A06.5 | Amoebic lung abscess |
A15 | Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed |
A16 | Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically |
A20.2 | Pneumonic plague |
A21.2 | Pulmonary tularaemia |
A22.1 | Pulmonary Anthrax |
A31.0 | Pulmonary mycobacterial infection |
A37 | Whooping cough |
A42.0 | Pulmonary actinomycosis |
A43.0 | Pulmonary nocardiosis |
B01.2 | Varicella pneumonia |
B05.2 | Measles complicated by pneumonia |
B25.0 | Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis |
B37.1 | Pulmonary candidiasis |
B38.0 | Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis |
B38.1 | Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis |
B38.2 | Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
B39.0 | Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati |
B39.1 | Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati |
B39.2 | Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified |
B40.0 | Acute pulmonary blastomycosis |
B40.1 | Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis |
B40.2 | Pulmonary blastomycosis, unspecified |
B41.0 | Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis |
B42.0 | Pulmonary sporotrichosis |
B44.0 | Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis |
B44.1 | Other pulmonary aspergillosis |
B45.0 | Pulmonary cryptococcosis |
B46.0 | Pulmonary mucormycosis |
B58.3 | Pulmonary toxoplasmosis |
B59 | Pneumocystosis |
B67.1 | Echinococcus granulosus infection of lung |
J10.0 | Influenza with pneumonia, other influenza virus identified |
J11.0 | Influenza with pneumonia, virus not identified |
J12 | Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified |
J13 | Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae |
J14 | Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae |
J15 | Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified |
J16 | Pneumonia due to other infectious organisms, not elsewhere classified |
J17 | Pneumonia in diseases classified elsewhere |
J18 | Pneumonia, organism unspecified |
J20 | Acute bronchitis |
J21 | Acute bronchiolitis |
J22 | Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection |
J44.0 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection |
J44.1 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified |
J65 | Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis |
J85.0 | Gangrene and necrosis of lung |
J85.1 | Abscess of lung with pneumonia |
J85.2 | Abscess of lung without pneumonia |
J86 | Pyothorax |
P23 | Congenital pneumonia |
-Lupus Erythematosus
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_lrti.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A06.5 |
+ Amoebic lung abscess |
+ A15 |
+ Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed |
+ A16 |
+ Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically |
+ A20.2 |
+ Pneumonic plague |
+ A21.2 |
+ Pulmonary tularaemia |
+ A22.1 |
+ Pulmonary Anthrax |
+ A31.0 |
+ Pulmonary mycobacterial infection |
+ A37 |
+ Whooping cough |
+ A42.0 |
+ Pulmonary actinomycosis |
+ A43.0 |
+ Pulmonary nocardiosis |
+ B01.2 |
+ Varicella pneumonia |
+ B05.2 |
+ Measles complicated by pneumonia |
+ B25.0 |
+ Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis |
+ B37.1 |
+ Pulmonary candidiasis |
+ B38.0 |
+ Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis |
+ B38.1 |
+ Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis |
+ B38.2 |
+ Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
+ B39.0 |
+ Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati |
+ B39.1 |
+ Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati |
+ B39.2 |
+ Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified |
+ B40.0 |
+ Acute pulmonary blastomycosis |
+ B40.1 |
+ Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis |
+ B40.2 |
+ Pulmonary blastomycosis, unspecified |
+ B41.0 |
+ Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis |
+ B42.0 |
+ Pulmonary sporotrichosis |
+ B44.0 |
+ Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis |
+ B44.1 |
+ Other pulmonary aspergillosis |
+ B45.0 |
+ Pulmonary cryptococcosis |
+ B46.0 |
+ Pulmonary mucormycosis |
+ B58.3 |
+ Pulmonary toxoplasmosis |
+ B59 |
+ Pneumocystosis |
+ B67.1 |
+ Echinococcus granulosus infection of lung |
+ J10.0 |
+ Influenza with pneumonia, other influenza virus identified |
+ J11.0 |
+ Influenza with pneumonia, virus not identified |
+ J12 |
+ Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified |
+ J13 |
+ Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae |
+ J14 |
+ Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae |
+ J15 |
+ Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified |
+ J16 |
+ Pneumonia due to other infectious organisms, not elsewhere classified |
+ J17 |
+ Pneumonia in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ J18 |
+ Pneumonia, organism unspecified |
+ J20 |
+ Acute bronchitis |
+ J21 |
+ Acute bronchiolitis |
+ J22 |
+ Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection |
+ J44.0 |
+ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection |
+ J44.1 |
+ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified |
+ J65 |
+ Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis |
+ J85.0 |
+ Gangrene and necrosis of lung |
+ J85.1 |
+ Abscess of lung with pneumonia |
+ J85.2 |
+ Abscess of lung without pneumonia |
+ J86 |
+ Pyothorax |
+ P23 |
+ Congenital pneumonia |
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)' (local and systemic) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)' (local and systemic) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F371000 | Polyneuropathy in disseminated lupus erythematosus |
F396100 | Myopathy due to disseminated lupus erythematosus |
F4D3300 | Eyelid discoid lupus erythematosus |
H57y400 | Lung disease with systemic lupus erythematosus |
K01x400 | Nephrotic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus |
K01x411 | Lupus nephritis |
K0B4000 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder in SLE |
M154000 | Lupus erythematosus chronicus |
M154100 | Discoid lupus erythematosus |
M154200 | Lupus erythematosus migrans |
M154300 | Lupus erythematosus nodularis |
M154400 | Lupus erythematosus profundus |
M154500 | Lupus erythematosus tumidus |
M154600 | Lupus erythematosus unguium mutilans |
M154700 | Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus |
M154.00 | Lupus erythematosus |
M154z00 | Lupus erythematosus NOS |
Myu7800 | [X]Other local lupus erythematosus |
N000000 | Disseminated lupus erythematosus |
N000100 | Libman-Sacks disease |
N000200 | Drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus |
N000300 | Systemic lupus erythematosus with organ or sys involv |
N000400 | Systemic lupus erythematosus with pericarditis |
N000600 | Cerebral lupus |
N000.00 | Systemic lupus erythematosus |
N000z00 | Systemic lupus erythematosus NOS |
Nyu4300 | [X]Other forms of systemic lupus erythematosus |
ZRq8.00 | Systemic lupus activity measure |
ZRq8.11 | SLAM - Systemic lupus activity measure |
ZRq9.00 | Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index |
ZRq9.11 | SLEDAI-Sys lup ery dis act ind |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L93 | Lupus erythematosus |
M32 | Systemic lupus erythematosus |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)' (local and systemic) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F371000 |
+ Polyneuropathy in disseminated lupus erythematosus |
+ F396100 |
+ Myopathy due to disseminated lupus erythematosus |
+ F4D3300 |
+ Eyelid discoid lupus erythematosus |
+ H57y400 |
+ Lung disease with systemic lupus erythematosus |
+ K01x400 |
+ Nephrotic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus |
+ K01x411 |
+ Lupus nephritis |
+ K0B4000 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder in SLE |
+ M154000 |
+ Lupus erythematosus chronicus |
+ M154100 |
+ Discoid lupus erythematosus |
+ M154200 |
+ Lupus erythematosus migrans |
+ M154300 |
+ Lupus erythematosus nodularis |
+ M154400 |
+ Lupus erythematosus profundus |
+ M154500 |
+ Lupus erythematosus tumidus |
+ M154600 |
+ Lupus erythematosus unguium mutilans |
+ M154700 |
+ Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus |
+ M154.00 |
+ Lupus erythematosus |
+ M154z00 |
+ Lupus erythematosus NOS |
+ Myu7800 |
+ [X]Other local lupus erythematosus |
+ N000000 |
+ Disseminated lupus erythematosus |
+ N000100 |
+ Libman-Sacks disease |
+ N000200 |
+ Drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus |
+ N000300 |
+ Systemic lupus erythematosus with organ or sys involv |
+ N000400 |
+ Systemic lupus erythematosus with pericarditis |
+ N000600 |
+ Cerebral lupus |
+ N000.00 |
+ Systemic lupus erythematosus |
+ N000z00 |
+ Systemic lupus erythematosus NOS |
+ Nyu4300 |
+ [X]Other forms of systemic lupus erythematosus |
+ ZRq8.00 |
+ Systemic lupus activity measure |
+ ZRq8.11 |
+ SLAM - Systemic lupus activity measure |
+ ZRq9.00 |
+ Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index |
+ ZRq9.11 |
+ SLEDAI-Sys lup ery dis act ind |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_SLE.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L93 |
+ Lupus erythematosus |
+ M32 |
+ Systemic lupus erythematosus |
+Macular degeneration
-Macular Degeneration
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Macular degeneration IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Macular degeneration' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Macular degeneration diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Macular degeneration' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Macular degeneration or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
2BBH.00 | Retinal drusen |
F424200 | Retinal pigment epithelium serous detachment |
F424300 | Retinal pigment epithelium haemorrhagic detachment |
F424400 | Retinal pigment epithelial detachment |
F425000 | Unspecified senile macular degeneration |
F425100 | Dry senile macular degeneration |
F425200 | Wet senile macular degeneration |
F425211 | Kuhnt - Junius degeneration |
F425700 | Drusen |
F425.00 | Degeneration of macula and posterior pole |
F425.11 | Senile macular degeneration |
F425z00 | Degeneration of macula or posterior pole NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H35.3 | Degeneration of macula and posterior pole |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Macular degeneration' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 2BBH.00 |
+ Retinal drusen |
+ F424200 |
+ Retinal pigment epithelium serous detachment |
+ F424300 |
+ Retinal pigment epithelium haemorrhagic detachment |
+ F424400 |
+ Retinal pigment epithelial detachment |
+ F425000 |
+ Unspecified senile macular degeneration |
+ F425100 |
+ Dry senile macular degeneration |
+ F425200 |
+ Wet senile macular degeneration |
+ F425211 |
+ Kuhnt - Junius degeneration |
+ F425700 |
+ Drusen |
+ F425.00 |
+ Degeneration of macula and posterior pole |
+ F425.11 |
+ Senile macular degeneration |
+ F425z00 |
+ Degeneration of macula or posterior pole NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H35.3 |
+ Degeneration of macula and posterior pole |
+Male infertility
-Male Infertility
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Male infertility IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Male infertility' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Male infertility diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Male infertility' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
-2. Male infertility possible diagnosis during a consultation IF patient = male
+2. 'Male infertility' possible diagnosis during a consultation IF patient = male
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Male infertility or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
4914.00 | Semen exam.: low fertility |
4915.00 | Semen exam.:very low fertility |
4916.00 | Semen exam.: infertile |
4917.00 | Semen exam: abnormal |
K260.00 | Azoospermia |
K260.11 | Young's syndrome |
K261000 | Oligoasthenozoospermia |
K261.00 | Oligospermia |
K262.00 | Aspermia |
K26..00 | Male infertility |
K26y200 | Infertility due to efferent duct obstruction |
K26y300 | Infertility due to radiation |
K26y400 | Infertility in systemic disease |
K26y.00 | Infertility due to extratesticular cause |
K26yz00 | Infertility due to extratesticular cause NOS |
K26z.00 | Male infertility NOS |
K5B1000 | Primary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility |
K5B1100 | Secondary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility |
K5B6.00 | Female infertility associated with male factors |
K5By000 | Primary infertility unspecified |
K5By100 | Secondary infertility unspecified |
K5Byz11 | Subfertility |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N46 | Male infertility |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Male infertility' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 4914 |
+ Semen exam.: low fertility |
+ 4915 |
+ Semen exam.:very low fertility |
+ 4916 |
+ Semen exam.: infertile |
+ 4917 |
+ Semen exam: abnormal |
+ K260.00 |
+ Azoospermia |
+ K260.11 |
+ Young's syndrome |
+ K261000 |
+ Oligoasthenozoospermia |
+ K261.00 |
+ Oligospermia |
+ K262.00 |
+ Aspermia |
+ K26..00 |
+ Male infertility |
+ K26y200 |
+ Infertility due to efferent duct obstruction |
+ K26y300 |
+ Infertility due to radiation |
+ K26y400 |
+ Infertility in systemic disease |
+ K26y.00 |
+ Infertility due to extratesticular cause |
+ K26yz00 |
+ Infertility due to extratesticular cause NOS |
+ K26z.00 |
+ Male infertility NOS |
+ K5B1000 |
+ Primary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility |
+ K5B1100 |
+ Secondary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility |
+ K5B6.00 |
+ Female infertility associated with male factors |
+ K5By000 |
+ Primary infertility unspecified |
+ K5By100 |
+ Secondary infertility unspecified |
+ K5Byz11 |
+ Subfertility |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N46 |
+ Male infertility |
+Meniere disease
-Menieres Disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Ménière's disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Ménière's disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Ménière's disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Ménière's disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1491.11 | H/O: Meniere's disease |
F560000 | Unspecified Meniere's disease |
F560100 | Active cochleovestibular Meniere's disease |
F560200 | Active cochlear Meniere's disease |
F560300 | Active vestibular Meniere's disease |
F560400 | Inactive Meniere's disease |
F560.00 | Meniere's disease |
F560.11 | Endolymphatic hydrops |
F560.12 | Lermoyez's syndrome |
F560z00 | Meniere's disease NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H81.0 | menieres disease |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1491.1 |
+ H/O: Meniere's disease |
+ F560000 |
+ Unspecified Meniere's disease |
+ F560100 |
+ Active cochleovestibular Meniere's disease |
+ F560200 |
+ Active cochlear Meniere's disease |
+ F560300 |
+ Active vestibular Meniere's disease |
+ F560400 |
+ Inactive Meniere's disease |
+ F560.00 |
+ Meniere's disease |
+ F560.11 |
+ Endolymphatic hydrops |
+ F560.12 |
+ Lermoyez's syndrome |
+ F560z00 |
+ Meniere's disease NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H81.0 |
+ Meniere's disease |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Meningitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Meningitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Meningitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A17.0 | Tuberculous meningitis |
A17.1 | Meningeal tuberculoma |
A20.3 | Plague meningitis |
A32.1 | Listerial meningitis and meningoencephalitis |
A39.0 | Meningococcal meningitis |
A87 | Viral meningitis |
B00.3 | Herpesviral meningitis |
B01.0 | Varicella meningitis |
B02.1 | Zoster meningitis |
B05.1 | Measles complicated by meningitis |
B26.1 | Mumps meningitis |
B37.5 | Candidal meningitis |
B38.4 | Coccidioidomycosis meningitis |
G00 | Bacterial meningitis, not elsewhere classified |
G01 | Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
G02.0 | Meningitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
G02.1 | Meningitis in mycoses |
G02.8 | Meningitis in other specified infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Meningitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A17.0 |
+ Tuberculous meningitis |
+ A17.1 |
+ Meningeal tuberculoma |
+ A20.3 |
+ Plague meningitis |
+ A32.1 |
+ Listerial meningitis and meningoencephalitis |
+ A39.0 |
+ Meningococcal meningitis |
+ A87 |
+ Viral meningitis |
+ B00.3 |
+ Herpesviral meningitis |
+ B01.0 |
+ Varicella meningitis |
+ B02.1 |
+ Zoster meningitis |
+ B05.1 |
+ Measles complicated by meningitis |
+ B26.1 |
+ Mumps meningitis |
+ B37.5 |
+ Candidal meningitis |
+ B38.4 |
+ Coccidioidomycosis meningitis |
+ G00 |
+ Bacterial meningitis, not elsewhere classified |
+ G01 |
+ Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G02.0 |
+ Meningitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G02.1 |
+ Meningitis in mycoses |
+ G02.8 |
+ Meningitis in other specified infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea' and polymenorrhoea IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea' and polymenorrhoea diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
151G.00 | Length of cycle decreasing |
1572.00 | H/O: polymenorrhoea |
1573.00 | H/O: menorrhagia |
1573.11 | H/O: heavy periods |
K592000 | Menorrhagia |
K592011 | Heavy periods |
K592012 | Heavy menstrual bleeding |
K592100 | Polymenorrhoea |
K592111 | Epimenorrhoea |
K592.00 | Excessive or frequent menstruation |
K592.11 | Frequent menses |
K592.12 | Hypermenorrhoea |
K592z00 | Excessive or frequent menstruation NOS |
K593.11 | Pubertal bleeding and menorrhagia |
K5A0.00 | Premenopausal menorrhagia |
K5A0.11 | Climacteric menorrhagia |
K5A6.00 | Perimenopausal menorrhagia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N92.0 | Excessive and frequent menstruation with regular cycle |
N92.1 | Excessive and frequent menstruation with irregular cycle |
N92.2 | Excessive menstruation at puberty |
N92.4 | Excessive bleeding in the premenopausal period |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea' and polymenorrhoea or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 151G.00 |
+ Length of cycle decreasing |
+ 1572.00 |
+ H/O: polymenorrhoea |
+ 1573.00 |
+ H/O: menorrhagia |
+ 1573.11 |
+ H/O: heavy periods |
+ K592000 |
+ Menorrhagia |
+ K592011 |
+ Heavy periods |
+ K592012 |
+ Heavy menstrual bleeding |
+ K592100 |
+ Polymenorrhoea |
+ K592111 |
+ Epimenorrhoea |
+ K592.00 |
+ Excessive or frequent menstruation |
+ K592.11 |
+ Frequent menses |
+ K592.12 |
+ Hypermenorrhoea |
+ K592z00 |
+ Excessive or frequent menstruation NOS |
+ K593.11 |
+ Pubertal bleeding and menorrhagia |
+ K5A0.00 |
+ Premenopausal menorrhagia |
+ K5A0.11 |
+ Climacteric menorrhagia |
+ K5A6.00 |
+ Perimenopausal menorrhagia |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N92.0 |
+ Excessive and frequent menstruation with regular cycle |
+ N92.1 |
+ Excessive and frequent menstruation with irregular cycle |
+ N92.2 |
+ Excessive menstruation at puberty |
+ N92.4 |
+ Excessive bleeding in the premenopausal period |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Migraine IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Migraine' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Migraine diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Migraine' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Migraine or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1474000.0 | H/O migraine with aura |
1474.00 | H/O: migraine |
8B6N.00 | Migraine prophylaxis |
F260.00 | Classical migraine |
F260.11 | Migraine with aura |
F261000 | Atypical migraine |
F261.00 | Common migraine |
F261.11 | Migraine without aura |
F261z00 | Common migraine NOS |
F262200 | Abdominal migraine |
F262300 | Basilar migraine |
F262400 | Ophthalmic migraine |
F262800 | Migraine induced by oestrogen contraceptive |
F262.00 | Migraine variants |
F262z00 | Migraine variant NOS |
F26..00 | Migraine |
F26y000 | Hemiplegic migraine |
F26y100 | Ophthalmoplegic migraine |
F26y111 | Moebius' ophthalmoplegic migraine |
F26y200 | Status migrainosus |
F26y300 | Complicated migraine |
F26y.00 | Other forms of migraine |
F26yz00 | Other forms of migraine NOS |
F26z.00 | Migraine NOS |
Fyu5300 | [X]Other migraine |
K584.11 | Migraine - menstrual |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G43 | Migraine |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Migraine' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1474000 |
+ H/O migraine with aura |
+ 1474 |
+ H/O: migraine |
+ 8B6N.00 |
+ Migraine prophylaxis |
+ F260.00 |
+ Classical migraine |
+ F260.11 |
+ Migraine with aura |
+ F261000 |
+ Atypical migraine |
+ F261.00 |
+ Common migraine |
+ F261.11 |
+ Migraine without aura |
+ F261z00 |
+ Common migraine NOS |
+ F262200 |
+ Abdominal migraine |
+ F262300 |
+ Basilar migraine |
+ F262400 |
+ Ophthalmic migraine |
+ F262800 |
+ Migraine induced by oestrogen contraceptive |
+ F262.00 |
+ Migraine variants |
+ F262z00 |
+ Migraine variant NOS |
+ F26..00 |
+ Migraine |
+ F26y000 |
+ Hemiplegic migraine |
+ F26y100 |
+ Ophthalmoplegic migraine |
+ F26y111 |
+ Moebius' ophthalmoplegic migraine |
+ F26y200 |
+ Status migrainosus |
+ F26y300 |
+ Complicated migraine |
+ F26y.00 |
+ Other forms of migraine |
+ F26yz00 |
+ Other forms of migraine NOS |
+ F26z.00 |
+ Migraine NOS |
+ Fyu5300 |
+ [X]Other migraine |
+ K584.11 |
+ Migraine - menstrual |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G43 |
+ Migraine |
+Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)
-Monoclonal Gammopathy of Unknown Significance
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
BBm7.00 | [M] Monoclonal gammopathy |
C331000 | Monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance |
C331.00 | Monoclonal paraproteinaemia |
C331.11 | Monoclonal gammopathy |
C332200 | Benign paraproteinaemia |
C332.00 | Other paraproteinaemias |
C332z00 | Paraproteinaemia NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D47.2 | Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ BBm7.00 |
+ [M] Monoclonal gammopathy |
+ C331000 |
+ Monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance |
+ C331.00 |
+ Monoclonal paraproteinaemia |
+ C331.11 |
+ Monoclonal gammopathy |
+ C332200 |
+ Benign paraproteinaemia |
+ C332.00 |
+ Other paraproteinaemias |
+ C332z00 |
+ Paraproteinaemia NOS |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_MGUS.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D47.2 |
+ Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) |
+Motor neuron disease
-Motor Neurone Disease
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had motor neuron disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -2484,115 +31451,1134 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of motor neuron disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7Q04100 | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis drugs Band 1 |
F152000 | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
F152100 | Progressive muscular atrophy |
F152111 | Duchenne Aran muscular atrophy |
F152200 | Progressive bulbar palsy |
F152300 | Pseudobulbar palsy |
F152400 | Primary lateral sclerosis |
F152.00 | Motor neurone disease |
F152z00 | Motor neurone disease NOS |
F15..00 | Anterior horn cell disease |
F15y.00 | Other anterior horn cell disease |
F15z.00 | Anterior horn cell disease NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G12.2 | Motor neuron disease |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7Q04100 |
+ Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis drugs Band 1 |
+ F152000 |
+ Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
+ F152100 |
+ Progressive muscular atrophy |
+ F152111 |
+ Duchenne Aran muscular atrophy |
+ F152200 |
+ Progressive bulbar palsy |
+ F152300 |
+ Pseudobulbar palsy |
+ F152400 |
+ Primary lateral sclerosis |
+ F152.00 |
+ Motor neurone disease |
+ F152z00 |
+ Motor neurone disease NOS |
+ F15..00 |
+ Anterior horn cell disease |
+ F15y.00 |
+ Other anterior horn cell disease |
+ F15z.00 |
+ Anterior horn cell disease NOS |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_MND.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G12.2 |
+ Motor neuron disease |
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
-Plasma Cell Malignancy
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B630000 | Malignant plasma cell neoplasm, extramedullary plasmacytoma |
B630100 | Solitary myeloma |
B630200 | Plasmacytoma NOS |
B630300 | Lambda light chain myeloma |
B630400 | Solitary plasmacytoma |
B630.00 | Multiple myeloma |
B630.11 | Kahler's disease |
B630.12 | Myelomatosis |
B631.00 | Plasma cell leukaemia |
B63..00 | Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms |
B63z.00 | Immunoproliferative neoplasm or myeloma NOS |
B936.11 | Myeloma - solitary |
B936.12 | Plasmacytoma NOS |
BBm6.00 | [M] Alpha heavy chain disease |
BBmE.00 | [M] Gamma heavy chain disease |
BBmK.00 | [M]Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia |
BBn0.00 | [M]Plasma cell myeloma |
BBn0.11 | [M]Multiple myeloma |
BBn0.12 | [M]Myeloma NOS |
BBn0.13 | [M]Myelomatosis |
BBn0.14 | [M]Plasmacytic myeloma |
BBn2.00 | [M]Plasmacytoma NOS |
BBn2.11 | [M]Monostotic myeloma |
BBn2.12 | [M]Solitary myeloma |
BBn3.00 | [M]Plasma cell tumour, malignant |
BBn..00 | [M]Plasma cell tumours |
BBnz.00 | [M]Plasma cell tumour NOS |
BBr3.00 | [M]Plasma cell leukaemias |
BBr3z00 | [M]Plasma cell leukaemia NOS |
C333000 | Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia |
C333011 | Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia |
C333100 | Alpha heavy chain disease |
C333200 | Gamma heavy chain disease |
C333300 | Heavy chain disease |
C333.00 | Macroglobulinaemia |
C333z00 | Macroglobulinaemia NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C88.0 | Waldenström macroglobulinaemia |
C88.2 | Other heavy chain disease |
C90 | Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B630000 |
+ Malignant plasma cell neoplasm, extramedullary plasmacytoma |
+ B630100 |
+ Solitary myeloma |
+ B630200 |
+ Plasmacytoma NOS |
+ B630300 |
+ Lambda light chain myeloma |
+ B630400 |
+ Solitary plasmacytoma |
+ B630.00 |
+ Multiple myeloma |
+ B630.11 |
+ Kahler's disease |
+ B630.12 |
+ Myelomatosis |
+ B631.00 |
+ Plasma cell leukaemia |
+ B63..00 |
+ Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms |
+ B63z.00 |
+ Immunoproliferative neoplasm or myeloma NOS |
+ B936.11 |
+ Myeloma - solitary |
+ B936.12 |
+ Plasmacytoma NOS |
+ BBm6.00 |
+ [M] Alpha heavy chain disease |
+ BBmE.00 |
+ [M] Gamma heavy chain disease |
+ BBmK.00 |
+ [M]Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia |
+ BBn0.00 |
+ [M]Plasma cell myeloma |
+ BBn0.11 |
+ [M]Multiple myeloma |
+ BBn0.12 |
+ [M]Myeloma NOS |
+ BBn0.13 |
+ [M]Myelomatosis |
+ BBn0.14 |
+ [M]Plasmacytic myeloma |
+ BBn2.00 |
+ [M]Plasmacytoma NOS |
+ BBn2.11 |
+ [M]Monostotic myeloma |
+ BBn2.12 |
+ [M]Solitary myeloma |
+ BBn3.00 |
+ [M]Plasma cell tumour, malignant |
+ BBn..00 |
+ [M]Plasma cell tumours |
+ BBnz.00 |
+ [M]Plasma cell tumour NOS |
+ BBr3.00 |
+ [M]Plasma cell leukaemias |
+ BBr3z00 |
+ [M]Plasma cell leukaemia NOS |
+ C333000 |
+ Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia |
+ C333011 |
+ Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia |
+ C333100 |
+ Alpha heavy chain disease |
+ C333200 |
+ Gamma heavy chain disease |
+ C333300 |
+ Heavy chain disease |
+ C333.00 |
+ Macroglobulinaemia |
+ C333z00 |
+ Macroglobulinaemia NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C88.0 |
+ Waldenström macroglobulinaemia |
+ C88.2 |
+ Other heavy chain disease |
+ C90 |
+ Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms |
+Multiple sclerosis
-Multiple Sclerosis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Multiple sclerosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Multiple sclerosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Multiple sclerosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Multiple sclerosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Multiple sclerosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
666A.00 | Multiple sclerosis review |
666B.00 | Multiple sclerosis multidisciplinary review |
8Cc0.00 | Management of multiple sclerosis in onset phase |
8Cc1.00 | Management of multiple sclerosis in early disease phase |
8Cc2.00 | Management of multiple sclerosis in stable disability phase |
8Cc4.00 | Management of multiple sclerosis in palliative phase |
8CS1.00 | Multiple sclerosis care plan agreed |
8IAb.00 | Multiple sclerosis review declined |
9kG..00 | Spec serv for pat with multiple sclerosis - enh serv admin |
9mD0.00 | Multiple sclerosis monitoring first letter |
9mD1.00 | Multiple sclerosis monitoring second letter |
9mD..00 | Multiple sclerosis monitoring administration |
F200.00 | Multiple sclerosis of the brain stem |
F201.00 | Multiple sclerosis of the spinal cord |
F202.00 | Generalised multiple sclerosis |
F203.00 | Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis |
F204.00 | Benign multiple sclerosis |
F206.00 | Primary progressive multiple sclerosis |
F207.00 | Relapsing and remitting multiple sclerosis |
F208.00 | Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis |
F20..00 | Multiple sclerosis |
F20..11 | Disseminated sclerosis |
F20z.00 | Multiple sclerosis NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G35 | Multiple sclerosis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Multiple sclerosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 666A.00 |
+ Multiple sclerosis review |
+ 666B.00 |
+ Multiple sclerosis multidisciplinary review |
+ 8Cc0.00 |
+ Management of multiple sclerosis in onset phase |
+ 8Cc1.00 |
+ Management of multiple sclerosis in early disease phase |
+ 8Cc2.00 |
+ Management of multiple sclerosis in stable disability phase |
+ 8Cc4.00 |
+ Management of multiple sclerosis in palliative phase |
+ 8CS1.00 |
+ Multiple sclerosis care plan agreed |
+ 8IAb.00 |
+ Multiple sclerosis review declined |
+ 9kG..00 |
+ Spec serv for pat with multiple sclerosis - enh serv admin |
+ 9mD0.00 |
+ Multiple sclerosis monitoring first letter |
+ 9mD1.00 |
+ Multiple sclerosis monitoring second letter |
+ 9mD..00 |
+ Multiple sclerosis monitoring administration |
+ F200.00 |
+ Multiple sclerosis of the brain stem |
+ F201.00 |
+ Multiple sclerosis of the spinal cord |
+ F202.00 |
+ Generalised multiple sclerosis |
+ F203.00 |
+ Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis |
+ F204.00 |
+ Benign multiple sclerosis |
+ F206.00 |
+ Primary progressive multiple sclerosis |
+ F207.00 |
+ Relapsing and remitting multiple sclerosis |
+ F208.00 |
+ Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis |
+ F20..00 |
+ Multiple sclerosis |
+ F20..11 |
+ Disseminated sclerosis |
+ F20z.00 |
+ Multiple sclerosis NOS |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_MS.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G35 |
+ Multiple sclerosis |
+Multiple valve dz
-Multiple valve disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Multiple valve disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Multiple valve dz' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Multiple valve disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Multiple valve dz' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Multiple valve disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G130.00 | Mitral and aortic stenosis |
G131.00 | Mitral stenosis and aortic insufficiency |
G131.13 | Mitral stenosis and aortic incompetence |
G131.14 | Mitral stenosis and aortic regurgitation |
G132.00 | Mitral insufficiency and aortic stenosis |
G132.12 | Mitral incompetence and aortic stenosis |
G132.13 | Mitral regurgitation and aortic stenosis |
G133.00 | Mitral and aortic incompetence |
G133.11 | Mitral and aortic insufficiency |
G133.12 | Mitral and aortic regurgitation |
G13..00 | Diseases of mitral and aortic valves |
G13y.00 | Multiple mitral and aortic valve involvement |
G13z.00 | Mitral and aortic valve disease NOS |
G544000 | Disorders of both aortic and tricuspid valves |
G544100 | Disorders of both mitral and tricuspid valves |
G544200 | Combined disorders of mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves |
G544.00 | Multiple valve diseases |
G544X00 | Multiple valve disease, unspecified |
Gyu5D00 | [X]Multiple valve disorders/diseases CE |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I08 | Multiple valve diseases |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Multiple valve dz' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G130.00 |
+ Mitral and aortic stenosis |
+ G131.00 |
+ Mitral stenosis and aortic insufficiency |
+ G131.13 |
+ Mitral stenosis and aortic incompetence |
+ G131.14 |
+ Mitral stenosis and aortic regurgitation |
+ G132.00 |
+ Mitral insufficiency and aortic stenosis |
+ G132.12 |
+ Mitral incompetence and aortic stenosis |
+ G132.13 |
+ Mitral regurgitation and aortic stenosis |
+ G133.00 |
+ Mitral and aortic incompetence |
+ G133.11 |
+ Mitral and aortic insufficiency |
+ G133.12 |
+ Mitral and aortic regurgitation |
+ G13..00 |
+ Diseases of mitral and aortic valves |
+ G13y.00 |
+ Multiple mitral and aortic valve involvement |
+ G13z.00 |
+ Mitral and aortic valve disease NOS |
+ G544000 |
+ Disorders of both aortic and tricuspid valves |
+ G544100 |
+ Disorders of both mitral and tricuspid valves |
+ G544200 |
+ Combined disorders of mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves |
+ G544.00 |
+ Multiple valve diseases |
+ G544X00 |
+ Multiple valve disease, unspecified |
+ Gyu5D00 |
+ [X]Multiple valve disorders/diseases CE |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I08 |
+ Multiple valve diseases |
+Myasthenia gravis
-Myasthenia Gravis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Myasthenia gravis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Myasthenia gravis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Myasthenia gravis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Myasthenia gravis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Myasthenia gravis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F380100 | Juvenile or adult myasthenia gravis |
F380.00 | Myasthenia gravis |
F380z00 | Myasthenia gravis NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G70.0 | Myasthenia gravis |
-Myocardial Infarction
-Use MODIFIED CALIBER Myocardial Infarction phenotyping algorithm:
-At the specified date, a patient is considered to have had a myocardial infarction IF they meet any of the criteria below on or before the specified date.
-The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date.
-1. Primary care diagnosis of MI: myo_infarct_gprd: category 1, category 2, category 3, category 4, category 5, category 6, category 7
-2. Secondary care diagnosis of MI: myo_infarct_hes: category 1, category 5, category 6, category 7
-3. Secondary care procedure code for coronary thrombolysis: lysis_opcs category 2
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Myasthenia gravis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F380100 |
+ Juvenile or adult myasthenia gravis |
+ F380.00 |
+ Myasthenia gravis |
+ F380z00 |
+ Myasthenia gravis NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G70.0 |
+ Myasthenia gravis |
-Fungal Infection
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Mycoses IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Mycoses or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
B20.4 | HIV disease resulting in candidiasis |
B20.5 | HIV disease resulting in other mycoses |
B20.6 | HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia |
B35 | Dermatophytosis |
B36 | Other superficial mycoses |
B37 | Candidiasis |
B38 | Coccidioidomycosis |
B39 | Histoplasmosis |
B40 | Blastomycosis |
B41 | Paracoccidioidomycosis |
B42 | Sporotrichosis |
B43 | Chromomycosis and phaeomycotic abscess |
B44 | Aspergillosis |
B45 | Cryptococcosis |
B46 | Zygomycosis |
B47 | Mycetoma |
B48 | Other mycoses, not elsewhere classified |
B49 | Unspecified mycosis |
B59 | Pneumocystosis |
G02.1 | Meningitis in mycoses |
H62.2 | Otitis externa in mycoses |
J17.2 | Pneumonia in mycoses |
M01.6 | Arthritis in mycoses |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ B20.4 |
+ HIV disease resulting in candidiasis |
+ B20.5 |
+ HIV disease resulting in other mycoses |
+ B20.6 |
+ HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia |
+ B35 |
+ Dermatophytosis |
+ B36 |
+ Other superficial mycoses |
+ B37 |
+ Candidiasis |
+ B38 |
+ Coccidioidomycosis |
+ B39 |
+ Histoplasmosis |
+ B40 |
+ Blastomycosis |
+ B41 |
+ Paracoccidioidomycosis |
+ B42 |
+ Sporotrichosis |
+ B43 |
+ Chromomycosis and phaeomycotic abscess |
+ B44 |
+ Aspergillosis |
+ B45 |
+ Cryptococcosis |
+ B46 |
+ Zygomycosis |
+ B47 |
+ Mycetoma |
+ B48 |
+ Other mycoses, not elsewhere classified |
+ B49 |
+ Unspecified mycosis |
+ B59 |
+ Pneumocystosis |
+ G02.1 |
+ Meningitis in mycoses |
+ H62.2 |
+ Otitis externa in mycoses |
+ J17.2 |
+ Pneumonia in mycoses |
+ M01.6 |
+ Arthritis in mycoses |
+Myelodysplastic syndromes
-Myelodysplastic Syndrome
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Myelodysplastic syndrome IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Myelodysplastic syndromes' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Myelodysplastic syndrome diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Myelodysplastic syndromes' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Myelodysplastic syndrome or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7Q09700 | Myelodysplastic syndrome drugs Band 1 |
B937000 | Refractory anaemia without sideroblasts, so stated |
B937100 | Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts |
B937200 | Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts |
B937300 | Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts with transformation |
B937600 | Refractory anaemia without ring sideroblasts |
B937700 | Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts |
B937800 | Refractory anaemia with multilineage dysplasia |
B937900 | 5Q minus syndrome |
B937911 | Myelodysplastic syndrome isolated del(5q) chromosomal abnorm |
B937.14 | Myelodysplasia |
B937W00 | Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified |
B937W11 | Myelodysplasia |
B937X00 | Refractory anaemia, unspecified |
BBmA.00 | [M] Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts |
BBmB.00 | [M]Refractory anaemia+excess of blasts with transformation |
BBmL.00 | [M] Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts |
BBv..00 | [M]Myelodysplastic syndrome |
ByuHD00 | [X]Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified |
D213.00 | Refractory Anaemia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D46 | Myelodysplastic syndromes |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Myelodysplastic syndromes' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7Q09700 |
+ Myelodysplastic syndrome drugs Band 1 |
+ B937000 |
+ Refractory anaemia without sideroblasts, so stated |
+ B937100 |
+ Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts |
+ B937200 |
+ Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts |
+ B937300 |
+ Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts with transformation |
+ B937600 |
+ Refractory anaemia without ring sideroblasts |
+ B937700 |
+ Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts |
+ B937800 |
+ Refractory anaemia with multilineage dysplasia |
+ B937900 |
+ 5Q minus syndrome |
+ B937911 |
+ Myelodysplastic syndrome isolated del(5q) chromosomal abnorm |
+ B937.14 |
+ Myelodysplasia |
+ B937W00 |
+ Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified |
+ B937W11 |
+ Myelodysplasia |
+ B937X00 |
+ Refractory anaemia, unspecified |
+ BBmA.00 |
+ [M] Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts |
+ BBmB.00 |
+ [M]Refractory anaemia+excess of blasts with transformation |
+ BBmL.00 |
+ [M] Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts |
+ BBv..00 |
+ [M]Myelodysplastic syndrome |
+ ByuHD00 |
+ [X]Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified |
+ D213.00 |
+ Refractory Anaemia |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_MDS.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D46 |
+ Myelodysplastic syndromes |
+Myocardial infarction
+Use MODIFIED CALIBER 'Myocardial infarction' phenotyping algorithm:
+At the specified date, a patient is considered to have had a 'Myocardial infarction' IF they meet any of the criteria below on or before the specified date.
+The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date.
+1. Primary care diagnosis of MI: myo_infarct_gprd: category 1, category 2, category 3, category 4, category 5, category 6, category 7
+2. Secondary care diagnosis of MI: myo_infarct_hes: category 1, category 5, category 6, category 7
+3. Secondary care procedure code for coronary thrombolysis: lysis_opcs category 2
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14A3.00 |
+ H/O: myocardial infarct <60 |
+ 14A4.00 |
+ H/O: myocardial infarct >60 |
+ 14AH.00 |
+ H/O: Myocardial infarction in last year |
+ G310.00 |
+ Postmyocardial infarction syndrome |
+ G32..00 |
+ Old myocardial infarction |
+ G32..11 |
+ Healed myocardial infarction |
+ G32..12 |
+ Personal history of myocardial infarction |
+ G33z500 |
+ Post infarct angina |
+ G30..11 |
+ Attack - heart |
+ G30..14 |
+ Heart attack |
+ G30..17 |
+ Silent myocardial infarction |
+ G30A.00 |
+ Mural thrombosis |
+ G30X000 |
+ Acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction |
+ G307100 |
+ Acute non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction |
+ 323..00 |
+ ECG: myocardial infarction |
+ 3233 |
+ ECG: antero-septal infarct. |
+ 3234 |
+ ECG:posterior/inferior infarct |
+ 3235 |
+ ECG: subendocardial infarct |
+ 3236 |
+ ECG: lateral infarction |
+ 323Z.00 |
+ ECG: myocardial infarct NOS |
+ 889A.00 |
+ Diab mellit insulin-glucose infus acute myocardial infarct |
+ G30..00 |
+ Acute myocardial infarction |
+ G30..12 |
+ Coronary thrombosis |
+ G30..13 |
+ Cardiac rupture following myocardial infarction (MI) |
+ G30..15 |
+ MI - acute myocardial infarction |
+ G30..16 |
+ Thrombosis - coronary |
+ G300.00 |
+ Acute anterolateral infarction |
+ G301.00 |
+ Other specified anterior myocardial infarction |
+ G301000 |
+ Acute anteroapical infarction |
+ G301100 |
+ Acute anteroseptal infarction |
+ G301z00 |
+ Anterior myocardial infarction NOS |
+ G302.00 |
+ Acute inferolateral infarction |
+ G303.00 |
+ Acute inferoposterior infarction |
+ G304.00 |
+ Posterior myocardial infarction NOS |
+ G305.00 |
+ Lateral myocardial infarction NOS |
+ G306.00 |
+ True posterior myocardial infarction |
+ G307.00 |
+ Acute subendocardial infarction |
+ G307000 |
+ Acute non-Q wave infarction |
+ G308.00 |
+ Inferior myocardial infarction NOS |
+ G309.00 |
+ Acute Q-wave infarct |
+ G30B.00 |
+ Acute posterolateral myocardial infarction |
+ G30X.00 |
+ Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecif site |
+ G30y.00 |
+ Other acute myocardial infarction |
+ G30y000 |
+ Acute atrial infarction |
+ G30y100 |
+ Acute papillary muscle infarction |
+ G30y200 |
+ Acute septal infarction |
+ G30yz00 |
+ Other acute myocardial infarction NOS |
+ G30z.00 |
+ Acute myocardial infarction NOS |
+ G31y100 |
+ Microinfarction of heart |
+ G38..00 |
+ Postoperative myocardial infarction |
+ G380.00 |
+ Postoperative transmural myocardial infarction anterior wall |
+ G381.00 |
+ Postoperative transmural myocardial infarction inferior wall |
+ G384.00 |
+ Postoperative subendocardial myocardial infarction |
+ G38z.00 |
+ Postoperative myocardial infarction, unspecified |
+ Gyu3400 |
+ [X]Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecif site |
+ G35..00 |
+ Subsequent myocardial infarction |
+ G350.00 |
+ Subsequent myocardial infarction of anterior wall |
+ G351.00 |
+ Subsequent myocardial infarction of inferior wall |
+ G353.00 |
+ Subsequent myocardial infarction of other sites |
+ G35X.00 |
+ Subsequent myocardial infarction of unspecified site |
+ G310.11 |
+ Dressler's syndrome |
+ G36..00 |
+ Certain current complication follow acute myocardial infarct |
+ G360.00 |
+ Haemopericardium/current comp folow acut myocard infarct |
+ G361.00 |
+ Atrial septal defect/curr comp folow acut myocardal infarct |
+ G362.00 |
+ Ventric septal defect/curr comp fol acut myocardal infarctn |
+ G363.00 |
+ Ruptur cardiac wall w'out haemopericard/cur comp fol ac MI |
+ G364.00 |
+ Ruptur chordae tendinae/curr comp fol acute myocard infarct |
+ G365.00 |
+ Rupture papillary muscle/curr comp fol acute myocard infarct |
+ G366.00 |
+ Thrombosis atrium,auric append&vent/curr comp foll acute MI |
+ G501.00 |
+ Post infarction pericarditis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I252 |
+ Old myocardial infarction |
+ I21 |
+ Acute myocardial infarction |
+ I22 |
+ Subsequent myocardial infarction |
+ I23 |
+ Certain current complications following acute myocardial infarction |
+ I241 |
+ Dressler's syndrome |
+Nasal polyp
-Nasal Polyps
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Nasal polyp IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -2600,210 +32586,3039 @@ Primary care
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Nasal polyp or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
2D33.00 | O/E - nasal polyp present |
7402900.0 | Excision of polyp of nasal septum |
7402911.0 | Nasal septum polypectomy |
7406000.0 | Nasal polypectomy |
7406700.0 | Nasal polypectomy using auto-debrider |
7416F00 | Functional endoscopic sinus surg - polypectomy nasal sinus |
H110000 | Choanal polyp |
H110100 | Nasopharyngeal polyp |
H110.00 | Polyp of nasal cavity |
H110z00 | Polyp of nasal cavity NOS |
H111000 | Woakes' ethmoiditis |
H111.00 | Polypoid sinus degeneration |
H111z00 | Polypoid sinus degeneration NOS |
H11..00 | Nasal polyps |
H11y000 | Polyp of frontal sinus |
H11y100 | Polyp of ethmoidal sinus |
H11y200 | Polyp of maxillary sinus |
H11y211 | Antral (maxillary) polyp |
H11y300 | Polyp of sphenoidal sinus |
H11y.00 | Other polyp of sinus |
H11y.11 | Nasal sinus polyps |
H11yz00 | Other polyp of sinus NOS |
H11z.00 | Nasal polyp NOS |
Hyu2300 | [X]Other polyp of sinus |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J33 | Nasal polyp |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 2D33.00 |
+ O/E - nasal polyp present |
+ 7402900.0 |
+ Excision of polyp of nasal septum |
+ 7402911.0 |
+ Nasal septum polypectomy |
+ 7406000.0 |
+ Nasal polypectomy |
+ 7406700.0 |
+ Nasal polypectomy using auto-debrider |
+ 7416F00 |
+ Functional endoscopic sinus surg - polypectomy nasal sinus |
+ H110000 |
+ Choanal polyp |
+ H110100 |
+ Nasopharyngeal polyp |
+ H110.00 |
+ Polyp of nasal cavity |
+ H110z00 |
+ Polyp of nasal cavity NOS |
+ H111000 |
+ Woakes' ethmoiditis |
+ H111.00 |
+ Polypoid sinus degeneration |
+ H111z00 |
+ Polypoid sinus degeneration NOS |
+ H11..00 |
+ Nasal polyps |
+ H11y000 |
+ Polyp of frontal sinus |
+ H11y100 |
+ Polyp of ethmoidal sinus |
+ H11y200 |
+ Polyp of maxillary sinus |
+ H11y211 |
+ Antral (maxillary) polyp |
+ H11y300 |
+ Polyp of sphenoidal sinus |
+ H11y.00 |
+ Other polyp of sinus |
+ H11y.11 |
+ Nasal sinus polyps |
+ H11yz00 |
+ Other polyp of sinus NOS |
+ H11z.00 |
+ Nasal polyp NOS |
+ Hyu2300 |
+ [X]Other polyp of sinus |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J33 |
+ Nasal polyp |
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
-Neonatal Jaundice
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)' (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
+1. 'Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)' (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
Q430000 | Neonatal jaundice + glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defic. |
Q430.00 | Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemias |
Q430z00 | Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS |
Q431000 | Perinatal jaundice from bruising |
Q431200 | Perinatal jaundice from infection |
Q431300 | Perinatal jaundice from polycythaemia |
Q431500 | Perinatal jaundice from bleeding |
Q431.00 | Perinatal jaundice from other excessive haemolysis |
Q431z00 | Perinatal jaundice from haemolysis NOS |
Q432.00 | Preterm delivery associated jaundice |
Q433000 | Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice, unspecified |
Q433200 | Breast feeding inhibitors causing neonatal jaundice |
Q433300 | Lucy - Driscoll syndrome |
Q433500 | Neonatal jaundice with Dubin-Johnson syndrome |
Q433600 | Neonatal jaundice with Gilbert's syndrome |
Q433700 | Neonatal jaundice with congenital hypothyroidism |
Q433800 | Neonatal jaundice with porphyria |
Q433A00 | Neonatal jaundice from breast milk inhibitor |
Q433.00 | Other neonatal jaundice - delayed conjugation other cause |
Q433y00 | Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice OS |
Q433y11 | Neonatal jaundice - deficiency enzyme for bilirubin conjug. |
Q433z00 | Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice NOS |
Q434000 | Perinatal hepatitis causing jaundice, unspecified |
Q434100 | Giant cell hepatitis causing neonatal jaundice |
Q434200 | Inspissated bile syndrome |
Q434.00 | Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage |
Q434z00 | Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage NOS |
Q435000 | Perinatal jaundice due to congenital obstruction bile duct |
Q435100 | Perinatal jaundice due to galactosaemia |
Q435.00 | Perinatal jaundice due to other cause |
Q435z00 | Perinatal jaundice due to other specified cause |
Q436000 | Icterus neonatorum, unspecified |
Q436100 | Transient neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia |
Q436200 | Newborn physiological jaundice NOS |
Q436.00 | Fetal and neonatal jaundice, unspecified |
Q436z00 | Unspecified fetal or neonatal jaundice NOS |
Q437000 | Bilirubin encephalopathy |
Q437.00 | Kernicterus not due to isoimmunisation |
Q437z00 | Kernicterus of newborn NOS |
Q43..00 | Other perinatal jaundice |
Q43z.00 | Perinatal jaundice NOS |
Qyu5800 | [X]Neonat jaun due/drg,toxn transmit frm mother/given newbrn |
Qyu5900 | [X]Neonatal jaundice due/other specifd excessive haemolysis |
Qyu5A00 | [X]Neonatal jaundice from other+unspcf hepatocellular damage |
Qyu5B00 | [X]Neonatal jaundice from other specified causes |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
P58 | Neonatal jaundice due to other excessive haemolysis |
P59 | Neonatal jaundice from other and unspecified causes |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)' (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ Q430000 |
+ Neonatal jaundice + glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defic. |
+ Q430.00 |
+ Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemias |
+ Q430z00 |
+ Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS |
+ Q431000 |
+ Perinatal jaundice from bruising |
+ Q431200 |
+ Perinatal jaundice from infection |
+ Q431300 |
+ Perinatal jaundice from polycythaemia |
+ Q431500 |
+ Perinatal jaundice from bleeding |
+ Q431.00 |
+ Perinatal jaundice from other excessive haemolysis |
+ Q431z00 |
+ Perinatal jaundice from haemolysis NOS |
+ Q432.00 |
+ Preterm delivery associated jaundice |
+ Q433000 |
+ Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice, unspecified |
+ Q433200 |
+ Breast feeding inhibitors causing neonatal jaundice |
+ Q433300 |
+ Lucy - Driscoll syndrome |
+ Q433500 |
+ Neonatal jaundice with Dubin-Johnson syndrome |
+ Q433600 |
+ Neonatal jaundice with Gilbert's syndrome |
+ Q433700 |
+ Neonatal jaundice with congenital hypothyroidism |
+ Q433800 |
+ Neonatal jaundice with porphyria |
+ Q433A00 |
+ Neonatal jaundice from breast milk inhibitor |
+ Q433.00 |
+ Other neonatal jaundice - delayed conjugation other cause |
+ Q433y00 |
+ Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice OS |
+ Q433y11 |
+ Neonatal jaundice - deficiency enzyme for bilirubin conjug. |
+ Q433z00 |
+ Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice NOS |
+ Q434000 |
+ Perinatal hepatitis causing jaundice, unspecified |
+ Q434100 |
+ Giant cell hepatitis causing neonatal jaundice |
+ Q434200 |
+ Inspissated bile syndrome |
+ Q434.00 |
+ Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage |
+ Q434z00 |
+ Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage NOS |
+ Q435000 |
+ Perinatal jaundice due to congenital obstruction bile duct |
+ Q435100 |
+ Perinatal jaundice due to galactosaemia |
+ Q435.00 |
+ Perinatal jaundice due to other cause |
+ Q435z00 |
+ Perinatal jaundice due to other specified cause |
+ Q436000 |
+ Icterus neonatorum, unspecified |
+ Q436100 |
+ Transient neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia |
+ Q436200 |
+ Newborn physiological jaundice NOS |
+ Q436.00 |
+ Fetal and neonatal jaundice, unspecified |
+ Q436z00 |
+ Unspecified fetal or neonatal jaundice NOS |
+ Q437000 |
+ Bilirubin encephalopathy |
+ Q437.00 |
+ Kernicterus not due to isoimmunisation |
+ Q437z00 |
+ Kernicterus of newborn NOS |
+ Q43..00 |
+ Other perinatal jaundice |
+ Q43z.00 |
+ Perinatal jaundice NOS |
+ Qyu5800 |
+ [X]Neonat jaun due/drg,toxn transmit frm mother/given newbrn |
+ Qyu5900 |
+ [X]Neonatal jaundice due/other specifd excessive haemolysis |
+ Qyu5A00 |
+ [X]Neonatal jaundice from other+unspcf hepatocellular damage |
+ Qyu5B00 |
+ [X]Neonatal jaundice from other specified causes |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ P58 |
+ Neonatal jaundice due to other excessive haemolysis |
+ P59 |
+ Neonatal jaundice from other and unspecified causes |
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
-Neuropahtic Bladder
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F246111 | Atonic bladder |
F246112 | Neurogenic bladder |
F246113 | Neuropathic bladder |
K164000 | Hypotonic bladder |
K164100 | Bladder inertia |
K164.00 | Atony of bladder |
K164.11 | Atonic bladder |
K164z00 | Atony of bladder NOS |
K165000 | Hypertonic bladder sphincter |
K165100 | Bladder sphincter paralysis |
K165300 | Detrusor instability |
K165400 | Unstable bladder |
K165.00 | Other functional disorder of bladder |
K165z00 | Other bladder function disorder NOS |
K16V000 | Neuropathic bladder |
K16V011 | Neurogenic bladder |
K16V100 | Overactive bladder |
K16V.00 | Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified |
K16W.00 | Reflex neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified |
K16X.00 | Uninhibited neuropathic bladder, NEC |
K16y400 | Irritable bladder |
K16y411 | Detrusor instability |
K16y412 | Unstable bladder |
K16y800 | Functional disorder of bladder |
K16y811 | Functional voiding disorder |
Kyu5200 | [X]Other neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder |
Kyu5E00 | [X]Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N31 | Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, not elsewhere classified |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F246111 |
+ Atonic bladder |
+ F246112 |
+ Neurogenic bladder |
+ F246113 |
+ Neuropathic bladder |
+ K164000 |
+ Hypotonic bladder |
+ K164100 |
+ Bladder inertia |
+ K164.00 |
+ Atony of bladder |
+ K164.11 |
+ Atonic bladder |
+ K164z00 |
+ Atony of bladder NOS |
+ K165000 |
+ Hypertonic bladder sphincter |
+ K165100 |
+ Bladder sphincter paralysis |
+ K165300 |
+ Detrusor instability |
+ K165400 |
+ Unstable bladder |
+ K165.00 |
+ Other functional disorder of bladder |
+ K165z00 |
+ Other bladder function disorder NOS |
+ K16V000 |
+ Neuropathic bladder |
+ K16V011 |
+ Neurogenic bladder |
+ K16V100 |
+ Overactive bladder |
+ K16V.00 |
+ Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified |
+ K16W.00 |
+ Reflex neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified |
+ K16X.00 |
+ Uninhibited neuropathic bladder, NEC |
+ K16y400 |
+ Irritable bladder |
+ K16y411 |
+ Detrusor instability |
+ K16y412 |
+ Unstable bladder |
+ K16y800 |
+ Functional disorder of bladder |
+ K16y811 |
+ Functional voiding disorder |
+ Kyu5200 |
+ [X]Other neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder |
+ Kyu5E00 |
+ [X]Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N31 |
+ Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, not elsewhere classified |
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
-Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
A789600 | HIV disease resulting in Burkitt's lymphoma |
A789700 | HIV dis resulting oth types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
AyuC600 | [X]HIV disease resulting in other non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
B600000 | Reticulosarcoma of unspecified site |
B600100 | Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
B600300 | Reticulosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B600700 | Reticulosarcoma of spleen |
B600.00 | Reticulosarcoma |
B600z00 | Reticulosarcoma NOS |
B601000 | Lymphosarcoma of unspecified site |
B601100 | Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
B601200 | Lymphosarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
B601300 | Lymphosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B601500 | Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg |
B601700 | Lymphosarcoma of spleen |
B601800 | Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
B601.00 | Lymphosarcoma |
B601z00 | Lymphosarcoma NOS |
B602100 | Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
B602200 | Burkitt's lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
B602300 | Burkitt's lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B602500 | Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg |
B602.00 | Burkitt's lymphoma |
B602z00 | Burkitt's lymphoma NOS |
B60..00 | Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma |
B60y.00 | Other specified reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma |
B60z.00 | Reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma NOS |
B620000 | Nodular lymphoma of unspecified site |
B620100 | Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
B620200 | Nodular lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
B620300 | Nodular lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B620500 | Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg |
B620800 | Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
B620.00 | Nodular lymphoma (Brill - Symmers disease) |
B620z00 | Nodular lymphoma NOS |
B621000 | Mycosis fungoides of unspecified site |
B621300 | Mycosis fungoides of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B621400 | Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb |
B621500 | Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg |
B621800 | Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
B621.00 | Mycosis fungoides |
B621z00 | Mycosis fungoides NOS |
B622.00 | Sezary's disease |
B622z00 | Sezary's disease NOS |
B627000 | Follicular non-Hodgkin's small cleaved cell lymphoma |
B627100 | Follicular non-Hodg mixed sml cleavd & lge cell lymphoma |
B627200 | Follicular non-Hodgkin's large cell lymphoma |
B627300 | Diffuse non-Hodgkin's small cell (diffuse) lymphoma |
B627400 | Diffuse non-Hodgkin's small cleaved cell (diffuse) lymphoma |
B627500 | Diffuse non-Hodgkin mixed sml & lge cell (diffuse) lymphoma |
B627600 | Diffuse non-Hodgkin's immunoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma |
B627700 | Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma |
B627800 | Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma undifferentiated (diffuse) |
B627900 | Mucosa-associated lymphoma |
B627911 | Maltoma |
B627A00 | Diffuse non-Hodgkin's large cell lymphoma |
B627.00 | Non - Hodgkin's lymphoma |
B627.11 | Non-Hodgkin lymphoma |
B627B00 | Other types of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
B627C00 | Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
B627C11 | Follicular lymphoma NOS |
B627D00 | Diffuse non-Hodgkin's centroblastic lymphoma |
B627E00 | Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma |
B627F00 | Extranod marg zone B-cell lymphom mucosa-assoc lymphoid tiss |
B627G00 | Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma |
B627W00 | Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
B627X00 | Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified |
B628000 | Follicular lymphoma grade 1 |
B628100 | Follicular lymphoma grade 2 |
B628200 | Follicular lymphoma grade 3 |
B628300 | Follicular lymphoma grade 3a |
B628400 | Follicular lymphoma grade 3b |
B628500 | Diffuse follicle centre lymphoma |
B628600 | Cutaneous follicle centre lymphoma |
B628700 | Other types of follicular lymphoma |
B628.00 | Follicular lymphoma |
B62E100 | Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive |
B62E200 | Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative |
B62E300 | Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma |
B62E400 | Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type |
B62E500 | Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma |
B62E600 | Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma |
B62E700 | Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma |
B62E800 | Blastic NK-cell lymphoma |
B62E900 | Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma |
B62EA00 | Primary cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell proliferations |
B62E.00 | T/NK-cell lymphoma |
B62Ew00 | Other mature T/NK-cell lymphoma |
B62F000 | Small cell B-cell lymphoma |
B62F100 | Mantle cell lymphoma |
B62F200 | Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma |
B62F.00 | Nonfollicular lymphoma |
B62F.11 | Non-follicular lymphoma |
B62x000 | T-zone lymphoma |
B62x100 | Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma |
B62x200 | Peripheral T-cell lymphoma |
B62x400 | Malignant reticulosis |
B62x500 | Malignant immunoproliferative small intestinal disease |
B62x.00 | Malignant lymphoma otherwise specified |
B62xX00 | Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas |
B62y000 | Malignant lymphoma NOS of unspecified site |
B62y100 | Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
B62y200 | Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
B62y300 | Malignant lymphoma NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B62y400 | Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm |
B62y500 | Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph node inguinal region and leg |
B62y600 | Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrapelvic lymph nodes |
B62y700 | Malignant lymphoma NOS of spleen |
B62y800 | Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
B62y.00 | Malignant lymphoma NOS |
B62yz00 | Malignant lymphoma NOS |
BBg1000 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, diffuse NOS |
BBg1.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma NOS |
BBg1.11 | [M]Lymphoma NOS |
BBg2.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, non Hodgkin's type |
BBg2.11 | [M]Non Hodgkins lymphoma |
BBg3.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, undifferentiated cell type NOS |
BBg4.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, stem cell type |
BBg5.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, convoluted cell type NOS |
BBg6.00 | [M]Lymphosarcoma NOS |
BBg7.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphoplasmacytoid type |
BBg8.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, immunoblastic type |
BBgA.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic-centrocytic, diffuse |
BBgB.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, follicular centre cell NOS |
BBg..00 | [M]Lymphomas, NOS or diffuse |
BBgC.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated NOS |
BBgC.11 | [M]Lymphocytic lymphoma NOS |
BBgC.12 | [M]Lymphocytic lymphosarcoma NOS |
BBgD.00 | [M]Malig lymphoma, lymphocytic, intermediate different NOS |
BBgE.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, centrocytic |
BBgG.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, poorly different NOS |
BBgG.11 | [M]Lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma NOS |
BBgG.12 | [M]Lymphoblastic lymphoma NOS |
BBgG.13 | [M]Lymphoblastoma NOS |
BBgH.00 | [M]Prolymphocytic lymphosarcoma |
BBgJ.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic type NOS |
BBgK.00 | [M]Malig lymphoma, follicular centre cell, non-cleaved NOS |
BBgL.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, small lymphocytic NOS |
BBgM.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, small cleaved cell, diffuse |
BBgN.00 | [M]Malign lymphoma,lymphocytic,intermediate differn, diffuse |
BBgP.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, mixed small and large cell, diffuse |
BBgQ.00 | [M]Malignant lymphomatous polyposis |
BBgR.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, diffuse NOS |
BBgS.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, cleaved, diffuse |
BBgT.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, noncleaved, diffuse |
BBgV.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, small cell, noncleaved, diffuse |
BBgz.00 | [M]Lymphoma, diffuse or NOS |
BBh0.00 | [M]Reticulosarcoma NOS |
BBh2.00 | [M]Reticulosarcoma, nodular |
BBh..00 | [M]Reticulosarcomas |
BBk0.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, nodular NOS |
BBk0.11 | [M]Brill - Symmers' disease |
BBk0.12 | [M]Follicular lymphosarcoma NOS |
BBk0.13 | [M]Giant follicular lymphoma |
BBk2.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic-centrocytic, follicular |
BBk3.00 | [M]Malig lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated,nodular |
BBk5.00 | [M]Malig lymp, follicular centre cell, cleaved, follicular |
BBk7.00 | [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic type, follicular |
BBk8.00 | [M]Malig lymp,follicular centre cell,noncleaved,follicular |
BBk..00 | [M]Lymphomas, nodular or follicular |
BBkz.00 | [M]Lymphoma, nodular or follicular NOS |
BBl0.00 | [M]Mycosis fungoides |
BBl1.00 | [M]Sezary's disease |
BBl..00 | [M]Mycosis fungoides |
BBlz.00 | [M]Mycosis fungoides NOS |
BBm0.00 | [M]Microglioma |
BBm1.11 | [M]Malignant reticulosis |
BBm5.00 | [M] Peripheral T-cell lymphoma NOS |
BBm8.00 | [M] Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy |
BBm9.00 | [M] Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma |
BBmD.00 | [M] Cutaneous lymphoma |
BBmF.00 | [M] Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion |
BBmH.00 | [M] Large cell lymphoma |
BBmJ.00 | [M] Angioendotheliomatosis |
BBv0.00 | [M]Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma |
BBv2.00 | [M]AngiocentricT-cell lymphoma |
ByuD100 | [X]Other types of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
ByuD200 | [X]Other types of diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
ByuD300 | [X]Other specified types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
ByuDC00 | [X]Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified |
ByuDD00 | [X]Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas |
ByuDE00 | [X]Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
ByuDF00 | [X]Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified type |
ByuDF11 | [X]Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS |
M162800 | Lymphomatoid papulosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C82 | Follicular lymphoma |
C83 | Non-follicular lymphoma |
C84 | Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas |
C85 | Other and unspecified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma |
C86 | Other specified types of T/NK-cell lymphoma |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ A789600 |
+ HIV disease resulting in Burkitt's lymphoma |
+ A789700 |
+ HIV dis resulting oth types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ AyuC600 |
+ [X]HIV disease resulting in other non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ B600000 |
+ Reticulosarcoma of unspecified site |
+ B600100 |
+ Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
+ B600300 |
+ Reticulosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B600700 |
+ Reticulosarcoma of spleen |
+ B600.00 |
+ Reticulosarcoma |
+ B600z00 |
+ Reticulosarcoma NOS |
+ B601000 |
+ Lymphosarcoma of unspecified site |
+ B601100 |
+ Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
+ B601200 |
+ Lymphosarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
+ B601300 |
+ Lymphosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B601500 |
+ Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg |
+ B601700 |
+ Lymphosarcoma of spleen |
+ B601800 |
+ Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
+ B601.00 |
+ Lymphosarcoma |
+ B601z00 |
+ Lymphosarcoma NOS |
+ B602100 |
+ Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
+ B602200 |
+ Burkitt's lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
+ B602300 |
+ Burkitt's lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B602500 |
+ Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg |
+ B602.00 |
+ Burkitt's lymphoma |
+ B602z00 |
+ Burkitt's lymphoma NOS |
+ B60..00 |
+ Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma |
+ B60y.00 |
+ Other specified reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma |
+ B60z.00 |
+ Reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma NOS |
+ B620000 |
+ Nodular lymphoma of unspecified site |
+ B620100 |
+ Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
+ B620200 |
+ Nodular lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
+ B620300 |
+ Nodular lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B620500 |
+ Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg |
+ B620800 |
+ Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
+ B620.00 |
+ Nodular lymphoma (Brill - Symmers disease) |
+ B620z00 |
+ Nodular lymphoma NOS |
+ B621000 |
+ Mycosis fungoides of unspecified site |
+ B621300 |
+ Mycosis fungoides of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B621400 |
+ Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb |
+ B621500 |
+ Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg |
+ B621800 |
+ Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
+ B621.00 |
+ Mycosis fungoides |
+ B621z00 |
+ Mycosis fungoides NOS |
+ B622.00 |
+ Sezary's disease |
+ B622z00 |
+ Sezary's disease NOS |
+ B627000 |
+ Follicular non-Hodgkin's small cleaved cell lymphoma |
+ B627100 |
+ Follicular non-Hodg mixed sml cleavd & lge cell lymphoma |
+ B627200 |
+ Follicular non-Hodgkin's large cell lymphoma |
+ B627300 |
+ Diffuse non-Hodgkin's small cell (diffuse) lymphoma |
+ B627400 |
+ Diffuse non-Hodgkin's small cleaved cell (diffuse) lymphoma |
+ B627500 |
+ Diffuse non-Hodgkin mixed sml & lge cell (diffuse) lymphoma |
+ B627600 |
+ Diffuse non-Hodgkin's immunoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma |
+ B627700 |
+ Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma |
+ B627800 |
+ Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma undifferentiated (diffuse) |
+ B627900 |
+ Mucosa-associated lymphoma |
+ B627911 |
+ Maltoma |
+ B627A00 |
+ Diffuse non-Hodgkin's large cell lymphoma |
+ B627.00 |
+ Non - Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ B627.11 |
+ Non-Hodgkin lymphoma |
+ B627B00 |
+ Other types of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ B627C00 |
+ Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ B627C11 |
+ Follicular lymphoma NOS |
+ B627D00 |
+ Diffuse non-Hodgkin's centroblastic lymphoma |
+ B627E00 |
+ Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma |
+ B627F00 |
+ Extranod marg zone B-cell lymphom mucosa-assoc lymphoid tiss |
+ B627G00 |
+ Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma |
+ B627W00 |
+ Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ B627X00 |
+ Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified |
+ B628000 |
+ Follicular lymphoma grade 1 |
+ B628100 |
+ Follicular lymphoma grade 2 |
+ B628200 |
+ Follicular lymphoma grade 3 |
+ B628300 |
+ Follicular lymphoma grade 3a |
+ B628400 |
+ Follicular lymphoma grade 3b |
+ B628500 |
+ Diffuse follicle centre lymphoma |
+ B628600 |
+ Cutaneous follicle centre lymphoma |
+ B628700 |
+ Other types of follicular lymphoma |
+ B628.00 |
+ Follicular lymphoma |
+ B62E100 |
+ Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive |
+ B62E200 |
+ Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative |
+ B62E300 |
+ Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma |
+ B62E400 |
+ Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type |
+ B62E500 |
+ Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma |
+ B62E600 |
+ Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma |
+ B62E700 |
+ Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma |
+ B62E800 |
+ Blastic NK-cell lymphoma |
+ B62E900 |
+ Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma |
+ B62EA00 |
+ Primary cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell proliferations |
+ B62E.00 |
+ T/NK-cell lymphoma |
+ B62Ew00 |
+ Other mature T/NK-cell lymphoma |
+ B62F000 |
+ Small cell B-cell lymphoma |
+ B62F100 |
+ Mantle cell lymphoma |
+ B62F200 |
+ Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma |
+ B62F.00 |
+ Nonfollicular lymphoma |
+ B62F.11 |
+ Non-follicular lymphoma |
+ B62x000 |
+ T-zone lymphoma |
+ B62x100 |
+ Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma |
+ B62x200 |
+ Peripheral T-cell lymphoma |
+ B62x400 |
+ Malignant reticulosis |
+ B62x500 |
+ Malignant immunoproliferative small intestinal disease |
+ B62x.00 |
+ Malignant lymphoma otherwise specified |
+ B62xX00 |
+ Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas |
+ B62y000 |
+ Malignant lymphoma NOS of unspecified site |
+ B62y100 |
+ Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of head, face and neck |
+ B62y200 |
+ Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
+ B62y300 |
+ Malignant lymphoma NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B62y400 |
+ Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm |
+ B62y500 |
+ Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph node inguinal region and leg |
+ B62y600 |
+ Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrapelvic lymph nodes |
+ B62y700 |
+ Malignant lymphoma NOS of spleen |
+ B62y800 |
+ Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
+ B62y.00 |
+ Malignant lymphoma NOS |
+ B62yz00 |
+ Malignant lymphoma NOS |
+ BBg1000 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, diffuse NOS |
+ BBg1.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma NOS |
+ BBg1.11 |
+ [M]Lymphoma NOS |
+ BBg2.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, non Hodgkin's type |
+ BBg2.11 |
+ [M]Non Hodgkins lymphoma |
+ BBg3.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, undifferentiated cell type NOS |
+ BBg4.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, stem cell type |
+ BBg5.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, convoluted cell type NOS |
+ BBg6.00 |
+ [M]Lymphosarcoma NOS |
+ BBg7.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphoplasmacytoid type |
+ BBg8.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, immunoblastic type |
+ BBgA.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic-centrocytic, diffuse |
+ BBgB.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, follicular centre cell NOS |
+ BBg..00 |
+ [M]Lymphomas, NOS or diffuse |
+ BBgC.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated NOS |
+ BBgC.11 |
+ [M]Lymphocytic lymphoma NOS |
+ BBgC.12 |
+ [M]Lymphocytic lymphosarcoma NOS |
+ BBgD.00 |
+ [M]Malig lymphoma, lymphocytic, intermediate different NOS |
+ BBgE.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, centrocytic |
+ BBgG.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, poorly different NOS |
+ BBgG.11 |
+ [M]Lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma NOS |
+ BBgG.12 |
+ [M]Lymphoblastic lymphoma NOS |
+ BBgG.13 |
+ [M]Lymphoblastoma NOS |
+ BBgH.00 |
+ [M]Prolymphocytic lymphosarcoma |
+ BBgJ.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic type NOS |
+ BBgK.00 |
+ [M]Malig lymphoma, follicular centre cell, non-cleaved NOS |
+ BBgL.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, small lymphocytic NOS |
+ BBgM.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, small cleaved cell, diffuse |
+ BBgN.00 |
+ [M]Malign lymphoma,lymphocytic,intermediate differn, diffuse |
+ BBgP.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, mixed small and large cell, diffuse |
+ BBgQ.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphomatous polyposis |
+ BBgR.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, diffuse NOS |
+ BBgS.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, cleaved, diffuse |
+ BBgT.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, noncleaved, diffuse |
+ BBgV.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, small cell, noncleaved, diffuse |
+ BBgz.00 |
+ [M]Lymphoma, diffuse or NOS |
+ BBh0.00 |
+ [M]Reticulosarcoma NOS |
+ BBh2.00 |
+ [M]Reticulosarcoma, nodular |
+ BBh..00 |
+ [M]Reticulosarcomas |
+ BBk0.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, nodular NOS |
+ BBk0.11 |
+ [M]Brill - Symmers' disease |
+ BBk0.12 |
+ [M]Follicular lymphosarcoma NOS |
+ BBk0.13 |
+ [M]Giant follicular lymphoma |
+ BBk2.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic-centrocytic, follicular |
+ BBk3.00 |
+ [M]Malig lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated,nodular |
+ BBk5.00 |
+ [M]Malig lymp, follicular centre cell, cleaved, follicular |
+ BBk7.00 |
+ [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic type, follicular |
+ BBk8.00 |
+ [M]Malig lymp,follicular centre cell,noncleaved,follicular |
+ BBk..00 |
+ [M]Lymphomas, nodular or follicular |
+ BBkz.00 |
+ [M]Lymphoma, nodular or follicular NOS |
+ BBl0.00 |
+ [M]Mycosis fungoides |
+ BBl1.00 |
+ [M]Sezary's disease |
+ BBl..00 |
+ [M]Mycosis fungoides |
+ BBlz.00 |
+ [M]Mycosis fungoides NOS |
+ BBm0.00 |
+ [M]Microglioma |
+ BBm1.11 |
+ [M]Malignant reticulosis |
+ BBm5.00 |
+ [M] Peripheral T-cell lymphoma NOS |
+ BBm8.00 |
+ [M] Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy |
+ BBm9.00 |
+ [M] Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma |
+ BBmD.00 |
+ [M] Cutaneous lymphoma |
+ BBmF.00 |
+ [M] Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion |
+ BBmH.00 |
+ [M] Large cell lymphoma |
+ BBmJ.00 |
+ [M] Angioendotheliomatosis |
+ BBv0.00 |
+ [M]Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma |
+ BBv2.00 |
+ [M]AngiocentricT-cell lymphoma |
+ ByuD100 |
+ [X]Other types of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ ByuD200 |
+ [X]Other types of diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ ByuD300 |
+ [X]Other specified types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ ByuDC00 |
+ [X]Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified |
+ ByuDD00 |
+ [X]Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas |
+ ByuDE00 |
+ [X]Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
+ ByuDF00 |
+ [X]Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified type |
+ ByuDF11 |
+ [X]Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS |
+ M162800 |
+ Lymphomatoid papulosis |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_NHL.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C82 |
+ Follicular lymphoma |
+ C83 |
+ Non-follicular lymphoma |
+ C84 |
+ Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas |
+ C85 |
+ Other and unspecified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma |
+ C86 |
+ Other specified types of T/NK-cell lymphoma |
+Non-acute cystitis
-Chronic Cystitis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Non-acute cystitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Non-acute cystitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Non-acute cystitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Non-acute cystitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
K151000 | Hunner's ulcer |
K151200 | Submucous cystitis |
K151.00 | Chronic interstitial cystitis |
K151z00 | Chronic interstitial cystitis NOS |
K152000 | Subacute cystitis |
K152.00 | Other chronic cystitis |
K152y00 | Chronic cystitis unspecified |
K152z00 | Other chronic cystitis NOS |
K153.11 | Follicular cystitis |
K15y000 | Cystitis cystica |
Kyu5000 | [X]Other chronic cystitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N30.1 | Interstitial cystitis (chronic) |
N30.2 | Other chronic cystitis |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ K151000 |
+ Hunner's ulcer |
+ K151200 |
+ Submucous cystitis |
+ K151.00 |
+ Chronic interstitial cystitis |
+ K151z00 |
+ Chronic interstitial cystitis NOS |
+ K152000 |
+ Subacute cystitis |
+ K152.00 |
+ Other chronic cystitis |
+ K152y00 |
+ Chronic cystitis unspecified |
+ K152z00 |
+ Other chronic cystitis NOS |
+ K153.11 |
+ Follicular cystitis |
+ K15y000 |
+ Cystitis cystica |
+ Kyu5000 |
+ [X]Other chronic cystitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N30.1 |
+ Interstitial cystitis (chronic) |
+ N30.2 |
+ Other chronic cystitis |
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
-Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G541000 | Aortic incompetence, non-rheumatic |
G541011 | Aortic insufficiency, non-rheumatic |
G541012 | Aortic regurgitation, non-rheumatic |
G541100 | Aortic stenosis, non-rheumatic |
G541200 | Aortic incompetence alone, cause unspecified |
G541211 | Aortic insufficiency alone, cause unspecified |
G541212 | Aortic regurgitation alone, cause unspecified |
G541300 | Aortic stenosis alone, cause unspecified |
G541400 | Aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency |
G541500 | Aortic stenosis |
G541600 | Aortic valve sclerosis |
G541700 | Aortic valve calcification |
G541.00 | Aortic valve disorders |
G541z00 | Aortic valve disorders NOS |
Gyu1100 | [X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
Gyu5600 | [X]Other aortic valve disorders |
Gyu5A00 | [X]Aortic valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I35 | Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G541000 |
+ Aortic incompetence, non-rheumatic |
+ G541011 |
+ Aortic insufficiency, non-rheumatic |
+ G541012 |
+ Aortic regurgitation, non-rheumatic |
+ G541100 |
+ Aortic stenosis, non-rheumatic |
+ G541200 |
+ Aortic incompetence alone, cause unspecified |
+ G541211 |
+ Aortic insufficiency alone, cause unspecified |
+ G541212 |
+ Aortic regurgitation alone, cause unspecified |
+ G541300 |
+ Aortic stenosis alone, cause unspecified |
+ G541400 |
+ Aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency |
+ G541500 |
+ Aortic stenosis |
+ G541600 |
+ Aortic valve sclerosis |
+ G541700 |
+ Aortic valve calcification |
+ G541.00 |
+ Aortic valve disorders |
+ G541z00 |
+ Aortic valve disorders NOS |
+ Gyu1100 |
+ [X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
+ Gyu5600 |
+ [X]Other aortic valve disorders |
+ Gyu5A00 |
+ [X]Aortic valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I35 |
+ Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders |
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
-Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G114.00 | Ruptured mitral valve cusp |
G11..00 | Mitral valve diseases |
G11z.00 | Mitral valve disease NOS |
G540000 | Mitral incompetence, non-rheumatic |
G540100 | Mitral incompetence, cause unspecified |
G540200 | Mitral valve prolapse |
G540300 | Mitral valve leaf prolapse |
G540.00 | Mitral valve incompetence |
G540.12 | Mitral valve insufficiency |
G540.14 | Mitral valve regurgitation |
G540.15 | Mitral valve prolapse |
G540.16 | Mitral regurgitation |
G540z00 | Mitral valve disorders NOS |
Gyu1000 | [X]Other mitral valve diseases |
Gyu5500 | [X]Other nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I34 | Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G114.00 |
+ Ruptured mitral valve cusp |
+ G11..00 |
+ Mitral valve diseases |
+ G11z.00 |
+ Mitral valve disease NOS |
+ G540000 |
+ Mitral incompetence, non-rheumatic |
+ G540100 |
+ Mitral incompetence, cause unspecified |
+ G540200 |
+ Mitral valve prolapse |
+ G540300 |
+ Mitral valve leaf prolapse |
+ G540.00 |
+ Mitral valve incompetence |
+ G540.12 |
+ Mitral valve insufficiency |
+ G540.14 |
+ Mitral valve regurgitation |
+ G540.15 |
+ Mitral valve prolapse |
+ G540.16 |
+ Mitral regurgitation |
+ G540z00 |
+ Mitral valve disorders NOS |
+ Gyu1000 |
+ [X]Other mitral valve diseases |
+ Gyu5500 |
+ [X]Other nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I34 |
+ Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Obesity IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Obesity' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Obesity diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Obesity' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
-2. IF enttype = 13 (Weight) available on or before specified date AND data3 not missing, BMI = data3. If BMI > 30, patient is defined as having had Obesity.
+2. IF enttype = 13 (Weight) available on or before specified date AND data3 not missing, BMI = data3. If BMI > 30, patient is defined as having had 'Obesity'.
-3. If enttype = 13 (Weight) available on or before specified date AND data3 missing, BMI = data1 (enttype 13) /(data2 ^2) (enttype 14 = Height). If BMI > 30, patient is defined as having had Obesity. IF height not available on same eventdate as weight, use most recent height for age > 18 years.
+3. If enttype = 13 (Weight) available on or before specified date AND data3 missing, BMI = data1 (enttype 13) /(data2 ^2) (enttype 14 = Height). If BMI > 30, patient is defined as having had 'Obesity'. IF height not available on same eventdate as weight, use most recent height for age > 18 years.
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Obesity or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1444.00 | H/O: obesity |
212Q.00 | Obesity resolved |
222A.00 | O/E - obese |
22A5.11 | O/E - obese |
22K5.00 | Body mass index 30+ - obesity |
22K7.00 | Body mass index 40+ - severely obese |
66C1.00 | Initial obesity assessment |
66C2.00 | Follow-up obesity assessment |
66C4.00 | Has seen dietician - obesity |
66C5.00 | Treatment of obesity changed |
66C6.00 | Treatment of obesity started |
66C..00 | Obesity monitoring |
66CE.00 | Reason for obesity therapy - occupational |
66CZ.00 | Obesity monitoring NOS |
7633.00 | Bypass of jejunum |
7611400.0 | Sleeve gastrectomy and duodenal switch |
7611500.0 | Sleeve gastrectomy NEC |
7611600.0 | Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy |
7613100.0 | Partitioning of stomach |
7613111.0 | Mason vertical banded gastroplasty |
7613200.0 | Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding |
7613300.0 | Partitioning of stomach using band |
7613400.0 | Partitioning of stomach using staples |
7613500.0 | Partitioning of stomach NEC |
7613600.0 | Maintenance of gastric band |
7614100.0 | Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to duodenum |
7615000.0 | Bypass stomach by anastomosis stomach to transposed jejunum |
7616000.0 | Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to jejunum NEC |
7616013.0 | Mason high gastric bypass |
7616015.0 | Printer high gastric bypass |
7616600.0 | Laparoscopic gastric bypass |
7633000.0 | Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to jejunum |
7633100.0 | Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to ileum |
7633200.0 | Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to colon |
7642500.0 | Duodenal switch |
761A500 | Removal of gastric band |
7633y00 | Other specified bypass of jejunum |
7633z00 | Bypass of jejunum NOS |
9OK1.00 | Attends obesity monitoring |
9OK2.00 | Refuses obesity monitoring |
9OK3.00 | Obesity monitoring default |
9OK4.00 | Obesity monitoring 1st letter |
9OK5.00 | Obesity monitoring 2nd letter |
9OK6.00 | Obesity monitoring 3rd letter |
9OK7.00 | Obesity monitoring verbal inv. |
9OK8.00 | Obesity monitor phone invite |
9OK..00 | Obesity monitoring admin. |
9OK..11 | Obesity clinic administration |
9OKA.00 | Obesity monitoring check done |
9OKZ.00 | Obesity monitoring admin.NOS |
C380000 | Obesity due to excess calories |
C380100 | Drug-induced obesity |
C380200 | Extreme obesity with alveolar hypoventilation |
C380300 | Morbid obesity |
C380400 | Central obesity |
C380500 | Generalised obesity |
C380600 | Adult-onset obesity |
C380700 | Lifelong obesity |
C380.00 | Obesity |
C38..00 | Obesity and other hyperalimentation |
C38y000 | Pickwickian syndrome |
C38y011 | Obesity hypoventilation syndrome |
C38y.11 | Pickwickian syndrome |
C38z000 | Simple obesity NOS |
C38z.00 | Obesity and other hyperalimentation NOS |
Cyu7000 | [X]Other obesity |
Cyu7.00 | [X]Obesity and other hyperalimentation |
ZC2CM00 | Dietary advice for obesity |
ZV45P00 | [V]Presence of gastric bypass |
ZV65319 | [V]Dietary counselling in obesity |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
E66 | Obesity |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Obesity' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1444 |
+ H/O: obesity |
+ 212Q.00 |
+ Obesity resolved |
+ 222A.00 |
+ O/E - obese |
+ 22A5.11 |
+ O/E - obese |
+ 22K5.00 |
+ Body mass index 30+ - obesity |
+ 22K7.00 |
+ Body mass index 40+ - severely obese |
+ 66C1.00 |
+ Initial obesity assessment |
+ 66C2.00 |
+ Follow-up obesity assessment |
+ 66C4.00 |
+ Has seen dietician - obesity |
+ 66C5.00 |
+ Treatment of obesity changed |
+ 66C6.00 |
+ Treatment of obesity started |
+ 66C..00 |
+ Obesity monitoring |
+ 66CE.00 |
+ Reason for obesity therapy - occupational |
+ 66CZ.00 |
+ Obesity monitoring NOS |
+ 7633.00 |
+ Bypass of jejunum |
+ 7611400.0 |
+ Sleeve gastrectomy and duodenal switch |
+ 7611500.0 |
+ Sleeve gastrectomy NEC |
+ 7611600.0 |
+ Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy |
+ 7613100.0 |
+ Partitioning of stomach |
+ 7613111.0 |
+ Mason vertical banded gastroplasty |
+ 7613200.0 |
+ Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding |
+ 7613300.0 |
+ Partitioning of stomach using band |
+ 7613400.0 |
+ Partitioning of stomach using staples |
+ 7613500.0 |
+ Partitioning of stomach NEC |
+ 7613600.0 |
+ Maintenance of gastric band |
+ 7614100.0 |
+ Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to duodenum |
+ 7615000.0 |
+ Bypass stomach by anastomosis stomach to transposed jejunum |
+ 7616000.0 |
+ Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to jejunum NEC |
+ 7616013.0 |
+ Mason high gastric bypass |
+ 7616015.0 |
+ Printer high gastric bypass |
+ 7616600.0 |
+ Laparoscopic gastric bypass |
+ 7633000.0 |
+ Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to jejunum |
+ 7633100.0 |
+ Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to ileum |
+ 7633200.0 |
+ Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to colon |
+ 7642500.0 |
+ Duodenal switch |
+ 761A500 |
+ Removal of gastric band |
+ 7633y00 |
+ Other specified bypass of jejunum |
+ 7633z00 |
+ Bypass of jejunum NOS |
+ 9OK1.00 |
+ Attends obesity monitoring |
+ 9OK2.00 |
+ Refuses obesity monitoring |
+ 9OK3.00 |
+ Obesity monitoring default |
+ 9OK4.00 |
+ Obesity monitoring 1st letter |
+ 9OK5.00 |
+ Obesity monitoring 2nd letter |
+ 9OK6.00 |
+ Obesity monitoring 3rd letter |
+ 9OK7.00 |
+ Obesity monitoring verbal inv. |
+ 9OK8.00 |
+ Obesity monitor phone invite |
+ 9OK..00 |
+ Obesity monitoring admin. |
+ 9OK..11 |
+ Obesity clinic administration |
+ 9OKA.00 |
+ Obesity monitoring check done |
+ 9OKZ.00 |
+ Obesity monitoring admin.NOS |
+ C380000 |
+ Obesity due to excess calories |
+ C380100 |
+ Drug-induced obesity |
+ C380200 |
+ Extreme obesity with alveolar hypoventilation |
+ C380300 |
+ Morbid obesity |
+ C380400 |
+ Central obesity |
+ C380500 |
+ Generalised obesity |
+ C380600 |
+ Adult-onset obesity |
+ C380700 |
+ Lifelong obesity |
+ C380.00 |
+ Obesity |
+ C38..00 |
+ Obesity and other hyperalimentation |
+ C38y000 |
+ Pickwickian syndrome |
+ C38y011 |
+ Obesity hypoventilation syndrome |
+ C38y.11 |
+ Pickwickian syndrome |
+ C38z000 |
+ Simple obesity NOS |
+ C38z.00 |
+ Obesity and other hyperalimentation NOS |
+ Cyu7000 |
+ [X]Other obesity |
+ Cyu7.00 |
+ [X]Obesity and other hyperalimentation |
+ ZC2CM00 |
+ Dietary advice for obesity |
+ ZV45P00 |
+ [V]Presence of gastric bypass |
+ ZV65319 |
+ [V]Dietary counselling in obesity |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ E66 |
+ Obesity |
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder
-Obsessive-compulsive disorder
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Obsessive-compulsive disorder IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Obsessive-compulsive disorder' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Obsessive-compulsive disorder diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Obsessive-compulsive disorder' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Obsessive-compulsive disorder or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
E203000 | Compulsive neurosis |
E203100 | Obsessional neurosis |
E203.00 | Obsessive-compulsive disorders |
E203.11 | Anancastic neurosis |
E203z00 | Obsessive-compulsive disorder NOS |
Eu42000 | [X]Predominantly obsessional thoughts or ruminations |
Eu42100 | [X]Predominantly compulsive acts [obsessional rituals] |
Eu42200 | [X]Mixed obsessional thoughts and acts |
Eu42.00 | [X]Obsessive - compulsive disorder |
Eu42.11 | [X]Anankastic neurosis |
Eu42.12 | [X]Obsessive-compulsive neurosis |
Eu42y00 | [X]Other obsessive-compulsive disorders |
Eu42z00 | [X]Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F42 | Obsessive-compulsive disorder |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Obsessive-compulsive disorder' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ E203000 |
+ Compulsive neurosis |
+ E203100 |
+ Obsessional neurosis |
+ E203.00 |
+ Obsessive-compulsive disorders |
+ E203.11 |
+ Anancastic neurosis |
+ E203z00 |
+ Obsessive-compulsive disorder NOS |
+ Eu42000 |
+ [X]Predominantly obsessional thoughts or ruminations |
+ Eu42100 |
+ [X]Predominantly compulsive acts [obsessional rituals] |
+ Eu42200 |
+ [X]Mixed obsessional thoughts and acts |
+ Eu42.00 |
+ [X]Obsessive - compulsive disorder |
+ Eu42.11 |
+ [X]Anankastic neurosis |
+ Eu42.12 |
+ [X]Obsessive-compulsive neurosis |
+ Eu42y00 |
+ [X]Other obsessive-compulsive disorders |
+ Eu42z00 |
+ [X]Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_ocd.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F42 |
+ Obsessive-compulsive disorder |
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy
-Obstructive and reflux uropathy
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Obstructive and reflux uropathy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Obstructive and reflux uropathy' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Obstructive and reflux uropathy diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Obstructive and reflux uropathy' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Obstructive and reflux uropathy or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
K110.00 | Hydrocalycosis |
K111.00 | Hydroureteronephrosis |
K112.00 | Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction |
K113.00 | Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction |
K113.11 | Hydronephrosis with pelviureteric junction obstruction |
K11..00 | Hydronephrosis |
K11X.00 | Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC |
K11z.00 | Hydronephrosis NOS |
K133000 | Postoperative ureteric constriction |
K133100 | Stricture of pelviureteric junction |
K133.00 | Stricture of ureter |
K133z00 | Stricture of ureter NOS |
K134000 | Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis |
K134.00 | Other ureteric obstruction |
K134z00 | Occlusion of ureter NOS |
K135.00 | Hydroureter |
K137.00 | Vesicoureteric reflux |
K137.11 | Ureteric reflux |
K196.00 | Urinary obstruction unspecified |
K196.11 | Obstructive uropathy, unspecified |
Kyu1100 | [X]Other and unspecified hydronephrosis |
Kyu1200 | [X]Other obstructive and reflux uropathy |
Kyu1300 | [X]Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified |
Kyu1F00 | [X]Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N13.0 | Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction |
N13.1 | Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture, not elsewhere classified |
N13.2 | Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction |
N13.3 | Other and unspecified hydronephrosis |
N13.4 | Hydroureter |
N13.5 | Kinking and stricture of ureter without hydronephrosis |
N13.6 | Pyonephrosis |
N13.7 | Vesicoureteral-reflux-associated uropathy |
N13.8 | Other obstructive and reflux uropathy |
N13.9 | Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Obstructive and reflux uropathy' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ K110.00 |
+ Hydrocalycosis |
+ K111.00 |
+ Hydroureteronephrosis |
+ K112.00 |
+ Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction |
+ K113.00 |
+ Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction |
+ K113.11 |
+ Hydronephrosis with pelviureteric junction obstruction |
+ K11..00 |
+ Hydronephrosis |
+ K11X.00 |
+ Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC |
+ K11z.00 |
+ Hydronephrosis NOS |
+ K133000 |
+ Postoperative ureteric constriction |
+ K133100 |
+ Stricture of pelviureteric junction |
+ K133.00 |
+ Stricture of ureter |
+ K133z00 |
+ Stricture of ureter NOS |
+ K134000 |
+ Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis |
+ K134.00 |
+ Other ureteric obstruction |
+ K134z00 |
+ Occlusion of ureter NOS |
+ K135.00 |
+ Hydroureter |
+ K137.00 |
+ Vesicoureteric reflux |
+ K137.11 |
+ Ureteric reflux |
+ K196.00 |
+ Urinary obstruction unspecified |
+ K196.11 |
+ Obstructive uropathy, unspecified |
+ Kyu1100 |
+ [X]Other and unspecified hydronephrosis |
+ Kyu1200 |
+ [X]Other obstructive and reflux uropathy |
+ Kyu1300 |
+ [X]Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified |
+ Kyu1F00 |
+ [X]Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N13.0 |
+ Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction |
+ N13.1 |
+ Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture, not elsewhere classified |
+ N13.2 |
+ Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction |
+ N13.3 |
+ Other and unspecified hydronephrosis |
+ N13.4 |
+ Hydroureter |
+ N13.5 |
+ Kinking and stricture of ureter without hydronephrosis |
+ N13.6 |
+ Pyonephrosis |
+ N13.7 |
+ Vesicoureteral-reflux-associated uropathy |
+ N13.8 |
+ Other obstructive and reflux uropathy |
+ N13.9 |
+ Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified |
+Oesophageal varices
-Oesophageal varices
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Oesophageal varices IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Oesophageal varices' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Oesophageal varices diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Oesophageal varices' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Oesophageal varices or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Oesophageal varices' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Oesophageal varices during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7609300.0 | Local ligation of oesophageal varices |
7609400.0 | Open injection sclerotherapy to oesophageal varices |
7609.00 | Open operations on oesophageal varices |
7609y00 | Other specified open operation on oesophageal varices |
7609y11 | Tanner devascularisation for bleeding varices |
7609z00 | Open operation on oesophageal varices NOS |
760C300 | Fibreoptic endoscopic injection sclerotherapy oesoph varices |
760C500 | Fibreoptic endoscopic banding of oesophageal varices |
760F300 | Rigid oesophagoscopic injection sclerotherapy oesoph varices |
760F400 | Rigid oesophagoscopic banding of oesophageal varices |
761D800 | Fibreopt endoscop rubber band ligation of upper GIT varices |
G850.00 | Oesophageal varices with bleeding |
G851.00 | Oesophageal varices without bleeding |
G852000 | Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases EC |
G852100 | Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases EC |
G852200 | Oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of the liver |
G852300 | Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver |
G852.00 | Oesophageal varices in diseases EC |
G852z00 | Oesophageal varices in diseases EC NOS |
G858.00 | Oesophageal varices NOS |
G85..11 | Oesophageal varices |
Gyu9400 | [X]Oesophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I85 | Oesophageal varices |
I98.2 | Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere |
I98.3 | Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
G10 | Open operations on varices of oesophagus |
G10.1 | Disconnection of azygos vein |
G10.2 | Transection of oesophagus using staple gun |
G10.3 | Transection of oesophagus NEC |
G10.4 | Local ligation of varices of oesophagus |
G10.5 | Open injection sclerotherapy to varices of oesophagus |
G10.8 | Other specified open operations on varices of oesophagus |
G10.9 | Unspecified open operations on varices of oesophagus |
G17.4 | Endoscopic injection sclerotherapy to varices of oesophagus using rigid oesophagoscope |
G43.7 | Fibreoptic endoscopic rubber band ligation of upper gastrointestinal tract varices |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Oesophageal varices' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7609300 |
+ Local ligation of oesophageal varices |
+ 7609400 |
+ Open injection sclerotherapy to oesophageal varices |
+ 7609 |
+ Open operations on oesophageal varices |
+ 7609y00 |
+ Other specified open operation on oesophageal varices |
+ 7609y11 |
+ Tanner devascularisation for bleeding varices |
+ 7609z00 |
+ Open operation on oesophageal varices NOS |
+ 760C300 |
+ Fibreoptic endoscopic injection sclerotherapy oesoph varices |
+ 760C500 |
+ Fibreoptic endoscopic banding of oesophageal varices |
+ 760F300 |
+ Rigid oesophagoscopic injection sclerotherapy oesoph varices |
+ 760F400 |
+ Rigid oesophagoscopic banding of oesophageal varices |
+ 761D800 |
+ Fibreopt endoscop rubber band ligation of upper GIT varices |
+ G850.00 |
+ Oesophageal varices with bleeding |
+ G851.00 |
+ Oesophageal varices without bleeding |
+ G852000 |
+ Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases EC |
+ G852100 |
+ Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases EC |
+ G852200 |
+ Oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of the liver |
+ G852300 |
+ Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver |
+ G852.00 |
+ Oesophageal varices in diseases EC |
+ G852z00 |
+ Oesophageal varices in diseases EC NOS |
+ G858.00 |
+ Oesophageal varices NOS |
+ G85..11 |
+ Oesophageal varices |
+ Gyu9400 |
+ [X]Oesophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I85 |
+ Oesophageal varices |
+ I98.2 |
+ Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I98.3 |
+ Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ G10 |
+ Open operations on varices of oesophagus |
+ G10.1 |
+ Disconnection of azygos vein |
+ G10.2 |
+ Transection of oesophagus using staple gun |
+ G10.3 |
+ Transection of oesophagus NEC |
+ G10.4 |
+ Local ligation of varices of oesophagus |
+ G10.5 |
+ Open injection sclerotherapy to varices of oesophagus |
+ G10.8 |
+ Other specified open operations on varices of oesophagus |
+ G10.9 |
+ Unspecified open operations on varices of oesophagus |
+ G17.4 |
+ Endoscopic injection sclerotherapy to varices of oesophagus using rigid oesophagoscope |
+ G43.7 |
+ Fibreoptic endoscopic rubber band ligation of upper gastrointestinal tract varices |
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
-Oesophageal Ulcer
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Oesophagitis and 'Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. Oesophagitis and 'Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
J101000 | Abscess of oesophagus |
J101.00 | Oesophagitis |
J101100 | Reflux oesophagitis |
J101112 | Gastro-oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis |
J101113 | Oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis |
J101114 | Peptic oesophagitis |
J101115 | Regurgitant oesophagitis |
J101200 | Chemical oesophagitis |
J101300 | Postoperative oesophagitis |
J101400 | Gangrenous oesophagitis |
J101500 | Phlegmonous oesophagitis |
J101600 | Ulcerative oesophagitis |
J101y00 | Other specified oesophagitis |
J101z00 | Oesophagitis NOS |
J102000 | Peptic ulcer of oesophagus |
J102.00 | Ulcer of oesophagus |
J102100 | Fungal ulcer of oesophagus |
J102200 | Oesophageal ulcer due to aspirin |
J102300 | Oesophageal ulcer due to chemicals |
J102400 | Oesophageal ulcer due to medicines |
J102z00 | Ulcer of oesophagus NOS |
J10y300 | Oesophageal erosions |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K20 | Oesophagitis |
K21.0 | Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with oesophagitis |
K22.1 | Ulcer of oesophagus |
+1. ALL diagnoses of Oesophagitis and 'Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ J101000 |
+ Abscess of oesophagus |
+ J101.00 |
+ Oesophagitis |
+ J101100 |
+ Reflux oesophagitis |
+ J101112 |
+ Gastro-oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis |
+ J101113 |
+ Oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis |
+ J101114 |
+ Peptic oesophagitis |
+ J101115 |
+ Regurgitant oesophagitis |
+ J101200 |
+ Chemical oesophagitis |
+ J101300 |
+ Postoperative oesophagitis |
+ J101400 |
+ Gangrenous oesophagitis |
+ J101500 |
+ Phlegmonous oesophagitis |
+ J101600 |
+ Ulcerative oesophagitis |
+ J101y00 |
+ Other specified oesophagitis |
+ J101z00 |
+ Oesophagitis NOS |
+ J102000 |
+ Peptic ulcer of oesophagus |
+ J102.00 |
+ Ulcer of oesophagus |
+ J102100 |
+ Fungal ulcer of oesophagus |
+ J102200 |
+ Oesophageal ulcer due to aspirin |
+ J102300 |
+ Oesophageal ulcer due to chemicals |
+ J102400 |
+ Oesophageal ulcer due to medicines |
+ J102z00 |
+ Ulcer of oesophagus NOS |
+ J10y300 |
+ Oesophageal erosions |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K20 |
+ Oesophagitis |
+ K21.0 |
+ Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with oesophagitis |
+ K22.1 |
+ Ulcer of oesophagus |
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Osteoarthritis (excl spine) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Osteoarthritis (excl spine)' (excl spine) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Osteoarthritis (excl spine) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Osteoarthritis (excl spine)' (excl spine) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Osteoarthritis (excl spine) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14G2.00 | H/O: osteoarthritis |
2G26.00 | O/E - hands - Heberden's nodes |
7P20400 | Delivery of rehabilitation for osteoarthritis |
N050000 | Generalised osteoarthritis of unspecified site |
N050100 | Generalised osteoarthritis of the hand |
N050111 | Heberdens' nodes |
N050112 | Bouchards' nodes |
N050200 | Generalised osteoarthritis of multiple sites |
N050300 | Bouchard's nodes with arthropathy |
N050400 | Primary generalized osteoarthrosis |
N050500 | Secondary multiple arthrosis |
N050600 | Erosive osteoarthrosis |
N050700 | Heberden's nodes with arthropathy |
N050.00 | Generalised osteoarthritis - OA |
N050z00 | Generalised osteoarthritis NOS |
N051000 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of unspecified site |
N051100 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region |
N051200 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the upper arm |
N051300 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the forearm |
N051400 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the hand |
N051500 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the pelvic region/thigh |
N051600 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the lower leg |
N051700 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the ankle and foot |
N051800 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of other specified site |
N051900 | Primary coxarthrosis, bilateral |
N051A00 | Coxarthrosis resulting from dysplasia, bilateral |
N051B00 | Primary gonarthrosis, bilateral |
N051C00 | Primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joints, bilateral |
N051D00 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the wrist |
N051E00 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of toe |
N051F00 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis of elbow |
N051G00 | Osteoarthritis of spinal facet joint |
N051.00 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis |
N051z00 | Localised, primary osteoarthritis NOS |
N052000 | Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of unspecified site |
N052100 | Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region |
N052200 | Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the upper arm |
N052300 | Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the forearm |
N052400 | Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the hand |
N052500 | Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of pelvic region/thigh |
N052511 | Coxae malum senilis |
N052600 | Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the lower leg |
N052700 | Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the ankle and foot |
N052800 | Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of other specified site |
N052.00 | Localised, secondary osteoarthritis |
N052z00 | Localised, secondary osteoarthritis NOS |
N053000 | Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of unspecified site |
N053100 | Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of shoulder region |
N053200 | Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the upper arm |
N053300 | Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the forearm |
N053400 | Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the hand |
N053500 | Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, pelvic region/thigh |
N053512 | Hip osteoarthitis NOS |
N053600 | Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the lower leg |
N053611 | Patellofemoral osteoarthritis |
N053700 | Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the ankle and foot |
N053800 | Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of other spec site |
N053900 | Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint, unspecified |
N053.00 | Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified |
N053z00 | Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, NOS |
N054000 | Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspec, of unspecified sites |
N054100 | Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of shoulder |
N054200 | Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of upper arm |
N054400 | Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of hand |
N054500 | Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of pelvis/thigh |
N054600 | Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of lower leg |
N054700 | Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of ankle/foot |
N054800 | Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, other spec sites |
N054900 | Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, multiple sites |
N054.00 | Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified |
N054z00 | Osteoarthritis of more than one site, unspecified, NOS |
N05..00 | Osteoarthritis and allied disorders |
N05..11 | Osteoarthritis |
N05z000 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of unspecified site |
N05z100 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder region |
N05z400 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of the hand |
N05z411 | Finger osteoarthritis NOS |
N05z412 | Thumb osteoarthritis NOS |
N05z500 | Osteoarthritis NOS, pelvic region/thigh |
N05z511 | Hip osteoarthritis NOS |
N05z600 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of the lower leg |
N05z611 | Knee osteoarthritis NOS |
N05z700 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle and foot |
N05z711 | Ankle osteoarthritis NOS |
N05z712 | Foot osteoarthritis NOS |
N05z713 | Toe osteoarthritis NOS |
N05z800 | Osteoarthritis NOS, other specified site |
N05z900 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder |
N05zA00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of sternoclavicular joint |
N05zB00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of acromioclavicular joint |
N05zC00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of elbow |
N05zD00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of distal radio-ulnar joint |
N05zE00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of wrist |
N05zF00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of MCP joint |
N05zG00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of PIP joint of finger |
N05zH00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of DIP joint of finger |
N05zJ00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of hip |
N05zK00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of sacro-iliac joint |
N05zL00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of knee |
N05zM00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of tibio-fibular joint |
N05z.00 | Osteoarthritis NOS |
N05z.11 | Joint degeneration |
N05zN00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle |
N05zP00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of subtalar joint |
N05zQ00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of talonavicular joint |
N05zR00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of other tarsal joint |
N05zS00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of 1st MTP joint |
N05zT00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of lesser MTP joint |
N05zU00 | Osteoarthritis NOS, of IP joint of toe |
N05zz00 | Osteoarthritis NOS |
Nyu2000 | [X]Other polyarthrosis |
Nyu2100 | [X]Other primary coxarthrosis |
Nyu2200 | [X]Other dysplastic coxarthrosis |
Nyu2400 | [X]Other secondary coxarthrosis, bilateral |
Nyu2500 | [X]Other primary gonarthrosis |
Nyu2511 | [X] Unilateral primary gonarthrosis |
Nyu2700 | [X]Other secondary gonarthrosis, bilateral |
Nyu2800 | [X]Other secondary gonarthrosis |
Nyu2811 | [X] Unilateral secondary gonarthrosis |
Nyu2900 | [X]Other primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint |
Nyu2D00 | [X]Other specified arthrosis |
Nyu2E00 | [X]Other secondary coxarthrosis |
Nyu2E11 | [X] Unilateral secondary coxarthrosis |
Nyu2.00 | [X]Arthrosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M15 | Polyarthrosis |
M16 | Coxarthrosis [arthrosis of hip] |
M17 | Gonarthrosis [arthrosis of knee] |
M18 | Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint |
M19 | Other arthrosis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Osteoarthritis (excl spine)' (excl spine) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14G2.00 |
+ H/O: osteoarthritis |
+ 2G26.00 |
+ O/E - hands - Heberden's nodes |
+ 7P20400 |
+ Delivery of rehabilitation for osteoarthritis |
+ N050000 |
+ Generalised osteoarthritis of unspecified site |
+ N050100 |
+ Generalised osteoarthritis of the hand |
+ N050111 |
+ Heberdens' nodes |
+ N050112 |
+ Bouchards' nodes |
+ N050200 |
+ Generalised osteoarthritis of multiple sites |
+ N050300 |
+ Bouchard's nodes with arthropathy |
+ N050400 |
+ Primary generalized osteoarthrosis |
+ N050500 |
+ Secondary multiple arthrosis |
+ N050600 |
+ Erosive osteoarthrosis |
+ N050700 |
+ Heberden's nodes with arthropathy |
+ N050.00 |
+ Generalised osteoarthritis - OA |
+ N050z00 |
+ Generalised osteoarthritis NOS |
+ N051000 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of unspecified site |
+ N051100 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region |
+ N051200 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the upper arm |
+ N051300 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the forearm |
+ N051400 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the hand |
+ N051500 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the pelvic region/thigh |
+ N051600 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the lower leg |
+ N051700 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the ankle and foot |
+ N051800 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of other specified site |
+ N051900 |
+ Primary coxarthrosis, bilateral |
+ N051A00 |
+ Coxarthrosis resulting from dysplasia, bilateral |
+ N051B00 |
+ Primary gonarthrosis, bilateral |
+ N051C00 |
+ Primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joints, bilateral |
+ N051D00 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the wrist |
+ N051E00 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of toe |
+ N051F00 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis of elbow |
+ N051G00 |
+ Osteoarthritis of spinal facet joint |
+ N051.00 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis |
+ N051z00 |
+ Localised, primary osteoarthritis NOS |
+ N052000 |
+ Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of unspecified site |
+ N052100 |
+ Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region |
+ N052200 |
+ Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the upper arm |
+ N052300 |
+ Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the forearm |
+ N052400 |
+ Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the hand |
+ N052500 |
+ Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of pelvic region/thigh |
+ N052511 |
+ Coxae malum senilis |
+ N052600 |
+ Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the lower leg |
+ N052700 |
+ Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the ankle and foot |
+ N052800 |
+ Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of other specified site |
+ N052.00 |
+ Localised, secondary osteoarthritis |
+ N052z00 |
+ Localised, secondary osteoarthritis NOS |
+ N053000 |
+ Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of unspecified site |
+ N053100 |
+ Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of shoulder region |
+ N053200 |
+ Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the upper arm |
+ N053300 |
+ Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the forearm |
+ N053400 |
+ Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the hand |
+ N053500 |
+ Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, pelvic region/thigh |
+ N053512 |
+ Hip osteoarthitis NOS |
+ N053600 |
+ Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the lower leg |
+ N053611 |
+ Patellofemoral osteoarthritis |
+ N053700 |
+ Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the ankle and foot |
+ N053800 |
+ Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of other spec site |
+ N053900 |
+ Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint, unspecified |
+ N053.00 |
+ Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified |
+ N053z00 |
+ Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, NOS |
+ N054000 |
+ Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspec, of unspecified sites |
+ N054100 |
+ Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of shoulder |
+ N054200 |
+ Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of upper arm |
+ N054400 |
+ Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of hand |
+ N054500 |
+ Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of pelvis/thigh |
+ N054600 |
+ Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of lower leg |
+ N054700 |
+ Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of ankle/foot |
+ N054800 |
+ Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, other spec sites |
+ N054900 |
+ Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, multiple sites |
+ N054.00 |
+ Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified |
+ N054z00 |
+ Osteoarthritis of more than one site, unspecified, NOS |
+ N05..00 |
+ Osteoarthritis and allied disorders |
+ N05..11 |
+ Osteoarthritis |
+ N05z000 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of unspecified site |
+ N05z100 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder region |
+ N05z400 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of the hand |
+ N05z411 |
+ Finger osteoarthritis NOS |
+ N05z412 |
+ Thumb osteoarthritis NOS |
+ N05z500 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, pelvic region/thigh |
+ N05z511 |
+ Hip osteoarthritis NOS |
+ N05z600 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of the lower leg |
+ N05z611 |
+ Knee osteoarthritis NOS |
+ N05z700 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle and foot |
+ N05z711 |
+ Ankle osteoarthritis NOS |
+ N05z712 |
+ Foot osteoarthritis NOS |
+ N05z713 |
+ Toe osteoarthritis NOS |
+ N05z800 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, other specified site |
+ N05z900 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder |
+ N05zA00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of sternoclavicular joint |
+ N05zB00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of acromioclavicular joint |
+ N05zC00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of elbow |
+ N05zD00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of distal radio-ulnar joint |
+ N05zE00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of wrist |
+ N05zF00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of MCP joint |
+ N05zG00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of PIP joint of finger |
+ N05zH00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of DIP joint of finger |
+ N05zJ00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of hip |
+ N05zK00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of sacro-iliac joint |
+ N05zL00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of knee |
+ N05zM00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of tibio-fibular joint |
+ N05z.00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS |
+ N05z.11 |
+ Joint degeneration |
+ N05zN00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle |
+ N05zP00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of subtalar joint |
+ N05zQ00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of talonavicular joint |
+ N05zR00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of other tarsal joint |
+ N05zS00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of 1st MTP joint |
+ N05zT00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of lesser MTP joint |
+ N05zU00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS, of IP joint of toe |
+ N05zz00 |
+ Osteoarthritis NOS |
+ Nyu2000 |
+ [X]Other polyarthrosis |
+ Nyu2100 |
+ [X]Other primary coxarthrosis |
+ Nyu2200 |
+ [X]Other dysplastic coxarthrosis |
+ Nyu2400 |
+ [X]Other secondary coxarthrosis, bilateral |
+ Nyu2500 |
+ [X]Other primary gonarthrosis |
+ Nyu2511 |
+ [X] Unilateral primary gonarthrosis |
+ Nyu2700 |
+ [X]Other secondary gonarthrosis, bilateral |
+ Nyu2800 |
+ [X]Other secondary gonarthrosis |
+ Nyu2811 |
+ [X] Unilateral secondary gonarthrosis |
+ Nyu2900 |
+ [X]Other primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint |
+ Nyu2D00 |
+ [X]Other specified arthrosis |
+ Nyu2E00 |
+ [X]Other secondary coxarthrosis |
+ Nyu2E11 |
+ [X] Unilateral secondary coxarthrosis |
+ Nyu2.00 |
+ [X]Arthrosis |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_OA.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M15 |
+ Polyarthrosis |
+ M16 |
+ Coxarthrosis [arthrosis of hip] |
+ M17 |
+ Gonarthrosis [arthrosis of knee] |
+ M18 |
+ Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint |
+ M19 |
+ Other arthrosis |
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Fibromatoses IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -2814,30 +35629,456 @@ Secondary care (ICD10)
Secondary care (OPCS4)
1. ALL procedures for Fibromatoses during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14GB.00 | History of osteoporosis |
58EG.00 | Hip DXA scan result osteoporotic |
58EM.00 | Lumbar DXA scan result osteoporotic |
58EV.00 | Femoral neck DEXA scan result osteoporotic |
66a..00 | Osteoporosis monitoring |
9kj0.00 | Bone sparing drug treatment offered for osteoporosis - ESA |
9kj..00 | Osteoporosis - enhanced services administration |
9Od0.00 | Attends osteoporosis monitoring |
9Od2.00 | Osteoporosis monitoring default |
9Od3.00 | Osteoporosis monitoring first letter |
9Od4.00 | Osteoporosis monitoring second letter |
9Od5.00 | Osteoporosis monitoring third letter |
9Od6.00 | Osteoporosis monitoring verbal invitation |
9Od7.00 | Osteoporosis monitoring telephone invitation |
9Od8.00 | Osteoporosis monitoring deleted |
9Od9.00 | Osteoporosis monitoring check done |
9Od..00 | Osteoporosis monitoring administration |
N330000 | Osteoporosis, unspecified |
N330100 | Senile osteoporosis |
N330200 | Postmenopausal osteoporosis |
N330300 | Idiopathic osteoporosis |
N330400 | Dissuse osteoporosis |
N330500 | Drug-induced osteoporosis |
N330600 | Postoophorectomy osteoporosis |
N330700 | Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis |
N330A00 | Osteoporosis in endocrine disorders |
N330B00 | Vertebral osteoporosis |
N330C00 | Osteoporosis localized to spine |
N330D00 | Osteoporosis due to corticosteroids |
N330.00 | Osteoporosis |
N330z00 | Osteoporosis NOS |
N331200 | Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
N331300 | Osteoporosis of disuse with pathological fracture |
N331400 | Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with path fracture |
N331500 | Drug-induced osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
N331600 | Idiopathic osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
N331800 | Osteoporosis + pathological fracture lumbar vertebrae |
N331900 | Osteoporosis + pathological fracture thoracic vertebrae |
N331A00 | Osteoporosis + pathological fracture cervical vertebrae |
N331B00 | Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
N331H00 | Collapse of cervical vertebra due to osteoporosis |
N331J00 | Collapse of lumbar vertebra due to osteoporosis |
N331K00 | Collapse of thoracic vertebra due to osteoporosis |
N331L00 | Collapse of vertebra due to osteoporosis NOS |
N331M00 | Fragility fracture due to unspecified osteoporosis |
N331M11 | Minimal trauma fracture due to unspecified osteoporosis |
N331N00 | Fragility fracture |
N331N11 | Minimal trauma fracture |
N374600 | Osteoporotic kyphosis |
NyuB000 | [X]Other osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
NyuB100 | [X]Other osteoporosis |
NyuB200 | [X]Osteoporosis in other disorders classified elsewhere |
NyuB800 | [X]Unspecified osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M80 | Osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
M81 | Osteoporosis without pathological fracture |
M82 | Osteoporosis in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14GB.00 |
+ History of osteoporosis |
+ 58EG.00 |
+ Hip DXA scan result osteoporotic |
+ 58EM.00 |
+ Lumbar DXA scan result osteoporotic |
+ 58EV.00 |
+ Femoral neck DEXA scan result osteoporotic |
+ 66a..00 |
+ Osteoporosis monitoring |
+ 9kj0.00 |
+ Bone sparing drug treatment offered for osteoporosis - ESA |
+ 9kj..00 |
+ Osteoporosis - enhanced services administration |
+ 9Od0.00 |
+ Attends osteoporosis monitoring |
+ 9Od2.00 |
+ Osteoporosis monitoring default |
+ 9Od3.00 |
+ Osteoporosis monitoring first letter |
+ 9Od4.00 |
+ Osteoporosis monitoring second letter |
+ 9Od5.00 |
+ Osteoporosis monitoring third letter |
+ 9Od6.00 |
+ Osteoporosis monitoring verbal invitation |
+ 9Od7.00 |
+ Osteoporosis monitoring telephone invitation |
+ 9Od8.00 |
+ Osteoporosis monitoring deleted |
+ 9Od9.00 |
+ Osteoporosis monitoring check done |
+ 9Od..00 |
+ Osteoporosis monitoring administration |
+ N330000 |
+ Osteoporosis, unspecified |
+ N330100 |
+ Senile osteoporosis |
+ N330200 |
+ Postmenopausal osteoporosis |
+ N330300 |
+ Idiopathic osteoporosis |
+ N330400 |
+ Dissuse osteoporosis |
+ N330500 |
+ Drug-induced osteoporosis |
+ N330600 |
+ Postoophorectomy osteoporosis |
+ N330700 |
+ Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis |
+ N330A00 |
+ Osteoporosis in endocrine disorders |
+ N330B00 |
+ Vertebral osteoporosis |
+ N330C00 |
+ Osteoporosis localized to spine |
+ N330D00 |
+ Osteoporosis due to corticosteroids |
+ N330.00 |
+ Osteoporosis |
+ N330z00 |
+ Osteoporosis NOS |
+ N331200 |
+ Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
+ N331300 |
+ Osteoporosis of disuse with pathological fracture |
+ N331400 |
+ Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with path fracture |
+ N331500 |
+ Drug-induced osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
+ N331600 |
+ Idiopathic osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
+ N331800 |
+ Osteoporosis + pathological fracture lumbar vertebrae |
+ N331900 |
+ Osteoporosis + pathological fracture thoracic vertebrae |
+ N331A00 |
+ Osteoporosis + pathological fracture cervical vertebrae |
+ N331B00 |
+ Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
+ N331H00 |
+ Collapse of cervical vertebra due to osteoporosis |
+ N331J00 |
+ Collapse of lumbar vertebra due to osteoporosis |
+ N331K00 |
+ Collapse of thoracic vertebra due to osteoporosis |
+ N331L00 |
+ Collapse of vertebra due to osteoporosis NOS |
+ N331M00 |
+ Fragility fracture due to unspecified osteoporosis |
+ N331M11 |
+ Minimal trauma fracture due to unspecified osteoporosis |
+ N331N00 |
+ Fragility fracture |
+ N331N11 |
+ Minimal trauma fracture |
+ N374600 |
+ Osteoporotic kyphosis |
+ NyuB000 |
+ [X]Other osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
+ NyuB100 |
+ [X]Other osteoporosis |
+ NyuB200 |
+ [X]Osteoporosis in other disorders classified elsewhere |
+ NyuB800 |
+ [X]Unspecified osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M80 |
+ Osteoporosis with pathological fracture |
+ M81 |
+ Osteoporosis without pathological fracture |
+ M82 |
+ Osteoporosis in diseases classified elsewhere |
+Other Cardiomyopathy
-Cardiomyopathy - other
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Other Cardiomyopathy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Other Cardiomyopathy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Other Cardiomyopathy diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Other Cardiomyopathy or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
C373300 | Familial cardiac amyloid |
C373G00 | Senile cardiac amyloidosis |
F391B00 | Cardiomyopathy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
G343.00 | Ischaemic cardiomyopathy |
G550.00 | Endomyocardial fibrosis |
G552.00 | Obscure African cardiomyopathy |
G554100 | Constrictive cardiomyopathy |
G554200 | Familial cardiomyopathy |
G554500 | Takotsubo cardiomyopathy |
G554511 | Stress cardiomyopathy |
G554.00 | Other primary cardiomyopathies |
G554z00 | Other primary cardiomyopathy NOS |
G557000 | Amyloid heart disease |
G557011 | Cardiac amyloidosis |
G557100 | Beriberi heart disease |
G557500 | Thyrotoxic heart disease |
G557.00 | Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathies |
G557z00 | Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathy NOS |
G558000 | Cardiomyopathy in Friedreich's ataxia |
G558100 | Cardiomyopathy in myotonic dystrophy |
G558200 | Dystrophic cardiomyopathy |
G558400 | Amyloid cardiomyopathy |
G558.00 | Cardiomyopathy in disease EC |
G558z00 | Cardiomyopathy in diseases EC, NOS |
G559.00 | Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy |
G55A.00 | Tachycardiomyopathy |
G55A.11 | Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy |
G55..00 | Cardiomyopathy |
G55y000 | Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents |
G55y.00 | Secondary cardiomyopathy NOS |
G55z.00 | Cardiomyopathy NOS |
Gyu5N00 | [X]Other restrictive cardiomyopathy |
Gyu5P00 | [X]Other cardiomyopathies |
Gyu5R00 | [X]Cardiomyopathy in metabolic diseases CE |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I25.5 | Ischaemic cardiomyopathy |
I42.3 | Endomyocardial (eosinophilic) disease |
I42.5 | Other restrictive cardiomyopathy |
I42.7 | Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents |
I42.8 | Other cardiomyopathies |
I42.9 | Cardiomyopathy, unspecified |
I43 | Cardiomyopathy in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ C373300 |
+ Familial cardiac amyloid |
+ C373G00 |
+ Senile cardiac amyloidosis |
+ F391B00 |
+ Cardiomyopathy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
+ G343.00 |
+ Ischaemic cardiomyopathy |
+ G550.00 |
+ Endomyocardial fibrosis |
+ G552.00 |
+ Obscure African cardiomyopathy |
+ G554100 |
+ Constrictive cardiomyopathy |
+ G554200 |
+ Familial cardiomyopathy |
+ G554500 |
+ Takotsubo cardiomyopathy |
+ G554511 |
+ Stress cardiomyopathy |
+ G554.00 |
+ Other primary cardiomyopathies |
+ G554z00 |
+ Other primary cardiomyopathy NOS |
+ G557000 |
+ Amyloid heart disease |
+ G557011 |
+ Cardiac amyloidosis |
+ G557100 |
+ Beriberi heart disease |
+ G557500 |
+ Thyrotoxic heart disease |
+ G557.00 |
+ Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathies |
+ G557z00 |
+ Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathy NOS |
+ G558000 |
+ Cardiomyopathy in Friedreich's ataxia |
+ G558100 |
+ Cardiomyopathy in myotonic dystrophy |
+ G558200 |
+ Dystrophic cardiomyopathy |
+ G558400 |
+ Amyloid cardiomyopathy |
+ G558.00 |
+ Cardiomyopathy in disease EC |
+ G558z00 |
+ Cardiomyopathy in diseases EC, NOS |
+ G559.00 |
+ Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy |
+ G55A.00 |
+ Tachycardiomyopathy |
+ G55A.11 |
+ Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy |
+ G55..00 |
+ Cardiomyopathy |
+ G55y000 |
+ Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents |
+ G55y.00 |
+ Secondary cardiomyopathy NOS |
+ G55z.00 |
+ Cardiomyopathy NOS |
+ Gyu5N00 |
+ [X]Other restrictive cardiomyopathy |
+ Gyu5P00 |
+ [X]Other cardiomyopathies |
+ Gyu5R00 |
+ [X]Cardiomyopathy in metabolic diseases CE |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I25.5 |
+ Ischaemic cardiomyopathy |
+ I42.3 |
+ Endomyocardial (eosinophilic) disease |
+ I42.5 |
+ Other restrictive cardiomyopathy |
+ I42.7 |
+ Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents |
+ I42.8 |
+ Other cardiomyopathies |
+ I42.9 |
+ Cardiomyopathy, unspecified |
+ I43 |
+ Cardiomyopathy in diseases classified elsewhere |
+Other anaemias
-Anaemia - other
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Other anaemias IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Other anaemias IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Other anaemias diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
@@ -2846,32 +36087,641 @@ OR
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Other anaemias or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
145..11 | H/O: anaemia |
1454.00 | H/O: anaemia NOS |
4234.00 | Haemoglobin very low |
4235.00 | Haemoglobin low |
D00..11 | Hypochromic - microcytic anaemia |
D00..12 | Microcytic - hypochromic anaemia |
D00y100 | Microcytic hypochromic anaemia |
D00z200 | Idiopathic hypochromic anaemia |
D012112 | Megaloblastic anaemia due to dietary causes |
D012500 | Macrocytic anaemia unspecified cause |
D013.00 | Other specified megaloblastic anaemia NEC |
D013z00 | Other specified megaloblastic anaemia NEC NOS |
D014000 | Amino-acid deficiency anaemia |
D014100 | Oroticaciduria |
D014.00 | Protein-deficiency anaemia |
D014z00 | Protein-deficiency anaemia NOS |
D01..00 | Other deficiency anaemias |
D01..11 | Megaloblastic anaemia |
D01y000 | Vitamin C deficiency anaemia |
D01y100 | Vitamin E deficiency anaemia |
D01y.00 | Other specified nutritional deficiency anaemia |
D01yy00 | Other specified other nutritional deficiency anaemia |
D01yz00 | Other specified nutritional deficiency anaemia NOS |
D01z000 | [X]Megaloblastic anaemia NOS |
D01z.00 | Other deficiency anaemias NOS |
D01z.11 | Megaloblastic anaemia NOS |
D0...00 | Deficiency anaemias |
D0y..00 | Other specified deficiency anaemias |
D0z..00 | Deficiency anaemias NOS |
D210000 | Congenital sideroblastic anaemia |
D210100 | Acquired sideroblastic anaemia |
D210200 | Pyridoxine-responsive sideroblastic anaemia |
D210300 | Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to disease |
D210400 | Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to drugs and toxins |
D210.00 | Sideroblastic anaemia |
D210z00 | Sideroblastic anaemia NOS |
D211.00 | Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia |
D211.11 | Normocytic anaemia following acute bleed |
D212000 | Anaemia in ovarian carcinoma |
D212.00 | Anaemia in neoplastic disease |
D213.00 | Refractory Anaemia |
D214.00 | Chronic anaemia |
D215000 | Anaemia secondary to chronic renal failure |
D215.00 | Anaemia secondary to renal failure |
D21..00 | Other and unspecified anaemias |
D21y000 | Congenital dyshaematopoietic anaemia |
D21y011 | Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia |
D21y012 | Congenital dyserythropoiesis NEC |
D21y200 | Leukoerythroblastic anaemia |
D21y300 | Hereditary erythroblast multinuclearity + positive acid test |
D21y.00 | Other specified anaemias |
D21yy00 | Other specified other anaemia |
D21yz00 | Other specified anaemia NOS |
D21z.00 | Anaemia unspecified |
D21z.11 | Secondary anaemia NOS |
D21z.12 | Normocytic anaemia due to unspecified cause |
D21z.13 | Macrocytic anaemia of unspecified cause |
D2...00 | Aplastic and other anaemias |
D2y..00 | Other specified anaemias |
D2z..00 | Other anaemias NOS |
Dyu0.00 | [X]Nutritional anaemias |
Dyu2200 | [X]Anaemia in other chronic diseases classified elsewhere |
Dyu2400 | [X]Other specified anaemias |
Q455000 | Congenital anaemia from fetal blood loss |
Q455.00 | Congenital anaemia |
Q456.00 | Anaemia of prematurity |
Qyu5C00 | [X]Other congenital anaemias, not elsewhere classified |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D53 | Other nutritional anaemias |
D62 | Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia |
D63 | Anaemia in chronic diseases classified elsewhere |
D64 | Other anaemias |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 145..11 |
+ H/O: anaemia |
+ 1454.00 |
+ H/O: anaemia NOS |
+ 4234.00 |
+ Haemoglobin very low |
+ 4235.00 |
+ Haemoglobin low |
+ D00..11 |
+ Hypochromic - microcytic anaemia |
+ D00..12 |
+ Microcytic - hypochromic anaemia |
+ D00y100 |
+ Microcytic hypochromic anaemia |
+ D00z200 |
+ Idiopathic hypochromic anaemia |
+ D012112 |
+ Megaloblastic anaemia due to dietary causes |
+ D012500 |
+ Macrocytic anaemia unspecified cause |
+ D013.00 |
+ Other specified megaloblastic anaemia NEC |
+ D013z00 |
+ Other specified megaloblastic anaemia NEC NOS |
+ D014000 |
+ Amino-acid deficiency anaemia |
+ D014100 |
+ Oroticaciduria |
+ D014.00 |
+ Protein-deficiency anaemia |
+ D014z00 |
+ Protein-deficiency anaemia NOS |
+ D01..00 |
+ Other deficiency anaemias |
+ D01..11 |
+ Megaloblastic anaemia |
+ D01y000 |
+ Vitamin C deficiency anaemia |
+ D01y100 |
+ Vitamin E deficiency anaemia |
+ D01y.00 |
+ Other specified nutritional deficiency anaemia |
+ D01yy00 |
+ Other specified other nutritional deficiency anaemia |
+ D01yz00 |
+ Other specified nutritional deficiency anaemia NOS |
+ D01z000 |
+ [X]Megaloblastic anaemia NOS |
+ D01z.00 |
+ Other deficiency anaemias NOS |
+ D01z.11 |
+ Megaloblastic anaemia NOS |
+ D0...00 |
+ Deficiency anaemias |
+ D0y..00 |
+ Other specified deficiency anaemias |
+ D0z..00 |
+ Deficiency anaemias NOS |
+ D210000 |
+ Congenital sideroblastic anaemia |
+ D210100 |
+ Acquired sideroblastic anaemia |
+ D210200 |
+ Pyridoxine-responsive sideroblastic anaemia |
+ D210300 |
+ Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to disease |
+ D210400 |
+ Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to drugs and toxins |
+ D210.00 |
+ Sideroblastic anaemia |
+ D210z00 |
+ Sideroblastic anaemia NOS |
+ D211.00 |
+ Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia |
+ D211.11 |
+ Normocytic anaemia following acute bleed |
+ D212000 |
+ Anaemia in ovarian carcinoma |
+ D212.00 |
+ Anaemia in neoplastic disease |
+ D213.00 |
+ Refractory Anaemia |
+ D214.00 |
+ Chronic anaemia |
+ D215000 |
+ Anaemia secondary to chronic renal failure |
+ D215.00 |
+ Anaemia secondary to renal failure |
+ D21..00 |
+ Other and unspecified anaemias |
+ D21y000 |
+ Congenital dyshaematopoietic anaemia |
+ D21y011 |
+ Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia |
+ D21y012 |
+ Congenital dyserythropoiesis NEC |
+ D21y200 |
+ Leukoerythroblastic anaemia |
+ D21y300 |
+ Hereditary erythroblast multinuclearity + positive acid test |
+ D21y.00 |
+ Other specified anaemias |
+ D21yy00 |
+ Other specified other anaemia |
+ D21yz00 |
+ Other specified anaemia NOS |
+ D21z.00 |
+ Anaemia unspecified |
+ D21z.11 |
+ Secondary anaemia NOS |
+ D21z.12 |
+ Normocytic anaemia due to unspecified cause |
+ D21z.13 |
+ Macrocytic anaemia of unspecified cause |
+ D2...00 |
+ Aplastic and other anaemias |
+ D2y..00 |
+ Other specified anaemias |
+ D2z..00 |
+ Other anaemias NOS |
+ Dyu0.00 |
+ [X]Nutritional anaemias |
+ Dyu2200 |
+ [X]Anaemia in other chronic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ Dyu2400 |
+ [X]Other specified anaemias |
+ Q455000 |
+ Congenital anaemia from fetal blood loss |
+ Q455.00 |
+ Congenital anaemia |
+ Q456.00 |
+ Anaemia of prematurity |
+ Qyu5C00 |
+ [X]Other congenital anaemias, not elsewhere classified |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D53 |
+ Other nutritional anaemias |
+ D62 |
+ Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia |
+ D63 |
+ Anaemia in chronic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ D64 |
+ Other anaemias |
+Other haemolytic anaemias
-Other haemolytic anaemias
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Other haemolytic anaemias IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Other haemolytic anaemias' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Other haemolytic anaemias diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Other haemolytic anaemias' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
-2. Possible diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias during a consultation IF there is NO record satisfying the criteria for Thalassaemia or Sickle Cell Anaemia.
+2. Possible diagnosis of 'Other haemolytic anaemias' during a consultation IF there is NO record satisfying the criteria for Thalassaemia or Sickle Cell Anaemia.
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Other haemolytic anaemias or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1453.00 | H/O: haemolytic anaemia |
D100.00 | Hereditary spherocytosis |
D100.11 | Acholuric familial jaundice |
D100.12 | Minkowski - Chauffard syndrome |
D101.00 | Hereditary elliptocytosis |
D101.11 | Ovalocytosis - hereditary |
D102000 | Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency anaemia |
D102100 | Favism |
D102200 | Drug-induced enzyme deficiency anaemia |
D102.00 | Haemolytic anaemia due to glutathione metabolism disorder |
D103000 | Haemolytic anaemia due to hexokinase deficiency |
D103100 | Haemolytic anaemia due to pyruvate kinase deficiency |
D103300 | Anaemia due to disorders of nucleotide metabolism |
D103z00 | Enzyme deficiency haemolytic anaemia NOS |
D107000 | Congenital Heinz-body anaemia |
D107100 | Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin [HPFH] |
D107111 | Hb F disease |
D107200 | Haemoglobin Bart's disease |
D107300 | Haemoglobin-C disease |
D107400 | Haemoglobin-D disease |
D107500 | Haemoglobin-E disease |
D107600 | Haemoglobin Zurich disease |
D107700 | Haemoglobin-H disease |
D107.00 | Other haemoglobinopathies |
D107y00 | Other specified other haemoglobinopathy |
D107z00 | Other haemoglobinopathy NOS |
D10..00 | Hereditary haemolytic anaemias |
D10y000 | Stomatocytosis |
D10y.00 | Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemias |
D10yz00 | Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS |
D10z.00 | Hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS |
D110000 | Primary cold-type haemolytic anaemia |
D110100 | Primary warm-type haemolytic anaemia |
D110200 | Secondary cold-type haemolytic anaemia |
D110400 | Drug-induced autoimmune haemolytic anaemia |
D110.00 | Autoimmune haemolytic anaemias |
D110.11 | Coombs positive haemolysis |
D110z00 | Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia NOS |
D111000 | Mechanical haemolytic anaemia |
D111100 | Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia |
D111300 | Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome |
D111400 | Drug-induced haemolytic anaemia |
D111500 | Infective haemolytic anaemia |
D111.00 | Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia |
D111y00 | Other specified non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia |
D111z00 | Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia NOS |
D112000 | Haemoglobinuria from exertion |
D112011 | March haemoglobinuria |
D112012 | Marchiafava - Micheli syndrome |
D112100 | Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria |
D112200 | Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria |
D112.00 | Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external causes |
D112z00 | Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external cause NOS |
D112z11 | Cold haemoglobinuria |
D112z12 | Acquired haemolytic anaemia with haemoglobinuria NEC |
D112z13 | Paroxysmal haemoglobinuria NOS |
D11..00 | Acquired haemolytic anaemias |
D11z000 | Acquired spherocytosis |
D11z100 | Pyknocytosis, infantile |
D11z.00 | Acquired haemolytic anaemia NOS |
D1...00 | Haemolytic anaemias |
D1y..00 | Other specified haemolytic anaemias |
D1z..00 | Haemolytic anaemias NOS |
Dyu1300 | [X]Other haemoglobinopathies |
Dyu1500 | [X]Other autoimmune haemolytic anaemias |
Dyu1.00 | [X]Haemolytic anaemias |
Q430000 | Neonatal jaundice + glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defic. |
Q430.00 | Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemias |
Q430z00 | Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D55 | Anaemia due to enzyme disorders |
D58 | Other hereditary haemolytic anaemias |
D59 | Acquired haemolytic anaemia |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Other haemolytic anaemias' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1453 |
+ H/O: haemolytic anaemia |
+ D100.00 |
+ Hereditary spherocytosis |
+ D100.11 |
+ Acholuric familial jaundice |
+ D100.12 |
+ Minkowski - Chauffard syndrome |
+ D101.00 |
+ Hereditary elliptocytosis |
+ D101.11 |
+ Ovalocytosis - hereditary |
+ D102000 |
+ Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency anaemia |
+ D102100 |
+ Favism |
+ D102200 |
+ Drug-induced enzyme deficiency anaemia |
+ D102.00 |
+ Haemolytic anaemia due to glutathione metabolism disorder |
+ D103000 |
+ Haemolytic anaemia due to hexokinase deficiency |
+ D103100 |
+ Haemolytic anaemia due to pyruvate kinase deficiency |
+ D103300 |
+ Anaemia due to disorders of nucleotide metabolism |
+ D103z00 |
+ Enzyme deficiency haemolytic anaemia NOS |
+ D107000 |
+ Congenital Heinz-body anaemia |
+ D107100 |
+ Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin [HPFH] |
+ D107111 |
+ Hb F disease |
+ D107200 |
+ Haemoglobin Bart's disease |
+ D107300 |
+ Haemoglobin-C disease |
+ D107400 |
+ Haemoglobin-D disease |
+ D107500 |
+ Haemoglobin-E disease |
+ D107600 |
+ Haemoglobin Zurich disease |
+ D107700 |
+ Haemoglobin-H disease |
+ D107.00 |
+ Other haemoglobinopathies |
+ D107y00 |
+ Other specified other haemoglobinopathy |
+ D107z00 |
+ Other haemoglobinopathy NOS |
+ D10..00 |
+ Hereditary haemolytic anaemias |
+ D10y000 |
+ Stomatocytosis |
+ D10y.00 |
+ Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemias |
+ D10yz00 |
+ Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS |
+ D10z.00 |
+ Hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS |
+ D110000 |
+ Primary cold-type haemolytic anaemia |
+ D110100 |
+ Primary warm-type haemolytic anaemia |
+ D110200 |
+ Secondary cold-type haemolytic anaemia |
+ D110400 |
+ Drug-induced autoimmune haemolytic anaemia |
+ D110.00 |
+ Autoimmune haemolytic anaemias |
+ D110.11 |
+ Coombs positive haemolysis |
+ D110z00 |
+ Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia NOS |
+ D111000 |
+ Mechanical haemolytic anaemia |
+ D111100 |
+ Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia |
+ D111300 |
+ Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome |
+ D111400 |
+ Drug-induced haemolytic anaemia |
+ D111500 |
+ Infective haemolytic anaemia |
+ D111.00 |
+ Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia |
+ D111y00 |
+ Other specified non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia |
+ D111z00 |
+ Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia NOS |
+ D112000 |
+ Haemoglobinuria from exertion |
+ D112011 |
+ March haemoglobinuria |
+ D112012 |
+ Marchiafava - Micheli syndrome |
+ D112100 |
+ Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria |
+ D112200 |
+ Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria |
+ D112.00 |
+ Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external causes |
+ D112z00 |
+ Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external cause NOS |
+ D112z11 |
+ Cold haemoglobinuria |
+ D112z12 |
+ Acquired haemolytic anaemia with haemoglobinuria NEC |
+ D112z13 |
+ Paroxysmal haemoglobinuria NOS |
+ D11..00 |
+ Acquired haemolytic anaemias |
+ D11z000 |
+ Acquired spherocytosis |
+ D11z100 |
+ Pyknocytosis, infantile |
+ D11z.00 |
+ Acquired haemolytic anaemia NOS |
+ D1...00 |
+ Haemolytic anaemias |
+ D1y..00 |
+ Other specified haemolytic anaemias |
+ D1z..00 |
+ Haemolytic anaemias NOS |
+ Dyu1300 |
+ [X]Other haemoglobinopathies |
+ Dyu1500 |
+ [X]Other autoimmune haemolytic anaemias |
+ Dyu1.00 |
+ [X]Haemolytic anaemias |
+ Q430000 |
+ Neonatal jaundice + glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defic. |
+ Q430.00 |
+ Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemias |
+ Q430z00 |
+ Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D55 |
+ Anaemia due to enzyme disorders |
+ D58 |
+ Other hereditary haemolytic anaemias |
+ D59 |
+ Acquired haemolytic anaemia |
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
-Pulmonary Fibrosis
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -2879,363 +36729,7095 @@ Primary care
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
23E5.00 | O/E - fibrosis of lung present |
23E5.11 | O/E - fibrosis of lung |
H55..00 | Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis |
H55..11 | Cirrhosis of lung |
H563100 | Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis |
H563200 | Pulmonary fibrosis |
H563300 | Usual interstitial pneumonitis |
H563.00 | Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis |
H563.11 | Hamman - Rich syndrome |
H563.12 | Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis |
H563.13 | Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis |
H563z00 | Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis NOS |
Hyu5000 | [X]Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J84.1 | Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 23E5.00 |
+ O/E - fibrosis of lung present |
+ 23E5.11 |
+ O/E - fibrosis of lung |
+ H55..00 |
+ Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis |
+ H55..11 |
+ Cirrhosis of lung |
+ H563100 |
+ Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis |
+ H563200 |
+ Pulmonary fibrosis |
+ H563300 |
+ Usual interstitial pneumonitis |
+ H563.00 |
+ Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis |
+ H563.11 |
+ Hamman - Rich syndrome |
+ H563.12 |
+ Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis |
+ H563.13 |
+ Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis |
+ H563z00 |
+ Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis NOS |
+ Hyu5000 |
+ [X]Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J84.1 |
+ Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis |
+Other nervous system infections
-Infection – Other nervous system
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Other nervous system infections IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Other nervous system infections IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Other nervous system infections or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
2. ALL possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections during a hospitalization IF NO record satisfying criteria for Meningitis or Encephalitis 30 days before or 30 days after the first event date for Other nervous system infections.
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A06.6 | Amoebic brain abscess |
A17.8 | Other tuberculosis of nervous system |
A17.9 | Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified |
A52.1 | Symptomatic neurosyphilis |
A52.2 | Asymptomatic neurosyphilis |
A52.3 | Neurosyphilis, unspecified |
A80 | Acute poliomyelitis |
A81 | Atypical virus infections of central nervous system |
A82 | Rabies |
A88 | Other viral infections of central nervous system, not elsewhere classified |
A89 | Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system |
B02.2 | Zoster with other nervous system involvement |
B06.0 | Rubella with neurological complications |
B43.1 | Phaeomycotic brain abscess |
B45.1 | Cerebral cryptococcosis |
B50.0 | Plasmodium falciparum malaria with cerebral complications |
B58.2 | Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis |
B69.0 | Cysticercosis of central nervous system |
B90.0 | Sequelae of central nervous system tuberculosis |
B91 | Sequelae of poliomyelitis |
G04.2 | Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified |
G04.8 | Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis |
G04.9 | Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified |
G05.0 | Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
G05.1 | Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
G05.2 | Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
G06 | Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma |
G07 | Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere |
G08 | Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis |
M89.6 | Osteopathy after poliomyelitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A06.6 |
+ Amoebic brain abscess |
+ A17.8 |
+ Other tuberculosis of nervous system |
+ A17.9 |
+ Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified |
+ A52.1 |
+ Symptomatic neurosyphilis |
+ A52.2 |
+ Asymptomatic neurosyphilis |
+ A52.3 |
+ Neurosyphilis, unspecified |
+ A80 |
+ Acute poliomyelitis |
+ A81 |
+ Atypical virus infections of central nervous system |
+ A82 |
+ Rabies |
+ A88 |
+ Other viral infections of central nervous system, not elsewhere classified |
+ A89 |
+ Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system |
+ B02.2 |
+ Zoster with other nervous system involvement |
+ B06.0 |
+ Rubella with neurological complications |
+ B43.1 |
+ Phaeomycotic brain abscess |
+ B45.1 |
+ Cerebral cryptococcosis |
+ B50.0 |
+ Plasmodium falciparum malaria with cerebral complications |
+ B58.2 |
+ Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis |
+ B69.0 |
+ Cysticercosis of central nervous system |
+ B90.0 |
+ Sequelae of central nervous system tuberculosis |
+ B91 |
+ Sequelae of poliomyelitis |
+ G04.2 |
+ Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified |
+ G04.8 |
+ Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis |
+ G04.9 |
+ Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified |
+ G05.0 |
+ Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G05.1 |
+ Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G05.2 |
+ Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G06 |
+ Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma |
+ G07 |
+ Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G08 |
+ Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis |
+ M89.6 |
+ Osteopathy after poliomyelitis |
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms
-Infection – Other organisms
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Diseases caused by Other or unspecified infectious organisms IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Diseases caused by Other or unspecified infectious organisms or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
2. ALL possible diagnosis of Diseases caused by Other or unspecified infectious organisms during a hospitalization IF NO record satisfying criteria for Bacterial Diseases, Tuberculosis, Viral diseases, Chronic viral Hepatitis, HIV, Mycoses or Parasitic Infections 30 days before or 30 days after the first event date for Diseases caused by Other or unspecified infectious organisms.
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A08.5 | Other specified intestinal infections |
A09 | Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious and unspecified origin |
A41.8 | Other specified sepsis |
A41.9 | Sepsis, unspecified |
A63.8 | Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseases |
A64 | Unspecified sexually transmitted disease |
A81.0 | Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease |
A81.8 | Other atypical virus infections of central nervous system |
A81.9 | Atypical virus infection of central nervous system, unspecified |
B94.8 | Sequelae of other specified infectious and parasitic diseases |
B94.9 | Sequelae of unspecified infectious or parasitic disease |
B99 | Other and unspecified infectious diseases |
G02.8 | Meningitis in other specified infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
G04.8 | Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis |
G04.9 | Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified |
G05.2 | Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
G06 | Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma |
G07 | Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere |
G08 | Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis |
G53.1 | Multiple cranial nerve palsies in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
G63.0 | Polyneuropathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
G94.0 | Hydrocephalus in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
H10 | Conjunctivitis |
H13.1 | Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
H19.2 | Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
H60 | Otitis externa |
H62.3 | Otitis externa in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
H62.4 | Otitis externa in other diseases classified elsewhere |
H65 | Nonsuppurative otitis media |
H66 | Suppurative and unspecified otitis media |
H67.8 | Otitis media in other diseases classified elsewhere |
H70 | Mastoiditis and related conditions |
H73.0 | Acute myringitis |
H73.1 | Chronic myringitis |
H75.0 | Mastoiditis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
I30.1 | Infective pericarditis |
I32.1 | Pericarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
I33.0 | Acute and subacute infective endocarditis |
I40.0 | Infective myocarditis |
I41.2 | Myocarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
I43.0 | Cardiomyopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
I98.1 | Cardiovascular disorders in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
J00 | Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] |
J01 | Acute sinusitis |
J02.8 | Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms |
J02.9 | Acute pharyngitis, unspecified |
J03.8 | Acute tonsillitis due to other specified organisms |
J03.9 | Acute tonsillitis, unspecified |
J04 | Acute laryngitis and tracheitis |
J05 | Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis |
J06 | Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites |
J16.8 | Pneumonia due to other specified infectious organisms |
J17.8 | Pneumonia in other diseases classified elsewhere |
J18 | Pneumonia, organism unspecified |
J20.8 | Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms |
J20.9 | Acute bronchitis, unspecified |
J22 | Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection |
J44.0 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection |
J44.1 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified |
J85 | Abscess of lung and mediastinum |
K75.0 | Abscess of liver |
K77.0 | Liver disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
L08.0 | Pyoderma |
L08.8 | Other specified local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
L08.9 | Local infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified |
L30.3 | Infective dermatitis |
M01.8 | Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
M02 | Reactive arthropathies |
M03 | Postinfective and reactive arthropathies in diseases classified elsewhere |
M46.3 | Infection of intervertebral disc (pyogenic) |
M46.4 | Discitis, unspecified |
M46.5 | Other infective spondylopathies |
M49.3 | Spondylopathy in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
M60.0 | Infective myositis |
M63.2 | Myositis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
N08.0 | Glomerular disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
N10 | Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis |
N16.0 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
N29.1 | Other disorders of kidney and ureter in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
N30.0 | Acute cystitis |
N30.8 | Other cystitis |
N30.9 | Cystitis, unspecified |
N34 | Urethritis and urethral syndrome |
N48.1 | Balanoposthitis |
N77.0 | Ulceration of vulva in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
N77.1 | Vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
P23.8 | Congenital pneumonia due to other organisms |
P23.9 | Congenital pneumonia, unspecified |
P37.8 | Other specified congenital infectious and parasitic diseases |
P37.9 | Congenital infectious and parasitic disease, unspecified |
P39 | Other infections specific to the perinatal period |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A08.5 |
+ Other specified intestinal infections |
+ A09 |
+ Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious and unspecified origin |
+ A41.8 |
+ Other specified sepsis |
+ A41.9 |
+ Sepsis, unspecified |
+ A63.8 |
+ Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseases |
+ A64 |
+ Unspecified sexually transmitted disease |
+ A81.0 |
+ Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease |
+ A81.8 |
+ Other atypical virus infections of central nervous system |
+ A81.9 |
+ Atypical virus infection of central nervous system, unspecified |
+ B94.8 |
+ Sequelae of other specified infectious and parasitic diseases |
+ B94.9 |
+ Sequelae of unspecified infectious or parasitic disease |
+ B99 |
+ Other and unspecified infectious diseases |
+ G02.8 |
+ Meningitis in other specified infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G04.8 |
+ Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis |
+ G04.9 |
+ Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified |
+ G05.2 |
+ Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G06 |
+ Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma |
+ G07 |
+ Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G08 |
+ Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis |
+ G53.1 |
+ Multiple cranial nerve palsies in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G63.0 |
+ Polyneuropathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G94.0 |
+ Hydrocephalus in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H10 |
+ Conjunctivitis |
+ H13.1 |
+ Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H19.2 |
+ Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H60 |
+ Otitis externa |
+ H62.3 |
+ Otitis externa in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H62.4 |
+ Otitis externa in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H65 |
+ Nonsuppurative otitis media |
+ H66 |
+ Suppurative and unspecified otitis media |
+ H67.8 |
+ Otitis media in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H70 |
+ Mastoiditis and related conditions |
+ H73.0 |
+ Acute myringitis |
+ H73.1 |
+ Chronic myringitis |
+ H75.0 |
+ Mastoiditis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I30.1 |
+ Infective pericarditis |
+ I32.1 |
+ Pericarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I33.0 |
+ Acute and subacute infective endocarditis |
+ I40.0 |
+ Infective myocarditis |
+ I41.2 |
+ Myocarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I43.0 |
+ Cardiomyopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I98.1 |
+ Cardiovascular disorders in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ J00 |
+ Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] |
+ J01 |
+ Acute sinusitis |
+ J02.8 |
+ Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms |
+ J02.9 |
+ Acute pharyngitis, unspecified |
+ J03.8 |
+ Acute tonsillitis due to other specified organisms |
+ J03.9 |
+ Acute tonsillitis, unspecified |
+ J04 |
+ Acute laryngitis and tracheitis |
+ J05 |
+ Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis |
+ J06 |
+ Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites |
+ J16.8 |
+ Pneumonia due to other specified infectious organisms |
+ J17.8 |
+ Pneumonia in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+ J18 |
+ Pneumonia, organism unspecified |
+ J20.8 |
+ Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms |
+ J20.9 |
+ Acute bronchitis, unspecified |
+ J22 |
+ Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection |
+ J44.0 |
+ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection |
+ J44.1 |
+ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified |
+ J85 |
+ Abscess of lung and mediastinum |
+ K75.0 |
+ Abscess of liver |
+ K77.0 |
+ Liver disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ L08.0 |
+ Pyoderma |
+ L08.8 |
+ Other specified local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
+ L08.9 |
+ Local infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified |
+ L30.3 |
+ Infective dermatitis |
+ M01.8 |
+ Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M02 |
+ Reactive arthropathies |
+ M03 |
+ Postinfective and reactive arthropathies in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M46.3 |
+ Infection of intervertebral disc (pyogenic) |
+ M46.4 |
+ Discitis, unspecified |
+ M46.5 |
+ Other infective spondylopathies |
+ M49.3 |
+ Spondylopathy in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M60.0 |
+ Infective myositis |
+ M63.2 |
+ Myositis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N08.0 |
+ Glomerular disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N10 |
+ Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis |
+ N16.0 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N29.1 |
+ Other disorders of kidney and ureter in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N30.0 |
+ Acute cystitis |
+ N30.8 |
+ Other cystitis |
+ N30.9 |
+ Cystitis, unspecified |
+ N34 |
+ Urethritis and urethral syndrome |
+ N48.1 |
+ Balanoposthitis |
+ N77.0 |
+ Ulceration of vulva in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N77.1 |
+ Vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ P23.8 |
+ Congenital pneumonia due to other organisms |
+ P23.9 |
+ Congenital pneumonia, unspecified |
+ P37.8 |
+ Other specified congenital infectious and parasitic diseases |
+ P37.9 |
+ Congenital infectious and parasitic disease, unspecified |
+ P39 |
+ Other infections specific to the perinatal period |
+Other psychoactive substance misuse
-Substance Misuse
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Other psychoactive substance misuse IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Other psychoactive 'Other psychoactive substance misuse' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Other psychoactive substance misuse diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. Other psychoactive 'Other psychoactive substance misuse' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Other psychoactive substance misuse or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
13c5.00 | Substance misuse increased |
13c6.00 | Substance misuse decreased |
13c7.00 | Current drug user |
13c8.00 | Reduced drugs misuse |
13c9.00 | Subcutaneous drug user |
13cA.00 | Smokes drugs |
13cB.00 | Misuses drugs orally |
13cC.00 | Continuous use of drugs |
13cD.00 | Episodic use of drugs |
13cE.00 | Prolonged high dose use of cannabis |
13cF.00 | Preoccupied with substance misuse |
13cH.00 | Persistent substance misuse |
13cJ.00 | Previously injecting drug user |
13cK.00 | Current non recreational drug user |
13cM.00 | Substance misuse |
13r3.00 | Abstinent from drug misuse on maintenance replacement |
13r4.00 | Abstinent from drug misuse when receiving blocking therapy |
146F.00 | H/O: drug abuse |
1T00.00 | H/O daily heroin misuse |
1T01.00 | H/O weekly heroin misuse |
1T0..00 | H/O heroin misuse |
1T02.00 | Previous history of heroin misuse |
1T03.00 | H/O infrequent heroin misuse |
1T10.00 | H/O daily methadone misuse |
1T11.00 | H/O weekly methadone misuse |
1T1..00 | H/O methadone misuse |
1T12.00 | H/O infrequent methadone misuse |
1T13.00 | Previous history of methadone misuse |
1T...00 | History of substance misuse |
1T20.00 | H/O daily ecstasy misuse |
1T21.00 | H/O weekly ecstasy misuse |
1T2..00 | H/O ecstasy misuse |
1T22.00 | H/O infrequent ecstasy misuse |
1T23.00 | Previous history of ecstasy misuse |
1T30.00 | H/O daily benzodiazepine misuse |
1T31.00 | H/O weekly benzodiazepine misuse |
1T3..00 | H/O benzodiazepine misuse |
1T32.00 | H/O infrequent benzodiazepine misuse |
1T33.00 | Previous history of benzodiazepine misuse |
1T40.00 | H/O daily amphetamine misuse |
1T41.00 | H/O weekly amphetamine misuse |
1T4..00 | H/O amphetamine misuse |
1T42.00 | H/O infrequent amphetamine misuse |
1T43.00 | Previous history of amphetamine misuse |
1T50.00 | H/O daily cocaine misuse |
1T51.00 | H/O weekly cocaine misuse |
1T5..00 | H/O cocaine misuse |
1T52.00 | H/O infrequent cocaine misuse |
1T53.00 | Previous history of cocaine misuse |
1T60.00 | H/O daily crack cocaine misuse |
1T61.00 | H/O weekly crack cocaine misuse |
1T6..00 | H/O crack cocaine misuse |
1T62.00 | H/O infrequent crack cocaine misuse |
1T63.00 | Previous history of crack cocaine misuse |
1T7..00 | H/O hallucinogen misuse |
1T73.00 | Previous history of hallucinogen misuse |
1T80.00 | H/O daily cannabis misuse |
1T81.00 | H/O weekly cannabis misuse |
1T8..00 | H/O cannabis misuse |
1T82.00 | H/O infrequent cannabis misuse |
1T83.00 | Previous history of cannabis misuse |
1T90.00 | H/O daily solvent misuse |
1T91.00 | H/O weekly solvent misuse |
1T9..00 | H/O solvent misuse |
1T92.00 | H/O infrequent solvent misuse |
1T93.00 | Previous history of solvent misuse |
1TA..00 | H/O barbiturate misuse |
1TA3.00 | Previous history of barbiturate misuse |
1TB0.00 | H/O daily major tranquilliser misuse |
1TB..00 | H/O major tranquilliser misuse |
1TC0.00 | H/O daily anti-depressant misuse |
1TC..00 | H/O anti-depressant misuse |
1TC3.00 | Previous history of anti-depressant misuse |
1TD0.00 | H/O daily opiate misuse |
1TD1.00 | H/O weekly opiate misuse |
1TD..00 | H/O opiate misuse |
1TD2.00 | H/O infrequent opiate misuse |
1TD3.00 | Previous history of opiate misuse |
1TE..00 | Uses heroin on top of substitution therapy |
1TF..00 | Does not use heroin on top of substitution therapy |
1V00.00 | Occasional drug user |
1V01.00 | Long-term drug misuser |
1V0..00 | Misuses drugs |
1V02.00 | Poly-drug misuser |
1V04.00 | Misuses drugs rectally |
1V07.00 | Notified addict |
1V08.00 | Smokes drugs in cigarette form |
1V09.00 | Smokes drugs through a pipe |
1V0A.00 | Chases the dragon |
1V0B.00 | Sniffs drugs |
1V0C.00 | Drug addict |
1V0E.00 | Health problem secondary to drug misuse |
1V...00 | Drug misuse behaviour |
1V22.00 | Age at starting drug misuse |
1V23.00 | Time since stopped drug misuse |
1V26.00 | Misused drugs in past |
1V30.00 | Injects drugs subcutaneously |
1V31.00 | Injects drugs intramuscularly |
1V3..00 | Drug injection behaviour |
1V32.00 | Neck injector |
1V35.00 | Shares drug equipment |
1V37.00 | Drug injecting equipment hygiene |
1V38.00 | Sharing of drug injecting equipment |
1V4..00 | Priority of drug-related activities |
1V5..00 | Routine of drug-related activities |
1V64.00 | Illicit drug use |
1V65.00 | Heroin misuse |
1V66.00 | Ecstasy misuse |
46QB100 | Urine methadone positive |
46Qr000 | Urine buprenorphine positive |
677T.00 | Substance misuse structured counselling |
7P22000 | Delivery of rehabilitation for drug addiction |
8AA..00 | Drug abuse monitoring |
8B23.00 | Drug addiction therapy |
8B23.11 | Drug addictn therap-methadone |
8B23.13 | Drug dependence therapy |
8B2M.00 | Buprenorphine maintenance therapy |
8B2N.00 | Drug addiction detoxification therapy - methadone |
8B2P.00 | Drug addiction maintenance therapy - methadone |
8B2Q.00 | Drug addiction maintenance therapy - buprenorphine |
8B2R.00 | Drug addiction detoxification therapy - buprenorphine |
8B2S.00 | Opioid agonist substitution therapy |
8B2T.00 | Opioid antagonist therapy |
8BA9.00 | Detoxification dependence drug |
8BAc.00 | Substance misuse management stopped - self withdrawal |
8BAd.00 | Opiate dependence detoxification |
8BE0.00 | Reinduction to methadone maintenance therapy |
8BE1.00 | Reinduction to buprenorphine maintenance therapy |
8H7x.00 | Referral to drug abuse counsellor |
8Hh1.00 | Self referral to substance misuse service |
8HkF.00 | Referral to substance misuse service |
8Hq..00 | Admission to substance misuse detoxification centre |
9G21.00 | Drug addict notific to CMO |
9G22.00 | Drug addict re-notific due |
9G23.00 | Drug addict re-notif to CMO |
9G24.00 | Drug addict-notify local SMR22 |
9G2..00 | Drug addiction notification |
9G2..11 | Drug addict notific admin |
9G2Z.00 | Drug addiction notif NOS |
9HC0.00 | Initial substance misuse assessment |
9HC1.00 | Follow up substance misuse assessment |
9HC2.00 | Substance misuse clinical management plan agreed |
9HC3.00 | Substance misuse clinical management plan reviewed |
9HC4.00 | Substance misuse treatment withdrawn |
9HC5.00 | Substance misuse treatment programme completed |
9HC6.00 | Substance misuse treatment declined |
9HC..00 | Substance misuse monitoring |
9K4..00 | SMR25a drug misuse initial assessment form |
9k50.00 | Drug misuse - enhanced service completed |
9k51.00 | Shared care drug misuse treatment - enhanced services admin |
9k51.11 | Shared care drug misuse treatment |
9k52.00 | Drug misuse treatment primary care - enhanced services admin |
9k53.00 | Pharmacy attended for drug misuse - enhanced services admin |
9k5..00 | Drug misuse - enhanced services administration |
9kS..00 | Drug misuse assessment declined - enhanced services administ |
9N1yJ00 | Seen in drug misuse clinic |
9N4i.00 | DNA - Did not attend substance misuse clinic |
9No5.00 | Seen in substance misuse clinic |
9s...00 | Drug misuse clinic administration |
E020.00 | Drug withdrawal syndrome |
E021000 | Drug-induced paranoid state |
E021100 | Drug-induced hallucinosis |
E021.00 | Drug-induced paranoia or hallucinatory states |
E021z00 | Drug-induced paranoia or hallucinatory state NOS |
E022.00 | Pathological drug intoxication |
E02..00 | Drug psychoses |
E02y000 | Drug-induced delirium |
E02y100 | Drug-induced dementia |
E02y300 | Drug-induced depressive state |
E02y400 | Drug-induced personality disorder |
E02y.00 | Other drug psychoses |
E02yz00 | Other drug psychoses NOS |
E02z.00 | Drug psychosis NOS |
E240000 | Unspecified opioid dependence |
E240100 | Continuous opioid dependence |
E240200 | Episodic opioid dependence |
E240300 | Opioid dependence in remission |
E240.00 | Opioid type drug dependence |
E240.11 | Heroin dependence |
E240.12 | Methadone dependence |
E240.13 | Morphine dependence |
E240.14 | Opium dependence |
E240z00 | Opioid drug dependence NOS |
E241000 | Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, unspecified |
E241100 | Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, continuous |
E241200 | Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, episodic |
E241300 | Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence in remission |
E241.00 | Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence |
E241.11 | Anxiolytic dependence |
E241.12 | Barbiturate dependence |
E241.13 | Benzodiazepine dependence |
E241.14 | Diazepam dependence |
E241.15 | Librium dependence |
E241.16 | Sedative dependence |
E241.17 | Valium dependence |
E241z00 | Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence NOS |
E242000 | Cocaine dependence, unspecified |
E242100 | Cocaine dependence, continuous |
E242200 | Cocaine dependence, episodic |
E242300 | Cocaine dependence in remission |
E242.00 | Cocaine type drug dependence |
E242z00 | Cocaine drug dependence NOS |
E243000 | Cannabis dependence, unspecified |
E243100 | Cannabis dependence, continuous |
E243200 | Cannabis dependence, episodic |
E243300 | Cannabis dependence in remission |
E243.00 | Cannabis type drug dependence |
E243.11 | Hashish dependence |
E243.12 | Hemp dependence |
E243.13 | Marihuana dependence |
E243z00 | Cannabis drug dependence NOS |
E244000 | Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, unspecified |
E244011 | Amfetamine or psychostimulant dependence, unspecified |
E244100 | Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, continuous |
E244200 | Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, episodic |
E244300 | Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence in remission |
E244.00 | Amphetamine or other psychostimulant dependence |
E244.11 | Psychostimulant dependence |
E244.12 | Stimulant dependence |
E244z00 | Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence NOS |
E244z11 | Amfetamine or psychostimulant dependence NOS |
E245000 | Hallucinogen dependence, unspecified |
E245100 | Hallucinogen dependence, continuous |
E245200 | Hallucinogen dependence, episodic |
E245300 | Hallucinogen dependence in remission |
E245.00 | Hallucinogen dependence |
E245.11 | LSD dependence |
E245.12 | Lysergic acid diethylamide dependence |
E245z00 | Hallucinogen dependence NOS |
E246000 | Glue sniffing dependence, unspecified |
E246100 | Glue sniffing dependence, continuous |
E246200 | Glue sniffing dependence, episodic |
E246300 | Glue sniffing dependence in remission |
E246.00 | Glue sniffing dependence |
E246z00 | Glue sniffing dependence NOS |
E247000 | Other specified drug dependence, unspecified |
E247100 | Other specified drug dependence, continuous |
E247200 | Other specified drug dependence, episodic |
E247300 | Other specified drug dependence in remission |
E247.00 | Other specified drug dependence |
E247.11 | Absinthe addiction |
E247z00 | Other specified drug dependence NOS |
E248000 | Combined opioid with other drug dependence, unspecified |
E248100 | Combined opioid with other drug dependence, continuous |
E248200 | Combined opioid with other drug dependence, episodic |
E248300 | Combined opioid with other drug dependence in remission |
E248.00 | Combined opioid with other drug dependence |
E248z00 | Combined opioid with other drug dependence NOS |
E249000 | Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, unspecified |
E249100 | Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, continuous |
E249200 | Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, episodic |
E249300 | Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, in remission |
E249.00 | Combined drug dependence, excluding opioids |
E249z00 | Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, NOS |
E24A.00 | Ecstasy type drug dependence |
E24..00 | Drug dependence |
E24..11 | Drug addiction |
E24z.00 | Drug dependence NOS |
E252000 | Nondependent cannabis abuse, unspecified |
E252100 | Nondependent cannabis abuse, continuous |
E252200 | Nondependent cannabis abuse, episodic |
E252300 | Nondependent cannabis abuse in remission |
E252.00 | Nondependent cannabis abuse |
E252z00 | Nondependent cannabis abuse NOS |
E253000 | Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, unspecified |
E253100 | Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, continuous |
E253200 | Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, episodic |
E253300 | Nondependent hallucinogen abuse in remission |
E253.00 | Nondependent hallucinogen abuse |
E253.11 | 'Bad trips' |
E253.12 | LSD reaction |
E253z00 | Nondependent hallucinogen abuse NOS |
E254000 | Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, unspecified |
E254100 | Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, continuous |
E254200 | Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, episodic |
E254300 | Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse in remission |
E254.00 | Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse |
E254.11 | Barbiturate abuse |
E254.12 | Hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse |
E254.13 | Sedative abuse |
E254.14 | Tranquilliser abuse |
E254z00 | Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse NOS |
E255000 | Nondependent opioid abuse, unspecified |
E255100 | Nondependent opioid abuse, continuous |
E255200 | Nondependent opioid abuse, episodic |
E255300 | Nondependent opioid abuse in remission |
E255.00 | Nondependent opioid abuse |
E255z00 | Nondependent opioid abuse NOS |
E256000 | Nondependent cocaine abuse, unspecified |
E256100 | Nondependent cocaine abuse, continuous |
E256200 | Nondependent cocaine abuse, episodic |
E256300 | Nondependent cocaine abuse in remission |
E256.00 | Nondependent cocaine abuse |
E256z00 | Nondependent cocaine abuse NOS |
E257000 | Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse, unspecified |
E257100 | Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse, continuous |
E257200 | Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse, episodic |
E257300 | Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse in remission |
E257.00 | Nondependent amphetamine or other psychostimulant abuse |
E257.11 | Psychostimulant abuse |
E257.12 | Stimulant abuse |
E257z00 | Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse NOS |
E258.00 | Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse |
E258z00 | Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse NOS |
E259000 | Nondependent mixed drug abuse, unspecified |
E259100 | Nondependent mixed drug abuse, continuous |
E259200 | Nondependent mixed drug abuse, episodic |
E259300 | Nondependent mixed drug abuse in remission |
E259400 | Misuse of prescription only drugs |
E259.00 | Nondependent mixed drug abuse |
E259z00 | Nondependent mixed drug abuse NOS |
E25..00 | Nondependent abuse of drugs |
E25y000 | Nondependent other drug abuse, unspecified |
E25y100 | Nondependent other drug abuse, continuous |
E25y200 | Nondependent other drug abuse, episodic |
E25y300 | Nondependent other drug abuse in remission |
E25y.00 | Nondependent other drug abuse |
E25y.11 | Analgesic abuse |
E25yz00 | Nondependent other drug abuse NOS |
E25z.00 | Misuse of drugs NOS |
Eu11000 | [X]Mental & behav dis due to use opioids: acute intoxication |
Eu11100 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use of opioids: harmful use |
Eu11200 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: dependence syndr |
Eu11211 | [X]Drug addiction - opioids |
Eu11212 | [X]Heroin addiction |
Eu11300 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: withdrawal state |
Eu11311 | [X]Cold turkey, opiate withdrawal |
Eu11400 | [X]Men & behav dis due opioid: withdrawl state with delirium |
Eu11500 | [X]Mental & behav dis due to use opioids: psychotic disorder |
Eu11600 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: amnesic syndrome |
Eu11700 | [X]Men & beh dis due opioids: resid & late-onset psychot dis |
Eu11.00 | [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids |
Eu11y00 | [X]Men & behav dis due to use opioids: oth men & behav dis |
Eu11z00 | [X]Ment & behav dis due use opioids: unsp ment & behav dis |
Eu12000 | [X]Mental & behav dis due cannabinoids: acute intoxication |
Eu12100 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cannabinoids: harmful use |
Eu12200 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to cannabinoids: dependence synd |
Eu12211 | [X]Drug addiction - cannabis |
Eu12300 | [X]Mental and behav dis due cannabinoids: withdrawal state |
Eu12500 | [X]Mental & behav dis due to cannabinoids: psychotic disordr |
Eu12600 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cannabinoids: amnesic syn |
Eu12700 | [X]Mnt/bh dis due cannabinds: resid & late-onset psychot dis |
Eu12.00 | [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use cannabinoids |
Eu12y00 | [X]Men/behav dis due to use cannabinoids: oth men/behav disd |
Eu12z00 | [X]Ment/behav dis due use cannabinoids: unsp ment/behav disd |
Eu13000 | [X]Mental & behav dis due seds/hypntcs: acute intoxication |
Eu13100 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use seds/hypntcs: harmful use |
Eu13200 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to seds/hypntcs: dependence synd |
Eu13211 | [X]Drug addiction- sedative / hypnotics |
Eu13300 | [X]Mental and behav dis due seds/hypntcs: withdrawal state |
Eu13400 | [X]Men & beh dis due seds/hypns: withdrwl state wth delirium |
Eu13500 | [X]Mental & behav dis due to seds/hypntcs: psychotic disordr |
Eu13.00 | [X]Mental and behavioural dis due use sedatives/hypnotics |
Eu14000 | [X]Mental & behav dis due to use cocaine: acute intoxication |
Eu14100 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use of cocaine: harmful use |
Eu14200 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cocaine: dependence syndr |
Eu14211 | [X]Drug addiction - cocaine |
Eu14300 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cocaine: withdrawal state |
Eu14500 | [X]Mental & behav dis due to use cocaine: psychotic disorder |
Eu14700 | [X]Men & beh dis due cocaine: resid & late-onset psychot dis |
Eu14.00 | [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine |
Eu15000 | [X]Mnt/beh dis due oth stim inc caffein: acute intoxication |
Eu15100 | [X]Ment/behav dis due to use oth stims inc caff: harmful use |
Eu15200 | [X]Mental and behav dis oth stim inc caffein: dependnce synd |
Eu15211 | [X]Drug addiction-other stimul |
Eu15300 | [X]Mnt/behav dis other stimlnts inc caffeine: withdrwl state |
Eu15500 | [X]Mental/behav dis oth stims inc caffeine: psychotic dis |
Eu15700 | [X]Mnt/bh dis oth stm inc caffne resid/late-onset psycht dis |
Eu15.00 | [X]Mental & behav disorder due other stimulants inc caffein |
Eu15z00 | [X]Ment/beh dis oth stims inc caffeine: unsp ment/behav disd |
Eu16000 | [X]Mental & behav dis due hallucinogens: acute intoxicatn |
Eu16100 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to use hallucinogens: harmfl use |
Eu16200 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to hallucinogens: dependence syn |
Eu16211 | [X]Drug addiction - hallucinogen |
Eu16300 | [X]Mental and behav dis due hallucinogens: withdrawal state |
Eu16500 | [X]Mental & behav dis due to hallucinogens: psychotic disord |
Eu16700 | [X]Mnt/bh dis due hallucngns: resid & late-onset psychot dis |
Eu16711 | [X]Post hallucinogen perception disorder |
Eu16.00 | [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use hallucinogens |
Eu16z00 | [X]Ment/behav dis due use hallucinogens: unsp ment/behav dis |
Eu18000 | [X]Mental & behav dis due vol solvents: acute intoxication |
Eu18100 | [X]Mental and behav dis due volatile solvents: harmful use |
Eu18200 | [X]Mental and behav dis due to vol solvents: dependence synd |
Eu18211 | [X]Drug addiction - solvent |
Eu18400 | [X]Men & beh dis vol solvents: withdrawal state wth delirium |
Eu18500 | [X]Mental & behav dis due to vol solvents: psychotic disordr |
Eu18.00 | [X]Mental & behav disorders due to use of volatile solvents |
Eu18z00 | [X]Ment/behav dis due use vol solvents: unsp ment/behav dis |
Eu19000 | [X]Mental/behav dis multi drg use/psychoac subs: acute intox |
Eu19100 | [X]Mental and behav dis mlti drg/oth psychoa sbs: harmfl use |
Eu19200 | [X]Mental and behav dis mlti/oth psych sbs: dependence syndr |
Eu19211 | [X]Drug addiction NOS |
Eu19300 | [X]Mental and behav dis mlti/oth psychoa sbs: withdrwl state |
Eu19400 | [X]Mnt/bh dis mlti drg use/oth psy sbs: wthdr state + dlrium |
Eu19500 | [X]Ment/behav dis mlti drug use/oth psyc sbs: psychotc dis |
Eu19600 | [X]Mental/behav dis multi drg use/oth psy sbs: amnesic syndr |
Eu19700 | [X]Men/beh dis mlt drg use/oth subs: resid/late psychot dis |
Eu19.00 | [X]Men & behav disorder multiple drug use/psychoactive subst |
Eu19y00 | [X]Men/beh dis mlt drg use/oth psy sbs: oth men & behav dis |
Eu19z00 | [X]Ment/beh dis multi drug use/oth psy sbs unsp mnt/beh dis |
Eu1A000 | [X]Ment behav dis due use crack cocaine: acute intoxication |
Eu1A100 | [X]Mental behav disorders due use crack cocaine: harmful use |
Eu1A200 | [X]Mental behav disorders due use crack cocaine: depend synd |
Eu1A300 | [X]Mental behav disord due crack cocaine: withdrawal state |
Eu1A500 | [X]Mental behav disord due crack cocaine: psychotic disorder |
Eu1A.00 | [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due use of crack cocaine |
Eu1Az00 | [X]Ment behav dis due crack cocaine: unsp ment and behav dis |
Eu1..00 | [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive subs |
TJ51.00 | Adverse reaction to methadone |
TJ52100 | Adverse reaction to buprenorphine |
U605012 | [X] Adverse reaction to methadone |
U605015 | [X] Adverse reaction to buprenorphine |
Z1Q6200 | Methadone maintenance |
Z1Q6212 | Methadone therapy |
Z1Q6214 | Heroin maintenance |
Z416.00 | Substance abuse counselling |
ZV11400 | [V]Personal history of psychoactive substance abuse |
ZV11500 | [V]Personal history of drug abuse by injection |
ZV6D700 | [V]Drug abuse counselling and surveillance |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F11 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids |
F12 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids |
F13 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics |
F14 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine |
F15 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine |
F16 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of hallucinogens |
F18 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of volatile solvents |
F19 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances |
+1. ALL diagnoses of Other psychoactive 'Other psychoactive substance misuse' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 13c5.00 |
+ Substance misuse increased |
+ 13c6.00 |
+ Substance misuse decreased |
+ 13c7.00 |
+ Current drug user |
+ 13c8.00 |
+ Reduced drugs misuse |
+ 13c9.00 |
+ Subcutaneous drug user |
+ 13cA.00 |
+ Smokes drugs |
+ 13cB.00 |
+ Misuses drugs orally |
+ 13cC.00 |
+ Continuous use of drugs |
+ 13cD.00 |
+ Episodic use of drugs |
+ 13cE.00 |
+ Prolonged high dose use of cannabis |
+ 13cF.00 |
+ Preoccupied with substance misuse |
+ 13cH.00 |
+ Persistent substance misuse |
+ 13cJ.00 |
+ Previously injecting drug user |
+ 13cK.00 |
+ Current non recreational drug user |
+ 13cM.00 |
+ Substance misuse |
+ 13r3.00 |
+ Abstinent from drug misuse on maintenance replacement |
+ 13r4.00 |
+ Abstinent from drug misuse when receiving blocking therapy |
+ 146F.00 |
+ H/O: drug abuse |
+ 1T00.00 |
+ H/O daily heroin misuse |
+ 1T01.00 |
+ H/O weekly heroin misuse |
+ 1T0..00 |
+ H/O heroin misuse |
+ 1T02.00 |
+ Previous history of heroin misuse |
+ 1T03.00 |
+ H/O infrequent heroin misuse |
+ 1T10.00 |
+ H/O daily methadone misuse |
+ 1T11.00 |
+ H/O weekly methadone misuse |
+ 1T1..00 |
+ H/O methadone misuse |
+ 1T12.00 |
+ H/O infrequent methadone misuse |
+ 1T13.00 |
+ Previous history of methadone misuse |
+ 1T...00 |
+ History of substance misuse |
+ 1T20.00 |
+ H/O daily ecstasy misuse |
+ 1T21.00 |
+ H/O weekly ecstasy misuse |
+ 1T2..00 |
+ H/O ecstasy misuse |
+ 1T22.00 |
+ H/O infrequent ecstasy misuse |
+ 1T23.00 |
+ Previous history of ecstasy misuse |
+ 1T30.00 |
+ H/O daily benzodiazepine misuse |
+ 1T31.00 |
+ H/O weekly benzodiazepine misuse |
+ 1T3..00 |
+ H/O benzodiazepine misuse |
+ 1T32.00 |
+ H/O infrequent benzodiazepine misuse |
+ 1T33.00 |
+ Previous history of benzodiazepine misuse |
+ 1T40.00 |
+ H/O daily amphetamine misuse |
+ 1T41.00 |
+ H/O weekly amphetamine misuse |
+ 1T4..00 |
+ H/O amphetamine misuse |
+ 1T42.00 |
+ H/O infrequent amphetamine misuse |
+ 1T43.00 |
+ Previous history of amphetamine misuse |
+ 1T50.00 |
+ H/O daily cocaine misuse |
+ 1T51.00 |
+ H/O weekly cocaine misuse |
+ 1T5..00 |
+ H/O cocaine misuse |
+ 1T52.00 |
+ H/O infrequent cocaine misuse |
+ 1T53.00 |
+ Previous history of cocaine misuse |
+ 1T60.00 |
+ H/O daily crack cocaine misuse |
+ 1T61.00 |
+ H/O weekly crack cocaine misuse |
+ 1T6..00 |
+ H/O crack cocaine misuse |
+ 1T62.00 |
+ H/O infrequent crack cocaine misuse |
+ 1T63.00 |
+ Previous history of crack cocaine misuse |
+ 1T7..00 |
+ H/O hallucinogen misuse |
+ 1T73.00 |
+ Previous history of hallucinogen misuse |
+ 1T80.00 |
+ H/O daily cannabis misuse |
+ 1T81.00 |
+ H/O weekly cannabis misuse |
+ 1T8..00 |
+ H/O cannabis misuse |
+ 1T82.00 |
+ H/O infrequent cannabis misuse |
+ 1T83.00 |
+ Previous history of cannabis misuse |
+ 1T90.00 |
+ H/O daily solvent misuse |
+ 1T91.00 |
+ H/O weekly solvent misuse |
+ 1T9..00 |
+ H/O solvent misuse |
+ 1T92.00 |
+ H/O infrequent solvent misuse |
+ 1T93.00 |
+ Previous history of solvent misuse |
+ 1TA..00 |
+ H/O barbiturate misuse |
+ 1TA3.00 |
+ Previous history of barbiturate misuse |
+ 1TB0.00 |
+ H/O daily major tranquilliser misuse |
+ 1TB..00 |
+ H/O major tranquilliser misuse |
+ 1TC0.00 |
+ H/O daily anti-depressant misuse |
+ 1TC..00 |
+ H/O anti-depressant misuse |
+ 1TC3.00 |
+ Previous history of anti-depressant misuse |
+ 1TD0.00 |
+ H/O daily opiate misuse |
+ 1TD1.00 |
+ H/O weekly opiate misuse |
+ 1TD..00 |
+ H/O opiate misuse |
+ 1TD2.00 |
+ H/O infrequent opiate misuse |
+ 1TD3.00 |
+ Previous history of opiate misuse |
+ 1TE..00 |
+ Uses heroin on top of substitution therapy |
+ 1TF..00 |
+ Does not use heroin on top of substitution therapy |
+ 1V00.00 |
+ Occasional drug user |
+ 1V01.00 |
+ Long-term drug misuser |
+ 1V0..00 |
+ Misuses drugs |
+ 1V02.00 |
+ Poly-drug misuser |
+ 1V04.00 |
+ Misuses drugs rectally |
+ 1V07.00 |
+ Notified addict |
+ 1V08.00 |
+ Smokes drugs in cigarette form |
+ 1V09.00 |
+ Smokes drugs through a pipe |
+ 1V0A.00 |
+ Chases the dragon |
+ 1V0B.00 |
+ Sniffs drugs |
+ 1V0C.00 |
+ Drug addict |
+ 1V0E.00 |
+ Health problem secondary to drug misuse |
+ 1V...00 |
+ Drug misuse behaviour |
+ 1V22.00 |
+ Age at starting drug misuse |
+ 1V23.00 |
+ Time since stopped drug misuse |
+ 1V26.00 |
+ Misused drugs in past |
+ 1V30.00 |
+ Injects drugs subcutaneously |
+ 1V31.00 |
+ Injects drugs intramuscularly |
+ 1V3..00 |
+ Drug injection behaviour |
+ 1V32.00 |
+ Neck injector |
+ 1V35.00 |
+ Shares drug equipment |
+ 1V37.00 |
+ Drug injecting equipment hygiene |
+ 1V38.00 |
+ Sharing of drug injecting equipment |
+ 1V4..00 |
+ Priority of drug-related activities |
+ 1V5..00 |
+ Routine of drug-related activities |
+ 1V64.00 |
+ Illicit drug use |
+ 1V65.00 |
+ Heroin misuse |
+ 1V66.00 |
+ Ecstasy misuse |
+ 46QB100 |
+ Urine methadone positive |
+ 46Qr000 |
+ Urine buprenorphine positive |
+ 677T.00 |
+ Substance misuse structured counselling |
+ 7P22000 |
+ Delivery of rehabilitation for drug addiction |
+ 8AA..00 |
+ Drug abuse monitoring |
+ 8B23.00 |
+ Drug addiction therapy |
+ 8B23.11 |
+ Drug addictn therap-methadone |
+ 8B23.13 |
+ Drug dependence therapy |
+ 8B2M.00 |
+ Buprenorphine maintenance therapy |
+ 8B2N.00 |
+ Drug addiction detoxification therapy - methadone |
+ 8B2P.00 |
+ Drug addiction maintenance therapy - methadone |
+ 8B2Q.00 |
+ Drug addiction maintenance therapy - buprenorphine |
+ 8B2R.00 |
+ Drug addiction detoxification therapy - buprenorphine |
+ 8B2S.00 |
+ Opioid agonist substitution therapy |
+ 8B2T.00 |
+ Opioid antagonist therapy |
+ 8BA9.00 |
+ Detoxification dependence drug |
+ 8BAc.00 |
+ Substance misuse management stopped - self withdrawal |
+ 8BAd.00 |
+ Opiate dependence detoxification |
+ 8BE0.00 |
+ Reinduction to methadone maintenance therapy |
+ 8BE1.00 |
+ Reinduction to buprenorphine maintenance therapy |
+ 8H7x.00 |
+ Referral to drug abuse counsellor |
+ 8Hh1.00 |
+ Self referral to substance misuse service |
+ 8HkF.00 |
+ Referral to substance misuse service |
+ 8Hq..00 |
+ Admission to substance misuse detoxification centre |
+ 9G21.00 |
+ Drug addict notific to CMO |
+ 9G22.00 |
+ Drug addict re-notific due |
+ 9G23.00 |
+ Drug addict re-notif to CMO |
+ 9G24.00 |
+ Drug addict-notify local SMR22 |
+ 9G2..00 |
+ Drug addiction notification |
+ 9G2..11 |
+ Drug addict notific admin |
+ 9G2Z.00 |
+ Drug addiction notif NOS |
+ 9HC0.00 |
+ Initial substance misuse assessment |
+ 9HC1.00 |
+ Follow up substance misuse assessment |
+ 9HC2.00 |
+ Substance misuse clinical management plan agreed |
+ 9HC3.00 |
+ Substance misuse clinical management plan reviewed |
+ 9HC4.00 |
+ Substance misuse treatment withdrawn |
+ 9HC5.00 |
+ Substance misuse treatment programme completed |
+ 9HC6.00 |
+ Substance misuse treatment declined |
+ 9HC..00 |
+ Substance misuse monitoring |
+ 9K4..00 |
+ SMR25a drug misuse initial assessment form |
+ 9k50.00 |
+ Drug misuse - enhanced service completed |
+ 9k51.00 |
+ Shared care drug misuse treatment - enhanced services admin |
+ 9k51.11 |
+ Shared care drug misuse treatment |
+ 9k52.00 |
+ Drug misuse treatment primary care - enhanced services admin |
+ 9k53.00 |
+ Pharmacy attended for drug misuse - enhanced services admin |
+ 9k5..00 |
+ Drug misuse - enhanced services administration |
+ 9kS..00 |
+ Drug misuse assessment declined - enhanced services administ |
+ 9N1yJ00 |
+ Seen in drug misuse clinic |
+ 9N4i.00 |
+ DNA - Did not attend substance misuse clinic |
+ 9No5.00 |
+ Seen in substance misuse clinic |
+ 9s...00 |
+ Drug misuse clinic administration |
+ E020.00 |
+ Drug withdrawal syndrome |
+ E021000 |
+ Drug-induced paranoid state |
+ E021100 |
+ Drug-induced hallucinosis |
+ E021.00 |
+ Drug-induced paranoia or hallucinatory states |
+ E021z00 |
+ Drug-induced paranoia or hallucinatory state NOS |
+ E022.00 |
+ Pathological drug intoxication |
+ E02..00 |
+ Drug psychoses |
+ E02y000 |
+ Drug-induced delirium |
+ E02y100 |
+ Drug-induced dementia |
+ E02y300 |
+ Drug-induced depressive state |
+ E02y400 |
+ Drug-induced personality disorder |
+ E02y.00 |
+ Other drug psychoses |
+ E02yz00 |
+ Other drug psychoses NOS |
+ E02z.00 |
+ Drug psychosis NOS |
+ E240000 |
+ Unspecified opioid dependence |
+ E240100 |
+ Continuous opioid dependence |
+ E240200 |
+ Episodic opioid dependence |
+ E240300 |
+ Opioid dependence in remission |
+ E240.00 |
+ Opioid type drug dependence |
+ E240.11 |
+ Heroin dependence |
+ E240.12 |
+ Methadone dependence |
+ E240.13 |
+ Morphine dependence |
+ E240.14 |
+ Opium dependence |
+ E240z00 |
+ Opioid drug dependence NOS |
+ E241000 |
+ Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, unspecified |
+ E241100 |
+ Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, continuous |
+ E241200 |
+ Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, episodic |
+ E241300 |
+ Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence in remission |
+ E241.00 |
+ Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence |
+ E241.11 |
+ Anxiolytic dependence |
+ E241.12 |
+ Barbiturate dependence |
+ E241.13 |
+ Benzodiazepine dependence |
+ E241.14 |
+ Diazepam dependence |
+ E241.15 |
+ Librium dependence |
+ E241.16 |
+ Sedative dependence |
+ E241.17 |
+ Valium dependence |
+ E241z00 |
+ Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence NOS |
+ E242000 |
+ Cocaine dependence, unspecified |
+ E242100 |
+ Cocaine dependence, continuous |
+ E242200 |
+ Cocaine dependence, episodic |
+ E242300 |
+ Cocaine dependence in remission |
+ E242.00 |
+ Cocaine type drug dependence |
+ E242z00 |
+ Cocaine drug dependence NOS |
+ E243000 |
+ Cannabis dependence, unspecified |
+ E243100 |
+ Cannabis dependence, continuous |
+ E243200 |
+ Cannabis dependence, episodic |
+ E243300 |
+ Cannabis dependence in remission |
+ E243.00 |
+ Cannabis type drug dependence |
+ E243.11 |
+ Hashish dependence |
+ E243.12 |
+ Hemp dependence |
+ E243.13 |
+ Marihuana dependence |
+ E243z00 |
+ Cannabis drug dependence NOS |
+ E244000 |
+ Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, unspecified |
+ E244011 |
+ Amfetamine or psychostimulant dependence, unspecified |
+ E244100 |
+ Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, continuous |
+ E244200 |
+ Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, episodic |
+ E244300 |
+ Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence in remission |
+ E244.00 |
+ Amphetamine or other psychostimulant dependence |
+ E244.11 |
+ Psychostimulant dependence |
+ E244.12 |
+ Stimulant dependence |
+ E244z00 |
+ Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence NOS |
+ E244z11 |
+ Amfetamine or psychostimulant dependence NOS |
+ E245000 |
+ Hallucinogen dependence, unspecified |
+ E245100 |
+ Hallucinogen dependence, continuous |
+ E245200 |
+ Hallucinogen dependence, episodic |
+ E245300 |
+ Hallucinogen dependence in remission |
+ E245.00 |
+ Hallucinogen dependence |
+ E245.11 |
+ LSD dependence |
+ E245.12 |
+ Lysergic acid diethylamide dependence |
+ E245z00 |
+ Hallucinogen dependence NOS |
+ E246000 |
+ Glue sniffing dependence, unspecified |
+ E246100 |
+ Glue sniffing dependence, continuous |
+ E246200 |
+ Glue sniffing dependence, episodic |
+ E246300 |
+ Glue sniffing dependence in remission |
+ E246.00 |
+ Glue sniffing dependence |
+ E246z00 |
+ Glue sniffing dependence NOS |
+ E247000 |
+ Other specified drug dependence, unspecified |
+ E247100 |
+ Other specified drug dependence, continuous |
+ E247200 |
+ Other specified drug dependence, episodic |
+ E247300 |
+ Other specified drug dependence in remission |
+ E247.00 |
+ Other specified drug dependence |
+ E247.11 |
+ Absinthe addiction |
+ E247z00 |
+ Other specified drug dependence NOS |
+ E248000 |
+ Combined opioid with other drug dependence, unspecified |
+ E248100 |
+ Combined opioid with other drug dependence, continuous |
+ E248200 |
+ Combined opioid with other drug dependence, episodic |
+ E248300 |
+ Combined opioid with other drug dependence in remission |
+ E248.00 |
+ Combined opioid with other drug dependence |
+ E248z00 |
+ Combined opioid with other drug dependence NOS |
+ E249000 |
+ Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, unspecified |
+ E249100 |
+ Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, continuous |
+ E249200 |
+ Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, episodic |
+ E249300 |
+ Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, in remission |
+ E249.00 |
+ Combined drug dependence, excluding opioids |
+ E249z00 |
+ Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, NOS |
+ E24A.00 |
+ Ecstasy type drug dependence |
+ E24..00 |
+ Drug dependence |
+ E24..11 |
+ Drug addiction |
+ E24z.00 |
+ Drug dependence NOS |
+ E252000 |
+ Nondependent cannabis abuse, unspecified |
+ E252100 |
+ Nondependent cannabis abuse, continuous |
+ E252200 |
+ Nondependent cannabis abuse, episodic |
+ E252300 |
+ Nondependent cannabis abuse in remission |
+ E252.00 |
+ Nondependent cannabis abuse |
+ E252z00 |
+ Nondependent cannabis abuse NOS |
+ E253000 |
+ Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, unspecified |
+ E253100 |
+ Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, continuous |
+ E253200 |
+ Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, episodic |
+ E253300 |
+ Nondependent hallucinogen abuse in remission |
+ E253.00 |
+ Nondependent hallucinogen abuse |
+ E253.11 |
+ 'Bad trips' |
+ E253.12 |
+ LSD reaction |
+ E253z00 |
+ Nondependent hallucinogen abuse NOS |
+ E254000 |
+ Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, unspecified |
+ E254100 |
+ Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, continuous |
+ E254200 |
+ Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, episodic |
+ E254300 |
+ Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse in remission |
+ E254.00 |
+ Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse |
+ E254.11 |
+ Barbiturate abuse |
+ E254.12 |
+ Hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse |
+ E254.13 |
+ Sedative abuse |
+ E254.14 |
+ Tranquilliser abuse |
+ E254z00 |
+ Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse NOS |
+ E255000 |
+ Nondependent opioid abuse, unspecified |
+ E255100 |
+ Nondependent opioid abuse, continuous |
+ E255200 |
+ Nondependent opioid abuse, episodic |
+ E255300 |
+ Nondependent opioid abuse in remission |
+ E255.00 |
+ Nondependent opioid abuse |
+ E255z00 |
+ Nondependent opioid abuse NOS |
+ E256000 |
+ Nondependent cocaine abuse, unspecified |
+ E256100 |
+ Nondependent cocaine abuse, continuous |
+ E256200 |
+ Nondependent cocaine abuse, episodic |
+ E256300 |
+ Nondependent cocaine abuse in remission |
+ E256.00 |
+ Nondependent cocaine abuse |
+ E256z00 |
+ Nondependent cocaine abuse NOS |
+ E257000 |
+ Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse, unspecified |
+ E257100 |
+ Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse, continuous |
+ E257200 |
+ Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse, episodic |
+ E257300 |
+ Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse in remission |
+ E257.00 |
+ Nondependent amphetamine or other psychostimulant abuse |
+ E257.11 |
+ Psychostimulant abuse |
+ E257.12 |
+ Stimulant abuse |
+ E257z00 |
+ Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse NOS |
+ E258.00 |
+ Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse |
+ E258z00 |
+ Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse NOS |
+ E259000 |
+ Nondependent mixed drug abuse, unspecified |
+ E259100 |
+ Nondependent mixed drug abuse, continuous |
+ E259200 |
+ Nondependent mixed drug abuse, episodic |
+ E259300 |
+ Nondependent mixed drug abuse in remission |
+ E259400 |
+ Misuse of prescription only drugs |
+ E259.00 |
+ Nondependent mixed drug abuse |
+ E259z00 |
+ Nondependent mixed drug abuse NOS |
+ E25..00 |
+ Nondependent abuse of drugs |
+ E25y000 |
+ Nondependent other drug abuse, unspecified |
+ E25y100 |
+ Nondependent other drug abuse, continuous |
+ E25y200 |
+ Nondependent other drug abuse, episodic |
+ E25y300 |
+ Nondependent other drug abuse in remission |
+ E25y.00 |
+ Nondependent other drug abuse |
+ E25y.11 |
+ Analgesic abuse |
+ E25yz00 |
+ Nondependent other drug abuse NOS |
+ E25z.00 |
+ Misuse of drugs NOS |
+ Eu11000 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due to use opioids: acute intoxication |
+ Eu11100 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use of opioids: harmful use |
+ Eu11200 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: dependence syndr |
+ Eu11211 |
+ [X]Drug addiction - opioids |
+ Eu11212 |
+ [X]Heroin addiction |
+ Eu11300 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: withdrawal state |
+ Eu11311 |
+ [X]Cold turkey, opiate withdrawal |
+ Eu11400 |
+ [X]Men & behav dis due opioid: withdrawl state with delirium |
+ Eu11500 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due to use opioids: psychotic disorder |
+ Eu11600 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: amnesic syndrome |
+ Eu11700 |
+ [X]Men & beh dis due opioids: resid & late-onset psychot dis |
+ Eu11.00 |
+ [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids |
+ Eu11y00 |
+ [X]Men & behav dis due to use opioids: oth men & behav dis |
+ Eu11z00 |
+ [X]Ment & behav dis due use opioids: unsp ment & behav dis |
+ Eu12000 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due cannabinoids: acute intoxication |
+ Eu12100 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cannabinoids: harmful use |
+ Eu12200 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to cannabinoids: dependence synd |
+ Eu12211 |
+ [X]Drug addiction - cannabis |
+ Eu12300 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due cannabinoids: withdrawal state |
+ Eu12500 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due to cannabinoids: psychotic disordr |
+ Eu12600 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cannabinoids: amnesic syn |
+ Eu12700 |
+ [X]Mnt/bh dis due cannabinds: resid & late-onset psychot dis |
+ Eu12.00 |
+ [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use cannabinoids |
+ Eu12y00 |
+ [X]Men/behav dis due to use cannabinoids: oth men/behav disd |
+ Eu12z00 |
+ [X]Ment/behav dis due use cannabinoids: unsp ment/behav disd |
+ Eu13000 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due seds/hypntcs: acute intoxication |
+ Eu13100 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use seds/hypntcs: harmful use |
+ Eu13200 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to seds/hypntcs: dependence synd |
+ Eu13211 |
+ [X]Drug addiction- sedative / hypnotics |
+ Eu13300 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due seds/hypntcs: withdrawal state |
+ Eu13400 |
+ [X]Men & beh dis due seds/hypns: withdrwl state wth delirium |
+ Eu13500 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due to seds/hypntcs: psychotic disordr |
+ Eu13.00 |
+ [X]Mental and behavioural dis due use sedatives/hypnotics |
+ Eu14000 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due to use cocaine: acute intoxication |
+ Eu14100 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use of cocaine: harmful use |
+ Eu14200 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cocaine: dependence syndr |
+ Eu14211 |
+ [X]Drug addiction - cocaine |
+ Eu14300 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cocaine: withdrawal state |
+ Eu14500 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due to use cocaine: psychotic disorder |
+ Eu14700 |
+ [X]Men & beh dis due cocaine: resid & late-onset psychot dis |
+ Eu14.00 |
+ [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine |
+ Eu15000 |
+ [X]Mnt/beh dis due oth stim inc caffein: acute intoxication |
+ Eu15100 |
+ [X]Ment/behav dis due to use oth stims inc caff: harmful use |
+ Eu15200 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis oth stim inc caffein: dependnce synd |
+ Eu15211 |
+ [X]Drug addiction-other stimul |
+ Eu15300 |
+ [X]Mnt/behav dis other stimlnts inc caffeine: withdrwl state |
+ Eu15500 |
+ [X]Mental/behav dis oth stims inc caffeine: psychotic dis |
+ Eu15700 |
+ [X]Mnt/bh dis oth stm inc caffne resid/late-onset psycht dis |
+ Eu15.00 |
+ [X]Mental & behav disorder due other stimulants inc caffein |
+ Eu15z00 |
+ [X]Ment/beh dis oth stims inc caffeine: unsp ment/behav disd |
+ Eu16000 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due hallucinogens: acute intoxicatn |
+ Eu16100 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to use hallucinogens: harmfl use |
+ Eu16200 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to hallucinogens: dependence syn |
+ Eu16211 |
+ [X]Drug addiction - hallucinogen |
+ Eu16300 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due hallucinogens: withdrawal state |
+ Eu16500 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due to hallucinogens: psychotic disord |
+ Eu16700 |
+ [X]Mnt/bh dis due hallucngns: resid & late-onset psychot dis |
+ Eu16711 |
+ [X]Post hallucinogen perception disorder |
+ Eu16.00 |
+ [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use hallucinogens |
+ Eu16z00 |
+ [X]Ment/behav dis due use hallucinogens: unsp ment/behav dis |
+ Eu18000 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due vol solvents: acute intoxication |
+ Eu18100 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due volatile solvents: harmful use |
+ Eu18200 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis due to vol solvents: dependence synd |
+ Eu18211 |
+ [X]Drug addiction - solvent |
+ Eu18400 |
+ [X]Men & beh dis vol solvents: withdrawal state wth delirium |
+ Eu18500 |
+ [X]Mental & behav dis due to vol solvents: psychotic disordr |
+ Eu18.00 |
+ [X]Mental & behav disorders due to use of volatile solvents |
+ Eu18z00 |
+ [X]Ment/behav dis due use vol solvents: unsp ment/behav dis |
+ Eu19000 |
+ [X]Mental/behav dis multi drg use/psychoac subs: acute intox |
+ Eu19100 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis mlti drg/oth psychoa sbs: harmfl use |
+ Eu19200 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis mlti/oth psych sbs: dependence syndr |
+ Eu19211 |
+ [X]Drug addiction NOS |
+ Eu19300 |
+ [X]Mental and behav dis mlti/oth psychoa sbs: withdrwl state |
+ Eu19400 |
+ [X]Mnt/bh dis mlti drg use/oth psy sbs: wthdr state + dlrium |
+ Eu19500 |
+ [X]Ment/behav dis mlti drug use/oth psyc sbs: psychotc dis |
+ Eu19600 |
+ [X]Mental/behav dis multi drg use/oth psy sbs: amnesic syndr |
+ Eu19700 |
+ [X]Men/beh dis mlt drg use/oth subs: resid/late psychot dis |
+ Eu19.00 |
+ [X]Men & behav disorder multiple drug use/psychoactive subst |
+ Eu19y00 |
+ [X]Men/beh dis mlt drg use/oth psy sbs: oth men & behav dis |
+ Eu19z00 |
+ [X]Ment/beh dis multi drug use/oth psy sbs unsp mnt/beh dis |
+ Eu1A000 |
+ [X]Ment behav dis due use crack cocaine: acute intoxication |
+ Eu1A100 |
+ [X]Mental behav disorders due use crack cocaine: harmful use |
+ Eu1A200 |
+ [X]Mental behav disorders due use crack cocaine: depend synd |
+ Eu1A300 |
+ [X]Mental behav disord due crack cocaine: withdrawal state |
+ Eu1A500 |
+ [X]Mental behav disord due crack cocaine: psychotic disorder |
+ Eu1A.00 |
+ [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due use of crack cocaine |
+ Eu1Az00 |
+ [X]Ment behav dis due crack cocaine: unsp ment and behav dis |
+ Eu1..00 |
+ [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive subs |
+ TJ51.00 |
+ Adverse reaction to methadone |
+ TJ52100 |
+ Adverse reaction to buprenorphine |
+ U605012 |
+ [X] Adverse reaction to methadone |
+ U605015 |
+ [X] Adverse reaction to buprenorphine |
+ Z1Q6200 |
+ Methadone maintenance |
+ Z1Q6212 |
+ Methadone therapy |
+ Z1Q6214 |
+ Heroin maintenance |
+ Z416.00 |
+ Substance abuse counselling |
+ ZV11400 |
+ [V]Personal history of psychoactive substance abuse |
+ ZV11500 |
+ [V]Personal history of drug abuse by injection |
+ ZV6D700 |
+ [V]Drug abuse counselling and surveillance |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F11 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids |
+ F12 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids |
+ F13 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics |
+ F14 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine |
+ F15 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine |
+ F16 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of hallucinogens |
+ F18 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of volatile solvents |
+ F19 |
+ Mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Pancreatitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Pancreatitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Pancreatitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Pancreatitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Pancreatitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14CG.00 | History of acute pancreatitis |
14CH.00 | History of chronic pancreatitis |
A723.00 | Mumps pancreatitis |
A785100 | Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis |
D201612 | Pancytopenia with pancreatitis |
J670000 | Acute pancreatitis unspecified |
J670100 | Acute recurrent pancreatitis |
J670200 | Acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis |
J670300 | Acute suppurative pancreatitis |
J670400 | Subacute pancreatitis |
J670500 | Gallstone acute pancreatitis |
J670600 | Idiopathic acute pancreatitis |
J670700 | Biliary acute pancreatitis |
J670800 | Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis |
J670900 | Drug-induced acute pancreatitis |
J670.00 | Acute pancreatitis |
J670y00 | Other acute pancreatitis |
J670z00 | Acute pancreatitis NOS |
J670z11 | Pancreatitis |
J671000 | Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis |
J671100 | Gallstone chronic pancreatitis |
J671.00 | Chronic pancreatitis |
J672100 | Pseudocyst of pancreas |
Jyu8400 | [X]Other chronic pancreatitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K85 | Acute pancreatitis |
K86.0 | Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis |
K86.1 | Other chronic pancreatitis |
K86.3 | Pseudocyst of pancreas |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Pancreatitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14CG.00 |
+ History of acute pancreatitis |
+ 14CH.00 |
+ History of chronic pancreatitis |
+ A723.00 |
+ Mumps pancreatitis |
+ A785100 |
+ Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis |
+ D201612 |
+ Pancytopenia with pancreatitis |
+ J670000 |
+ Acute pancreatitis unspecified |
+ J670100 |
+ Acute recurrent pancreatitis |
+ J670200 |
+ Acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis |
+ J670300 |
+ Acute suppurative pancreatitis |
+ J670400 |
+ Subacute pancreatitis |
+ J670500 |
+ Gallstone acute pancreatitis |
+ J670600 |
+ Idiopathic acute pancreatitis |
+ J670700 |
+ Biliary acute pancreatitis |
+ J670800 |
+ Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis |
+ J670900 |
+ Drug-induced acute pancreatitis |
+ J670.00 |
+ Acute pancreatitis |
+ J670y00 |
+ Other acute pancreatitis |
+ J670z00 |
+ Acute pancreatitis NOS |
+ J670z11 |
+ Pancreatitis |
+ J671000 |
+ Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis |
+ J671100 |
+ Gallstone chronic pancreatitis |
+ J671.00 |
+ Chronic pancreatitis |
+ J672100 |
+ Pseudocyst of pancreas |
+ Jyu8400 |
+ [X]Other chronic pancreatitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K85 |
+ Acute pancreatitis |
+ K86.0 |
+ Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis |
+ K86.1 |
+ Other chronic pancreatitis |
+ K86.3 |
+ Pseudocyst of pancreas |
+Parasitic infections
-Parasitic infections
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Parasitic infections IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Parasitic infections' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Parasitic infections or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A06 | Amoebiasis |
A07 | Other protozoal intestinal diseases |
A59 | Trichomoniasis |
B50 | Plasmodium falciparum malaria |
B51 | Plasmodium vivax malaria |
B52 | Plasmodium malariae malaria |
B53 | Other parasitologically confirmed malaria |
B54 | Unspecified malaria |
B55 | Leishmaniasis |
B56 | African trypanosomiasis |
B57 | Chagas' disease |
B58 | Toxoplasmosis |
B60 | Other protozoal diseases, not elsewhere classified |
B64 | Unspecified protozoal disease |
B65 | Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis] |
B66 | Other fluke infections |
B67 | Echinococcosis |
B68 | Taeniasis |
B69 | Cysticercosis |
B70 | Diphyllobothriasis and sparganosis |
B71 | Other cestode infections |
B72 | Dracunculiasis |
B73 | Onchocerciasis |
B74 | Filariasis |
B75 | Trichinellosis |
B76 | Hookworm diseases |
B77 | Ascariasis |
B78 | Strongyloidiasis |
B79 | Trichuriasis |
B80 | Enterobiasis |
B81 | Other intestinal helminthiases, not elsewhere classified |
B82 | Unspecified intestinal parasitism |
B83 | Other helminthiases |
B85 | Pediculosis and phthiriasis |
B86 | Scabies |
B87 | Myiasis |
B88 | Other infestations |
B89 | Unspecified parasitic disease |
J17.3 | Pneumonia in parasitic diseases |
K23.1 | Megaoesophagus in Chagas' disease |
P37.1 | Congenital toxoplasmosis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Parasitic infections' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A06 |
+ Amoebiasis |
+ A07 |
+ Other protozoal intestinal diseases |
+ A59 |
+ Trichomoniasis |
+ B50 |
+ Plasmodium falciparum malaria |
+ B51 |
+ Plasmodium vivax malaria |
+ B52 |
+ Plasmodium malariae malaria |
+ B53 |
+ Other parasitologically confirmed malaria |
+ B54 |
+ Unspecified malaria |
+ B55 |
+ Leishmaniasis |
+ B56 |
+ African trypanosomiasis |
+ B57 |
+ Chagas' disease |
+ B58 |
+ Toxoplasmosis |
+ B60 |
+ Other protozoal diseases, not elsewhere classified |
+ B64 |
+ Unspecified protozoal disease |
+ B65 |
+ Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis] |
+ B66 |
+ Other fluke infections |
+ B67 |
+ Echinococcosis |
+ B68 |
+ Taeniasis |
+ B69 |
+ Cysticercosis |
+ B70 |
+ Diphyllobothriasis and sparganosis |
+ B71 |
+ Other cestode infections |
+ B72 |
+ Dracunculiasis |
+ B73 |
+ Onchocerciasis |
+ B74 |
+ Filariasis |
+ B75 |
+ Trichinellosis |
+ B76 |
+ Hookworm diseases |
+ B77 |
+ Ascariasis |
+ B78 |
+ Strongyloidiasis |
+ B79 |
+ Trichuriasis |
+ B80 |
+ Enterobiasis |
+ B81 |
+ Other intestinal helminthiases, not elsewhere classified |
+ B82 |
+ Unspecified intestinal parasitism |
+ B83 |
+ Other helminthiases |
+ B85 |
+ Pediculosis and phthiriasis |
+ B86 |
+ Scabies |
+ B87 |
+ Myiasis |
+ B88 |
+ Other infestations |
+ B89 |
+ Unspecified parasitic disease |
+ J17.3 |
+ Pneumonia in parasitic diseases |
+ K23.1 |
+ Megaoesophagus in Chagas' disease |
+ P37.1 |
+ Congenital toxoplasmosis |
+Parkinson's disease
-Parkinson's disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Parkinson's Disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Parkinson's disease' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Parkinson's Disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Parkinson's disease' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Parkinson's Disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
147F.00 | History of Parkinsons disease |
Eu02300 | [X]Dementia in Parkinsons disease |
F11x900 | Cerebral degeneration in Parkinsons disease |
F120.00 | Paralysis agitans |
F12..00 | Parkinsons disease |
F12z.00 | Parkinsons disease NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F02.3 | Dementia in Parkinson's disease |
G20 | Parkinson's disease |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Parkinson's disease' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 147F.00 |
+ History of Parkinson's disease |
+ Eu02300 |
+ [X]Dementia in Parkinson's disease |
+ F11x900 |
+ Cerebral degeneration in Parkinson's disease |
+ F120.00 |
+ Paralysis agitans |
+ F12..00 |
+ Parkinson's disease |
+ F12z.00 |
+ Parkinson's disease NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F02.3 |
+ Dementia in Parkinson's disease |
+ G20 |
+ Parkinson's disease |
+Patent ductus arteriosus
-Patent ductus arteriosus
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Patent ductus arteriosus IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Patent ductus arteriosus' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Patent ductus arteriosus diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Patent ductus arteriosus' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Patent ductus arteriosus or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Patent ductus arteriosus' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Patent ductus arteriosus during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7A01000 | Division of patent ductus arteriosus |
7A01100 | Ligation of patent ductus arteriosus |
7A01200 | Closure of patent ductus arteriosus NEC |
7A01300 | Revision of correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
7A01.00 | Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
7A01.11 | Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) |
7A01y00 | Other specified open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
7A01z00 | Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus NOS |
7A02000 | Percut transluminal prosth occlusion patent ductus arterios |
7A02011 | Percut translum prosth occlus patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) |
P70..00 | Patent ductus arteriosus |
P70..11 | Botalli's patent ductus |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
Q25.0 | Patent ductus arteriosus |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
L02 | Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
L02.1 | Division of patent ductus arteriosus |
L02.2 | Ligature of patent ductus arteriosus |
L02.3 | Closure of patent ductus arteriosus NEC |
L02.4 | Revision of correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
L02.8 | Other specified open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
L02.9 | Unspecified open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
L03 | Transluminal operations on abnormality of great vessel |
L03.1 | Percutaneous transluminal prosthetic occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus |
-Peripheral arterial disease
-Use MODIFIED CALIBER Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) phenotyping algorithm:
-At the specified date, a patient is considered to have peripheral arterial disease IF they meet any of the criteria below on or before the specified date.
-The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
-1. Primary care
- 1. Peripheral vascular disease diagnosis during a consultation. arterial_gprd: category 7
- 2. Record of history of PVD during a consultation. The following Read codes from CPRD:
- 1. Read:14F7.00 Medcode: 106762 Descr:H/O: arterial lower limb ulcer
- 2. Read:14NB.00 Medcode: 59534 Descr: H/O: Peripheral vascular disease procedure
- 3. Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis diagnosis during a consultation. arterial_gprd: category 8
- 4. Peripheral arterial disease procedures, excluding repair of AAA recording during a consultation. pad_opcs_gprd: category 3
- 5. Abnormal peripheral arterial disease (PAD) ultrasound or Doppler study results recorded during a consultation. As per implementation of pad_ud_gprd in CALIBER
- 6. Abnormal peripheral arterial disease angiography results recorded during a consultation. As per implementation of pad_angio_gprd in CALIBER
-2. Secondary care
- 1. Primary or secondary diagnosis of Peripheral vascular disease during a hospitalization. arterial_hes: category 7
- 2. Primary or secondary diagnosis of leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis during a hospitalization. arterial_hes: category 8
- 3. Recording of peripheral arterial disease procedures, excluding repair of AAA. pad_procs_opcs: category 3
+1. ALL procedures for 'Patent ductus arteriosus' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7A01000 |
+ Division of patent ductus arteriosus |
+ 7A01100 |
+ Ligation of patent ductus arteriosus |
+ 7A01200 |
+ Closure of patent ductus arteriosus NEC |
+ 7A01300 |
+ Revision of correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
+ 7A01.00 |
+ Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
+ 7A01.11 |
+ Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) |
+ 7A01y00 |
+ Other specified open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
+ 7A01z00 |
+ Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus NOS |
+ 7A02000 |
+ Percut transluminal prosth occlusion patent ductus arterios |
+ 7A02011 |
+ Percut translum prosth occlus patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) |
+ P70..00 |
+ Patent ductus arteriosus |
+ P70..11 |
+ Botalli's patent ductus |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_PDA.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ Q25.0 |
+ Patent ductus arteriosus |
+Secondary care procedures (OPCS_PDA.csv)
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ L02 |
+ Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
+ L02.1 |
+ Division of patent ductus arteriosus |
+ L02.2 |
+ Ligature of patent ductus arteriosus |
+ L02.3 |
+ Closure of patent ductus arteriosus NEC |
+ L02.4 |
+ Revision of correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
+ L02.8 |
+ Other specified open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
+ L02.9 |
+ Unspecified open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
+ L03 |
+ Transluminal operations on abnormality of great vessel |
+ L03.1 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal prosthetic occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus |
+Peptic ulcer disease
-Peptic Ulcer
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Peptic ulcer disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Peptic ulcer disease' disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Peptic ulcer disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Peptic ulcer disease' disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Peptic ulcer disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Peptic ulcer disease' disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Peptic ulcer disease during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14C1.00 | H/O: peptic ulcer |
14C1.11 | H/O: duodenal ulcer |
14C1.12 | H/O: gastric ulcer |
7612111.0 | Balfour excision of gastric ulcer |
7612500.0 | Resection of gastric ulcer by cautery |
761D500 | Endoscopic injection haemostasis of duodenal ulcer |
761D600 | Endoscopic injection haemostasis of gastric ulcer |
761J000 | Closure of perforated gastric ulcer |
761J100 | Closure of gastric ulcer NEC |
761J111 | Suture of ulcer of stomach NEC |
761J.00 | Operations on gastric ulcer |
761J.11 | Stomach ulcer operations |
761Jy00 | Other specified operation on gastric ulcer |
761Jz00 | Operation on gastric ulcer NOS |
7627000.0 | Closure of perforated duodenal ulcer |
7627100.0 | Suture of duodenal ulcer not elsewhere classified |
7627200.0 | Oversew of blood vessel of duodenal ulcer |
7627.00 | Operations on duodenal ulcer |
7627y00 | Other specified operation on duodenal ulcer |
7627z00 | Operation on duodenal ulcer NOS |
J110000 | Acute gastric ulcer without mention of complication |
J110100 | Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage |
J110111 | Bleeding acute gastric ulcer |
J110200 | Acute gastric ulcer with perforation |
J110300 | Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J110400 | Acute gastric ulcer with obstruction |
J110.00 | Acute gastric ulcer |
J110y00 | Acute gastric ulcer unspecified |
J110z00 | Acute gastric ulcer NOS |
J111000 | Chronic gastric ulcer without mention of complication |
J111100 | Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage |
J111111 | Bleeding chronic gastric ulcer |
J111200 | Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation |
J111211 | Perforated chronic gastric ulcer |
J111300 | Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J111400 | Chronic gastric ulcer with obstruction |
J111.00 | Chronic gastric ulcer |
J111y00 | Chronic gastric ulcer unspecified |
J111z00 | Chronic gastric ulcer NOS |
J112.00 | Anti-platelet induced gastric ulcer |
J112z00 | Anti-platelet induced gastric ulcer NOS |
J113.00 | Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced gastric ulcer |
J113z00 | Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced gastric ulc NOS |
J11..00 | Gastric ulcer - (GU) |
J11..11 | Prepyloric ulcer |
J11..12 | Pyloric ulcer |
J11y000 | Unspecified gastric ulcer without mention of complication |
J11y100 | Unspecified gastric ulcer with haemorrhage |
J11y200 | Unspecified gastric ulcer with perforation |
J11y400 | Unspecified gastric ulcer with obstruction |
J11y.00 | Unspecified gastric ulcer |
J11yy00 | Unspec gastric ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation |
J11yz00 | Unspecified gastric ulcer NOS |
J11z.00 | Gastric ulcer NOS |
J11z.11 | Gastric erosions |
J11z.12 | Multiple gastric ulcers |
J120000 | Acute duodenal ulcer without mention of complication |
J120100 | Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage |
J120200 | Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation |
J120300 | Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J120400 | Acute duodenal ulcer with obstruction |
J120.00 | Acute duodenal ulcer |
J120y00 | Acute duodenal ulcer unspecified |
J120z00 | Acute duodenal ulcer NOS |
J121000 | Chronic duodenal ulcer without mention of complication |
J121100 | Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage |
J121111 | Bleeding chronic duodenal ulcer |
J121200 | Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation |
J121211 | Perforated chronic duodenal ulcer |
J121300 | Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J121400 | Chronic duodenal ulcer with obstruction |
J121.00 | Chronic duodenal ulcer |
J121y00 | Chronic duodenal ulcer unspecified |
J121z00 | Chronic duodenal ulcer NOS |
J122.00 | Duodenal ulcer disease |
J123.00 | Duodenal erosion |
J124.00 | Recurrent duodenal ulcer |
J125.00 | Anti-platelet induced duodenal ulcer |
J126.00 | Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced duodenal ulcer |
J12..00 | Duodenal ulcer - (DU) |
J12y000 | Unspecified duodenal ulcer without mention of complication |
J12y100 | Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage |
J12y200 | Unspecified duodenal ulcer with perforation |
J12y300 | Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J12y400 | Unspecified duodenal ulcer with obstruction |
J12y.00 | Unspecified duodenal ulcer |
J12yy00 | Unspec duodenal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation |
J12yz00 | Unspecified duodenal ulcer NOS |
J12z.00 | Duodenal ulcer NOS |
J130000 | Acute peptic ulcer without mention of complication |
J130100 | Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage |
J130200 | Acute peptic ulcer with perforation |
J130300 | Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J130.00 | Acute peptic ulcer |
J130y00 | Acute peptic ulcer unspecified |
J130z00 | Acute peptic ulcer NOS |
J131000 | Chronic peptic ulcer without mention of complication |
J131100 | Chronic peptic ulcer with haemorrhage |
J131200 | Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation |
J131400 | Chronic peptic ulcer with obstruction |
J131.00 | Chronic peptic ulcer |
J131y00 | Chronic peptic ulcer unspecified |
J131z00 | Chronic peptic ulcer NOS |
J13..00 | Peptic ulcer - (PU) site unspecified |
J13..11 | Stress ulcer NOS |
J13y000 | Unspecified peptic ulcer without mention of complication |
J13y100 | Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage |
J13y200 | Unspecified peptic ulcer with perforation |
J13y300 | Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J13y400 | Unspecified peptic ulcer with obstruction |
J13y.00 | Unspecified peptic ulcer |
J13yz00 | Unspecified peptic ulcer NOS |
J13z.00 | Peptic ulcer NOS |
J140100 | Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage |
J140200 | Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation |
J140300 | Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J140.00 | Acute gastrojejunal ulcer |
J140z00 | Acute gastrojejunal ulcer NOS |
J141300 | Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J141.00 | Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer |
J14..00 | Gastrojejunal ulcer (GJU) |
J14..11 | Anastomotic ulcer |
J14..12 | Gastrocolic ulcer |
J14..13 | Jejunal ulcer |
J14y100 | Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage |
J14y200 | Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation |
J14y.00 | Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer |
J14yz00 | Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer NOS |
J14z.00 | Gastrojejunal ulcer NOS |
J17y800 | Healed gastric ulcer leaving a scar |
ZV12711 | [V]Personal history of peptic ulcer |
ZV12712 | [V]Personal history of duodenal ulcer |
ZV12C00 | [V] Personal history of gastric ulcer |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K25 | Gastric ulcer |
K26 | Duodenal ulcer |
K27 | Peptic ulcer, site unspecified |
K28 | Gastrojejunal ulcer |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
G35 | Operations on ulcer of stomach |
G35.1 | Closure of perforated ulcer of stomach |
G35.2 | Closure of ulcer of stomach NEC |
G35.8 | Other specified operations on ulcer of stomach |
G35.9 | Unspecified operations on ulcer of stomach |
G52 | Operations on ulcer of duodenum |
G52.1 | Closure of perforated ulcer of duodenum |
G52.2 | Suture of ulcer of duodenum NEC |
G52.3 | Oversew of blood vessel of duodenal ulcer |
G52.8 | Other specified operations on ulcer of duodenum |
G52.9 | Unspecified operations on ulcer of duodenum |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Peptic ulcer disease' disease during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14C1.00 |
+ H/O: peptic ulcer |
+ 14C1.11 |
+ H/O: duodenal ulcer |
+ 14C1.12 |
+ H/O: gastric ulcer |
+ 7612111.0 |
+ Balfour excision of gastric ulcer |
+ 7612500.0 |
+ Resection of gastric ulcer by cautery |
+ 761D500 |
+ Endoscopic injection haemostasis of duodenal ulcer |
+ 761D600 |
+ Endoscopic injection haemostasis of gastric ulcer |
+ 761J000 |
+ Closure of perforated gastric ulcer |
+ 761J100 |
+ Closure of gastric ulcer NEC |
+ 761J111 |
+ Suture of ulcer of stomach NEC |
+ 761J.00 |
+ Operations on gastric ulcer |
+ 761J.11 |
+ Stomach ulcer operations |
+ 761Jy00 |
+ Other specified operation on gastric ulcer |
+ 761Jz00 |
+ Operation on gastric ulcer NOS |
+ 7627000.0 |
+ Closure of perforated duodenal ulcer |
+ 7627100.0 |
+ Suture of duodenal ulcer not elsewhere classified |
+ 7627200.0 |
+ Oversew of blood vessel of duodenal ulcer |
+ 7627.00 |
+ Operations on duodenal ulcer |
+ 7627y00 |
+ Other specified operation on duodenal ulcer |
+ 7627z00 |
+ Operation on duodenal ulcer NOS |
+ J110000 |
+ Acute gastric ulcer without mention of complication |
+ J110100 |
+ Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage |
+ J110111 |
+ Bleeding acute gastric ulcer |
+ J110200 |
+ Acute gastric ulcer with perforation |
+ J110300 |
+ Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J110400 |
+ Acute gastric ulcer with obstruction |
+ J110.00 |
+ Acute gastric ulcer |
+ J110y00 |
+ Acute gastric ulcer unspecified |
+ J110z00 |
+ Acute gastric ulcer NOS |
+ J111000 |
+ Chronic gastric ulcer without mention of complication |
+ J111100 |
+ Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage |
+ J111111 |
+ Bleeding chronic gastric ulcer |
+ J111200 |
+ Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation |
+ J111211 |
+ Perforated chronic gastric ulcer |
+ J111300 |
+ Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J111400 |
+ Chronic gastric ulcer with obstruction |
+ J111.00 |
+ Chronic gastric ulcer |
+ J111y00 |
+ Chronic gastric ulcer unspecified |
+ J111z00 |
+ Chronic gastric ulcer NOS |
+ J112.00 |
+ Anti-platelet induced gastric ulcer |
+ J112z00 |
+ Anti-platelet induced gastric ulcer NOS |
+ J113.00 |
+ Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced gastric ulcer |
+ J113z00 |
+ Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced gastric ulc NOS |
+ J11..00 |
+ Gastric ulcer - (GU) |
+ J11..11 |
+ Prepyloric ulcer |
+ J11..12 |
+ Pyloric ulcer |
+ J11y000 |
+ Unspecified gastric ulcer without mention of complication |
+ J11y100 |
+ Unspecified gastric ulcer with haemorrhage |
+ J11y200 |
+ Unspecified gastric ulcer with perforation |
+ J11y400 |
+ Unspecified gastric ulcer with obstruction |
+ J11y.00 |
+ Unspecified gastric ulcer |
+ J11yy00 |
+ Unspec gastric ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation |
+ J11yz00 |
+ Unspecified gastric ulcer NOS |
+ J11z.00 |
+ Gastric ulcer NOS |
+ J11z.11 |
+ Gastric erosions |
+ J11z.12 |
+ Multiple gastric ulcers |
+ J120000 |
+ Acute duodenal ulcer without mention of complication |
+ J120100 |
+ Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage |
+ J120200 |
+ Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation |
+ J120300 |
+ Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J120400 |
+ Acute duodenal ulcer with obstruction |
+ J120.00 |
+ Acute duodenal ulcer |
+ J120y00 |
+ Acute duodenal ulcer unspecified |
+ J120z00 |
+ Acute duodenal ulcer NOS |
+ J121000 |
+ Chronic duodenal ulcer without mention of complication |
+ J121100 |
+ Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage |
+ J121111 |
+ Bleeding chronic duodenal ulcer |
+ J121200 |
+ Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation |
+ J121211 |
+ Perforated chronic duodenal ulcer |
+ J121300 |
+ Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J121400 |
+ Chronic duodenal ulcer with obstruction |
+ J121.00 |
+ Chronic duodenal ulcer |
+ J121y00 |
+ Chronic duodenal ulcer unspecified |
+ J121z00 |
+ Chronic duodenal ulcer NOS |
+ J122.00 |
+ Duodenal ulcer disease |
+ J123.00 |
+ Duodenal erosion |
+ J124.00 |
+ Recurrent duodenal ulcer |
+ J125.00 |
+ Anti-platelet induced duodenal ulcer |
+ J126.00 |
+ Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced duodenal ulcer |
+ J12..00 |
+ Duodenal ulcer - (DU) |
+ J12y000 |
+ Unspecified duodenal ulcer without mention of complication |
+ J12y100 |
+ Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage |
+ J12y200 |
+ Unspecified duodenal ulcer with perforation |
+ J12y300 |
+ Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J12y400 |
+ Unspecified duodenal ulcer with obstruction |
+ J12y.00 |
+ Unspecified duodenal ulcer |
+ J12yy00 |
+ Unspec duodenal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation |
+ J12yz00 |
+ Unspecified duodenal ulcer NOS |
+ J12z.00 |
+ Duodenal ulcer NOS |
+ J130000 |
+ Acute peptic ulcer without mention of complication |
+ J130100 |
+ Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage |
+ J130200 |
+ Acute peptic ulcer with perforation |
+ J130300 |
+ Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J130.00 |
+ Acute peptic ulcer |
+ J130y00 |
+ Acute peptic ulcer unspecified |
+ J130z00 |
+ Acute peptic ulcer NOS |
+ J131000 |
+ Chronic peptic ulcer without mention of complication |
+ J131100 |
+ Chronic peptic ulcer with haemorrhage |
+ J131200 |
+ Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation |
+ J131400 |
+ Chronic peptic ulcer with obstruction |
+ J131.00 |
+ Chronic peptic ulcer |
+ J131y00 |
+ Chronic peptic ulcer unspecified |
+ J131z00 |
+ Chronic peptic ulcer NOS |
+ J13..00 |
+ Peptic ulcer - (PU) site unspecified |
+ J13..11 |
+ Stress ulcer NOS |
+ J13y000 |
+ Unspecified peptic ulcer without mention of complication |
+ J13y100 |
+ Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage |
+ J13y200 |
+ Unspecified peptic ulcer with perforation |
+ J13y300 |
+ Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J13y400 |
+ Unspecified peptic ulcer with obstruction |
+ J13y.00 |
+ Unspecified peptic ulcer |
+ J13yz00 |
+ Unspecified peptic ulcer NOS |
+ J13z.00 |
+ Peptic ulcer NOS |
+ J140100 |
+ Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage |
+ J140200 |
+ Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation |
+ J140300 |
+ Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J140.00 |
+ Acute gastrojejunal ulcer |
+ J140z00 |
+ Acute gastrojejunal ulcer NOS |
+ J141300 |
+ Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J141.00 |
+ Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer |
+ J14..00 |
+ Gastrojejunal ulcer (GJU) |
+ J14..11 |
+ Anastomotic ulcer |
+ J14..12 |
+ Gastrocolic ulcer |
+ J14..13 |
+ Jejunal ulcer |
+ J14y100 |
+ Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage |
+ J14y200 |
+ Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation |
+ J14y.00 |
+ Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer |
+ J14yz00 |
+ Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer NOS |
+ J14z.00 |
+ Gastrojejunal ulcer NOS |
+ J17y800 |
+ Healed gastric ulcer leaving a scar |
+ ZV12711 |
+ [V]Personal history of peptic ulcer |
+ ZV12712 |
+ [V]Personal history of duodenal ulcer |
+ ZV12C00 |
+ [V] Personal history of gastric ulcer |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K25 |
+ Gastric ulcer |
+ K26 |
+ Duodenal ulcer |
+ K27 |
+ Peptic ulcer, site unspecified |
+ K28 |
+ Gastrojejunal ulcer |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ G35 |
+ Operations on ulcer of stomach |
+ G35.1 |
+ Closure of perforated ulcer of stomach |
+ G35.2 |
+ Closure of ulcer of stomach NEC |
+ G35.8 |
+ Other specified operations on ulcer of stomach |
+ G35.9 |
+ Unspecified operations on ulcer of stomach |
+ G52 |
+ Operations on ulcer of duodenum |
+ G52.1 |
+ Closure of perforated ulcer of duodenum |
+ G52.2 |
+ Suture of ulcer of duodenum NEC |
+ G52.3 |
+ Oversew of blood vessel of duodenal ulcer |
+ G52.8 |
+ Other specified operations on ulcer of duodenum |
+ G52.9 |
+ Unspecified operations on ulcer of duodenum |
+Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)
-Pericardial effusion
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Pericardial effusion IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)' (noninflammatory) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G50..11 | Pericardial effusion - acute |
G533.00 | Pericardial effusion - noninflammatory |
G534.00 | Pericardial effusion - acute |
G536000 | Chronic pericardial effusion |
G536.00 | Pericardial effusion |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I31.3 | Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory) |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)' (noninflammatory) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G50..11 |
+ Pericardial effusion - acute |
+ G533.00 |
+ Pericardial effusion - noninflammatory |
+ G534.00 |
+ Pericardial effusion - acute |
+ G536000 |
+ Chronic pericardial effusion |
+ G536.00 |
+ Pericardial effusion |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I31.3 |
+ Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory) |
+Peripheral arterial disease
+Use MODIFIED CALIBER 'Peripheral arterial disease' (PAD) phenotyping algorithm:
+At the specified date, a patient is considered to have 'Peripheral arterial disease' IF they meet any of the criteria below on or before the specified date.
+The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+1. Primary care
+ 1. Peripheral vascular disease diagnosis during a consultation. arterial_gprd: category 7
+ 2. Record of history of PVD during a consultation. The following Read codes from CPRD:
+ 1. Read:14F7.00 Medcode: 106762 Descr:H/O: arterial lower limb ulcer
+ 2. Read:14NB.00 Medcode: 59534 Descr: H/O: Peripheral vascular disease procedure
+ 3. Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis diagnosis during a consultation. arterial_gprd: category 8
+ 4. 'Peripheral arterial disease' procedures, excluding repair of AAA recording during a consultation. pad_opcs_gprd: category 3
+ 5. Abnormal 'Peripheral arterial disease' (PAD) ultrasound or Doppler study results recorded during a consultation. As per implementation of pad_ud_gprd in CALIBER
+ 6. Abnormal 'Peripheral arterial disease' angiography results recorded during a consultation. As per implementation of pad_angio_gprd in CALIBER
+2. Secondary care
+ 1. Primary or secondary diagnosis of Peripheral vascular disease during a hospitalization. arterial_hes: category 7
+ 2. Primary or secondary diagnosis of leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis during a hospitalization. arterial_hes: category 8
+ 3. Recording of 'Peripheral arterial disease' procedures, excluding repair of AAA. pad_procs_opcs: category 3
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14F7.00 |
+ H/O: arterial lower limb ulcer |
+ 14NB.00 |
+ H/O: Peripheral vascular disease procedure |
+ 2G63.00 |
+ Ischaemic toe |
+ A3A0F00 |
+ Gas gangrene-foot |
+ C107.00 |
+ Diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorder |
+ C107000 |
+ Diabetes mellitus, juvenile +peripheral circulatory disorder |
+ C107100 |
+ Diabetes mellitus, adult, + peripheral circulatory disorder |
+ C107300 |
+ IDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder |
+ C107400 |
+ NIDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder |
+ C107z00 |
+ Diabetes mellitus NOS with peripheral circulatory disorder |
+ C108G00 |
+ Insulin dependent diab mell with peripheral angiopathy |
+ C109F00 |
+ Non-insulin-dependent d m with peripheral angiopath |
+ C109F11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy |
+ C109F12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy |
+ C10EG00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy |
+ C10FF00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy |
+ G700.11 |
+ Aorto-iliac disease |
+ G702.00 |
+ Extremity artery atheroma |
+ G702z00 |
+ Extremity artery atheroma NOS |
+ G73..00 |
+ Other peripheral vascular disease |
+ G73..11 |
+ Peripheral ischaemic vascular disease |
+ G73..12 |
+ Ischaemia of legs |
+ G73..13 |
+ Peripheral ischaemia |
+ G731.00 |
+ Thromboangiitis obliterans |
+ G731000 |
+ Buerger's disease |
+ G731z00 |
+ Thromboangiitis obliterans NOS |
+ G732.00 |
+ Peripheral gangrene |
+ G732000 |
+ Gangrene of toe |
+ G732100 |
+ Gangrene of foot |
+ G733.00 |
+ Ischaemic foot |
+ G73y.00 |
+ Other specified peripheral vascular disease |
+ G73y000 |
+ Diabetic peripheral angiopathy |
+ G73y100 |
+ Peripheral angiopathic disease EC NOS |
+ G73y200 |
+ Acrocyanosis |
+ G73y400 |
+ Acroparaesthesia - Schultze's type |
+ G73y500 |
+ Acroparaesthesia - Nothnagel's type |
+ G73y511 |
+ Nothnagel's vasomotor acroparaesthesia |
+ G73y600 |
+ Acroparaesthesia - unspecified |
+ G73y700 |
+ Erythrocyanosis |
+ G73y800 |
+ Erythromelalgia |
+ G73yz00 |
+ Other specified peripheral vascular disease NOS |
+ G73z.00 |
+ Peripheral vascular disease NOS |
+ G73z000 |
+ Intermittent claudication |
+ G73z011 |
+ Claudication |
+ G73zz00 |
+ Peripheral vascular disease NOS |
+ G740.12 |
+ Aortoiliac obstruction |
+ G742z00 |
+ Peripheral arterial embolism and thrombosis NOS |
+ Gyu7400 |
+ [X]Other specified peripheral vascular diseases |
+ M271.12 |
+ Ischaemic leg ulcer |
+ M271000 |
+ Ischaemic ulcer diabetic foot |
+ M271300 |
+ Arterial leg ulcer |
+ M271400 |
+ Mixed venous and arterial leg ulcer |
+ R054200 |
+ [D]Gangrene of toe in diabetic |
+ R054300 |
+ [D]Widespread diabetic foot gangrene |
+ R055000 |
+ [D]Failure of peripheral circulation |
+ R055011 |
+ [D]Peripheral circulatory failure |
+ G742400 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of the femoral artery |
+ G742500 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of the popliteal artery |
+ G742600 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of the anterior tibial artery |
+ G742700 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of the dorsalis pedis artery |
+ G742900 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of a leg artery NOS |
+ G74y000 |
+ Embolism and/or thrombosis of the common iliac artery |
+ G74y100 |
+ Embolism and/or thrombosis of the internal iliac artery |
+ G74y200 |
+ Embolism and/or thrombosis of the external iliac artery |
+ G74y300 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of the iliac artery unspecified |
+ 7A10000 |
+ Emerg aortic bypass by anastomosis axillary to femoral art |
+ 7A10100 |
+ Bypass aorta by anastomosis axillary to femoral artery NEC |
+ 7A10200 |
+ Axillo-bifemoral bypass graft |
+ 7A10300 |
+ Axillo-unifemoral PTFE bypass graft |
+ 7A12.00 |
+ Other bypass of bifurcation of aorta |
+ 7A12000 |
+ Emerg bypass bifurc aorta by anast aorta to femoral artery |
+ 7A12100 |
+ Bypass bifurc aorta by anastom aorta to femoral artery NEC |
+ 7A12111 |
+ Aorto bifemoral graft |
+ 7A12112 |
+ Dacron aortofemoral Y graft |
+ 7A12300 |
+ Bypass bifurcation aorta by anastom aorta to iliac artery |
+ 7A12311 |
+ Aorto biiliac graft |
+ 7A12312 |
+ Dacron aortoiliac Y graft |
+ 7A12y00 |
+ Other specified other bypass of bifurcation of aorta |
+ 7A12z00 |
+ Other bypass of bifurcation of aorta NOS |
+ 7A19200 |
+ Open embolectomy of bifurcation of aorta |
+ 7A41.00 |
+ Other bypass of iliac artery |
+ 7A41000 |
+ Emerg bypass iliac art by iliac/femoral art anastomosis NEC |
+ 7A41100 |
+ Bypass iliac artery by iliac/femoral artery anastomosis NEC |
+ 7A41200 |
+ Emerg bypass iliac artery by femoral/femoral art anast NEC |
+ 7A41211 |
+ Emergency femoro-femoral prosthetic cross over graft |
+ 7A41300 |
+ Bypass iliac artery by femoral/femoral art anastomosis NEC |
+ 7A41311 |
+ Femoro-femoral prosthetic cross over graft |
+ 7A41400 |
+ Emerg bypass comm iliac art by aorta/com iliac art anast NEC |
+ 7A41600 |
+ Emerg bypass leg artery by aorta/com fem art anastomosis NEC |
+ 7A41900 |
+ Bypass common iliac artery by aorta/com iliac art anast NEC |
+ 7A41B00 |
+ Bypass leg artery by aorta/com femoral art anastomosis NEC |
+ 7A41C00 |
+ Bypass leg artery by aorta/deep femoral art anastomosis NEC |
+ 7A41F00 |
+ Ilio-femoral prosthetic cross over graft |
+ 7A41y00 |
+ Other specified other bypass of iliac artery |
+ 7A41z00 |
+ Other bypass of iliac artery NOS |
+ 7A42.00 |
+ Reconstruction of iliac artery |
+ 7A42.11 |
+ Reconstruction of common iliac artery |
+ 7A42000 |
+ Endarterectomy and patch repair of iliac artery |
+ 7A42011 |
+ Endarterectomy and patch repair of common iliac artery |
+ 7A42012 |
+ Iliac endarterectomy and patch |
+ 7A42100 |
+ Endarterectomy of iliac artery NEC |
+ 7A42111 |
+ Endarterectomy of common iliac artery NEC |
+ 7A42y00 |
+ Other specified reconstruction of iliac artery |
+ 7A42z00 |
+ Reconstruction of iliac artery NOS |
+ 7A43.00 |
+ Other open operations on iliac artery |
+ 7A43.11 |
+ Other open operations on common iliac artery |
+ 7A43000 |
+ Repair of iliac artery NEC |
+ 7A43011 |
+ Repair of common iliac artery NEC |
+ 7A43100 |
+ Open embolectomy of iliac artery |
+ 7A43111 |
+ Open embolectomy of common iliac artery |
+ 7A43300 |
+ Open insertion of iliac artery stent |
+ 7A44000 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of iliac artery |
+ 7A44100 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of iliac artery |
+ 7A44300 |
+ Insertion of iliac artery stent |
+ 7A44400 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal insertion of iliac artery stent |
+ 7A44y00 |
+ Other specified transluminal operation on iliac artery |
+ 7A44z00 |
+ Transluminal operation on iliac artery NOS |
+ 7A47.00 |
+ Other emergency bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery |
+ 7A47.11 |
+ Other emerg bypass femoral or popliteal art by anastomosis |
+ 7A47.13 |
+ Other emergency bypass of deep femoral artery |
+ 7A47.14 |
+ Other emergency bypass of popliteal artery |
+ 7A47.15 |
+ Other emergency bypass of superficial femoral artery |
+ 7A47.16 |
+ Other emergency bypass of femoral artery |
+ 7A47000 |
+ Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/pop art anast c prosth NEC |
+ 7A47100 |
+ Emerg bypass popliteal art by pop/pop art anast c prosth NEC |
+ 7A47200 |
+ Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/pop a anast c vein graft NEC |
+ 7A47300 |
+ Emerg bypass pop art by pop/pop art anast c vein graft NEC |
+ 7A47400 |
+ Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/tib art anast c prosth NEC |
+ 7A47600 |
+ Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/tib a anast c vein graft NEC |
+ 7A47700 |
+ Emerg bypass pop art by pop/tib art anast c vein graft NEC |
+ 7A47B00 |
+ Emerg bypass pop art by pop/peron art anast c vein graft NEC |
+ 7A47C00 |
+ Emerg bypass femoral artery by fem/fem art anastomosis NEC |
+ 7A47D00 |
+ Emerg bypass popliteal artery by pop/fem art anastomosis NEC |
+ 7A47y00 |
+ Other emergency bypass of femoral or popliteal artery OS |
+ 7A47z00 |
+ Other emergency bypass of femoral or popliteal artery NOS |
+ 7A48.00 |
+ Other bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery |
+ 7A48.11 |
+ Other bypass of femoral or popliteal artery by anastomosis |
+ 7A48.12 |
+ Other bypass of common femoral artery |
+ 7A48.14 |
+ Other bypass of femoral artery |
+ 7A48.15 |
+ Other bypass of popliteal artery |
+ 7A48.16 |
+ Other bypass of superficial femoral artery |
+ 7A48000 |
+ Bypass femoral artery by fem/pop art anast c prosthesis NEC |
+ 7A48100 |
+ Bypass popliteal artery by pop/pop a anast c prosthesis NEC |
+ 7A48200 |
+ Bypass femoral artery by fem/pop art anast c vein graft NEC |
+ 7A48300 |
+ Bypass popliteal artery by pop/pop a anast c vein graft NEC |
+ 7A48400 |
+ Bypass femoral artery by fem/tib art anast c prosthesis NEC |
+ 7A48500 |
+ Bypass popliteal artery by pop/tib a anast c prosthesis NEC |
+ 7A48600 |
+ Bypass femoral artery by fem/tib art anast c vein graft NEC |
+ 7A48700 |
+ Bypass popliteal artery by pop/tib a anast c vein graft NEC |
+ 7A48800 |
+ Bypass femoral artery by fem/peron a anast c prosthesis NEC |
+ 7A48A00 |
+ Bypass femoral artery by fem/peron a anast c vein graft NEC |
+ 7A48B00 |
+ Bypass popliteal art by pop/peron art anast c vein graft NEC |
+ 7A48C00 |
+ Bypass femoral artery by femoral/femoral art anastomosis NEC |
+ 7A48D00 |
+ Bypass popliteal artery by pop/fem artery anastomosis NEC |
+ 7A48E00 |
+ Femoro-femoral prosthetic cross over graft |
+ 7A48y00 |
+ Other bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery OS |
+ 7A48z00 |
+ Other bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery NOS |
+ 7A49.00 |
+ Reconstruction of femoral artery or popliteal artery |
+ 7A49.11 |
+ Reconstruction of common femoral artery |
+ 7A49.13 |
+ Reconstruction of femoral artery |
+ 7A49.14 |
+ Reconstruction of popliteal artery |
+ 7A49.15 |
+ Reconstruction of superficial femoral artery |
+ 7A49000 |
+ Endarterectomy and patch repair of femoral artery |
+ 7A49100 |
+ Endarterectomy and patch repair of popliteal artery |
+ 7A49200 |
+ Endarterectomy of femoral artery NEC |
+ 7A49300 |
+ Endarterectomy of popliteal artery NEC |
+ 7A49400 |
+ Profundoplasty femoral artery & patch repair deep fem artery |
+ 7A49500 |
+ Profundoplasty and patch repair of popliteal artery |
+ 7A49600 |
+ Profundoplasty of femoral artery NEC |
+ 7A49700 |
+ Profundoplasty of popliteal artery NEC |
+ 7A49800 |
+ Reconstruction of femoral artery with vein graft |
+ 7A49900 |
+ Reconstruction of popliteal artery with vein graft |
+ 7A49y00 |
+ Reconstruction of femoral or popliteal artery OS |
+ 7A49z00 |
+ Reconstruction of femoral or popliteal artery NOS |
+ 7A4A.00 |
+ Other open operations on femoral artery or popliteal artery |
+ 7A4A.11 |
+ Other open operations on common femoral artery |
+ 7A4A.13 |
+ Other open operations on popliteal artery |
+ 7A4A.14 |
+ Other open operations on superficial femoral artery |
+ 7A4A000 |
+ Repair of femoral artery NEC |
+ 7A4A100 |
+ Repair of popliteal artery NEC |
+ 7A4A200 |
+ Open embolectomy of femoral artery |
+ 7A4A211 |
+ Open thrombectomy of femoral artery |
+ 7A4A212 |
+ Open femoral embolectomy |
+ 7A4A300 |
+ Open embolectomy popliteal artery |
+ 7A4A311 |
+ Open thrombectomy of popliteal artery |
+ 7A4A700 |
+ Repair of femoral artery with temporary silastic shunt |
+ 7A4A800 |
+ Repair of popliteal artery with temporary silastic shunt |
+ 7A4Ay00 |
+ Other open operation on femoral or popliteal artery OS |
+ 7A4B000 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of femoral artery |
+ 7A4B100 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of popliteal artery |
+ 7A4B200 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of femoral artery |
+ 7A4B300 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of popliteal artery |
+ 7A4B400 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of femoral artery |
+ 7A4B500 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of popliteal artery |
+ 7A4B800 |
+ Percut translum thrombolysis femoral graft streptokinase |
+ 7A4B900 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent femoral artery |
+ 7A50.00 |
+ Revision of reconstruction of artery |
+ 7A50000 |
+ Revision of reconstruction involving aorta |
+ 7A50100 |
+ Revision of reconstruction involving iliac artery |
+ 7A50200 |
+ Revision of reconstruction involving femoral artery |
+ 7A50300 |
+ Revision of reconstruction of popliteal artery |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I731 |
+ Thromboangiitis obliterans [Buerger] |
+ I738 |
+ Other specified peripheral vascular diseases |
+ I739 |
+ Peripheral vascular disease, unspecified |
+ I743 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of lower extremities |
+ I744 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of extremities, unspecified |
+ I745 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of iliac artery |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ L50 |
+ Other emergency bypass of iliac artery |
+ L50.1 |
+ Emergency bypass of common iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to common iliac artery NEC |
+ L50.2 |
+ Emergency bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to external iliac artery NEC |
+ L50.3 |
+ Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to common femoral artery NEC |
+ L50.4 |
+ Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to deep femoral artery NEC |
+ L50.5 |
+ Emergency bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of iliac artery to iliac artery NEC |
+ L50.6 |
+ Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to femoral artery NEC |
+ L50.8 |
+ Other specified other emergency bypass of iliac artery |
+ L50.9 |
+ Unspecified other emergency bypass of iliac artery |
+ L51 |
+ Other bypass of iliac artery |
+ L51.1 |
+ Bypass of common iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to common iliac artery NEC |
+ L51.2 |
+ Bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to external iliac artery NEC |
+ L51.3 |
+ Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to common femoral artery NEC |
+ L51.4 |
+ Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to deep femoral artery NEC |
+ L51.5 |
+ Bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of iliac artery to iliac artery NEC |
+ L51.6 |
+ Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to femoral artery NEC |
+ L51.8 |
+ Other specified other bypass of iliac artery |
+ L51.9 |
+ Unspecified other bypass of iliac artery |
+ L52 |
+ Reconstruction of iliac artery |
+ L52.1 |
+ Endarterectomy of iliac artery and patch repair of iliac artery |
+ L52.2 |
+ Endarterectomy of iliac artery NEC |
+ L52.8 |
+ Other specified reconstruction of iliac artery |
+ L52.9 |
+ Unspecified reconstruction of iliac artery |
+ L53 |
+ Other open operations on iliac artery |
+ L53.1 |
+ Repair of iliac artery NEC |
+ L53.2 |
+ Open embolectomy of iliac artery |
+ L54.1 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of iliac artery |
+ L54.2 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of iliac artery |
+ L54.4 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into iliac artery |
+ L54.8 |
+ Other specified transluminal operations on iliac artery |
+ L54.9 |
+ Unspecified transluminal operations on iliac artery |
+ L58 |
+ Other emergency bypass of femoral artery |
+ L58.1 |
+ Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery NEC |
+ L58.2 |
+ Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using prosthesis NEC |
+ L58.3 |
+ Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using vein graft NEC |
+ L58.4 |
+ Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using prosthesis NEC |
+ L58.5 |
+ Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using vein graft NEC |
+ L58.6 |
+ Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using prosthesis NEC |
+ L58.7 |
+ Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using vein graft NEC |
+ L58.8 |
+ Other specified other emergency bypass of femoral artery |
+ L58.9 |
+ Unspecified other emergency bypass of femoral artery |
+ L59 |
+ Other bypass of femoral artery |
+ L59.1 |
+ Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery NEC |
+ L59.2 |
+ Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using prosthesis NEC |
+ L59.3 |
+ Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using vein graft NEC |
+ L59.4 |
+ Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using prosthesis NEC |
+ L59.5 |
+ Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using vein graft NEC |
+ L59.6 |
+ Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using prosthesis NEC |
+ L59.7 |
+ Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using vein graft NEC |
+ L59.8 |
+ Other specified other bypass of femoral artery |
+ L59.9 |
+ Unspecified other bypass of femoral artery |
+ L60 |
+ Reconstruction of femoral artery |
+ L60.1 |
+ Endarterectomy of femoral artery and patch repair of femoral artery |
+ L60.2 |
+ Endarterectomy of femoral artery NEC |
+ L60.3 |
+ Profundoplasty of femoral artery and patch repair of deep femoral artery |
+ L60.4 |
+ Profundoplasty of femoral artery NEC |
+ L60.8 |
+ Other specified reconstruction of femoral artery |
+ L60.9 |
+ Unspecified reconstruction of femoral artery |
+ L62 |
+ Other open operations on femoral artery |
+ L62.1 |
+ Repair of femoral artery NEC |
+ L62.2 |
+ Open embolectomy of femoral artery |
+ L62.8 |
+ Other specified other open operations on femoral artery |
+ L62.9 |
+ Unspecified other open operations on femoral artery |
+ L63.1 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of femoral artery |
+ L63.2 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of femoral artery |
+ L63.3 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of femoral artery |
+ L63.5 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into femoral artery |
+ L65 |
+ Revision of reconstruction of artery |
+ L65.1 |
+ Revision of reconstruction involving aorta |
+ L65.2 |
+ Revision of reconstruction involving iliac artery |
+ L65.3 |
+ Revision of reconstruction involving femoral artery |
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)
-Peripheral Neuropathy
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Peripheral neuropathy (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)' (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Peripheral neuropathy (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)' (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Peripheral neuropathy (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
A531300 | Postherpetic polyneuropathy |
A72x100 | Mumps polyneuropathy |
C106.12 | Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy |
C106.13 | Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C108B00 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C108B11 | Type I diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C108C00 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C108J00 | Insulin dependent diab mell with neuropathic arthropathy |
C108J11 | Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C108J12 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C109A00 | Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C109A11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C109B00 | Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C109B11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C109B12 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C109H00 | Non-insulin dependent d m with neuropathic arthropathy |
C109H11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C109H12 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C10EB00 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C10EC00 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C10EC11 | Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C10EC12 | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C10EJ00 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C10FA00 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C10FA11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
C10FB00 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C10FB11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
C10FH00 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C10FH11 | Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
C34y400 | Gouty neuritis |
C373200 | Familial neuropathic amyloid |
C373K13 | Familial amyloid polyneuropathy type III |
E011100 | Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis with peripheral neuritis |
F341000 | Median nerve neuritis |
F341100 | Median nerve compression in forearm |
F341.00 | Other median nerve lesions |
F341z00 | Median nerve lesions NOS |
F342000 | Cubital tunnel syndrome |
F342100 | Tardy ulnar nerve palsy |
F342200 | Canal of Guyon compression |
F342300 | Ulnar nerve entrapment |
F342400 | Ulnar neuropathy |
F342.00 | Ulnar nerve lesions |
F342.11 | Neuritis ulnar nerve |
F342z00 | Ulnar nerve lesion NOS |
F343000 | Acute radial nerve palsy |
F343100 | Sensory branch of radial nerve lesion |
F343200 | Posterior interosseous nerve lesion |
F343.00 | Radial nerve lesions |
F343z00 | Radial nerve lesion NOS |
F344.00 | Causalgia |
F345000 | Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex |
F345.00 | Mononeuritis multiplex |
F346.00 | Median nerve entrapment |
F34..00 | Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex |
F34y.00 | Other upper limb mononeuritis |
F34z.00 | Mononeuritis upper limb NOS |
F350.00 | Sciatic nerve lesion |
F351.00 | Meralgia paraesthetica |
F352.00 | Femoral nerve lesions |
F353.00 | Common peroneal nerve lesion |
F353.11 | Lateral popliteal nerve lesion |
F354.00 | Tibial nerve lesion |
F354.11 | Medial popliteal nerve lesion |
F355.00 | Tarsal tunnel syndrome |
F356000 | Morton's metatarsalgia |
F356100 | Morton's neuralgia |
F356.00 | Plantar nerve lesion |
F356z00 | Plantar nerve lesion NOS |
F357.00 | Superficial peroneal nerve lesion |
F358.00 | Deep peroneal nerve lesion |
F35..00 | Mononeuritis lower limb |
F35x.00 | Other mononeuritis lower limb |
F35y.00 | Unspecified mononeuritis lower limb |
F35z000 | Diabetic mononeuritis NOS |
F35z.00 | Mononeuritis of unspecified site NOS |
F35z.11 | Peripheral neuropathy - hereditary or idiopathic |
F360000 | Dejerine-Sottas disease |
F360.00 | Hereditary peripheral neuropathy |
F360z00 | Hereditary peripheral neuropathy NOS |
F361000 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease |
F361011 | Charcot's atrophy |
F361012 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome |
F361.00 | Peroneal muscular atrophy |
F361z00 | Peroneal muscular atrophy NOS |
F362.00 | Hereditary sensory neuropathy |
F363.00 | Refsum's disease |
F364.00 | Idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy |
F365.00 | Neuropathy in association with hereditary ataxia |
F366.00 | Polyneuropathy |
F367.00 | Peripheral neuropathy |
F368000 | Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type I |
F368100 | Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type II |
F368200 | Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type III |
F368.00 | Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy |
F36..00 | Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy |
F36y.00 | Other idiopathic peripheral neuropathy |
F36yz00 | Other idiopathic peripheral neuropathy NOS |
F36z.00 | Hereditary or idiopathic peripheral neuropathy NOS |
F370000 | Guillain-Barre syndrome |
F370100 | Postinfectious polyneuritis |
F370200 | Miller-Fisher syndrome |
F370.00 | Acute infective polyneuritis |
F370z00 | Acute infective polyneuritis NOS |
F371000 | Polyneuropathy in disseminated lupus erythematosus |
F371100 | Polyneuropathy in polyarteritis nodosa |
F371200 | Polyneuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis |
F371.00 | Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease |
F371z00 | Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease NOS |
F372000 | Acute painful diabetic neuropathy |
F372100 | Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy |
F372200 | Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy |
F372.00 | Polyneuropathy in diabetes |
F372.11 | Diabetic polyneuropathy |
F372.12 | Diabetic neuropathy |
F373.00 | Polyneuropathy in malignant disease |
F374000 | Polyneuropathy in amyloidosis |
F374100 | Polyneuropathy in beriberi |
F374200 | Polyneuropathy in vitamin B deficiency |
F374300 | Polyneuropathy in diphtheria |
F374400 | Polyneuropathy in herpes zoster |
F374500 | Polyneuropathy in hypoglycaemia |
F374600 | Polyneuropathy in mumps |
F374800 | Polyneuropathy in porphyria |
F374900 | Polyneuropathy in sarcoidosis |
F374A00 | Polyneuropathy in uraemia |
F374.00 | Polyneuropathy in disease EC |
F374z00 | Polyneuropathy in disease NOS |
F375.00 | Alcoholic polyneuropathy |
F376.00 | Polyneuropathy due to drugs |
F377.00 | Other toxic agent polyneuropathy |
F378.00 | Intercostal neuropathy |
F37..00 | Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy |
F37..11 | Toxic neuropathy |
F37X.00 | Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified |
F37y000 | Serum neuropathy |
F37y100 | Axonal sensorimotor neuropathy |
F37y.00 | Other toxic or inflammatory neuropathy |
F37z.00 | Toxic or inflammatory neuropathy NOS |
F37z.11 | Polyneuropathy unspecified |
F3y0.00 | Diabetic mononeuropathy |
F3y..00 | Other specified disorders of peripheral nervous system |
F3z..00 | Peripheral nervous system disorder NOS |
Fyu1300 | [X]Paraneoplastic neuromyopathy and neuropathy |
Fyu6900 | [X]Other lesions of median nerve |
Fyu6A00 | [X]Other mononeuropathies of upper limb |
Fyu6B00 | [X]Other mononeuropathies of lower limb |
Fyu6C00 | [X]Other specified mononeuropathies |
Fyu6D00 | [X]Other mononeuropathies in diseases classified elsewhere |
Fyu7000 | [X]Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies |
Fyu7100 | [X]Other inflammatory polyneuropathies |
Fyu7200 | [X]Other specified polyneuropathies |
Fyu7500 | [X]Polyneuropathy/other endocrine+metabolic diseases CE |
Fyu7800 | [X]Polyneuropathy/other musculoskeletal disorders CE |
Fyu7B00 | [X]Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified |
Fyu7C00 | [X] Polyneuropathy, unspecified |
Fyu7.00 | [X]Polyneuropathies & other disord of peripheral nerv syst |
M271100 | Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot |
M271700 | Neuropathic foot ulcer |
N035.00 | Neuropathic arthropathy |
N035.12 | Neuropathic arthritis |
N11y200 | Neuropathic spondylopathy |
N134.14 | Ulnar neuritis |
SD72200 | Neuropathic foot blister |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G56.1 | Other lesions of median nerve |
G56.2 | Lesion of ulnar nerve |
G56.3 | Lesion of radial nerve |
G56.4 | Causalgia |
G56.8 | Other mononeuropathies of upper limb |
G56.9 | Mononeuropathy of upper limb, unspecified |
G57 | Mononeuropathies of lower limb |
G58 | Other mononeuropathies |
G59 | Mononeuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere |
G60 | Hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy |
G61 | Inflammatory polyneuropathy |
G62 | Other polyneuropathies |
G63 | Polyneuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere |
G64 | Other disorders of peripheral nervous system |
M14.6 | Neuropathic arthropathy |
M49.4 | Neuropathic spondylopathy |
E85.1 | Neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)' (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ A531300 |
+ Postherpetic polyneuropathy |
+ A72x100 |
+ Mumps polyneuropathy |
+ C106.12 |
+ Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy |
+ C106.13 |
+ Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C108B00 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C108B11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C108C00 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C108J00 |
+ Insulin dependent diab mell with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C108J11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C108J12 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C109A00 |
+ Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C109A11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C109B00 |
+ Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C109B11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C109B12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C109H00 |
+ Non-insulin dependent d m with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C109H11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C109H12 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C10EB00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C10EC00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10EC11 |
+ Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10EC12 |
+ Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10EJ00 |
+ Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C10FA00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C10FA11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy |
+ C10FB00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10FB11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy |
+ C10FH00 |
+ Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C10FH11 |
+ Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy |
+ C34y400 |
+ Gouty neuritis |
+ C373200 |
+ Familial neuropathic amyloid |
+ C373K13 |
+ Familial amyloid polyneuropathy type III |
+ E011100 |
+ Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis with peripheral neuritis |
+ F341000 |
+ Median nerve neuritis |
+ F341100 |
+ Median nerve compression in forearm |
+ F341.00 |
+ Other median nerve lesions |
+ F341z00 |
+ Median nerve lesions NOS |
+ F342000 |
+ Cubital tunnel syndrome |
+ F342100 |
+ Tardy ulnar nerve palsy |
+ F342200 |
+ Canal of Guyon compression |
+ F342300 |
+ Ulnar nerve entrapment |
+ F342400 |
+ Ulnar neuropathy |
+ F342.00 |
+ Ulnar nerve lesions |
+ F342.11 |
+ Neuritis ulnar nerve |
+ F342z00 |
+ Ulnar nerve lesion NOS |
+ F343000 |
+ Acute radial nerve palsy |
+ F343100 |
+ Sensory branch of radial nerve lesion |
+ F343200 |
+ Posterior interosseous nerve lesion |
+ F343.00 |
+ Radial nerve lesions |
+ F343z00 |
+ Radial nerve lesion NOS |
+ F344.00 |
+ Causalgia |
+ F345000 |
+ Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex |
+ F345.00 |
+ Mononeuritis multiplex |
+ F346.00 |
+ Median nerve entrapment |
+ F34..00 |
+ Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex |
+ F34y.00 |
+ Other upper limb mononeuritis |
+ F34z.00 |
+ Mononeuritis upper limb NOS |
+ F350.00 |
+ Sciatic nerve lesion |
+ F351.00 |
+ Meralgia paraesthetica |
+ F352.00 |
+ Femoral nerve lesions |
+ F353.00 |
+ Common peroneal nerve lesion |
+ F353.11 |
+ Lateral popliteal nerve lesion |
+ F354.00 |
+ Tibial nerve lesion |
+ F354.11 |
+ Medial popliteal nerve lesion |
+ F355.00 |
+ Tarsal tunnel syndrome |
+ F356000 |
+ Morton's metatarsalgia |
+ F356100 |
+ Morton's neuralgia |
+ F356.00 |
+ Plantar nerve lesion |
+ F356z00 |
+ Plantar nerve lesion NOS |
+ F357.00 |
+ Superficial peroneal nerve lesion |
+ F358.00 |
+ Deep peroneal nerve lesion |
+ F35..00 |
+ Mononeuritis lower limb |
+ F35x.00 |
+ Other mononeuritis lower limb |
+ F35y.00 |
+ Unspecified mononeuritis lower limb |
+ F35z000 |
+ Diabetic mononeuritis NOS |
+ F35z.00 |
+ Mononeuritis of unspecified site NOS |
+ F35z.11 |
+ Peripheral neuropathy - hereditary or idiopathic |
+ F360000 |
+ Dejerine-Sottas disease |
+ F360.00 |
+ Hereditary peripheral neuropathy |
+ F360z00 |
+ Hereditary peripheral neuropathy NOS |
+ F361000 |
+ Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease |
+ F361011 |
+ Charcot's atrophy |
+ F361012 |
+ Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome |
+ F361.00 |
+ Peroneal muscular atrophy |
+ F361z00 |
+ Peroneal muscular atrophy NOS |
+ F362.00 |
+ Hereditary sensory neuropathy |
+ F363.00 |
+ Refsum's disease |
+ F364.00 |
+ Idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy |
+ F365.00 |
+ Neuropathy in association with hereditary ataxia |
+ F366.00 |
+ Polyneuropathy |
+ F367.00 |
+ Peripheral neuropathy |
+ F368000 |
+ Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type I |
+ F368100 |
+ Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type II |
+ F368200 |
+ Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type III |
+ F368.00 |
+ Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy |
+ F36..00 |
+ Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy |
+ F36y.00 |
+ Other idiopathic peripheral neuropathy |
+ F36yz00 |
+ Other idiopathic peripheral neuropathy NOS |
+ F36z.00 |
+ Hereditary or idiopathic peripheral neuropathy NOS |
+ F370000 |
+ Guillain-Barre syndrome |
+ F370100 |
+ Postinfectious polyneuritis |
+ F370200 |
+ Miller-Fisher syndrome |
+ F370.00 |
+ Acute infective polyneuritis |
+ F370z00 |
+ Acute infective polyneuritis NOS |
+ F371000 |
+ Polyneuropathy in disseminated lupus erythematosus |
+ F371100 |
+ Polyneuropathy in polyarteritis nodosa |
+ F371200 |
+ Polyneuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis |
+ F371.00 |
+ Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease |
+ F371z00 |
+ Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease NOS |
+ F372000 |
+ Acute painful diabetic neuropathy |
+ F372100 |
+ Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy |
+ F372200 |
+ Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy |
+ F372.00 |
+ Polyneuropathy in diabetes |
+ F372.11 |
+ Diabetic polyneuropathy |
+ F372.12 |
+ Diabetic neuropathy |
+ F373.00 |
+ Polyneuropathy in malignant disease |
+ F374000 |
+ Polyneuropathy in amyloidosis |
+ F374100 |
+ Polyneuropathy in beriberi |
+ F374200 |
+ Polyneuropathy in vitamin B deficiency |
+ F374300 |
+ Polyneuropathy in diphtheria |
+ F374400 |
+ Polyneuropathy in herpes zoster |
+ F374500 |
+ Polyneuropathy in hypoglycaemia |
+ F374600 |
+ Polyneuropathy in mumps |
+ F374800 |
+ Polyneuropathy in porphyria |
+ F374900 |
+ Polyneuropathy in sarcoidosis |
+ F374A00 |
+ Polyneuropathy in uraemia |
+ F374.00 |
+ Polyneuropathy in disease EC |
+ F374z00 |
+ Polyneuropathy in disease NOS |
+ F375.00 |
+ Alcoholic polyneuropathy |
+ F376.00 |
+ Polyneuropathy due to drugs |
+ F377.00 |
+ Other toxic agent polyneuropathy |
+ F378.00 |
+ Intercostal neuropathy |
+ F37..00 |
+ Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy |
+ F37..11 |
+ Toxic neuropathy |
+ F37X.00 |
+ Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified |
+ F37y000 |
+ Serum neuropathy |
+ F37y100 |
+ Axonal sensorimotor neuropathy |
+ F37y.00 |
+ Other toxic or inflammatory neuropathy |
+ F37z.00 |
+ Toxic or inflammatory neuropathy NOS |
+ F37z.11 |
+ Polyneuropathy unspecified |
+ F3y0.00 |
+ Diabetic mononeuropathy |
+ F3y..00 |
+ Other specified disorders of peripheral nervous system |
+ F3z..00 |
+ Peripheral nervous system disorder NOS |
+ Fyu1300 |
+ [X]Paraneoplastic neuromyopathy and neuropathy |
+ Fyu6900 |
+ [X]Other lesions of median nerve |
+ Fyu6A00 |
+ [X]Other mononeuropathies of upper limb |
+ Fyu6B00 |
+ [X]Other mononeuropathies of lower limb |
+ Fyu6C00 |
+ [X]Other specified mononeuropathies |
+ Fyu6D00 |
+ [X]Other mononeuropathies in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ Fyu7000 |
+ [X]Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies |
+ Fyu7100 |
+ [X]Other inflammatory polyneuropathies |
+ Fyu7200 |
+ [X]Other specified polyneuropathies |
+ Fyu7500 |
+ [X]Polyneuropathy/other endocrine+metabolic diseases CE |
+ Fyu7800 |
+ [X]Polyneuropathy/other musculoskeletal disorders CE |
+ Fyu7B00 |
+ [X]Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified |
+ Fyu7C00 |
+ [X] Polyneuropathy, unspecified |
+ Fyu7.00 |
+ [X]Polyneuropathies & other disord of peripheral nerv syst |
+ M271100 |
+ Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot |
+ M271700 |
+ Neuropathic foot ulcer |
+ N035.00 |
+ Neuropathic arthropathy |
+ N035.12 |
+ Neuropathic arthritis |
+ N11y200 |
+ Neuropathic spondylopathy |
+ N134.14 |
+ Ulnar neuritis |
+ SD72200 |
+ Neuropathic foot blister |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G56.1 |
+ Other lesions of median nerve |
+ G56.2 |
+ Lesion of ulnar nerve |
+ G56.3 |
+ Lesion of radial nerve |
+ G56.4 |
+ Causalgia |
+ G56.8 |
+ Other mononeuropathies of upper limb |
+ G56.9 |
+ Mononeuropathy of upper limb, unspecified |
+ G57 |
+ Mononeuropathies of lower limb |
+ G58 |
+ Other mononeuropathies |
+ G59 |
+ Mononeuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G60 |
+ Hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy |
+ G61 |
+ Inflammatory polyneuropathy |
+ G62 |
+ Other polyneuropathies |
+ G63 |
+ Polyneuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G64 |
+ Other disorders of peripheral nervous system |
+ M14.6 |
+ Neuropathic arthropathy |
+ M49.4 |
+ Neuropathic spondylopathy |
+ E85.1 |
+ Neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Peritonitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Peritonitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Peritonitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Peritonitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Peritonitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Peritonitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Peritonitis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7618100.0 | Closure of perforation of stomach NEC |
761C100 | Repair of perforation of pylorus |
761J000 | Closure of perforated gastric ulcer |
7623100.0 | Closure of perforation of duodenum NEC |
7627000.0 | Closure of perforated duodenal ulcer |
7635200.0 | Closure of perforation of jejunum |
7648300.0 | Closure of perforation of ileum |
773C600 | Closure of perforated bowel ulcer NEC |
7812200.0 | Repair of perforation of gall bladder |
A140.00 | Tuberculous peritonitis |
A32y200 | Diphtheritic peritonitis |
A98y500 | Gonococcal peritonitis |
J110200 | Acute gastric ulcer with perforation |
J110300 | Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J111200 | Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation |
J111211 | Perforated chronic gastric ulcer |
J111300 | Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J11y200 | Unspecified gastric ulcer with perforation |
J11yy00 | Unspec gastric ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation |
J120200 | Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation |
J120300 | Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J121200 | Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation |
J121211 | Perforated chronic duodenal ulcer |
J121300 | Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J12y200 | Unspecified duodenal ulcer with perforation |
J12y300 | Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J12yy00 | Unspec duodenal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation |
J130200 | Acute peptic ulcer with perforation |
J130300 | Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J131200 | Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation |
J13y200 | Unspecified peptic ulcer with perforation |
J13y300 | Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J140200 | Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation |
J140300 | Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J141300 | Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
J14y200 | Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation |
J179.00 | Perforation of stomach |
J200.00 | Acute appendicitis with peritonitis |
J201.00 | Acute appendicitis with appendix abscess |
J201.11 | Abscess of appendix |
J201.12 | Appendix abscess |
J203.00 | Acute appendicitis with generalised peritonitis |
J204.00 | Acute appendicitis with localised peritonitis |
J20z100 | Acute gangrenous appendicitis |
J512000 | Perforated diverticulum of duodenum |
J512100 | Perforated diverticulum of jejunum |
J512200 | Perforated diverticulum of ileum |
J512300 | Perforated diverticulum of small intestine unspecified |
J512400 | Perforated diverticulum of small intestine NOS |
J512500 | Perforated diverticulum of colon |
J512600 | Perforated diverticulum of large intestine unspecified |
J512700 | Perforated diverticulum of large intestine NOS |
J512800 | Divertic disease/both sml+lge intestin with perforat+abscess |
J512.00 | Perforated diverticulum |
J512y00 | Perforated diverticulum unspecified |
J512z00 | Perforated diverticulum of intestine NOS |
J550000 | Peritonitis - gonococcal |
J550200 | Peritonitis - tuberculous |
J550300 | Peritonitis - bacterial |
J550311 | Bacterial peritonitis |
J550400 | Chlamydial peritonitis |
J550.00 | Peritonitis in infectious diseases EC |
J550z00 | Peritonitis in infectious diseases EC NOS |
J551.00 | Pneumococcal peritonitis |
J552000 | Subhepatic abscess |
J552100 | Subphrenic abscess |
J552200 | Omental abscess |
J552300 | Mesenteric abscess |
J552400 | Peritoneal abscess |
J552500 | Subperitoneal abscess |
J552600 | Retroperitoneal abscess |
J552700 | Pre-ileal abscess |
J552800 | Pericolic abscess |
J552900 | Pericaecal abscess |
J552A00 | Retrocaecal abscess |
J552B00 | Male pelvic abscess |
J552.00 | Other suppurative peritonitis |
J552.11 | Abscess of suppurative peritonitis |
J552z00 | Other suppurative peritonitis NOS |
J553.00 | Acute peritonitis |
J554.00 | Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis |
J555.00 | Sclerosing peritonitis |
J557.00 | Streptococcal peritonitis |
J558.00 | Ventriculoperitoneal shunt-associated peritonitis |
J55..00 | Peritonitis |
J55y000 | Chronic proliferative peritonitis |
J55y100 | Peritoneal fat necrosis |
J55y300 | Peritonitis due to bile |
J55y400 | Peritonitis due to urine |
J55y500 | Faecal peritonitis |
J55y.00 | Other specified peritonitis |
J55yz00 | Other specified peritonitis NOS |
J55z.00 | Peritonitis NOS |
J574A00 | Rupture of rectum |
J57yB00 | Perforation of intestine |
J654.00 | Perforation of gallbladder |
J654z00 | Perforation of gallbladder NOS |
J663.00 | Perforation of bile duct |
Jyu6000 | [X]Other peritonitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K25.1 | Gastric ulcer - Acute with perforation |
K25.2 | Gastric ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation |
K25.5 | Gastric ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation |
K25.6 | Gastric ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation |
K26.1 | Duodenal ulcer - Acute with perforation |
K26.2 | Duodenal ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation |
K26.5 | Duodenal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation |
K26.6 | Duodenal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation |
K27.1 | Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Acute with perforation |
K27.2 | Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation |
K27.5 | Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Chronic or unspecified with perforation |
K27.6 | Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation |
K28.1 | Gastrojejunal ulcer - Acute with perforation |
K28.2 | Gastrojejunal ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation |
K28.5 | Gastrojejunal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation |
K28.6 | Gastrojejunal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation |
K35.2 | Acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis |
K35.3 | Acute appendicitis with localized peritonitis |
K57.0 | Diverticular disease of small intestine with perforation and abscess |
K57.2 | Diverticular disease of large intestine with perforation and abscess |
K57.4 | Diverticular disease of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess |
K57.8 | Diverticular disease of intestine, part unspecified, with perforation and abscess |
K63.1 | Perforation of intestine (nontraumatic) |
K65 | Peritonitis |
K67 | Disorders of peritoneum in infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
G35.1 | Closure of perforated ulcer of stomach |
G36.2 | Closure of perforation of stomach NEC |
G41.2 | Repair of perforation of pylorus |
G52.1 | Closure of perforated ulcer of duodenum |
G53.2 | Closure of perforation of duodenum NEC |
G63.3 | Closure of perforation of jejunum |
G78.4 | Closure of perforation of ileum |
J20.3 | Repair of perforation of gall bladder |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Peritonitis' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7618100 |
+ Closure of perforation of stomach NEC |
+ 761C100 |
+ Repair of perforation of pylorus |
+ 761J000 |
+ Closure of perforated gastric ulcer |
+ 7623100.0 |
+ Closure of perforation of duodenum NEC |
+ 7627000.0 |
+ Closure of perforated duodenal ulcer |
+ 7635200.0 |
+ Closure of perforation of jejunum |
+ 7648300.0 |
+ Closure of perforation of ileum |
+ 773C600 |
+ Closure of perforated bowel ulcer NEC |
+ 7812200.0 |
+ Repair of perforation of gall bladder |
+ A140.00 |
+ Tuberculous peritonitis |
+ A32y200 |
+ Diphtheritic peritonitis |
+ A98y500 |
+ Gonococcal peritonitis |
+ J110200 |
+ Acute gastric ulcer with perforation |
+ J110300 |
+ Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J111200 |
+ Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation |
+ J111211 |
+ Perforated chronic gastric ulcer |
+ J111300 |
+ Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J11y200 |
+ Unspecified gastric ulcer with perforation |
+ J11yy00 |
+ Unspec gastric ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation |
+ J120200 |
+ Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation |
+ J120300 |
+ Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J121200 |
+ Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation |
+ J121211 |
+ Perforated chronic duodenal ulcer |
+ J121300 |
+ Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J12y200 |
+ Unspecified duodenal ulcer with perforation |
+ J12y300 |
+ Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J12yy00 |
+ Unspec duodenal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation |
+ J130200 |
+ Acute peptic ulcer with perforation |
+ J130300 |
+ Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J131200 |
+ Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation |
+ J13y200 |
+ Unspecified peptic ulcer with perforation |
+ J13y300 |
+ Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J140200 |
+ Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation |
+ J140300 |
+ Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J141300 |
+ Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation |
+ J14y200 |
+ Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation |
+ J179.00 |
+ Perforation of stomach |
+ J200.00 |
+ Acute appendicitis with peritonitis |
+ J201.00 |
+ Acute appendicitis with appendix abscess |
+ J201.11 |
+ Abscess of appendix |
+ J201.12 |
+ Appendix abscess |
+ J203.00 |
+ Acute appendicitis with generalised peritonitis |
+ J204.00 |
+ Acute appendicitis with localised peritonitis |
+ J20z100 |
+ Acute gangrenous appendicitis |
+ J512000 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of duodenum |
+ J512100 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of jejunum |
+ J512200 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of ileum |
+ J512300 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of small intestine unspecified |
+ J512400 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of small intestine NOS |
+ J512500 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of colon |
+ J512600 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of large intestine unspecified |
+ J512700 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of large intestine NOS |
+ J512800 |
+ Divertic disease/both sml+lge intestin with perforat+abscess |
+ J512.00 |
+ Perforated diverticulum |
+ J512y00 |
+ Perforated diverticulum unspecified |
+ J512z00 |
+ Perforated diverticulum of intestine NOS |
+ J550000 |
+ Peritonitis - gonococcal |
+ J550200 |
+ Peritonitis - tuberculous |
+ J550300 |
+ Peritonitis - bacterial |
+ J550311 |
+ Bacterial peritonitis |
+ J550400 |
+ Chlamydial peritonitis |
+ J550.00 |
+ Peritonitis in infectious diseases EC |
+ J550z00 |
+ Peritonitis in infectious diseases EC NOS |
+ J551.00 |
+ Pneumococcal peritonitis |
+ J552000 |
+ Subhepatic abscess |
+ J552100 |
+ Subphrenic abscess |
+ J552200 |
+ Omental abscess |
+ J552300 |
+ Mesenteric abscess |
+ J552400 |
+ Peritoneal abscess |
+ J552500 |
+ Subperitoneal abscess |
+ J552600 |
+ Retroperitoneal abscess |
+ J552700 |
+ Pre-ileal abscess |
+ J552800 |
+ Pericolic abscess |
+ J552900 |
+ Pericaecal abscess |
+ J552A00 |
+ Retrocaecal abscess |
+ J552B00 |
+ Male pelvic abscess |
+ J552.00 |
+ Other suppurative peritonitis |
+ J552.11 |
+ Abscess of suppurative peritonitis |
+ J552z00 |
+ Other suppurative peritonitis NOS |
+ J553.00 |
+ Acute peritonitis |
+ J554.00 |
+ Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis |
+ J555.00 |
+ Sclerosing peritonitis |
+ J557.00 |
+ Streptococcal peritonitis |
+ J558.00 |
+ Ventriculoperitoneal shunt-associated peritonitis |
+ J55..00 |
+ Peritonitis |
+ J55y000 |
+ Chronic proliferative peritonitis |
+ J55y100 |
+ Peritoneal fat necrosis |
+ J55y300 |
+ Peritonitis due to bile |
+ J55y400 |
+ Peritonitis due to urine |
+ J55y500 |
+ Faecal peritonitis |
+ J55y.00 |
+ Other specified peritonitis |
+ J55yz00 |
+ Other specified peritonitis NOS |
+ J55z.00 |
+ Peritonitis NOS |
+ J574A00 |
+ Rupture of rectum |
+ J57yB00 |
+ Perforation of intestine |
+ J654.00 |
+ Perforation of gallbladder |
+ J654z00 |
+ Perforation of gallbladder NOS |
+ J663.00 |
+ Perforation of bile duct |
+ Jyu6000 |
+ [X]Other peritonitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K25.1 |
+ Gastric ulcer - Acute with perforation |
+ K25.2 |
+ Gastric ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation |
+ K25.5 |
+ Gastric ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation |
+ K25.6 |
+ Gastric ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation |
+ K26.1 |
+ Duodenal ulcer - Acute with perforation |
+ K26.2 |
+ Duodenal ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation |
+ K26.5 |
+ Duodenal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation |
+ K26.6 |
+ Duodenal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation |
+ K27.1 |
+ Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Acute with perforation |
+ K27.2 |
+ Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation |
+ K27.5 |
+ Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Chronic or unspecified with perforation |
+ K27.6 |
+ Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation |
+ K28.1 |
+ Gastrojejunal ulcer - Acute with perforation |
+ K28.2 |
+ Gastrojejunal ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation |
+ K28.5 |
+ Gastrojejunal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation |
+ K28.6 |
+ Gastrojejunal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation |
+ K35.2 |
+ Acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis |
+ K35.3 |
+ Acute appendicitis with localized peritonitis |
+ K57.0 |
+ Diverticular disease of small intestine with perforation and abscess |
+ K57.2 |
+ Diverticular disease of large intestine with perforation and abscess |
+ K57.4 |
+ Diverticular disease of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess |
+ K57.8 |
+ Diverticular disease of intestine, part unspecified, with perforation and abscess |
+ K63.1 |
+ Perforation of intestine (nontraumatic) |
+ K65 |
+ Peritonitis |
+ K67 |
+ Disorders of peritoneum in infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ G35.1 |
+ Closure of perforated ulcer of stomach |
+ G36.2 |
+ Closure of perforation of stomach NEC |
+ G41.2 |
+ Repair of perforation of pylorus |
+ G52.1 |
+ Closure of perforated ulcer of duodenum |
+ G53.2 |
+ Closure of perforation of duodenum NEC |
+ G63.3 |
+ Closure of perforation of jejunum |
+ G78.4 |
+ Closure of perforation of ileum |
+ J20.3 |
+ Repair of perforation of gall bladder |
+Personality disorders
-Personality Disorder
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Personality disorders IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Personality disorders's IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Personality disorders diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Personality disorders's diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Personality disorders or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
E210.00 | Paranoid personality disorder |
E212000 | Unspecified schizoid personality disorder |
E212100 | Introverted personality |
E212200 | Schizotypal personality |
E212.00 | Schizoid personality disorder |
E212z00 | Schizoid personality disorder NOS |
E213.00 | Explosive personality disorder |
E213.11 | Aggressive personality |
E213.12 | Quarrelsome personality |
E214000 | Anankastic personality |
E214100 | Obsessional personality |
E214.00 | Compulsive personality disorders |
E214.11 | Anancastic personality |
E214z00 | Compulsive personality disorder NOS |
E215000 | Unspecified histrionic personality disorder |
E215200 | Emotionally unstable personality |
E215300 | Psychoinfantile personality |
E215.00 | Histrionic personality disorders |
E215.11 | Hysterical personality disorders |
E215z00 | Histrionic personality disorder NOS |
E216.00 | Inadequate personality disorder |
E216.11 | Asthenic personality |
E216.12 | Dependent personality |
E216.13 | Labile personality |
E217.00 | Antisocial or sociopathic personality disorder |
E217.11 | Amoral personality |
E21..00 | Personality disorders |
E21..11 | Neurotic personality disorder |
E21y000 | Narcissistic personality disorder |
E21y100 | Avoidant personality disorder |
E21y200 | Borderline personality disorder |
E21y300 | Passive-aggressive personality disorder |
E21y400 | Eccentric personality disorder |
E21y500 | Immature personality disorder |
E21y600 | Masochistic personality disorder |
E21y700 | Psychoneurotic personality disorder |
E21y711 | Neurotic personality |
E21y.00 | Other personality disorders |
E21yz00 | Other personality disorder NOS |
E21yz11 | Manipulative personality |
E21z.00 | Personality disorder NOS |
E21z.11 | Psychopathic personality |
E2C3500 | Isolated explosive disorder |
Eu60000 | [X]Paranoid personality disorder |
Eu60013 | [X]Querulant personality disorder |
Eu60014 | [X]Sensitive paranoid personality disorder |
Eu60100 | [X]Schizoid personality disorder |
Eu60200 | [X]Dissocial personality disorder |
Eu60211 | [X]Amoral personality disorder |
Eu60212 | [X]Antisocial personality disorder |
Eu60213 | [X]Asocial personality disorder |
Eu60214 | [X]Psychopathic personality disorder |
Eu60215 | [X]Sociopathic personality disorder |
Eu60300 | [X]Emotionally unstable personality disorder |
Eu60311 | [X]Aggressive personality disorder |
Eu60312 | [X]Borderline personality disorder |
Eu60313 | [X]Explosive personality disorder |
Eu60400 | [X]Histrionic personality disorder |
Eu60411 | [X]Hysterical personality disorder |
Eu60412 | [X]Psychoinfantile personality disorder |
Eu60500 | [X]Anankastic personality disorder |
Eu60511 | [X]Compulsive personality disorder |
Eu60512 | [X]Obsessional personality disorder |
Eu60513 | [X]Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder |
Eu60600 | [X]Anxious [avoidant] personality disorder |
Eu60700 | [X]Dependent personality disorder |
Eu60711 | [X]Asthenic personality disorder |
Eu60712 | [X]Inadequate personality disorder |
Eu60713 | [X]Passive personality disorder |
Eu60714 | [X]Self defeating personality disorder |
Eu60800 | [X]Addictive personality |
Eu60.00 | [X]Specific personality disorders |
Eu60y00 | [X]Other specific personality disorders |
Eu60y11 | [X]Eccentric personality disorder |
Eu60y12 | [X]Haltlose type personality disorder |
Eu60y13 | [X]Immature personality disorder |
Eu60y14 | [X]Narcissistic personality disorder |
Eu60y16 | [X]Psychoneurotic personality disorder |
Eu60z00 | [X]Personality disorder, unspecified |
Eu60z11 | [X]Character neurosis NOS |
Eu60z12 | [X]Pathological personality NOS |
Eu61.00 | [X]Mixed and other personality disorders |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F60 | Specific personality disorders |
F61 | Mixed and other personality disorders |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Personality disorders's or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ E210.00 |
+ Paranoid personality disorder |
+ E212000 |
+ Unspecified schizoid personality disorder |
+ E212100 |
+ Introverted personality |
+ E212200 |
+ Schizotypal personality |
+ E212.00 |
+ Schizoid personality disorder |
+ E212z00 |
+ Schizoid personality disorder NOS |
+ E213.00 |
+ Explosive personality disorder |
+ E213.11 |
+ Aggressive personality |
+ E213.12 |
+ Quarrelsome personality |
+ E214000 |
+ Anankastic personality |
+ E214100 |
+ Obsessional personality |
+ E214.00 |
+ Compulsive personality disorders |
+ E214.11 |
+ Anancastic personality |
+ E214z00 |
+ Compulsive personality disorder NOS |
+ E215000 |
+ Unspecified histrionic personality disorder |
+ E215200 |
+ Emotionally unstable personality |
+ E215300 |
+ Psychoinfantile personality |
+ E215.00 |
+ Histrionic personality disorders |
+ E215.11 |
+ Hysterical personality disorders |
+ E215z00 |
+ Histrionic personality disorder NOS |
+ E216.00 |
+ Inadequate personality disorder |
+ E216.11 |
+ Asthenic personality |
+ E216.12 |
+ Dependent personality |
+ E216.13 |
+ Labile personality |
+ E217.00 |
+ Antisocial or sociopathic personality disorder |
+ E217.11 |
+ Amoral personality |
+ E21..00 |
+ Personality disorders |
+ E21..11 |
+ Neurotic personality disorder |
+ E21y000 |
+ Narcissistic personality disorder |
+ E21y100 |
+ Avoidant personality disorder |
+ E21y200 |
+ Borderline personality disorder |
+ E21y300 |
+ Passive-aggressive personality disorder |
+ E21y400 |
+ Eccentric personality disorder |
+ E21y500 |
+ Immature personality disorder |
+ E21y600 |
+ Masochistic personality disorder |
+ E21y700 |
+ Psychoneurotic personality disorder |
+ E21y711 |
+ Neurotic personality |
+ E21y.00 |
+ Other personality disorders |
+ E21yz00 |
+ Other personality disorder NOS |
+ E21yz11 |
+ Manipulative personality |
+ E21z.00 |
+ Personality disorder NOS |
+ E21z.11 |
+ Psychopathic personality |
+ E2C3500 |
+ Isolated explosive disorder |
+ Eu60000 |
+ [X]Paranoid personality disorder |
+ Eu60013 |
+ [X]Querulant personality disorder |
+ Eu60014 |
+ [X]Sensitive paranoid personality disorder |
+ Eu60100 |
+ [X]Schizoid personality disorder |
+ Eu60200 |
+ [X]Dissocial personality disorder |
+ Eu60211 |
+ [X]Amoral personality disorder |
+ Eu60212 |
+ [X]Antisocial personality disorder |
+ Eu60213 |
+ [X]Asocial personality disorder |
+ Eu60214 |
+ [X]Psychopathic personality disorder |
+ Eu60215 |
+ [X]Sociopathic personality disorder |
+ Eu60300 |
+ [X]Emotionally unstable personality disorder |
+ Eu60311 |
+ [X]Aggressive personality disorder |
+ Eu60312 |
+ [X]Borderline personality disorder |
+ Eu60313 |
+ [X]Explosive personality disorder |
+ Eu60400 |
+ [X]Histrionic personality disorder |
+ Eu60411 |
+ [X]Hysterical personality disorder |
+ Eu60412 |
+ [X]Psychoinfantile personality disorder |
+ Eu60500 |
+ [X]Anankastic personality disorder |
+ Eu60511 |
+ [X]Compulsive personality disorder |
+ Eu60512 |
+ [X]Obsessional personality disorder |
+ Eu60513 |
+ [X]Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder |
+ Eu60600 |
+ [X]Anxious [avoidant] personality disorder |
+ Eu60700 |
+ [X]Dependent personality disorder |
+ Eu60711 |
+ [X]Asthenic personality disorder |
+ Eu60712 |
+ [X]Inadequate personality disorder |
+ Eu60713 |
+ [X]Passive personality disorder |
+ Eu60714 |
+ [X]Self defeating personality disorder |
+ Eu60800 |
+ [X]Addictive personality |
+ Eu60.00 |
+ [X]Specific personality disorders |
+ Eu60y00 |
+ [X]Other specific personality disorders |
+ Eu60y11 |
+ [X]Eccentric personality disorder |
+ Eu60y12 |
+ [X]Haltlose type personality disorder |
+ Eu60y13 |
+ [X]Immature personality disorder |
+ Eu60y14 |
+ [X]Narcissistic personality disorder |
+ Eu60y16 |
+ [X]Psychoneurotic personality disorder |
+ Eu60z00 |
+ [X]Personality disorder, unspecified |
+ Eu60z11 |
+ [X]Character neurosis NOS |
+ Eu60z12 |
+ [X]Pathological personality NOS |
+ Eu61.00 |
+ [X]Mixed and other personality disorders |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_PD.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F60 |
+ Specific personality disorders |
+ F61 |
+ Mixed and other personality disorders |
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus
-Pilonidal cyst/sinus
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Pilonidal cyst/sinus IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Pilonidal cyst/sinus' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Pilonidal cyst/sinus diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Pilonidal cyst/sinus' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Pilonidal cyst/sinus or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Pilonidal cyst/sinus' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Pilonidal cyst/sinus during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
773B000 | Excision of pilonidal sinus and Z plasty skin flap HFQ |
773B100 | Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin flap NEC |
773B200 | Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin graft HFQ |
773B300 | Excision of pilonidal sinus and suture HFQ |
773B400 | Excision of pilonidal sinus NEC |
773B500 | Laying open of track of pilonidal sinus |
773B.00 | Pilonidal sinus operations |
773B700 | Drainage of pilonidal sinus |
773B800 | Injection of radiocontrast substance into pilonidal sinus |
773B900 | Destruction of pilonidal sinus NEC |
773BA00 | Other specified excision of pilonidal sinus |
773Bx00 | Excision of pilonidal sinus NOS |
773By00 | Other specified operation on pilonidal sinus |
773Bz00 | Operation on pilonidal sinus NOS |
M060.00 | Pilonidal cyst with abscess |
M061.00 | Pilonidal cyst with no abscess |
M062.00 | Pilonidal sinus with abscess |
M063.00 | Pilonidal sinus without abscess |
M06..00 | Pilonidal sinus/cyst |
M06z.00 | Pilonidal sinus/cyst NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L05 | Pilonidal cyst |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
H59.1 | Excision of pilonidal sinus and Z plasty skin flap HFQ |
H59.2 | Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin flap NEC |
H59.3 | Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin graft HFQ |
H59.4 | Excision of pilonidal sinus and suture HFQ |
H59.8 | Other specified excision of pilonidal sinus |
H59.9 | Unspecified excision of pilonidal sinus |
H60.1 | Destruction of pilonidal sinus |
H60.2 | Laying open of pilonidal sinus |
H60.3 | Drainage of pilonidal sinus |
H60.4 | Injection of radiocontrast substance into pilonidal sinus |
H60.8 | Other specified other operations on pilonidal sinus |
H60.9 | Unspecified other operations on pilonidal sinus |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Pilonidal cyst/sinus' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 773B000 |
+ Excision of pilonidal sinus and Z plasty skin flap HFQ |
+ 773B100 |
+ Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin flap NEC |
+ 773B200 |
+ Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin graft HFQ |
+ 773B300 |
+ Excision of pilonidal sinus and suture HFQ |
+ 773B400 |
+ Excision of pilonidal sinus NEC |
+ 773B500 |
+ Laying open of track of pilonidal sinus |
+ 773B.00 |
+ Pilonidal sinus operations |
+ 773B700 |
+ Drainage of pilonidal sinus |
+ 773B800 |
+ Injection of radiocontrast substance into pilonidal sinus |
+ 773B900 |
+ Destruction of pilonidal sinus NEC |
+ 773BA00 |
+ Other specified excision of pilonidal sinus |
+ 773Bx00 |
+ Excision of pilonidal sinus NOS |
+ 773By00 |
+ Other specified operation on pilonidal sinus |
+ 773Bz00 |
+ Operation on pilonidal sinus NOS |
+ M060.00 |
+ Pilonidal cyst with abscess |
+ M061.00 |
+ Pilonidal cyst with no abscess |
+ M062.00 |
+ Pilonidal sinus with abscess |
+ M063.00 |
+ Pilonidal sinus without abscess |
+ M06..00 |
+ Pilonidal sinus/cyst |
+ M06z.00 |
+ Pilonidal sinus/cyst NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L05 |
+ Pilonidal cyst |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ H59.1 |
+ Excision of pilonidal sinus and Z plasty skin flap HFQ |
+ H59.2 |
+ Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin flap NEC |
+ H59.3 |
+ Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin graft HFQ |
+ H59.4 |
+ Excision of pilonidal sinus and suture HFQ |
+ H59.8 |
+ Other specified excision of pilonidal sinus |
+ H59.9 |
+ Unspecified excision of pilonidal sinus |
+ H60.1 |
+ Destruction of pilonidal sinus |
+ H60.2 |
+ Laying open of pilonidal sinus |
+ H60.3 |
+ Drainage of pilonidal sinus |
+ H60.4 |
+ Injection of radiocontrast substance into pilonidal sinus |
+ H60.8 |
+ Other specified other operations on pilonidal sinus |
+ H60.9 |
+ Unspecified other operations on pilonidal sinus |
+Pleural effusion
-Pleural effusion
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had pleural effusion IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Pleural effusion' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Other pleural effusion diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. Other 'Pleural effusion' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of pleural effusion or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
H511000 | Pneumococcal pleurisy with effusion |
H511100 | Staphylococcal pleurisy with effusion |
H511200 | Streptococcal pleurisy with effusion |
H511.00 | Bacterial pleurisy with effusion |
H511z00 | Bacterial pleurisy with effusion NOS |
H51y400 | Hydrothorax |
H51y500 | Chylous effusion |
H51y700 | Malignant pleural effusion |
H51y.00 | Other pleural effusion excluding mention of tuberculosis |
H51yz00 | Other pleural effusion |
H51z000 | Exudative pleurisy NOS |
H51z100 | Serofibrinous pleurisy NOS |
H51z200 | Serous pleurisy NOS |
H51z.00 | Pleural effusion NOS |
H51zz00 | Pleural effusion NOS |
Hyu7000 | [X]Pleural effusion in conditions classified elsewhere |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J90 | Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified |
J91 | Pleural effusion in conditions classified elsewhere |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Pleural effusion' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ H511000 |
+ Pneumococcal pleurisy with effusion |
+ H511100 |
+ Staphylococcal pleurisy with effusion |
+ H511200 |
+ Streptococcal pleurisy with effusion |
+ H511.00 |
+ Bacterial pleurisy with effusion |
+ H511z00 |
+ Bacterial pleurisy with effusion NOS |
+ H51y400 |
+ Hydrothorax |
+ H51y500 |
+ Chylous effusion |
+ H51y700 |
+ Malignant pleural effusion |
+ H51y.00 |
+ Other pleural effusion excluding mention of tuberculosis |
+ H51yz00 |
+ Other pleural effusion |
+ H51z000 |
+ Exudative pleurisy NOS |
+ H51z100 |
+ Serofibrinous pleurisy NOS |
+ H51z200 |
+ Serous pleurisy NOS |
+ H51z.00 |
+ Pleural effusion NOS |
+ H51zz00 |
+ Pleural effusion NOS |
+ Hyu7000 |
+ [X]Pleural effusion in conditions classified elsewhere |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J90 |
+ Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified |
+ J91 |
+ Pleural effusion in conditions classified elsewhere |
+Pleural plaque
-Pleural plaque
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had pleural plaque IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Pleural plaque' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Other pleural plaque diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. Other 'Pleural plaque' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of pleural plaque or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
H410.00 | Pleural plaque disease due to asbestosis |
H410.11 | Asbestos-induced pleural plaque |
H510100 | Thickening of pleura |
H510C00 | Pleural plaque |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J92.0 | Pleural plaque with presence of asbestos |
J92.9 | Pleural plaque without asbestos |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Pleural plaque' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ H410.00 |
+ Pleural plaque disease due to asbestosis |
+ H410.11 |
+ Asbestos-induced pleural plaque |
+ H510100 |
+ Thickening of pleura |
+ H510C00 |
+ Pleural plaque |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J92.0 |
+ Pleural plaque with presence of asbestos |
+ J92.9 |
+ Pleural plaque without asbestos |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had pneumothorax IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Pneumothorax' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Other pneumothorax diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. Other 'Pneumothorax' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of pneumothorax or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14B5.00 | H/O: pneumothorax |
H520.00 | Spontaneous tension pneumothorax |
H52..00 | Pneumothorax |
H52y000 | Acute pneumothorax NOS |
H52y100 | Chronic pneumothorax |
H52y.00 | Other spontaneous pneumothorax |
H52yz00 | Other spontaneous pneumothorax NOS |
H52yz11 | Spontaneous pneumothorax NOS |
H52z.00 | Pneumothorax NOS |
Hyu7100 | [X]Other spontaneous pneumothorax |
Hyu7200 | [X]Other pneumothorax |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J93 | Pneumothorax |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Pneumothorax' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14B5.00 |
+ H/O: pneumothorax |
+ H520.00 |
+ Spontaneous tension pneumothorax |
+ H52..00 |
+ Pneumothorax |
+ H52y000 |
+ Acute pneumothorax NOS |
+ H52y100 |
+ Chronic pneumothorax |
+ H52y.00 |
+ Other spontaneous pneumothorax |
+ H52yz00 |
+ Other spontaneous pneumothorax NOS |
+ H52yz11 |
+ Spontaneous pneumothorax NOS |
+ H52z.00 |
+ Pneumothorax NOS |
+ Hyu7100 |
+ [X]Other spontaneous pneumothorax |
+ Hyu7200 |
+ [X]Other pneumothorax |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J93 |
+ Pneumothorax |
+Polycystic ovarian syndrome
-Polycystic ovarian syndrome
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Polycystic ovarian syndrome IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Polycystic ovarian syndrome' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Polycystic ovarian syndrome diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Polycystic ovarian syndrome' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Polycystic ovarian syndrome or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
C164.12 | Stein - Leventhal syndrome |
C165.00 | Polycystic ovarian syndrome |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
E28.2 | Polycystic ovarian syndrome |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Polycystic ovarian syndrome' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ C164.12 |
+ Stein - Leventhal syndrome |
+ C165.00 |
+ Polycystic ovarian syndrome |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_PCOS.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ E28.2 |
+ Polycystic ovarian syndrome |
+Polycythaemia vera
-Polycythaemia Vera
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Polycythaemia vera IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Polycythaemia vera' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Polycythaemia vera diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Polycythaemia vera' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Polycythaemia vera or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B671.00 | Chronic erythraemia |
B671.11 | Heilmeyer - Schoner disease |
B934.00 | Polycythaemia vera |
B934.11 | Polycythaemia rubra vera |
B934.12 | Primary polycythaemia |
BBs0.00 | [M]Polycythaemia vera |
BBs0.11 | [M]Polycythaemia rubra vera |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D45 | Polycythaemia vera |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Polycythaemia vera' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B671.00 |
+ Chronic erythraemia |
+ B671.11 |
+ Heilmeyer - Schoner disease |
+ B934.00 |
+ Polycythaemia vera |
+ B934.11 |
+ Polycythaemia rubra vera |
+ B934.12 |
+ Primary polycythaemia |
+ BBs0.00 |
+ [M]Polycythaemia vera |
+ BBs0.11 |
+ [M]Polycythaemia rubra vera |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_PCV.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D45 |
+ Polycythaemia vera |
+Polymyalgia Rheumatica
-Polymyalgia Rheumatica
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Polymyalgia Rheumatica IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Polymyalgia Rheumatica' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Polymyalgia Rheumatica diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Polymyalgia Rheumatica' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Polymyalgia Rheumatica or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
N200.00 | Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica |
N20..00 | Polymyalgia rheumatica |
N20..11 | Polymyalgia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M31.5 | Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica |
M35.3 | Polymyalgia rheumatica |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Polymyalgia Rheumatica' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ N200.00 |
+ Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica |
+ N20..00 |
+ Polymyalgia rheumatica |
+ N20..11 |
+ Polymyalgia |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_PMR.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M31.5 |
+ Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica |
+ M35.3 |
+ Polymyalgia rheumatica |
+Portal hypertension
-Portal Hypertension
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Portal hypertension IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Portal hypertension' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Portal hypertension diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Portal hypertension' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Portal hypertension or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
J623.00 | Portal hypertension |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K76.6 | Portal hypertension |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Portal hypertension' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ J623.00 |
+ Portal hypertension |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K76.6 |
+ Portal hypertension |
+Post-term infant
-Post-term Delivery
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Post-term infant IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3243,46 +43825,298 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Post-term infant or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
6355.00 | Baby post-mature |
635..12 | Postmature baby |
Q122.00 | Postmature infant - greater than 42 weeks gestation, unspec |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
P08.2 | Post-term infant, not heavy for gestational age |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 6355 |
+ Baby post-mature |
+ 635..12 |
+ Postmature baby |
+ Q122.00 |
+ Postmature infant - greater than 42 weeks gestation, unspec |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ P08.2 |
+ Post-term infant, not heavy for gestational age |
+Postcoital and contact bleeding
-Postcoital Bleeding
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Postcoital and contact bleeding IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Postcoital and contact bleeding IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Postcoital and contact bleeding diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Postcoital and contact bleeding or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1581.00 | H/O: post-coital bleeding |
K587.00 | Contact bleeding of cervix |
K597.00 | Postcoital bleeding |
K59A.00 | Premenopausal postcoital bleeding |
K59B.00 | Postmenopausal postcoital bleeding |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N93.0 | Postcoital and contact bleeding |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1581 |
+ H/O: post-coital bleeding |
+ K587.00 |
+ Contact bleeding of cervix |
+ K597.00 |
+ Postcoital bleeding |
+ K59A.00 |
+ Premenopausal postcoital bleeding |
+ K59B.00 |
+ Postmenopausal postcoital bleeding |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_PCB.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N93.0 |
+ Postcoital and contact bleeding |
+Posterior Uveitis
-Posterior Uveitis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Posterior Uveitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Posterior Uveitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Posterior Uveitis
+1. 'Posterior Uveitis'
diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Posterior Uveitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
A173000 | Tuberculous chorioretinitis |
A900.12 | Congenital syphilitic choroiditis |
A915100 | Secondary syphilitic chorioretinitis |
A94y200 | Syphilitic disseminated retinochoroiditis |
AD02.00 | Toxoplasma chorioretinitis |
F401000 | Sympathetic uveitis |
F401100 | Panuveitis |
F430000 | Unspecified focal chorioretinitis |
F430100 | Focal juxtapapillary choroiditis |
F430200 | Other posterior pole focal chorioretinitis |
F430300 | Peripheral focal chorioretinitis |
F430400 | Focal juxtapapillary retinitis |
F430500 | Focal macular retinochoroiditis |
F430600 | Other posterior pole focal retinitis |
F430700 | Peripheral focal retinochoroiditis |
F430800 | Multifocal choroiditis |
F430.00 | Focal chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis |
F430.11 | Retinitis and chorioretinitis |
F430z00 | Focal chorioretinitis or retinochoroiditis NOS |
F431000 | Unspecified disseminated chorioretinitis |
F431300 | General disseminated chorioretinitis |
F431400 | Metastatic disseminated retinitis |
F431500 | Pigmented epithelial disseminated retinitis |
F431600 | Punctate inner choroidopathy |
F431.00 | Disseminated chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis |
F431z00 | Disseminated chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis NOS |
F432000 | Choroiditis NOS |
F432100 | Retinitis NOS |
F432200 | Posterior uveitis NOS |
F432400 | Harada's disease |
F432.00 | Other chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis |
F432z00 | Other chorioretinitis or retinochoroiditis NOS |
F442300 | Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome |
FyuF000 | [X]Other chorioretinal inflammations |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H30.0 | Focal chorioretinal inflammation |
H30.1 | Disseminated chorioretinal inflammation |
H30.8 | Other chorioretinal inflammations |
H30.9 | Chorioretinal inflammation, unspecified |
H32.0 | Chorioretinal inflammation in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Posterior Uveitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ A173000 |
+ Tuberculous chorioretinitis |
+ A900.12 |
+ Congenital syphilitic choroiditis |
+ A915100 |
+ Secondary syphilitic chorioretinitis |
+ A94y200 |
+ Syphilitic disseminated retinochoroiditis |
+ AD02.00 |
+ Toxoplasma chorioretinitis |
+ F401000 |
+ Sympathetic uveitis |
+ F401100 |
+ Panuveitis |
+ F430000 |
+ Unspecified focal chorioretinitis |
+ F430100 |
+ Focal juxtapapillary choroiditis |
+ F430200 |
+ Other posterior pole focal chorioretinitis |
+ F430300 |
+ Peripheral focal chorioretinitis |
+ F430400 |
+ Focal juxtapapillary retinitis |
+ F430500 |
+ Focal macular retinochoroiditis |
+ F430600 |
+ Other posterior pole focal retinitis |
+ F430700 |
+ Peripheral focal retinochoroiditis |
+ F430800 |
+ Multifocal choroiditis |
+ F430.00 |
+ Focal chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis |
+ F430.11 |
+ Retinitis and chorioretinitis |
+ F430z00 |
+ Focal chorioretinitis or retinochoroiditis NOS |
+ F431000 |
+ Unspecified disseminated chorioretinitis |
+ F431300 |
+ General disseminated chorioretinitis |
+ F431400 |
+ Metastatic disseminated retinitis |
+ F431500 |
+ Pigmented epithelial disseminated retinitis |
+ F431600 |
+ Punctate inner choroidopathy |
+ F431.00 |
+ Disseminated chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis |
+ F431z00 |
+ Disseminated chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis NOS |
+ F432000 |
+ Choroiditis NOS |
+ F432100 |
+ Retinitis NOS |
+ F432200 |
+ Posterior uveitis NOS |
+ F432400 |
+ Harada's disease |
+ F432.00 |
+ Other chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis |
+ F432z00 |
+ Other chorioretinitis or retinochoroiditis NOS |
+ F442300 |
+ Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome |
+ FyuF000 |
+ [X]Other chorioretinal inflammations |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H30.0 |
+ Focal chorioretinal inflammation |
+ H30.1 |
+ Disseminated chorioretinal inflammation |
+ H30.8 |
+ Other chorioretinal inflammations |
+ H30.9 |
+ Chorioretinal inflammation, unspecified |
+ H32.0 |
+ Chorioretinal inflammation in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
-Reactive Arthritis
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Postinfective and reactive arthropathies IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3290,60 +44124,499 @@ Primary care
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
A993.00 | Reiter's disease / syndrome |
A993.11 | Reiter's syndrome |
M211400 | Keratoderma blennorrhagica |
N011400 | Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the hand |
N011600 | Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the lower leg |
N011.00 | Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy |
N011.12 | Arthropathy in Reiter's disease |
N011x00 | Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of multiple sites |
N011z00 | Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy NOS |
N013400 | Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the hand |
N013700 | Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the ankle and foot |
N013.00 | Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy |
N013x00 | Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of multiple sites |
N01w000 | Reactive arthropathy of shoulder |
N01w100 | Reactive arthropathy of sternoclavicular joint |
N01w300 | Reactive arthropathy of elbow |
N01w500 | Reactive arthropathy of wrist |
N01w600 | Reactive arthropathy of MCP joint |
N01w700 | Reactive arthropathy of PIP joint of finger |
N01w800 | Reactive arthropathy of DIP joint of finger |
N01w900 | Reactive arthropathy of hip |
N01wA00 | Reactive arthropathy of sacro-iliac joint |
N01wB00 | Reactive arthropathy of knee |
N01wD00 | Reactive arthropathy of ankle |
N01wH00 | Reactive arthropathy of 1st MTP joint |
N01wJ00 | Reactive arthropathy of lesser MTP joint |
N01wK00 | Reactive arthropathy of IP joint of toe |
N01w.00 | Reactive arthropathy, unspecified |
N038.00 | Reactive arthropathies |
Nyu0300 | [X]Other reactive arthropathies |
Nyu0400 | [X]Other postinfectious arthropathies in diseases CE |
Nyu0500 | [X]Reactive arthropathy in other diseases CE |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M02 | Reactive arthropathies |
M03 | Postinfective and reactive arthropathies in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ A993.00 |
+ Reiter's disease / syndrome |
+ A993.11 |
+ Reiter's syndrome |
+ M211400 |
+ Keratoderma blennorrhagica |
+ N011400 |
+ Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the hand |
+ N011600 |
+ Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the lower leg |
+ N011.00 |
+ Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy |
+ N011.12 |
+ Arthropathy in Reiter's disease |
+ N011x00 |
+ Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of multiple sites |
+ N011z00 |
+ Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy NOS |
+ N013400 |
+ Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the hand |
+ N013700 |
+ Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the ankle and foot |
+ N013.00 |
+ Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy |
+ N013x00 |
+ Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of multiple sites |
+ N01w000 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of shoulder |
+ N01w100 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of sternoclavicular joint |
+ N01w300 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of elbow |
+ N01w500 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of wrist |
+ N01w600 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of MCP joint |
+ N01w700 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of PIP joint of finger |
+ N01w800 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of DIP joint of finger |
+ N01w900 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of hip |
+ N01wA00 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of sacro-iliac joint |
+ N01wB00 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of knee |
+ N01wD00 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of ankle |
+ N01wH00 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of 1st MTP joint |
+ N01wJ00 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of lesser MTP joint |
+ N01wK00 |
+ Reactive arthropathy of IP joint of toe |
+ N01w.00 |
+ Reactive arthropathy, unspecified |
+ N038.00 |
+ Reactive arthropathies |
+ Nyu0300 |
+ [X]Other reactive arthropathies |
+ Nyu0400 |
+ [X]Other postinfectious arthropathies in diseases CE |
+ Nyu0500 |
+ [X]Reactive arthropathy in other diseases CE |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M02 |
+ Reactive arthropathies |
+ M03 |
+ Postinfective and reactive arthropathies in diseases classified elsewhere |
+Postmenopausal bleeding
-Postmenopausal Bleeding
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Postmenopausal bleeding IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Postmenopausal bleeding' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Postmenopausal bleeding diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Postmenopausal bleeding' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Postmenopausal bleeding or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1583.00 | H/O: post-menopausal bleeding |
K59B.00 | Postmenopausal postcoital bleeding |
K5A1.00 | Postmenopausal bleeding |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N95.0 | Postmenopausal bleeding |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Postmenopausal bleeding' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1583 |
+ H/O: post-menopausal bleeding |
+ K59B.00 |
+ Postmenopausal postcoital bleeding |
+ K5A1.00 |
+ Postmenopausal bleeding |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_PMB.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N95.0 |
+ Postmenopausal bleeding |
+Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia
-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia or fibromyalgia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia or fibromyalgia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
8HlL.00 | Referral for chronic fatigue syndrome activity management |
8HlL.11 | Referral for myalgic encephalopathy activity management |
8Q1..00 | Activity management for chronic fatigue syndrome |
8Q1..11 | Activity management for myalgic encephalopathy |
E205.00 | Neurasthenia - nervous debility |
Eu46000 | [X]Neurasthenia |
Eu46011 | [X]Fatigue syndrome |
F03y.12 | Myalgic encephalomyelitis |
F286000 | Mild chronic fatigue syndrome |
F286100 | Moderate chronic fatigue syndrome |
F286200 | Severe chronic fatigue syndrome |
F286.00 | Chronic fatigue syndrome |
F286.11 | CFS - Chronic fatigue syndrome |
F286.12 | Postviral fatigue syndrome |
F286.13 | PVFS - Postviral fatigue syn |
F286.14 | Post-viral fatigue syndrome |
F286.15 | Myalgic encephalomyelitis |
F286.16 | ME - Myalgic encephalomyelitis |
N239.00 | Fibromyalgia |
N240100 | Fibrositis unspecified |
N240500 | Fibrositis of neck |
N240600 | Fibrositis arm |
N248.00 | Fibromyalgia |
R007400 | [D]Postviral (asthenic) syndrome |
R007411 | [D]Post viral debility |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G93.3 | Postviral fatigue syndrome |
F48.0 | Neurasthenia |
M79.7 | Fibromyalgia |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 8HlL.00 |
+ Referral for chronic fatigue syndrome activity management |
+ 8HlL.11 |
+ Referral for myalgic encephalopathy activity management |
+ 8Q1..00 |
+ Activity management for chronic fatigue syndrome |
+ 8Q1..11 |
+ Activity management for myalgic encephalopathy |
+ E205.00 |
+ Neurasthenia - nervous debility |
+ Eu46000 |
+ [X]Neurasthenia |
+ Eu46011 |
+ [X]Fatigue syndrome |
+ F03y.12 |
+ Myalgic encephalomyelitis |
+ F286000 |
+ Mild chronic fatigue syndrome |
+ F286100 |
+ Moderate chronic fatigue syndrome |
+ F286200 |
+ Severe chronic fatigue syndrome |
+ F286.00 |
+ Chronic fatigue syndrome |
+ F286.11 |
+ CFS - Chronic fatigue syndrome |
+ F286.12 |
+ Postviral fatigue syndrome |
+ F286.13 |
+ PVFS - Postviral fatigue syn |
+ F286.14 |
+ Post-viral fatigue syndrome |
+ F286.15 |
+ Myalgic encephalomyelitis |
+ F286.16 |
+ ME - Myalgic encephalomyelitis |
+ N239.00 |
+ Fibromyalgia |
+ N240100 |
+ Fibrositis unspecified |
+ N240500 |
+ Fibrositis of neck |
+ N240600 |
+ Fibrositis arm |
+ N248.00 |
+ Fibromyalgia |
+ R007400 |
+ [D]Postviral (asthenic) syndrome |
+ R007411 |
+ [D]Post viral debility |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G93.3 |
+ Postviral fatigue syndrome |
+ F48.0 |
+ Neurasthenia |
+ M79.7 |
+ Fibromyalgia |
-Premature Delivery
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Prematurity IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Prematurity IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Prematurity diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Prematurity or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1546.00 | H/O: premature delivery |
6351.00 | Baby premature 36-38 weeks |
6352.00 | Baby v. premature 32-36 weeks |
6353.00 | Baby extremely prem.28-32 week |
635..13 | Premature baby |
6356.00 | Baby premature 26-28 weeks |
6357.00 | Baby premature 24-26 weeks |
635A.00 | Baby premature 37 weeks |
635B.00 | Baby premature 36 weeks |
635C.00 | Preterm infant status |
635C.11 | Preterm |
Q110.00 | Very premature - less than 1000g or less than 28 weeks |
Q110.11 | Immature baby |
Q111.00 | Premature - weight 1000g-2499g or gestation of 28-37weeks |
Q112.00 | Extreme immaturity |
Q112.11 | Extreme prematurity - less than 28 weeks |
Q116.00 | Premature infant 28-37 weeks |
Q11..11 | Baby born premature |
Q11z.00 | Born premature NOS |
Q317100 | Prematurity with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis |
Q432.00 | Preterm delivery associated jaundice |
Q456.00 | Anaemia of prematurity |
Qyu1100 | [X]Other preterm infants |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
P07.2 | Extreme immaturity |
P07.3 | Other preterm infants |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1546 |
+ H/O: premature delivery |
+ 6351 |
+ Baby premature 36-38 weeks |
+ 6352 |
+ Baby v. premature 32-36 weeks |
+ 6353 |
+ Baby extremely prem.28-32 week |
+ 635..13 |
+ Premature baby |
+ 6356 |
+ Baby premature 26-28 weeks |
+ 6357 |
+ Baby premature 24-26 weeks |
+ 635A.00 |
+ Baby premature 37 weeks |
+ 635B.00 |
+ Baby premature 36 weeks |
+ 635C.00 |
+ Preterm infant status |
+ 635C.11 |
+ Preterm |
+ Q110.00 |
+ Very premature - less than 1000g or less than 28 weeks |
+ Q110.11 |
+ Immature baby |
+ Q111.00 |
+ Premature - weight 1000g-2499g or gestation of 28-37weeks |
+ Q112.00 |
+ Extreme immaturity |
+ Q112.11 |
+ Extreme prematurity - less than 28 weeks |
+ Q116.00 |
+ Premature infant 28-37 weeks |
+ Q11..11 |
+ Baby born premature |
+ Q11z.00 |
+ Born premature NOS |
+ Q317100 |
+ Prematurity with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis |
+ Q432.00 |
+ Preterm delivery associated jaundice |
+ Q456.00 |
+ Anaemia of prematurity |
+ Qyu1100 |
+ [X]Other preterm infants |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ P07.2 |
+ Extreme immaturity |
+ P07.3 |
+ Other preterm infants |
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder
-Primary Malignancy - Bladder
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Bladder IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3351,15 +44624,93 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Bladder or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B490.00 | Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder |
B491.00 | Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder |
B492.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder |
B493.00 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder |
B494.00 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder |
B495.00 | Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck |
B496.00 | Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice |
B497.00 | Malignant neoplasm of urachus |
B498.00 | Local recurrence of malignant tumour of urinary bladder |
B49..00 | Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder |
B49y000 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of bladder |
B49y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other site of urinary bladder |
B49z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder NOS |
ZV10511 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bladder |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C67 | Malignant neoplasm of bladder |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B490.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder |
+ B491.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder |
+ B492.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder |
+ B493.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder |
+ B494.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder |
+ B495.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck |
+ B496.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice |
+ B497.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of urachus |
+ B498.00 |
+ Local recurrence of malignant tumour of urinary bladder |
+ B49..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder |
+ B49y000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of bladder |
+ B49y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other site of urinary bladder |
+ B49z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder NOS |
+ ZV10511 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bladder |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C67 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of bladder |
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
-Primary Malignancy - Bone
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Bone and articular cartilage IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3367,15 +44718,473 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B300000 | Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid bone |
B300100 | Malignant neoplasm of frontal bone |
B300200 | Malignant neoplasm of malar bone |
B300300 | Malignant neoplasm of nasal bone |
B300400 | Malignant neoplasm of occipital bone |
B300500 | Malignant neoplasm of orbital bone |
B300600 | Malignant neoplasm of parietal bone |
B300700 | Malignant neoplasm of sphenoid bone |
B300800 | Malignant neoplasm of temporal bone |
B300900 | Malignant neoplasm of zygomatic bone |
B300A00 | Malignant neoplasm of maxilla |
B300.00 | Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face |
B300B00 | Malignant neoplasm of turbinate |
B300C00 | Malignant neoplasm of vomer |
B300z00 | Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face NOS |
B301.00 | Malignant neoplasm of mandible |
B302000 | Malignant neoplasm of cervical vertebra |
B302100 | Malignant neoplasm of thoracic vertebra |
B302200 | Malignant neoplasm of lumbar vertebra |
B302.00 | Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column |
B302z00 | Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column NOS |
B303000 | Malignant neoplasm of rib |
B303100 | Malignant neoplasm of sternum |
B303200 | Malignant neoplasm of clavicle |
B303300 | Malignant neoplasm of costal cartilage |
B303400 | Malignant neoplasm of costo-vertebral joint |
B303500 | Malignant neoplasm of xiphoid process |
B303.00 | Malignant neoplasm of ribs, sternum and clavicle |
B303z00 | Malignant neoplasm of rib, sternum and clavicle NOS |
B304000 | Malignant neoplasm of scapula |
B304100 | Malignant neoplasm of acromion |
B304200 | Malignant neoplasm of humerus |
B304300 | Malignant neoplasm of radius |
B304400 | Malignant neoplasm of ulna |
B304.00 | Malignant neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper arm |
B304z00 | Malig neop of scapula and long bones of upper arm NOS |
B305000 | Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - scaphoid |
B305100 | Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - lunate |
B305A00 | Malignant neoplasm of third metacarpal bone |
B305.00 | Malignant neoplasm of hand bones |
B305.11 | Malignant neoplasm of carpal bones |
B305.12 | Malignant neoplasm of metacarpal bones |
B305C00 | Malignant neoplasm of fifth metacarpal bone |
B305D00 | Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of hand |
B305z00 | Malignant neoplasm of hand bones NOS |
B306000 | Malignant neoplasm of ilium |
B306100 | Malignant neoplasm of ischium |
B306200 | Malignant neoplasm of pubis |
B306300 | Malignant neoplasm of sacral vertebra |
B306400 | Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal vertebra |
B306500 | Malignant sacral teratoma |
B306.00 | Malignant neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx |
B306z00 | Malignant neoplasm of pelvis, sacrum or coccyx NOS |
B307000 | Malignant neoplasm of femur |
B307100 | Malignant neoplasm of fibula |
B307200 | Malignant neoplasm of tibia |
B307.00 | Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg |
B307z00 | Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg NOS |
B308100 | Malignant neoplasm of talus |
B308200 | Malignant neoplasm of calcaneum |
B308300 | Malignant neoplasm of medial cuneiform |
B308800 | Malignant neoplasm of first metatarsal bone |
B308.00 | Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg |
B308B00 | Malignant neoplasm of fourth metatarsal bone |
B308D00 | Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of foot |
B308z00 | Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg NOS |
B30..00 | Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage |
B30W.00 | Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone+articulr cartilage |
B30X.00 | Malignant neoplasm/bones+articular cartilage/limb,unspfd |
B30z000 | Osteosarcoma |
B30z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage NOS |
BBV1.00 | [M]Osteosarcoma NOS |
BBV1.11 | [M]Osteoblastic sarcoma |
BBV1.12 | [M]Osteochondrosarcoma |
BBV1.13 | [M]Osteogenic sarcoma NOS |
BBV2.00 | [M]Chondroblastic osteosarcoma |
BBV3.00 | [M]Fibroblastic osteosarcoma |
BBV4.00 | [M]Telangiectatic osteosarcoma |
BBV5.00 | [M]Osteosarcoma in Paget's disease of bone |
BBV9.00 | [M]Myxoid chondrosarcoma |
BBVA.00 | [M] Small cell osteosarcoma |
BBV..11 | [M]Juxtacortical osteogenic sarcoma |
BBV..12 | [M]Parosteal osteosarcoma |
BBV..13 | [M]Periosteal osteogenic sarcoma |
BBW4.00 | [M]Chondrosarcoma NOS |
BBW4.11 | [M]Fibrochondrosarcoma |
BBW6.00 | [M]Juxtacortical chondrosarcoma |
BBW8.00 | [M]Chondroblastoma, malignant |
BBW9.00 | [M]Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma |
BBX1.00 | [M]Giant cell tumour of bone, malignant |
BBX1.11 | [M]Giant cell bone sarcoma |
BBX1.12 | [M]Osteoclastoma, malignant |
BBY0.00 | [M]Ewing's sarcoma |
BBY0.11 | [M]Endothelial bone sarcoma |
BBY1.00 | [M]Adamantinoma of long bones |
BBY1.11 | [M]Tibial adamantinoma |
BBZ2.00 | [M]Odontogenic tumour, malignant |
BBZ2.11 | [M]Intraosseous carcinoma |
BBZC.00 | [M]Ameloblastic odontosarcoma |
BBZG.00 | [M]Ameloblastoma, malignant |
BBZG.11 | [M]Adamantinoma, malignant |
BBZN.00 | [M]Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma |
BBZN.11 | [M]Odontogenic fibrosarcoma |
Byu3100 | [X]Malignant neoplasm/bones+articular cartilage/limb,unspfd |
Byu3200 | [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone+articulr cartilage |
Byu3300 | [X]Malignant neoplasm/bone+articular cartilage, unspecified |
Byu3.00 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage |
ZV10y11 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bone |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C40 | Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of limbs |
C41 | Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of other and unspecified sites |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B300000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid bone |
+ B300100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of frontal bone |
+ B300200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of malar bone |
+ B300300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nasal bone |
+ B300400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of occipital bone |
+ B300500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of orbital bone |
+ B300600 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of parietal bone |
+ B300700 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of sphenoid bone |
+ B300800 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of temporal bone |
+ B300900 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of zygomatic bone |
+ B300A00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of maxilla |
+ B300.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face |
+ B300B00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of turbinate |
+ B300C00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vomer |
+ B300z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face NOS |
+ B301.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of mandible |
+ B302000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cervical vertebra |
+ B302100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of thoracic vertebra |
+ B302200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lumbar vertebra |
+ B302.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column |
+ B302z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column NOS |
+ B303000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of rib |
+ B303100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of sternum |
+ B303200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of clavicle |
+ B303300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of costal cartilage |
+ B303400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of costo-vertebral joint |
+ B303500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of xiphoid process |
+ B303.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ribs, sternum and clavicle |
+ B303z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of rib, sternum and clavicle NOS |
+ B304000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of scapula |
+ B304100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of acromion |
+ B304200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of humerus |
+ B304300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of radius |
+ B304400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ulna |
+ B304.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper arm |
+ B304z00 |
+ Malig neop of scapula and long bones of upper arm NOS |
+ B305000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - scaphoid |
+ B305100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - lunate |
+ B305A00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of third metacarpal bone |
+ B305.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of hand bones |
+ B305.11 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of carpal bones |
+ B305.12 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of metacarpal bones |
+ B305C00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of fifth metacarpal bone |
+ B305D00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of hand |
+ B305z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of hand bones NOS |
+ B306000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ilium |
+ B306100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ischium |
+ B306200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pubis |
+ B306300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of sacral vertebra |
+ B306400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal vertebra |
+ B306500 |
+ Malignant sacral teratoma |
+ B306.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx |
+ B306z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pelvis, sacrum or coccyx NOS |
+ B307000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of femur |
+ B307100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of fibula |
+ B307200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tibia |
+ B307.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg |
+ B307z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg NOS |
+ B308100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of talus |
+ B308200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of calcaneum |
+ B308300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of medial cuneiform |
+ B308800 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of first metatarsal bone |
+ B308.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg |
+ B308B00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of fourth metatarsal bone |
+ B308D00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of foot |
+ B308z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg NOS |
+ B30..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage |
+ B30W.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone+articulr cartilage |
+ B30X.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm/bones+articular cartilage/limb,unspfd |
+ B30z000 |
+ Osteosarcoma |
+ B30z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage NOS |
+ BBV1.00 |
+ [M]Osteosarcoma NOS |
+ BBV1.11 |
+ [M]Osteoblastic sarcoma |
+ BBV1.12 |
+ [M]Osteochondrosarcoma |
+ BBV1.13 |
+ [M]Osteogenic sarcoma NOS |
+ BBV2.00 |
+ [M]Chondroblastic osteosarcoma |
+ BBV3.00 |
+ [M]Fibroblastic osteosarcoma |
+ BBV4.00 |
+ [M]Telangiectatic osteosarcoma |
+ BBV5.00 |
+ [M]Osteosarcoma in Paget's disease of bone |
+ BBV9.00 |
+ [M]Myxoid chondrosarcoma |
+ BBVA.00 |
+ [M] Small cell osteosarcoma |
+ BBV..11 |
+ [M]Juxtacortical osteogenic sarcoma |
+ BBV..12 |
+ [M]Parosteal osteosarcoma |
+ BBV..13 |
+ [M]Periosteal osteogenic sarcoma |
+ BBW4.00 |
+ [M]Chondrosarcoma NOS |
+ BBW4.11 |
+ [M]Fibrochondrosarcoma |
+ BBW6.00 |
+ [M]Juxtacortical chondrosarcoma |
+ BBW8.00 |
+ [M]Chondroblastoma, malignant |
+ BBW9.00 |
+ [M]Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma |
+ BBX1.00 |
+ [M]Giant cell tumour of bone, malignant |
+ BBX1.11 |
+ [M]Giant cell bone sarcoma |
+ BBX1.12 |
+ [M]Osteoclastoma, malignant |
+ BBY0.00 |
+ [M]Ewing's sarcoma |
+ BBY0.11 |
+ [M]Endothelial bone sarcoma |
+ BBY1.00 |
+ [M]Adamantinoma of long bones |
+ BBY1.11 |
+ [M]Tibial adamantinoma |
+ BBZ2.00 |
+ [M]Odontogenic tumour, malignant |
+ BBZ2.11 |
+ [M]Intraosseous carcinoma |
+ BBZC.00 |
+ [M]Ameloblastic odontosarcoma |
+ BBZG.00 |
+ [M]Ameloblastoma, malignant |
+ BBZG.11 |
+ [M]Adamantinoma, malignant |
+ BBZN.00 |
+ [M]Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma |
+ BBZN.11 |
+ [M]Odontogenic fibrosarcoma |
+ Byu3100 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm/bones+articular cartilage/limb,unspfd |
+ Byu3200 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone+articulr cartilage |
+ Byu3300 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm/bone+articular cartilage, unspecified |
+ Byu3.00 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage |
+ ZV10y11 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bone |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C40 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of limbs |
+ C41 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of other and unspecified sites |
+Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial
-Primary Malignancy - Brain
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3383,16 +45192,417 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B510000 | Malignant neoplasm of basal ganglia |
B510100 | Malignant neoplasm of cerebral cortex |
B510300 | Malignant neoplasm of globus pallidus |
B510400 | Malignant neoplasm of hypothalamus |
B510500 | Malignant neoplasm of thalamus |
B510.00 | Malignant neoplasm cerebrum (excluding lobes and ventricles) |
B510z00 | Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum NOS |
B511.00 | Malignant neoplasm of frontal lobe |
B512000 | Malignant neoplasm of hippocampus |
B512.00 | Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe |
B512z00 | Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe NOS |
B513.00 | Malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe |
B514.00 | Malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe |
B515000 | Malignant neoplasm of choroid plexus |
B515.00 | Malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricles |
B516.00 | Malignant neoplasm of cerebellum |
B517000 | Malignant neoplasm of cerebral peduncle |
B517100 | Malignant neoplasm of medulla oblongata |
B517200 | Malignant neoplasm of midbrain |
B517300 | Malignant neoplasm of pons |
B517.00 | Malignant neoplasm of brain stem |
B517z00 | Malignant neoplasm of brain stem NOS |
B51..00 | Malignant neoplasm of brain |
B51..11 | Cerebral tumour - malignant |
B51y000 | Malignant neoplasm of corpus callosum |
B51y200 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of brain |
B51y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other parts of brain |
B51yz00 | Malignant neoplasm of other part of brain NOS |
B51z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of brain NOS |
B520000 | Malignant neoplasm of olfactory bulb |
B520100 | Malignant neoplasm of optic nerve |
B520200 | Malignant neoplasm of acoustic nerve |
B520.00 | Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves |
B520z00 | Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves NOS |
B521200 | Malignant neoplasm of cerebral pia mater |
B521.00 | Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges |
B521z00 | Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges NOS |
B522.00 | Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord |
B523.00 | Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges |
B523z00 | Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges NOS |
B525.00 | Malignant neoplasm of cauda equina |
B52W.00 | Malig neopl, overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS |
B52X.00 | Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified |
B542000 | Malignant neoplasm of pituitary gland |
B542100 | Malignant neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct |
B542.00 | Malignant neoplasm pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct |
B542z00 | Malig neop pituitary gland or craniopharyngeal duct NOS |
B543.00 | Malignant neoplasm of pineal gland |
B544.00 | Malignant neoplasm of carotid body |
B545000 | Malignant neoplasm of glomus jugulare |
B545100 | Malignant neoplasm of aortic body |
B545200 | Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal body |
B545.00 | Malignant neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia |
B545z00 | Malignant neoplasm of aortic body or paraganglia NOS |
BBbB.00 | [M]Astrocytoma NOS |
BBbB.11 | [M]Astrocytic glioma |
BBbC.00 | [M]Astrocytoma, anaplastic type |
BBbE.00 | [M]Gemistocytic astrocytoma |
BBbF.00 | [M]Fibrillary astrocytoma |
BBbG.00 | [M]Pilocytic astrocytoma |
BBbG.11 | [M]Juvenile astrocytoma |
BBbG.12 | [M]Piloid astrocytoma |
BBbH.00 | [M]Spongioblastoma NOS |
BBbK.00 | [M]Astroblastoma |
BBbL.00 | [M]Glioblastoma NOS |
BBbL.11 | [M]Glioblastoma multiforme |
BBbM.00 | [M]Giant cell glioblastoma |
BBbQ.00 | [M]Oligodendroglioma NOS |
BBbR.00 | [M]Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic type |
BBbS.00 | [M]Oligodendroblastoma |
BBbT.00 | [M]Medulloblastoma NOS |
BBbU.00 | [M]Desmoplastic medulloblastoma |
BBbV.00 | [M]Medullomyoblastoma |
BBbW.00 | [M]Cerebellar sarcoma NOS |
BBbz.00 | [M]Glioma NOS |
BBbZ.00 | [M]Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma |
BBc2.00 | [M]Medulloepithelioma NOS |
BBc6.11 | [M]Glioneuroma |
BBc7.11 | [M]Neuroastrocytoma |
BBcA.00 | [M]Olfactory neurogenic tumour |
BBd2.00 | [M]Meningioma, malignant |
BBd2.12 | [M]Meningothelial sarcoma |
BBdA.00 | [M]Papillary meningioma |
ByuA000 | [X]Malignant neoplasm/other and unspecified cranial nerves |
ByuA100 | [X]Malignant neoplasm/central nervous system, unspecified |
ByuA200 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified |
ByuA300 | [X]Malig neopl, overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS |
ZV10y12 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of brain |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C70 | Malignant neoplasm of meninges |
C71 | Malignant neoplasm of brain |
C72 | Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord, cranial nerves and other parts of central nervous system |
C75.1 | Malignant neoplasm: Pituitary gland |
C75.2 | Malignant neoplasm: Craniopharyngeal duct |
C75.3 | Malignant neoplasm: Pineal gland |
C75.4 | Malignant neoplasm: Carotid body |
C75.5 | Malignant neoplasm: Aortic body and other paraganglia |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B510000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of basal ganglia |
+ B510100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cerebral cortex |
+ B510300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of globus pallidus |
+ B510400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of hypothalamus |
+ B510500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of thalamus |
+ B510.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm cerebrum (excluding lobes and ventricles) |
+ B510z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum NOS |
+ B511.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of frontal lobe |
+ B512000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of hippocampus |
+ B512.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe |
+ B512z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe NOS |
+ B513.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe |
+ B514.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe |
+ B515000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of choroid plexus |
+ B515.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricles |
+ B516.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cerebellum |
+ B517000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cerebral peduncle |
+ B517100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of medulla oblongata |
+ B517200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of midbrain |
+ B517300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pons |
+ B517.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of brain stem |
+ B517z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of brain stem NOS |
+ B51..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of brain |
+ B51..11 |
+ Cerebral tumour - malignant |
+ B51y000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of corpus callosum |
+ B51y200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of brain |
+ B51y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other parts of brain |
+ B51yz00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other part of brain NOS |
+ B51z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of brain NOS |
+ B520000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of olfactory bulb |
+ B520100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of optic nerve |
+ B520200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of acoustic nerve |
+ B520.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves |
+ B520z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves NOS |
+ B521200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cerebral pia mater |
+ B521.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges |
+ B521z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges NOS |
+ B522.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord |
+ B523.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges |
+ B523z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges NOS |
+ B525.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cauda equina |
+ B52W.00 |
+ Malig neopl, overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS |
+ B52X.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified |
+ B542000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pituitary gland |
+ B542100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct |
+ B542.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct |
+ B542z00 |
+ Malig neop pituitary gland or craniopharyngeal duct NOS |
+ B543.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pineal gland |
+ B544.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of carotid body |
+ B545000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of glomus jugulare |
+ B545100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of aortic body |
+ B545200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal body |
+ B545.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia |
+ B545z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of aortic body or paraganglia NOS |
+ BBbB.00 |
+ [M]Astrocytoma NOS |
+ BBbB.11 |
+ [M]Astrocytic glioma |
+ BBbC.00 |
+ [M]Astrocytoma, anaplastic type |
+ BBbE.00 |
+ [M]Gemistocytic astrocytoma |
+ BBbF.00 |
+ [M]Fibrillary astrocytoma |
+ BBbG.00 |
+ [M]Pilocytic astrocytoma |
+ BBbG.11 |
+ [M]Juvenile astrocytoma |
+ BBbG.12 |
+ [M]Piloid astrocytoma |
+ BBbH.00 |
+ [M]Spongioblastoma NOS |
+ BBbK.00 |
+ [M]Astroblastoma |
+ BBbL.00 |
+ [M]Glioblastoma NOS |
+ BBbL.11 |
+ [M]Glioblastoma multiforme |
+ BBbM.00 |
+ [M]Giant cell glioblastoma |
+ BBbQ.00 |
+ [M]Oligodendroglioma NOS |
+ BBbR.00 |
+ [M]Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic type |
+ BBbS.00 |
+ [M]Oligodendroblastoma |
+ BBbT.00 |
+ [M]Medulloblastoma NOS |
+ BBbU.00 |
+ [M]Desmoplastic medulloblastoma |
+ BBbV.00 |
+ [M]Medullomyoblastoma |
+ BBbW.00 |
+ [M]Cerebellar sarcoma NOS |
+ BBbz.00 |
+ [M]Glioma NOS |
+ BBbZ.00 |
+ [M]Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma |
+ BBc2.00 |
+ [M]Medulloepithelioma NOS |
+ BBc6.11 |
+ [M]Glioneuroma |
+ BBc7.11 |
+ [M]Neuroastrocytoma |
+ BBcA.00 |
+ [M]Olfactory neurogenic tumour |
+ BBd2.00 |
+ [M]Meningioma, malignant |
+ BBd2.12 |
+ [M]Meningothelial sarcoma |
+ BBdA.00 |
+ [M]Papillary meningioma |
+ ByuA000 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm/other and unspecified cranial nerves |
+ ByuA100 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm/central nervous system, unspecified |
+ ByuA200 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified |
+ ByuA300 |
+ [X]Malig neopl, overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS |
+ ZV10y12 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of brain |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C70 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of meninges |
+ C71 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of brain |
+ C72 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord, cranial nerves and other parts of central nervous system |
+ C75.1 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Pituitary gland |
+ C75.2 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Craniopharyngeal duct |
+ C75.3 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Pineal gland |
+ C75.4 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Carotid body |
+ C75.5 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Aortic body and other paraganglia |
+Primary Malignancy_Breast
-Primary Malignancy - Breast
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Breast IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3400,15 +45610,221 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Breast or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B340000 | Malignant neoplasm of nipple of female breast |
B340100 | Malignant neoplasm of areola of female breast |
B340.00 | Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of female breast |
B340z00 | Malignant neoplasm of nipple or areola of female breast NOS |
B341.00 | Malignant neoplasm of central part of female breast |
B342.00 | Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of female breast |
B343.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of female breast |
B344.00 | Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of female breast |
B345.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of female breast |
B346.00 | Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of female breast |
B347.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of breast |
B34..00 | Malignant neoplasm of female breast |
B34..11 | Ca female breast |
B34y000 | Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of female breast |
B34y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast |
B34yz00 | Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast NOS |
B34z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of female breast NOS |
B350000 | Malignant neoplasm of nipple of male breast |
B350100 | Malignant neoplasm of areola of male breast |
B350.00 | Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of male breast |
B35..00 | Malignant neoplasm of male breast |
B35z000 | Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of male breast |
B35z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other site of male breast |
B35zz00 | Malignant neoplasm of male breast NOS |
B36..00 | Local recurrence of malignant tumour of breast |
B830000 | Lobular carcinoma in situ of breast |
B830100 | Intraductal carcinoma in situ of breast |
B830.00 | Carcinoma in situ of breast |
BB91.00 | [M]Infiltrating duct carcinoma |
BB91.11 | [M]Duct carcinoma NOS |
BB91000 | [M]Intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma with invasion |
BB96.00 | [M]Noninfiltrating intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma |
BB91100 | [M]Infiltrating duct and lobular carcinoma |
BB92.00 | [M]Comedocarcinoma, noninfiltrating |
BB93.00 | [M]Comedocarcinoma NOS |
BB94.00 | [M]Juvenile breast carcinoma |
BB94.11 | [M]Secretory breast carcinoma |
BB9J.00 | [M]Paget's disease, mammary |
BB9J.11 | [M]Paget's disease, breast |
BB9K000 | [M]Paget's disease and intraductal carcinoma of breast |
BB9K.00 | [M]Paget's disease and infiltrating breast duct carcinoma |
BB9M.00 | [M]Intracystic carcinoma NOS |
Byu6.00 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of breast |
ByuFG00 | [X]Other carcinoma in situ of breast |
ZV10300 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of breast |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C50 | Malignant neoplasm of breast |
D05 | Carcinoma in situ of breast |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B340000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nipple of female breast |
+ B340100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of areola of female breast |
+ B340.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of female breast |
+ B340z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nipple or areola of female breast NOS |
+ B341.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of central part of female breast |
+ B342.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of female breast |
+ B343.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of female breast |
+ B344.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of female breast |
+ B345.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of female breast |
+ B346.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of female breast |
+ B347.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of breast |
+ B34..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of female breast |
+ B34..11 |
+ Ca female breast |
+ B34y000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of female breast |
+ B34y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast |
+ B34yz00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast NOS |
+ B34z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of female breast NOS |
+ B350000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nipple of male breast |
+ B350100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of areola of male breast |
+ B350.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of male breast |
+ B35..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of male breast |
+ B35z000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of male breast |
+ B35z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other site of male breast |
+ B35zz00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of male breast NOS |
+ B36..00 |
+ Local recurrence of malignant tumour of breast |
+ B830000 |
+ Lobular carcinoma in situ of breast |
+ B830100 |
+ Intraductal carcinoma in situ of breast |
+ B830.00 |
+ Carcinoma in situ of breast |
+ BB91.00 |
+ [M]Infiltrating duct carcinoma |
+ BB91.11 |
+ [M]Duct carcinoma NOS |
+ BB91000 |
+ [M]Intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma with invasion |
+ BB96.00 |
+ [M]Noninfiltrating intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma |
+ BB91100 |
+ [M]Infiltrating duct and lobular carcinoma |
+ BB92.00 |
+ [M]Comedocarcinoma, noninfiltrating |
+ BB93.00 |
+ [M]Comedocarcinoma NOS |
+ BB94.00 |
+ [M]Juvenile breast carcinoma |
+ BB94.11 |
+ [M]Secretory breast carcinoma |
+ BB9J.00 |
+ [M]Paget's disease, mammary |
+ BB9J.11 |
+ [M]Paget's disease, breast |
+ BB9K000 |
+ [M]Paget's disease and intraductal carcinoma of breast |
+ BB9K.00 |
+ [M]Paget's disease and infiltrating breast duct carcinoma |
+ BB9M.00 |
+ [M]Intracystic carcinoma NOS |
+ Byu6.00 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of breast |
+ ByuFG00 |
+ [X]Other carcinoma in situ of breast |
+ ZV10300 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of breast |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C50 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of breast |
+ D05 |
+ Carcinoma in situ of breast |
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical
-Primary Malignancy - Cervix
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Cervical IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3416,15 +45832,93 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Cervical or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B410000 | Malignant neoplasm of endocervical canal |
B410100 | Malignant neoplasm of endocervical gland |
B410.00 | Malignant neoplasm of endocervix |
B410z00 | Malignant neoplasm of endocervix NOS |
B411.00 | Malignant neoplasm of exocervix |
B412.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of cervix uteri |
B41..00 | Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri |
B41..11 | Cervical carcinoma (uterus) |
B41y000 | Malignant neoplasm of cervical stump |
B41y100 | Malignant neoplasm of squamocolumnar junction of cervix |
B41y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix |
B41yz00 | Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix NOS |
B41z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri NOS |
ZV10411 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C53 | Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B410000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of endocervical canal |
+ B410100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of endocervical gland |
+ B410.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of endocervix |
+ B410z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of endocervix NOS |
+ B411.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of exocervix |
+ B412.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of cervix uteri |
+ B41..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri |
+ B41..11 |
+ Cervical carcinoma (uterus) |
+ B41y000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cervical stump |
+ B41y100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of squamocolumnar junction of cervix |
+ B41y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix |
+ B41yz00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix NOS |
+ B41z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri NOS |
+ ZV10411 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C53 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri |
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
-Primary Malignancy - Kidney
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Kidney and ureter IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3432,16 +45926,97 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and ureter or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B4A0000 | Hypernephroma |
B4A0.00 | Malignant neoplasm of kidney parenchyma |
B4A1000 | Malignant neoplasm of renal calyces |
B4A1100 | Malignant neoplasm of ureteropelvic junction |
B4A1.00 | Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis |
B4A1z00 | Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis NOS |
B4A2.00 | Malignant neoplasm of ureter |
B4A..11 | Renal malignant neoplasm |
BB5a000 | [M]Renal cell carcinoma |
BB5a011 | [M]Grawitz tumour |
BB5a012 | [M]Hypernephroma |
ZV10512 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney |
ZV10513 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C64 | Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except renal pelvis |
C65 | Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis |
C66 | Malignant neoplasm of ureter |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B4A0000 |
+ Hypernephroma |
+ B4A0.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of kidney parenchyma |
+ B4A1000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of renal calyces |
+ B4A1100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ureteropelvic junction |
+ B4A1.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis |
+ B4A1z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis NOS |
+ B4A2.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ureter |
+ B4A..11 |
+ Renal malignant neoplasm |
+ BB5a000 |
+ [M]Renal cell carcinoma |
+ BB5a011 |
+ [M]Grawitz tumour |
+ BB5a012 |
+ [M]Hypernephroma |
+ ZV10512 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney |
+ ZV10513 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C64 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except renal pelvis |
+ C65 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis |
+ C66 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ureter |
+Primary Malignancy_Liver
-Primary Malignancy - Liver
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Liver IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3449,16 +46024,121 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Liver or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B150000 | Primary carcinoma of liver |
B150100 | Hepatoblastoma of liver |
B150200 | Primary angiosarcoma of liver |
B150300 | Hepatocellular carcinoma |
B150.00 | Primary malignant neoplasm of liver |
B150z00 | Primary malignant neoplasm of liver NOS |
B152.00 | Malignant neoplasm of liver unspecified |
BB5D500 | [M]Hepatocellular carcinoma NOS |
BB5D511 | [M]Hepatoma NOS |
BB5D512 | [M]Hepatoma, malignant |
BB5D513 | [M]Liver cell carcinoma |
BB5D700 | [M]Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma |
BB5D711 | [M]Hepatocholangiocarcinoma |
BB5D800 | [M]Hepatocellular carcinoma, fibrolamellar |
Byu1100 | [X]Other specified carcinomas of liver |
ZV10015 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of liver |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C22.0 | Malignant neoplasm: Liver cell carcinoma |
C22.2 | Malignant neoplasm: Hepatoblastoma |
C22.3 | Malignant neoplasm: Angiosarcoma of liver |
C22.4 | Malignant neoplasm: Other sarcomas of liver |
C22.7 | Malignant neoplasm: Other specified carcinomas of liver |
C22.9 | Malignant neoplasm: Liver, unspecified |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B150000 |
+ Primary carcinoma of liver |
+ B150100 |
+ Hepatoblastoma of liver |
+ B150200 |
+ Primary angiosarcoma of liver |
+ B150300 |
+ Hepatocellular carcinoma |
+ B150.00 |
+ Primary malignant neoplasm of liver |
+ B150z00 |
+ Primary malignant neoplasm of liver NOS |
+ B152.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of liver unspecified |
+ BB5D500 |
+ [M]Hepatocellular carcinoma NOS |
+ BB5D511 |
+ [M]Hepatoma NOS |
+ BB5D512 |
+ [M]Hepatoma, malignant |
+ BB5D513 |
+ [M]Liver cell carcinoma |
+ BB5D700 |
+ [M]Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma |
+ BB5D711 |
+ [M]Hepatocholangiocarcinoma |
+ BB5D800 |
+ [M]Hepatocellular carcinoma, fibrolamellar |
+ Byu1100 |
+ [X]Other specified carcinomas of liver |
+ ZV10015 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of liver |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C22.0 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Liver cell carcinoma |
+ C22.2 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Hepatoblastoma |
+ C22.3 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Angiosarcoma of liver |
+ C22.4 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Other sarcomas of liver |
+ C22.7 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Other specified carcinomas of liver |
+ C22.9 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Liver, unspecified |
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
-Primary Malignancy - Lung
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Lung and trachea IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3466,16 +46146,173 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B220100 | Malignant neoplasm of mucosa of trachea |
B220.00 | Malignant neoplasm of trachea |
B220z00 | Malignant neoplasm of trachea NOS |
B221000 | Malignant neoplasm of carina of bronchus |
B221100 | Malignant neoplasm of hilus of lung |
B221.00 | Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus |
B221z00 | Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus NOS |
B222000 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe bronchus |
B222100 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe of lung |
B222.00 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung |
B222.11 | Pancoast's syndrome |
B222z00 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung NOS |
B223000 | Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe bronchus |
B223100 | Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe of lung |
B223.00 | Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung |
B223z00 | Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung NOS |
B224000 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe bronchus |
B224100 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe of lung |
B224.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung |
B224z00 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung NOS |
B225.00 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of bronchus & lung |
B22..00 | Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung |
B22y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other sites of bronchus or lung |
B22z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung NOS |
B22z.11 | Lung cancer |
BB5S200 | [M]Bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinoma |
BB5S211 | [M]Alveolar cell carcinoma |
BB5S212 | [M]Bronchiolar carcinoma |
BB5S400 | [M]Alveolar adenocarcinoma |
Byu2000 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung, unspecified |
ZV10100 | [V]Personal history of malig neop of trachea/bronchus/lung |
ZV10111 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bronchus |
ZV10112 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of lung |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C33 | Malignant neoplasm of trachea |
C34 | Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B220100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of mucosa of trachea |
+ B220.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of trachea |
+ B220z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of trachea NOS |
+ B221000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of carina of bronchus |
+ B221100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of hilus of lung |
+ B221.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus |
+ B221z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus NOS |
+ B222000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe bronchus |
+ B222100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe of lung |
+ B222.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung |
+ B222.11 |
+ Pancoast's syndrome |
+ B222z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung NOS |
+ B223000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe bronchus |
+ B223100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe of lung |
+ B223.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung |
+ B223z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung NOS |
+ B224000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe bronchus |
+ B224100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe of lung |
+ B224.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung |
+ B224z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung NOS |
+ B225.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of bronchus & lung |
+ B22..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung |
+ B22y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other sites of bronchus or lung |
+ B22z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung NOS |
+ B22z.11 |
+ Lung cancer |
+ BB5S200 |
+ [M]Bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinoma |
+ BB5S211 |
+ [M]Alveolar cell carcinoma |
+ BB5S212 |
+ [M]Bronchiolar carcinoma |
+ BB5S400 |
+ [M]Alveolar adenocarcinoma |
+ Byu2000 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung, unspecified |
+ ZV10100 |
+ [V]Personal history of malig neop of trachea/bronchus/lung |
+ ZV10111 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bronchus |
+ ZV10112 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of lung |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C33 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of trachea |
+ C34 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung |
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
-Primary Malignancy - Melanoma
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Malignant Melanoma IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3483,16 +46320,377 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1425000.0 | H/O Malignant melanoma |
4M3..00 | Breslow depth staging for melanoma |
4M70.00 | Clark melanoma level 1 |
4M71.00 | Clark melanoma level 2 |
4M72.00 | Clark melanoma level 3 |
4M73.00 | Clark melanoma level 4 |
4M74.00 | Clark melanoma level 5 |
7G03J00 | Excision of melanoma |
B320.00 | Malignant melanoma of lip |
B321.00 | Malignant melanoma of eyelid including canthus |
B322000 | Malignant melanoma of auricle (ear) |
B322100 | Malignant melanoma of external auditory meatus |
B322.00 | Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal |
B322z00 | Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal NOS |
B323000 | Malignant melanoma of external surface of cheek |
B323100 | Malignant melanoma of chin |
B323200 | Malignant melanoma of eyebrow |
B323300 | Malignant melanoma of forehead |
B323400 | Malignant melanoma of external surface of nose |
B323500 | Malignant melanoma of temple |
B323.00 | Malignant melanoma of other and unspecified parts of face |
B323z00 | Malignant melanoma of face NOS |
B324000 | Malignant melanoma of scalp |
B324100 | Malignant melanoma of neck |
B324.00 | Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck |
B324z00 | Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck NOS |
B325000 | Malignant melanoma of axilla |
B325100 | Malignant melanoma of breast |
B325200 | Malignant melanoma of buttock |
B325300 | Malignant melanoma of groin |
B325400 | Malignant melanoma of perianal skin |
B325500 | Malignant melanoma of perineum |
B325600 | Malignant melanoma of umbilicus |
B325700 | Malignant melanoma of back |
B325800 | Malignant melanoma of chest wall |
B325.00 | Malignant melanoma of trunk (excluding scrotum) |
B325z00 | Malignant melanoma of trunk, excluding scrotum, NOS |
B326000 | Malignant melanoma of shoulder |
B326100 | Malignant melanoma of upper arm |
B326200 | Malignant melanoma of fore-arm |
B326300 | Malignant melanoma of hand |
B326400 | Malignant melanoma of finger |
B326500 | Malignant melanoma of thumb |
B326.00 | Malignant melanoma of upper limb and shoulder |
B326z00 | Malignant melanoma of upper limb or shoulder NOS |
B327000 | Malignant melanoma of hip |
B327100 | Malignant melanoma of thigh |
B327200 | Malignant melanoma of knee |
B327300 | Malignant melanoma of popliteal fossa area |
B327400 | Malignant melanoma of lower leg |
B327500 | Malignant melanoma of ankle |
B327600 | Malignant melanoma of heel |
B327700 | Malignant melanoma of foot |
B327800 | Malignant melanoma of toe |
B327900 | Malignant melanoma of great toe |
B327.00 | Malignant melanoma of lower limb and hip |
B327z00 | Malignant melanoma of lower limb or hip NOS |
B32..00 | Malignant melanoma of skin |
B32y000 | Overlapping malignant melanoma of skin |
B32y.00 | Malignant melanoma of other specified skin site |
B32z.00 | Malignant melanoma of skin NOS |
BBE1000 | [M]Malignant melanoma, regressing |
BBE1100 | [M]Desmoplastic melanoma, malignant |
BBE1.00 | [M]Malignant melanoma NOS |
BBE1.11 | [M]Melanocarcinoma |
BBE1.12 | [M]Melanoma NOS |
BBE1.13 | [M]Melanosarcoma NOS |
BBE2.00 | [M]Nodular melanoma |
BBE4.00 | [M]Balloon cell melanoma |
BBEA.00 | [M]Amelanotic melanoma |
BBEC.00 | [M]Malignant melanoma in junctional naevus |
BBEF.00 | [M]Hutchinson's melanotic freckle |
BBEF.11 | [M]Lentigo maligna |
BBEG000 | [M]Acral lentiginous melanoma, malignant |
BBEG.00 | [M]Malignant melanoma in Hutchinson's melanotic freckle |
BBEG.11 | [M]Lentigo maligna melanoma |
BBEH.00 | [M]Superficial spreading melanoma |
BBEM.00 | [M]Malignant melanoma in giant pigmented naevus |
BBEN.11 | [M]Juvenila melanoma |
BBEP.00 | [M]Epithelioid cell melanoma |
BBEQ.00 | [M]Spindle cell melanoma NOS |
BBES.00 | [M]Spindle cell melanoma, type B |
BBET.00 | [M]Mixed epithelioid and spindle melanoma |
Byu4000 | [X]Malignant melanoma of other+unspecified parts of face |
Byu4100 | [X]Malignant melanoma of skin, unspecified |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C43 | Malignant melanoma of skin |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1425000 |
+ H/O Malignant melanoma |
+ 4M3..00 |
+ Breslow depth staging for melanoma |
+ 4M70.00 |
+ Clark melanoma level 1 |
+ 4M71.00 |
+ Clark melanoma level 2 |
+ 4M72.00 |
+ Clark melanoma level 3 |
+ 4M73.00 |
+ Clark melanoma level 4 |
+ 4M74.00 |
+ Clark melanoma level 5 |
+ 7G03J00 |
+ Excision of melanoma |
+ B320.00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of lip |
+ B321.00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of eyelid including canthus |
+ B322000 |
+ Malignant melanoma of auricle (ear) |
+ B322100 |
+ Malignant melanoma of external auditory meatus |
+ B322.00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal |
+ B322z00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal NOS |
+ B323000 |
+ Malignant melanoma of external surface of cheek |
+ B323100 |
+ Malignant melanoma of chin |
+ B323200 |
+ Malignant melanoma of eyebrow |
+ B323300 |
+ Malignant melanoma of forehead |
+ B323400 |
+ Malignant melanoma of external surface of nose |
+ B323500 |
+ Malignant melanoma of temple |
+ B323.00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of other and unspecified parts of face |
+ B323z00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of face NOS |
+ B324000 |
+ Malignant melanoma of scalp |
+ B324100 |
+ Malignant melanoma of neck |
+ B324.00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck |
+ B324z00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck NOS |
+ B325000 |
+ Malignant melanoma of axilla |
+ B325100 |
+ Malignant melanoma of breast |
+ B325200 |
+ Malignant melanoma of buttock |
+ B325300 |
+ Malignant melanoma of groin |
+ B325400 |
+ Malignant melanoma of perianal skin |
+ B325500 |
+ Malignant melanoma of perineum |
+ B325600 |
+ Malignant melanoma of umbilicus |
+ B325700 |
+ Malignant melanoma of back |
+ B325800 |
+ Malignant melanoma of chest wall |
+ B325.00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of trunk (excluding scrotum) |
+ B325z00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of trunk, excluding scrotum, NOS |
+ B326000 |
+ Malignant melanoma of shoulder |
+ B326100 |
+ Malignant melanoma of upper arm |
+ B326200 |
+ Malignant melanoma of fore-arm |
+ B326300 |
+ Malignant melanoma of hand |
+ B326400 |
+ Malignant melanoma of finger |
+ B326500 |
+ Malignant melanoma of thumb |
+ B326.00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of upper limb and shoulder |
+ B326z00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of upper limb or shoulder NOS |
+ B327000 |
+ Malignant melanoma of hip |
+ B327100 |
+ Malignant melanoma of thigh |
+ B327200 |
+ Malignant melanoma of knee |
+ B327300 |
+ Malignant melanoma of popliteal fossa area |
+ B327400 |
+ Malignant melanoma of lower leg |
+ B327500 |
+ Malignant melanoma of ankle |
+ B327600 |
+ Malignant melanoma of heel |
+ B327700 |
+ Malignant melanoma of foot |
+ B327800 |
+ Malignant melanoma of toe |
+ B327900 |
+ Malignant melanoma of great toe |
+ B327.00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of lower limb and hip |
+ B327z00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of lower limb or hip NOS |
+ B32..00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of skin |
+ B32y000 |
+ Overlapping malignant melanoma of skin |
+ B32y.00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of other specified skin site |
+ B32z.00 |
+ Malignant melanoma of skin NOS |
+ BBE1000 |
+ [M]Malignant melanoma, regressing |
+ BBE1100 |
+ [M]Desmoplastic melanoma, malignant |
+ BBE1.00 |
+ [M]Malignant melanoma NOS |
+ BBE1.11 |
+ [M]Melanocarcinoma |
+ BBE1.12 |
+ [M]Melanoma NOS |
+ BBE1.13 |
+ [M]Melanosarcoma NOS |
+ BBE2.00 |
+ [M]Nodular melanoma |
+ BBE4.00 |
+ [M]Balloon cell melanoma |
+ BBEA.00 |
+ [M]Amelanotic melanoma |
+ BBEC.00 |
+ [M]Malignant melanoma in junctional naevus |
+ BBEF.00 |
+ [M]Hutchinson's melanotic freckle |
+ BBEF.11 |
+ [M]Lentigo maligna |
+ BBEG000 |
+ [M]Acral lentiginous melanoma, malignant |
+ BBEG.00 |
+ [M]Malignant melanoma in Hutchinson's melanotic freckle |
+ BBEG.11 |
+ [M]Lentigo maligna melanoma |
+ BBEH.00 |
+ [M]Superficial spreading melanoma |
+ BBEM.00 |
+ [M]Malignant melanoma in giant pigmented naevus |
+ BBEN.11 |
+ [M]Juvenila melanoma |
+ BBEP.00 |
+ [M]Epithelioid cell melanoma |
+ BBEQ.00 |
+ [M]Spindle cell melanoma NOS |
+ BBES.00 |
+ [M]Spindle cell melanoma, type B |
+ BBET.00 |
+ [M]Mixed epithelioid and spindle melanoma |
+ Byu4000 |
+ [X]Malignant melanoma of other+unspecified parts of face |
+ Byu4100 |
+ [X]Malignant melanoma of skin, unspecified |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C43 |
+ Malignant melanoma of skin |
+Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma
-Primary Malignancy - Mesothelioma
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Mesothelioma IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3500,16 +46698,53 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
BBP1.00 | [M]Mesothelioma, malignant |
BBP3.11 | [M]Sarcomatoid mesothelioma |
BBP5.00 | [M]Epithelioid mesothelioma, malignant |
BBP7.00 | [M]Mesothelioma, biphasic type, malignant |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C45 | Mesothelioma |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ BBP1.00 |
+ [M]Mesothelioma, malignant |
+ BBP3.11 |
+ [M]Sarcomatoid mesothelioma |
+ BBP5.00 |
+ [M]Epithelioid mesothelioma, malignant |
+ BBP7.00 |
+ [M]Mesothelioma, biphasic type, malignant |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C45 |
+ Mesothelioma |
+Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites
-Primary Malignancy - Multiple Sites
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Multiple Independent Sites IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3517,16 +46752,49 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Multiple Independent Sites or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B592.00 | Malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites |
ByuE000 | [X]Malignant neoplasms/independent(primary)multiple sites |
ByuE.00 | [X]Malignant neoplasms/independent (primary) multiple sites |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C97 | Malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B592.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites |
+ ByuE000 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasms/independent(primary)multiple sites |
+ ByuE.00 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasms/independent (primary) multiple sites |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C97 |
+ Malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites |
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
-Primary Malignancy - Oesophageal
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Oesophageal IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3534,15 +46802,89 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B100.00 | Malignant neoplasm of cervical oesophagus |
B101.00 | Malignant neoplasm of thoracic oesophagus |
B102.00 | Malignant neoplasm of abdominal oesophagus |
B103.00 | Malignant neoplasm of upper third of oesophagus |
B104.00 | Malignant neoplasm of middle third of oesophagus |
B105.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lower third of oesophagus |
B106.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of oesophagus |
B107.00 | Siewert type I adenocarcinoma |
B10..00 | Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus |
B10y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of oesophagus |
B10z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus NOS |
B10z.11 | Oesophageal cancer |
ZV10016 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of oesophagus |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C15 | Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B100.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cervical oesophagus |
+ B101.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of thoracic oesophagus |
+ B102.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of abdominal oesophagus |
+ B103.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper third of oesophagus |
+ B104.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of middle third of oesophagus |
+ B105.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower third of oesophagus |
+ B106.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of oesophagus |
+ B107.00 |
+ Siewert type I adenocarcinoma |
+ B10..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus |
+ B10y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of oesophagus |
+ B10z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus NOS |
+ B10z.11 |
+ Oesophageal cancer |
+ ZV10016 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of oesophagus |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C15 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus |
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
-Primary Malignancy - Oropharyngeal
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Oropharyngeal IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3550,15 +46892,662 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Oropharyngeal or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B000000 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, external |
B000100 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, lipstick area |
B000.00 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, vermilion border |
B000z00 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, vermilion border NOS |
B001000 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, external |
B001100 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, lipstick area |
B001.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, vermilion border |
B001z00 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, vermilion border NOS |
B002100 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, frenulum |
B002200 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, mucosa |
B002300 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, oral aspect |
B002.00 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect |
B002z00 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect NOS |
B003000 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, buccal aspect |
B003100 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, frenulum |
B003200 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, mucosa |
B003300 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, oral aspect |
B003.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect |
B003z00 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect NOS |
B004000 | Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, buccal aspect |
B004200 | Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, mucosa |
B004300 | Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral aspect |
B004.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, inner aspect |
B005.00 | Malignant neoplasm of commissure of lip |
B006.00 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of lip |
B007.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified |
B00..00 | Malignant neoplasm of lip |
B00..11 | Carcinoma of lip |
B00z000 | Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, external |
B00z100 | Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, lipstick area |
B00zz00 | Malignant neoplasm of lip, vermilion border NOS |
B010000 | Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue dorsal surface |
B010.00 | Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue |
B010.11 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior third of tongue |
B010z00 | Malignant neoplasm of fixed part of tongue NOS |
B011100 | Malignant neoplasm of midline of tongue |
B011.00 | Malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue |
B011z00 | Malignant neoplasm of dorsum of tongue NOS |
B012.00 | Malignant neoplasm of tongue, tip and lateral border |
B013000 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue ventral surface |
B013100 | Malignant neoplasm of frenulum linguae |
B013.00 | Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue |
B013z00 | Malignant neoplasm of ventral tongue surface NOS |
B014.00 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue unspecified |
B015.00 | Malignant neoplasm of tongue, junctional zone |
B016.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil |
B017.00 | Malignant overlapping lesion of tongue |
B01..00 | Malignant neoplasm of tongue |
B01y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other sites of tongue |
B01z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of tongue NOS |
B020.00 | Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland |
B021.00 | Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland |
B022.00 | Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland |
B02..00 | Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands |
B02y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands |
B02z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland NOS |
B030.00 | Malignant neoplasm of upper gum |
B031.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lower gum |
B03..00 | Malignant neoplasm of gum |
B03y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other sites of gum |
B03z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of gum NOS |
B040.00 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior portion of floor of mouth |
B041.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth |
B042.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of floor of mouth |
B04..00 | Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth |
B04y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth |
B04z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth NOS |
B050.00 | Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa |
B050.11 | Malignant neoplasm of buccal mucosa |
B051000 | Malignant neoplasm of upper buccal sulcus |
B051100 | Malignant neoplasm of lower buccal sulcus |
B051.00 | Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth |
B052.00 | Malignant neoplasm of hard palate |
B053.00 | Malignant neoplasm of soft palate |
B054.00 | Malignant neoplasm of uvula |
B055000 | Malignant neoplasm of junction of hard and soft palate |
B055100 | Malignant neoplasm of roof of mouth |
B055.00 | Malignant neoplasm of palate unspecified |
B055z00 | Malignant neoplasm of palate NOS |
B056.00 | Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area |
B05..00 | Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth |
B05y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified mouth parts |
B05z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of mouth NOS |
B060000 | Malignant neoplasm of faucial tonsil |
B060100 | Malignant neoplasm of palatine tonsil |
B060200 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of tonsil |
B060.00 | Malignant neoplasm of tonsil |
B060z00 | Malignant neoplasm tonsil NOS |
B061.00 | Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa |
B062000 | Malignant neoplasm of faucial pillar |
B062100 | Malignant neoplasm of glossopalatine fold |
B062200 | Malignant neoplasm of palatoglossal arch |
B062300 | Malignant neoplasm of palatopharyngeal arch |
B062.00 | Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pillar |
B062z00 | Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa NOS |
B063.00 | Malignant neoplasm of vallecula |
B064000 | Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis, free border |
B064100 | Malignant neoplasm of glossoepiglottic fold |
B064.00 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis |
B064z00 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis NOS |
B065.00 | Malignant neoplasm of junctional region of epiglottis |
B066.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx |
B067.00 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx |
B06..00 | Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx |
B06y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx, other specified sites |
B06yz00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of oropharynx NOS |
B06z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx NOS |
B070.00 | Malignant neoplasm of roof of nasopharynx |
B071000 | Malignant neoplasm of adenoid |
B071100 | Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil |
B071.00 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx |
B071z00 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx NOS |
B072000 | Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal recess |
B072.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx |
B072z00 | Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx NOS |
B073100 | Malignant neoplasm of nasopharyngeal soft palate surface |
B073200 | Malignant neoplasm posterior margin nasal septum and choanae |
B073.00 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx |
B073z00 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx NOS |
B074.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of nasopharynx |
B07..00 | Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx |
B07y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of nasopharynx |
B07z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx NOS |
B080.00 | Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region |
B081.00 | Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus |
B082.00 | Malignant neoplasm aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect |
B083.00 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior pharynx |
B08..00 | Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx |
B08y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified hypopharyngeal site |
B08z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx NOS |
B0...00 | Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx |
B0...11 | Carcinoma of lip, oral cavity and pharynx |
B0z0.00 | Malignant neoplasm of pharynx unspecified |
B0z1.00 | Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring |
B0z2.00 | Malignant neoplasm of laryngopharynx |
B0z..00 | Malig neop other/ill-defined sites lip, oral cavity, pharynx |
B0zy.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other sites lip, oral cavity, pharynx |
B0zz.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx NOS |
BB5y000 | [M]Basal cell adenocarcinoma |
Byu0.00 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx |
ZV10019 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of tongue |
ZV10y16 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of tongue |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C00 | Malignant neoplasm of lip |
C01 | Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue |
C02 | Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of tongue |
C03 | Malignant neoplasm of gum |
C04 | Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth |
C05 | Malignant neoplasm of palate |
C06 | Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth |
C07 | Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland |
C08 | Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified major salivary glands |
C09 | Malignant neoplasm of tonsil |
C10 | Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx |
C11 | Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx |
C12 | Malignant neoplasm of piriform sinus |
C13 | Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx |
C14 | Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity and pharynx |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B000000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, external |
+ B000100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, lipstick area |
+ B000.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, vermilion border |
+ B000z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, vermilion border NOS |
+ B001000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, external |
+ B001100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, lipstick area |
+ B001.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, vermilion border |
+ B001z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, vermilion border NOS |
+ B002100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, frenulum |
+ B002200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, mucosa |
+ B002300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, oral aspect |
+ B002.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect |
+ B002z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect NOS |
+ B003000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, buccal aspect |
+ B003100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, frenulum |
+ B003200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, mucosa |
+ B003300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, oral aspect |
+ B003.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect |
+ B003z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect NOS |
+ B004000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, buccal aspect |
+ B004200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, mucosa |
+ B004300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral aspect |
+ B004.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, inner aspect |
+ B005.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of commissure of lip |
+ B006.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of lip |
+ B007.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified |
+ B00..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip |
+ B00..11 |
+ Carcinoma of lip |
+ B00z000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, external |
+ B00z100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, lipstick area |
+ B00zz00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip, vermilion border NOS |
+ B010000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue dorsal surface |
+ B010.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue |
+ B010.11 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of posterior third of tongue |
+ B010z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of fixed part of tongue NOS |
+ B011100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of midline of tongue |
+ B011.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue |
+ B011z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of dorsum of tongue NOS |
+ B012.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tongue, tip and lateral border |
+ B013000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue ventral surface |
+ B013100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of frenulum linguae |
+ B013.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue |
+ B013z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ventral tongue surface NOS |
+ B014.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue unspecified |
+ B015.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tongue, junctional zone |
+ B016.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil |
+ B017.00 |
+ Malignant overlapping lesion of tongue |
+ B01..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tongue |
+ B01y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other sites of tongue |
+ B01z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tongue NOS |
+ B020.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland |
+ B021.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland |
+ B022.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland |
+ B02..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands |
+ B02y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands |
+ B02z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland NOS |
+ B030.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper gum |
+ B031.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower gum |
+ B03..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of gum |
+ B03y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other sites of gum |
+ B03z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of gum NOS |
+ B040.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anterior portion of floor of mouth |
+ B041.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth |
+ B042.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of floor of mouth |
+ B04..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth |
+ B04y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth |
+ B04z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth NOS |
+ B050.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa |
+ B050.11 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of buccal mucosa |
+ B051000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper buccal sulcus |
+ B051100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower buccal sulcus |
+ B051.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth |
+ B052.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of hard palate |
+ B053.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of soft palate |
+ B054.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of uvula |
+ B055000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of junction of hard and soft palate |
+ B055100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of roof of mouth |
+ B055.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of palate unspecified |
+ B055z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of palate NOS |
+ B056.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area |
+ B05..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth |
+ B05y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified mouth parts |
+ B05z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of mouth NOS |
+ B060000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of faucial tonsil |
+ B060100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of palatine tonsil |
+ B060200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of tonsil |
+ B060.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tonsil |
+ B060z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm tonsil NOS |
+ B061.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa |
+ B062000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of faucial pillar |
+ B062100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of glossopalatine fold |
+ B062200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of palatoglossal arch |
+ B062300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of palatopharyngeal arch |
+ B062.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pillar |
+ B062z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa NOS |
+ B063.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vallecula |
+ B064000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis, free border |
+ B064100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of glossoepiglottic fold |
+ B064.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis |
+ B064z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis NOS |
+ B065.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of junctional region of epiglottis |
+ B066.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx |
+ B067.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx |
+ B06..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx |
+ B06y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx, other specified sites |
+ B06yz00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of oropharynx NOS |
+ B06z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx NOS |
+ B070.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of roof of nasopharynx |
+ B071000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of adenoid |
+ B071100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil |
+ B071.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx |
+ B071z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx NOS |
+ B072000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal recess |
+ B072.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx |
+ B072z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx NOS |
+ B073100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nasopharyngeal soft palate surface |
+ B073200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm posterior margin nasal septum and choanae |
+ B073.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx |
+ B073z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx NOS |
+ B074.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of nasopharynx |
+ B07..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx |
+ B07y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of nasopharynx |
+ B07z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx NOS |
+ B080.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region |
+ B081.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus |
+ B082.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect |
+ B083.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of posterior pharynx |
+ B08..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx |
+ B08y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified hypopharyngeal site |
+ B08z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx NOS |
+ B0...00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx |
+ B0...11 |
+ Carcinoma of lip, oral cavity and pharynx |
+ B0z0.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pharynx unspecified |
+ B0z1.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring |
+ B0z2.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of laryngopharynx |
+ B0z..00 |
+ Malig neop other/ill-defined sites lip, oral cavity, pharynx |
+ B0zy.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other sites lip, oral cavity, pharynx |
+ B0zz.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx NOS |
+ BB5y000 |
+ [M]Basal cell adenocarcinoma |
+ Byu0.00 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx |
+ ZV10019 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of tongue |
+ ZV10y16 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of tongue |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lip |
+ C01 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue |
+ C02 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of tongue |
+ C03 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of gum |
+ C04 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth |
+ C05 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of palate |
+ C06 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth |
+ C07 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland |
+ C08 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified major salivary glands |
+ C09 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tonsil |
+ C10 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx |
+ C11 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx |
+ C12 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of piriform sinus |
+ C13 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx |
+ C14 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity and pharynx |
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
-Primary Malignancy - Other
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Other organs IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Other organs IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Primary Malignancy Other organs diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
@@ -3568,16 +47557,1589 @@ Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy Other organs or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
2. ALL possible diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other organs during a hospitalization IF NO record satisfying criteria for Primary Malignancy of any other organ in this document OR Haematological Malignancy (Hodgkin Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, Leukaemia)
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
4M20.00 | Lymphoma stage I |
4M21.00 | Lymphoma stage II |
4M22.00 | Lymphoma stage III |
4M23.00 | Lymphoma stage IV |
7G03K00 | Excision malignant skin tumour |
A789500 | HIV disease resulting in Kaposi's sarcoma |
A789511 | HIV disease resulting in Kaposi sarcoma |
B120.00 | Malignant neoplasm of duodenum |
B121.00 | Malignant neoplasm of jejunum |
B122.00 | Malignant neoplasm of ileum |
B123.00 | Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum |
B124.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of small intestine |
B12..00 | Malignant neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum |
B12y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified site small intestine |
B12z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of small intestine NOS |
B15..00 | Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts |
B15z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts NOS |
B160.00 | Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder |
B160.11 | Carcinoma gallbladder |
B16..00 | Malignant neoplasm gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts |
B16y.00 | Malignant neoplasm other gallbladder/extrahepatic bile duct |
B16z.00 | Malignant neoplasm gallbladder/extrahepatic bile ducts NOS |
B180100 | Malignant neoplasm of perinephric tissue |
B180200 | Malignant neoplasm of retrocaecal tissue |
B180.00 | Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum |
B180z00 | Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum NOS |
B182.00 | Overlapping malign lesion of retroperitoneum and peritoneum |
B18..00 | Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum |
B18y100 | Malignant neoplasm of mesocaecum |
B18y200 | Malignant neoplasm of mesorectum |
B18y300 | Malignant neoplasm of omentum |
B18y400 | Malignant neoplasm of parietal peritoneum |
B18y500 | Malignant neoplasm of pelvic peritoneum |
B18y600 | Malignant neoplasm of the pouch of Douglas |
B18y700 | Malignant neoplasm of mesentery |
B18y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum |
B18yz00 | Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum NOS |
B18z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum NOS |
B1z0.00 | Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified |
B1z1000 | Angiosarcoma of spleen |
B1z1100 | Fibrosarcoma of spleen |
B1z1.00 | Malignant neoplasm of spleen NEC |
B1z1z00 | Malignant neoplasm of spleen NOS |
B1z2.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of digestive system |
B1z..00 | Malig neop oth/ill-defined sites digestive tract/peritoneum |
B1zy.00 | Malignant neoplasm other spec digestive tract and peritoneum |
B1zz.00 | Malignant neoplasm of digestive tract and peritoneum NOS |
B200000 | Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of nose |
B200100 | Malignant neoplasm of nasal conchae |
B200200 | Malignant neoplasm of septum of nose |
B200300 | Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of nose |
B200.00 | Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities |
B200z00 | Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities NOS |
B201000 | Malignant neoplasm of auditory (Eustachian) tube |
B201100 | Malignant neoplasm of tympanic cavity |
B201200 | Malignant neoplasm of tympanic antrum |
B201300 | Malignant neoplasm of mastoid air cells |
B201.00 | Malig neop auditory tube, middle ear and mastoid air cells |
B201z00 | Malig neop auditory tube, middle ear, mastoid air cells NOS |
B202.00 | Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus |
B203.00 | Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid sinus |
B204.00 | Malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus |
B205.00 | Malignant neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus |
B206.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of accessory sinuses |
B20..00 | Malig neop nasal cavities, middle ear and accessory sinuses |
B20y.00 | Malig neop other site nasal cavity, middle ear and sinuses |
B20z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus NOS |
B210.00 | Malignant neoplasm of glottis |
B211.00 | Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis |
B212.00 | Malignant neoplasm of subglottis |
B213000 | Malignant neoplasm of arytenoid cartilage |
B213100 | Malignant neoplasm of cricoid cartilage |
B213200 | Malignant neoplasm of cuneiform cartilage |
B213300 | Malignant neoplasm of thyroid cartilage |
B213.00 | Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage |
B213z00 | Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage NOS |
B214.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of larynx |
B215.00 | Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis NOS |
B21..00 | Malignant neoplasm of larynx |
B21y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of larynx, other specified site |
B21z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of larynx NOS |
B230.00 | Malignant neoplasm of parietal pleura |
B231.00 | Malignant neoplasm of visceral pleura |
B23..00 | Malignant neoplasm of pleura |
B23y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified pleura |
B23z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of pleura NOS |
B240.00 | Malignant neoplasm of thymus |
B241000 | Malignant neoplasm of endocardium |
B241200 | Malignant neoplasm of myocardium |
B241300 | Malignant neoplasm of pericardium |
B241.00 | Malignant neoplasm of heart |
B241z00 | Malignant neoplasm of heart NOS |
B242.00 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior mediastinum |
B243.00 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior mediastinum |
B24..00 | Malignant neoplasm of thymus, heart and mediastinum |
B24X.00 | Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified |
B24y.00 | Malig neop of other site of heart, thymus and mediastinum |
B24z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of heart, thymus and mediastinum NOS |
B25..00 | Malig neo, overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum & pleura |
B26..00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlap lesion of resp & intrathor orgs |
B2z0.00 | Malig neop of upper respiratory tract, part unspecified |
B2z..00 | Malig neop other/ill-defined sites resp/intrathoracic organs |
B2zy.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other site of respiratory tract |
B2zz.00 | Malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract NOS |
B310000 | Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of head |
B310100 | Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of face |
B310200 | Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of neck |
B310300 | Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of ear |
B310400 | Malignant neoplasm of tarsus of eyelid |
B310500 | Malignant neoplasm soft tissues of cervical spine |
B310.00 | Malig neop of connective and soft tissue head, face and neck |
B310z00 | Malig neop connective and soft tissue head, face, neck NOS |
B311000 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of shoulder |
B311100 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, upper arm |
B311200 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of fore-arm |
B311300 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hand |
B311400 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of finger |
B311500 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thumb |
B311.00 | Malig neop connective and soft tissue upper limb/shoulder |
B311z00 | Malig neop connective soft tissue upper limb/shoulder NOS |
B312000 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hip |
B312100 | Malig neop of connective and soft tissue thigh and upper leg |
B312200 | Malig neop connective and soft tissue of popliteal space |
B312300 | Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of lower leg |
B312400 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of foot |
B312500 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of toe |
B312.00 | Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of hip and leg |
B312z00 | Malig neop connective and soft tissue hip and leg NOS |
B313000 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of axilla |
B313100 | Malignant neoplasm of diaphragm |
B313200 | Malignant neoplasm of great vessels |
B313300 | Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of thor spine |
B313.00 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thorax |
B313z00 | Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of thorax NOS |
B314000 | Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdominal wall |
B314100 | Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of lumb spine |
B314.00 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of abdomen |
B314z00 | Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdomen NOS |
B315000 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of buttock |
B315100 | Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of inguinal region |
B315200 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of perineum |
B315300 | Malig neopl of connective and soft tissue - sacrum or coccyx |
B315.00 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of pelvis |
B315z00 | Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of pelvis NOS |
B316.00 | Malig neop of connective and soft tissue trunk unspecified |
B31y.00 | Malig neop connective and soft tissue other specified site |
B31z000 | Kaposi's sarcoma of soft tissue |
B31z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, site NOS |
B420.00 | Choriocarcinoma |
B42..00 | Malignant neoplasm of placenta |
B441.00 | Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube |
B442.00 | Malignant neoplasm of broad ligament |
B443.00 | Malignant neoplasm of parametrium |
B44..00 | Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa |
B44y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine adnexa |
B44z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa NOS |
B450100 | Malignant neoplasm of vaginal vault |
B450.00 | Malignant neoplasm of vagina |
B450z00 | Malignant neoplasm of vagina NOS |
B451000 | Malignant neoplasm of greater vestibular (Bartholin's) gland |
B451.00 | Malignant neoplasm of labia majora |
B451z00 | Malignant neoplasm of labia majora NOS |
B452.00 | Malignant neoplasm of labia minora |
B453.00 | Malignant neoplasm of clitoris |
B454.00 | Malignant neoplasm of vulva unspecified |
B454.11 | Primary vulval cancer |
B45..00 | Malig neop of other and unspecified female genital organs |
B45X.00 | Malignant neoplasm/overlapping lesion/feml genital organs |
B45y000 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of vulva |
B45y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified female genital organ |
B45z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ NOS |
B480.00 | Malignant neoplasm of prepuce (foreskin) |
B481.00 | Malignant neoplasm of glans penis |
B482.00 | Malignant neoplasm of body of penis |
B483.00 | Malignant neoplasm of penis, part unspecified |
B484.00 | Malignant neoplasm of epididymis |
B485.00 | Malignant neoplasm of spermatic cord |
B486.00 | Malignant neoplasm of scrotum |
B487.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of penis |
B48y000 | Malignant neoplasm of seminal vesicle |
B48y100 | Malignant neoplasm of tunica vaginalis |
B48y200 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion male genital orgs |
B48y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ |
B48yz00 | Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ NOS |
B48z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of penis and other male genital organ NOS |
B4A3.00 | Malignant neoplasm of urethra |
B4A4.00 | Malignant neoplasm of paraurethral glands |
B4A..00 | Malig neop of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs |
B4Ay000 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of urinary organs |
B4Ay.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs |
B4Az.00 | Malignant neoplasm of kidney or urinary organs NOS |
B500000 | Malignant neoplasm of ciliary body |
B500100 | Malignant neoplasm of iris |
B500200 | Malignant neoplasm of crystalline lens |
B500.00 | Malig neop eyeball excl conjunctiva, cornea, retina, choroid |
B500z00 | Malignant neoplasm of eyeball NOS |
B501000 | Malignant neoplasm of connective tissue of orbit |
B501.00 | Malignant neoplasm of orbit |
B501z00 | Malignant neoplasm of orbit NOS |
B502.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal gland |
B503.00 | Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva |
B504.00 | Malignant neoplasm of cornea |
B505.00 | Malignant neoplasm of retina |
B506.00 | Malignant neoplasm of choroid |
B507000 | Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal sac |
B507100 | Malignant neoplasm of nasolacrimal duct |
B507.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal duct |
B508.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of eye and adnexa |
B50..00 | Malignant neoplasm of eye |
B50y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of eye |
B50z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of eye NOS |
B524000 | Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of head, face & neck |
B524100 | Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve,upp limb,incl should |
B524200 | Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of low limb, incl hip |
B524300 | Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of thorax |
B524400 | Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of abdomen |
B524500 | Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of pelvis |
B524600 | Malignant neoplasm,overlap lesion periph nerve & auton ns |
B524.00 | Malig neopl peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system |
B524W00 | Mal neoplasm/periph nerves+autonomic nervous system,unspc |
B52y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of nervous system |
B52z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of nervous system NOS |
B52..00 | Malig neop of other and unspecified parts of nervous system |
B540000 | Malignant neoplasm of adrenal cortex |
B540100 | Malignant neoplasm of adrenal medulla |
B540.00 | Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland |
B540.11 | Phaeochromocytoma |
B540z00 | Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland NOS |
B541.00 | Malignant neoplasm of parathyroid gland |
B54X.00 | Malignant neoplasm-pluriglandular involvement,unspecified |
B54y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified endocrine gland |
B54z.00 | Malig neop of endocrine gland or related structure NOS |
B550000 | Malignant neoplasm of head NOS |
B550100 | Malignant neoplasm of cheek NOS |
B550200 | Malignant neoplasm of nose NOS |
B550300 | Malignant neoplasm of jaw NOS |
B550400 | Malignant neoplasm of neck NOS |
B550500 | Malignant neoplasm of supraclavicular fossa NOS |
B550.00 | Malignant neoplasm of head, neck and face |
B550z00 | Malignant neoplasm of head, neck and face NOS |
B551000 | Malignant neoplasm of axilla NOS |
B551100 | Malignant neoplasm of chest wall NOS |
B551200 | Malignant neoplasm of intrathoracic site NOS |
B551.00 | Malignant neoplasm of thorax |
B551z00 | Malignant neoplasm of thorax NOS |
B552.00 | Malignant neoplasm of abdomen |
B553000 | Malignant neoplasm of inguinal region NOS |
B553100 | Malignant neoplasm of presacral region |
B553200 | Malignant neoplasm of sacrococcygeal region |
B553.00 | Malignant neoplasm of pelvis |
B553z00 | Malignant neoplasm of pelvis NOS |
B554.00 | Malignant neoplasm of upper limb NOS |
B555.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lower limb NOS |
B55y000 | Malignant neoplasm of back NOS |
B55y100 | Malignant neoplasm of trunk NOS |
B55y200 | Malignant neoplasm of flank NOS |
B55y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
B55yz00 | Malignant neoplasm of specified site NOS |
B55z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other and ill defined site NOS |
B591.00 | Other malignant neoplasm NOS |
B592X00 | Kaposi's sarcoma of multiple organs |
B593.00 | Primary malignant neoplasm of unknown site |
B595.00 | Malignant tumour of unknown origin |
B59..00 | Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site |
B59z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site NOS |
B59zX00 | Kaposi's sarcoma, unspecified |
B5...00 | Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites |
B5...11 | Carcinoma of other and unspecified sites |
B5y..00 | Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified site OS |
B5z..00 | Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified site NOS |
B623000 | Malignant histiocytosis of unspecified site |
B623100 | Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes head, face and neck |
B623300 | Malignant histiocytosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B623.00 | Malignant histiocytosis |
B623z00 | Malignant histiocytosis NOS |
B625000 | Letterer-Siwe disease of unspecified sites |
B625200 | Letterer-Siwe disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
B625800 | Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
B625.00 | Letterer-Siwe disease |
B625.11 | Histiocytosis X (acute, progressive) |
B625z00 | Letterer-Siwe disease NOS |
B626000 | Mast cell malignancy of unspecified site |
B626500 | Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg |
B626800 | Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
B626.00 | Malignant mast cell tumours |
B626z00 | Malignant mast cell tumour NOS |
B62x500 | Malignant immunoproliferative small intestinal disease |
B62x600 | True histiocytic lymphoma |
B62z000 | Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of unspecified site |
B62z100 | Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node head/neck |
B62z200 | Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrathoracic node |
B62z300 | Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic intra-abdominal nodes |
B62z400 | Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node axilla/arm |
B62z500 | Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic nodes inguinal/leg |
B62z600 | Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrapelvic nodes |
B62z800 | Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of multiple sites |
B62z.00 | Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue NOS |
B62zz00 | Lymphoid and histiocytic malignancy NOS |
B62zz11 | Immunoproliferative neoplasm |
B63y.00 | Other immunoproliferative neoplasms |
B63z.00 | Immunoproliferative neoplasm or myeloma NOS |
B6y..00 | Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue OS |
B6z0.00 | Kaposi's sarcoma of lymph nodes |
B6z..00 | Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue NOS |
BB5h100 | [M]Adrenal cortical carcinoma |
BB57.00 | [M]Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type |
BBcC.00 | [M]Aesthesioneuroblastoma |
BBcC.11 | [M]Olfactory neuroblastoma |
BBcD.11 | [M]Olfactory neuroepithelioma |
BBm4.00 | [M]True histiocytic lymphoma |
BBT1.00 | [M]Haemangiosarcoma |
BBT7100 | [M]Haemangioendothelioma, malignant |
Byu1200 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified |
Byu1300 | [X]Malignant neoplsm/ill-defin sites within digestive system |
Byu2400 | [X]Malignant neoplasm/ill-defined sites within resp system |
Byu2500 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified |
Byu4.00 | [X]Melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of skin |
Byu5300 | [X]Kaposi's sarcoma, unspecified |
Byu5400 | [X]Malignant neoplasm/peripheral nerves of trunk,unspecified |
Byu5500 | [X]Mal neoplasm/overlap les/periph nerv+autonomic nerv systm |
Byu5700 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of peritoneum, unspecified |
Byu5800 | [X]Mal neoplasm/connective+soft tissue of trunk,unspecified |
Byu5900 | [X]Malignant neoplasm/connective + soft tissue,unspecified |
Byu5B00 | [X]Kaposi's sarcoma of other sites |
Byu7000 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa, unspecified |
Byu7100 | [X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified female genital organs |
Byu7300 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ, unspecified |
Byu8000 | [X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified male genital organs |
Byu8200 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of male genital organ, unspecified |
Byu9000 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of urinary organ, unspecified |
ByuB100 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland, unspecified |
ByuB.00 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of thyroid and other endocrine glands |
ByuC000 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
ByuC100 | [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/other+ill-defined sites |
ByuC600 | [X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/oth+unspec parts/nervous system |
ByuC800 | [X]Malignant neoplasm without specification of site |
ByuC.00 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined, secondary and unspeci |
ByuD400 | [X]Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases |
ByuDA00 | [X]Oth spcf mal neoplsm/lymphoid,haematopoietic+rltd tissue |
ByuDB00 | [X]Mal neoplasm/lymphoid,haematopoietic+related tissu,unspcf |
C37y000 | Hand - Schuller - Christian disease |
C37y100 | Eosinophilic granuloma |
C37y500 | Histiocytosis X , chronic |
C37y600 | Histiocytosis X , unspecified |
ZV10000 | [V]Personal history of malig neop of gastrointestinal tract |
ZV10012 | [V]Personal history of malig neop of gastrointestinal tract |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C17 | Malignant neoplasm of small intestine |
C23 | Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder |
C26.0 | Malignant neoplasm: Intestinal tract, part unspecified |
C26.1 | Malignant neoplasm: Spleen |
C26.8 | Malignant neoplasm: Overlapping lesion of digestive system |
C26.9 | Malignant neoplasm: Ill-defined sites within the digestive system |
C30.0 | Malignant neoplasm: Nasal cavity |
C30.1 | Malignant neoplasm: Middle ear |
C31 | Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinuses |
C32 | Malignant neoplasm of larynx |
C37 | Malignant neoplasm of thymus |
C38.0 | Malignant neoplasm: Heart |
C38.1 | Malignant neoplasm: Anterior mediastinum |
C38.2 | Malignant neoplasm: Posterior mediastinum |
C38.3 | Malignant neoplasm: Mediastinum, part unspecified |
C38.4 | Malignant neoplasm: Pleura |
C38.8 | Overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum and pleura |
C39.0 | Malignant neoplasm: Upper respiratory tract, part unspecified |
C39.8 | Malignant neoplasm: Overlapping lesion of respiratory and intrathoracic organs |
C39.9 | Malignant neoplasm: Ill-defined sites within the respiratory system |
C46 | Kaposi sarcoma |
C47 | Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system |
C48 | Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum |
C49 | Malignant neoplasm of other connective and soft tissue |
C51 | Malignant neoplasm of vulva |
C52 | Malignant neoplasm of vagina |
C57 | Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs |
C58 | Malignant neoplasm of placenta |
C60 | Malignant neoplasm of penis |
C63 | Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified male genital organs |
C68 | Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified urinary organs |
C69 | Malignant neoplasm of eye and adnexa |
C74 | Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland |
C75.0 | Malignant neoplasm: Parathyroid gland |
C75.8 | Malignant neoplasm: Pluriglandular involvement, unspecified |
C75.9 | Malignant neoplasm: Endocrine gland, unspecified |
C76 | Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites |
C80 | Malignant neoplasm without specification of site |
C88.3 | Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease |
C88.4 | Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [MALT-lymphoma] |
C88.7 | Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases |
C88.9 | Malignant immunoproliferative disease, unspecified |
C96 | Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 4M20.00 |
+ Lymphoma stage I |
+ 4M21.00 |
+ Lymphoma stage II |
+ 4M22.00 |
+ Lymphoma stage III |
+ 4M23.00 |
+ Lymphoma stage IV |
+ 7G03K00 |
+ Excision malignant skin tumour |
+ A789500 |
+ HIV disease resulting in Kaposi's sarcoma |
+ A789511 |
+ HIV disease resulting in Kaposi sarcoma |
+ B120.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of duodenum |
+ B121.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of jejunum |
+ B122.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ileum |
+ B123.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum |
+ B124.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of small intestine |
+ B12..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum |
+ B12y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified site small intestine |
+ B12z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of small intestine NOS |
+ B15..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts |
+ B15z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts NOS |
+ B160.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder |
+ B160.11 |
+ Carcinoma gallbladder |
+ B16..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts |
+ B16y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm other gallbladder/extrahepatic bile duct |
+ B16z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm gallbladder/extrahepatic bile ducts NOS |
+ B180100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of perinephric tissue |
+ B180200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of retrocaecal tissue |
+ B180.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum |
+ B180z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum NOS |
+ B182.00 |
+ Overlapping malign lesion of retroperitoneum and peritoneum |
+ B18..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum |
+ B18y100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of mesocaecum |
+ B18y200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of mesorectum |
+ B18y300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of omentum |
+ B18y400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of parietal peritoneum |
+ B18y500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pelvic peritoneum |
+ B18y600 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of the pouch of Douglas |
+ B18y700 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of mesentery |
+ B18y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum |
+ B18yz00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum NOS |
+ B18z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum NOS |
+ B1z0.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified |
+ B1z1000 |
+ Angiosarcoma of spleen |
+ B1z1100 |
+ Fibrosarcoma of spleen |
+ B1z1.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of spleen NEC |
+ B1z1z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of spleen NOS |
+ B1z2.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of digestive system |
+ B1z..00 |
+ Malig neop oth/ill-defined sites digestive tract/peritoneum |
+ B1zy.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm other spec digestive tract and peritoneum |
+ B1zz.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of digestive tract and peritoneum NOS |
+ B200000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of nose |
+ B200100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nasal conchae |
+ B200200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of septum of nose |
+ B200300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of nose |
+ B200.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities |
+ B200z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities NOS |
+ B201000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of auditory (Eustachian) tube |
+ B201100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tympanic cavity |
+ B201200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tympanic antrum |
+ B201300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of mastoid air cells |
+ B201.00 |
+ Malig neop auditory tube, middle ear and mastoid air cells |
+ B201z00 |
+ Malig neop auditory tube, middle ear, mastoid air cells NOS |
+ B202.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus |
+ B203.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid sinus |
+ B204.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus |
+ B205.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus |
+ B206.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of accessory sinuses |
+ B20..00 |
+ Malig neop nasal cavities, middle ear and accessory sinuses |
+ B20y.00 |
+ Malig neop other site nasal cavity, middle ear and sinuses |
+ B20z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus NOS |
+ B210.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of glottis |
+ B211.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis |
+ B212.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of subglottis |
+ B213000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of arytenoid cartilage |
+ B213100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cricoid cartilage |
+ B213200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cuneiform cartilage |
+ B213300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of thyroid cartilage |
+ B213.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage |
+ B213z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage NOS |
+ B214.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of larynx |
+ B215.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis NOS |
+ B21..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of larynx |
+ B21y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of larynx, other specified site |
+ B21z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of larynx NOS |
+ B230.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of parietal pleura |
+ B231.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of visceral pleura |
+ B23..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pleura |
+ B23y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified pleura |
+ B23z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pleura NOS |
+ B240.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of thymus |
+ B241000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of endocardium |
+ B241200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of myocardium |
+ B241300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pericardium |
+ B241.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of heart |
+ B241z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of heart NOS |
+ B242.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anterior mediastinum |
+ B243.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of posterior mediastinum |
+ B24..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of thymus, heart and mediastinum |
+ B24X.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified |
+ B24y.00 |
+ Malig neop of other site of heart, thymus and mediastinum |
+ B24z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of heart, thymus and mediastinum NOS |
+ B25..00 |
+ Malig neo, overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum & pleura |
+ B26..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlap lesion of resp & intrathor orgs |
+ B2z0.00 |
+ Malig neop of upper respiratory tract, part unspecified |
+ B2z..00 |
+ Malig neop other/ill-defined sites resp/intrathoracic organs |
+ B2zy.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other site of respiratory tract |
+ B2zz.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract NOS |
+ B310000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of head |
+ B310100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of face |
+ B310200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of neck |
+ B310300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of ear |
+ B310400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tarsus of eyelid |
+ B310500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm soft tissues of cervical spine |
+ B310.00 |
+ Malig neop of connective and soft tissue head, face and neck |
+ B310z00 |
+ Malig neop connective and soft tissue head, face, neck NOS |
+ B311000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of shoulder |
+ B311100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, upper arm |
+ B311200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of fore-arm |
+ B311300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hand |
+ B311400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of finger |
+ B311500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thumb |
+ B311.00 |
+ Malig neop connective and soft tissue upper limb/shoulder |
+ B311z00 |
+ Malig neop connective soft tissue upper limb/shoulder NOS |
+ B312000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hip |
+ B312100 |
+ Malig neop of connective and soft tissue thigh and upper leg |
+ B312200 |
+ Malig neop connective and soft tissue of popliteal space |
+ B312300 |
+ Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of lower leg |
+ B312400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of foot |
+ B312500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of toe |
+ B312.00 |
+ Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of hip and leg |
+ B312z00 |
+ Malig neop connective and soft tissue hip and leg NOS |
+ B313000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of axilla |
+ B313100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of diaphragm |
+ B313200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of great vessels |
+ B313300 |
+ Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of thor spine |
+ B313.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thorax |
+ B313z00 |
+ Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of thorax NOS |
+ B314000 |
+ Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdominal wall |
+ B314100 |
+ Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of lumb spine |
+ B314.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of abdomen |
+ B314z00 |
+ Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdomen NOS |
+ B315000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of buttock |
+ B315100 |
+ Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of inguinal region |
+ B315200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of perineum |
+ B315300 |
+ Malig neopl of connective and soft tissue - sacrum or coccyx |
+ B315.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of pelvis |
+ B315z00 |
+ Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of pelvis NOS |
+ B316.00 |
+ Malig neop of connective and soft tissue trunk unspecified |
+ B31y.00 |
+ Malig neop connective and soft tissue other specified site |
+ B31z000 |
+ Kaposi's sarcoma of soft tissue |
+ B31z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, site NOS |
+ B420.00 |
+ Choriocarcinoma |
+ B42..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of placenta |
+ B441.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube |
+ B442.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of broad ligament |
+ B443.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of parametrium |
+ B44..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa |
+ B44y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine adnexa |
+ B44z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa NOS |
+ B450100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vaginal vault |
+ B450.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vagina |
+ B450z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vagina NOS |
+ B451000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of greater vestibular (Bartholin's) gland |
+ B451.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of labia majora |
+ B451z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of labia majora NOS |
+ B452.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of labia minora |
+ B453.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of clitoris |
+ B454.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vulva unspecified |
+ B454.11 |
+ Primary vulval cancer |
+ B45..00 |
+ Malig neop of other and unspecified female genital organs |
+ B45X.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm/overlapping lesion/feml genital organs |
+ B45y000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of vulva |
+ B45y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified female genital organ |
+ B45z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ NOS |
+ B480.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of prepuce (foreskin) |
+ B481.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of glans penis |
+ B482.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of body of penis |
+ B483.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of penis, part unspecified |
+ B484.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of epididymis |
+ B485.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of spermatic cord |
+ B486.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of scrotum |
+ B487.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of penis |
+ B48y000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of seminal vesicle |
+ B48y100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tunica vaginalis |
+ B48y200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion male genital orgs |
+ B48y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ |
+ B48yz00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ NOS |
+ B48z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of penis and other male genital organ NOS |
+ B4A3.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of urethra |
+ B4A4.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of paraurethral glands |
+ B4A..00 |
+ Malig neop of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs |
+ B4Ay000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of urinary organs |
+ B4Ay.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs |
+ B4Az.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of kidney or urinary organs NOS |
+ B500000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ciliary body |
+ B500100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of iris |
+ B500200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of crystalline lens |
+ B500.00 |
+ Malig neop eyeball excl conjunctiva, cornea, retina, choroid |
+ B500z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of eyeball NOS |
+ B501000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of connective tissue of orbit |
+ B501.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of orbit |
+ B501z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of orbit NOS |
+ B502.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal gland |
+ B503.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva |
+ B504.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cornea |
+ B505.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of retina |
+ B506.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of choroid |
+ B507000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal sac |
+ B507100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nasolacrimal duct |
+ B507.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal duct |
+ B508.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of eye and adnexa |
+ B50..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of eye |
+ B50y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of eye |
+ B50z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of eye NOS |
+ B524000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of head, face & neck |
+ B524100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve,upp limb,incl should |
+ B524200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of low limb, incl hip |
+ B524300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of thorax |
+ B524400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of abdomen |
+ B524500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of pelvis |
+ B524600 |
+ Malignant neoplasm,overlap lesion periph nerve & auton ns |
+ B524.00 |
+ Malig neopl peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system |
+ B524W00 |
+ Mal neoplasm/periph nerves+autonomic nervous system,unspc |
+ B52y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of nervous system |
+ B52z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nervous system NOS |
+ B52..00 |
+ Malig neop of other and unspecified parts of nervous system |
+ B540000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of adrenal cortex |
+ B540100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of adrenal medulla |
+ B540.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland |
+ B540.11 |
+ Phaeochromocytoma |
+ B540z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland NOS |
+ B541.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of parathyroid gland |
+ B54X.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm-pluriglandular involvement,unspecified |
+ B54y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified endocrine gland |
+ B54z.00 |
+ Malig neop of endocrine gland or related structure NOS |
+ B550000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of head NOS |
+ B550100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cheek NOS |
+ B550200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of nose NOS |
+ B550300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of jaw NOS |
+ B550400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of neck NOS |
+ B550500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of supraclavicular fossa NOS |
+ B550.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of head, neck and face |
+ B550z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of head, neck and face NOS |
+ B551000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of axilla NOS |
+ B551100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of chest wall NOS |
+ B551200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of intrathoracic site NOS |
+ B551.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of thorax |
+ B551z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of thorax NOS |
+ B552.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of abdomen |
+ B553000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of inguinal region NOS |
+ B553100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of presacral region |
+ B553200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of sacrococcygeal region |
+ B553.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pelvis |
+ B553z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pelvis NOS |
+ B554.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper limb NOS |
+ B555.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower limb NOS |
+ B55y000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of back NOS |
+ B55y100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of trunk NOS |
+ B55y200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of flank NOS |
+ B55y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
+ B55yz00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of specified site NOS |
+ B55z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and ill defined site NOS |
+ B591.00 |
+ Other malignant neoplasm NOS |
+ B592X00 |
+ Kaposi's sarcoma of multiple organs |
+ B593.00 |
+ Primary malignant neoplasm of unknown site |
+ B595.00 |
+ Malignant tumour of unknown origin |
+ B59..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site |
+ B59z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site NOS |
+ B59zX00 |
+ Kaposi's sarcoma, unspecified |
+ B5...00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites |
+ B5...11 |
+ Carcinoma of other and unspecified sites |
+ B5y..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified site OS |
+ B5z..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified site NOS |
+ B623000 |
+ Malignant histiocytosis of unspecified site |
+ B623100 |
+ Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes head, face and neck |
+ B623300 |
+ Malignant histiocytosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B623.00 |
+ Malignant histiocytosis |
+ B623z00 |
+ Malignant histiocytosis NOS |
+ B625000 |
+ Letterer-Siwe disease of unspecified sites |
+ B625200 |
+ Letterer-Siwe disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
+ B625800 |
+ Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
+ B625.00 |
+ Letterer-Siwe disease |
+ B625.11 |
+ Histiocytosis X (acute, progressive) |
+ B625z00 |
+ Letterer-Siwe disease NOS |
+ B626000 |
+ Mast cell malignancy of unspecified site |
+ B626500 |
+ Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg |
+ B626800 |
+ Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of multiple sites |
+ B626.00 |
+ Malignant mast cell tumours |
+ B626z00 |
+ Malignant mast cell tumour NOS |
+ B62x500 |
+ Malignant immunoproliferative small intestinal disease |
+ B62x600 |
+ True histiocytic lymphoma |
+ B62z000 |
+ Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of unspecified site |
+ B62z100 |
+ Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node head/neck |
+ B62z200 |
+ Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrathoracic node |
+ B62z300 |
+ Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic intra-abdominal nodes |
+ B62z400 |
+ Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node axilla/arm |
+ B62z500 |
+ Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic nodes inguinal/leg |
+ B62z600 |
+ Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrapelvic nodes |
+ B62z800 |
+ Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of multiple sites |
+ B62z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue NOS |
+ B62zz00 |
+ Lymphoid and histiocytic malignancy NOS |
+ B62zz11 |
+ Immunoproliferative neoplasm |
+ B63y.00 |
+ Other immunoproliferative neoplasms |
+ B63z.00 |
+ Immunoproliferative neoplasm or myeloma NOS |
+ B6y..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue OS |
+ B6z0.00 |
+ Kaposi's sarcoma of lymph nodes |
+ B6z..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue NOS |
+ BB5h100 |
+ [M]Adrenal cortical carcinoma |
+ BB57.00 |
+ [M]Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type |
+ BBcC.00 |
+ [M]Aesthesioneuroblastoma |
+ BBcC.11 |
+ [M]Olfactory neuroblastoma |
+ BBcD.11 |
+ [M]Olfactory neuroepithelioma |
+ BBm4.00 |
+ [M]True histiocytic lymphoma |
+ BBT1.00 |
+ [M]Haemangiosarcoma |
+ BBT7100 |
+ [M]Haemangioendothelioma, malignant |
+ Byu1200 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified |
+ Byu1300 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplsm/ill-defin sites within digestive system |
+ Byu2400 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm/ill-defined sites within resp system |
+ Byu2500 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified |
+ Byu4.00 |
+ [X]Melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of skin |
+ Byu5300 |
+ [X]Kaposi's sarcoma, unspecified |
+ Byu5400 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm/peripheral nerves of trunk,unspecified |
+ Byu5500 |
+ [X]Mal neoplasm/overlap les/periph nerv+autonomic nerv systm |
+ Byu5700 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of peritoneum, unspecified |
+ Byu5800 |
+ [X]Mal neoplasm/connective+soft tissue of trunk,unspecified |
+ Byu5900 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm/connective + soft tissue,unspecified |
+ Byu5B00 |
+ [X]Kaposi's sarcoma of other sites |
+ Byu7000 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa, unspecified |
+ Byu7100 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified female genital organs |
+ Byu7300 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ, unspecified |
+ Byu8000 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified male genital organs |
+ Byu8200 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of male genital organ, unspecified |
+ Byu9000 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of urinary organ, unspecified |
+ ByuB100 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland, unspecified |
+ ByuB.00 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of thyroid and other endocrine glands |
+ ByuC000 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
+ ByuC100 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/other+ill-defined sites |
+ ByuC600 |
+ [X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/oth+unspec parts/nervous system |
+ ByuC800 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm without specification of site |
+ ByuC.00 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined, secondary and unspeci |
+ ByuD400 |
+ [X]Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases |
+ ByuDA00 |
+ [X]Oth spcf mal neoplsm/lymphoid,haematopoietic+rltd tissue |
+ ByuDB00 |
+ [X]Mal neoplasm/lymphoid,haematopoietic+related tissu,unspcf |
+ C37y000 |
+ Hand - Schuller - Christian disease |
+ C37y100 |
+ Eosinophilic granuloma |
+ C37y500 |
+ Histiocytosis X , chronic |
+ C37y600 |
+ Histiocytosis X , unspecified |
+ ZV10000 |
+ [V]Personal history of malig neop of gastrointestinal tract |
+ ZV10012 |
+ [V]Personal history of malig neop of gastrointestinal tract |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C17 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of small intestine |
+ C23 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder |
+ C26.0 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Intestinal tract, part unspecified |
+ C26.1 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Spleen |
+ C26.8 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Overlapping lesion of digestive system |
+ C26.9 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Ill-defined sites within the digestive system |
+ C30.0 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Nasal cavity |
+ C30.1 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Middle ear |
+ C31 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinuses |
+ C32 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of larynx |
+ C37 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of thymus |
+ C38.0 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Heart |
+ C38.1 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Anterior mediastinum |
+ C38.2 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Posterior mediastinum |
+ C38.3 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Mediastinum, part unspecified |
+ C38.4 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Pleura |
+ C38.8 |
+ Overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum and pleura |
+ C39.0 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Upper respiratory tract, part unspecified |
+ C39.8 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Overlapping lesion of respiratory and intrathoracic organs |
+ C39.9 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Ill-defined sites within the respiratory system |
+ C46 |
+ Kaposi sarcoma |
+ C47 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system |
+ C48 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum |
+ C49 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other connective and soft tissue |
+ C51 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vulva |
+ C52 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of vagina |
+ C57 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs |
+ C58 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of placenta |
+ C60 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of penis |
+ C63 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified male genital organs |
+ C68 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified urinary organs |
+ C69 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of eye and adnexa |
+ C74 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland |
+ C75.0 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Parathyroid gland |
+ C75.8 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Pluriglandular involvement, unspecified |
+ C75.9 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Endocrine gland, unspecified |
+ C76 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites |
+ C80 |
+ Malignant neoplasm without specification of site |
+ C88.3 |
+ Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease |
+ C88.4 |
+ Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [MALT-lymphoma] |
+ C88.7 |
+ Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases |
+ C88.9 |
+ Malignant immunoproliferative disease, unspecified |
+ C96 |
+ Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue |
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
-Primary Malignancy - Skin
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Skin IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3585,17 +49147,405 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy Skin or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7G05600 |
+ Excision biopsy of rodent ulcer |
+ 7G05D00 |
+ Excision biopsy of basal cell carcinoma |
+ B330.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of lip |
+ B331000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of canthus |
+ B331100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of upper eyelid |
+ B331200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower eyelid |
+ B331.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of eyelid including canthus |
+ B332000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of auricle (ear) |
+ B332100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of external auditory meatus |
+ B332200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pinna NEC |
+ B332.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm skin of ear and external auricular canal |
+ B332z00 |
+ Malig neop skin of ear and external auricular canal NOS |
+ B333000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of cheek, external |
+ B333100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of chin |
+ B333200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyebrow |
+ B333300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of forehead |
+ B333400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of nose (external) |
+ B333500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of temple |
+ B333.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm skin of other and unspecified parts face |
+ B333z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm skin other and unspec part of face NOS |
+ B334000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of scalp |
+ B334100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of neck |
+ B334.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of scalp and skin of neck |
+ B334z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of scalp or skin of neck NOS |
+ B335000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of axillary fold |
+ B335100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of chest, excluding breast |
+ B335200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of breast |
+ B335300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of abdominal wall |
+ B335400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of umbilicus |
+ B335500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of groin |
+ B335600 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of perineum |
+ B335700 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of back |
+ B335800 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of buttock |
+ B335900 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of perianal skin |
+ B335A00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of scapular region |
+ B335.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum |
+ B335z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum, NOS |
+ B336000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of shoulder |
+ B336100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper arm |
+ B336200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of fore-arm |
+ B336300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of hand |
+ B336400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of finger |
+ B336500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of thumb |
+ B336.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb and shoulder |
+ B336z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb or shoulder NOS |
+ B337000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of hip |
+ B337100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of thigh |
+ B337200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of knee |
+ B337300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of popliteal fossa area |
+ B337400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower leg |
+ B337500 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of ankle |
+ B337600 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of heel |
+ B337700 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of foot |
+ B337800 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of toe |
+ B337900 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of great toe |
+ B337.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb and hip |
+ B337z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb or hip NOS |
+ B338.00 |
+ Squamous cell carcinoma of skin |
+ B339.00 |
+ Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans |
+ B33..00 |
+ Other malignant neoplasm of skin |
+ B33..11 |
+ Basal cell carcinoma |
+ B33..13 |
+ Rodent ulcer |
+ B33..14 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of sebaceous gland |
+ B33..15 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of sweat gland |
+ B33..16 |
+ Epithelioma basal cell |
+ B33X.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin |
+ B33y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified skin sites |
+ B33z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of skin NOS |
+ B33z.11 |
+ Squamous cell carcinoma of skin NOS |
+ BB2A.13 |
+ [M]Squamous cell carcinoma of skin NOS |
+ BB30.00 |
+ [M]Basal cell tumour |
+ BB31.00 |
+ [M]Basal cell carcinoma NOS |
+ BB32.00 |
+ [M]Multicentric basal cell carcinoma |
+ BB33.00 |
+ [M]Basal cell carcinoma, morphoea type |
+ BB34.00 |
+ [M]Basal cell carcinoma, fibroepithelial type |
+ BB35.00 |
+ [M]Basosquamous carcinoma |
+ BB36.00 |
+ [M]Metatypical carcinoma |
+ BB3..00 |
+ [M]Basal cell neoplasms |
+ BB3C.00 |
+ [M]Superficial basal cell carcinoma |
+ BB3D.00 |
+ [M]Basal cell carcinoma, nodular |
+ BB3E.00 |
+ [M]Basal cell carcinoma, micronodular |
+ BB3F.00 |
+ [M]Basal cell carcinoma, infiltrative |
+ BB3G.00 |
+ [M]Pigmented basal cell carcinoma |
+ BB3z.00 |
+ [M]Basal cell neoplasm NOS |
+ BB60100 |
+ [M]Skin appendage carcinoma |
+ BB61200 |
+ [M]Sweat gland adenocarcinoma |
+ BB62100 |
+ [M]Apocrine adenocarcinoma |
+ BB69100 |
+ [M]Sebaceous adenocarcinoma |
+ Byu4200 |
+ [X]Oth malignant neoplasm/skin of oth+unspecfd parts of face |
+ Byu4300 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm of skin, unspecified |
+ Byu5A00 |
+ [X]Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin |
+ ZV10y14 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of skin |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C44 |
+ Other malignant neoplasms of skin |
+Primary Malignancy_Ovarian
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7G05600 | Excision biopsy of rodent ulcer |
7G05D00 | Excision biopsy of basal cell carcinoma |
B330.00 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of lip |
B331000 | Malignant neoplasm of canthus |
B331100 | Malignant neoplasm of upper eyelid |
B331200 | Malignant neoplasm of lower eyelid |
B331.00 | Malignant neoplasm of eyelid including canthus |
B332000 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of auricle (ear) |
B332100 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of external auditory meatus |
B332200 | Malignant neoplasm of pinna NEC |
B332.00 | Malignant neoplasm skin of ear and external auricular canal |
B332z00 | Malig neop skin of ear and external auricular canal NOS |
B333000 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of cheek, external |
B333100 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of chin |
B333200 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyebrow |
B333300 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of forehead |
B333400 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of nose (external) |
B333500 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of temple |
B333.00 | Malignant neoplasm skin of other and unspecified parts face |
B333z00 | Malignant neoplasm skin other and unspec part of face NOS |
B334000 | Malignant neoplasm of scalp |
B334100 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of neck |
B334.00 | Malignant neoplasm of scalp and skin of neck |
B334z00 | Malignant neoplasm of scalp or skin of neck NOS |
B335000 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of axillary fold |
B335100 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of chest, excluding breast |
B335200 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of breast |
B335300 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of abdominal wall |
B335400 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of umbilicus |
B335500 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of groin |
B335600 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of perineum |
B335700 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of back |
B335800 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of buttock |
B335900 | Malignant neoplasm of perianal skin |
B335A00 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of scapular region |
B335.00 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum |
B335z00 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum, NOS |
B336000 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of shoulder |
B336100 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper arm |
B336200 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of fore-arm |
B336300 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of hand |
B336400 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of finger |
B336500 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of thumb |
B336.00 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb and shoulder |
B336z00 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb or shoulder NOS |
B337000 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of hip |
B337100 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of thigh |
B337200 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of knee |
B337300 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of popliteal fossa area |
B337400 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower leg |
B337500 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of ankle |
B337600 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of heel |
B337700 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of foot |
B337800 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of toe |
B337900 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of great toe |
B337.00 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb and hip |
B337z00 | Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb or hip NOS |
B338.00 | Squamous cell carcinoma of skin |
B339.00 | Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans |
B33..00 | Other malignant neoplasm of skin |
B33..11 | Basal cell carcinoma |
B33..13 | Rodent ulcer |
B33..14 | Malignant neoplasm of sebaceous gland |
B33..15 | Malignant neoplasm of sweat gland |
B33..16 | Epithelioma basal cell |
B33X.00 | Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin |
B33y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified skin sites |
B33z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of skin NOS |
B33z.11 | Squamous cell carcinoma of skin NOS |
BB2A.13 | [M]Squamous cell carcinoma of skin NOS |
BB30.00 | [M]Basal cell tumour |
BB31.00 | [M]Basal cell carcinoma NOS |
BB32.00 | [M]Multicentric basal cell carcinoma |
BB33.00 | [M]Basal cell carcinoma, morphoea type |
BB34.00 | [M]Basal cell carcinoma, fibroepithelial type |
BB35.00 | [M]Basosquamous carcinoma |
BB36.00 | [M]Metatypical carcinoma |
BB3..00 | [M]Basal cell neoplasms |
BB3C.00 | [M]Superficial basal cell carcinoma |
BB3D.00 | [M]Basal cell carcinoma, nodular |
BB3E.00 | [M]Basal cell carcinoma, micronodular |
BB3F.00 | [M]Basal cell carcinoma, infiltrative |
BB3G.00 | [M]Pigmented basal cell carcinoma |
BB3z.00 | [M]Basal cell neoplasm NOS |
BB60100 | [M]Skin appendage carcinoma |
BB61200 | [M]Sweat gland adenocarcinoma |
BB62100 | [M]Apocrine adenocarcinoma |
BB69100 | [M]Sebaceous adenocarcinoma |
Byu4200 | [X]Oth malignant neoplasm/skin of oth+unspecfd parts of face |
Byu4300 | [X]Malignant neoplasm of skin, unspecified |
Byu5A00 | [X]Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin |
ZV10y14 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of skin |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C44 | Other malignant neoplasms of skin |
-Primary Malignancy - Ovary
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Ovarian IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3603,16 +49553,65 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy Ovarian or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B440.00 | Malignant neoplasm of ovary |
B440.11 | Cancer of ovary |
BB5j200 | [M]Endometrioid carcinoma |
BB5j500 | [M]Endometrioid adenofibroma, malignant |
BBQA100 | [M]Struma ovarii, malignant |
D212000 | Anaemia in ovarian carcinoma |
ZV10414 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of ovary |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C56 | Malignant neoplasm of ovary |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B440.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ovary |
+ B440.11 |
+ Cancer of ovary |
+ BB5j200 |
+ [M]Endometrioid carcinoma |
+ BB5j500 |
+ [M]Endometrioid adenofibroma, malignant |
+ BBQA100 |
+ [M]Struma ovarii, malignant |
+ D212000 |
+ Anaemia in ovarian carcinoma |
+ ZV10414 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of ovary |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C56 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ovary |
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
-Primary Malignancy - Pancreas
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Pancreatic IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3620,31 +49619,191 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy Pancreatic or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B170.00 | Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas |
B171.00 | Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas |
B172.00 | Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas |
B173.00 | Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct |
B174.00 | Malignant neoplasm of Islets of Langerhans |
B175.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of pancreas |
B17..00 | Malignant neoplasm of pancreas |
B17y000 | Malignant neoplasm of ectopic pancreatic tissue |
B17y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of pancreas |
B17yz00 | Malignant neoplasm of specified site of pancreas NOS |
B17z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of pancreas NOS |
BB5B100 | [M]Islet cell carcinoma |
BB5B300 | [M]Insulinoma, malignant |
BB5B500 | [M]Glucagonoma, malignant |
BB5B600 | [M]Mixed islet cell and exocrine adenocarcinoma |
BB5C100 | [M]Gastrinoma, malignant |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C25 | Malignant neoplasm of pancreas |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B170.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas |
+ B171.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas |
+ B172.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas |
+ B173.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct |
+ B174.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of Islets of Langerhans |
+ B175.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of pancreas |
+ B17..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pancreas |
+ B17y000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ectopic pancreatic tissue |
+ B17y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of pancreas |
+ B17yz00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of specified site of pancreas NOS |
+ B17z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pancreas NOS |
+ BB5B100 |
+ [M]Islet cell carcinoma |
+ BB5B300 |
+ [M]Insulinoma, malignant |
+ BB5B500 |
+ [M]Glucagonoma, malignant |
+ BB5B600 |
+ [M]Mixed islet cell and exocrine adenocarcinoma |
+ BB5C100 |
+ [M]Gastrinoma, malignant |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C25 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pancreas |
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate
-Primary Malignancy Prostate
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Prostate IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Primary Malignancy_Prostate' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Primary Malignancy_Prostate diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy_Prostate or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1427000.0 | H/O: prostate cancer |
4M00.00 | Gleason prostate grade 2-4 (low) |
4M01.00 | Gleason prostate grade 5-7 (medium) |
4M02.00 | Gleason prostate grade 8-10 (high) |
4M0..00 | Gleason grading of prostate cancer |
7B20000 | Radical cystoprostatourethrectomy |
7B20200 | Radical cystoprostatectomy |
7B36000 | Radical prostatectomy - unspecified excision of pelvic nodes |
7B36500 | Radical prostatectomy without pelvic node excision |
7B36600 | Radical prostatectomy with pelvic node sampling |
7B36700 | Radical prostatectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy |
B46..00 | Malignant neoplasm of prostate |
ZV10415 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of prostate |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C61 | Malignant neoplasm of prostate |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1427000 |
+ H/O: prostate cancer |
+ 4M00.00 |
+ Gleason prostate grade 2-4 (low) |
+ 4M01.00 |
+ Gleason prostate grade 5-7 (medium) |
+ 4M02.00 |
+ Gleason prostate grade 8-10 (high) |
+ 4M0..00 |
+ Gleason grading of prostate cancer |
+ 7B20000 |
+ Radical cystoprostatourethrectomy |
+ 7B20200 |
+ Radical cystoprostatectomy |
+ 7B36000 |
+ Radical prostatectomy - unspecified excision of pelvic nodes |
+ 7B36500 |
+ Radical prostatectomy without pelvic node excision |
+ 7B36600 |
+ Radical prostatectomy with pelvic node sampling |
+ 7B36700 |
+ Radical prostatectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy |
+ B46..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of prostate |
+ ZV10415 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of prostate |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C61 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of prostate |
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach
-Primary Malignancy - Stomach
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Stomach IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3652,32 +49811,223 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy Stomach or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B110000 | Malignant neoplasm of cardiac orifice of stomach |
B110100 | Malignant neoplasm of cardio-oesophageal junction of stomach |
B110111 | Malignant neoplasm of gastro-oesophageal junction |
B110.00 | Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach |
B110z00 | Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach NOS |
B111000 | Malignant neoplasm of prepylorus of stomach |
B111100 | Malignant neoplasm of pyloric canal of stomach |
B111.00 | Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach |
B111z00 | Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach NOS |
B112.00 | Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum of stomach |
B113.00 | Malignant neoplasm of fundus of stomach |
B114.00 | Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach |
B115.00 | Malignant neoplasm of lesser curve of stomach unspecified |
B116.00 | Malignant neoplasm of greater curve of stomach unspecified |
B117.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of stomach |
B118.00 | Siewert type II adenocarcinoma |
B119.00 | Siewert type III adenocarcinoma |
B11..00 | Malignant neoplasm of stomach |
B11y000 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of stomach NEC |
B11y100 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of stomach NEC |
B11y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach |
B11yz00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach NOS |
B11z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of stomach NOS |
ZV10018 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of stomach |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C16 | Malignant neoplasm of stomach |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B110000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cardiac orifice of stomach |
+ B110100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cardio-oesophageal junction of stomach |
+ B110111 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of gastro-oesophageal junction |
+ B110.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach |
+ B110z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach NOS |
+ B111000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of prepylorus of stomach |
+ B111100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pyloric canal of stomach |
+ B111.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach |
+ B111z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach NOS |
+ B112.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum of stomach |
+ B113.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of fundus of stomach |
+ B114.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach |
+ B115.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lesser curve of stomach unspecified |
+ B116.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of greater curve of stomach unspecified |
+ B117.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of stomach |
+ B118.00 |
+ Siewert type II adenocarcinoma |
+ B119.00 |
+ Siewert type III adenocarcinoma |
+ B11..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of stomach |
+ B11y000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of stomach NEC |
+ B11y100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of stomach NEC |
+ B11y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach |
+ B11yz00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach NOS |
+ B11z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of stomach NOS |
+ ZV10018 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of stomach |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C16 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of stomach |
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular
-Primary Malignancy - Testis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Testicular IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Testicular IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Primary Malignancy Testicular diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy Testicular or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B470200 | Seminoma of undescended testis |
B470300 | Teratoma of undescended testis |
B470.00 | Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis |
B470z00 | Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis NOS |
B471000 | Seminoma of descended testis |
B471100 | Teratoma of descended testis |
B471.00 | Malignant neoplasm of descended testis |
B471z00 | Malignant neoplasm of descended testis NOS |
B47..00 | Malignant neoplasm of testis |
B47z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of testis NOS |
B47z.11 | Seminoma of testis |
B47z.12 | Teratoma of testis |
ZV10416 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of testis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C62 | Malignant neoplasm of testis |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B470200 |
+ Seminoma of undescended testis |
+ B470300 |
+ Teratoma of undescended testis |
+ B470.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis |
+ B470z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis NOS |
+ B471000 |
+ Seminoma of descended testis |
+ B471100 |
+ Teratoma of descended testis |
+ B471.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of descended testis |
+ B471z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of descended testis NOS |
+ B47..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of testis |
+ B47z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of testis NOS |
+ B47z.11 |
+ Seminoma of testis |
+ B47z.12 |
+ Teratoma of testis |
+ ZV10416 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of testis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C62 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of testis |
+Primary Malignancy_Thyroid
-Primary Malignancy - Thyroid
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Thyroid IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3685,33 +50035,151 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy Thyroid or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B53..00 | Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland |
ZV10y15 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of thyroid |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C73 | Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B53..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland |
+ ZV10y15 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of thyroid |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C73 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland |
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine
-Primary Malignancy - Uterus
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Uterine IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy Uterine IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Primary Malignancy Uterine diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy Uterine or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B40..00 | Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified |
B430000 | Malignant neoplasm of cornu of corpus uteri |
B430100 | Malignant neoplasm of fundus of corpus uteri |
B430200 | Malignant neoplasm of endometrium of corpus uteri |
B430211 | Malignant neoplasm of endometrium |
B430300 | Malignant neoplasm of myometrium of corpus uteri |
B430.00 | Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri, excluding isthmus |
B430z00 | Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri NOS |
B431000 | Malignant neoplasm of lower uterine segment |
B431.00 | Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body |
B431z00 | Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body NOS |
B432.00 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of corpus uteri |
B43..00 | Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus |
B43y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine body |
B43z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus NOS |
ZV10417 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of uterine body |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C54 | Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri |
C55 | Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified |
-Primary Malignancy - Biliary
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B40..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified |
+ B430000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cornu of corpus uteri |
+ B430100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of fundus of corpus uteri |
+ B430200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of endometrium of corpus uteri |
+ B430211 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of endometrium |
+ B430300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of myometrium of corpus uteri |
+ B430.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri, excluding isthmus |
+ B430z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri NOS |
+ B431000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of lower uterine segment |
+ B431.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body |
+ B431z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body NOS |
+ B432.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of corpus uteri |
+ B43..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus |
+ B43y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine body |
+ B43z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus NOS |
+ ZV10417 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of uterine body |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C54 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri |
+ C55 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified |
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy biliary tract IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3719,16 +50187,117 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy biliary tract or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B151000 | Malignant neoplasm of interlobular bile ducts |
B151200 | Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic biliary passages |
B151400 | Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic gall duct |
B151.00 | Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts |
B151z00 | Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts NOS |
B161000 | Malignant neoplasm of cystic duct |
B161100 | Malignant neoplasm of hepatic duct |
B161200 | Malignant neoplasm of common bile duct |
B161211 | Carcinoma common bile duct |
B161300 | Malignant neoplasm of sphincter of Oddi |
B161.00 | Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts |
B161z00 | Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts NOS |
B162.00 | Malignant neoplasm of ampulla of Vater |
B163.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of biliary tract |
BB5D100 | [M]Cholangiocarcinoma |
BB5D111 | [M]Bile duct carcinoma |
BB5D300 | [M]Bile duct cystadenocarcinoma |
BB5D700 | [M]Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma |
BB5D711 | [M]Hepatocholangiocarcinoma |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C22.1 | Malignant neoplasm: Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma |
C24 | Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of biliary tract |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B151000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of interlobular bile ducts |
+ B151200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic biliary passages |
+ B151400 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic gall duct |
+ B151.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts |
+ B151z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts NOS |
+ B161000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cystic duct |
+ B161100 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of hepatic duct |
+ B161200 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of common bile duct |
+ B161211 |
+ Carcinoma common bile duct |
+ B161300 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of sphincter of Oddi |
+ B161.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts |
+ B161z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts NOS |
+ B162.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ampulla of Vater |
+ B163.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of biliary tract |
+ BB5D100 |
+ [M]Cholangiocarcinoma |
+ BB5D111 |
+ [M]Bile duct carcinoma |
+ BB5D300 |
+ [M]Bile duct cystadenocarcinoma |
+ BB5D700 |
+ [M]Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma |
+ BB5D711 |
+ [M]Hepatocholangiocarcinoma |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C22.1 |
+ Malignant neoplasm: Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma |
+ C24 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of biliary tract |
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
-Primary Malignancy - Bowel
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary Malignancy colorectal and anus IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3736,63 +50305,523 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary Malignancy colorectal and anus or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B130.00 | Malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon |
B131.00 | Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon |
B132.00 | Malignant neoplasm of descending colon |
B133.00 | Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon |
B134.00 | Malignant neoplasm of caecum |
B134.11 | Carcinoma of caecum |
B135.00 | Malignant neoplasm of appendix |
B136.00 | Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon |
B137.00 | Malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon |
B138.00 | Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of colon |
B139.00 | Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer |
B13..00 | Malignant neoplasm of colon |
B13y.00 | Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of colon |
B13z.00 | Malignant neoplasm of colon NOS |
B13z.11 | Colonic cancer |
B140.00 | Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction |
B141.00 | Malignant neoplasm of rectum |
B141.11 | Carcinoma of rectum |
B141.12 | Rectal carcinoma |
B142000 | Malignant neoplasm of cloacogenic zone |
B142.00 | Malignant neoplasm of anal canal |
B142.11 | Anal carcinoma |
B143.00 | Malignant neoplasm of anus unspecified |
B14..00 | Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus |
B14y.00 | Malig neop other site rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus |
B14z.00 | Malignant neoplasm rectum,rectosigmoid junction and anus NOS |
B1z0.11 | Cancer of bowel |
ZV10011 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of anus |
ZV10014 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of large intestine |
ZV10017 | [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of rectum |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C18 | Malignant neoplasm of colon |
C19 | Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction |
C20 | Malignant neoplasm of rectum |
C21 | Malignant neoplasm of anus and anal canal |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B130.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon |
+ B131.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon |
+ B132.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of descending colon |
+ B133.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon |
+ B134.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of caecum |
+ B134.11 |
+ Carcinoma of caecum |
+ B135.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of appendix |
+ B136.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon |
+ B137.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon |
+ B138.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of colon |
+ B139.00 |
+ Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer |
+ B13..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of colon |
+ B13y.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of colon |
+ B13z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of colon NOS |
+ B13z.11 |
+ Colonic cancer |
+ B140.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction |
+ B141.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of rectum |
+ B141.11 |
+ Carcinoma of rectum |
+ B141.12 |
+ Rectal carcinoma |
+ B142000 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of cloacogenic zone |
+ B142.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anal canal |
+ B142.11 |
+ Anal carcinoma |
+ B143.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anus unspecified |
+ B14..00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus |
+ B14y.00 |
+ Malig neop other site rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus |
+ B14z.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm rectum,rectosigmoid junction and anus NOS |
+ B1z0.11 |
+ Cancer of bowel |
+ ZV10011 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of anus |
+ ZV10014 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of large intestine |
+ ZV10017 |
+ [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of rectum |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C18 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of colon |
+ C19 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction |
+ C20 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of rectum |
+ C21 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of anus and anal canal |
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
-PPrimary thrombocytopaenia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
42P2.11 | Auto-immune thrombocytopenia |
D313000 | Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
D313011 | Idiopathic purpura |
D313012 | ITP - idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
D313100 | Congenital thrombocytopenic purpura |
D313111 | Hereditary thrombocytopenia NEC |
D313300 | [X]Essential thrombocytopenia NOS |
D313.00 | Primary thrombocytopenia |
D313.11 | Evan's syndrome |
D313.12 | Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
D313.13 | Idiopathic purpura |
D313.14 | Megakaryocytic hypoplasia |
D313.15 | Thrombocytopenic purpura |
D313y00 | Other specified primary thrombocytopenia |
D313z00 | Primary thrombocytopenia NOS |
D313z11 | Essential thrombocytopenia NOS |
Dyu3200 | [X]Other primary thrombocytopenia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D69.3 | Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
D69.4 | Other primary thrombocytopenia |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 42P2.11 |
+ Auto-immune thrombocytopenia |
+ D313000 |
+ Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
+ D313011 |
+ Idiopathic purpura |
+ D313012 |
+ ITP - idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
+ D313100 |
+ Congenital thrombocytopenic purpura |
+ D313111 |
+ Hereditary thrombocytopenia NEC |
+ D313300 |
+ [X]Essential thrombocytopenia NOS |
+ D313.00 |
+ Primary thrombocytopenia |
+ D313.11 |
+ Evan's syndrome |
+ D313.12 |
+ Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
+ D313.13 |
+ Idiopathic purpura |
+ D313.14 |
+ Megakaryocytic hypoplasia |
+ D313.15 |
+ Thrombocytopenic purpura |
+ D313y00 |
+ Other specified primary thrombocytopenia |
+ D313z00 |
+ Primary thrombocytopenia NOS |
+ D313z11 |
+ Essential thrombocytopenia NOS |
+ Dyu3200 |
+ [X]Other primary thrombocytopenia |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D69.3 |
+ Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
+ D69.4 |
+ Other primary thrombocytopenia |
+Primary pulmonary hypertension
-Primary pulmonary hypertension
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Primary pulmonary hypertension IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Primary pulmonary hypertension' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Primary pulmonary hypertension diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Primary pulmonary hypertension' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Primary pulmonary hypertension or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G410.00 | Primary pulmonary hypertension |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I27.0 | Primary pulmonary hypertension |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Primary pulmonary hypertension' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G410.00 |
+ Primary pulmonary hypertension |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I27.0 |
+ Primary pulmonary hypertension |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Psoriasis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Psoriasis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Psoriasis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Psoriasis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Psoriasis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14F2.00 | H/O: psoriasis |
M160000 | Psoriasis spondylitica |
M160100 | Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy |
M160200 | Arthritis mutilans |
M160.00 | Psoriatic arthropathy |
M160.11 | Psoriatic arthritis |
M160z00 | Psoriatic arthropathy NOS |
M161000 | Psoriasis unspecified |
M161100 | Psoriasis annularis |
M161200 | Psoriasis circinata |
M161300 | Psoriasis diffusa |
M161400 | Psoriasis discoidea |
M161500 | Psoriasis geographica |
M161600 | Guttate psoriasis |
M161700 | Psoriasis gyrata |
M161800 | Psoriasis inveterata |
M161900 | Psoriasis ostracea |
M161A00 | Psoriasis palmaris |
M161B00 | Psoriasis plantaris |
M161C00 | Psoriasis punctata |
M161D00 | Pustular psoriasis |
M161E00 | Psoriasis universalis |
M161F00 | Psoriasis vulgaris |
M161F11 | Chronic large plaque psoriasis |
M161H00 | Erythrodermic psoriasis |
M161J00 | Flexural psoriasis |
M161.00 | Other psoriasis |
M161z00 | Psoriasis NOS |
M166.00 | Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis |
M16..00 | Psoriasis and similar disorders |
M16y000 | Scalp psoriasis |
M16y.00 | Other psoriasis and similar disorders |
M16z.00 | Psoriasis and similar disorders NOS |
Myu3000 | [X]Other psoriasis |
N045200 | Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis |
Nyu1300 | [X]Other psoriatic arthropathies |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L40 | Psoriasis |
M07.0 | Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy |
M07.1 | Arthritis mutilans |
M07.2 | Psoriatic spondylitis |
M07.3 | Other psoriatic arthropathies |
M09.0 | Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Psoriasis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14F2.00 |
+ H/O: psoriasis |
+ M160000 |
+ Psoriasis spondylitica |
+ M160100 |
+ Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy |
+ M160200 |
+ Arthritis mutilans |
+ M160.00 |
+ Psoriatic arthropathy |
+ M160.11 |
+ Psoriatic arthritis |
+ M160z00 |
+ Psoriatic arthropathy NOS |
+ M161000 |
+ Psoriasis unspecified |
+ M161100 |
+ Psoriasis annularis |
+ M161200 |
+ Psoriasis circinata |
+ M161300 |
+ Psoriasis diffusa |
+ M161400 |
+ Psoriasis discoidea |
+ M161500 |
+ Psoriasis geographica |
+ M161600 |
+ Guttate psoriasis |
+ M161700 |
+ Psoriasis gyrata |
+ M161800 |
+ Psoriasis inveterata |
+ M161900 |
+ Psoriasis ostracea |
+ M161A00 |
+ Psoriasis palmaris |
+ M161B00 |
+ Psoriasis plantaris |
+ M161C00 |
+ Psoriasis punctata |
+ M161D00 |
+ Pustular psoriasis |
+ M161E00 |
+ Psoriasis universalis |
+ M161F00 |
+ Psoriasis vulgaris |
+ M161F11 |
+ Chronic large plaque psoriasis |
+ M161H00 |
+ Erythrodermic psoriasis |
+ M161J00 |
+ Flexural psoriasis |
+ M161.00 |
+ Other psoriasis |
+ M161z00 |
+ Psoriasis NOS |
+ M166.00 |
+ Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis |
+ M16..00 |
+ Psoriasis and similar disorders |
+ M16y000 |
+ Scalp psoriasis |
+ M16y.00 |
+ Other psoriasis and similar disorders |
+ M16z.00 |
+ Psoriasis and similar disorders NOS |
+ Myu3000 |
+ [X]Other psoriasis |
+ N045200 |
+ Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis |
+ Nyu1300 |
+ [X]Other psoriatic arthropathies |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L40 |
+ Psoriasis |
+ M07.0 |
+ Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy |
+ M07.1 |
+ Arthritis mutilans |
+ M07.2 |
+ Psoriatic spondylitis |
+ M07.3 |
+ Other psoriatic arthropathies |
+ M09.0 |
+ Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis |
+Psoriatic arthropathy
-Psoriatic Arthritis
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Psoriatic arthropathy IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3800,82 +50829,483 @@ Primary care
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Psoriatic arthropathy or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
M160000 | Psoriasis spondylitica |
M160100 | Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy |
M160200 | Arthritis mutilans |
M160.00 | Psoriatic arthropathy |
M160.11 | Psoriatic arthritis |
M160z00 | Psoriatic arthropathy NOS |
Nyu1300 | [X]Other psoriatic arthropathies |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M07.0 | Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy |
M07.1 | Arthritis mutilans |
M07.2 | Psoriatic spondylitis |
M07.3 | Other psoriatic arthropathies |
L40.5 | Arthropathic psoriasis |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ M160000 |
+ Psoriasis spondylitica |
+ M160100 |
+ Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy |
+ M160200 |
+ Arthritis mutilans |
+ M160.00 |
+ Psoriatic arthropathy |
+ M160.11 |
+ Psoriatic arthritis |
+ M160z00 |
+ Psoriatic arthropathy NOS |
+ Nyu1300 |
+ [X]Other psoriatic arthropathies |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_PSA.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M07.0 |
+ Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy |
+ M07.1 |
+ Arthritis mutilans |
+ M07.2 |
+ Psoriatic spondylitis |
+ M07.3 |
+ Other psoriatic arthropathies |
+ L40.5 |
+ Arthropathic psoriasis |
+Ptosis of eyelid
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Ptosis of eyelid IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Ptosis of eyelid' of eyelid IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Ptosis of eyelid diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Ptosis of eyelid' of eyelid diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Ptosis of eyelid or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Ptosis of eyelid' of eyelid or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Ptosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
2BE2.00 | O/E - ptosis present |
2BE..00 | O/E - ptosis |
2BE3.00 | O/E - Horner's syndrome |
2BEZ.00 | O/E - ptosis NOS |
7218000.0 | Correction of eyelid ptosis using levator muscle technique |
7218100.0 | Correction of eyelid ptosis using frontalis muscle technique |
7218200.0 | Correction of ptosis of eyelid using sling of fascia |
7218300.0 | Correction of eyelid ptosis using superior rectus technique |
7218500.0 | Correction of eyelid ptosis using aponeurosis technique |
7218.00 | Correction of ptosis of eyelid |
7218y00 | Other specified correction of ptosis of eyelid |
7218z00 | Correction of ptosis of eyelid NOS |
F4E3000 | Unspecified ptosis of eyelid |
F4E3100 | Paralytic ptosis |
F4E3200 | Myogenic ptosis |
F4E3300 | Mechanical ptosis |
F4E3.00 | Ptosis of eyelid |
F4E3z00 | Ptosis of eyelid NOS |
P360.00 | Congenital ptosis |
P360.11 | Blepharoptosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H02.4 | Ptosis of eyelid |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
C18.1 | Correction of ptosis of eyelid using levator muscle technique |
C18.2 | Correction of ptosis of eyelid using frontalis muscle technique |
C18.3 | Correction of ptosis of eyelid using sling of fascia |
C18.4 | Correction of ptosis of eyelid using superior rectus muscle technique |
C18.5 | Tarsomullerectomy |
C18.6 | Correction of ptosis of eyelid using aponeurosis technique |
C18.8 | Other specified correction of ptosis of eyelid |
C18.9 | Unspecified correction of ptosis of eyelid |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Ptosis of eyelid' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 2BE2.00 |
+ O/E - ptosis present |
+ 2BE..00 |
+ O/E - ptosis |
+ 2BE3.00 |
+ O/E - Horner's syndrome |
+ 2BEZ.00 |
+ O/E - ptosis NOS |
+ 7218000.0 |
+ Correction of eyelid ptosis using levator muscle technique |
+ 7218100.0 |
+ Correction of eyelid ptosis using frontalis muscle technique |
+ 7218200.0 |
+ Correction of ptosis of eyelid using sling of fascia |
+ 7218300.0 |
+ Correction of eyelid ptosis using superior rectus technique |
+ 7218500.0 |
+ Correction of eyelid ptosis using aponeurosis technique |
+ 7218.00 |
+ Correction of ptosis of eyelid |
+ 7218y00 |
+ Other specified correction of ptosis of eyelid |
+ 7218z00 |
+ Correction of ptosis of eyelid NOS |
+ F4E3000 |
+ Unspecified ptosis of eyelid |
+ F4E3100 |
+ Paralytic ptosis |
+ F4E3200 |
+ Myogenic ptosis |
+ F4E3300 |
+ Mechanical ptosis |
+ F4E3.00 |
+ Ptosis of eyelid |
+ F4E3z00 |
+ Ptosis of eyelid NOS |
+ P360.00 |
+ Congenital ptosis |
+ P360.11 |
+ Blepharoptosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H02.4 |
+ Ptosis of eyelid |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ C18.1 |
+ Correction of ptosis of eyelid using levator muscle technique |
+ C18.2 |
+ Correction of ptosis of eyelid using frontalis muscle technique |
+ C18.3 |
+ Correction of ptosis of eyelid using sling of fascia |
+ C18.4 |
+ Correction of ptosis of eyelid using superior rectus muscle technique |
+ C18.5 |
+ Tarsomullerectomy |
+ C18.6 |
+ Correction of ptosis of eyelid using aponeurosis technique |
+ C18.8 |
+ Other specified correction of ptosis of eyelid |
+ C18.9 |
+ Unspecified correction of ptosis of eyelid |
+Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)
-Pulmonary Collapse
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)' (excl pneumothorax) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)' (excl pneumothorax) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)' (excl pneumothorax) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 23E4.11 |
+ O/E - collapse - lung |
+ H580.00 |
+ Pulmonary collapse with atelectasis |
+ H580.11 |
+ Atelectasis |
+ H580.12 |
+ Collapse of lung |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J98.1 |
+ Pulmonary collapse |
+Pulmonary embolism
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Pulmonary embolism' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
23E4.11 | O/E - collapse - lung |
H580.00 | Pulmonary collapse with atelectasis |
H580.11 | Atelectasis |
H580.12 | Collapse of lung |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J98.1 | Pulmonary collapse |
+Primary care
+1. 'Pulmonary embolism' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+Secondary care (ICD10)
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Pulmonary embolism' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14AC.00 |
+ H/O: pulmonary embolus |
+ 7A09300 |
+ Open embolectomy of pulmonary artery |
+ 7A09311 |
+ Trendelenburg pulmonary embolectomy |
+ 7A0A100 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of pulmonary artery |
+ 7A0B000 |
+ Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy |
+ G401000 |
+ Post operative pulmonary embolus |
+ G401100 |
+ Recurrent pulmonary embolism |
+ G401.00 |
+ Pulmonary embolism |
+ G401.12 |
+ Pulmonary embolus |
+ ZV12900 |
+ [V] Personal history of pulmonary embolism |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_PE.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I26 |
+ Pulmonary embolism |
+Raised LDL-C
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Raised LDL Cholesterol IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date.
+Primary care
+1. IF the highest value EVER recorded for LDL Cholesterol for a patient on or before the specified date is greater than:
+a) serum: 3 mmol/L
+b) serum: 116.01 mg/dL
+c) plasma: 2.9126 mmol/L
+d) plasma: 112.6311 mg/dL
+Raised Total Cholesterol
-Pulmonary Embolism
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Pulmonary embolism IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Raised Total Cholesterol' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date.
Primary care
-1. Pulmonary embolism diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. IF the highest value EVER recorded for Total Cholesterol for a patient on or before the specified date is greater than:
+a) serum: 5 mmol/L
-Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Pulmonary embolism or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14AC.00 | H/O: pulmonary embolus |
7A09300 | Open embolectomy of pulmonary artery |
7A09311 | Trendelenburg pulmonary embolectomy |
7A0A100 | Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of pulmonary artery |
7A0B000 | Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy |
G401000 | Post operative pulmonary embolus |
G401100 | Recurrent pulmonary embolism |
G401.00 | Pulmonary embolism |
G401.12 | Pulmonary embolus |
ZV12900 | [V] Personal history of pulmonary embolism |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I26 | Pulmonary embolism |
+b) serum: 193.35 mg/dL
+c) plasma: 4.8544 mmol/L
+d) plasma: 187.7184 mg/dL
+Raised Triglycerides
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Raised Triglycerides' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date.
+Primary care
+1. IF the highest value EVER recorded for Triglycerides for a patient on or before the specified date is greater than:
+a) serum: 1.7 mmol/L
+b) serum: 150.569 mg/dL
+c) plasma: 1.6521 mmol/L
+d) plasma: 146.3256 mg/dL
+Raynaud's syndrome
-Raynaud's Disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Raynaud's syndrome IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Raynaud's syndrome IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Raynaud's syndrome diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Raynaud's syndrome or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G730000 | Raynaud's disease |
G730100 | Raynaud's phenomenon |
G730111 | Vibratory white finger |
G730.00 | Raynaud's syndrome |
G730z00 | Raynaud's syndrome NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I73.0 | Raynaud's syndrome |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G730000 |
+ Raynaud's disease |
+ G730100 |
+ Raynaud's phenomenon |
+ G730111 |
+ Vibratory white finger |
+ G730.00 |
+ Raynaud's syndrome |
+ G730z00 |
+ Raynaud's syndrome NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I73.0 |
+ Raynaud's syndrome |
+Respiratory distress of newborn
-Respiratory Distress of the Newborn
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Respiratory distress of newborn IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -3883,290 +51313,2661 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Respiratory distress of newborn or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
Q30..00 | Respiratory distress syndrome |
Q30..11 | Hyaline membrane disease |
Q30..12 | Pulmonary hypoperfusion syndrome of newborn |
Q316.00 | Newborn transitory tachypnoea |
Q316.11 | Wet lung syndrome in newborn |
Q31y200 | Perinatal respiratory distress NOS |
Qyu3000 | [X]Other respiratory distress of newborn |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
P22 | Respiratory distress of newborn |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ Q30..00 |
+ Respiratory distress syndrome |
+ Q30..11 |
+ Hyaline membrane disease |
+ Q30..12 |
+ Pulmonary hypoperfusion syndrome of newborn |
+ Q316.00 |
+ Newborn transitory tachypnoea |
+ Q316.11 |
+ Wet lung syndrome in newborn |
+ Q31y200 |
+ Perinatal respiratory distress NOS |
+ Qyu3000 |
+ [X]Other respiratory distress of newborn |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_RDN.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ P22 |
+ Respiratory distress of newborn |
+Respiratory failure
-Respiratory Failure
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had respiratory failure IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Respiratory failure' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Other respiratory failure diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. Other 'Respiratory failure' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of respiratory failure or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
Fy04.00 | Sleep-related respiratory failure |
H590.00 | Acute respiratory failure |
H591.00 | Chronic respiratory failure |
H592.00 | Chronic type 1 respiratory failure |
H593.00 | Chronic type 2 respiratory failure |
H59..00 | Respiratory failure |
R2y1.00 | [D]Respiratory failure |
R2y1z00 | [D]Respiratory failure NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J96 | Respiratory failure, not elsewhere classified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Respiratory failure' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ Fy04.00 |
+ Sleep-related respiratory failure |
+ H590.00 |
+ Acute respiratory failure |
+ H591.00 |
+ Chronic respiratory failure |
+ H592.00 |
+ Chronic type 1 respiratory failure |
+ H593.00 |
+ Chronic type 2 respiratory failure |
+ H59..00 |
+ Respiratory failure |
+ R2y1.00 |
+ [D]Respiratory failure |
+ R2y1z00 |
+ [D]Respiratory failure NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J96 |
+ Respiratory failure, not elsewhere classified |
+Retinal detachments and breaks
-Retinal Detachment
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Retinal detachments and breaks IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Retinal detachments and breaks's and breaks IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Retinal detachments and breaks diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Retinal detachments and breaks's and breaks diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Retinal detachments and breaks or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Retinal detachments and breaks's and breaks or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Retinal detachments during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1481.00 | H/O: retinal detachment |
7271000.0 | Xenon photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
7271100.0 | Laser photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
7271.00 | Photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
7271y00 | Other specified photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
7271z00 | Photocoagulation of retina for detachment NOS |
F410000 | Unspecified retinal detachment with retinal defect |
F410100 | New partial retinal detachment with single defect |
F410200 | New partial retinal detachment with multiple defects |
F410300 | New partial retinal detachment with giant tear defect |
F410400 | New partial retinal detachment with retinal dialysis |
F410500 | Recent total retinal detachment |
F410600 | Recent subtotal retinal detachment |
F410700 | Old partial retinal detachment |
F410800 | Old total retinal detachment |
F410900 | Old subtotal retinal detachment |
F410.00 | Retinal detachment with retinal defect |
F410z00 | Retinal detachment with defect NOS |
F413100 | Retinal round hole without detachment |
F413200 | Horseshoe retinal tear without detachment |
F413300 | Multiple retinal defects without detachment |
F413400 | Retinal break |
F413.00 | Retinal defects without detachment |
F413z00 | Retinal defects without detachment NOS |
F41..00 | Retinal detachments and defects |
F41..11 | Retinal tears |
F41y000 | Traction retinal detachment |
F41y.00 | Other forms of retinal detachment |
F41yz00 | Other retinal detachments NOS |
F41z.00 | Retinal detachment NOS |
FyuF400 | [X]Other retinal detachments |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H33.0 | Retinal detachment with retinal break |
H33.3 | Retinal breaks without detachment |
H33.4 | Traction detachment of retina |
H33.5 | Other retinal detachments |
-Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
C81 | Photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
C81.1 | Xenon photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
C81.2 | Laser photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
C81.8 | Other specified photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
C81.9 | Unspecified photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Retinal detachments and breaks's during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1481 |
+ H/O: retinal detachment |
+ 7271000 |
+ Xenon photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
+ 7271100 |
+ Laser photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
+ 7271 |
+ Photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
+ 7271y00 |
+ Other specified photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
+ 7271z00 |
+ Photocoagulation of retina for detachment NOS |
+ F410000 |
+ Unspecified retinal detachment with retinal defect |
+ F410100 |
+ New partial retinal detachment with single defect |
+ F410200 |
+ New partial retinal detachment with multiple defects |
+ F410300 |
+ New partial retinal detachment with giant tear defect |
+ F410400 |
+ New partial retinal detachment with retinal dialysis |
+ F410500 |
+ Recent total retinal detachment |
+ F410600 |
+ Recent subtotal retinal detachment |
+ F410700 |
+ Old partial retinal detachment |
+ F410800 |
+ Old total retinal detachment |
+ F410900 |
+ Old subtotal retinal detachment |
+ F410.00 |
+ Retinal detachment with retinal defect |
+ F410z00 |
+ Retinal detachment with defect NOS |
+ F413100 |
+ Retinal round hole without detachment |
+ F413200 |
+ Horseshoe retinal tear without detachment |
+ F413300 |
+ Multiple retinal defects without detachment |
+ F413400 |
+ Retinal break |
+ F413.00 |
+ Retinal defects without detachment |
+ F413z00 |
+ Retinal defects without detachment NOS |
+ F41..00 |
+ Retinal detachments and defects |
+ F41..11 |
+ Retinal tears |
+ F41y000 |
+ Traction retinal detachment |
+ F41y.00 |
+ Other forms of retinal detachment |
+ F41yz00 |
+ Other retinal detachments NOS |
+ F41z.00 |
+ Retinal detachment NOS |
+ FyuF400 |
+ [X]Other retinal detachments |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H33.0 |
+ Retinal detachment with retinal break |
+ H33.3 |
+ Retinal breaks without detachment |
+ H33.4 |
+ Traction detachment of retina |
+ H33.5 |
+ Other retinal detachments |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ C81 |
+ Photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
+ C81.1 |
+ Xenon photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
+ C81.2 |
+ Laser photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
+ C81.8 |
+ Other specified photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
+ C81.9 |
+ Unspecified photocoagulation of retina for detachment |
+Retinal vascular occlusions
-Retinal Vascular Occlusions
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Retinal vascular occlusions IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Retinal vascular occlusions' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Retinal vascular occlusions diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Retinal vascular occlusions' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Retinal vascular occlusions or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F423000 | Unspecified retinal vascular occlusion |
F423100 | Central retinal artery occlusion |
F423200 | Retinal arterial branch occlusion |
F423211 | Branch retinal artery occlusion |
F423300 | Retinal microembolism |
F423400 | Hollenhorst plaque |
F423500 | Retinal partial arterial occlusion NOS |
F423700 | Retinal transient arterial occlusion NOS |
F423800 | Central retinal vein occlusion |
F423811 | Retinal vein thrombosis |
F423900 | Retinal venous branch occlusion |
F423911 | Branch retinal vein occlusion |
F423A00 | Retinal venous engorgement |
F423.00 | Retinal vascular occlusion |
F423z00 | Retinal vascular occlusion NOS |
F42y700 | Retinal cotton wool spots |
FyuF500 | [X]Other retinal artery occlusions |
FyuF600 | [X]Other retinal vascular occlusions |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H34 | Retinal vascular occlusions |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Retinal vascular occlusions' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F423000 |
+ Unspecified retinal vascular occlusion |
+ F423100 |
+ Central retinal artery occlusion |
+ F423200 |
+ Retinal arterial branch occlusion |
+ F423211 |
+ Branch retinal artery occlusion |
+ F423300 |
+ Retinal microembolism |
+ F423400 |
+ Hollenhorst plaque |
+ F423500 |
+ Retinal partial arterial occlusion NOS |
+ F423700 |
+ Retinal transient arterial occlusion NOS |
+ F423800 |
+ Central retinal vein occlusion |
+ F423811 |
+ Retinal vein thrombosis |
+ F423900 |
+ Retinal venous branch occlusion |
+ F423911 |
+ Branch retinal vein occlusion |
+ F423A00 |
+ Retinal venous engorgement |
+ F423.00 |
+ Retinal vascular occlusion |
+ F423z00 |
+ Retinal vascular occlusion NOS |
+ F42y700 |
+ Retinal cotton wool spots |
+ FyuF500 |
+ [X]Other retinal artery occlusions |
+ FyuF600 |
+ [X]Other retinal vascular occlusions |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H34 |
+ Retinal vascular occlusions |
+Rheumatic fever
-Rheumatic Fever
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Rheumatic fever IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Rheumatic fever' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Rheumatic fever diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Rheumatic fever' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Rheumatic fever or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14A1.00 | H/O: rheumatic fever |
G00..00 | Rheumatic fever without heart involvement |
G010.00 | Acute rheumatic pericarditis |
G011.00 | Acute rheumatic endocarditis |
G012.00 | Acute rheumatic myocarditis |
G01..00 | Rheumatic fever with heart involvement |
G01y000 | Acute rheumatic pancarditis |
G01y.00 | Other acute rheumatic heart disease |
G01yz00 | Other acute rheumatic heart disease NOS |
G01z.00 | Acute rheumatic heart disease NOS |
G020.00 | Rheumatic chorea with heart involvement |
G021.00 | Rheumatic chorea without mention of heart involvement |
G02..00 | Rheumatic chorea |
G02..11 | Sydenham's chorea |
G02z.00 | Rheumatic chorea NOS |
G0...00 | Acute rheumatic fever |
G0y..00 | Other specified acute rheumatic fever |
G0z..00 | Acute rheumatic fever NOS |
G100.00 | Adherent rheumatic pericardium |
G102.00 | Chronic rheumatic myopericarditis |
G10..00 | Chronic rheumatic pericarditis |
G110.11 | Rheumatic mitral stenosis |
G111.00 | Rheumatic mitral insufficiency |
G111.11 | Mitral incompetence - rheumatic |
G111.12 | Mitral regurgitation - rheumatic |
G11..11 | Rheumatic mitral valve disease |
G120.00 | Rheumatic aortic stenosis |
G121.00 | Rheumatic aortic insufficiency |
G121.11 | Aortic incompetence - rheumatic |
G121.12 | Aortic regurgitation - rheumatic |
G122.00 | Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency |
G12..00 | Rheumatic aortic valve disease |
G12z.00 | Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS |
G140000 | Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis |
G140100 | Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency |
G140111 | Tricuspid regurgitation - rheumatic |
G140112 | Tricuspid incompetence - rheumatic |
G140200 | Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency |
G14021X | Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and regurgitation |
G14021Y | Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and incompetence |
G140z00 | Rheumatic tricuspid valve disease NOS |
G141000 | Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis |
G141100 | Rheumatic pulmonary insufficiency |
G141200 | Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis and insufficiency |
G141.00 | Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease |
G141z00 | Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease NOS |
G14..00 | Other chronic rheumatic endocardial disease |
G14z.00 | Rheumatic endocarditis NOS |
G14z.11 | Rheumatic valvulitis, chronic NOS |
G1...00 | Chronic rheumatic heart disease |
G1y0.00 | Rheumatic myocarditis |
G1y..00 | Other specified chronic rheumatic heart disease |
G1yz000 | Rheumatic heart disease unspecified |
G1yz100 | Rheumatic left ventricular failure |
G1yz.00 | Other and unspecified rheumatic heart disease |
G1yzz00 | Other rheumatic heart disease NOS |
G1z..00 | Chronic rheumatic heart disease NOS |
GA0..00 | Carditis due to rheumatic fever |
GA...00 | Rheumatic heart disease |
Gyu0000 | [X]Other acute rheumatic heart disease |
Gyu0.00 | [X]Acute rheumatic fever |
Gyu1100 | [X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
H571.00 | Rheumatic pneumonia |
M15y600 | Erythema marginatum in acute rheumatic fever |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I00 | Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement |
I01 | Rheumatic fever with heart involvement |
I02 | Rheumatic chorea |
I05 | Rheumatic mitral valve diseases |
I06 | Rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
I07 | Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases |
I09 | Other rheumatic heart diseases |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Rheumatic fever' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14A1.00 |
+ H/O: rheumatic fever |
+ G00..00 |
+ Rheumatic fever without heart involvement |
+ G010.00 |
+ Acute rheumatic pericarditis |
+ G011.00 |
+ Acute rheumatic endocarditis |
+ G012.00 |
+ Acute rheumatic myocarditis |
+ G01..00 |
+ Rheumatic fever with heart involvement |
+ G01y000 |
+ Acute rheumatic pancarditis |
+ G01y.00 |
+ Other acute rheumatic heart disease |
+ G01yz00 |
+ Other acute rheumatic heart disease NOS |
+ G01z.00 |
+ Acute rheumatic heart disease NOS |
+ G020.00 |
+ Rheumatic chorea with heart involvement |
+ G021.00 |
+ Rheumatic chorea without mention of heart involvement |
+ G02..00 |
+ Rheumatic chorea |
+ G02..11 |
+ Sydenham's chorea |
+ G02z.00 |
+ Rheumatic chorea NOS |
+ G0...00 |
+ Acute rheumatic fever |
+ G0y..00 |
+ Other specified acute rheumatic fever |
+ G0z..00 |
+ Acute rheumatic fever NOS |
+ G100.00 |
+ Adherent rheumatic pericardium |
+ G102.00 |
+ Chronic rheumatic myopericarditis |
+ G10..00 |
+ Chronic rheumatic pericarditis |
+ G110.11 |
+ Rheumatic mitral stenosis |
+ G111.00 |
+ Rheumatic mitral insufficiency |
+ G111.11 |
+ Mitral incompetence - rheumatic |
+ G111.12 |
+ Mitral regurgitation - rheumatic |
+ G11..11 |
+ Rheumatic mitral valve disease |
+ G120.00 |
+ Rheumatic aortic stenosis |
+ G121.00 |
+ Rheumatic aortic insufficiency |
+ G121.11 |
+ Aortic incompetence - rheumatic |
+ G121.12 |
+ Aortic regurgitation - rheumatic |
+ G122.00 |
+ Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency |
+ G12..00 |
+ Rheumatic aortic valve disease |
+ G12z.00 |
+ Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS |
+ G140000 |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis |
+ G140100 |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency |
+ G140111 |
+ Tricuspid regurgitation - rheumatic |
+ G140112 |
+ Tricuspid incompetence - rheumatic |
+ G140200 |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency |
+ G14021X |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and regurgitation |
+ G14021Y |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and incompetence |
+ G140z00 |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid valve disease NOS |
+ G141000 |
+ Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis |
+ G141100 |
+ Rheumatic pulmonary insufficiency |
+ G141200 |
+ Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis and insufficiency |
+ G141.00 |
+ Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease |
+ G141z00 |
+ Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease NOS |
+ G14..00 |
+ Other chronic rheumatic endocardial disease |
+ G14z.00 |
+ Rheumatic endocarditis NOS |
+ G14z.11 |
+ Rheumatic valvulitis, chronic NOS |
+ G1...00 |
+ Chronic rheumatic heart disease |
+ G1y0.00 |
+ Rheumatic myocarditis |
+ G1y..00 |
+ Other specified chronic rheumatic heart disease |
+ G1yz000 |
+ Rheumatic heart disease unspecified |
+ G1yz100 |
+ Rheumatic left ventricular failure |
+ G1yz.00 |
+ Other and unspecified rheumatic heart disease |
+ G1yzz00 |
+ Other rheumatic heart disease NOS |
+ G1z..00 |
+ Chronic rheumatic heart disease NOS |
+ GA0..00 |
+ Carditis due to rheumatic fever |
+ GA...00 |
+ Rheumatic heart disease |
+ Gyu0000 |
+ [X]Other acute rheumatic heart disease |
+ Gyu0.00 |
+ [X]Acute rheumatic fever |
+ Gyu1100 |
+ [X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
+ H571.00 |
+ Rheumatic pneumonia |
+ M15y600 |
+ Erythema marginatum in acute rheumatic fever |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I00 |
+ Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement |
+ I01 |
+ Rheumatic fever with heart involvement |
+ I02 |
+ Rheumatic chorea |
+ I05 |
+ Rheumatic mitral valve diseases |
+ I06 |
+ Rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
+ I07 |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases |
+ I09 |
+ Other rheumatic heart diseases |
+Rheumatic valve dz
-Rheumatic Valve Disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Rheumatic valve disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Rheumatic valve dz' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Rheumatic valve disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Rheumatic valve dz' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Rheumatic valve disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G110.00 | Mitral stenosis |
G110.11 | Rheumatic mitral stenosis |
G111.00 | Rheumatic mitral insufficiency |
G111.11 | Mitral incompetence - rheumatic |
G111.12 | Mitral regurgitation - rheumatic |
G112.00 | Mitral stenosis with insufficiency |
G112.12 | Mitral stenosis with incompetence |
G112.13 | Mitral stenosis with regurgitation |
G11..11 | Rheumatic mitral valve disease |
G120.00 | Rheumatic aortic stenosis |
G121.00 | Rheumatic aortic insufficiency |
G121.11 | Aortic incompetence - rheumatic |
G121.12 | Aortic regurgitation - rheumatic |
G122.00 | Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency |
G12..00 | Rheumatic aortic valve disease |
G12z.00 | Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS |
G140000 | Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis |
G140100 | Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency |
G140111 | Tricuspid regurgitation - rheumatic |
G140112 | Tricuspid incompetence - rheumatic |
G140200 | Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency |
G14021X | Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and regurgitation |
G14021Y | Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and incompetence |
G140z00 | Rheumatic tricuspid valve disease NOS |
G141000 | Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis |
G141100 | Rheumatic pulmonary insufficiency |
G141200 | Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis and insufficiency |
G141.00 | Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease |
G141z00 | Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease NOS |
G14z.11 | Rheumatic valvulitis, chronic NOS |
Gyu1100 | [X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I05 | Rheumatic mitral valve diseases |
I06 | Rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
I07 | Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Rheumatic valve dz' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G110.00 |
+ Mitral stenosis |
+ G110.11 |
+ Rheumatic mitral stenosis |
+ G111.00 |
+ Rheumatic mitral insufficiency |
+ G111.11 |
+ Mitral incompetence - rheumatic |
+ G111.12 |
+ Mitral regurgitation - rheumatic |
+ G112.00 |
+ Mitral stenosis with insufficiency |
+ G112.12 |
+ Mitral stenosis with incompetence |
+ G112.13 |
+ Mitral stenosis with regurgitation |
+ G11..11 |
+ Rheumatic mitral valve disease |
+ G120.00 |
+ Rheumatic aortic stenosis |
+ G121.00 |
+ Rheumatic aortic insufficiency |
+ G121.11 |
+ Aortic incompetence - rheumatic |
+ G121.12 |
+ Aortic regurgitation - rheumatic |
+ G122.00 |
+ Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency |
+ G12..00 |
+ Rheumatic aortic valve disease |
+ G12z.00 |
+ Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS |
+ G140000 |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis |
+ G140100 |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency |
+ G140111 |
+ Tricuspid regurgitation - rheumatic |
+ G140112 |
+ Tricuspid incompetence - rheumatic |
+ G140200 |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency |
+ G14021X |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and regurgitation |
+ G14021Y |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and incompetence |
+ G140z00 |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid valve disease NOS |
+ G141000 |
+ Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis |
+ G141100 |
+ Rheumatic pulmonary insufficiency |
+ G141200 |
+ Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis and insufficiency |
+ G141.00 |
+ Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease |
+ G141z00 |
+ Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease NOS |
+ G14z.11 |
+ Rheumatic valvulitis, chronic NOS |
+ Gyu1100 |
+ [X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I05 |
+ Rheumatic mitral valve diseases |
+ I06 |
+ Rheumatic aortic valve diseases |
+ I07 |
+ Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases |
+Rheumatoid Arthritis
-Rheumatoid Arthritis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Rheumatoid Arthritis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Rheumatoid Arthritis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Rheumatoid Arthritis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Rheumatoid Arthritis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14G1.00 | H/O: rheumatoid arthritis |
2G25.00 | O/E - hands - ulnar deviation |
2G25.11 | O/E - ulnar deviation |
2G27.00 | O/E-hands-rheumatoid spindling |
66H..13 | Rheumatoid arthrit. monitoring |
7P20300 | Delivery of rehabilitation for rheumatoid arthritis |
9mM0.00 | Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation first letter |
9mM1.00 | Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation second letter |
9mM2.00 | Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation third letter |
9mM3.00 | Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring verbal invitation |
9mM4.00 | Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring telephone invitation |
9mM..00 | Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation |
F371200 | Polyneuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis |
F396400 | Myopathy due to rheumatoid arthritis |
G5y8.00 | Rheumatoid myocarditis |
G5yA.00 | Rheumatoid carditis |
H570.00 | Rheumatoid lung |
N362200 | Swan-neck finger deformity |
N040000 | Rheumatoid arthritis of cervical spine |
N040100 | Other rheumatoid arthritis of spine |
N040200 | Rheumatoid arthritis of shoulder |
N040300 | Rheumatoid arthritis of sternoclavicular joint |
N040400 | Rheumatoid arthritis of acromioclavicular joint |
N040500 | Rheumatoid arthritis of elbow |
N040600 | Rheumatoid arthritis of distal radio-ulnar joint |
N040700 | Rheumatoid arthritis of wrist |
N040800 | Rheumatoid arthritis of MCP joint |
N040900 | Rheumatoid arthritis of PIP joint of finger |
N040A00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of DIP joint of finger |
N040B00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of hip |
N040C00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of sacro-iliac joint |
N040D00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of knee |
N040E00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of tibio-fibular joint |
N040F00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of ankle |
N040G00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of subtalar joint |
N040H00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of talonavicular joint |
N040J00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of other tarsal joint |
N040K00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of 1st MTP joint |
N040L00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of lesser MTP joint |
N040M00 | Rheumatoid arthritis of IP joint of toe |
N040.00 | Rheumatoid arthritis |
N040N00 | Rheumatoid vasculitis |
N040P00 | Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis |
N040Q00 | Rheumatoid bursitis |
N040R00 | Rheumatoid nodule |
N040S00 | Rheumatoid arthritis - multiple joint |
N040T00 | Flare of rheumatoid arthritis |
N041.00 | Felty's syndrome |
N042100 | Rheumatoid lung disease |
N042200 | Rheumatoid nodule |
N042.00 | Other rheumatoid arthropathy + visceral/systemic involvement |
N042z00 | Rheumatoid arthropathy + visceral/systemic involvement NOS |
N047.00 | Seropositive errosive rheumatoid arthritis |
N04..00 | Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathy |
N04X.00 | Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis |
N04y000 | Rheumatoid lung |
N04y011 | Caplan's syndrome |
N04y012 | Fibrosing alveolitis associated with rheumatoid arthritis |
N04y200 | Adult-onset Still's disease |
N005.00 | Adult Still's Disease |
Nyu1000 | [X]Rheumatoid arthritis+involvement/other organs or systems |
Nyu1100 | [X]Other seropositive rheumatoid arthritis |
Nyu1200 | [X]Other specified rheumatoid arthritis |
Nyu1G00 | [X]Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis unspecified |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
J99.0 | Rheumatoid lung disease |
M05 | Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis |
M06 | Other rheumatoid arthritis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Rheumatoid Arthritis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14G1.00 |
+ H/O: rheumatoid arthritis |
+ 2G25.00 |
+ O/E - hands - ulnar deviation |
+ 2G25.11 |
+ O/E - ulnar deviation |
+ 2G27.00 |
+ O/E-hands-rheumatoid spindling |
+ 66H..13 |
+ Rheumatoid arthrit. monitoring |
+ 7P20300 |
+ Delivery of rehabilitation for rheumatoid arthritis |
+ 9mM0.00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation first letter |
+ 9mM1.00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation second letter |
+ 9mM2.00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation third letter |
+ 9mM3.00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring verbal invitation |
+ 9mM4.00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring telephone invitation |
+ 9mM..00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation |
+ F371200 |
+ Polyneuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis |
+ F396400 |
+ Myopathy due to rheumatoid arthritis |
+ G5y8.00 |
+ Rheumatoid myocarditis |
+ G5yA.00 |
+ Rheumatoid carditis |
+ H570.00 |
+ Rheumatoid lung |
+ N362200 |
+ Swan-neck finger deformity |
+ N040000 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of cervical spine |
+ N040100 |
+ Other rheumatoid arthritis of spine |
+ N040200 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of shoulder |
+ N040300 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of sternoclavicular joint |
+ N040400 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of acromioclavicular joint |
+ N040500 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of elbow |
+ N040600 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of distal radio-ulnar joint |
+ N040700 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of wrist |
+ N040800 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of MCP joint |
+ N040900 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of PIP joint of finger |
+ N040A00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of DIP joint of finger |
+ N040B00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of hip |
+ N040C00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of sacro-iliac joint |
+ N040D00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of knee |
+ N040E00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of tibio-fibular joint |
+ N040F00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of ankle |
+ N040G00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of subtalar joint |
+ N040H00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of talonavicular joint |
+ N040J00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of other tarsal joint |
+ N040K00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of 1st MTP joint |
+ N040L00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of lesser MTP joint |
+ N040M00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis of IP joint of toe |
+ N040.00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis |
+ N040N00 |
+ Rheumatoid vasculitis |
+ N040P00 |
+ Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis |
+ N040Q00 |
+ Rheumatoid bursitis |
+ N040R00 |
+ Rheumatoid nodule |
+ N040S00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis - multiple joint |
+ N040T00 |
+ Flare of rheumatoid arthritis |
+ N041.00 |
+ Felty's syndrome |
+ N042100 |
+ Rheumatoid lung disease |
+ N042200 |
+ Rheumatoid nodule |
+ N042.00 |
+ Other rheumatoid arthropathy + visceral/systemic involvement |
+ N042z00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthropathy + visceral/systemic involvement NOS |
+ N047.00 |
+ Seropositive errosive rheumatoid arthritis |
+ N04..00 |
+ Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathy |
+ N04X.00 |
+ Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis |
+ N04y000 |
+ Rheumatoid lung |
+ N04y011 |
+ Caplan's syndrome |
+ N04y012 |
+ Fibrosing alveolitis associated with rheumatoid arthritis |
+ N04y200 |
+ Adult-onset Still's disease |
+ N005.00 |
+ Adult Still's Disease |
+ Nyu1000 |
+ [X]Rheumatoid arthritis+involvement/other organs or systems |
+ Nyu1100 |
+ [X]Other seropositive rheumatoid arthritis |
+ Nyu1200 |
+ [X]Other specified rheumatoid arthritis |
+ Nyu1G00 |
+ [X]Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis unspecified |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_RhA.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ J99.0 |
+ Rheumatoid lung disease |
+ M05 |
+ Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis |
+ M06 |
+ Other rheumatoid arthritis |
+Right bundle branch block
-Right Bundle Branch Block
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Right bundle branch block IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Right bundle branch block' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Right bundle branch block diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Right bundle branch block' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Right bundle branch block or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
3299.00 | ECG: right bundle branch block |
G564.00 | Right bundle branch block |
G566200 | Right fascicular block |
G56y400 | Right fascicular block |
Gyu5W00 | [X]Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I45.1 | Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Right bundle branch block' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 3299 |
+ ECG: right bundle branch block |
+ G564.00 |
+ Right bundle branch block |
+ G566200 |
+ Right fascicular block |
+ G56y400 |
+ Right fascicular block |
+ Gyu5W00 |
+ [X]Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_RBBB.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I45.1 |
+ Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Rosacea IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Rosacea' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Rosacea diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Rosacea' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Rosacea or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F4C3100 | Rosacea conjunctivitis |
M153000 | Acne rosacea |
M153100 | Rhinophyma |
M153200 | Rosacea hypertrophica |
M153300 | Lupoid rosacea |
M153400 | Ocular rosacea |
M153.00 | Rosacea |
M153z00 | Rosacea NOS |
Myu6900 | [X]Other rosacea |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L71.1 | Rhinophyma |
L71.8 | Other rosacea |
L71.9 | Rosacea, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Rosacea' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F4C3100 |
+ Rosacea conjunctivitis |
+ M153000 |
+ Acne rosacea |
+ M153100 |
+ Rhinophyma |
+ M153200 |
+ Rosacea hypertrophica |
+ M153300 |
+ Lupoid rosacea |
+ M153400 |
+ Ocular rosacea |
+ M153.00 |
+ Rosacea |
+ M153z00 |
+ Rosacea NOS |
+ Myu6900 |
+ [X]Other rosacea |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L71.1 |
+ Rhinophyma |
+ L71.8 |
+ Other rosacea |
+ L71.9 |
+ Rosacea, unspecified |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Sarcoidosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Sarcoidosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Sarcoidosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Sarcoidosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Sarcoidosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
AD50.00 | Sarcoidosis of lung |
AD51.00 | Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes |
AD52.00 | Sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes |
AD53000 | Lupus pernio |
AD53.00 | Sarcoidosis of skin |
AD54.00 | Sarcoidosis of inferior turbinates |
AD55.00 | Sarcoid arthropathy |
AD5..00 | Sarcoidosis |
Cyu0600 | [X]Sarcoidosis of other and combined sites |
F013.00 | Meningitis due to sarcoidosis |
F326300 | Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis |
F374900 | Polyneuropathy in sarcoidosis |
F396500 | Myopathy due to sarcoidosis |
G558300 | Sarcoid heart disease |
G5y7.00 | Sarcoid myocarditis |
H57y200 | Pulmonary sarcoidosis |
J63A.00 | Hepatic granulomas in sarcoidosis |
N233200 | Myositis in sarcoidosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D86 | Sarcoidosis |
G53.2 | Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis |
M63.3 | Myositis in sarcoidosis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Sarcoidosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ AD50.00 |
+ Sarcoidosis of lung |
+ AD51.00 |
+ Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes |
+ AD52.00 |
+ Sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes |
+ AD53000 |
+ Lupus pernio |
+ AD53.00 |
+ Sarcoidosis of skin |
+ AD54.00 |
+ Sarcoidosis of inferior turbinates |
+ AD55.00 |
+ Sarcoid arthropathy |
+ AD5..00 |
+ Sarcoidosis |
+ Cyu0600 |
+ [X]Sarcoidosis of other and combined sites |
+ F013.00 |
+ Meningitis due to sarcoidosis |
+ F326300 |
+ Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis |
+ F374900 |
+ Polyneuropathy in sarcoidosis |
+ F396500 |
+ Myopathy due to sarcoidosis |
+ G558300 |
+ Sarcoid heart disease |
+ G5y7.00 |
+ Sarcoid myocarditis |
+ H57y200 |
+ Pulmonary sarcoidosis |
+ J63A.00 |
+ Hepatic granulomas in sarcoidosis |
+ N233200 |
+ Myositis in sarcoidosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D86 |
+ Sarcoidosis |
+ G53.2 |
+ Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis |
+ M63.3 |
+ Myositis in sarcoidosis |
+Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders', schizotypal and delusional disorders IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders', schizotypal and delusional disorders diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1464.00 | H/O: schizophrenia |
146H.00 | H/O: psychosis |
212W.00 | Schizophrenia resolved |
212X.00 | Psychosis resolved |
285..11 | Psychotic condition, insight present |
286..11 | Poor insight into psychotic condition |
E100000 | Unspecified schizophrenia |
E100100 | Subchronic schizophrenia |
E100200 | Chronic schizophrenic |
E100300 | Acute exacerbation of subchronic schizophrenia |
E100400 | Acute exacerbation of chronic schizophrenia |
E100500 | Schizophrenia in remission |
E100.00 | Simple schizophrenia |
E100.11 | Schizophrenia simplex |
E100z00 | Simple schizophrenia NOS |
E101000 | Unspecified hebephrenic schizophrenia |
E101400 | Acute exacerbation of chronic hebephrenic schizophrenia |
E101500 | Hebephrenic schizophrenia in remission |
E101.00 | Hebephrenic schizophrenia |
E101z00 | Hebephrenic schizophrenia NOS |
E102000 | Unspecified catatonic schizophrenia |
E102100 | Subchronic catatonic schizophrenia |
E102400 | Acute exacerbation of chronic catatonic schizophrenia |
E102500 | Catatonic schizophrenia in remission |
E102.00 | Catatonic schizophrenia |
E102z00 | Catatonic schizophrenia NOS |
E103000 | Unspecified paranoid schizophrenia |
E103100 | Subchronic paranoid schizophrenia |
E103200 | Chronic paranoid schizophrenia |
E103300 | Acute exacerbation of subchronic paranoid schizophrenia |
E103400 | Acute exacerbation of chronic paranoid schizophrenia |
E103500 | Paranoid schizophrenia in remission |
E103.00 | Paranoid schizophrenia |
E103z00 | Paranoid schizophrenia NOS |
E105000 | Unspecified latent schizophrenia |
E105200 | Chronic latent schizophrenia |
E105500 | Latent schizophrenia in remission |
E105.00 | Latent schizophrenia |
E105z00 | Latent schizophrenia NOS |
E106.00 | Residual schizophrenia |
E107000 | Unspecified schizo-affective schizophrenia |
E107100 | Subchronic schizo-affective schizophrenia |
E107200 | Chronic schizo-affective schizophrenia |
E107300 | Acute exacerbation subchronic schizo-affective schizophrenia |
E107400 | Acute exacerbation of chronic schizo-affective schizophrenia |
E107500 | Schizo-affective schizophrenia in remission |
E107.00 | Schizo-affective schizophrenia |
E107.11 | Cyclic schizophrenia |
E107z00 | Schizo-affective schizophrenia NOS |
E10..00 | Schizophrenic disorders |
E10y000 | Atypical schizophrenia |
E10y100 | Coenesthopathic schizophrenia |
E10y.00 | Other schizophrenia |
E10y.11 | Cenesthopathic schizophrenia |
E10yz00 | Other schizophrenia NOS |
E10z.00 | Schizophrenia NOS |
E120.00 | Simple paranoid state |
E121.00 | Chronic paranoid psychosis |
E121.11 | Sander's disease |
E122.00 | Paraphrenia |
E12..00 | Paranoid states |
E12y000 | Paranoia querulans |
E12y.00 | Other paranoid states |
E12yz00 | Other paranoid states NOS |
E12z.00 | Paranoid psychosis NOS |
E1...00 | Non-organic psychoses |
E1y..00 | Other specified non-organic psychoses |
E1z..00 | Non-organic psychosis NOS |
Eu20000 | [X]Paranoid schizophrenia |
Eu20011 | [X]Paraphrenic schizophrenia |
Eu20100 | [X]Hebephrenic schizophrenia |
Eu20111 | [X]Disorganised schizophrenia |
Eu20200 | [X]Catatonic schizophrenia |
Eu20211 | [X]Catatonic stupor |
Eu20212 | [X]Schizophrenic catalepsy |
Eu20213 | [X]Schizophrenic catatonia |
Eu20214 | [X]Schizophrenic flexibilatis cerea |
Eu20300 | [X]Undifferentiated schizophrenia |
Eu20311 | [X]Atypical schizophrenia |
Eu20400 | [X]Post-schizophrenic depression |
Eu20500 | [X]Residual schizophrenia |
Eu20511 | [X]Chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia |
Eu20600 | [X]Simple schizophrenia |
Eu20.00 | [X]Schizophrenia |
Eu20y00 | [X]Other schizophrenia |
Eu20y12 | [X]Schizophreniform disord NOS |
Eu20y13 | [X]Schizophrenifrm psychos NOS |
Eu20z00 | [X]Schizophrenia, unspecified |
Eu21.00 | [X]Schizotypal disorder |
Eu21.11 | [X]Latent schizophrenic reaction |
Eu21.12 | [X]Borderline schizophrenia |
Eu21.13 | [X]Latent schizophrenia |
Eu21.14 | [X]Prepsychotic schizophrenia |
Eu21.15 | [X]Prodromal schizophrenia |
Eu21.16 | [X]Pseudoneurotic schizophrenia |
Eu21.17 | [X]Pseudopsychopathic schizophrenia |
Eu22000 | [X]Delusional disorder |
Eu22011 | [X]Paranoid psychosis |
Eu22012 | [X]Paranoid state |
Eu22013 | [X]Paraphrenia - late |
Eu22014 | [X]Sensitiver Beziehungswahn |
Eu22015 | [X]Paranoia |
Eu22100 | [X]Delusional misidentification syndrome |
Eu22111 | [X]Capgras syndrome |
Eu22200 | [X]Cotard syndrome |
Eu22300 | [X]Paranoid state in remission |
Eu22.00 | [X]Persistent delusional disorders |
Eu22y00 | [X]Other persistent delusional disorders |
Eu22y11 | [X]Delusional dysmorphophobia |
Eu22y12 | [X]Involutional paranoid state |
Eu22y13 | [X]Paranoia querulans |
Eu22z00 | [X]Persistent delusional disorder, unspecified |
Eu25000 | [X]Schizoaffective disorder, manic type |
Eu25011 | [X]Schizoaffective psychosis, manic type |
Eu25012 | [X]Schizophreniform psychosis, manic type |
Eu25100 | [X]Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type |
Eu25111 | [X]Schizoaffective psychosis, depressive type |
Eu25112 | [X]Schizophreniform psychosis, depressive type |
Eu25200 | [X]Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type |
Eu25211 | [X]Cyclic schizophrenia |
Eu25212 | [X]Mixed schizophrenic and affective psychosis |
Eu25.00 | [X]Schizoaffective disorders |
Eu25y00 | [X]Other schizoaffective disorders |
Eu25z00 | [X]Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified |
Eu25z11 | [X]Schizoaffective psychosis NOS |
Eu26.00 | [X]Nonorganic psychosis in remission |
Eu2..00 | [X]Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders |
Eu2y.00 | [X]Other nonorganic psychotic disorders |
Eu2y.11 | [X]Chronic hallucinatory psychosis |
Eu2z.00 | [X]Unspecified nonorganic psychosis |
Eu2z.11 | [X]Psychosis NOS |
ZV11000 | [V]Personal history of schizophrenia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
F20 | Schizophrenia |
F21 | Schizotypal disorder |
F22 | Persistent delusional disorders |
F25 | Schizoaffective disorders |
F28 | Other nonorganic psychotic disorders |
F29 | Unspecified nonorganic psychosis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders', schizotypal and delusional disorders or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1464 |
+ H/O: schizophrenia |
+ 146H.00 |
+ H/O: psychosis |
+ 212W.00 |
+ Schizophrenia resolved |
+ 212X.00 |
+ Psychosis resolved |
+ 285..11 |
+ Psychotic condition, insight present |
+ 286..11 |
+ Poor insight into psychotic condition |
+ E100000 |
+ Unspecified schizophrenia |
+ E100100 |
+ Subchronic schizophrenia |
+ E100200 |
+ Chronic schizophrenic |
+ E100300 |
+ Acute exacerbation of subchronic schizophrenia |
+ E100400 |
+ Acute exacerbation of chronic schizophrenia |
+ E100500 |
+ Schizophrenia in remission |
+ E100.00 |
+ Simple schizophrenia |
+ E100.11 |
+ Schizophrenia simplex |
+ E100z00 |
+ Simple schizophrenia NOS |
+ E101000 |
+ Unspecified hebephrenic schizophrenia |
+ E101400 |
+ Acute exacerbation of chronic hebephrenic schizophrenia |
+ E101500 |
+ Hebephrenic schizophrenia in remission |
+ E101.00 |
+ Hebephrenic schizophrenia |
+ E101z00 |
+ Hebephrenic schizophrenia NOS |
+ E102000 |
+ Unspecified catatonic schizophrenia |
+ E102100 |
+ Subchronic catatonic schizophrenia |
+ E102400 |
+ Acute exacerbation of chronic catatonic schizophrenia |
+ E102500 |
+ Catatonic schizophrenia in remission |
+ E102.00 |
+ Catatonic schizophrenia |
+ E102z00 |
+ Catatonic schizophrenia NOS |
+ E103000 |
+ Unspecified paranoid schizophrenia |
+ E103100 |
+ Subchronic paranoid schizophrenia |
+ E103200 |
+ Chronic paranoid schizophrenia |
+ E103300 |
+ Acute exacerbation of subchronic paranoid schizophrenia |
+ E103400 |
+ Acute exacerbation of chronic paranoid schizophrenia |
+ E103500 |
+ Paranoid schizophrenia in remission |
+ E103.00 |
+ Paranoid schizophrenia |
+ E103z00 |
+ Paranoid schizophrenia NOS |
+ E105000 |
+ Unspecified latent schizophrenia |
+ E105200 |
+ Chronic latent schizophrenia |
+ E105500 |
+ Latent schizophrenia in remission |
+ E105.00 |
+ Latent schizophrenia |
+ E105z00 |
+ Latent schizophrenia NOS |
+ E106.00 |
+ Residual schizophrenia |
+ E107000 |
+ Unspecified schizo-affective schizophrenia |
+ E107100 |
+ Subchronic schizo-affective schizophrenia |
+ E107200 |
+ Chronic schizo-affective schizophrenia |
+ E107300 |
+ Acute exacerbation subchronic schizo-affective schizophrenia |
+ E107400 |
+ Acute exacerbation of chronic schizo-affective schizophrenia |
+ E107500 |
+ Schizo-affective schizophrenia in remission |
+ E107.00 |
+ Schizo-affective schizophrenia |
+ E107.11 |
+ Cyclic schizophrenia |
+ E107z00 |
+ Schizo-affective schizophrenia NOS |
+ E10..00 |
+ Schizophrenic disorders |
+ E10y000 |
+ Atypical schizophrenia |
+ E10y100 |
+ Coenesthopathic schizophrenia |
+ E10y.00 |
+ Other schizophrenia |
+ E10y.11 |
+ Cenesthopathic schizophrenia |
+ E10yz00 |
+ Other schizophrenia NOS |
+ E10z.00 |
+ Schizophrenia NOS |
+ E120.00 |
+ Simple paranoid state |
+ E121.00 |
+ Chronic paranoid psychosis |
+ E121.11 |
+ Sander's disease |
+ E122.00 |
+ Paraphrenia |
+ E12..00 |
+ Paranoid states |
+ E12y000 |
+ Paranoia querulans |
+ E12y.00 |
+ Other paranoid states |
+ E12yz00 |
+ Other paranoid states NOS |
+ E12z.00 |
+ Paranoid psychosis NOS |
+ E1...00 |
+ Non-organic psychoses |
+ E1y..00 |
+ Other specified non-organic psychoses |
+ E1z..00 |
+ Non-organic psychosis NOS |
+ Eu20000 |
+ [X]Paranoid schizophrenia |
+ Eu20011 |
+ [X]Paraphrenic schizophrenia |
+ Eu20100 |
+ [X]Hebephrenic schizophrenia |
+ Eu20111 |
+ [X]Disorganised schizophrenia |
+ Eu20200 |
+ [X]Catatonic schizophrenia |
+ Eu20211 |
+ [X]Catatonic stupor |
+ Eu20212 |
+ [X]Schizophrenic catalepsy |
+ Eu20213 |
+ [X]Schizophrenic catatonia |
+ Eu20214 |
+ [X]Schizophrenic flexibilatis cerea |
+ Eu20300 |
+ [X]Undifferentiated schizophrenia |
+ Eu20311 |
+ [X]Atypical schizophrenia |
+ Eu20400 |
+ [X]Post-schizophrenic depression |
+ Eu20500 |
+ [X]Residual schizophrenia |
+ Eu20511 |
+ [X]Chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia |
+ Eu20600 |
+ [X]Simple schizophrenia |
+ Eu20.00 |
+ [X]Schizophrenia |
+ Eu20y00 |
+ [X]Other schizophrenia |
+ Eu20y12 |
+ [X]Schizophreniform disord NOS |
+ Eu20y13 |
+ [X]Schizophrenifrm psychos NOS |
+ Eu20z00 |
+ [X]Schizophrenia, unspecified |
+ Eu21.00 |
+ [X]Schizotypal disorder |
+ Eu21.11 |
+ [X]Latent schizophrenic reaction |
+ Eu21.12 |
+ [X]Borderline schizophrenia |
+ Eu21.13 |
+ [X]Latent schizophrenia |
+ Eu21.14 |
+ [X]Prepsychotic schizophrenia |
+ Eu21.15 |
+ [X]Prodromal schizophrenia |
+ Eu21.16 |
+ [X]Pseudoneurotic schizophrenia |
+ Eu21.17 |
+ [X]Pseudopsychopathic schizophrenia |
+ Eu22000 |
+ [X]Delusional disorder |
+ Eu22011 |
+ [X]Paranoid psychosis |
+ Eu22012 |
+ [X]Paranoid state |
+ Eu22013 |
+ [X]Paraphrenia - late |
+ Eu22014 |
+ [X]Sensitiver Beziehungswahn |
+ Eu22015 |
+ [X]Paranoia |
+ Eu22100 |
+ [X]Delusional misidentification syndrome |
+ Eu22111 |
+ [X]Capgras syndrome |
+ Eu22200 |
+ [X]Cotard syndrome |
+ Eu22300 |
+ [X]Paranoid state in remission |
+ Eu22.00 |
+ [X]Persistent delusional disorders |
+ Eu22y00 |
+ [X]Other persistent delusional disorders |
+ Eu22y11 |
+ [X]Delusional dysmorphophobia |
+ Eu22y12 |
+ [X]Involutional paranoid state |
+ Eu22y13 |
+ [X]Paranoia querulans |
+ Eu22z00 |
+ [X]Persistent delusional disorder, unspecified |
+ Eu25000 |
+ [X]Schizoaffective disorder, manic type |
+ Eu25011 |
+ [X]Schizoaffective psychosis, manic type |
+ Eu25012 |
+ [X]Schizophreniform psychosis, manic type |
+ Eu25100 |
+ [X]Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type |
+ Eu25111 |
+ [X]Schizoaffective psychosis, depressive type |
+ Eu25112 |
+ [X]Schizophreniform psychosis, depressive type |
+ Eu25200 |
+ [X]Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type |
+ Eu25211 |
+ [X]Cyclic schizophrenia |
+ Eu25212 |
+ [X]Mixed schizophrenic and affective psychosis |
+ Eu25.00 |
+ [X]Schizoaffective disorders |
+ Eu25y00 |
+ [X]Other schizoaffective disorders |
+ Eu25z00 |
+ [X]Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified |
+ Eu25z11 |
+ [X]Schizoaffective psychosis NOS |
+ Eu26.00 |
+ [X]Nonorganic psychosis in remission |
+ Eu2..00 |
+ [X]Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders |
+ Eu2y.00 |
+ [X]Other nonorganic psychotic disorders |
+ Eu2y.11 |
+ [X]Chronic hallucinatory psychosis |
+ Eu2z.00 |
+ [X]Unspecified nonorganic psychosis |
+ Eu2z.11 |
+ [X]Psychosis NOS |
+ ZV11000 |
+ [V]Personal history of schizophrenia |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ F20 |
+ Schizophrenia |
+ F21 |
+ Schizotypal disorder |
+ F22 |
+ Persistent delusional disorders |
+ F25 |
+ Schizoaffective disorders |
+ F28 |
+ Other nonorganic psychotic disorders |
+ F29 |
+ Unspecified nonorganic psychosis |
+Scleritis and episcleritis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Scleritis and episcleritis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Scleritis and episcleritis' and epi'Scleritis and episcleritis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Scleritis and episcleritis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Scleritis and episcleritis' and epi'Scleritis and episcleritis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Scleritis and episcleritis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F4K0000 | Unspecified scleritis |
F4K0100 | Episcleritis periodica fugax |
F4K0200 | Nodular episcleritis |
F4K0300 | Anterior scleritis |
F4K0400 | Scleromalacia perforans |
F4K0500 | Sclerokeratitis |
F4K0600 | Brawny scleritis |
F4K0700 | Posterior scleritis |
F4K0711 | Sclerotenonitis |
F4K0.00 | Scleritis and episcleritis |
F4K0.11 | Episcleritis |
F4K0.12 | Scleritis |
F4K0z00 | Scleritis or episcleritis NOS |
FyuD800 | [X]Scleritis+episcleritis in diseases CE |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H15.0 | Scleritis |
H15.1 | Episcleritis |
H19.0 | Scleritis and episcleritis in diseases classified elsewhere |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Scleritis and episcleritis' and epi'Scleritis and episcleritis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F4K0000 |
+ Unspecified scleritis |
+ F4K0100 |
+ Episcleritis periodica fugax |
+ F4K0200 |
+ Nodular episcleritis |
+ F4K0300 |
+ Anterior scleritis |
+ F4K0400 |
+ Scleromalacia perforans |
+ F4K0500 |
+ Sclerokeratitis |
+ F4K0600 |
+ Brawny scleritis |
+ F4K0700 |
+ Posterior scleritis |
+ F4K0711 |
+ Sclerotenonitis |
+ F4K0.00 |
+ Scleritis and episcleritis |
+ F4K0.11 |
+ Episcleritis |
+ F4K0.12 |
+ Scleritis |
+ F4K0z00 |
+ Scleritis or episcleritis NOS |
+ FyuD800 |
+ [X]Scleritis+episcleritis in diseases CE |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H15.0 |
+ Scleritis |
+ H15.1 |
+ Episcleritis |
+ H19.0 |
+ Scleritis and episcleritis in diseases classified elsewhere |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Scoliosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Scoliosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Scoliosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Scoliosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Scoliosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
2376.00 | O/E - kyphoscoliotic chest def |
7J44111 | Dwyer anterior wiring of spine for scoliosis |
G411.00 | Kyphoscoliotic heart disease |
N373000 | Idiopathic scoliosis |
N373100 | Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis |
N373200 | Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis |
N373300 | Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis |
N373500 | Thoracogenic scoliosis |
N373600 | Postural scoliosis |
N373700 | Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis |
N373.00 | Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis |
N373z00 | Kyphoscoliosis or scoliosis NOS |
N374300 | Scoliosis associated with other condition |
N374A00 | Scoliosis in skeletal dysplasia |
N374B00 | Neuromuscular scoliosis |
N374C00 | Scoliosis in neurofibromatosis |
N374D00 | Scoliosis in connective tissue anomalies |
Nyu5300 | [X]Other idiopathic scoliosis |
Nyu5400 | [X]Other secondary scoliosis |
Nyu5500 | [X]Other forms of scoliosis |
PE22.00 | Congenital postural scoliosis |
PE23.00 | Congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation |
PG18.11 | Congenital kyphoscoliosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M41 | Scoliosis |
-Seborrheic Dermatitis
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Scoliosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 2376 |
+ O/E - kyphoscoliotic chest def |
+ 7J44111 |
+ Dwyer anterior wiring of spine for scoliosis |
+ G411.00 |
+ Kyphoscoliotic heart disease |
+ N373000 |
+ Idiopathic scoliosis |
+ N373100 |
+ Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis |
+ N373200 |
+ Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis |
+ N373300 |
+ Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis |
+ N373500 |
+ Thoracogenic scoliosis |
+ N373600 |
+ Postural scoliosis |
+ N373700 |
+ Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis |
+ N373.00 |
+ Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis |
+ N373z00 |
+ Kyphoscoliosis or scoliosis NOS |
+ N374300 |
+ Scoliosis associated with other condition |
+ N374A00 |
+ Scoliosis in skeletal dysplasia |
+ N374B00 |
+ Neuromuscular scoliosis |
+ N374C00 |
+ Scoliosis in neurofibromatosis |
+ N374D00 |
+ Scoliosis in connective tissue anomalies |
+ Nyu5300 |
+ [X]Other idiopathic scoliosis |
+ Nyu5400 |
+ [X]Other secondary scoliosis |
+ Nyu5500 |
+ [X]Other forms of scoliosis |
+ PE22.00 |
+ Congenital postural scoliosis |
+ PE23.00 |
+ Congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation |
+ PG18.11 |
+ Congenital kyphoscoliosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M41 |
+ Scoliosis |
+Seborrheic dermatitis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Seborrheic dermatitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Seborrheic dermatitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Seborrheic dermatitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
-Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Seborrheic dermatitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
M100.00 | Pityriasis capitis - dandruff |
M101.00 | Seborrhoeic dermatitis |
M101.11 | Seborrhoeic dermatitis capitis |
M101.12 | Seborrhoeic eczema |
M118000 | Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis capitis |
M118011 | Cradle cap |
M118.00 | Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis |
M118z00 | Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis NOS |
M15y300 | Leiner's disease |
M165100 | Pityriasis folliculorum |
M165200 | Pityriasis streptogenes |
M244.11 | Seborrhoea capitis |
M263000 | Seborrhoea corporis |
M263100 | Seborrhoea faciei |
M263200 | Seborrhoea nasi |
M263300 | Seborrhoea oleosa |
M263.00 | Seborrhoea |
M263z00 | Seborrhoea NOS |
Myu2000 | [X]Other seborrhoeic dermatitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L21 | Seborrhoeic dermatitis |
+1. 'Seborrheic dermatitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+Secondary care (ICD10)
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Seborrheic dermatitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ M100.00 |
+ Pityriasis capitis - dandruff |
+ M101.00 |
+ Seborrhoeic dermatitis |
+ M101.11 |
+ Seborrhoeic dermatitis capitis |
+ M101.12 |
+ Seborrhoeic eczema |
+ M118000 |
+ Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis capitis |
+ M118011 |
+ Cradle cap |
+ M118.00 |
+ Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis |
+ M118z00 |
+ Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis NOS |
+ M15y300 |
+ Leiner's disease |
+ M165100 |
+ Pityriasis folliculorum |
+ M165200 |
+ Pityriasis streptogenes |
+ M244.11 |
+ Seborrhoea capitis |
+ M263000 |
+ Seborrhoea corporis |
+ M263100 |
+ Seborrhoea faciei |
+ M263200 |
+ Seborrhoea nasi |
+ M263300 |
+ Seborrhoea oleosa |
+ M263.00 |
+ Seborrhoea |
+ M263z00 |
+ Seborrhoea NOS |
+ Myu2000 |
+ [X]Other seborrhoeic dermatitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L21 |
+ Seborrhoeic dermatitis |
+Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland
-Secondary Malignancy - Adrenal
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Adrenal gland IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Adrenal gland IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Secondary Malignancy Adrenal gland diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary Malignancy Adrenal gland or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B587.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C79.7 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B587.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C79.7 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland |
+Secondary Malignancy_Bone
-Secondary Malignancy - Bone
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Bone IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Bone IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Secondary Malignancy Bone diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary Malignancy Bone or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B585000 | Pathological fracture due to metastatic bone disease |
B585.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C79.5 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B585000 |
+ Pathological fracture due to metastatic bone disease |
+ B585.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C79.5 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow |
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
-Secondary Malignancy - Bowel
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Bowel IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Bowel IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Secondary Malignancy Bowel diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary Malignancy Bowel or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B574000 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of duodenum |
B574100 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of jejunum |
B574200 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of ileum |
B574.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum |
B574z00 | Secondary malig neop of small intestine or duodenum NOS |
B575000 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of colon |
B575100 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of rectum |
B575.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine and rectum |
B575z00 | Secondary malig neop of large intestine or rectum NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C78.4 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine |
C78.5 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine and rectum |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B574000 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of duodenum |
+ B574100 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of jejunum |
+ B574200 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of ileum |
+ B574.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum |
+ B574z00 |
+ Secondary malig neop of small intestine or duodenum NOS |
+ B575000 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of colon |
+ B575100 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of rectum |
+ B575.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine and rectum |
+ B575z00 |
+ Secondary malig neop of large intestine or rectum NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C78.4 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine |
+ C78.5 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine and rectum |
+Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial
-Secondary Malignancy - Brain
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Secondary Malignancy Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary Malignancy Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B583000 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain |
B583100 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of spinal cord |
B583200 | Cerebral metastasis |
B583.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord |
B583z00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain or spinal cord NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C79.3 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and cerebral meninges |
C79.4 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of nervous system |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B583000 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain |
+ B583100 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of spinal cord |
+ B583200 |
+ Cerebral metastasis |
+ B583.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord |
+ B583z00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain or spinal cord NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C79.3 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and cerebral meninges |
+ C79.4 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of nervous system |
+Secondary Malignancy_Lung
-Secondary Malignancy - Lung
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Lung IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -4174,30 +53975,284 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary Malignancy Lung or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B570.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C78.0 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B570.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C78.0 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung |
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
-Secondary Malignancy - Lymph Nodes
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Lymph Nodes IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Lymph Nodes IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Secondary Malignancy Lymph Nodes diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary Malignancy Lymph Nodes or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B560000 | Secondary and unspec malig neop of superficial parotid LN |
B560100 | Secondary and unspec malignant neoplasm mastoid lymph nodes |
B560200 | Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial cervical LN |
B560300 | Secondary and unspec malignant neoplasm occipital lymph node |
B560400 | Secondary and unspec malig neop deep parotid lymph nodes |
B560500 | Secondary and unspec malig neop submandibular lymph nodes |
B560600 | Secondary and unspec malig neop of facial lymph nodes |
B560700 | Secondary and unspec malig neop submental lymph nodes |
B560800 | Secondary and unspec malig neop anterior cervical LN |
B560900 | Secondary and unspec malig neop deep cervical LN |
B560.00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes head/face/neck |
B560z00 | Secondary unspec malig neop lymph nodes head/face/neck NOS |
B561000 | Secondary and unspec malig neop internal mammary lymph nodes |
B561100 | Secondary and unspec malig neop intercostal lymph nodes |
B561200 | Secondary and unspec malig neop diaphragmatic lymph nodes |
B561300 | Secondary and unspec malig neop ant mediastinal lymph nodes |
B561400 | Secondary and unspec malig neop post mediastinal lymph nodes |
B561500 | Secondary and unspec malig neop paratracheal lymph nodes |
B561600 | Secondary and unspec malig neop superfic tracheobronchial LN |
B561700 | Secondary and unspec malig neop inferior tracheobronchial LN |
B561800 | Secondary and unspec malig neop bronchopulmonary lymph nodes |
B561900 | Secondary and unspec malig neop pulmonary lymph nodes |
B561.00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop intrathoracic lymph nodes |
B561z00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop intrathoracic LN NOS |
B562000 | Secondary and unspec malig neop coeliac lymph nodes |
B562100 | Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial mesenteric LN |
B562200 | Secondary and unspec malig neop inferior mesenteric LN |
B562300 | Secondary and unspec malig neop common iliac lymph nodes |
B562400 | Secondary and unspec malig neop external iliac lymph nodes |
B562.00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
B562z00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop intra-abdominal LN NOS |
B563000 | Secondary and unspec malig neop axillary lymph nodes |
B563100 | Secondary and unspec malig neop supratrochlear lymph nodes |
B563200 | Secondary and unspec malig neop infraclavicular lymph nodes |
B563300 | Secondary and unspec malig neop pectoral lymph nodes |
B563.00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop axilla and upper limb LN |
B563z00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop axilla and upper limb LN NOS |
B564000 | Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial inguinal LN |
B564100 | Secondary and unspec malig neop deep inguinal lymph nodes |
B564.00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop inguinal and lower limb LN |
B564z00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop of inguinal and leg LN NOS |
B565000 | Secondary and unspec malig neop internal iliac lymph nodes |
B565200 | Secondary and unspec malig neop circumflex iliac LN |
B565300 | Secondary and unspec malig neop sacral lymph nodes |
B565.00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop intrapelvic lymph nodes |
B565z00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop intrapelvic LN NOS |
B56..00 | Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes |
B56..11 | Lymph node metastases |
B56y.00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes multiple sites |
B56z.00 | Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes NOS |
ByuC200 | [X]2ndry+unspcf malignant neoplasm lymph nodes/multi regions |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C77 | Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B560000 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop of superficial parotid LN |
+ B560100 |
+ Secondary and unspec malignant neoplasm mastoid lymph nodes |
+ B560200 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial cervical LN |
+ B560300 |
+ Secondary and unspec malignant neoplasm occipital lymph node |
+ B560400 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop deep parotid lymph nodes |
+ B560500 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop submandibular lymph nodes |
+ B560600 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop of facial lymph nodes |
+ B560700 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop submental lymph nodes |
+ B560800 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop anterior cervical LN |
+ B560900 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop deep cervical LN |
+ B560.00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes head/face/neck |
+ B560z00 |
+ Secondary unspec malig neop lymph nodes head/face/neck NOS |
+ B561000 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop internal mammary lymph nodes |
+ B561100 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop intercostal lymph nodes |
+ B561200 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop diaphragmatic lymph nodes |
+ B561300 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop ant mediastinal lymph nodes |
+ B561400 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop post mediastinal lymph nodes |
+ B561500 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop paratracheal lymph nodes |
+ B561600 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop superfic tracheobronchial LN |
+ B561700 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop inferior tracheobronchial LN |
+ B561800 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop bronchopulmonary lymph nodes |
+ B561900 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop pulmonary lymph nodes |
+ B561.00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop intrathoracic lymph nodes |
+ B561z00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop intrathoracic LN NOS |
+ B562000 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop coeliac lymph nodes |
+ B562100 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial mesenteric LN |
+ B562200 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop inferior mesenteric LN |
+ B562300 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop common iliac lymph nodes |
+ B562400 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop external iliac lymph nodes |
+ B562.00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
+ B562z00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop intra-abdominal LN NOS |
+ B563000 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop axillary lymph nodes |
+ B563100 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop supratrochlear lymph nodes |
+ B563200 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop infraclavicular lymph nodes |
+ B563300 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop pectoral lymph nodes |
+ B563.00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop axilla and upper limb LN |
+ B563z00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop axilla and upper limb LN NOS |
+ B564000 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial inguinal LN |
+ B564100 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop deep inguinal lymph nodes |
+ B564.00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop inguinal and lower limb LN |
+ B564z00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop of inguinal and leg LN NOS |
+ B565000 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop internal iliac lymph nodes |
+ B565200 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop circumflex iliac LN |
+ B565300 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop sacral lymph nodes |
+ B565.00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop intrapelvic lymph nodes |
+ B565z00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop intrapelvic LN NOS |
+ B56..00 |
+ Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes |
+ B56..11 |
+ Lymph node metastases |
+ B56y.00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes multiple sites |
+ B56z.00 |
+ Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes NOS |
+ ByuC200 |
+ [X]2ndry+unspcf malignant neoplasm lymph nodes/multi regions |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C77 |
+ Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes |
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
-Secondary Malignancy - Other
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Other organs IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Other organs IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Secondary Malignancy Other organs diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
@@ -4207,328 +54262,2725 @@ OR
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary Malignancy Other organs or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
2. ALL possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy Other organs during a hospitalization IF NO record satisfying criteria for Secondary Malignancy of any other organ
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1D18.00 | Pain from metastases |
5136.00 | X-ray metastasis control |
B571.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum |
B573.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other respiratory organs |
B57..00 | Secondary malig neop of respiratory and digestive systems |
B57..11 | Metastases of respiratory and/or digestive systems |
B57..12 | Secondary carcinoma of respiratory and/or digestive systems |
B57y.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other digestive organ |
B57z.00 | Secondary malig neop of respiratory or digestive system NOS |
B580.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney |
B581000 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of ureter |
B581100 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder |
B581200 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of urethra |
B581.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs |
B581z00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other urinary organ NOS |
B582000 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of head |
B582100 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of face |
B582200 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of neck |
B582300 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk |
B582400 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of shoulder and arm |
B582500 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of hip and leg |
B582600 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of breast |
B582.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin |
B582z00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin NOS |
B584.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other part of nervous system |
B586.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary |
B58..00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
B58..11 | Secondary carcinoma of other specified sites |
B58y000 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of breast |
B58y100 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of uterus |
B58y200 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri |
B58y211 | Secondary cancer of the cervix |
B58y300 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of vagina |
B58y400 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of vulva |
B58y411 | Secondary cancer of the vulva |
B58y500 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of prostate |
B58y600 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of testis |
B58y700 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of penis |
B58y800 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of epididymis and vas deferens |
B58y900 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of tongue |
B58y.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
B58yz00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified site NOS |
B58z.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified site NOS |
B590.00 | Disseminated malignancy NOS |
B590.11 | Carcinomatosis |
B594.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of unknown site |
BB03.00 | [M]Neoplasm, metastatic |
BB03.11 | [M]Secondary neoplasm |
BB13.00 | [M]Carcinoma, metastatic, NOS |
BB13.11 | [M]Secondary carcinoma |
BB2B.00 | [M]Squamous cell carcinoma, metastatic NOS |
BB53.00 | [M]Adenocarcinoma, metastatic, NOS |
BB85100 | [M]Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma |
BBy2.00 | [M]No microscopic confirmation tumour, clinically metastatic |
ByuC300 | [X]Secondary malignant neoplasm/oth+unspc respiratory organs |
ByuC400 | [X]Secondary malignant neoplasm/oth+unspcfd digestive organs |
ByuC500 | [X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/bladder+oth+unsp urinary organs |
ByuC600 | [X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/oth+unspec parts/nervous system |
ByuC700 | [X]Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C78.1 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum |
C78.3 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified respiratory organs |
C78.8 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified digestive organs |
C79.0 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney and renal pelvis |
C79.1 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder and other and unspecified urinary organs |
C79.2 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin |
C79.6 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary |
C79.8 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
C79.9 | Secondary malignant neoplasm, unspecified site |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1D18.00 |
+ Pain from metastases |
+ 5136.00 |
+ X-ray metastasis control |
+ B571.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum |
+ B573.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other respiratory organs |
+ B57..00 |
+ Secondary malig neop of respiratory and digestive systems |
+ B57..11 |
+ Metastases of respiratory and/or digestive systems |
+ B57..12 |
+ Secondary carcinoma of respiratory and/or digestive systems |
+ B57y.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other digestive organ |
+ B57z.00 |
+ Secondary malig neop of respiratory or digestive system NOS |
+ B580.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney |
+ B581000 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of ureter |
+ B581100 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder |
+ B581200 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of urethra |
+ B581.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs |
+ B581z00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other urinary organ NOS |
+ B582000 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of head |
+ B582100 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of face |
+ B582200 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of neck |
+ B582300 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk |
+ B582400 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of shoulder and arm |
+ B582500 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of hip and leg |
+ B582600 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of breast |
+ B582.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin |
+ B582z00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin NOS |
+ B584.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other part of nervous system |
+ B586.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary |
+ B58..00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
+ B58..11 |
+ Secondary carcinoma of other specified sites |
+ B58y000 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of breast |
+ B58y100 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of uterus |
+ B58y200 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri |
+ B58y211 |
+ Secondary cancer of the cervix |
+ B58y300 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of vagina |
+ B58y400 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of vulva |
+ B58y411 |
+ Secondary cancer of the vulva |
+ B58y500 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of prostate |
+ B58y600 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of testis |
+ B58y700 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of penis |
+ B58y800 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of epididymis and vas deferens |
+ B58y900 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of tongue |
+ B58y.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
+ B58yz00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified site NOS |
+ B58z.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified site NOS |
+ B590.00 |
+ Disseminated malignancy NOS |
+ B590.11 |
+ Carcinomatosis |
+ B594.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of unknown site |
+ BB03.00 |
+ [M]Neoplasm, metastatic |
+ BB03.11 |
+ [M]Secondary neoplasm |
+ BB13.00 |
+ [M]Carcinoma, metastatic, NOS |
+ BB13.11 |
+ [M]Secondary carcinoma |
+ BB2B.00 |
+ [M]Squamous cell carcinoma, metastatic NOS |
+ BB53.00 |
+ [M]Adenocarcinoma, metastatic, NOS |
+ BB85100 |
+ [M]Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma |
+ BBy2.00 |
+ [M]No microscopic confirmation tumour, clinically metastatic |
+ ByuC300 |
+ [X]Secondary malignant neoplasm/oth+unspc respiratory organs |
+ ByuC400 |
+ [X]Secondary malignant neoplasm/oth+unspcfd digestive organs |
+ ByuC500 |
+ [X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/bladder+oth+unsp urinary organs |
+ ByuC600 |
+ [X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/oth+unspec parts/nervous system |
+ ByuC700 |
+ [X]Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C78.1 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum |
+ C78.3 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified respiratory organs |
+ C78.8 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified digestive organs |
+ C79.0 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney and renal pelvis |
+ C79.1 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder and other and unspecified urinary organs |
+ C79.2 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin |
+ C79.6 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary |
+ C79.8 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites |
+ C79.9 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm, unspecified site |
+Secondary Malignancy_Pleura
-Secondary Malignancy - Pleura
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Pleura IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy Pleura IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Secondary Malignancy Pleura diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary Malignancy Pleura or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B572.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C78.2 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B572.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C78.2 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura |
+Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum
-Secondary Malignancy Peritoneum
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy retroperitoneum and peritoneum IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary Malignancy retroperitoneum and peritoneum IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B576000 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum |
B576100 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of peritoneum |
B576200 | Malignant ascites |
B576.00 | Secondary malig neop of retroperitoneum and peritoneum |
B576z00 | Secondary malig neop of retroperitoneum or peritoneum NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C78.6 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B576000 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum |
+ B576100 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of peritoneum |
+ B576200 |
+ Malignant ascites |
+ B576.00 |
+ Secondary malig neop of retroperitoneum and peritoneum |
+ B576z00 |
+ Secondary malig neop of retroperitoneum or peritoneum NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C78.6 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum |
+Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct
-Secondary malignancy - Liver
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary malignancy Liver and intrahepatic bile duct IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary malignancy Liver and intrahepatic bile duct IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Secondary malignancy Liver and intrahepatic bile duct diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary malignancy Liver and intrahepatic bile duct or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B153.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver |
B577.00 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver |
B577.11 | Liver metastases |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
C78.7 | Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B153.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver |
+ B577.00 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver |
+ B577.11 |
+ Liver metastases |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ C78.7 |
+ Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct |
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
-Secondary Thrombocytopaenia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
42P2.00 | Thrombocytopenia |
42P8.00 | Heparin induced thrombocytopenia screening test |
C391200 | Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome |
C391211 | Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency |
D314100 | Thrombocytopenia due to drugs |
D314200 | Thrombocytopenia due to extracorporeal circulation of blood |
D314300 | Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia |
D314.00 | Secondary thrombocytopenia |
D314y00 | Other specified secondary thrombocytopenia |
D314z00 | Secondary thrombocytopenia NOS |
D315.00 | Thrombocytopenia NOS |
G756100 | Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D69.5 | Secondary thrombocytopenia |
D69.6 | Thrombocytopenia, unspecified |
D82.0 | Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome |
M31.1 | Thrombotic microangiopathy |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 42P2.00 |
+ Thrombocytopenia |
+ 42P8.00 |
+ Heparin induced thrombocytopenia screening test |
+ C391200 |
+ Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome |
+ C391211 |
+ Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency |
+ D314100 |
+ Thrombocytopenia due to drugs |
+ D314200 |
+ Thrombocytopenia due to extracorporeal circulation of blood |
+ D314300 |
+ Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia |
+ D314.00 |
+ Secondary thrombocytopenia |
+ D314y00 |
+ Other specified secondary thrombocytopenia |
+ D314z00 |
+ Secondary thrombocytopenia NOS |
+ D315.00 |
+ Thrombocytopenia NOS |
+ G756100 |
+ Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D69.5 |
+ Secondary thrombocytopenia |
+ D69.6 |
+ Thrombocytopenia, unspecified |
+ D82.0 |
+ Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome |
+ M31.1 |
+ Thrombotic microangiopathy |
+Secondary polycythaemia
-Secondary Polycythaemia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary polycythaemia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Secondary polycythaemia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Secondary polycythaemia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Secondary polycythaemia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary polycythaemia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
D410000 | Stress polycythaemia |
D410011 | Spurious polycythaemia |
D410100 | High altitude polycythaemia |
D410200 | Polycythaemia due to cyanotic heart disease |
D410300 | Polycythaemia due to cyanotic respiratory disease |
D410400 | Renal polycythaemia |
D410.00 | Secondary polycythaemia |
D410z00 | Secondary polycythaemia NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D75.1 | Secondary polycythaemia |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Secondary polycythaemia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ D410000 |
+ Stress polycythaemia |
+ D410011 |
+ Spurious polycythaemia |
+ D410100 |
+ High altitude polycythaemia |
+ D410200 |
+ Polycythaemia due to cyanotic heart disease |
+ D410300 |
+ Polycythaemia due to cyanotic respiratory disease |
+ D410400 |
+ Renal polycythaemia |
+ D410.00 |
+ Secondary polycythaemia |
+ D410z00 |
+ Secondary polycythaemia NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D75.1 |
+ Secondary polycythaemia |
+Secondary pulmonary hypertension
-Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Secondary pulmonary hypertension IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Secondary pulmonary hypertension' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Secondary pulmonary hypertension diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Secondary pulmonary hypertension' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Secondary pulmonary hypertension or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G41y000 | Secondary pulmonary hypertension |
G41y100 | Thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I27.2 | Other secondary pulmonary hypertension |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Secondary pulmonary hypertension' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G41y000 |
+ Secondary pulmonary hypertension |
+ G41y100 |
+ Thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I27.2 |
+ Other secondary pulmonary hypertension |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Septicaemia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Septicaemia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Septicaemia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A02.1 | Salmonella sepsis |
A20.7 | Septicaemic plague |
A22.7 | Anthrax sepsis |
A26.7 | Erysipelothrix sepsis |
A32.7 | Listerial sepsis |
A39.1 | Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome |
A39.2 | Acute meningococcaemia |
A39.3 | Chronic meningococcaemia |
A39.4 | Meningococcaemia, unspecified |
A40 | Streptococcal sepsis |
A41 | Other sepsis |
A42.7 | Actinomycotic sepsis |
B37.7 | Candidal sepsis |
P36 | Bacterial sepsis of newborn |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Septicaemia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A02.1 |
+ Salmonella sepsis |
+ A20.7 |
+ Septicaemic plague |
+ A22.7 |
+ Anthrax sepsis |
+ A26.7 |
+ Erysipelothrix sepsis |
+ A32.7 |
+ Listerial sepsis |
+ A39.1 |
+ Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome |
+ A39.2 |
+ Acute meningococcaemia |
+ A39.3 |
+ Chronic meningococcaemia |
+ A39.4 |
+ Meningococcaemia, unspecified |
+ A40 |
+ Streptococcal sepsis |
+ A41 |
+ Other sepsis |
+ A42.7 |
+ Actinomycotic sepsis |
+ B37.7 |
+ Candidal sepsis |
+ P36 |
+ Bacterial sepsis of newborn |
+Sick sinus syndrome
-Sick Sinus Syndrome
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Sick sinus syndrome IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Sick sinus syndrome' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Sick sinus syndrome diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Sick sinus syndrome' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Sick sinus syndrome or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G57y300 | Sick sinus syndrome |
G57y400 | Sinoatrial node dysfunction NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I49.5 | Sick sinus syndrome |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Sick sinus syndrome' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G57y300 |
+ Sick sinus syndrome |
+ G57y400 |
+ Sinoatrial node dysfunction NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I49.5 |
+ Sick sinus syndrome |
+Sickle-cell anaemia
-Sickle Cell Disease
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Sickle-cell anaemia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Sickle-cell anaemia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Sickle-cell anaemia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Sickle-cell anaemia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1458.00 | History of sickle cell anaemia |
D104211 | Sickle-cell thalassaemia |
D106000 | Sickle-cell anaemia of unspecified type |
D106100 | Sickle-cell anaemia with no crisis |
D106200 | Sickle-cell anaemia with crisis |
D106300 | Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin C disease |
D106400 | Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin D disease |
D106500 | Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin E disease |
D106.00 | Sickle-cell anaemia |
D106z00 | Sickle-cell anaemia NOS |
Dyu1200 | [X]Other sickle-cell disorders |
F422100 | Proliferative retinopathy due to sickle cell disease |
K0G..00 | Sickle cell nephropathy |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D57.0 | Sickle-cell anaemia with crisis |
D57.1 | Sickle-cell anaemia without crisis |
D57.2 | Double heterozygous sickling disorders |
D57.8 | Other sickle-cell disorders |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1458 |
+ History of sickle cell anaemia |
+ D104211 |
+ Sickle-cell thalassaemia |
+ D106000 |
+ Sickle-cell anaemia of unspecified type |
+ D106100 |
+ Sickle-cell anaemia with no crisis |
+ D106200 |
+ Sickle-cell anaemia with crisis |
+ D106300 |
+ Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin C disease |
+ D106400 |
+ Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin D disease |
+ D106500 |
+ Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin E disease |
+ D106.00 |
+ Sickle-cell anaemia |
+ D106z00 |
+ Sickle-cell anaemia NOS |
+ Dyu1200 |
+ [X]Other sickle-cell disorders |
+ F422100 |
+ Proliferative retinopathy due to sickle cell disease |
+ K0G..00 |
+ Sickle cell nephropathy |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D57.0 |
+ Sickle-cell anaemia with crisis |
+ D57.1 |
+ Sickle-cell anaemia without crisis |
+ D57.2 |
+ Double heterozygous sickling disorders |
+ D57.8 |
+ Other sickle-cell disorders |
+Sickle-cell trait
-Sickle Cell Trait
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Sickle-cell trait IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Sickle-cell trait IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Sickle-cell trait diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Sickle-cell trait or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
677C600 | Sickle cell gene carrier |
D105.00 | Sickle-cell trait |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D57.3 | Sickle-cell trait |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 677C600 |
+ Sickle cell gene carrier |
+ D105.00 |
+ Sickle-cell trait |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D57.3 |
+ Sickle-cell trait |
+Sjogren's disease
-Sjogren's Syndrome
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Sjogren's disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Sjogren's disease IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Sjogren's disease diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Sjogren's disease or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F396700 | Myopathy due to Sjogren's disease |
H57y300 | Lung disease with Sjogren's disease |
N002.00 | Sicca (Sjogren's) syndrome |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M35.0 | Sicca syndrome [Sjögren] |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F396700 |
+ Myopathy due to Sjogren's disease |
+ H57y300 |
+ Lung disease with Sjogren's disease |
+ N002.00 |
+ Sicca (Sjogren's) syndrome |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M35.0 |
+ Sicca syndrome [Sjögren] |
+Sleep apnoea
-Sleep apnoea
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Sleep apnoea IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Sleep apnoea' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Sleep apnoea diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Sleep apnoea' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Sleep apnoea or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
Fy03.00 | Sleep apnoea |
Fy03.11 | Obstructive sleep apnoea |
H5B0.00 | Obstructive sleep apnoea |
H5B..00 | Sleep apnoea |
R005100 | [D]Insomnia with sleep apnoea |
R005300 | [D]Hypersomnia with sleep apnoea |
R005311 | [D]Sleep apnoea syndrome |
R005312 | [D]Syndrome sleep apnoea |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G47.3 | Sleep apnoea |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Sleep apnoea' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ Fy03.00 |
+ Sleep apnoea |
+ Fy03.11 |
+ Obstructive sleep apnoea |
+ H5B0.00 |
+ Obstructive sleep apnoea |
+ H5B..00 |
+ Sleep apnoea |
+ R005100 |
+ [D]Insomnia with sleep apnoea |
+ R005300 |
+ [D]Hypersomnia with sleep apnoea |
+ R005311 |
+ [D]Sleep apnoea syndrome |
+ R005312 |
+ [D]Syndrome sleep apnoea |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G47.3 |
+ Sleep apnoea |
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
-Low Birth Weight
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Slow fetal growth or low birth weight IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Slow fetal growth or 'Slow fetal growth or low birth weight' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Slow fetal growth or low birth weight diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
+1. Slow fetal growth or 'Slow fetal growth or low birth weight' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
L265000 | Small-for-dates unspecified |
L265100 | Small-for-dates - delivered |
L265200 | Small-for-dates with antenatal problem |
L265.00 | Small-for-dates fetus in pregnancy |
L265z00 | Small-for-dates NOS |
Q10..00 | Slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition |
Q100.00 | Fetus small-for-dates, without mention of malnutrition |
Q100.11 | Fetus small-for-dates (SFD), without mention of malnutrition |
Q101.00 | Fetus small-for-dates with signs of malnutrition |
Q101.11 | Fetus small-for-dates (SFD) with signs of malnutrition |
Q10z.00 | Fetal growth retardation NOS |
Q10z.11 | Intrauterine growth retardation |
Q11..00 | Short gestation and unspecified low birthweight problems |
Q110.00 | Very premature - less than 1000g or less than 28 weeks |
Q111.00 | Premature - weight 1000g-2499g or gestation of 28-37weeks |
Q113.00 | Light for gestational age |
Q114.00 | Low birthweight |
Q114000 | Birth weight 1000-2499 g |
Q115.00 | Extremely low birth weight infant |
Q115000 | Birth weight 999 g or less |
Q13..00 | Light for gestational age |
Qyu1000 | [X]Other low birth weight |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
P05.0 | Light for gestational age |
P05.1 | Small for gestational age |
P05.9 | Slow fetal growth, unspecified |
P07.0 | Extremely low birth weight |
P07.1 | Other low birth weight |
+1. ALL diagnoses of Slow fetal growth or 'Slow fetal growth or low birth weight' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization AND IF the patient is aged < 1y at the first event date
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ L265000 |
+ Small-for-dates unspecified |
+ L265100 |
+ Small-for-dates - delivered |
+ L265200 |
+ Small-for-dates with antenatal problem |
+ L265.00 |
+ Small-for-dates fetus in pregnancy |
+ L265z00 |
+ Small-for-dates NOS |
+ Q10..00 |
+ Slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition |
+ Q100.00 |
+ Fetus small-for-dates, without mention of malnutrition |
+ Q100.11 |
+ Fetus small-for-dates (SFD), without mention of malnutrition |
+ Q101.00 |
+ Fetus small-for-dates with signs of malnutrition |
+ Q101.11 |
+ Fetus small-for-dates (SFD) with signs of malnutrition |
+ Q10z.00 |
+ Fetal growth retardation NOS |
+ Q10z.11 |
+ Intrauterine growth retardation |
+ Q11..00 |
+ Short gestation and unspecified low birthweight problems |
+ Q110.00 |
+ Very premature - less than 1000g or less than 28 weeks |
+ Q111.00 |
+ Premature - weight 1000g-2499g or gestation of 28-37weeks |
+ Q113.00 |
+ Light for gestational age |
+ Q114.00 |
+ Low birthweight |
+ Q114000 |
+ Birth weight 1000-2499 g |
+ Q115.00 |
+ Extremely low birth weight infant |
+ Q115000 |
+ Birth weight 999 g or less |
+ Q13..00 |
+ Light for gestational age |
+ Qyu1000 |
+ [X]Other low birth weight |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_LBW.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ P05.0 |
+ Light for gestational age |
+ P05.1 |
+ Small for gestational age |
+ P05.9 |
+ Slow fetal growth, unspecified |
+ P07.0 |
+ Extremely low birth weight |
+ P07.1 |
+ Other low birth weight |
+Spina bifida
-Spina Bifida
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Spina bifida IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Spina bifida' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Spina bifida diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Spina bifida' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Spina bifida or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Spina bifida' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Spina bifida during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7010111.0 | Insertion of Halber valve for spina bifida |
7043100.0 | Closure of spinal myelomeningocele |
7043200.0 | Closure of spinal meningocele |
7043.00 | Repair of spina bifida |
7043y00 | Other specified repair of spina bifida |
7043z00 | Repair of spina bifida NOS |
P100000 | Spina bifida with hydrocephalus, unspecified |
P100100 | Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
P100200 | Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
P100300 | Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
P100.00 | Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
P100z00 | Spina bifida with hydrocephalus NOS |
P101.11 | Closed spina bifida with Arnold-Chiari malformation |
P102200 | Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open |
P102300 | Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open |
P102400 | Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open |
P102.00 | Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open |
P102.11 | Fissured spine with hydrocephalus |
P102.13 | Myelocele with hydrocephalus |
P102.14 | Rachischisis with hydrocephalus |
P102z00 | Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open NOS |
P103300 | Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed |
P103400 | Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed |
P103.00 | Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed |
P103z11 | Thoracolumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed |
P104.00 | Spina bifida with hydrocephalus of late onset |
P105.00 | Spina bifida with stenosis of aqueduct of Sylvius |
P10..00 | Spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
P10y000 | Dandy - Walker syndrome with spina bifida |
P10y.00 | Other specified spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
P10z.00 | Spina bifida with hydrocephalus NOS |
P110000 | Spina bifida without hydrocephalus, site unspecified |
P110100 | Cervical spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus |
P110200 | Thoracic spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus |
P110300 | Lumbar spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus |
P110z00 | Unspecified spina bifida without hydrocephalus NOS |
P111.00 | Spinal hydromeningocele |
P112.00 | Hydromyelocele |
P113000 | Spinal meningocele of unspecified site |
P113100 | Cervical spinal meningocele |
P113200 | Thoracic spinal meningocele |
P113300 | Lumbar spinal meningocele |
P113.00 | Spinal meningocele |
P113z00 | Spinal meningocele NOS |
P114000 | Meningomyelocele of unspecified site |
P114100 | Cervical meningomyelocele |
P114200 | Thoracic meningomyelocele |
P114300 | Lumbar meningomyelocele |
P114.00 | Meningomyelocele |
P114z00 | Meningomyelocele NOS |
P115100 | Cervical myelocele |
P115300 | Lumbar myelocele |
P115.00 | Myelocele |
P115z00 | Myelocele NOS |
P116100 | Cervical myelocystocele |
P116300 | Lumbar myelocystocele |
P116.00 | Myelocystocele |
P116z00 | Myelocystocele NOS |
P117200 | Thoracic spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open |
P117300 | Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open |
P117400 | Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open |
P117.00 | Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open |
P117.11 | Fissured spine |
P117.12 | Rachischisis |
P117z00 | Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open NOS |
P118000 | Unspecified spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed |
P118100 | Cervical spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed |
P118300 | Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed |
P118400 | Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed |
P118.00 | Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed |
P118z00 | Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed NOS |
P11..00 | Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus |
P11y.00 | Other specified spina bifida without hydrocephalus |
P11y.11 | Syringomyelocele |
P11z.00 | Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus NOS |
P1...00 | Spina bifida |
P1z..00 | Spina bifida NOS |
PG17.00 | Spina bifida occulta |
Pyu0400 | [X]Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
Q05 | Spina bifida |
Q76.0 | Spina bifida occulta |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
A49 | Repair of spina bifida |
A49.1 | Freeing of spinal tether NEC |
A49.2 | Closure of spinal myelomeningocele |
A49.3 | Closure of spinal meningocele |
A49.4 | Complex freeing of spinal tether |
A49.8 | Other specified repair of spina bifida |
A49.9 | Unspecified repair of spina bifida |
+1. ALL procedures for 'Spina bifida' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7010111 |
+ Insertion of Halber valve for spina bifida |
+ 7043100 |
+ Closure of spinal myelomeningocele |
+ 7043200 |
+ Closure of spinal meningocele |
+ 7043 |
+ Repair of spina bifida |
+ 7043y00 |
+ Other specified repair of spina bifida |
+ 7043z00 |
+ Repair of spina bifida NOS |
+ P100000 |
+ Spina bifida with hydrocephalus, unspecified |
+ P100100 |
+ Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
+ P100200 |
+ Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
+ P100300 |
+ Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
+ P100.00 |
+ Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
+ P100z00 |
+ Spina bifida with hydrocephalus NOS |
+ P101.11 |
+ Closed spina bifida with Arnold-Chiari malformation |
+ P102200 |
+ Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open |
+ P102300 |
+ Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open |
+ P102400 |
+ Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open |
+ P102.00 |
+ Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open |
+ P102.11 |
+ Fissured spine with hydrocephalus |
+ P102.13 |
+ Myelocele with hydrocephalus |
+ P102.14 |
+ Rachischisis with hydrocephalus |
+ P102z00 |
+ Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open NOS |
+ P103300 |
+ Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed |
+ P103400 |
+ Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed |
+ P103.00 |
+ Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed |
+ P103z11 |
+ Thoracolumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed |
+ P104.00 |
+ Spina bifida with hydrocephalus of late onset |
+ P105.00 |
+ Spina bifida with stenosis of aqueduct of Sylvius |
+ P10..00 |
+ Spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
+ P10y000 |
+ Dandy - Walker syndrome with spina bifida |
+ P10y.00 |
+ Other specified spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
+ P10z.00 |
+ Spina bifida with hydrocephalus NOS |
+ P110000 |
+ Spina bifida without hydrocephalus, site unspecified |
+ P110100 |
+ Cervical spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus |
+ P110200 |
+ Thoracic spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus |
+ P110300 |
+ Lumbar spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus |
+ P110z00 |
+ Unspecified spina bifida without hydrocephalus NOS |
+ P111.00 |
+ Spinal hydromeningocele |
+ P112.00 |
+ Hydromyelocele |
+ P113000 |
+ Spinal meningocele of unspecified site |
+ P113100 |
+ Cervical spinal meningocele |
+ P113200 |
+ Thoracic spinal meningocele |
+ P113300 |
+ Lumbar spinal meningocele |
+ P113.00 |
+ Spinal meningocele |
+ P113z00 |
+ Spinal meningocele NOS |
+ P114000 |
+ Meningomyelocele of unspecified site |
+ P114100 |
+ Cervical meningomyelocele |
+ P114200 |
+ Thoracic meningomyelocele |
+ P114300 |
+ Lumbar meningomyelocele |
+ P114.00 |
+ Meningomyelocele |
+ P114z00 |
+ Meningomyelocele NOS |
+ P115100 |
+ Cervical myelocele |
+ P115300 |
+ Lumbar myelocele |
+ P115.00 |
+ Myelocele |
+ P115z00 |
+ Myelocele NOS |
+ P116100 |
+ Cervical myelocystocele |
+ P116300 |
+ Lumbar myelocystocele |
+ P116.00 |
+ Myelocystocele |
+ P116z00 |
+ Myelocystocele NOS |
+ P117200 |
+ Thoracic spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open |
+ P117300 |
+ Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open |
+ P117400 |
+ Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open |
+ P117.00 |
+ Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open |
+ P117.11 |
+ Fissured spine |
+ P117.12 |
+ Rachischisis |
+ P117z00 |
+ Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open NOS |
+ P118000 |
+ Unspecified spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed |
+ P118100 |
+ Cervical spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed |
+ P118300 |
+ Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed |
+ P118400 |
+ Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed |
+ P118.00 |
+ Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed |
+ P118z00 |
+ Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed NOS |
+ P11..00 |
+ Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus |
+ P11y.00 |
+ Other specified spina bifida without hydrocephalus |
+ P11y.11 |
+ Syringomyelocele |
+ P11z.00 |
+ Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus NOS |
+ P1...00 |
+ Spina bifida |
+ P1z..00 |
+ Spina bifida NOS |
+ PG17.00 |
+ Spina bifida occulta |
+ Pyu0400 |
+ [X]Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ Q05 |
+ Spina bifida |
+ Q76.0 |
+ Spina bifida occulta |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ A49 |
+ Repair of spina bifida |
+ A49.1 |
+ Freeing of spinal tether NEC |
+ A49.2 |
+ Closure of spinal myelomeningocele |
+ A49.3 |
+ Closure of spinal meningocele |
+ A49.4 |
+ Complex freeing of spinal tether |
+ A49.8 |
+ Other specified repair of spina bifida |
+ A49.9 |
+ Unspecified repair of spina bifida |
+Spinal stenosis
-Spinal Stenosis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Spinal stenosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Spinal stenosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Spinal stenosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Spinal stenosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Spinal stenosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
N130000 | Idiopathic cervical spinal stenosis |
N130100 | Degenerative cervical spinal stenosis |
N130300 | Cervical spinal stenosis secondary to other disease |
N130.00 | Cervical spinal stenosis |
N140000 | Spinal stenosis of unspecified region |
N140100 | Thoracic spinal stenosis |
N140200 | Lumbar spinal stenosis |
N140300 | Idiopathic thoracic spinal stenosis |
N140400 | Degenerative thoracic spinal stenosis |
N140600 | Thoracic spinal stenosis secondary to other disease |
N140700 | Idiopathic lumbar spinal stenosis |
N140800 | Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis |
N140900 | Iatrogenic lumbar spinal stenosis |
N140A00 | Lumbar spinal stenosis secondary to other disease |
N140.00 | Spinal stenosis, excluding cervical region |
N140.11 | Spinal stenosis |
N140z00 | Spinal stenosis NOS |
Zw04300 | [Q] Central spinal stenosis |
Zw04400 | [Q] Lateral spinal stenosis |
Zw04500 | [Q] Central and lateral spinal stenosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M48.0 | Spinal stenosis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Spinal stenosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ N130000 |
+ Idiopathic cervical spinal stenosis |
+ N130100 |
+ Degenerative cervical spinal stenosis |
+ N130300 |
+ Cervical spinal stenosis secondary to other disease |
+ N130.00 |
+ Cervical spinal stenosis |
+ N140000 |
+ Spinal stenosis of unspecified region |
+ N140100 |
+ Thoracic spinal stenosis |
+ N140200 |
+ Lumbar spinal stenosis |
+ N140300 |
+ Idiopathic thoracic spinal stenosis |
+ N140400 |
+ Degenerative thoracic spinal stenosis |
+ N140600 |
+ Thoracic spinal stenosis secondary to other disease |
+ N140700 |
+ Idiopathic lumbar spinal stenosis |
+ N140800 |
+ Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis |
+ N140900 |
+ Iatrogenic lumbar spinal stenosis |
+ N140A00 |
+ Lumbar spinal stenosis secondary to other disease |
+ N140.00 |
+ Spinal stenosis, excluding cervical region |
+ N140.11 |
+ Spinal stenosis |
+ N140z00 |
+ Spinal stenosis NOS |
+ Zw04300 |
+ [Q] Central spinal stenosis |
+ Zw04400 |
+ [Q] Lateral spinal stenosis |
+ Zw04500 |
+ [Q] Central and lateral spinal stenosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M48.0 |
+ Spinal stenosis |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Splenomegaly IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Splenomegaly IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Splenomegaly diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Splenomegaly or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
D414.00 | Hypersplenism |
D415100 | Chronic congestive splenamegaly |
J61y200 | Hepatosplenomegaly |
PK03.00 | Congenital splenomegaly |
PK03.11 | Hyperplasia of spleen |
R092000 | [D]Spleen enlargement |
R092.00 | [D]Splenomegaly |
R092z00 | [D]Splenomegaly NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D73.1 | Hypersplenism |
D73.2 | Chronic congestive splenomegaly |
R16.1 | Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
R16.2 | Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ D414.00 |
+ Hypersplenism |
+ D415100 |
+ Chronic congestive splenamegaly |
+ J61y200 |
+ Hepatosplenomegaly |
+ PK03.00 |
+ Congenital splenomegaly |
+ PK03.11 |
+ Hyperplasia of spleen |
+ R092000 |
+ [D]Spleen enlargement |
+ R092.00 |
+ [D]Splenomegaly |
+ R092z00 |
+ [D]Splenomegaly NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D73.1 |
+ Hypersplenism |
+ D73.2 |
+ Chronic congestive splenomegaly |
+ R16.1 |
+ Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
+ R16.2 |
+ Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Spondylolisthesis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Spondylolisthesis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Spondylolisthesis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Spondylolisthesis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Spondylolisthesis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
7J34112 | Buck fusion of lumbar spine for spondylolisthesis |
7J48500 | Spondylolisthesis operation |
7J48511 | Gill excision of spondylolisthesis |
7J48K00 | Reduction of spondylolisthesis and fusion |
7J48L00 | Fusion spondylolisthesis in situ |
N384000 | Dysplastic spondylolisthesis |
N384100 | Isthmic spondylolisthesis |
N384200 | Degenerative spondylolisthesis |
N384300 | Pedicular spondylolisthesis |
N384.00 | Acquired spondylolisthesis |
Zw04600 | [Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 1 |
Zw04700 | [Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 2 |
Zw04800 | [Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 3 |
Zw04900 | [Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 4 |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M43.1 | Spondylolisthesis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Spondylolisthesis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 7J34112 |
+ Buck fusion of lumbar spine for spondylolisthesis |
+ 7J48500 |
+ Spondylolisthesis operation |
+ 7J48511 |
+ Gill excision of spondylolisthesis |
+ 7J48K00 |
+ Reduction of spondylolisthesis and fusion |
+ 7J48L00 |
+ Fusion spondylolisthesis in situ |
+ N384000 |
+ Dysplastic spondylolisthesis |
+ N384100 |
+ Isthmic spondylolisthesis |
+ N384200 |
+ Degenerative spondylolisthesis |
+ N384300 |
+ Pedicular spondylolisthesis |
+ N384.00 |
+ Acquired spondylolisthesis |
+ Zw04600 |
+ [Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 1 |
+ Zw04700 |
+ [Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 2 |
+ Zw04800 |
+ [Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 3 |
+ Zw04900 |
+ [Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 4 |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M43.1 |
+ Spondylolisthesis |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Spondylosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Spondylosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Spondylosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Spondylosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Spondylosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F163200 | Myelopathy due to spondylosis |
F337200 | Nerve root and plexus compressions in spondylosis |
N110000 | Single-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy |
N110100 | Two-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy |
N110200 | Multiple-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy |
N110.00 | Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy |
N110.11 | Cervical spondylosis |
N110.12 | Osteoarthritis cervical spine |
N111000 | Single-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy |
N111100 | Two-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy |
N111200 | Multiple-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy |
N111.00 | Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy |
N112000 | Single-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy |
N112100 | Two-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy |
N112200 | Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy |
N112300 | Dorsal spondylosis without myelopathy |
N112.00 | Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy |
N112.11 | Thoracic spondylosis |
N113000 | Single-level thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy |
N113200 | Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy |
N113.00 | Thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy |
N114000 | Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy |
N114100 | Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy |
N114200 | Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy |
N114.00 | Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy |
N114.11 | Degeneration of lumbar spine |
N114.12 | Lumbar spondylosis |
N115000 | Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy |
N115100 | Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy |
N115200 | Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy |
N115.00 | Lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy |
N119000 | Single-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N119100 | Two-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N119200 | Multiple-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N119.00 | Cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N11A.00 | Cervical spondylosis with vascular compression |
N11B000 | Single-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N11B100 | Two-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N11B200 | Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N11B.00 | Thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N11C000 | Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N11C100 | Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N11C200 | Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N11C.00 | Lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy |
N11D000 | Osteoarthritis of cervical spine |
N11D100 | Osteoarthritis of thoracic spine |
N11D200 | Osteoarthritis of lumbar spine |
N11D300 | Osteoarthritis of spine NOS |
N11D.00 | Osteoarthritis of spine |
N11E.00 | Cervical spondylosis |
N11..00 | Spondylosis and allied disorders |
N11..11 | Arthritis of spine |
N11..12 | Osteoarthritis of spine |
N11z000 | Spondylosis without myelopathy, NOS |
N11z100 | Spondylosis with myelopathy, NOS |
N11z.00 | Spondylosis NOS |
N11z.11 | Osteoarthritis spine |
N11zz00 | Spondylosis NOS |
Nyu6300 | [X]Other spondylosis with radiculopathy |
Nyu6400 | [X]Other spondylosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M47.1 | Other spondylosis with myelopathy |
M47.2 | Other spondylosis with radiculopathy |
M47.8 | Other spondylosis |
M47.9 | Spondylosis, unspecified |
-Stable Angina
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Spondylosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F163200 |
+ Myelopathy due to spondylosis |
+ F337200 |
+ Nerve root and plexus compressions in spondylosis |
+ N110000 |
+ Single-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N110100 |
+ Two-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N110200 |
+ Multiple-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N110.00 |
+ Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N110.11 |
+ Cervical spondylosis |
+ N110.12 |
+ Osteoarthritis cervical spine |
+ N111000 |
+ Single-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ N111100 |
+ Two-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ N111200 |
+ Multiple-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ N111.00 |
+ Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ N112000 |
+ Single-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N112100 |
+ Two-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N112200 |
+ Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N112300 |
+ Dorsal spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N112.00 |
+ Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N112.11 |
+ Thoracic spondylosis |
+ N113000 |
+ Single-level thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ N113200 |
+ Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ N113.00 |
+ Thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ N114000 |
+ Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N114100 |
+ Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N114200 |
+ Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N114.00 |
+ Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy |
+ N114.11 |
+ Degeneration of lumbar spine |
+ N114.12 |
+ Lumbar spondylosis |
+ N115000 |
+ Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ N115100 |
+ Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ N115200 |
+ Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ N115.00 |
+ Lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ N119000 |
+ Single-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N119100 |
+ Two-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N119200 |
+ Multiple-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N119.00 |
+ Cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N11A.00 |
+ Cervical spondylosis with vascular compression |
+ N11B000 |
+ Single-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N11B100 |
+ Two-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N11B200 |
+ Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N11B.00 |
+ Thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N11C000 |
+ Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N11C100 |
+ Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N11C200 |
+ Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N11C.00 |
+ Lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ N11D000 |
+ Osteoarthritis of cervical spine |
+ N11D100 |
+ Osteoarthritis of thoracic spine |
+ N11D200 |
+ Osteoarthritis of lumbar spine |
+ N11D300 |
+ Osteoarthritis of spine NOS |
+ N11D.00 |
+ Osteoarthritis of spine |
+ N11E.00 |
+ Cervical spondylosis |
+ N11..00 |
+ Spondylosis and allied disorders |
+ N11..11 |
+ Arthritis of spine |
+ N11..12 |
+ Osteoarthritis of spine |
+ N11z000 |
+ Spondylosis without myelopathy, NOS |
+ N11z100 |
+ Spondylosis with myelopathy, NOS |
+ N11z.00 |
+ Spondylosis NOS |
+ N11z.11 |
+ Osteoarthritis spine |
+ N11zz00 |
+ Spondylosis NOS |
+ Nyu6300 |
+ [X]Other spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ Nyu6400 |
+ [X]Other spondylosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M47.1 |
+ Other spondylosis with myelopathy |
+ M47.2 |
+ Other spondylosis with radiculopathy |
+ M47.8 |
+ Other spondylosis |
+ M47.9 |
+ Spondylosis, unspecified |
+Stable angina
-Use MODIFIED CALIBER Stable Angina phenotyping algorithm:
+Use MODIFIED CALIBER 'Stable angina' phenotyping algorithm:
-At the specified date, a patient is considered to have had stable angina IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date:
- 1. Recorded diagnosis of stable angina in primary or secondary care
- 2. Coronary revascularisation without unstable angina or myocardial infarction in the previous 30 days
+At the specified date, a patient is considered to have had 'Stable angina' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date:
+ 1. Recorded diagnosis of 'Stable angina' in primary or secondary care
+ 2. Coronary revascularisation without un'Stable angina' or myocardial infarction in the previous 30 days
3. Primary care record of abnormal coronary angiogram or test showing evidence of myocardial ischaemia
-The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date. Include terms for h/o stable angina:
+The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date. Include terms for h/o 'Stable angina':
1. Recorded diagnosis:
- a) Primary care diagnosis of ischaemic chest pain: chest_pain_gprd, category 4
- b) Primary care diagnosis of stable angina: sa_diagnosis_gprd, category 1, category 4
- c) Secondary care diagnosis of stable angina: angina_hes, category 4
-2. Coronary revascularisation without unstable angina (phenotype_ua) or myocardial infarction (phenotype_mi) in the previous 30 days:
- a) Primary care record of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI): pci_gprd, category 2
- b) Secondary care record of PCI: pci_opcs, category 2
- c) Primary care record of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG): cabg_gprd, category 2
- d) Secondary care record of CABG: cabg_opcs, category 2
+ a) Primary care diagnosis of ischaemic chest pain: chest_pain_gprd, category 4
+ b) Primary care diagnosis of 'Stable angina': sa_diagnosis_gprd, category 1, category 4
+ c) Secondary care diagnosis of 'Stable angina': angina_hes, category 4
+2. Coronary revascularisation without un'Stable angina' (phenotype_ua) or myocardial infarction (phenotype_mi) in the previous 30 days:
+ a) Primary care record of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI): pci_gprd, category 2
+ b) Secondary care record of PCI: pci_opcs, category 2
+ c) Primary care record of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG): cabg_gprd, category 2
+ d) Secondary care record of CABG: cabg_opcs, category 2
3. Test results:
- a) Primary care record of abnormal stress echocardiogram: stress_echo_gprd, category 3
- b) Primary care record of abnormal invasive coronary angiogram: angio_gprd, category 3
- c) Primary care record of abnormal computed tomography coronary angiogram: ct_angio_gprd, category 3
- d) Primary care record of abnormal magnetic resonance coronary angiogram: mr_angio_gprd, category 3
- e) Primary care record of abnormal exercise ECG: eecg_gprd, category 3
- f) Primary care record of myocardial ischaemia on resting ECG: recg_gprd, category 2
- g) Primary care record of abnormal myocardial perfusion scan: radio_scan_gprd, category 3
-Stroke - Not otherwise specified (NOS)
+ a) Primary care record of abnormal stress echocardiogram: stress_echo_gprd, category 3
+ b) Primary care record of abnormal invasive coronary angiogram: angio_gprd, category 3
+ c) Primary care record of abnormal computed tomography coronary angiogram: ct_angio_gprd, category 3
+ d) Primary care record of abnormal magnetic resonance coronary angiogram: mr_angio_gprd, category 3
+ e) Primary care record of abnormal exercise ECG: eecg_gprd, category 3
+ f) Primary care record of myocardial ischaemia on resting ECG: recg_gprd, category 2
+ g) Primary care record of abnormal myocardial perfusion scan: radio_scan_gprd, category 3
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G33z400 |
+ Ischaemic chest pain |
+ 14A5.00 |
+ H/O: angina pectoris |
+ 14AJ.00 |
+ H/O: Angina in last year |
+ 662K.00 |
+ Angina control |
+ 662K000 |
+ Angina control - good |
+ 662K100 |
+ Angina control - poor |
+ 662K200 |
+ Angina control - improving |
+ 662Kz00 |
+ Angina control NOS |
+ 8B27.00 |
+ Antianginal therapy |
+ G33..00 |
+ Angina pectoris |
+ G330.00 |
+ Angina decubitus |
+ G330000 |
+ Nocturnal angina |
+ G330z00 |
+ Angina decubitus NOS |
+ G33z.00 |
+ Angina pectoris NOS |
+ G33z100 |
+ Stenocardia |
+ G33z200 |
+ Syncope anginosa |
+ G33z300 |
+ Angina on effort |
+ G33z500 |
+ Post infarct angina |
+ G33z600 |
+ New onset angina |
+ G33z700 |
+ Stable angina |
+ G33zz00 |
+ Angina pectoris NOS |
+ G34y000 |
+ Chronic coronary insufficiency |
+ Gyu3000 |
+ [X]Other forms of angina pectoris |
+ 7928.11 |
+ Percutaneous balloon coronary angioplasty |
+ 7928000 |
+ Percut transluminal balloon angioplasty one coronary artery |
+ 7928100 |
+ Percut translum balloon angioplasty mult coronary arteries |
+ 7928200 |
+ Percut translum balloon angioplasty bypass graft coronary a |
+ 7928300 |
+ Percut translum cutting balloon angioplasty coronary artery |
+ 7928y00 |
+ Transluminal balloon angioplasty of coronary artery OS |
+ 7928z00 |
+ Transluminal balloon angioplasty of coronary artery NOS |
+ 7929000 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal laser coronary angioplasty |
+ 7929300 |
+ Rotary blade coronary angioplasty |
+ 7929400 |
+ Insertion of coronary artery stent |
+ 7929500 |
+ Insertion of drug-eluting coronary artery stent |
+ 7929600 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal atherectomy of coronary artery |
+ 792B000 |
+ Endarterectomy of coronary artery NEC |
+ 793G.00 |
+ Perc translumin balloon angioplasty stenting coronary artery |
+ 793G000 |
+ Perc translum ball angio insert 1-2 drug elut stents cor art |
+ 793G100 |
+ Perc tran ball angio ins 3 or more drug elut stents cor art |
+ 793G200 |
+ Perc translum balloon angioplasty insert 1-2 stents cor art |
+ 793G300 |
+ Percutaneous cor balloon angiop 3 more stents cor art NEC |
+ 793Gy00 |
+ OS perc translumina balloon angioplast stenting coronary art |
+ 793Gz00 |
+ Perc translum balloon angioplasty stenting coronary art NOS |
+ 7A54000 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of artery NEC |
+ 7A54500 |
+ Rotary blade angioplasty |
+ 7A54800 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal atherectomy |
+ 7A56400 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of artery |
+ 7A6G100 |
+ Peroperative angioplasty |
+ 7A6H300 |
+ Prosthetic graft patch angioplasty |
+ 7A6H400 |
+ Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vascular graft |
+ 792..11 |
+ Coronary artery bypass graft operations |
+ 7920 |
+ Saphenous vein graft replacement of coronary artery |
+ 7920.11 |
+ Saphenous vein graft bypass of coronary artery |
+ 7920000 |
+ Saphenous vein graft replacement of one coronary artery |
+ 7920100 |
+ Saphenous vein graft replacement of two coronary arteries |
+ 7920200 |
+ Saphenous vein graft replacement of three coronary arteries |
+ 7920300 |
+ Saphenous vein graft replacement of four+ coronary arteries |
+ 7920y00 |
+ Saphenous vein graft replacement of coronary artery OS |
+ 7920z00 |
+ Saphenous vein graft replacement coronary artery NOS |
+ 7921 |
+ Other autograft replacement of coronary artery |
+ 7921.11 |
+ Other autograft bypass of coronary artery |
+ 7921000 |
+ Autograft replacement of one coronary artery NEC |
+ 7921100 |
+ Autograft replacement of two coronary arteries NEC |
+ 7921200 |
+ Autograft replacement of three coronary arteries NEC |
+ 7921300 |
+ Autograft replacement of four of more coronary arteries NEC |
+ 7921y00 |
+ Other autograft replacement of coronary artery OS |
+ 7921z00 |
+ Other autograft replacement of coronary artery NOS |
+ 7922 |
+ Allograft replacement of coronary artery |
+ 7922.11 |
+ Allograft bypass of coronary artery |
+ 7922000 |
+ Allograft replacement of one coronary artery |
+ 7922100 |
+ Allograft replacement of two coronary arteries |
+ 7922200 |
+ Allograft replacement of three coronary arteries |
+ 7922300 |
+ Allograft replacement of four or more coronary arteries |
+ 7922y00 |
+ Other specified allograft replacement of coronary artery |
+ 7922z00 |
+ Allograft replacement of coronary artery NOS |
+ 7923 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of coronary artery |
+ 7923.11 |
+ Prosthetic bypass of coronary artery |
+ 7923000 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of one coronary artery |
+ 7923100 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of two coronary arteries |
+ 7923200 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of three coronary arteries |
+ 7923300 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of four or more coronary arteries |
+ 7923z00 |
+ Prosthetic replacement of coronary artery NOS |
+ 7925 |
+ Connection of mammary artery to coronary artery |
+ 7925.11 |
+ Creation of bypass from mammary artery to coronary artery |
+ 7925000 |
+ Double anastomosis of mammary arteries to coronary arteries |
+ 7925100 |
+ Double implant of mammary arteries into coronary arteries |
+ 7925300 |
+ Single anastomosis of mammary artery to coronary artery NEC |
+ 7925311 |
+ LIMA single anastomosis |
+ 7925312 |
+ RIMA single anastomosis |
+ 7925400 |
+ Single implantation of mammary artery into coronary artery |
+ 7925y00 |
+ Connection of mammary artery to coronary artery OS |
+ 7925z00 |
+ Connection of mammary artery to coronary artery NOS |
+ 7926 |
+ Connection of other thoracic artery to coronary artery |
+ 7926000 |
+ Double anastom thoracic arteries to coronary arteries NEC |
+ 7926200 |
+ Single anastomosis of thoracic artery to coronary artery NEC |
+ 7926300 |
+ Single implantation thoracic artery into coronary artery NEC |
+ 7926z00 |
+ Connection of other thoracic artery to coronary artery NOS |
+ 7927500 |
+ Open angioplasty of coronary artery |
+ 792C.00 |
+ Other replacement of coronary artery |
+ 792C000 |
+ Replacement of coronary arteries using multiple methods |
+ 792Cy00 |
+ Other specified replacement of coronary artery |
+ 792Cz00 |
+ Replacement of coronary artery NOS |
+ 792D.00 |
+ Other bypass of coronary artery |
+ 792Dy00 |
+ Other specified other bypass of coronary artery |
+ 792Dz00 |
+ Other bypass of coronary artery NOS |
+ SP00300 |
+ Mechanical complication of coronary bypass |
+ SP07600 |
+ Coronary artery bypass graft occlusion |
+ 5543 |
+ Coronary arteriograph.abnormal |
+ 3213100 |
+ Exercise ECG abnormal |
+ 3213111 |
+ Positive exercise ECG test |
+ 33B9500 |
+ Exercise tolerance test abnormal |
+ 322..00 |
+ ECG: myocardial ischaemia |
+ 3222 |
+ ECG:shows myocardial ischaemia |
+ 322Z.00 |
+ ECG: myocardial ischaemia NOS |
+ 32E4.00 |
+ ECG: S-T depression |
+ 32F2.00 |
+ ECG: T wave abnormal |
+ 32F3.00 |
+ ECG: T wave flattened |
+ 32F4.00 |
+ ECG: T wave inverted |
+ 5C11.00 |
+ Radionuclide heart study abnormal |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I201 |
+ Angina pectoris with documented spasm |
+ I208 |
+ Other forms of angina pectoris |
+ I209 |
+ Angina pectoris, unspecified |
+Stroke NOS
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had a stroke NOS IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
No record for subarachnoid haemorrhage, ischaemic stroke or intracerebral haemorrhage at any time on or before the specified date
@@ -4538,75 +56990,447 @@ Primary care
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of stroke NOS or stroke NOS during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14A7.00 | H/O: CVA/stroke |
14A7.11 | H/O: CVA |
14A7.12 | H/O: stroke |
14AK.00 | H/O: Stroke in last year |
1M4..00 | Central post-stroke pain |
661M700 | Stroke self-management plan agreed |
661N700 | Stroke self-management plan review |
662e.00 | Stroke/CVA annual review |
662e.11 | Stroke annual review |
662M100 | Stroke 6 month review |
662M200 | Stroke initial post discharge review |
662M.00 | Stroke monitoring |
7P24200 | Delivery of rehabilitation for stroke |
8HHM.00 | Ref to multidisciplinary stroke function improvement service |
8IEC.00 | Ref multidisciplinary stroke function improvement declined |
9h21.00 | Excepted from stroke quality indicators: Patient unsuitable |
9h22.00 | Excepted from stroke quality indicators: Informed dissent |
9h2..00 | Exception reporting: stroke quality indicators |
Fyu5600 | [X]Other lacunar syndromes |
G663.00 | Brain stem stroke syndrome |
G664.00 | Cerebellar stroke syndrome |
G665.00 | Pure motor lacunar syndrome |
G666.00 | Pure sensory lacunar syndrome |
G667.00 | Left sided CVA |
G668.00 | Right sided CVA |
G66..00 | Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified |
G66..11 | CVA unspecified |
G66..12 | Stroke unspecified |
G66..13 | CVA - Cerebrovascular accident unspecified |
G68X.00 | Sequelae of stroke,not specfd as h'morrhage or infarction |
Gyu6C00 | [X]Sequelae of stroke,not specfd as h'morrhage or infarction |
L440.11 | CVA - cerebrovascular accident in the puerperium |
L440.12 | Stroke in the puerperium |
ZV12511 | [V]Personal history of stroke |
ZV12512 | [V]Personal history of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G46.3 | Brain stem stroke syndrome |
G46.4 | Cerebellar stroke syndrome |
G46.5 | Pure motor lacunar syndrome |
G46.6 | Pure sensory lacunar syndrome |
G46.7 | Other lacunar syndromes |
G46.8 | Other vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases |
I64 | Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction |
I69.4 | Sequelae of stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction |
-Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14A7.00 |
+ H/O: CVA/stroke |
+ 14A7.11 |
+ H/O: CVA |
+ 14A7.12 |
+ H/O: stroke |
+ 14AK.00 |
+ H/O: Stroke in last year |
+ 1M4..00 |
+ Central post-stroke pain |
+ 661M700 |
+ Stroke self-management plan agreed |
+ 661N700 |
+ Stroke self-management plan review |
+ 662e.00 |
+ Stroke/CVA annual review |
+ 662e.11 |
+ Stroke annual review |
+ 662M100 |
+ Stroke 6 month review |
+ 662M200 |
+ Stroke initial post discharge review |
+ 662M.00 |
+ Stroke monitoring |
+ 7P24200 |
+ Delivery of rehabilitation for stroke |
+ 8HHM.00 |
+ Ref to multidisciplinary stroke function improvement service |
+ 8IEC.00 |
+ Ref multidisciplinary stroke function improvement declined |
+ 9h21.00 |
+ Excepted from stroke quality indicators: Patient unsuitable |
+ 9h22.00 |
+ Excepted from stroke quality indicators: Informed dissent |
+ 9h2..00 |
+ Exception reporting: stroke quality indicators |
+ Fyu5600 |
+ [X]Other lacunar syndromes |
+ G663.00 |
+ Brain stem stroke syndrome |
+ G664.00 |
+ Cerebellar stroke syndrome |
+ G665.00 |
+ Pure motor lacunar syndrome |
+ G666.00 |
+ Pure sensory lacunar syndrome |
+ G667.00 |
+ Left sided CVA |
+ G668.00 |
+ Right sided CVA |
+ G66..00 |
+ Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified |
+ G66..11 |
+ CVA unspecified |
+ G66..12 |
+ Stroke unspecified |
+ G66..13 |
+ CVA - Cerebrovascular accident unspecified |
+ G68X.00 |
+ Sequelae of stroke,not specfd as h'morrhage or infarction |
+ Gyu6C00 |
+ [X]Sequelae of stroke,not specfd as h'morrhage or infarction |
+ L440.11 |
+ CVA - cerebrovascular accident in the puerperium |
+ L440.12 |
+ Stroke in the puerperium |
+ ZV12511 |
+ [V]Personal history of stroke |
+ ZV12512 |
+ [V]Personal history of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G46.3 |
+ Brain stem stroke syndrome |
+ G46.4 |
+ Cerebellar stroke syndrome |
+ G46.5 |
+ Pure motor lacunar syndrome |
+ G46.6 |
+ Pure sensory lacunar syndrome |
+ G46.7 |
+ Other lacunar syndromes |
+ G46.8 |
+ Other vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases |
+ I64 |
+ Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction |
+ I69.4 |
+ Sequelae of stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction |
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had a subarachnoid haemorrhage IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had a 'Subarachnoid haemorrhage' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Subarachnoid haemorrhage diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Subarachnoid haemorrhage' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of subarachnoid haemorrhage or sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G600.00 | Ruptured berry aneurysm |
G601.00 | Subarachnoid haemorrhage from carotid siphon and bifurcation |
G602.00 | Subarachnoid haemorrhage from middle cerebral artery |
G603.00 | Subarachnoid haemorrhage from anterior communicating artery |
G604.00 | Subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior communicating artery |
G605.00 | Subarachnoid haemorrhage from basilar artery |
G606.00 | Subarachnoid haemorrhage from vertebral artery |
G60..00 | Subarachnoid haemorrhage |
G60X.00 | Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif |
G60z.00 | Subarachnoid haemorrhage NOS |
G680.00 | Sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage |
Gyu6000 | [X]Subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteries |
Gyu6100 | [X]Other subarachnoid haemorrhage |
Gyu6E00 | [X]Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I60 | Subarachnoid haemorrhage |
I69.0 | Sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Subarachnoid haemorrhage' or sequelae of 'Subarachnoid haemorrhage' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G600.00 |
+ Ruptured berry aneurysm |
+ G601.00 |
+ Subarachnoid haemorrhage from carotid siphon and bifurcation |
+ G602.00 |
+ Subarachnoid haemorrhage from middle cerebral artery |
+ G603.00 |
+ Subarachnoid haemorrhage from anterior communicating artery |
+ G604.00 |
+ Subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior communicating artery |
+ G605.00 |
+ Subarachnoid haemorrhage from basilar artery |
+ G606.00 |
+ Subarachnoid haemorrhage from vertebral artery |
+ G60..00 |
+ Subarachnoid haemorrhage |
+ G60X.00 |
+ Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif |
+ G60z.00 |
+ Subarachnoid haemorrhage NOS |
+ G680.00 |
+ Sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage |
+ Gyu6000 |
+ [X]Subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteries |
+ Gyu6100 |
+ [X]Other subarachnoid haemorrhage |
+ Gyu6E00 |
+ [X]Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I60 |
+ Subarachnoid haemorrhage |
+ I69.0 |
+ Sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage |
+Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic
-Subdural haematoma
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
G621.00 | Subdural haemorrhage - nontraumatic |
G622.00 | Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I62.0 | Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic) |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ G621.00 |
+ Subdural haemorrhage - nontraumatic |
+ G622.00 |
+ Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I62.0 |
+ Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic) |
+Supraventricular tachycardia
-Supraventricular Tachycardia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Supraventricular tachycardia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Supraventricular tachycardia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Supraventricular tachycardia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Supraventricular tachycardia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Supraventricular tachycardia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14AQ.00 | History of supraventricular tachycardia |
3274.00 | ECG: paroxysmal atrial tachy. |
G570000 | Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia |
G570100 | Paroxysmal atrioventricular tachycardia |
G570200 | Paroxysmal junctional tachycardia |
G570300 | Paroxysmal nodal tachycardia |
G570.00 | Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia |
G570z00 | Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia NOS |
G57y900 | Supraventricular tachycardia NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I47.1 | Supraventricular tachycardia |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Supraventricular tachycardia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14AQ.00 |
+ History of supraventricular tachycardia |
+ 3274.00 |
+ ECG: paroxysmal atrial tachy. |
+ G570000 |
+ Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia |
+ G570100 |
+ Paroxysmal atrioventricular tachycardia |
+ G570200 |
+ Paroxysmal junctional tachycardia |
+ G570300 |
+ Paroxysmal nodal tachycardia |
+ G570.00 |
+ Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia |
+ G570z00 |
+ Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia NOS |
+ G57y900 |
+ Supraventricular tachycardia NOS |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_SVT.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I47.1 |
+ Supraventricular tachycardia |
+Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
-Syndrome of Inappropriate AntiDiuretic Hormone
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had SIADH IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had SIADH IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of SIADH or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
E22.2 | Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_SIADH.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ E22.2 |
+ Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone |
+Systemic sclerosis
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Systemic sclerosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -4614,183 +57438,2033 @@ Primary care
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Systemic sclerosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F396600 | Myopathy due to scleroderma |
H572.00 | Lung disease with systemic sclerosis |
K0H..00 | Acute scleroderma renal crisis |
K0J0.00 | Renal involvement in scleroderma |
N001000 | Progressive systemic sclerosis |
N001100 | CREST syndrome |
N001200 | Systemic sclerosis induced by drugs and chemicals |
N001.00 | Scleroderma |
N001.11 | Acrosclerosis |
N001.12 | Systemic sclerosis |
Nyu4500 | [X]Other forms of systemic sclerosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
M34 | Systemic sclerosis |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F396600 |
+ Myopathy due to scleroderma |
+ H572.00 |
+ Lung disease with systemic sclerosis |
+ K0H..00 |
+ Acute scleroderma renal crisis |
+ K0J0.00 |
+ Renal involvement in scleroderma |
+ N001000 |
+ Progressive systemic sclerosis |
+ N001100 |
+ CREST syndrome |
+ N001200 |
+ Systemic sclerosis induced by drugs and chemicals |
+ N001.00 |
+ Scleroderma |
+ N001.11 |
+ Acrosclerosis |
+ N001.12 |
+ Systemic sclerosis |
+ Nyu4500 |
+ [X]Other forms of systemic sclerosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ M34 |
+ Systemic sclerosis |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Thalassaemia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Thalassaemia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Thalassaemia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Thalassaemia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Thalassaemia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
D104000 | Thalassaemia major NEC |
D104011 | Thalassaemia major - Cooley's anaemia |
D104200 | Thalassaemia with haemoglobin S disease |
D104211 | Sickle-cell thalassaemia |
D104300 | Alpha thalassaemia |
D104311 | Homozygous alpha thalassaemia |
D104600 | Beta intermedia thalassaemia |
D104700 | Beta major thalassaemia |
D104811 | Beta thalassaemia |
D104900 | Delta-beta thalassaemia |
D104A00 | Hereditary leptocytosis |
D104.00 | Thalassaemia |
D104.12 | Mediterranean anaemia |
D104z00 | Thalassaemia NOS |
D104z11 | Mediterranean anaemia |
Dyu1100 | [X]Other thalassaemias |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D56.0 | Alpha thalassaemia |
D56.1 | Beta thalassaemia |
D56.2 | Delta-beta thalassaemia |
D56.8 | Other thalassaemias |
D56.9 | Thalassaemia, unspecified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Thalassaemia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ D104000 |
+ Thalassaemia major NEC |
+ D104011 |
+ Thalassaemia major - Cooley's anaemia |
+ D104200 |
+ Thalassaemia with haemoglobin S disease |
+ D104211 |
+ Sickle-cell thalassaemia |
+ D104300 |
+ Alpha thalassaemia |
+ D104311 |
+ Homozygous alpha thalassaemia |
+ D104600 |
+ Beta intermedia thalassaemia |
+ D104700 |
+ Beta major thalassaemia |
+ D104811 |
+ Beta thalassaemia |
+ D104900 |
+ Delta-beta thalassaemia |
+ D104A00 |
+ Hereditary leptocytosis |
+ D104.00 |
+ Thalassaemia |
+ D104.12 |
+ Mediterranean anaemia |
+ D104z00 |
+ Thalassaemia NOS |
+ D104z11 |
+ Mediterranean anaemia |
+ Dyu1100 |
+ [X]Other thalassaemias |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_thala.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D56.0 |
+ Alpha thalassaemia |
+ D56.1 |
+ Beta thalassaemia |
+ D56.2 |
+ Delta-beta thalassaemia |
+ D56.8 |
+ Other thalassaemias |
+ D56.9 |
+ Thalassaemia, unspecified |
+Thalassaemia trait
-Thalassaemia Trait
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Thalassaemia trait IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Thalassaemia trait' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Thalassaemia trait diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Thalassaemia trait' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Thalassaemia trait or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
D104100 | Thalassaemia minor NEC |
D104400 | Alpha trait thalassaemia |
D104500 | Beta trait thalassaemia |
D104800 | Beta minor thalassaemia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D56.3 | Thalassaemia trait |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Thalassaemia trait' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ D104100 |
+ Thalassaemia minor NEC |
+ D104400 |
+ Alpha trait thalassaemia |
+ D104500 |
+ Beta trait thalassaemia |
+ D104800 |
+ Beta minor thalassaemia |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D56.3 |
+ Thalassaemia trait |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Thrombophilia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Thrombophilia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Thrombophilia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Thrombophilia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Thrombophilia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
42jH.00 | Activated protein C with factor V deficient plasma |
42Qc.00 | Plasma activated protein C resistance |
42Qe.00 | Factor V Leiden genotype |
43GE100 | Lupus anticoagulant positive |
D303700 | Factor V Leiden mutation |
D303800 | Homozygous factor V Leiden mutation |
D303900 | Heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation |
D309.00 | Protein S deficiency |
D30A000 | Primary thrombophilia |
D30A.00 | Thrombophilia |
D30B.00 | Protein C deficiency |
N006.00 | Antiphospholipid syndrome |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D68.5 | Primary Thrombophilia |
D68.6 | Other Thrombophilia |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Thrombophilia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 42jH.00 |
+ Activated protein C with factor V deficient plasma |
+ 42Qc.00 |
+ Plasma activated protein C resistance |
+ 42Qe.00 |
+ Factor V Leiden genotype |
+ 43GE100 |
+ Lupus anticoagulant positive |
+ D303700 |
+ Factor V Leiden mutation |
+ D303800 |
+ Homozygous factor V Leiden mutation |
+ D303900 |
+ Heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation |
+ D309.00 |
+ Protein S deficiency |
+ D30A000 |
+ Primary thrombophilia |
+ D30A.00 |
+ Thrombophilia |
+ D30B.00 |
+ Protein C deficiency |
+ N006.00 |
+ Antiphospholipid syndrome |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D68.5 |
+ Primary Thrombophilia |
+ D68.6 |
+ Other Thrombophilia |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Tinnitus IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Tinnitus' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Tinnitus diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Tinnitus' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Tinnitus or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1C2..00 | Tinnitus symptoms |
1C23.00 | Ringing in ear |
1C24.00 | Hissing in ear |
1C2Z.00 | Tinnitus symptom NOS |
F583000 | Unspecified tinnitus |
F583100 | Subjective tinnitus |
F583200 | Objective tinnitus |
F583.00 | Tinnitus |
F583z00 | Tinnitus NOS |
Z911200 | Fit tinnitus masker |
ZEB..00 | Observation of tinnitus |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H93.1 | Tinnitus |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Tinnitus' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1C2..00 |
+ Tinnitus symptoms |
+ 1C23.00 |
+ Ringing in ear |
+ 1C24.00 |
+ Hissing in ear |
+ 1C2Z.00 |
+ Tinnitus symptom NOS |
+ F583000 |
+ Unspecified tinnitus |
+ F583100 |
+ Subjective tinnitus |
+ F583200 |
+ Objective tinnitus |
+ F583.00 |
+ Tinnitus |
+ F583z00 |
+ Tinnitus NOS |
+ Z911200 |
+ Fit tinnitus masker |
+ ZEB..00 |
+ Observation of tinnitus |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H93.1 |
+ Tinnitus |
+Transient ischaemic attack
-Transient Ischaemic Attack
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had a Transient Ischaemic Attack IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had a 'Transient ischaemic attack' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Transient Ischaemic Attack diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Transient ischaemic attack' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Transient Ischaemic Attack or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14AB000 | H/O amaurosis fugax |
14AB.00 | H/O: TIA |
1B1S.00 | Transient global amnesia |
8CRB.00 | Transient ischaemic attack clinical management plan |
F423600 | Amaurosis fugax |
Fyu5500 | [X]Other transnt cerebral ischaemic attacks+related syndroms |
G650.11 | Insufficiency - basilar artery |
G655.00 | Transient global amnesia |
G656.00 | Vertebrobasilar insufficiency |
G657.00 | Carotid territory transient ischaemic attack |
G65..00 | Transient cerebral ischaemia |
G65..12 | Transient ischaemic attack |
G65..13 | Vertebro-basilar insufficiency |
G65y.00 | Other transient cerebral ischaemia |
G65z100 | Intermittent cerebral ischaemia |
G65z.00 | Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS |
G65zz00 | Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS |
Z7CE700 | Transient global amnesia |
Z7CE711 | TGA - Transient global amnesia |
ZV12D00 | [V]Personal history of transient ischaemic attack |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G45.0 | Vertebro-basilar artery syndrome |
G45.1 | Carotid artery syndrome (hemispheric) |
G45.2 | Multiple and bilateral precerebral artery syndromes |
G45.3 | Amaurosis fugax |
G45.4 | Transient global amnesia |
G45.8 | Other transient cerebral ischaemic attacks and related syndromes |
G45.9 | Transient cerebral ischaemic attack, unspecified |
G46.0 | Middle cerebral artery syndrome |
G46.1 | Anterior cerebral artery syndrome |
G46.2 | Posterior cerebral artery syndrome |
I65 | Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction |
I66 | Occlusion and stenosis of cerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Transient ischaemic attack' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14AB000 |
+ H/O amaurosis fugax |
+ 14AB.00 |
+ H/O: TIA |
+ 1B1S.00 |
+ Transient global amnesia |
+ 8CRB.00 |
+ Transient ischaemic attack clinical management plan |
+ F423600 |
+ Amaurosis fugax |
+ Fyu5500 |
+ [X]Other transnt cerebral ischaemic attacks+related syndroms |
+ G650.11 |
+ Insufficiency - basilar artery |
+ G655.00 |
+ Transient global amnesia |
+ G656.00 |
+ Vertebrobasilar insufficiency |
+ G657.00 |
+ Carotid territory transient ischaemic attack |
+ G65..00 |
+ Transient cerebral ischaemia |
+ G65..12 |
+ Transient ischaemic attack |
+ G65..13 |
+ Vertebro-basilar insufficiency |
+ G65y.00 |
+ Other transient cerebral ischaemia |
+ G65z100 |
+ Intermittent cerebral ischaemia |
+ G65z.00 |
+ Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS |
+ G65zz00 |
+ Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS |
+ Z7CE700 |
+ Transient global amnesia |
+ Z7CE711 |
+ TGA - Transient global amnesia |
+ ZV12D00 |
+ [V]Personal history of transient ischaemic attack |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_TIA.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G45.0 |
+ Vertebro-basilar artery syndrome |
+ G45.1 |
+ Carotid artery syndrome (hemispheric) |
+ G45.2 |
+ Multiple and bilateral precerebral artery syndromes |
+ G45.3 |
+ Amaurosis fugax |
+ G45.4 |
+ Transient global amnesia |
+ G45.8 |
+ Other transient cerebral ischaemic attacks and related syndromes |
+ G45.9 |
+ Transient cerebral ischaemic attack, unspecified |
+ G46.0 |
+ Middle cerebral artery syndrome |
+ G46.1 |
+ Anterior cerebral artery syndrome |
+ G46.2 |
+ Posterior cerebral artery syndrome |
+ I65 |
+ Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction |
+ I66 |
+ Occlusion and stenosis of cerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction |
+Trifascicular block
-Trifascicular Block
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Trifascicular block IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Trifascicular block' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Trifascicular block diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Trifascicular block' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Trifascicular block or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
329B.00 | ECG: trifascicular block |
G565400 | Trifascicular block |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I45.3 | Trifascicular block |
-Raised Triglycerides
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Raised Triglycerides IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date.
-Primary care
-1. IF the highest value EVER recorded for Triglycerides for a patient on or before the specified date is greater than:
-a) serum: 1.7 mmol/L
-b) serum: 150.569 mg/dL
-c) plasma: 1.6521 mmol/L
-d) plasma: 146.3256 mg/dL
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Trifascicular block' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 329B.00 |
+ ECG: trifascicular block |
+ G565400 |
+ Trifascicular block |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I45.3 |
+ Trifascicular block |
+Trigeminal neuralgia
-Trigeminal Neuralgia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Trigeminal neuralgia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Trigeminal neuralgia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Trigeminal neuralgia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Trigeminal neuralgia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Trigeminal neuralgia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1475.00 | H/O: trigeminal neuralgia |
A531200 | Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia |
F300.00 | Post-herpetic trigeminal neuralgia |
F301000 | Tic douloureux |
F301.00 | Other specified trigeminal neuralgia |
F301z00 | Trigeminal neuralgia NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
G50.0 | Trigeminal neuralgia |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Trigeminal neuralgia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1475 |
+ H/O: trigeminal neuralgia |
+ A531200 |
+ Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia |
+ F300.00 |
+ Post-herpetic trigeminal neuralgia |
+ F301000 |
+ Tic douloureux |
+ F301.00 |
+ Other specified trigeminal neuralgia |
+ F301z00 |
+ Trigeminal neuralgia NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ G50.0 |
+ Trigeminal neuralgia |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Tuberculosis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Tuberculosis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Tuberculosis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Tuberculosis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Tuberculosis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1411.00 | H/O: tuberculosis |
14P9.00 | History of tuberculosis drug therapy |
65V9.00 | Notification of tuberculosis |
65V9.11 | TB - tuberculosis notification |
65Y1.00 | On tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis |
65Y2.00 | Streptomycin resistant tuberculosis |
65Y5.00 | Isoniazid resistant tuberculosis |
65Y8.00 | Ciprofloxacin resistant tuberculosis |
65Y9.00 | Inactive tuberculosis |
65Y9.11 | Latent tuberculosis |
8BAD100 | TB chemotherapy |
A100.00 | Primary tuberculous complex |
A101.00 | Tuberculous pleurisy in primary progressive tuberculosis |
A10..00 | Primary tuberculous infection |
A10y.00 | Other primary progressive tuberculosis |
A10z.00 | Primary tuberculous infection NOS |
A110.00 | Infiltrative lung tuberculosis |
A111.00 | Nodular lung tuberculosis |
A112.00 | Tuberculosis of lung with cavitation |
A113.00 | Tuberculosis of bronchus |
A114.00 | Tuberculous fibrosis of lung |
A115.00 | Tuberculous bronchiectasis |
A116.00 | Tuberculous pneumonia |
A117.00 | Tuberculous pneumothorax |
A11..00 | Pulmonary tuberculosis |
A11..11 | Lung tuberculosis |
A11y.00 | Other specified pulmonary tuberculosis |
A11z.00 | Pulmonary tuberculosis NOS |
A120000 | Tuberculosis of pleura |
A120100 | Tuberculous empyema |
A120200 | Tuberculous hydrothorax |
A120.00 | Tuberculous pleurisy |
A120z00 | Tuberculous pleurisy NOS |
A121000 | Tuberculosis of hilar lymph nodes |
A121100 | Tuberculosis of mediastinal lymph nodes |
A121200 | Tuberculosis of tracheobronchial lymph nodes |
A121.00 | Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
A121z00 | Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes NOS |
A122000 | Isolated tracheal tuberculosis |
A122100 | Isolated bronchial tuberculosis |
A122.00 | Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis |
A122z00 | Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis NOS |
A123.00 | Tuberculous laryngitis |
A124000 | TB lung confirm sputum microscopy with or without culture |
A124100 | Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only |
A124200 | Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically |
A124300 | Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by unspecified means |
A124400 | TB intrathoracic lymph nodes confirm bact histologically |
A124500 | Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea & bronchus conf bact/hist'y |
A124600 | Tuberculous pleurisy, conf bacteriologically/histologically |
A124700 | Primary respiratory TB confirm bact and histologically |
A124.00 | Resp TB bacteriologically and histologically confirmed |
A125000 | Tuberculosis of lung, bacteriologically & histolog'y neg |
A125100 | Tuberculosis lung bact and histological examin not done |
A125200 | Prim respiratory TB without mention of bact or hist confirm |
A125.00 | Respiratory TB not confirmed bact or histologically |
A125X00 | Resp TB unspcf,w'out mention/bacterial or histol confrmtn |
A12..00 | Other respiratory tuberculosis |
A12y000 | Tuberculosis of mediastinum |
A12y100 | Tuberculosis of nasopharynx |
A12y200 | Tuberculosis of nasal septum |
A12y300 | Tuberculosis of nasal sinus |
A12y.00 | Other specified respiratory tuberculosis |
A12yz00 | Other specified respiratory tuberculosis NOS |
A130000 | Tuberculosis of cerebral meninges |
A130100 | Tuberculosis of spinal meninges |
A130300 | Tuberculous meningoencephalitis |
A130.00 | Tuberculous meningitis |
A130z00 | Tuberculous meningitis NOS |
A131.00 | Tuberculoma of meninges |
A132.00 | Tuberculoma of brain |
A133.00 | Tuberculous abscess of brain |
A134.00 | Tuberculoma of spinal cord |
A135.00 | Tuberculous abscess of spinal cord |
A136000 | Tuberculous encephalitis |
A136100 | Tuberculous myelitis |
A136.00 | Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis |
A136z00 | Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis NOS |
A13..00 | Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system |
A13y.00 | Other specified tuberculosis of central nervous system |
A13z.00 | Tuberculosis of central nervous system NOS |
A140.00 | Tuberculous peritonitis |
A14..00 | Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands |
A14y100 | Tuberculosis of large intestine |
A14y200 | Tuberculosis of small intestine |
A14y300 | Tuberculosis of mesenteric lymph glands |
A14y400 | Tuberculosis of rectum |
A14y500 | Tuberculosis of retroperitoneal lymph nodes |
A14y.00 | Other gastrointestinal tract tuberculosis |
A14yz00 | Other gastrointestinal tract tuberculosis NOS |
A14z.00 | Tuberculosis of gastrointestinal tract NOS |
A150.00 | Tuberculosis of vertebral column - Pott's |
A151.00 | Tuberculosis of hip |
A152.00 | Tuberculosis of knee |
A153.00 | Tuberculosis limb bones - Tuberculous dactylitis |
A154.00 | Tuberculous mastoiditis |
A15..00 | Tuberculosis of bones and joints |
A15..11 | Tuberculous osteomylelytis |
A15..12 | Tuberculous arthritis |
A15..13 | Tuberculous synovitis |
A15x.00 | Tuberculosis of other specified bones |
A15y.00 | Tuberculosis of other specified joint |
A15z.00 | Tuberculosis of bones or joints NOS |
A160000 | Tuberculous nephropathy |
A160100 | Tuberculous pyelitis |
A160200 | Tuberculous pyelonephritis |
A160.00 | Tuberculosis of kidney |
A160.11 | Renal tuberculosis |
A160z00 | Tuberculosis of kidney NOS |
A161.00 | Tuberculosis of bladder |
A162.00 | Tuberculosis of ureter |
A163.00 | Tuberculosis of other urinary organs |
A164.00 | Tuberculosis of epididymis |
A165000 | Tuberculosis of prostate |
A165100 | Tuberculosis seminal vesicle |
A165200 | Tuberculosis of testis |
A165.00 | Tuberculosis of other male genital organs |
A165z00 | Tuberculosis of other male genital organs NOS |
A166000 | Tuberculous oophoritis |
A166100 | Tuberculous salpingitis |
A166111 | Fallopian tube tuberculosis |
A166.00 | Tuberculous oophoritis or salpingitis |
A166z00 | Tuberculous oophoritis or salpingitis NOS |
A167000 | Tuberculous cervicitis |
A167100 | Tuberculous endometritis |
A167.00 | Tuberculosis of other female genital organs |
A167z00 | Tuberculosis of other female genital organs NOS |
A168.00 | Tuberculosis of urinary tract |
A16..00 | Tuberculosis of genitourinary system |
A16z.00 | Genitourinary tuberculosis NOS |
A170000 | Tuberculosis - lupus exedens |
A170100 | Tuberculosis - lupus vulgaris |
A170200 | Tuberculosis - scrofuloderma |
A170300 | Tuberculosis - lupus NOS |
A170500 | Tuberculosis cutis |
A170600 | Tuberculosis lichenoides |
A170700 | Tuberculosis papulonecrotica |
A170800 | Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis |
A170.00 | Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
A170.11 | Lupus - tuberculous |
A170z00 | Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue NOS |
A171000 | Bazin's disease - erythema induratum - TB hypersensitivity |
A171100 | Tuberculous erythema nodosum |
A171.00 | Tuberculosis with erythema nodosum hypersensitivity reaction |
A171z00 | Erythema nodosum with tuberculosis NOS |
A172000 | Tuberculous - cervical lymphadenitis |
A172011 | Scrofula - tuberculous cervical lymph nodes |
A172100 | Scrofulous tuberculous abscess |
A172200 | Tuberculous adenitis |
A172.00 | Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes |
A172z00 | Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes NOS |
A173000 | Tuberculous chorioretinitis |
A173100 | Tuberculous episcleritis |
A173200 | Tuberculous interstitial keratitis |
A173300 | Tuberculous chronic iridocyclitis |
A173400 | Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis |
A173.00 | Tuberculosis of eye |
A173z00 | Tuberculosis of eye NOS |
A174.00 | Tuberculosis of ear |
A175.00 | Tuberculosis of thyroid gland |
A176.00 | Tuberculosis of adrenal glands - Addison's disease |
A177.00 | Tuberculosis spleen |
A178.00 | Tuberculosis oesophagus |
A17..00 | Tuberculosis of other organs |
A17y000 | Tuberculosis endocardium |
A17y100 | Tuberculosis myocardium |
A17y200 | Tuberculosis pericardium |
A17y300 | Tuberculosis of stomach |
A17y400 | Tuberculosis of liver |
A17y.00 | Tuberculosis of other specified organs |
A17yz00 | Tuberculosis of other specified organs NOS |
A17z.00 | Tuberculosis of other organs NOS |
A180000 | Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site |
A180100 | Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites |
A180.00 | Acute miliary tuberculosis |
A18..00 | Miliary tuberculosis |
A18y.00 | Other specified miliary tuberculosis |
A18z.00 | Miliary tuberculosis NOS |
A1...00 | Tuberculosis |
A1y..00 | Other specified tuberculosis |
A1z..00 | Tuberculosis NOS |
AE00.00 | Late effects of respiratory tuberculosis |
AE01.00 | Late effects of central nervous system tuberculosis |
AE02.00 | Late effects of genitourinary system tuberculosis |
AE03.00 | Late effects of tuberculosis of bones and joints |
AE04.00 | Late effects of tuberculosis of other specified organs |
AE0..00 | Late effects of tuberculosis |
AE0z.00 | Late effects of tuberculosis NOS |
Ayu1000 | [X]Other resp tubercul,confirmd bacteriologicly+histologicly |
Ayu1100 | [X]Resp tuberculos unspcfd,confirmd bacteriolog+histologicly |
Ayu1300 | [X]Resp TB unspcf,w'out mention/bacterial or histol confrmtn |
Ayu1400 | [X]Other tuberculosis of nervous system |
Ayu1600 | [X]Tuberculosis of other specified organs |
Ayu1800 | [X]Other miliary tuberculosis |
Ayu1900 | [X]Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified |
Ayu1.00 | [X]Tuberculosis |
AyuJ200 | [X]Sequelae of tuberculosis of bones and joints |
AyuJ400 | [X]Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis |
F004.00 | Meningitis - tuberculous |
F033300 | Encephalitis due to tuberculosis |
F033311 | Tuberculous encephalitis |
F040600 | Tuberculous intracranial abscess |
F041300 | Tuberculous intraspinal abscess |
F4A5500 | Keratitis due to tuberculosis |
G500300 | Acute pericarditis - tuberculous |
G500311 | TB - acute pericarditis |
G520600 | Acute myocarditis - tuberculous |
H450.00 | Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis |
J550200 | Peritonitis - tuberculous |
K154800 | Cystitis in tuberculosis |
K214300 | Prostatitis in tuberculosis |
K43..00 | Female tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease |
N018.00 | Tuberculous arthritis |
N304000 | Tuberculosis of cervical spine |
N304100 | Tuberculosis of thoracic spine |
N304200 | Tuberculosis of lumbar spine |
N304300 | Tuberculosis of sacrum/coccyx |
N304.00 | Tuberculosis of spine (Pott's) |
N304.11 | Tuberculosis of spine |
N305000 | Tuberculosis of unspecified limb bone |
N305100 | Tuberculosis of the upper arm bone |
N305200 | Tuberculosis of the forearm bone |
N305300 | Tuberculosis of the pelvic and thigh bones |
N305400 | Tuberculosis of the lower leg bone |
N305500 | Tuberculosis of other limb bones |
N305.00 | Tuberculosis of limb bones |
N306000 | Tuberculosis of bone, site unspecified |
N306100 | Tuberculosis of the bones of the shoulder region |
N306200 | Tuberculosis of the bones of the hand |
N306300 | Tuberculosis of the bones of the ankle and foot |
N306400 | Tuberculosis of the bones of other sites |
N306500 | Tuberculosis of the bones of multiple sites |
N306.00 | Tuberculosis of other bones |
N306z00 | Tuberculosis of bone NOS |
Q402400 | Congenital tuberculosis |
ZV12A00 | [V] Personal history of pulmonary tuberculosis |
ZV12B00 | [V] Personal history of tuberculosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A15 | Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed |
A16 | Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically |
A17 | Tuberculosis of nervous system |
A18 | Tuberculosis of other organs |
A19 | Miliary tuberculosis |
B20.0 | HIV disease resulting in mycobacterial infection |
B90 | Sequelae of tuberculosis |
J65 | Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis |
K23.0 | Tuberculous oesophagitis |
K67.3 | Tuberculous peritonitis |
K93.0 | Tuberculous disorders of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands |
M01.1 | Tuberculous arthritis |
M49.0 | Tuberculosis of spine |
M90.0 | Tuberculosis of bone |
N33.0 | Tuberculous cystitis |
N74.0 | Tuberculous infection of cervix uteri |
N74.1 | Female tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease |
P37.0 | Congenital tuberculosis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Tuberculosis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1411 |
+ H/O: tuberculosis |
+ 14P9.00 |
+ History of tuberculosis drug therapy |
+ 65V9.00 |
+ Notification of tuberculosis |
+ 65V9.11 |
+ TB - tuberculosis notification |
+ 65Y1.00 |
+ On tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis |
+ 65Y2.00 |
+ Streptomycin resistant tuberculosis |
+ 65Y5.00 |
+ Isoniazid resistant tuberculosis |
+ 65Y8.00 |
+ Ciprofloxacin resistant tuberculosis |
+ 65Y9.00 |
+ Inactive tuberculosis |
+ 65Y9.11 |
+ Latent tuberculosis |
+ 8BAD100 |
+ TB chemotherapy |
+ A100.00 |
+ Primary tuberculous complex |
+ A101.00 |
+ Tuberculous pleurisy in primary progressive tuberculosis |
+ A10..00 |
+ Primary tuberculous infection |
+ A10y.00 |
+ Other primary progressive tuberculosis |
+ A10z.00 |
+ Primary tuberculous infection NOS |
+ A110.00 |
+ Infiltrative lung tuberculosis |
+ A111.00 |
+ Nodular lung tuberculosis |
+ A112.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of lung with cavitation |
+ A113.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of bronchus |
+ A114.00 |
+ Tuberculous fibrosis of lung |
+ A115.00 |
+ Tuberculous bronchiectasis |
+ A116.00 |
+ Tuberculous pneumonia |
+ A117.00 |
+ Tuberculous pneumothorax |
+ A11..00 |
+ Pulmonary tuberculosis |
+ A11..11 |
+ Lung tuberculosis |
+ A11y.00 |
+ Other specified pulmonary tuberculosis |
+ A11z.00 |
+ Pulmonary tuberculosis NOS |
+ A120000 |
+ Tuberculosis of pleura |
+ A120100 |
+ Tuberculous empyema |
+ A120200 |
+ Tuberculous hydrothorax |
+ A120.00 |
+ Tuberculous pleurisy |
+ A120z00 |
+ Tuberculous pleurisy NOS |
+ A121000 |
+ Tuberculosis of hilar lymph nodes |
+ A121100 |
+ Tuberculosis of mediastinal lymph nodes |
+ A121200 |
+ Tuberculosis of tracheobronchial lymph nodes |
+ A121.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes |
+ A121z00 |
+ Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes NOS |
+ A122000 |
+ Isolated tracheal tuberculosis |
+ A122100 |
+ Isolated bronchial tuberculosis |
+ A122.00 |
+ Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis |
+ A122z00 |
+ Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis NOS |
+ A123.00 |
+ Tuberculous laryngitis |
+ A124000 |
+ TB lung confirm sputum microscopy with or without culture |
+ A124100 |
+ Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only |
+ A124200 |
+ Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically |
+ A124300 |
+ Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by unspecified means |
+ A124400 |
+ TB intrathoracic lymph nodes confirm bact histologically |
+ A124500 |
+ Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea & bronchus conf bact/hist'y |
+ A124600 |
+ Tuberculous pleurisy, conf bacteriologically/histologically |
+ A124700 |
+ Primary respiratory TB confirm bact and histologically |
+ A124.00 |
+ Resp TB bacteriologically and histologically confirmed |
+ A125000 |
+ Tuberculosis of lung, bacteriologically & histolog'y neg |
+ A125100 |
+ Tuberculosis lung bact and histological examin not done |
+ A125200 |
+ Prim respiratory TB without mention of bact or hist confirm |
+ A125.00 |
+ Respiratory TB not confirmed bact or histologically |
+ A125X00 |
+ Resp TB unspcf,w'out mention/bacterial or histol confrmtn |
+ A12..00 |
+ Other respiratory tuberculosis |
+ A12y000 |
+ Tuberculosis of mediastinum |
+ A12y100 |
+ Tuberculosis of nasopharynx |
+ A12y200 |
+ Tuberculosis of nasal septum |
+ A12y300 |
+ Tuberculosis of nasal sinus |
+ A12y.00 |
+ Other specified respiratory tuberculosis |
+ A12yz00 |
+ Other specified respiratory tuberculosis NOS |
+ A130000 |
+ Tuberculosis of cerebral meninges |
+ A130100 |
+ Tuberculosis of spinal meninges |
+ A130300 |
+ Tuberculous meningoencephalitis |
+ A130.00 |
+ Tuberculous meningitis |
+ A130z00 |
+ Tuberculous meningitis NOS |
+ A131.00 |
+ Tuberculoma of meninges |
+ A132.00 |
+ Tuberculoma of brain |
+ A133.00 |
+ Tuberculous abscess of brain |
+ A134.00 |
+ Tuberculoma of spinal cord |
+ A135.00 |
+ Tuberculous abscess of spinal cord |
+ A136000 |
+ Tuberculous encephalitis |
+ A136100 |
+ Tuberculous myelitis |
+ A136.00 |
+ Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis |
+ A136z00 |
+ Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis NOS |
+ A13..00 |
+ Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system |
+ A13y.00 |
+ Other specified tuberculosis of central nervous system |
+ A13z.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of central nervous system NOS |
+ A140.00 |
+ Tuberculous peritonitis |
+ A14..00 |
+ Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands |
+ A14y100 |
+ Tuberculosis of large intestine |
+ A14y200 |
+ Tuberculosis of small intestine |
+ A14y300 |
+ Tuberculosis of mesenteric lymph glands |
+ A14y400 |
+ Tuberculosis of rectum |
+ A14y500 |
+ Tuberculosis of retroperitoneal lymph nodes |
+ A14y.00 |
+ Other gastrointestinal tract tuberculosis |
+ A14yz00 |
+ Other gastrointestinal tract tuberculosis NOS |
+ A14z.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of gastrointestinal tract NOS |
+ A150.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of vertebral column - Pott's |
+ A151.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of hip |
+ A152.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of knee |
+ A153.00 |
+ Tuberculosis limb bones - Tuberculous dactylitis |
+ A154.00 |
+ Tuberculous mastoiditis |
+ A15..00 |
+ Tuberculosis of bones and joints |
+ A15..11 |
+ Tuberculous osteomylelytis |
+ A15..12 |
+ Tuberculous arthritis |
+ A15..13 |
+ Tuberculous synovitis |
+ A15x.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other specified bones |
+ A15y.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other specified joint |
+ A15z.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of bones or joints NOS |
+ A160000 |
+ Tuberculous nephropathy |
+ A160100 |
+ Tuberculous pyelitis |
+ A160200 |
+ Tuberculous pyelonephritis |
+ A160.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of kidney |
+ A160.11 |
+ Renal tuberculosis |
+ A160z00 |
+ Tuberculosis of kidney NOS |
+ A161.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of bladder |
+ A162.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of ureter |
+ A163.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other urinary organs |
+ A164.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of epididymis |
+ A165000 |
+ Tuberculosis of prostate |
+ A165100 |
+ Tuberculosis seminal vesicle |
+ A165200 |
+ Tuberculosis of testis |
+ A165.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other male genital organs |
+ A165z00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other male genital organs NOS |
+ A166000 |
+ Tuberculous oophoritis |
+ A166100 |
+ Tuberculous salpingitis |
+ A166111 |
+ Fallopian tube tuberculosis |
+ A166.00 |
+ Tuberculous oophoritis or salpingitis |
+ A166z00 |
+ Tuberculous oophoritis or salpingitis NOS |
+ A167000 |
+ Tuberculous cervicitis |
+ A167100 |
+ Tuberculous endometritis |
+ A167.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other female genital organs |
+ A167z00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other female genital organs NOS |
+ A168.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of urinary tract |
+ A16..00 |
+ Tuberculosis of genitourinary system |
+ A16z.00 |
+ Genitourinary tuberculosis NOS |
+ A170000 |
+ Tuberculosis - lupus exedens |
+ A170100 |
+ Tuberculosis - lupus vulgaris |
+ A170200 |
+ Tuberculosis - scrofuloderma |
+ A170300 |
+ Tuberculosis - lupus NOS |
+ A170500 |
+ Tuberculosis cutis |
+ A170600 |
+ Tuberculosis lichenoides |
+ A170700 |
+ Tuberculosis papulonecrotica |
+ A170800 |
+ Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis |
+ A170.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
+ A170.11 |
+ Lupus - tuberculous |
+ A170z00 |
+ Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue NOS |
+ A171000 |
+ Bazin's disease - erythema induratum - TB hypersensitivity |
+ A171100 |
+ Tuberculous erythema nodosum |
+ A171.00 |
+ Tuberculosis with erythema nodosum hypersensitivity reaction |
+ A171z00 |
+ Erythema nodosum with tuberculosis NOS |
+ A172000 |
+ Tuberculous - cervical lymphadenitis |
+ A172011 |
+ Scrofula - tuberculous cervical lymph nodes |
+ A172100 |
+ Scrofulous tuberculous abscess |
+ A172200 |
+ Tuberculous adenitis |
+ A172.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes |
+ A172z00 |
+ Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes NOS |
+ A173000 |
+ Tuberculous chorioretinitis |
+ A173100 |
+ Tuberculous episcleritis |
+ A173200 |
+ Tuberculous interstitial keratitis |
+ A173300 |
+ Tuberculous chronic iridocyclitis |
+ A173400 |
+ Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis |
+ A173.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of eye |
+ A173z00 |
+ Tuberculosis of eye NOS |
+ A174.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of ear |
+ A175.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of thyroid gland |
+ A176.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of adrenal glands - Addison's disease |
+ A177.00 |
+ Tuberculosis spleen |
+ A178.00 |
+ Tuberculosis oesophagus |
+ A17..00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other organs |
+ A17y000 |
+ Tuberculosis endocardium |
+ A17y100 |
+ Tuberculosis myocardium |
+ A17y200 |
+ Tuberculosis pericardium |
+ A17y300 |
+ Tuberculosis of stomach |
+ A17y400 |
+ Tuberculosis of liver |
+ A17y.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other specified organs |
+ A17yz00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other specified organs NOS |
+ A17z.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other organs NOS |
+ A180000 |
+ Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site |
+ A180100 |
+ Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites |
+ A180.00 |
+ Acute miliary tuberculosis |
+ A18..00 |
+ Miliary tuberculosis |
+ A18y.00 |
+ Other specified miliary tuberculosis |
+ A18z.00 |
+ Miliary tuberculosis NOS |
+ A1...00 |
+ Tuberculosis |
+ A1y..00 |
+ Other specified tuberculosis |
+ A1z..00 |
+ Tuberculosis NOS |
+ AE00.00 |
+ Late effects of respiratory tuberculosis |
+ AE01.00 |
+ Late effects of central nervous system tuberculosis |
+ AE02.00 |
+ Late effects of genitourinary system tuberculosis |
+ AE03.00 |
+ Late effects of tuberculosis of bones and joints |
+ AE04.00 |
+ Late effects of tuberculosis of other specified organs |
+ AE0..00 |
+ Late effects of tuberculosis |
+ AE0z.00 |
+ Late effects of tuberculosis NOS |
+ Ayu1000 |
+ [X]Other resp tubercul,confirmd bacteriologicly+histologicly |
+ Ayu1100 |
+ [X]Resp tuberculos unspcfd,confirmd bacteriolog+histologicly |
+ Ayu1300 |
+ [X]Resp TB unspcf,w'out mention/bacterial or histol confrmtn |
+ Ayu1400 |
+ [X]Other tuberculosis of nervous system |
+ Ayu1600 |
+ [X]Tuberculosis of other specified organs |
+ Ayu1800 |
+ [X]Other miliary tuberculosis |
+ Ayu1900 |
+ [X]Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified |
+ Ayu1.00 |
+ [X]Tuberculosis |
+ AyuJ200 |
+ [X]Sequelae of tuberculosis of bones and joints |
+ AyuJ400 |
+ [X]Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis |
+ F004.00 |
+ Meningitis - tuberculous |
+ F033300 |
+ Encephalitis due to tuberculosis |
+ F033311 |
+ Tuberculous encephalitis |
+ F040600 |
+ Tuberculous intracranial abscess |
+ F041300 |
+ Tuberculous intraspinal abscess |
+ F4A5500 |
+ Keratitis due to tuberculosis |
+ G500300 |
+ Acute pericarditis - tuberculous |
+ G500311 |
+ TB - acute pericarditis |
+ G520600 |
+ Acute myocarditis - tuberculous |
+ H450.00 |
+ Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis |
+ J550200 |
+ Peritonitis - tuberculous |
+ K154800 |
+ Cystitis in tuberculosis |
+ K214300 |
+ Prostatitis in tuberculosis |
+ K43..00 |
+ Female tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease |
+ N018.00 |
+ Tuberculous arthritis |
+ N304000 |
+ Tuberculosis of cervical spine |
+ N304100 |
+ Tuberculosis of thoracic spine |
+ N304200 |
+ Tuberculosis of lumbar spine |
+ N304300 |
+ Tuberculosis of sacrum/coccyx |
+ N304.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of spine (Pott's) |
+ N304.11 |
+ Tuberculosis of spine |
+ N305000 |
+ Tuberculosis of unspecified limb bone |
+ N305100 |
+ Tuberculosis of the upper arm bone |
+ N305200 |
+ Tuberculosis of the forearm bone |
+ N305300 |
+ Tuberculosis of the pelvic and thigh bones |
+ N305400 |
+ Tuberculosis of the lower leg bone |
+ N305500 |
+ Tuberculosis of other limb bones |
+ N305.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of limb bones |
+ N306000 |
+ Tuberculosis of bone, site unspecified |
+ N306100 |
+ Tuberculosis of the bones of the shoulder region |
+ N306200 |
+ Tuberculosis of the bones of the hand |
+ N306300 |
+ Tuberculosis of the bones of the ankle and foot |
+ N306400 |
+ Tuberculosis of the bones of other sites |
+ N306500 |
+ Tuberculosis of the bones of multiple sites |
+ N306.00 |
+ Tuberculosis of other bones |
+ N306z00 |
+ Tuberculosis of bone NOS |
+ Q402400 |
+ Congenital tuberculosis |
+ ZV12A00 |
+ [V] Personal history of pulmonary tuberculosis |
+ ZV12B00 |
+ [V] Personal history of tuberculosis |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_TB.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A15 |
+ Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed |
+ A16 |
+ Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically |
+ A17 |
+ Tuberculosis of nervous system |
+ A18 |
+ Tuberculosis of other organs |
+ A19 |
+ Miliary tuberculosis |
+ B20.0 |
+ HIV disease resulting in mycobacterial infection |
+ B90 |
+ Sequelae of tuberculosis |
+ J65 |
+ Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis |
+ K23.0 |
+ Tuberculous oesophagitis |
+ K67.3 |
+ Tuberculous peritonitis |
+ K93.0 |
+ Tuberculous disorders of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands |
+ M01.1 |
+ Tuberculous arthritis |
+ M49.0 |
+ Tuberculosis of spine |
+ M90.0 |
+ Tuberculosis of bone |
+ N33.0 |
+ Tuberculous cystitis |
+ N74.0 |
+ Tuberculous infection of cervix uteri |
+ N74.1 |
+ Female tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease |
+ P37.0 |
+ Congenital tuberculosis |
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
-Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Tubulo-interstitial nephritis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Tubulo-interstitial nephritis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Tubulo-interstitial nephritis diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Tubulo-interstitial nephritis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
K03T.00 | Tubulo-interstit nephritis, not specif as acute or chron |
K03y200 | Other interstitial nephritis |
K0B1.00 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder/ neoplastic diseases |
K0B2.00 | Ren tub-interst disordr/blood dis+disordr inv immune mech |
K0B4000 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder in SLE |
K0B4.00 | Ren tub-interstitl disordr/systemc connectv tiss disorder |
K0B5.00 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs in transplant rejectn |
K0B..00 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in diseases EC |
K0C0.00 | Analgesic nephropathy |
K0C1.00 | Nephropathy induced by other drugs meds and biologl substncs |
K0C2.00 | Nephropathy induced by unspec drug medicament or biol subs |
K0C4.00 | Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified |
K0C5.00 | Acute drug-induced interstitial nephritis |
K0C6.00 | Chronic lithium nephrotoxicity |
K0C..00 | Drug/heavy-metal-induced tubulo-interstitial and tub conditn |
Kyu1000 | [X]Other chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis |
Kyu1400 | [X]Nephropathy induced by other drugs+biological substances |
Kyu1E00 | [X]Tubulo-interstit nephritis, not specif as acute or chron |
Kyu1.00 | [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial diseases |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N12 | Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic |
N14.0 | Analgesic nephropathy |
N14.1 | Nephropathy induced by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances |
N14.2 | Nephropathy induced by unspecified drug, medicament or biological substance |
N14.3 | Nephropathy induced by heavy metals |
N14.4 | Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified |
N15.8 | Other specified renal tubulo-interstitial diseases |
N15.9 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disease, unspecified |
N16.1 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in neoplastic diseases |
N16.2 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in blood diseases and disorders involving the immune mechanism |
N16.3 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in metabolic diseases |
N16.4 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in systemic connective tissue disorders |
N16.5 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection |
N16.8 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Tubulo-interstitial nephritis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ K03T.00 |
+ Tubulo-interstit nephritis, not specif as acute or chron |
+ K03y200 |
+ Other interstitial nephritis |
+ K0B1.00 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder/ neoplastic diseases |
+ K0B2.00 |
+ Ren tub-interst disordr/blood dis+disordr inv immune mech |
+ K0B4000 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder in SLE |
+ K0B4.00 |
+ Ren tub-interstitl disordr/systemc connectv tiss disorder |
+ K0B5.00 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs in transplant rejectn |
+ K0B..00 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in diseases EC |
+ K0C0.00 |
+ Analgesic nephropathy |
+ K0C1.00 |
+ Nephropathy induced by other drugs meds and biologl substncs |
+ K0C2.00 |
+ Nephropathy induced by unspec drug medicament or biol subs |
+ K0C4.00 |
+ Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified |
+ K0C5.00 |
+ Acute drug-induced interstitial nephritis |
+ K0C6.00 |
+ Chronic lithium nephrotoxicity |
+ K0C..00 |
+ Drug/heavy-metal-induced tubulo-interstitial and tub conditn |
+ Kyu1000 |
+ [X]Other chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis |
+ Kyu1400 |
+ [X]Nephropathy induced by other drugs+biological substances |
+ Kyu1E00 |
+ [X]Tubulo-interstit nephritis, not specif as acute or chron |
+ Kyu1.00 |
+ [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial diseases |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_TIN.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N12 |
+ Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic |
+ N14.0 |
+ Analgesic nephropathy |
+ N14.1 |
+ Nephropathy induced by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances |
+ N14.2 |
+ Nephropathy induced by unspecified drug, medicament or biological substance |
+ N14.3 |
+ Nephropathy induced by heavy metals |
+ N14.4 |
+ Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified |
+ N15.8 |
+ Other specified renal tubulo-interstitial diseases |
+ N15.9 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disease, unspecified |
+ N16.1 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in neoplastic diseases |
+ N16.2 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in blood diseases and disorders involving the immune mechanism |
+ N16.3 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in metabolic diseases |
+ N16.4 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in systemic connective tissue disorders |
+ N16.5 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection |
+ N16.8 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+Ulcerative colitis
-Ulcerative Colitis
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Ulcerative colitis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Ulcerative colitis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Ulcerative colitis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Ulcerative colitis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Ulcerative colitis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14C4.11 | H/O: ulcerative colitis |
J410000 | Ulcerative ileocolitis |
J410100 | Ulcerative colitis |
J410200 | Ulcerative rectosigmoiditis |
J410300 | Ulcerative proctitis |
J410400 | Exacerbation of ulcerative colitis |
J410.00 | Ulcerative proctocolitis |
J410z00 | Ulcerative proctocolitis NOS |
J411.00 | Ulcerative (chronic) enterocolitis |
J412.00 | Ulcerative (chronic) ileocolitis |
J413.00 | Ulcerative pancolitis |
J41..00 | Idiopathic proctocolitis |
J41..11 | Mucous colitis and/or proctitis |
J41..12 | Ulcerative colitis and/or proctitis |
J41y.00 | Other idiopathic proctocolitis |
J41yz00 | Other idiopathic proctocolitis NOS |
J41z.00 | Idiopathic proctocolitis NOS |
Jyu4100 | [X]Other ulcerative colitis |
N031000 | Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis |
N045400 | Juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K51 | Ulcerative colitis |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Ulcerative colitis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14C4.11 |
+ H/O: ulcerative colitis |
+ J410000 |
+ Ulcerative ileocolitis |
+ J410100 |
+ Ulcerative colitis |
+ J410200 |
+ Ulcerative rectosigmoiditis |
+ J410300 |
+ Ulcerative proctitis |
+ J410400 |
+ Exacerbation of ulcerative colitis |
+ J410.00 |
+ Ulcerative proctocolitis |
+ J410z00 |
+ Ulcerative proctocolitis NOS |
+ J411.00 |
+ Ulcerative (chronic) enterocolitis |
+ J412.00 |
+ Ulcerative (chronic) ileocolitis |
+ J413.00 |
+ Ulcerative pancolitis |
+ J41..00 |
+ Idiopathic proctocolitis |
+ J41..11 |
+ Mucous colitis and/or proctitis |
+ J41..12 |
+ Ulcerative colitis and/or proctitis |
+ J41y.00 |
+ Other idiopathic proctocolitis |
+ J41yz00 |
+ Other idiopathic proctocolitis NOS |
+ J41z.00 |
+ Idiopathic proctocolitis NOS |
+ Jyu4100 |
+ [X]Other ulcerative colitis |
+ N031000 |
+ Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis |
+ N045400 |
+ Juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K51 |
+ Ulcerative colitis |
+Undescended testicle
-Undescended Testis
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Undescended testicle IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
@@ -4798,229 +59472,2685 @@ Primary care
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Undescended testicle or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
B470200 | Seminoma of undescended testis |
B470300 | Teratoma of undescended testis |
B470.00 | Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis |
B470z00 | Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis NOS |
PC50000 | Cryptorchidism, unilateral |
PC50100 | Cryptorchidism, bilateral |
PC50.00 | Cryptorchidism |
PC50z00 | Cryptorchidism NOS |
PC51.00 | Ectopic testis |
PC5..00 | Undescended testicle |
PC5z000 | Undescended testis, unilateral |
PC5z011 | Maldescent of testis, unilateral |
PC5z100 | Undescended testis, bilateral |
PC5z111 | Maldescent of testis, bilateral |
PC5z.00 | Undescended testicle NOS |
PC5z.12 | Maldescent of testicle |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
Q53 | Undescended testicle |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ B470200 |
+ Seminoma of undescended testis |
+ B470300 |
+ Teratoma of undescended testis |
+ B470.00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis |
+ B470z00 |
+ Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis NOS |
+ PC50000 |
+ Cryptorchidism, unilateral |
+ PC50100 |
+ Cryptorchidism, bilateral |
+ PC50.00 |
+ Cryptorchidism |
+ PC50z00 |
+ Cryptorchidism NOS |
+ PC51.00 |
+ Ectopic testis |
+ PC5..00 |
+ Undescended testicle |
+ PC5z000 |
+ Undescended testis, unilateral |
+ PC5z011 |
+ Maldescent of testis, unilateral |
+ PC5z100 |
+ Undescended testis, bilateral |
+ PC5z111 |
+ Maldescent of testis, bilateral |
+ PC5z.00 |
+ Undescended testicle NOS |
+ PC5z.12 |
+ Maldescent of testicle |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ Q53 |
+ Undescended testicle |
+Unstable Angina
+Use MODIFIED CALIBER 'Unstable Angina' phenotyping algorithm:
+At the specified date, a patient is considered to have had 'Unstable Angina' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date:
+A hospitalization with the non-specific diagnosis of 'angina' as the primary diagnosis, where there is no procedure giving a reason for admission (PCI or CABG), is considered to be 'Unstable Angina'.
+The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+1. Primary care
+ a) Diagnosis of 'Unstable Angina'; unangina_gprd, category 2, 3
+ b) Diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome not otherwise specified; acs_gprd, category 3
+2. Secondary care
+ a) Primary or secondary diagnosis of unspecified angina (ICD-10 I20.9) during a hospitalization that did not have a PCI or CABG procedure performed
+ b) Primary or secondary diagnosis of acute ischaemic heart disease during a hospitalization; acute_ihd_hes, category 3
+ c) Primary or secondary diagnosis of 'Unstable Angina' during a hospitalization; uangina_hes, category 1
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 662K300 |
+ Angina control - worsening |
+ G311300 |
+ Refractory angina |
+ G311400 |
+ Worsening angina |
+ G311.00 |
+ Preinfarction syndrome |
+ G311.11 |
+ Crescendo angina |
+ G311.12 |
+ Impending infarction |
+ G311.13 |
+ Unstable angina |
+ G311.14 |
+ Angina at rest |
+ G311100 |
+ Unstable angina |
+ G311200 |
+ Angina at rest |
+ G311z00 |
+ Preinfarction syndrome NOS |
+ G312.00 |
+ Coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction |
+ G31y000 |
+ Acute coronary insufficiency |
+ G33z000 |
+ Status anginosus |
+ G311500 |
+ Acute coronary syndrome |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I200 |
+ Unstable angina |
+Urinary Incontinence
-Urinary Incontinence
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Urinary Incontinence IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Urinary Incontinence' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Urinary Incontinence diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Urinary Incontinence' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Urinary Incontinence or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1593.00 | H/O: stress incontinence |
16F..00 | Double incontinence |
1A23.00 | Incontinence of urine |
1A24.00 | Stress incontinence |
1A24.11 | Stress incontinence - symptom |
1A26.00 | Urge incontinence of urine |
3940.00 | Bladder: incontinent |
7B33800 | Insertion retropubic device stress urinary incontinence NEC |
7B33C00 | Insertion retropubic dev fem stress urinary incontinence NEC |
7B42111 | Insertion of Kaufman prosthesis for male incontinence |
7B42113 | Insertion of Rosen prosthesis for male incontinence |
8C14.00 | Incontinence care |
8D71.00 | Incontinence control |
8D7..12 | Incontinence control |
8HTX.00 | Referral to incontinence clinic |
K198.00 | Stress incontinence |
K586.00 | Stress incontinence - female |
Kyu5A00 | [X]Other specified urinary incontinence |
R083100 | [D]Urethral sphincter incontinence |
R083200 | [D] Urge incontinence |
R083.00 | [D]Incontinence of urine |
R083z00 | [D]Incontinence of urine NOS |
Z9EA.00 | Provision of incontinence appliance |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N39.3 | Stress incontinence |
N39.4 | Other specified urinary incontinence |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Urinary Incontinence' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1593 |
+ H/O: stress incontinence |
+ 16F..00 |
+ Double incontinence |
+ 1A23.00 |
+ Incontinence of urine |
+ 1A24.00 |
+ Stress incontinence |
+ 1A24.11 |
+ Stress incontinence - symptom |
+ 1A26.00 |
+ Urge incontinence of urine |
+ 3940.00 |
+ Bladder: incontinent |
+ 7B33800 |
+ Insertion retropubic device stress urinary incontinence NEC |
+ 7B33C00 |
+ Insertion retropubic dev fem stress urinary incontinence NEC |
+ 7B42111 |
+ Insertion of Kaufman prosthesis for male incontinence |
+ 7B42113 |
+ Insertion of Rosen prosthesis for male incontinence |
+ 8C14.00 |
+ Incontinence care |
+ 8D71.00 |
+ Incontinence control |
+ 8D7..12 |
+ Incontinence control |
+ 8HTX.00 |
+ Referral to incontinence clinic |
+ K198.00 |
+ Stress incontinence |
+ K586.00 |
+ Stress incontinence - female |
+ Kyu5A00 |
+ [X]Other specified urinary incontinence |
+ R083100 |
+ [D]Urethral sphincter incontinence |
+ R083200 |
+ [D] Urge incontinence |
+ R083.00 |
+ [D]Incontinence of urine |
+ R083z00 |
+ [D]Incontinence of urine NOS |
+ Z9EA.00 |
+ Provision of incontinence appliance |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N39.3 |
+ Stress incontinence |
+ N39.4 |
+ Other specified urinary incontinence |
+Urinary Tract Infections
-Urinary Tract Infection
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Urinary Tract Infections IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Urinary Tract Infections's IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Urinary Tract Infections or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N08.0 | Glomerular disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
N10 | Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis |
N13.6 | Pyonephrosis |
N15.1 | Renal and perinephric abscess |
N16.0 | Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
N29.0 | Late syphilis of kidney |
N29.1 | Other disorders of kidney and ureter in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
N30.0 | Acute cystitis |
N30.9 | Cystitis, unspecified |
N33.0 | Tuberculous cystitis |
N34 | Urethritis and urethral syndrome |
N37.0 | Urethritis in diseases classified elsewhere |
N39.0 | Urinary tract infection, site not specified |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Urinary Tract Infections's or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_uti.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N08.0 |
+ Glomerular disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N10 |
+ Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis |
+ N13.6 |
+ Pyonephrosis |
+ N15.1 |
+ Renal and perinephric abscess |
+ N16.0 |
+ Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N29.0 |
+ Late syphilis of kidney |
+ N29.1 |
+ Other disorders of kidney and ureter in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N30.0 |
+ Acute cystitis |
+ N30.9 |
+ Cystitis, unspecified |
+ N33.0 |
+ Tuberculous cystitis |
+ N34 |
+ Urethritis and urethral syndrome |
+ N37.0 |
+ Urethritis in diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N39.0 |
+ Urinary tract infection, site not specified |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Urolithiasis IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Urolithiasis' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Urolithiasis diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Urolithiasis' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Urolithiasis or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Urolithiasis' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Urolithiasis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14D3.00 | H/O: urinary stone |
1A52.00 | Renal colic |
1A52.11 | Renal colic, symptom |
4G41.00 | O/E: oxalate renal calculus |
4G42.00 | O/E: phosphate -staghorn-stone |
4G42.11 | Phosphate kidney stone |
4G43.00 | O/E: uric acid renal calculus |
4G44.00 | O/E: cystine renal calculus |
4G4..00 | O/E: renal calculus |
4G4..11 | O/E: kidney stone |
4G4Z.00 | O/E: renal stone NOS |
4G6..00 | O/E - ureteric calculus |
4G7..00 | O/E - urethral calculus |
4G81.00 | O/E - vesical oxalate calculus |
4G81.11 | Oxalate bladder stone |
4G82.00 | O/E-vesical uric acid calculus |
4G82.11 | Uric acid bladder stone |
4G83.00 | O/E-vesical phosphate calculus |
4G83.11 | Phosphate bladder stone |
4G8..00 | O/E - bladder calculus |
4G8Z.00 | O/E - bladder calculus NOS |
7B05000 | Unspecified open removal of calculus from kidney |
7B07000 | Nephroscopy and ultrasound lithotripsy of renal calculus |
7B07011 | Endoscopic ultrasound fragmentation of renal calculus |
7B07100 | Nephroscopy & electrohydraulic lithotripsy of renal calculus |
7B07200 | Nephroscopy and laser lithotripsy of renal calculus |
7B07211 | Endoscopic laser fragmentation of renal calculus |
7B07400 | Endoscopic extraction of calculus of kidney nec |
7B07.00 | Percutaneous renal stone surgery |
7B07.11 | Nephroscopic percutaneous lithotripsy of renal calculus |
7B07.12 | Percutaneous lithotripsy of renal calculus |
7B07y00 | Other specified percutaneous renal stone surgery |
7B07z00 | Percutaneous renal stone surgery NOS |
7B0B000 | ESWL for renal calculus of unspecified size |
7B0B100 | ESWL for renal calculus less than 2 cm in diameter |
7B0B200 | ESWL for renal calculus 2 cm or more in diameter |
7B0B.00 | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus |
7B0B.11 | Extracorporeal fragmentation of renal calculus |
7B0By00 | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus OS |
7B0Bz00 | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus NOS |
7B17000 | Nephroscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus |
7B17011 | Nephroscopic laser fragmentation of ureteric calculus |
7B17100 | Other nephroscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus |
7B17111 | Other nephroscopic lithotripsy of ureteric calculus |
7B17200 | Nephroscopic extraction of ureteric calculus |
7B18000 | Ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus |
7B18011 | Ureteroscopic laser fragmentation of ureteric calculus |
7B18100 | Other ureteroscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus |
7B18200 | Ureteroscopic extraction of ureteric calculus |
7B18.00 | Ureteroscopic operations for ureteric calculus |
7B19000 | Cystoscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus |
7B19100 | Other cystoscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus |
7B19200 | Cystoscopic extraction of ureteric calculus |
7B19211 | Basket extraction of ureteric calculus |
7B19212 | Dormia basket extraction of ureteric calculus |
7B19300 | Cystoscopic catheter drainage for ureteric calculus |
7B19400 | Cystoscopic dilation of ureter for drainage of calculus |
7B19.00 | Cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus |
7B19y00 | Other specified cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus |
7B19z00 | Cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus NOS |
7B1C000 | Extracorp shockwave lithotripsy of unspec ureteric calculus |
7B1C100 | Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for stone in upper ureter |
7B1C200 | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for stone in mid-ureter |
7B1C300 | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy stone in lower ureter |
7B1C.00 | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of ureteric calculus |
7B1Cy00 | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of ureteric calculus OS |
7B1Cz00 | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy ureteric calculus NOS |
7B1F000 | Endoscopic extraction of calculus of urinary diversion |
7B25000 | Open removal of bladder calculus |
7B29100 | Other endoscopic extraction of bladder calculus |
7B29400 | Electrokinetic lithotripsy of bladder calculus |
7B2B400 | Removal of bladder calculus by urethral catheter suction |
7B42300 | Open urethrotomy and removal of calculus |
7B42400 | Open extraction of calculus from urethra |
7B43900 | Endoscopic removal of urethral calculus |
C341100 | Uric acid nephrolithiasis |
C341111 | Renal stone - uric acid |
K100600 | Calculous pyelonephritis |
K112.00 | Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction |
K120000 | Staghorn calculus |
K120.00 | Calculus of kidney |
K120.11 | Nephrolithiasis NOS |
K120.12 | Renal calculus |
K120.13 | Renal stone |
K120z00 | Renal calculus NOS |
K121.00 | Calculus of ureter |
K121.11 | Ureteric calculus |
K121.12 | Ureteric stone |
K121.13 | Ureterolithiasis |
K122.00 | Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter |
K12..00 | Calculus of kidney and ureter |
K12..11 | Kidney calculus |
K12..12 | Urinary calculus |
K12z.00 | Urinary calculus NOS |
K140000 | Calculus in diverticulum of bladder |
K140100 | Other calculus in bladder |
K140.00 | Bladder calculus |
K140.11 | Bladder stone |
K140z00 | Bladder calculus NOS |
K141.00 | Calculus in urethra |
K14..00 | Lower urinary tract calculus |
K14y.00 | Other lower urinary tract calculus |
K14z.00 | Lower urinary tract calculus NOS |
K1A..00 | Urinary calculus in schistosomiasis |
Kyu3000 | [X]Other lower urinary tract calculus |
Kyu3100 | [X]Calculus of urinary tract in other diseases CE |
Kyu3.00 | [X]Urolithiasis |
R080000 | [D]Renal colic, unspecified |
R080100 | [D]Ureteric colic |
R080.00 | [D]Renal colic |
R080z00 | [D]Renal colic NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
N13.2 | Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction |
N20.0 | Calculus of kidney |
N20.1 | Calculus of ureter |
N20.2 | Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter |
N20.9 | Urinary calculus, unspecified |
N21.0 | Calculus in bladder |
N21.1 | Calculus in urethra |
N21.8 | Other lower urinary tract calculus |
N21.9 | Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified |
N22.8 | Calculus of urinary tract in other diseases classified elsewhere |
N23.X | Unspecified renal colic |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
M06.1 | Open removal of calculus from kidney |
M09 | Therapeutic endoscopic operations on calculus of kidney |
M09.1 | Endoscopic ultrasound fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
M09.2 | Endoscopic electrohydraulic shockwave fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
M09.3 | Endoscopic laser fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
M09.4 | Endoscopic extraction of calculus of kidney NEC |
M09.8 | Other specified therapeutic endoscopic operations on calculus of kidney |
M09.9 | Unspecified therapeutic endoscopic operations on calculus of kidney |
M14 | Extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
M14.1 | Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of calculus of kidney |
M14.8 | Other specified extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
M14.9 | Unspecified extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
M16.4 | Percutaneous nephrolithotomy NEC |
M23.1 | Open ureterolithotomy |
M26.1 | Nephroscopic laser fragmentation of calculus of ureter |
M26.2 | Nephroscopic fragmentation of calculus of ureter NEC |
M26.3 | Nephroscopic extraction of calculus of ureter |
M27.1 | Ureteroscopic laser fragmentation of calculus of ureter |
M27.2 | Ureteroscopic fragmentation of calculus of ureter NEC |
M27.3 | Ureteroscopic extraction of calculus of ureter |
M28 | Other endoscopic removal of calculus from ureter |
M28.1 | Endoscopic laser fragmentation of calculus of ureter NEC |
M28.2 | Endoscopic fragmentation of calculus of ureter NEC |
M28.3 | Endoscopic extraction of calculus of ureter NEC |
M28.4 | Endoscopic catheter drainage of calculus of ureter |
M28.5 | Endoscopic drainage of calculus of ureter by dilation of ureter |
M28.8 | Other specified other endoscopic removal of calculus from ureter |
M28.9 | Unspecified other endoscopic removal of calculus from ureter |
M31 | Extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of ureter |
M31.1 | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of ureter |
M31.8 | Other specified extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of ureter |
M31.9 | Unspecified extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of ureter |
M39.1 | Open removal of calculus from bladder |
M44.2 | Endoscopic extraction of calculus of bladder NEC |
M75.4 | Open extraction of calculus from urethra |
M86.1 | Endoscopic extraction of calculus of urinary diversion |
-Unstable Angina
-Use MODIFIED CALIBER Unstable Angina phenotyping algorithm:
-At the specified date, a patient is considered to have had unstable angina IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date:
-A hospitalization with the non-specific diagnosis of 'angina' as the primary diagnosis, where there is no procedure giving a reason for admission (PCI or CABG), is considered to be unstable angina.
-The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
-1. Primary care
- a) Diagnosis of unstable angina; unangina_gprd, category 2, 3
- b) Diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome not otherwise specified; acs_gprd, category 3
-2. Secondary care
- a) Primary or secondary diagnosis of unspecified angina (ICD-10 I20.9) during a hospitalization that did not have a PCI or CABG procedure performed
- b) Primary or secondary diagnosis of acute ischaemic heart disease during a hospitalization; acute_ihd_hes, category 3
- c) Primary or secondary diagnosis of unstable angina during a hospitalization; uangina_hes, category 1
+1. ALL procedures for 'Urolithiasis' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14D3.00 |
+ H/O: urinary stone |
+ 1A52.00 |
+ Renal colic |
+ 1A52.11 |
+ Renal colic, symptom |
+ 4G41.00 |
+ O/E: oxalate renal calculus |
+ 4G42.00 |
+ O/E: phosphate -staghorn-stone |
+ 4G42.11 |
+ Phosphate kidney stone |
+ 4G43.00 |
+ O/E: uric acid renal calculus |
+ 4G44.00 |
+ O/E: cystine renal calculus |
+ 4G4..00 |
+ O/E: renal calculus |
+ 4G4..11 |
+ O/E: kidney stone |
+ 4G4Z.00 |
+ O/E: renal stone NOS |
+ 4G6..00 |
+ O/E - ureteric calculus |
+ 4G7..00 |
+ O/E - urethral calculus |
+ 4G81.00 |
+ O/E - vesical oxalate calculus |
+ 4G81.11 |
+ Oxalate bladder stone |
+ 4G82.00 |
+ O/E-vesical uric acid calculus |
+ 4G82.11 |
+ Uric acid bladder stone |
+ 4G83.00 |
+ O/E-vesical phosphate calculus |
+ 4G83.11 |
+ Phosphate bladder stone |
+ 4G8..00 |
+ O/E - bladder calculus |
+ 4G8Z.00 |
+ O/E - bladder calculus NOS |
+ 7B05000 |
+ Unspecified open removal of calculus from kidney |
+ 7B07000 |
+ Nephroscopy and ultrasound lithotripsy of renal calculus |
+ 7B07011 |
+ Endoscopic ultrasound fragmentation of renal calculus |
+ 7B07100 |
+ Nephroscopy & electrohydraulic lithotripsy of renal calculus |
+ 7B07200 |
+ Nephroscopy and laser lithotripsy of renal calculus |
+ 7B07211 |
+ Endoscopic laser fragmentation of renal calculus |
+ 7B07400 |
+ Endoscopic extraction of calculus of kidney nec |
+ 7B07.00 |
+ Percutaneous renal stone surgery |
+ 7B07.11 |
+ Nephroscopic percutaneous lithotripsy of renal calculus |
+ 7B07.12 |
+ Percutaneous lithotripsy of renal calculus |
+ 7B07y00 |
+ Other specified percutaneous renal stone surgery |
+ 7B07z00 |
+ Percutaneous renal stone surgery NOS |
+ 7B0B000 |
+ ESWL for renal calculus of unspecified size |
+ 7B0B100 |
+ ESWL for renal calculus less than 2 cm in diameter |
+ 7B0B200 |
+ ESWL for renal calculus 2 cm or more in diameter |
+ 7B0B.00 |
+ Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus |
+ 7B0B.11 |
+ Extracorporeal fragmentation of renal calculus |
+ 7B0By00 |
+ Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus OS |
+ 7B0Bz00 |
+ Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus NOS |
+ 7B17000 |
+ Nephroscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B17011 |
+ Nephroscopic laser fragmentation of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B17100 |
+ Other nephroscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B17111 |
+ Other nephroscopic lithotripsy of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B17200 |
+ Nephroscopic extraction of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B18000 |
+ Ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B18011 |
+ Ureteroscopic laser fragmentation of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B18100 |
+ Other ureteroscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B18200 |
+ Ureteroscopic extraction of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B18.00 |
+ Ureteroscopic operations for ureteric calculus |
+ 7B19000 |
+ Cystoscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B19100 |
+ Other cystoscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B19200 |
+ Cystoscopic extraction of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B19211 |
+ Basket extraction of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B19212 |
+ Dormia basket extraction of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B19300 |
+ Cystoscopic catheter drainage for ureteric calculus |
+ 7B19400 |
+ Cystoscopic dilation of ureter for drainage of calculus |
+ 7B19.00 |
+ Cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B19y00 |
+ Other specified cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B19z00 |
+ Cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus NOS |
+ 7B1C000 |
+ Extracorp shockwave lithotripsy of unspec ureteric calculus |
+ 7B1C100 |
+ Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for stone in upper ureter |
+ 7B1C200 |
+ Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for stone in mid-ureter |
+ 7B1C300 |
+ Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy stone in lower ureter |
+ 7B1C.00 |
+ Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of ureteric calculus |
+ 7B1Cy00 |
+ Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of ureteric calculus OS |
+ 7B1Cz00 |
+ Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy ureteric calculus NOS |
+ 7B1F000 |
+ Endoscopic extraction of calculus of urinary diversion |
+ 7B25000 |
+ Open removal of bladder calculus |
+ 7B29100 |
+ Other endoscopic extraction of bladder calculus |
+ 7B29400 |
+ Electrokinetic lithotripsy of bladder calculus |
+ 7B2B400 |
+ Removal of bladder calculus by urethral catheter suction |
+ 7B42300 |
+ Open urethrotomy and removal of calculus |
+ 7B42400 |
+ Open extraction of calculus from urethra |
+ 7B43900 |
+ Endoscopic removal of urethral calculus |
+ C341100 |
+ Uric acid nephrolithiasis |
+ C341111 |
+ Renal stone - uric acid |
+ K100600 |
+ Calculous pyelonephritis |
+ K112.00 |
+ Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction |
+ K120000 |
+ Staghorn calculus |
+ K120.00 |
+ Calculus of kidney |
+ K120.11 |
+ Nephrolithiasis NOS |
+ K120.12 |
+ Renal calculus |
+ K120.13 |
+ Renal stone |
+ K120z00 |
+ Renal calculus NOS |
+ K121.00 |
+ Calculus of ureter |
+ K121.11 |
+ Ureteric calculus |
+ K121.12 |
+ Ureteric stone |
+ K121.13 |
+ Ureterolithiasis |
+ K122.00 |
+ Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter |
+ K12..00 |
+ Calculus of kidney and ureter |
+ K12..11 |
+ Kidney calculus |
+ K12..12 |
+ Urinary calculus |
+ K12z.00 |
+ Urinary calculus NOS |
+ K140000 |
+ Calculus in diverticulum of bladder |
+ K140100 |
+ Other calculus in bladder |
+ K140.00 |
+ Bladder calculus |
+ K140.11 |
+ Bladder stone |
+ K140z00 |
+ Bladder calculus NOS |
+ K141.00 |
+ Calculus in urethra |
+ K14..00 |
+ Lower urinary tract calculus |
+ K14y.00 |
+ Other lower urinary tract calculus |
+ K14z.00 |
+ Lower urinary tract calculus NOS |
+ K1A..00 |
+ Urinary calculus in schistosomiasis |
+ Kyu3000 |
+ [X]Other lower urinary tract calculus |
+ Kyu3100 |
+ [X]Calculus of urinary tract in other diseases CE |
+ Kyu3.00 |
+ [X]Urolithiasis |
+ R080000 |
+ [D]Renal colic, unspecified |
+ R080100 |
+ [D]Ureteric colic |
+ R080.00 |
+ [D]Renal colic |
+ R080z00 |
+ [D]Renal colic NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ N13.2 |
+ Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction |
+ N20.0 |
+ Calculus of kidney |
+ N20.1 |
+ Calculus of ureter |
+ N20.2 |
+ Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter |
+ N20.9 |
+ Urinary calculus, unspecified |
+ N21.0 |
+ Calculus in bladder |
+ N21.1 |
+ Calculus in urethra |
+ N21.8 |
+ Other lower urinary tract calculus |
+ N21.9 |
+ Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified |
+ N22.8 |
+ Calculus of urinary tract in other diseases classified elsewhere |
+ N23.X |
+ Unspecified renal colic |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ M06.1 |
+ Open removal of calculus from kidney |
+ M09 |
+ Therapeutic endoscopic operations on calculus of kidney |
+ M09.1 |
+ Endoscopic ultrasound fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
+ M09.2 |
+ Endoscopic electrohydraulic shockwave fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
+ M09.3 |
+ Endoscopic laser fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
+ M09.4 |
+ Endoscopic extraction of calculus of kidney NEC |
+ M09.8 |
+ Other specified therapeutic endoscopic operations on calculus of kidney |
+ M09.9 |
+ Unspecified therapeutic endoscopic operations on calculus of kidney |
+ M14 |
+ Extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
+ M14.1 |
+ Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of calculus of kidney |
+ M14.8 |
+ Other specified extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
+ M14.9 |
+ Unspecified extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of kidney |
+ M16.4 |
+ Percutaneous nephrolithotomy NEC |
+ M23.1 |
+ Open ureterolithotomy |
+ M26.1 |
+ Nephroscopic laser fragmentation of calculus of ureter |
+ M26.2 |
+ Nephroscopic fragmentation of calculus of ureter NEC |
+ M26.3 |
+ Nephroscopic extraction of calculus of ureter |
+ M27.1 |
+ Ureteroscopic laser fragmentation of calculus of ureter |
+ M27.2 |
+ Ureteroscopic fragmentation of calculus of ureter NEC |
+ M27.3 |
+ Ureteroscopic extraction of calculus of ureter |
+ M28 |
+ Other endoscopic removal of calculus from ureter |
+ M28.1 |
+ Endoscopic laser fragmentation of calculus of ureter NEC |
+ M28.2 |
+ Endoscopic fragmentation of calculus of ureter NEC |
+ M28.3 |
+ Endoscopic extraction of calculus of ureter NEC |
+ M28.4 |
+ Endoscopic catheter drainage of calculus of ureter |
+ M28.5 |
+ Endoscopic drainage of calculus of ureter by dilation of ureter |
+ M28.8 |
+ Other specified other endoscopic removal of calculus from ureter |
+ M28.9 |
+ Unspecified other endoscopic removal of calculus from ureter |
+ M31 |
+ Extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of ureter |
+ M31.1 |
+ Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of ureter |
+ M31.8 |
+ Other specified extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of ureter |
+ M31.9 |
+ Unspecified extracorporeal fragmentation of calculus of ureter |
+ M39.1 |
+ Open removal of calculus from bladder |
+ M44.2 |
+ Endoscopic extraction of calculus of bladder NEC |
+ M75.4 |
+ Open extraction of calculus from urethra |
+ M86.1 |
+ Endoscopic extraction of calculus of urinary diversion |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Urticaria IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Urticaria' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Urticaria diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Urticaria' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Urticaria or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
2F82.00 | O/E - weals present |
2F8..00 | O/E - weals present |
2F8Z.00 | O/E - weals NOS |
M12A200 | Solar urticaria |
M280.00 | Allergic urticaria |
M280.11 | Drug induced urticaria |
M281.00 | Idiopathic urticaria |
M282000 | Cold urticaria |
M282100 | Thermal urticaria |
M282111 | Heat urticaria |
M282.00 | Urticaria due to cold and heat |
M282z00 | Urticaria due to cold and heat NOS |
M283.00 | Dermatographic urticaria |
M283.11 | Factitial urticaria |
M284.00 | Vibratory urticaria |
M285.00 | Cholinergic urticaria |
M286.00 | Contact urticaria |
M287.00 | Physical urticaria |
M28..00 | Urticaria |
M28y000 | Urticaria geographica |
M28y100 | Menstrual urticaria |
M28y200 | Urticaria persistans |
M28y.00 | Other specified urticaria |
M28y.11 | Nettle rash |
M28yz00 | Other specified urticaria NOS |
M28z.00 | Urticaria NOS |
M28z.11 | Hives |
Myu4000 | [X]Other urticaria |
Myu4.00 | [X]Urticaria and erythema |
PH32100 | Urticaria pigmentosa |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L50 | Urticaria |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Urticaria' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 2F82.00 |
+ O/E - weals present |
+ 2F8..00 |
+ O/E - weals present |
+ 2F8Z.00 |
+ O/E - weals NOS |
+ M12A200 |
+ Solar urticaria |
+ M280.00 |
+ Allergic urticaria |
+ M280.11 |
+ Drug induced urticaria |
+ M281.00 |
+ Idiopathic urticaria |
+ M282000 |
+ Cold urticaria |
+ M282100 |
+ Thermal urticaria |
+ M282111 |
+ Heat urticaria |
+ M282.00 |
+ Urticaria due to cold and heat |
+ M282z00 |
+ Urticaria due to cold and heat NOS |
+ M283.00 |
+ Dermatographic urticaria |
+ M283.11 |
+ Factitial urticaria |
+ M284.00 |
+ Vibratory urticaria |
+ M285.00 |
+ Cholinergic urticaria |
+ M286.00 |
+ Contact urticaria |
+ M287.00 |
+ Physical urticaria |
+ M28..00 |
+ Urticaria |
+ M28y000 |
+ Urticaria geographica |
+ M28y100 |
+ Menstrual urticaria |
+ M28y200 |
+ Urticaria persistans |
+ M28y.00 |
+ Other specified urticaria |
+ M28y.11 |
+ Nettle rash |
+ M28yz00 |
+ Other specified urticaria NOS |
+ M28z.00 |
+ Urticaria NOS |
+ M28z.11 |
+ Hives |
+ Myu4000 |
+ [X]Other urticaria |
+ Myu4.00 |
+ [X]Urticaria and erythema |
+ PH32100 |
+ Urticaria pigmentosa |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L50 |
+ Urticaria |
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
-Venous thrombolism (Excl PE)
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
1. Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE) diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
1. ALL diagnoses of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14A8100 | H/O: Deep Vein Thrombosis |
8CMWA00 | On deep vein thrombosis care pathway |
9kg0.00 | DVT stage 1 service level - enhanced services administration |
9kg..00 | Deep vein thrombosis - enhanced services administration |
9kg0.11 | DVT enhanced services administration stage 1 service level |
9kg1.00 | DVT stage 2 service level - enhanced services administration |
9kg2.00 | DVT stage 3 service level - enhanced services administration |
F050000 | Embolism cavernous sinus |
F050.00 | Embolism of central nervous system venous sinus |
F05..00 | Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of intracranial sinuses |
F050100 | Embolism superior longitudinal sinus |
F050300 | Embolism transverse sinus |
F051000 | Thrombosis cavernous sinus |
F051.00 | Thrombosis of central nervous system venous sinuses |
F051100 | Thrombosis of superior longitudinal sinus |
F051200 | Thrombosis lateral sinus |
F051300 | Thrombosis transverse sinus |
F051z00 | Thrombosis of central nervous system venous sinus NOS |
F053000 | Thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus |
F053.00 | Thrombophlebitis of central nervous system venous sinuses |
F053100 | Thrombophlebitis of superior longitudinal venous sinus |
F05z.00 | Phlebitis or thrombophlebitis of CNS venous sinus NOS |
G676000 | Cereb infarct due cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic |
G676.00 | Nonpyogenic venous sinus thrombosis |
G67A.00 | Cerebral vein thrombosis |
G801.00 | Deep vein phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg |
G801.11 | Deep vein thrombosis |
G801.12 | Deep vein thrombosis, leg |
G801.13 | DVT - Deep vein thrombosis |
G801600 | Thrombophlebitis of the femoral vein |
G801700 | Thrombophlebitis of the popliteal vein |
G801800 | Thrombophlebitis of the anterior tibial vein |
G801900 | Thrombophlebitis of the dorsalis pedis vein |
G801A00 | Thrombophlebitis of the posterior tibial vein |
G801B00 | Deep vein thrombophlebitis of the leg unspecified |
G801C00 | Deep vein thrombosis of leg related to air travel |
G801D00 | Deep vein thrombosis of lower limb |
G801E00 | Deep vein thrombosis of leg related to intravenous drug use |
G801F00 | Deep vein thrombosis of peroneal vein |
G801G00 | Recurrent deep vein thrombosis |
G801z00 | Deep vein phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg NOS |
G80y.11 | Phlebitis and/or thrombophlebitis of iliac vein |
G80y400 | Thrombophlebitis of the common iliac vein |
G80y500 | Thrombophlebitis of the internal iliac vein |
G80y600 | Thrombophlebitis of the external iliac vein |
G80y700 | Thrombophlebitis of the iliac vein unspecified |
G80y800 | Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the iliac vein NOS |
G81..00 | Portal vein thrombosis |
G820.00 | Budd - Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis) |
G820.11 | Hepatic vein thrombosis |
G822000 | Thrombosis of inferior vena cava |
G822.00 | Embolism and thrombosis of the vena cava |
G823.00 | Embolism and thrombosis of the renal vein |
G824.00 | Axillary vein thrombosis |
G825.00 | Thrombosis of subclavian vein |
G826.00 | Thrombosis of internal jugular vein |
G827.00 | Thrombosis of external jugular vein |
Gyu8000 | [X]Phlebitis+thrombophlebitis/oth deep vessls/low extremites |
J420200 | Thrombus of the superior mesenteric veins |
SP12200 | Post operative deep vein thrombosis |
ZV12800 | [V] Personal history deep vein thrombosis |
ZV12811 | [V] Personal history DVT- deep vein thrombosis |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I80.1 | Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of femoral vein |
I80.2 | Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other deep vessels of lower extremities |
I63.6 | Cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic |
I67.6 | Nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous system |
I81 | Portal vein thrombosis |
I82.0 | Budd-Chiari syndrome |
I82.2 | Embolism and thrombosis of vena cava |
I82.3 | Embolism and thrombosis of renal vein |
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14A8100 |
+ H/O: Deep Vein Thrombosis |
+ 8CMWA00 |
+ On deep vein thrombosis care pathway |
+ 9kg0.00 |
+ DVT stage 1 service level - enhanced services administration |
+ 9kg..00 |
+ Deep vein thrombosis - enhanced services administration |
+ 9kg0.11 |
+ DVT enhanced services administration stage 1 service level |
+ 9kg1.00 |
+ DVT stage 2 service level - enhanced services administration |
+ 9kg2.00 |
+ DVT stage 3 service level - enhanced services administration |
+ F050000 |
+ Embolism cavernous sinus |
+ F050.00 |
+ Embolism of central nervous system venous sinus |
+ F05..00 |
+ Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of intracranial sinuses |
+ F050100 |
+ Embolism superior longitudinal sinus |
+ F050300 |
+ Embolism transverse sinus |
+ F051000 |
+ Thrombosis cavernous sinus |
+ F051.00 |
+ Thrombosis of central nervous system venous sinuses |
+ F051100 |
+ Thrombosis of superior longitudinal sinus |
+ F051200 |
+ Thrombosis lateral sinus |
+ F051300 |
+ Thrombosis transverse sinus |
+ F051z00 |
+ Thrombosis of central nervous system venous sinus NOS |
+ F053000 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus |
+ F053.00 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of central nervous system venous sinuses |
+ F053100 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of superior longitudinal venous sinus |
+ F05z.00 |
+ Phlebitis or thrombophlebitis of CNS venous sinus NOS |
+ G676000 |
+ Cereb infarct due cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic |
+ G676.00 |
+ Nonpyogenic venous sinus thrombosis |
+ G67A.00 |
+ Cerebral vein thrombosis |
+ G801.00 |
+ Deep vein phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg |
+ G801.11 |
+ Deep vein thrombosis |
+ G801.12 |
+ Deep vein thrombosis, leg |
+ G801.13 |
+ DVT - Deep vein thrombosis |
+ G801600 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of the femoral vein |
+ G801700 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of the popliteal vein |
+ G801800 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of the anterior tibial vein |
+ G801900 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of the dorsalis pedis vein |
+ G801A00 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of the posterior tibial vein |
+ G801B00 |
+ Deep vein thrombophlebitis of the leg unspecified |
+ G801C00 |
+ Deep vein thrombosis of leg related to air travel |
+ G801D00 |
+ Deep vein thrombosis of lower limb |
+ G801E00 |
+ Deep vein thrombosis of leg related to intravenous drug use |
+ G801F00 |
+ Deep vein thrombosis of peroneal vein |
+ G801G00 |
+ Recurrent deep vein thrombosis |
+ G801z00 |
+ Deep vein phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg NOS |
+ G80y.11 |
+ Phlebitis and/or thrombophlebitis of iliac vein |
+ G80y400 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of the common iliac vein |
+ G80y500 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of the internal iliac vein |
+ G80y600 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of the external iliac vein |
+ G80y700 |
+ Thrombophlebitis of the iliac vein unspecified |
+ G80y800 |
+ Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the iliac vein NOS |
+ G81..00 |
+ Portal vein thrombosis |
+ G820.00 |
+ Budd - Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis) |
+ G820.11 |
+ Hepatic vein thrombosis |
+ G822000 |
+ Thrombosis of inferior vena cava |
+ G822.00 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of the vena cava |
+ G823.00 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of the renal vein |
+ G824.00 |
+ Axillary vein thrombosis |
+ G825.00 |
+ Thrombosis of subclavian vein |
+ G826.00 |
+ Thrombosis of internal jugular vein |
+ G827.00 |
+ Thrombosis of external jugular vein |
+ Gyu8000 |
+ [X]Phlebitis+thrombophlebitis/oth deep vessls/low extremites |
+ J420200 |
+ Thrombus of the superior mesenteric veins |
+ SP12200 |
+ Post operative deep vein thrombosis |
+ ZV12800 |
+ [V] Personal history deep vein thrombosis |
+ ZV12811 |
+ [V] Personal history DVT- deep vein thrombosis |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I80.1 |
+ Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of femoral vein |
+ I80.2 |
+ Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other deep vessels of lower extremities |
+ I63.6 |
+ Cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic |
+ I67.6 |
+ Nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous system |
+ I81 |
+ Portal vein thrombosis |
+ I82.0 |
+ Budd-Chiari syndrome |
+ I82.2 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of vena cava |
+ I82.3 |
+ Embolism and thrombosis of renal vein |
+Ventricular tachycardia
-Ventricular Tachycardia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Ventricular tachycardia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Ventricular tachycardia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Ventricular tachycardia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Ventricular tachycardia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Ventricular tachycardia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
14AP.00 | History of ventricular tachycardia |
3282.00 | ECG: ventricular tachycardia |
G571.00 | Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia |
G571.11 | Ventricular tachycardia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
I47.2 | Ventricular tachycardia |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Ventricular tachycardia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 14AP.00 |
+ History of ventricular tachycardia |
+ 3282.00 |
+ ECG: ventricular tachycardia |
+ G571.00 |
+ Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia |
+ G571.11 |
+ Ventricular tachycardia |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_VT.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ I47.2 |
+ Ventricular tachycardia |
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
-Viral Infection
At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV) IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Secondary care
1. ALL diagnoses of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV) or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
A08.0 | Rotaviral enteritis |
A08.1 | Acute gastroenteropathy due to Norwalk agent |
A08.2 | Adenoviral enteritis |
A08.3 | Other viral enteritis |
A08.4 | Viral intestinal infection, unspecified |
A60 | Anogenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection |
A63.0 | Anogenital (venereal) warts |
A80 | Acute poliomyelitis |
A81.1 | Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis |
A81.2 | Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy |
A82 | Rabies |
A83 | Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis |
A84 | Tick-borne viral encephalitis |
A85 | Other viral encephalitis, not elsewhere classified |
A86 | Unspecified viral encephalitis |
A87 | Viral meningitis |
A88 | Other viral infections of central nervous system, not elsewhere classified |
A89 | Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system |
A90 | Dengue fever [classical dengue] |
A91 | Dengue haemorrhagic fever |
A92 | Other mosquito-borne viral fevers |
A93 | Other arthropod-borne viral fevers, not elsewhere classified |
A94 | Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever |
A95 | Yellow fever |
A96 | Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever |
A98 | Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified |
A99 | Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever |
B00 | Herpesviral [herpes simplex] infections |
B01 | Varicella [chickenpox] |
B02 | Zoster [herpes zoster] |
B05 | Measles |
B06 | Rubella [German measles] |
B07 | Viral warts |
B08 | Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified |
B09 | Unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions |
B15 | Acute hepatitis A |
B16 | Acute hepatitis B |
B17 | Other acute viral hepatitis |
B19 | Unspecified viral hepatitis |
B20.2 | HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease |
B20.3 | HIV disease resulting in other viral infections |
B25 | Cytomegaloviral disease |
B26 | Mumps |
B27 | Infectious mononucleosis |
B30 | Viral conjunctivitis |
B33 | Other viral diseases, not elsewhere classified |
B34 | Viral infection of unspecified site |
B91 | Sequelae of poliomyelitis |
B94.1 | Sequelae of viral encephalitis |
B94.2 | Sequelae of viral hepatitis |
B97 | Viral agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
G02.0 | Meningitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
G04.1 | Tropical spastic paraplegia |
G05.1 | Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
G53.0 | Postzoster neuralgia |
H19.1 | Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis |
H62.1 | Otitis externa in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
H67.1 | Otitis media in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
I41.1 | Myocarditis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
J09 | Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus |
J10 | Influenza due to other identified influenza virus |
J11 | Influenza, virus not identified |
J12 | Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified |
J17.1 | Pneumonia in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
J20.3 | Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus |
J20.4 | Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus |
J20.5 | Acute bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus |
J20.6 | Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus |
J20.7 | Acute bronchitis due to echovirus |
J21.0 | Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus |
J21.1 | Acute bronchiolitis due to human metapneumovirus |
J21.8 | Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms |
J21.9 | Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified |
M01.4 | Rubella arthritis |
M01.5 | Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere |
M89.6 | Osteopathy after poliomyelitis |
P23.0 | Congenital pneumonia due to viral agent |
P35 | Congenital viral diseases |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_viral.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ A08.0 |
+ Rotaviral enteritis |
+ A08.1 |
+ Acute gastroenteropathy due to Norwalk agent |
+ A08.2 |
+ Adenoviral enteritis |
+ A08.3 |
+ Other viral enteritis |
+ A08.4 |
+ Viral intestinal infection, unspecified |
+ A60 |
+ Anogenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection |
+ A63.0 |
+ Anogenital (venereal) warts |
+ A80 |
+ Acute poliomyelitis |
+ A81.1 |
+ Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis |
+ A81.2 |
+ Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy |
+ A82 |
+ Rabies |
+ A83 |
+ Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis |
+ A84 |
+ Tick-borne viral encephalitis |
+ A85 |
+ Other viral encephalitis, not elsewhere classified |
+ A86 |
+ Unspecified viral encephalitis |
+ A87 |
+ Viral meningitis |
+ A88 |
+ Other viral infections of central nervous system, not elsewhere classified |
+ A89 |
+ Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system |
+ A90 |
+ Dengue fever [classical dengue] |
+ A91 |
+ Dengue haemorrhagic fever |
+ A92 |
+ Other mosquito-borne viral fevers |
+ A93 |
+ Other arthropod-borne viral fevers, not elsewhere classified |
+ A94 |
+ Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever |
+ A95 |
+ Yellow fever |
+ A96 |
+ Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever |
+ A98 |
+ Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified |
+ A99 |
+ Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever |
+ B00 |
+ Herpesviral [herpes simplex] infections |
+ B01 |
+ Varicella [chickenpox] |
+ B02 |
+ Zoster [herpes zoster] |
+ B05 |
+ Measles |
+ B06 |
+ Rubella [German measles] |
+ B07 |
+ Viral warts |
+ B08 |
+ Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified |
+ B09 |
+ Unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions |
+ B15 |
+ Acute hepatitis A |
+ B16 |
+ Acute hepatitis B |
+ B17 |
+ Other acute viral hepatitis |
+ B19 |
+ Unspecified viral hepatitis |
+ B20.2 |
+ HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease |
+ B20.3 |
+ HIV disease resulting in other viral infections |
+ B25 |
+ Cytomegaloviral disease |
+ B26 |
+ Mumps |
+ B27 |
+ Infectious mononucleosis |
+ B30 |
+ Viral conjunctivitis |
+ B33 |
+ Other viral diseases, not elsewhere classified |
+ B34 |
+ Viral infection of unspecified site |
+ B91 |
+ Sequelae of poliomyelitis |
+ B94.1 |
+ Sequelae of viral encephalitis |
+ B94.2 |
+ Sequelae of viral hepatitis |
+ B97 |
+ Viral agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
+ G02.0 |
+ Meningitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G04.1 |
+ Tropical spastic paraplegia |
+ G05.1 |
+ Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
+ G53.0 |
+ Postzoster neuralgia |
+ H19.1 |
+ Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis |
+ H62.1 |
+ Otitis externa in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
+ H67.1 |
+ Otitis media in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
+ I41.1 |
+ Myocarditis in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
+ J09 |
+ Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus |
+ J10 |
+ Influenza due to other identified influenza virus |
+ J11 |
+ Influenza, virus not identified |
+ J12 |
+ Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified |
+ J17.1 |
+ Pneumonia in viral diseases classified elsewhere |
+ J20.3 |
+ Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus |
+ J20.4 |
+ Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus |
+ J20.5 |
+ Acute bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus |
+ J20.6 |
+ Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus |
+ J20.7 |
+ Acute bronchitis due to echovirus |
+ J21.0 |
+ Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus |
+ J21.1 |
+ Acute bronchiolitis due to human metapneumovirus |
+ J21.8 |
+ Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms |
+ J21.9 |
+ Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified |
+ M01.4 |
+ Rubella arthritis |
+ M01.5 |
+ Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere |
+ M89.6 |
+ Osteopathy after poliomyelitis |
+ P23.0 |
+ Congenital pneumonia due to viral agent |
+ P35 |
+ Congenital viral diseases |
+Visual impairment and blindness
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Visual impairment and blindness IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Visual impairment and 'Visual impairment and blindness' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Visual impairment and blindness diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. Visual impairment and 'Visual impairment and blindness' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Visual impairment and blindness or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
1B75.00 | Loss of vision |
2B6A.11 | O/E - blind R-eye |
2B6B.00 | O/E - R-eye completely blind |
2B6S.00 | O/E - pinhole R-eye completely blind |
2B7A.11 | O/E - blind L-eye |
2B7B.00 | O/E - L-eye completely blind |
2B7S.00 | O/E - pinhole L-eye completely blind |
2BBo.00 | O/E - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy |
2BBr.00 | Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy |
6688.00 | Registered partially sighted |
6688.11 | Registered partially blind |
6689.00 | Registered blind |
6689.11 | Registered severely sight impaired |
668D.00 | Registered sight impaired |
8F61.00 | Blind rehabilitation |
8F62.00 | Blind lead dog rehabilitation |
8F6..11 | Blind rehabilitation |
8HlE.00 | Referral to visual impairment multidisciplinary team |
9m08.00 | Excluded from diabetic retinopathy screening as blind |
9NfB.00 | Requires deafblind communicator guide |
9NlD.00 | Seen by visual impairment teacher |
F404100 | Blind hypotensive eye |
F404200 | Blind hypertensive eye |
F490000 | Unspecified blindness both eyes |
F490100 | Both eyes total visual impairment |
F490200 | Better eye: near total VI, Lesser eye: unspecified |
F490400 | Better eye: near total VI, Lesser eye: near total VI |
F490600 | Better eye: profound VI, Lesser eye: total VI |
F490900 | Acquired blindness, both eyes |
F490.00 | Blindness, both eyes |
F490z00 | Blindness both eyes NOS |
F491000 | One eye blind, one eye low vision |
F491100 | Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: blind, unspecified |
F491300 | Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: near total VI |
F491400 | Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: profound VI |
F491500 | Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: blind, unspecified |
F491700 | Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: near total VI |
F491.00 | Better eye: low vision, Lesser eye: profound VI |
F491z00 | One eye blind, one eye low vision NOS |
F492000 | Low vision, both eyes unspecified |
F492200 | Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: severe VI |
F492300 | Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: low vision unspecified |
F492400 | Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: severe VI |
F492500 | Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: moderate VI |
F492.00 | Low vision, both eyes |
F492z00 | Low vision, both eyes NOS |
F493.00 | Visual loss, both eyes unqualified |
F494.00 | Legal blindness USA |
F495000 | Blindness, one eye, unspecified |
F495100 | Lesser eye: total visual impairment, Better eye: unspecified |
F495200 | Lesser eye: total VI, Better eye: near normal vision |
F495300 | Lesser eye: total VI, Better eye: normal vision |
F495400 | Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: unspecified |
F495500 | Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: near normal vision |
F495600 | Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: normal vision |
F495800 | Lesser eye: profound VI, Better eye: near normal vision |
F495A00 | Acquired blindness, one eye |
F495.00 | Profound impairment, one eye |
F495z00 | Profound impairment one eye NOS |
F496000 | Low vision, one eye, unspecified |
F496100 | Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: unspecified |
F496200 | Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: near normal vision |
F496300 | Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: normal vision |
F496400 | Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: unspecified |
F496500 | Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: near normal vision |
F496600 | Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: normal vision |
F496.00 | Low vision, one eye |
F496z00 | Low vision, one eye NOS |
F497.00 | Severe visual impairment, binocular |
F498.00 | Moderate visual impairment, binocular |
F499.00 | Mild or no visual impairment, binocular |
F49A.00 | Blindness, monocular |
F49B.00 | Severe visual impairment, monocular |
F49C.00 | Moderate visual impairment, monocular |
F49..00 | Blindness and low vision |
F49..11 | Impaired vision |
F49..13 | Partial sight |
F49..14 | Sight impaired |
F49y.00 | Visual loss, one eye, unqualified |
F49z000 | Charles Bonnet syndrome |
F49z.00 | Visual loss NOS |
F49z.11 | Acquired blindness |
F4H7300 | Cortical blindness |
Fy1..00 | Combined visual and hearing impairment |
FyuL.00 | [X]Visual disturbances and blindness |
SJ0z.11 | Blindness - traumatic - NOS |
Z961.00 | Provision of guide help for visual and hearing impairment |
Z962.00 | Provision of communicator for visual and hearing impairment |
Z96..00 | Provision for visual and hearing impairment |
ZK74.00 | Issue of local authority blind registration |
ZN56800 | Blind telephone user |
ZN56A00 | Deaf-blind telephone user |
ZRhO.00 | Reynell Zinkin language scale for the visually impaired |
ZRr6.00 | Vineland maturity scales adapted for the blind |
ZV41000 | [V]Problems with sight |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
H54 | Visual impairment including blindness (binocular or monocular) |
+1. ALL diagnoses of Visual impairment and 'Visual impairment and blindness' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1B75.00 |
+ Loss of vision |
+ 2B6A.11 |
+ O/E - blind R-eye |
+ 2B6B.00 |
+ O/E - R-eye completely blind |
+ 2B6S.00 |
+ O/E - pinhole R-eye completely blind |
+ 2B7A.11 |
+ O/E - blind L-eye |
+ 2B7B.00 |
+ O/E - L-eye completely blind |
+ 2B7S.00 |
+ O/E - pinhole L-eye completely blind |
+ 2BBo.00 |
+ O/E - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy |
+ 2BBr.00 |
+ Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy |
+ 6688 |
+ Registered partially sighted |
+ 6688.11 |
+ Registered partially blind |
+ 6689 |
+ Registered blind |
+ 6689.11 |
+ Registered severely sight impaired |
+ 668D.00 |
+ Registered sight impaired |
+ 8F61.00 |
+ Blind rehabilitation |
+ 8F62.00 |
+ Blind lead dog rehabilitation |
+ 8F6..11 |
+ Blind rehabilitation |
+ 8HlE.00 |
+ Referral to visual impairment multidisciplinary team |
+ 9m08.00 |
+ Excluded from diabetic retinopathy screening as blind |
+ 9NfB.00 |
+ Requires deafblind communicator guide |
+ 9NlD.00 |
+ Seen by visual impairment teacher |
+ F404100 |
+ Blind hypotensive eye |
+ F404200 |
+ Blind hypertensive eye |
+ F490000 |
+ Unspecified blindness both eyes |
+ F490100 |
+ Both eyes total visual impairment |
+ F490200 |
+ Better eye: near total VI, Lesser eye: unspecified |
+ F490400 |
+ Better eye: near total VI, Lesser eye: near total VI |
+ F490600 |
+ Better eye: profound VI, Lesser eye: total VI |
+ F490900 |
+ Acquired blindness, both eyes |
+ F490.00 |
+ Blindness, both eyes |
+ F490z00 |
+ Blindness both eyes NOS |
+ F491000 |
+ One eye blind, one eye low vision |
+ F491100 |
+ Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: blind, unspecified |
+ F491300 |
+ Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: near total VI |
+ F491400 |
+ Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: profound VI |
+ F491500 |
+ Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: blind, unspecified |
+ F491700 |
+ Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: near total VI |
+ F491.00 |
+ Better eye: low vision, Lesser eye: profound VI |
+ F491z00 |
+ One eye blind, one eye low vision NOS |
+ F492000 |
+ Low vision, both eyes unspecified |
+ F492200 |
+ Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: severe VI |
+ F492300 |
+ Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: low vision unspecified |
+ F492400 |
+ Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: severe VI |
+ F492500 |
+ Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: moderate VI |
+ F492.00 |
+ Low vision, both eyes |
+ F492z00 |
+ Low vision, both eyes NOS |
+ F493.00 |
+ Visual loss, both eyes unqualified |
+ F494.00 |
+ Legal blindness USA |
+ F495000 |
+ Blindness, one eye, unspecified |
+ F495100 |
+ Lesser eye: total visual impairment, Better eye: unspecified |
+ F495200 |
+ Lesser eye: total VI, Better eye: near normal vision |
+ F495300 |
+ Lesser eye: total VI, Better eye: normal vision |
+ F495400 |
+ Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: unspecified |
+ F495500 |
+ Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: near normal vision |
+ F495600 |
+ Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: normal vision |
+ F495800 |
+ Lesser eye: profound VI, Better eye: near normal vision |
+ F495A00 |
+ Acquired blindness, one eye |
+ F495.00 |
+ Profound impairment, one eye |
+ F495z00 |
+ Profound impairment one eye NOS |
+ F496000 |
+ Low vision, one eye, unspecified |
+ F496100 |
+ Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: unspecified |
+ F496200 |
+ Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: near normal vision |
+ F496300 |
+ Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: normal vision |
+ F496400 |
+ Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: unspecified |
+ F496500 |
+ Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: near normal vision |
+ F496600 |
+ Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: normal vision |
+ F496.00 |
+ Low vision, one eye |
+ F496z00 |
+ Low vision, one eye NOS |
+ F497.00 |
+ Severe visual impairment, binocular |
+ F498.00 |
+ Moderate visual impairment, binocular |
+ F499.00 |
+ Mild or no visual impairment, binocular |
+ F49A.00 |
+ Blindness, monocular |
+ F49B.00 |
+ Severe visual impairment, monocular |
+ F49C.00 |
+ Moderate visual impairment, monocular |
+ F49..00 |
+ Blindness and low vision |
+ F49..11 |
+ Impaired vision |
+ F49..13 |
+ Partial sight |
+ F49..14 |
+ Sight impaired |
+ F49y.00 |
+ Visual loss, one eye, unqualified |
+ F49z000 |
+ Charles Bonnet syndrome |
+ F49z.00 |
+ Visual loss NOS |
+ F49z.11 |
+ Acquired blindness |
+ F4H7300 |
+ Cortical blindness |
+ Fy1..00 |
+ Combined visual and hearing impairment |
+ FyuL.00 |
+ [X]Visual disturbances and blindness |
+ SJ0z.11 |
+ Blindness - traumatic - NOS |
+ Z961.00 |
+ Provision of guide help for visual and hearing impairment |
+ Z962.00 |
+ Provision of communicator for visual and hearing impairment |
+ Z96..00 |
+ Provision for visual and hearing impairment |
+ ZK74.00 |
+ Issue of local authority blind registration |
+ ZN56800 |
+ Blind telephone user |
+ ZN56A00 |
+ Deaf-blind telephone user |
+ ZRhO.00 |
+ Reynell Zinkin language scale for the visually impaired |
+ ZRr6.00 |
+ Vineland maturity scales adapted for the blind |
+ ZV41000 |
+ [V]Problems with sight |
+Secondary care diagnoses (ICD_blind.csv)
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ H54 |
+ Visual impairment including blindness (binocular or monocular) |
+Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia
-Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
-Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Readcode | Readterm |
-1452 | H/O: Anaemia vit.B12 deficient |
-66E1.00 | B12 defic. initial assessment |
-66E2.00 | B12 defic.follow-up assessment |
-66E3.00 | B12 injections started |
-66E4.00 | B12 injections - at home |
-66E5.00 | B12 injections - at surgery |
-66E6.00 | Reticulcytosis after B12 |
-66E..00 | B12 deficiency monitoring |
-66E7.00 | B12 def.-dubious diag.criteria |
-66E8.00 | B12 injections stopped |
-66EZ.00 | B12 defic. monitoring NOS |
-C262100 | Vitamin B12 deficiency |
-D010.00 | Pernicious anaemia |
-D010.11 | Addison's anaemia |
-D010.12 | Biermer's congenital pernicious anaemia |
-D010.13 | Congenital deficiency of intrinsic factor |
-D011000 | Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to dietary causes |
-D011011 | Imerslund - Grasbeck syndrome |
-D011013 | Vegan's anaemia |
-D011100 | Vit B12 defic anaemia due to malabsorption with proteinuria |
-D011200 | Transcobalamin II deficiency |
-D011.00 | Other vitamin B12 deficiency anaemias |
-D011.11 | Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia |
-D011X00 | "Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia |
-D011z00 | Other vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia NOS |
-D013000 | Combined B12 and folate deficiency anaemia |
-Dyu0100 | [X]Other dietary vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia |
-Dyu0200 | [X]Other vitamin B12 deficiency anaemias |
-Dyu0600 | "[X]Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia |
-F11x600 | Cerebral degeneration due to vitamin B12 deficiency |
-F162.00 | Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord |
-F381500 | Myasthenic syndrome due to pernicious anaemia |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
D51 | Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Vitiligo IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
-Primary care
-1. Vitiligo diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+1. 'Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
Secondary care (ICD10)
-1. ALL diagnoses of Vitiligo or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
F4E5311 | Vitiligo of eyelid |
M295100 | Vitiligo |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
L80 | Vitiligo |
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 1452 |
+ H/O: Anaemia vit.B12 deficient |
+ 66E1.00 |
+ B12 defic. initial assessment |
+ 66E2.00 |
+ B12 defic.follow-up assessment |
+ 66E3.00 |
+ B12 injections started |
+ 66E4.00 |
+ B12 injections - at home |
+ 66E5.00 |
+ B12 injections - at surgery |
+ 66E6.00 |
+ Reticulcytosis after B12 |
+ 66E..00 |
+ B12 deficiency monitoring |
+ 66E7.00 |
+ B12 def.-dubious diag.criteria |
+ 66E8.00 |
+ B12 injections stopped |
+ 66EZ.00 |
+ B12 defic. monitoring NOS |
+ C262100 |
+ Vitamin B12 deficiency |
+ D010.00 |
+ Pernicious anaemia |
+ D010.11 |
+ Addison's anaemia |
+ D010.12 |
+ Biermer's congenital pernicious anaemia |
+ D010.13 |
+ Congenital deficiency of intrinsic factor |
+ D011000 |
+ Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to dietary causes |
+ D011011 |
+ Imerslund - Grasbeck syndrome |
+ D011013 |
+ Vegan's anaemia |
+ D011100 |
+ Vit B12 defic anaemia due to malabsorption with proteinuria |
+ D011200 |
+ Transcobalamin II deficiency |
+ D011.00 |
+ Other vitamin B12 deficiency anaemias |
+ D011.11 |
+ Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia |
+ D011X00 |
+ Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia, unspecified |
+ D011z00 |
+ Other vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia NOS |
+ D013000 |
+ Combined B12 and folate deficiency anaemia |
+ Dyu0100 |
+ [X]Other dietary vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia |
+ Dyu0200 |
+ [X]Other vitamin B12 deficiency anaemias |
+ Dyu0600 |
+ [X]Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia, unspecified |
+ F11x600 |
+ Cerebral degeneration due to vitamin B12 deficiency |
+ F162.00 |
+ Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord |
+ F381500 |
+ Myasthenic syndrome due to pernicious anaemia |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ D51 |
+ Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia |
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Vitiligo' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+Primary care
+1. 'Vitiligo' diagnosis or history of diagnosis during a consultation
+Secondary care (ICD10)
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Vitiligo' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ F4E5311 |
+ Vitiligo of eyelid |
+ M295100 |
+ Vitiligo |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ L80 |
+ Vitiligo |
-At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had Volvulus IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
+At the specified date, a patient is defined as having had 'Volvulus' IF they meet the criteria for any of the following on or before the specified date. The earliest date on which the individual meets any of the following criteria on or before the specified date is defined as the first event date:
Primary care
-1. Volvulus diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
+1. 'Volvulus' diagnosis or history of diagnosis or procedure during a consultation
Secondary care
-1. ALL diagnoses of Volvulus or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
+1. ALL diagnoses of 'Volvulus' or history of diagnosis during a hospitalization
Secondary care (OPCS4)
-1. ALL procedures for Volvulus during a hospitalization
-Primary care (Clinical Practice Research Datalink)
-Read code | Read term |
771D100 | Open reduction of volvulus of caecum |
771D200 | Open reduction of volvulus of sigmoid colon |
771D300 | Open reduction of volvulus of colon NEC |
771R200 | Passage of flatus tube to reduce volvulus of sigmoid colon |
J173200 | Volvulus of duodenum |
J502100 | Volvulus of the small bowel |
J502200 | Volvulus of the ileocaecum |
J502300 | Volvulus of the sigmoid colon |
J502.00 | Volvulus |
J502.11 | Torsion of bowel |
J502z00 | Volvulus NOS |
Secondary care diagnoses (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-ICD10 code | ICD10 term |
K56.2 | Volvulus |
Secondary care procedures (Hospital Episode Statistics)
-OPCS code | OPCS term |
H17.2 | Open reduction of volvulus of caecum |
H17.3 | Open reduction of volvulus of sigmoid colon |
H17.4 | Open reduction of volvulus of colon NEC |
H30.3 | Passage of flatus tube to reduce volvulus of sigmoid colon |
\ No newline at end of file
+1. ALL procedures for 'Volvulus' during a hospitalization
+ Read code |
+ Read Term |
+ 771D100 |
+ Open reduction of volvulus of caecum |
+ 771D200 |
+ Open reduction of volvulus of sigmoid colon |
+ 771D300 |
+ Open reduction of volvulus of colon NEC |
+ 771R200 |
+ Passage of flatus tube to reduce volvulus of sigmoid colon |
+ J173200 |
+ Volvulus of duodenum |
+ J502100 |
+ Volvulus of the small bowel |
+ J502200 |
+ Volvulus of the ileocaecum |
+ J502300 |
+ Volvulus of the sigmoid colon |
+ J502.00 |
+ Volvulus |
+ J502.11 |
+ Torsion of bowel |
+ J502z00 |
+ Volvulus NOS |
+ ICD-10 code |
+ ICD-10 Term |
+ K56.2 |
+ Volvulus |
+ OPCS-4 code |
+ OPCS-4 Term |
+ H17.2 |
+ Open reduction of volvulus of caecum |
+ H17.3 |
+ Open reduction of volvulus of sigmoid colon |
+ H17.4 |
+ Open reduction of volvulus of colon NEC |
+ H30.3 |
+ Passage of flatus tube to reduce volvulus of sigmoid colon |
+File generated: 2019-11-25 16:04:13.501923
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dictionary.csv b/dictionary.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22383ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dictionary.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+Abdominal Hernia,CPRD_hernia_abdo.csv,ICD_hernia_abdo.csv,OPCS_hernia_abdo.csv
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,CPRD_AAA.csv,ICD_AAA.csv,
+Actinic keratosis,CPRD_actinic_keratosis.csv,ICD_actinic_keratosis.csv,
+Acute Kidney Injury,,ICD_AKI.csv,
+Alcohol Problems,CPRD_alc_problems.csv,ICD_alc_problems.csv,
+Alcoholic liver disease,CPRD_liver_alc.csv,ICD_liver_alc.csv,
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,CPRD_allergic_rhinitis.csv,ICD_allergic_rhinitis.csv,
+Alopecia areata,CPRD_alopecia_areata.csv,ICD_alopecia_areata.csv,
+Anal fissure,CPRD_anal_fissure.csv,ICD_anal_fissure.csv,OPCS_anal_fissure.csv
+Angiodysplasia of colon,CPRD_angiodysplasia_colon.csv,ICD_angiodysplasia_colon.csv,
+Ankylosing spondylitis,CPRD_ank_spond.csv,ICD_ank_spond.csv,
+Anorectal fistula,CPRD_anorectal_fistula.csv,ICD_anorectal_fistula.csv,OPCS_anorectal_fistula.csv
+Anorectal prolapse,CPRD_anorectal_prolapse.csv,ICD_anorectal_prolapse.csv,OPCS_anorectal_prolapse.csv
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,CPRD_eating_dz.csv,ICD_eating_dz.csv,
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,CPRD_ant_uveitis.csv,ICD_ant_uveitis.csv,
+Anxiety disorders,CPRD_anxiety.csv,ICD_anxiety.csv,
+Aplastic anaemias,CPRD_aplastic.csv,ICD_aplastic.csv,
+Aspiration pneumonitis,CPRD_aspiration_pneumo.csv,ICD_aspiration_pneumo.csv,
+Atrial fibrillation,CPRD_AF.csv,ICD_AF.csv,
+"Atrioventricular block, complete",CPRD_av_block_3.csv,ICD_av_block_3.csv,
+"Atrioventricular block, first degree",CPRD_av_block_1.csv,ICD_av_block_1.csv,
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",CPRD_av_block_2.csv,ICD_av_block_2.csv,
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,CPRD_autism.csv,ICD_autism.csv,
+Autoimmune liver disease,CPRD_autoimm_liver.csv,ICD_autoimm_liver.csv,
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),,ICD_bacterial.csv,
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,CPRD_sepsis_newborn.csv,ICD_sepsis_newborn.csv,
+Barrett's oesophagus,CPRD_barretts.csv,ICD_barretts.csv,
+Bell's palsy,CPRD_bells.csv,ICD_bells.csv,
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,CPRD_benign_uterus.csv,ICD_benign_uterus.csv,
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,CPRD_benign_brain.csv,ICD_benign_brain.csv,
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",CPRD_benign_colon.csv,ICD_benign_colon.csv,
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,CPRD_benign_ovary.csv,ICD_benign_ovary.csv,
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,CPRD_benign_stomach.csv,ICD_benign_stomach.csv,
+Bifascicular block,CPRD_bifasc_block.csv,ICD_bifasc_block.csv,
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,CPRD_BAD.csv,ICD_BAD.csv,
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,CPRD_cin_cervical.csv,ICD_cin_cervical.csv,
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,CPRD_carpal_tunnel.csv,ICD_carpal_tunnel.csv,OPCS_carpal_tunnel.csv
+Cerebral Palsy,CPRD_cerebral_palsy.csv,ICD_cerebral_palsy.csv,
+Chronic sinusitis,CPRD_sinusitis.csv,ICD_sinusitis.csv,
+Chronic viral hepatitis,CPRD_chr_hep.csv,ICD_chr_hep.csv,
+Coeliac disease,CPRD_coeliac.csv,ICD_coeliac.csv,
+Collapsed vertebra,CPRD_collapsed_vert.csv,ICD_collapsed_vert.csv,OPCS_collapsed_vert.csv
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,CPRD_congenital_septal.csv,ICD_congenital_septal.csv,OPCS_congenital_septal.csv
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,CPRD_CHD_NOS.csv,ICD_CHD_NOS.csv,
+Crohn's disease,CPRD_crohns.csv,ICD_crohns.csv,
+Cystic Fibrosis,CPRD_CF.csv,ICD_CF.csv,
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",CPRD_delirium.csv,ICD_delirium.csv,
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),CPRD_dermatitis.csv,ICD_dermatitis.csv,
+Diabetic neurological complications,CPRD_dm_neuro.csv,ICD_dm_neuro.csv,
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,CPRD_diab_eye.csv,ICD_diab_eye.csv,
+Diaphragmatic hernia,CPRD_hernia_diaphragm.csv,ICD_hernia_diaphragm.csv,OPCS_hernia_diaphragm.csv
+Dilated cardiomyopathy,CPRD_dcm.csv,ICD_dcm.csv,
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,CPRD_autonomic_neuro.csv,ICD_autonomic_neuro.csv,
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),CPRD_diverticuli.csv,ICD_diverticuli.csv,OPCS_diverticuli.csv
+Down's syndrome,CPRD_downs.csv,ICD_downs.csv,
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,,ICD_ear_urti.csv,
+End stage renal disease,CPRD_ESRD.csv,ICD_ESRD.csv,OPCS_ESRD.csv
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,CPRD_endometrial_hyper.csv,ICD_endometrial_hyper.csv,
+Enteropathic arthropathy,CPRD_entero_arthro.csv,ICD_entero_arthro.csv,
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,CPRD_enthesopathy.csv,ICD_enthesopathy.csv,
+Erectile dysfunction,CPRD_ED.csv,ICD_ED.csv,
+Essential tremor,CPRD_essential_tremor.csv,ICD_essential_tremor.csv,
+Eye infections,,ICD_eye.csv,
+Fatty Liver,CPRD_fatty_liver.csv,ICD_fatty_liver.csv,
+Female genital prolapse,CPRD_female_genital_prolapse.csv,ICD_female_genital_prolapse.csv,
+Female infertility,CPRD_female_infertility.csv,ICD_female_infertility.csv,
+Female pelvic inflammatory disease,,ICD_PID.csv,
+Folate deficiency anaemia,CPRD_folatedef.csv,ICD_folatedef.csv,
+Fracture of hip,CPRD_fracture_hip.csv,ICD_fracture_hip.csv,OPCS_fracture_hip.csv
+Fracture of wrist,CPRD_fracture_wrist.csv,ICD_fracture_wrist.csv,
+Gastritis and duodenitis,CPRD_gastritis_duodenitis.csv,ICD_gastritis_duodenitis.csv,
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,CPRD_GORD.csv,ICD_GORD.csv,OPCS_GORD.csv
+Giant Cell arteritis,CPRD_GCA.csv,ICD_GCA.csv,
+"Haemangioma, any site",CPRD_haemangioma.csv,ICD_haemangioma.csv,
+Hearing loss,CPRD_deaf.csv,ICD_deaf.csv,
+Heart failure,CPRD_hf.csv,ICD_hf.csv,
+Hepatic failure,CPRD_liver_fail.csv,ICD_liver_fail.csv,
+Hidradenitis suppurativa,CPRD_hidradenitis.csv,ICD_hidradenitis.csv,
+High birth weight,CPRD_HBW.csv,ICD_HBW.csv,
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,CPRD_hodgkins.csv,ICD_hodgkins.csv,
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),CPRD_hydrocele.csv,ICD_hydrocele.csv,
+Hyperkinetic disorders,CPRD_ADHD.csv,ICD_ADHD.csv,
+Hyperplasia of prostate,CPRD_BPH.csv,ICD_BPH.csv,
+Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,CPRD_hocm.csv,ICD_hocm.csv,
+Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates,CPRD_hyper_nasal_turbs.csv,ICD_hyper_nasal_turbs.csv,
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,CPRD_thyroid.csv,ICD_thyroid.csv,
+Infection of anal and rectal regions,,ICD_anorectal.csv,
+Infection of bones and joints,,ICD_bone.csv,
+Infection of liver,,ICD_liver.csv,
+Infection of male genital system,,ICD_male_GU.csv,
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,,ICD_oth_gu.csv,
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,,ICD_skin.csv,
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,,ICD_oth_organs.csv,
+Infections of the Heart,,ICD_heart.csv,
+Infections of the digestive system,,ICD_digestive.csv,
+Intellectual disability,CPRD_intell_dz.csv,ICD_intell_dz.csv,
+Intervertebral disc disorders,CPRD_intervert_disc.csv,ICD_intervert_disc.csv,OPCS_intervert_disc.csv
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,CPRD_Intracereb_haem.csv,ICD_Intracereb_haem.csv,
+Intracranial hypertension,CPRD_intracranial_htn.csv,ICD_intracranial_htn.csv,
+Intrauterine hypoxia,CPRD_intrauterine_hypoxia.csv,ICD_intrauterine_hypoxia.csv,
+Iron deficiency anaemia,CPRD_IDA.csv,ICD_IDA.csv,
+Irritable bowel syndrome,CPRD_IBS.csv,ICD_IBS.csv,
+Ischaemic stroke,CPRD_Isch_stroke.csv,ICD_Isch_stroke.csv,
+Juvenile arthritis,CPRD_juv_arth.csv,ICD_juv_arth.csv,
+Left bundle branch block,CPRD_LBBB.csv,ICD_LBBB.csv,
+Leiomyoma of uterus,CPRD_leiomyoma.csv,ICD_leiomyoma.csv,
+Lichen planus,CPRD_lichen_planus.csv,ICD_lichen_planus.csv,
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",CPRD_cirrhosis.csv,ICD_cirrhosis.csv,
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,,ICD_lrti.csv,
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),CPRD_SLE.csv,ICD_SLE.csv,
+Macular degeneration,CPRD_macula_degen.csv,ICD_macula_degen.csv,
+Male infertility,CPRD_male_infertility.csv,ICD_male_infertility.csv,
+Meniere disease,CPRD_meniere.csv,ICD_meniere.csv,
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,CPRD_menorrhagia.csv,ICD_menorrhagia.csv,
+Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),CPRD_MGUS.csv,ICD_MGUS.csv,
+Motor neuron disease,CPRD_MND.csv,ICD_MND.csv,
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,CPRD_plasmacell.csv,ICD_plasmacell.csv,
+Multiple sclerosis,CPRD_MS.csv,ICD_MS.csv,
+Multiple valve dz,CPRD_mult_valve.csv,ICD_mult_valve.csv,
+Myasthenia gravis,CPRD_myasthenia.csv,ICD_myasthenia.csv,
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,CPRD_MDS.csv,ICD_MDS.csv,
+Myocardial infarction,CPRD_myocardial_infarction.csv,ICD_myocardial_infarction.csv,
+Nasal polyp,CPRD_nasal_polyp.csv,ICD_nasal_polyp.csv,
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),CPRD_neo_jaundice.csv,ICD_neo_jaundice.csv,
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,CPRD_neuro_bladder.csv,ICD_neuro_bladder.csv,
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,CPRD_NHL.csv,ICD_NHL.csv,
+Non-acute cystitis,CPRD_chr_cystitis.csv,ICD_chr_cystitis.csv,
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,CPRD_nonRh_aortic.csv,ICD_nonRh_aortic.csv,
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,CPRD_nonRh_mitral.csv,ICD_nonRh_mitral.csv,
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,CPRD_ocd.csv,ICD_ocd.csv,
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,CPRD_obstr_reflux.csv,ICD_obstr_reflux.csv,
+Oesophageal varices,CPRD_varices.csv,ICD_varices.csv,OPCS_varices.csv
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,CPRD_oesoph_ulc.csv,ICD_oesoph_ulc.csv,
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),CPRD_OA.csv,ICD_OA.csv,
+Other Cardiomyopathy,CPRD_cardiomyo_oth.csv,ICD_cardiomyo_oth.csv,
+Other anaemias,CPRD_oth_anaemia.csv,ICD_oth_anaemia.csv,
+Other haemolytic anaemias,CPRD_oth_haem_anaemia.csv,ICD_oth_haem_anaemia.csv,
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,CPRD_pulm_fibrosis.csv,ICD_pulm_fibrosis.csv,
+Other nervous system infections,,ICD_oth_nerv_sys.csv,
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,,ICD_oth_organisms.csv,
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,CPRD_substance_misuse.csv,ICD_substance_misuse.csv,
+Parasitic infections,,ICD_parasitic.csv,
+Parkinson's disease,CPRD_Parkinsons.csv,ICD_Parkinsons.csv,
+Patent ductus arteriosus,CPRD_PDA.csv,ICD_PDA.csv,OPCS_PDA.csv
+Peptic ulcer disease,CPRD_ulcer_peptic.csv,ICD_ulcer_peptic.csv,OPCS_ulcer_peptic.csv
+Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory),CPRD_pericardial_effusion.csv,ICD_pericardial_effusion.csv,
+Peripheral arterial disease,CPRD_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv,ICD_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv,OPCS_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),CPRD_periph_neuro.csv,ICD_periph_neuro.csv,
+Personality disorders,CPRD_PD.csv,ICD_PD.csv,
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,CPRD_pilonidal.csv,ICD_pilonidal.csv,OPCS_pilonidal.csv
+Pleural effusion,CPRD_pleural_effusion.csv,ICD_pleural_effusion.csv,
+Pleural plaque,CPRD_pleural_plaque.csv,ICD_pleural_plaque.csv,
+Polycystic ovarian syndrome,CPRD_PCOS.csv,ICD_PCOS.csv,
+Polycythaemia vera,CPRD_PCV.csv,ICD_PCV.csv,
+Polymyalgia Rheumatica,CPRD_PMR.csv,ICD_PMR.csv,
+Portal hypertension,CPRD_portal_htn.csv,ICD_portal_htn.csv,
+Post-term infant,CPRD_post_term.csv,ICD_post_term.csv,
+Postcoital and contact bleeding,CPRD_PCB.csv,ICD_PCB.csv,
+Posterior Uveitis,CPRD_post_uveitis.csv,ICD_post_uveitis.csv,
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,CPRD_reactive.csv,ICD_reactive.csv,
+Postmenopausal bleeding,CPRD_PMB.csv,ICD_PMB.csv,
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",CPRD_chronic_fatigue.csv,ICD_chronic_fatigue.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,CPRD_pri_bladder.csv,ICD_pri_bladder.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,CPRD_pri_bone.csv,ICD_pri_bone.csv,
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",CPRD_pri_brain.csv,ICD_pri_brain.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,CPRD_pri_breast.csv,ICD_pri_breast.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,CPRD_pri_cervical.csv,ICD_pri_cervical.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,CPRD_pri_kidney.csv,ICD_pri_kidney.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,CPRD_pri_liver.csv,ICD_pri_liver.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,CPRD_pri_lung.csv,ICD_pri_lung.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,CPRD_pri_melanoma.csv,ICD_pri_melanoma.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma,CPRD_pri_mesothelioma.csv,ICD_pri_mesothelioma.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites,CPRD_pri_multindep.csv,ICD_pri_multindep.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,CPRD_pri_oesoph.csv,ICD_pri_oesoph.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,CPRD_pri_oroph.csv,ICD_pri_oroph.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,CPRD_pri_other.csv,ICD_pri_other.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,CPRD_pri_skin.csv,ICD_pri_skin.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Ovarian,CPRD_pri_ovarian.csv,ICD_pri_ovarian.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,CPRD_pri_pancr.csv,ICD_pri_pancr.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,CPRD_pri_prost.csv,ICD_pri_prost.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,CPRD_pri_stomach.csv,ICD_pri_stomach.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,CPRD_pri_testis.csv,ICD_pri_testis.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Thyroid,CPRD_pri_thyroid.csv,ICD_pri_thyroid.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,CPRD_pri_uterine.csv,ICD_pri_uterine.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,CPRD_pri_biliary.csv,ICD_pri_biliary.csv,
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,CPRD_pri_bowel.csv,ICD_pri_bowel.csv,
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,CPRD_pri_thrombocytopaenia.csv,ICD_pri_thrombocytopaenia.csv,
+Primary pulmonary hypertension,CPRD_prim_pulm_htn.csv,ICD_prim_pulm_htn.csv,
+Psoriatic arthropathy,CPRD_PSA.csv,ICD_PSA.csv,
+Ptosis of eyelid,CPRD_ptosis.csv,ICD_ptosis.csv,OPCS_ptosis.csv
+Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax),CPRD_pulm_collapse.csv,ICD_pulm_collapse.csv,
+Pulmonary embolism,CPRD_PE.csv,ICD_PE.csv,
+Raynaud's syndrome,CPRD_raynauds.csv,ICD_raynauds.csv,
+Respiratory distress of newborn,CPRD_RDN.csv,ICD_RDN.csv,
+Respiratory failure,CPRD_resp_failure.csv,ICD_resp_failure.csv,
+Retinal detachments and breaks,CPRD_retinal_detach.csv,ICD_retinal_detach.csv,OPCS_retinal_detach.csv
+Retinal vascular occlusions,CPRD_retinal_vasc_occl.csv,ICD_retinal_vasc_occl.csv,
+Rheumatic fever,CPRD_rh_fever.csv,ICD_rh_fever.csv,
+Rheumatic valve dz,CPRD_Rh_valve.csv,ICD_Rh_valve.csv,
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,CPRD_RhA.csv,ICD_RhA.csv,
+Right bundle branch block,CPRD_RBBB.csv,ICD_RBBB.csv,
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",CPRD_schizo.csv,ICD_schizo.csv,
+Scleritis and episcleritis,CPRD_scleritis.csv,ICD_scleritis.csv,
+Seborrheic dermatitis,CPRD_seb_derm.csv,ICD_seb_derm.csv,
+Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland,CPRD_sec_adrenal.csv,ICD_sec_adrenal.csv,
+Secondary Malignancy_Bone,CPRD_sec_bone.csv,ICD_sec_bone.csv,
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,CPRD_sec_bowel.csv,ICD_sec_bowel.csv,
+"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",CPRD_sec_brain.csv,ICD_sec_brain.csv,
+Secondary Malignancy_Lung,CPRD_sec_lung.csv,ICD_sec_lung.csv,
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,CPRD_sec_LN.csv,ICD_sec_LN.csv,
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,CPRD_sec_other.csv,ICD_sec_other.csv,
+Secondary Malignancy_Pleura,CPRD_sec_pleura.csv,ICD_sec_pleura.csv,
+Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum,CPRD_sec_peritoneum.csv,ICD_sec_peritoneum.csv,
+Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct,CPRD_sec_liver.csv,ICD_sec_liver.csv,
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,CPRD_sec_oth_thrombocytopaenia.csv,ICD_sec_oth_thrombocytopaenia.csv,
+Secondary polycythaemia,CPRD_2ry_polycythaemia.csv,ICD_2ry_polycythaemia.csv,
+Secondary pulmonary hypertension,CPRD_sec_pulm_htn.csv,ICD_sec_pulm_htn.csv,
+Sick sinus syndrome,CPRD_sick_sinus.csv,ICD_sick_sinus.csv,
+Sickle-cell anaemia,CPRD_sickle_cell.csv,ICD_sickle_cell.csv,
+Sickle-cell trait,CPRD_sickle_trait.csv,ICD_sickle_trait.csv,
+Sjogren's disease,CPRD_sjogren.csv,ICD_sjogren.csv,
+Sleep apnoea,CPRD_sleep_apnoea.csv,ICD_sleep_apnoea.csv,
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,CPRD_LBW.csv,ICD_LBW.csv,
+Spina bifida,CPRD_spina_bifida.csv,ICD_spina_bifida.csv,OPCS_spina_bifida.csv
+Spinal stenosis,CPRD_spinal_stenosis.csv,ICD_spinal_stenosis.csv,
+Stable angina,CPRD_stable_angina.csv,ICD_stable_angina.csv,
+Stroke NOS,CPRD_Stroke_NOS.csv,ICD_Stroke_NOS.csv,
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,CPRD_Subarach.csv,ICD_Subarach.csv,
+Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic,CPRD_subdural_haem.csv,ICD_subdural_haem.csv,
+Supraventricular tachycardia,CPRD_SVT.csv,ICD_SVT.csv,
+Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone,,ICD_SIADH.csv,
+Systemic sclerosis,CPRD_sys_sclerosis.csv,ICD_sys_sclerosis.csv,
+Thalassaemia trait,CPRD_thal_trait.csv,ICD_thal_trait.csv,
+Transient ischaemic attack,CPRD_TIA.csv,ICD_TIA.csv,
+Trifascicular block,CPRD_trifasc_block.csv,ICD_trifasc_block.csv,
+Trigeminal neuralgia,CPRD_trigem_neur.csv,ICD_trigem_neur.csv,
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,CPRD_TIN.csv,ICD_TIN.csv,
+Ulcerative colitis,CPRD_ulc_colitis.csv,ICD_ulc_colitis.csv,
+Undescended testicle,CPRD_undescended_testis.csv,ICD_undescended_testis.csv,
+Unstable Angina,CPRD_unstable_angina.csv,ICD_unstable_angina.csv,
+Urinary Incontinence,CPRD_urine_incont.csv,ICD_urine_incont.csv,
+Urinary Tract Infections,,ICD_uti.csv,
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),CPRD_vte_ex_pe.csv,ICD_vte_ex_pe.csv,
+Ventricular tachycardia,CPRD_VT.csv,ICD_VT.csv,
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),,ICD_viral.csv,
+Visual impairment and blindness,CPRD_blind.csv,ICD_blind.csv,
+Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,CPRD_b12_def.csv,ICD_b12_def.csv,
+Chronic Kidney Disease,,,
+Low HDL-C,,,
+Raised LDL-C,,,
+Raised Total Cholesterol,,,
+Raised Triglycerides,,,
diff --git a/phenotype_categories_mapping.csv b/phenotype_categories_mapping.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18bcc13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phenotype_categories_mapping.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Abdominal Hernia,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Acne,Skin conditions
+Actinic keratosis,Skin conditions
+Acute Kidney Injury,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Agranulocytosis,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Alcohol Problems,Mental Health Disorders
+Alcoholic liver disease,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Alopecia areata,Skin conditions
+Other anaemias,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Anal fissure,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Angiodysplasia of colon,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Ankylosing spondylitis,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Anorectal fistula,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Anorectal prolapse,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,Diseases of the Eye
+Anxiety disorders,Mental Health Disorders
+Aplastic anaemias,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Appendicitis,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Asbestosis,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Aspiration pneumonitis,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Asthma,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Atrial fibrillation,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+"Atrioventricular block, first degree",Diseases of the Circulatory System
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",Diseases of the Circulatory System
+"Atrioventricular block, complete",Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,Mental Health Disorders
+Autoimmune liver disease,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,Neurological conditions
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),Infectious Diseases
+Barrett's oesophagus,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Bell's palsy,Neurological conditions
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,Benign Neoplasm/CIN
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",Benign Neoplasm/CIN
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,Benign Neoplasm/CIN
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,Benign Neoplasm/CIN
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,Benign Neoplasm/CIN
+Hyperplasia of prostate,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Bifascicular block,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Mental Health Disorders
+Visual impairment and blindness,Diseases of the Eye
+Bronchiectasis,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Other Cardiomyopathy,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Cataract,Diseases of the Eye
+Cerebral Palsy,Neurological conditions
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,Benign Neoplasm/CIN
+Cholangitis,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Cholecystitis,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Cholelithiasis,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Non-acute cystitis,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",Neurological conditions
+Chronic Kidney Disease,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+COPD,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Chronic sinusitis,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Chronic viral hepatitis,Infectious Diseases
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",Diseases of the Digestive System
+Coeliac disease,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Collapsed vertebra,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,Perinatal conditions
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Crohn's disease,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Cystic Fibrosis,Diseases of the Endocrine System
+Hearing loss,Diseases of the Ear
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",Mental Health Disorders
+Dementia,Mental Health Disorders
+Depression,Mental Health Disorders
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),Skin conditions
+Diabetes,Diseases of the Endocrine System
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,Diseases of the Eye
+Diabetic neurological complications,Neurological conditions
+Diaphragmatic hernia,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Dilated cardiomyopathy,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),Diseases of the Digestive System
+Down's syndrome,Perinatal conditions
+Dysmenorrhoea,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,Mental Health Disorders
+Encephalitis,Infectious Diseases
+End stage renal disease,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Endometriosis,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Enteropathic arthropathy,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Epilepsy,Neurological conditions
+Erectile dysfunction,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Essential tremor,Neurological conditions
+Fatty Liver,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Female infertility,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Fibromatoses,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Folate deficiency anaemia,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Fracture of hip,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Fracture of wrist,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Mycoses,Infectious Diseases
+Gastritis and duodenitis,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Giant Cell arteritis,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Glaucoma,Diseases of the Eye
+Glomerulonephritis,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Gout,Musculoskeletal conditions
+"Haemangioma, any site",Benign Neoplasm/CIN
+Heart failure,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Hidradenitis suppurativa,Skin conditions
+High birth weight,Perinatal conditions
+HIV,Infectious Diseases
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,Cancers
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Hyperkinetic disorders,Mental Health Disorders
+Hyperparathyroidism,Diseases of the Endocrine System
+Splenomegaly,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Hypertension,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Hyposplenism,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Intracranial hypertension,Neurological conditions
+Immunodeficiencies,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Infection of anal and rectal regions,Infectious Diseases
+Infection of bones and joints,Infectious Diseases
+Infections of the digestive system,Infectious Diseases
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,Infectious Diseases
+Eye infections,Infectious Diseases
+Infections of the Heart,Infectious Diseases
+Infection of liver,Infectious Diseases
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,Infectious Diseases
+Infection of male genital system,Infectious Diseases
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,Infectious Diseases
+Other nervous system infections,Infectious Diseases
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,Infectious Diseases
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,Infectious Diseases
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,Infectious Diseases
+Intellectual disability,Mental Health Disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Perinatal conditions
+Iron deficiency anaemia,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Irritable bowel syndrome,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Ischaemic stroke,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Juvenile arthritis,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Keratitis,Diseases of the Eye
+Left bundle branch block,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Leiomyoma of uterus,Benign Neoplasm/CIN
+Lichen planus,Skin conditions
+Hepatic failure,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Perinatal conditions
+Low HDL-C,Diseases of the Endocrine System
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),Musculoskeletal conditions
+Macular degeneration,Diseases of the Eye
+Male infertility,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Meniere disease,Diseases of the Ear
+Meningitis,Infectious Diseases
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Migraine,Neurological conditions
+Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),Cancers
+Motor neuron disease,Neurological conditions
+Multiple sclerosis,Neurological conditions
+Multiple valve dz,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Myasthenia gravis,Neurological conditions
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,Cancers
+Myocardial infarction,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Nasal polyp,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Perinatal conditions
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,Cancers
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Obesity,Diseases of the Endocrine System
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,Mental Health Disorders
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Oesophageal varices,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Musculoskeletal conditions
+Osteoporosis,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Other haemolytic anaemias,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Pancreatitis,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Parasitic infections,Infectious Diseases
+Parkinson's disease,Neurological conditions
+Patent ductus arteriosus,Perinatal conditions
+Female pelvic inflammatory disease,Infectious Diseases
+Peptic ulcer disease,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory),Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Peripheral arterial disease,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Neurological conditions
+Peritonitis,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Personality disorders,Mental Health Disorders
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,Skin conditions
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,Cancers
+Pleural effusion,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Pleural plaque,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Pneumothorax,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Polycystic ovarian syndrome,Diseases of the Endocrine System
+Polycythaemia vera,Cancers
+Polymyalgia Rheumatica,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Portal hypertension,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Post-term infant,Perinatal conditions
+Postcoital and contact bleeding,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Posterior Uveitis,Diseases of the Eye
+Postmenopausal bleeding,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Prematurity,Perinatal conditions
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,Cancers
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Ovarian,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Thyroid,Cancers
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,Cancers
+Primary pulmonary hypertension,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Psoriasis,Skin conditions
+Psoriatic arthropathy,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Ptosis of eyelid,Diseases of the Eye
+Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax),Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Pulmonary embolism,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Raised LDL-C,Diseases of the Endocrine System
+Raised Total Cholesterol,Diseases of the Endocrine System
+Raised Triglycerides,Diseases of the Endocrine System
+Raynaud's syndrome,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Respiratory distress of newborn,Perinatal conditions
+Respiratory failure,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Retinal detachments and breaks,Diseases of the Eye
+Retinal vascular occlusions,Diseases of the Eye
+Rheumatic fever,Infectious Diseases
+Rheumatic valve dz,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Right bundle branch block,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Rosacea,Skin conditions
+Sarcoidosis,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Mental Health Disorders
+Scleritis and episcleritis,Diseases of the Eye
+Systemic sclerosis,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Scoliosis,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Seborrheic dermatitis,Skin conditions
+Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland,Cancers
+Secondary Malignancy_Bone,Cancers
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,Cancers
+"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",Cancers
+Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct,Cancers
+Secondary Malignancy_Lung,Cancers
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,Cancers
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,Cancers
+Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum,Cancers
+Secondary Malignancy_Pleura,Cancers
+Secondary polycythaemia,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Secondary pulmonary hypertension,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Perinatal conditions
+Septicaemia,Infectious Diseases
+Sick sinus syndrome,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Sickle-cell anaemia,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Sickle-cell trait,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Sjogren's disease,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Sleep apnoea,Diseases of the Respiratory System
+Spina bifida,Perinatal conditions
+Spinal stenosis,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Spondylolisthesis,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Spondylosis,Musculoskeletal conditions
+Stable angina,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Stroke NOS,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Mental Health Disorders
+Supraventricular tachycardia,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone,Diseases of the Endocrine System
+Thalassaemia,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Thalassaemia trait,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Thrombophilia,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,Diseases of the Endocrine System
+Tinnitus,Diseases of the Ear
+Transient ischaemic attack,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Trifascicular block,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Trigeminal neuralgia,Neurological conditions
+Tuberculosis,Infectious Diseases
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Ulcerative colitis,Diseases of the Digestive System
+Undescended testicle,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Unstable Angina,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Urinary Incontinence,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Urinary Tract Infections,Infectious Diseases
+Urolithiasis,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Urticaria,Skin conditions
+Female genital prolapse,Diseases of the Genitourinary system
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Ventricular tachycardia,Diseases of the Circulatory System
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),Infectious Diseases
+Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,Haematological/Immunological conditions
+Vitiligo,Skin conditions
+Volvulus,Diseases of the Digestive System
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_2ry_polycythaemia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_2ry_polycythaemia.csv
index 9dec59e..8d35c26 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_2ry_polycythaemia.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_2ry_polycythaemia.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary polycythaemia","D410000","15311.0","Stress polycythaemia","Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia"
-"Secondary polycythaemia","D410011","17486.0","Spurious polycythaemia","Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia"
-"Secondary polycythaemia","D410100","37129.0","High altitude polycythaemia","Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia"
-"Secondary polycythaemia","D410200","17605.0","Polycythaemia due to cyanotic heart disease","Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia"
-"Secondary polycythaemia","D410300","44611.0","Polycythaemia due to cyanotic respiratory disease","Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia"
-"Secondary polycythaemia","D410400","44894.0","Renal polycythaemia","Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia"
-"Secondary polycythaemia","D410.00","5086.0","Secondary polycythaemia","Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia"
-"Secondary polycythaemia","D410z00","15301.0","Secondary polycythaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia"
+Secondary polycythaemia,D410000,15311.0,Stress polycythaemia,Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia
+Secondary polycythaemia,D410011,17486.0,Spurious polycythaemia,Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia
+Secondary polycythaemia,D410100,37129.0,High altitude polycythaemia,Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia
+Secondary polycythaemia,D410200,17605.0,Polycythaemia due to cyanotic heart disease,Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia
+Secondary polycythaemia,D410300,44611.0,Polycythaemia due to cyanotic respiratory disease,Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia
+Secondary polycythaemia,D410400,44894.0,Renal polycythaemia,Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia
+Secondary polycythaemia,D410.00,5086.0,Secondary polycythaemia,Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia
+Secondary polycythaemia,D410z00,15301.0,Secondary polycythaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_AAA.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_AAA.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ed1751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_AAA.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,7A11000,96654,Emerg repl aneurysm bifurc aorta by anast aorta to fem art,Emergency AAA repair (3)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,7A11200,69922,Emerg repl aneurysm bifurc aorta by anast aorta to iliac a,Emergency AAA repair (3)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,7A11211,92925,Y graft of abdominal Aortic aneurysm (emergency),Emergency AAA repair (3)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,7A13.00,31613,Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of aorta,Emergency AAA repair (3)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,7A13.11,17220,Emergency repair of aortic aneurysm,Emergency AAA repair (3)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,7A13300,66232,Emerg replace aneurysm infrarenal aorta by anast aorta/aorta,Emergency AAA repair (3)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,7A13400,54192,Emerg replace aneurysm abdom aorta by anast aorta/aorta NEC,Emergency AAA repair (3)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,7A13411,63408,Tube graft abdominal Aortic aneurysm (emergency),Emergency AAA repair (3)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,7A13y00,45477,Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of aorta OS,Emergency AAA repair (3)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,7A13z00,45474,Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of aorta NOS,Emergency AAA repair (3)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,G714.00,1867,Abdominal aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture,AAA without leak or rupture (4)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,G714.11,17345,AAA - Abdominal aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture,AAA without leak or rupture (4)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,G716.00,16034,Aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture NOS,AAA without leak or rupture (4)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,G716000,40787,"Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture",AAA without leak or rupture (4)
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,14AE.00,16993,H/O: aortic aneurysm,History of AAA (1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_ADHD.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_ADHD.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30b6589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_ADHD.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Hyperkinetic disorders,6A61.00,101067.0,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder annual review,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,8BPT.00,108002.0,Drug therapy ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder),Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,9Ngp.00,107332.0,On drug ther ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder),Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,E2E0100,9715.0,Attention deficit with hyperactivity,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,E2E1.00,58069.0,Hyperkinesis with developmental delay,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,E2E2.00,45263.0,Hyperkinetic conduct disorder,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,E2E..00,3775.0,Childhood hyperkinetic syndrome,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,E2E..11,9972.0,Overactive child syndrome,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,E2Ey.00,25469.0,Other hyperkinetic manifestation,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,E2Ez.00,41769.0,Hyperkinetic syndrome NOS,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,Eu84400,52602.0,[X]Overactive disorder assoc mental retard/stereotype movts,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,Eu90000,6512.0,[X]Disturbance of activity and attention,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,Eu90011,6519.0,[X]Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,Eu90100,33505.0,[X]Hyperkinetic conduct disorder,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,Eu90111,45799.0,[X]Hyperkinetic disorder associated with conduct disorder,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,Eu90.00,1458.0,[X]Hyperkinetic disorders,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,Eu90y00,6510.0,[X]Other hyperkinetic disorders,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,Eu90z00,50015.0,"[X]Hyperkinetic disorder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,Eu90z11,97421.0,[X]Hyperkinetic reaction of childhood or adolescence NOS,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
+Hyperkinetic disorders,Eu90z12,96770.0,[X]Hyperkinetic syndrome NOS,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_AF.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_AF.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04673fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_AF.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Atrial fibrillation,14AN.00,6345,H/O: atrial fibrillation,History of atrial fibrillation or flutter (1)
+Atrial fibrillation,14AR.00,93460,History of atrial flutter,History of atrial fibrillation or flutter (1)
+Atrial fibrillation,212R.00,28994,Atrial fibrillation resolved,History of atrial fibrillation or flutter (1)
+Atrial fibrillation,662S.00,18746,Atrial fibrillation monitoring,Atrial fibrillation monitoring (2)
+Atrial fibrillation,6A9..00,45773,Atrial fibrillation annual review,Atrial fibrillation monitoring (2)
+Atrial fibrillation,9Os..00,57832,Atrial fibrillation monitoring administration,Atrial fibrillation monitoring (2)
+Atrial fibrillation,9Os0.00,90187,Atrial fibrillation monitoring first letter,Atrial fibrillation monitoring (2)
+Atrial fibrillation,9Os1.00,90188,Atrial fibrillation monitoring second letter,Atrial fibrillation monitoring (2)
+Atrial fibrillation,9Os2.00,90189,Atrial fibrillation monitoring third letter,Atrial fibrillation monitoring (2)
+Atrial fibrillation,9Os3.00,90190,Atrial fibrillation monitoring verbal invite,Atrial fibrillation monitoring (2)
+Atrial fibrillation,9Os4.00,90191,Atrial fibrillation monitoring telephone invite,Atrial fibrillation monitoring (2)
+Atrial fibrillation,9hF..00,63350,Exception reporting: atrial fibrillation quality indicators,Atrial fibrillation monitoring (2)
+Atrial fibrillation,9hF1.00,39114,Excepted from atrial fibrillation qual indic: Inform dissent,Atrial fibrillation monitoring (2)
+Atrial fibrillation,G573200,1268,Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation,Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (3)
+Atrial fibrillation,G573400,96277,Permanent atrial fibrillation,Persistent or permanent atrial fibrillation (4)
+Atrial fibrillation,G573500,96076,Persistent atrial fibrillation,Persistent or permanent atrial fibrillation (4)
+Atrial fibrillation,3272.00,3757,ECG: atrial fibrillation,"Atrial fibrillation, not otherwise specified (5)"
+Atrial fibrillation,G573000,1664,Atrial fibrillation,"Atrial fibrillation, not otherwise specified (5)"
+Atrial fibrillation,G573300,35127,Non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation,"Atrial fibrillation, not otherwise specified (5)"
+Atrial fibrillation,G573.00,2212,Atrial fibrillation and flutter,Atrial fibrillation or flutter (6)
+Atrial fibrillation,G573z00,23437,Atrial fibrillation and flutter NOS,Atrial fibrillation or flutter (6)
+Atrial fibrillation,3273.00,6771,ECG: atrial flutter,Atrial flutter (7)
+Atrial fibrillation,G573100,1757,Atrial flutter,Atrial flutter (7)
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_BAD.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_BAD.csv
index 1d4d130..c774884 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_BAD.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_BAD.csv
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","146D.00","11548.0","H/O: manic depressive disorder","History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","1S42.00","22713.0","Manic mood","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","212V.00","85102.0","Bipolar affective disorder resolved","History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E110000","20110.0","Single manic episode, unspecified","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E110100","14728.0","Single manic episode, mild","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E110200","24640.0","Single manic episode, moderate","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E110300","43093.0","Single manic episode, severe without mention of psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E110400","50218.0","Single manic episode, severe, with psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E110500","109485.0","Single manic episode in partial or unspecified remission","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E110600","70000.0","Single manic episode in full remission","History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E110.00","37070.0","Manic disorder, single episode","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E110.11","18909.0","Hypomanic psychoses","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E110z00","36611.0","Manic disorder, single episode NOS","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E111000","19967.0","Recurrent manic episodes, unspecified","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E111100","46425.0","Recurrent manic episodes, mild","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E111200","27739.0","Recurrent manic episodes, moderate","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E111300","65811.0","Recurrent manic episodes, severe without mention psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E111400","32295.0","Recurrent manic episodes, severe, with psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E111500","58863.0","Recurrent manic episodes, partial or unspecified remission","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E111600","37178.0","Recurrent manic episodes, in full remission","History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E111.00","26227.0","Recurrent manic episodes","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E111z00","46415.0","Recurrent manic episode NOS","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E114000","35738.0","Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, unspecified","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E114100","36126.0","Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, mild","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E114200","46434.0","Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, moderate","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E114300","16347.0","Bipolar affect disord, currently manic, severe, no psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E114400","55829.0","Bipolar affect disord, currently manic,severe with psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E114500","59011.0","Bipolar affect disord,currently manic, part/unspec remission","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E114600","63784.0","Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, full remission","History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E114.00","3702.0","Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E114.11","17385.0","Manic-depressive - now manic","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E114z00","57605.0","Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, NOS","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E115000","15923.0","Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, unspecified","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E115100","35734.0","Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, mild","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E115200","27890.0","Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, moderate","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E115300","35607.0","Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, severe, no psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E115400","63701.0","Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, severe with psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E115500","72026.0","Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, part/unspec remission","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E115600","57465.0","Bipolar affective disorder, now depressed, in full remission","History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E115.00","4677.0","Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E115.11","12831.0","Manic-depressive - now depressed","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E115z00","37296.0","Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, NOS","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E116000","31535.0","Mixed bipolar affective disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E116100","24689.0","Mixed bipolar affective disorder, mild","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E116200","63150.0","Mixed bipolar affective disorder, moderate","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E116300","63284.0","Mixed bipolar affective disorder, severe, without psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E116400","54195.0","Mixed bipolar affective disorder, severe, with psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E116500","63651.0","Mixed bipolar affective disorder, partial/unspec remission","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E116600","55064.0","Mixed bipolar affective disorder, in full remission","History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E116.00","31316.0","Mixed bipolar affective disorder","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E116z00","63583.0","Mixed bipolar affective disorder, NOS","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E117000","49763.0","Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E117100","63698.0","Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, mild","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E117200","68647.0","Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, moderate","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E117300","73423.0","Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, severe, no psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E117400","68326.0","Unspecified bipolar affective disorder,severe with psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E117500","70721.0","Unspecified bipolar affect disord, partial/unspec remission","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E117600","24230.0","Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, in full remission","History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E117.00","14784.0","Unspecified bipolar affective disorder","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E117z00","27986.0","Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, NOS","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E11..11","8567.0","Bipolar psychoses","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E11..13","26161.0","Manic psychoses","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E11y000","11596.0","Unspecified manic-depressive psychoses","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E11y100","70925.0","Atypical manic disorder","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E11y300","70399.0","Other mixed manic-depressive psychoses","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E11y.00","60178.0","Other and unspecified manic-depressive psychoses","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","E11yz00","33426.0","Other and unspecified manic-depressive psychoses NOS","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu30000","2741.0","[X]Hypomania","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu30100","13024.0","[X]Mania without psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu30200","21065.0","[X]Mania with psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu30211","37102.0","[X]Mania with mood-congruent psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu30212","48632.0","[X]Mania with mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu30.00","12173.0","[X]Manic episode","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu30.11","9521.0","[X]Bipolar disorder, single manic episode","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu30y00","32088.0","[X]Other manic episodes","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu30z00","44513.0","[X]Manic episode, unspecified","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu30z11","4678.0","[X]Mania NOS","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31000","16808.0","[X]Bipolar affective disorder, current episode hypomanic","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31100","26299.0","[X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi manic wout psychotic symp","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31200","28277.0","[X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi manic with psychotic symp","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31300","16562.0","[X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi mild or moderate depressn","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31400","23713.0","[X]Bipol aff disord, curr epis sev depress, no psychot symp","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31500","4732.0","[X]Bipolar affect dis cur epi severe depres with psyc symp","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31600","44693.0","[X]Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mixed","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31700","27584.0","[X]Bipolar affective disorder, currently in remission","History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31800","104065.0","[X]Bipolar affective disorder type I","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31900","103915.0","[X]Bipolar affective disorder type II","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31911","104051.0","[X]Bipolar II disorder","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31.00","6874.0","[X]Bipolar affective disorder","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31.11","1531.0","[X]Manic-depressive illness","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31.12","6710.0","[X]Manic-depressive psychosis","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31.13","66153.0","[X]Manic-depressive reaction","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31y00","53840.0","[X]Other bipolar affective disorders","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31y11","73924.0","[X]Bipolar II disorder","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31y12","51032.0","[X]Recurrent manic episodes","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu31z00","33751.0","[X]Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu33213","29451.0","[X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressd,no psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","Eu33312","28677.0","[X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressed type+psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","ZRby100","30282.0","Profile of mood states, bipolar","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","ZV11111","23963.0","[V]Personal history of manic-depressive psychosis","History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","ZV11112","22080.0","[V]Personal history of manic-depressive psychosis","History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,146D.00,11548.0,H/O: manic depressive disorder,History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,1S42.00,22713.0,Manic mood,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,212V.00,85102.0,Bipolar affective disorder resolved,History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E110000,20110.0,"Single manic episode, unspecified",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E110100,14728.0,"Single manic episode, mild",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E110200,24640.0,"Single manic episode, moderate",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E110300,43093.0,"Single manic episode, severe without mention of psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E110400,50218.0,"Single manic episode, severe, with psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E110500,109485.0,Single manic episode in partial or unspecified remission,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E110600,70000.0,Single manic episode in full remission,History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E110.00,37070.0,"Manic disorder, single episode",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E110.11,18909.0,Hypomanic psychoses,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E110z00,36611.0,"Manic disorder, single episode NOS",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E111000,19967.0,"Recurrent manic episodes, unspecified",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E111100,46425.0,"Recurrent manic episodes, mild",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E111200,27739.0,"Recurrent manic episodes, moderate",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E111300,65811.0,"Recurrent manic episodes, severe without mention psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E111400,32295.0,"Recurrent manic episodes, severe, with psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E111500,58863.0,"Recurrent manic episodes, partial or unspecified remission",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E111600,37178.0,"Recurrent manic episodes, in full remission",History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E111.00,26227.0,Recurrent manic episodes,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E111z00,46415.0,Recurrent manic episode NOS,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E114000,35738.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, unspecified",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E114100,36126.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, mild",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E114200,46434.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, moderate",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E114300,16347.0,"Bipolar affect disord, currently manic, severe, no psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E114400,55829.0,"Bipolar affect disord, currently manic,severe with psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E114500,59011.0,"Bipolar affect disord,currently manic, part/unspec remission",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E114600,63784.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, full remission",History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E114.00,3702.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E114.11,17385.0,Manic-depressive - now manic,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E114z00,57605.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, NOS",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E115000,15923.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, unspecified",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E115100,35734.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, mild",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E115200,27890.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, moderate",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E115300,35607.0,"Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, severe, no psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E115400,63701.0,"Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, severe with psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E115500,72026.0,"Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, part/unspec remission",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E115600,57465.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, now depressed, in full remission",History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E115.00,4677.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E115.11,12831.0,Manic-depressive - now depressed,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E115z00,37296.0,"Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, NOS",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E116000,31535.0,"Mixed bipolar affective disorder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E116100,24689.0,"Mixed bipolar affective disorder, mild",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E116200,63150.0,"Mixed bipolar affective disorder, moderate",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E116300,63284.0,"Mixed bipolar affective disorder, severe, without psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E116400,54195.0,"Mixed bipolar affective disorder, severe, with psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E116500,63651.0,"Mixed bipolar affective disorder, partial/unspec remission",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E116600,55064.0,"Mixed bipolar affective disorder, in full remission",History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E116.00,31316.0,Mixed bipolar affective disorder,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E116z00,63583.0,"Mixed bipolar affective disorder, NOS",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E117000,49763.0,"Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E117100,63698.0,"Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, mild",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E117200,68647.0,"Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, moderate",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E117300,73423.0,"Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, severe, no psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E117400,68326.0,"Unspecified bipolar affective disorder,severe with psychosis",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E117500,70721.0,"Unspecified bipolar affect disord, partial/unspec remission",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E117600,24230.0,"Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, in full remission",History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E117.00,14784.0,Unspecified bipolar affective disorder,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E117z00,27986.0,"Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, NOS",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E11..11,8567.0,Bipolar psychoses,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E11..13,26161.0,Manic psychoses,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E11y000,11596.0,Unspecified manic-depressive psychoses,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E11y100,70925.0,Atypical manic disorder,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E11y300,70399.0,Other mixed manic-depressive psychoses,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E11y.00,60178.0,Other and unspecified manic-depressive psychoses,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,E11yz00,33426.0,Other and unspecified manic-depressive psychoses NOS,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu30000,2741.0,[X]Hypomania,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu30100,13024.0,[X]Mania without psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu30200,21065.0,[X]Mania with psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu30211,37102.0,[X]Mania with mood-congruent psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu30212,48632.0,[X]Mania with mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu30.00,12173.0,[X]Manic episode,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu30.11,9521.0,"[X]Bipolar disorder, single manic episode",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu30y00,32088.0,[X]Other manic episodes,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu30z00,44513.0,"[X]Manic episode, unspecified",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu30z11,4678.0,[X]Mania NOS,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31000,16808.0,"[X]Bipolar affective disorder, current episode hypomanic",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31100,26299.0,[X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi manic wout psychotic symp,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31200,28277.0,[X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi manic with psychotic symp,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31300,16562.0,[X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi mild or moderate depressn,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31400,23713.0,"[X]Bipol aff disord, curr epis sev depress, no psychot symp",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31500,4732.0,[X]Bipolar affect dis cur epi severe depres with psyc symp,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31600,44693.0,"[X]Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mixed",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31700,27584.0,"[X]Bipolar affective disorder, currently in remission",History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31800,104065.0,[X]Bipolar affective disorder type I,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31900,103915.0,[X]Bipolar affective disorder type II,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31911,104051.0,[X]Bipolar II disorder,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31.00,6874.0,[X]Bipolar affective disorder,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31.11,1531.0,[X]Manic-depressive illness,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31.12,6710.0,[X]Manic-depressive psychosis,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31.13,66153.0,[X]Manic-depressive reaction,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31y00,53840.0,[X]Other bipolar affective disorders,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31y11,73924.0,[X]Bipolar II disorder,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31y12,51032.0,[X]Recurrent manic episodes,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu31z00,33751.0,"[X]Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu33213,29451.0,"[X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressd,no psychotic symptoms",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,Eu33312,28677.0,"[X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressed type+psychotic symptoms",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,ZRby100,30282.0,"Profile of mood states, bipolar",Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,ZV11111,23963.0,[V]Personal history of manic-depressive psychosis,History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,ZV11112,22080.0,[V]Personal history of manic-depressive psychosis,History of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_BPH.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_BPH.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dddaccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_BPH.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Hyperplasia of prostate,14E1.00,16100.0,H/O: prostatism,History of Hyperplasia of prostate
+Hyperplasia of prostate,1AA..00,5906.0,Prostatism,Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate
+Hyperplasia of prostate,K200.00,929.0,Prostatic hyperplasia unspecified,Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate
+Hyperplasia of prostate,K201.00,64296.0,Prostatic hyperplasia of the lateral lobe,Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate
+Hyperplasia of prostate,K202.00,35676.0,Prostatic hyperplasia of the medial lobe,Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate
+Hyperplasia of prostate,K20..00,3045.0,Benign prostatic hypertrophy,Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate
+Hyperplasia of prostate,K20..14,7702.0,Enlarged prostate - benign,Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate
+Hyperplasia of prostate,K20..15,7555.0,BPH - benign prostatic hypertrophy,Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate
+Hyperplasia of prostate,K20..16,2627.0,Prostatism,Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate
+Hyperplasia of prostate,K20z.00,16035.0,Prostatic hyperplasia NOS,Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_CF.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_CF.csv
index 779c03a..ba42eb6 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_CF.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_CF.csv
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","66k0.00","100520.0","Cystic fibrosis annual review","History of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","66k..00","100430.0","Cystic fibrosis monitoring","History of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C10N100","93380.0","Cystic fibrosis related diabetes mellitus","History of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370000","65344.0","Cystic fibrosis with no meconium ileus","Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370100","69017.0","Cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus","Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370111","36622.0","Meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis","Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370200","18914.0","Cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations","Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370300","18905.0","Cystic fibrosis with intestinal manifestations","Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370400","100610.0","Arthropathy in cystic fibrosis","History of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370500","103224.0","Cystic fibrosis with distal intestinal obstruction syndrome","Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370700","110454.0","Liver disease due to cystic fibrosis","History of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370800","102922.0","Cystic fibrosis related cirrhosis","History of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370900","106432.0","Exacerbation of cystic fibrosis","History of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370.00","6220.0","Cystic fibrosis","Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370.11","13264.0","Fibrocystic disease","Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370.12","24137.0","Mucoviscidosis","Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370y00","73065.0","Cystic fibrosis with other manifestations","Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis"
-"Cystic Fibrosis","C370z00","49770.0","Cystic fibrosis NOS","Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis"
+Cystic Fibrosis,66k0.00,100520.0,Cystic fibrosis annual review,History of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,66k..00,100430.0,Cystic fibrosis monitoring,History of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C10N100,93380.0,Cystic fibrosis related diabetes mellitus,History of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370000,65344.0,Cystic fibrosis with no meconium ileus,Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370100,69017.0,Cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus,Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370111,36622.0,Meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis,Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370200,18914.0,Cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations,Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370300,18905.0,Cystic fibrosis with intestinal manifestations,Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370400,100610.0,Arthropathy in cystic fibrosis,History of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370500,103224.0,Cystic fibrosis with distal intestinal obstruction syndrome,Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370700,110454.0,Liver disease due to cystic fibrosis,History of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370800,102922.0,Cystic fibrosis related cirrhosis,History of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370900,106432.0,Exacerbation of cystic fibrosis,History of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370.00,6220.0,Cystic fibrosis,Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370.11,13264.0,Fibrocystic disease,Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370.12,24137.0,Mucoviscidosis,Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370y00,73065.0,Cystic fibrosis with other manifestations,Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
+Cystic Fibrosis,C370z00,49770.0,Cystic fibrosis NOS,Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_CHD_NOS.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_CHD_NOS.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bda9571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_CHD_NOS.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,14AL.00,45476,H/O: Treatment for ischaemic heart disease,History of (1)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,6A2..00,18135,Coronary heart disease annual review,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,6A4..00,10260,Coronary heart disease review,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,8B3k.00,11648,Coronary heart disease medication review,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,8H2V.00,95550,Admit ischaemic heart disease emergency,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G3...00,240,Ischaemic heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G3...11,24783,Arteriosclerotic heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G3...12,20416,Atherosclerotic heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G3...13,1792,IHD - Ischaemic heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G31..00,27951,Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G311000,61072,Myocardial infarction aborted,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G311011,55137,MI - myocardial infarction aborted,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G31y.00,9413,Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G31y200,39693,Subendocardial ischaemia,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G31y300,21844,Transient myocardial ischaemia,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G31yz00,27977,Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease NOS,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G34..00,28138,Other chronic ischaemic heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G340.00,5413,Coronary atherosclerosis,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G340.12,1344,Coronary artery disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G343.00,7320,Ischaemic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G344.00,29421,Silent myocardial ischaemia,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G34y.00,34633,Other specified chronic ischaemic heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G34y100,23078,Chronic myocardial ischaemia,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G34yz00,35713,Other specified chronic ischaemic heart disease NOS,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G34z.00,15754,Other chronic ischaemic heart disease NOS,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G34z000,18889,Asymptomatic coronary heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G3y..00,22383,Other specified ischaemic heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,G3z..00,1676,Ischaemic heart disease NOS,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,Gyu3.00,52517,[X]Ischaemic heart diseases,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,Gyu3200,68401,[X]Other forms of acute ischaemic heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,Gyu3300,47637,[X]Other forms of chronic ischaemic heart disease,Diagnosed (3)
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_COPD.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_COPD.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57306f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_COPD.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+COPD,14B3.12,103494.0,History of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,History of COPD
+COPD,H310000,15626.0,Chronic catarrhal bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H310.00,25603.0,Simple chronic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H310z00,61118.0,Simple chronic bronchitis NOS,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H311000,40159.0,Purulent chronic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H311100,37959.0,Fetid chronic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H311.00,11150.0,Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H311z00,61513.0,Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis NOS,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H312000,5798.0,Chronic asthmatic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H312011,5909.0,Chronic wheezy bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H312100,14798.0,Emphysematous bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H312200,1446.0,Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive airways disease,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H312300,26125.0,Bronchiolitis obliterans,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H312.00,27819.0,Obstructive chronic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H312z00,44525.0,Obstructive chronic bronchitis NOS,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H313.00,24248.0,Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H31..00,3243.0,Chronic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H31y100,45089.0,Chronic tracheobronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H31y.00,66043.0,Other chronic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H31yz00,68066.0,Other chronic bronchitis NOS,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H31z.00,15157.0,Chronic bronchitis NOS,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H320000,56860.0,Segmental bullous emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H320100,68662.0,Zonal bullous emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H320200,60188.0,Giant bullous emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H320300,99536.0,Bullous emphysema with collapse,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H320.00,26306.0,Chronic bullous emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H320z00,23492.0,Chronic bullous emphysema NOS,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H321.00,46578.0,Panlobular emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H322.00,10980.0,Centrilobular emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H32..00,794.0,Emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H32y000,92955.0,Acute vesicular emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H32y100,70787.0,Atrophic (senile) emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H32y111,59263.0,Acute interstitial emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H32y200,63479.0,MacLeod's unilateral emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H32y.00,40788.0,Other emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H32yz00,16410.0,Other emphysema NOS,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H32z.00,33450.0,Emphysema NOS,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H36..00,10863.0,Mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H37..00,10802.0,Moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H38..00,9876.0,Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H39..00,93568.0,Very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H3A..00,104608.0,End stage chronic obstructive airways disease,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H3...00,1001.0,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H3...11,998.0,Chronic obstructive airways disease,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H3y0.00,21061.0,Chronic obstruct pulmonary dis with acute lower resp infectn,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H3y1.00,7884.0,"Chron obstruct pulmonary dis wth acute exacerbation, unspec",Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H3y..00,12166.0,Other specified chronic obstructive airways disease,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H3y..11,67040.0,Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H3z..00,5710.0,Chronic obstructive airways disease NOS,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H3z..11,37247.0,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease NOS,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H464000,64721.0,Chronic emphysema due to chemical fumes,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H464100,63216.0,Obliterative bronchiolitis due to chemical fumes,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,H583200,106650.0,Eosinophilic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,Hyu3000,66058.0,[X]Other emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,Hyu3100,65733.0,[X]Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,Diagnosis of COPD
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_ED.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_ED.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b7fd61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_ED.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Erectile dysfunction,1ABB.00,94821.0,Cannot get an erection,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,1ABC.00,94343.0,Cannot sustain an erection,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,1D1B.00,102274.0,C/O erectile dysfunction,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,7A6G000,37391.0,Revascularisation for impotence,Procedure for erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,7A6G500,41382.0,Ligation of penile veins for impotence,Procedure for erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,7C25B00,20833.0,Penile injection to produce erection,Procedure for erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,7C25E00,12867.0,Treatment of erectile dysfunction NEC,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,7C25F00,81439.0,Operations on penis for erectile dysfunction NEC,Procedure for erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,8BB4.00,103966.0,Erect dysf unresponsiv to phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,8HTj.00,12790.0,Referral to erectile dysfunction clinic,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,E227300,710.0,Impotence,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,E227311,3838.0,Erectile dysfunction,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,Eu52200,33494.0,[X]Failure of genital response,Possible diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,Eu52212,12066.0,[X]Male erectile disorder,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,Eu52213,17639.0,[X]Psychogenic impotence,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,K27y100,17894.0,Impotence of organic origin,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,K27y700,106360.0,Erectile dysfunction due to diabetes mellitus,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,Z9E9.00,92310.0,Provision of device for impotence,Procedure for erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,ZG43600,40725.0,Advice on technique for impotence,Procedure for erectile dysfunction
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_ESRD.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_ESRD.csv
index e276874..c954a88 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_ESRD.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_ESRD.csv
@@ -1,108 +1,108 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"End stage renal disease","14S2.00","49028.0","H/O: kidney recipient","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","14V2.00","20196.0","H/O: renal dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","14V2.11","44422.0","H/O: kidney dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","1Z14.00","12585.0","Chronic kidney disease stage 5","Diagnosis of End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","1Z1K.00","95508.0","Chronic kidney disease stage 5 with proteinuria","Diagnosis of End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","1Z1L.00","95405.0","Chronic kidney disease stage 5 without proteinuria","Diagnosis of End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","1Z1L.11","97683.0","CKD stage 5 without proteinuria","Diagnosis of End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","4I29.00","98888.0","Peritoneal dialysis sample","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","4N0..00","101736.0","Dialysis fluid urea level","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","4N2..00","86419.0","Dialysis fluid glucose level","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B00100","11745.0","Transplantation of kidney from live donor","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B00111","66705.0","Allotransplantation of kidney from live donor","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B00200","24361.0","Transplantation of kidney from cadaver","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B00211","98364.0","Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B00212","105328.0","Cadaveric renal transplant","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B00300","89924.0","Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver, heart-beating","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B00400","96133.0","Allotransplantation kidney from cadaver, heart non-beating","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B00500","109455.0","Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver NEC","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B00.00","2997.0","Transplantation of kidney","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B00y00","70874.0","Other specified transplantation of kidney","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B00z00","5504.0","Transplantation of kidney NOS","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B01511","72004.0","Excision of rejected transplanted kidney","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B06300","26862.0","Exploration of renal transplant","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B0F300","103429.0","Post-transplantation of kidney examination, recipient","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B0F.00","93366.0","Interventions associated with transplantation of kidney","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B0Fy00","104050.0","OS interventions associated with transplantation of kidney","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7B0Fz00","104049.0","Interventions associated with transplantation of kidney NOS","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1A000","20073.0","Renal dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1A011","101756.0","Thomas intravascular shunt for dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1A100","2994.0","Peritoneal dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1A200","2996.0","Haemodialysis NEC","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1A400","88597.0","Automated peritoneal dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1A500","30756.0","Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1A600","64828.0","Peritoneal dialysis NEC","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1A.11","11773.0","Dialysis for renal failure","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1B000","8037.0","Insertion of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1B100","23773.0","Removal of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1B200","104586.0","Flushing of peritoneal dialysis catheter","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1B.11","36442.0","Placement ambulatory dialysis apparatus - compens renal fail","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","7L1C000","30709.0","Insertion of temporary peritoneal dialysis catheter","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","8882.00","52123.0","Intestinal dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","G72C.00","105760.0","Ruptured aneurysm of dialysis vascular access","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","G72D000","110095.0","Aneurysm of superficialised artery of dialysis AV fistula","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","G72D100","107220.0","Aneurysm of needle site of dialysis arteriovenous fistula","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","G72D200","105742.0","Aneurysm of anastomotic site of dialysis AV fistula","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","G72D.00","107188.0","Aneurysm of dialysis arteriovenous fistula","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy10.00","108699.0","Stenosis of dialysis arteriovenous graft","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy1..00","107746.0","Stenosis of dialysis vascular access","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy21.00","106720.0","Thrombosis of dialysis arteriovenous fistula","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy2..00","109809.0","Thrombosis of dialysis vascular access","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy30.00","109135.0","Occlusion of dialysis arteriovenous graft","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy31.00","107082.0","Occlusion of dialysis arteriovenous fistula","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy3..00","108116.0","Occlusion of dialysis vascular access","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy40.00","108213.0","Infection of dialysis arteriovenous graft","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy41.00","107260.0","Infection of dialysis arteriovenous fistula","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy4..00","110051.0","Infection of dialysis vascular access","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy51.00","106975.0","Haemorrhage of dialysis arteriovenous fistula","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy5..00","108759.0","Haemorrhage of dialysis vascular access","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Gy60.00","108423.0","Rupture of dialysis arteriovenous graft","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","K050.00","6712.0","End stage renal failure","Diagnosis of End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","K05..12","53852.0","End stage renal failure","Diagnosis of End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","K0B5.00","48057.0","Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs in transplant rejectn","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","K0D..00","8330.0","End-stage renal disease","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Kyu1C00","100693.0","[X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders/transplant rejection","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP01500","48639.0","Mechanical complication of dialysis catheter","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP05613","46438.0","[X] Peritoneal dialysis associated peritonitis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP06B00","101124.0","Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis associated perit","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP07G00","59315.0","Stenosis of arteriovenous dialysis fistula","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08300","11553.0","Kidney transplant failure and rejection","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08D00","104905.0","Acute-on-chronic rejection of renal transplant","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08E00","104960.0","Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade I","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08F00","107000.0","Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade II","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08G00","104630.0","Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade III","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08H00","104201.0","Acute rejection of renal transplant","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08J00","106620.0","Chronic rejection of renal transplant","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08N00","105724.0","Unexplained episode of renal transplant dysfunction","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08P00","106301.0","Stenosis of vein of transplanted kidney","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08R00","105811.0","Renal transplant rejection","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08T00","107752.0","Urological complication of renal transplant","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08V00","108437.0","Very mild acute rejection of renal transplant","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP08W00","106866.0","Vascular complication of renal transplant","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP0E.00","107900.0","Disorders associated with peritoneal dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP0F.00","108785.0","Haemodialysis first use syndrome","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","SP0G.00","105436.0","Anaphylactoid reaction due to haemodialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","TA02000","96184.0","Accid cut,puncture,perf,h'ge - kidney dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","TA22000","69266.0","Failure of sterile precautions during kidney dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","TB00100","54990.0","Kidney transplant with complication, without blame","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","TB00111","18774.0","Renal transplant with complication, without blame","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","TB11.00","28158.0","Kidney dialysis with complication, without blame","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","TB11.11","66714.0","Renal dialysis with complication, without blame","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z1A1.00","104719.0","Peritoneal dialysis training","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z1A2.00","74905.0","Haemodialysis training","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z1A..00","101912.0","Dialysis training","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z919100","72336.0","Priming haemodialysis lines","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z919200","110072.0","Washing back through haemodialysis lines","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z919300","60498.0","Reversing haemodialysis lines","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z919.00","60446.0","Care of haemodialysis equipment","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z91A.00","63502.0","Peritoneal dialysis bag procedure","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","ZV42000","5911.0","[V]Kidney transplanted","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","ZV45100","22252.0","[V]Renal dialysis status","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","ZV56000","99692.0","[V]Aftercare involving extracorporeal dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","ZV56011","46145.0","[V]Aftercare involving renal dialysis NOS","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","ZV56y00","63488.0","[V]Other specified aftercare involving intermittent dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","ZV56y11","45160.0","[V]Aftercare involving peritoneal dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","ZV56.00","60743.0","[V]Aftercare involving intermittent dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","ZV56z00","63038.0","[V]Unspecified aftercare involving intermittent dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","ZVu3G00","69760.0","[X]Other dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
+End stage renal disease,14S2.00,49028.0,H/O: kidney recipient,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,14V2.00,20196.0,H/O: renal dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,14V2.11,44422.0,H/O: kidney dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,1Z14.00,12585.0,Chronic kidney disease stage 5,Diagnosis of End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,1Z1K.00,95508.0,Chronic kidney disease stage 5 with proteinuria,Diagnosis of End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,1Z1L.00,95405.0,Chronic kidney disease stage 5 without proteinuria,Diagnosis of End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,1Z1L.11,97683.0,CKD stage 5 without proteinuria,Diagnosis of End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,4I29.00,98888.0,Peritoneal dialysis sample,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,4N0..00,101736.0,Dialysis fluid urea level,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,4N2..00,86419.0,Dialysis fluid glucose level,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B00100,11745.0,Transplantation of kidney from live donor,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B00111,66705.0,Allotransplantation of kidney from live donor,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B00200,24361.0,Transplantation of kidney from cadaver,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B00211,98364.0,Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B00212,105328.0,Cadaveric renal transplant,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B00300,89924.0,"Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver, heart-beating",Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B00400,96133.0,"Allotransplantation kidney from cadaver, heart non-beating",Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B00500,109455.0,Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver NEC,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B00.00,2997.0,Transplantation of kidney,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B00y00,70874.0,Other specified transplantation of kidney,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B00z00,5504.0,Transplantation of kidney NOS,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B01511,72004.0,Excision of rejected transplanted kidney,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B06300,26862.0,Exploration of renal transplant,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B0F300,103429.0,"Post-transplantation of kidney examination, recipient",Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B0F.00,93366.0,Interventions associated with transplantation of kidney,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B0Fy00,104050.0,OS interventions associated with transplantation of kidney,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7B0Fz00,104049.0,Interventions associated with transplantation of kidney NOS,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1A000,20073.0,Renal dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1A011,101756.0,Thomas intravascular shunt for dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1A100,2994.0,Peritoneal dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1A200,2996.0,Haemodialysis NEC,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1A400,88597.0,Automated peritoneal dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1A500,30756.0,Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1A600,64828.0,Peritoneal dialysis NEC,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1A.11,11773.0,Dialysis for renal failure,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1B000,8037.0,Insertion of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1B100,23773.0,Removal of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1B200,104586.0,Flushing of peritoneal dialysis catheter,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1B.11,36442.0,Placement ambulatory dialysis apparatus - compens renal fail,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,7L1C000,30709.0,Insertion of temporary peritoneal dialysis catheter,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,8882.00,52123.0,Intestinal dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,G72C.00,105760.0,Ruptured aneurysm of dialysis vascular access,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,G72D000,110095.0,Aneurysm of superficialised artery of dialysis AV fistula,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,G72D100,107220.0,Aneurysm of needle site of dialysis arteriovenous fistula,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,G72D200,105742.0,Aneurysm of anastomotic site of dialysis AV fistula,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,G72D.00,107188.0,Aneurysm of dialysis arteriovenous fistula,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy10.00,108699.0,Stenosis of dialysis arteriovenous graft,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy1..00,107746.0,Stenosis of dialysis vascular access,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy21.00,106720.0,Thrombosis of dialysis arteriovenous fistula,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy2..00,109809.0,Thrombosis of dialysis vascular access,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy30.00,109135.0,Occlusion of dialysis arteriovenous graft,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy31.00,107082.0,Occlusion of dialysis arteriovenous fistula,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy3..00,108116.0,Occlusion of dialysis vascular access,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy40.00,108213.0,Infection of dialysis arteriovenous graft,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy41.00,107260.0,Infection of dialysis arteriovenous fistula,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy4..00,110051.0,Infection of dialysis vascular access,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy51.00,106975.0,Haemorrhage of dialysis arteriovenous fistula,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy5..00,108759.0,Haemorrhage of dialysis vascular access,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Gy60.00,108423.0,Rupture of dialysis arteriovenous graft,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,K050.00,6712.0,End stage renal failure,Diagnosis of End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,K05..12,53852.0,End stage renal failure,Diagnosis of End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,K0B5.00,48057.0,Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs in transplant rejectn,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,K0D..00,8330.0,End-stage renal disease,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Kyu1C00,100693.0,[X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders/transplant rejection,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP01500,48639.0,Mechanical complication of dialysis catheter,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP05613,46438.0,[X] Peritoneal dialysis associated peritonitis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP06B00,101124.0,Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis associated perit,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP07G00,59315.0,Stenosis of arteriovenous dialysis fistula,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08300,11553.0,Kidney transplant failure and rejection,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08D00,104905.0,Acute-on-chronic rejection of renal transplant,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08E00,104960.0,Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade I,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08F00,107000.0,Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade II,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08G00,104630.0,Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade III,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08H00,104201.0,Acute rejection of renal transplant,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08J00,106620.0,Chronic rejection of renal transplant,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08N00,105724.0,Unexplained episode of renal transplant dysfunction,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08P00,106301.0,Stenosis of vein of transplanted kidney,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08R00,105811.0,Renal transplant rejection,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08T00,107752.0,Urological complication of renal transplant,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08V00,108437.0,Very mild acute rejection of renal transplant,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP08W00,106866.0,Vascular complication of renal transplant,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP0E.00,107900.0,Disorders associated with peritoneal dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP0F.00,108785.0,Haemodialysis first use syndrome,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,SP0G.00,105436.0,Anaphylactoid reaction due to haemodialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,TA02000,96184.0,"Accid cut,puncture,perf,h'ge - kidney dialysis",Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,TA22000,69266.0,Failure of sterile precautions during kidney dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,TB00100,54990.0,"Kidney transplant with complication, without blame",Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,TB00111,18774.0,"Renal transplant with complication, without blame",Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,TB11.00,28158.0,"Kidney dialysis with complication, without blame",Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,TB11.11,66714.0,"Renal dialysis with complication, without blame",Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z1A1.00,104719.0,Peritoneal dialysis training,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z1A2.00,74905.0,Haemodialysis training,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z1A..00,101912.0,Dialysis training,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z919100,72336.0,Priming haemodialysis lines,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z919200,110072.0,Washing back through haemodialysis lines,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z919300,60498.0,Reversing haemodialysis lines,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z919.00,60446.0,Care of haemodialysis equipment,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z91A.00,63502.0,Peritoneal dialysis bag procedure,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,ZV42000,5911.0,[V]Kidney transplanted,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,ZV45100,22252.0,[V]Renal dialysis status,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,ZV56000,99692.0,[V]Aftercare involving extracorporeal dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,ZV56011,46145.0,[V]Aftercare involving renal dialysis NOS,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,ZV56y00,63488.0,[V]Other specified aftercare involving intermittent dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,ZV56y11,45160.0,[V]Aftercare involving peritoneal dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,ZV56.00,60743.0,[V]Aftercare involving intermittent dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,ZV56z00,63038.0,[V]Unspecified aftercare involving intermittent dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,ZVu3G00,69760.0,[X]Other dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_GCA.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_GCA.csv
index b009658..b932063 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_GCA.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_GCA.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Giant Cell arteritis","G755000","9843.0","Cranial arteritis","Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis"
-"Giant Cell arteritis","G755100","3275.0","Temporal arteritis","Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis"
-"Giant Cell arteritis","G755200","49149.0","Horton's disease","Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis"
-"Giant Cell arteritis","G755.00","10432.0","Giant cell arteritis","Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis"
-"Giant Cell arteritis","G755z00","68403.0","Giant cell arteritis NOS","Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis"
-"Giant Cell arteritis","N200.00","29472.0","Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica","Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis"
-"Giant Cell arteritis","Nyu4100","53789.0","[X]Other giant cell arteritis","Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis"
+Giant Cell arteritis,G755000,9843.0,Cranial arteritis,Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis
+Giant Cell arteritis,G755100,3275.0,Temporal arteritis,Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis
+Giant Cell arteritis,G755200,49149.0,Horton's disease,Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis
+Giant Cell arteritis,G755.00,10432.0,Giant cell arteritis,Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis
+Giant Cell arteritis,G755z00,68403.0,Giant cell arteritis NOS,Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis
+Giant Cell arteritis,N200.00,29472.0,Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica,Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis
+Giant Cell arteritis,Nyu4100,53789.0,[X]Other giant cell arteritis,Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_GN.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_GN.csv
index 93663c5..b24ecec 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_GN.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_GN.csv
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Glomerulonephritis","D310100","22897.0","Henoch-Schonlein nephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","G752111","107564.0","Antiglomerular basement membrane disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","G752112","107045.0","Anti GBM disease - Antiglomerular basement membrane disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K000100","105723.0","Crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K000111","108711.0","CGN - Crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K000.00","29384.0","Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K001.00","67460.0","Acute nephritis with lesions of necrotising glomerulitis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K00..00","2088.0","Acute glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K00..12","20074.0","Bright's disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K00y000","20027.0","Acute glomerulonephritis in diseases EC","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K00y.00","63599.0","Other acute glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K00yz00","47838.0","Other acute glomerulonephritis NOS","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K00z.00","20129.0","Acute glomerulonephritis NOS","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K010.00","9840.0","Nephrotic syndrome with proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K011.00","1803.0","Nephrotic syndrome with membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K012.00","99644.0","Nephrotic syndrome+membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K013.00","29634.0","Nephrotic syndrome with minimal change glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K013.11","40349.0","Lipoid nephrosis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K013.12","57926.0","Steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K014.00","23913.0","Nephrotic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K015.00","22852.0","Nephrotic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K016.00","19316.0","Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K017.00","21947.0","Nephrotic syn difus mesangial prolifertiv glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K018.00","50472.0","Nephrotic syn,difus endocapilary proliftv glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K019.00","21989.0","Nephrotic syn,diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K01A.00","56987.0","Nephrotic syndrome, dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K01B.00","17365.0","Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K01..00","2999.0","Nephrotic syndrome","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K01x000","47922.0","Nephrotic syndrome in amyloidosis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K01x200","99201.0","Nephrotic syndrome in malaria","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K01x300","58750.0","Nephrotic syndrome in polyarteritis nodosa","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K01x400","47672.0","Nephrotic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K01x411","22205.0","Lupus nephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K01x.00","108816.0","Nephrotic syndrome in diseases EC","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K01y.00","94373.0","Nephrotic syndrome with other pathological kidney lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K01z.00","27427.0","Nephrotic syndrome NOS","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K020.00","34998.0","Chronic proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K021.00","10809.0","Chronic membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K022.00","61494.0","Chronic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K023.00","65064.0","Chronic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K02..00","7804.0","Chronic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K02y000","97758.0","Chronic glomerulonephritis + diseases EC","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K02y200","4669.0","Chronic focal glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K02y300","65400.0","Chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K02y.00","60960.0","Other chronic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K02yz00","63615.0","Other chronic glomerulonephritis NOS","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K02z.00","15097.0","Chronic glomerulonephritis NOS","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K030.00","16008.0","Proliferative nephritis unspecified","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K031.00","5291.0","Membranous nephritis unspecified","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032000","67995.0","Focal membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032100","7164.0","Recurrent benign haematuria syndrome","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032200","107814.0","Focal glomerulon + focal recurr macroscop glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032300","62868.0","Anaphylactoid glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032600","21423.0","Berger's IgA or IgG nephropathy","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032.00","12465.0","Membranoproliferative nephritis unspecified","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032y00","67193.0","Nephritis unsp+OS membranoprolif glomerulonephritis lesion","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032y11","50305.0","Hypocomplementaemic persistent glomerulonephritis NEC","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032y13","36342.0","Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis NEC","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032y14","41881.0","Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis NEC","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032y15","97388.0","Mixed membranous and proliferative glomerulonephritis NEC","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K032z00","94350.0","Nephritis unsp+membranoprolif glomerulonephritis lesion NOS","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K033.00","58164.0","Rapidly progressive nephritis unspecified","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K03U.00","36125.0","Unspecif nephr synd, diff concentric glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K03V.00","60128.0","Unspecified nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K03W.00","62520.0","Unsp nephrit synd, diff endocap prolif glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K03X.00","30301.0","Unsp nephrit synd, diff mesang prolif glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K03z.00","5182.0","Unspecified glomerulonephritis NOS","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K072.00","7190.0","Glomerulosclerosis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A0000","100558.0","Acute nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A0100","66136.0","Acute nephritic syndrome, focal+segmental glomerular lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A0200","66503.0","Acute nephritic syn, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A0300","55389.0","Acut neph syn, diffuse mesangial prolifrative glomnephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A0400","101358.0","Ac neph syn difus endocaplry prolifrative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A0500","54312.0","Acute neph syn, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A0600","99685.0","Acute nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A0700","61814.0","Acute nephrotic syndrm diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A0.00","31581.0","Acute nephritic syndrome","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A1100","97734.0","Rapid progres nephritic syn focal+segmental glomerulr lesion","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A1200","41285.0","Rapid progres neph syn diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A1300","58060.0","Rpd prog neph syn df mesangial prolifratv glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A1400","109945.0","Rapid progres neph syn df endocapilary prolifv glomnephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A1600","50200.0","Rapid progressive nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A1700","62320.0","Rapid progres nephritic syn df crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A1.00","71174.0","Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A2000","95546.0","Recurrent+persistnt haematuria minor glomerular abnormality","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A2100","68364.0","Recur+persist haematuria, focal+segmental glomerular lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A2200","61317.0","Recur+persist haematuria difus membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A2300","49642.0","Recur+persist haemuria df mesangial prolif glomerulnephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A2500","60484.0","Recur+persist hmuria df mesangiocapilary glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A2600","44541.0","Recurrent and persistent haematuria, dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A2700","60856.0","Recur+persist haematuria difus crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A2800","85659.0","IgA nephropathy","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A2.00","17060.0","Recurrent and persistent haematuria","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A3000","66505.0","Chronic nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A3100","40413.0","Chronic nephritic syndrm focal+segmental glomerular lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A3200","57168.0","Chron nephritic syndrom difuse membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A3300","56893.0","Chron neph syn difus mesangial prolifrtiv glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A3500","73026.0","Chronic neph syn difus mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A3600","60198.0","Chronic nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A3700","60857.0","Chronic nephritic syn diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A3.00","21297.0","Chronic nephritic syndrome","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A4100","44804.0","Isolatd proteinur/specifd morphlgcl les foc+seg glom lesn","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A4200","71964.0","Isolatd proteinur/specfd morphlgcl les df membrn glomneph","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A4300","66613.0","Isoltd prteinur/spcfd morph lesn df mesngl prolf glomneph","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A4500","61811.0","Isoltd prteinur+specfd morph les df mesangiocap glomnephr","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A4.00","43611.0","Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A4W00","59992.0","Isolated proteinuria, with unspecified morpholog changes","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A4X00","101572.0","Isolated proteinuria, with oth specif morpholog changes","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A7.00","55548.0","Glom disordr in blood diseas+disordr invlvg imun mechansm","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A8.00","105859.0","Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","K0A..00","8668.0","Glomerular disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","Kyu0900","71709.0","[X]Unsp nephrit synd, diff mesang prolif glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
+Glomerulonephritis,D310100,22897.0,Henoch-Schonlein nephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,G752111,107564.0,Antiglomerular basement membrane disease,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,G752112,107045.0,Anti GBM disease - Antiglomerular basement membrane disease,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K000100,105723.0,Crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K000111,108711.0,CGN - Crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K000.00,29384.0,Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K001.00,67460.0,Acute nephritis with lesions of necrotising glomerulitis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K00..00,2088.0,Acute glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K00..12,20074.0,Bright's disease,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K00y000,20027.0,Acute glomerulonephritis in diseases EC,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K00y.00,63599.0,Other acute glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K00yz00,47838.0,Other acute glomerulonephritis NOS,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K00z.00,20129.0,Acute glomerulonephritis NOS,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K010.00,9840.0,Nephrotic syndrome with proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K011.00,1803.0,Nephrotic syndrome with membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K012.00,99644.0,Nephrotic syndrome+membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K013.00,29634.0,Nephrotic syndrome with minimal change glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K013.11,40349.0,Lipoid nephrosis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K013.12,57926.0,Steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K014.00,23913.0,"Nephrotic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K015.00,22852.0,"Nephrotic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K016.00,19316.0,"Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K017.00,21947.0,Nephrotic syn difus mesangial prolifertiv glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K018.00,50472.0,"Nephrotic syn,difus endocapilary proliftv glomerulonephritis",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K019.00,21989.0,"Nephrotic syn,diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K01A.00,56987.0,"Nephrotic syndrome, dense deposit disease",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K01B.00,17365.0,"Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K01..00,2999.0,Nephrotic syndrome,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K01x000,47922.0,Nephrotic syndrome in amyloidosis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K01x200,99201.0,Nephrotic syndrome in malaria,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K01x300,58750.0,Nephrotic syndrome in polyarteritis nodosa,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K01x400,47672.0,Nephrotic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K01x411,22205.0,Lupus nephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K01x.00,108816.0,Nephrotic syndrome in diseases EC,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K01y.00,94373.0,Nephrotic syndrome with other pathological kidney lesions,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K01z.00,27427.0,Nephrotic syndrome NOS,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K020.00,34998.0,Chronic proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K021.00,10809.0,Chronic membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K022.00,61494.0,Chronic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K023.00,65064.0,Chronic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K02..00,7804.0,Chronic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K02y000,97758.0,Chronic glomerulonephritis + diseases EC,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K02y200,4669.0,Chronic focal glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K02y300,65400.0,Chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K02y.00,60960.0,Other chronic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K02yz00,63615.0,Other chronic glomerulonephritis NOS,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K02z.00,15097.0,Chronic glomerulonephritis NOS,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K030.00,16008.0,Proliferative nephritis unspecified,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K031.00,5291.0,Membranous nephritis unspecified,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032000,67995.0,Focal membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032100,7164.0,Recurrent benign haematuria syndrome,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032200,107814.0,Focal glomerulon + focal recurr macroscop glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032300,62868.0,Anaphylactoid glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032600,21423.0,Berger's IgA or IgG nephropathy,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032.00,12465.0,Membranoproliferative nephritis unspecified,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032y00,67193.0,Nephritis unsp+OS membranoprolif glomerulonephritis lesion,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032y11,50305.0,Hypocomplementaemic persistent glomerulonephritis NEC,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032y13,36342.0,Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis NEC,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032y14,41881.0,Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis NEC,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032y15,97388.0,Mixed membranous and proliferative glomerulonephritis NEC,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K032z00,94350.0,Nephritis unsp+membranoprolif glomerulonephritis lesion NOS,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K033.00,58164.0,Rapidly progressive nephritis unspecified,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K03U.00,36125.0,"Unspecif nephr synd, diff concentric glomerulonephritis",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K03V.00,60128.0,"Unspecified nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K03W.00,62520.0,"Unsp nephrit synd, diff endocap prolif glomerulonephritis",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K03X.00,30301.0,"Unsp nephrit synd, diff mesang prolif glomerulonephritis",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K03z.00,5182.0,Unspecified glomerulonephritis NOS,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K072.00,7190.0,Glomerulosclerosis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A0000,100558.0,"Acute nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A0100,66136.0,"Acute nephritic syndrome, focal+segmental glomerular lesions",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A0200,66503.0,"Acute nephritic syn, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A0300,55389.0,"Acut neph syn, diffuse mesangial prolifrative glomnephritis",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A0400,101358.0,Ac neph syn difus endocaplry prolifrative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A0500,54312.0,"Acute neph syn, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A0600,99685.0,"Acute nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A0700,61814.0,Acute nephrotic syndrm diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A0.00,31581.0,Acute nephritic syndrome,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A1100,97734.0,Rapid progres nephritic syn focal+segmental glomerulr lesion,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A1200,41285.0,Rapid progres neph syn diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A1300,58060.0,Rpd prog neph syn df mesangial prolifratv glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A1400,109945.0,Rapid progres neph syn df endocapilary prolifv glomnephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A1600,50200.0,"Rapid progressive nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A1700,62320.0,Rapid progres nephritic syn df crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A1.00,71174.0,Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A2000,95546.0,Recurrent+persistnt haematuria minor glomerular abnormality,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A2100,68364.0,"Recur+persist haematuria, focal+segmental glomerular lesions",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A2200,61317.0,Recur+persist haematuria difus membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A2300,49642.0,Recur+persist haemuria df mesangial prolif glomerulnephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A2500,60484.0,Recur+persist hmuria df mesangiocapilary glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A2600,44541.0,"Recurrent and persistent haematuria, dense deposit disease",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A2700,60856.0,Recur+persist haematuria difus crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A2800,85659.0,IgA nephropathy,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A2.00,17060.0,Recurrent and persistent haematuria,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A3000,66505.0,"Chronic nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A3100,40413.0,Chronic nephritic syndrm focal+segmental glomerular lesions,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A3200,57168.0,Chron nephritic syndrom difuse membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A3300,56893.0,Chron neph syn difus mesangial prolifrtiv glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A3500,73026.0,Chronic neph syn difus mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A3600,60198.0,"Chronic nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A3700,60857.0,Chronic nephritic syn diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A3.00,21297.0,Chronic nephritic syndrome,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A4100,44804.0,Isolatd proteinur/specifd morphlgcl les foc+seg glom lesn,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A4200,71964.0,Isolatd proteinur/specfd morphlgcl les df membrn glomneph,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A4300,66613.0,Isoltd prteinur/spcfd morph lesn df mesngl prolf glomneph,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A4500,61811.0,Isoltd prteinur+specfd morph les df mesangiocap glomnephr,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A4.00,43611.0,Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A4W00,59992.0,"Isolated proteinuria, with unspecified morpholog changes",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A4X00,101572.0,"Isolated proteinuria, with oth specif morpholog changes",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A7.00,55548.0,Glom disordr in blood diseas+disordr invlvg imun mechansm,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A8.00,105859.0,Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,K0A..00,8668.0,Glomerular disease,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,Kyu0900,71709.0,"[X]Unsp nephrit synd, diff mesang prolif glomerulonephritis",Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_GORD.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_GORD.csv
index 34f29f4..7519994 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_GORD.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_GORD.csv
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","171J.00","19470.0","Reflux cough","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","1957.00","7577.0","Gastric reflux","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760L000","14713.0","Antireflux fundoplication using thoracic approach","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760L100","53657.0","Antireflux operation using thoracic approach NEC","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760L111","68276.0","Antireflux procedure using thoracic approach NEC","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760L200","17610.0","Antireflux fundoplication using abdominal approach","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760L300","45360.0","Antireflux gastropexy","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760L311","48146.0","Antireflux gastroplasty","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760L400","103564.0","Antireflux procedure and gastroplasty HFQ","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760L.00","18211.0","Antireflux operations","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760L.11","17263.0","Oesophageal reflux operations","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760Ly00","34005.0","Other specified antireflux operation","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760Lz00","28619.0","Antireflux operation NOS","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760M.00","51400.0","Revision of antireflux operations","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","760Mz00","67258.0","Revision of antireflux operation NOS","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","J101100","2535.0","Reflux oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","J101111","15054.0","Acid reflux","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","J101112","7104.0","Gastro-oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","J101113","16605.0","Oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","J10y400","25610.0","Oesopheal reflux without mention of oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","J10y411","1327.0","Oesophageal reflux","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","J10y412","984.0","Gastro-oesophageal reflux","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","J10y413","2281.0","Acid reflux","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","J10y500","19111.0","Laryngopharyngeal reflux","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,171J.00,19470.0,Reflux cough,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,1957.00,7577.0,Gastric reflux,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760L000,14713.0,Antireflux fundoplication using thoracic approach,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760L100,53657.0,Antireflux operation using thoracic approach NEC,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760L111,68276.0,Antireflux procedure using thoracic approach NEC,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760L200,17610.0,Antireflux fundoplication using abdominal approach,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760L300,45360.0,Antireflux gastropexy,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760L311,48146.0,Antireflux gastroplasty,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760L400,103564.0,Antireflux procedure and gastroplasty HFQ,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760L.00,18211.0,Antireflux operations,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760L.11,17263.0,Oesophageal reflux operations,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760Ly00,34005.0,Other specified antireflux operation,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760Lz00,28619.0,Antireflux operation NOS,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760M.00,51400.0,Revision of antireflux operations,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,760Mz00,67258.0,Revision of antireflux operation NOS,Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,J101100,2535.0,Reflux oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,J101111,15054.0,Acid reflux,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,J101112,7104.0,Gastro-oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,J101113,16605.0,Oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,J10y400,25610.0,Oesopheal reflux without mention of oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,J10y411,1327.0,Oesophageal reflux,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,J10y412,984.0,Gastro-oesophageal reflux,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,J10y413,2281.0,Acid reflux,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,J10y500,19111.0,Laryngopharyngeal reflux,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_HBW.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_HBW.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4337b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_HBW.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+High birth weight,L266000,52921.0,Large-for-dates unspecified,Diagnosis of High birth weight
+High birth weight,L266100,68452.0,Large-for-dates - delivered,Diagnosis of High birth weight
+High birth weight,L266200,107186.0,Large-for-dates with antenatal problem,Diagnosis of High birth weight
+High birth weight,L266z00,60947.0,Large-for-dates NOS,Diagnosis of High birth weight
+High birth weight,Q120.00,57655.0,Very large baby - weight greater than 4500gm,Diagnosis of High birth weight
+High birth weight,Q121.00,25037.0,Other 'large-for-dates' infant,Diagnosis of High birth weight
+High birth weight,Q12..11,40354.0,Large baby born,Diagnosis of High birth weight
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_IBS.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_IBS.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d0ca7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_IBS.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Irritable bowel syndrome,14CF.00,30630.0,History of irritable bowel syndrome,History of Irritable bowel syndrome
+Irritable bowel syndrome,8Cm..00,104591.0,Management of irritable bowel syndrome,Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome
+Irritable bowel syndrome,J521000,29835.0,Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea,Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome
+Irritable bowel syndrome,J521.00,923.0,Irritable colon - Irritable bowel syndrome,Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome
+Irritable bowel syndrome,J521.11,451.0,Irritable bowel syndrome,Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome
+Irritable bowel syndrome,J521.13,2153.0,Spastic colon,Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_IDA.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_IDA.csv
index ef59c4b..8f25e11 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_IDA.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_IDA.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Disease,Read code,Medcode,Descr,Category
Iron deficiency anaemia,D000.00,27726,Iron deficiency anaemia due to chronic blood loss,Diagnosis of Iron deficiency anaemia
Iron deficiency anaemia,D000.11,6816,Normocytic anaemia due to chronic blood loss,Diagnosis of Iron deficiency anaemia
Iron deficiency anaemia,D000.12,48338,Iron deficiency anaemia due to blood loss,Diagnosis of Iron deficiency anaemia
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ Iron deficiency anaemia,D00z.00,18137,Unspecified iron deficiency anaemia,Diagno
Iron deficiency anaemia,D00zz00,15439,Iron deficiency anaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Iron deficiency anaemia
Iron deficiency anaemia,D0...11,94528,Asiderotic anaemia,Diagnosis of Iron deficiency anaemia
Iron deficiency anaemia,D0...12,19383,Sideropenic anaemia,Diagnosis of Iron deficiency anaemia
-Iron deficiency anaemia,Dyu0000,4858,[X]Other iron deficiency anaemias,Diagnosis of Iron deficiency anaemia
\ No newline at end of file
+Iron deficiency anaemia,Dyu0000,4858,[X]Other iron deficiency anaemias,Diagnosis of Iron deficiency anaemia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_Intracereb_haem.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_Intracereb_haem.csv
index 8180cb8..1b5f623 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_Intracereb_haem.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_Intracereb_haem.csv
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","662o.00","28914.0","Haemorrhagic stroke monitoring","History of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","7004300.0","7017.0","Evacuation of intracerebral haematoma NEC","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G610.00","31595.0","Cortical haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G611.00","40338.0","Internal capsule haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G612.00","46316.0","Basal nucleus haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G613.00","13564.0","Cerebellar haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G614.00","7912.0","Pontine haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G615.00","62342.0","Bulbar haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G616.00","30045.0","External capsule haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G617.00","30202.0","Intracerebral haemorrhage, intraventricular","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G618.00","57315.0","Intracerebral haemorrhage, multiple localized","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G619.00","107440.0","Lobar cerebral haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G61..00","5051.0","Intracerebral haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G61..11","6960.0","CVA - cerebrovascular accid due to intracerebral haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G61..12","18604.0","Stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G61X000","28314.0","Left sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G61X100","19201.0","Right sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G61X.00","31060.0","Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G61z.00","3535.0","Intracerebral haemorrhage NOS","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G681.00","48149.0","Sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage","History of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","G682.00","43451.0","Sequelae of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage","History of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","Gyu6200","53810.0","[X]Other intracerebral haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","Gyu6F00","96630.0","[X]Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,662o.00,28914.0,Haemorrhagic stroke monitoring,History of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,7004300.0,7017.0,Evacuation of intracerebral haematoma NEC,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G610.00,31595.0,Cortical haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G611.00,40338.0,Internal capsule haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G612.00,46316.0,Basal nucleus haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G613.00,13564.0,Cerebellar haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G614.00,7912.0,Pontine haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G615.00,62342.0,Bulbar haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G616.00,30045.0,External capsule haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G617.00,30202.0,"Intracerebral haemorrhage, intraventricular",Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G618.00,57315.0,"Intracerebral haemorrhage, multiple localized",Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G619.00,107440.0,Lobar cerebral haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G61..00,5051.0,Intracerebral haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G61..11,6960.0,CVA - cerebrovascular accid due to intracerebral haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G61..12,18604.0,Stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G61X000,28314.0,"Left sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified",Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G61X100,19201.0,"Right sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified",Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G61X.00,31060.0,"Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified",Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G61z.00,3535.0,Intracerebral haemorrhage NOS,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G681.00,48149.0,Sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage,History of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,G682.00,43451.0,Sequelae of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage,History of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,Gyu6200,53810.0,[X]Other intracerebral haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,Gyu6F00,96630.0,"[X]Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified",Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_Isch_stroke.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_Isch_stroke.csv
index 0dac287..e4dbf1e 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_Isch_stroke.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_Isch_stroke.csv
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G63..11","57495.0","Infarction - precerebral","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G63y000","23671.0","Cerebral infarct due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G63y100","24446.0","Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G640000","36717.0","Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G640.00","16517.0","Cerebral thrombosis","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G641000","27975.0","Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G641.00","15019.0","Cerebral embolism","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G641.11","34758.0","Cerebral embolus","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64..00","8837.0","Cerebral arterial occlusion","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64..11","5363.0","CVA - cerebral artery occlusion","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64..12","569.0","Infarction - cerebral","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64..13","6155.0","Stroke due to cerebral arterial occlusion","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64z000","25615.0","Brainstem infarction","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64z100","47642.0","Wallenberg syndrome","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64z111","5185.0","Lateral medullary syndrome","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64z200","9985.0","Left sided cerebral infarction","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64z300","10504.0","Right sided cerebral infarction","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64z400","26424.0","Infarction of basal ganglia","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64z.00","3149.0","Cerebral infarction NOS","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64z.11","15252.0","Brainstem infarction NOS","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G64z.12","5602.0","Cerebellar infarction","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G683.00","39403.0","Sequelae of cerebral infarction","History of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G6W..00","40758.0","Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","G6X..00","33543.0","Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","Gyu6300","91627.0","[X]Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","Gyu6400","53745.0","[X]Other cerebral infarction","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","Gyu6G00","94482.0","[X]Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
+Ischaemic stroke,G63..11,57495.0,Infarction - precerebral,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G63y000,23671.0,Cerebral infarct due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G63y100,24446.0,Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G640000,36717.0,Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G640.00,16517.0,Cerebral thrombosis,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G641000,27975.0,Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G641.00,15019.0,Cerebral embolism,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G641.11,34758.0,Cerebral embolus,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64..00,8837.0,Cerebral arterial occlusion,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64..11,5363.0,CVA - cerebral artery occlusion,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64..12,569.0,Infarction - cerebral,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64..13,6155.0,Stroke due to cerebral arterial occlusion,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64z000,25615.0,Brainstem infarction,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64z100,47642.0,Wallenberg syndrome,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64z111,5185.0,Lateral medullary syndrome,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64z200,9985.0,Left sided cerebral infarction,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64z300,10504.0,Right sided cerebral infarction,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64z400,26424.0,Infarction of basal ganglia,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64z.00,3149.0,Cerebral infarction NOS,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64z.11,15252.0,Brainstem infarction NOS,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G64z.12,5602.0,Cerebellar infarction,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G683.00,39403.0,Sequelae of cerebral infarction,History of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G6W..00,40758.0,Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,G6X..00,33543.0,Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,Gyu6300,91627.0,[X]Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,Gyu6400,53745.0,[X]Other cerebral infarction,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,Gyu6G00,94482.0,[X]Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_LBBB.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_LBBB.csv
index 3280c7a..457fdc8 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_LBBB.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_LBBB.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Left bundle branch block","329A.00","4690.0","ECG: left bundle branch block","Diagnosis of Left bundle branch block"
-"Left bundle branch block","G562.11","17840.0","Left bundle branch block","Diagnosis of Left bundle branch block"
-"Left bundle branch block","G563.00","26318.0","Left main stem bundle branch block","Diagnosis of Left bundle branch block"
+Left bundle branch block,329A.00,4690.0,ECG: left bundle branch block,Diagnosis of Left bundle branch block
+Left bundle branch block,G562.11,17840.0,Left bundle branch block,Diagnosis of Left bundle branch block
+Left bundle branch block,G563.00,26318.0,Left main stem bundle branch block,Diagnosis of Left bundle branch block
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_LBW.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_LBW.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2a33ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_LBW.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,L265000,31219.0,Small-for-dates unspecified,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,L265100,35139.0,Small-for-dates - delivered,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,L265200,102246.0,Small-for-dates with antenatal problem,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,L265.00,23495.0,Small-for-dates fetus in pregnancy,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,L265z00,55820.0,Small-for-dates NOS,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q10..00,34777.0,Slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q100.00,22032.0,"Fetus small-for-dates, without mention of malnutrition",Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q100.11,36894.0,"Fetus small-for-dates (SFD), without mention of malnutrition",Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q101.00,63290.0,Fetus small-for-dates with signs of malnutrition,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q101.11,95638.0,Fetus small-for-dates (SFD) with signs of malnutrition,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q10z.00,19575.0,Fetal growth retardation NOS,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q10z.11,4697.0,Intrauterine growth retardation,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q11..00,15563.0,Short gestation and unspecified low birthweight problems,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q110.00,26683.0,Very premature - less than 1000g or less than 28 weeks,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q111.00,23670.0,Premature - weight 1000g-2499g or gestation of 28-37weeks,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q113.00,50704.0,Light for gestational age,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q114.00,27888.0,Low birthweight,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q114000,61211.0,Birth weight 1000-2499 g,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q115.00,73682.0,Extremely low birth weight infant,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q115000,93732.0,Birth weight 999 g or less,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Q13..00,43004.0,Light for gestational age,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,Qyu1000,72974.0,[X]Other low birth weight,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_MDS.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_MDS.csv
index 0532656..5499c8e 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_MDS.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_MDS.csv
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","7Q09700","102712.0","Myelodysplastic syndrome drugs Band 1","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937000","22890.0","Refractory anaemia without sideroblasts, so stated","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937100","10817.0","Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937200","23875.0","Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937300","44420.0","Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts with transformation","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937600","105985.0","Refractory anaemia without ring sideroblasts","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937700","106993.0","Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937800","104740.0","Refractory anaemia with multilineage dysplasia","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937900","105915.0","5Q minus syndrome","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937911","105390.0","Myelodysplastic syndrome isolated del(5q) chromosomal abnorm","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937.14","14927.0","Myelodysplasia","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937W00","45285.0","Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937W11","4561.0","Myelodysplasia","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","B937X00","19130.0","Refractory anaemia, unspecified","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","BBmA.00","56756.0","[M] Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","BBmB.00","60186.0","[M]Refractory anaemia+excess of blasts with transformation","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","BBmL.00","94921.0","[M] Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","BBv..00","7799.0","[M]Myelodysplastic syndrome","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","ByuHD00","45143.0","[X]Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","D213.00","16052.0","Refractory Anaemia","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,7Q09700,102712.0,Myelodysplastic syndrome drugs Band 1,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937000,22890.0,"Refractory anaemia without sideroblasts, so stated",Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937100,10817.0,Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937200,23875.0,Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937300,44420.0,Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts with transformation,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937600,105985.0,Refractory anaemia without ring sideroblasts,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937700,106993.0,Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937800,104740.0,Refractory anaemia with multilineage dysplasia,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937900,105915.0,5Q minus syndrome,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937911,105390.0,Myelodysplastic syndrome isolated del(5q) chromosomal abnorm,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937.14,14927.0,Myelodysplasia,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937W00,45285.0,"Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified",Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937W11,4561.0,Myelodysplasia,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,B937X00,19130.0,"Refractory anaemia, unspecified",Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,BBmA.00,56756.0,[M] Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,BBmB.00,60186.0,[M]Refractory anaemia+excess of blasts with transformation,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,BBmL.00,94921.0,[M] Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,BBv..00,7799.0,[M]Myelodysplastic syndrome,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,ByuHD00,45143.0,"[X]Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified",Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,D213.00,16052.0,Refractory Anaemia,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_MGUS.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_MGUS.csv
index e3b5af5..04b0619 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_MGUS.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_MGUS.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)","BBm7.00","10395.0","[M] Monoclonal gammopathy","1.0"
-"Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)","C331000","106381.0","Monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance","1.0"
-"Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)","C331.00","15883.0","Monoclonal paraproteinaemia","1.0"
-"Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)","C331.11","7586.0","Monoclonal gammopathy","1.0"
-"Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)","C332200","12306.0","Benign paraproteinaemia","1.0"
-"Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)","C332.00","3451.0","Other paraproteinaemias","1.0"
-"Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)","C332z00","12386.0","Paraproteinaemia NOS","1.0"
+Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),BBm7.00,10395.0,[M] Monoclonal gammopathy,1.0
+Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),C331000,106381.0,Monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance,1.0
+Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),C331.00,15883.0,Monoclonal paraproteinaemia,1.0
+Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),C331.11,7586.0,Monoclonal gammopathy,1.0
+Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),C332200,12306.0,Benign paraproteinaemia,1.0
+Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),C332.00,3451.0,Other paraproteinaemias,1.0
+Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),C332z00,12386.0,Paraproteinaemia NOS,1.0
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_MND.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_MND.csv
index bbaec8e..76d3932 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_MND.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_MND.csv
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Motor neuron disease","7Q04100","109020.0","Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis drugs Band 1","History of Motor neuron disease"
-"Motor neuron disease","F152000","36433.0","Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
-"Motor neuron disease","F152100","30987.0","Progressive muscular atrophy","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
-"Motor neuron disease","F152111","7470.0","Duchenne Aran muscular atrophy","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
-"Motor neuron disease","F152200","27377.0","Progressive bulbar palsy","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
-"Motor neuron disease","F152300","18084.0","Pseudobulbar palsy","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
-"Motor neuron disease","F152400","20845.0","Primary lateral sclerosis","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
-"Motor neuron disease","F152.00","4796.0","Motor neurone disease","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
-"Motor neuron disease","F152z00","20120.0","Motor neurone disease NOS","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
-"Motor neuron disease","F15..00","21889.0","Anterior horn cell disease","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
-"Motor neuron disease","F15y.00","71400.0","Other anterior horn cell disease","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
-"Motor neuron disease","F15z.00","58729.0","Anterior horn cell disease NOS","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
+Motor neuron disease,7Q04100,109020.0,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis drugs Band 1,History of Motor neuron disease
+Motor neuron disease,F152000,36433.0,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
+Motor neuron disease,F152100,30987.0,Progressive muscular atrophy,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
+Motor neuron disease,F152111,7470.0,Duchenne Aran muscular atrophy,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
+Motor neuron disease,F152200,27377.0,Progressive bulbar palsy,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
+Motor neuron disease,F152300,18084.0,Pseudobulbar palsy,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
+Motor neuron disease,F152400,20845.0,Primary lateral sclerosis,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
+Motor neuron disease,F152.00,4796.0,Motor neurone disease,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
+Motor neuron disease,F152z00,20120.0,Motor neurone disease NOS,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
+Motor neuron disease,F15..00,21889.0,Anterior horn cell disease,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
+Motor neuron disease,F15y.00,71400.0,Other anterior horn cell disease,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
+Motor neuron disease,F15z.00,58729.0,Anterior horn cell disease NOS,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_MS.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_MS.csv
index e7c6e97..92f3f87 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_MS.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_MS.csv
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Multiple sclerosis","666A.00","44985.0","Multiple sclerosis review","History of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","666B.00","43232.0","Multiple sclerosis multidisciplinary review","History of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","8Cc0.00","98835.0","Management of multiple sclerosis in onset phase","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","8Cc1.00","97487.0","Management of multiple sclerosis in early disease phase","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","8Cc2.00","95864.0","Management of multiple sclerosis in stable disability phase","History of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","8Cc4.00","98521.0","Management of multiple sclerosis in palliative phase","History of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","8CS1.00","50161.0","Multiple sclerosis care plan agreed","History of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","8IAb.00","100503.0","Multiple sclerosis review declined","History of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","9kG..00","48527.0","Spec serv for pat with multiple sclerosis - enh serv admin","History of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","9mD0.00","109049.0","Multiple sclerosis monitoring first letter","History of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","9mD1.00","109302.0","Multiple sclerosis monitoring second letter","History of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","9mD..00","106307.0","Multiple sclerosis monitoring administration","History of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","F200.00","40344.0","Multiple sclerosis of the brain stem","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","F201.00","69886.0","Multiple sclerosis of the spinal cord","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","F202.00","23730.0","Generalised multiple sclerosis","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","F203.00","2298.0","Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis","History of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","F204.00","96291.0","Benign multiple sclerosis","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","F206.00","96607.0","Primary progressive multiple sclerosis","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","F207.00","95972.0","Relapsing and remitting multiple sclerosis","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","F208.00","96246.0","Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","F20..00","684.0","Multiple sclerosis","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","F20..11","3440.0","Disseminated sclerosis","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
-"Multiple sclerosis","F20z.00","20493.0","Multiple sclerosis NOS","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
+Multiple sclerosis,666A.00,44985.0,Multiple sclerosis review,History of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,666B.00,43232.0,Multiple sclerosis multidisciplinary review,History of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,8Cc0.00,98835.0,Management of multiple sclerosis in onset phase,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,8Cc1.00,97487.0,Management of multiple sclerosis in early disease phase,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,8Cc2.00,95864.0,Management of multiple sclerosis in stable disability phase,History of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,8Cc4.00,98521.0,Management of multiple sclerosis in palliative phase,History of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,8CS1.00,50161.0,Multiple sclerosis care plan agreed,History of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,8IAb.00,100503.0,Multiple sclerosis review declined,History of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,9kG..00,48527.0,Spec serv for pat with multiple sclerosis - enh serv admin,History of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,9mD0.00,109049.0,Multiple sclerosis monitoring first letter,History of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,9mD1.00,109302.0,Multiple sclerosis monitoring second letter,History of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,9mD..00,106307.0,Multiple sclerosis monitoring administration,History of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,F200.00,40344.0,Multiple sclerosis of the brain stem,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,F201.00,69886.0,Multiple sclerosis of the spinal cord,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,F202.00,23730.0,Generalised multiple sclerosis,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,F203.00,2298.0,Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis,History of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,F204.00,96291.0,Benign multiple sclerosis,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,F206.00,96607.0,Primary progressive multiple sclerosis,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,F207.00,95972.0,Relapsing and remitting multiple sclerosis,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,F208.00,96246.0,Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,F20..00,684.0,Multiple sclerosis,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,F20..11,3440.0,Disseminated sclerosis,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
+Multiple sclerosis,F20z.00,20493.0,Multiple sclerosis NOS,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_NHL.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_NHL.csv
index 70a996c..10ad459 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_NHL.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_NHL.csv
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","A789600","44617.0","HIV disease resulting in Burkitt's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","A789700","66367.0","HIV dis resulting oth types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","AyuC600","69767.0","[X]HIV disease resulting in other non-Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B600000","60242.0","Reticulosarcoma of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B600100","71031.0","Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B600300","70374.0","Reticulosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B600700","95058.0","Reticulosarcoma of spleen","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B600.00","1481.0","Reticulosarcoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B600z00","99240.0","Reticulosarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B601000","71625.0","Lymphosarcoma of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B601100","71238.0","Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B601200","62380.0","Lymphosarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B601300","64670.0","Lymphosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B601500","100352.0","Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B601700","103245.0","Lymphosarcoma of spleen","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B601800","104790.0","Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B601.00","27416.0","Lymphosarcoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B601z00","63723.0","Lymphosarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B602100","59115.0","Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B602200","100006.0","Burkitt's lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B602300","97577.0","Burkitt's lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B602500","92380.0","Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B602.00","21402.0","Burkitt's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B602z00","71304.0","Burkitt's lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B60..00","41369.0","Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B60y.00","99887.0","Other specified reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B60z.00","99951.0","Reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B620000","66327.0","Nodular lymphoma of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B620100","45264.0","Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B620200","105203.0","Nodular lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B620300","92068.0","Nodular lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B620500","94995.0","Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B620800","58082.0","Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B620.00","5179.0","Nodular lymphoma (Brill - Symmers disease)","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B620z00","65701.0","Nodular lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B621000","95949.0","Mycosis fungoides of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B621300","91674.0","Mycosis fungoides of intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B621400","96379.0","Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B621500","72714.0","Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B621800","95012.0","Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B621.00","12006.0","Mycosis fungoides","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B621z00","38005.0","Mycosis fungoides NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B622.00","35014.0","Sezary's disease","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B622z00","100532.0","Sezary's disease NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627000","28639.0","Follicular non-Hodgkin's small cleaved cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627100","70842.0","Follicular non-Hodg mixed sml cleavd & lge cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627200","49262.0","Follicular non-Hodgkin's large cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627300","50668.0","Diffuse non-Hodgkin's small cell (diffuse) lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627400","108182.0","Diffuse non-Hodgkin's small cleaved cell (diffuse) lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627500","50695.0","Diffuse non-Hodgkin mixed sml & lge cell (diffuse) lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627600","53551.0","Diffuse non-Hodgkin's immunoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627700","17460.0","Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627800","65180.0","Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma undifferentiated (diffuse)","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627900","95715.0","Mucosa-associated lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627911","95545.0","Maltoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627A00","101114.0","Diffuse non-Hodgkin's large cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627.00","3604.0","Non - Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627.11","104391.0","Non-Hodgkin lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627B00","31576.0","Other types of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627C00","21549.0","Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627C11","17182.0","Follicular lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627D00","70509.0","Diffuse non-Hodgkin's centroblastic lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627E00","102594.0","Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627F00","105966.0","Extranod marg zone B-cell lymphom mucosa-assoc lymphoid tiss","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627G00","105038.0","Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627W00","31794.0","Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B627X00","39798.0","Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B628000","105889.0","Follicular lymphoma grade 1","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B628100","105095.0","Follicular lymphoma grade 2","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B628200","107166.0","Follicular lymphoma grade 3","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B628300","105020.0","Follicular lymphoma grade 3a","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B628400","107973.0","Follicular lymphoma grade 3b","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B628500","106969.0","Diffuse follicle centre lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B628600","108719.0","Cutaneous follicle centre lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B628700","106063.0","Other types of follicular lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B628.00","104152.0","Follicular lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62E100","105559.0","Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62E200","105955.0","Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62E300","104862.0","Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62E400","109780.0","Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62E500","107949.0","Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62E600","105709.0","Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62E700","105925.0","Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62E800","105375.0","Blastic NK-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62E900","105636.0","Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62EA00","105286.0","Primary cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell proliferations","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62E.00","105085.0","T/NK-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62Ew00","104934.0","Other mature T/NK-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62F000","104386.0","Small cell B-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62F100","104620.0","Mantle cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62F200","104412.0","Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62F.00","106884.0","Nonfollicular lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62F.11","106867.0","Non-follicular lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62x000","90201.0","T-zone lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62x100","57737.0","Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62x200","12464.0","Peripheral T-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62x400","62437.0","Malignant reticulosis","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62x500","58962.0","Malignant immunoproliferative small intestinal disease","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62x.00","17887.0","Malignant lymphoma otherwise specified","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62xX00","44318.0","Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62y000","57427.0","Malignant lymphoma NOS of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62y100","50696.0","Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of head, face and neck","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62y200","72725.0","Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62y300","42579.0","Malignant lymphoma NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62y400","34089.0","Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62y500","63105.0","Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph node inguinal region and leg","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62y600","71262.0","Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrapelvic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62y700","60092.0","Malignant lymphoma NOS of spleen","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62y800","15504.0","Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62y.00","12335.0","Malignant lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","B62yz00","15027.0","Malignant lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg1000","23711.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, diffuse NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg1.00","36114.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg1.11","1483.0","[M]Lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg2.00","16460.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, non Hodgkin's type","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg2.11","3371.0","[M]Non Hodgkins lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg3.00","71117.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, undifferentiated cell type NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg4.00","46931.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, stem cell type","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg5.00","69301.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, convoluted cell type NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg6.00","99655.0","[M]Lymphosarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg7.00","41754.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphoplasmacytoid type","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg8.00","48253.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, immunoblastic type","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgA.00","68964.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic-centrocytic, diffuse","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgB.00","41841.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, follicular centre cell NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBg..00","17178.0","[M]Lymphomas, NOS or diffuse","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgC.00","69980.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgC.11","21463.0","[M]Lymphocytic lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgC.12","60504.0","[M]Lymphocytic lymphosarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgD.00","51852.0","[M]Malig lymphoma, lymphocytic, intermediate different NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgE.00","39906.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, centrocytic","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgG.00","72196.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, poorly different NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgG.11","67203.0","[M]Lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgG.12","34352.0","[M]Lymphoblastic lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgG.13","52591.0","[M]Lymphoblastoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgH.00","72241.0","[M]Prolymphocytic lymphosarcoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgJ.00","60275.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic type NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgK.00","66603.0","[M]Malig lymphoma, follicular centre cell, non-cleaved NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgL.00","46877.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, small lymphocytic NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgM.00","31726.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, small cleaved cell, diffuse","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgN.00","61251.0","[M]Malign lymphoma,lymphocytic,intermediate differn, diffuse","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgP.00","71652.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, mixed small and large cell, diffuse","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgQ.00","58015.0","[M]Malignant lymphomatous polyposis","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgR.00","33869.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, diffuse NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgS.00","63994.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, cleaved, diffuse","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgT.00","71619.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, noncleaved, diffuse","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgV.00","51680.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, small cell, noncleaved, diffuse","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBgz.00","51895.0","[M]Lymphoma, diffuse or NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBh0.00","72433.0","[M]Reticulosarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBh2.00","100544.0","[M]Reticulosarcoma, nodular","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBh..00","106137.0","[M]Reticulosarcomas","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBk0.00","63699.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, nodular NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBk0.11","64947.0","[M]Brill - Symmers' disease","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBk0.12","27562.0","[M]Follicular lymphosarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBk0.13","49253.0","[M]Giant follicular lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBk2.00","98961.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic-centrocytic, follicular","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBk3.00","106970.0","[M]Malig lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated,nodular","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBk5.00","39883.0","[M]Malig lymp, follicular centre cell, cleaved, follicular","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBk7.00","97852.0","[M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic type, follicular","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBk8.00","58953.0","[M]Malig lymp,follicular centre cell,noncleaved,follicular","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBk..00","20437.0","[M]Lymphomas, nodular or follicular","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBkz.00","40513.0","[M]Lymphoma, nodular or follicular NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBl0.00","95464.0","[M]Mycosis fungoides","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBl1.00","97756.0","[M]Sezary's disease","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBl..00","46967.0","[M]Mycosis fungoides","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBlz.00","99695.0","[M]Mycosis fungoides NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBm0.00","63973.0","[M]Microglioma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBm1.11","70740.0","[M]Malignant reticulosis","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBm5.00","40766.0","[M] Peripheral T-cell lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBm8.00","54190.0","[M] Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBm9.00","31492.0","[M] Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBmD.00","16774.0","[M] Cutaneous lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBmF.00","61146.0","[M] Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBmH.00","18383.0","[M] Large cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBmJ.00","68353.0","[M] Angioendotheliomatosis","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBv0.00","31749.0","[M]Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBv2.00","27965.0","[M]AngiocentricT-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","ByuD100","67518.0","[X]Other types of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","ByuD200","98596.0","[X]Other types of diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","ByuD300","64336.0","[X]Other specified types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","ByuDC00","64515.0","[X]Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","ByuDD00","109714.0","[X]Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","ByuDE00","63375.0","[X]Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","ByuDF00","8649.0","[X]Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified type","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","ByuDF11","7940.0","[X]Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","M162800","26111.0","Lymphomatoid papulosis","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,A789600,44617.0,HIV disease resulting in Burkitt's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,A789700,66367.0,HIV dis resulting oth types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,AyuC600,69767.0,[X]HIV disease resulting in other non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B600000,60242.0,Reticulosarcoma of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B600100,71031.0,"Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B600300,70374.0,Reticulosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B600700,95058.0,Reticulosarcoma of spleen,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B600.00,1481.0,Reticulosarcoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B600z00,99240.0,Reticulosarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B601000,71625.0,Lymphosarcoma of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B601100,71238.0,"Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B601200,62380.0,Lymphosarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B601300,64670.0,Lymphosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B601500,100352.0,Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B601700,103245.0,Lymphosarcoma of spleen,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B601800,104790.0,Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B601.00,27416.0,Lymphosarcoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B601z00,63723.0,Lymphosarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B602100,59115.0,"Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B602200,100006.0,Burkitt's lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B602300,97577.0,Burkitt's lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B602500,92380.0,Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B602.00,21402.0,Burkitt's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B602z00,71304.0,Burkitt's lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B60..00,41369.0,Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B60y.00,99887.0,Other specified reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B60z.00,99951.0,Reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B620000,66327.0,Nodular lymphoma of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B620100,45264.0,"Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B620200,105203.0,Nodular lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B620300,92068.0,Nodular lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B620500,94995.0,Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B620800,58082.0,Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B620.00,5179.0,Nodular lymphoma (Brill - Symmers disease),Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B620z00,65701.0,Nodular lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B621000,95949.0,Mycosis fungoides of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B621300,91674.0,Mycosis fungoides of intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B621400,96379.0,Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B621500,72714.0,Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B621800,95012.0,Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B621.00,12006.0,Mycosis fungoides,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B621z00,38005.0,Mycosis fungoides NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B622.00,35014.0,Sezary's disease,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B622z00,100532.0,Sezary's disease NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627000,28639.0,Follicular non-Hodgkin's small cleaved cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627100,70842.0,Follicular non-Hodg mixed sml cleavd & lge cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627200,49262.0,Follicular non-Hodgkin's large cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627300,50668.0,Diffuse non-Hodgkin's small cell (diffuse) lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627400,108182.0,Diffuse non-Hodgkin's small cleaved cell (diffuse) lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627500,50695.0,Diffuse non-Hodgkin mixed sml & lge cell (diffuse) lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627600,53551.0,Diffuse non-Hodgkin's immunoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627700,17460.0,Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627800,65180.0,Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma undifferentiated (diffuse),Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627900,95715.0,Mucosa-associated lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627911,95545.0,Maltoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627A00,101114.0,Diffuse non-Hodgkin's large cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627.00,3604.0,Non - Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627.11,104391.0,Non-Hodgkin lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627B00,31576.0,Other types of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627C00,21549.0,Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627C11,17182.0,Follicular lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627D00,70509.0,Diffuse non-Hodgkin's centroblastic lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627E00,102594.0,Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627F00,105966.0,Extranod marg zone B-cell lymphom mucosa-assoc lymphoid tiss,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627G00,105038.0,Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627W00,31794.0,Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B627X00,39798.0,"Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B628000,105889.0,Follicular lymphoma grade 1,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B628100,105095.0,Follicular lymphoma grade 2,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B628200,107166.0,Follicular lymphoma grade 3,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B628300,105020.0,Follicular lymphoma grade 3a,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B628400,107973.0,Follicular lymphoma grade 3b,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B628500,106969.0,Diffuse follicle centre lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B628600,108719.0,Cutaneous follicle centre lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B628700,106063.0,Other types of follicular lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B628.00,104152.0,Follicular lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62E100,105559.0,"Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62E200,105955.0,"Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62E300,104862.0,Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62E400,109780.0,"Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62E500,107949.0,Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62E600,105709.0,Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62E700,105925.0,Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62E800,105375.0,Blastic NK-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62E900,105636.0,Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62EA00,105286.0,Primary cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell proliferations,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62E.00,105085.0,T/NK-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62Ew00,104934.0,Other mature T/NK-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62F000,104386.0,Small cell B-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62F100,104620.0,Mantle cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62F200,104412.0,Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62F.00,106884.0,Nonfollicular lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62F.11,106867.0,Non-follicular lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62x000,90201.0,T-zone lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62x100,57737.0,Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62x200,12464.0,Peripheral T-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62x400,62437.0,Malignant reticulosis,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62x500,58962.0,Malignant immunoproliferative small intestinal disease,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62x.00,17887.0,Malignant lymphoma otherwise specified,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62xX00,44318.0,Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62y000,57427.0,Malignant lymphoma NOS of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62y100,50696.0,"Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of head, face and neck",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62y200,72725.0,Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62y300,42579.0,Malignant lymphoma NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62y400,34089.0,Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62y500,63105.0,Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph node inguinal region and leg,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62y600,71262.0,Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrapelvic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62y700,60092.0,Malignant lymphoma NOS of spleen,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62y800,15504.0,Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62y.00,12335.0,Malignant lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,B62yz00,15027.0,Malignant lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg1000,23711.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, diffuse NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg1.00,36114.0,[M]Malignant lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg1.11,1483.0,[M]Lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg2.00,16460.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, non Hodgkin's type",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg2.11,3371.0,[M]Non Hodgkins lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg3.00,71117.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, undifferentiated cell type NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg4.00,46931.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, stem cell type",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg5.00,69301.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, convoluted cell type NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg6.00,99655.0,[M]Lymphosarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg7.00,41754.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphoplasmacytoid type",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg8.00,48253.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, immunoblastic type",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgA.00,68964.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic-centrocytic, diffuse",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgB.00,41841.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, follicular centre cell NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBg..00,17178.0,"[M]Lymphomas, NOS or diffuse",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgC.00,69980.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgC.11,21463.0,[M]Lymphocytic lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgC.12,60504.0,[M]Lymphocytic lymphosarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgD.00,51852.0,"[M]Malig lymphoma, lymphocytic, intermediate different NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgE.00,39906.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, centrocytic",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgG.00,72196.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, poorly different NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgG.11,67203.0,[M]Lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgG.12,34352.0,[M]Lymphoblastic lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgG.13,52591.0,[M]Lymphoblastoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgH.00,72241.0,[M]Prolymphocytic lymphosarcoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgJ.00,60275.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic type NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgK.00,66603.0,"[M]Malig lymphoma, follicular centre cell, non-cleaved NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgL.00,46877.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, small lymphocytic NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgM.00,31726.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, small cleaved cell, diffuse",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgN.00,61251.0,"[M]Malign lymphoma,lymphocytic,intermediate differn, diffuse",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgP.00,71652.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, mixed small and large cell, diffuse",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgQ.00,58015.0,[M]Malignant lymphomatous polyposis,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgR.00,33869.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, diffuse NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgS.00,63994.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, cleaved, diffuse",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgT.00,71619.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, noncleaved, diffuse",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgV.00,51680.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, small cell, noncleaved, diffuse",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBgz.00,51895.0,"[M]Lymphoma, diffuse or NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBh0.00,72433.0,[M]Reticulosarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBh2.00,100544.0,"[M]Reticulosarcoma, nodular",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBh..00,106137.0,[M]Reticulosarcomas,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBk0.00,63699.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, nodular NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBk0.11,64947.0,[M]Brill - Symmers' disease,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBk0.12,27562.0,[M]Follicular lymphosarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBk0.13,49253.0,[M]Giant follicular lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBk2.00,98961.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic-centrocytic, follicular",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBk3.00,106970.0,"[M]Malig lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated,nodular",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBk5.00,39883.0,"[M]Malig lymp, follicular centre cell, cleaved, follicular",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBk7.00,97852.0,"[M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic type, follicular",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBk8.00,58953.0,"[M]Malig lymp,follicular centre cell,noncleaved,follicular",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBk..00,20437.0,"[M]Lymphomas, nodular or follicular",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBkz.00,40513.0,"[M]Lymphoma, nodular or follicular NOS",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBl0.00,95464.0,[M]Mycosis fungoides,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBl1.00,97756.0,[M]Sezary's disease,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBl..00,46967.0,[M]Mycosis fungoides,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBlz.00,99695.0,[M]Mycosis fungoides NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBm0.00,63973.0,[M]Microglioma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBm1.11,70740.0,[M]Malignant reticulosis,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBm5.00,40766.0,[M] Peripheral T-cell lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBm8.00,54190.0,[M] Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBm9.00,31492.0,[M] Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBmD.00,16774.0,[M] Cutaneous lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBmF.00,61146.0,[M] Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBmH.00,18383.0,[M] Large cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBmJ.00,68353.0,[M] Angioendotheliomatosis,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBv0.00,31749.0,[M]Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBv2.00,27965.0,[M]AngiocentricT-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,ByuD100,67518.0,[X]Other types of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,ByuD200,98596.0,[X]Other types of diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,ByuD300,64336.0,[X]Other specified types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,ByuDC00,64515.0,"[X]Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,ByuDD00,109714.0,[X]Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,ByuDE00,63375.0,[X]Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,ByuDF00,8649.0,"[X]Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified type",Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,ByuDF11,7940.0,[X]Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,M162800,26111.0,Lymphomatoid papulosis,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_OA.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_OA.csv
index 8e01115..c915a4f 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_OA.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_OA.csv
@@ -1,125 +1,125 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","14G2.00","9760.0","H/O: osteoarthritis","History of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","2G26.00","17282.0","O/E - hands - Heberden's nodes","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","7P20400","100072.0","Delivery of rehabilitation for osteoarthritis","History of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050000","38631.0","Generalised osteoarthritis of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050100","36327.0","Generalised osteoarthritis of the hand","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050111","4015.0","Heberdens' nodes","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050112","35919.0","Bouchards' nodes","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050200","23676.0","Generalised osteoarthritis of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050300","38018.0","Bouchard's nodes with arthropathy","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050400","23646.0","Primary generalized osteoarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050500","11256.0","Secondary multiple arthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050600","38019.0","Erosive osteoarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050700","24432.0","Heberden's nodes with arthropathy","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050.00","4353.0","Generalised osteoarthritis - OA","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N050z00","34867.0","Generalised osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051000","54224.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051100","24022.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051200","24217.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the upper arm","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051300","34806.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the forearm","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051400","21350.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the hand","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051500","15839.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the pelvic region/thigh","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051600","21159.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the lower leg","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051700","25793.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the ankle and foot","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051800","20472.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of other specified site","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051900","24287.0","Primary coxarthrosis, bilateral","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051A00","25812.0","Coxarthrosis resulting from dysplasia, bilateral","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051B00","24146.0","Primary gonarthrosis, bilateral","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051C00","36182.0","Primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joints, bilateral","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051D00","24958.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the wrist","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051E00","28908.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of toe","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051F00","18602.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis of elbow","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051G00","106678.0","Osteoarthritis of spinal facet joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051.00","32839.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N051z00","20660.0","Localised, primary osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052000","68712.0","Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052100","33574.0","Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052200","41088.0","Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the upper arm","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052300","45815.0","Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the forearm","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052400","23638.0","Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the hand","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052500","44041.0","Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of pelvic region/thigh","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052511","101479.0","Coxae malum senilis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052600","33479.0","Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the lower leg","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052700","34035.0","Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the ankle and foot","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052800","32891.0","Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of other specified site","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052.00","42045.0","Localised, secondary osteoarthritis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N052z00","57912.0","Localised, secondary osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053000","49545.0","Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053100","15441.0","Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of shoulder region","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053200","59637.0","Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the upper arm","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053300","60537.0","Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the forearm","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053400","16242.0","Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the hand","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053500","20626.0","Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, pelvic region/thigh","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053512","1104.0","Hip osteoarthitis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053600","34804.0","Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the lower leg","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053611","1296.0","Patellofemoral osteoarthritis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053700","4461.0","Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the ankle and foot","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053800","18112.0","Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of other spec site","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053900","21177.0","Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint, unspecified","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053.00","34122.0","Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N053z00","31200.0","Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N054000","48214.0","Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspec, of unspecified sites","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N054100","52095.0","Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of shoulder","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N054200","97073.0","Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of upper arm","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N054400","59616.0","Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of hand","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N054500","68648.0","Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of pelvis/thigh","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N054600","41090.0","Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of lower leg","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N054700","72109.0","Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of ankle/foot","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N054800","41985.0","Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, other spec sites","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N054900","57267.0","Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, multiple sites","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N054.00","21528.0","Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N054z00","53858.0","Osteoarthritis of more than one site, unspecified, NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05..00","3057.0","Osteoarthritis and allied disorders","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05..11","396.0","Osteoarthritis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z000","35527.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z100","3147.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder region","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z400","658.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of the hand","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z411","4490.0","Finger osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z412","1959.0","Thumb osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z500","4967.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, pelvic region/thigh","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z511","2209.0","Hip osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z600","15144.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of the lower leg","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z611","665.0","Knee osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z700","15447.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle and foot","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z711","52897.0","Ankle osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z712","1312.0","Foot osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z713","4878.0","Toe osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z800","15052.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, other specified site","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z900","5802.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zA00","3814.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of sternoclavicular joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zB00","2229.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of acromioclavicular joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zC00","19713.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of elbow","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zD00","65748.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of distal radio-ulnar joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zE00","9649.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of wrist","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zF00","7866.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of MCP joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zG00","11032.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of PIP joint of finger","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zH00","9681.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of DIP joint of finger","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zJ00","6812.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of hip","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zK00","34023.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of sacro-iliac joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zL00","2487.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of knee","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zM00","70425.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of tibio-fibular joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z.00","5776.0","Osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05z.11","1509.0","Joint degeneration","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zN00","8202.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zP00","40972.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of subtalar joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zQ00","55388.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of talonavicular joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zR00","54350.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of other tarsal joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zS00","6887.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of 1st MTP joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zT00","9010.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of lesser MTP joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zU00","27834.0","Osteoarthritis NOS, of IP joint of toe","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","N05zz00","27972.0","Osteoarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2000","53741.0","[X]Other polyarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2100","10854.0","[X]Other primary coxarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2200","102990.0","[X]Other dysplastic coxarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2400","73948.0","[X]Other secondary coxarthrosis, bilateral","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2500","43474.0","[X]Other primary gonarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2511","24079.0","[X] Unilateral primary gonarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2700","73952.0","[X]Other secondary gonarthrosis, bilateral","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2800","73930.0","[X]Other secondary gonarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2811","24145.0","[X] Unilateral secondary gonarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2900","106205.0","[X]Other primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2D00","51360.0","[X]Other specified arthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2E00","99918.0","[X]Other secondary coxarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2E11","24326.0","[X] Unilateral secondary coxarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","Nyu2.00","18795.0","[X]Arthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),14G2.00,9760.0,H/O: osteoarthritis,History of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),2G26.00,17282.0,O/E - hands - Heberden's nodes,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),7P20400,100072.0,Delivery of rehabilitation for osteoarthritis,History of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050000,38631.0,Generalised osteoarthritis of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050100,36327.0,Generalised osteoarthritis of the hand,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050111,4015.0,Heberdens' nodes,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050112,35919.0,Bouchards' nodes,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050200,23676.0,Generalised osteoarthritis of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050300,38018.0,Bouchard's nodes with arthropathy,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050400,23646.0,Primary generalized osteoarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050500,11256.0,Secondary multiple arthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050600,38019.0,Erosive osteoarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050700,24432.0,Heberden's nodes with arthropathy,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050.00,4353.0,Generalised osteoarthritis - OA,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N050z00,34867.0,Generalised osteoarthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051000,54224.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of unspecified site",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051100,24022.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051200,24217.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the upper arm",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051300,34806.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the forearm",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051400,21350.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the hand",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051500,15839.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the pelvic region/thigh",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051600,21159.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the lower leg",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051700,25793.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the ankle and foot",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051800,20472.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of other specified site",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051900,24287.0,"Primary coxarthrosis, bilateral",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051A00,25812.0,"Coxarthrosis resulting from dysplasia, bilateral",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051B00,24146.0,"Primary gonarthrosis, bilateral",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051C00,36182.0,"Primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joints, bilateral",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051D00,24958.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the wrist",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051E00,28908.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of toe",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051F00,18602.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis of elbow",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051G00,106678.0,Osteoarthritis of spinal facet joint,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051.00,32839.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N051z00,20660.0,"Localised, primary osteoarthritis NOS",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052000,68712.0,"Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of unspecified site",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052100,33574.0,"Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052200,41088.0,"Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the upper arm",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052300,45815.0,"Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the forearm",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052400,23638.0,"Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the hand",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052500,44041.0,"Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of pelvic region/thigh",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052511,101479.0,Coxae malum senilis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052600,33479.0,"Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the lower leg",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052700,34035.0,"Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the ankle and foot",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052800,32891.0,"Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of other specified site",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052.00,42045.0,"Localised, secondary osteoarthritis",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N052z00,57912.0,"Localised, secondary osteoarthritis NOS",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053000,49545.0,"Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of unspecified site",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053100,15441.0,"Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of shoulder region",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053200,59637.0,"Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the upper arm",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053300,60537.0,"Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the forearm",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053400,16242.0,"Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the hand",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053500,20626.0,"Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, pelvic region/thigh",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053512,1104.0,Hip osteoarthitis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053600,34804.0,"Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the lower leg",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053611,1296.0,Patellofemoral osteoarthritis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053700,4461.0,"Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the ankle and foot",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053800,18112.0,"Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of other spec site",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053900,21177.0,"Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint, unspecified",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053.00,34122.0,"Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N053z00,31200.0,"Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, NOS",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N054000,48214.0,"Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspec, of unspecified sites",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N054100,52095.0,"Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of shoulder",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N054200,97073.0,"Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of upper arm",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N054400,59616.0,"Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of hand",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N054500,68648.0,"Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of pelvis/thigh",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N054600,41090.0,"Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of lower leg",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N054700,72109.0,"Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of ankle/foot",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N054800,41985.0,"Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, other spec sites",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N054900,57267.0,"Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, multiple sites",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N054.00,21528.0,"Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N054z00,53858.0,"Osteoarthritis of more than one site, unspecified, NOS",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05..00,3057.0,Osteoarthritis and allied disorders,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05..11,396.0,Osteoarthritis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z000,35527.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of unspecified site",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z100,3147.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder region",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z400,658.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of the hand",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z411,4490.0,Finger osteoarthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z412,1959.0,Thumb osteoarthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z500,4967.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, pelvic region/thigh",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z511,2209.0,Hip osteoarthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z600,15144.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of the lower leg",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z611,665.0,Knee osteoarthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z700,15447.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle and foot",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z711,52897.0,Ankle osteoarthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z712,1312.0,Foot osteoarthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z713,4878.0,Toe osteoarthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z800,15052.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, other specified site",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z900,5802.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zA00,3814.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of sternoclavicular joint",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zB00,2229.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of acromioclavicular joint",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zC00,19713.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of elbow",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zD00,65748.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of distal radio-ulnar joint",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zE00,9649.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of wrist",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zF00,7866.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of MCP joint",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zG00,11032.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of PIP joint of finger",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zH00,9681.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of DIP joint of finger",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zJ00,6812.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of hip",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zK00,34023.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of sacro-iliac joint",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zL00,2487.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of knee",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zM00,70425.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of tibio-fibular joint",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z.00,5776.0,Osteoarthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05z.11,1509.0,Joint degeneration,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zN00,8202.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zP00,40972.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of subtalar joint",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zQ00,55388.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of talonavicular joint",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zR00,54350.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of other tarsal joint",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zS00,6887.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of 1st MTP joint",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zT00,9010.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of lesser MTP joint",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zU00,27834.0,"Osteoarthritis NOS, of IP joint of toe",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),N05zz00,27972.0,Osteoarthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2000,53741.0,[X]Other polyarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2100,10854.0,[X]Other primary coxarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2200,102990.0,[X]Other dysplastic coxarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2400,73948.0,"[X]Other secondary coxarthrosis, bilateral",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2500,43474.0,[X]Other primary gonarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2511,24079.0,[X] Unilateral primary gonarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2700,73952.0,"[X]Other secondary gonarthrosis, bilateral",Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2800,73930.0,[X]Other secondary gonarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2811,24145.0,[X] Unilateral secondary gonarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2900,106205.0,[X]Other primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2D00,51360.0,[X]Other specified arthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2E00,99918.0,[X]Other secondary coxarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2E11,24326.0,[X] Unilateral secondary coxarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),Nyu2.00,18795.0,[X]Arthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_PCB.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_PCB.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b662f92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_PCB.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Postcoital and contact bleeding,1581.00,6301.0,H/O: post-coital bleeding,Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding
+Postcoital and contact bleeding,K587.00,12426.0,Contact bleeding of cervix,Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding
+Postcoital and contact bleeding,K597.00,1941.0,Postcoital bleeding,Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding
+Postcoital and contact bleeding,K59A.00,47026.0,Premenopausal postcoital bleeding,Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding
+Postcoital and contact bleeding,K59B.00,46997.0,Postmenopausal postcoital bleeding,Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_PCOS.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_PCOS.csv
index 9f901bd..bbaed23 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_PCOS.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_PCOS.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Polycystic ovarian syndrome","C164.12","16103.0","Stein - Leventhal syndrome","Diagnosis of Polycystic ovarian syndrome"
-"Polycystic ovarian syndrome","C165.00","11347.0","Polycystic ovarian syndrome","Diagnosis of Polycystic ovarian syndrome"
+Polycystic ovarian syndrome,C164.12,16103.0,Stein - Leventhal syndrome,Diagnosis of Polycystic ovarian syndrome
+Polycystic ovarian syndrome,C165.00,11347.0,Polycystic ovarian syndrome,Diagnosis of Polycystic ovarian syndrome
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_PCV.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_PCV.csv
index 915d95a..e4651c3 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_PCV.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_PCV.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Polycythaemia vera","B671.00","37468.0","Chronic erythraemia","Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera"
-"Polycythaemia vera","B671.11","63653.0","Heilmeyer - Schoner disease","Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera"
-"Polycythaemia vera","B934.00","2481.0","Polycythaemia vera","Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera"
-"Polycythaemia vera","B934.11","5542.0","Polycythaemia rubra vera","Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera"
-"Polycythaemia vera","B934.12","36790.0","Primary polycythaemia","Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera"
-"Polycythaemia vera","BBs0.00","16922.0","[M]Polycythaemia vera","Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera"
-"Polycythaemia vera","BBs0.11","58888.0","[M]Polycythaemia rubra vera","Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera"
+Polycythaemia vera,B671.00,37468.0,Chronic erythraemia,Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera
+Polycythaemia vera,B671.11,63653.0,Heilmeyer - Schoner disease,Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera
+Polycythaemia vera,B934.00,2481.0,Polycythaemia vera,Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera
+Polycythaemia vera,B934.11,5542.0,Polycythaemia rubra vera,Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera
+Polycythaemia vera,B934.12,36790.0,Primary polycythaemia,Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera
+Polycythaemia vera,BBs0.00,16922.0,[M]Polycythaemia vera,Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera
+Polycythaemia vera,BBs0.11,58888.0,[M]Polycythaemia rubra vera,Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_PD.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_PD.csv
index acce040..143e34a 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_PD.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_PD.csv
@@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Personality disorders","E210.00","5652.0","Paranoid personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E212000","67130.0","Unspecified schizoid personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E212100","39011.0","Introverted personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E212200","61969.0","Schizotypal personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E212.00","3369.0","Schizoid personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E212z00","14747.0","Schizoid personality disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E213.00","23597.0","Explosive personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E213.11","6339.0","Aggressive personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E213.12","36043.0","Quarrelsome personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E214000","30395.0","Anankastic personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E214100","1293.0","Obsessional personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E214.00","20881.0","Compulsive personality disorders","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E214.11","40057.0","Anancastic personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E214z00","34456.0","Compulsive personality disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E215000","44242.0","Unspecified histrionic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E215200","3709.0","Emotionally unstable personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E215300","67590.0","Psychoinfantile personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E215.00","27481.0","Histrionic personality disorders","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E215.11","4759.0","Hysterical personality disorders","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E215z00","60522.0","Histrionic personality disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E216.00","4515.0","Inadequate personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E216.11","48796.0","Asthenic personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E216.12","21665.0","Dependent personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E216.13","19931.0","Labile personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E217.00","23977.0","Antisocial or sociopathic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E217.11","68042.0","Amoral personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21..00","2076.0","Personality disorders","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21..11","28227.0","Neurotic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21y000","37289.0","Narcissistic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21y100","35642.0","Avoidant personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21y200","18565.0","Borderline personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21y300","35763.0","Passive-aggressive personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21y400","27803.0","Eccentric personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21y500","1364.0","Immature personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21y600","70899.0","Masochistic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21y700","21077.0","Psychoneurotic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21y711","2729.0","Neurotic personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21y.00","25146.0","Other personality disorders","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21yz00","15960.0","Other personality disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21yz11","20033.0","Manipulative personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21z.00","15098.0","Personality disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E21z.11","792.0","Psychopathic personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","E2C3500","94096.0","Isolated explosive disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60000","21338.0","[X]Paranoid personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60013","69000.0","[X]Querulant personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60014","48687.0","[X]Sensitive paranoid personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60100","38371.0","[X]Schizoid personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60200","31632.0","[X]Dissocial personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60211","105029.0","[X]Amoral personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60212","32869.0","[X]Antisocial personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60213","56502.0","[X]Asocial personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60214","21671.0","[X]Psychopathic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60215","45188.0","[X]Sociopathic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60300","7745.0","[X]Emotionally unstable personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60311","20839.0","[X]Aggressive personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60312","31789.0","[X]Borderline personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60313","58693.0","[X]Explosive personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60400","43690.0","[X]Histrionic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60411","27945.0","[X]Hysterical personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60412","69185.0","[X]Psychoinfantile personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60500","52465.0","[X]Anankastic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60511","38100.0","[X]Compulsive personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60512","22259.0","[X]Obsessional personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60513","17420.0","[X]Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60600","8424.0","[X]Anxious [avoidant] personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60700","31819.0","[X]Dependent personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60711","39535.0","[X]Asthenic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60712","38031.0","[X]Inadequate personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60713","33741.0","[X]Passive personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60714","59008.0","[X]Self defeating personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60800","40104.0","[X]Addictive personality","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60.00","50188.0","[X]Specific personality disorders","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60y00","49600.0","[X]Other specific personality disorders","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60y11","55969.0","[X]Eccentric personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60y12","71431.0","[X]Haltlose type personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60y13","49779.0","[X]Immature personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60y14","53335.0","[X]Narcissistic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60y16","50348.0","[X]Psychoneurotic personality disorder","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60z00","42496.0","[X]Personality disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60z11","57567.0","[X]Character neurosis NOS","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu60z12","49721.0","[X]Pathological personality NOS","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","Eu61.00","30603.0","[X]Mixed and other personality disorders","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
+Personality disorders,E210.00,5652.0,Paranoid personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E212000,67130.0,Unspecified schizoid personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E212100,39011.0,Introverted personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E212200,61969.0,Schizotypal personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E212.00,3369.0,Schizoid personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E212z00,14747.0,Schizoid personality disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E213.00,23597.0,Explosive personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E213.11,6339.0,Aggressive personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E213.12,36043.0,Quarrelsome personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E214000,30395.0,Anankastic personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E214100,1293.0,Obsessional personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E214.00,20881.0,Compulsive personality disorders,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E214.11,40057.0,Anancastic personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E214z00,34456.0,Compulsive personality disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E215000,44242.0,Unspecified histrionic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E215200,3709.0,Emotionally unstable personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E215300,67590.0,Psychoinfantile personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E215.00,27481.0,Histrionic personality disorders,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E215.11,4759.0,Hysterical personality disorders,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E215z00,60522.0,Histrionic personality disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E216.00,4515.0,Inadequate personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E216.11,48796.0,Asthenic personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E216.12,21665.0,Dependent personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E216.13,19931.0,Labile personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E217.00,23977.0,Antisocial or sociopathic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E217.11,68042.0,Amoral personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21..00,2076.0,Personality disorders,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21..11,28227.0,Neurotic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21y000,37289.0,Narcissistic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21y100,35642.0,Avoidant personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21y200,18565.0,Borderline personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21y300,35763.0,Passive-aggressive personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21y400,27803.0,Eccentric personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21y500,1364.0,Immature personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21y600,70899.0,Masochistic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21y700,21077.0,Psychoneurotic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21y711,2729.0,Neurotic personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21y.00,25146.0,Other personality disorders,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21yz00,15960.0,Other personality disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21yz11,20033.0,Manipulative personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21z.00,15098.0,Personality disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E21z.11,792.0,Psychopathic personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,E2C3500,94096.0,Isolated explosive disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60000,21338.0,[X]Paranoid personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60013,69000.0,[X]Querulant personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60014,48687.0,[X]Sensitive paranoid personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60100,38371.0,[X]Schizoid personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60200,31632.0,[X]Dissocial personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60211,105029.0,[X]Amoral personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60212,32869.0,[X]Antisocial personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60213,56502.0,[X]Asocial personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60214,21671.0,[X]Psychopathic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60215,45188.0,[X]Sociopathic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60300,7745.0,[X]Emotionally unstable personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60311,20839.0,[X]Aggressive personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60312,31789.0,[X]Borderline personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60313,58693.0,[X]Explosive personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60400,43690.0,[X]Histrionic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60411,27945.0,[X]Hysterical personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60412,69185.0,[X]Psychoinfantile personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60500,52465.0,[X]Anankastic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60511,38100.0,[X]Compulsive personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60512,22259.0,[X]Obsessional personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60513,17420.0,[X]Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60600,8424.0,[X]Anxious [avoidant] personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60700,31819.0,[X]Dependent personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60711,39535.0,[X]Asthenic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60712,38031.0,[X]Inadequate personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60713,33741.0,[X]Passive personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60714,59008.0,[X]Self defeating personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60800,40104.0,[X]Addictive personality,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60.00,50188.0,[X]Specific personality disorders,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60y00,49600.0,[X]Other specific personality disorders,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60y11,55969.0,[X]Eccentric personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60y12,71431.0,[X]Haltlose type personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60y13,49779.0,[X]Immature personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60y14,53335.0,[X]Narcissistic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60y16,50348.0,[X]Psychoneurotic personality disorder,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60z00,42496.0,"[X]Personality disorder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60z11,57567.0,[X]Character neurosis NOS,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu60z12,49721.0,[X]Pathological personality NOS,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,Eu61.00,30603.0,[X]Mixed and other personality disorders,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_PDA.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_PDA.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5539c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_PDA.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Patent ductus arteriosus,7A01000,50019.0,Division of patent ductus arteriosus,Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus
+Patent ductus arteriosus,7A01100,9573.0,Ligation of patent ductus arteriosus,Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus
+Patent ductus arteriosus,7A01200,36668.0,Closure of patent ductus arteriosus NEC,Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus
+Patent ductus arteriosus,7A01300,63163.0,Revision of correction of patent ductus arteriosus,Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus
+Patent ductus arteriosus,7A01.00,21090.0,Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus,Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus
+Patent ductus arteriosus,7A01.11,7342.0,Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA),Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus
+Patent ductus arteriosus,7A01y00,106081.0,Other specified open correction of patent ductus arteriosus,Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus
+Patent ductus arteriosus,7A01z00,2728.0,Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus NOS,Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus
+Patent ductus arteriosus,7A02000,12889.0,Percut transluminal prosth occlusion patent ductus arterios,Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus
+Patent ductus arteriosus,7A02011,19188.0,Percut translum prosth occlus patent ductus arteriosus (PDA),Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus
+Patent ductus arteriosus,P70..00,2727.0,Patent ductus arteriosus,Diagnosis of Patent ductus arteriosus
+Patent ductus arteriosus,P70..11,94257.0,Botalli's patent ductus,Diagnosis of Patent ductus arteriosus
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_PE.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_PE.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27d05f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_PE.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Pulmonary embolism,14AC.00,10280.0,H/O: pulmonary embolus,History of Pulmonary embolism
+Pulmonary embolism,7A09300,45740.0,Open embolectomy of pulmonary artery,Procedure for Pulmonary embolism
+Pulmonary embolism,7A09311,34687.0,Trendelenburg pulmonary embolectomy,Procedure for Pulmonary embolism
+Pulmonary embolism,7A0A100,65459.0,Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of pulmonary artery,Procedure for Pulmonary embolism
+Pulmonary embolism,7A0B000,89238.0,Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy,Procedure for Pulmonary embolism
+Pulmonary embolism,G401000,18121.0,Post operative pulmonary embolus,Diagnosis of Pulmonary embolism
+Pulmonary embolism,G401100,96209.0,Recurrent pulmonary embolism,Diagnosis of Pulmonary embolism
+Pulmonary embolism,G401.00,1266.0,Pulmonary embolism,Diagnosis of Pulmonary embolism
+Pulmonary embolism,G401.12,9701.0,Pulmonary embolus,Diagnosis of Pulmonary embolism
+Pulmonary embolism,ZV12900,16976.0,[V] Personal history of pulmonary embolism,History of Pulmonary embolism
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_PMB.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_PMB.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5dc83c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_PMB.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Postmenopausal bleeding,1583.00,4462.0,H/O: post-menopausal bleeding,History of Postmenopausal bleeding
+Postmenopausal bleeding,K59B.00,46997.0,Postmenopausal postcoital bleeding,Diagnosis of Postmenopausal bleeding
+Postmenopausal bleeding,K5A1.00,1583.0,Postmenopausal bleeding,Diagnosis of Postmenopausal bleeding
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_PMR.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_PMR.csv
index 135ae4a..7b592bc 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_PMR.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_PMR.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Polymyalgia Rheumatica","N200.00","29472.0","Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica","Diagnosis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica"
-"Polymyalgia Rheumatica","N20..00","1408.0","Polymyalgia rheumatica","Diagnosis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica"
-"Polymyalgia Rheumatica","N20..11","3042.0","Polymyalgia","Diagnosis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica"
+Polymyalgia Rheumatica,N200.00,29472.0,Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica,Diagnosis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica
+Polymyalgia Rheumatica,N20..00,1408.0,Polymyalgia rheumatica,Diagnosis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica
+Polymyalgia Rheumatica,N20..11,3042.0,Polymyalgia,Diagnosis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_PSA.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_PSA.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc97252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_PSA.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Psoriatic arthropathy,M160000,26368.0,Psoriasis spondylitica,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
+Psoriatic arthropathy,M160100,32149.0,Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
+Psoriatic arthropathy,M160200,21503.0,Arthritis mutilans,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
+Psoriatic arthropathy,M160.00,476.0,Psoriatic arthropathy,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
+Psoriatic arthropathy,M160.11,96880.0,Psoriatic arthritis,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
+Psoriatic arthropathy,M160z00,12500.0,Psoriatic arthropathy NOS,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
+Psoriatic arthropathy,Nyu1300,59107.0,[X]Other psoriatic arthropathies,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_PTH.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_PTH.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ab1b34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_PTH.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Hyperparathyroidism,C120000,18740.0,Primary hyperparathyroidism,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,C120100,73934.0,Hyperparathyroid bone disease,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,C120111,19457.0,Osteitis fibrosa cystica,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,C120112,73923.0,Von Recklinghausen's bone disease,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,C120200,105537.0,Tertiary hyperparathyroidism,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,C120.00,3559.0,Hyperparathyroidism,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,C120.11,49456.0,Osteitis fibrosa cystica,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,C120.12,4116.0,Von Recklinghausen's bone disease,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,C1z3100,65478.0,Ectopic hyperparathyroidism,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,Cyu4100,53819.0,[X]Other hyperparathyroidism,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,K08y100,17339.0,Secondary hyperparathyroidism,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,N332500,56524.0,Brown tumour of hyperparathyroidism,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_Parkinsons.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_Parkinsons.csv
index 067802c..31b829d 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_Parkinsons.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_Parkinsons.csv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Parkinson's disease","147F.00","101090.0","History of Parkinson's disease","History of Parkinson's disease"
-"Parkinson's disease","Eu02300","9509.0","[X]Dementia in Parkinson's disease","History of Parkinson's disease"
-"Parkinson's disease","F11x900","96860.0","Cerebral degeneration in Parkinson's disease","History of Parkinson's disease"
-"Parkinson's disease","F120.00","1691.0","Paralysis agitans","Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease"
-"Parkinson's disease","F12..00","4321.0","Parkinson's disease","Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease"
-"Parkinson's disease","F12z.00","14912.0","Parkinson's disease NOS","Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease"
+Parkinson's disease,147F.00,101090.0,History of Parkinson's disease,History of Parkinson's disease
+Parkinson's disease,Eu02300,9509.0,[X]Dementia in Parkinson's disease,History of Parkinson's disease
+Parkinson's disease,F11x900,96860.0,Cerebral degeneration in Parkinson's disease,History of Parkinson's disease
+Parkinson's disease,F120.00,1691.0,Paralysis agitans,Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease
+Parkinson's disease,F12..00,4321.0,Parkinson's disease,Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease
+Parkinson's disease,F12z.00,14912.0,Parkinson's disease NOS,Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_PsA.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_PsA.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 181fc14..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_PsA.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","M160000","26368.0","Psoriasis spondylitica","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","M160100","32149.0","Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","M160200","21503.0","Arthritis mutilans","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","M160.00","476.0","Psoriatic arthropathy","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","M160.11","96880.0","Psoriatic arthritis","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","M160z00","12500.0","Psoriatic arthropathy NOS","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","Nyu1300","59107.0","[X]Other psoriatic arthropathies","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_RBBB.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_RBBB.csv
index 3120db6..093331b 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_RBBB.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_RBBB.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Right bundle branch block","3299.00","534.0","ECG: right bundle branch block","Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block"
-"Right bundle branch block","G564.00","9906.0","Right bundle branch block","Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block"
-"Right bundle branch block","G566200","35947.0","Right fascicular block","Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block"
-"Right bundle branch block","G56y400","65653.0","Right fascicular block","Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block"
-"Right bundle branch block","Gyu5W00","97821.0","[X]Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block","Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block"
+Right bundle branch block,3299.00,534.0,ECG: right bundle branch block,Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block
+Right bundle branch block,G564.00,9906.0,Right bundle branch block,Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block
+Right bundle branch block,G566200,35947.0,Right fascicular block,Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block
+Right bundle branch block,G56y400,65653.0,Right fascicular block,Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block
+Right bundle branch block,Gyu5W00,97821.0,[X]Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block,Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_RDN.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_RDN.csv
index 6a565f5..8ecf45d 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_RDN.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_RDN.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Respiratory distress of newborn","Q30..00","2737.0","Respiratory distress syndrome","Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn"
-"Respiratory distress of newborn","Q30..11","3883.0","Hyaline membrane disease","Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn"
-"Respiratory distress of newborn","Q30..12","97418.0","Pulmonary hypoperfusion syndrome of newborn","Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn"
-"Respiratory distress of newborn","Q316.00","3007.0","Newborn transitory tachypnoea","Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn"
-"Respiratory distress of newborn","Q316.11","43218.0","Wet lung syndrome in newborn","Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn"
-"Respiratory distress of newborn","Q31y200","26684.0","Perinatal respiratory distress NOS","Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn"
-"Respiratory distress of newborn","Qyu3000","72704.0","[X]Other respiratory distress of newborn","Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn"
+Respiratory distress of newborn,Q30..00,2737.0,Respiratory distress syndrome,Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn
+Respiratory distress of newborn,Q30..11,3883.0,Hyaline membrane disease,Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn
+Respiratory distress of newborn,Q30..12,97418.0,Pulmonary hypoperfusion syndrome of newborn,Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn
+Respiratory distress of newborn,Q316.00,3007.0,Newborn transitory tachypnoea,Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn
+Respiratory distress of newborn,Q316.11,43218.0,Wet lung syndrome in newborn,Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn
+Respiratory distress of newborn,Q31y200,26684.0,Perinatal respiratory distress NOS,Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn
+Respiratory distress of newborn,Qyu3000,72704.0,[X]Other respiratory distress of newborn,Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_RhA.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_RhA.csv
index 4a6feba..650e425 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_RhA.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_RhA.csv
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","14G1.00","6639.0","H/O: rheumatoid arthritis","History of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","2G25.00","56232.0","O/E - hands - ulnar deviation","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","2G25.11","36678.0","O/E - ulnar deviation","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","2G27.00","33264.0","O/E-hands-rheumatoid spindling","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","66H..13","17412.0","Rheumatoid arthrit. monitoring","History of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","7P20300","102088.0","Delivery of rehabilitation for rheumatoid arthritis","History of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","9mM0.00","107435.0","Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation first letter","History of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","9mM1.00","107575.0","Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation second letter","History of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","9mM2.00","107676.0","Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation third letter","History of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","9mM3.00","107606.0","Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring verbal invitation","History of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","9mM4.00","107797.0","Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring telephone invitation","History of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","9mM..00","107340.0","Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation","History of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","F371200","62401.0","Polyneuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","F396400","31209.0","Myopathy due to rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","G5y8.00","49787.0","Rheumatoid myocarditis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","G5yA.00","43816.0","Rheumatoid carditis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","H570.00","9954.0","Rheumatoid lung","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N362200","21635.0","Swan-neck finger deformity","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040000","44743.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of cervical spine","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040100","44203.0","Other rheumatoid arthritis of spine","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040200","21358.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of shoulder","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040300","107963.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of sternoclavicular joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040400","100914.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of acromioclavicular joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040500","59738.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of elbow","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040600","63365.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of distal radio-ulnar joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040700","48832.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of wrist","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040800","42299.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of MCP joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040900","41941.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of PIP joint of finger","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040A00","63198.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of DIP joint of finger","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040B00","49067.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of hip","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040C00","100776.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of sacro-iliac joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040D00","50863.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of knee","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040E00","107791.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of tibio-fibular joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040F00","51239.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of ankle","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040G00","73619.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of subtalar joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040H00","70658.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of talonavicular joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040J00","71784.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of other tarsal joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040K00","51238.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of 1st MTP joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040L00","99414.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of lesser MTP joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040M00","107112.0","Rheumatoid arthritis of IP joint of toe","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040.00","844.0","Rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040N00","30548.0","Rheumatoid vasculitis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040P00","6916.0","Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040Q00","18155.0","Rheumatoid bursitis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040R00","53621.0","Rheumatoid nodule","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040S00","31054.0","Rheumatoid arthritis - multiple joint","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N040T00","8350.0","Flare of rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N041.00","23552.0","Felty's syndrome","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N042100","46436.0","Rheumatoid lung disease","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N042200","5723.0","Rheumatoid nodule","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N042.00","49227.0","Other rheumatoid arthropathy + visceral/systemic involvement","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N042z00","37431.0","Rheumatoid arthropathy + visceral/systemic involvement NOS","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N047.00","9707.0","Seropositive errosive rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N04..00","27603.0","Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathy","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N04X.00","12019.0","Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N04y000","31724.0","Rheumatoid lung","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N04y011","56838.0","Caplan's syndrome","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N04y012","28853.0","Fibrosing alveolitis associated with rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N04y200","32001.0","Adult-onset Still's disease","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","N005.00","23834.0","Adult Still's Disease","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","Nyu1000","106440.0","[X]Rheumatoid arthritis+involvement/other organs or systems","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","Nyu1100","93715.0","[X]Other seropositive rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","Nyu1200","70221.0","[X]Other specified rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","Nyu1G00","56202.0","[X]Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis unspecified","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,14G1.00,6639.0,H/O: rheumatoid arthritis,History of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,2G25.00,56232.0,O/E - hands - ulnar deviation,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,2G25.11,36678.0,O/E - ulnar deviation,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,2G27.00,33264.0,O/E-hands-rheumatoid spindling,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,66H..13,17412.0,Rheumatoid arthrit. monitoring,History of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,7P20300,102088.0,Delivery of rehabilitation for rheumatoid arthritis,History of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,9mM0.00,107435.0,Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation first letter,History of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,9mM1.00,107575.0,Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation second letter,History of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,9mM2.00,107676.0,Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation third letter,History of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,9mM3.00,107606.0,Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring verbal invitation,History of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,9mM4.00,107797.0,Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring telephone invitation,History of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,9mM..00,107340.0,Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation,History of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,F371200,62401.0,Polyneuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,F396400,31209.0,Myopathy due to rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,G5y8.00,49787.0,Rheumatoid myocarditis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,G5yA.00,43816.0,Rheumatoid carditis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,H570.00,9954.0,Rheumatoid lung,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N362200,21635.0,Swan-neck finger deformity,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040000,44743.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of cervical spine,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040100,44203.0,Other rheumatoid arthritis of spine,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040200,21358.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of shoulder,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040300,107963.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of sternoclavicular joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040400,100914.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of acromioclavicular joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040500,59738.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of elbow,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040600,63365.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of distal radio-ulnar joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040700,48832.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of wrist,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040800,42299.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of MCP joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040900,41941.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of PIP joint of finger,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040A00,63198.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of DIP joint of finger,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040B00,49067.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of hip,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040C00,100776.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of sacro-iliac joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040D00,50863.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of knee,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040E00,107791.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of tibio-fibular joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040F00,51239.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of ankle,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040G00,73619.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of subtalar joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040H00,70658.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of talonavicular joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040J00,71784.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of other tarsal joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040K00,51238.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of 1st MTP joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040L00,99414.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of lesser MTP joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040M00,107112.0,Rheumatoid arthritis of IP joint of toe,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040.00,844.0,Rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040N00,30548.0,Rheumatoid vasculitis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040P00,6916.0,Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040Q00,18155.0,Rheumatoid bursitis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040R00,53621.0,Rheumatoid nodule,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040S00,31054.0,Rheumatoid arthritis - multiple joint,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N040T00,8350.0,Flare of rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N041.00,23552.0,Felty's syndrome,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N042100,46436.0,Rheumatoid lung disease,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N042200,5723.0,Rheumatoid nodule,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N042.00,49227.0,Other rheumatoid arthropathy + visceral/systemic involvement,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N042z00,37431.0,Rheumatoid arthropathy + visceral/systemic involvement NOS,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N047.00,9707.0,Seropositive errosive rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N04..00,27603.0,Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathy,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N04X.00,12019.0,Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N04y000,31724.0,Rheumatoid lung,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N04y011,56838.0,Caplan's syndrome,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N04y012,28853.0,Fibrosing alveolitis associated with rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N04y200,32001.0,Adult-onset Still's disease,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,N005.00,23834.0,Adult Still's Disease,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,Nyu1000,106440.0,[X]Rheumatoid arthritis+involvement/other organs or systems,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,Nyu1100,93715.0,[X]Other seropositive rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,Nyu1200,70221.0,[X]Other specified rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,Nyu1G00,56202.0,[X]Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis unspecified,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_Rh_valve.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_Rh_valve.csv
index 8d92164..84e2b0c 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_Rh_valve.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_Rh_valve.csv
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G110.00","1885.0","Mitral stenosis","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G110.11","32435.0","Rheumatic mitral stenosis","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G111.00","51879.0","Rheumatic mitral insufficiency","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G111.11","21807.0","Mitral incompetence - rheumatic","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G111.12","22837.0","Mitral regurgitation - rheumatic","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G112.00","44488.0","Mitral stenosis with insufficiency","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G112.12","50983.0","Mitral stenosis with incompetence","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G112.13","44328.0","Mitral stenosis with regurgitation","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G11..11","16545.0","Rheumatic mitral valve disease","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G120.00","9391.0","Rheumatic aortic stenosis","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G121.00","32211.0","Rheumatic aortic insufficiency","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G121.11","43347.0","Aortic incompetence - rheumatic","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G121.12","7963.0","Aortic regurgitation - rheumatic","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G122.00","63960.0","Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G12..00","18100.0","Rheumatic aortic valve disease","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G12z.00","50809.0","Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G140000","31505.0","Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G140100","60266.0","Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G140111","21980.0","Tricuspid regurgitation - rheumatic","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G140112","42239.0","Tricuspid incompetence - rheumatic","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G140200","93114.0","Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G14021X","93113.0","Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and regurgitation","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G14021Y","62186.0","Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and incompetence","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G140z00","72613.0","Rheumatic tricuspid valve disease NOS","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G141000","62207.0","Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G141100","54088.0","Rheumatic pulmonary insufficiency","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G141200","105626.0","Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis and insufficiency","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G141.00","44167.0","Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G141z00","36768.0","Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease NOS","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","G14z.11","59275.0","Rheumatic valvulitis, chronic NOS","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","Gyu1100","94521.0","[X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
+Rheumatic valve dz,G110.00,1885.0,Mitral stenosis,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G110.11,32435.0,Rheumatic mitral stenosis,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G111.00,51879.0,Rheumatic mitral insufficiency,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G111.11,21807.0,Mitral incompetence - rheumatic,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G111.12,22837.0,Mitral regurgitation - rheumatic,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G112.00,44488.0,Mitral stenosis with insufficiency,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G112.12,50983.0,Mitral stenosis with incompetence,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G112.13,44328.0,Mitral stenosis with regurgitation,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G11..11,16545.0,Rheumatic mitral valve disease,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G120.00,9391.0,Rheumatic aortic stenosis,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G121.00,32211.0,Rheumatic aortic insufficiency,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G121.11,43347.0,Aortic incompetence - rheumatic,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G121.12,7963.0,Aortic regurgitation - rheumatic,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G122.00,63960.0,Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G12..00,18100.0,Rheumatic aortic valve disease,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G12z.00,50809.0,Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G140000,31505.0,Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G140100,60266.0,Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G140111,21980.0,Tricuspid regurgitation - rheumatic,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G140112,42239.0,Tricuspid incompetence - rheumatic,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G140200,93114.0,Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G14021X,93113.0,Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and regurgitation,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G14021Y,62186.0,Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and incompetence,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G140z00,72613.0,Rheumatic tricuspid valve disease NOS,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G141000,62207.0,Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G141100,54088.0,Rheumatic pulmonary insufficiency,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G141200,105626.0,Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis and insufficiency,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G141.00,44167.0,Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G141z00,36768.0,Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease NOS,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,G14z.11,59275.0,"Rheumatic valvulitis, chronic NOS",Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,Gyu1100,94521.0,[X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_SLE.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_SLE.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0b313d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_SLE.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),F371000,44095.0,Polyneuropathy in disseminated lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),F396100,108072.0,Myopathy due to disseminated lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),F4D3300,94751.0,Eyelid discoid lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),H57y400,31564.0,Lung disease with systemic lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),K01x400,47672.0,Nephrotic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),K01x411,22205.0,Lupus nephritis,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),K0B4000,41148.0,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder in SLE,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),M154000,33449.0,Lupus erythematosus chronicus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),M154100,2667.0,Discoid lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),M154200,40797.0,Lupus erythematosus migrans,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),M154300,65391.0,Lupus erythematosus nodularis,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),M154400,46148.0,Lupus erythematosus profundus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),M154500,44984.0,Lupus erythematosus tumidus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),M154600,63955.0,Lupus erythematosus unguium mutilans,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),M154700,25390.0,Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),M154.00,4125.0,Lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),M154z00,7522.0,Lupus erythematosus NOS,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),Myu7800,100692.0,[X]Other local lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),N000000,20007.0,Disseminated lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),N000100,57675.0,Libman-Sacks disease,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),N000200,36942.0,Drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),N000300,29519.0,Systemic lupus erythematosus with organ or sys involv,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),N000400,11920.0,Systemic lupus erythematosus with pericarditis,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),N000600,101433.0,Cerebral lupus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),N000.00,7871.0,Systemic lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),N000z00,42719.0,Systemic lupus erythematosus NOS,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),Nyu4300,58706.0,[X]Other forms of systemic lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),ZRq8.00,51798.0,Systemic lupus activity measure,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),ZRq8.11,106086.0,SLAM - Systemic lupus activity measure,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),ZRq9.00,45726.0,Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),ZRq9.11,63283.0,SLEDAI-Sys lup ery dis act ind,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_SVT.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_SVT.csv
index fc480d1..8e436f6 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_SVT.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_SVT.csv
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Supraventricular tachycardia","14AQ.00","12375.0","History of supraventricular tachycardia","History of Supraventricular tachycardia"
-"Supraventricular tachycardia","3274.00","18357.0","ECG: paroxysmal atrial tachy.","1.0"
-"Supraventricular tachycardia","G570000","1297.0","Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia","1.0"
-"Supraventricular tachycardia","G570100","23647.0","Paroxysmal atrioventricular tachycardia","1.0"
-"Supraventricular tachycardia","G570200","51845.0","Paroxysmal junctional tachycardia","1.0"
-"Supraventricular tachycardia","G570300","29491.0","Paroxysmal nodal tachycardia","1.0"
-"Supraventricular tachycardia","G570.00","4940.0","Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia","Diagnosis of Supraventricular tachycardia"
-"Supraventricular tachycardia","G570z00","35124.0","Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia NOS","Diagnosis of Supraventricular tachycardia"
-"Supraventricular tachycardia","G57y900","1536.0","Supraventricular tachycardia NOS","Diagnosis of Supraventricular tachycardia"
+Supraventricular tachycardia,14AQ.00,12375.0,History of supraventricular tachycardia,History of Supraventricular tachycardia
+Supraventricular tachycardia,3274.00,18357.0,ECG: paroxysmal atrial tachy.,1.0
+Supraventricular tachycardia,G570000,1297.0,Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia,1.0
+Supraventricular tachycardia,G570100,23647.0,Paroxysmal atrioventricular tachycardia,1.0
+Supraventricular tachycardia,G570200,51845.0,Paroxysmal junctional tachycardia,1.0
+Supraventricular tachycardia,G570300,29491.0,Paroxysmal nodal tachycardia,1.0
+Supraventricular tachycardia,G570.00,4940.0,Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia,Diagnosis of Supraventricular tachycardia
+Supraventricular tachycardia,G570z00,35124.0,Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia NOS,Diagnosis of Supraventricular tachycardia
+Supraventricular tachycardia,G57y900,1536.0,Supraventricular tachycardia NOS,Diagnosis of Supraventricular tachycardia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_Stroke_NOS.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_Stroke_NOS.csv
index 164524c..e1d3cfd 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_Stroke_NOS.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_Stroke_NOS.csv
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Stroke NOS","14A7.00","34135.0","H/O: CVA/stroke","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","14A7.11","6305.0","H/O: CVA","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","14A7.12","5871.0","H/O: stroke","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","14AK.00","66873.0","H/O: Stroke in last year","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","1M4..00","100639.0","Central post-stroke pain","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","661M700","107195.0","Stroke self-management plan agreed","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","661N700","109743.0","Stroke self-management plan review","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","662e.00","18686.0","Stroke/CVA annual review","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","662e.11","107886.0","Stroke annual review","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","662M100","105100.0","Stroke 6 month review","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","662M200","104505.0","Stroke initial post discharge review","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","662M.00","10792.0","Stroke monitoring","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","7P24200","55351.0","Delivery of rehabilitation for stroke","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","8HHM.00","56458.0","Ref to multidisciplinary stroke function improvement service","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","8IEC.00","104638.0","Ref multidisciplinary stroke function improvement declined","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","9h21.00","11039.0","Excepted from stroke quality indicators: Patient unsuitable","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","9h22.00","11074.0","Excepted from stroke quality indicators: Informed dissent","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","9h2..00","10962.0","Exception reporting: stroke quality indicators","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","Fyu5600","93459.0","[X]Other lacunar syndromes","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","G663.00","8443.0","Brain stem stroke syndrome","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","G664.00","17322.0","Cerebellar stroke syndrome","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","G665.00","33499.0","Pure motor lacunar syndrome","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","G666.00","51767.0","Pure sensory lacunar syndrome","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","G667.00","7780.0","Left sided CVA","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","G668.00","12833.0","Right sided CVA","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","G66..00","1469.0","Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","G66..11","1298.0","CVA unspecified","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","G66..12","6253.0","Stroke unspecified","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","G66..13","6116.0","CVA - Cerebrovascular accident unspecified","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","G68X.00","6228.0","Sequelae of stroke,not specfd as h'morrhage or infarction","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","Gyu6C00","110337.0","[X]Sequelae of stroke,not specfd as h'morrhage or infarction","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","L440.11","47607.0","CVA - cerebrovascular accident in the puerperium","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","L440.12","56279.0","Stroke in the puerperium","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","ZV12511","19348.0","[V]Personal history of stroke","History of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke NOS","ZV12512","7138.0","[V]Personal history of cerebrovascular accident (CVA)","History of Stroke NOS"
+Stroke NOS,14A7.00,34135.0,H/O: CVA/stroke,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,14A7.11,6305.0,H/O: CVA,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,14A7.12,5871.0,H/O: stroke,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,14AK.00,66873.0,H/O: Stroke in last year,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,1M4..00,100639.0,Central post-stroke pain,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,661M700,107195.0,Stroke self-management plan agreed,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,661N700,109743.0,Stroke self-management plan review,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,662e.00,18686.0,Stroke/CVA annual review,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,662e.11,107886.0,Stroke annual review,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,662M100,105100.0,Stroke 6 month review,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,662M200,104505.0,Stroke initial post discharge review,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,662M.00,10792.0,Stroke monitoring,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,7P24200,55351.0,Delivery of rehabilitation for stroke,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,8HHM.00,56458.0,Ref to multidisciplinary stroke function improvement service,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,8IEC.00,104638.0,Ref multidisciplinary stroke function improvement declined,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,9h21.00,11039.0,Excepted from stroke quality indicators: Patient unsuitable,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,9h22.00,11074.0,Excepted from stroke quality indicators: Informed dissent,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,9h2..00,10962.0,Exception reporting: stroke quality indicators,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,Fyu5600,93459.0,[X]Other lacunar syndromes,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G663.00,8443.0,Brain stem stroke syndrome,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G664.00,17322.0,Cerebellar stroke syndrome,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G665.00,33499.0,Pure motor lacunar syndrome,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G666.00,51767.0,Pure sensory lacunar syndrome,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G667.00,7780.0,Left sided CVA,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G668.00,12833.0,Right sided CVA,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G66..00,1469.0,Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G66..11,1298.0,CVA unspecified,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G66..12,6253.0,Stroke unspecified,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G66..13,6116.0,CVA - Cerebrovascular accident unspecified,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G68X.00,6228.0,"Sequelae of stroke,not specfd as h'morrhage or infarction",History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,Gyu6C00,110337.0,"[X]Sequelae of stroke,not specfd as h'morrhage or infarction",History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,L440.11,47607.0,CVA - cerebrovascular accident in the puerperium,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,L440.12,56279.0,Stroke in the puerperium,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,ZV12511,19348.0,[V]Personal history of stroke,History of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,ZV12512,7138.0,[V]Personal history of cerebrovascular accident (CVA),History of Stroke NOS
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_Subarach.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_Subarach.csv
index d7ce386..d3e1872 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_Subarach.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_Subarach.csv
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","G600.00","29939.0","Ruptured berry aneurysm","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","G601.00","56007.0","Subarachnoid haemorrhage from carotid siphon and bifurcation","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","G602.00","19412.0","Subarachnoid haemorrhage from middle cerebral artery","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","G603.00","42331.0","Subarachnoid haemorrhage from anterior communicating artery","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","G604.00","9696.0","Subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior communicating artery","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","G605.00","41910.0","Subarachnoid haemorrhage from basilar artery","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","G606.00","60692.0","Subarachnoid haemorrhage from vertebral artery","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","G60..00","1786.0","Subarachnoid haemorrhage","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","G60X.00","17326.0","Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","G60z.00","23580.0","Subarachnoid haemorrhage NOS","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","G680.00","44740.0","Sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage","History of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","Gyu6000","108668.0","[X]Subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteries","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","Gyu6100","65745.0","[X]Other subarachnoid haemorrhage","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","Gyu6E00","108630.0","[X]Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,G600.00,29939.0,Ruptured berry aneurysm,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,G601.00,56007.0,Subarachnoid haemorrhage from carotid siphon and bifurcation,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,G602.00,19412.0,Subarachnoid haemorrhage from middle cerebral artery,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,G603.00,42331.0,Subarachnoid haemorrhage from anterior communicating artery,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,G604.00,9696.0,Subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior communicating artery,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,G605.00,41910.0,Subarachnoid haemorrhage from basilar artery,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,G606.00,60692.0,Subarachnoid haemorrhage from vertebral artery,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,G60..00,1786.0,Subarachnoid haemorrhage,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,G60X.00,17326.0,"Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif",Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,G60z.00,23580.0,Subarachnoid haemorrhage NOS,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,G680.00,44740.0,Sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage,History of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,Gyu6000,108668.0,[X]Subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteries,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,Gyu6100,65745.0,[X]Other subarachnoid haemorrhage,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,Gyu6E00,108630.0,"[X]Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif",Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_TB.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_TB.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53e499c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_TB.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+Tuberculosis,1411.00,5319.0,H/O: tuberculosis,History of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,14P9.00,100469.0,History of tuberculosis drug therapy,History of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,65V9.00,32180.0,Notification of tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,65V9.11,16582.0,TB - tuberculosis notification,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,65Y1.00,47016.0,On tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,65Y2.00,91666.0,Streptomycin resistant tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,65Y5.00,102673.0,Isoniazid resistant tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,65Y8.00,97525.0,Ciprofloxacin resistant tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,65Y9.00,96477.0,Inactive tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,65Y9.11,95913.0,Latent tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,8BAD100,4247.0,TB chemotherapy,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A100.00,16265.0,Primary tuberculous complex,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A101.00,46272.0,Tuberculous pleurisy in primary progressive tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A10..00,22011.0,Primary tuberculous infection,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A10y.00,42630.0,Other primary progressive tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A10z.00,37694.0,Primary tuberculous infection NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A110.00,53701.0,Infiltrative lung tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A111.00,48580.0,Nodular lung tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A112.00,16331.0,Tuberculosis of lung with cavitation,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A113.00,62468.0,Tuberculosis of bronchus,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A114.00,16741.0,Tuberculous fibrosis of lung,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A115.00,15693.0,Tuberculous bronchiectasis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A116.00,9953.0,Tuberculous pneumonia,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A117.00,66441.0,Tuberculous pneumothorax,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A11..00,635.0,Pulmonary tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A11..11,47336.0,Lung tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A11y.00,18950.0,Other specified pulmonary tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A11z.00,38110.0,Pulmonary tuberculosis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A120000,37834.0,Tuberculosis of pleura,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A120100,39512.0,Tuberculous empyema,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A120200,14913.0,Tuberculous hydrothorax,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A120.00,23472.0,Tuberculous pleurisy,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A120z00,56890.0,Tuberculous pleurisy NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A121000,5145.0,Tuberculosis of hilar lymph nodes,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A121100,44129.0,Tuberculosis of mediastinal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A121200,49503.0,Tuberculosis of tracheobronchial lymph nodes,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A121.00,58827.0,Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A121z00,46926.0,Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A122000,93015.0,Isolated tracheal tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A122100,93948.0,Isolated bronchial tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A122.00,69260.0,Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A122z00,53473.0,Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A123.00,20333.0,Tuberculous laryngitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A124000,24413.0,TB lung confirm sputum microscopy with or without culture,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A124100,93071.0,"Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A124200,62530.0,"Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A124300,58588.0,"Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by unspecified means",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A124400,44655.0,TB intrathoracic lymph nodes confirm bact histologically,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A124500,44039.0,"Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea & bronchus conf bact/hist'y",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A124600,35443.0,"Tuberculous pleurisy, conf bacteriologically/histologically",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A124700,24517.0,Primary respiratory TB confirm bact and histologically,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A124.00,31670.0,Resp TB bacteriologically and histologically confirmed,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A125000,47832.0,"Tuberculosis of lung, bacteriologically & histolog'y neg",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A125100,41051.0,Tuberculosis lung bact and histological examin not done,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A125200,40605.0,Prim respiratory TB without mention of bact or hist confirm,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A125.00,7133.0,Respiratory TB not confirmed bact or histologically,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A125X00,69471.0,"Resp TB unspcf,w'out mention/bacterial or histol confrmtn",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A12..00,63959.0,Other respiratory tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A12y000,37598.0,Tuberculosis of mediastinum,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A12y100,72402.0,Tuberculosis of nasopharynx,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A12y200,97658.0,Tuberculosis of nasal septum,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A12y300,45861.0,Tuberculosis of nasal sinus,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A12y.00,50902.0,Other specified respiratory tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A12yz00,50147.0,Other specified respiratory tuberculosis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A130000,54840.0,Tuberculosis of cerebral meninges,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A130100,46802.0,Tuberculosis of spinal meninges,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A130300,43791.0,Tuberculous meningoencephalitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A130.00,11975.0,Tuberculous meningitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A130z00,69322.0,Tuberculous meningitis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A131.00,57417.0,Tuberculoma of meninges,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A132.00,52199.0,Tuberculoma of brain,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A133.00,57398.0,Tuberculous abscess of brain,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A134.00,46039.0,Tuberculoma of spinal cord,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A135.00,46044.0,Tuberculous abscess of spinal cord,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A136000,93360.0,Tuberculous encephalitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A136100,31680.0,Tuberculous myelitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A136.00,59202.0,Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A136z00,72072.0,Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A13..00,41208.0,Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A13y.00,41383.0,Other specified tuberculosis of central nervous system,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A13z.00,70140.0,Tuberculosis of central nervous system NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A140.00,31409.0,Tuberculous peritonitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A14..00,2193.0,"Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A14y100,39279.0,Tuberculosis of large intestine,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A14y200,31436.0,Tuberculosis of small intestine,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A14y300,29482.0,Tuberculosis of mesenteric lymph glands,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A14y400,59087.0,Tuberculosis of rectum,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A14y500,49433.0,Tuberculosis of retroperitoneal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A14y.00,54570.0,Other gastrointestinal tract tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A14yz00,33372.0,Other gastrointestinal tract tuberculosis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A14z.00,54579.0,Tuberculosis of gastrointestinal tract NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A150.00,3273.0,Tuberculosis of vertebral column - Pott's,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A151.00,2208.0,Tuberculosis of hip,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A152.00,23451.0,Tuberculosis of knee,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A153.00,4907.0,Tuberculosis limb bones - Tuberculous dactylitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A154.00,17153.0,Tuberculous mastoiditis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A15..00,3596.0,Tuberculosis of bones and joints,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A15..11,22572.0,Tuberculous osteomylelytis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A15..12,24626.0,Tuberculous arthritis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A15..13,45318.0,Tuberculous synovitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A15x.00,37886.0,Tuberculosis of other specified bones,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A15y.00,42201.0,Tuberculosis of other specified joint,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A15z.00,44128.0,Tuberculosis of bones or joints NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A160000,52272.0,Tuberculous nephropathy,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A160100,50837.0,Tuberculous pyelitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A160200,49235.0,Tuberculous pyelonephritis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A160.00,3303.0,Tuberculosis of kidney,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A160.11,23940.0,Renal tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A160z00,67292.0,Tuberculosis of kidney NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A161.00,3830.0,Tuberculosis of bladder,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A162.00,53548.0,Tuberculosis of ureter,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A163.00,34657.0,Tuberculosis of other urinary organs,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A164.00,27399.0,Tuberculosis of epididymis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A165000,60040.0,Tuberculosis of prostate,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A165100,49481.0,Tuberculosis seminal vesicle,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A165200,30945.0,Tuberculosis of testis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A165.00,68821.0,Tuberculosis of other male genital organs,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A165z00,69154.0,Tuberculosis of other male genital organs NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A166000,72743.0,Tuberculous oophoritis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A166100,38920.0,Tuberculous salpingitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A166111,31349.0,Fallopian tube tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A166.00,57466.0,Tuberculous oophoritis or salpingitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A166z00,63796.0,Tuberculous oophoritis or salpingitis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A167000,49112.0,Tuberculous cervicitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A167100,12448.0,Tuberculous endometritis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A167.00,66584.0,Tuberculosis of other female genital organs,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A167z00,68973.0,Tuberculosis of other female genital organs NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A168.00,50489.0,Tuberculosis of urinary tract,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A16..00,37422.0,Tuberculosis of genitourinary system,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A16z.00,50261.0,Genitourinary tuberculosis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A170000,67637.0,Tuberculosis - lupus exedens,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A170100,16367.0,Tuberculosis - lupus vulgaris,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A170200,47430.0,Tuberculosis - scrofuloderma,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A170300,37492.0,Tuberculosis - lupus NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A170500,63351.0,Tuberculosis cutis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A170600,4621.0,Tuberculosis lichenoides,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A170700,62033.0,Tuberculosis papulonecrotica,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A170800,31445.0,Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A170.00,47881.0,Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A170.11,46675.0,Lupus - tuberculous,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A170z00,30687.0,Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A171000,23962.0,Bazin's disease - erythema induratum - TB hypersensitivity,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A171100,34640.0,Tuberculous erythema nodosum,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A171.00,44573.0,Tuberculosis with erythema nodosum hypersensitivity reaction,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A171z00,56833.0,Erythema nodosum with tuberculosis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A172000,3720.0,Tuberculous - cervical lymphadenitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A172011,40522.0,Scrofula - tuberculous cervical lymph nodes,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A172100,51110.0,Scrofulous tuberculous abscess,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A172200,5101.0,Tuberculous adenitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A172.00,4256.0,Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A172z00,26344.0,Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A173000,37329.0,Tuberculous chorioretinitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A173100,19652.0,Tuberculous episcleritis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A173200,55629.0,Tuberculous interstitial keratitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A173300,38342.0,Tuberculous chronic iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A173400,30358.0,Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A173.00,43976.0,Tuberculosis of eye,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A173z00,70491.0,Tuberculosis of eye NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A174.00,58673.0,Tuberculosis of ear,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A175.00,73590.0,Tuberculosis of thyroid gland,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A176.00,35760.0,Tuberculosis of adrenal glands - Addison's disease,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A177.00,66976.0,Tuberculosis spleen,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A178.00,56670.0,Tuberculosis oesophagus,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A17..00,55835.0,Tuberculosis of other organs,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A17y000,96668.0,Tuberculosis endocardium,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A17y100,50869.0,Tuberculosis myocardium,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A17y200,40231.0,Tuberculosis pericardium,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A17y300,46019.0,Tuberculosis of stomach,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A17y400,46147.0,Tuberculosis of liver,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A17y.00,46727.0,Tuberculosis of other specified organs,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A17yz00,46383.0,Tuberculosis of other specified organs NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A17z.00,45932.0,Tuberculosis of other organs NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A180000,31844.0,Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A180100,42479.0,Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A180.00,72008.0,Acute miliary tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A18..00,16414.0,Miliary tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A18y.00,32459.0,Other specified miliary tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A18z.00,53331.0,Miliary tuberculosis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A1...00,1840.0,Tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A1y..00,34430.0,Other specified tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A1z..00,15158.0,Tuberculosis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,AE00.00,65464.0,Late effects of respiratory tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,AE01.00,73273.0,Late effects of central nervous system tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,AE02.00,40990.0,Late effects of genitourinary system tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,AE03.00,73549.0,Late effects of tuberculosis of bones and joints,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,AE04.00,70911.0,Late effects of tuberculosis of other specified organs,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,AE0..00,29395.0,Late effects of tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,AE0z.00,61442.0,Late effects of tuberculosis NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,Ayu1000,73185.0,"[X]Other resp tubercul,confirmd bacteriologicly+histologicly",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,Ayu1100,73225.0,"[X]Resp tuberculos unspcfd,confirmd bacteriolog+histologicly",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,Ayu1300,55298.0,"[X]Resp TB unspcf,w'out mention/bacterial or histol confrmtn",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,Ayu1400,106837.0,[X]Other tuberculosis of nervous system,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,Ayu1600,72680.0,[X]Tuberculosis of other specified organs,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,Ayu1800,106521.0,[X]Other miliary tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,Ayu1900,97922.0,"[X]Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,Ayu1.00,73149.0,[X]Tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,AyuJ200,106978.0,[X]Sequelae of tuberculosis of bones and joints,History of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,AyuJ400,93768.0,[X]Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis,History of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,F004.00,11976.0,Meningitis - tuberculous,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,F033300,99925.0,Encephalitis due to tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,F033311,97778.0,Tuberculous encephalitis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,F040600,54908.0,Tuberculous intracranial abscess,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,F041300,105288.0,Tuberculous intraspinal abscess,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,F4A5500,94249.0,Keratitis due to tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,G500300,57126.0,Acute pericarditis - tuberculous,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,G500311,16996.0,TB - acute pericarditis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,G520600,91847.0,Acute myocarditis - tuberculous,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,H450.00,63172.0,Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis,History of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,J550200,32899.0,Peritonitis - tuberculous,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,K154800,56771.0,Cystitis in tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,K214300,109312.0,Prostatitis in tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,K43..00,27611.0,Female tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N018.00,97588.0,Tuberculous arthritis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N304000,70293.0,Tuberculosis of cervical spine,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N304100,67337.0,Tuberculosis of thoracic spine,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N304200,65994.0,Tuberculosis of lumbar spine,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N304300,97325.0,Tuberculosis of sacrum/coccyx,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N304.00,43370.0,Tuberculosis of spine (Pott's),Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N304.11,6553.0,Tuberculosis of spine,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N305000,99914.0,Tuberculosis of unspecified limb bone,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N305100,62963.0,Tuberculosis of the upper arm bone,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N305200,68154.0,Tuberculosis of the forearm bone,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N305300,59916.0,Tuberculosis of the pelvic and thigh bones,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N305400,57587.0,Tuberculosis of the lower leg bone,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N305500,95332.0,Tuberculosis of other limb bones,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N305.00,24372.0,Tuberculosis of limb bones,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N306000,99305.0,"Tuberculosis of bone, site unspecified",Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N306100,53864.0,Tuberculosis of the bones of the shoulder region,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N306200,99783.0,Tuberculosis of the bones of the hand,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N306300,67601.0,Tuberculosis of the bones of the ankle and foot,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N306400,71138.0,Tuberculosis of the bones of other sites,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N306500,99593.0,Tuberculosis of the bones of multiple sites,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N306.00,12338.0,Tuberculosis of other bones,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N306z00,70862.0,Tuberculosis of bone NOS,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,Q402400,55957.0,Congenital tuberculosis,Diagnosis of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,ZV12A00,18206.0,[V] Personal history of pulmonary tuberculosis,History of tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,ZV12B00,9158.0,[V] Personal history of tuberculosis,History of tuberculosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_TIA.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_TIA.csv
index d5aef5d..113f319 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_TIA.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_TIA.csv
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","14AB000","105202.0","H/O amaurosis fugax","History of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","14AB.00","13567.0","H/O: TIA","History of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","1B1S.00","28278.0","Transient global amnesia","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","8CRB.00","100015.0","Transient ischaemic attack clinical management plan","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","F423600","1195.0","Amaurosis fugax","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","Fyu5500","63746.0","[X]Other transnt cerebral ischaemic attacks+related syndroms","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","G650.11","5268.0","Insufficiency - basilar artery","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","G655.00","6489.0","Transient global amnesia","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","G656.00","10794.0","Vertebrobasilar insufficiency","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","G657.00","105738.0","Carotid territory transient ischaemic attack","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","G65..00","504.0","Transient cerebral ischaemia","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","G65..12","1433.0","Transient ischaemic attack","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","G65..13","2417.0","Vertebro-basilar insufficiency","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","G65y.00","19354.0","Other transient cerebral ischaemia","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","G65z100","16507.0","Intermittent cerebral ischaemia","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","G65z.00","1895.0","Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","G65zz00","15788.0","Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","Z7CE700","18996.0","Transient global amnesia","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","Z7CE711","19004.0","TGA - Transient global amnesia","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient ischaemic attack","ZV12D00","101251.0","[V]Personal history of transient ischaemic attack","History of TIA"
+Transient ischaemic attack,14AB000,105202.0,H/O amaurosis fugax,History of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,14AB.00,13567.0,H/O: TIA,History of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,1B1S.00,28278.0,Transient global amnesia,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,8CRB.00,100015.0,Transient ischaemic attack clinical management plan,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,F423600,1195.0,Amaurosis fugax,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,Fyu5500,63746.0,[X]Other transnt cerebral ischaemic attacks+related syndroms,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G650.11,5268.0,Insufficiency - basilar artery,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G655.00,6489.0,Transient global amnesia,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G656.00,10794.0,Vertebrobasilar insufficiency,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G657.00,105738.0,Carotid territory transient ischaemic attack,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G65..00,504.0,Transient cerebral ischaemia,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G65..12,1433.0,Transient ischaemic attack,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G65..13,2417.0,Vertebro-basilar insufficiency,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G65y.00,19354.0,Other transient cerebral ischaemia,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G65z100,16507.0,Intermittent cerebral ischaemia,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G65z.00,1895.0,Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G65zz00,15788.0,Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,Z7CE700,18996.0,Transient global amnesia,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,Z7CE711,19004.0,TGA - Transient global amnesia,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,ZV12D00,101251.0,[V]Personal history of transient ischaemic attack,History of TIA
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_TIN.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_TIN.csv
index 44b715a..7ef5f3f 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_TIN.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_TIN.csv
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K03T.00","23990.0","Tubulo-interstit nephritis, not specif as acute or chron","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K03y200","34669.0","Other interstitial nephritis","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0B1.00","64622.0","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder/ neoplastic diseases","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0B2.00","45904.0","Ren tub-interst disordr/blood dis+disordr inv immune mech","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0B4000","41148.0","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder in SLE","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0B4.00","67261.0","Ren tub-interstitl disordr/systemc connectv tiss disorder","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0B5.00","48057.0","Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs in transplant rejectn","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0B..00","45523.0","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in diseases EC","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0C0.00","8607.0","Analgesic nephropathy","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0C1.00","41159.0","Nephropathy induced by other drugs meds and biologl substncs","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0C2.00","57784.0","Nephropathy induced by unspec drug medicament or biol subs","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0C4.00","50893.0","Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0C5.00","104532.0","Acute drug-induced interstitial nephritis","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0C6.00","105680.0","Chronic lithium nephrotoxicity","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","K0C..00","24736.0","Drug/heavy-metal-induced tubulo-interstitial and tub conditn","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","Kyu1000","101453.0","[X]Other chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","Kyu1400","72478.0","[X]Nephropathy induced by other drugs+biological substances","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","Kyu1E00","103757.0","[X]Tubulo-interstit nephritis, not specif as acute or chron","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","Kyu1.00","94842.0","[X]Renal tubulo-interstitial diseases","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K03T.00,23990.0,"Tubulo-interstit nephritis, not specif as acute or chron",Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K03y200,34669.0,Other interstitial nephritis,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0B1.00,64622.0,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder/ neoplastic diseases,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0B2.00,45904.0,Ren tub-interst disordr/blood dis+disordr inv immune mech,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0B4000,41148.0,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder in SLE,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0B4.00,67261.0,Ren tub-interstitl disordr/systemc connectv tiss disorder,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0B5.00,48057.0,Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs in transplant rejectn,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0B..00,45523.0,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in diseases EC,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0C0.00,8607.0,Analgesic nephropathy,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0C1.00,41159.0,Nephropathy induced by other drugs meds and biologl substncs,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0C2.00,57784.0,Nephropathy induced by unspec drug medicament or biol subs,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0C4.00,50893.0,"Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0C5.00,104532.0,Acute drug-induced interstitial nephritis,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0C6.00,105680.0,Chronic lithium nephrotoxicity,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,K0C..00,24736.0,Drug/heavy-metal-induced tubulo-interstitial and tub conditn,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,Kyu1000,101453.0,[X]Other chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,Kyu1400,72478.0,[X]Nephropathy induced by other drugs+biological substances,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,Kyu1E00,103757.0,"[X]Tubulo-interstit nephritis, not specif as acute or chron",Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,Kyu1.00,94842.0,[X]Renal tubulo-interstitial diseases,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_VT.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_VT.csv
index e87ecfd..96fd98a 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_VT.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_VT.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Ventricular tachycardia","14AP.00","30712.0","History of ventricular tachycardia","History of Ventricular tachycardia"
-"Ventricular tachycardia","3282.00","4924.0","ECG: ventricular tachycardia","Diagnosis of Ventricular tachycardia"
-"Ventricular tachycardia","G571.00","3418.0","Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia","Diagnosis of Ventricular tachycardia"
-"Ventricular tachycardia","G571.11","7794.0","Ventricular tachycardia","Diagnosis of Ventricular tachycardia"
+Ventricular tachycardia,14AP.00,30712.0,History of ventricular tachycardia,History of Ventricular tachycardia
+Ventricular tachycardia,3282.00,4924.0,ECG: ventricular tachycardia,Diagnosis of Ventricular tachycardia
+Ventricular tachycardia,G571.00,3418.0,Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia,Diagnosis of Ventricular tachycardia
+Ventricular tachycardia,G571.11,7794.0,Ventricular tachycardia,Diagnosis of Ventricular tachycardia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_acne.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_acne.csv
index f93a715..41f2579 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_acne.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_acne.csv
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Acne","2FG5.00","17895.0","Acne scar","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M260000","10183.0","Acne frontalis","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M260.00","48105.0","Acne varioliformis","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M260z00","54566.0","Acne varioliformis NOS","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M260z11","20164.0","Acne necrotica","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261000","379.0","Acne vulgaris","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261011","8065.0","Blackhead","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261012","15609.0","Comedo","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261100","9008.0","Acne conglobata","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261200","107861.0","Bromine acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261300","55983.0","Chlorine acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261400","67453.0","Iodine acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261500","72243.0","Colloid acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261600","1654.0","Cystic acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261900","31828.0","Occupational acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261A00","4360.0","Pustular acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261B00","32041.0","Steroid acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261C00","21182.0","Tropical acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261F00","53994.0","Acne fulminans","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261G00","43811.0","Acne agminata","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261J00","34937.0","Acne necrotica","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261.00","4065.0","Other acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261X00","25590.0","Acne, unspecified","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M261z00","15655.0","Other acne NOS","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","M26y200","9058.0","Giant comedo","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","Myu6800","52909.0","[X]Other acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","Myu6F00","33367.0","[X]Acne, unspecified","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","N25..00","25737.0","SAPHO syndrome Synov, Acne, Pustul, Hyperost, Osteomyelitis","Diagnosis of Acne"
+Acne,2FG5.00,17895.0,Acne scar,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M260000,10183.0,Acne frontalis,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M260.00,48105.0,Acne varioliformis,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M260z00,54566.0,Acne varioliformis NOS,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M260z11,20164.0,Acne necrotica,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261000,379.0,Acne vulgaris,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261011,8065.0,Blackhead,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261012,15609.0,Comedo,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261100,9008.0,Acne conglobata,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261200,107861.0,Bromine acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261300,55983.0,Chlorine acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261400,67453.0,Iodine acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261500,72243.0,Colloid acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261600,1654.0,Cystic acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261900,31828.0,Occupational acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261A00,4360.0,Pustular acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261B00,32041.0,Steroid acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261C00,21182.0,Tropical acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261F00,53994.0,Acne fulminans,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261G00,43811.0,Acne agminata,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261J00,34937.0,Acne necrotica,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261.00,4065.0,Other acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261X00,25590.0,"Acne, unspecified",Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M261z00,15655.0,Other acne NOS,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,M26y200,9058.0,Giant comedo,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,Myu6800,52909.0,[X]Other acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,Myu6F00,33367.0,"[X]Acne, unspecified",Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,N25..00,25737.0,"SAPHO syndrome Synov, Acne, Pustul, Hyperost, Osteomyelitis",Diagnosis of Acne
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_act_keratosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_act_keratosis.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 70e7d23..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_act_keratosis.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Actinic keratosis","7G09800","99478.0","Cryotherapy to actinic keratosis","Diagnosis of Actinic keratosis"
-"Actinic keratosis","M222.00","20567.0","Senile keratoma","Diagnosis of Actinic keratosis"
-"Actinic keratosis","M226.00","1118.0","Solar keratosis","Diagnosis of Actinic keratosis"
-"Actinic keratosis","M226.11","2368.0","Actinic keratosis","Diagnosis of Actinic keratosis"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_actinic_keratosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_actinic_keratosis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14a9b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_actinic_keratosis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Actinic keratosis,7G09800,99478.0,Cryotherapy to actinic keratosis,Diagnosis of Actinic keratosis
+Actinic keratosis,M222.00,20567.0,Senile keratoma,Diagnosis of Actinic keratosis
+Actinic keratosis,M226.00,1118.0,Solar keratosis,Diagnosis of Actinic keratosis
+Actinic keratosis,M226.11,2368.0,Actinic keratosis,Diagnosis of Actinic keratosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_agranulocytosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_agranulocytosis.csv
index 4d9a0c2..76f6efa 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_agranulocytosis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_agranulocytosis.csv
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Agranulocytosis","42H2.00","26325.0","Leucopenia - low white count","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","42H2.11","1955.0","Leucopenia","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","42H4.00","21258.0","Agranulocytosis","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","42J2.00","4463.0","Neutropenia","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400000","63204.0","Idiopathic agranulocytosis","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400011","18054.0","Idiopathic neutropenia","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400100","96380.0","Primary splenic neutropenia","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400200","54000.0","Agranulocytosis - drug induced","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400211","35719.0","Neutropenia - drug induced","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400312","40310.0","Neutropenia due to irradiation","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400400","50375.0","Agranulocytosis due to infection","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400411","17705.0","Neutropenia due to infection","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400600","30008.0","Drug-induced neutropenia","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400800","49346.0","Acquired neutropenia NEC","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400811","65903.0","Acquired agranulocytosis NEC","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400900","32141.0","Cyclical neutropenia","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400A00","3372.0","Leucopenia","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400.00","4818.0","Agranulocytosis","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400.11","70337.0","Kostmann's syndrome","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400.12","2071.0","Neutropenia","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400y00","64300.0","Other specified agranulocytosis","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
-"Agranulocytosis","D400z00","63055.0","Agranulocytosis NOS","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
+Agranulocytosis,42H2.00,26325.0,Leucopenia - low white count,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,42H2.11,1955.0,Leucopenia,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,42H4.00,21258.0,Agranulocytosis,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,42J2.00,4463.0,Neutropenia,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400000,63204.0,Idiopathic agranulocytosis,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400011,18054.0,Idiopathic neutropenia,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400100,96380.0,Primary splenic neutropenia,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400200,54000.0,Agranulocytosis - drug induced,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400211,35719.0,Neutropenia - drug induced,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400312,40310.0,Neutropenia due to irradiation,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400400,50375.0,Agranulocytosis due to infection,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400411,17705.0,Neutropenia due to infection,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400600,30008.0,Drug-induced neutropenia,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400800,49346.0,Acquired neutropenia NEC,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400811,65903.0,Acquired agranulocytosis NEC,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400900,32141.0,Cyclical neutropenia,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400A00,3372.0,Leucopenia,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400.00,4818.0,Agranulocytosis,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400.11,70337.0,Kostmann's syndrome,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400.12,2071.0,Neutropenia,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400y00,64300.0,Other specified agranulocytosis,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
+Agranulocytosis,D400z00,63055.0,Agranulocytosis NOS,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_alc_problems.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_alc_problems.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d139db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_alc_problems.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Alcohol Problems,136S.00,19494.0,Hazardous alcohol use,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,136T.00,30695.0,Harmful alcohol use,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,136W.00,94670.0,Alcohol misuse,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,13Y8.00,18156.0,Alcoholics anonymous,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,1462.00,8430.0,H/O: alcoholism,History of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,1B1c.00,38061.0,Alcohol induced hallucinations,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,66e0.00,32964.0,Alcohol abuse monitoring,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,66e..00,12442.0,Alcohol disorder monitoring,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,7P22100,56410.0,Delivery of rehabilitation for alcohol addiction,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,8BA8.00,2083.0,Alcohol detoxification,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,8CAv.00,97309.0,Advised to contact primary care alcohol worker,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,8G32.00,29691.0,Aversion therapy - alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,8H35.00,21650.0,Admitted to alcohol detoxification centre,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,8H7p.00,9849.0,Referral to community alcohol team,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,8HkG.00,94553.0,Referral to specialist alcohol treatment service,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,8HkJ.00,96993.0,Referral to alcohol brief intervention service,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,9k12.00,63529.0,Alcohol misuse - enhanced service completed,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,9k1..00,11740.0,Alcohol misuse - enhanced services administration,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,9k1A.00,96053.0,Brief intervention for excessive alcohol consumptn completed,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,9k1B.00,96054.0,Extended intervention for excessive alcohol consumptn complt,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,9NN2.00,9489.0,Under care of community alcohol team,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,C150500,65754.0,Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,C251.11,4501.0,Wernicke's encephalopathy,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,C253.00,11107.0,Wernicke's encephalopathy,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E010.00,16225.0,Alcohol withdrawal delirium,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E010.11,22277.0,DTs - delirium tremens,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E010.12,1476.0,Delirium tremens,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E011000,4500.0,Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E011100,11106.0,Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis with peripheral neuritis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E011200,18636.0,Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E011.00,20762.0,Alcohol amnestic syndrome,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E011z00,41920.0,Alcohol amnestic syndrome NOS,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E012000,37946.0,Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E012.00,54505.0,Other alcoholic dementia,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E012.11,27342.0,Alcoholic dementia NOS,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E013.00,25110.0,Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E015.00,30404.0,Alcoholic paranoia,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E01..00,16237.0,Alcoholic psychoses,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E01y000,2082.0,Alcohol withdrawal syndrome,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E01y.00,33670.0,Other alcoholic psychosis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E01yz00,68111.0,Other alcoholic psychosis NOS,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E01z.00,67651.0,Alcoholic psychosis NOS,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E230000,40530.0,"Acute alcoholic intoxication, unspecified, in alcoholism",Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E230100,56947.0,Continuous acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E230200,21624.0,Episodic acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E230300,59574.0,"Acute alcoholic intoxication in remission, in alcoholism",Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E230.00,5740.0,Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E230.11,57714.0,Alcohol dependence with acute alcoholic intoxication,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E230z00,36296.0,Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism NOS,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E231000,43193.0,Unspecified chronic alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E231100,24064.0,Continuous chronic alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E231200,26106.0,Episodic chronic alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E231300,24485.0,Chronic alcoholism in remission,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E231.00,31443.0,Chronic alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E231.11,37605.0,Dipsomania,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E231z00,33635.0,Chronic alcoholism NOS,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E23..00,2084.0,Alcohol dependence syndrome,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E23..11,2081.0,Alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E23..12,1399.0,Alcohol problem drinking,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E23z.00,6169.0,Alcohol dependence syndrome NOS,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10100,21879.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use of alcohol: harmful use,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10200,39327.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: dependence syndr,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10211,28780.0,[X]Alcohol addiction,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10212,5758.0,[X]Chronic alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10213,69691.0,[X]Dipsomania,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10300,20514.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: withdrawal state,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10400,64101.0,[X]Men & behav dis due alcohl: withdrawl state with delirium,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10411,17259.0,"[X]Delirium tremens, alcohol induced",Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10500,12353.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due to use alcohol: psychotic disorder,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10511,6467.0,[X]Alcoholic hallucinosis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10512,65932.0,[X]Alcoholic jealousy,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10513,30162.0,[X]Alcoholic paranoia,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10514,17607.0,[X]Alcoholic psychosis NOS,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10600,39799.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: amnesic syndrome,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10611,11670.0,"[X]Korsakov's psychosis, alcohol induced",Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10700,62000.0,[X]Men & behav dis due alcoh: resid & late-onset psychot dis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10711,26323.0,[X]Alcoholic dementia NOS,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10712,37691.0,[X]Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10800,32927.0,[X]Alcohol withdrawal-induced seizure,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10.00,5611.0,[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10y00,45169.0,[X]Men & behav dis due to use alcohol: oth men & behav dis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Eu10z00,64389.0,[X]Ment & behav dis due use alcohol: unsp ment & behav dis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F11x000,47555.0,Cerebral degeneration due to alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F11x011,36748.0,Alcoholic encephalopathy,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F144000,33839.0,Cerebellar ataxia due to alcoholism,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F25B.00,30604.0,Alcohol-induced epilepsy,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F375.00,2925.0,Alcoholic polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F394100,31742.0,Alcoholic myopathy,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,G555.00,4915.0,Alcoholic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,G852300,8363.0,Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,J153.00,4506.0,Alcoholic gastritis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,J610.00,10691.0,Alcoholic fatty liver,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,J611.00,3216.0,Acute alcoholic hepatitis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,J612000,21713.0,Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,J612.00,4743.0,Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,J613000,17330.0,Alcoholic hepatic failure,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,J613.00,7885.0,Alcoholic liver damage unspecified,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,J617000,7602.0,Chronic alcoholic hepatitis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,J617.00,7943.0,Alcoholic hepatitis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,J670800,104611.0,Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,J671000,24984.0,Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Z191100,46677.0,Alcohol withdrawal regime,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Z191200,61383.0,Planned reduction of alcohol consumption,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Z191211,95181.0,Alcohol reduction programme,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Z191.00,41983.0,Alcohol detoxification,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Z4B1.00,30460.0,Alcoholism counselling,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,ZV11300,7123.0,[V]Personal history of alcoholism,History of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,ZV11311,16587.0,[V]Problems related to lifestyle alcohol use,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,ZV57A00,8388.0,[V]Alcohol rehabilitation,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,ZV6D600,8030.0,[V]Alcohol abuse counselling and surveillance,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_alcohol.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_alcohol.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 374c91d..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_alcohol.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Alcohol Problems","136S.00","19494.0","Hazardous alcohol use","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","136T.00","30695.0","Harmful alcohol use","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","136W.00","94670.0","Alcohol misuse","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","13Y8.00","18156.0","Alcoholics anonymous","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","1462.00","8430.0","H/O: alcoholism","History of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","1B1c.00","38061.0","Alcohol induced hallucinations","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","66e0.00","32964.0","Alcohol abuse monitoring","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","66e..00","12442.0","Alcohol disorder monitoring","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","7P22100","56410.0","Delivery of rehabilitation for alcohol addiction","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","8BA8.00","2083.0","Alcohol detoxification","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","8CAv.00","97309.0","Advised to contact primary care alcohol worker","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","8G32.00","29691.0","Aversion therapy - alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","8H35.00","21650.0","Admitted to alcohol detoxification centre","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","8H7p.00","9849.0","Referral to community alcohol team","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","8HkG.00","94553.0","Referral to specialist alcohol treatment service","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","8HkJ.00","96993.0","Referral to alcohol brief intervention service","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","9k12.00","63529.0","Alcohol misuse - enhanced service completed","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","9k1..00","11740.0","Alcohol misuse - enhanced services administration","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","9k1A.00","96053.0","Brief intervention for excessive alcohol consumptn completed","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","9k1B.00","96054.0","Extended intervention for excessive alcohol consumptn complt","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","9NN2.00","9489.0","Under care of community alcohol team","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","C150500","65754.0","Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","C251.11","4501.0","Wernicke's encephalopathy","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","C253.00","11107.0","Wernicke's encephalopathy","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E010.00","16225.0","Alcohol withdrawal delirium","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E010.11","22277.0","DTs - delirium tremens","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E010.12","1476.0","Delirium tremens","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E011000","4500.0","Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E011100","11106.0","Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis with peripheral neuritis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E011200","18636.0","Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E011.00","20762.0","Alcohol amnestic syndrome","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E011z00","41920.0","Alcohol amnestic syndrome NOS","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E012000","37946.0","Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E012.00","54505.0","Other alcoholic dementia","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E012.11","27342.0","Alcoholic dementia NOS","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E013.00","25110.0","Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E015.00","30404.0","Alcoholic paranoia","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E01..00","16237.0","Alcoholic psychoses","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E01y000","2082.0","Alcohol withdrawal syndrome","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E01y.00","33670.0","Other alcoholic psychosis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E01yz00","68111.0","Other alcoholic psychosis NOS","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E01z.00","67651.0","Alcoholic psychosis NOS","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E230000","40530.0","Acute alcoholic intoxication, unspecified, in alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E230100","56947.0","Continuous acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E230200","21624.0","Episodic acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E230300","59574.0","Acute alcoholic intoxication in remission, in alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E230.00","5740.0","Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E230.11","57714.0","Alcohol dependence with acute alcoholic intoxication","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E230z00","36296.0","Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism NOS","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E231000","43193.0","Unspecified chronic alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E231100","24064.0","Continuous chronic alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E231200","26106.0","Episodic chronic alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E231300","24485.0","Chronic alcoholism in remission","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E231.00","31443.0","Chronic alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E231.11","37605.0","Dipsomania","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E231z00","33635.0","Chronic alcoholism NOS","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E23..00","2084.0","Alcohol dependence syndrome","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E23..11","2081.0","Alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E23..12","1399.0","Alcohol problem drinking","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E23z.00","6169.0","Alcohol dependence syndrome NOS","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10100","21879.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use of alcohol: harmful use","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10200","39327.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: dependence syndr","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10211","28780.0","[X]Alcohol addiction","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10212","5758.0","[X]Chronic alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10213","69691.0","[X]Dipsomania","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10300","20514.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: withdrawal state","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10400","64101.0","[X]Men & behav dis due alcohl: withdrawl state with delirium","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10411","17259.0","[X]Delirium tremens, alcohol induced","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10500","12353.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due to use alcohol: psychotic disorder","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10511","6467.0","[X]Alcoholic hallucinosis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10512","65932.0","[X]Alcoholic jealousy","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10513","30162.0","[X]Alcoholic paranoia","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10514","17607.0","[X]Alcoholic psychosis NOS","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10600","39799.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: amnesic syndrome","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10611","11670.0","[X]Korsakov's psychosis, alcohol induced","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10700","62000.0","[X]Men & behav dis due alcoh: resid & late-onset psychot dis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10711","26323.0","[X]Alcoholic dementia NOS","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10712","37691.0","[X]Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10800","32927.0","[X]Alcohol withdrawal-induced seizure","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10.00","5611.0","[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10y00","45169.0","[X]Men & behav dis due to use alcohol: oth men & behav dis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Eu10z00","64389.0","[X]Ment & behav dis due use alcohol: unsp ment & behav dis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F11x000","47555.0","Cerebral degeneration due to alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F11x011","36748.0","Alcoholic encephalopathy","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F144000","33839.0","Cerebellar ataxia due to alcoholism","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F25B.00","30604.0","Alcohol-induced epilepsy","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F375.00","2925.0","Alcoholic polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F394100","31742.0","Alcoholic myopathy","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","G555.00","4915.0","Alcoholic cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","G852300","8363.0","Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","J153.00","4506.0","Alcoholic gastritis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","J610.00","10691.0","Alcoholic fatty liver","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","J611.00","3216.0","Acute alcoholic hepatitis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","J612000","21713.0","Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","J612.00","4743.0","Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","J613000","17330.0","Alcoholic hepatic failure","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","J613.00","7885.0","Alcoholic liver damage unspecified","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","J617000","7602.0","Chronic alcoholic hepatitis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","J617.00","7943.0","Alcoholic hepatitis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","J670800","104611.0","Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","J671000","24984.0","Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Z191100","46677.0","Alcohol withdrawal regime","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Z191200","61383.0","Planned reduction of alcohol consumption","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Z191211","95181.0","Alcohol reduction programme","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Z191.00","41983.0","Alcohol detoxification","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Z4B1.00","30460.0","Alcoholism counselling","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","ZV11300","7123.0","[V]Personal history of alcoholism","History of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","ZV11311","16587.0","[V]Problems related to lifestyle alcohol use","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","ZV57A00","8388.0","[V]Alcohol rehabilitation","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","ZV6D600","8030.0","[V]Alcohol abuse counselling and surveillance","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_allergic_rhinitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_allergic_rhinitis.csv
index 852b983..a2a9c5c 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_allergic_rhinitis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_allergic_rhinitis.csv
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","14B1.00","9302.0","H/O: hay fever","History of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H120000","28589.0","Chronic simple rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H120100","805.0","Chronic catarrhal rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H120200","15553.0","Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H120300","16441.0","Chronic atrophic rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H120400","16158.0","Chronic infective rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H120500","42556.0","Chronic ulcerative rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H120600","42065.0","Chronic membranous rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H120700","104543.0","Chronic fibrinous rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H120.00","774.0","Chronic rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H120z00","14645.0","Chronic rhinitis NOS","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H13..11","10546.0","Chronic rhinosinusitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H170.00","1838.0","Allergic rhinitis due to pollens","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H170.11","121.0","Hay fever - pollens","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H170.12","24163.0","Pollinosis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H171000","12382.0","Allergy to animal","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H171100","95938.0","Dog allergy","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H171.00","2372.0","Allergic rhinitis due to other allergens","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H171.11","4861.0","Cat allergy","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H171.12","13377.0","Dander (animal) allergy","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H171.13","30375.0","Feather allergy","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H171.14","16134.0","Hay fever - other allergen","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H171.15","3162.0","House dust allergy","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H171.16","1930.0","House dust mite allergy","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H172.00","775.0","Allergic rhinitis due to unspecified allergen","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H172.11","3798.0","Hay fever - unspecified allergen","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H17..00","175.0","Allergic rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H17..11","1468.0","Perennial rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H17..12","18572.0","Allergic rhinosinusitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H17z.00","964.0","Allergic rhinitis NOS","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H18..00","1108.0","Vasomotor rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H330011","5627.0","Hay fever with asthma","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","H330.13","15248.0","Hay fever with asthma","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","Hyu2000","72490.0","[X]Other seasonal allergic rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","Hyu2100","47599.0","[X]Other allergic rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,14B1.00,9302.0,H/O: hay fever,History of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H120000,28589.0,Chronic simple rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H120100,805.0,Chronic catarrhal rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H120200,15553.0,Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H120300,16441.0,Chronic atrophic rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H120400,16158.0,Chronic infective rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H120500,42556.0,Chronic ulcerative rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H120600,42065.0,Chronic membranous rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H120700,104543.0,Chronic fibrinous rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H120.00,774.0,Chronic rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H120z00,14645.0,Chronic rhinitis NOS,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H13..11,10546.0,Chronic rhinosinusitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H170.00,1838.0,Allergic rhinitis due to pollens,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H170.11,121.0,Hay fever - pollens,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H170.12,24163.0,Pollinosis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H171000,12382.0,Allergy to animal,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H171100,95938.0,Dog allergy,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H171.00,2372.0,Allergic rhinitis due to other allergens,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H171.11,4861.0,Cat allergy,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H171.12,13377.0,Dander (animal) allergy,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H171.13,30375.0,Feather allergy,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H171.14,16134.0,Hay fever - other allergen,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H171.15,3162.0,House dust allergy,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H171.16,1930.0,House dust mite allergy,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H172.00,775.0,Allergic rhinitis due to unspecified allergen,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H172.11,3798.0,Hay fever - unspecified allergen,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H17..00,175.0,Allergic rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H17..11,1468.0,Perennial rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H17..12,18572.0,Allergic rhinosinusitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H17z.00,964.0,Allergic rhinitis NOS,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H18..00,1108.0,Vasomotor rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H330011,5627.0,Hay fever with asthma,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,H330.13,15248.0,Hay fever with asthma,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,Hyu2000,72490.0,[X]Other seasonal allergic rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,Hyu2100,47599.0,[X]Other allergic rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_alopecia_areata.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_alopecia_areata.csv
index 06c3f08..df61623 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_alopecia_areata.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_alopecia_areata.csv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Alopecia areata","M240100","685.0","Alopecia areata","Diagnosis of Alopecia areata"
-"Alopecia areata","M240111","60422.0","Ophiasis","Diagnosis of Alopecia areata"
-"Alopecia areata","M240B00","2449.0","Alopecia totalis","Diagnosis of Alopecia areata"
-"Alopecia areata","M240K00","2154.0","Alopecia universalis","Diagnosis of Alopecia areata"
-"Alopecia areata","M240U00","99217.0","Ophiasis","Diagnosis of Alopecia areata"
-"Alopecia areata","Myu6200","53782.0","[X]Other alopecia areata","Diagnosis of Alopecia areata"
+Alopecia areata,M240100,685.0,Alopecia areata,Diagnosis of Alopecia areata
+Alopecia areata,M240111,60422.0,Ophiasis,Diagnosis of Alopecia areata
+Alopecia areata,M240B00,2449.0,Alopecia totalis,Diagnosis of Alopecia areata
+Alopecia areata,M240K00,2154.0,Alopecia universalis,Diagnosis of Alopecia areata
+Alopecia areata,M240U00,99217.0,Ophiasis,Diagnosis of Alopecia areata
+Alopecia areata,Myu6200,53782.0,[X]Other alopecia areata,Diagnosis of Alopecia areata
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_anal_fissure.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_anal_fissure.csv
index 761087f..2dfbf52 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_anal_fissure.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_anal_fissure.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Anal fissure","7739300.0","1089.0","Excision of anal fissure","Procedure for Anal fissure"
-"Anal fissure","J530000","10905.0","Acute anal fissure","Diagnosis of Anal fissure"
-"Anal fissure","J530100","18337.0","Chronic anal fissure","Diagnosis of Anal fissure"
-"Anal fissure","J530.00","928.0","Anal fissure","Diagnosis of Anal fissure"
-"Anal fissure","J530.11","12665.0","Tear of anus - non-traumatic","Diagnosis of Anal fissure"
-"Anal fissure","J53..00","1979.0","Anal fissure and fistula","Diagnosis of Anal fissure"
-"Anal fissure","J53z.00","15210.0","Anal fissure and fistula NOS","Diagnosis of Anal fissure"
-"Anal fissure","J544.00","62790.0","Ano-rectal fissure abscess","Diagnosis of Anal fissure"
+Anal fissure,7739300.0,1089.0,Excision of anal fissure,Procedure for Anal fissure
+Anal fissure,J530000,10905.0,Acute anal fissure,Diagnosis of Anal fissure
+Anal fissure,J530100,18337.0,Chronic anal fissure,Diagnosis of Anal fissure
+Anal fissure,J530.00,928.0,Anal fissure,Diagnosis of Anal fissure
+Anal fissure,J530.11,12665.0,Tear of anus - non-traumatic,Diagnosis of Anal fissure
+Anal fissure,J53..00,1979.0,Anal fissure and fistula,Diagnosis of Anal fissure
+Anal fissure,J53z.00,15210.0,Anal fissure and fistula NOS,Diagnosis of Anal fissure
+Anal fissure,J544.00,62790.0,Ano-rectal fissure abscess,Diagnosis of Anal fissure
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_angiodysplasia_colon.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_angiodysplasia_colon.csv
index ce1bfbc..df04ffa 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_angiodysplasia_colon.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_angiodysplasia_colon.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Angiodysplasia of colon","J577000","6504.0","Angiodysplasia of colon","Diagnosis of Angiodysplasia of colon"
+Angiodysplasia of colon,J577000,6504.0,Angiodysplasia of colon,Diagnosis of Angiodysplasia of colon
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_ank_spond.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_ank_spond.csv
index ba50119..e2529b9 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_ank_spond.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_ank_spond.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Ankylosing spondylitis","2377.00","37400.0","O/E - ankyl.spondyl.chest def.","Diagnosis of Ankylosing spondylitis"
-"Ankylosing spondylitis","388p.00","93639.0","BASDAI - Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index","Diagnosis of Ankylosing spondylitis"
-"Ankylosing spondylitis","N100.00","2184.0","Ankylosing spondylitis","Diagnosis of Ankylosing spondylitis"
-"Ankylosing spondylitis","N100.11","40946.0","Marie - Strumpell spondylitis","Diagnosis of Ankylosing spondylitis"
+Ankylosing spondylitis,2377.00,37400.0,O/E - ankyl.spondyl.chest def.,Diagnosis of Ankylosing spondylitis
+Ankylosing spondylitis,388p.00,93639.0,BASDAI - Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index,Diagnosis of Ankylosing spondylitis
+Ankylosing spondylitis,N100.00,2184.0,Ankylosing spondylitis,Diagnosis of Ankylosing spondylitis
+Ankylosing spondylitis,N100.11,40946.0,Marie - Strumpell spondylitis,Diagnosis of Ankylosing spondylitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_anorectal_fistula.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_anorectal_fistula.csv
index 0053c88..f17ac41 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_anorectal_fistula.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_anorectal_fistula.csv
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Anorectal fistula","7729700.0","20885.0","Closure of rectal fistula","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","7738000.0","4994.0","Laying open of low anal fistula","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","7738100.0","20959.0","Laying open of high anal fistula","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","7738200.0","2406.0","Laying open of anal fistula NEC","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","7738300.0","19419.0","Insertion seton in high anal fistula+part lay open track HFQ","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","7738400.0","18188.0","Fistulography of anal fistula","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","7738600.0","7140.0","Excision of fistula in ano","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","7738611.0","4791.0","Excision of anal fistula","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","7738.11","18201.0","Anal fistula operations","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","7738900.0","97573.0","Repair of anal fistula using plug","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","J531000","56271.0","Sub-mucosal anal fistula","Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","J531100","59127.0","Inter-muscular anal fistula","Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","J531200","19952.0","Ano-rectal fistula","Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","J531300","15202.0","Rectal fistula","Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","J531.00","598.0","Fistula-in-ano","Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","J531z00","37729.0","Fistula-in-ano NOS","Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","J53..00","1979.0","Anal fissure and fistula","Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","J53z.00","15210.0","Anal fissure and fistula NOS","Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula"
+Anorectal fistula,7729700.0,20885.0,Closure of rectal fistula,Procedure for Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,7738000.0,4994.0,Laying open of low anal fistula,Procedure for Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,7738100.0,20959.0,Laying open of high anal fistula,Procedure for Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,7738200.0,2406.0,Laying open of anal fistula NEC,Procedure for Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,7738300.0,19419.0,Insertion seton in high anal fistula+part lay open track HFQ,Procedure for Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,7738400.0,18188.0,Fistulography of anal fistula,Procedure for Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,7738600.0,7140.0,Excision of fistula in ano,Procedure for Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,7738611.0,4791.0,Excision of anal fistula,Procedure for Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,7738.11,18201.0,Anal fistula operations,Procedure for Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,7738900.0,97573.0,Repair of anal fistula using plug,Procedure for Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,J531000,56271.0,Sub-mucosal anal fistula,Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,J531100,59127.0,Inter-muscular anal fistula,Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,J531200,19952.0,Ano-rectal fistula,Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,J531300,15202.0,Rectal fistula,Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,J531.00,598.0,Fistula-in-ano,Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,J531z00,37729.0,Fistula-in-ano NOS,Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,J53..00,1979.0,Anal fissure and fistula,Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,J53z.00,15210.0,Anal fissure and fistula NOS,Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_anorectal_prolapse.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_anorectal_prolapse.csv
index 8dddbd0..181cf58 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_anorectal_prolapse.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_anorectal_prolapse.csv
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7720.00","43713.0","Partial excision of rectum and sigmoid colon for prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7720y00","65586.0","Partial excision of rectum and sigmoid colon for prolapse OS","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7720z00","68666.0","Partial excision of rectum & sigmoid colon for prolapse NOS","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7723400.0","61896.0","Proctopexy for prolapse of rectum","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7723411.0","66421.0","Erickman repair of prolapse of rectum","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7723500.0","52489.0","Insertion of sponge for rectal prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7723511.0","60050.0","Insertion of Wells sponge for rectal prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7723.00","37454.0","Fixation of rectum for prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7723.11","59814.0","Proctopexy for prolapse of rectum","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7723.12","7782.0","Rectopexy for prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7723y00","43157.0","Other specified fixation of rectum for prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7723z00","36812.0","Fixation of rectum for prolapse NOS","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7724011.0","103075.0","Graham repair for rectal prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7724012.0","65638.0","Roscoe repair for rectal prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7724.00","12043.0","Other abdominal operations for rectal prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7724y00","55314.0","Other abdominal operation for rectal prolapse OS","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7724y11","24957.0","Delorme repair of rectum for prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7724z00","53085.0","Other abdominal operation for rectal prolapse NOS","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7726400.0","51487.0","Reduction of prolapsed rectum NEC","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7727011.0","51159.0","Thiersch wiring for prolapse of rectum","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7727400.0","19311.0","Excision of mucosal prolapse of rectum NEC","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7727500.0","12631.0","Perineal repair of rectal prolapse NEC","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7727.00","8462.0","Perineal operations for rectal prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7727y00","35094.0","Other specified perineal operation for rectal prolapse","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7727z00","28627.0","Perineal operation for rectal prolapse NOS","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","7728400.0","26841.0","Manual reduction of rectal prolapse","Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","J571000","3631.0","Partial rectal prolapse","Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","J571100","16283.0","Complete rectal prolapse","Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","J571200","19187.0","Anal prolapse","Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","J571.00","646.0","Rectal prolapse","Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","J571.11","31821.0","Procidentia - anus and/or rectum","Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","J571.12","47689.0","Proctoptosis","Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","J571z00","14911.0","Rectal prolapse NOS","Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","J579.00","84397.0","Rectal mucosa prolapse","Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse"
+Anorectal prolapse,7720.00,43713.0,Partial excision of rectum and sigmoid colon for prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7720y00,65586.0,Partial excision of rectum and sigmoid colon for prolapse OS,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7720z00,68666.0,Partial excision of rectum & sigmoid colon for prolapse NOS,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7723400.0,61896.0,Proctopexy for prolapse of rectum,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7723411.0,66421.0,Erickman repair of prolapse of rectum,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7723500.0,52489.0,Insertion of sponge for rectal prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7723511.0,60050.0,Insertion of Wells sponge for rectal prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7723.00,37454.0,Fixation of rectum for prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7723.11,59814.0,Proctopexy for prolapse of rectum,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7723.12,7782.0,Rectopexy for prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7723y00,43157.0,Other specified fixation of rectum for prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7723z00,36812.0,Fixation of rectum for prolapse NOS,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7724011.0,103075.0,Graham repair for rectal prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7724012.0,65638.0,Roscoe repair for rectal prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7724.00,12043.0,Other abdominal operations for rectal prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7724y00,55314.0,Other abdominal operation for rectal prolapse OS,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7724y11,24957.0,Delorme repair of rectum for prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7724z00,53085.0,Other abdominal operation for rectal prolapse NOS,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7726400.0,51487.0,Reduction of prolapsed rectum NEC,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7727011.0,51159.0,Thiersch wiring for prolapse of rectum,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7727400.0,19311.0,Excision of mucosal prolapse of rectum NEC,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7727500.0,12631.0,Perineal repair of rectal prolapse NEC,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7727.00,8462.0,Perineal operations for rectal prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7727y00,35094.0,Other specified perineal operation for rectal prolapse,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7727z00,28627.0,Perineal operation for rectal prolapse NOS,Procedure for Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,7728400.0,26841.0,Manual reduction of rectal prolapse,Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,J571000,3631.0,Partial rectal prolapse,Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,J571100,16283.0,Complete rectal prolapse,Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,J571200,19187.0,Anal prolapse,Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,J571.00,646.0,Rectal prolapse,Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,J571.11,31821.0,Procidentia - anus and/or rectum,Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,J571.12,47689.0,Proctoptosis,Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,J571z00,14911.0,Rectal prolapse NOS,Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,J579.00,84397.0,Rectal mucosa prolapse,Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_ant_uveitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_ant_uveitis.csv
index 1f9f048..78b8ff9 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_ant_uveitis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_ant_uveitis.csv
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","1486.00","8299.0","H/O: iritis","History of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","A173300","38342.0","Tuberculous chronic iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","A532200","55940.0","Herpes zoster iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","A544400","61223.0","Herpes simplex iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","A984100","106506.0","Gonococcal iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","C34y300","50067.0","Gouty iritis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F432300","19645.0","Posterior cyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F432311","7882.0","Pars planitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F440000","43159.0","Unspecified acute iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F440100","63210.0","Unspecified subacute iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F440200","69723.0","Primary iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F440300","21163.0","Recurrent iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F440400","92888.0","Secondary infected iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F440500","54389.0","Secondary noninfected iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F440600","20130.0","Hypopyon","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F440700","17313.0","Diabetic iritis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F440.00","10579.0","Acute and subacute iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F440.11","478.0","Iritis - acute","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F440z00","6849.0","Acute or subacute iritis NOS","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F441000","38716.0","Unspecified chronic iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F441100","64052.0","Chronic iridocyclitis due to disease EC","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F441200","5556.0","Chronic anterior uveitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F441.00","37140.0","Chronic iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F441.11","17480.0","Chronic iritis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F441z00","64804.0","Chronic iridocyclitis NOS","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F442000","2161.0","Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F442100","29764.0","Glaucomatocyclitic crises","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F442200","72546.0","Lens-induced iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F442.00","72481.0","Certain types of iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F442z00","91596.0","Certain types of cyclitis NOS","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F443000","2245.0","Anterior uveitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F443100","98094.0","Iritis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F443.00","14731.0","Unspecified iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F443.11","477.0","Uveitis NOS","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","F44..12","2703.0","Iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of anterior uveitis"
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,1486.00,8299.0,H/O: iritis,History of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,A173300,38342.0,Tuberculous chronic iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,A532200,55940.0,Herpes zoster iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,A544400,61223.0,Herpes simplex iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,A984100,106506.0,Gonococcal iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,C34y300,50067.0,Gouty iritis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F432300,19645.0,Posterior cyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F432311,7882.0,Pars planitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F440000,43159.0,Unspecified acute iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F440100,63210.0,Unspecified subacute iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F440200,69723.0,Primary iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F440300,21163.0,Recurrent iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F440400,92888.0,Secondary infected iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F440500,54389.0,Secondary noninfected iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F440600,20130.0,Hypopyon,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F440700,17313.0,Diabetic iritis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F440.00,10579.0,Acute and subacute iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F440.11,478.0,Iritis - acute,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F440z00,6849.0,Acute or subacute iritis NOS,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F441000,38716.0,Unspecified chronic iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F441100,64052.0,Chronic iridocyclitis due to disease EC,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F441200,5556.0,Chronic anterior uveitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F441.00,37140.0,Chronic iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F441.11,17480.0,Chronic iritis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F441z00,64804.0,Chronic iridocyclitis NOS,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F442000,2161.0,Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F442100,29764.0,Glaucomatocyclitic crises,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F442200,72546.0,Lens-induced iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F442.00,72481.0,Certain types of iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F442z00,91596.0,Certain types of cyclitis NOS,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F443000,2245.0,Anterior uveitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F443100,98094.0,Iritis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F443.00,14731.0,Unspecified iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F443.11,477.0,Uveitis NOS,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,F44..12,2703.0,Iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of anterior uveitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_anxiety.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_anxiety.csv
index dd9a56c..60f9dae 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_anxiety.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_anxiety.csv
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Anxiety disorders","1466.00","3407.0","H/O: anxiety state","History of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","146G.00","11764.0","H/O: agoraphobia","History of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","1B1H.11","5347.0","Fear","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","1B1V.00","11890.0","C/O - panic attack","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","1Bb..00","18672.0","Specific fear","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","225J.00","19000.0","O/E - panic attack","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","225K.00","26331.0","O/E - fearful mood","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","285..00","15811.0","Neurotic condition, insight present","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","286..00","5274.0","Poor insight into neurotic condition","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","8G52.00","63521.0","Antiphobic therapy","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","8G94.00","9125.0","Anxiety management training","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","8HHp.00","28925.0","Referral for guided self-help for anxiety","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","9N54.00","53067.0","Encounter for fear","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E200000","6939.0","Anxiety state unspecified","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E200100","4069.0","Panic disorder","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E200111","462.0","Panic attack","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E200200","4659.0","Generalised anxiety disorder","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E200300","655.0","Anxiety with depression","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E200400","1758.0","Chronic anxiety","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E200500","4634.0","Recurrent anxiety","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E200.00","636.0","Anxiety states","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E200z00","4534.0","Anxiety state NOS","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E201B00","29322.0","Compensation neurosis","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202000","2300.0","Phobia unspecified","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202100","3076.0","Agoraphobia with panic attacks","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202200","12838.0","Agoraphobia without mention of panic attacks","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202300","16199.0","Social phobia, fear of eating in public","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202400","31957.0","Social phobia, fear of public speaking","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202500","18603.0","Social phobia, fear of public washing","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202600","28106.0","Acrophobia","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202700","28938.0","Animal phobia","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202800","1723.0","Claustrophobia","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202900","31672.0","Fear of crowds","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202A00","4167.0","Fear of flying","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202B00","1510.0","Cancer phobia","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202C00","2366.0","Dental phobia","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202D00","10390.0","Fear of death","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202.00","1907.0","Phobic disorders","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202.11","16638.0","Social phobic disorders","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202.12","9944.0","Phobic anxiety","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202E00","6071.0","Fear of pregnancy","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E202z00","14729.0","Phobic disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E20..00","5249.0","Neurotic disorders","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E20y100","3685.0","Writer's cramp neurosis","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E20y200","39518.0","Other occupational neurosis","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E20y300","72171.0","Psychasthenic neurosis","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E20y.00","42000.0","Other neurotic disorders","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E20yz00","43050.0","Other neurotic disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","E20z.00","14780.0","Neurotic disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu34111","8584.0","[X]Depressive neurosis","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu34113","7737.0","[X]Neurotic depression","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu34114","15220.0","[X]Persistant anxiety depression","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40000","2571.0","[X]Agoraphobia","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40011","16729.0","[X]Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40012","14890.0","[X]Panic disorder with agoraphobia","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40100","11602.0","[X]Social phobias","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40112","42788.0","[X]Social neurosis","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40200","9785.0","[X]Specific (isolated) phobias","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40211","67965.0","[X]Acrophobia","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40212","18248.0","[X]Animal phobias","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40213","11280.0","[X]Claustrophobia","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40214","12635.0","[X]Simple phobia","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40300","12508.0","[X]Needle phobia","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40.00","9386.0","[X]Phobic anxiety disorders","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40y00","27685.0","[X]Other phobic anxiety disorders","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40z00","34064.0","[X]Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40z11","7222.0","[X]Phobia NOS","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu40z12","67898.0","[X]Phobic state NOS","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41000","8205.0","[X]Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety]","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41011","6408.0","[X]Panic attack","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41012","4081.0","[X]Panic state","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41100","10344.0","[X]Generalized anxiety disorder","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41111","962.0","[X]Anxiety neurosis","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41112","35825.0","[X]Anxiety reaction","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41113","50191.0","[X]Anxiety state","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41200","11913.0","[X]Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41211","7749.0","[X]Mild anxiety depression","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41300","44321.0","[X]Other mixed anxiety disorders","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41.00","5385.0","[X]Other anxiety disorders","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41y00","24066.0","[X]Other specified anxiety disorders","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41y11","28167.0","[X]Anxiety hysteria","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41z00","23838.0","[X]Anxiety disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Eu41z11","25638.0","[X]Anxiety NOS","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Z481.00","25749.0","Phobia counselling","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","Z4L1.00","7999.0","Anxiety counselling","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","ZV11200","51613.0","[V]Personal history of neurosis","History of Anxiety disorders"
+Anxiety disorders,1466.00,3407.0,H/O: anxiety state,History of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,146G.00,11764.0,H/O: agoraphobia,History of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,1B1H.11,5347.0,Fear,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,1B1V.00,11890.0,C/O - panic attack,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,1Bb..00,18672.0,Specific fear,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,225J.00,19000.0,O/E - panic attack,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,225K.00,26331.0,O/E - fearful mood,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,285..00,15811.0,"Neurotic condition, insight present",Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,286..00,5274.0,Poor insight into neurotic condition,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,8G52.00,63521.0,Antiphobic therapy,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,8G94.00,9125.0,Anxiety management training,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,8HHp.00,28925.0,Referral for guided self-help for anxiety,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,9N54.00,53067.0,Encounter for fear,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E200000,6939.0,Anxiety state unspecified,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E200100,4069.0,Panic disorder,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E200111,462.0,Panic attack,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E200200,4659.0,Generalised anxiety disorder,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E200300,655.0,Anxiety with depression,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E200400,1758.0,Chronic anxiety,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E200500,4634.0,Recurrent anxiety,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E200.00,636.0,Anxiety states,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E200z00,4534.0,Anxiety state NOS,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E201B00,29322.0,Compensation neurosis,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202000,2300.0,Phobia unspecified,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202100,3076.0,Agoraphobia with panic attacks,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202200,12838.0,Agoraphobia without mention of panic attacks,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202300,16199.0,"Social phobia, fear of eating in public",Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202400,31957.0,"Social phobia, fear of public speaking",Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202500,18603.0,"Social phobia, fear of public washing",Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202600,28106.0,Acrophobia,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202700,28938.0,Animal phobia,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202800,1723.0,Claustrophobia,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202900,31672.0,Fear of crowds,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202A00,4167.0,Fear of flying,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202B00,1510.0,Cancer phobia,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202C00,2366.0,Dental phobia,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202D00,10390.0,Fear of death,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202.00,1907.0,Phobic disorders,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202.11,16638.0,Social phobic disorders,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202.12,9944.0,Phobic anxiety,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202E00,6071.0,Fear of pregnancy,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E202z00,14729.0,Phobic disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E20..00,5249.0,Neurotic disorders,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E20y100,3685.0,Writer's cramp neurosis,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E20y200,39518.0,Other occupational neurosis,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E20y300,72171.0,Psychasthenic neurosis,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E20y.00,42000.0,Other neurotic disorders,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E20yz00,43050.0,Other neurotic disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,E20z.00,14780.0,Neurotic disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu34111,8584.0,[X]Depressive neurosis,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu34113,7737.0,[X]Neurotic depression,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu34114,15220.0,[X]Persistant anxiety depression,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40000,2571.0,[X]Agoraphobia,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40011,16729.0,[X]Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40012,14890.0,[X]Panic disorder with agoraphobia,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40100,11602.0,[X]Social phobias,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40112,42788.0,[X]Social neurosis,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40200,9785.0,[X]Specific (isolated) phobias,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40211,67965.0,[X]Acrophobia,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40212,18248.0,[X]Animal phobias,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40213,11280.0,[X]Claustrophobia,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40214,12635.0,[X]Simple phobia,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40300,12508.0,[X]Needle phobia,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40.00,9386.0,[X]Phobic anxiety disorders,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40y00,27685.0,[X]Other phobic anxiety disorders,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40z00,34064.0,"[X]Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40z11,7222.0,[X]Phobia NOS,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu40z12,67898.0,[X]Phobic state NOS,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41000,8205.0,[X]Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety],Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41011,6408.0,[X]Panic attack,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41012,4081.0,[X]Panic state,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41100,10344.0,[X]Generalized anxiety disorder,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41111,962.0,[X]Anxiety neurosis,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41112,35825.0,[X]Anxiety reaction,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41113,50191.0,[X]Anxiety state,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41200,11913.0,[X]Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41211,7749.0,[X]Mild anxiety depression,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41300,44321.0,[X]Other mixed anxiety disorders,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41.00,5385.0,[X]Other anxiety disorders,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41y00,24066.0,[X]Other specified anxiety disorders,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41y11,28167.0,[X]Anxiety hysteria,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41z00,23838.0,"[X]Anxiety disorder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Eu41z11,25638.0,[X]Anxiety NOS,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Z481.00,25749.0,Phobia counselling,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,Z4L1.00,7999.0,Anxiety counselling,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,ZV11200,51613.0,[V]Personal history of neurosis,History of Anxiety disorders
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_aplastic.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_aplastic.csv
index 35581e8..6deb072 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_aplastic.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_aplastic.csv
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200000","37320.0","Congenital hypoplastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200011","69061.0","Constitutional aplastic anaemia without malformation","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200100","34754.0","Fanconi's familial refractory anaemia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200111","64625.0","Fanconi's hypoplastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200200","102848.0","Constitutional aplastic anaemia with malformation","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200211","31491.0","Pancytopenia-dysmelia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200300","72252.0","Constitutional red cell aplasia and hypoplasia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200311","32900.0","Blackfan - Diamond syndrome","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200312","7225.0","Congenital pure red cell aplasia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200313","47438.0","Constitutional red cell hypoplasia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200314","61462.0","Congenital red cell hypoplasia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200400","107828.0","Erythrogenesis imperfecta","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200.00","69027.0","Constitutional aplastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200.13","109273.0","Blackfan - Diamond syndrome","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200.15","44913.0","Hypoplastic anaemia - familial","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D200y00","69379.0","Other specified constitutional aplastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201000","16108.0","Aplastic anaemia due to chronic disease","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201100","43166.0","Aplastic anaemia due to drugs","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201111","32715.0","Hypoplastic anaemia due to drug or chemical substance","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201200","57859.0","Aplastic anaemia due to infection","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201211","65351.0","Hypoplastic anaemia due to infection","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201311","70128.0","Radiation aplastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201400","66239.0","Aplastic anaemia due to toxic cause","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201412","57114.0","Hypoplastic anaemia due to toxic cause","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201500","5823.0","Pancytopenia - acquired","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201600","938.0","Pancytopenia NOS","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201611","31275.0","Pancytopenia with malformation","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201612","61326.0","Pancytopenia with pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201700","34953.0","Transient hypoplastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201800","30994.0","[X]Pure red cell aplasia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201.00","15658.0","Acquired aplastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201.11","43825.0","Normocytic anaemia due to aplasia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201z00","21723.0","Acquired aplastic anaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201z12","72104.0","Red cell hypoplasia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201z13","31774.0","Secondary red cell hypoplasia NEC","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D201z14","65502.0","Secondary red cell aplasia NEC","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D202.00","71965.0","Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D203000","47620.0","Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D203.00","40244.0","Transient acquired pure red cell aplasia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D204.00","41142.0","Idiopathic aplastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D20..00","15422.0","Aplastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D20X.00","69269.0","Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D20z.00","68087.0","Aplastic anaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
+Aplastic anaemias,D200000,37320.0,Congenital hypoplastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200011,69061.0,Constitutional aplastic anaemia without malformation,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200100,34754.0,Fanconi's familial refractory anaemia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200111,64625.0,Fanconi's hypoplastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200200,102848.0,Constitutional aplastic anaemia with malformation,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200211,31491.0,Pancytopenia-dysmelia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200300,72252.0,Constitutional red cell aplasia and hypoplasia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200311,32900.0,Blackfan - Diamond syndrome,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200312,7225.0,Congenital pure red cell aplasia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200313,47438.0,Constitutional red cell hypoplasia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200314,61462.0,Congenital red cell hypoplasia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200400,107828.0,Erythrogenesis imperfecta,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200.00,69027.0,Constitutional aplastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200.13,109273.0,Blackfan - Diamond syndrome,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200.15,44913.0,Hypoplastic anaemia - familial,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D200y00,69379.0,Other specified constitutional aplastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201000,16108.0,Aplastic anaemia due to chronic disease,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201100,43166.0,Aplastic anaemia due to drugs,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201111,32715.0,Hypoplastic anaemia due to drug or chemical substance,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201200,57859.0,Aplastic anaemia due to infection,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201211,65351.0,Hypoplastic anaemia due to infection,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201311,70128.0,Radiation aplastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201400,66239.0,Aplastic anaemia due to toxic cause,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201412,57114.0,Hypoplastic anaemia due to toxic cause,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201500,5823.0,Pancytopenia - acquired,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201600,938.0,Pancytopenia NOS,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201611,31275.0,Pancytopenia with malformation,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201612,61326.0,Pancytopenia with pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201700,34953.0,Transient hypoplastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201800,30994.0,[X]Pure red cell aplasia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201.00,15658.0,Acquired aplastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201.11,43825.0,Normocytic anaemia due to aplasia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201z00,21723.0,Acquired aplastic anaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201z12,72104.0,Red cell hypoplasia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201z13,31774.0,Secondary red cell hypoplasia NEC,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D201z14,65502.0,Secondary red cell aplasia NEC,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D202.00,71965.0,Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D203000,47620.0,Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D203.00,40244.0,Transient acquired pure red cell aplasia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D204.00,41142.0,Idiopathic aplastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D20..00,15422.0,Aplastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D20X.00,69269.0,"Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified",Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D20z.00,68087.0,Aplastic anaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_appencitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_appencitis.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 5171c0c..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_appencitis.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Appendicitis","14C2.00","7210.0","H/O: appendicitis","History of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","25J6.00","9388.0","Appendix mass","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7700000.0","23344.0","Emergency excision of abnormal appendix and drainage HFQ","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7700100.0","33538.0","Emergency excision of abnormal appendix NEC","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7700300.0","7832.0","Emergency appendicectomy NEC","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7700400.0","9206.0","Endoscopic emergency appendicectomy","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7700.00","10830.0","Emergency excision of appendix","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7700.11","3141.0","Emergency appendicectomy","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7700y00","60360.0","Other specified emergency excision of appendix","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7700z00","33826.0","Emergency excision of appendix NOS","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7701000.0","10119.0","Interval appendicectomy","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7701300.0","5692.0","Planned delayed appendicectomy NEC","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7701400.0","28587.0","Endoscopic appendicectomy NEC","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7701.00","9699.0","Other excision of appendix","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7701.11","662.0","Non emergency appendicectomy","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7701y00","59158.0","Other specified other excision of appendix","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7701z00","29710.0","Other excision of appendix NOS","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7701z11","422.0","Appendicectomy NEC","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7702000.0","2394.0","Drainage of abscess of appendix","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","7702100.0","29890.0","Drainage of appendix NEC","Procedure for Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J200.00","1999.0","Acute appendicitis with peritonitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J201.00","16040.0","Acute appendicitis with appendix abscess","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J201.11","16716.0","Abscess of appendix","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J201.12","4130.0","Appendix abscess","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J202.00","29882.0","Acute appendicitis without peritonitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J203.00","104496.0","Acute appendicitis with generalised peritonitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J204.00","104722.0","Acute appendicitis with localised peritonitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J20..00","698.0","Acute appendicitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J20z100","17014.0","Acute gangrenous appendicitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J20z.00","15490.0","Acute appendicitis NOS","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J21..00","25856.0","Appendicitis, unqualified","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J220.00","24325.0","Subacute appendicitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J221.00","16152.0","Chronic appendicitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J222.00","3472.0","Relapsing appendicitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J223.00","15393.0","Recurrent appendicitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J22..00","35406.0","Other appendicitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","J22z.00","37817.0","Other appendicitis NOS","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","Jyu2000","52383.0","[X]Other appendicitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_appendicitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_appendicitis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66e442e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_appendicitis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Appendicitis,14C2.00,7210.0,H/O: appendicitis,History of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,25J6.00,9388.0,Appendix mass,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7700000.0,23344.0,Emergency excision of abnormal appendix and drainage HFQ,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7700100.0,33538.0,Emergency excision of abnormal appendix NEC,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7700300.0,7832.0,Emergency appendicectomy NEC,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7700400.0,9206.0,Endoscopic emergency appendicectomy,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7700.00,10830.0,Emergency excision of appendix,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7700.11,3141.0,Emergency appendicectomy,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7700y00,60360.0,Other specified emergency excision of appendix,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7700z00,33826.0,Emergency excision of appendix NOS,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7701000.0,10119.0,Interval appendicectomy,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7701300.0,5692.0,Planned delayed appendicectomy NEC,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7701400.0,28587.0,Endoscopic appendicectomy NEC,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7701.00,9699.0,Other excision of appendix,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7701.11,662.0,Non emergency appendicectomy,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7701y00,59158.0,Other specified other excision of appendix,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7701z00,29710.0,Other excision of appendix NOS,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7701z11,422.0,Appendicectomy NEC,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7702000.0,2394.0,Drainage of abscess of appendix,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,7702100.0,29890.0,Drainage of appendix NEC,Procedure for Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J200.00,1999.0,Acute appendicitis with peritonitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J201.00,16040.0,Acute appendicitis with appendix abscess,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J201.11,16716.0,Abscess of appendix,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J201.12,4130.0,Appendix abscess,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J202.00,29882.0,Acute appendicitis without peritonitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J203.00,104496.0,Acute appendicitis with generalised peritonitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J204.00,104722.0,Acute appendicitis with localised peritonitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J20..00,698.0,Acute appendicitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J20z100,17014.0,Acute gangrenous appendicitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J20z.00,15490.0,Acute appendicitis NOS,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J21..00,25856.0,"Appendicitis, unqualified",Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J220.00,24325.0,Subacute appendicitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J221.00,16152.0,Chronic appendicitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J222.00,3472.0,Relapsing appendicitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J223.00,15393.0,Recurrent appendicitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J22..00,35406.0,Other appendicitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,J22z.00,37817.0,Other appendicitis NOS,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,Jyu2000,52383.0,[X]Other appendicitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_asbestosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_asbestosis.csv
index b97a23d..058cb0e 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_asbestosis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_asbestosis.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Asbestosis","H410.00","5005.0","Pleural plaque disease due to asbestosis","History of Asbestosis"
-"Asbestosis","H410.11","100994.0","Asbestos-induced pleural plaque","History of Asbestosis"
-"Asbestosis","H41..00","8303.0","Asbestosis","Diagnosis of Asbestosis"
-"Asbestosis","H41z.00","51410.0","Asbestosis NOS","Diagnosis of Asbestosis"
+Asbestosis,H410.00,5005.0,Pleural plaque disease due to asbestosis,History of Asbestosis
+Asbestosis,H410.11,100994.0,Asbestos-induced pleural plaque,History of Asbestosis
+Asbestosis,H41..00,8303.0,Asbestosis,Diagnosis of Asbestosis
+Asbestosis,H41z.00,51410.0,Asbestosis NOS,Diagnosis of Asbestosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_aspiration_pneumo.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_aspiration_pneumo.csv
index 07292a1..7ae1718 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_aspiration_pneumo.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_aspiration_pneumo.csv
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H470000","41781.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of regurgitated food","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H470100","59083.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of gastric secretions","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H470200","66104.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of milk","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H470211","30996.0","Milk inhalation pneumonitis","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H470300","45948.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of vomitus","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H470311","56385.0","Vomit inhalation pneumonitis","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H470312","25054.0","Aspiration pneumonia due to vomit","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H470.00","3847.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H470.11","101204.0","Aspiration pneumonia","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H470z00","33837.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus NOS","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H471000","41015.0","Lipoid pneumonia (exogenous)","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H471.00","56647.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of oil or essence","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H471z00","66773.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of oil or essence NOS","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H47..00","9711.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solids or liquids","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H47..11","10992.0","Aspiration pneumonitis","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H47y.00","47504.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of other solid or liquid","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H47yz00","54252.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solid or liquid NOS","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","H47z.00","46066.0","Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solid or liquid NOS","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","Hyu4700","99232.0","[X]Pneumonitis due to inhalation of other solids and liquids","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","SP13100","13563.0","Other aspiration pneumonia as a complication of care","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H470000,41781.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of regurgitated food,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H470100,59083.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of gastric secretions,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H470200,66104.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of milk,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H470211,30996.0,Milk inhalation pneumonitis,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H470300,45948.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of vomitus,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H470311,56385.0,Vomit inhalation pneumonitis,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H470312,25054.0,Aspiration pneumonia due to vomit,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H470.00,3847.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H470.11,101204.0,Aspiration pneumonia,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H470z00,33837.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus NOS,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H471000,41015.0,Lipoid pneumonia (exogenous),Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H471.00,56647.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of oil or essence,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H471z00,66773.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of oil or essence NOS,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H47..00,9711.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solids or liquids,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H47..11,10992.0,Aspiration pneumonitis,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H47y.00,47504.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of other solid or liquid,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H47yz00,54252.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solid or liquid NOS,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,H47z.00,46066.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solid or liquid NOS,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,Hyu4700,99232.0,[X]Pneumonitis due to inhalation of other solids and liquids,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,SP13100,13563.0,Other aspiration pneumonia as a complication of care,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_asthma.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_asthma.csv
index aaad709..c7bfa0e 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_asthma.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_asthma.csv
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Asthma","14B4.00","719.0","H/O: asthma","History of Asthma"
-"Asthma","173A.00","5867.0","Exercise induced asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","173c.00","22752.0","Occupational asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","173d.00","73522.0","Work aggravated asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","1780.00","41017.0","Aspirin induced asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","1O2..00","11370.0","Asthma confirmed","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","2126200.0","10996.0","Asthma resolved","History of Asthma"
-"Asthma","212G.00","11839.0","Asthma resolved","History of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H312000","5798.0","Chronic asthmatic bronchitis","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H330000","14777.0","Extrinsic asthma without status asthmaticus","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H330011","5627.0","Hay fever with asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H330100","27926.0","Extrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H330111","6707.0","Extrinsic asthma with asthma attack","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H330.00","7146.0","Extrinsic (atopic) asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H330.11","2290.0","Allergic asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H330.12","1208.0","Childhood asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H330.13","15248.0","Hay fever with asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H330.14","7731.0","Pollen asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H330z00","45782.0","Extrinsic asthma NOS","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H331000","29325.0","Intrinsic asthma without status asthmaticus","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H331100","58196.0","Intrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H331111","18323.0","Intrinsic asthma with asthma attack","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H331.00","5267.0","Intrinsic asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H331.11","3665.0","Late onset asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H331z00","45073.0","Intrinsic asthma NOS","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H332.00","25796.0","Mixed asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H333.00","185.0","Acute exacerbation of asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H334.00","40823.0","Brittle asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H335.00","106805.0","Chronic asthma with fixed airflow obstruction","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33..00","78.0","Asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33..11","1555.0","Bronchial asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33z000","4892.0","Status asthmaticus NOS","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33z011","233.0","Severe asthma attack","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33z100","232.0","Asthma attack","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33z111","8335.0","Asthma attack NOS","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33z200","12987.0","Late-onset asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33z.00","4442.0","Asthma unspecified","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33z.11","32727.0","Hyperreactive airways disease","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33zz00","16070.0","Asthma NOS","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33zz11","4606.0","Exercise induced asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33zz12","21232.0","Allergic asthma NEC","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","H33zz13","18207.0","Allergic bronchitis NEC","Diagnosis of Asthma"
+Asthma,14B4.00,719.0,H/O: asthma,History of Asthma
+Asthma,173A.00,5867.0,Exercise induced asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,173c.00,22752.0,Occupational asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,173d.00,73522.0,Work aggravated asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,1780.00,41017.0,Aspirin induced asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,1O2..00,11370.0,Asthma confirmed,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,2126200.0,10996.0,Asthma resolved,History of Asthma
+Asthma,212G.00,11839.0,Asthma resolved,History of Asthma
+Asthma,H312000,5798.0,Chronic asthmatic bronchitis,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H330000,14777.0,Extrinsic asthma without status asthmaticus,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H330011,5627.0,Hay fever with asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H330100,27926.0,Extrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H330111,6707.0,Extrinsic asthma with asthma attack,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H330.00,7146.0,Extrinsic (atopic) asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H330.11,2290.0,Allergic asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H330.12,1208.0,Childhood asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H330.13,15248.0,Hay fever with asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H330.14,7731.0,Pollen asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H330z00,45782.0,Extrinsic asthma NOS,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H331000,29325.0,Intrinsic asthma without status asthmaticus,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H331100,58196.0,Intrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H331111,18323.0,Intrinsic asthma with asthma attack,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H331.00,5267.0,Intrinsic asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H331.11,3665.0,Late onset asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H331z00,45073.0,Intrinsic asthma NOS,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H332.00,25796.0,Mixed asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H333.00,185.0,Acute exacerbation of asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H334.00,40823.0,Brittle asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H335.00,106805.0,Chronic asthma with fixed airflow obstruction,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33..00,78.0,Asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33..11,1555.0,Bronchial asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33z000,4892.0,Status asthmaticus NOS,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33z011,233.0,Severe asthma attack,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33z100,232.0,Asthma attack,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33z111,8335.0,Asthma attack NOS,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33z200,12987.0,Late-onset asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33z.00,4442.0,Asthma unspecified,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33z.11,32727.0,Hyperreactive airways disease,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33zz00,16070.0,Asthma NOS,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33zz11,4606.0,Exercise induced asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33zz12,21232.0,Allergic asthma NEC,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,H33zz13,18207.0,Allergic bronchitis NEC,Diagnosis of Asthma
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_autism.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_autism.csv
index e5f59b6..d73e845 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_autism.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_autism.csv
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","E140000","63251.0","Active infantile autism","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","E140100","69016.0","Residual infantile autism","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","E140.00","22098.0","Infantile autism","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","E140.11","43444.0","Kanner's syndrome","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","E140.12","1276.0","Autism","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","E140.13","7302.0","Childhood autism","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","E140z00","36662.0","Infantile autism NOS","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","Eu84000","3637.0","[X]Childhood autism","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","Eu84011","9982.0","[X]Autistic disorder","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","Eu84012","50337.0","[X]Infantile autism","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","Eu84014","110478.0","[X]Kanner's syndrome","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","Eu84100","24044.0","[X]Atypical autism","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","Eu84112","34174.0","[X]Mental retardation with autistic features","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","Eu84500","2950.0","[X]Asperger's syndrome","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","Eu84511","51375.0","[X]Autistic psychopathy","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","Eu84z11","42941.0","[X]Autistic spectrum disorder","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,E140000,63251.0,Active infantile autism,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,E140100,69016.0,Residual infantile autism,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,E140.00,22098.0,Infantile autism,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,E140.11,43444.0,Kanner's syndrome,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,E140.12,1276.0,Autism,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,E140.13,7302.0,Childhood autism,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,E140z00,36662.0,Infantile autism NOS,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,Eu84000,3637.0,[X]Childhood autism,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,Eu84011,9982.0,[X]Autistic disorder,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,Eu84012,50337.0,[X]Infantile autism,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,Eu84014,110478.0,[X]Kanner's syndrome,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,Eu84100,24044.0,[X]Atypical autism,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,Eu84112,34174.0,[X]Mental retardation with autistic features,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,Eu84500,2950.0,[X]Asperger's syndrome,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,Eu84511,51375.0,[X]Autistic psychopathy,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,Eu84z11,42941.0,[X]Autistic spectrum disorder,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_autoimm_liver.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_autoimm_liver.csv
index 65e0991..f258eea 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_autoimm_liver.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_autoimm_liver.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Autoimmune liver disease","J614111","7957.0","Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis","Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease"
-"Autoimmune liver disease","J616000","5638.0","Primary biliary cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease"
-"Autoimmune liver disease","J63B.00","18652.0","Autoimmune hepatitis","Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease"
-"Autoimmune liver disease","J661700","15425.0","Primary sclerosing cholangitis","Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease"
+Autoimmune liver disease,J614111,7957.0,Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis,Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease
+Autoimmune liver disease,J616000,5638.0,Primary biliary cirrhosis,Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease
+Autoimmune liver disease,J63B.00,18652.0,Autoimmune hepatitis,Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease
+Autoimmune liver disease,J661700,15425.0,Primary sclerosing cholangitis,Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_autonomic_neuro.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_autonomic_neuro.csv
index 49d3dc8..df8bb0e 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_autonomic_neuro.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_autonomic_neuro.csv
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","2BE3.00","22097.0","O/E - Horner's syndrome","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F170000","16471.0","Carotid sinus syndrome","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F170100","62733.0","Cervical sympathetic paralysis","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F170.00","16368.0","Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F170z00","49664.0","Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy NOS","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F171000","30668.0","Autonomic neuropathy due to amyloid","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F171100","17067.0","Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F171.00","33257.0","Peripheral autonomic neuropathy disease EC","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F171z00","50099.0","Peripheral autonomic neuropathy due to disease NOS","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F172.00","5600.0","[X] Horners syndrome","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F173.00","10733.0","Shoulder-hand syndrome","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F175.00","103862.0","Autonomic dysreflexia","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F17..00","22849.0","Autonomic nervous system disorders","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F17z.00","2748.0","Autonomic nervous system disorder NOS","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F17z.11","16167.0","Horner's syndrome","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F17z.12","40383.0","Autonomic failure","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F347.00","93531.0","Complex regional pain syndrome type II","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","F369.00","105257.0","Complex regional pain syndrome","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","FyuAC00","72889.0","[X]Autonomic neuropathy/endocrine+metabolic diseases CE","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","FyuAD00","70344.0","[X]Other disordrs/autonomic nervous system/other diseases CE","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","N337100","4098.0","Sudek's atrophy","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","N337111","30069.0","Reflex sympathetic dystrophy","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","N337200","56230.0","Algodystrophy of hand","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","N337300","57586.0","Algodystrophy of knee","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","N337400","61889.0","Algodystrophy of foot","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","N337.00","41595.0","Algoneurodystrophy","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","N337.11","16789.0","Algodystrophy","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","N337.12","7197.0","Reflex sympathetic dystrophy","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","N337z00","95745.0","Algoneurodystrophy NOS","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","N33C.00","95878.0","Complex regional pain syndrome type I","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","P2x2.00","45647.0","Familial dysautonomia","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","P2x5.00","31616.0","Riley - Day syndrome","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,2BE3.00,22097.0,O/E - Horner's syndrome,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F170000,16471.0,Carotid sinus syndrome,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F170100,62733.0,Cervical sympathetic paralysis,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F170.00,16368.0,Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F170z00,49664.0,Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy NOS,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F171000,30668.0,Autonomic neuropathy due to amyloid,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F171100,17067.0,Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F171.00,33257.0,Peripheral autonomic neuropathy disease EC,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F171z00,50099.0,Peripheral autonomic neuropathy due to disease NOS,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F172.00,5600.0,[X] Horners syndrome,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F173.00,10733.0,Shoulder-hand syndrome,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F175.00,103862.0,Autonomic dysreflexia,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F17..00,22849.0,Autonomic nervous system disorders,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F17z.00,2748.0,Autonomic nervous system disorder NOS,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F17z.11,16167.0,Horner's syndrome,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F17z.12,40383.0,Autonomic failure,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F347.00,93531.0,Complex regional pain syndrome type II,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,F369.00,105257.0,Complex regional pain syndrome,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,FyuAC00,72889.0,[X]Autonomic neuropathy/endocrine+metabolic diseases CE,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,FyuAD00,70344.0,[X]Other disordrs/autonomic nervous system/other diseases CE,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,N337100,4098.0,Sudek's atrophy,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,N337111,30069.0,Reflex sympathetic dystrophy,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,N337200,56230.0,Algodystrophy of hand,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,N337300,57586.0,Algodystrophy of knee,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,N337400,61889.0,Algodystrophy of foot,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,N337.00,41595.0,Algoneurodystrophy,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,N337.11,16789.0,Algodystrophy,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,N337.12,7197.0,Reflex sympathetic dystrophy,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,N337z00,95745.0,Algoneurodystrophy NOS,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,N33C.00,95878.0,Complex regional pain syndrome type I,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,P2x2.00,45647.0,Familial dysautonomia,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,P2x5.00,31616.0,Riley - Day syndrome,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_1.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_1.csv
index 0d276c6..af60a52 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_1.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_1.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category","av2","av3"
-"Atrioventricular block, first degree","3294.00","26971.0","ECG:partial A-V block-long P-R","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, first degree","",""
-"Atrioventricular block, first degree","32I3.00","48092.0","ECG: P-R interval prolonged","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, first degree","",""
-"Atrioventricular block, first degree","G561100","12149.0","First degree atrioventricular block","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, first degree","",""
-"Atrioventricular block, first degree","G561111","46992.0","Prolonged P-R interval","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, first degree","",""
+"Atrioventricular block, first degree",3294,26971,ECG:partial A-V block-long P-R,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, first degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, first degree",32I3.00,48092,ECG: P-R interval prolonged,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, first degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, first degree",G561100,12149,First degree atrioventricular block,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, first degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, first degree",G561111,46992,Prolonged P-R interval,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, first degree"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_2.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_2.csv
index c5503b7..f6c7b99 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_2.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_2.csv
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Atrioventricular block, second degree","3295.00","40118.0","ECG: partial A-V block - 2:1","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
-"Atrioventricular block, second degree","3296.00","93216.0","ECG: partial A-V block - 3:1","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
-"Atrioventricular block, second degree","3297.00","19060.0","ECG: Wenckebach phenomenon","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
-"Atrioventricular block, second degree","3297.11","102330.0","Electrocardiogram: Mobitz type 1 second degree AV block","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
-"Atrioventricular block, second degree","329H.00","102553.0","Electrocardiogram: Mobitz type 2 second degree AV block","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
-"Atrioventricular block, second degree","G561200","10922.0","Mobitz type II atrioventricular block","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
-"Atrioventricular block, second degree","G561300","27928.0","Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) atrioventricular block","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
-"Atrioventricular block, second degree","G561311","103752.0","Mobitz type 1 second degree atrioventricular block","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
-"Atrioventricular block, second degree","G561400","36629.0","Second degree atrioventricular block","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",3295.00,40118.0,ECG: partial A-V block - 2:1,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",3296.00,93216.0,ECG: partial A-V block - 3:1,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",3297.00,19060.0,ECG: Wenckebach phenomenon,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",3297.11,102330.0,Electrocardiogram: Mobitz type 1 second degree AV block,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",329H.00,102553.0,Electrocardiogram: Mobitz type 2 second degree AV block,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",G561200,10922.0,Mobitz type II atrioventricular block,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",G561300,27928.0,Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) atrioventricular block,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",G561311,103752.0,Mobitz type 1 second degree atrioventricular block,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",G561400,36629.0,Second degree atrioventricular block,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_3.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_3.csv
index d38d031..654f632 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_3.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_av_block_3.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Atrioventricular block, complete","3293.00","35773.0","ECG:complete sinu-atrial block","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, complete"
-"Atrioventricular block, complete","3298.00","40175.0","ECG: complete A-V block","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, complete"
-"Atrioventricular block, complete","G560.00","3810.0","Complete atrioventricular block","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, complete"
-"Atrioventricular block, complete","G560.11","24377.0","Third degree atrioventricular block","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, complete"
+"Atrioventricular block, complete",3293.00,35773.0,ECG:complete sinu-atrial block,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, complete"
+"Atrioventricular block, complete",3298.00,40175.0,ECG: complete A-V block,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, complete"
+"Atrioventricular block, complete",G560.00,3810.0,Complete atrioventricular block,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, complete"
+"Atrioventricular block, complete",G560.11,24377.0,Third degree atrioventricular block,"Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, complete"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_B12def.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_b12_def.csv
similarity index 97%
rename from primary_care/CPRD_B12def.csv
rename to primary_care/CPRD_b12_def.csv
index 2971171..680ac5b 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_B12def.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_b12_def.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Disease,Read code,Medcode,Descr,Category
Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,1452,54738,H/O: Anaemia vit.B12 deficient,History of Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia
Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,66E1.00,11126,B12 defic. initial assessment,Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,66E2.00,8013,B12 defic.follow-up assessment,Vitamin B12 deficiency
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,Dyu0200,35092,[X]Other vitamin B12 deficiency ana
Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,Dyu0600,53846,"[X]Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia, unspecified",Diagnosis of Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia
Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,F11x600,24581,Cerebral degeneration due to vitamin B12 deficiency,Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,F162.00,7736,Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord,Vitamin B12 deficiency
-Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,F381500,56973,Myasthenic syndrome due to pernicious anaemia,Diagnosis of Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia
\ No newline at end of file
+Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,F381500,56973,Myasthenic syndrome due to pernicious anaemia,Diagnosis of Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_bact_sepsis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_bact_sepsis.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 566ce95..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_bact_sepsis.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q408200","96711.0","Eschericha coli intra-amniotic fetal infection","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q408400","39324.0","Group A haemolytic streptococcal intra-amniotic infect. NEC","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q408500","13303.0","Group B haemolytic streptococcal intra-amniotic infect. NEC","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q408600","96710.0","Pseudomonas pyocyaneus congenital infection","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40A000","39691.0","Sepsis of newborn due to Staphylococcus aureus","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40A100","56336.0","Sepsis of newborn due to Escherichia coli","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40A200","110079.0","Sepsis of newborn due to anaerobes","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40A300","60617.0","Perinatal coagulase negative staphylococcus","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40A.00","3613.0","Sepsis of the newborn","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40W.00","47693.0","Sepsis of newborn due to other+unspecified streptococci","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40y000","67438.0","Intrauterine fetal sepsis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40y011","55606.0","Congenital sepsis NOS","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40y012","99123.0","Congenital septicaemia","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40y100","6097.0","Neonatal urinary tract infection","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40y200","22031.0","Septicaemia of newborn","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40y.00","68665.0","Other specified perinatal infection","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40yz00","66780.0","Other specified perinatal infection NOS","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Q40z.00","54637.0","Perinatal infections NOS","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Qyu4100","98669.0","[X]Sepsis/newborn due to other+unspecified staphylococcus","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Qyu4200","93976.0","[X]Other bacterial sepsis of newborn","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Qyu4800","98366.0","[X]Sepsis of newborn due to other+unspecified streptococci","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_barrett.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_barrett.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 5eab3ed..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_barrett.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Barrett's oesophagus","J101611","4614.0","Barrett's oesophagus","Diagnosis of Barrett's oesophagus"
-"Barrett's oesophagus","J102500","5596.0","Barrett's ulcer of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Barrett's oesophagus"
-"Barrett's oesophagus","J10y600","99526.0","Barrett's oesophagus","Diagnosis of Barrett's oesophagus"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_barretts.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_barretts.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f83e99b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_barretts.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Barrett's oesophagus,J101611,4614.0,Barrett's oesophagus,Diagnosis of Barrett's oesophagus
+Barrett's oesophagus,J102500,5596.0,Barrett's ulcer of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Barrett's oesophagus
+Barrett's oesophagus,J10y600,99526.0,Barrett's oesophagus,Diagnosis of Barrett's oesophagus
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_bells.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_bells.csv
index 87029e1..75fdda8 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_bells.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_bells.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Bell's (facial) palsy","1476.00","16577.0","H/O: Bell's palsy","History of Bell's (facial) palsy"
-"Bell's (facial) palsy","F310.00","206.0","Bell's (facial) palsy","Diagnosis of Bell's (facial) palsy"
+Bell's palsy,1476,16577,H/O: Bell's palsy,History of Bell's (facial) palsy
+Bell's palsy,F310.00,206,Bell's (facial) palsy,Diagnosis of Bell's (facial) palsy
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_benign_brain.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_benign_brain.csv
index f1b51d8..4bf9d07 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_benign_brain.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_benign_brain.csv
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F0000","55419.0","Benign neoplasm of brain, supratentorial","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F0.00","11678.0","Benign neoplasm of brain","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F0.11","31189.0","Cerebral tumour - benign","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F1000","6174.0","Acoustic neuroma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F1.00","44776.0","Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F2000","8672.0","Cerebral meningioma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F2.00","18200.0","Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F2z00","65069.0","Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F3.00","31391.0","Benign neoplasm of spinal cord","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F4000","9544.0","Spinal meningioma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F4.00","35095.0","Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F4z00","94426.0","Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7F..00","27289.0","Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of nervous system","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7FX.00","37637.0","Benign neoplasm of meninges, unspecified","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7Fz.00","60341.0","Benign neoplasm of brain or other nervous system NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H2000","20267.0","Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H2100","46829.0","Benign neoplasm of Rathke's pouch","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H2200","15635.0","Benign neoplasm of sella turcica","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H2300","55379.0","Benign neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H2.00","5706.0","Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H2.11","2321.0","Pituitary adenoma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H2z00","71886.0","Benign neoplasm of pituitary and craniopharyngeal duct NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H3.00","50466.0","Benign neoplasm of pineal gland","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H4.00","39432.0","Benign neoplasm of carotid body","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H5000","58575.0","Benign neoplasm of glomus jugulare","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H5100","37162.0","Benign neoplasm of aortic body","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H5200","53562.0","Benign neoplasm of coccygeal body","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H5.00","64587.0","Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","B7H5z00","73669.0","Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBb5.00","26157.0","[M]Choroid plexus papilloma NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBd0.00","12096.0","[M]Meningioma NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBd3.00","65426.0","[M]Meningotheliomatous meningioma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBd3.11","96487.0","[M]Endotheliomatous meningioma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBd4.00","38295.0","[M]Fibrous meningioma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBd5.00","38870.0","[M]Psammomatous meningioma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBd6.00","46251.0","[M]Angiomatous meningioma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBd7.00","21598.0","[M]Haemangioblastic meningioma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBd7.11","46490.0","[M]Angioblastic meningioma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBd8.00","50822.0","[M]Haemangiopericytic meningioma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBd9.00","67929.0","[M]Transitional meningioma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBd..00","2843.0","[M]Meningiomas","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBdz.00","47848.0","[M]Meningioma NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","BBe5.11","21247.0","[M]Acoustic neuroma","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F0000,55419.0,"Benign neoplasm of brain, supratentorial",Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F0.00,11678.0,Benign neoplasm of brain,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F0.11,31189.0,Cerebral tumour - benign,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F1000,6174.0,Acoustic neuroma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F1.00,44776.0,Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F2000,8672.0,Cerebral meningioma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F2.00,18200.0,Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F2z00,65069.0,Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F3.00,31391.0,Benign neoplasm of spinal cord,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F4000,9544.0,Spinal meningioma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F4.00,35095.0,Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F4z00,94426.0,Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7F..00,27289.0,Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of nervous system,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7FX.00,37637.0,"Benign neoplasm of meninges, unspecified",Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7Fz.00,60341.0,Benign neoplasm of brain or other nervous system NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H2000,20267.0,Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H2100,46829.0,Benign neoplasm of Rathke's pouch,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H2200,15635.0,Benign neoplasm of sella turcica,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H2300,55379.0,Benign neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H2.00,5706.0,Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H2.11,2321.0,Pituitary adenoma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H2z00,71886.0,Benign neoplasm of pituitary and craniopharyngeal duct NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H3.00,50466.0,Benign neoplasm of pineal gland,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H4.00,39432.0,Benign neoplasm of carotid body,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H5000,58575.0,Benign neoplasm of glomus jugulare,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H5100,37162.0,Benign neoplasm of aortic body,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H5200,53562.0,Benign neoplasm of coccygeal body,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H5.00,64587.0,Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,B7H5z00,73669.0,Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBb5.00,26157.0,[M]Choroid plexus papilloma NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBd0.00,12096.0,[M]Meningioma NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBd3.00,65426.0,[M]Meningotheliomatous meningioma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBd3.11,96487.0,[M]Endotheliomatous meningioma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBd4.00,38295.0,[M]Fibrous meningioma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBd5.00,38870.0,[M]Psammomatous meningioma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBd6.00,46251.0,[M]Angiomatous meningioma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBd7.00,21598.0,[M]Haemangioblastic meningioma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBd7.11,46490.0,[M]Angioblastic meningioma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBd8.00,50822.0,[M]Haemangiopericytic meningioma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBd9.00,67929.0,[M]Transitional meningioma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBd..00,2843.0,[M]Meningiomas,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBdz.00,47848.0,[M]Meningioma NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,BBe5.11,21247.0,[M]Acoustic neuroma,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_benign_colon.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_benign_colon.csv
index 2e6d3a7..34a9f2b 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_benign_colon.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_benign_colon.csv
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","771G400","6828.0","Colonoscopic polypectomy","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","7722.11","8825.0","Open operation on rectal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","7722.12","6891.0","Open polypectomy of rectum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","7726111.0","12298.0","Peranal excision of rectal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","7726112.0","4961.0","Peranal polypectomy of rectum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","7726212.0","39965.0","Peranal destruction of rectal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","7731200.0","7359.0","Excision of anal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713000","29916.0","Benign neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713100","55538.0","Benign neoplasm of transverse colon","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713200","47964.0","Benign neoplasm of descending colon","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713300","27577.0","Benign neoplasm of sigmoid colon","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713400","27402.0","Benign neoplasm of caecum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713500","41880.0","Benign neoplasm of appendix","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713600","41898.0","Benign neoplasm of ascending colon","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713700","42868.0","Benign neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713900","69106.0","Benign neoplasm of ileocaecal valve","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713.00","15072.0","Benign neoplasm of colon","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713.11","2922.0","Colon polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B713z00","25999.0","Benign neoplasm of colon NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B714000","27925.0","Benign neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B714100","33345.0","Benign neoplasm of rectum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B714111","40656.0","Benign papilloma rectum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B714200","15062.0","Benign neoplasm of anal canal","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B714300","41672.0","Benign neoplasm of anus NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B714.00","25862.0","Benign neoplasm of rectum and anal canal","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","B714z00","61560.0","Benign neoplasm of rectum or anal canal NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","J570000","2700.0","Anal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","J570100","2207.0","Rectal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","J570.00","5975.0","Anal and rectal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","J570z00","57584.0","Anal and rectal polyp NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","J578.00","11340.0","Colonic polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","J578.11","63594.0","Polyp of colon","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",771G400,6828.0,Colonoscopic polypectomy,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",7722.11,8825.0,Open operation on rectal polyp,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",7722.12,6891.0,Open polypectomy of rectum,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",7726111.0,12298.0,Peranal excision of rectal polyp,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",7726112.0,4961.0,Peranal polypectomy of rectum,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",7726212.0,39965.0,Peranal destruction of rectal polyp,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",7731200.0,7359.0,Excision of anal polyp,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713000,29916.0,Benign neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713100,55538.0,Benign neoplasm of transverse colon,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713200,47964.0,Benign neoplasm of descending colon,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713300,27577.0,Benign neoplasm of sigmoid colon,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713400,27402.0,Benign neoplasm of caecum,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713500,41880.0,Benign neoplasm of appendix,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713600,41898.0,Benign neoplasm of ascending colon,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713700,42868.0,Benign neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713900,69106.0,Benign neoplasm of ileocaecal valve,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713.00,15072.0,Benign neoplasm of colon,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713.11,2922.0,Colon polyp,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B713z00,25999.0,Benign neoplasm of colon NOS,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B714000,27925.0,Benign neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B714100,33345.0,Benign neoplasm of rectum,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B714111,40656.0,Benign papilloma rectum,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B714200,15062.0,Benign neoplasm of anal canal,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B714300,41672.0,Benign neoplasm of anus NOS,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B714.00,25862.0,Benign neoplasm of rectum and anal canal,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",B714z00,61560.0,Benign neoplasm of rectum or anal canal NOS,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",J570000,2700.0,Anal polyp,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",J570100,2207.0,Rectal polyp,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",J570.00,5975.0,Anal and rectal polyp,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",J570z00,57584.0,Anal and rectal polyp NOS,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",J578.00,11340.0,Colonic polyp,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",J578.11,63594.0,Polyp of colon,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_benign_ovary.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_benign_ovary.csv
index c42d116..cc01a69 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_benign_ovary.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_benign_ovary.csv
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","7E20300","958.0","Ovarian cystectomy","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","7E23300","11747.0","Open drainage of cyst of ovary","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","7E25200","9380.0","Endoscopic drainage of cyst of ovary","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","7E25211","6521.0","Laparoscopic drainage ovarian cyst","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","7E29100","49911.0","Transvaginal drainage of ovarian cyst","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","7E2B000","85236.0","Transvaginal ultrasound guided aspiration of ovarian cyst","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","B7A2.00","11937.0","Benign teratoma of ovary","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","B7A..00","18639.0","Benign neoplasm of ovary","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","B7A..11","11728.0","Dermoid cyst of ovary","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","BB81.00","2979.0","[M]Ovarian cystic, mucinous and serous neoplasms","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","BB81z00","40033.0","[M]Ovarian cystic, mucinous or serous neoplasm NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K530.00","15786.0","Follicular cyst of ovary","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K530.11","40974.0","Graafian follicle cyst","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K531000","53674.0","Corpus luteum cyst unspecified","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K531100","49824.0","Corpus luteum cyst haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K531200","5588.0","Corpus luteum cyst rupture","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K531.00","20030.0","Corpus luteum cyst","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K531z00","41667.0","Corpus luteum cyst NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K532000","51846.0","Corpus albicans cyst of the ovary","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K532100","35115.0","Theca lutein cyst of the ovary","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K532300","25689.0","Simple cystoma of the ovary","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K532.00","33932.0","Other ovarian cysts","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K532z00","6251.0","Ovarian cyst NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","K53..11","957.0","Ovarian cysts","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","Kyu9500","52995.0","[X]Other and unspecified ovarian cysts","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","PC04.00","17505.0","Developmental ovarian cyst","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","ZV13G00","105462.0","[V]Personal history of ovarian cyst","History of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,7E20300,958.0,Ovarian cystectomy,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,7E23300,11747.0,Open drainage of cyst of ovary,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,7E25200,9380.0,Endoscopic drainage of cyst of ovary,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,7E25211,6521.0,Laparoscopic drainage ovarian cyst,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,7E29100,49911.0,Transvaginal drainage of ovarian cyst,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,7E2B000,85236.0,Transvaginal ultrasound guided aspiration of ovarian cyst,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,B7A2.00,11937.0,Benign teratoma of ovary,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,B7A..00,18639.0,Benign neoplasm of ovary,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,B7A..11,11728.0,Dermoid cyst of ovary,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,BB81.00,2979.0,"[M]Ovarian cystic, mucinous and serous neoplasms",Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,BB81z00,40033.0,"[M]Ovarian cystic, mucinous or serous neoplasm NOS",Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K530.00,15786.0,Follicular cyst of ovary,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K530.11,40974.0,Graafian follicle cyst,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K531000,53674.0,Corpus luteum cyst unspecified,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K531100,49824.0,Corpus luteum cyst haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K531200,5588.0,Corpus luteum cyst rupture,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K531.00,20030.0,Corpus luteum cyst,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K531z00,41667.0,Corpus luteum cyst NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K532000,51846.0,Corpus albicans cyst of the ovary,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K532100,35115.0,Theca lutein cyst of the ovary,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K532300,25689.0,Simple cystoma of the ovary,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K532.00,33932.0,Other ovarian cysts,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K532z00,6251.0,Ovarian cyst NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,K53..11,957.0,Ovarian cysts,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,Kyu9500,52995.0,[X]Other and unspecified ovarian cysts,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,PC04.00,17505.0,Developmental ovarian cyst,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,ZV13G00,105462.0,[V]Personal history of ovarian cyst,History of Benign neoplasm of ovary
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_benign_stomach.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_benign_stomach.csv
index ece619d..8bbc8ef 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_benign_stomach.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_benign_stomach.csv
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","7612000.0","31943.0","Open excision of polyp of stomach","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B711000","70651.0","Benign neoplasm of stomach cardia","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B711100","62625.0","Benign neoplasm of pylorus of stomach","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B711200","52425.0","Benign neoplasm of fundus of stomach","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B711300","62798.0","Benign neoplasm of body of stomach","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B711400","57870.0","Benign neoplasm of pyloric antrum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B711.00","2151.0","Benign neoplasm of stomach","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B711.11","9930.0","Gastric polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B711z00","54667.0","Benign neoplasm of stomach NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B712000","48001.0","Benign neoplasm of duodenum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B712011","14949.0","Duodenal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B712100","70965.0","Benign neoplasm of jejunum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B712111","43341.0","Jejunal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B712200","70275.0","Benign neoplasm of ileum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B712.00","15203.0","Benign neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","B712z00","95911.0","Benign neoplasm of small intestine or duodenum NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","J177.00","25671.0","Gastric polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","J177.11","19143.0","Polyp of stomach","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","J178.00","51733.0","Duodenal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","J178.11","41334.0","Polyp of duodenum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,7612000.0,31943.0,Open excision of polyp of stomach,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B711000,70651.0,Benign neoplasm of stomach cardia,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B711100,62625.0,Benign neoplasm of pylorus of stomach,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B711200,52425.0,Benign neoplasm of fundus of stomach,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B711300,62798.0,Benign neoplasm of body of stomach,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B711400,57870.0,Benign neoplasm of pyloric antrum,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B711.00,2151.0,Benign neoplasm of stomach,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B711.11,9930.0,Gastric polyp,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B711z00,54667.0,Benign neoplasm of stomach NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B712000,48001.0,Benign neoplasm of duodenum,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B712011,14949.0,Duodenal polyp,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B712100,70965.0,Benign neoplasm of jejunum,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B712111,43341.0,Jejunal polyp,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B712200,70275.0,Benign neoplasm of ileum,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B712.00,15203.0,Benign neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,B712z00,95911.0,Benign neoplasm of small intestine or duodenum NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,J177.00,25671.0,Gastric polyp,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,J177.11,19143.0,Polyp of stomach,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,J178.00,51733.0,Duodenal polyp,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,J178.11,41334.0,Polyp of duodenum,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_benign_uterus.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_benign_uterus.csv
index 6450225..ec2f597 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_benign_uterus.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_benign_uterus.csv
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","7E0D311","29737.0","Endoscopic endometrial polypectomy","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","7E0D700","7789.0","Endoscopic endometrial polypectomy","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","B791000","22609.0","Benign neoplasm of endometrium NEC","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","B791100","45735.0","Benign neoplasm of myometrium NEC","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","B791200","70785.0","Benign neoplasm of uterine fundus NEC","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","B791.00","62383.0","Benign neoplasm corpus uteri NEC","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","B791z00","66816.0","Benign neoplasm of corpus uteri NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","B79..00","14960.0","Other benign neoplasm of uterus","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","B79y.00","66436.0","Benign neoplasm of other specified sites of uterus","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","B79z.00","56515.0","Benign neoplasm of uterus NOS","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","ByuGB00","33859.0","[X]Benign neoplasm of other parts of uterus","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","K540.00","2742.0","Polyp of the corpus uteri","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","K540.11","1269.0","Endometrial polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,7E0D311,29737.0,Endoscopic endometrial polypectomy,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,7E0D700,7789.0,Endoscopic endometrial polypectomy,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,B791000,22609.0,Benign neoplasm of endometrium NEC,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,B791100,45735.0,Benign neoplasm of myometrium NEC,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,B791200,70785.0,Benign neoplasm of uterine fundus NEC,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,B791.00,62383.0,Benign neoplasm corpus uteri NEC,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,B791z00,66816.0,Benign neoplasm of corpus uteri NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,B79..00,14960.0,Other benign neoplasm of uterus,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,B79y.00,66436.0,Benign neoplasm of other specified sites of uterus,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,B79z.00,56515.0,Benign neoplasm of uterus NOS,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,ByuGB00,33859.0,[X]Benign neoplasm of other parts of uterus,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,K540.00,2742.0,Polyp of the corpus uteri,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,K540.11,1269.0,Endometrial polyp,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_bifasc.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_bifasc.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 2200f22..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_bifasc.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Bifascicular block","329F.00","100888.0","ECG: right bundle branch and left anterior fascicular block","Diagnosis of Bifascicular block"
-"Bifascicular block","329G.00","104676.0","ECG: right bundle branch and left posterior fascicular block","Diagnosis of Bifascicular block"
-"Bifascicular block","G565100","98675.0","Right BBB with left posterior fascicular block","Diagnosis of Bifascicular block"
-"Bifascicular block","G565200","57069.0","Right BBB with left anterior fascicular block","Diagnosis of Bifascicular block"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_bifasc_block.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_bifasc_block.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9864b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_bifasc_block.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Bifascicular block,329F.00,100888.0,ECG: right bundle branch and left anterior fascicular block,Diagnosis of Bifascicular block
+Bifascicular block,329G.00,104676.0,ECG: right bundle branch and left posterior fascicular block,Diagnosis of Bifascicular block
+Bifascicular block,G565100,98675.0,Right BBB with left posterior fascicular block,Diagnosis of Bifascicular block
+Bifascicular block,G565200,57069.0,Right BBB with left anterior fascicular block,Diagnosis of Bifascicular block
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_blind.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_blind.csv
index 1cb82ed..6e679e3 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_blind.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_blind.csv
@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","1B75.00","3268.0","Loss of vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","2B6A.11","10388.0","O/E - blind R-eye","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","2B6B.00","33014.0","O/E - R-eye completely blind","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","2B6S.00","51274.0","O/E - pinhole R-eye completely blind","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","2B7A.11","3852.0","O/E - blind L-eye","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","2B7B.00","33016.0","O/E - L-eye completely blind","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","2B7S.00","54513.0","O/E - pinhole L-eye completely blind","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","2BBo.00","52630.0","O/E - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","2BBr.00","101881.0","Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","6688.00","2746.0","Registered partially sighted","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","6688.11","6768.0","Registered partially blind","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","6689.00","510.0","Registered blind","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","6689.11","101051.0","Registered severely sight impaired","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","668D.00","100999.0","Registered sight impaired","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","8F61.00","67126.0","Blind rehabilitation","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","8F62.00","91521.0","Blind lead dog rehabilitation","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","8F6..11","55846.0","Blind rehabilitation","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","8HlE.00","98935.0","Referral to visual impairment multidisciplinary team","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","9m08.00","106329.0","Excluded from diabetic retinopathy screening as blind","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","9NfB.00","105795.0","Requires deafblind communicator guide","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","9NlD.00","98226.0","Seen by visual impairment teacher","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F404100","10868.0","Blind hypotensive eye","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F404200","37086.0","Blind hypertensive eye","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F490000","55108.0","Unspecified blindness both eyes","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F490100","55436.0","Both eyes total visual impairment","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F490200","98672.0","Better eye: near total VI, Lesser eye: unspecified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F490400","96455.0","Better eye: near total VI, Lesser eye: near total VI","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F490600","99191.0","Better eye: profound VI, Lesser eye: total VI","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F490900","42262.0","Acquired blindness, both eyes","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F490.00","1990.0","Blindness, both eyes","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F490z00","47956.0","Blindness both eyes NOS","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F491000","29387.0","One eye blind, one eye low vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F491100","99504.0","Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: blind, unspecified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F491300","50679.0","Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: near total VI","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F491400","67594.0","Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: profound VI","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F491500","68391.0","Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: blind, unspecified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F491700","72411.0","Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: near total VI","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F491.00","55844.0","Better eye: low vision, Lesser eye: profound VI","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F491z00","54962.0","One eye blind, one eye low vision NOS","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F492000","40451.0","Low vision, both eyes unspecified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F492200","66731.0","Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: severe VI","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F492300","73224.0","Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: low vision unspecified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F492400","68386.0","Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: severe VI","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F492500","71319.0","Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: moderate VI","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F492.00","7203.0","Low vision, both eyes","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F492z00","33447.0","Low vision, both eyes NOS","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F493.00","20256.0","Visual loss, both eyes unqualified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F494.00","60401.0","Legal blindness USA","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F495000","3851.0","Blindness, one eye, unspecified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F495100","63045.0","Lesser eye: total visual impairment, Better eye: unspecified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F495200","99165.0","Lesser eye: total VI, Better eye: near normal vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F495300","99166.0","Lesser eye: total VI, Better eye: normal vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F495400","60043.0","Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: unspecified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F495500","63928.0","Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: near normal vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F495600","65144.0","Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: normal vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F495800","69998.0","Lesser eye: profound VI, Better eye: near normal vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F495A00","38000.0","Acquired blindness, one eye","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F495.00","15269.0","Profound impairment, one eye","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F495z00","44954.0","Profound impairment one eye NOS","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F496000","20607.0","Low vision, one eye, unspecified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F496100","104087.0","Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: unspecified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F496200","25168.0","Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: near normal vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F496300","67765.0","Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: normal vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F496400","100755.0","Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: unspecified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F496500","62657.0","Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: near normal vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F496600","67872.0","Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: normal vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F496.00","25831.0","Low vision, one eye","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F496z00","37893.0","Low vision, one eye NOS","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F497.00","104853.0","Severe visual impairment, binocular","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F498.00","105665.0","Moderate visual impairment, binocular","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F499.00","104666.0","Mild or no visual impairment, binocular","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F49A.00","104077.0","Blindness, monocular","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F49B.00","105206.0","Severe visual impairment, monocular","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F49C.00","105493.0","Moderate visual impairment, monocular","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F49..00","8367.0","Blindness and low vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F49..11","6020.0","Impaired vision","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F49..13","3976.0","Partial sight","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F49..14","9645.0","Sight impaired","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F49y.00","25547.0","Visual loss, one eye, unqualified","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F49z000","18819.0","Charles Bonnet syndrome","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F49z.00","1444.0","Visual loss NOS","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F49z.11","23742.0","Acquired blindness","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","F4H7300","32467.0","Cortical blindness","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","Fy1..00","103907.0","Combined visual and hearing impairment","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","FyuL.00","98637.0","[X]Visual disturbances and blindness","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","SJ0z.11","32044.0","Blindness - traumatic - NOS","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","Z961.00","38717.0","Provision of guide help for visual and hearing impairment","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","Z962.00","107912.0","Provision of communicator for visual and hearing impairment","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","Z96..00","32905.0","Provision for visual and hearing impairment","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","101881.0","Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy"
-"Visual impairment and blindness","ZK74.00","100108.0","Issue of local authority blind registration","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","101881.0","Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy"
-"Visual impairment and blindness","ZN56800","73508.0","Blind telephone user","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","ZN56A00","110179.0","Deaf-blind telephone user","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","ZRhO.00","52227.0","Reynell Zinkin language scale for the visually impaired","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","ZRr6.00","90766.0","Vineland maturity scales adapted for the blind","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
-"Visual impairment and blindness","ZV41000","6661.0","[V]Problems with sight","Diagnosis of blindness","","","","","","","","","","",""
+Visual impairment and blindness,1B75.00,3268,Loss of vision,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,2B6A.11,10388,O/E - blind R-eye,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,2B6B.00,33014,O/E - R-eye completely blind,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,2B6S.00,51274,O/E - pinhole R-eye completely blind,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,2B7A.11,3852,O/E - blind L-eye,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,2B7B.00,33016,O/E - L-eye completely blind,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,2B7S.00,54513,O/E - pinhole L-eye completely blind,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,2BBo.00,52630,O/E - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,2BBr.00,101881,Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,6688,2746,Registered partially sighted,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,6688.11,6768,Registered partially blind,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,6689,510,Registered blind,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,6689.11,101051,Registered severely sight impaired,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,668D.00,100999,Registered sight impaired,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,8F61.00,67126,Blind rehabilitation,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,8F62.00,91521,Blind lead dog rehabilitation,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,8F6..11,55846,Blind rehabilitation,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,8HlE.00,98935,Referral to visual impairment multidisciplinary team,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,9m08.00,106329,Excluded from diabetic retinopathy screening as blind,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,9NfB.00,105795,Requires deafblind communicator guide,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,9NlD.00,98226,Seen by visual impairment teacher,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F404100,10868,Blind hypotensive eye,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F404200,37086,Blind hypertensive eye,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F490000,55108,Unspecified blindness both eyes,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F490100,55436,Both eyes total visual impairment,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F490200,98672,"Better eye: near total VI, Lesser eye: unspecified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F490400,96455,"Better eye: near total VI, Lesser eye: near total VI",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F490600,99191,"Better eye: profound VI, Lesser eye: total VI",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F490900,42262,"Acquired blindness, both eyes",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F490.00,1990,"Blindness, both eyes",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F490z00,47956,Blindness both eyes NOS,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F491000,29387,"One eye blind, one eye low vision",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F491100,99504,"Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: blind, unspecified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F491300,50679,"Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: near total VI",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F491400,67594,"Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: profound VI",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F491500,68391,"Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: blind, unspecified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F491700,72411,"Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: near total VI",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F491.00,55844,"Better eye: low vision, Lesser eye: profound VI",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F491z00,54962,"One eye blind, one eye low vision NOS",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F492000,40451,"Low vision, both eyes unspecified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F492200,66731,"Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: severe VI",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F492300,73224,"Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: low vision unspecified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F492400,68386,"Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: severe VI",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F492500,71319,"Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: moderate VI",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F492.00,7203,"Low vision, both eyes",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F492z00,33447,"Low vision, both eyes NOS",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F493.00,20256,"Visual loss, both eyes unqualified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F494.00,60401,Legal blindness USA,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F495000,3851,"Blindness, one eye, unspecified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F495100,63045,"Lesser eye: total visual impairment, Better eye: unspecified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F495200,99165,"Lesser eye: total VI, Better eye: near normal vision",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F495300,99166,"Lesser eye: total VI, Better eye: normal vision",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F495400,60043,"Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: unspecified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F495500,63928,"Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: near normal vision",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F495600,65144,"Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: normal vision",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F495800,69998,"Lesser eye: profound VI, Better eye: near normal vision",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F495A00,38000,"Acquired blindness, one eye",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F495.00,15269,"Profound impairment, one eye",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F495z00,44954,Profound impairment one eye NOS,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F496000,20607,"Low vision, one eye, unspecified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F496100,104087,"Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: unspecified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F496200,25168,"Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: near normal vision",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F496300,67765,"Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: normal vision",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F496400,100755,"Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: unspecified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F496500,62657,"Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: near normal vision",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F496600,67872,"Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: normal vision",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F496.00,25831,"Low vision, one eye",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F496z00,37893,"Low vision, one eye NOS",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F497.00,104853,"Severe visual impairment, binocular",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F498.00,105665,"Moderate visual impairment, binocular",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F499.00,104666,"Mild or no visual impairment, binocular",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F49A.00,104077,"Blindness, monocular",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F49B.00,105206,"Severe visual impairment, monocular",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F49C.00,105493,"Moderate visual impairment, monocular",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F49..00,8367,Blindness and low vision,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F49..11,6020,Impaired vision,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F49..13,3976,Partial sight,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F49..14,9645,Sight impaired,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F49y.00,25547,"Visual loss, one eye, unqualified",Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F49z000,18819,Charles Bonnet syndrome,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F49z.00,1444,Visual loss NOS,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F49z.11,23742,Acquired blindness,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,F4H7300,32467,Cortical blindness,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,Fy1..00,103907,Combined visual and hearing impairment,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,FyuL.00,98637,[X]Visual disturbances and blindness,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,SJ0z.11,32044,Blindness - traumatic - NOS,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,Z961.00,38717,Provision of guide help for visual and hearing impairment,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,Z962.00,107912,Provision of communicator for visual and hearing impairment,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,Z96..00,32905,Provision for visual and hearing impairment,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,ZK74.00,100108,Issue of local authority blind registration,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,ZN56800,73508,Blind telephone user,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,ZN56A00,110179,Deaf-blind telephone user,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,ZRhO.00,52227,Reynell Zinkin language scale for the visually impaired,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,ZRr6.00,90766,Vineland maturity scales adapted for the blind,Diagnosis of blindness
+Visual impairment and blindness,ZV41000,6661,[V]Problems with sight,Diagnosis of blindness
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_bph.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_bph.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index fda7764..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_bph.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hyperplasia of prostate","14E1.00","16100.0","H/O: prostatism","History of Hyperplasia of prostate"
-"Hyperplasia of prostate","1AA..00","5906.0","Prostatism","Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate"
-"Hyperplasia of prostate","K200.00","929.0","Prostatic hyperplasia unspecified","Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate"
-"Hyperplasia of prostate","K201.00","64296.0","Prostatic hyperplasia of the lateral lobe","Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate"
-"Hyperplasia of prostate","K202.00","35676.0","Prostatic hyperplasia of the medial lobe","Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate"
-"Hyperplasia of prostate","K20..00","3045.0","Benign prostatic hypertrophy","Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate"
-"Hyperplasia of prostate","K20..14","7702.0","Enlarged prostate - benign","Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate"
-"Hyperplasia of prostate","K20..15","7555.0","BPH - benign prostatic hypertrophy","Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate"
-"Hyperplasia of prostate","K20..16","2627.0","Prostatism","Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate"
-"Hyperplasia of prostate","K20z.00","16035.0","Prostatic hyperplasia NOS","Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_bronchiectasis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_bronchiectasis.csv
index 7bfaa38..80d7ef2 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_bronchiectasis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_bronchiectasis.csv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Bronchiectasis","A115.00","15693.0","Tuberculous bronchiectasis","Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis"
-"Bronchiectasis","H340.00","20364.0","Recurrent bronchiectasis","Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis"
-"Bronchiectasis","H341.00","41491.0","Post-infective bronchiectasis","Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis"
-"Bronchiectasis","H34..00","2195.0","Bronchiectasis","Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis"
-"Bronchiectasis","H34z.00","32679.0","Bronchiectasis NOS","Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis"
-"Bronchiectasis","P861.00","56427.0","Congenital bronchiectasis","Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis"
+Bronchiectasis,A115.00,15693.0,Tuberculous bronchiectasis,Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis
+Bronchiectasis,H340.00,20364.0,Recurrent bronchiectasis,Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis
+Bronchiectasis,H341.00,41491.0,Post-infective bronchiectasis,Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis
+Bronchiectasis,H34..00,2195.0,Bronchiectasis,Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis
+Bronchiectasis,H34z.00,32679.0,Bronchiectasis NOS,Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis
+Bronchiectasis,P861.00,56427.0,Congenital bronchiectasis,Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_calculus_uri_tract.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_calculus_uri_tract.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f1e1c4..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_calculus_uri_tract.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Urolithiasis","14D3.00","24994.0","H/O: urinary stone","History of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","1A52.00","640.0","Renal colic","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","1A52.11","6770.0","Renal colic, symptom","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G41.00","34584.0","O/E: oxalate renal calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G42.00","24165.0","O/E: phosphate -staghorn-stone","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G42.11","32858.0","Phosphate kidney stone","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G43.00","27786.0","O/E: uric acid renal calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G44.00","49783.0","O/E: cystine renal calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G4..00","8399.0","O/E: renal calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G4..11","6979.0","O/E: kidney stone","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G4Z.00","38461.0","O/E: renal stone NOS","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G6..00","14276.0","O/E - ureteric calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G7..00","45245.0","O/E - urethral calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G81.00","74021.0","O/E - vesical oxalate calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G81.11","31773.0","Oxalate bladder stone","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G82.00","93608.0","O/E-vesical uric acid calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G82.11","29242.0","Uric acid bladder stone","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G83.00","102293.0","O/E-vesical phosphate calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G83.11","65920.0","Phosphate bladder stone","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G8..00","6978.0","O/E - bladder calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","4G8Z.00","64699.0","O/E - bladder calculus NOS","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B05000","4139.0","Unspecified open removal of calculus from kidney","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B07000","41619.0","Nephroscopy and ultrasound lithotripsy of renal calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B07011","36157.0","Endoscopic ultrasound fragmentation of renal calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B07100","60234.0","Nephroscopy & electrohydraulic lithotripsy of renal calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B07200","43350.0","Nephroscopy and laser lithotripsy of renal calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B07211","8677.0","Endoscopic laser fragmentation of renal calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B07400","34139.0","Endoscopic extraction of calculus of kidney nec","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B07.00","8190.0","Percutaneous renal stone surgery","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B07.11","56462.0","Nephroscopic percutaneous lithotripsy of renal calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B07.12","2315.0","Percutaneous lithotripsy of renal calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B07y00","66743.0","Other specified percutaneous renal stone surgery","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B07z00","7119.0","Percutaneous renal stone surgery NOS","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B0B000","17685.0","ESWL for renal calculus of unspecified size","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B0B100","52721.0","ESWL for renal calculus less than 2 cm in diameter","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B0B200","94219.0","ESWL for renal calculus 2 cm or more in diameter","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B0B.00","7682.0","Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B0B.11","21401.0","Extracorporeal fragmentation of renal calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B0By00","66113.0","Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus OS","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B0Bz00","28514.0","Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus NOS","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B17000","39511.0","Nephroscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B17011","58004.0","Nephroscopic laser fragmentation of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B17100","23897.0","Other nephroscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B17111","20813.0","Other nephroscopic lithotripsy of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B17200","45673.0","Nephroscopic extraction of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B18000","36792.0","Ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B18011","28790.0","Ureteroscopic laser fragmentation of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B18100","16025.0","Other ureteroscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B18200","38804.0","Ureteroscopic extraction of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B18.00","5366.0","Ureteroscopic operations for ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B19000","18190.0","Cystoscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B19100","41871.0","Other cystoscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B19200","37073.0","Cystoscopic extraction of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B19211","10587.0","Basket extraction of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B19212","24933.0","Dormia basket extraction of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B19300","35743.0","Cystoscopic catheter drainage for ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B19400","39048.0","Cystoscopic dilation of ureter for drainage of calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B19.00","4216.0","Cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B19y00","72447.0","Other specified cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B19z00","58149.0","Cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus NOS","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B1C000","51305.0","Extracorp shockwave lithotripsy of unspec ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B1C100","61904.0","Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for stone in upper ureter","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B1C200","101583.0","Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for stone in mid-ureter","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B1C300","71131.0","Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy stone in lower ureter","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B1C.00","3449.0","Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of ureteric calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B1Cy00","29477.0","Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of ureteric calculus OS","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B1Cz00","29464.0","Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy ureteric calculus NOS","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B1F000","102036.0","Endoscopic extraction of calculus of urinary diversion","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B25000","23381.0","Open removal of bladder calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B29100","28595.0","Other endoscopic extraction of bladder calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B29400","9323.0","Electrokinetic lithotripsy of bladder calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B2B400","40272.0","Removal of bladder calculus by urethral catheter suction","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B42300","34097.0","Open urethrotomy and removal of calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B42400","90777.0","Open extraction of calculus from urethra","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","7B43900","28953.0","Endoscopic removal of urethral calculus","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","C341100","43744.0","Uric acid nephrolithiasis","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","C341111","9162.0","Renal stone - uric acid","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K100600","2939.0","Calculous pyelonephritis","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K112.00","27592.0","Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K120000","10282.0","Staghorn calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K120.00","4928.0","Calculus of kidney","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K120.11","24047.0","Nephrolithiasis NOS","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K120.12","1858.0","Renal calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K120.13","2258.0","Renal stone","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K120z00","3906.0","Renal calculus NOS","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K121.00","3308.0","Calculus of ureter","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K121.11","2410.0","Ureteric calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K121.12","6048.0","Ureteric stone","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K121.13","36972.0","Ureterolithiasis","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K122.00","33746.0","Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K12..00","9950.0","Calculus of kidney and ureter","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K12..11","8777.0","Kidney calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K12..12","3669.0","Urinary calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K12z.00","1256.0","Urinary calculus NOS","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K140000","67386.0","Calculus in diverticulum of bladder","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K140100","94420.0","Other calculus in bladder","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K140.00","5729.0","Bladder calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K140.11","1912.0","Bladder stone","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K140z00","59834.0","Bladder calculus NOS","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K141.00","2105.0","Calculus in urethra","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K14..00","47869.0","Lower urinary tract calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K14y.00","46291.0","Other lower urinary tract calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K14z.00","44648.0","Lower urinary tract calculus NOS","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","K1A..00","52569.0","Urinary calculus in schistosomiasis","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","Kyu3000","106912.0","[X]Other lower urinary tract calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","Kyu3100","23917.0","[X]Calculus of urinary tract in other diseases CE","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","Kyu3.00","45765.0","[X]Urolithiasis","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","R080000","15201.0","[D]Renal colic, unspecified","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","R080100","6147.0","[D]Ureteric colic","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","R080.00","6087.0","[D]Renal colic","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","R080z00","33747.0","[D]Renal colic NOS","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_caliber_diabdiag_cprd.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_caliber_diabdiag_cprd.csv
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index 0000000..e506f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_caliber_diabdiag_cprd.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+"Name: diabdiag_cprd ",3,"C108.12","Type 1 diabetes mellitus",17858
+"Version: 1 ",3,"C108.13","Type I diabetes mellitus",24423
+"Source: CPRD ",3,"C108011","Type I diabetes mellitus with renal complications",61344
+"Author: Anoop Shah ",3,"C108012","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with renal complications",21983
+"Date: 18 Sep 2012 ",3,"C108211","Type I diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",49146
+"Timestamp: 15.04 23-Apr-13 ",3,"C108212","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",61829
+"Categories: ",3,"C108411","Unstable type I diabetes mellitus",60107
+"3. Type I diabetes mellitus ",3,"C108412","Unstable type 1 diabetes mellitus",97474
+"4. Type II diabetes mellitus ",3,"C108511","Type I diabetes mellitus with ulcer",51957
+" ",3,"C108512","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ulcer",68390
+" ",3,"C108711","Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",38161
+" ",3,"C108712","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",41049
+" ",3,"C108811","Type I diabetes mellitus - poor control",46850
+" ",3,"C108812","Type 1 diabetes mellitus - poor control",45914
+" ",3,"C108911","Type I diabetes mellitus maturity onset",63017
+" ",3,"C108912","Type 1 diabetes mellitus maturity onset",97446
+" ",3,"C108A11","Type I diabetes mellitus without complication",95992
+" ",3,"C108D11","Type I diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",66872
+" ",3,"C108E11","Type I diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",42729
+" ",3,"C108E12","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",70766
+" ",3,"C108F11","Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",17545
+" ",3,"C108H11","Type I diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",62352
+" ",3,"C108J11","Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",60208
+" ",3,"C108J12","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",18230
+" ",3,"C10E.00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus",1549
+" ",3,"C10E.11","Type I diabetes mellitus",12455
+" ",3,"C10E000","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with renal complications",47582
+" ",3,"C10E100","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications",47649
+" ",3,"C10E200","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",42831
+" ",3,"C10E300","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications",47650
+" ",3,"C10E311","Type I diabetes mellitus with multiple complications",91942
+" ",3,"C10E400","Unstable type 1 diabetes mellitus",43921
+" ",3,"C10E411","Unstable type I diabetes mellitus",49949
+" ",3,"C10E500","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ulcer",18683
+" ",3,"C10E511","Type I diabetes mellitus with ulcer",93878
+" ",3,"C10E600","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with gangrene",69993
+" ",3,"C10E700","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",18387
+" ",3,"C10E711","Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",95343
+" ",3,"C10E800","Type 1 diabetes mellitus - poor control",35288
+" ",3,"C10E900","Type 1 diabetes mellitus maturity onset",40682
+" ",3,"C10E911","Type I diabetes mellitus maturity onset",96235
+" ",3,"C10EA00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus without complication",69676
+" ",3,"C10EA11","Type I diabetes mellitus without complication",62613
+" ",3,"C10EB00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy",68105
+" ",3,"C10EC00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",46301
+" ",3,"C10EC11","Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",91943
+" ",3,"C10ED00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",10418
+" ",3,"C10EE00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",39070
+" ",3,"C10EF00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",49554
+" ",3,"C10EG00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy",93468
+" ",3,"C10EH00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",18642
+" ",3,"C10EJ00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",54008
+" ",3,"C10EK00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria",30323
+" ",3,"C10EL00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria",30294
+" ",3,"C10EM00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis",10692
+" ",3,"C10EM11","Type I diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis",62209
+" ",3,"C10EN00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma",40837
+" ",3,"C10EN11","Type I diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma",66145
+" ",3,"C10EP00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy",22871
+" ",3,"C10EP11","Type I diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy",97894
+" ",3,"C10EQ00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with gastroparesis",55239
+" ",4,"C109.12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus",17859
+" ",4,"C109.13","Type II diabetes mellitus",18219
+" ",4,"C109011","Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications",50225
+" ",4,"C109012","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications",18209
+" ",4,"C109111","Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications",59725
+" ",4,"C109112","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications",70316
+" ",4,"C109211","Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",67905
+" ",4,"C109212","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",45919
+" ",4,"C109411","Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer",55075
+" ",4,"C109412","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer",65704
+" ",4,"C109511","Type II diabetes mellitus with gangrene",62107
+" ",4,"C109512","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gangrene",46150
+" ",4,"C109611","Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",58604
+" ",4,"C109612","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",42762
+" ",4,"C109711","Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control",24458
+" ",4,"C109712","Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control",45913
+" ",4,"C109A11","Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy",50813
+" ",4,"C109B11","Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",47409
+" ",4,"C109C11","Type II diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",64571
+" ",4,"C109C12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",24836
+" ",4,"C109D11","Type II diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",56268
+" ",4,"C109D12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",61071
+" ",4,"C109E11","Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",48192
+" ",4,"C109E12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",44779
+" ",4,"C109F11","Type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy",54899
+" ",4,"C109F12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy",60699
+" ",4,"C109G11","Type II diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",18143
+" ",4,"C109G12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",49869
+" ",4,"C109H11","Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",47816
+" ",4,"C109H12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",66965
+" ",4,"C109J00","Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus",18278
+" ",4,"C109J12","Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus",18264
+" ",4,"C109K00","Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus",36633
+" ",4,"C10F.00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus",758
+" ",4,"C10F.11","Type II diabetes mellitus",22884
+" ",4,"C10F000","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications",18777
+" ",4,"C10F011","Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications",57278
+" ",4,"C10F100","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications",47321
+" ",4,"C10F200","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",34268
+" ",4,"C10F211","Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",98616
+" ",4,"C10F300","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications",65267
+" ",4,"C10F311","Type II diabetes mellitus with multiple complications",43227
+" ",4,"C10F400","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer",49074
+" ",4,"C10F411","Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer",91646
+" ",4,"C10F500","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gangrene",12736
+" ",4,"C10F600","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",18496
+" ",4,"C10F611","Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",49655
+" ",4,"C10F700","Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control",25627
+" ",4,"C10F711","Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control",47315
+" ",4,"C10F900","Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complication",47954
+" ",4,"C10F911","Type II diabetes mellitus without complication",53392
+" ",4,"C10FA00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy",62674
+" ",4,"C10FA11","Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy",95351
+" ",4,"C10FB00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",18425
+" ",4,"C10FB11","Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",50527
+" ",4,"C10FC00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",12640
+" ",4,"C10FD00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",46917
+" ",4,"C10FD11","Type II diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",98723
+" ",4,"C10FE00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",44982
+" ",4,"C10FE11","Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",93727
+" ",4,"C10FF00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy",37806
+" ",4,"C10FG00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",59253
+" ",4,"C10FH00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",35385
+" ",4,"C10FJ00","Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus",1407
+" ",4,"C10FJ11","Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus",64668
+" ",4,"C10FK00","Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus",34450
+" ",4,"C10FL00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria",26054
+" ",4,"C10FL11","Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria",60796
+" ",4,"C10FM00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria",18390
+" ",4,"C10FM11","Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria",85991
+" ",4,"C10FN00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis",32627
+" ",4,"C10FP00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma",51756
+" ",4,"C10FQ00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy",25591
+" ",4,"C10FR00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gastroparesis",63690
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_caliber_dm_cprd.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_caliber_dm_cprd.csv
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index 0000000..d62a9f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_caliber_dm_cprd.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+"Name: dm_cprd ",1,"1434.00","H/O: diabetes mellitus",6813
+"Version: 2 ",1,"14F4.00","H/O: Admission in last year for diabetes foot problem",7045
+"Source: CPRD ",1,"14P3.00","H/O: insulin therapy",17236
+"Author: Julie George, Emily Herrett, Anoop Shah, Liam Smeeth, Harry Hemingway ",1,"2126300","Diabetes resolved",28622
+"Date: 06 Jan 2012 ",1,"212H.00","Diabetes resolved",18766
+"Timestamp: 15.04 23-Apr-13 ",1,"9OL9.00","Diabetes monitoring deleted",54846
+"Categories: ",2,"13Y1.00","Diabetic association member",46533
+"1. H/O diabetes ",2,"3881.00","Education score - diabetes",12703
+"2. Possible diabetes ",2,"3882.00","Diabetes well being questionnaire",34528
+"3. Insulin dependent diabetes ",2,"66A..00","Diabetic monitoring",3550
+"4. Non insulin dependent diabetes ",2,"66A1.00","Initial diabetic assessment",13070
+"5. Secondary diabetes ",2,"66A2.00","Follow-up diabetic assessment",608
+"6. Diabetes, not otherwise specified ",2,"66AM.00","Diabetic - follow-up default",17886
+"7. Diabetes excluded ",2,"66AZ.00","Diabetic monitoring NOS",13067
+"8. Diabetes resolved ",2,"66Af.00","Patient diabetes education review",32619
+" ",2,"66Ak.00","Diabetic monitoring - lower risk albumin excretion",66475
+" ",2,"66Al.00","Diabetic monitoring - higher risk albumin excretion",61470
+" ",2,"679L.00","Health education - diabetes",13057
+" ",2,"679R.00","Patient offered diabetes structured education programme",12682
+" ",2,"8A12.00","Diabetic crisis monitoring",47341
+" ",2,"8A17.00","Self monitoring of blood glucose",17478
+" ",2,"8A18.00","Self monitoring of urine glucose",17846
+" ",2,"8A19.00","Self monitoring of blood and urine glucose",42217
+" ",2,"8A1A.00","Self monitoring urine ketones",55140
+" ",2,"8CR2.00","Diabetes clinical management plan",63412
+" ",2,"8CS0.00","Diabetes care plan agreed",47032
+" ",2,"8HHy.00","Referral to diabetic register",57723
+" ",2,"8HTe.00","Referral to diabetes preconception counselling clinic",50937
+" ",2,"8HTk.00","Referral to diabetic eye clinic",19381
+" ",2,"8Hg4.00","Discharged from care of diabetes specialist nurse",47058
+" ",2,"8Hj0.00","Referral to diabetes structured education programme",47011
+" ",2,"8Hj3.00","Referral to DAFNE diabetes structured education programme",93704
+" ",2,"8Hj4.00","Referral to DESMOND diabetes structured education programme",93657
+" ",2,"8Hj5.00","Referral to XPERT diabetes structured education programme",93870
+" ",2,"8I6F.00","Diabetic retinopathy screening not indicated",18747
+" ",2,"8I6G.00","Diabetic foot examination not indicated",12247
+" ",2,"8I81.00","Did not complete diabetes structured education programme",95094
+" ",2,"8I82.00","Did not complete DAFNE diabetes structured education program",97809
+" ",2,"8I83.00","Did not complete DESMOND diabetes structured educat program",95093
+" ",2,"8I84.00","Did not complete XPERT diabetes structured education program",94956
+" ",2,"93C4.00","Patient consent given for addition to diabetic register",57389
+" ",2,"9N0m.00","Seen in diabetic nurse consultant clinic",38103
+" ",2,"9N0n.00","Seen in community diabetes specialist clinic",32739
+" ",2,"9N0o.00","Seen in community diabetic specialist nurse clinic",38129
+" ",2,"9N1Q.00","Seen in diabetic clinic",2379
+" ",2,"9N1i.00","Seen in diabetic foot clinic",10824
+" ",2,"9N1o.00","Seen in multidisciplinary diabetic clinic",95813
+" ",2,"9N1v.00","Seen in diabetic eye clinic",9974
+" ",2,"9N2d.00","Seen by diabetologist",46521
+" ",2,"9N2i.00","Seen by diabetic liaison nurse",12507
+" ",2,"9N4I.00","DNA - Did not attend diabetic clinic",9145
+" ",2,"9N4p.00","Did not attend diabetic retinopathy clinic",30648
+" ",2,"9NM0.00","Attending diabetes clinic",6430
+" ",2,"9NN8.00","Under care of diabetologist",54601
+" ",2,"9NN9.00","Under care of diabetes specialist nurse",11930
+" ",2,"9NND.00","Under care of diabetic foot screener",11094
+" ",2,"9NiA.00","Did not attend diabetes structured education programme",95553
+" ",2,"9NiD.00","Did not attend DESMOND diabetes structured education program",95159
+" ",2,"9NiE.00","Did not attend XPERT diabetes structured education programme",94955
+" ",2,"9Nl4.00","Seen by general practitioner special interest in diabetes",97281
+" ",2,"9OL..00","Diabetes monitoring admin.",9897
+" ",2,"9OL1.00","Attends diabetes monitoring",13197
+" ",2,"9OL2.00","Refuses diabetes monitoring",26603
+" ",2,"9OL3.00","Diabetes monitoring default",22130
+" ",2,"9OL4.00","Diabetes monitoring 1st letter",13194
+" ",2,"9OL5.00","Diabetes monitoring 2nd letter",13195
+" ",2,"9OL6.00","Diabetes monitoring 3rd letter",12030
+" ",2,"9OL7.00","Diabetes monitor.verbal invite",31240
+" ",2,"9OL8.00","Diabetes monitor.phone invite",31141
+" ",2,"9OLA.00","Diabetes monitor. check done",13192
+" ",2,"9OLA.11","Diabetes monitored",20900
+" ",2,"9OLB.00","Attended diabetes structured education programme",26605
+" ",2,"9OLF.00","Diabetes structured education programme completed",94186
+" ",2,"9OLG.00","Attended XPERT diabetes structured education programme",94011
+" ",2,"9OLH.00","Attended DAFNE diabetes structured education programme",93390
+" ",2,"9OLJ.00","DAFNE diabetes structured education programme completed",93491
+" ",2,"9OLK.00","DESMOND diabetes structured education programme completed",93529
+" ",2,"9OLL.00","XPERT diabetes structured education programme completed",93631
+" ",2,"9OLM.00","Diabetes structured education programme declined",93854
+" ",2,"9OLZ.00","Diabetes monitoring admin.NOS",31241
+" ",2,"9h4..00","Exception reporting: diabetes quality indicators",28574
+" ",2,"9h41.00","Excepted from diabetes qual indicators: Patient unsuitable",11041
+" ",2,"9h42.00","Excepted from diabetes quality indicators: Informed dissent",11348
+" ",2,"ZL22500","Under care of diabetic liaison nurse",45250
+" ",2,"ZLA2500","Seen by diabetic liaison nurse",8618
+" ",2,"ZLD7500","Discharge by diabetic liaison nurse",58133
+" ",2,"ZRB4.00","Diabetes clinic satisfaction questionnaire",68546
+" ",2,"ZRB4.11","CSQ - Diabetes clinic satisfaction questionnaire",91164
+" ",2,"ZRB5.00","Diabetes treatment satisfaction questionnaire",94699
+" ",2,"ZRB5.11","DTSQ - Diabetes treatment satisfaction questionnaire",68818
+" ",2,"ZRB6.00","Diabetes wellbeing questionnaire",38130
+" ",2,"ZRB6.11","DWBQ - Diabetes wellbeing questionnaire",97824
+" ",2,"ZRBa.00","Education score - diabetes",67664
+" ",3,"66An.00","Diabetes type 1 review",85660
+" ",3,"C100000","Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, no mention of complication",24490
+" ",3,"C100011","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus",1038
+" ",3,"C101000","Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, with ketoacidosis",53200
+" ",3,"C102000","Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, with hyperosmolar coma",40023
+" ",3,"C103000","Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, with ketoacidotic coma",42567
+" ",3,"C104000","Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, with renal manifestation",93922
+" ",3,"C105000","Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, + ophthalmic manifestation",69748
+" ",3,"C106000","Diabetes mellitus, juvenile, + neurological manifestation",67853
+" ",3,"C107000","Diabetes mellitus, juvenile +peripheral circulatory disorder",70448
+" ",3,"C107300","IDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder",69124
+" ",3,"C108.00","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus",1647
+" ",3,"C108.11","IDDM-Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus",18505
+" ",3,"C108.12","Type 1 diabetes mellitus",17858
+" ",3,"C108.13","Type I diabetes mellitus",24423
+" ",3,"C108000","Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with renal complications",46963
+" ",3,"C108011","Type I diabetes mellitus with renal complications",61344
+" ",3,"C108012","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with renal complications",21983
+" ",3,"C108100","Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps",49276
+" ",3,"C108200","Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological comps",52283
+" ",3,"C108211","Type I diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",49146
+" ",3,"C108212","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",61829
+" ",3,"C108300","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple complicatn",52104
+" ",3,"C108400","Unstable insulin dependant diabetes mellitus",26855
+" ",3,"C108411","Unstable type I diabetes mellitus",60107
+" ",3,"C108412","Unstable type 1 diabetes mellitus",97474
+" ",3,"C108500","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ulcer",44443
+" ",3,"C108511","Type I diabetes mellitus with ulcer",51957
+" ",3,"C108512","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ulcer",68390
+" ",3,"C108600","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with gangrene",60499
+" ",3,"C108700","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",6509
+" ",3,"C108711","Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",38161
+" ",3,"C108712","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",41049
+" ",3,"C108800","Insulin dependant diabetes mellitus - poor control",6791
+" ",3,"C108811","Type I diabetes mellitus - poor control",46850
+" ",3,"C108812","Type 1 diabetes mellitus - poor control",45914
+" ",3,"C108900","Insulin dependant diabetes maturity onset",31310
+" ",3,"C108911","Type I diabetes mellitus maturity onset",63017
+" ",3,"C108912","Type 1 diabetes mellitus maturity onset",97446
+" ",3,"C108A00","Insulin-dependent diabetes without complication",56448
+" ",3,"C108A11","Type I diabetes mellitus without complication",95992
+" ",3,"C108B00","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy",24694
+" ",3,"C108C00","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",41716
+" ",3,"C108D00","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",57621
+" ",3,"C108D11","Type I diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",66872
+" ",3,"C108E00","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",44440
+" ",3,"C108E11","Type I diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",42729
+" ",3,"C108E12","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",70766
+" ",3,"C108F00","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",44260
+" ",3,"C108F11","Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",17545
+" ",3,"C108G00","Insulin dependent diab mell with peripheral angiopathy",64446
+" ",3,"C108H00","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",65616
+" ",3,"C108H11","Type I diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",62352
+" ",3,"C108J00","Insulin dependent diab mell with neuropathic arthropathy",39809
+" ",3,"C108J11","Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",60208
+" ",3,"C108J12","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",18230
+" ",3,"C10C.12","Maturity onset diabetes in youth type 1",98392
+" ",3,"C10E.00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus",1549
+" ",3,"C10E.11","Type I diabetes mellitus",12455
+" ",3,"C10E.12","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus",51261
+" ",3,"C10E000","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with renal complications",47582
+" ",3,"C10E100","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications",47649
+" ",3,"C10E112","Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps",98071
+" ",3,"C10E200","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",42831
+" ",3,"C10E300","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications",47650
+" ",3,"C10E311","Type I diabetes mellitus with multiple complications",91942
+" ",3,"C10E312","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple complicat",45276
+" ",3,"C10E400","Unstable type 1 diabetes mellitus",43921
+" ",3,"C10E411","Unstable type I diabetes mellitus",49949
+" ",3,"C10E412","Unstable insulin dependent diabetes mellitus",54600
+" ",3,"C10E500","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ulcer",18683
+" ",3,"C10E511","Type I diabetes mellitus with ulcer",93878
+" ",3,"C10E512","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ulcer",98704
+" ",3,"C10E600","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with gangrene",69993
+" ",3,"C10E700","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",18387
+" ",3,"C10E711","Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",95343
+" ",3,"C10E712","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",93875
+" ",3,"C10E800","Type 1 diabetes mellitus - poor control",35288
+" ",3,"C10E812","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus - poor control",72702
+" ",3,"C10E900","Type 1 diabetes mellitus maturity onset",40682
+" ",3,"C10E911","Type I diabetes mellitus maturity onset",96235
+" ",3,"C10E912","Insulin dependent diabetes maturity onset",97849
+" ",3,"C10EA00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus without complication",69676
+" ",3,"C10EA11","Type I diabetes mellitus without complication",62613
+" ",3,"C10EB00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy",68105
+" ",3,"C10EC00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",46301
+" ",3,"C10EC11","Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",91943
+" ",3,"C10ED00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",10418
+" ",3,"C10EE00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",39070
+" ",3,"C10EF00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",49554
+" ",3,"C10EG00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy",93468
+" ",3,"C10EH00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",18642
+" ",3,"C10EJ00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",54008
+" ",3,"C10EK00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria",30323
+" ",3,"C10EL00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria",30294
+" ",3,"C10EM00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis",10692
+" ",3,"C10EM11","Type I diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis",62209
+" ",3,"C10EN00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma",40837
+" ",3,"C10EN11","Type I diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma",66145
+" ",3,"C10EP00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy",22871
+" ",3,"C10EP11","Type I diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy",97894
+" ",3,"C10EQ00","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with gastroparesis",55239
+" ",3,"C10z000","Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, + unspecified complication",68792
+" ",3,"L180500","Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent",50960
+" ",3,"M21yC00","Insulin lipohypertrophy",38076
+" ",3,"M21yC11","Insulin site lipohypertrophy",43493
+" ",3,"ZC2C900","Dietary advice for type I diabetes",69043
+" ",3,"ZRbH.00","Perceived control of insulin-dependent diabetes",32359
+" ",4,"66Ao.00","Diabetes type 2 review",83532
+" ",4,"C100100","Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, no mention of complication",14803
+" ",4,"C100111","Maturity onset diabetes",14889
+" ",4,"C100112","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus",506
+" ",4,"C101100","Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with ketoacidosis",54856
+" ",4,"C102100","Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with hyperosmolar coma",43139
+" ",4,"C103100","Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with ketoacidotic coma",68843
+" ",4,"C104100","Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with renal manifestation",35105
+" ",4,"C105100","Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + ophthalmic manifestation",41389
+" ",4,"C106100","Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + neurological manifestation",39317
+" ",4,"C107100","Diabetes mellitus, adult, + peripheral circulatory disorder",63357
+" ",4,"C107200","Diabetes mellitus, adult with gangrene",33807
+" ",4,"C107400","NIDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder",56803
+" ",4,"C109.00","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus",4513
+" ",4,"C109.11","NIDDM - Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus",5884
+" ",4,"C109.12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus",17859
+" ",4,"C109.13","Type II diabetes mellitus",18219
+" ",4,"C109000","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with renal comps",52303
+" ",4,"C109011","Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications",50225
+" ",4,"C109012","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications",18209
+" ",4,"C109100","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalm comps",50429
+" ",4,"C109111","Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications",59725
+" ",4,"C109112","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications",70316
+" ",4,"C109200","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neuro comps",55842
+" ",4,"C109211","Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",67905
+" ",4,"C109212","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",45919
+" ",4,"C109300","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple comps",62146
+" ",4,"C109400","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ulcer",34912
+" ",4,"C109411","Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer",55075
+" ",4,"C109412","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer",65704
+" ",4,"C109500","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with gangrene",40401
+" ",4,"C109511","Type II diabetes mellitus with gangrene",62107
+" ",4,"C109512","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gangrene",46150
+" ",4,"C109600","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",17262
+" ",4,"C109611","Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",58604
+" ",4,"C109612","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",42762
+" ",4,"C109700","Non-insulin dependant diabetes mellitus - poor control",8403
+" ",4,"C109711","Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control",24458
+" ",4,"C109712","Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control",45913
+" ",4,"C109900","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complication",29979
+" ",4,"C109A00","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy",72320
+" ",4,"C109A11","Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy",50813
+" ",4,"C109B00","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",45467
+" ",4,"C109B11","Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",47409
+" ",4,"C109C00","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",59365
+" ",4,"C109C11","Type II diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",64571
+" ",4,"C109C12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",24836
+" ",4,"C109D00","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with hypoglyca coma",43785
+" ",4,"C109D11","Type II diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",56268
+" ",4,"C109D12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",61071
+" ",4,"C109E00","Non-insulin depend diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",69278
+" ",4,"C109E11","Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",48192
+" ",4,"C109E12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",44779
+" ",4,"C109F00","Non-insulin-dependent d m with peripheral angiopath",54212
+" ",4,"C109F11","Type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy",54899
+" ",4,"C109F12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy",60699
+" ",4,"C109G00","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",24693
+" ",4,"C109G11","Type II diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",18143
+" ",4,"C109G12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",49869
+" ",4,"C109H00","Non-insulin dependent d m with neuropathic arthropathy",40962
+" ",4,"C109H11","Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",47816
+" ",4,"C109H12","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",66965
+" ",4,"C109J00","Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus",18278
+" ",4,"C109J11","Insulin treated non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus",37648
+" ",4,"C109J12","Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus",18264
+" ",4,"C109K00","Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus",36633
+" ",4,"C10C.11","Maturity onset diabetes in youth",46624
+" ",4,"C10D.00","Diabetes mellitus autosomal dominant type 2",36695
+" ",4,"C10D.11","Maturity onset diabetes in youth type 2",59991
+" ",4,"C10ER00","Latent autoimmune diabetes mellitus in adult",95636
+" ",4,"C10F.00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus",758
+" ",4,"C10F.11","Type II diabetes mellitus",22884
+" ",4,"C10F000","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications",18777
+" ",4,"C10F011","Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications",57278
+" ",4,"C10F100","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications",47321
+" ",4,"C10F200","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",34268
+" ",4,"C10F211","Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications",98616
+" ",4,"C10F300","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications",65267
+" ",4,"C10F311","Type II diabetes mellitus with multiple complications",43227
+" ",4,"C10F400","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer",49074
+" ",4,"C10F411","Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer",91646
+" ",4,"C10F500","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gangrene",12736
+" ",4,"C10F600","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",18496
+" ",4,"C10F611","Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy",49655
+" ",4,"C10F700","Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control",25627
+" ",4,"C10F711","Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control",47315
+" ",4,"C10F900","Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complication",47954
+" ",4,"C10F911","Type II diabetes mellitus without complication",53392
+" ",4,"C10FA00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy",62674
+" ",4,"C10FA11","Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy",95351
+" ",4,"C10FB00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",18425
+" ",4,"C10FB11","Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",50527
+" ",4,"C10FC00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy",12640
+" ",4,"C10FD00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",46917
+" ",4,"C10FD11","Type II diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma",98723
+" ",4,"C10FE00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",44982
+" ",4,"C10FE11","Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract",93727
+" ",4,"C10FF00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy",37806
+" ",4,"C10FG00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy",59253
+" ",4,"C10FH00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy",35385
+" ",4,"C10FJ00","Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus",1407
+" ",4,"C10FJ11","Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus",64668
+" ",4,"C10FK00","Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus",34450
+" ",4,"C10FL00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria",26054
+" ",4,"C10FL11","Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria",60796
+" ",4,"C10FM00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria",18390
+" ",4,"C10FM11","Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria",85991
+" ",4,"C10FN00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis",32627
+" ",4,"C10FP00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma",51756
+" ",4,"C10FQ00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy",25591
+" ",4,"C10FR00","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gastroparesis",63690
+" ",4,"C10y100","Diabetes mellitus, adult, + other specified manifestation",63371
+" ",4,"C10z100","Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + unspecified complication",63762
+" ",4,"L180600","Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent",50609
+" ",4,"ZC2CA00","Dietary advice for type II diabetes",25041
+" ",5,"C10B.00","Diabetes mellitus induced by steroids",11551
+" ",5,"C10B000","Steroid induced diabetes mellitus without complication",26108
+" ",5,"C10FS00","Maternally inherited diabetes mellitus",95539
+" ",5,"C10G.00","Secondary pancreatic diabetes mellitus",51697
+" ",5,"C10G000","Secondary pancreatic diabetes mellitus without complication",96506
+" ",5,"C10H.00","Diabetes mellitus induced by non-steroid drugs",61122
+" ",5,"C10H000","DM induced by non-steroid drugs without complication",67212
+" ",5,"C10N.00","Secondary diabetes mellitus",22487
+" ",5,"C10N000","Secondary diabetes mellitus without complication",94383
+" ",5,"C10N100","Cystic fibrosis related diabetes mellitus",93380
+" ",5,"C11y000","Steroid induced diabetes",32193
+" ",6,"13AB.00","Diabetic lipid lowering diet",21689
+" ",6,"13AC.00","Diabetic weight reducing diet",13078
+" ",6,"13B1.00","Diabetic diet",13074
+" ",6,"2BBF.00","Retinal abnormality - diabetes related",22967
+" ",6,"2BBL.00","O/E - diabetic maculopathy present both eyes",9835
+" ",6,"2BBM.00","O/E - diabetic maculopathy absent both eyes",47144
+" ",6,"2BBP.00","O/E - right eye background diabetic retinopathy",11433
+" ",6,"2BBQ.00","O/E - left eye background diabetic retinopathy",11129
+" ",6,"2BBR.00","O/E - right eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy",13099
+" ",6,"2BBS.00","O/E - left eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy",13103
+" ",6,"2BBT.00","O/E - right eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy",13097
+" ",6,"2BBV.00","O/E - left eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy",13101
+" ",6,"2BBW.00","O/E - right eye diabetic maculopathy",13102
+" ",6,"2BBX.00","O/E - left eye diabetic maculopathy",13108
+" ",6,"2BBk.00","O/E - right eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy",47328
+" ",6,"2BBl.00","O/E - left eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy",52041
+" ",6,"2BBo.00","O/E - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy",52630
+" ",6,"2G51000","Foot abnormality - diabetes related",27921
+" ",6,"2G5A.00","O/E - Right diabetic foot at risk",17095
+" ",6,"2G5B.00","O/E - Left diabetic foot at risk",26664
+" ",6,"2G5C.00","Foot abnormality - diabetes related",18056
+" ",6,"2G5E.00","O/E - Right diabetic foot at low risk",26666
+" ",6,"2G5F.00","O/E - Right diabetic foot at moderate risk",31157
+" ",6,"2G5G.00","O/E - Right diabetic foot at high risk",31171
+" ",6,"2G5H.00","O/E - Right diabetic foot - ulcerated",35316
+" ",6,"2G5I.00","O/E - Left diabetic foot at low risk",26667
+" ",6,"2G5J.00","O/E - Left diabetic foot at moderate risk",31156
+" ",6,"2G5K.00","O/E - Left diabetic foot at high risk",31172
+" ",6,"2G5L.00","O/E - Left diabetic foot - ulcerated",35116
+" ",6,"2G5V.00","O/E - right chronic diabetic foot ulcer",62384
+" ",6,"2G5W.00","O/E - left chronic diabetic foot ulcer",49640
+" ",6,"66A3.00","Diabetic on diet only",7563
+" ",6,"66A4.00","Diabetic on oral treatment",1684
+" ",6,"66A5.00","Diabetic on insulin",8842
+" ",6,"66A8.00","Has seen dietician - diabetes",13069
+" ",6,"66A9.00","Understands diet - diabetes",38078
+" ",6,"66AA.11","Injection sites - diabetic",20696
+" ",6,"66AD.00","Fundoscopy - diabetic check",13196
+" ",6,"66AG.00","Diabetic drug side effects",53238
+" ",6,"66AH.00","Diabetic treatment changed",16490
+" ",6,"66AI.00","Diabetic - good control",13071
+" ",6,"66AJ.00","Diabetic - poor control",2378
+" ",6,"66AJ.11","Unstable diabetes",9013
+" ",6,"66AJ100","Brittle diabetes",2478
+" ",6,"66AJz00","Diabetic - poor control NOS",22023
+" ",6,"66AK.00","Diabetic - cooperative patient",43951
+" ",6,"66AL.00","Diabetic-uncooperative patient",17869
+" ",6,"66AN.00","Date diabetic treatment start",29041
+" ",6,"66AO.00","Date diabetic treatment stopp.",55123
+" ",6,"66AP.00","Diabetes: practice programme",12506
+" ",6,"66AQ.00","Diabetes: shared care programme",12675
+" ",6,"66AR.00","Diabetes management plan given",8836
+" ",6,"66AS.00","Diabetic annual review",6125
+" ",6,"66AT.00","Annual diabetic blood test",18167
+" ",6,"66AU.00","Diabetes care by hospital only",12307
+" ",6,"66AV.00","Diabetic on insulin and oral treatment",28769
+" ",6,"66AW.00","Diabetic foot risk assessment",50175
+" ",6,"66AX.00","Diabetes: shared care in pregnancy - diabetol and obstet",46577
+" ",6,"66AY.00","Diabetic diet - good compliance",26604
+" ",6,"66Aa.00","Diabetic diet - poor compliance",25636
+" ",6,"66Ab.00","Diabetic foot examination",22823
+" ",6,"66Ac.00","Diabetic peripheral neuropathy screening",10977
+" ",6,"66Ag.00","Insulin needles changed daily",90301
+" ",6,"66Ah.00","Insulin needles changed for each injection",66274
+" ",6,"66Ai.00","Diabetic 6 month review",28873
+" ",6,"66Aj.00","Insulin needles changed less than once a day",69152
+" ",6,"66Am.00","Insulin dose changed",83485
+" ",6,"66Ap.00","Insulin treatment initiated",96010
+" ",6,"66Aq.00","Diabetic foot screen",95994
+" ",6,"6761.00","Diabetic pre-pregnancy counselling",49884
+" ",6,"68A7.00","Diabetic retinopathy screening",18311
+" ",6,"68A9.00","Diabetic retinopathy screening offered",19739
+" ",6,"68AB.00","Diabetic digital retinopathy screening offered",61021
+" ",6,"7276.00","Pan retinal photocoagulation for diabetes",11599
+" ",6,"7L10000","Continuous subcutaneous infusion of insulin",36798
+" ",6,"7L19800","Subcutaneous injection of insulin",17817
+" ",6,"889A.00","Diab mellit insulin-glucose infus acute myocardial infarct",61670
+" ",6,"8A13.00","Diabetic stabilisation",24363
+" ",6,"8B3l.00","Diabetes medication review",11471
+" ",6,"8BL2.00","Patient on maximal tolerated therapy for diabetes",12213
+" ",6,"8CA4100","Pt advised re diabetic diet",8414
+" ",6,"8CAQ.00","Advice about blood glucose control",12483
+" ",6,"8CP2.00","Transition of diabetes care options discussed",28856
+" ",6,"8H2J.00","Admit diabetic emergency",7059
+" ",6,"8H3O.00","Non-urgent diabetic admission",35321
+" ",6,"8H7r.00","Refer to diabetic foot screener",11677
+" ",6,"8HBG.00","Diabetic retinopathy 12 month review",11018
+" ",6,"8HBH.00","Diabetic retinopathy 6 month review",18662
+" ",6,"8HLE.00","Diabetology D.V. done",47370
+" ",6,"8Hl1.00","Referral for diabetic retinopathy screening",64142
+" ",6,"8I3W.00","Diabetic foot examination declined",18824
+" ",6,"8I3X.00","Diabetic retinopathy screening refused",12262
+" ",6,"8I3k.00","Insulin therapy declined",58159
+" ",6,"8I57.00","Patient held diabetic record declined",58639
+" ",6,"9360.00","Patient held diabetic record issued",52237
+" ",6,"9OLD.00","Diabetic patient unsuitable for digital retinal photography",35383
+" ",6,"C10..00","Diabetes mellitus",711
+" ",6,"C100.00","Diabetes mellitus with no mention of complication",38986
+" ",6,"C100z00","Diabetes mellitus NOS with no mention of complication",50972
+" ",6,"C101.00","Diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis",1682
+" ",6,"C101y00","Other specified diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis",38617
+" ",6,"C101z00","Diabetes mellitus NOS with ketoacidosis",42505
+" ",6,"C102.00","Diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolar coma",21482
+" ",6,"C102z00","Diabetes mellitus NOS with hyperosmolar coma",72345
+" ",6,"C103.00","Diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma",15690
+" ",6,"C103y00","Other specified diabetes mellitus with coma",59288
+" ",6,"C103z00","Diabetes mellitus NOS with ketoacidotic coma",65062
+" ",6,"C104.00","Diabetes mellitus with renal manifestation",16502
+" ",6,"C104.11","Diabetic nephropathy",2475
+" ",6,"C104y00","Other specified diabetes mellitus with renal complications",13279
+" ",6,"C104z00","Diabetes mellitis with nephropathy NOS",35107
+" ",6,"C105.00","Diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic manifestation",33254
+" ",6,"C105y00","Other specified diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complicatn",47377
+" ",6,"C105z00","Diabetes mellitus NOS with ophthalmic manifestation",34283
+" ",6,"C106.00","Diabetes mellitus with neurological manifestation",16230
+" ",6,"C106.11","Diabetic amyotrophy",59903
+" ",6,"C106.12","Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy",7795
+" ",6,"C106.13","Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy",16491
+" ",6,"C106y00","Other specified diabetes mellitus with neurological comps",61523
+" ",6,"C106z00","Diabetes mellitus NOS with neurological manifestation",22573
+" ",6,"C107.00","Diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorder",35399
+" ",6,"C107.11","Diabetes mellitus with gangrene",32403
+" ",6,"C107.12","Diabetes with gangrene",32556
+" ",6,"C107z00","Diabetes mellitus NOS with peripheral circulatory disorder",65025
+" ",6,"C108y00","Other specified diabetes mellitus with multiple comps",46290
+" ",6,"C108z00","Unspecified diabetes mellitus with multiple complications",64449
+" ",6,"C10A.00","Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus",52236
+" ",6,"C10A000","Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma",66675
+" ",6,"C10A100","Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis",33969
+" ",6,"C10C.00","Diabetes mellitus autosomal dominant",43453
+" ",6,"C10M.00","Lipoatrophic diabetes mellitus",43857
+" ",6,"C10y.00","Diabetes mellitus with other specified manifestation",33343
+" ",6,"C10yy00","Other specified diabetes mellitus with other spec comps",10098
+" ",6,"C10yz00","Diabetes mellitus NOS with other specified manifestation",70821
+" ",6,"C10z.00","Diabetes mellitus with unspecified complication",45491
+" ",6,"C10zy00","Other specified diabetes mellitus with unspecified comps",64283
+" ",6,"C10zz00","Diabetes mellitus NOS with unspecified complication",64357
+" ",6,"C314.11","Renal diabetes",11848
+" ",6,"C350011","Bronzed diabetes",23479
+" ",6,"Cyu2.00","[X]Diabetes mellitus",52212
+" ",6,"Cyu2000","[X]Other specified diabetes mellitus",41686
+" ",6,"F171100","Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes",17067
+" ",6,"F345000","Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex",44033
+" ",6,"F35z000","Diabetic mononeuritis NOS",17247
+" ",6,"F372.00","Polyneuropathy in diabetes",31790
+" ",6,"F372.11","Diabetic polyneuropathy",5002
+" ",6,"F372.12","Diabetic neuropathy",2342
+" ",6,"F372000","Acute painful diabetic neuropathy",48078
+" ",6,"F372100","Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy",35785
+" ",6,"F372200","Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy",24571
+" ",6,"F381300","Myasthenic syndrome due to diabetic amyotrophy",39420
+" ",6,"F381311","Diabetic amyotrophy",2340
+" ",6,"F3y0.00","Diabetic mononeuropathy",37315
+" ",6,"F420.00","Diabetic retinopathy",1323
+" ",6,"F420000","Background diabetic retinopathy",7069
+" ",6,"F420100","Proliferative diabetic retinopathy",3286
+" ",6,"F420200","Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy",2986
+" ",6,"F420300","Advanced diabetic maculopathy",10099
+" ",6,"F420400","Diabetic maculopathy",3837
+" ",6,"F420500","Advanced diabetic retinal disease",47584
+" ",6,"F420600","Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy",10755
+" ",6,"F420700","High risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy",30477
+" ",6,"F420800","High risk non proliferative diabetic retinopathy",65463
+" ",6,"F420z00","Diabetic retinopathy NOS",11626
+" ",6,"F440700","Diabetic iritis",17313
+" ",6,"F464000","Diabetic cataract",10659
+" ",6,"G73y000","Diabetic peripheral angiopathy",34152
+" ",6,"K01x100","Nephrotic syndrome in diabetes mellitus",2471
+" ",6,"K01x111","Kimmelstiel - Wilson disease",45499
+" ",6,"L180X00","Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, unspecified",55431
+" ",6,"M037200","Cellulitis in diabetic foot",7328
+" ",6,"M271000","Ischaemic ulcer diabetic foot",24327
+" ",6,"M271100","Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot",11663
+" ",6,"M271200","Mixed diabetic ulcer - foot",9881
+" ",6,"N030000","Diabetic cheiroarthropathy",18142
+" ",6,"N030011","Diabetic cheiropathy",57333
+" ",6,"N030100","Diabetic Charcot arthropathy",27891
+" ",6,"Q441.00","Neonatal diabetes mellitus",21472
+" ",6,"R054200","[D]Gangrene of toe in diabetic",53634
+" ",6,"R054300","[D]Widespread diabetic foot gangrene",31053
+" ",6,"TJ23.00","Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents",68928
+" ",6,"TJ23z00","Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents NOS",61210
+" ",6,"U602311","[X] Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents",65684
+" ",6,"ZC2C800","Dietary advice for diabetes mellitus",10642
+" ",6,"ZV65312","[V]Dietary counselling in diabetes mellitus",16881
+" ",7,"1I0..00","Diabetes mellitus excluded",19203
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_cardiomyo_dilated.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_cardiomyo_dilated.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 92f1af2..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_cardiomyo_dilated.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category","","hocm","cardio_oth"
-"Dilated cardiomyopathy","G554000","5141.0","Congestive cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy","","",""
-"Dilated cardiomyopathy","G554400","7535.0","Primary dilated cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy","","",""
-"Dilated cardiomyopathy","G555.00","4915.0","Alcoholic cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy","","",""
-"Dilated cardiomyopathy","G55y.11","9402.0","Secondary dilated cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy","","",""
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_cardiomyo_oth.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_cardiomyo_oth.csv
index e617194..65ab139 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_cardiomyo_oth.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_cardiomyo_oth.csv
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","C373300","56635.0","Familial cardiac amyloid","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","C373G00","105398.0","Senile cardiac amyloidosis","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","F391B00","44272.0","Cardiomyopathy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G343.00","7320.0","Ischaemic cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G550.00","15990.0","Endomyocardial fibrosis","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G552.00","68685.0","Obscure African cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G554100","41488.0","Constrictive cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G554200","21852.0","Familial cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G554500","101015.0","Takotsubo cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G554511","104658.0","Stress cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G554.00","57306.0","Other primary cardiomyopathies","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G554z00","40834.0","Other primary cardiomyopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G557000","30667.0","Amyloid heart disease","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G557011","105798.0","Cardiac amyloidosis","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G557100","49844.0","Beriberi heart disease","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G557500","20035.0","Thyrotoxic heart disease","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G557.00","100966.0","Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathies","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G557z00","64673.0","Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G558000","70855.0","Cardiomyopathy in Friedreich's ataxia","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G558100","27683.0","Cardiomyopathy in myotonic dystrophy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G558200","64837.0","Dystrophic cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G558400","105651.0","Amyloid cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G558.00","55850.0","Cardiomyopathy in disease EC","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G558z00","98020.0","Cardiomyopathy in diseases EC, NOS","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G559.00","97780.0","Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G55A.00","102955.0","Tachycardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G55A.11","104529.0","Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G55..00","3204.0","Cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G55y000","58938.0","Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G55y.00","42043.0","Secondary cardiomyopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","G55z.00","22993.0","Cardiomyopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","Gyu5N00","92266.0","[X]Other restrictive cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","Gyu5P00","97617.0","[X]Other cardiomyopathies","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","Gyu5R00","98634.0","[X]Cardiomyopathy in metabolic diseases CE","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
+Other Cardiomyopathy,C373300,56635.0,Familial cardiac amyloid,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,C373G00,105398.0,Senile cardiac amyloidosis,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,F391B00,44272.0,Cardiomyopathy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G343.00,7320.0,Ischaemic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G550.00,15990.0,Endomyocardial fibrosis,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G552.00,68685.0,Obscure African cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G554100,41488.0,Constrictive cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G554200,21852.0,Familial cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G554500,101015.0,Takotsubo cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G554511,104658.0,Stress cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G554.00,57306.0,Other primary cardiomyopathies,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G554z00,40834.0,Other primary cardiomyopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G557000,30667.0,Amyloid heart disease,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G557011,105798.0,Cardiac amyloidosis,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G557100,49844.0,Beriberi heart disease,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G557500,20035.0,Thyrotoxic heart disease,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G557.00,100966.0,Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathies,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G557z00,64673.0,Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G558000,70855.0,Cardiomyopathy in Friedreich's ataxia,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G558100,27683.0,Cardiomyopathy in myotonic dystrophy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G558200,64837.0,Dystrophic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G558400,105651.0,Amyloid cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G558.00,55850.0,Cardiomyopathy in disease EC,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G558z00,98020.0,"Cardiomyopathy in diseases EC, NOS",Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G559.00,97780.0,Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G55A.00,102955.0,Tachycardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G55A.11,104529.0,Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G55..00,3204.0,Cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G55y000,58938.0,Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G55y.00,42043.0,Secondary cardiomyopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,G55z.00,22993.0,Cardiomyopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,Gyu5N00,92266.0,[X]Other restrictive cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,Gyu5P00,97617.0,[X]Other cardiomyopathies,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,Gyu5R00,98634.0,[X]Cardiomyopathy in metabolic diseases CE,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_carpal_tunnel.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_carpal_tunnel.csv
index 5b6d482..7669544 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_carpal_tunnel.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_carpal_tunnel.csv
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Carpal tunnel syndrome","7056000.0","817.0","Carpal tunnel release","Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome"
-"Carpal tunnel syndrome","7056011.0","19249.0","Carpal tunnel decompression","Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome"
-"Carpal tunnel syndrome","7056200.0","16896.0","Re-release of carpal tunnel","Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome"
-"Carpal tunnel syndrome","7056400.0","39335.0","Endoscopic carpal tunnel release","Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome"
-"Carpal tunnel syndrome","705A100","97195.0","Revision of carpal tunnel release","Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome"
-"Carpal tunnel syndrome","85BE.00","6487.0","Injection of carpal tunnel","Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome"
-"Carpal tunnel syndrome","8Hlr.00","105374.0","Referral for carpal tunnel injection","History of carpal tunnel syndrome"
-"Carpal tunnel syndrome","9Nu3000","106021.0","Consent given for carpal tunnel injection","Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome"
-"Carpal tunnel syndrome","F340.00","816.0","Carpal tunnel syndrome","Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome"
-"Carpal tunnel syndrome","F340.12","6926.0","CTS - Carpal tunnel syndrome","Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome"
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,7056000.0,817.0,Carpal tunnel release,Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,7056011.0,19249.0,Carpal tunnel decompression,Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,7056200.0,16896.0,Re-release of carpal tunnel,Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,7056400.0,39335.0,Endoscopic carpal tunnel release,Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,705A100,97195.0,Revision of carpal tunnel release,Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,85BE.00,6487.0,Injection of carpal tunnel,Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,8Hlr.00,105374.0,Referral for carpal tunnel injection,History of carpal tunnel syndrome
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,9Nu3000,106021.0,Consent given for carpal tunnel injection,Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,F340.00,816.0,Carpal tunnel syndrome,Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,F340.12,6926.0,CTS - Carpal tunnel syndrome,Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_cataract.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_cataract.csv
index 5e452c1..5a7cfe7 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_cataract.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_cataract.csv
@@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","1483.00","5518.0","H/O: cataract","History of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","14N9.00","28513.0","H/O: R cataract extraction","History of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","14NA.00","28515.0","H/O: L cataract extraction","History of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","14NC.00","11970.0","H/O: Bilateral cataract extraction","History of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","22E5.00","1622.0","O/E - cataract present","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","2BT0.00","6547.0","O/E - Right cataract present","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","2BT1.00","9931.0","O/E - Left cataract present","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","2BT..00","64196.0","Cataract observation","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","7263011.0","23883.0","Needling of lens for cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","7263.12","6330.0","Extracapsular extraction of cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","7264.11","4260.0","Intracapsular extraction of cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","7266100.0","38641.0","Discission of cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","7266.11","5361.0","Other extraction of cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","7267600.0","103508.0","Cataract extraction and insertion of intraocular lens","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","8H5H.00","11767.0","Referral for cataract extraction","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","8HTV.00","11941.0","Referral to cataract clinic","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","8LC0.00","94348.0","Cataract operation planned","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","C108F00","44260.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","C108F11","17545.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","C108F12","110400.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","C109E00","69278.0","Non-insulin depend diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","C109E11","48192.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","C109E12","44779.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","C10EF00","49554.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","C10EF12","100770.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","C10FE00","44982.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","C10FE11","93727.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460000","44794.0","Unspecified infantile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460100","63491.0","Unspecified juvenile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460200","57805.0","Unspecified presenile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460300","59125.0","Anterior subcapsular polar cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460400","4242.0","Posterior subcapsular polar cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460500","7257.0","Cortical cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460600","45190.0","Lamellar zonular cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460700","7793.0","Nuclear cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460.00","41668.0","Infantile, juvenile and presenile cataracts","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460x00","94474.0","Combined nonsenile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460y00","70403.0","Other nonsenile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F460z00","58078.0","Nonsenile cataract NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461000","47566.0","Unspecified senile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461100","18048.0","Lens capsule pseudoexfoliation","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461200","50932.0","Coronary cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461300","26097.0","Punctate cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461400","48148.0","Incipient cataract NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461500","23631.0","Immature cataract NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461600","92358.0","Anterior subcapsular polar senile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461700","5325.0","Posterior subcapsular polar senile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461800","22022.0","Cortical senile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461900","6876.0","Nuclear senile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461A00","33793.0","Total, mature senile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461B00","51162.0","Hypermature cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461B11","63640.0","Morgagni cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461.00","10010.0","Senile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461x00","70257.0","Combined senile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461y00","49085.0","Other senile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F461z00","29770.0","Senile cataract NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F463000","62188.0","Unspecified cataracta complicata","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F463200","54130.0","Cataract in eye inflammatory disorder","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F463300","61325.0","Cataract with neovascularization","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F463400","19371.0","Cataract in degenerative disorder","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F463.00","48228.0","Cataract secondary to ocular disease","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F463z00","46169.0","Cataract secondary to ocular disorder NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F464000","10659.0","Diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F464100","45952.0","Tetanic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F464200","60883.0","Myotonic cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F464300","58625.0","Cataract associated with other syndromes","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F464.00","71291.0","Cataract due to other disorder","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F464z00","94430.0","Cataract due to other disorder NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F465000","24467.0","Unspecified secondary cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F465200","89585.0","Other after cataract with vision normal","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F465300","26850.0","After-cataract with vision obscured","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F465500","8130.0","Posterior capsule opacification","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F465.00","33482.0","After cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F465z00","44487.0","After cataract NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F466.00","703.0","Bilateral cataracts","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F46..00","296.0","Cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F46y.00","4358.0","Other cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F46yz00","15589.0","Other cataract NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F46z000","44294.0","Immature cortical cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F46z.00","6317.0","Cataract NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F4B4B00","104553.0","Keratopathy following cataract surgery","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F4B4C00","105971.0","Bullous aphakic keratopathy following cataract surgery","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","F4K2D00","42452.0","Vitreous syndrome following cataract surgery","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","FyuE000","101939.0","[X]Other senile cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","FyuE100","70201.0","[X]Other specified cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","FyuE400","49297.0","[X]Cataract in other diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P330.00","299.0","Congenital cataract, unspecified","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P331000","18089.0","Capsular cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P331100","11255.0","Subcapsular cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P331.00","59914.0","Capsular and subcapsular cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P331z00","88738.0","Capsular or subcapsular cataract NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P332000","60425.0","Cortical cataract - congenital","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P332100","63429.0","Zonular cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P332.00","96385.0","Cortical and zonular cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P332z00","98962.0","Cortical or zonular cataract NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P333.00","63212.0","Nuclear cataract - congenital","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P334000","39081.0","Total congenital cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P334z00","71623.0","Total or subtotal congenital cataract NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P33..00","4148.0","Congenital cataract and lens anomalies","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P33y000","27898.0","Blue dot cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P33y100","99424.0","Congenital membranous cataract","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P33y.00","70700.0","Other specified congenital cataract or lens anomaly","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P33yz00","90279.0","Other congenital cataract or lens anomaly NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","P33z.00","45926.0","Congenital cataract or lens anomaly NOS","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
-"Cataract","ZV45611","4459.0","[V]State following cataract extraction","Diagnosis of cataract","","","","","","",""
+Cataract,1483,5518,H/O: cataract,History of cataract
+Cataract,14N9.00,28513,H/O: R cataract extraction,History of cataract
+Cataract,14NA.00,28515,H/O: L cataract extraction,History of cataract
+Cataract,14NC.00,11970,H/O: Bilateral cataract extraction,History of cataract
+Cataract,22E5.00,1622,O/E - cataract present,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,2BT0.00,6547,O/E - Right cataract present,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,2BT1.00,9931,O/E - Left cataract present,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,2BT..00,64196,Cataract observation,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,7263011,23883,Needling of lens for cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,7263.12,6330,Extracapsular extraction of cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,7264.11,4260,Intracapsular extraction of cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,7266100,38641,Discission of cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,7266.11,5361,Other extraction of cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,7267600,103508,Cataract extraction and insertion of intraocular lens,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,8H5H.00,11767,Referral for cataract extraction,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,8HTV.00,11941,Referral to cataract clinic,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,8LC0.00,94348,Cataract operation planned,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,C108F00,44260,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,C108F11,17545,Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,C108F12,110400,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,C109E00,69278,Non-insulin depend diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,C109E11,48192,Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,C109E12,44779,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,C10EF00,49554,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,C10EF12,100770,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,C10FE00,44982,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,C10FE11,93727,Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460000,44794,Unspecified infantile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460100,63491,Unspecified juvenile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460200,57805,Unspecified presenile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460300,59125,Anterior subcapsular polar cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460400,4242,Posterior subcapsular polar cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460500,7257,Cortical cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460600,45190,Lamellar zonular cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460700,7793,Nuclear cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460.00,41668,"Infantile, juvenile and presenile cataracts",Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460x00,94474,Combined nonsenile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460y00,70403,Other nonsenile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F460z00,58078,Nonsenile cataract NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461000,47566,Unspecified senile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461100,18048,Lens capsule pseudoexfoliation,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461200,50932,Coronary cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461300,26097,Punctate cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461400,48148,Incipient cataract NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461500,23631,Immature cataract NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461600,92358,Anterior subcapsular polar senile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461700,5325,Posterior subcapsular polar senile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461800,22022,Cortical senile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461900,6876,Nuclear senile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461A00,33793,"Total, mature senile cataract",Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461B00,51162,Hypermature cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461B11,63640,Morgagni cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461.00,10010,Senile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461x00,70257,Combined senile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461y00,49085,Other senile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F461z00,29770,Senile cataract NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F463000,62188,Unspecified cataracta complicata,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F463200,54130,Cataract in eye inflammatory disorder,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F463300,61325,Cataract with neovascularization,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F463400,19371,Cataract in degenerative disorder,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F463.00,48228,Cataract secondary to ocular disease,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F463z00,46169,Cataract secondary to ocular disorder NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F464000,10659,Diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F464100,45952,Tetanic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F464200,60883,Myotonic cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F464300,58625,Cataract associated with other syndromes,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F464.00,71291,Cataract due to other disorder,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F464z00,94430,Cataract due to other disorder NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F465000,24467,Unspecified secondary cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F465200,89585,Other after cataract with vision normal,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F465300,26850,After-cataract with vision obscured,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F465500,8130,Posterior capsule opacification,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F465.00,33482,After cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F465z00,44487,After cataract NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F466.00,703,Bilateral cataracts,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F46..00,296,Cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F46y.00,4358,Other cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F46yz00,15589,Other cataract NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F46z000,44294,Immature cortical cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F46z.00,6317,Cataract NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F4B4B00,104553,Keratopathy following cataract surgery,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F4B4C00,105971,Bullous aphakic keratopathy following cataract surgery,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,F4K2D00,42452,Vitreous syndrome following cataract surgery,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,FyuE000,101939,[X]Other senile cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,FyuE100,70201,[X]Other specified cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,FyuE400,49297,[X]Cataract in other diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P330.00,299,"Congenital cataract, unspecified",Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P331000,18089,Capsular cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P331100,11255,Subcapsular cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P331.00,59914,Capsular and subcapsular cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P331z00,88738,Capsular or subcapsular cataract NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P332000,60425,Cortical cataract - congenital,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P332100,63429,Zonular cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P332.00,96385,Cortical and zonular cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P332z00,98962,Cortical or zonular cataract NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P333.00,63212,Nuclear cataract - congenital,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P334000,39081,Total congenital cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P334z00,71623,Total or subtotal congenital cataract NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P33..00,4148,Congenital cataract and lens anomalies,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P33y000,27898,Blue dot cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P33y100,99424,Congenital membranous cataract,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P33y.00,70700,Other specified congenital cataract or lens anomaly,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P33yz00,90279,Other congenital cataract or lens anomaly NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,P33z.00,45926,Congenital cataract or lens anomaly NOS,Diagnosis of cataract
+Cataract,ZV45611,4459,[V]State following cataract extraction,Diagnosis of cataract
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_cerebral_palsy.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_cerebral_palsy.csv
index 3dda95a..42a476d 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_cerebral_palsy.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_cerebral_palsy.csv
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Cerebral Palsy","38Gw.00","107844.0","Gross Motor Function Classification System Cerebral Palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F137000","16977.0","Athetoid cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F137011","64561.0","Vogt's disease","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F137100","92598.0","Double athetosis","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F137111","66314.0","Congenital athetosis","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F137.11","73943.0","Athetoid cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F137.12","42406.0","Athetosis - congenital","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F230000","37160.0","Congenital paraplegia","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F230100","5512.0","Cerebral palsy with spastic diplegia","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F230111","104775.0","Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F230.00","25324.0","Congenital diplegia","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F230.11","99040.0","Paraplegia - congenital","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F230z00","45551.0","Congenital diplegia NOS","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F231.00","27966.0","Congenital hemiplegia","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F232.00","21249.0","Congenital quadriplegia","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F232.11","48126.0","Tetraplegia - congenital","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F233.00","33925.0","Congenital monoplegia","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F233.11","55593.0","Congenital spastic foot","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F234.00","2019.0","Infantile hemiplegia NOS","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23..00","2069.0","Congenital cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23..11","15530.0","Congenital spastic cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23..12","5560.0","Infantile cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23..13","39971.0","Littles disease","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23..14","61219.0","Cerebral atonia","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23y000","21548.0","Ataxic infantile cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23y100","104828.0","Flaccid infantile cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23y200","25570.0","Spastic cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23y300","49967.0","Dyskinetic cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23y400","52659.0","Ataxic diplegic cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23y500","95132.0","Worster-Drought syndrome","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23y511","100627.0","Congenital suprabulbar paresis","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23y600","107551.0","Choreoathetoid cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23y.00","53178.0","Other congenital cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23yz00","12666.0","Other infantile cerebral palsy NOS","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F23z.00","28306.0","Congenital cerebral palsy NOS","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F2B0.00","104580.0","Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F2B1.00","105133.0","Spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F2B..00","104498.0","Cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F2By.00","104782.0","Other cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","F2Bz.00","104654.0","Cerebral palsy NOS","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","Fyu9000","90520.0","[X]Other infantile cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","Fyu9.00","53755.0","[X]Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
-"Cerebral Palsy","G669.00","16956.0","Cerebral palsy, not congenital or infantile, acute","Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy"
+Cerebral Palsy,38Gw.00,107844.0,Gross Motor Function Classification System Cerebral Palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F137000,16977.0,Athetoid cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F137011,64561.0,Vogt's disease,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F137100,92598.0,Double athetosis,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F137111,66314.0,Congenital athetosis,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F137.11,73943.0,Athetoid cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F137.12,42406.0,Athetosis - congenital,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F230000,37160.0,Congenital paraplegia,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F230100,5512.0,Cerebral palsy with spastic diplegia,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F230111,104775.0,Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F230.00,25324.0,Congenital diplegia,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F230.11,99040.0,Paraplegia - congenital,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F230z00,45551.0,Congenital diplegia NOS,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F231.00,27966.0,Congenital hemiplegia,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F232.00,21249.0,Congenital quadriplegia,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F232.11,48126.0,Tetraplegia - congenital,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F233.00,33925.0,Congenital monoplegia,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F233.11,55593.0,Congenital spastic foot,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F234.00,2019.0,Infantile hemiplegia NOS,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23..00,2069.0,Congenital cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23..11,15530.0,Congenital spastic cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23..12,5560.0,Infantile cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23..13,39971.0,Littles disease,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23..14,61219.0,Cerebral atonia,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23y000,21548.0,Ataxic infantile cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23y100,104828.0,Flaccid infantile cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23y200,25570.0,Spastic cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23y300,49967.0,Dyskinetic cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23y400,52659.0,Ataxic diplegic cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23y500,95132.0,Worster-Drought syndrome,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23y511,100627.0,Congenital suprabulbar paresis,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23y600,107551.0,Choreoathetoid cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23y.00,53178.0,Other congenital cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23yz00,12666.0,Other infantile cerebral palsy NOS,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F23z.00,28306.0,Congenital cerebral palsy NOS,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F2B0.00,104580.0,Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F2B1.00,105133.0,Spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F2B..00,104498.0,Cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F2By.00,104782.0,Other cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,F2Bz.00,104654.0,Cerebral palsy NOS,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,Fyu9000,90520.0,[X]Other infantile cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,Fyu9.00,53755.0,[X]Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes,Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
+Cerebral Palsy,G669.00,16956.0,"Cerebral palsy, not congenital or infantile, acute",Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_cholangitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_cholangitis.csv
index da63f30..fd4027a 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_cholangitis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_cholangitis.csv
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Cholangitis","J620100","25341.0","Liver abscess due to cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J646.00","24866.0","Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661000","40416.0","Acute cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661100","51530.0","Chronic cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661200","15678.0","Recurrent cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661300","41470.0","Suppurative cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661400","34753.0","Ascending cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661500","66226.0","Cholangitis lenta","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661600","97670.0","Obliterative cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661700","15425.0","Primary sclerosing cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661800","35667.0","Secondary sclerosing cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661900","44791.0","Sclerosing cholangitis unspecified","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661.00","10431.0","Cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661y00","33339.0","Other cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","J661z00","64412.0","Cholangitis NOS","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
+Cholangitis,J620100,25341.0,Liver abscess due to cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J646.00,24866.0,Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661000,40416.0,Acute cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661100,51530.0,Chronic cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661200,15678.0,Recurrent cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661300,41470.0,Suppurative cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661400,34753.0,Ascending cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661500,66226.0,Cholangitis lenta,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661600,97670.0,Obliterative cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661700,15425.0,Primary sclerosing cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661800,35667.0,Secondary sclerosing cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661900,44791.0,Sclerosing cholangitis unspecified,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661.00,10431.0,Cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661y00,33339.0,Other cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,J661z00,64412.0,Cholangitis NOS,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_cholecystitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_cholecystitis.csv
index 0627fd8..f34b3b5 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_cholecystitis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_cholecystitis.csv
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Cholecystitis","J643000","39025.0","Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and no obstruction","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J643100","31650.0","Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and obstruction","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J643.00","34683.0","Bile duct calculus with acute cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J643z00","96679.0","Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis - obstruct NOS","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J644000","107004.0","Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and no obstruction","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J644100","44649.0","Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and obstruction","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J644.00","26889.0","Bile duct calculus with other cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J644z00","61298.0","Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis - obstruction NOS","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J650000","44605.0","Acute cholecystitis unspecified","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J650100","72904.0","Acute angiocholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J650200","46248.0","Acute emphysematous cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J650300","38289.0","Acute suppurative cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J650400","41018.0","Acute gangrenous cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J650.00","505.0","Acute cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J650.11","44922.0","Abscess of gallbladder","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J650.12","932.0","Empyema of gallbladder","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J650z00","15735.0","Acute cholecystitis NOS","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J651000","7459.0","Chronic cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J651.00","45172.0","Other cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J651y00","63258.0","Other cholecystitis OS","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","J651z00","1924.0","Cholecystitis NOS","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","Jyu8100","101538.0","[X]Other cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
+Cholecystitis,J643000,39025.0,Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and no obstruction,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J643100,31650.0,Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and obstruction,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J643.00,34683.0,Bile duct calculus with acute cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J643z00,96679.0,Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis - obstruct NOS,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J644000,107004.0,Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and no obstruction,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J644100,44649.0,Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and obstruction,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J644.00,26889.0,Bile duct calculus with other cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J644z00,61298.0,Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis - obstruction NOS,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J650000,44605.0,Acute cholecystitis unspecified,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J650100,72904.0,Acute angiocholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J650200,46248.0,Acute emphysematous cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J650300,38289.0,Acute suppurative cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J650400,41018.0,Acute gangrenous cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J650.00,505.0,Acute cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J650.11,44922.0,Abscess of gallbladder,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J650.12,932.0,Empyema of gallbladder,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J650z00,15735.0,Acute cholecystitis NOS,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J651000,7459.0,Chronic cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J651.00,45172.0,Other cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J651y00,63258.0,Other cholecystitis OS,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,J651z00,1924.0,Cholecystitis NOS,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,Jyu8100,101538.0,[X]Other cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_cholelithiasis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_cholelithiasis.csv
index e0c09e8..6dea694 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_cholelithiasis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_cholelithiasis.csv
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Cholelithiasis","14CE.00","12140.0","H/O: gall stones","History of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","1965.00","930.0","Biliary colic","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","1965.11","7306.0","Biliary colic symptom","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","4775.00","94302.0","Faeces: gall stones present","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","4G21.00","61996.0","O/E: cholesterol gall stone","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","4G22.00","45836.0","O/E: pigment gall stone","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","4G2..00","4429.0","O/E: gall stone","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","4G2Z.00","42694.0","O/E: gall stone NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","7648700.0","17959.0","Enterotomy and removal of gallstone","Procedure for Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","8CMWD00","109379.0","On gallstone care pathway","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J503000","29663.0","Gallstone ileus","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J640000","63208.0","Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis +no obstruct","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J640100","48587.0","Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis + obstruction","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J640.00","35046.0","Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J640z00","64132.0","Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis - obst NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J641000","49202.0","Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis +no obstruct","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J641100","47536.0","Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis + obstruct","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J641.00","49106.0","Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J641z00","71134.0","Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis - obstruct NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J642000","54853.0","Gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis +no obstr","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J642100","61367.0","Gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis + obstruc","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J642200","6285.0","Biliary colic","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J642.00","12438.0","Gallbladder calculus without mention of cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J642.11","4416.0","Gallbladder calculus without mention of cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J642z00","15602.0","Gallbladder calculus without cholecystitis and obstruct NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J643000","39025.0","Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and no obstruction","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J643100","31650.0","Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and obstruction","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J643.00","34683.0","Bile duct calculus with acute cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J643z00","96679.0","Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis - obstruct NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J644000","107004.0","Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and no obstruction","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J644100","44649.0","Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and obstruction","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J644.00","26889.0","Bile duct calculus with other cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J644z00","61298.0","Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis - obstruction NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J645000","66713.0","Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis, no obstruction","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J645100","36879.0","Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis with obstruction","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J645200","8723.0","Bile duct calculus NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J645.00","22697.0","Bile duct calculus without mention of cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J645.11","15181.0","Choledocholithiasis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J645z00","69721.0","Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J646.00","24866.0","Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J64..00","3599.0","Cholelithiasis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J64..11","29142.0","Bile duct calculus","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J64..12","40075.0","Calculus - biliary","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J64..13","35469.0","Cystic duct calculus","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J64..14","8620.0","Gallbladder calculus","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J64..15","760.0","Gallstones","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J64..16","17323.0","Stone - biliary","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J64z000","47888.0","Cholelithiasis without obstruction NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J64z100","62988.0","Cholelithiasis with obstruction NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J64z.00","27437.0","Cholelithiasis NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J64zz00","34063.0","Cholelithiasis NOS","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J670500","12316.0","Gallstone acute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","J671100","42278.0","Gallstone chronic pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
-"Cholelithiasis","Jyu8000","96795.0","[X]Other cholelithiasis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
+Cholelithiasis,14CE.00,12140.0,H/O: gall stones,History of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,1965.00,930.0,Biliary colic,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,1965.11,7306.0,Biliary colic symptom,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,4775.00,94302.0,Faeces: gall stones present,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,4G21.00,61996.0,O/E: cholesterol gall stone,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,4G22.00,45836.0,O/E: pigment gall stone,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,4G2..00,4429.0,O/E: gall stone,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,4G2Z.00,42694.0,O/E: gall stone NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,7648700.0,17959.0,Enterotomy and removal of gallstone,Procedure for Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,8CMWD00,109379.0,On gallstone care pathway,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J503000,29663.0,Gallstone ileus,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J640000,63208.0,Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis +no obstruct,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J640100,48587.0,Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis + obstruction,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J640.00,35046.0,Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J640z00,64132.0,Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis - obst NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J641000,49202.0,Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis +no obstruct,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J641100,47536.0,Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis + obstruct,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J641.00,49106.0,Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J641z00,71134.0,Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis - obstruct NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J642000,54853.0,Gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis +no obstr,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J642100,61367.0,Gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis + obstruc,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J642200,6285.0,Biliary colic,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J642.00,12438.0,Gallbladder calculus without mention of cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J642.11,4416.0,Gallbladder calculus without mention of cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J642z00,15602.0,Gallbladder calculus without cholecystitis and obstruct NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J643000,39025.0,Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and no obstruction,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J643100,31650.0,Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and obstruction,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J643.00,34683.0,Bile duct calculus with acute cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J643z00,96679.0,Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis - obstruct NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J644000,107004.0,Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and no obstruction,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J644100,44649.0,Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and obstruction,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J644.00,26889.0,Bile duct calculus with other cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J644z00,61298.0,Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis - obstruction NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J645000,66713.0,"Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis, no obstruction",Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J645100,36879.0,Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis with obstruction,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J645200,8723.0,Bile duct calculus NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J645.00,22697.0,Bile duct calculus without mention of cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J645.11,15181.0,Choledocholithiasis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J645z00,69721.0,Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J646.00,24866.0,Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J64..00,3599.0,Cholelithiasis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J64..11,29142.0,Bile duct calculus,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J64..12,40075.0,Calculus - biliary,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J64..13,35469.0,Cystic duct calculus,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J64..14,8620.0,Gallbladder calculus,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J64..15,760.0,Gallstones,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J64..16,17323.0,Stone - biliary,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J64z000,47888.0,Cholelithiasis without obstruction NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J64z100,62988.0,Cholelithiasis with obstruction NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J64z.00,27437.0,Cholelithiasis NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J64zz00,34063.0,Cholelithiasis NOS,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J670500,12316.0,Gallstone acute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,J671100,42278.0,Gallstone chronic pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
+Cholelithiasis,Jyu8000,96795.0,[X]Other cholelithiasis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_chr_cystitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_chr_cystitis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33fe8c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_chr_cystitis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Non-acute cystitis,K151000,4897.0,Hunner's ulcer,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
+Non-acute cystitis,K151200,23776.0,Submucous cystitis,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
+Non-acute cystitis,K151.00,11585.0,Chronic interstitial cystitis,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
+Non-acute cystitis,K151z00,29460.0,Chronic interstitial cystitis NOS,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
+Non-acute cystitis,K152000,30068.0,Subacute cystitis,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
+Non-acute cystitis,K152.00,32787.0,Other chronic cystitis,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
+Non-acute cystitis,K152y00,3469.0,Chronic cystitis unspecified,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
+Non-acute cystitis,K152z00,11315.0,Other chronic cystitis NOS,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
+Non-acute cystitis,K153.11,11447.0,Follicular cystitis,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
+Non-acute cystitis,K15y000,22682.0,Cystitis cystica,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
+Non-acute cystitis,Kyu5000,72686.0,[X]Other chronic cystitis,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_chr_hep.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_chr_hep.csv
index 15579dd..cba88a2 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_chr_hep.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_chr_hep.csv
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","141E.00","30729.0","History of hepatitis B","History of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","14i..00","104277.0","H/O hepatitis C antiviral drug therapy","History of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","2126700.0","102372.0","Hepatitis C resolved","History of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","43B4.00","27175.0","Hepatitis B surface antig +ve","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","43B5.00","27174.0","Hepatitis e antigen present","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","43j5.00","27191.0","Hepatitis C nucleic acid detection","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","43jG.00","33316.0","Hepatitis B nucleic acid detection","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","43X3.00","28568.0","Hepatitis C antibody test positive","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","4J3B.00","30884.0","Hepatitis C viral load","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","4J3D.00","56066.0","Hepatitis B viral load","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","4JQ3.00","35589.0","Hepatitis C virus genotype","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","4JQD.00","102568.0","Hepatitis C viral ribonucleic acid PCR positive","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","4JQD.11","102565.0","Hepatitis C PCR positive","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","4JQF.00","104243.0","Hepatitis C antigen positive","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","7Q05200","100834.0","Hepatitis B treatment drugs Band 1","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","8BB5.00","110411.0","12 week virologic response to hepatitis C treatment","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","9kR..00","99898.0","Chronic hepatitis annual review - enhanced services admin","History of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","9kV..00","96085.0","Hepatitis C screening positive - enhanced services admin","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","9kV..11","98903.0","Hepatitis C screening positive","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","9kX..00","103362.0","Hepatitis status 6 months post treatment - enhanced serv adm","History of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","9kZ..00","95926.0","Hepatitis B screening positive - enhanced services admin","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","9kZ..11","97735.0","Hepatitis B screening positive","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","9NgR.00","104572.0","On hepatitis C treatment plan","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A703.00","2860.0","Viral (serum) hepatitis B","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A705000","2834.0","Viral hepatitis C without mention of hepatic coma","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A705100","32657.0","Acute delta-(super)infection of hepatitis B carrier","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A707000","24813.0","Chronic viral hepatitis B with delta-agent","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A707100","41096.0","Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A707200","30586.0","Chronic viral hepatitis C","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A707300","106642.0","Chronic viral hepatitis B","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A707.00","26367.0","Chronic viral hepatitis","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A707X00","32277.0","Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A70A.00","104341.0","Hepatitis C genotype 1","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A70B.00","105664.0","Hepatitis C genotype 2","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A70C.00","104346.0","Hepatitis C genotype 3","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A70D.00","104892.0","Hepatitis C genotype 4","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","A70z000","2413.0","Hepatitis C","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","AyuB100","108343.0","[X]Other chronic viral hepatitis","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","AyuB200","107896.0","[X]Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","Q409100","50245.0","Congenital hepatitis B infection","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
+Chronic viral hepatitis,141E.00,30729.0,History of hepatitis B,History of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,14i..00,104277.0,H/O hepatitis C antiviral drug therapy,History of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,2126700.0,102372.0,Hepatitis C resolved,History of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,43B4.00,27175.0,Hepatitis B surface antig +ve,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,43B5.00,27174.0,Hepatitis e antigen present,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,43j5.00,27191.0,Hepatitis C nucleic acid detection,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,43jG.00,33316.0,Hepatitis B nucleic acid detection,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,43X3.00,28568.0,Hepatitis C antibody test positive,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,4J3B.00,30884.0,Hepatitis C viral load,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,4J3D.00,56066.0,Hepatitis B viral load,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,4JQ3.00,35589.0,Hepatitis C virus genotype,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,4JQD.00,102568.0,Hepatitis C viral ribonucleic acid PCR positive,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,4JQD.11,102565.0,Hepatitis C PCR positive,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,4JQF.00,104243.0,Hepatitis C antigen positive,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,7Q05200,100834.0,Hepatitis B treatment drugs Band 1,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,8BB5.00,110411.0,12 week virologic response to hepatitis C treatment,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,9kR..00,99898.0,Chronic hepatitis annual review - enhanced services admin,History of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,9kV..00,96085.0,Hepatitis C screening positive - enhanced services admin,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,9kV..11,98903.0,Hepatitis C screening positive,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,9kX..00,103362.0,Hepatitis status 6 months post treatment - enhanced serv adm,History of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,9kZ..00,95926.0,Hepatitis B screening positive - enhanced services admin,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,9kZ..11,97735.0,Hepatitis B screening positive,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,9NgR.00,104572.0,On hepatitis C treatment plan,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A703.00,2860.0,Viral (serum) hepatitis B,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A705000,2834.0,Viral hepatitis C without mention of hepatic coma,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A705100,32657.0,Acute delta-(super)infection of hepatitis B carrier,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A707000,24813.0,Chronic viral hepatitis B with delta-agent,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A707100,41096.0,Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A707200,30586.0,Chronic viral hepatitis C,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A707300,106642.0,Chronic viral hepatitis B,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A707.00,26367.0,Chronic viral hepatitis,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A707X00,32277.0,"Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A70A.00,104341.0,Hepatitis C genotype 1,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A70B.00,105664.0,Hepatitis C genotype 2,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A70C.00,104346.0,Hepatitis C genotype 3,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A70D.00,104892.0,Hepatitis C genotype 4,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,A70z000,2413.0,Hepatitis C,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,AyuB100,108343.0,[X]Other chronic viral hepatitis,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,AyuB200,107896.0,"[X]Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
+Chronic viral hepatitis,Q409100,50245.0,Congenital hepatitis B infection,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_chr_sinus.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_chr_sinus.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 74bfb48..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_chr_sinus.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H01..11","243.0","Sinusitis","Possible Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H130.00","4433.0","Chronic maxillary sinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H130.11","33437.0","Antritis - chronic","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H130.12","3624.0","Maxillary sinusitis","Possible Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H131.00","15163.0","Chronic frontal sinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H131.11","2984.0","Frontal sinusitis","Possible Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H132.00","1674.0","Chronic ethmoidal sinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H133.00","48703.0","Chronic sphenoidal sinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H135.00","17173.0","Recurrent sinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H13..00","2257.0","Chronic sinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H13..11","10546.0","Chronic rhinosinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H13y000","39501.0","Chronic pansinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H13y100","2233.0","Pansinusitis","Possible Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H13y.00","49548.0","Other chronic sinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H13yz00","54375.0","Other chronic sinusitis NOS","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H13z.00","5437.0","Chronic sinusitis NOS","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","H17..12","18572.0","Allergic rhinosinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
-"Chronic sinusitis","Hyu2200","63733.0","[X]Other chronic sinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_chronic_fatigue.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_chronic_fatigue.csv
index 7b66eeb..2a87d51 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_chronic_fatigue.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_chronic_fatigue.csv
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","8HlL.00","100414.0","Referral for chronic fatigue syndrome activity management","History of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","8HlL.11","104407.0","Referral for myalgic encephalopathy activity management","History of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","8Q1..00","97140.0","Activity management for chronic fatigue syndrome","History of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","8Q1..11","97528.0","Activity management for myalgic encephalopathy","History of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","E205.00","3361.0","Neurasthenia - nervous debility","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","Eu46000","16561.0","[X]Neurasthenia","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","Eu46011","9656.0","[X]Fatigue syndrome","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F03y.12","4364.0","Myalgic encephalomyelitis","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F286000","98512.0","Mild chronic fatigue syndrome","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F286100","97284.0","Moderate chronic fatigue syndrome","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F286200","98734.0","Severe chronic fatigue syndrome","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F286.00","4546.0","Chronic fatigue syndrome","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F286.11","7529.0","CFS - Chronic fatigue syndrome","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F286.12","6190.0","Postviral fatigue syndrome","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F286.13","27877.0","PVFS - Postviral fatigue syn","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F286.14","9127.0","Post-viral fatigue syndrome","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F286.15","1040.0","Myalgic encephalomyelitis","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F286.16","6552.0","ME - Myalgic encephalomyelitis","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","N239.00","4657.0","Fibromyalgia","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","N240100","2237.0","Fibrositis unspecified","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","N240500","4698.0","Fibrositis of neck","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","N240600","18073.0","Fibrositis arm","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","N248.00","717.0","Fibromyalgia","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","R007400","1042.0","[D]Postviral (asthenic) syndrome","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","R007411","12411.0","[D]Post viral debility","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",8HlL.00,100414.0,Referral for chronic fatigue syndrome activity management,"History of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",8HlL.11,104407.0,Referral for myalgic encephalopathy activity management,"History of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",8Q1..00,97140.0,Activity management for chronic fatigue syndrome,"History of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",8Q1..11,97528.0,Activity management for myalgic encephalopathy,"History of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",E205.00,3361.0,Neurasthenia - nervous debility,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",Eu46000,16561.0,[X]Neurasthenia,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",Eu46011,9656.0,[X]Fatigue syndrome,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F03y.12,4364.0,Myalgic encephalomyelitis,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F286000,98512.0,Mild chronic fatigue syndrome,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F286100,97284.0,Moderate chronic fatigue syndrome,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F286200,98734.0,Severe chronic fatigue syndrome,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F286.00,4546.0,Chronic fatigue syndrome,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F286.11,7529.0,CFS - Chronic fatigue syndrome,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F286.12,6190.0,Postviral fatigue syndrome,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F286.13,27877.0,PVFS - Postviral fatigue syn,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F286.14,9127.0,Post-viral fatigue syndrome,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F286.15,1040.0,Myalgic encephalomyelitis,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F286.16,6552.0,ME - Myalgic encephalomyelitis,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",N239.00,4657.0,Fibromyalgia,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",N240100,2237.0,Fibrositis unspecified,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",N240500,4698.0,Fibrositis of neck,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",N240600,18073.0,Fibrositis arm,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",N248.00,717.0,Fibromyalgia,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",R007400,1042.0,[D]Postviral (asthenic) syndrome,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",R007411,12411.0,[D]Post viral debility,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_cin_cervical.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_cin_cervical.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56b49e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_cin_cervical.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,4K2..11,7610.0,Dyskaryosis on cervical smear,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,4K2J.00,107295.0,Cervical smear - low grade dyskaryosis,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,4K2K.00,107363.0,Cervical smear - high grade dyskaryosis (moderate),Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,4K2L.00,107264.0,Cervical smear - high grade dyskaryosis (severe),Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,4K2N.00,107497.0,Cervical smear - ?endocervical type glandular neoplasia,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,4K2P.00,107348.0,Cervical smear - ?non-cervical type glandular neoplasia,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,B831000,24228.0,Carcinoma in situ of endocervix,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,B831100,50126.0,Carcinoma in situ of exocervix,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,B831.00,3279.0,Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,B831.11,4087.0,CIN III - carcinoma in situ of cervix,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,B831.12,5295.0,Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,B831.13,21886.0,Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,ByuFA00,72695.0,[X]Carcinoma in situ of other parts of cervix,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,K551000,63477.0,Anaplasia of cervix,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,K551100,107831.0,Epidermidization of cervix,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,K551300,9184.0,Mild cervical dysplasia,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,K551311,8226.0,Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,K551400,22037.0,Moderate cervical dysplasia,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,K551411,22493.0,Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,K551.00,1910.0,Dysplasia of cervix uteri,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,K551.12,16859.0,"CIN I - II, cervical dysplasia",Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,K551X00,20602.0,"Severe cervical dysplasia, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,K551z00,12913.0,Dysplasia of cervix NOS,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,R150000,5446.0,[D]Dyskaryotic cervical smear,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,ZV13B00,64005.0,[V]Personal history of mild cervical dysplasia,History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,ZV13B11,61148.0,"[V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade I",History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,ZV13C00,32449.0,[V]Personal history of moderate cervical dysplasia,History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,ZV13C11,30366.0,[V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II,History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,ZV13D00,42853.0,[V]Personal history of severe cervical dysplasia,History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,ZV13E00,28613.0,"[V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III",History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_cin_cervix.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_cin_cervix.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index db97229..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_cin_cervix.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","4K2..11","7610.0","Dyskaryosis on cervical smear","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","4K2J.00","107295.0","Cervical smear - low grade dyskaryosis","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","4K2K.00","107363.0","Cervical smear - high grade dyskaryosis (moderate)","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","4K2L.00","107264.0","Cervical smear - high grade dyskaryosis (severe)","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","4K2N.00","107497.0","Cervical smear - ?endocervical type glandular neoplasia","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","4K2P.00","107348.0","Cervical smear - ?non-cervical type glandular neoplasia","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","B831000","24228.0","Carcinoma in situ of endocervix","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","B831100","50126.0","Carcinoma in situ of exocervix","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","B831.00","3279.0","Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","B831.11","4087.0","CIN III - carcinoma in situ of cervix","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","B831.12","5295.0","Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","B831.13","21886.0","Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","ByuFA00","72695.0","[X]Carcinoma in situ of other parts of cervix","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","K551000","63477.0","Anaplasia of cervix","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","K551100","107831.0","Epidermidization of cervix","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","K551300","9184.0","Mild cervical dysplasia","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","K551311","8226.0","Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","K551400","22037.0","Moderate cervical dysplasia","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","K551411","22493.0","Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","K551.00","1910.0","Dysplasia of cervix uteri","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","K551.12","16859.0","CIN I - II, cervical dysplasia","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","K551X00","20602.0","Severe cervical dysplasia, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","K551z00","12913.0","Dysplasia of cervix NOS","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","R150000","5446.0","[D]Dyskaryotic cervical smear","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","ZV13B00","64005.0","[V]Personal history of mild cervical dysplasia","History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","ZV13B11","61148.0","[V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade I","History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","ZV13C00","32449.0","[V]Personal history of moderate cervical dysplasia","History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","ZV13C11","30366.0","[V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II","History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","ZV13D00","42853.0","[V]Personal history of severe cervical dysplasia","History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","ZV13E00","28613.0","[V]PH of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III","History of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_cirrhosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_cirrhosis.csv
index 7c7f6ba..496b163 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_cirrhosis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_cirrhosis.csv
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","C310400","19512.0","Glycogenosis with hepatic cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","C350012","8206.0","Pigmentary cirrhosis of liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","C370800","102922.0","Cystic fibrosis related cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","G852200","26319.0","Oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of the liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","G852300","8363.0","Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J612000","21713.0","Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J612.00","4743.0","Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J612.11","68376.0","Florid cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J612.12","100474.0","Laennec's cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J613000","17330.0","Alcoholic hepatic failure","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J613.00","7885.0","Alcoholic liver damage unspecified","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615100","69204.0","Multilobular portal cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615300","3450.0","Diffuse nodular cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615400","44676.0","Fatty portal cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615500","92909.0","Hypertrophic portal cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615600","40567.0","Capsular portal cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615700","27438.0","Cardiac portal cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615711","108819.0","Congestive cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615800","96664.0","Juvenile portal cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615812","58184.0","Indian childhood cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615C00","100253.0","Xanthomatous portal cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615D00","73482.0","Bacterial portal cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615G00","109540.0","Zooparasitic portal cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615H00","48928.0","Infectious cirrhosis NOS","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615.00","16725.0","Cirrhosis - non alcoholic","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615.11","47257.0","Portal cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615y00","55454.0","Portal cirrhosis unspecified","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615z00","16455.0","Non-alcoholic cirrhosis NOS","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615z11","22841.0","Macronodular cirrhosis of liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615z12","18739.0","Cryptogenic cirrhosis of liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615z13","1638.0","Cirrhosis of liver NOS","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J615z15","71453.0","Hepatic fibrosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J616100","15424.0","Secondary biliary cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J616200","91591.0","Biliary cirrhosis of children","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J616.00","9494.0","Biliary cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J616z00","58630.0","Biliary cirrhosis NOS","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J617000","7602.0","Chronic alcoholic hepatitis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J617.00","7943.0","Alcoholic hepatitis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J61..00","6863.0","Cirrhosis and chronic liver disease","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J61y300","40963.0","Portal fibrosis without cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J61y400","25383.0","Hepatic fibrosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J61y500","60104.0","Hepatic sclerosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J61y600","100592.0","Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","J635600","44120.0","Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","Jyu7100","6015.0","[X]Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",C310400,19512.0,Glycogenosis with hepatic cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",C350012,8206.0,Pigmentary cirrhosis of liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",C370800,102922.0,Cystic fibrosis related cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",G852200,26319.0,Oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of the liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",G852300,8363.0,Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J612000,21713.0,Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J612.00,4743.0,Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J612.11,68376.0,Florid cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J612.12,100474.0,Laennec's cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J613000,17330.0,Alcoholic hepatic failure,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J613.00,7885.0,Alcoholic liver damage unspecified,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615100,69204.0,Multilobular portal cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615300,3450.0,Diffuse nodular cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615400,44676.0,Fatty portal cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615500,92909.0,Hypertrophic portal cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615600,40567.0,Capsular portal cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615700,27438.0,Cardiac portal cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615711,108819.0,Congestive cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615800,96664.0,Juvenile portal cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615812,58184.0,Indian childhood cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615C00,100253.0,Xanthomatous portal cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615D00,73482.0,Bacterial portal cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615G00,109540.0,Zooparasitic portal cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615H00,48928.0,Infectious cirrhosis NOS,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615.00,16725.0,Cirrhosis - non alcoholic,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615.11,47257.0,Portal cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615y00,55454.0,Portal cirrhosis unspecified,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615z00,16455.0,Non-alcoholic cirrhosis NOS,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615z11,22841.0,Macronodular cirrhosis of liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615z12,18739.0,Cryptogenic cirrhosis of liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615z13,1638.0,Cirrhosis of liver NOS,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J615z15,71453.0,Hepatic fibrosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J616100,15424.0,Secondary biliary cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J616200,91591.0,Biliary cirrhosis of children,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J616.00,9494.0,Biliary cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J616z00,58630.0,Biliary cirrhosis NOS,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J617000,7602.0,Chronic alcoholic hepatitis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J617.00,7943.0,Alcoholic hepatitis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J61..00,6863.0,Cirrhosis and chronic liver disease,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J61y300,40963.0,Portal fibrosis without cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J61y400,25383.0,Hepatic fibrosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J61y500,60104.0,Hepatic sclerosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J61y600,100592.0,Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",J635600,44120.0,Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",Jyu7100,6015.0,[X]Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_coeliac.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_coeliac.csv
index a4c50fc..6a6afd7 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_coeliac.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_coeliac.csv
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Coeliac disease","6648000.0","102617.0","Coeliac disease annual review","History of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","6648.00","102315.0","Coeliac disease monitoring","History of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","8IAp.00","103379.0","Coeliac disease annual review declined","History of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","9mB1.00","106326.0","Coeliac disease monitoring invitation first letter","History of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","9mB..00","106282.0","Coeliac disease monitoring invitation","History of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","J690000","62397.0","Congenital coeliac disease","Diagnosis of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","J690100","63195.0","Acquired coeliac disease","Diagnosis of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","J690.00","1515.0","Coeliac disease","Diagnosis of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","J690.11","68680.0","Coeliac rickets","Diagnosis of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","J690.12","57966.0","Gee - Herter disease","Diagnosis of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","J690.13","3509.0","Gluten enteropathy","Diagnosis of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","J690.14","16365.0","Sprue - nontropical","Diagnosis of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","J690.15","4787.0","Steatorrhea - idiopathic","Diagnosis of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","J690z00","44310.0","Coeliac disease NOS","Diagnosis of Coeliac disease"
-"Coeliac disease","ZC2C200","45925.0","Dietary advice for coeliac disease","Diagnosis of Coeliac disease"
+Coeliac disease,6648000.0,102617.0,Coeliac disease annual review,History of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,6648.00,102315.0,Coeliac disease monitoring,History of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,8IAp.00,103379.0,Coeliac disease annual review declined,History of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,9mB1.00,106326.0,Coeliac disease monitoring invitation first letter,History of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,9mB..00,106282.0,Coeliac disease monitoring invitation,History of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,J690000,62397.0,Congenital coeliac disease,Diagnosis of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,J690100,63195.0,Acquired coeliac disease,Diagnosis of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,J690.00,1515.0,Coeliac disease,Diagnosis of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,J690.11,68680.0,Coeliac rickets,Diagnosis of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,J690.12,57966.0,Gee - Herter disease,Diagnosis of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,J690.13,3509.0,Gluten enteropathy,Diagnosis of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,J690.14,16365.0,Sprue - nontropical,Diagnosis of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,J690.15,4787.0,Steatorrhea - idiopathic,Diagnosis of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,J690z00,44310.0,Coeliac disease NOS,Diagnosis of Coeliac disease
+Coeliac disease,ZC2C200,45925.0,Dietary advice for coeliac disease,Diagnosis of Coeliac disease
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_collapsed_vert.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_collapsed_vert.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382e3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_collapsed_vert.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Collapsed vertebra,7J41300,88269.0,Vertebroplasty of fracture of spine,Procedure for Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,7J41500,90472.0,Balloon kyphoplasty of fracture of spine,Procedure for Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,7J48M00,19376.0,Vertebroplasty,Procedure for Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331000,30616.0,Pathological fracture of thoracic vertebra,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331011,15837.0,Collapse of thoracic vertebra,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331100,30352.0,Pathological fracture of lumbar vertebra,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331111,23686.0,Collapse of lumbar vertebra,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331800,17377.0,Osteoporosis + pathological fracture lumbar vertebrae,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331900,12673.0,Osteoporosis + pathological fracture thoracic vertebrae,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331A00,48772.0,Osteoporosis + pathological fracture cervical vertebrae,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331C00,37945.0,Pathological fracture of cervical vertebra,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331D00,38728.0,Collapsed vertebra NOS,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331E00,17008.0,Collapse of cervical vertebra,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331F00,9319.0,Collapse of thoracic vertebra,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331G00,11543.0,Collapse of lumbar vertebra,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331H00,45736.0,Collapse of cervical vertebra due to osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331J00,5841.0,Collapse of lumbar vertebra due to osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331K00,19048.0,Collapse of thoracic vertebra due to osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331L00,4013.0,Collapse of vertebra due to osteoporosis NOS,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331.11,28575.0,Collapse of spine NOS,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331.12,2793.0,Collapse of vertebra NOS,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,N331.14,44386.0,Osteoporotic vertebral collapse,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,Nyu6700,73900.0,[X]Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,S100H00,53337.0,"Closed fracture cervical vertebra, wedge",Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,S102100,28524.0,"Closed fracture thoracic vertebra, wedge",Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,S104100,8266.0,"Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, wedge",Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,S106000,72404.0,Closed compression fracture sacrum,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_collpased_vert.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_collpased_vert.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index abfb014..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_collpased_vert.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Collapsed vertebra","7J41300","88269.0","Vertebroplasty of fracture of spine","Procedure for Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","7J41500","90472.0","Balloon kyphoplasty of fracture of spine","Procedure for Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","7J48M00","19376.0","Vertebroplasty","Procedure for Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331000","30616.0","Pathological fracture of thoracic vertebra","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331011","15837.0","Collapse of thoracic vertebra","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331100","30352.0","Pathological fracture of lumbar vertebra","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331111","23686.0","Collapse of lumbar vertebra","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331800","17377.0","Osteoporosis + pathological fracture lumbar vertebrae","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331900","12673.0","Osteoporosis + pathological fracture thoracic vertebrae","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331A00","48772.0","Osteoporosis + pathological fracture cervical vertebrae","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331C00","37945.0","Pathological fracture of cervical vertebra","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331D00","38728.0","Collapsed vertebra NOS","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331E00","17008.0","Collapse of cervical vertebra","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331F00","9319.0","Collapse of thoracic vertebra","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331G00","11543.0","Collapse of lumbar vertebra","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331H00","45736.0","Collapse of cervical vertebra due to osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331J00","5841.0","Collapse of lumbar vertebra due to osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331K00","19048.0","Collapse of thoracic vertebra due to osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331L00","4013.0","Collapse of vertebra due to osteoporosis NOS","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331.11","28575.0","Collapse of spine NOS","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331.12","2793.0","Collapse of vertebra NOS","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","N331.14","44386.0","Osteoporotic vertebral collapse","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","Nyu6700","73900.0","[X]Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","S100H00","53337.0","Closed fracture cervical vertebra, wedge","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","S102100","28524.0","Closed fracture thoracic vertebra, wedge","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","S104100","8266.0","Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, wedge","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","S106000","72404.0","Closed compression fracture sacrum","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_congenital_septal.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_congenital_septal.csv
index e0d5841..5c38c2a 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_congenital_septal.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_congenital_septal.csv
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","14AV.00","99786.0","History of ventricular septal defect","History of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","2126800.0","104307.0","Ostium secundum atrial septal defect resolved","History of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","24M..00","104345.0","Spontaneous closure of ventricular septal defect","History of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902000.0","16538.0","Correct Fallot tetralogy- valved right ventr outflow conduit","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902100.0","73029.0","Correct Fallot tetralogy- right ventric outflow conduit NEC","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902200.0","99198.0","Correct Fallot tetralogy- right ventricular outflow patch","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902300.0","70857.0","Revision of correction of tetralogy of Fallot","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902400.0","88842.0","Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using transannular patch","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902500.0","88479.0","Repair of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902600.0","93719.0","Repair Fallot-type pulmonary atresia aortopulmonary collater","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902.00","5477.0","Correction of tetralogy of Fallot","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902.11","12844.0","Repair of tetralogy of Fallot","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902y00","65401.0","Other specified correction of tetralogy of Fallot","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902z00","19956.0","Correction of tetralogy of Fallot NOS","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7902z11","108402.0","Repair of tetralogy of Fallot NOS","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7906300.0","42181.0","Closure of persistent ostium primum","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7906311.0","99346.0","Repair of persistent ostium primum","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7908500.0","94023.0","Closure of multiple interventricular septal defects","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7908511.0","98273.0","Repair of multiple interventricular septal defects","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7908600.0","65234.0","Closure interventricular septal defect us intraop trans pros","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","7908611.0","92020.0","Repair interventricular septal defect us intraop trans pros","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","790K100","107122.0","Repair of Fallot-type double outlet right ventricle","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P500.00","72604.0","Absent septum between aorta and pulmonary artery","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P511300","40025.0","Taussig-Bing syndrome","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P520.00","38967.0","Tetralogy of Fallot, unspecified","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P520.11","23692.0","Ventricular septal defect in Fallot's tetralogy","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P520.12","71252.0","Dextraposition of aorta in Fallot's tetralogy","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P521.00","51649.0","Pentalogy of Fallot","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P52..00","4864.0","Tetralogy of Fallot","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P52z.00","63046.0","Tetralogy of Fallot NOS","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P53..00","19969.0","Common ventricle","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P540.00","42132.0","Ventricular septal defect, unspecified","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P541.00","56575.0","Interventricular septal defect","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P542.00","67657.0","Left ventricle to right atrial communication","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P543.00","9011.0","Eisenmenger's complex","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P544.00","51897.0","Gerbode's defect","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P545.00","20153.0","Roger's disease","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P54..00","246.0","Ventricular septal defect","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P54y.00","54772.0","Other specified ventricular septal defect","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P54z.00","34067.0","Ventricular septal defect NOS","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P550.00","3255.0","Atrial septal defect NOS","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P550.11","40673.0","Auricular septal defect NOS","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P550.12","28174.0","Interatrial septal defect NEC","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P550.13","72577.0","Interauricular septal defect","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P551.00","3625.0","Patent foramen ovale","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P552.00","37816.0","Persistent ostium secundum","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P552.11","109853.0","Patent ostium secundum","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P553.00","59144.0","Lutembacher's syndrome","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P55..00","7474.0","Ostium secundum atrial septal defect","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P55y.00","53088.0","Other specified ostium secundum atrial septal defect","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P55y.11","18395.0","Other specified atrial septal defect","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P55z.00","54243.0","Ostium secundum atrial septal defect NOS","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P561.00","51053.0","Ostium primum defect","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P561.11","93161.0","Persistent ostium primum","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P56..00","63340.0","Endocardial cushion defects","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P56y.00","101393.0","Other specified endocardial cushion defects","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P56z000","55535.0","Common atrium","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P56z011","61715.0","Cor triloculare biventriculare","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P56z100","43049.0","Common atrioventricular canal","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P56z200","44896.0","Common atrioventricular-type ventricular septal defect","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P56z.00","49702.0","Endocardial cushion defects NOS","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P56zz00","73816.0","Endocardial cushion defects NOS","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P5y..00","66401.0","Other heart bulb and septal closure defect","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P5z..00","54196.0","Heart bulb or septal closure defects NOS","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","P60z100","52607.0","Fallot's trilogy","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,14AV.00,99786.0,History of ventricular septal defect,History of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,2126800.0,104307.0,Ostium secundum atrial septal defect resolved,History of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,24M..00,104345.0,Spontaneous closure of ventricular septal defect,History of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902000.0,16538.0,Correct Fallot tetralogy- valved right ventr outflow conduit,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902100.0,73029.0,Correct Fallot tetralogy- right ventric outflow conduit NEC,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902200.0,99198.0,Correct Fallot tetralogy- right ventricular outflow patch,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902300.0,70857.0,Revision of correction of tetralogy of Fallot,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902400.0,88842.0,Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using transannular patch,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902500.0,88479.0,Repair of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902600.0,93719.0,Repair Fallot-type pulmonary atresia aortopulmonary collater,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902.00,5477.0,Correction of tetralogy of Fallot,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902.11,12844.0,Repair of tetralogy of Fallot,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902y00,65401.0,Other specified correction of tetralogy of Fallot,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902z00,19956.0,Correction of tetralogy of Fallot NOS,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7902z11,108402.0,Repair of tetralogy of Fallot NOS,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7906300.0,42181.0,Closure of persistent ostium primum,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7906311.0,99346.0,Repair of persistent ostium primum,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7908500.0,94023.0,Closure of multiple interventricular septal defects,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7908511.0,98273.0,Repair of multiple interventricular septal defects,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7908600.0,65234.0,Closure interventricular septal defect us intraop trans pros,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,7908611.0,92020.0,Repair interventricular septal defect us intraop trans pros,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,790K100,107122.0,Repair of Fallot-type double outlet right ventricle,Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P500.00,72604.0,Absent septum between aorta and pulmonary artery,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P511300,40025.0,Taussig-Bing syndrome,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P520.00,38967.0,"Tetralogy of Fallot, unspecified",Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P520.11,23692.0,Ventricular septal defect in Fallot's tetralogy,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P520.12,71252.0,Dextraposition of aorta in Fallot's tetralogy,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P521.00,51649.0,Pentalogy of Fallot,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P52..00,4864.0,Tetralogy of Fallot,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P52z.00,63046.0,Tetralogy of Fallot NOS,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P53..00,19969.0,Common ventricle,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P540.00,42132.0,"Ventricular septal defect, unspecified",Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P541.00,56575.0,Interventricular septal defect,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P542.00,67657.0,Left ventricle to right atrial communication,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P543.00,9011.0,Eisenmenger's complex,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P544.00,51897.0,Gerbode's defect,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P545.00,20153.0,Roger's disease,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P54..00,246.0,Ventricular septal defect,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P54y.00,54772.0,Other specified ventricular septal defect,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P54z.00,34067.0,Ventricular septal defect NOS,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P550.00,3255.0,Atrial septal defect NOS,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P550.11,40673.0,Auricular septal defect NOS,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P550.12,28174.0,Interatrial septal defect NEC,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P550.13,72577.0,Interauricular septal defect,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P551.00,3625.0,Patent foramen ovale,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P552.00,37816.0,Persistent ostium secundum,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P552.11,109853.0,Patent ostium secundum,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P553.00,59144.0,Lutembacher's syndrome,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P55..00,7474.0,Ostium secundum atrial septal defect,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P55y.00,53088.0,Other specified ostium secundum atrial septal defect,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P55y.11,18395.0,Other specified atrial septal defect,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P55z.00,54243.0,Ostium secundum atrial septal defect NOS,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P561.00,51053.0,Ostium primum defect,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P561.11,93161.0,Persistent ostium primum,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P56..00,63340.0,Endocardial cushion defects,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P56y.00,101393.0,Other specified endocardial cushion defects,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P56z000,55535.0,Common atrium,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P56z011,61715.0,Cor triloculare biventriculare,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P56z100,43049.0,Common atrioventricular canal,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P56z200,44896.0,Common atrioventricular-type ventricular septal defect,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P56z.00,49702.0,Endocardial cushion defects NOS,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P56zz00,73816.0,Endocardial cushion defects NOS,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P5y..00,66401.0,Other heart bulb and septal closure defect,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P5z..00,54196.0,Heart bulb or septal closure defects NOS,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,P60z100,52607.0,Fallot's trilogy,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_copd.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_copd.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 93381f6..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_copd.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"COPD","14B3.12","103494.0","History of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease","History of COPD"
-"COPD","H310000","15626.0","Chronic catarrhal bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H310.00","25603.0","Simple chronic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H310z00","61118.0","Simple chronic bronchitis NOS","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H311000","40159.0","Purulent chronic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H311100","37959.0","Fetid chronic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H311.00","11150.0","Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H311z00","61513.0","Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis NOS","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H312000","5798.0","Chronic asthmatic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H312011","5909.0","Chronic wheezy bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H312100","14798.0","Emphysematous bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H312200","1446.0","Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive airways disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H312300","26125.0","Bronchiolitis obliterans","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H312.00","27819.0","Obstructive chronic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H312z00","44525.0","Obstructive chronic bronchitis NOS","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H313.00","24248.0","Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H31..00","3243.0","Chronic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H31y100","45089.0","Chronic tracheobronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H31y.00","66043.0","Other chronic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H31yz00","68066.0","Other chronic bronchitis NOS","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H31z.00","15157.0","Chronic bronchitis NOS","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H320000","56860.0","Segmental bullous emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H320100","68662.0","Zonal bullous emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H320200","60188.0","Giant bullous emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H320300","99536.0","Bullous emphysema with collapse","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H320.00","26306.0","Chronic bullous emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H320z00","23492.0","Chronic bullous emphysema NOS","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H321.00","46578.0","Panlobular emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H322.00","10980.0","Centrilobular emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H32..00","794.0","Emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H32y000","92955.0","Acute vesicular emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H32y100","70787.0","Atrophic (senile) emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H32y111","59263.0","Acute interstitial emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H32y200","63479.0","MacLeod's unilateral emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H32y.00","40788.0","Other emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H32yz00","16410.0","Other emphysema NOS","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H32z.00","33450.0","Emphysema NOS","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H36..00","10863.0","Mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H37..00","10802.0","Moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H38..00","9876.0","Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H39..00","93568.0","Very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H3A..00","104608.0","End stage chronic obstructive airways disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H3...00","1001.0","Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H3...11","998.0","Chronic obstructive airways disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H3y0.00","21061.0","Chronic obstruct pulmonary dis with acute lower resp infectn","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H3y1.00","7884.0","Chron obstruct pulmonary dis wth acute exacerbation, unspec","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H3y..00","12166.0","Other specified chronic obstructive airways disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H3y..11","67040.0","Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H3z..00","5710.0","Chronic obstructive airways disease NOS","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H3z..11","37247.0","Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease NOS","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H464000","64721.0","Chronic emphysema due to chemical fumes","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H464100","63216.0","Obliterative bronchiolitis due to chemical fumes","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","H583200","106650.0","Eosinophilic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","Hyu3000","66058.0","[X]Other emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","Hyu3100","65733.0","[X]Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_crohn.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_crohn.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index e4302bf..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_crohn.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Crohn's disease","J08z900","29616.0","Orofacial Crohn's disease","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J400000","71945.0","Regional enteritis of the duodenum","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J400100","63036.0","Regional enteritis of the jejunum","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J400200","28476.0","Crohn's disease of the terminal ileum","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J400300","66238.0","Crohn's disease of the ileum unspecified","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J400400","39278.0","Crohn's disease of the ileum NOS","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J400500","36913.0","Exacerbation of Crohn's disease of small intestine","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J400.00","51576.0","Regional enteritis of the small bowel","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J400z00","9359.0","Crohn's disease of the small bowel NOS","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J401000","62628.0","Regional enteritis of the colon","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J401100","64773.0","Regional enteritis of the rectum","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J401200","39037.0","Exacerbation of Crohn's disease of large intestine","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J401.00","44426.0","Regional enteritis of the large bowel","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J401z00","20688.0","Crohn's disease of the large bowel NOS","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J401z11","6538.0","Crohn's colitis","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J402.00","15773.0","Regional ileocolitis","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J40..00","11286.0","Regional enteritis - Crohn's disease","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J40..11","593.0","Crohn's disease","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J40..12","51578.0","Granulomatous enteritis","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J40z.00","52449.0","Regional enteritis NOS","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","J40z.11","59994.0","Crohn's disease NOS","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","Jyu4000","69959.0","[X]Other Crohn's disease","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","N031100","20480.0","Arthropathy in Crohn's disease","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","N045300","12575.0","Juvenile arthritis in Crohn's disease","History of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","ZR3S.00","11337.0","Crohn's disease activity index","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
-"Crohn's disease","ZR3S.11","11119.0","CDAI - Crohn's disease activity index","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_crohns.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_crohns.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecad9c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_crohns.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Crohn's disease,J08z900,29616.0,Orofacial Crohn's disease,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J400000,71945.0,Regional enteritis of the duodenum,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J400100,63036.0,Regional enteritis of the jejunum,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J400200,28476.0,Crohn's disease of the terminal ileum,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J400300,66238.0,Crohn's disease of the ileum unspecified,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J400400,39278.0,Crohn's disease of the ileum NOS,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J400500,36913.0,Exacerbation of Crohn's disease of small intestine,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J400.00,51576.0,Regional enteritis of the small bowel,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J400z00,9359.0,Crohn's disease of the small bowel NOS,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J401000,62628.0,Regional enteritis of the colon,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J401100,64773.0,Regional enteritis of the rectum,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J401200,39037.0,Exacerbation of Crohn's disease of large intestine,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J401.00,44426.0,Regional enteritis of the large bowel,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J401z00,20688.0,Crohn's disease of the large bowel NOS,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J401z11,6538.0,Crohn's colitis,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J402.00,15773.0,Regional ileocolitis,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J40..00,11286.0,Regional enteritis - Crohn's disease,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J40..11,593.0,Crohn's disease,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J40..12,51578.0,Granulomatous enteritis,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J40z.00,52449.0,Regional enteritis NOS,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,J40z.11,59994.0,Crohn's disease NOS,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,Jyu4000,69959.0,[X]Other Crohn's disease,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,N031100,20480.0,Arthropathy in Crohn's disease,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,N045300,12575.0,Juvenile arthritis in Crohn's disease,History of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,ZR3S.00,11337.0,Crohn's disease activity index,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
+Crohn's disease,ZR3S.11,11119.0,CDAI - Crohn's disease activity index,Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_cystitis_nonacute.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_cystitis_nonacute.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b8705e..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_cystitis_nonacute.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Non-acute cystitis","K151000","4897.0","Hunner's ulcer","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
-"Non-acute cystitis","K151200","23776.0","Submucous cystitis","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
-"Non-acute cystitis","K151.00","11585.0","Chronic interstitial cystitis","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
-"Non-acute cystitis","K151z00","29460.0","Chronic interstitial cystitis NOS","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
-"Non-acute cystitis","K152000","30068.0","Subacute cystitis","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
-"Non-acute cystitis","K152.00","32787.0","Other chronic cystitis","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
-"Non-acute cystitis","K152y00","3469.0","Chronic cystitis unspecified","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
-"Non-acute cystitis","K152z00","11315.0","Other chronic cystitis NOS","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
-"Non-acute cystitis","K153.11","11447.0","Follicular cystitis","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
-"Non-acute cystitis","K15y000","22682.0","Cystitis cystica","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
-"Non-acute cystitis","Kyu5000","72686.0","[X]Other chronic cystitis","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_dcm.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_dcm.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52a25e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_dcm.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Dilated cardiomyopathy,G554000,5141,Congestive cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy
+Dilated cardiomyopathy,G554400,7535,Primary dilated cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy
+Dilated cardiomyopathy,G555.00,4915,Alcoholic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy
+Dilated cardiomyopathy,G55y.11,9402,Secondary dilated cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_deaf.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_deaf.csv
index b836c81..2d68a89 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_deaf.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_deaf.csv
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hearing loss","1493.00","4957.0","H/O: hearing problem","History of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","1C13100","1681.0","Unilateral deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","1C13.00","14805.0","Deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","1C13.11","6641.0","Deafness symptom","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","1C13200","1774.0","Partial deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","1C13300","4035.0","Bilateral deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","1C17.00","47475.0","Hearing aid problem","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","2BL..11","13114.0","O/E - deaf","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","2BL3.00","13113.0","O/E - significantly deaf","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","2BL4.00","5149.0","O/E - very deaf","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","2BL5.00","26539.0","O/E - completely deaf","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","2BM2.11","7085.0","O/E - conductive deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","2BM3.11","7825.0","O/E - perceptive deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","2DG..00","10170.0","Hearing aid worn","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","2DH0.00","47129.0","Uses hearing loop","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7308400.0","84365.0","Placement of hearing implant in external ear","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7308500.0","95814.0","Attention to hearing implant in external ear","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7308600.0","96555.0","Removal of hearing implant from external ear","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7311A00","19694.0","Insertn bone anchors subcutaneous bone anchored hearing aid","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7317C00","68636.0","Placement of hearing implant in middle ear","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7317D00","93446.0","Attention to hearing implant in middle ear","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7317.00","100449.0","Removal of hearing implant from middle ear","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7319000.0","97657.0","Insertion fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis Stage 1","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7319100.0","89253.0","Insertion fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis Stage 2","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7319200.0","91930.0","Reduction soft tissue for bone anchored hearing prosthesis","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7319300.0","97761.0","Attention to fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosthesis","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7319400.0","93278.0","One stage insert fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7319500.0","101755.0","Fitting external hearing prosthesis bone anchored fixtures","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7319600.0","108029.0","First stge ins fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosthesis","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7319.00","59392.0","Attachment of bone anchored hearing prosthesis","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7319700.0","108030.0","Second stage ins fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosth","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7319y00","98553.0","Other specified attachment bone anchored hearing prosthesis","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","7319z00","98241.0","Attachment of bone anchored hearing prosthesis NOS","Procedure for Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","8D21.00","58602.0","Provide head worn hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","8D22.00","36766.0","Provide body worn hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","8D23.00","626.0","Ear fitting hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","8D24.00","52853.0","Replace hearing aid battery","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","8D26.00","107246.0","Provision of replacement hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","8D2..12","3912.0","Hearing aid provision","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","8E3..00","66126.0","Deafness remedial therapy","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","8E3Z.00","72765.0","Deafness remedial therapy NOS","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","8HT2.00","10479.0","Referral to hearing aid clinic","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","8M41.00","10975.0","Hearing aid requested","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","9N0b.00","401.0","Seen in hearing aid clinic","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","9NfB.00","105795.0","Requires deafblind communicator guide","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","A560200","14893.0","Rubella deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F580100","1752.0","Presbyacusis","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F580111","30208.0","Senile presbyacusis","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F581200","15940.0","Noise-induced hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F581211","2552.0","Noise induced deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F582.00","6082.0","Unspecified sudden hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F590000","1151.0","Unspecified conductive hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F590100","36660.0","Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of external ear","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F590200","52758.0","Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of tympanic membrane","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F590300","31748.0","Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of middle ear","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F590400","94782.0","Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of inner ear","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F590500","18945.0","Conductive hearing loss, bilateral","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F590600","43581.0","Conduct hear loss,unilat+unrestric hearing on contralat side","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F590.00","8941.0","Conductive hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F590.11","45751.0","Conductive deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F590y00","62906.0","Combined conductive hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F590z00","33583.0","Conductive hearing loss NOS","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591000","2061.0","Unspecified perceptive hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591100","18520.0","Sensory hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591200","6846.0","Neural hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591211","3171.0","Nerve deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591300","69894.0","Central hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591400","10665.0","Congenital sensorineural deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591500","47440.0","Ototoxicity - deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591511","102069.0","Drug ototoxicity - deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591600","10112.0","Sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591700","29191.0","Sensorineurl hear loss,unilat unrestrict hear/contralat side","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591800","100736.0","Congenital prelingual deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591900","107364.0","Bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591A00","107323.0","Bilateral congenital sensorineural hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591B00","107607.0","Profound sensorineural hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591C00","107350.0","Moderate sensorineural hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591D00","107265.0","Mild sensorineural hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591E00","107610.0","Severe sensorineural hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591.00","536.0","Sensorineural hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591.11","2625.0","High frequency deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591.12","8033.0","Low frequency deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591.13","2348.0","Perceptive deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591.14","12829.0","Perceptive hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591y00","54116.0","Combined perceptive hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F591z00","16393.0","Perceptive hearing loss NOS","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F592000","27901.0","Mix cond/sensneurl hear loss,unlat unrestrc hear/contrlat sd","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F592100","7301.0","Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F592.00","14983.0","Mixed conductive and sensorineural deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F592.11","9882.0","Mixed hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F593.00","3747.0","Deaf mutism, NEC","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F594.00","19084.0","High frequency deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F595.00","44282.0","Low frequency deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F596.00","98253.0","Maternally inherited deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F597.00","99753.0","Mild acquired hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F598.00","100127.0","Moderate acquired hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F599.00","100276.0","Severe acquired hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F59A.00","100654.0","Profound acquired hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F59A.11","102872.0","Deafened","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F59..00","412.0","Hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F59..11","467.0","Deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F59y.00","38563.0","Other specified forms of hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F59z.00","686.0","Deafness NOS","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F59z.11","16648.0","Chronic deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","F5A..00","96245.0","Hearing impairment","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Fy1..00","103907.0","Combined visual and hearing impairment","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","FyuU000","71827.0","[X]Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","FyuU100","53800.0","[X]Other specified hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","P400.00","50016.0","Ear anomalies with hearing impaired, unspecified","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","P402.00","52802.0","Other external ear anomaly with hearing impairment","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","P402z00","72933.0","Other external ear anomaly with hearing impairment NOS","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","P40..00","5016.0","Ear anomalies with hearing impairment","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","P40z.00","27313.0","Other and unspecified ear anomaly with hearing impaired","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","P40z.11","31374.0","Deafness due to congenital anomaly NEC","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","P40zz00","57053.0","Ear anomaly with hearing impaired NOS","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","PKyP.00","106927.0","Diab insipidus,diab mell,optic atrophy and deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Pyu1B00","103542.0","[X]Malformation of ear with impairment of hearing, unspec","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z8B5100","46837.0","Able to use hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z8B5300","19417.0","Does use hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z8B5311","18375.0","Uses hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z8B5500","17407.0","Difficulty using hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z8B5.00","52245.0","Ability to use hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911100","7344.0","Fit hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911300","51744.0","Adjust hearing aid settings","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911400","31962.0","Changing hearing aid battery","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911500","30394.0","Checking hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911700","97300.0","Switching on hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911800","93722.0","Turning off hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911900","59596.0","Putting on hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911A00","58046.0","Listening for feedback whistle of hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911B00","42879.0","Attention to hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911E00","58826.0","Fit ear mould for existing hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911G00","65516.0","Fit ear mould for hearing protection","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z911.00","30206.0","Hearing aid procedure","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z9E8100","11619.0","Hearing aid provision","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZE87.00","9830.0","Hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZE87.11","10367.0","Deafness","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZE87.13","22102.0","Hard of hearing","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZE87.15","12692.0","HI - Hearing impairment","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZE87.16","12324.0","HL - Hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZE87.17","7891.0","HOH - Hard of hearing","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZE87.18","18008.0","Hearing impairment","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZE87.19","19068.0","Hearing impaired","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZE87.20","30033.0","Hearing impaired","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZL71600","22831.0","Referral to registered hearing aid dispenser","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZN56900","63490.0","Deaf telephone user","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZN56A00","110179.0","Deaf-blind telephone user","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZV45G00","18148.0","[V]Presence of external hearing-aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZV45N00","96803.0","[V]Bone anchored hearing aid in situ","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZV53200","2876.0","[V]Fitting or adjustment of hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","ZV53D00","45604.0","[V]Adjustment and management of implanted hearing device","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
+Hearing loss,1493.00,4957.0,H/O: hearing problem,History of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,1C13100,1681.0,Unilateral deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,1C13.00,14805.0,Deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,1C13.11,6641.0,Deafness symptom,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,1C13200,1774.0,Partial deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,1C13300,4035.0,Bilateral deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,1C17.00,47475.0,Hearing aid problem,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,2BL..11,13114.0,O/E - deaf,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,2BL3.00,13113.0,O/E - significantly deaf,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,2BL4.00,5149.0,O/E - very deaf,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,2BL5.00,26539.0,O/E - completely deaf,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,2BM2.11,7085.0,O/E - conductive deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,2BM3.11,7825.0,O/E - perceptive deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,2DG..00,10170.0,Hearing aid worn,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,2DH0.00,47129.0,Uses hearing loop,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7308400.0,84365.0,Placement of hearing implant in external ear,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7308500.0,95814.0,Attention to hearing implant in external ear,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7308600.0,96555.0,Removal of hearing implant from external ear,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7311A00,19694.0,Insertn bone anchors subcutaneous bone anchored hearing aid,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7317C00,68636.0,Placement of hearing implant in middle ear,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7317D00,93446.0,Attention to hearing implant in middle ear,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7317.00,100449.0,Removal of hearing implant from middle ear,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7319000.0,97657.0,Insertion fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis Stage 1,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7319100.0,89253.0,Insertion fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis Stage 2,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7319200.0,91930.0,Reduction soft tissue for bone anchored hearing prosthesis,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7319300.0,97761.0,Attention to fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosthesis,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7319400.0,93278.0,One stage insert fixtures bone anchored hearing prosthesis,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7319500.0,101755.0,Fitting external hearing prosthesis bone anchored fixtures,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7319600.0,108029.0,First stge ins fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosthesis,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7319.00,59392.0,Attachment of bone anchored hearing prosthesis,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7319700.0,108030.0,Second stage ins fixtures for bone anchored hearing prosth,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7319y00,98553.0,Other specified attachment bone anchored hearing prosthesis,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,7319z00,98241.0,Attachment of bone anchored hearing prosthesis NOS,Procedure for Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,8D21.00,58602.0,Provide head worn hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,8D22.00,36766.0,Provide body worn hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,8D23.00,626.0,Ear fitting hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,8D24.00,52853.0,Replace hearing aid battery,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,8D26.00,107246.0,Provision of replacement hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,8D2..12,3912.0,Hearing aid provision,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,8E3..00,66126.0,Deafness remedial therapy,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,8E3Z.00,72765.0,Deafness remedial therapy NOS,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,8HT2.00,10479.0,Referral to hearing aid clinic,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,8M41.00,10975.0,Hearing aid requested,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,9N0b.00,401.0,Seen in hearing aid clinic,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,9NfB.00,105795.0,Requires deafblind communicator guide,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,A560200,14893.0,Rubella deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F580100,1752.0,Presbyacusis,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F580111,30208.0,Senile presbyacusis,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F581200,15940.0,Noise-induced hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F581211,2552.0,Noise induced deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F582.00,6082.0,Unspecified sudden hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F590000,1151.0,Unspecified conductive hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F590100,36660.0,Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of external ear,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F590200,52758.0,Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of tympanic membrane,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F590300,31748.0,Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of middle ear,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F590400,94782.0,Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of inner ear,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F590500,18945.0,"Conductive hearing loss, bilateral",Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F590600,43581.0,"Conduct hear loss,unilat+unrestric hearing on contralat side",Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F590.00,8941.0,Conductive hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F590.11,45751.0,Conductive deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F590y00,62906.0,Combined conductive hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F590z00,33583.0,Conductive hearing loss NOS,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591000,2061.0,Unspecified perceptive hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591100,18520.0,Sensory hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591200,6846.0,Neural hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591211,3171.0,Nerve deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591300,69894.0,Central hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591400,10665.0,Congenital sensorineural deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591500,47440.0,Ototoxicity - deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591511,102069.0,Drug ototoxicity - deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591600,10112.0,"Sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral",Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591700,29191.0,"Sensorineurl hear loss,unilat unrestrict hear/contralat side",Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591800,100736.0,Congenital prelingual deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591900,107364.0,Bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591A00,107323.0,Bilateral congenital sensorineural hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591B00,107607.0,Profound sensorineural hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591C00,107350.0,Moderate sensorineural hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591D00,107265.0,Mild sensorineural hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591E00,107610.0,Severe sensorineural hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591.00,536.0,Sensorineural hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591.11,2625.0,High frequency deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591.12,8033.0,Low frequency deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591.13,2348.0,Perceptive deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591.14,12829.0,Perceptive hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591y00,54116.0,Combined perceptive hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F591z00,16393.0,Perceptive hearing loss NOS,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F592000,27901.0,"Mix cond/sensneurl hear loss,unlat unrestrc hear/contrlat sd",Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F592100,7301.0,"Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral",Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F592.00,14983.0,Mixed conductive and sensorineural deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F592.11,9882.0,Mixed hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F593.00,3747.0,"Deaf mutism, NEC",Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F594.00,19084.0,High frequency deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F595.00,44282.0,Low frequency deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F596.00,98253.0,Maternally inherited deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F597.00,99753.0,Mild acquired hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F598.00,100127.0,Moderate acquired hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F599.00,100276.0,Severe acquired hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F59A.00,100654.0,Profound acquired hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F59A.11,102872.0,Deafened,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F59..00,412.0,Hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F59..11,467.0,Deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F59y.00,38563.0,Other specified forms of hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F59z.00,686.0,Deafness NOS,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F59z.11,16648.0,Chronic deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,F5A..00,96245.0,Hearing impairment,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Fy1..00,103907.0,Combined visual and hearing impairment,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,FyuU000,71827.0,"[X]Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,FyuU100,53800.0,[X]Other specified hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,P400.00,50016.0,"Ear anomalies with hearing impaired, unspecified",Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,P402.00,52802.0,Other external ear anomaly with hearing impairment,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,P402z00,72933.0,Other external ear anomaly with hearing impairment NOS,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,P40..00,5016.0,Ear anomalies with hearing impairment,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,P40z.00,27313.0,Other and unspecified ear anomaly with hearing impaired,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,P40z.11,31374.0,Deafness due to congenital anomaly NEC,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,P40zz00,57053.0,Ear anomaly with hearing impaired NOS,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,PKyP.00,106927.0,"Diab insipidus,diab mell,optic atrophy and deafness",Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Pyu1B00,103542.0,"[X]Malformation of ear with impairment of hearing, unspec",Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z8B5100,46837.0,Able to use hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z8B5300,19417.0,Does use hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z8B5311,18375.0,Uses hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z8B5500,17407.0,Difficulty using hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z8B5.00,52245.0,Ability to use hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911100,7344.0,Fit hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911300,51744.0,Adjust hearing aid settings,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911400,31962.0,Changing hearing aid battery,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911500,30394.0,Checking hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911700,97300.0,Switching on hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911800,93722.0,Turning off hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911900,59596.0,Putting on hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911A00,58046.0,Listening for feedback whistle of hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911B00,42879.0,Attention to hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911E00,58826.0,Fit ear mould for existing hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911G00,65516.0,Fit ear mould for hearing protection,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z911.00,30206.0,Hearing aid procedure,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z9E8100,11619.0,Hearing aid provision,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZE87.00,9830.0,Hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZE87.11,10367.0,Deafness,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZE87.13,22102.0,Hard of hearing,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZE87.15,12692.0,HI - Hearing impairment,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZE87.16,12324.0,HL - Hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZE87.17,7891.0,HOH - Hard of hearing,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZE87.18,18008.0,Hearing impairment,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZE87.19,19068.0,Hearing impaired,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZE87.20,30033.0,Hearing impaired,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZL71600,22831.0,Referral to registered hearing aid dispenser,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZN56900,63490.0,Deaf telephone user,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZN56A00,110179.0,Deaf-blind telephone user,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZV45G00,18148.0,[V]Presence of external hearing-aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZV45N00,96803.0,[V]Bone anchored hearing aid in situ,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZV53200,2876.0,[V]Fitting or adjustment of hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,ZV53D00,45604.0,[V]Adjustment and management of implanted hearing device,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_delirium.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_delirium.csv
index f091631..b8c7520 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_delirium.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_delirium.csv
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","2233.00","5367.0","O/E - delirious","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E001100","49513.0","Presenile dementia with delirium","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E003.00","37015.0","Senile dementia with delirium","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E004100","56912.0","Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E030000","25051.0","Acute confusional state, post traumatic","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E030100","50683.0","Acute confusional state, of infective origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E030200","94079.0","Acute confusional state, of endocrine origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E030300","70409.0","Acute confusional state, of metabolic origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E030400","25114.0","Acute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E030.00","4033.0","Acute confusional state","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E030.11","22466.0","Delirium - acute organic","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E031000","61238.0","Subacute confusional state, post traumatic","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E031100","69359.0","Subacute confusional state, of infective origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E031300","38671.0","Subacute confusional state, of metabolic origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E031400","24035.0","Subacute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E031.00","17021.0","Subacute confusional state","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E031.11","24077.0","Delirium - subacute organic","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","E031z00","55784.0","Subacute confusional state NOS","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Eu04000","68125.0","[X]Delirium not superimposed on dementia, so described","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Eu04100","53446.0","[X]Delirium superimposed on dementia","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Eu04.00","25066.0","[X]Delirium, not induced by alcohol+other psychoactive subs","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Eu04.11","39337.0","[X]Acute / subacute brain syndrome","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Eu04.12","7389.0","[X]Acute / subacute confusional state, nonalcoholic","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Eu04.13","24387.0","[X]Acute / subacute infective psychosis","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Eu04.14","21933.0","[X]Acute / subacute organic reaction","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Eu04.15","22065.0","[X]Acute / subacute psycho-organic reaction","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Eu04y00","52394.0","[X]Other delirium","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Eu04z00","53924.0","[X]Delirium, unspecified","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",2233.00,5367.0,O/E - delirious,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E001100,49513.0,Presenile dementia with delirium,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E003.00,37015.0,Senile dementia with delirium,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E004100,56912.0,Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E030000,25051.0,"Acute confusional state, post traumatic","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E030100,50683.0,"Acute confusional state, of infective origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E030200,94079.0,"Acute confusional state, of endocrine origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E030300,70409.0,"Acute confusional state, of metabolic origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E030400,25114.0,"Acute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E030.00,4033.0,Acute confusional state,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E030.11,22466.0,Delirium - acute organic,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E031000,61238.0,"Subacute confusional state, post traumatic","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E031100,69359.0,"Subacute confusional state, of infective origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E031300,38671.0,"Subacute confusional state, of metabolic origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E031400,24035.0,"Subacute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E031.00,17021.0,Subacute confusional state,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E031.11,24077.0,Delirium - subacute organic,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",E031z00,55784.0,Subacute confusional state NOS,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",Eu04000,68125.0,"[X]Delirium not superimposed on dementia, so described","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",Eu04100,53446.0,[X]Delirium superimposed on dementia,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",Eu04.00,25066.0,"[X]Delirium, not induced by alcohol+other psychoactive subs","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",Eu04.11,39337.0,[X]Acute / subacute brain syndrome,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",Eu04.12,7389.0,"[X]Acute / subacute confusional state, nonalcoholic","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",Eu04.13,24387.0,[X]Acute / subacute infective psychosis,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",Eu04.14,21933.0,[X]Acute / subacute organic reaction,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",Eu04.15,22065.0,[X]Acute / subacute psycho-organic reaction,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",Eu04y00,52394.0,[X]Other delirium,"Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",Eu04z00,53924.0,"[X]Delirium, unspecified","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_dementia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_dementia.csv
index 3f53fc9..3cfaa87 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_dementia.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_dementia.csv
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Dementia","1461.00","5931.0","H/O: dementia","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","66h..00","55023.0","Dementia monitoring","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","6AB..00","12710.0","Dementia annual review","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","8CMZ.00","106311.0","Dementia care plan","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","9hD0.00","30641.0","Excepted from dementia quality indicators: Patient unsuitabl","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","9hD1.00","40805.0","Excepted from dementia quality indicators: Informed dissent","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","9hD..00","44341.0","Exception reporting: dementia quality indicators","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","9Ou1.00","49674.0","Dementia monitoring first letter","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","9Ou2.00","83576.0","Dementia monitoring second letter","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","9Ou3.00","89036.0","Dementia monitoring third letter","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","9Ou4.00","89037.0","Dementia monitoring verbal invite","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","9Ou5.00","65235.0","Dementia monitoring telephone invite","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","9Ou..00","85853.0","Dementia monitoring administration","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E000.00","7323.0","Uncomplicated senile dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E001000","42602.0","Uncomplicated presenile dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E001100","49513.0","Presenile dementia with delirium","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E001200","30032.0","Presenile dementia with paranoia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E001300","27677.0","Presenile dementia with depression","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E001.00","15165.0","Presenile dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E001z00","38438.0","Presenile dementia NOS","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E002000","18386.0","Senile dementia with paranoia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E002100","21887.0","Senile dementia with depression","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E002.00","44674.0","Senile dementia with depressive or paranoid features","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E002z00","41089.0","Senile dementia with depressive or paranoid features NOS","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E003.00","37015.0","Senile dementia with delirium","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E004000","43089.0","Uncomplicated arteriosclerotic dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E004100","56912.0","Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E004200","55467.0","Arteriosclerotic dementia with paranoia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E004300","43292.0","Arteriosclerotic dementia with depression","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E004.00","19477.0","Arteriosclerotic dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E004.11","8634.0","Multi infarct dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E004z00","42279.0","Arteriosclerotic dementia NOS","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E00..00","33707.0","Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E00..11","1916.0","Senile dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E00..12","1350.0","Senile/presenile dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E00y.00","15249.0","Other senile and presenile organic psychoses","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E00y.11","51494.0","Presbyophrenic psychosis","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E00z.00","2882.0","Senile or presenile psychoses NOS","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","E041.00","25386.0","Dementia in conditions EC","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00000","49263.0","[X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease with early onset","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00011","25704.0","[X]Presenile dementia,Alzheimer's type","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00012","60059.0","[X]Primary degen dementia, Alzheimer's type, presenile onset","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00013","61528.0","[X]Alzheimer's disease type 2","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00100","38678.0","[X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease with late onset","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00111","46762.0","[X]Alzheimer's disease type 1","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00112","11379.0","[X]Senile dementia,Alzheimer's type","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00113","43346.0","[X]Primary degen dementia of Alzheimer's type, senile onset","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00200","30706.0","[X]Dementia in Alzheimer's dis, atypical or mixed type","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00.00","7664.0","[X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00z00","29386.0","[X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease, unspecified","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu00z11","8195.0","[X]Alzheimer's dementia unspec","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu01000","46488.0","[X]Vascular dementia of acute onset","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu01100","11175.0","[X]Multi-infarct dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu01111","55838.0","[X]Predominantly cortical dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu01200","8934.0","[X]Subcortical vascular dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu01300","31016.0","[X]Mixed cortical and subcortical vascular dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu01.00","6578.0","[X]Vascular dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu01.11","9565.0","[X]Arteriosclerotic dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu01y00","55313.0","[X]Other vascular dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu01z00","19393.0","[X]Vascular dementia, unspecified","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu02z00","4693.0","[X] Unspecified dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu02z11","48501.0","[X] Presenile dementia NOS","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu02z12","47619.0","[X] Presenile psychosis NOS","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu02z13","34944.0","[X] Primary degenerative dementia NOS","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu02z14","4357.0","[X] Senile dementia NOS","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu02z15","27935.0","[X] Senile psychosis NOS","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu02z16","27759.0","[X] Senile dementia, depressed or paranoid type","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Eu04100","53446.0","[X]Delirium superimposed on dementia","History of Dementia"
-"Dementia","F110000","16797.0","Alzheimer's disease with early onset","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","F110100","32057.0","Alzheimer's disease with late onset","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","F110.00","1917.0","Alzheimer's disease","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","Fyu3000","59122.0","[X]Other Alzheimer's disease","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","ZS7C500","55222.0","Language disorder of dementia","History of Dementia"
+Dementia,1461.00,5931.0,H/O: dementia,History of Dementia
+Dementia,66h..00,55023.0,Dementia monitoring,History of Dementia
+Dementia,6AB..00,12710.0,Dementia annual review,History of Dementia
+Dementia,8CMZ.00,106311.0,Dementia care plan,History of Dementia
+Dementia,9hD0.00,30641.0,Excepted from dementia quality indicators: Patient unsuitabl,History of Dementia
+Dementia,9hD1.00,40805.0,Excepted from dementia quality indicators: Informed dissent,History of Dementia
+Dementia,9hD..00,44341.0,Exception reporting: dementia quality indicators,History of Dementia
+Dementia,9Ou1.00,49674.0,Dementia monitoring first letter,History of Dementia
+Dementia,9Ou2.00,83576.0,Dementia monitoring second letter,History of Dementia
+Dementia,9Ou3.00,89036.0,Dementia monitoring third letter,History of Dementia
+Dementia,9Ou4.00,89037.0,Dementia monitoring verbal invite,History of Dementia
+Dementia,9Ou5.00,65235.0,Dementia monitoring telephone invite,History of Dementia
+Dementia,9Ou..00,85853.0,Dementia monitoring administration,History of Dementia
+Dementia,E000.00,7323.0,Uncomplicated senile dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E001000,42602.0,Uncomplicated presenile dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E001100,49513.0,Presenile dementia with delirium,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E001200,30032.0,Presenile dementia with paranoia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E001300,27677.0,Presenile dementia with depression,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E001.00,15165.0,Presenile dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E001z00,38438.0,Presenile dementia NOS,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E002000,18386.0,Senile dementia with paranoia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E002100,21887.0,Senile dementia with depression,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E002.00,44674.0,Senile dementia with depressive or paranoid features,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E002z00,41089.0,Senile dementia with depressive or paranoid features NOS,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E003.00,37015.0,Senile dementia with delirium,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E004000,43089.0,Uncomplicated arteriosclerotic dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E004100,56912.0,Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E004200,55467.0,Arteriosclerotic dementia with paranoia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E004300,43292.0,Arteriosclerotic dementia with depression,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E004.00,19477.0,Arteriosclerotic dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E004.11,8634.0,Multi infarct dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E004z00,42279.0,Arteriosclerotic dementia NOS,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E00..00,33707.0,Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E00..11,1916.0,Senile dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E00..12,1350.0,Senile/presenile dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E00y.00,15249.0,Other senile and presenile organic psychoses,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E00y.11,51494.0,Presbyophrenic psychosis,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E00z.00,2882.0,Senile or presenile psychoses NOS,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,E041.00,25386.0,Dementia in conditions EC,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00000,49263.0,[X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease with early onset,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00011,25704.0,"[X]Presenile dementia,Alzheimer's type",Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00012,60059.0,"[X]Primary degen dementia, Alzheimer's type, presenile onset",Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00013,61528.0,[X]Alzheimer's disease type 2,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00100,38678.0,[X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease with late onset,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00111,46762.0,[X]Alzheimer's disease type 1,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00112,11379.0,"[X]Senile dementia,Alzheimer's type",Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00113,43346.0,"[X]Primary degen dementia of Alzheimer's type, senile onset",Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00200,30706.0,"[X]Dementia in Alzheimer's dis, atypical or mixed type",Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00.00,7664.0,[X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00z00,29386.0,"[X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease, unspecified",Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu00z11,8195.0,[X]Alzheimer's dementia unspec,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu01000,46488.0,[X]Vascular dementia of acute onset,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu01100,11175.0,[X]Multi-infarct dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu01111,55838.0,[X]Predominantly cortical dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu01200,8934.0,[X]Subcortical vascular dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu01300,31016.0,[X]Mixed cortical and subcortical vascular dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu01.00,6578.0,[X]Vascular dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu01.11,9565.0,[X]Arteriosclerotic dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu01y00,55313.0,[X]Other vascular dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu01z00,19393.0,"[X]Vascular dementia, unspecified",Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu02z00,4693.0,[X] Unspecified dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu02z11,48501.0,[X] Presenile dementia NOS,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu02z12,47619.0,[X] Presenile psychosis NOS,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu02z13,34944.0,[X] Primary degenerative dementia NOS,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu02z14,4357.0,[X] Senile dementia NOS,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu02z15,27935.0,[X] Senile psychosis NOS,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu02z16,27759.0,"[X] Senile dementia, depressed or paranoid type",Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Eu04100,53446.0,[X]Delirium superimposed on dementia,History of Dementia
+Dementia,F110000,16797.0,Alzheimer's disease with early onset,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,F110100,32057.0,Alzheimer's disease with late onset,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,F110.00,1917.0,Alzheimer's disease,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,Fyu3000,59122.0,[X]Other Alzheimer's disease,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,ZS7C500,55222.0,Language disorder of dementia,History of Dementia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_depression.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_depression.csv
index 1eb3243..1ec7707 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_depression.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_depression.csv
@@ -1,122 +1,122 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Depression","1465.00","2716.0","H/O: depression","History of Depression"
-"Depression","212S.00","19439.0","Depression resolved","History of Depression"
-"Depression","8BK0.00","44848.0","Depression management programme","History of Depression"
-"Depression","8CAa.00","30483.0","Patient given advice about management of depression","History of Depression"
-"Depression","8HHq.00","32841.0","Referral for guided self-help for depression","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9H90.00","12399.0","Depression annual review","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9H91.00","12122.0","Depression medication review","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9H92.00","30405.0","Depression interim review","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9HA0.00","42931.0","On depression register","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9k40.00","65435.0","Depression - enhanced service completed","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9k4..00","30583.0","Depression - enhanced services administration","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9kQ..00","96995.0","On full dose long term treatment depression - enh serv admin","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9Ov0.00","71009.0","Depression monitoring first letter","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9Ov1.00","72966.0","Depression monitoring second letter","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9Ov2.00","91105.0","Depression monitoring third letter","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9Ov3.00","88644.0","Depression monitoring verbal invite","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9Ov4.00","85852.0","Depression monitoring telephone invite","History of Depression"
-"Depression","9Ov..00","51258.0","Depression monitoring administration","History of Depression"
-"Depression","E001300","27677.0","Presenile dementia with depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E002100","21887.0","Senile dementia with depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E004300","43292.0","Arteriosclerotic dementia with depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112000","34390.0","Single major depressive episode, unspecified","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112100","16506.0","Single major depressive episode, mild","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112200","15155.0","Single major depressive episode, moderate","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112300","15219.0","Single major depressive episode, severe, without psychosis","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112400","32159.0","Single major depressive episode, severe, with psychosis","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112500","43324.0","Single major depressive episode, partial or unspec remission","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112600","57409.0","Single major depressive episode, in full remission","History of Depression"
-"Depression","E112.00","10610.0","Single major depressive episode","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112.11","5879.0","Agitated depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112.12","6546.0","Endogenous depression first episode","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112.13","6950.0","Endogenous depression first episode","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112.14","595.0","Endogenous depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E112z00","7011.0","Single major depressive episode NOS","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E113000","35671.0","Recurrent major depressive episodes, unspecified","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E113100","29342.0","Recurrent major depressive episodes, mild","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E113200","14709.0","Recurrent major depressive episodes, moderate","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E113300","25697.0","Recurrent major depressive episodes, severe, no psychosis","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E113400","24171.0","Recurrent major depressive episodes, severe, with psychosis","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E113500","56273.0","Recurrent major depressive episodes,partial/unspec remission","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E113600","55384.0","Recurrent major depressive episodes, in full remission","History of Depression"
-"Depression","E113700","6482.0","Recurrent depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E113.00","15099.0","Recurrent major depressive episode","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E113.11","6932.0","Endogenous depression - recurrent","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E113z00","25563.0","Recurrent major depressive episode NOS","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E118.00","10825.0","Seasonal affective disorder","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E11..12","2560.0","Depressive psychoses","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E11y200","27491.0","Atypical depressive disorder","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E11z200","9183.0","Masked depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E130.00","8478.0","Reactive depressive psychosis","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E130.11","17770.0","Psychotic reactive depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E135.00","1055.0","Agitated depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E200300","655.0","Anxiety with depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E291.00","16632.0","Prolonged depressive reaction","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E2B1.00","4323.0","Chronic depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","E2B..00","324.0","Depressive disorder NEC","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu20400","20785.0","[X]Post-schizophrenic depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu25100","11055.0","[X]Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu25111","35274.0","[X]Schizoaffective psychosis, depressive type","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu25112","41022.0","[X]Schizophreniform psychosis, depressive type","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32000","11717.0","[X]Mild depressive episode","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32100","9211.0","[X]Moderate depressive episode","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32200","9667.0","[X]Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32211","41989.0","[X]Single episode agitated depressn w'out psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32212","22806.0","[X]Single episode major depression w'out psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32213","59386.0","[X]Single episode vital depression w'out psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32300","12099.0","[X]Severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32311","24117.0","[X]Single episode of major depression and psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32312","52678.0","[X]Single episode of psychogenic depressive psychosis","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32313","24112.0","[X]Single episode of psychotic depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32314","28863.0","[X]Single episode of reactive depressive psychosis","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32400","10667.0","[X]Mild depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32500","98346.0","[X]Major depression, mild","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32600","98252.0","[X]Major depression, moderately severe","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32700","98414.0","[X]Major depression, severe without psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32800","98417.0","[X]Major depression, severe with psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32900","101054.0","[X]Single major depr ep, severe with psych, psych in remiss","History of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32A00","101153.0","[X]Recurr major depr ep, severe with psych, psych in remiss","History of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32.00","4639.0","[X]Depressive episode","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32.11","9055.0","[X]Single episode of depressive reaction","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32.12","18510.0","[X]Single episode of psychogenic depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32.13","7604.0","[X]Single episode of reactive depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32y00","6854.0","[X]Other depressive episodes","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32y11","10720.0","[X]Atypical depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32y12","56609.0","[X]Single episode of masked depression NOS","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32z00","2970.0","[X]Depressive episode, unspecified","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32z11","543.0","[X]Depression NOS","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32z12","3291.0","[X]Depressive disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32z13","28248.0","[X]Prolonged single episode of reactive depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu32z14","5987.0","[X] Reactive depression NOS","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33000","29784.0","[X]Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33100","29520.0","[X]Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33200","33469.0","[X]Recurr depress disorder cur epi severe without psyc sympt","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33211","11329.0","[X]Endogenous depression without psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33212","11252.0","[X]Major depression, recurrent without psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33213","29451.0","[X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressd,no psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33214","73991.0","[X]Vital depression, recurrent without psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33300","47009.0","[X]Recurrent depress disorder cur epi severe with psyc symp","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33311","23731.0","[X]Endogenous depression with psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33312","28677.0","[X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressed type+psychotic symptoms","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33313","32941.0","[X]Recurr severe episodes/major depression+psychotic symptom","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33314","31757.0","[X]Recurr severe episodes/psychogenic depressive psychosis","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33315","16861.0","[X]Recurrent severe episodes of psychotic depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33316","37764.0","[X]Recurrent severe episodes/reactive depressive psychosis","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33400","22116.0","[X]Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission","History of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33.00","3292.0","[X]Recurrent depressive disorder","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33.11","8851.0","[X]Recurrent episodes of depressive reaction","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33.12","19696.0","[X]Recurrent episodes of psychogenic depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33.13","8902.0","[X]Recurrent episodes of reactive depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33.14","28756.0","[X]Seasonal depressive disorder","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33.15","8826.0","[X]SAD - Seasonal affective disorder","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33y00","47731.0","[X]Other recurrent depressive disorders","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33z00","44300.0","[X]Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu33z11","36616.0","[X]Monopolar depression NOS","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu34100","7953.0","[X]Dysthymia","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu34111","8584.0","[X]Depressive neurosis","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu34112","10290.0","[X]Depressive personality disorder","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu34113","7737.0","[X]Neurotic depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu34114","15220.0","[X]Persistant anxiety depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu41200","11913.0","[X]Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","Eu41211","7749.0","[X]Mild anxiety depression","Diagnosis of Depression"
+Depression,1465.00,2716.0,H/O: depression,History of Depression
+Depression,212S.00,19439.0,Depression resolved,History of Depression
+Depression,8BK0.00,44848.0,Depression management programme,History of Depression
+Depression,8CAa.00,30483.0,Patient given advice about management of depression,History of Depression
+Depression,8HHq.00,32841.0,Referral for guided self-help for depression,History of Depression
+Depression,9H90.00,12399.0,Depression annual review,History of Depression
+Depression,9H91.00,12122.0,Depression medication review,History of Depression
+Depression,9H92.00,30405.0,Depression interim review,History of Depression
+Depression,9HA0.00,42931.0,On depression register,History of Depression
+Depression,9k40.00,65435.0,Depression - enhanced service completed,History of Depression
+Depression,9k4..00,30583.0,Depression - enhanced services administration,History of Depression
+Depression,9kQ..00,96995.0,On full dose long term treatment depression - enh serv admin,History of Depression
+Depression,9Ov0.00,71009.0,Depression monitoring first letter,History of Depression
+Depression,9Ov1.00,72966.0,Depression monitoring second letter,History of Depression
+Depression,9Ov2.00,91105.0,Depression monitoring third letter,History of Depression
+Depression,9Ov3.00,88644.0,Depression monitoring verbal invite,History of Depression
+Depression,9Ov4.00,85852.0,Depression monitoring telephone invite,History of Depression
+Depression,9Ov..00,51258.0,Depression monitoring administration,History of Depression
+Depression,E001300,27677.0,Presenile dementia with depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E002100,21887.0,Senile dementia with depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E004300,43292.0,Arteriosclerotic dementia with depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112000,34390.0,"Single major depressive episode, unspecified",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112100,16506.0,"Single major depressive episode, mild",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112200,15155.0,"Single major depressive episode, moderate",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112300,15219.0,"Single major depressive episode, severe, without psychosis",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112400,32159.0,"Single major depressive episode, severe, with psychosis",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112500,43324.0,"Single major depressive episode, partial or unspec remission",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112600,57409.0,"Single major depressive episode, in full remission",History of Depression
+Depression,E112.00,10610.0,Single major depressive episode,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112.11,5879.0,Agitated depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112.12,6546.0,Endogenous depression first episode,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112.13,6950.0,Endogenous depression first episode,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112.14,595.0,Endogenous depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E112z00,7011.0,Single major depressive episode NOS,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E113000,35671.0,"Recurrent major depressive episodes, unspecified",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E113100,29342.0,"Recurrent major depressive episodes, mild",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E113200,14709.0,"Recurrent major depressive episodes, moderate",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E113300,25697.0,"Recurrent major depressive episodes, severe, no psychosis",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E113400,24171.0,"Recurrent major depressive episodes, severe, with psychosis",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E113500,56273.0,"Recurrent major depressive episodes,partial/unspec remission",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E113600,55384.0,"Recurrent major depressive episodes, in full remission",History of Depression
+Depression,E113700,6482.0,Recurrent depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E113.00,15099.0,Recurrent major depressive episode,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E113.11,6932.0,Endogenous depression - recurrent,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E113z00,25563.0,Recurrent major depressive episode NOS,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E118.00,10825.0,Seasonal affective disorder,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E11..12,2560.0,Depressive psychoses,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E11y200,27491.0,Atypical depressive disorder,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E11z200,9183.0,Masked depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E130.00,8478.0,Reactive depressive psychosis,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E130.11,17770.0,Psychotic reactive depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E135.00,1055.0,Agitated depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E200300,655.0,Anxiety with depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E291.00,16632.0,Prolonged depressive reaction,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E2B1.00,4323.0,Chronic depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,E2B..00,324.0,Depressive disorder NEC,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu20400,20785.0,[X]Post-schizophrenic depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu25100,11055.0,"[X]Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu25111,35274.0,"[X]Schizoaffective psychosis, depressive type",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu25112,41022.0,"[X]Schizophreniform psychosis, depressive type",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32000,11717.0,[X]Mild depressive episode,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32100,9211.0,[X]Moderate depressive episode,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32200,9667.0,[X]Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32211,41989.0,[X]Single episode agitated depressn w'out psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32212,22806.0,[X]Single episode major depression w'out psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32213,59386.0,[X]Single episode vital depression w'out psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32300,12099.0,[X]Severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32311,24117.0,[X]Single episode of major depression and psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32312,52678.0,[X]Single episode of psychogenic depressive psychosis,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32313,24112.0,[X]Single episode of psychotic depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32314,28863.0,[X]Single episode of reactive depressive psychosis,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32400,10667.0,[X]Mild depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32500,98346.0,"[X]Major depression, mild",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32600,98252.0,"[X]Major depression, moderately severe",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32700,98414.0,"[X]Major depression, severe without psychotic symptoms",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32800,98417.0,"[X]Major depression, severe with psychotic symptoms",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32900,101054.0,"[X]Single major depr ep, severe with psych, psych in remiss",History of Depression
+Depression,Eu32A00,101153.0,"[X]Recurr major depr ep, severe with psych, psych in remiss",History of Depression
+Depression,Eu32.00,4639.0,[X]Depressive episode,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32.11,9055.0,[X]Single episode of depressive reaction,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32.12,18510.0,[X]Single episode of psychogenic depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32.13,7604.0,[X]Single episode of reactive depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32y00,6854.0,[X]Other depressive episodes,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32y11,10720.0,[X]Atypical depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32y12,56609.0,[X]Single episode of masked depression NOS,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32z00,2970.0,"[X]Depressive episode, unspecified",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32z11,543.0,[X]Depression NOS,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32z12,3291.0,[X]Depressive disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32z13,28248.0,[X]Prolonged single episode of reactive depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu32z14,5987.0,[X] Reactive depression NOS,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33000,29784.0,"[X]Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33100,29520.0,"[X]Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33200,33469.0,[X]Recurr depress disorder cur epi severe without psyc sympt,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33211,11329.0,[X]Endogenous depression without psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33212,11252.0,"[X]Major depression, recurrent without psychotic symptoms",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33213,29451.0,"[X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressd,no psychotic symptoms",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33214,73991.0,"[X]Vital depression, recurrent without psychotic symptoms",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33300,47009.0,[X]Recurrent depress disorder cur epi severe with psyc symp,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33311,23731.0,[X]Endogenous depression with psychotic symptoms,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33312,28677.0,"[X]Manic-depress psychosis,depressed type+psychotic symptoms",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33313,32941.0,[X]Recurr severe episodes/major depression+psychotic symptom,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33314,31757.0,[X]Recurr severe episodes/psychogenic depressive psychosis,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33315,16861.0,[X]Recurrent severe episodes of psychotic depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33316,37764.0,[X]Recurrent severe episodes/reactive depressive psychosis,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33400,22116.0,"[X]Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission",History of Depression
+Depression,Eu33.00,3292.0,[X]Recurrent depressive disorder,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33.11,8851.0,[X]Recurrent episodes of depressive reaction,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33.12,19696.0,[X]Recurrent episodes of psychogenic depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33.13,8902.0,[X]Recurrent episodes of reactive depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33.14,28756.0,[X]Seasonal depressive disorder,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33.15,8826.0,[X]SAD - Seasonal affective disorder,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33y00,47731.0,[X]Other recurrent depressive disorders,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33z00,44300.0,"[X]Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu33z11,36616.0,[X]Monopolar depression NOS,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu34100,7953.0,[X]Dysthymia,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu34111,8584.0,[X]Depressive neurosis,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu34112,10290.0,[X]Depressive personality disorder,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu34113,7737.0,[X]Neurotic depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu34114,15220.0,[X]Persistant anxiety depression,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu41200,11913.0,[X]Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,Eu41211,7749.0,[X]Mild anxiety depression,Diagnosis of Depression
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_derm_merge.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_derm_merge.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ec7307..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_derm_merge.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","14F1.00","2859.0","H/O: eczema","History of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","26C4.00","10920.0","Nipple eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","3355.00","619.0","Skin:type 1 immediate reaction","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","C391211","42439.0","Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","F4D3000","29779.0","Eczematous eyelid dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","F4D3100","16832.0","Contact or allergic eyelid dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","F4D3111","16685.0","Allergic dermatitis - eyelid","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","F4D3112","15879.0","Contact eczema - eyelids","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","F4D4.00","63904.0","Infective eyelid dermatitis of types resulting in deformity","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","F4D5.00","53384.0","Other eyelid infective dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","F502400","10254.0","Acute eczematoid otitis extern","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","F502411","6218.0","Eczema of external ear","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","H330.00","7146.0","Extrinsic (atopic) asthma","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M07y.11","15372.0","Pustular eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M07z.14","986.0","Infected dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M102.00","6728.0","Infectious eczematoid dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M102.11","5000.0","Pustular eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M104.00","9652.0","Pityriasis simplex","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M11..00","13223.0","Atopic dermatitis and related conditions","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M111.00","1741.0","Atopic dermatitis/eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M1...11","6396.0","Dermatitis/dermatoses","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M112.00","610.0","Infantile eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M113.00","1240.0","Flexural eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M114.00","5869.0","Allergic (intrinsic) eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M115.00","38673.0","Besnier's prurigo","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M116.00","9888.0","Neurodermatitis - diffuse","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M116.11","100256.0","Brocq's neurodermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M117.00","10840.0","Neurodermatitis - atopic","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M119.00","4684.0","Discoid eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M11A.00","102327.0","Asteatotic eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M11z.00","6180.0","Atopic dermatitis NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M120.00","13386.0","Contact dermatitis due to detergents","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12..00","6399.0","Contact dermatitis and other eczemas","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M121.00","23561.0","Contact dermatitis due to oils and greases","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12..11","1427.0","Contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M121.11","5022.0","Grease contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M121.12","23031.0","Oil contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12..12","5391.0","Contact eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12..13","15627.0","Occupational dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M122000","72637.0","Contact dermatitis due to chlorocompound","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M122.00","23029.0","Contact dermatitis due to solvents","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M122100","64637.0","Contact dermatitis due to cyclohexane","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M122300","71854.0","Contact dermatitis due to glycol","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M122z00","13369.0","Contact dermatitis due to solvent NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M123000","63353.0","Contact dermatitis due to arnica","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M123.00","36788.0","Contact dermatitis due to drugs and medicaments","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M123100","13399.0","Contact dermatitis due to fungicides","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M123200","13366.0","Contact dermatitis due to iodine","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M123300","96698.0","Contact dermatitis due to keratolytics","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M123400","23030.0","Contact dermatitis due to mercurials","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M123500","60954.0","Contact dermatitis due to neomycin","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M123600","50719.0","Contact dermatitis due to pediculocides","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M123700","48081.0","Contact dermatitis due to phenols","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M123800","9245.0","Contact dermatitis due to scabicides","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M123z00","5557.0","Contact dermatitis due to medicament NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124000","103159.0","Contact dermatitis due to acids","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124.00","23032.0","Contact dermatitis due to other chemical products","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124100","3987.0","Contact dermatitis due to adhesive plaster","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124111","13373.0","Elastoplast contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124200","62083.0","Contact dermatitis due to alkalis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124300","48960.0","Contact dermatitis due to caustics","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124400","55945.0","Contact dermatitis due to dichromate","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124500","106529.0","Contact dermatitis due to insecticide","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124600","40607.0","Contact dermatitis due to nylon","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124700","64704.0","Contact dermatitis due to plastic","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124800","13379.0","Contact dermatitis due to rubber","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M124z00","13403.0","Contact dermatitis: other chemicals NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M125000","98485.0","Contact dermatitis due to cereals","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M125.00","38352.0","Contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M125100","96847.0","Contact dermatitis due to fish","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M125200","32859.0","Contact dermatitis due to flour","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M125300","55093.0","Contact dermatitis due to fruit","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M125400","98654.0","Contact dermatitis due to meat","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M125500","43732.0","Contact dermatitis due to milk","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M125z00","64542.0","Contact dermatitis due to food NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M125z11","35797.0","Egg contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M126000","99149.0","Contact dermatitis due to lacquer tree","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M126.00","3698.0","Contact dermatitis due to plants","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M126100","39256.0","Contact dermatitis due to poison-ivy","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M126200","73335.0","Contact dermatitis due to poison-oak","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M126300","94746.0","Contact dermatitis due to poison-sumac","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M126500","3041.0","Contact dermatitis due to primrose","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M126600","96464.0","Contact dermatitis due to ragweed","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M126z00","38455.0","Contact dermatitis due to plants NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M128000","11132.0","Allergic contact dermatitis due to adhesives","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M128.00","334.0","Allergic contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M128100","32385.0","Allergic contact dermatitis due to cosmetics","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M128200","7426.0","Allergic contact dermatitis due drugs in contact with skin","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M128300","38383.0","Allergic contact dermatitis due to dyes","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M128400","17204.0","Allergic contact dermatitis due to other chemical products","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M128500","30664.0","Allergic contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M128600","41618.0","Allergic contact dermatitis due to plants, except food","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M129000","50306.0","Irritant contact dermatitis due to cosmetics","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M129.00","9335.0","Irritant contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M129100","66631.0","Irritant contact dermatitis due drugs in contact with skin","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M129200","31882.0","Irritant contact dermatitis due to other chemical products","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M129300","62943.0","Irritant contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M129400","43888.0","Irritant contact dermatitis due to plants, except food","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y000","4880.0","Contact dermatitis due to cosmetics","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y.00","33446.0","Contact dermatitis due to other specified agents","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y011","7427.0","Lanolin contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y012","13378.0","Perfume contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y100","36142.0","Contact dermatitis due to cold weather","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y200","13365.0","Contact dermatitis due to dyes","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y300","13374.0","Contact dermatitis due to furs","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y400","13391.0","Contact dermatitis due to hot weather","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y500","45822.0","Contact dermatitis due to infra-red rays","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y600","48026.0","Contact dermatitis due to jewellery","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y700","95628.0","Contact dermatitis due to light (excluding sunlight)","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y800","13371.0","Contact dermatitis due to metals","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y811","1961.0","Nickel sensitivity","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12y900","73108.0","Contact dermatitis due to preservatives","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12yA00","29498.0","Contact dermatitis due to radiation NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12yB00","73126.0","Contact dermatitis due to ultra-violet rays (excluding sun)","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12yC00","23562.0","Contact dermatitis due to x-rays","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12yD00","103158.0","Contact dermatitis due to casting materials","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12yz00","13392.0","Contact dermatitis: specified agent NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12z000","488.0","Dermatitis NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12z.00","5448.0","Contact dermatitis NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12z100","230.0","Eczema NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12z111","1095.0","Discoid eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12z200","1424.0","Infected eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12z300","3699.0","Hand eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12z400","8994.0","Erythrodermic eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M12zz00","2192.0","Contact dermatitis NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M130000","19289.0","Generalized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M130.00","2527.0","Ingestion dermatitis due to drugs","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M13..00","35803.0","Ingestion dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M130100","22040.0","Localized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M130.11","7991.0","Drug induced rash","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M130200","26479.0","Drug-induced erythroderma","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M131.00","13389.0","Ingestion dermatitis due to food","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M13y.00","35645.0","Ingestion dermatitis due to other specified substance","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M13z.00","44559.0","Ingestion dermatitis NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M15y200","36466.0","Pityriasis rubra (Hebra)","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M165000","1843.0","Pityriasis alba","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M173.00","21135.0","Lichen simplex","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M182000","54333.0","Prurigo aestivalis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M182.00","1075.0","Prurigo","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M182200","59770.0","Prurigo mitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M182300","23789.0","Prurigo simplex","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M182z00","20024.0","Prurigo NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M183000","9284.0","Prurigo nodularis (Hyde's disease)","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M183.00","4727.0","Lichenification and lichen simplex chronicus","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M183100","4175.0","Neurodermatitis circumscripta","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M183200","3696.0","Lichen simplex","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M183z00","35602.0","Lichenification NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M1B..11","20665.0","Juvenile plantar dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M1y0.00","3868.0","Nummular dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M1y1.00","59349.0","Cutaneous autosensitization","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M252000","104653.0","Dyshidrosis unspecified","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M252.00","24335.0","Dyshidrosis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M252100","1578.0","Pompholyx unspecified","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M252200","900.0","Cheiropompholyx","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M252300","25178.0","Podopompholyx","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M252z00","62514.0","Dyshidrosis NOS","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M2y4100","45319.0","Menstrual dermatosis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","M2y4811","17397.0","Juvenile plantar dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","Myu2.00","39721.0","[X]Dermatitis and eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","Myu2100","43313.0","[X]Allergic contact dermatitis due to oth chemical products","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","Myu2200","22764.0","[X]Exacerbation of eczema","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","Myu2300","59742.0","[X]Allergic contact dermatitis due to other agents","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","Myu2400","73201.0","[X]Irritant contact dermatitis due to oth chemical products","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","Myu2500","66313.0","[X]Irritant contact dermatitis due to other agents","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","Myu2600","100551.0","[X]Unspcfd contact dermatitis due to other chemical products","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","Myu2700","72696.0","[X]Unspecified contact dermatitis due to other agents","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","Myu2A00","69754.0","[X]Other prurigo","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","Myu2C00","47312.0","[X]Other specified dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_derm_seb.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_derm_seb.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index f696234..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_derm_seb.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M100.00","3069.0","Pityriasis capitis - dandruff","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M101.00","359.0","Seborrhoeic dermatitis","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M101.11","7425.0","Seborrhoeic dermatitis capitis","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M101.12","653.0","Seborrhoeic eczema","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M118000","45407.0","Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis capitis","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M118011","6295.0","Cradle cap","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M118.00","3580.0","Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M118z00","21266.0","Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis NOS","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M15y300","57525.0","Leiner's disease","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M165100","18970.0","Pityriasis folliculorum","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M165200","48641.0","Pityriasis streptogenes","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M244.11","3453.0","Seborrhoea capitis","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M263000","38493.0","Seborrhoea corporis","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M263100","35810.0","Seborrhoea faciei","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M263200","62750.0","Seborrhoea nasi","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M263300","65283.0","Seborrhoea oleosa","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M263.00","2556.0","Seborrhoea","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","M263z00","20150.0","Seborrhoea NOS","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","Myu2000","48473.0","[X]Other seborrhoeic dermatitis","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_dermatitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_dermatitis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8adc2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_dermatitis.csv
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+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),14F1.00,2859.0,H/O: eczema,History of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),26C4.00,10920.0,Nipple eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),3355.00,619.0,Skin:type 1 immediate reaction,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),C391211,42439.0,Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),F4D3000,29779.0,Eczematous eyelid dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),F4D3100,16832.0,Contact or allergic eyelid dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),F4D3111,16685.0,Allergic dermatitis - eyelid,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),F4D3112,15879.0,Contact eczema - eyelids,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),F4D4.00,63904.0,Infective eyelid dermatitis of types resulting in deformity,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),F4D5.00,53384.0,Other eyelid infective dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),F502400,10254.0,Acute eczematoid otitis extern,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),F502411,6218.0,Eczema of external ear,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),H330.00,7146.0,Extrinsic (atopic) asthma,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M07y.11,15372.0,Pustular eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M07z.14,986.0,Infected dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M102.00,6728.0,Infectious eczematoid dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M102.11,5000.0,Pustular eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M104.00,9652.0,Pityriasis simplex,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M11..00,13223.0,Atopic dermatitis and related conditions,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M111.00,1741.0,Atopic dermatitis/eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M1...11,6396.0,Dermatitis/dermatoses,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M112.00,610.0,Infantile eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M113.00,1240.0,Flexural eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M114.00,5869.0,Allergic (intrinsic) eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M115.00,38673.0,Besnier's prurigo,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M116.00,9888.0,Neurodermatitis - diffuse,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M116.11,100256.0,Brocq's neurodermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M117.00,10840.0,Neurodermatitis - atopic,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M119.00,4684.0,Discoid eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M11A.00,102327.0,Asteatotic eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M11z.00,6180.0,Atopic dermatitis NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M120.00,13386.0,Contact dermatitis due to detergents,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12..00,6399.0,Contact dermatitis and other eczemas,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M121.00,23561.0,Contact dermatitis due to oils and greases,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12..11,1427.0,Contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M121.11,5022.0,Grease contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M121.12,23031.0,Oil contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12..12,5391.0,Contact eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12..13,15627.0,Occupational dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M122000,72637.0,Contact dermatitis due to chlorocompound,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M122.00,23029.0,Contact dermatitis due to solvents,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M122100,64637.0,Contact dermatitis due to cyclohexane,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M122300,71854.0,Contact dermatitis due to glycol,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M122z00,13369.0,Contact dermatitis due to solvent NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M123000,63353.0,Contact dermatitis due to arnica,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M123.00,36788.0,Contact dermatitis due to drugs and medicaments,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M123100,13399.0,Contact dermatitis due to fungicides,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M123200,13366.0,Contact dermatitis due to iodine,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M123300,96698.0,Contact dermatitis due to keratolytics,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M123400,23030.0,Contact dermatitis due to mercurials,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M123500,60954.0,Contact dermatitis due to neomycin,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M123600,50719.0,Contact dermatitis due to pediculocides,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M123700,48081.0,Contact dermatitis due to phenols,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M123800,9245.0,Contact dermatitis due to scabicides,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M123z00,5557.0,Contact dermatitis due to medicament NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124000,103159.0,Contact dermatitis due to acids,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124.00,23032.0,Contact dermatitis due to other chemical products,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124100,3987.0,Contact dermatitis due to adhesive plaster,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124111,13373.0,Elastoplast contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124200,62083.0,Contact dermatitis due to alkalis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124300,48960.0,Contact dermatitis due to caustics,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124400,55945.0,Contact dermatitis due to dichromate,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124500,106529.0,Contact dermatitis due to insecticide,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124600,40607.0,Contact dermatitis due to nylon,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124700,64704.0,Contact dermatitis due to plastic,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124800,13379.0,Contact dermatitis due to rubber,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M124z00,13403.0,Contact dermatitis: other chemicals NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M125000,98485.0,Contact dermatitis due to cereals,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M125.00,38352.0,Contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M125100,96847.0,Contact dermatitis due to fish,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M125200,32859.0,Contact dermatitis due to flour,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M125300,55093.0,Contact dermatitis due to fruit,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M125400,98654.0,Contact dermatitis due to meat,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M125500,43732.0,Contact dermatitis due to milk,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M125z00,64542.0,Contact dermatitis due to food NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M125z11,35797.0,Egg contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M126000,99149.0,Contact dermatitis due to lacquer tree,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M126.00,3698.0,Contact dermatitis due to plants,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M126100,39256.0,Contact dermatitis due to poison-ivy,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M126200,73335.0,Contact dermatitis due to poison-oak,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M126300,94746.0,Contact dermatitis due to poison-sumac,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M126500,3041.0,Contact dermatitis due to primrose,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M126600,96464.0,Contact dermatitis due to ragweed,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M126z00,38455.0,Contact dermatitis due to plants NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M128000,11132.0,Allergic contact dermatitis due to adhesives,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M128.00,334.0,Allergic contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M128100,32385.0,Allergic contact dermatitis due to cosmetics,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M128200,7426.0,Allergic contact dermatitis due drugs in contact with skin,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M128300,38383.0,Allergic contact dermatitis due to dyes,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M128400,17204.0,Allergic contact dermatitis due to other chemical products,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M128500,30664.0,Allergic contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M128600,41618.0,"Allergic contact dermatitis due to plants, except food",Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M129000,50306.0,Irritant contact dermatitis due to cosmetics,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M129.00,9335.0,Irritant contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M129100,66631.0,Irritant contact dermatitis due drugs in contact with skin,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M129200,31882.0,Irritant contact dermatitis due to other chemical products,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M129300,62943.0,Irritant contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M129400,43888.0,"Irritant contact dermatitis due to plants, except food",Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y000,4880.0,Contact dermatitis due to cosmetics,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y.00,33446.0,Contact dermatitis due to other specified agents,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y011,7427.0,Lanolin contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y012,13378.0,Perfume contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y100,36142.0,Contact dermatitis due to cold weather,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y200,13365.0,Contact dermatitis due to dyes,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y300,13374.0,Contact dermatitis due to furs,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y400,13391.0,Contact dermatitis due to hot weather,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y500,45822.0,Contact dermatitis due to infra-red rays,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y600,48026.0,Contact dermatitis due to jewellery,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y700,95628.0,Contact dermatitis due to light (excluding sunlight),Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y800,13371.0,Contact dermatitis due to metals,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y811,1961.0,Nickel sensitivity,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12y900,73108.0,Contact dermatitis due to preservatives,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12yA00,29498.0,Contact dermatitis due to radiation NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12yB00,73126.0,Contact dermatitis due to ultra-violet rays (excluding sun),Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12yC00,23562.0,Contact dermatitis due to x-rays,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12yD00,103158.0,Contact dermatitis due to casting materials,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12yz00,13392.0,Contact dermatitis: specified agent NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12z000,488.0,Dermatitis NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12z.00,5448.0,Contact dermatitis NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12z100,230.0,Eczema NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12z111,1095.0,Discoid eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12z200,1424.0,Infected eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12z300,3699.0,Hand eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12z400,8994.0,Erythrodermic eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M12zz00,2192.0,Contact dermatitis NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M130000,19289.0,Generalized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M130.00,2527.0,Ingestion dermatitis due to drugs,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M13..00,35803.0,Ingestion dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M130100,22040.0,Localized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M130.11,7991.0,Drug induced rash,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M130200,26479.0,Drug-induced erythroderma,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M131.00,13389.0,Ingestion dermatitis due to food,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M13y.00,35645.0,Ingestion dermatitis due to other specified substance,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M13z.00,44559.0,Ingestion dermatitis NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M15y200,36466.0,Pityriasis rubra (Hebra),Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M165000,1843.0,Pityriasis alba,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M173.00,21135.0,Lichen simplex,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M182000,54333.0,Prurigo aestivalis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M182.00,1075.0,Prurigo,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M182200,59770.0,Prurigo mitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M182300,23789.0,Prurigo simplex,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M182z00,20024.0,Prurigo NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M183000,9284.0,Prurigo nodularis (Hyde's disease),Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M183.00,4727.0,Lichenification and lichen simplex chronicus,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M183100,4175.0,Neurodermatitis circumscripta,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M183200,3696.0,Lichen simplex,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M183z00,35602.0,Lichenification NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M1B..11,20665.0,Juvenile plantar dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M1y0.00,3868.0,Nummular dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M1y1.00,59349.0,Cutaneous autosensitization,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M252000,104653.0,Dyshidrosis unspecified,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M252.00,24335.0,Dyshidrosis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M252100,1578.0,Pompholyx unspecified,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M252200,900.0,Cheiropompholyx,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M252300,25178.0,Podopompholyx,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M252z00,62514.0,Dyshidrosis NOS,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M2y4100,45319.0,Menstrual dermatosis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),M2y4811,17397.0,Juvenile plantar dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),Myu2.00,39721.0,[X]Dermatitis and eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),Myu2100,43313.0,[X]Allergic contact dermatitis due to oth chemical products,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),Myu2200,22764.0,[X]Exacerbation of eczema,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),Myu2300,59742.0,[X]Allergic contact dermatitis due to other agents,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),Myu2400,73201.0,[X]Irritant contact dermatitis due to oth chemical products,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),Myu2500,66313.0,[X]Irritant contact dermatitis due to other agents,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),Myu2600,100551.0,[X]Unspcfd contact dermatitis due to other chemical products,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),Myu2700,72696.0,[X]Unspecified contact dermatitis due to other agents,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),Myu2A00,69754.0,[X]Other prurigo,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),Myu2C00,47312.0,[X]Other specified dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_diab_eye.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_diab_eye.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c31c341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_diab_eye.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBk.00,47328.0,O/E - right eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBl.00,52041.0,O/E - left eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBL.00,9835.0,O/E - diabetic maculopathy present both eyes,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBM.00,47144.0,O/E - diabetic maculopathy absent both eyes,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBo.00,52630.0,O/E - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBP.00,11433.0,O/E - right eye background diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBQ.00,11129.0,O/E - left eye background diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBr.00,101881.0,Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBR.00,13099.0,O/E - right eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBS.00,13103.0,O/E - left eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBT.00,13097.0,O/E - right eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBV.00,13101.0,O/E - left eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBW.00,13102.0,O/E - right eye diabetic maculopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,2BBX.00,13108.0,O/E - left eye diabetic maculopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,7276.00,11599.0,Pan retinal photocoagulation for diabetes,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C105000,69748.0,"Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, + ophthalmic manifestation",Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C105100,41389.0,"Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + ophthalmic manifestation",Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C105.00,33254.0,Diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic manifestation,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C105y00,47377.0,Other specified diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complicatn,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C105z00,34283.0,Diabetes mellitus NOS with ophthalmic manifestation,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C108100,49276.0,Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C108112,102740.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C108700,6509.0,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C108711,38161.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C108712,41049.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C108F00,44260.0,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C108F11,17545.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C108F12,110400.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C109100,50429.0,Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalm comps,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C109111,59725.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C109112,70316.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C109600,17262.0,Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C109611,58604.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C109612,42762.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C109E00,69278.0,Non-insulin depend diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C109E11,48192.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C109E12,44779.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10E100,47649.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10E111,99311.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10E112,98071.0,Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10E700,18387.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10E711,95343.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10E712,93875.0,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10EF00,49554.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10EF12,100770.0,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10EP00,22871.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10EP11,97894.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10F100,47321.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10F111,100964.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10F600,18496.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10F611,49655.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10FE00,44982.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10FE11,93727.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,C10FQ00,25591.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F420000,7069.0,Background diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F420100,3286.0,Proliferative diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F420200,2986.0,Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F420300,10099.0,Advanced diabetic maculopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F420400,3837.0,Diabetic maculopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F420500,47584.0,Advanced diabetic retinal disease,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F420600,10755.0,Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F420700,30477.0,High risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F420800,65463.0,High risk non proliferative diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F420.00,1323.0,Diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F420z00,11626.0,Diabetic retinopathy NOS,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F440700,17313.0,Diabetic iritis,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,F464000,10659.0,Diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_diabetes.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_diabetes.csv
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index 0000000..2e86608
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+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_diabetes.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+Diabetes,C108.12,17858,Type 1 diabetes mellitus,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108.13,24423,Type I diabetes mellitus,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108011,61344,Type I diabetes mellitus with renal complications,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108012,21983,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with renal complications,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108211,49146,Type I diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108212,61829,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108411,60107,Unstable type I diabetes mellitus,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108412,97474,Unstable type 1 diabetes mellitus,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108511,51957,Type I diabetes mellitus with ulcer,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108512,68390,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ulcer,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108711,38161,Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108712,41049,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108811,46850,Type I diabetes mellitus - poor control,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108812,45914,Type 1 diabetes mellitus - poor control,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108911,63017,Type I diabetes mellitus maturity onset,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108912,97446,Type 1 diabetes mellitus maturity onset,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108A11,95992,Type I diabetes mellitus without complication,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108D11,66872,Type I diabetes mellitus with nephropathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108E11,42729,Type I diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108E12,70766,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108F11,17545,Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108H11,62352,Type I diabetes mellitus with arthropathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108J11,60208,Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C108J12,18230,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E.00,1549,Type 1 diabetes mellitus,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E.11,12455,Type I diabetes mellitus,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E000,47582,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with renal complications,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E100,47649,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E200,42831,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E300,47650,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E311,91942,Type I diabetes mellitus with multiple complications,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E400,43921,Unstable type 1 diabetes mellitus,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E411,49949,Unstable type I diabetes mellitus,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E500,18683,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ulcer,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E511,93878,Type I diabetes mellitus with ulcer,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E600,69993,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with gangrene,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E700,18387,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E711,95343,Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E800,35288,Type 1 diabetes mellitus - poor control,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E900,40682,Type 1 diabetes mellitus maturity onset,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10E911,96235,Type I diabetes mellitus maturity onset,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EA00,69676,Type 1 diabetes mellitus without complication,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EA11,62613,Type I diabetes mellitus without complication,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EB00,68105,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EC00,46301,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EC11,91943,Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10ED00,10418,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EE00,39070,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EF00,49554,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EG00,93468,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EH00,18642,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EJ00,54008,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EK00,30323,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EL00,30294,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EM00,10692,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EM11,62209,Type I diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EN00,40837,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EN11,66145,Type I diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EP00,22871,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EP11,97894,Type I diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C10EQ00,55239,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with gastroparesis,Type I diabetes mellitus (3)
+Diabetes,C109.12,17859,Type 2 diabetes mellitus,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109.13,18219,Type II diabetes mellitus,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109011,50225,Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109012,18209,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109111,59725,Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109112,70316,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109211,67905,Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109212,45919,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109411,55075,Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109412,65704,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109511,62107,Type II diabetes mellitus with gangrene,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109512,46150,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gangrene,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109611,58604,Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109612,42762,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109711,24458,Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109712,45913,Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109A11,50813,Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109B11,47409,Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109C11,64571,Type II diabetes mellitus with nephropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109C12,24836,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109D11,56268,Type II diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109D12,61071,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109E11,48192,Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109E12,44779,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109F11,54899,Type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109F12,60699,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109G11,18143,Type II diabetes mellitus with arthropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109G12,49869,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109H11,47816,Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109H12,66965,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109J00,18278,Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109J12,18264,Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C109K00,36633,Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F.00,758,Type 2 diabetes mellitus,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F.11,22884,Type II diabetes mellitus,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F000,18777,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F011,57278,Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F100,47321,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F200,34268,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F211,98616,Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F300,65267,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F311,43227,Type II diabetes mellitus with multiple complications,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F400,49074,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F411,91646,Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F500,12736,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gangrene,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F600,18496,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F611,49655,Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F700,25627,Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F711,47315,Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F900,47954,Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complication,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10F911,53392,Type II diabetes mellitus without complication,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FA00,62674,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FA11,95351,Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FB00,18425,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FB11,50527,Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FC00,12640,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FD00,46917,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FD11,98723,Type II diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FE00,44982,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FE11,93727,Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FF00,37806,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FG00,59253,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FH00,35385,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FJ00,1407,Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FJ11,64668,Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FK00,34450,Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FL00,26054,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FL11,60796,Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FM00,18390,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FM11,85991,Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FN00,32627,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FP00,51756,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FQ00,25591,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
+Diabetes,C10FR00,63690,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gastroparesis,Type II diabetes mellitus (4)
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index 67b1788..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_diverticular_dz.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","7718000.0","34164.0","Excision of diverticulum of colon","Procedure for Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J23z300","68959.0","Appendicular diverticulum","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510000","3538.0","Diverticulosis of the duodenum","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510100","27444.0","Diverticulosis of the jejunum","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510200","44647.0","Diverticulosis of the ileum","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510300","47924.0","Diverticulosis of the small intestine unspecified","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510400","73334.0","Diverticulosis of the small intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510500","1101.0","Diverticulosis of the colon","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510600","53092.0","Diverticulosis of the large intestine unspecified","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510700","2536.0","Diverticulosis of the large intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510800","17105.0","Divertic dis/both sml+lge intestin without perfor or abscess","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510900","2044.0","Bleeding diverticulosis","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510.00","3593.0","Diverticulosis","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510y00","49084.0","Diverticulosis unspecified","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J510z00","7662.0","Diverticulosis NOS","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J511000","12345.0","Diverticulitis of the duodenum","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J511100","61722.0","Diverticulitis of the jejunum","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J511200","61664.0","Diverticulitis of the ileum","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J511300","31365.0","Diverticulitis of the small intestine unspecified","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J511400","72590.0","Diverticulitis of the small intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J511500","10483.0","Diverticulitis of the colon","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J511600","51511.0","Diverticulitis of the large intestine unspecified","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J511700","62979.0","Diverticulitis of the large intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J511.00","347.0","Diverticulitis","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J511y00","19935.0","Diverticulitis unspecified","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J511z00","10437.0","Diverticulitis NOS","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512000","37588.0","Perforated diverticulum of duodenum","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512100","48173.0","Perforated diverticulum of jejunum","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512200","42866.0","Perforated diverticulum of ileum","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512300","71130.0","Perforated diverticulum of small intestine unspecified","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512400","106340.0","Perforated diverticulum of small intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512500","37813.0","Perforated diverticulum of colon","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512600","48589.0","Perforated diverticulum of large intestine unspecified","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512700","50313.0","Perforated diverticulum of large intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512800","38941.0","Divertic disease/both sml+lge intestin with perforat+abscess","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512.00","14942.0","Perforated diverticulum","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512y00","49066.0","Perforated diverticulum unspecified","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J512z00","69918.0","Perforated diverticulum of intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J513.00","5686.0","Diverticular abscess","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J51..00","8322.0","Diverticula of intestine","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J51..11","5857.0","Diverticular disease","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","J51z.00","9511.0","Diverticula of the intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_diverticuli.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_diverticuli.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22a1419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_diverticuli.csv
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+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),7718000.0,34164.0,Excision of diverticulum of colon,Procedure for Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J23z300,68959.0,Appendicular diverticulum,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510000,3538.0,Diverticulosis of the duodenum,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510100,27444.0,Diverticulosis of the jejunum,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510200,44647.0,Diverticulosis of the ileum,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510300,47924.0,Diverticulosis of the small intestine unspecified,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510400,73334.0,Diverticulosis of the small intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510500,1101.0,Diverticulosis of the colon,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510600,53092.0,Diverticulosis of the large intestine unspecified,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510700,2536.0,Diverticulosis of the large intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510800,17105.0,Divertic dis/both sml+lge intestin without perfor or abscess,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510900,2044.0,Bleeding diverticulosis,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510.00,3593.0,Diverticulosis,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510y00,49084.0,Diverticulosis unspecified,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J510z00,7662.0,Diverticulosis NOS,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J511000,12345.0,Diverticulitis of the duodenum,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J511100,61722.0,Diverticulitis of the jejunum,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J511200,61664.0,Diverticulitis of the ileum,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J511300,31365.0,Diverticulitis of the small intestine unspecified,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J511400,72590.0,Diverticulitis of the small intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J511500,10483.0,Diverticulitis of the colon,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J511600,51511.0,Diverticulitis of the large intestine unspecified,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J511700,62979.0,Diverticulitis of the large intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J511.00,347.0,Diverticulitis,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J511y00,19935.0,Diverticulitis unspecified,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J511z00,10437.0,Diverticulitis NOS,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512000,37588.0,Perforated diverticulum of duodenum,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512100,48173.0,Perforated diverticulum of jejunum,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512200,42866.0,Perforated diverticulum of ileum,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512300,71130.0,Perforated diverticulum of small intestine unspecified,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512400,106340.0,Perforated diverticulum of small intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512500,37813.0,Perforated diverticulum of colon,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512600,48589.0,Perforated diverticulum of large intestine unspecified,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512700,50313.0,Perforated diverticulum of large intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512800,38941.0,Divertic disease/both sml+lge intestin with perforat+abscess,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512.00,14942.0,Perforated diverticulum,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512y00,49066.0,Perforated diverticulum unspecified,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J512z00,69918.0,Perforated diverticulum of intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J513.00,5686.0,Diverticular abscess,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J51..00,8322.0,Diverticula of intestine,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J51..11,5857.0,Diverticular disease,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),J51z.00,9511.0,Diverticula of the intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_dm_eye.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_dm_eye.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f8f5e..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_dm_eye.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBk.00","47328.0","O/E - right eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBl.00","52041.0","O/E - left eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBL.00","9835.0","O/E - diabetic maculopathy present both eyes","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBM.00","47144.0","O/E - diabetic maculopathy absent both eyes","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBo.00","52630.0","O/E - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBP.00","11433.0","O/E - right eye background diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBQ.00","11129.0","O/E - left eye background diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBr.00","101881.0","Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBR.00","13099.0","O/E - right eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBS.00","13103.0","O/E - left eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBT.00","13097.0","O/E - right eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBV.00","13101.0","O/E - left eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBW.00","13102.0","O/E - right eye diabetic maculopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","2BBX.00","13108.0","O/E - left eye diabetic maculopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","7276.00","11599.0","Pan retinal photocoagulation for diabetes","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C105000","69748.0","Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, + ophthalmic manifestation","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C105100","41389.0","Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + ophthalmic manifestation","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C105.00","33254.0","Diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic manifestation","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C105y00","47377.0","Other specified diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complicatn","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C105z00","34283.0","Diabetes mellitus NOS with ophthalmic manifestation","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C108100","49276.0","Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C108112","102740.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C108700","6509.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C108711","38161.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C108712","41049.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C108F00","44260.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C108F11","17545.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C108F12","110400.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C109100","50429.0","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalm comps","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C109111","59725.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C109112","70316.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C109600","17262.0","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C109611","58604.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C109612","42762.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C109E00","69278.0","Non-insulin depend diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C109E11","48192.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C109E12","44779.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10E100","47649.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10E111","99311.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10E112","98071.0","Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10E700","18387.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10E711","95343.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10E712","93875.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10EF00","49554.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10EF12","100770.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10EP00","22871.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10EP11","97894.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10F100","47321.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10F111","100964.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10F600","18496.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10F611","49655.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10FE00","44982.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10FE11","93727.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","C10FQ00","25591.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F420000","7069.0","Background diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F420100","3286.0","Proliferative diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F420200","2986.0","Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F420300","10099.0","Advanced diabetic maculopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F420400","3837.0","Diabetic maculopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F420500","47584.0","Advanced diabetic retinal disease","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F420600","10755.0","Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F420700","30477.0","High risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F420800","65463.0","High risk non proliferative diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F420.00","1323.0","Diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F420z00","11626.0","Diabetic retinopathy NOS","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F440700","17313.0","Diabetic iritis","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","F464000","10659.0","Diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_dm_neuro.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_dm_neuro.csv
index f7ad897..7dd82f2 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_dm_neuro.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_dm_neuro.csv
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C106000","67853.0","Diabetes mellitus, juvenile, + neurological manifestation","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C106100","39317.0","Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + neurological manifestation","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C106.00","16230.0","Diabetes mellitus with neurological manifestation","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C106.11","59903.0","Diabetic amyotrophy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C106.12","7795.0","Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C106.13","16491.0","Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C106y00","61523.0","Other specified diabetes mellitus with neurological comps","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C106z00","22573.0","Diabetes mellitus NOS with neurological manifestation","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C108200","52283.0","Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological comps","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C108211","49146.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C108212","61829.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C108B00","24694.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C108B11","99231.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C108C00","41716.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C108J00","39809.0","Insulin dependent diab mell with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C108J11","60208.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C108J12","18230.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C109200","55842.0","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neuro comps","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C109211","67905.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C109212","45919.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C109A00","72320.0","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C109A11","50813.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C109B00","45467.0","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C109B11","47409.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C109B12","109865.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C109H00","40962.0","Non-insulin dependent d m with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C109H11","47816.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C109H12","66965.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10E200","42831.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10E212","101735.0","Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological comps","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10EB00","68105.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10EC00","46301.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10EC11","91943.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10EC12","101311.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10EJ00","54008.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10F200","34268.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10F211","98616.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10FA00","62674.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10FA11","95351.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10FB00","18425.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10FB11","50527.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10FH00","35385.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","C10FH11","109197.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F171100","17067.0","Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F345000","44033.0","Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F35z000","17247.0","Diabetic mononeuritis NOS","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F372000","48078.0","Acute painful diabetic neuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F372100","35785.0","Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F372200","24571.0","Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F372.00","31790.0","Polyneuropathy in diabetes","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F372.11","5002.0","Diabetic polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F372.12","2342.0","Diabetic neuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F381300","39420.0","Myasthenic syndrome due to diabetic amyotrophy","History of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F381311","2340.0","Diabetic amyotrophy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","F3y0.00","37315.0","Diabetic mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","M271100","11663.0","Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot","History of diabetic neurological complications"
+Diabetic neurological complications,C106000,67853.0,"Diabetes mellitus, juvenile, + neurological manifestation",Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C106100,39317.0,"Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + neurological manifestation",Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C106.00,16230.0,Diabetes mellitus with neurological manifestation,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C106.11,59903.0,Diabetic amyotrophy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C106.12,7795.0,Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C106.13,16491.0,Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C106y00,61523.0,Other specified diabetes mellitus with neurological comps,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C106z00,22573.0,Diabetes mellitus NOS with neurological manifestation,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C108200,52283.0,Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological comps,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C108211,49146.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C108212,61829.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C108B00,24694.0,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C108B11,99231.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C108C00,41716.0,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C108J00,39809.0,Insulin dependent diab mell with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C108J11,60208.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C108J12,18230.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C109200,55842.0,Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neuro comps,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C109211,67905.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C109212,45919.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C109A00,72320.0,Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C109A11,50813.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C109B00,45467.0,Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C109B11,47409.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C109B12,109865.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C109H00,40962.0,Non-insulin dependent d m with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C109H11,47816.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C109H12,66965.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10E200,42831.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10E212,101735.0,Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological comps,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10EB00,68105.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10EC00,46301.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10EC11,91943.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10EC12,101311.0,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10EJ00,54008.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10F200,34268.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10F211,98616.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10FA00,62674.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10FA11,95351.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10FB00,18425.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10FB11,50527.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10FH00,35385.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,C10FH11,109197.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F171100,17067.0,Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F345000,44033.0,Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F35z000,17247.0,Diabetic mononeuritis NOS,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F372000,48078.0,Acute painful diabetic neuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F372100,35785.0,Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F372200,24571.0,Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F372.00,31790.0,Polyneuropathy in diabetes,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F372.11,5002.0,Diabetic polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F372.12,2342.0,Diabetic neuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F381300,39420.0,Myasthenic syndrome due to diabetic amyotrophy,History of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F381311,2340.0,Diabetic amyotrophy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,F3y0.00,37315.0,Diabetic mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,M271100,11663.0,Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot,History of diabetic neurological complications
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_downs.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_downs.csv
index bb1ef91..58b94ee 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_downs.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_downs.csv
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Down's syndrome","PJ00.00","42701.0","Trisomy 21, meiotic nondisjunction","Diagnosis of Down's syndrome"
-"Down's syndrome","PJ01.00","32010.0","Trisomy 21, mosaicism","Diagnosis of Down's syndrome"
-"Down's syndrome","PJ01.11","107919.0","Trisomy 21, mitotic nondisjunction","Diagnosis of Down's syndrome"
-"Down's syndrome","PJ02.00","61499.0","Trisomy 21, translocation","Diagnosis of Down's syndrome"
-"Down's syndrome","PJ02.11","101309.0","Partial trisomy 21 in Down's syndrome","Diagnosis of Down's syndrome"
-"Down's syndrome","PJ0..00","1543.0","Down's syndrome - trisomy 21","Diagnosis of Down's syndrome"
-"Down's syndrome","PJ0..11","23489.0","Mongolism","Diagnosis of Down's syndrome"
-"Down's syndrome","PJ0..12","18415.0","Trisomy 21","Diagnosis of Down's syndrome"
-"Down's syndrome","PJ0z.00","10759.0","Down's syndrome NOS","Diagnosis of Down's syndrome"
-"Down's syndrome","PJ0z.11","61627.0","Trisomy 21 NOS","Diagnosis of Down's syndrome"
+Down's syndrome,PJ00.00,42701.0,"Trisomy 21, meiotic nondisjunction",Diagnosis of Down's syndrome
+Down's syndrome,PJ01.00,32010.0,"Trisomy 21, mosaicism",Diagnosis of Down's syndrome
+Down's syndrome,PJ01.11,107919.0,"Trisomy 21, mitotic nondisjunction",Diagnosis of Down's syndrome
+Down's syndrome,PJ02.00,61499.0,"Trisomy 21, translocation",Diagnosis of Down's syndrome
+Down's syndrome,PJ02.11,101309.0,Partial trisomy 21 in Down's syndrome,Diagnosis of Down's syndrome
+Down's syndrome,PJ0..00,1543.0,Down's syndrome - trisomy 21,Diagnosis of Down's syndrome
+Down's syndrome,PJ0..11,23489.0,Mongolism,Diagnosis of Down's syndrome
+Down's syndrome,PJ0..12,18415.0,Trisomy 21,Diagnosis of Down's syndrome
+Down's syndrome,PJ0z.00,10759.0,Down's syndrome NOS,Diagnosis of Down's syndrome
+Down's syndrome,PJ0z.11,61627.0,Trisomy 21 NOS,Diagnosis of Down's syndrome
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_dysmenorrhoea.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_dysmenorrhoea.csv
index a9b9697..7224c58 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_dysmenorrhoea.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_dysmenorrhoea.csv
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","1574.00","6383.0","H/O: dysmenorrhoea","History of Dysmenorrhoea"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","1574.11","7759.0","H/O: painful periods","History of Dysmenorrhoea"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","Eu45y11","46925.0","[X]Psychogenic dysmenorrhoea","Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","K583000","9869.0","Primary dysmenorrhoea","Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","K583100","11467.0","Secondary dysmenorrhoea","Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","K583.00","693.0","Dysmenorrhoea","Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","K583.11","3266.0","Painful menorrhoea","Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","K583.12","7938.0","Painful menstruation","Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","K583.13","1666.0","Period pains","Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","K583.14","24183.0","Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea","Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea"
+Dysmenorrhoea,1574.00,6383.0,H/O: dysmenorrhoea,History of Dysmenorrhoea
+Dysmenorrhoea,1574.11,7759.0,H/O: painful periods,History of Dysmenorrhoea
+Dysmenorrhoea,Eu45y11,46925.0,[X]Psychogenic dysmenorrhoea,Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea
+Dysmenorrhoea,K583000,9869.0,Primary dysmenorrhoea,Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea
+Dysmenorrhoea,K583100,11467.0,Secondary dysmenorrhoea,Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea
+Dysmenorrhoea,K583.00,693.0,Dysmenorrhoea,Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea
+Dysmenorrhoea,K583.11,3266.0,Painful menorrhoea,Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea
+Dysmenorrhoea,K583.12,7938.0,Painful menstruation,Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea
+Dysmenorrhoea,K583.13,1666.0,Period pains,Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea
+Dysmenorrhoea,K583.14,24183.0,Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea,Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_eating_dz.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_eating_dz.csv
index 4bf65bd..8574aa4 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_eating_dz.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_eating_dz.csv
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","1467.00","8027.0","H/O: anorexia nervosa","History of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","E271.00","2135.0","Anorexia nervosa","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","E275100","4377.0","Bulimia (non-organic overeating)","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","Eu50000","30570.0","[X]Anorexia nervosa","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","Eu50100","34929.0","[X]Atypical anorexia nervosa","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","Eu50200","9581.0","[X]Bulimia nervosa","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","Eu50211","6583.0","[X]Bulimia NOS","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","Eu50300","33863.0","[X]Atypical bulimia nervosa","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","R036011","605.0","[D]Bulimia NOS","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,1467.00,8027.0,H/O: anorexia nervosa,History of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,E271.00,2135.0,Anorexia nervosa,Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,E275100,4377.0,Bulimia (non-organic overeating),Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,Eu50000,30570.0,[X]Anorexia nervosa,Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,Eu50100,34929.0,[X]Atypical anorexia nervosa,Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,Eu50200,9581.0,[X]Bulimia nervosa,Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,Eu50211,6583.0,[X]Bulimia NOS,Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,Eu50300,33863.0,[X]Atypical bulimia nervosa,Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,R036011,605.0,[D]Bulimia NOS,Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_endometrial_hyper.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_endometrial_hyper.csv
index b587b8c..057aea2 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_endometrial_hyper.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_endometrial_hyper.csv
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","K542000","73811.0","Hypertrophy of uterus unspecified","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","K542100","2503.0","Bulky uterus","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","K542200","16024.0","Enlarged uterus","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","K542.00","64955.0","Hypertrophy of the uterus","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","K542z00","66854.0","Hypertrophy of the uterus NOS","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","K543000","46084.0","Adenomatous endometrial hyperplasia","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","K543100","37561.0","Cystic endometrial hyperplasia","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","K543200","21215.0","Glandular endometrial hyperplasia","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","K543.00","753.0","Endometrial cystic hyperplasia","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","K543z00","28607.0","Endometrial cystic hyperplasia NOS","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,K542000,73811.0,Hypertrophy of uterus unspecified,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,K542100,2503.0,Bulky uterus,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,K542200,16024.0,Enlarged uterus,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,K542.00,64955.0,Hypertrophy of the uterus,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,K542z00,66854.0,Hypertrophy of the uterus NOS,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,K543000,46084.0,Adenomatous endometrial hyperplasia,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,K543100,37561.0,Cystic endometrial hyperplasia,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,K543200,21215.0,Glandular endometrial hyperplasia,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,K543.00,753.0,Endometrial cystic hyperplasia,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,K543z00,28607.0,Endometrial cystic hyperplasia NOS,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_endometriosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_endometriosis.csv
index b03be39..f48cf8d 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_endometriosis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_endometriosis.csv
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Endometriosis","7E0D800","12175.0","Laparoscopic laser destruction of endometriosis","Procedure for Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","BBL1.11","56751.0","[M]Stromal endometriosis","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K500000","19266.0","Internal endometriosis","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K500100","61192.0","Endometriosis of myometrium","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K500111","22007.0","Adenomyosis of endometrium","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K500200","36805.0","Endometriosis of cervix","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K500.00","41735.0","Endometriosis of uterus","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K500z00","42092.0","Endometriosis of uterus NOS","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K501.00","19682.0","Endometriosis of ovary","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K501.11","16143.0","Chocolate cyst of ovary","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K502.00","30091.0","Endometriosis of the fallopian tube","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K503000","67137.0","Endometriosis of the broad ligament","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K503100","50464.0","Endometriosis of the pouch of Douglas","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K503200","63232.0","Endometriosis of the parametrium","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K503300","50544.0","Endometriosis of the round ligament","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K503.00","22662.0","Endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K503z00","42424.0","Endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum NOS","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K504000","50518.0","Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K504100","37392.0","Endometriosis of the vagina","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K504.00","70854.0","Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum and vagina","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K504z00","94268.0","Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum and vagina NOS","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K505000","71993.0","Endometriosis of the appendix","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K505100","62982.0","Endometriosis of the colon","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K505200","60784.0","Endometriosis of the rectum","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K505.00","20194.0","Endometriosis of the intestine","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K505z00","97045.0","Endometriosis of the intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K506.00","60097.0","Endometriosis in scar of skin","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K50..00","499.0","Endometriosis","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K50..11","3432.0","Adenomyosis","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K50y000","36930.0","Endometriosis of the bladder","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K50y100","69931.0","Endometriosis of the lung","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K50y200","48222.0","Endometriosis of the umbilicus","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K50y300","68037.0","Endometriosis of the vulva","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K50y.00","49603.0","Other endometriosis","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K50yz00","66361.0","Other endometriosis NOS","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","K50z.00","9492.0","Endometriosis NOS","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
-"Endometriosis","Kyu9000","63749.0","[X]Other endometriosis","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
+Endometriosis,7E0D800,12175.0,Laparoscopic laser destruction of endometriosis,Procedure for Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,BBL1.11,56751.0,[M]Stromal endometriosis,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K500000,19266.0,Internal endometriosis,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K500100,61192.0,Endometriosis of myometrium,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K500111,22007.0,Adenomyosis of endometrium,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K500200,36805.0,Endometriosis of cervix,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K500.00,41735.0,Endometriosis of uterus,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K500z00,42092.0,Endometriosis of uterus NOS,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K501.00,19682.0,Endometriosis of ovary,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K501.11,16143.0,Chocolate cyst of ovary,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K502.00,30091.0,Endometriosis of the fallopian tube,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K503000,67137.0,Endometriosis of the broad ligament,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K503100,50464.0,Endometriosis of the pouch of Douglas,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K503200,63232.0,Endometriosis of the parametrium,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K503300,50544.0,Endometriosis of the round ligament,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K503.00,22662.0,Endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K503z00,42424.0,Endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum NOS,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K504000,50518.0,Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K504100,37392.0,Endometriosis of the vagina,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K504.00,70854.0,Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum and vagina,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K504z00,94268.0,Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum and vagina NOS,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K505000,71993.0,Endometriosis of the appendix,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K505100,62982.0,Endometriosis of the colon,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K505200,60784.0,Endometriosis of the rectum,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K505.00,20194.0,Endometriosis of the intestine,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K505z00,97045.0,Endometriosis of the intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K506.00,60097.0,Endometriosis in scar of skin,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K50..00,499.0,Endometriosis,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K50..11,3432.0,Adenomyosis,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K50y000,36930.0,Endometriosis of the bladder,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K50y100,69931.0,Endometriosis of the lung,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K50y200,48222.0,Endometriosis of the umbilicus,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K50y300,68037.0,Endometriosis of the vulva,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K50y.00,49603.0,Other endometriosis,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K50yz00,66361.0,Other endometriosis NOS,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,K50z.00,9492.0,Endometriosis NOS,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
+Endometriosis,Kyu9000,63749.0,[X]Other endometriosis,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_entero_arthro.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_entero_arthro.csv
index 0dcd8eb..4ac9aef 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_entero_arthro.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_entero_arthro.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Enteropathic arthropathy","N031000","17641.0","Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis","Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy"
-"Enteropathic arthropathy","N031100","20480.0","Arthropathy in Crohn's disease","Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy"
-"Enteropathic arthropathy","Nyu1400","97917.0","[X]Other enteropathic arthropathies","Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy"
+Enteropathic arthropathy,N031000,17641.0,Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis,Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy
+Enteropathic arthropathy,N031100,20480.0,Arthropathy in Crohn's disease,Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy
+Enteropathic arthropathy,Nyu1400,97917.0,[X]Other enteropathic arthropathies,Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_enthesopathy.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_enthesopathy.csv
index d3a9347..dd4bce5 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_enthesopathy.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_enthesopathy.csv
@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N040Q00","18155.0","Rheumatoid bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N04y300","102873.0","Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis pitting oedema","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N101.00","24200.0","Spinal enthesopathy","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21..00","4574.0","Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N210.00","827.0","Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N210.11","5647.0","Bursitis - shoulder","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N210.12","874.0","Frozen shoulder","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211.00","1726.0","Rotator cuff shoulder syndrome and allied disorders","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211000","20427.0","Rotator cuff syndrome, unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211011","4922.0","Supraspinatus syndrome","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211100","16137.0","Calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211200","17285.0","Bicipital tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211300","4278.0","Supraspinatus tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211400","27844.0","Partial thickness rotator cuff tear","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211500","28584.0","Full thickness rotator cuff tear","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211600","10457.0","Subacromial bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211700","17603.0","Subdeltoid bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211800","17552.0","Bursitis of shoulder","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211z00","20524.0","Rotator cuff syndrome NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211z11","552.0","Painful arc syndrome","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N211z12","3823.0","Subacromial bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N212.00","42610.0","Other shoulder affections NEC","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N212000","10555.0","Periarthritis of shoulder","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N212100","1230.0","Scapulohumeral fibrositis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N212200","8298.0","Subacromial impingement","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N212300","52110.0","Coracoid impingement","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N212400","8949.0","Impingement syndrome of shoulder","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N212500","5489.0","Shoulder tendonitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N212z00","9021.0","Other shoulder affections NEC, NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N213.00","24150.0","Enthesopathy of the elbow region","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N213000","1498.0","Elbow enthesopathy unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N213100","5337.0","Medial epicondylitis of the elbow","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N213111","730.0","Golfer's elbow","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N213200","4795.0","Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N213211","360.0","Tennis elbow","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N213300","495.0","Olecranon bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N213400","12828.0","Biceps tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N213500","28211.0","Triceps tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N213z00","35673.0","Elbow enthesopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N214.00","32895.0","Enthesopathy of the wrist and carpus","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N214000","17994.0","Bursitis of wrist","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N214100","15401.0","Bursitis of hand","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N214200","16583.0","Periarthritis of wrist","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N214300","106658.0","Carpometacarpal bossing","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N214z00","20087.0","Wrist or carpus enthesopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215.00","24149.0","Enthesopathy of the hip region","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215000","14843.0","Hip enthesopathy, unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215100","9628.0","Bursitis of hip","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215200","8285.0","Gluteal tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215300","20507.0","Iliac crest spur","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215400","20989.0","Psoas tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215500","17129.0","Trochanteric tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215600","17066.0","Adductor tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215700","3546.0","Trochanteric bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215800","6824.0","Snapping hip","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215900","21994.0","Iliotibial band syndrome","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215A00","12136.0","Ischial bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N215z00","30951.0","Hip enthesopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216.00","24148.0","Enthesopathy of the knee","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216000","4031.0","Bursitis of the knee NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216011","5569.0","Semi-membranosus bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216012","16602.0","Popliteal bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216100","12553.0","Pes anserinus tendinitis and bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216200","16623.0","Tibial collateral ligament bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216211","40319.0","Pellegrini - Stieda syndrome","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216300","37100.0","Fibular collateral ligament bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216400","7688.0","Patellar tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216500","332.0","Prepatellar bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216600","5299.0","Infrapatellar bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216700","16345.0","Subpatellar bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216800","18835.0","Biceps femoris tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216900","8081.0","Semimembranosus tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216z00","38460.0","Knee enthesopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N216z11","17554.0","Suprapatellar bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217.00","42895.0","Enthesopathy of the ankle and tarsus","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217.11","55448.0","Tarsus enthesopathy","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217000","55423.0","Enthesopathy of the ankle unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217100","55428.0","Enthesopathy of the tarsus unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217300","3820.0","Achilles bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217400","1209.0","Achilles tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217500","9942.0","Tibialis anterior tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217600","8644.0","Tibialis posterior tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217700","3119.0","Calcaneal spur","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217800","17972.0","Peroneal tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217B00","18477.0","Anterior ankle impingement","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217C00","49630.0","Fibular impingement","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N217z00","66299.0","Ankle or tarsus enthesopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21y.00","48718.0","Other peripheral enthesopathies","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21z.00","15150.0","Enthesopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21z000","4622.0","Capsulitis NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21z100","14900.0","Periarthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21z200","6089.0","Tendinitis NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21z211","864.0","Tendonitis NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21z212","725.0","Bicepital tendonitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21z213","18609.0","Tendonitis bicepital","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21z214","11911.0","Adductor tendonitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21z215","29661.0","Tendonitis adductor","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21z216","789.0","Supraspinatus tendonitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N21zz00","46384.0","Peripheral enthesopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220.00","1232.0","Synovitis and tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220000","615.0","Synovitis or tenosynovitis NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220100","29866.0","Synovitis and tenosynovitis with disorders EC","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220300","2380.0","Trigger finger - acquired","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220311","2344.0","Trigger thumb","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220312","45607.0","Snapping fingers","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220313","1322.0","Finger trigger","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220400","20787.0","Radial styloid tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220411","1505.0","De Quervain's disease","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220412","69812.0","Trigger thumb - acquired","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220413","1507.0","Thumb trigger","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220500","11479.0","Other tenosynovitis of hand or wrist","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220511","11898.0","Other tenosynovitis of the hand","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220512","1832.0","Other tenosynovitis of the wrist","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220513","4040.0","Tensynovitis of fingers","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220514","7293.0","Tendonitis of thumb","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220600","4292.0","Tenosynovitis of ankle","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220700","6686.0","Tenosynovitis of foot","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220900","57137.0","Plant thorn synovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220A00","10810.0","Flexor tenosynovitis of wrist","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220B00","28401.0","Flexor tenosynovitis of finger","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220C00","36659.0","Flexor tenosynovitis of thumb","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220D00","12183.0","Extensor tenosynovitis of wrist","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220E00","12368.0","Extensor tenosynovitis of finger","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220F00","27694.0","Extensor tenosynovitis of thumb","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220G00","3664.0","Acquired trigger thumb","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220H00","40050.0","Achilles tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220J00","36547.0","Tibialis anterior tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220K00","11577.0","Tibialis posterior tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220L00","52121.0","Extensor hallucis longus tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220M00","56234.0","Extensor digitorum longus tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220N00","60221.0","Peroneus longus tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220P00","94259.0","Peroneus brevis tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220Q00","16984.0","Transient synovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220R00","29426.0","Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220S00","2695.0","Synovitis of hip","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220T00","35448.0","Synovitis NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220V00","43238.0","Synovitis of knee","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220W00","57379.0","Synovitis of elbow","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220X00","60024.0","Synovitis of shoulder","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220Y00","104158.0","Irritable hip","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220z00","14770.0","Other synovitis and tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220z11","16166.0","Shoulder synovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220z12","11569.0","Synovitis of knee","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N220z13","17001.0","Synovitis of elbow","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N222000","24495.0","Beat elbow","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N222100","67789.0","Beat hand","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N222200","45464.0","Beat knee","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N222400","38516.0","Miners' knee","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N222z00","32005.0","Specific bursitides NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N223.00","1013.0","Bursitis NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N223.11","20147.0","Postcalcaneal bursitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N224000","4055.0","Synovial cyst unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N224400","7424.0","Cyst of bursa","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N224A00","955.0","Synovial cyst of popliteal space","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N224A11","3717.0","Baker's cyst","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N225.00","35418.0","Rupture of synovium","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N225000","65065.0","Rupture of synovium, unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N225100","3592.0","Rupture of popliteal space synovial cyst","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N225111","9601.0","Rupture of Baker's cyst - knee","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N225112","15130.0","Rupture of popliteal bursa","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N225z00","64986.0","Rupture of synovium NOS","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226.00","16601.0","Nontraumatic tendon rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226000","67879.0","Nontraumatic tendon rupture, unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226100","21924.0","Rotator cuff complete rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226200","11633.0","Biceps tendon rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226300","5665.0","Hand and wrist extensor tendon rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226400","10853.0","Hand and wrist flexor tendon rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226500","6040.0","Quadriceps tendon rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226600","31974.0","Nontraumatic rupture of patellar tendon","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226700","7719.0","Nontraumatic rupture of Achilles tendon","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226800","66768.0","Extensor digitorum communis rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226900","37850.0","Extensor pollicis longus rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226A00","41938.0","Long head of biceps rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226C00","58147.0","Flexor digitorum sublimis tendon rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226D00","54684.0","Flexor digitorum profundus tendon rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226E00","59364.0","Flexor pollicis longus tendon rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226F00","50350.0","Tibialis posterior rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226G00","89925.0","Peroneus longus rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226M00","22735.0","Spontaneous rupture of flexor tendons","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226N00","36936.0","Spontaneous rupture of extensor tendons","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226y00","43696.0","Other foot and ankle tendon rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N226z00","62729.0","Other nontraumatic tendon rupture","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","N23y900","17311.0","Calcific tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","Nyu9100","50439.0","[X]Other synovitis and tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","Nyu9200","49764.0","[X]Spontaneous rupture of other tendons","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","NyuA000","38659.0","[X]Other bursitis of elbow","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","NyuA100","51366.0","[X]Other bursitis of knee","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","NyuA200","52354.0","[X]Other bursitis of hip","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","NyuA500","41562.0","[X]Other bursal cyst","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","NyuA600","54197.0","[X]Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","NyuAC00","106916.0","[X]Other enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","NyuAD00","65588.0","[X]Other enthesopathy of foot","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","NyuAE00","100012.0","[X]Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","NyuAJ00","101924.0","[X]Enthesopathy of lower limb, unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N040Q00,18155.0,Rheumatoid bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N04y300,102873.0,Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis pitting oedema,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N101.00,24200.0,Spinal enthesopathy,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21..00,4574.0,Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N210.00,827.0,Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N210.11,5647.0,Bursitis - shoulder,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N210.12,874.0,Frozen shoulder,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211.00,1726.0,Rotator cuff shoulder syndrome and allied disorders,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211000,20427.0,"Rotator cuff syndrome, unspecified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211011,4922.0,Supraspinatus syndrome,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211100,16137.0,Calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211200,17285.0,Bicipital tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211300,4278.0,Supraspinatus tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211400,27844.0,Partial thickness rotator cuff tear,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211500,28584.0,Full thickness rotator cuff tear,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211600,10457.0,Subacromial bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211700,17603.0,Subdeltoid bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211800,17552.0,Bursitis of shoulder,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211z00,20524.0,Rotator cuff syndrome NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211z11,552.0,Painful arc syndrome,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N211z12,3823.0,Subacromial bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N212.00,42610.0,Other shoulder affections NEC,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N212000,10555.0,Periarthritis of shoulder,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N212100,1230.0,Scapulohumeral fibrositis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N212200,8298.0,Subacromial impingement,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N212300,52110.0,Coracoid impingement,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N212400,8949.0,Impingement syndrome of shoulder,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N212500,5489.0,Shoulder tendonitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N212z00,9021.0,"Other shoulder affections NEC, NOS",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N213.00,24150.0,Enthesopathy of the elbow region,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N213000,1498.0,Elbow enthesopathy unspecified,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N213100,5337.0,Medial epicondylitis of the elbow,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N213111,730.0,Golfer's elbow,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N213200,4795.0,Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N213211,360.0,Tennis elbow,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N213300,495.0,Olecranon bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N213400,12828.0,Biceps tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N213500,28211.0,Triceps tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N213z00,35673.0,Elbow enthesopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N214.00,32895.0,Enthesopathy of the wrist and carpus,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N214000,17994.0,Bursitis of wrist,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N214100,15401.0,Bursitis of hand,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N214200,16583.0,Periarthritis of wrist,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N214300,106658.0,Carpometacarpal bossing,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N214z00,20087.0,Wrist or carpus enthesopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215.00,24149.0,Enthesopathy of the hip region,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215000,14843.0,"Hip enthesopathy, unspecified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215100,9628.0,Bursitis of hip,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215200,8285.0,Gluteal tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215300,20507.0,Iliac crest spur,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215400,20989.0,Psoas tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215500,17129.0,Trochanteric tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215600,17066.0,Adductor tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215700,3546.0,Trochanteric bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215800,6824.0,Snapping hip,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215900,21994.0,Iliotibial band syndrome,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215A00,12136.0,Ischial bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N215z00,30951.0,Hip enthesopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216.00,24148.0,Enthesopathy of the knee,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216000,4031.0,Bursitis of the knee NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216011,5569.0,Semi-membranosus bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216012,16602.0,Popliteal bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216100,12553.0,Pes anserinus tendinitis and bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216200,16623.0,Tibial collateral ligament bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216211,40319.0,Pellegrini - Stieda syndrome,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216300,37100.0,Fibular collateral ligament bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216400,7688.0,Patellar tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216500,332.0,Prepatellar bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216600,5299.0,Infrapatellar bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216700,16345.0,Subpatellar bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216800,18835.0,Biceps femoris tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216900,8081.0,Semimembranosus tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216z00,38460.0,Knee enthesopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N216z11,17554.0,Suprapatellar bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217.00,42895.0,Enthesopathy of the ankle and tarsus,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217.11,55448.0,Tarsus enthesopathy,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217000,55423.0,Enthesopathy of the ankle unspecified,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217100,55428.0,Enthesopathy of the tarsus unspecified,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217300,3820.0,Achilles bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217400,1209.0,Achilles tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217500,9942.0,Tibialis anterior tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217600,8644.0,Tibialis posterior tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217700,3119.0,Calcaneal spur,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217800,17972.0,Peroneal tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217B00,18477.0,Anterior ankle impingement,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217C00,49630.0,Fibular impingement,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N217z00,66299.0,Ankle or tarsus enthesopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21y.00,48718.0,Other peripheral enthesopathies,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21z.00,15150.0,Enthesopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21z000,4622.0,Capsulitis NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21z100,14900.0,Periarthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21z200,6089.0,Tendinitis NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21z211,864.0,Tendonitis NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21z212,725.0,Bicepital tendonitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21z213,18609.0,Tendonitis bicepital,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21z214,11911.0,Adductor tendonitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21z215,29661.0,Tendonitis adductor,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21z216,789.0,Supraspinatus tendonitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N21zz00,46384.0,Peripheral enthesopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220.00,1232.0,Synovitis and tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220000,615.0,Synovitis or tenosynovitis NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220100,29866.0,Synovitis and tenosynovitis with disorders EC,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220300,2380.0,Trigger finger - acquired,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220311,2344.0,Trigger thumb,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220312,45607.0,Snapping fingers,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220313,1322.0,Finger trigger,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220400,20787.0,Radial styloid tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220411,1505.0,De Quervain's disease,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220412,69812.0,Trigger thumb - acquired,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220413,1507.0,Thumb trigger,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220500,11479.0,Other tenosynovitis of hand or wrist,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220511,11898.0,Other tenosynovitis of the hand,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220512,1832.0,Other tenosynovitis of the wrist,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220513,4040.0,Tensynovitis of fingers,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220514,7293.0,Tendonitis of thumb,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220600,4292.0,Tenosynovitis of ankle,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220700,6686.0,Tenosynovitis of foot,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220900,57137.0,Plant thorn synovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220A00,10810.0,Flexor tenosynovitis of wrist,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220B00,28401.0,Flexor tenosynovitis of finger,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220C00,36659.0,Flexor tenosynovitis of thumb,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220D00,12183.0,Extensor tenosynovitis of wrist,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220E00,12368.0,Extensor tenosynovitis of finger,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220F00,27694.0,Extensor tenosynovitis of thumb,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220G00,3664.0,Acquired trigger thumb,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220H00,40050.0,Achilles tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220J00,36547.0,Tibialis anterior tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220K00,11577.0,Tibialis posterior tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220L00,52121.0,Extensor hallucis longus tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220M00,56234.0,Extensor digitorum longus tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220N00,60221.0,Peroneus longus tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220P00,94259.0,Peroneus brevis tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220Q00,16984.0,Transient synovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220R00,29426.0,Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220S00,2695.0,Synovitis of hip,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220T00,35448.0,Synovitis NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220V00,43238.0,Synovitis of knee,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220W00,57379.0,Synovitis of elbow,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220X00,60024.0,Synovitis of shoulder,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220Y00,104158.0,Irritable hip,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220z00,14770.0,Other synovitis and tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220z11,16166.0,Shoulder synovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220z12,11569.0,Synovitis of knee,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N220z13,17001.0,Synovitis of elbow,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N222000,24495.0,Beat elbow,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N222100,67789.0,Beat hand,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N222200,45464.0,Beat knee,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N222400,38516.0,Miners' knee,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N222z00,32005.0,Specific bursitides NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N223.00,1013.0,Bursitis NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N223.11,20147.0,Postcalcaneal bursitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N224000,4055.0,Synovial cyst unspecified,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N224400,7424.0,Cyst of bursa,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N224A00,955.0,Synovial cyst of popliteal space,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N224A11,3717.0,Baker's cyst,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N225.00,35418.0,Rupture of synovium,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N225000,65065.0,"Rupture of synovium, unspecified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N225100,3592.0,Rupture of popliteal space synovial cyst,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N225111,9601.0,Rupture of Baker's cyst - knee,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N225112,15130.0,Rupture of popliteal bursa,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N225z00,64986.0,Rupture of synovium NOS,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226.00,16601.0,Nontraumatic tendon rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226000,67879.0,"Nontraumatic tendon rupture, unspecified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226100,21924.0,Rotator cuff complete rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226200,11633.0,Biceps tendon rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226300,5665.0,Hand and wrist extensor tendon rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226400,10853.0,Hand and wrist flexor tendon rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226500,6040.0,Quadriceps tendon rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226600,31974.0,Nontraumatic rupture of patellar tendon,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226700,7719.0,Nontraumatic rupture of Achilles tendon,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226800,66768.0,Extensor digitorum communis rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226900,37850.0,Extensor pollicis longus rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226A00,41938.0,Long head of biceps rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226C00,58147.0,Flexor digitorum sublimis tendon rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226D00,54684.0,Flexor digitorum profundus tendon rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226E00,59364.0,Flexor pollicis longus tendon rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226F00,50350.0,Tibialis posterior rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226G00,89925.0,Peroneus longus rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226M00,22735.0,Spontaneous rupture of flexor tendons,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226N00,36936.0,Spontaneous rupture of extensor tendons,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226y00,43696.0,Other foot and ankle tendon rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N226z00,62729.0,Other nontraumatic tendon rupture,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,N23y900,17311.0,Calcific tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,Nyu9100,50439.0,[X]Other synovitis and tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,Nyu9200,49764.0,[X]Spontaneous rupture of other tendons,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,NyuA000,38659.0,[X]Other bursitis of elbow,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,NyuA100,51366.0,[X]Other bursitis of knee,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,NyuA200,52354.0,[X]Other bursitis of hip,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,NyuA500,41562.0,[X]Other bursal cyst,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,NyuA600,54197.0,"[X]Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,NyuAC00,106916.0,"[X]Other enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,NyuAD00,65588.0,[X]Other enthesopathy of foot,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,NyuAE00,100012.0,"[X]Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,NyuAJ00,101924.0,"[X]Enthesopathy of lower limb, unspecified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_epilepsy.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_epilepsy.csv
index 4d15eec..cd5df6c 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_epilepsy.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_epilepsy.csv
@@ -1,129 +1,129 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Epilepsy","1473.00","3783.0","H/O: epilepsy","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","1B1W.00","38919.0","Transient epileptic amnesia","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","1O30.00","22341.0","Epilepsy confirmed","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","2126000.0","8385.0","Epilepsy resolved","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","212J.00","12848.0","Epilepsy resolved","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","6110.00","100652.0","Contraceptive advice for patients with epilepsy","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","6674.00","50012.0","Epilepsy associated problems","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667..00","6983.0","Epilepsy monitoring","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","6677.00","13073.0","Epilepsy drug side effects","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","6678.00","26512.0","Epilepsy treatment changed","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","6679.00","34473.0","Epilepsy treatment started","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667A.00","20566.0","Epilepsy treatment stopped","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667B.00","4602.0","Nocturnal epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667C.00","19550.0","Epilepsy control good","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667D.00","13220.0","Epilepsy control poor","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667E.00","19551.0","Epilepsy care arrangement","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667F.00","11015.0","Seizure free >12 months","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667G.00","26620.0","Epilepsy restricts employment","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667H.00","50702.0","Epilepsy prevents employment","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667J.00","40863.0","Epilepsy impairs education","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667K.00","26619.0","Epilepsy limits activities","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667L.00","19552.0","Epilepsy does not limit activities","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667M.00","55706.0","Epilepsy management plan given","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667N.00","22991.0","Epilepsy severity","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667P.00","13219.0","No seizures on treatment","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667Q.00","26618.0","1 to 12 seizures a year","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667R.00","13221.0","2 to 4 seizures a month","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667S.00","19549.0","1 to 7 seizures a week","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667T.00","18899.0","Daily seizures","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667V.00","39160.0","Many seizures a day","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667W.00","46603.0","Emergency epilepsy treatment since last appointment","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667X.00","52632.0","No epilepsy drug side effects","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","667Z.00","36696.0","Epilepsy monitoring NOS","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","67AF.00","102359.0","Pregnancy advice for patients with epilepsy","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","67IJ000","100920.0","Pre-conception advice for patients with epilepsy","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","8BIF.00","9326.0","Epilepsy medication review","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","9Of3.00","45757.0","Epilepsy monitoring verbal invite","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","9Of4.00","72384.0","Epilepsy monitoring telephone invite","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","9Of5.00","98442.0","Epilepsy monitoring call first letter","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","9Of6.00","98536.0","Epilepsy monitoring call second letter","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","9Of7.00","98977.0","Epilepsy monitoring call third letter","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","Eu05212","31877.0","[X]Schizophrenia-like psychosis in epilepsy","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","Eu05y11","6709.0","[X]Epileptic psychosis NOS","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","Eu06013","48462.0","[X]Limbic epilepsy personality","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","Eu80300","43679.0","[X]Acquired aphasia with epilepsy [Landau - Kleffner]","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F132100","37644.0","Progressive myoclonic epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F132111","63826.0","Unverricht - Lundborg disease","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F132200","45602.0","Myoclonic encephalopathy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F142200","49737.0","Dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F250000","2907.0","Petit mal (minor) epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F250011","1715.0","Epileptic absences","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F250100","99548.0","Pykno-epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F250200","24309.0","Epileptic seizures - atonic","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F250300","31830.0","Epileptic seizures - akinetic","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F250400","17399.0","Juvenile absence epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F250500","34792.0","Lennox-Gastaut syndrome","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F250.00","11186.0","Generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F250y00","59185.0","Other specified generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F250z00","44252.0","Generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy NOS","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F251000","988.0","Grand mal (major) epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F251011","22804.0","Tonic-clonic epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F251100","37782.0","Neonatal myoclonic epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F251111","49340.0","Otohara syndrome","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F251200","18471.0","Epileptic seizures - clonic","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F251300","4801.0","Epileptic seizures - myoclonic","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F251400","5152.0","Epileptic seizures - tonic","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F251500","8187.0","Tonic-clonic epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F251.00","26144.0","Generalised convulsive epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F251y00","45927.0","Other specified generalised convulsive epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F251z00","40806.0","Generalised convulsive epilepsy NOS","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F252.00","9886.0","Petit mal status","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F253.00","5117.0","Grand mal status","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F253.11","4093.0","Status epilepticus","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F254000","3175.0","Temporal lobe epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F254100","23634.0","Psychomotor epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F254200","36203.0","Psychosensory epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F254300","55665.0","Limbic system epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F254400","34079.0","Epileptic automatism","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F254500","11394.0","Complex partial epileptic seizure","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F254.00","32288.0","Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F254z00","31920.0","Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness NOS","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255000","9569.0","Jacksonian, focal or motor epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255011","5525.0","Focal epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255012","65699.0","Motor epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255100","48134.0","Sensory induced epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255200","37592.0","Somatosensory epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255300","73542.0","Visceral reflex epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255311","98870.0","Partial epilepsy with autonomic symptoms","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255400","55739.0","Visual reflex epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255500","68946.0","Unilateral epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255600","40105.0","Simple partial epileptic seizure","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255.00","26015.0","Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255y00","26733.0","Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness OS","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F255z00","27526.0","Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness NOS","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F256000","7945.0","Hypsarrhythmia","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F256100","23415.0","Salaam attacks","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F256.00","4478.0","Infantile spasms","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F256.11","68486.0","Lightning spasms","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F256.12","39023.0","West syndrome","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F256z00","49322.0","Infantile spasms NOS","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F257.00","71719.0","Kojevnikov's epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F258.00","21885.0","Post-ictal state","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F259.00","37906.0","Early infant epileptic encephalopathy wth suppression bursts","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F259.11","51998.0","Ohtahara syndrome","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25A.00","19363.0","Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25B.00","30604.0","Alcohol-induced epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25C.00","30816.0","Drug-induced epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25D.00","56359.0","Menstrual epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25E.00","65673.0","Stress-induced epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25..00","573.0","Epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25F.00","30635.0","Photosensitive epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25G.00","108409.0","Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25G.11","105679.0","Dravet syndrome","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25X.00","6271.0","Status epilepticus, unspecified","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25y000","55260.0","Cursive (running) epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25y100","53483.0","Gelastic epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25y200","9887.0","Locl-rlt(foc)(part)idiop epilep&epilptic syn seiz locl onset","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25y300","25330.0","Complex partial status epilepticus","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25y400","19170.0","Benign Rolandic epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25y500","96641.0","Panayiotopoulos syndrome","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25y.00","38307.0","Other forms of epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25yz00","9979.0","Other forms of epilepsy NOS","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25z.00","9747.0","Epilepsy NOS","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","F25z.11","3607.0","Fit (in known epileptic) NOS","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","Fyu5000","99731.0","[X]Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","Fyu5100","69831.0","[X]Other epilepsy","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","Fyu5200","59120.0","[X]Other status epilepticus","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","Fyu5900","71801.0","[X]Status epilepticus, unspecified","Diagnosis of Epilepsy"
+Epilepsy,1473.00,3783.0,H/O: epilepsy,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,1B1W.00,38919.0,Transient epileptic amnesia,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,1O30.00,22341.0,Epilepsy confirmed,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,2126000.0,8385.0,Epilepsy resolved,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,212J.00,12848.0,Epilepsy resolved,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,6110.00,100652.0,Contraceptive advice for patients with epilepsy,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,6674.00,50012.0,Epilepsy associated problems,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667..00,6983.0,Epilepsy monitoring,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,6677.00,13073.0,Epilepsy drug side effects,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,6678.00,26512.0,Epilepsy treatment changed,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,6679.00,34473.0,Epilepsy treatment started,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667A.00,20566.0,Epilepsy treatment stopped,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667B.00,4602.0,Nocturnal epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667C.00,19550.0,Epilepsy control good,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667D.00,13220.0,Epilepsy control poor,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667E.00,19551.0,Epilepsy care arrangement,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667F.00,11015.0,Seizure free >12 months,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667G.00,26620.0,Epilepsy restricts employment,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667H.00,50702.0,Epilepsy prevents employment,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667J.00,40863.0,Epilepsy impairs education,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667K.00,26619.0,Epilepsy limits activities,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667L.00,19552.0,Epilepsy does not limit activities,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667M.00,55706.0,Epilepsy management plan given,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667N.00,22991.0,Epilepsy severity,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667P.00,13219.0,No seizures on treatment,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667Q.00,26618.0,1 to 12 seizures a year,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667R.00,13221.0,2 to 4 seizures a month,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667S.00,19549.0,1 to 7 seizures a week,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667T.00,18899.0,Daily seizures,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667V.00,39160.0,Many seizures a day,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667W.00,46603.0,Emergency epilepsy treatment since last appointment,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667X.00,52632.0,No epilepsy drug side effects,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,667Z.00,36696.0,Epilepsy monitoring NOS,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,67AF.00,102359.0,Pregnancy advice for patients with epilepsy,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,67IJ000,100920.0,Pre-conception advice for patients with epilepsy,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,8BIF.00,9326.0,Epilepsy medication review,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,9Of3.00,45757.0,Epilepsy monitoring verbal invite,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,9Of4.00,72384.0,Epilepsy monitoring telephone invite,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,9Of5.00,98442.0,Epilepsy monitoring call first letter,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,9Of6.00,98536.0,Epilepsy monitoring call second letter,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,9Of7.00,98977.0,Epilepsy monitoring call third letter,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,Eu05212,31877.0,[X]Schizophrenia-like psychosis in epilepsy,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,Eu05y11,6709.0,[X]Epileptic psychosis NOS,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,Eu06013,48462.0,[X]Limbic epilepsy personality,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,Eu80300,43679.0,[X]Acquired aphasia with epilepsy [Landau - Kleffner],Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F132100,37644.0,Progressive myoclonic epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F132111,63826.0,Unverricht - Lundborg disease,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F132200,45602.0,Myoclonic encephalopathy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F142200,49737.0,Dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F250000,2907.0,Petit mal (minor) epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F250011,1715.0,Epileptic absences,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F250100,99548.0,Pykno-epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F250200,24309.0,Epileptic seizures - atonic,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F250300,31830.0,Epileptic seizures - akinetic,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F250400,17399.0,Juvenile absence epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F250500,34792.0,Lennox-Gastaut syndrome,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F250.00,11186.0,Generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F250y00,59185.0,Other specified generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F250z00,44252.0,Generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy NOS,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F251000,988.0,Grand mal (major) epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F251011,22804.0,Tonic-clonic epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F251100,37782.0,Neonatal myoclonic epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F251111,49340.0,Otohara syndrome,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F251200,18471.0,Epileptic seizures - clonic,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F251300,4801.0,Epileptic seizures - myoclonic,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F251400,5152.0,Epileptic seizures - tonic,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F251500,8187.0,Tonic-clonic epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F251.00,26144.0,Generalised convulsive epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F251y00,45927.0,Other specified generalised convulsive epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F251z00,40806.0,Generalised convulsive epilepsy NOS,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F252.00,9886.0,Petit mal status,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F253.00,5117.0,Grand mal status,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F253.11,4093.0,Status epilepticus,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F254000,3175.0,Temporal lobe epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F254100,23634.0,Psychomotor epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F254200,36203.0,Psychosensory epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F254300,55665.0,Limbic system epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F254400,34079.0,Epileptic automatism,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F254500,11394.0,Complex partial epileptic seizure,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F254.00,32288.0,Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F254z00,31920.0,Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness NOS,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255000,9569.0,"Jacksonian, focal or motor epilepsy",Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255011,5525.0,Focal epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255012,65699.0,Motor epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255100,48134.0,Sensory induced epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255200,37592.0,Somatosensory epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255300,73542.0,Visceral reflex epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255311,98870.0,Partial epilepsy with autonomic symptoms,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255400,55739.0,Visual reflex epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255500,68946.0,Unilateral epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255600,40105.0,Simple partial epileptic seizure,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255.00,26015.0,Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255y00,26733.0,Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness OS,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F255z00,27526.0,Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness NOS,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F256000,7945.0,Hypsarrhythmia,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F256100,23415.0,Salaam attacks,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F256.00,4478.0,Infantile spasms,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F256.11,68486.0,Lightning spasms,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F256.12,39023.0,West syndrome,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F256z00,49322.0,Infantile spasms NOS,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F257.00,71719.0,Kojevnikov's epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F258.00,21885.0,Post-ictal state,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F259.00,37906.0,Early infant epileptic encephalopathy wth suppression bursts,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F259.11,51998.0,Ohtahara syndrome,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25A.00,19363.0,Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25B.00,30604.0,Alcohol-induced epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25C.00,30816.0,Drug-induced epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25D.00,56359.0,Menstrual epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25E.00,65673.0,Stress-induced epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25..00,573.0,Epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25F.00,30635.0,Photosensitive epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25G.00,108409.0,Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25G.11,105679.0,Dravet syndrome,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25X.00,6271.0,"Status epilepticus, unspecified",Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25y000,55260.0,Cursive (running) epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25y100,53483.0,Gelastic epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25y200,9887.0,Locl-rlt(foc)(part)idiop epilep&epilptic syn seiz locl onset,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25y300,25330.0,Complex partial status epilepticus,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25y400,19170.0,Benign Rolandic epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25y500,96641.0,Panayiotopoulos syndrome,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25y.00,38307.0,Other forms of epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25yz00,9979.0,Other forms of epilepsy NOS,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25z.00,9747.0,Epilepsy NOS,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,F25z.11,3607.0,Fit (in known epileptic) NOS,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,Fyu5000,99731.0,[X]Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,Fyu5100,69831.0,[X]Other epilepsy,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,Fyu5200,59120.0,[X]Other status epilepticus,Diagnosis of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,Fyu5900,71801.0,"[X]Status epilepticus, unspecified",Diagnosis of Epilepsy
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_erect_dys.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_erect_dys.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 550fa07..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_erect_dys.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Erectile dysfunction","1ABB.00","94821.0","Cannot get an erection","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","1ABC.00","94343.0","Cannot sustain an erection","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","1D1B.00","102274.0","C/O erectile dysfunction","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","7A6G000","37391.0","Revascularisation for impotence","Procedure for erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","7A6G500","41382.0","Ligation of penile veins for impotence","Procedure for erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","7C25B00","20833.0","Penile injection to produce erection","Procedure for erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","7C25E00","12867.0","Treatment of erectile dysfunction NEC","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","7C25F00","81439.0","Operations on penis for erectile dysfunction NEC","Procedure for erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","8BB4.00","103966.0","Erect dysf unresponsiv to phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","8HTj.00","12790.0","Referral to erectile dysfunction clinic","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","E227300","710.0","Impotence","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","E227311","3838.0","Erectile dysfunction","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","Eu52200","33494.0","[X]Failure of genital response","Possible diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","Eu52212","12066.0","[X]Male erectile disorder","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","Eu52213","17639.0","[X]Psychogenic impotence","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","K27y100","17894.0","Impotence of organic origin","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","K27y700","106360.0","Erectile dysfunction due to diabetes mellitus","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","Z9E9.00","92310.0","Provision of device for impotence","Procedure for erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","ZG43600","40725.0","Advice on technique for impotence","Procedure for erectile dysfunction"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_essential_tremor.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_essential_tremor.csv
index c6ba437..35d4842 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_essential_tremor.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_essential_tremor.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Benign essential tremor","F131000","3051.0","Benign essential tremor","Diagnosis of Benign essential tremor"
-"Benign essential tremor","F131100","2512.0","Familial tremor","Diagnosis of Benign essential tremor"
+Essential tremor,F131000,3051.0,Benign essential tremor,Diagnosis of Benign essential tremor
+Essential tremor,F131100,2512.0,Familial tremor,Diagnosis of Benign essential tremor
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_fatty_liver.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_fatty_liver.csv
index deaf9bf..6c3e1fa 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_fatty_liver.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_fatty_liver.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Fatty Liver","J610.00","10691.0","Alcoholic fatty liver","Diagnosis of Fatty Liver"
-"Fatty Liver","J61y700","10572.0","Steatosis of liver","Diagnosis of Fatty Liver"
-"Fatty Liver","J61y800","98148.0","Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis","Diagnosis of Fatty Liver"
-"Fatty Liver","J61y900","103466.0","Fatty change of liver","Diagnosis of Fatty Liver"
-"Fatty Liver","J61y911","103706.0","Fatty liver","Diagnosis of Fatty Liver"
+Fatty Liver,J610.00,10691.0,Alcoholic fatty liver,Diagnosis of Fatty Liver
+Fatty Liver,J61y700,10572.0,Steatosis of liver,Diagnosis of Fatty Liver
+Fatty Liver,J61y800,98148.0,Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis,Diagnosis of Fatty Liver
+Fatty Liver,J61y900,103466.0,Fatty change of liver,Diagnosis of Fatty Liver
+Fatty Liver,J61y911,103706.0,Fatty liver,Diagnosis of Fatty Liver
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_female_genital_prolapse.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_female_genital_prolapse.csv
index 11c22da..4d9864e 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_female_genital_prolapse.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_female_genital_prolapse.csv
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Female genital prolapse","1594.00","9803.0","H/O: genital prolapse","History of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D17000","7919.0","Ant and post colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D17100","33955.0","Anterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri NEC","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D17111","4233.0","Fothergill anterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D17200","20632.0","Posterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri NEC","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D17.00","28602.0","Repair of vaginal prolapse and amputation of cervix uteri","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D17.11","21695.0","Colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D17y00","69708.0","Repair of vaginal prolapse & amputation of cervix uteri OS","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D17z00","15703.0","Repair of vaginal prolapse & amputation of cervix uteri NOS","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D17z11","5669.0","Manchester repair","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18000","19050.0","Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy NEC","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18011","2060.0","Anterior and posterior repair","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18100","2447.0","Anterior colporrhaphy NEC","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18111","631.0","Anterior repair","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18200","3145.0","Posterior colporrhaphy NEC","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18211","2287.0","Posterior repair","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18300","3420.0","Repair of enterocele NEC","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18311","72070.0","McCall repair of enterocele","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18312","67132.0","Moschowitz repair of enterocele","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18400","37274.0","Colporrhaphy NEC","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18500","44748.0","Anterior mesh vaginal repair","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18600","89963.0","Paravaginal repair","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18700","89708.0","Anterior colporrhaphy with mesh reinforcement","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18.00","11863.0","Other repair of vaginal prolapse","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18.11","2286.0","Colporrhaphy","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18800","84375.0","Posterior colporrhaphy with mesh reinforcement","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18y00","18606.0","Other specified other repair of vaginal prolapse","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D18z00","28040.0","Other repair of vaginal prolapse NOS","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D19000","66379.0","Repair vaginal vault combined abdominal & vaginal approach","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D19100","52417.0","Repair of vault of vagina using abdominal approach NEC","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D19200","57237.0","Repair of vault of vagina using vaginal approach NEC","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D19300","16175.0","Sacrocolpopexy","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D19400","1652.0","Suspension of vagina NEC","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D19500","18931.0","Sacrospinous fixation of vaginal vault","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D19600","96345.0","Repair of vault of vagina with mesh using abdominal approach","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D19700","46339.0","Repair of vault of vagina with mesh using vaginal approach","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D19.00","17020.0","Repair of vault of vagina","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D19y00","27604.0","Other specified repair of vault of vagina","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D19z00","48218.0","Repair of vault of vagina NOS","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D1A411","5004.0","Colpoperineorrhaphy","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D1B000","5351.0","Insertion of Hodge pessary into vagina","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D1B100","826.0","Insertion of ring into vagina","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D1B200","2576.0","Removal of supporting pessary from vagina","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D1B300","9071.0","Change of vaginal pessary","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D1B400","12255.0","Removal of ring pessary from vagina","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D1B500","83494.0","Renewal of supporting pessary in vagina","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D1B600","83479.0","Insertion of ring pessary into vagina","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D1B.00","1750.0","Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D1By00","4163.0","Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina OS","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","7D1Bz00","14872.0","Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina NOS","Procedure for Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K510000","211.0","Cystocele without uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K510100","25278.0","Cystourethrocele without uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K510200","2285.0","Rectocele without uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K510211","37918.0","Proctocele without uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K510300","4575.0","Urethrocele without uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K510400","22659.0","Vaginal prolapse unspecified without uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K510.00","1903.0","Vaginal wall prolapse without uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K510z00","17481.0","Vaginal prolapse without uterine prolapse NOS","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K511000","22757.0","First degree uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K511100","6882.0","Second degree uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K511200","37790.0","Third degree uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K511.00","1345.0","Uterine prolapse without vaginal wall prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K511.11","24299.0","Descens uteri","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K511z00","37185.0","Uterine prolapse without vaginal wall prolapse NOS","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K512000","30419.0","Cystocele with first degree uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K512100","12359.0","Cystocele with second degree uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K512.00","7870.0","Uterovaginal prolapse, incomplete","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K513000","25974.0","Cystocele with third degree uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K513.00","9356.0","Uterovaginal prolapse, complete","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K513.11","3986.0","Procidentia - uterine","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K514000","12845.0","Cystocele with unspecified uterine prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K514.00","1057.0","Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K515.00","10888.0","Post hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K516100","41136.0","Acquired vaginal enterocele","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K516.00","2846.0","Vaginal enterocele","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K516.11","73219.0","Pelvic enterocele","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K516z00","42057.0","Vaginal enterocele NOS","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K517.00","53883.0","Old laceration of pelvic floor muscle","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K518.00","96896.0","Female rectocele","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K519.00","105178.0","Cystocele","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K51..00","6819.0","Genital prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K51y000","102653.0","Incompetence of pelvic fundus","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K51y100","47681.0","Weakening of pelvic fundus","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K51y300","37373.0","Relaxation of pelvis","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K51y.00","23941.0","Other genital prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K51yz00","41895.0","Other genital prolapse NOS","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","K51z.00","33440.0","Genital prolapse NOS","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","Kyu9100","97649.0","[X]Other female genital prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
-"Female genital prolapse","SP07900","7175.0","Problem with vaginal pessary","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
+Female genital prolapse,1594.00,9803.0,H/O: genital prolapse,History of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D17000,7919.0,Ant and post colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D17100,33955.0,Anterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri NEC,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D17111,4233.0,Fothergill anterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D17200,20632.0,Posterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri NEC,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D17.00,28602.0,Repair of vaginal prolapse and amputation of cervix uteri,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D17.11,21695.0,Colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D17y00,69708.0,Repair of vaginal prolapse & amputation of cervix uteri OS,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D17z00,15703.0,Repair of vaginal prolapse & amputation of cervix uteri NOS,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D17z11,5669.0,Manchester repair,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18000,19050.0,Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy NEC,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18011,2060.0,Anterior and posterior repair,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18100,2447.0,Anterior colporrhaphy NEC,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18111,631.0,Anterior repair,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18200,3145.0,Posterior colporrhaphy NEC,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18211,2287.0,Posterior repair,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18300,3420.0,Repair of enterocele NEC,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18311,72070.0,McCall repair of enterocele,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18312,67132.0,Moschowitz repair of enterocele,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18400,37274.0,Colporrhaphy NEC,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18500,44748.0,Anterior mesh vaginal repair,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18600,89963.0,Paravaginal repair,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18700,89708.0,Anterior colporrhaphy with mesh reinforcement,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18.00,11863.0,Other repair of vaginal prolapse,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18.11,2286.0,Colporrhaphy,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18800,84375.0,Posterior colporrhaphy with mesh reinforcement,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18y00,18606.0,Other specified other repair of vaginal prolapse,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D18z00,28040.0,Other repair of vaginal prolapse NOS,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D19000,66379.0,Repair vaginal vault combined abdominal & vaginal approach,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D19100,52417.0,Repair of vault of vagina using abdominal approach NEC,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D19200,57237.0,Repair of vault of vagina using vaginal approach NEC,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D19300,16175.0,Sacrocolpopexy,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D19400,1652.0,Suspension of vagina NEC,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D19500,18931.0,Sacrospinous fixation of vaginal vault,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D19600,96345.0,Repair of vault of vagina with mesh using abdominal approach,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D19700,46339.0,Repair of vault of vagina with mesh using vaginal approach,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D19.00,17020.0,Repair of vault of vagina,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D19y00,27604.0,Other specified repair of vault of vagina,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D19z00,48218.0,Repair of vault of vagina NOS,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D1A411,5004.0,Colpoperineorrhaphy,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D1B000,5351.0,Insertion of Hodge pessary into vagina,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D1B100,826.0,Insertion of ring into vagina,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D1B200,2576.0,Removal of supporting pessary from vagina,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D1B300,9071.0,Change of vaginal pessary,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D1B400,12255.0,Removal of ring pessary from vagina,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D1B500,83494.0,Renewal of supporting pessary in vagina,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D1B600,83479.0,Insertion of ring pessary into vagina,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D1B.00,1750.0,Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D1By00,4163.0,Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina OS,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,7D1Bz00,14872.0,Introduction of supporting pessary into vagina NOS,Procedure for Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K510000,211.0,Cystocele without uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K510100,25278.0,Cystourethrocele without uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K510200,2285.0,Rectocele without uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K510211,37918.0,Proctocele without uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K510300,4575.0,Urethrocele without uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K510400,22659.0,Vaginal prolapse unspecified without uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K510.00,1903.0,Vaginal wall prolapse without uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K510z00,17481.0,Vaginal prolapse without uterine prolapse NOS,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K511000,22757.0,First degree uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K511100,6882.0,Second degree uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K511200,37790.0,Third degree uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K511.00,1345.0,Uterine prolapse without vaginal wall prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K511.11,24299.0,Descens uteri,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K511z00,37185.0,Uterine prolapse without vaginal wall prolapse NOS,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K512000,30419.0,Cystocele with first degree uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K512100,12359.0,Cystocele with second degree uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K512.00,7870.0,"Uterovaginal prolapse, incomplete",Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K513000,25974.0,Cystocele with third degree uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K513.00,9356.0,"Uterovaginal prolapse, complete",Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K513.11,3986.0,Procidentia - uterine,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K514000,12845.0,Cystocele with unspecified uterine prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K514.00,1057.0,"Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified",Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K515.00,10888.0,Post hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K516100,41136.0,Acquired vaginal enterocele,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K516.00,2846.0,Vaginal enterocele,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K516.11,73219.0,Pelvic enterocele,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K516z00,42057.0,Vaginal enterocele NOS,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K517.00,53883.0,Old laceration of pelvic floor muscle,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K518.00,96896.0,Female rectocele,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K519.00,105178.0,Cystocele,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K51..00,6819.0,Genital prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K51y000,102653.0,Incompetence of pelvic fundus,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K51y100,47681.0,Weakening of pelvic fundus,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K51y300,37373.0,Relaxation of pelvis,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K51y.00,23941.0,Other genital prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K51yz00,41895.0,Other genital prolapse NOS,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,K51z.00,33440.0,Genital prolapse NOS,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,Kyu9100,97649.0,[X]Other female genital prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
+Female genital prolapse,SP07900,7175.0,Problem with vaginal pessary,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_female_infertility.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_female_infertility.csv
index d4f6a72..f79eb3b 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_female_infertility.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_female_infertility.csv
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Female infertility","K26y300","101598.0","Infertility due to radiation","Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K26y400","108577.0","Infertility in systemic disease","Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B0000","52132.0","Primary anovulatory infertility","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B0100","50116.0","Secondary anovulatory infertility","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B0.00","4977.0","Female infertility of anovulatory origin","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B0.11","16360.0","Anovular cycle","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B0z00","63421.0","Female infertility of anovulatory origin NOS","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B1000","94448.0","Primary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility","Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B1100","99535.0","Secondary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility","Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B1.00","69884.0","Female infertility of pituitary - hypothalamic origin","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B1z00","62084.0","Female infertility of pituitary - hypothalamic cause NOS","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B2000","60861.0","Primary tubal infertility","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B2100","45985.0","Secondary tubal infertility","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B2300","8352.0","Blocked fallopian tube","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B2.00","35074.0","Female infertility of tubal origin","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B2z00","25077.0","Female infertility of tubal origin NOS","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B3000","91280.0","Primary uterine infertility","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B3100","73151.0","Secondary uterine infertility","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B3.00","61299.0","Female infertility of uterine origin","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B3z00","68664.0","Female infertility of uterine origin NOS","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B4000","97461.0","Primary cervical infertility","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B4100","69324.0","Secondary cervical infertility","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B4.00","62698.0","Female infertility of cervical origin","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B5100","96463.0","Secondary vaginal infertility","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B5.00","48461.0","Female infertility of vaginal origin","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B6.00","54282.0","Female infertility associated with male factors","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B7.00","104569.0","Female infertility due to diminished ovarian reserve","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5B..00","1808.0","Infertility - female","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5By000","2014.0","Primary infertility unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5By100","1943.0","Secondary infertility unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5By.00","36458.0","Other female infertility","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5Byz00","53018.0","Other female infertility NOS","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5Byz11","7246.0","Subfertility","Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","K5Bz.00","30392.0","Female infertility NOS","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
-"Female infertility","Kyu9G00","99069.0","[X]Female infertility of other origin","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
+Female infertility,K26y300,101598.0,Infertility due to radiation,Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K26y400,108577.0,Infertility in systemic disease,Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B0000,52132.0,Primary anovulatory infertility,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B0100,50116.0,Secondary anovulatory infertility,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B0.00,4977.0,Female infertility of anovulatory origin,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B0.11,16360.0,Anovular cycle,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B0z00,63421.0,Female infertility of anovulatory origin NOS,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B1000,94448.0,Primary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility,Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B1100,99535.0,Secondary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility,Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B1.00,69884.0,Female infertility of pituitary - hypothalamic origin,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B1z00,62084.0,Female infertility of pituitary - hypothalamic cause NOS,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B2000,60861.0,Primary tubal infertility,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B2100,45985.0,Secondary tubal infertility,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B2300,8352.0,Blocked fallopian tube,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B2.00,35074.0,Female infertility of tubal origin,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B2z00,25077.0,Female infertility of tubal origin NOS,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B3000,91280.0,Primary uterine infertility,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B3100,73151.0,Secondary uterine infertility,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B3.00,61299.0,Female infertility of uterine origin,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B3z00,68664.0,Female infertility of uterine origin NOS,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B4000,97461.0,Primary cervical infertility,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B4100,69324.0,Secondary cervical infertility,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B4.00,62698.0,Female infertility of cervical origin,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B5100,96463.0,Secondary vaginal infertility,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B5.00,48461.0,Female infertility of vaginal origin,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B6.00,54282.0,Female infertility associated with male factors,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B7.00,104569.0,Female infertility due to diminished ovarian reserve,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5B..00,1808.0,Infertility - female,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5By000,2014.0,Primary infertility unspecified,Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5By100,1943.0,Secondary infertility unspecified,Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5By.00,36458.0,Other female infertility,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5Byz00,53018.0,Other female infertility NOS,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5Byz11,7246.0,Subfertility,Possible diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,K5Bz.00,30392.0,Female infertility NOS,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
+Female infertility,Kyu9G00,99069.0,[X]Female infertility of other origin,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_fibromatosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_fibromatosis.csv
index a567ac1..ee92126 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_fibromatosis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_fibromatosis.csv
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Fibromatoses","7H32000","10554.0","Palmar fasciectomy unspecified","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","7H32011","1629.0","Dupuytren hand fasciectomy","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","7H32013","66133.0","McIndoe radical palmar fasciectomy","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","7H32100","43740.0","Revision of palmar fasciectomy","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","7H32400","48701.0","Limited palmar fasciectomy","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","7H32500","41575.0","Radical palmar fasciectomy","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","7H32700","39485.0","Palmar fasciectomy using open palm technique","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","7H34000","4371.0","Division of palmar fascia","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","7H34011","54835.0","Division of hand fascia","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","7H34012","8360.0","Dupuytren hand fasciotomy","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","7H34300","102499.0","Needle fasciotomy of hand","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","7H35700","37325.0","Fasciotomy hand","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N236000","22546.0","Dupuytren's disease of palm","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N236100","10142.0","Dupuytren's disease of palm, nodules with no contracture","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N236200","44504.0","Dupuytren's disease of palm, with contracture","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N236300","11899.0","Dupuytren's disease of finger(s)","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N236400","50915.0","Dupuytren's disease - finger(s), nodules with no contracture","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N236500","28831.0","Dupuytren's disease of finger(s), with contracture","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N236600","26216.0","Dupuytren's disease of palm and finger(s)","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N236700","25701.0","Dupuytren's dis, palm and finger(s), nodules, no contracture","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N236800","44537.0","Dupuytren's disease of palm and finger(s), with contracture","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N236.00","743.0","Dupuytren's contracture","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N236.11","53902.0","Palmar fascia contracture","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","N237100","21080.0","Knuckle pads","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
+Fibromatoses,7H32000,10554.0,Palmar fasciectomy unspecified,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,7H32011,1629.0,Dupuytren hand fasciectomy,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,7H32013,66133.0,McIndoe radical palmar fasciectomy,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,7H32100,43740.0,Revision of palmar fasciectomy,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,7H32400,48701.0,Limited palmar fasciectomy,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,7H32500,41575.0,Radical palmar fasciectomy,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,7H32700,39485.0,Palmar fasciectomy using open palm technique,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,7H34000,4371.0,Division of palmar fascia,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,7H34011,54835.0,Division of hand fascia,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,7H34012,8360.0,Dupuytren hand fasciotomy,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,7H34300,102499.0,Needle fasciotomy of hand,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,7H35700,37325.0,Fasciotomy hand,Procedure for Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N236000,22546.0,Dupuytren's disease of palm,Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N236100,10142.0,"Dupuytren's disease of palm, nodules with no contracture",Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N236200,44504.0,"Dupuytren's disease of palm, with contracture",Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N236300,11899.0,Dupuytren's disease of finger(s),Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N236400,50915.0,"Dupuytren's disease - finger(s), nodules with no contracture",Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N236500,28831.0,"Dupuytren's disease of finger(s), with contracture",Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N236600,26216.0,Dupuytren's disease of palm and finger(s),Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N236700,25701.0,"Dupuytren's dis, palm and finger(s), nodules, no contracture",Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N236800,44537.0,"Dupuytren's disease of palm and finger(s), with contracture",Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N236.00,743.0,Dupuytren's contracture,Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N236.11,53902.0,Palmar fascia contracture,Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,N237100,21080.0,Knuckle pads,Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_folatedef.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_folatedef.csv
index 2560906..610edbb 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_folatedef.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_folatedef.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Disease,Read code,Medcode,Descr,Category
Folate deficiency anaemia,C262000,4078,Folic acid deficiency,Folic acid deficiency
Folate deficiency anaemia,D012100,36634,Folate-deficiency anaemia due to dietary causes,Diagnosis of Folate deficiency anaemia
Folate deficiency anaemia,D012111,98709,Goat's milk anaemia,Diagnosis of Folate deficiency anaemia
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ Folate deficiency anaemia,D012.00,4080,Folate-deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Fo
Folate deficiency anaemia,D012.11,24870,Folic acid deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Folate deficiency anaemia
Folate deficiency anaemia,D012z00,42117,Folate-deficiency anaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Folate deficiency anaemia
Folate deficiency anaemia,D013000,22715,Combined B12 and folate deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Folate deficiency anaemia
-Folate deficiency anaemia,Dyu0300,53783,[X]Other folate deficiency anaemias,Diagnosis of Folate deficiency anaemia
\ No newline at end of file
+Folate deficiency anaemia,Dyu0300,53783,[X]Other folate deficiency anaemias,Diagnosis of Folate deficiency anaemia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_fracture_hip.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_fracture_hip.csv
index cb1b46d..9a10e11 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_fracture_hip.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_fracture_hip.csv
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Fracture of hip","14G7.00","17936.0","H/O: hip fracture","History of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D000","5742.0","Prmy open red+int fxn prox femoral #+screw/nail+plate device","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D011","58817.0","Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Blount nail plate","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D012","52395.0","Prim op red # nck femur & op fix- Charnley compression screw","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D013","97337.0","Prim op red # nck femur & op fix - Deyerle multiple hip pin","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D014","94714.0","Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Holt nail","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D015","105352.0","Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Jewett nail plate","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D016","107932.0","Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Massie nail plate","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D017","56568.0","Prim open red # neck femur & op fix - McLaughlin nail plate","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D018","46258.0","Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Neufield nail plate","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D019","65536.0","Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Pugh nail plate","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D01A","24493.0","Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Richards screw","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D01B","57884.0","Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Ross Brown nail","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D01D","57889.0","Prim op red # nck femur & op fix- Zickel intramed nail plate","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D01E","9792.0","DHS - Dynamic hip screw primary fixation of neck of femur","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D01F","12544.0","Dynamic hip screw primary fixation of neck of femur","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D600","33624.0","Prmy open red+int fxn prox femoral #+screw/nail device alone","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1D700","34764.0","Prmy open red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed device","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1DE00","105803.0","Prim op red frac neck fem op fix us prox fem nail antirotatn","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1H500","67028.0","Revision to open red+ext fxtn of proximal femoral #","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1H600","28464.0","Revsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1H700","50450.0","Rvsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+ scrw/nl+intramed device","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1H800","63189.0","Rvsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+ scrw/nail+plate device","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1J000","8719.0","Cls red+int fxn proximal femoral #+screw/nail device alone","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1J011","53670.0","Cl red intracaps frac neck femur fix-Garden cannulated screw","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1J012","40999.0","Cl red intracaps fract neck femur fix - Smith-Petersen nail","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1J013","57514.0","Cls red+int fxn prox femoral #+Richard's cannulat hip screw","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1J500","35004.0","Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail device alone","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1J600","44594.0","Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+scrw/nail+intramed device","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1J700","38856.0","Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1J800","43403.0","Revisn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail device alone","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1J900","48973.0","Rvsn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed dev","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1JA00","37998.0","Revisn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1JB00","55386.0","Primary cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1JC00","54819.0","Prim cls rd+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramdulry device","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1Jd00","39322.0","Closed reduction of intracapsular # NOF internal fixat DHS","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1JD00","46959.0","Primary cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1JE00","63554.0","Rvsn to cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1JF00","69857.0","Rvsn cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed device","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1JG00","34846.0","Rvsn to cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1K300","70018.0","Primary external fixation(without reduction) prox femoral #","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1K400","102104.0","Revision to ext fxn(without reduction) proximal femoral #","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1K500","102313.0","Primary cls reduction+external fixation proximal femoral #","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1L400","6660.0","Closed reduction of fracture of hip","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7K1Y000","107358.0","Remanip intracap fract neck fem and fix using nail or screw","Procedure for Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","7P20100","89434.0","Delivery of rehabilitation for hip fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300000","39984.0","Cls # prox femur, intracapsular section, unspecified","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300100","69919.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, transepiphyseal","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300200","65690.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, midcervical section","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300300","52194.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, basicervical","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300311","51861.0","Closed fracture, base of neck of femur","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300400","36391.0","Closed fracture head of femur","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300500","17019.0","Cls # prox femur, subcapital, Garden grade unspec.","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300600","34351.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade I","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300700","33957.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade II","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300800","36599.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade III","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300900","34078.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade IV","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300A00","45779.0","Closed fracture of femur, upper epiphysis","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300.00","38489.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, transcervical","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300y00","49209.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, other transcervical","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300y11","68229.0","Closed fracture of femur, subcapital","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S300z00","62966.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, transcervical, NOS","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301000","50727.0","Opn # proximal femur, intracapsular section, unspecified","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301100","72138.0","Open fracture proximal femur, transepiphyseal","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301311","100771.0","Open fracture base of neck of femur","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301400","73210.0","Open fracture head, femur","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301500","38878.0","Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade unspec","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301600","60885.0","Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade I","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301700","67394.0","Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade II","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301800","23803.0","Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade III","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301900","51999.0","Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade IV","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301A00","96518.0","Open fracture of femur, upper epiphysis","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301.00","73981.0","Open fracture proximal femur, transcervical","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301y00","68668.0","Open fracture proximal femur, other transcervical","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S301y11","73234.0","Open fracture of femur, subcapital","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S302000","19117.0","Cls # proximal femur, trochanteric section, unspecified","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S302011","19387.0","Closed fracture of femur, greater trochanter","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S302012","48337.0","Closed fracture of femur, lesser trochanter","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S302100","45141.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S302200","29145.0","Closed fracture proximal femur, subtrochanteric","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S302300","51216.0","Cls # proximal femur, intertrochanteric, comminuted","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S302400","8648.0","Closed fracture of femur, intertrochanteric","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S302.00","5301.0","Closed fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S302z00","44735.0","Cls # of proximal femur, pertrochanteric section, NOS","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S303000","67633.0","Open # of proximal femur, trochanteric section, unspecified","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S303011","96644.0","Open fracture of femur, greater trochanter","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S303100","101567.0","Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S303200","71282.0","Open fracture proximal femur, subtrochanteric","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S303300","97971.0","Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, comminuted","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S303400","39396.0","Open fracture of femur, intertrochanteric","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S303.00","61733.0","Open fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S303z00","70479.0","Open fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric, NOS","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S304.00","28965.0","Pertrochanteric fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S305.00","8243.0","Subtrochanteric fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S30..00","2225.0","Fracture of neck of femur","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S30..11","1994.0","Hip fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S30w.00","24276.0","Closed fracture of unspecified proximal femur","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S30x.00","58642.0","Open fracture of unspecified proximal femur","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S30y.00","18273.0","Closed fracture of neck of femur NOS","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S30y.11","10570.0","Hip fracture NOS","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S30z.00","38054.0","Open fracture of neck of femur NOS","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S4E0.00","40267.0","Closed fracture-dislocation, hip joint","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S4E1.00","58720.0","Open fracture-dislocation, hip joint","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S4E2.00","93374.0","Closed fracture-subluxation, hip joint","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S4E..00","24587.0","Fracture-dislocation or subluxation hip","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","SC03.00","47917.0","Late effect of fracture neck of femur","History of Fracture of hip"
+Fracture of hip,14G7.00,17936.0,H/O: hip fracture,History of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D000,5742.0,Prmy open red+int fxn prox femoral #+screw/nail+plate device,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D011,58817.0,Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Blount nail plate,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D012,52395.0,Prim op red # nck femur & op fix- Charnley compression screw,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D013,97337.0,Prim op red # nck femur & op fix - Deyerle multiple hip pin,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D014,94714.0,Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Holt nail,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D015,105352.0,Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Jewett nail plate,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D016,107932.0,Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Massie nail plate,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D017,56568.0,Prim open red # neck femur & op fix - McLaughlin nail plate,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D018,46258.0,Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Neufield nail plate,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D019,65536.0,Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Pugh nail plate,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D01A,24493.0,Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Richards screw,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D01B,57884.0,Prim open reduct # neck femur & op fix - Ross Brown nail,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D01D,57889.0,Prim op red # nck femur & op fix- Zickel intramed nail plate,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D01E,9792.0,DHS - Dynamic hip screw primary fixation of neck of femur,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D01F,12544.0,Dynamic hip screw primary fixation of neck of femur,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D600,33624.0,Prmy open red+int fxn prox femoral #+screw/nail device alone,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1D700,34764.0,Prmy open red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed device,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1DE00,105803.0,Prim op red frac neck fem op fix us prox fem nail antirotatn,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1H500,67028.0,Revision to open red+ext fxtn of proximal femoral #,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1H600,28464.0,Revsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1H700,50450.0,Rvsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+ scrw/nl+intramed device,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1H800,63189.0,Rvsn to opn red+int fxtn prox fem #+ scrw/nail+plate device,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1J000,8719.0,Cls red+int fxn proximal femoral #+screw/nail device alone,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1J011,53670.0,Cl red intracaps frac neck femur fix-Garden cannulated screw,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1J012,40999.0,Cl red intracaps fract neck femur fix - Smith-Petersen nail,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1J013,57514.0,Cls red+int fxn prox femoral #+Richard's cannulat hip screw,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1J500,35004.0,Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail device alone,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1J600,44594.0,Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+scrw/nail+intramed device,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1J700,38856.0,Primary int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1J800,43403.0,Revisn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail device alone,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1J900,48973.0,Rvsn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed dev,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1JA00,37998.0,Revisn to int fxn(no red) prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1JB00,55386.0,Primary cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1JC00,54819.0,Prim cls rd+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramdulry device,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1Jd00,39322.0,Closed reduction of intracapsular # NOF internal fixat DHS,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1JD00,46959.0,Primary cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1JE00,63554.0,Rvsn to cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail device alone,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1JF00,69857.0,Rvsn cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+intramed device,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1JG00,34846.0,Rvsn to cls red+int fxn prox fem #+screw/nail+plate device,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1K300,70018.0,Primary external fixation(without reduction) prox femoral #,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1K400,102104.0,Revision to ext fxn(without reduction) proximal femoral #,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1K500,102313.0,Primary cls reduction+external fixation proximal femoral #,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1L400,6660.0,Closed reduction of fracture of hip,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7K1Y000,107358.0,Remanip intracap fract neck fem and fix using nail or screw,Procedure for Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,7P20100,89434.0,Delivery of rehabilitation for hip fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300000,39984.0,"Cls # prox femur, intracapsular section, unspecified",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300100,69919.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, transepiphyseal",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300200,65690.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, midcervical section",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300300,52194.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, basicervical",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300311,51861.0,"Closed fracture, base of neck of femur",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300400,36391.0,Closed fracture head of femur,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300500,17019.0,"Cls # prox femur, subcapital, Garden grade unspec.",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300600,34351.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade I",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300700,33957.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade II",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300800,36599.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade III",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300900,34078.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade IV",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300A00,45779.0,"Closed fracture of femur, upper epiphysis",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300.00,38489.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, transcervical",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300y00,49209.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, other transcervical",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300y11,68229.0,"Closed fracture of femur, subcapital",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S300z00,62966.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, transcervical, NOS",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301000,50727.0,"Opn # proximal femur, intracapsular section, unspecified",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301100,72138.0,"Open fracture proximal femur, transepiphyseal",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301311,100771.0,Open fracture base of neck of femur,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301400,73210.0,"Open fracture head, femur",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301500,38878.0,"Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade unspec",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301600,60885.0,"Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade I",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301700,67394.0,"Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade II",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301800,23803.0,"Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade III",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301900,51999.0,"Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade IV",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301A00,96518.0,"Open fracture of femur, upper epiphysis",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301.00,73981.0,"Open fracture proximal femur, transcervical",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301y00,68668.0,"Open fracture proximal femur, other transcervical",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S301y11,73234.0,"Open fracture of femur, subcapital",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S302000,19117.0,"Cls # proximal femur, trochanteric section, unspecified",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S302011,19387.0,"Closed fracture of femur, greater trochanter",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S302012,48337.0,"Closed fracture of femur, lesser trochanter",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S302100,45141.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S302200,29145.0,"Closed fracture proximal femur, subtrochanteric",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S302300,51216.0,"Cls # proximal femur, intertrochanteric, comminuted",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S302400,8648.0,"Closed fracture of femur, intertrochanteric",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S302.00,5301.0,"Closed fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S302z00,44735.0,"Cls # of proximal femur, pertrochanteric section, NOS",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S303000,67633.0,"Open # of proximal femur, trochanteric section, unspecified",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S303011,96644.0,"Open fracture of femur, greater trochanter",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S303100,101567.0,"Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S303200,71282.0,"Open fracture proximal femur, subtrochanteric",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S303300,97971.0,"Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, comminuted",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S303400,39396.0,"Open fracture of femur, intertrochanteric",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S303.00,61733.0,"Open fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S303z00,70479.0,"Open fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric, NOS",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S304.00,28965.0,Pertrochanteric fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S305.00,8243.0,Subtrochanteric fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S30..00,2225.0,Fracture of neck of femur,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S30..11,1994.0,Hip fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S30w.00,24276.0,Closed fracture of unspecified proximal femur,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S30x.00,58642.0,Open fracture of unspecified proximal femur,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S30y.00,18273.0,Closed fracture of neck of femur NOS,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S30y.11,10570.0,Hip fracture NOS,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S30z.00,38054.0,Open fracture of neck of femur NOS,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S4E0.00,40267.0,"Closed fracture-dislocation, hip joint",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S4E1.00,58720.0,"Open fracture-dislocation, hip joint",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S4E2.00,93374.0,"Closed fracture-subluxation, hip joint",Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S4E..00,24587.0,Fracture-dislocation or subluxation hip,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,SC03.00,47917.0,Late effect of fracture neck of femur,History of Fracture of hip
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_fracture_wrist.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_fracture_wrist.csv
index 82d5111..8ad44b4 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_fracture_wrist.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_fracture_wrist.csv
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Fracture of wrist","7K1LM00","5951.0","Closed reduction of fracture of wrist","Procedure for Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234000","18389.0","Closed fracture of forearm, lower end, unspecified","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234100","343.0","Closed Colles' fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234111","52389.0","Smith's fracture - closed","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234200","1742.0","Closed fracture of the distal radius, unspecified","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234300","9165.0","Closed fracture of ulna, styloid process","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234400","42076.0","Closed fracture of ulna, lower epiphysis","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234500","40476.0","Closed fracture distal ulna, unspecified","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234600","28708.0","Closed fracture radius and ulna, distal","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234700","2862.0","Closed Smith's fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234800","40268.0","Closed Galeazzi fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234900","11066.0","Closed volar Barton's fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234911","53689.0","Closed volar Barton's fracture-dislocation","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234912","65636.0","Closed volar Barton fracture-subluxation","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234A00","50053.0","Closd dorsal Barton's fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234A11","57736.0","Closed dorsal Barton's fracture-dislocation","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234A12","107741.0","Closed dorsal Barton fracture-subluxation","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234B00","6915.0","Closed fracture radial styloid","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234C00","44844.0","Closed fracture distal radius, intra-articular, die-punch","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234D00","19058.0","Closed fracture distal radius, extra-articular, other type","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234E00","28293.0","Closed fracture distal radius, intra-articular, other type","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234F00","10033.0","Closed Barton's fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234.00","18299.0","Closed fracture of radius and ulna, lower end","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234.11","203.0","Wrist fracture - closed","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S234z00","27591.0","Closed fracture of forearm, lower end, NOS","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235000","60630.0","Open fracture of forearm, lower end, unspecified","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235100","6074.0","Open Colles' fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235111","98681.0","Smith's fracture - open","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235200","44924.0","Open fracture of the distal radius, unspecified","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235300","11262.0","Open fracture of ulna, styloid process","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235400","96691.0","Open fracture of ulna, lower epiphysis","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235500","49796.0","Open fracture distal ulna - other","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235600","38398.0","Open fracture radius and ulna, distal","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235700","34730.0","Open Smith's fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235800","30418.0","Open Galeazzi fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235900","61675.0","Open volar Barton's fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235B00","6380.0","Open fracture radial styloid","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235C00","104070.0","Open fracture distal radius, intra-articular, die-punch","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235D00","53698.0","Open fracture distal radius, extra-articular other type","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235E00","63588.0","Open fracture distal radius, intra-articular other type","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235F00","18301.0","Open Barton's fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235.00","27590.0","Open fracture of radius and ulna, lower end","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235.11","10022.0","Wrist fracture - open","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S235z00","66774.0","Open fracture of forearm, lower end, NOS","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S23B.00","199.0","Fracture of lower end of radius","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S23C.00","6213.0","Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C0000","17922.0","Closed fracture-dislocation distal radio-ulnar joint","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C0100","38408.0","Closed fracture-dislocation radiocarpal joint","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C0.00","34429.0","Closed fracture dislocation of wrist","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C1000","9261.0","Open fracture-dislocation, distal radio-ulnar joint","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C1100","49256.0","Open fracture-dislocation radiocarpal joint","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C1.00","42844.0","Open fracture dislocation wrist","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C2000","44652.0","Closed fracture-subluxation, distal radio-ulnar jt","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C2100","50148.0","Closed fracture-subluxation radiocarpal joint","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C2.00","17921.0","Closed fracture-subluxation of the wrist","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C3000","60343.0","Open fracture-subluxation, distal radio-ulnar joint","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C3100","46798.0","Open fracture-subluxation radiocarpal joint","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C3.00","59219.0","Open fracture-subluxation of the wrist","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S4C..00","18614.0","Fracture-dislocation or subluxation of wrist","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","SC3C000","6455.0","Sequelae of fracture at wrist and hand level","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
+Fracture of wrist,7K1LM00,5951.0,Closed reduction of fracture of wrist,Procedure for Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234000,18389.0,"Closed fracture of forearm, lower end, unspecified",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234100,343.0,Closed Colles' fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234111,52389.0,Smith's fracture - closed,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234200,1742.0,"Closed fracture of the distal radius, unspecified",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234300,9165.0,"Closed fracture of ulna, styloid process",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234400,42076.0,"Closed fracture of ulna, lower epiphysis",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234500,40476.0,"Closed fracture distal ulna, unspecified",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234600,28708.0,"Closed fracture radius and ulna, distal",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234700,2862.0,Closed Smith's fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234800,40268.0,Closed Galeazzi fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234900,11066.0,Closed volar Barton's fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234911,53689.0,Closed volar Barton's fracture-dislocation,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234912,65636.0,Closed volar Barton fracture-subluxation,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234A00,50053.0,Closd dorsal Barton's fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234A11,57736.0,Closed dorsal Barton's fracture-dislocation,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234A12,107741.0,Closed dorsal Barton fracture-subluxation,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234B00,6915.0,Closed fracture radial styloid,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234C00,44844.0,"Closed fracture distal radius, intra-articular, die-punch",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234D00,19058.0,"Closed fracture distal radius, extra-articular, other type",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234E00,28293.0,"Closed fracture distal radius, intra-articular, other type",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234F00,10033.0,Closed Barton's fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234.00,18299.0,"Closed fracture of radius and ulna, lower end",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234.11,203.0,Wrist fracture - closed,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S234z00,27591.0,"Closed fracture of forearm, lower end, NOS",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235000,60630.0,"Open fracture of forearm, lower end, unspecified",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235100,6074.0,Open Colles' fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235111,98681.0,Smith's fracture - open,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235200,44924.0,"Open fracture of the distal radius, unspecified",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235300,11262.0,"Open fracture of ulna, styloid process",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235400,96691.0,"Open fracture of ulna, lower epiphysis",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235500,49796.0,Open fracture distal ulna - other,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235600,38398.0,"Open fracture radius and ulna, distal",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235700,34730.0,Open Smith's fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235800,30418.0,Open Galeazzi fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235900,61675.0,Open volar Barton's fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235B00,6380.0,Open fracture radial styloid,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235C00,104070.0,"Open fracture distal radius, intra-articular, die-punch",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235D00,53698.0,"Open fracture distal radius, extra-articular other type",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235E00,63588.0,"Open fracture distal radius, intra-articular other type",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235F00,18301.0,Open Barton's fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235.00,27590.0,"Open fracture of radius and ulna, lower end",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235.11,10022.0,Wrist fracture - open,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S235z00,66774.0,"Open fracture of forearm, lower end, NOS",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S23B.00,199.0,Fracture of lower end of radius,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S23C.00,6213.0,Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C0000,17922.0,Closed fracture-dislocation distal radio-ulnar joint,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C0100,38408.0,Closed fracture-dislocation radiocarpal joint,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C0.00,34429.0,Closed fracture dislocation of wrist,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C1000,9261.0,"Open fracture-dislocation, distal radio-ulnar joint",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C1100,49256.0,Open fracture-dislocation radiocarpal joint,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C1.00,42844.0,Open fracture dislocation wrist,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C2000,44652.0,"Closed fracture-subluxation, distal radio-ulnar jt",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C2100,50148.0,Closed fracture-subluxation radiocarpal joint,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C2.00,17921.0,Closed fracture-subluxation of the wrist,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C3000,60343.0,"Open fracture-subluxation, distal radio-ulnar joint",Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C3100,46798.0,Open fracture-subluxation radiocarpal joint,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C3.00,59219.0,Open fracture-subluxation of the wrist,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S4C..00,18614.0,Fracture-dislocation or subluxation of wrist,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,SC3C000,6455.0,Sequelae of fracture at wrist and hand level,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_gastritis_duodenitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_gastritis_duodenitis.csv
index 6dcbbae..adbc33a 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_gastritis_duodenitis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_gastritis_duodenitis.csv
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","A074313","14928.0","Helicobacter gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J11z.11","2877.0","Gastric erosions","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J123.00","3462.0","Duodenal erosion","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J150000","29492.0","Acute haemorrhagic gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J150.00","5635.0","Acute gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J151000","15025.0","Chronic atrophic gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J151100","11497.0","Chronic inflammatory gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J151200","38638.0","Chronic superficial gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J151.00","2936.0","Chronic gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J151z00","19190.0","Chronic gastritis NOS","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J152.00","14787.0","Gastric mucosal hypertrophy","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J153.00","4506.0","Alcoholic gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J154000","33820.0","Allergic gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J154100","15348.0","Bile induced gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J154200","11519.0","Irritant gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J154300","27763.0","Corrosive gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J154400","10906.0","Helicobacter gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J154.00","5858.0","Other specified gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J154z00","18260.0","Other specified gastritis NOS","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J155.00","1138.0","Gastritis unspecified","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J156.00","25544.0","Gastroduodenitis unspecified","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J157.00","376.0","Duodenitis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J15..00","3341.0","Gastritis and duodenitis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J15z.00","9731.0","Gastritis and duodenitis NOS","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","J4z0.00","6420.0","Non-infective gastritis NOS","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","Jyu1200","73154.0","[X]Other acute gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","Jyu1300","45769.0","[X]Other gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","ZV65316","18596.0","[V]Dietary counselling in gastritis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
+Gastritis and duodenitis,A074313,14928.0,Helicobacter gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J11z.11,2877.0,Gastric erosions,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J123.00,3462.0,Duodenal erosion,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J150000,29492.0,Acute haemorrhagic gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J150.00,5635.0,Acute gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J151000,15025.0,Chronic atrophic gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J151100,11497.0,Chronic inflammatory gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J151200,38638.0,Chronic superficial gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J151.00,2936.0,Chronic gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J151z00,19190.0,Chronic gastritis NOS,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J152.00,14787.0,Gastric mucosal hypertrophy,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J153.00,4506.0,Alcoholic gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J154000,33820.0,Allergic gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J154100,15348.0,Bile induced gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J154200,11519.0,Irritant gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J154300,27763.0,Corrosive gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J154400,10906.0,Helicobacter gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J154.00,5858.0,Other specified gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J154z00,18260.0,Other specified gastritis NOS,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J155.00,1138.0,Gastritis unspecified,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J156.00,25544.0,Gastroduodenitis unspecified,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J157.00,376.0,Duodenitis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J15..00,3341.0,Gastritis and duodenitis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J15z.00,9731.0,Gastritis and duodenitis NOS,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,J4z0.00,6420.0,Non-infective gastritis NOS,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,Jyu1200,73154.0,[X]Other acute gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,Jyu1300,45769.0,[X]Other gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
+Gastritis and duodenitis,ZV65316,18596.0,[V]Dietary counselling in gastritis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_glaucoma.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_glaucoma.csv
index f83299d..2394913 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_glaucoma.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_glaucoma.csv
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Glaucoma","7259000.0","65079.0","Needling of bleb following glaucoma surgery","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","7259100.0","89934.0","Injection of bleb following glaucoma surgery","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","7259200.0","88595.0","Revision of bleb NEC following glaucoma surgery","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","7259300.0","91442.0","Removal of releasable suture following glaucoma surgery","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","7259400.0","93967.0","Laser suture lysis following glaucoma surgery","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","7259.00","46069.0","Operations following glaucoma surgery","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","7259y00","88142.0","Other specified operations following glaucoma surgery","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","7259z00","95852.0","Operations following glaucoma surgery NOS","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","7275.00","11059.0","Pan retinal photocoagulation for glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F404211","44338.0","Glaucoma - absolute","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F450100","10070.0","Open angle glaucoma with borderline intraocular pressure","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F451000","42447.0","Unspecified open-angle glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F451100","4581.0","Primary open-angle glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F451111","30649.0","Simple chronic glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F451200","9469.0","Low tension glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F451211","53879.0","Normal pressure glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F451500","72394.0","Open-angle glaucoma residual stage","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F451.00","1798.0","Open-angle glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F451z00","28189.0","Open-angle glaucoma NOS","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F452000","20520.0","Unspecified primary angle-closure glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F452100","44817.0","Intermittent primary angle-closure glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F452200","28536.0","Acute primary angle-closure glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F452300","35446.0","Chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F452400","67413.0","Primary angle-closure glaucoma residual stage","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F452500","107407.0","Plateau iris","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F452.00","2823.0","Primary angle-closure glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F452.11","6315.0","Closed angle glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F452z00","39120.0","Primary angle-closure glaucoma NOS","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F45..00","2074.0","Glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F45y200","8132.0","Low tension glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F45y.00","28505.0","Other specified forms of glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F45yz00","44295.0","Other specified glaucoma NOS","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F45z.00","8001.0","Glaucoma NOS","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F463100","107168.0","Glaucomatous subcapsular flecks","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","F4H1400","20230.0","Optic disc glaucomatous atrophy","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","FyuG.00","52888.0","[X]Glaucoma","Diagnosis of glaucoma"
+Glaucoma,7259000.0,65079.0,Needling of bleb following glaucoma surgery,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,7259100.0,89934.0,Injection of bleb following glaucoma surgery,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,7259200.0,88595.0,Revision of bleb NEC following glaucoma surgery,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,7259300.0,91442.0,Removal of releasable suture following glaucoma surgery,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,7259400.0,93967.0,Laser suture lysis following glaucoma surgery,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,7259.00,46069.0,Operations following glaucoma surgery,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,7259y00,88142.0,Other specified operations following glaucoma surgery,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,7259z00,95852.0,Operations following glaucoma surgery NOS,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,7275.00,11059.0,Pan retinal photocoagulation for glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F404211,44338.0,Glaucoma - absolute,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F450100,10070.0,Open angle glaucoma with borderline intraocular pressure,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F451000,42447.0,Unspecified open-angle glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F451100,4581.0,Primary open-angle glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F451111,30649.0,Simple chronic glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F451200,9469.0,Low tension glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F451211,53879.0,Normal pressure glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F451500,72394.0,Open-angle glaucoma residual stage,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F451.00,1798.0,Open-angle glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F451z00,28189.0,Open-angle glaucoma NOS,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F452000,20520.0,Unspecified primary angle-closure glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F452100,44817.0,Intermittent primary angle-closure glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F452200,28536.0,Acute primary angle-closure glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F452300,35446.0,Chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F452400,67413.0,Primary angle-closure glaucoma residual stage,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F452500,107407.0,Plateau iris,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F452.00,2823.0,Primary angle-closure glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F452.11,6315.0,Closed angle glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F452z00,39120.0,Primary angle-closure glaucoma NOS,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F45..00,2074.0,Glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F45y200,8132.0,Low tension glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F45y.00,28505.0,Other specified forms of glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F45yz00,44295.0,Other specified glaucoma NOS,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F45z.00,8001.0,Glaucoma NOS,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F463100,107168.0,Glaucomatous subcapsular flecks,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,F4H1400,20230.0,Optic disc glaucomatous atrophy,Diagnosis of glaucoma
+Glaucoma,FyuG.00,52888.0,[X]Glaucoma,Diagnosis of glaucoma
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_gout.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_gout.csv
index 01a3442..bbdb45a 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_gout.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_gout.csv
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Gout","1443.00","3759.0","H/O: gout","History of Gout"
-"Gout","2D52.00","17284.0","O/E - auricle of ear - tophi","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","6691.00","14996.0","Initial gout assessment","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","6692.00","35660.0","Follow-up gout assessment","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","6693.00","29658.0","Joints gout affected","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","6695.00","34006.0","Date gout treatment started","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","6696.00","68209.0","Date of last gout attack","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","669..00","16475.0","Gout monitoring","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","6697.00","58746.0","Gout associated problems","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","669Z.00","52117.0","Gout monitoring NOS","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C340.00","10080.0","Gouty arthropathy","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C341.00","52969.0","Gouty nephropathy","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C341z00","61145.0","Gouty nephropathy NOS","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C342.00","11462.0","Idiopathic gout","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C344.00","44566.0","Drug-induced gout","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C345.00","21687.0","Gout due to impairment of renal function","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C34..00","709.0","Gout","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C34y000","36481.0","Gouty tophi of ear","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C34y100","93689.0","Gouty tophi of heart","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C34y200","4440.0","Gouty tophi of other sites","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C34y300","50067.0","Gouty iritis","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C34y400","59344.0","Gouty neuritis","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C34y500","9874.0","Gouty tophi of hand","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C34y.00","28999.0","Other specified gouty manifestation","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C34yz00","27521.0","Other specified gouty manifestation NOS","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","C34z.00","24153.0","Gout NOS","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","G557300","57334.0","Gouty tophi of heart","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","N023100","72471.0","Gouty arthritis of the shoulder region","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","N023200","97539.0","Gouty arthritis of the upper arm","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","N023300","45465.0","Gouty arthritis of the forearm","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","N023400","52101.0","Gouty arthritis of the hand","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","N023600","49775.0","Gouty arthritis of the lower leg","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","N023700","35664.0","Gouty arthritis of the ankle and foot","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","N023800","93677.0","Gouty arthritis of toe","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","N023.00","2857.0","Gouty arthritis","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","N023x00","58064.0","Gouty arthritis of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","N023y00","60541.0","Gouty arthritis of other specified site","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","N023z00","12594.0","Gouty arthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","Nyu1700","94539.0","[X]Other secondary gout","Diagnosis of Gout"
+Gout,1443.00,3759.0,H/O: gout,History of Gout
+Gout,2D52.00,17284.0,O/E - auricle of ear - tophi,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,6691.00,14996.0,Initial gout assessment,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,6692.00,35660.0,Follow-up gout assessment,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,6693.00,29658.0,Joints gout affected,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,6695.00,34006.0,Date gout treatment started,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,6696.00,68209.0,Date of last gout attack,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,669..00,16475.0,Gout monitoring,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,6697.00,58746.0,Gout associated problems,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,669Z.00,52117.0,Gout monitoring NOS,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C340.00,10080.0,Gouty arthropathy,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C341.00,52969.0,Gouty nephropathy,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C341z00,61145.0,Gouty nephropathy NOS,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C342.00,11462.0,Idiopathic gout,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C344.00,44566.0,Drug-induced gout,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C345.00,21687.0,Gout due to impairment of renal function,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C34..00,709.0,Gout,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C34y000,36481.0,Gouty tophi of ear,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C34y100,93689.0,Gouty tophi of heart,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C34y200,4440.0,Gouty tophi of other sites,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C34y300,50067.0,Gouty iritis,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C34y400,59344.0,Gouty neuritis,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C34y500,9874.0,Gouty tophi of hand,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C34y.00,28999.0,Other specified gouty manifestation,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C34yz00,27521.0,Other specified gouty manifestation NOS,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,C34z.00,24153.0,Gout NOS,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,G557300,57334.0,Gouty tophi of heart,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,N023100,72471.0,Gouty arthritis of the shoulder region,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,N023200,97539.0,Gouty arthritis of the upper arm,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,N023300,45465.0,Gouty arthritis of the forearm,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,N023400,52101.0,Gouty arthritis of the hand,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,N023600,49775.0,Gouty arthritis of the lower leg,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,N023700,35664.0,Gouty arthritis of the ankle and foot,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,N023800,93677.0,Gouty arthritis of toe,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,N023.00,2857.0,Gouty arthritis,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,N023x00,58064.0,Gouty arthritis of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,N023y00,60541.0,Gouty arthritis of other specified site,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,N023z00,12594.0,Gouty arthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,Nyu1700,94539.0,[X]Other secondary gout,Diagnosis of Gout
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_haemangioma.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_haemangioma.csv
index 470ef94..859e867 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_haemangioma.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_haemangioma.csv
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Haemangioma, any site","2F25.00","6525.0","O/E - capilliary naevi present","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","7A6G600","4386.0","Excision of haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7J0000","15185.0","Haemangioma of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7J0100","1165.0","Haemangioma of skin and subcutaneous tissue","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7J0111","12281.0","Skin haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7J0112","48140.0","Subcutaneous haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7J0200","5100.0","Haemangioma of intracranial structures","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7J0300","43674.0","Haemangioma of retina","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7J0400","33366.0","Haemangioma of intra-abdominal structures","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7J0.00","679.0","Haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7J0.11","15169.0","Glomus tumour","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7J0z00","28527.0","Haemangioma NOS","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7J..00","57570.0","Haemangiomas and lymphangiomas of any site","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","B7Jz.00","33641.0","Haemangioma or lymphangioma NOS","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBd7.00","21598.0","[M]Haemangioblastic meningioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBd8.00","50822.0","[M]Haemangiopericytic meningioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBDC.00","45969.0","[M]Glomus tumour","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBGK.13","22655.0","[M]Sclerosing haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT0.00","45686.0","[M]Haemangioma NOS","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT2.00","4392.0","[M]Cavernous haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT3.00","17738.0","[M]Venous haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT4.00","101256.0","[M]Racemose haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT4.11","11719.0","[M]Arteriovenous haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT7000","94042.0","[M]Haemangioendothelioma, benign","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT8.00","7363.0","[M]Capillary haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT8.11","109447.0","[M]Haemangioma simplex","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT8.12","50658.0","[M]Infantile haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT8.13","65852.0","[M]Juvenile haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT8.14","62001.0","[M]Plexiform haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT9.00","43321.0","[M]Intramuscular haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBT..11","36646.0","[M]Haemangiomatous tumours","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBTC.00","37117.0","[M]Verrucous keratotic haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBTD000","99715.0","[M]Haemangiopericytoma, benign","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBTF.00","1969.0","[M]Haemangioblastoma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBTG.00","53774.0","[M]Epithelioid haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","BBTH.00","59746.0","[M]Histiocytoid haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","G771200","6185.0","Campbell de Morgan's spots","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","PG42000","59737.0","Multiple enchondromata with haemangioma","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","PG42011","101861.0","Kast's syndrome","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","PG42012","61992.0","Maffuci's syndrome","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
-"Haemangioma, any site","PH31200","531.0","Strawberry naevus","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",2F25.00,6525.0,O/E - capilliary naevi present,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",7A6G600,4386.0,Excision of haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7J0000,15185.0,Haemangioma of unspecified site,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7J0100,1165.0,Haemangioma of skin and subcutaneous tissue,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7J0111,12281.0,Skin haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7J0112,48140.0,Subcutaneous haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7J0200,5100.0,Haemangioma of intracranial structures,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7J0300,43674.0,Haemangioma of retina,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7J0400,33366.0,Haemangioma of intra-abdominal structures,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7J0.00,679.0,Haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7J0.11,15169.0,Glomus tumour,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7J0z00,28527.0,Haemangioma NOS,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7J..00,57570.0,Haemangiomas and lymphangiomas of any site,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",B7Jz.00,33641.0,Haemangioma or lymphangioma NOS,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBd7.00,21598.0,[M]Haemangioblastic meningioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBd8.00,50822.0,[M]Haemangiopericytic meningioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBDC.00,45969.0,[M]Glomus tumour,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBGK.13,22655.0,[M]Sclerosing haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT0.00,45686.0,[M]Haemangioma NOS,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT2.00,4392.0,[M]Cavernous haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT3.00,17738.0,[M]Venous haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT4.00,101256.0,[M]Racemose haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT4.11,11719.0,[M]Arteriovenous haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT7000,94042.0,"[M]Haemangioendothelioma, benign","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT8.00,7363.0,[M]Capillary haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT8.11,109447.0,[M]Haemangioma simplex,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT8.12,50658.0,[M]Infantile haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT8.13,65852.0,[M]Juvenile haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT8.14,62001.0,[M]Plexiform haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT9.00,43321.0,[M]Intramuscular haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBT..11,36646.0,[M]Haemangiomatous tumours,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBTC.00,37117.0,[M]Verrucous keratotic haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBTD000,99715.0,"[M]Haemangiopericytoma, benign","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBTF.00,1969.0,[M]Haemangioblastoma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBTG.00,53774.0,[M]Epithelioid haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",BBTH.00,59746.0,[M]Histiocytoid haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",G771200,6185.0,Campbell de Morgan's spots,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",PG42000,59737.0,Multiple enchondromata with haemangioma,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",PG42011,101861.0,Kast's syndrome,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",PG42012,61992.0,Maffuci's syndrome,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",PH31200,531.0,Strawberry naevus,"Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hernia_abdo.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hernia_abdo.csv
index 61483f7..02908aa 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hernia_abdo.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_hernia_abdo.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Disease,Read code,Medcode,Descr,Category
Abdominal Hernia,14C3.00,5275,H/O: abdominal hernia,History of Abdominal Hernia
Abdominal Hernia,25P2.00,29341,O/E - reducible hernia,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
Abdominal Hernia,25P..12,1559,O/E - hernia,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
@@ -244,4 +244,4 @@ Abdominal Hernia,J3zz.00,722,Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia NOS,Diagnosis o
Abdominal Hernia,Jyu3000,97851,"[X]Other specified abdominal hernia+obstruction,w'o gangrene",Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
Abdominal Hernia,Jyu3200,53798,[X]Oth spcfd abdominal hernia without obstructn or gangrene,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
Abdominal Hernia,Jyu3.00,53733,[X]Hernia,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
-Abdominal Hernia,PG8..00,93540,Congenital inguinal hernia,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
\ No newline at end of file
+Abdominal Hernia,PG8..00,93540,Congenital inguinal hernia,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hernia_diaphragm.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hernia_diaphragm.csv
index 3a41cba..dc045cb 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hernia_diaphragm.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_hernia_diaphragm.csv
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760K011","47416.0","Allison repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760K012","94728.0","Mason repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760K100","63539.0","Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using thoracic approach NEC","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760K300","30980.0","Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using abdominal approach NEC","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760K400","72571.0","Boerema repair of hiatus hernia","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760K500","22845.0","Laparoscopic repair of hiatus hernia","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760K.00","8270.0","Repair of diaphragmatic hernia","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760K.11","18664.0","Repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760K.12","1178.0","Repair of hiatus hernia","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760Ky00","60094.0","Other specified repair of diaphragmatic hernia","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760Kz00","37471.0","Repair of diaphragmatic hernia NOS","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","760L312","61616.0","Hill repair of hiatus hernia and gastropexy","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J340.00","24703.0","Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J341.00","44233.0","Diaphragmatic hernia with obstruction","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J342.00","60697.0","Diaphragmatic hernia - irreducible","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J343.00","34691.0","Simple diaphragmatic hernia","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J344.00","68880.0","Hiatus hernia with gangrene","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J345.00","63180.0","Hiatus hernia with obstruction","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J346.00","48153.0","Hiatus hernia - irreducible","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J347.00","33779.0","Simple hiatus hernia","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J348.00","12086.0","Sliding hiatus hernia","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J34..00","4987.0","Diaphragmatic hernia","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J34..11","256.0","Hiatus hernia","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J34..12","31732.0","Parasternal hernia","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J34..13","110120.0","Retrosternal hernia","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","J34y.00","62920.0","Unspecified diaphragmatic hernia","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760K011,47416.0,Allison repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760K012,94728.0,Mason repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760K100,63539.0,Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using thoracic approach NEC,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760K300,30980.0,Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using abdominal approach NEC,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760K400,72571.0,Boerema repair of hiatus hernia,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760K500,22845.0,Laparoscopic repair of hiatus hernia,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760K.00,8270.0,Repair of diaphragmatic hernia,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760K.11,18664.0,Repair of oesophageal hiatus hernia,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760K.12,1178.0,Repair of hiatus hernia,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760Ky00,60094.0,Other specified repair of diaphragmatic hernia,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760Kz00,37471.0,Repair of diaphragmatic hernia NOS,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,760L312,61616.0,Hill repair of hiatus hernia and gastropexy,Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J340.00,24703.0,Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J341.00,44233.0,Diaphragmatic hernia with obstruction,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J342.00,60697.0,Diaphragmatic hernia - irreducible,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J343.00,34691.0,Simple diaphragmatic hernia,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J344.00,68880.0,Hiatus hernia with gangrene,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J345.00,63180.0,Hiatus hernia with obstruction,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J346.00,48153.0,Hiatus hernia - irreducible,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J347.00,33779.0,Simple hiatus hernia,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J348.00,12086.0,Sliding hiatus hernia,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J34..00,4987.0,Diaphragmatic hernia,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J34..11,256.0,Hiatus hernia,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J34..12,31732.0,Parasternal hernia,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J34..13,110120.0,Retrosternal hernia,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
+Diaphragmatic hernia,J34y.00,62920.0,Unspecified diaphragmatic hernia,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hf.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hf.csv
index 011bdee..861c59b 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hf.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_hf.csv
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Heart failure","14A6.00","15058.0","H/O: heart failure","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","14AM.00","46912.0","H/O: Heart failure in last year","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","1O1..00","9913.0","Heart failure confirmed","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","388D.00","46672.0","New York Heart Assoc classification heart failure symptoms","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","661M500","106198.0","Heart failure self-management plan agreed","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","662f.00","18853.0","New York Heart Association classification - class I","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","662g.00","13189.0","New York Heart Association classification - class II","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","662h.00","19066.0","New York Heart Association classification - class III","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","662i.00","51214.0","New York Heart Association classification - class IV","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","662p.00","83502.0","Heart failure 6 month review","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","662T.00","12366.0","Congestive heart failure monitoring","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","662W.00","30779.0","Heart failure annual review","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","679W100","105002.0","Education about deteriorating heart failure","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","679X.00","95835.0","Heart failure education","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","8B29.00","24503.0","Cardiac failure therapy","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","8CeC.00","105542.0","Preferred place of care for next exacerbation heart failure","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","8CL3.00","32945.0","Heart failure care plan discussed with patient","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","8CMK.00","103732.0","Has heart failure management plan","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","8CMW800","106008.0","Heart failure clinical pathway","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","8H2S.00","32898.0","Admit heart failure emergency","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","8HBE.00","17851.0","Heart failure follow-up","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","8HHz.00","70619.0","Referral to heart failure exercise programme","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","8Hk0.00","71235.0","Referred to heart failure education group","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9h11.00","11613.0","Excepted from LVD quality indicators: Patient unsuitable","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9h12.00","28649.0","Excepted from LVD quality indicators: Informed dissent","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9h1..00","34213.0","Exception reporting: LVD quality indicators","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9hH0.00","30749.0","Excepted heart failure quality indicators: Patient unsuitabl","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9hH1.00","64062.0","Excepted heart failure quality indicators: Informed dissent","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9hH..00","90935.0","Exception reporting: heart failure quality indicators","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9N2p.00","19002.0","Seen by community heart failure nurse","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9N6T.00","69062.0","Referred by heart failure nurse specialist","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9On0.00","60710.0","Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring first letter","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9On1.00","60721.0","Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring second letter","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9On2.00","72341.0","Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring third letter","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9On3.00","92305.0","Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring verbal invite","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9On4.00","96484.0","Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring telephone invite","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9On..00","18793.0","Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring administration","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9Or0.00","19380.0","Heart failure review completed","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9Or1.00","90193.0","Heart failure monitoring telephone invite","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9Or2.00","90192.0","Heart failure monitoring verbal invite","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9Or3.00","72965.0","Heart failure monitoring first letter","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9Or4.00","72386.0","Heart failure monitoring second letter","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9Or5.00","89650.0","Heart failure monitoring third letter","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","9Or..00","32911.0","Heart failure monitoring administration","History of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G1yz100","22262.0","Rheumatic left ventricular failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G210100","72668.0","Malignant hypertensive heart disease with CCF","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G211100","52127.0","Benign hypertensive heart disease with CCF","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G21z100","62718.0","Hypertensive heart disease NOS with CCF","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G232.00","21837.0","Hypertensive heart&renal dis wth (congestive) heart failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G234.00","57987.0","Hyperten heart&renal dis+both(congestv)heart and renal fail","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G400.00","8464.0","Acute cor pulmonale","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G41z.11","5695.0","Chronic cor pulmonale","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G554000","5141.0","Congestive cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G554011","68766.0","Congestive obstructive cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G580000","23707.0","Acute congestive heart failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G580100","32671.0","Chronic congestive heart failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G580200","27884.0","Decompensated cardiac failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G580300","11424.0","Compensated cardiac failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G580400","94870.0","Congestive heart failure due to valvular disease","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G580.00","398.0","Congestive heart failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G580.11","2906.0","Congestive cardiac failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G580.12","10079.0","Right heart failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G580.13","10154.0","Right ventricular failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G580.14","9524.0","Biventricular failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G581000","5255.0","Acute left ventricular failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G581.00","884.0","Left ventricular failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G581.11","23481.0","Asthma - cardiac","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G581.13","5942.0","Impaired left ventricular function","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G582.00","27964.0","Acute heart failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G584.00","104275.0","Right ventricular failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G58..00","2062.0","Heart failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G58..11","1223.0","Cardiac failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G58z.00","4024.0","Heart failure NOS","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G58z.12","17278.0","Cardiac failure NOS","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G5yy900","8966.0","Left ventricular systolic dysfunction","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","G5yyA00","12550.0","Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","ZRad.00","26242.0","New York Heart Assoc classification heart failure symptoms","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
+Heart failure,14A6.00,15058.0,H/O: heart failure,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,14AM.00,46912.0,H/O: Heart failure in last year,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,1O1..00,9913.0,Heart failure confirmed,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,388D.00,46672.0,New York Heart Assoc classification heart failure symptoms,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,661M500,106198.0,Heart failure self-management plan agreed,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,662f.00,18853.0,New York Heart Association classification - class I,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,662g.00,13189.0,New York Heart Association classification - class II,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,662h.00,19066.0,New York Heart Association classification - class III,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,662i.00,51214.0,New York Heart Association classification - class IV,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,662p.00,83502.0,Heart failure 6 month review,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,662T.00,12366.0,Congestive heart failure monitoring,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,662W.00,30779.0,Heart failure annual review,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,679W100,105002.0,Education about deteriorating heart failure,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,679X.00,95835.0,Heart failure education,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,8B29.00,24503.0,Cardiac failure therapy,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,8CeC.00,105542.0,Preferred place of care for next exacerbation heart failure,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,8CL3.00,32945.0,Heart failure care plan discussed with patient,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,8CMK.00,103732.0,Has heart failure management plan,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,8CMW800,106008.0,Heart failure clinical pathway,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,8H2S.00,32898.0,Admit heart failure emergency,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,8HBE.00,17851.0,Heart failure follow-up,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,8HHz.00,70619.0,Referral to heart failure exercise programme,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,8Hk0.00,71235.0,Referred to heart failure education group,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9h11.00,11613.0,Excepted from LVD quality indicators: Patient unsuitable,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9h12.00,28649.0,Excepted from LVD quality indicators: Informed dissent,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9h1..00,34213.0,Exception reporting: LVD quality indicators,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9hH0.00,30749.0,Excepted heart failure quality indicators: Patient unsuitabl,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9hH1.00,64062.0,Excepted heart failure quality indicators: Informed dissent,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9hH..00,90935.0,Exception reporting: heart failure quality indicators,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9N2p.00,19002.0,Seen by community heart failure nurse,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9N6T.00,69062.0,Referred by heart failure nurse specialist,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9On0.00,60710.0,Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring first letter,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9On1.00,60721.0,Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring second letter,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9On2.00,72341.0,Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring third letter,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9On3.00,92305.0,Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring verbal invite,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9On4.00,96484.0,Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring telephone invite,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9On..00,18793.0,Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring administration,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9Or0.00,19380.0,Heart failure review completed,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9Or1.00,90193.0,Heart failure monitoring telephone invite,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9Or2.00,90192.0,Heart failure monitoring verbal invite,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9Or3.00,72965.0,Heart failure monitoring first letter,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9Or4.00,72386.0,Heart failure monitoring second letter,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9Or5.00,89650.0,Heart failure monitoring third letter,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,9Or..00,32911.0,Heart failure monitoring administration,History of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G1yz100,22262.0,Rheumatic left ventricular failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G210100,72668.0,Malignant hypertensive heart disease with CCF,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G211100,52127.0,Benign hypertensive heart disease with CCF,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G21z100,62718.0,Hypertensive heart disease NOS with CCF,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G232.00,21837.0,Hypertensive heart&renal dis wth (congestive) heart failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G234.00,57987.0,Hyperten heart&renal dis+both(congestv)heart and renal fail,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G400.00,8464.0,Acute cor pulmonale,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G41z.11,5695.0,Chronic cor pulmonale,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G554000,5141.0,Congestive cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G554011,68766.0,Congestive obstructive cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G580000,23707.0,Acute congestive heart failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G580100,32671.0,Chronic congestive heart failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G580200,27884.0,Decompensated cardiac failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G580300,11424.0,Compensated cardiac failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G580400,94870.0,Congestive heart failure due to valvular disease,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G580.00,398.0,Congestive heart failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G580.11,2906.0,Congestive cardiac failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G580.12,10079.0,Right heart failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G580.13,10154.0,Right ventricular failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G580.14,9524.0,Biventricular failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G581000,5255.0,Acute left ventricular failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G581.00,884.0,Left ventricular failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G581.11,23481.0,Asthma - cardiac,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G581.13,5942.0,Impaired left ventricular function,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G582.00,27964.0,Acute heart failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G584.00,104275.0,Right ventricular failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G58..00,2062.0,Heart failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G58..11,1223.0,Cardiac failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G58z.00,4024.0,Heart failure NOS,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G58z.12,17278.0,Cardiac failure NOS,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G5yy900,8966.0,Left ventricular systolic dysfunction,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,G5yyA00,12550.0,Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,ZRad.00,26242.0,New York Heart Assoc classification heart failure symptoms,Diagnosis of Heart failure
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hi_BW.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hi_BW.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a40ec0..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hi_BW.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"High birth weight","L266000","52921.0","Large-for-dates unspecified","Diagnosis of High birth weight"
-"High birth weight","L266100","68452.0","Large-for-dates - delivered","Diagnosis of High birth weight"
-"High birth weight","L266200","107186.0","Large-for-dates with antenatal problem","Diagnosis of High birth weight"
-"High birth weight","L266z00","60947.0","Large-for-dates NOS","Diagnosis of High birth weight"
-"High birth weight","Q120.00","57655.0","Very large baby - weight greater than 4500gm","Diagnosis of High birth weight"
-"High birth weight","Q121.00","25037.0","Other 'large-for-dates' infant","Diagnosis of High birth weight"
-"High birth weight","Q12..11","40354.0","Large baby born","Diagnosis of High birth weight"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hidradenitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hidradenitis.csv
index ac1cc55..adeee57 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hidradenitis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_hidradenitis.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hidradenitis suppurativa","M25y100","5371.0","Hidradenitis","Diagnosis of Hidradenitis suppurativa"
-"Hidradenitis suppurativa","M25y111","2896.0","Hidradenitis suppurativa","Diagnosis of Hidradenitis suppurativa"
+Hidradenitis suppurativa,M25y100,5371.0,Hidradenitis,Diagnosis of Hidradenitis suppurativa
+Hidradenitis suppurativa,M25y111,2896.0,Hidradenitis suppurativa,Diagnosis of Hidradenitis suppurativa
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hiv.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hiv.csv
index 2fe1929..d6ddc5f 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hiv.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_hiv.csv
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"HIV","43C3.11","2835.0","HIV positive","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","4J34.00","27053.0","HIV viral load","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","4J3F.00","96902.0","Human immunodeficiency virus viral load by log rank","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","65QA.00","23763.0","AIDS carrier","History of HIV"
-"HIV","65VE.00","33943.0","Notification of AIDS","History of HIV"
-"HIV","66j0.00","101191.0","Human immunodeficiency virus annual review","History of HIV"
-"HIV","66j..00","98966.0","Human immunodeficiency virus monitoring","History of HIV"
-"HIV","9kl..00","105040.0","HIV pos gen health check serv declind - enhanc service admin","History of HIV"
-"HIV","A788000","58857.0","Acute human immunodeficiency virus infection","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788100","58859.0","Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788200","69766.0","HIV infection with persistent generalised lymphadenopathy","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788300","70869.0","Human immunodeficiency virus with constitutional disease","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788400","53636.0","Human immunodeficiency virus with neurological disease","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788500","70528.0","Human immunodeficiency virus with secondary infection","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788600","101836.0","Human immunodeficiency virus with secondary cancers","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788.00","23770.0","Acquired immune deficiency syndrome","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788.11","9130.0","Human immunodeficiency virus infection","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788U00","47632.0","HIV disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,NEC","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788W00","67575.0","HIV disease resulting in unspecified malignant neoplasm","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788X00","71450.0","HIV disease resulting/unspcf infectious+parasitic disease","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788y00","62891.0","Human immunodeficiency virus with other clinical findings","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A788z00","36294.0","Acquired human immunodeficiency virus infection syndrome NOS","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789000","37006.0","HIV disease resulting in mycobacterial infection","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789100","66368.0","HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789200","23951.0","HIV disease resulting in candidiasis","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789300","27641.0","HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789311","104717.0","HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789400","50076.0","HIV disease resulting in multiple infections","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789500","27853.0","HIV disease resulting in Kaposi's sarcoma","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789511","108054.0","HIV disease resulting in Kaposi sarcoma","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789600","44617.0","HIV disease resulting in Burkitt's lymphoma","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789700","66367.0","HIV dis resulting oth types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789800","105324.0","HIV disease resulting in multiple malignant neoplasms","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789900","65117.0","HIV disease resulting in lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789.00","44303.0","Human immunodef virus resulting in other disease","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789A00","8281.0","HIV disease resulting in wasting syndrome","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","A789X00","51708.0","HIV dis reslt/oth mal neopl/lymph,h'matopoetc+reltd tissu","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","AyuC100","107807.0","[X]HIV disease resulting in other viral infections","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","AyuC300","102117.0","[X]HIV disease resulting in multiple infections","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","AyuC400","104134.0","[X]HIV disease resulting/other infectious+parasitic diseases","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","AyuC600","69767.0","[X]HIV disease resulting in other non-Hodgkin's lymphoma","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","AyuC.00","62854.0","[X]Human immunodeficiency virus disease","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","AyuCB00","96751.0","[X]HIV disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,NEC","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","AyuCC00","102252.0","[X]HIV disease resulting in other specified conditions","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","AyuCD00","100769.0","[X]Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","Eu02400","41185.0","[X]Dementia in human immunodef virus [HIV] disease","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","R109.00","44288.0","[D]Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","ZV01A00","24872.0","[V]Asymptomatic human immunodeficency virus infection status","Diagnosis of HIV"
+HIV,43C3.11,2835.0,HIV positive,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,4J34.00,27053.0,HIV viral load,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,4J3F.00,96902.0,Human immunodeficiency virus viral load by log rank,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,65QA.00,23763.0,AIDS carrier,History of HIV
+HIV,65VE.00,33943.0,Notification of AIDS,History of HIV
+HIV,66j0.00,101191.0,Human immunodeficiency virus annual review,History of HIV
+HIV,66j..00,98966.0,Human immunodeficiency virus monitoring,History of HIV
+HIV,9kl..00,105040.0,HIV pos gen health check serv declind - enhanc service admin,History of HIV
+HIV,A788000,58857.0,Acute human immunodeficiency virus infection,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788100,58859.0,Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788200,69766.0,HIV infection with persistent generalised lymphadenopathy,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788300,70869.0,Human immunodeficiency virus with constitutional disease,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788400,53636.0,Human immunodeficiency virus with neurological disease,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788500,70528.0,Human immunodeficiency virus with secondary infection,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788600,101836.0,Human immunodeficiency virus with secondary cancers,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788.00,23770.0,Acquired immune deficiency syndrome,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788.11,9130.0,Human immunodeficiency virus infection,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788U00,47632.0,"HIV disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,NEC",Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788W00,67575.0,HIV disease resulting in unspecified malignant neoplasm,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788X00,71450.0,HIV disease resulting/unspcf infectious+parasitic disease,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788y00,62891.0,Human immunodeficiency virus with other clinical findings,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A788z00,36294.0,Acquired human immunodeficiency virus infection syndrome NOS,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789000,37006.0,HIV disease resulting in mycobacterial infection,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789100,66368.0,HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789200,23951.0,HIV disease resulting in candidiasis,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789300,27641.0,HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789311,104717.0,HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789400,50076.0,HIV disease resulting in multiple infections,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789500,27853.0,HIV disease resulting in Kaposi's sarcoma,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789511,108054.0,HIV disease resulting in Kaposi sarcoma,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789600,44617.0,HIV disease resulting in Burkitt's lymphoma,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789700,66367.0,HIV dis resulting oth types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789800,105324.0,HIV disease resulting in multiple malignant neoplasms,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789900,65117.0,HIV disease resulting in lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789.00,44303.0,Human immunodef virus resulting in other disease,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789A00,8281.0,HIV disease resulting in wasting syndrome,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,A789X00,51708.0,"HIV dis reslt/oth mal neopl/lymph,h'matopoetc+reltd tissu",Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,AyuC100,107807.0,[X]HIV disease resulting in other viral infections,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,AyuC300,102117.0,[X]HIV disease resulting in multiple infections,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,AyuC400,104134.0,[X]HIV disease resulting/other infectious+parasitic diseases,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,AyuC600,69767.0,[X]HIV disease resulting in other non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,AyuC.00,62854.0,[X]Human immunodeficiency virus disease,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,AyuCB00,96751.0,"[X]HIV disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,NEC",Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,AyuCC00,102252.0,[X]HIV disease resulting in other specified conditions,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,AyuCD00,100769.0,[X]Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,Eu02400,41185.0,[X]Dementia in human immunodef virus [HIV] disease,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,R109.00,44288.0,[D]Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV],Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,ZV01A00,24872.0,[V]Asymptomatic human immunodeficency virus infection status,Diagnosis of HIV
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hocm.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hocm.csv
index 2d82a7e..9429799 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hocm.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_hocm.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy","G551.00","8010.0","Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy"
-"Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy","G554300","3499.0","Hypertrophic non-obstructive cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy"
-"Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy","Gyu5M00","70648.0","[X]Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy"
+Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,G551.00,8010.0,Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
+Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,G554300,3499.0,Hypertrophic non-obstructive cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
+Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,Gyu5M00,70648.0,[X]Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hodgkins.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hodgkins.csv
index d308758..c0c74c9 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hodgkins.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_hodgkins.csv
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B610100","100423.0","Hodgkin's paragranuloma of lymph nodes of head, face, neck","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B610300","98840.0","Hodgkin's paragranuloma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B610.00","65489.0","Hodgkin's paragranuloma","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B611100","98909.0","Hodgkin's granuloma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B611.00","44196.0","Hodgkin's granuloma","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B612400","68039.0","Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B612.00","64036.0","Hodgkin's sarcoma","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B613000","71142.0","Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance unspec site","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B613100","68330.0","Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of head, face, neck","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B613200","92245.0","Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrathoracic nodes","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B613300","73532.0","Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intra-abdominal node","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B613500","93951.0","Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred inguinal and leg","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B613600","95338.0","Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrapelvic nodes","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B613700","106911.0","Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of spleen","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B613800","104743.0","Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B613.00","38939.0","Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B613z00","29876.0","Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance NOS","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B614000","57225.0","Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B614100","55303.0","Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of head, face and neck","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B614200","67506.0","Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B614300","61149.0","Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B614400","65483.0","Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of axilla and arm","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B614700","105472.0","Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis of spleen","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B614800","19140.0","Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B614.00","29178.0","Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B614z00","63054.0","Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis NOS","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B615000","97863.0","Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B615100","94407.0","Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes head, face, neck","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B615200","58684.0","Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of intrathoracic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B615500","108886.0","Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes inguinal and leg","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B615.00","49605.0","Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B615z00","94005.0","Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity NOS","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B616000","95049.0","Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B616400","63625.0","Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes axilla and arm","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B616500","110563.0","Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes inguinal and leg","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B616700","101715.0","Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion of spleen","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B616800","107032.0","Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes multiple sites","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B616.00","67703.0","Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B616z00","101530.0","Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion NOS","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B617.00","104895.0","Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B618.00","105841.0","Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B619.00","108775.0","Mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin lymphoma","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61..00","2462.0","Hodgkin's disease","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61..11","104291.0","Hodgkin lymphoma","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61B.00","106597.0","Lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61C.00","104484.0","Other classical Hodgkin lymphoma","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61z000","61662.0","Hodgkin's disease NOS, unspecified site","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61z100","59778.0","Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of head, face and neck","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61z200","59755.0","Hodgkin's disease NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61z300","107804.0","Hodgkin's disease NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61z400","91900.0","Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61z500","99012.0","Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61z700","94279.0","Hodgkin's disease NOS of spleen","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61z800","97746.0","Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61z.00","53397.0","Hodgkin's disease NOS","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61z.11","106349.0","Hodgkin lymphoma NOS","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","B61zz00","42461.0","Hodgkin's disease NOS","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj0.00","61997.0","[M]Hodgkin's disease NOS","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj1000","65584.0","[M]Hodgkin,s disease, lymphocytic predominance, diffuse","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj1100","31537.0","[M]Hodgkin,s disease, lymphocytic predominance, nodular","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj1.00","56041.0","[M]Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic predominance","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj2.00","51285.0","[M]Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj4.00","96183.0","[M]Hodgkin's disease,lymphocytic depletion,diffuse fibrosis","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj6000","40508.0","[M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, lymphocytic predom","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj6100","64343.0","[M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, mixed cellularity","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj6200","31741.0","[M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, lymphocytic deplet","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj6.00","42198.0","[M]Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis NOS","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj7.00","99200.0","[M]Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis, cellular phase","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj9.00","89230.0","[M]Hodgkin's granuloma","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBj..00","20710.0","[M]Hodgkin's disease","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","BBjz.00","42769.0","[M]Hodgkin's disease NOS","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","ByuD000","43415.0","[X]Other Hodgkin's disease","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","ZV10711","40561.0","[V]Personal history of Hodgkin's disease","History of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B610100,100423.0,"Hodgkin's paragranuloma of lymph nodes of head, face, neck",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B610300,98840.0,Hodgkin's paragranuloma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B610.00,65489.0,Hodgkin's paragranuloma,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B611100,98909.0,"Hodgkin's granuloma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B611.00,44196.0,Hodgkin's granuloma,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B612400,68039.0,Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B612.00,64036.0,Hodgkin's sarcoma,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B613000,71142.0,"Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance unspec site",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B613100,68330.0,"Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of head, face, neck",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B613200,92245.0,"Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrathoracic nodes",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B613300,73532.0,"Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intra-abdominal node",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B613500,93951.0,"Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred inguinal and leg",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B613600,95338.0,"Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrapelvic nodes",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B613700,106911.0,"Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of spleen",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B613800,104743.0,"Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of multiple sites",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B613.00,38939.0,"Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B613z00,29876.0,"Hodgkin's, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance NOS",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B614000,57225.0,"Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis of unspecified site",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B614100,55303.0,"Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of head, face and neck",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B614200,67506.0,Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B614300,61149.0,Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B614400,65483.0,Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of axilla and arm,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B614700,105472.0,"Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis of spleen",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B614800,19140.0,Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B614.00,29178.0,"Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B614z00,63054.0,"Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis NOS",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B615000,97863.0,"Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity of unspecified site",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B615100,94407.0,"Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes head, face, neck",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B615200,58684.0,Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of intrathoracic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B615500,108886.0,Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes inguinal and leg,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B615.00,49605.0,"Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B615z00,94005.0,"Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity NOS",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B616000,95049.0,Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B616400,63625.0,Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes axilla and arm,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B616500,110563.0,Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes inguinal and leg,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B616700,101715.0,"Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion of spleen",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B616800,107032.0,Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes multiple sites,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B616.00,67703.0,"Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B616z00,101530.0,"Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion NOS",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B617.00,104895.0,Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B618.00,105841.0,Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B619.00,108775.0,Mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin lymphoma,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61..00,2462.0,Hodgkin's disease,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61..11,104291.0,Hodgkin lymphoma,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61B.00,106597.0,Lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61C.00,104484.0,Other classical Hodgkin lymphoma,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61z000,61662.0,"Hodgkin's disease NOS, unspecified site",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61z100,59778.0,"Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of head, face and neck",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61z200,59755.0,Hodgkin's disease NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61z300,107804.0,Hodgkin's disease NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61z400,91900.0,Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61z500,99012.0,Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61z700,94279.0,Hodgkin's disease NOS of spleen,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61z800,97746.0,Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61z.00,53397.0,Hodgkin's disease NOS,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61z.11,106349.0,Hodgkin lymphoma NOS,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,B61zz00,42461.0,Hodgkin's disease NOS,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj0.00,61997.0,[M]Hodgkin's disease NOS,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj1000,65584.0,"[M]Hodgkin,s disease, lymphocytic predominance, diffuse",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj1100,31537.0,"[M]Hodgkin,s disease, lymphocytic predominance, nodular",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj1.00,56041.0,"[M]Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic predominance",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj2.00,51285.0,"[M]Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj4.00,96183.0,"[M]Hodgkin's disease,lymphocytic depletion,diffuse fibrosis",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj6000,40508.0,"[M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, lymphocytic predom",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj6100,64343.0,"[M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, mixed cellularity",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj6200,31741.0,"[M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, lymphocytic deplet",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj6.00,42198.0,"[M]Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis NOS",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj7.00,99200.0,"[M]Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis, cellular phase",Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj9.00,89230.0,[M]Hodgkin's granuloma,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBj..00,20710.0,[M]Hodgkin's disease,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,BBjz.00,42769.0,[M]Hodgkin's disease NOS,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,ByuD000,43415.0,[X]Other Hodgkin's disease,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,ZV10711,40561.0,[V]Personal history of Hodgkin's disease,History of Hodgkin Lymphoma
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hydrocele.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hydrocele.csv
index d7996c1..0dd8423 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hydrocele.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_hydrocele.csv
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08000","4002.0","Excision of hydrocele sac","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08100","58970.0","Injection sclerotherapy of hydrocele","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08200","25040.0","Drainage of hydrocele","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08300","18035.0","Jaboulay's eversion of hydrocele","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08311","34178.0","Eversion of hydrocele","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08400","7236.0","Lord's plication of hydrocele","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08500","15187.0","Diagnostic aspiration of hydrocele","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08600","27878.0","Correction of hydrocele of infancy","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08700","28137.0","Other aspiration of hydrocele","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08711","17252.0","Other aspiration of hydrocele sac","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08712","30983.0","Tapping of hydrocele NEC","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08.00","1120.0","Excision of hydrocele","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08.11","16724.0","Operations on hydrocoele","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08.12","62016.0","Operations on hydrocoele sac","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08.13","5599.0","Operations on hydrocele","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08y00","34413.0","Other specified operation on hydrocele","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","7C08z00","5229.0","Operation on hydrocele NOS","Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","K230.00","4010.0","Encysted hydrocele","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","K231.00","31183.0","Infected hydrocele","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","K23..00","521.0","Hydrocele","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","K23y.00","35126.0","Other types of hydrocele","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","K23z.00","1782.0","Hydrocele NOS","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","Kyu6200","98633.0","[X]Other hydrocele","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","Q476.00","1226.0","Congenital hydrocele","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08000,4002.0,Excision of hydrocele sac,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08100,58970.0,Injection sclerotherapy of hydrocele,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08200,25040.0,Drainage of hydrocele,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08300,18035.0,Jaboulay's eversion of hydrocele,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08311,34178.0,Eversion of hydrocele,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08400,7236.0,Lord's plication of hydrocele,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08500,15187.0,Diagnostic aspiration of hydrocele,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08600,27878.0,Correction of hydrocele of infancy,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08700,28137.0,Other aspiration of hydrocele,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08711,17252.0,Other aspiration of hydrocele sac,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08712,30983.0,Tapping of hydrocele NEC,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08.00,1120.0,Excision of hydrocele,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08.11,16724.0,Operations on hydrocoele,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08.12,62016.0,Operations on hydrocoele sac,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08.13,5599.0,Operations on hydrocele,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08y00,34413.0,Other specified operation on hydrocele,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),7C08z00,5229.0,Operation on hydrocele NOS,Procedure for Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),K230.00,4010.0,Encysted hydrocele,Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),K231.00,31183.0,Infected hydrocele,Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),K23..00,521.0,Hydrocele,Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),K23y.00,35126.0,Other types of hydrocele,Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),K23z.00,1782.0,Hydrocele NOS,Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),Kyu6200,98633.0,[X]Other hydrocele,Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),Q476.00,1226.0,Congenital hydrocele,Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hyperPTH.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hyperPTH.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dc3e61..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hyperPTH.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","C120000","18740.0","Primary hyperparathyroidism","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","C120100","73934.0","Hyperparathyroid bone disease","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","C120111","19457.0","Osteitis fibrosa cystica","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","C120112","73923.0","Von Recklinghausen's bone disease","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","C120200","105537.0","Tertiary hyperparathyroidism","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","C120.00","3559.0","Hyperparathyroidism","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","C120.11","49456.0","Osteitis fibrosa cystica","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","C120.12","4116.0","Von Recklinghausen's bone disease","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","C1z3100","65478.0","Ectopic hyperparathyroidism","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","Cyu4100","53819.0","[X]Other hyperparathyroidism","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","K08y100","17339.0","Secondary hyperparathyroidism","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","N332500","56524.0","Brown tumour of hyperparathyroidism","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hyper_nasal_turb.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hyper_nasal_turb.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 26b506a..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hyper_nasal_turb.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates","H1y0.00","3557.0","Nasal turbinate hypertrophy","Diagnosis of Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hyper_nasal_turbs.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hyper_nasal_turbs.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..175fe43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_hyper_nasal_turbs.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates,H1y0.00,3557.0,Nasal turbinate hypertrophy,Diagnosis of Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hyperkinetic.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hyperkinetic.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index b0a2968..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hyperkinetic.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","6A61.00","101067.0","Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder annual review","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","8BPT.00","108002.0","Drug therapy ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","9Ngp.00","107332.0","On drug ther ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","E2E0100","9715.0","Attention deficit with hyperactivity","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","E2E1.00","58069.0","Hyperkinesis with developmental delay","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","E2E2.00","45263.0","Hyperkinetic conduct disorder","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","E2E..00","3775.0","Childhood hyperkinetic syndrome","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","E2E..11","9972.0","Overactive child syndrome","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","E2Ey.00","25469.0","Other hyperkinetic manifestation","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","E2Ez.00","41769.0","Hyperkinetic syndrome NOS","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","Eu84400","52602.0","[X]Overactive disorder assoc mental retard/stereotype movts","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","Eu90000","6512.0","[X]Disturbance of activity and attention","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","Eu90011","6519.0","[X]Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","Eu90100","33505.0","[X]Hyperkinetic conduct disorder","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","Eu90111","45799.0","[X]Hyperkinetic disorder associated with conduct disorder","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","Eu90.00","1458.0","[X]Hyperkinetic disorders","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","Eu90y00","6510.0","[X]Other hyperkinetic disorders","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","Eu90z00","50015.0","[X]Hyperkinetic disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","Eu90z11","97421.0","[X]Hyperkinetic reaction of childhood or adolescence NOS","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","Eu90z12","96770.0","[X]Hyperkinetic syndrome NOS","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hypersplenism.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hypersplenism.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 5eba9b3..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hypersplenism.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Splenomegaly","D414.00","10702.0","Hypersplenism","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
-"Splenomegaly","D415100","96439.0","Chronic congestive splenamegaly","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
-"Splenomegaly","J61y200","1780.0","Hepatosplenomegaly","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
-"Splenomegaly","PK03.00","59741.0","Congenital splenomegaly","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
-"Splenomegaly","PK03.11","62455.0","Hyperplasia of spleen","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
-"Splenomegaly","R092000","29832.0","[D]Spleen enlargement","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
-"Splenomegaly","R092.00","3125.0","[D]Splenomegaly","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
-"Splenomegaly","R092z00","44281.0","[D]Splenomegaly NOS","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hypertension.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hypertension.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5d7a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_hypertension.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Hypertension,14A2.00,2666,H/O: hypertension,History of hypertension (1)
+Hypertension,2126100,3269,Hypertension resolved,History of hypertension (1)
+Hypertension,212K.00,19342,Hypertension resolved,History of hypertension (1)
+Hypertension,9OI9.00,66645,Hypertens.monitor deleted,History of hypertension (1)
+Hypertension,6624,8296,Borderline hyperten:yearly obs,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,6627,16565,Good hypertension control,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,6628,27511,Poor hypertension control,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,662F.00,21826,Hypertension treatm. started,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,662G.00,13188,Hypertensive treatm.changed,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,662O.00,3425,On treatment for hypertension,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,662b.00,18590,Moderate hypertension control,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,662c.00,18482,Hypertension six month review,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,662d.00,19070,Hypertension annual review,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,662r.00,95359,Trial withdrawal of antihypertensive therapy,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,7Q01.00,85944,High cost hypertension drugs,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,8B26.00,18057,Antihypertensive therapy,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,8BL0.00,11056,Patient on maximal tolerated antihypertensive therapy,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,8I3N.00,22333,Hypertension treatment refused,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,F404200,37086,Blind hypertensive eye,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,F421300,6702,Hypertensive retinopathy,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G2...00,204,Hypertensive disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G2...11,8732,BP - hypertensive disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G20..00,799,Essential hypertension,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G200.00,15377,Malignant essential hypertension,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G201.00,1894,Benign essential hypertension,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G202.00,4372,Systolic hypertension,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G203.00,83473,Diastolic hypertension,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G20z.00,10818,Essential hypertension NOS,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G20z.11,3712,Hypertension NOS,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G21..00,16292,Hypertensive heart disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G210.00,50157,Malignant hypertensive heart disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G210000,95334,Malignant hypertensive heart disease without CCF,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G210100,72668,Malignant hypertensive heart disease with CCF,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G211.00,52427,Benign hypertensive heart disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G211000,61660,Benign hypertensive heart disease without CCF,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G211100,52127,Benign hypertensive heart disease with CCF,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G21z.00,31464,Hypertensive heart disease NOS,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G21z000,61166,Hypertensive heart disease NOS without CCF,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G21z011,8857,Cardiomegaly - hypertensive,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G21z100,62718,Hypertensive heart disease NOS with CCF,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G21zz00,16173,Hypertensive heart disease NOS,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G22..00,4668,Hypertensive renal disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G220.00,39649,Malignant hypertensive renal disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G221.00,43935,Benign hypertensive renal disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G222.00,32423,Hypertensive renal disease with renal failure,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G22z.00,15106,Hypertensive renal disease NOS,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G22z.11,29310,Renal hypertension,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G23..00,63466,Hypertensive heart and renal disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G230.00,67232,Malignant hypertensive heart and renal disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G231.00,63000,Benign hypertensive heart and renal disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G232.00,21837,Hypertensive heart&renal dis wth (congestive) heart failure,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G233.00,28684,Hypertensive heart and renal disease with renal failure,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G234.00,57987,Hyperten heart&renal dis+both(congestv)heart and renal fail,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G23z.00,68659,Hypertensive heart and renal disease NOS,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G2y..00,18765,Other specified hypertensive disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G2z..00,7057,Hypertensive disease NOS,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G672.00,3979,Hypertensive encephalopathy,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,G672.11,31816,Hypertensive crisis,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,Gyu2.00,69753,[X]Hypertensive diseases,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,L122.00,66567,Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childbirth/puerp,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,L122000,73586,Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childb/puerp unspec,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,L122100,72030,Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childb/puerp - deliv,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,L122300,96743,Other pre-exist hypertension in preg/childb/puerp-not deliv,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,L122z00,62432,Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childb/puerp NOS,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,L127.00,43664,Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,L127z00,93055,Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia + pre-existing hypertension NOS,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,L128.00,44549,Pre-exist hypertension compl preg childbirth and puerperium,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,L128000,60655,Pre-exist hyperten heart dis compl preg childbth+puerperium,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,L128200,52621,Pre-exist 2ndry hypertens comp preg childbth and puerperium,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,TJC7.00,21660,Adverse reaction to other antihypertensives,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,TJC7z00,20497,Adverse reaction to antihypertensives NOS,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,U60C500,63164,"[X]Oth antihyperten drug caus advers eff in therap use, NEC",Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,U60C511,30770,[X] Adverse reaction to other antihypertensives,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,U60C51A,44350,[X] Adverse reaction to antihypertensives NOS,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,6146200,32976,Hypertension induced by oral contraceptive pill,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G24..00,7329,Secondary hypertension,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G240.00,31755,Secondary malignant hypertension,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G240000,59383,Secondary malignant renovascular hypertension,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G240z00,73293,Secondary malignant hypertension NOS,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G241.00,57288,Secondary benign hypertension,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G241000,25371,Secondary benign renovascular hypertension,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G241z00,51635,Secondary benign hypertension NOS,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G244.00,34744,Hypertension secondary to endocrine disorders,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G24z.00,16059,Secondary hypertension NOS,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G24z000,31387,Secondary renovascular hypertension NOS,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G24z100,31341,Hypertension secondary to drug,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,G24zz00,42229,Secondary hypertension NOS,Secondary hypertension (4)
+Hypertension,Gyu2100,97533,[X]Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders,Secondary hypertension (4)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_hyposplenism.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_hyposplenism.csv
index 65d309d..1e067b8 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_hyposplenism.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_hyposplenism.csv
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hyposplenism","14N7.00","16827.0","H/O: splenectomy","History of Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","7840100.0","27514.0","Total splenectomy","Procedure leading to Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","7840300.0","1393.0","Splenectomy NEC","Procedure leading to Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","7840400.0","31041.0","Laparoscopic total splenectomy","Procedure leading to Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","7840.00","34310.0","Total excision of spleen","Procedure leading to Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","7840.11","2759.0","Total splenectomy","Procedure leading to Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","7840y00","102966.0","Other specified total excision of spleen","Procedure leading to Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","7840z00","59784.0","Total excision of spleen NOS","Procedure leading to Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","7841.00","48198.0","Other excision of spleen","Procedure leading to Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","7841y00","102207.0","Other specified other excision of spleen","Procedure leading to Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","7841z00","64291.0","Other excision of spleen NOS","Procedure leading to Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","D415400","66973.0","Splenic atrophy","Diagnosis of Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","D415600","66980.0","Splenic fibrosis","Diagnosis of Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","D415700","9368.0","Splenic infarction","Diagnosis of Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","D415800","62557.0","Non-traumatic rupture of spleen","Diagnosis of Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","D415A00","39034.0","Hyposplenism","Diagnosis of Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","PK01.00","22319.0","Absent spleen","Diagnosis of Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","PK01.11","10505.0","Asplenia","Diagnosis of Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","PK06.00","71462.0","Hypoplasia of spleen","Diagnosis of Hyposplenism"
+Hyposplenism,14N7.00,16827.0,H/O: splenectomy,History of Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,7840100.0,27514.0,Total splenectomy,Procedure leading to Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,7840300.0,1393.0,Splenectomy NEC,Procedure leading to Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,7840400.0,31041.0,Laparoscopic total splenectomy,Procedure leading to Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,7840.00,34310.0,Total excision of spleen,Procedure leading to Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,7840.11,2759.0,Total splenectomy,Procedure leading to Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,7840y00,102966.0,Other specified total excision of spleen,Procedure leading to Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,7840z00,59784.0,Total excision of spleen NOS,Procedure leading to Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,7841.00,48198.0,Other excision of spleen,Procedure leading to Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,7841y00,102207.0,Other specified other excision of spleen,Procedure leading to Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,7841z00,64291.0,Other excision of spleen NOS,Procedure leading to Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,D415400,66973.0,Splenic atrophy,Diagnosis of Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,D415600,66980.0,Splenic fibrosis,Diagnosis of Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,D415700,9368.0,Splenic infarction,Diagnosis of Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,D415800,62557.0,Non-traumatic rupture of spleen,Diagnosis of Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,D415A00,39034.0,Hyposplenism,Diagnosis of Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,PK01.00,22319.0,Absent spleen,Diagnosis of Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,PK01.11,10505.0,Asplenia,Diagnosis of Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,PK06.00,71462.0,Hypoplasia of spleen,Diagnosis of Hyposplenism
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_ibs.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_ibs.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 10457cf..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_ibs.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Irritable bowel syndrome","14CF.00","30630.0","History of irritable bowel syndrome","History of Irritable bowel syndrome"
-"Irritable bowel syndrome","8Cm..00","104591.0","Management of irritable bowel syndrome","Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome"
-"Irritable bowel syndrome","J521000","29835.0","Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea","Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome"
-"Irritable bowel syndrome","J521.00","923.0","Irritable colon - Irritable bowel syndrome","Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome"
-"Irritable bowel syndrome","J521.11","451.0","Irritable bowel syndrome","Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome"
-"Irritable bowel syndrome","J521.13","2153.0","Spastic colon","Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_imm_def.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_imm_def.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e22d42..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_imm_def.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390000","15137.0","Hypogammaglobulinaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390100","8548.0","Selective IgA immunodeficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390200","18701.0","Selective IgM immunodeficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390300","18700.0","Selective IgG immunodeficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390400","68440.0","Other selective immunoglobulin deficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390500","57161.0","Congenital hypogammaglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390511","65603.0","Bruton's agammaglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390512","60880.0","Congenital X-linked agammaglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390600","69373.0","Immunodeficiency with IgM hypergammaglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390700","57322.0","Common variable immunodeficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390800","92569.0","Transient infant hypogammaglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390900","62598.0","Agammaglobulinaemia NEC","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390A00","69184.0","Dysimmunoglobulinaemia NEC","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390A11","43653.0","Dysgammaglobulinaemia NEC","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390B00","60026.0","Antibod def wth nr-norm imunoglob/or wth hyperimunoglobaemia","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390.00","44147.0","Deficiencies of humoral immunity","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390.11","35682.0","Agammaglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390y00","69854.0","Other specified deficiency of humoral immunity","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C390z00","16295.0","Deficiency of humoral immunity NOS","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C391000","50665.0","Predominantly T-cell immuno-deficiency NOS","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C391011","48035.0","T-lymphocyte deficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C391012","60758.0","Cellular immunity syndrome","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C391100","10955.0","Di George syndrome","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C391200","31322.0","Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C391211","42439.0","Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C391.00","48307.0","Deficiencies of cell-mediated immunity","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C392100","48293.0","Severe combined immunodeficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C392111","94120.0","Swiss type agammaglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C392300","31541.0","Severe combined immunodefiency with reticular dysgenesis","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C392400","66073.0","Severe combined immunodef with low T- and B-cell numbers","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C392500","49542.0","Severe combined immunodef with low or normal B-cell numbers","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C392600","72804.0","Adenosine deaminase deficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C392700","93936.0","Purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C392800","50526.0","Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C392900","103977.0","Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C392.00","62236.0","Combined immunity deficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C392z00","62328.0","Combined immunity deficiency NOS","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C393.00","3129.0","Unspecified immunity deficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C395.00","65617.0","Immunodeficiency with short-limbed stature","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C396.00","56108.0","Immunodef follow hereditary defect respon Epstein-Barr vir","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C397.00","54203.0","Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C398000","93892.0","Com var immunodef with predom abn B-cell numbers and functns","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C398200","66857.0","Common variable immunodef wth autoantibod to B- or T-cells","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C398.00","21975.0","Common variable immunodeficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C39X.00","39800.0","Immunodeficiency associated+major defect, unspecified","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","C39y000","54904.0","Lymphocyte function antigen-1 defect","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","Cyu0000","106788.0","[X]Other immunodeficiencies+predominantly antibody defects","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","Cyu0400","73131.0","[X]Other common variable immunodeficiencies","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","Cyu0500","66386.0","[X]Other specified immunodeficiency disorders","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_immunodef.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_immunodef.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..222820e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_immunodef.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Immunodeficiencies,C390000,15137.0,Hypogammaglobulinaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390100,8548.0,Selective IgA immunodeficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390200,18701.0,Selective IgM immunodeficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390300,18700.0,Selective IgG immunodeficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390400,68440.0,Other selective immunoglobulin deficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390500,57161.0,Congenital hypogammaglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390511,65603.0,Bruton's agammaglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390512,60880.0,Congenital X-linked agammaglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390600,69373.0,Immunodeficiency with IgM hypergammaglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390700,57322.0,Common variable immunodeficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390800,92569.0,Transient infant hypogammaglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390900,62598.0,Agammaglobulinaemia NEC,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390A00,69184.0,Dysimmunoglobulinaemia NEC,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390A11,43653.0,Dysgammaglobulinaemia NEC,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390B00,60026.0,Antibod def wth nr-norm imunoglob/or wth hyperimunoglobaemia,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390.00,44147.0,Deficiencies of humoral immunity,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390.11,35682.0,Agammaglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390y00,69854.0,Other specified deficiency of humoral immunity,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C390z00,16295.0,Deficiency of humoral immunity NOS,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C391000,50665.0,Predominantly T-cell immuno-deficiency NOS,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C391011,48035.0,T-lymphocyte deficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C391012,60758.0,Cellular immunity syndrome,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C391100,10955.0,Di George syndrome,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C391200,31322.0,Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C391211,42439.0,Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C391.00,48307.0,Deficiencies of cell-mediated immunity,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C392100,48293.0,Severe combined immunodeficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C392111,94120.0,Swiss type agammaglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C392300,31541.0,Severe combined immunodefiency with reticular dysgenesis,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C392400,66073.0,Severe combined immunodef with low T- and B-cell numbers,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C392500,49542.0,Severe combined immunodef with low or normal B-cell numbers,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C392600,72804.0,Adenosine deaminase deficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C392700,93936.0,Purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C392800,50526.0,Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C392900,103977.0,Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C392.00,62236.0,Combined immunity deficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C392z00,62328.0,Combined immunity deficiency NOS,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C393.00,3129.0,Unspecified immunity deficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C395.00,65617.0,Immunodeficiency with short-limbed stature,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C396.00,56108.0,Immunodef follow hereditary defect respon Epstein-Barr vir,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C397.00,54203.0,Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C398000,93892.0,Com var immunodef with predom abn B-cell numbers and functns,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C398200,66857.0,Common variable immunodef wth autoantibod to B- or T-cells,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C398.00,21975.0,Common variable immunodeficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C39X.00,39800.0,"Immunodeficiency associated+major defect, unspecified",Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,C39y000,54904.0,Lymphocyte function antigen-1 defect,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,Cyu0000,106788.0,[X]Other immunodeficiencies+predominantly antibody defects,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,Cyu0400,73131.0,[X]Other common variable immunodeficiencies,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,Cyu0500,66386.0,[X]Other specified immunodeficiency disorders,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_intell_dz.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_intell_dz.csv
index 3f1ece5..16c57f9 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_intell_dz.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_intell_dz.csv
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Intellectual disability","918e.00","22760.0","On learning disability register","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","94Z9.00","108881.0","Preferred place of death: learning disability unit","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9HB0.00","43447.0","Learning disabilities health action plan declined","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9HB1.00","41391.0","Learning disabilities health action plan offered","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9HB2.00","43445.0","Learning disabilities health action plan reviewed","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9HB3.00","32511.0","Learning disabilities health assessment","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9HB4.00","43436.0","Learning disabilities health action plan completed","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9HB5.00","32952.0","Learning disabilities annual health assessment","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9HB6.00","100730.0","Learning disabilities annual health assessment declined","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9HB6.11","100965.0","Learning disabilities annual health check declined","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9HB7.00","100729.0","Did not attend learning disabilities annual health assessmnt","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9HB7.11","102234.0","Did not attend learning disabilities annual health check","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9HB..00","19445.0","Learning disabilities administration status","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9mA0.00","106249.0","Learning disability annual health check verbal invitation","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9mA1.00","106248.0","Learning disability annual health check telephone invitation","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9mA2000","106272.0","Learning disability annual health check invtation 1st letter","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9mA2100","106274.0","Learning disability annual health check invtation 2nd letter","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9mA2200","106276.0","Learning disability annual health check invtation 3rd letter","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9mA2.00","106247.0","Learning disability annual health check letter invitation","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","9mA..00","106219.0","Learning disability annual health check invitation","History of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E2F2.00","4672.0","Other specific learning difficulty","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E30..00","1787.0","Mild mental retardation, IQ in range 50-70","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E30..11","1680.0","Educationally subnormal","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E30..12","51954.0","Feeble-minded","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E30..13","71632.0","Moron","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E310.00","302.0","Moderate mental retardation, IQ in range 35-49","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E310.11","1278.0","Imbecile","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E311.00","4825.0","Severe mental retardation, IQ in range 20-34","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E312.00","45133.0","Profound mental retardation with IQ less than 20","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E312.11","51622.0","Idiocy","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E31..00","56577.0","Other specified mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E31z.00","54179.0","Other specified mental retardation NOS","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E3...00","1362.0","Mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E3y..00","57199.0","Other specified mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","E3z..00","37867.0","Mental retardation NOS","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu70000","46504.0","[X]Mld mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu70100","39412.0","[X]Mld mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu70.00","28740.0","[X]Mild mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu70.12","33949.0","[X]Mild mental subnormality","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu70y00","39016.0","[X]Mild mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu70z00","50606.0","[X]Mild mental retardation without mention impairment behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu71000","60913.0","[X]Mod mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu71100","54881.0","[X]Mod mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu71.00","6123.0","[X]Moderate mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu71.11","34734.0","[X]Moderate mental subnormality","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu71y00","59407.0","[X]Mod retard oth behav impair","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu71z00","60473.0","[X]Mod mental retardation without mention impairment behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu72000","50947.0","[X]Sev mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu72100","50751.0","[X]Sev mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu72.00","36143.0","[X]Severe mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu72.11","27691.0","[X]Severe mental subnormality","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu72y00","55848.0","[X]Severe mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu72z00","55560.0","[X]Sev mental retardation without mention impairment behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu73000","70102.0","[X]Profound ment retrd wth statement no or min impairm behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu73100","98100.0","[X]Profound ment retard sig impairmnt behav req attent/treat","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu73.00","51268.0","[X]Profound mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu73.11","65468.0","[X]Profound mental subnormality","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu73y00","90276.0","[X]Profound mental retardation, other impairments of behavr","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu73z00","60062.0","[X]Prfnd mental retardation without mention impairment behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7..00","28962.0","[X]Mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7y000","70008.0","[X]Oth mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7y100","56547.0","[X]Oth mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7y.00","71196.0","[X]Other mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7yy00","42520.0","[X]Other mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7yz00","63273.0","[X]Other mental retardation without mention impairment behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7z000","42886.0","[X]Unsp mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7z100","66783.0","[X]Unsp mentl retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7z.00","42589.0","[X]Unspecified mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7z.11","37887.0","[X]Mental deficiency NOS","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7z.12","37911.0","[X]Mental subnormality NOS","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7zy00","66383.0","[X]Unspecified mental retardatn, other impairments of behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu7zz00","32820.0","[X]Unsp mental retardation without mention impairment behav","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu81400","98342.0","[X]Moderate learning disability","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu81500","98293.0","[X]Severe learning disability","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu81600","99774.0","[X]Mild learning disability","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu81700","100648.0","[X]Profound learning disability","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu81800","107968.0","[X]Specific learning disability","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu81z00","6516.0","[X]Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu81z11","4477.0","[X]Learning disability NOS","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu81z12","16855.0","[X]Learning disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu81z13","36045.0","[X]Learn acquisition disab NOS","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu84112","34174.0","[X]Mental retardation with autistic features","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","Eu84400","52602.0","[X]Overactive disorder assoc mental retard/stereotype movts","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
+Intellectual disability,918e.00,22760.0,On learning disability register,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,94Z9.00,108881.0,Preferred place of death: learning disability unit,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9HB0.00,43447.0,Learning disabilities health action plan declined,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9HB1.00,41391.0,Learning disabilities health action plan offered,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9HB2.00,43445.0,Learning disabilities health action plan reviewed,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9HB3.00,32511.0,Learning disabilities health assessment,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9HB4.00,43436.0,Learning disabilities health action plan completed,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9HB5.00,32952.0,Learning disabilities annual health assessment,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9HB6.00,100730.0,Learning disabilities annual health assessment declined,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9HB6.11,100965.0,Learning disabilities annual health check declined,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9HB7.00,100729.0,Did not attend learning disabilities annual health assessmnt,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9HB7.11,102234.0,Did not attend learning disabilities annual health check,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9HB..00,19445.0,Learning disabilities administration status,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9mA0.00,106249.0,Learning disability annual health check verbal invitation,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9mA1.00,106248.0,Learning disability annual health check telephone invitation,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9mA2000,106272.0,Learning disability annual health check invtation 1st letter,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9mA2100,106274.0,Learning disability annual health check invtation 2nd letter,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9mA2200,106276.0,Learning disability annual health check invtation 3rd letter,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9mA2.00,106247.0,Learning disability annual health check letter invitation,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,9mA..00,106219.0,Learning disability annual health check invitation,History of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E2F2.00,4672.0,Other specific learning difficulty,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E30..00,1787.0,"Mild mental retardation, IQ in range 50-70",Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E30..11,1680.0,Educationally subnormal,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E30..12,51954.0,Feeble-minded,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E30..13,71632.0,Moron,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E310.00,302.0,"Moderate mental retardation, IQ in range 35-49",Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E310.11,1278.0,Imbecile,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E311.00,4825.0,"Severe mental retardation, IQ in range 20-34",Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E312.00,45133.0,Profound mental retardation with IQ less than 20,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E312.11,51622.0,Idiocy,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E31..00,56577.0,Other specified mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E31z.00,54179.0,Other specified mental retardation NOS,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E3...00,1362.0,Mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E3y..00,57199.0,Other specified mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,E3z..00,37867.0,Mental retardation NOS,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu70000,46504.0,[X]Mld mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu70100,39412.0,[X]Mld mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu70.00,28740.0,[X]Mild mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu70.12,33949.0,[X]Mild mental subnormality,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu70y00,39016.0,"[X]Mild mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour",Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu70z00,50606.0,[X]Mild mental retardation without mention impairment behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu71000,60913.0,[X]Mod mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu71100,54881.0,[X]Mod mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu71.00,6123.0,[X]Moderate mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu71.11,34734.0,[X]Moderate mental subnormality,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu71y00,59407.0,[X]Mod retard oth behav impair,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu71z00,60473.0,[X]Mod mental retardation without mention impairment behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu72000,50947.0,[X]Sev mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu72100,50751.0,[X]Sev mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu72.00,36143.0,[X]Severe mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu72.11,27691.0,[X]Severe mental subnormality,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu72y00,55848.0,"[X]Severe mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour",Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu72z00,55560.0,[X]Sev mental retardation without mention impairment behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu73000,70102.0,[X]Profound ment retrd wth statement no or min impairm behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu73100,98100.0,[X]Profound ment retard sig impairmnt behav req attent/treat,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu73.00,51268.0,[X]Profound mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu73.11,65468.0,[X]Profound mental subnormality,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu73y00,90276.0,"[X]Profound mental retardation, other impairments of behavr",Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu73z00,60062.0,[X]Prfnd mental retardation without mention impairment behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7..00,28962.0,[X]Mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7y000,70008.0,[X]Oth mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7y100,56547.0,[X]Oth mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7y.00,71196.0,[X]Other mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7yy00,42520.0,"[X]Other mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour",Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7yz00,63273.0,[X]Other mental retardation without mention impairment behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7z000,42886.0,[X]Unsp mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7z100,66783.0,[X]Unsp mentl retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7z.00,42589.0,[X]Unspecified mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7z.11,37887.0,[X]Mental deficiency NOS,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7z.12,37911.0,[X]Mental subnormality NOS,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7zy00,66383.0,"[X]Unspecified mental retardatn, other impairments of behav",Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu7zz00,32820.0,[X]Unsp mental retardation without mention impairment behav,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu81400,98342.0,[X]Moderate learning disability,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu81500,98293.0,[X]Severe learning disability,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu81600,99774.0,[X]Mild learning disability,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu81700,100648.0,[X]Profound learning disability,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu81800,107968.0,[X]Specific learning disability,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu81z00,6516.0,"[X]Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified",Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu81z11,4477.0,[X]Learning disability NOS,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu81z12,16855.0,[X]Learning disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu81z13,36045.0,[X]Learn acquisition disab NOS,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu84112,34174.0,[X]Mental retardation with autistic features,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,Eu84400,52602.0,[X]Overactive disorder assoc mental retard/stereotype movts,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_intervert_disc.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_intervert_disc.csv
index b77a858..911835b 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_intervert_disc.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_intervert_disc.csv
@@ -1,136 +1,136 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J20000","6261.0","Primary laminectomy excision of cervical intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J20100","35008.0","Primary hemilaminectomy excision of cervical IV disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J20200","38645.0","Primary fenestration excision of cervical intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J20300","11282.0","Primary anterior excis cervical IV disc & interbody fusion","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J20400","70697.0","Primary posterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J20600","38447.0","Primary anterior excision of cervical intervertebr disc NEC","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J20700","22434.0","Primary microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J20.00","10018.0","Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J20800","56943.0","Primary laser excision of cervical intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J20y00","67116.0","Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc OS","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J20z00","56989.0","Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc NOS","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J21000","27692.0","Revisional laminectomy excision of cervical intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J21100","67582.0","Revisional hemilaminectomy excision cervical intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J21200","60480.0","Revisional fenestration excision of cervical intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J21300","71283.0","Revision anterior excision cervical disc and fusion","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J21400","96945.0","Revisional posterior excision of cervical intervert disc NEC","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J21600","65629.0","Revisional anterior excision cervical intervert disc NEC","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J21700","38863.0","Revisional microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J21.00","20752.0","Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc ops","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J21y00","64411.0","Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc OS","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J21z00","28002.0","Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc NOS","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J23000","9510.0","Primary anterior excision thoracic disc and fusion","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J23100","68316.0","Primary anterolateral excision thoracic intervert disc NEC","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J23200","51740.0","Primary costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J23300","33490.0","Primary posterior decompression of thoracic disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J23400","38993.0","Primary anterolateral biopsy of thoracic intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J23900","68323.0","Excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J23w00","67255.0","Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc OS","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J23x00","70499.0","Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NOS","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J24600","63160.0","Revisional excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J24A00","104368.0","Revis anterol exc thoracic intervertebral disc graft HFQ","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J24B00","108670.0","Revision percutan endosc exc thoracic intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J24x00","73016.0","Revisional excision thoracic intervertebral disc NOS","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J27000","60295.0","Prosthetic replacement of cervical intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J27200","56812.0","Prosthetic replacement of lumbar intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32000","4355.0","Primary laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32100","24314.0","Primary fenestration excision of lumbar disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32111","26431.0","Primary fenestration of lumbar intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32200","38934.0","Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc and fusion","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32211","63883.0","Freebody anterior excision lumbar IV disc & interbody fusion","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32300","67042.0","Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc NEC","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32400","101266.0","Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc and posterior fusn","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32500","106746.0","Primary ant excision lumbar disc+post instrumentation","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32600","3219.0","Primary lumbar microdiscectomy","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32700","56435.0","Primary posterior excision of lumbar disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32.00","6809.0","Primary lumbar discectomy","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32.11","21434.0","Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32.12","49941.0","Primary removal of lumbar intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32800","105948.0","Primary laser excision of lumbar intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32900","46143.0","Primary percutaneous intradiscal lumbar discectomy","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32y00","50931.0","Other specified primary lumbar discectomy","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J32z00","8652.0","Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NOS","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33000","24607.0","Revisional laminectomy excision of lumbar intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33100","56329.0","Revisional fenestration excision of lumbar intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33200","31025.0","Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and fusion","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33400","71960.0","Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and post fusion","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33411","70878.0","Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and post fusion","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33600","15921.0","Revisional lumbar microdiscectomy","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33700","102312.0","Revisional posterior excision of lumbar disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33.00","10198.0","Revisional lumbar discectomy","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33.11","36708.0","Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33.12","40487.0","Revisional removal of lumbar intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33y00","32549.0","Other specified revisional lumbar discectomy","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J33z00","48044.0","Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NOS","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J4H000","93771.0","Primary automated percutan mech excis cerv intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J4J000","91613.0","Revisional automated percutan mech exc cerv intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J4K000","47128.0","Primary percutaneous decompres coblat cerv intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J4L000","68885.0","Revisional percutaneous decompres coblat cerv intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","7J4M000","104215.0","Primary percut intrad radio thermocoag cerv intervert disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","F163000","99739.0","Myelopathy due to intervertebral disc disease","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","F337100","33604.0","Nerve root and plexus compressions in intervert disc disord","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N120.00","7066.0","Cervical disc displacement without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N120.11","27704.0","Prolapsed cervical intervertebral disc without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N120.12","3680.0","Cervical disc displacement","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N121.00","23390.0","Thoracic disc displacement without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N121.11","29453.0","Prolapsed thoracic intervertebral disc without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N122.00","1575.0","Lumbar disc displacement","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N122.11","643.0","Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N123.00","20013.0","Disc displacement, site unspecified, without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N123.11","6150.0","Intervertebral disc prolapse NOS","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N123.12","14682.0","Prolapsed intervertebral disc without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N124000","96440.0","Schmorl's nodes of unspecified region","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N124100","67407.0","Schmorl's nodes of the thoracic region","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N124200","60629.0","Schmorl's nodes of the lumbar region","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N124.00","16082.0","Schmorl's nodes","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N124z00","71278.0","Schmorl's nodes, region NOS","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N125.00","1500.0","Cervical disc degeneration","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N126.00","4326.0","Thoracic disc degeneration","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N127.00","623.0","Lumbar disc degeneration","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N128.00","825.0","Degenerative disc disease NOS","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N129000","70843.0","Unspecified disc disorder with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N129100","9372.0","Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N129200","51550.0","Thoracic disc disorder with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N129300","28878.0","Lumbar disc disorder with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N129.00","27642.0","Disc disorder with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N129.11","23907.0","Prolapsed intervertebral disc with associated myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N129z00","56382.0","Disc disorder with myelopathy NOS","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12B000","25135.0","Cervical disc prolapse with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12B100","51691.0","Thoracic disc prolapse with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12B200","12750.0","Lumbar disc prolapse with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12B.00","20726.0","Disc prolapse with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12C000","24698.0","Cervical disc prolapse with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12C100","40333.0","Thoracic disc prolapse with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12C200","21025.0","Lumbar disc prolapse with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12C300","22866.0","Lumbar disc prolapse with cauda equina compression","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12C400","8823.0","Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc with sciatica","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12C.00","11212.0","Disc prolapse with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12..00","642.0","Intervertebral disc disorders","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12z000","56595.0","Other disc disorders of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12z100","37193.0","Other cervical disc disorders","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12z200","59346.0","Other thoracic disc disorders","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12z300","22690.0","Other lumbar disc disorders","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12z500","22791.0","Annular tear of cervical disc","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12z600","55065.0","Resorption of cervical disc","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12z700","41092.0","Calcification of cervical disc","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12z900","64377.0","Annular tear of thoracic disc","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12zB00","65660.0","Calcification of thoracic disc","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12zD00","24138.0","Annular tear of lumbar disc","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12zE00","63623.0","Resorption of lumbar disc","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12zF00","67223.0","Calcification of lumbar disc","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12zH00","6037.0","Cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12z.00","25742.0","Other and unspecified disc disorders","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","N12zz00","37512.0","Disc disorders NOS","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Nyu7000","95690.0","[X]Other cervical disc displacement","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Nyu7100","53831.0","[X]Other cervical disc degeneration","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Nyu7200","63609.0","[X]Other cervical disc disorders","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Nyu7300","101552.0","[X]Lumbar+other intervertebral disc disordrs with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Nyu7400","98570.0","[X]Lumbar+other intervertbrl disc disordrs with radiculopthy","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Nyu7500","109443.0","[X]Other specified intervertebral disc displacement","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Nyu7600","69781.0","[X]Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Nyu7700","106869.0","[X]Other specified intervertebral disc disorders","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Nyu7B00","69838.0","[X]Cervical disc disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Zw04000","50224.0","[Q] Central disc prolapse","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Zw04100","72597.0","[Q] Posterolateral disc prolapse","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","Zw04200","73911.0","[Q] Sequestrated disc prolapse","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J20000,6261.0,Primary laminectomy excision of cervical intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J20100,35008.0,Primary hemilaminectomy excision of cervical IV disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J20200,38645.0,Primary fenestration excision of cervical intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J20300,11282.0,Primary anterior excis cervical IV disc & interbody fusion,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J20400,70697.0,Primary posterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J20600,38447.0,Primary anterior excision of cervical intervertebr disc NEC,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J20700,22434.0,Primary microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J20.00,10018.0,Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J20800,56943.0,Primary laser excision of cervical intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J20y00,67116.0,Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc OS,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J20z00,56989.0,Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc NOS,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J21000,27692.0,Revisional laminectomy excision of cervical intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J21100,67582.0,Revisional hemilaminectomy excision cervical intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J21200,60480.0,Revisional fenestration excision of cervical intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J21300,71283.0,Revision anterior excision cervical disc and fusion,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J21400,96945.0,Revisional posterior excision of cervical intervert disc NEC,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J21600,65629.0,Revisional anterior excision cervical intervert disc NEC,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J21700,38863.0,Revisional microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J21.00,20752.0,Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc ops,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J21y00,64411.0,Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc OS,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J21z00,28002.0,Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc NOS,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J23000,9510.0,Primary anterior excision thoracic disc and fusion,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J23100,68316.0,Primary anterolateral excision thoracic intervert disc NEC,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J23200,51740.0,Primary costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J23300,33490.0,Primary posterior decompression of thoracic disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J23400,38993.0,Primary anterolateral biopsy of thoracic intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J23900,68323.0,Excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J23w00,67255.0,Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc OS,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J23x00,70499.0,Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NOS,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J24600,63160.0,Revisional excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J24A00,104368.0,Revis anterol exc thoracic intervertebral disc graft HFQ,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J24B00,108670.0,Revision percutan endosc exc thoracic intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J24x00,73016.0,Revisional excision thoracic intervertebral disc NOS,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J27000,60295.0,Prosthetic replacement of cervical intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J27200,56812.0,Prosthetic replacement of lumbar intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32000,4355.0,Primary laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32100,24314.0,Primary fenestration excision of lumbar disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32111,26431.0,Primary fenestration of lumbar intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32200,38934.0,Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc and fusion,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32211,63883.0,Freebody anterior excision lumbar IV disc & interbody fusion,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32300,67042.0,Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc NEC,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32400,101266.0,Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc and posterior fusn,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32500,106746.0,Primary ant excision lumbar disc+post instrumentation,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32600,3219.0,Primary lumbar microdiscectomy,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32700,56435.0,Primary posterior excision of lumbar disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32.00,6809.0,Primary lumbar discectomy,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32.11,21434.0,Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32.12,49941.0,Primary removal of lumbar intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32800,105948.0,Primary laser excision of lumbar intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32900,46143.0,Primary percutaneous intradiscal lumbar discectomy,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32y00,50931.0,Other specified primary lumbar discectomy,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J32z00,8652.0,Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NOS,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33000,24607.0,Revisional laminectomy excision of lumbar intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33100,56329.0,Revisional fenestration excision of lumbar intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33200,31025.0,Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and fusion,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33400,71960.0,Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and post fusion,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33411,70878.0,Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and post fusion,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33600,15921.0,Revisional lumbar microdiscectomy,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33700,102312.0,Revisional posterior excision of lumbar disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33.00,10198.0,Revisional lumbar discectomy,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33.11,36708.0,Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33.12,40487.0,Revisional removal of lumbar intervertebral disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33y00,32549.0,Other specified revisional lumbar discectomy,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J33z00,48044.0,Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NOS,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J4H000,93771.0,Primary automated percutan mech excis cerv intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J4J000,91613.0,Revisional automated percutan mech exc cerv intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J4K000,47128.0,Primary percutaneous decompres coblat cerv intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J4L000,68885.0,Revisional percutaneous decompres coblat cerv intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,7J4M000,104215.0,Primary percut intrad radio thermocoag cerv intervert disc,Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,F163000,99739.0,Myelopathy due to intervertebral disc disease,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,F337100,33604.0,Nerve root and plexus compressions in intervert disc disord,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N120.00,7066.0,Cervical disc displacement without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N120.11,27704.0,Prolapsed cervical intervertebral disc without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N120.12,3680.0,Cervical disc displacement,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N121.00,23390.0,Thoracic disc displacement without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N121.11,29453.0,Prolapsed thoracic intervertebral disc without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N122.00,1575.0,Lumbar disc displacement,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N122.11,643.0,Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N123.00,20013.0,"Disc displacement, site unspecified, without myelopathy",Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N123.11,6150.0,Intervertebral disc prolapse NOS,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N123.12,14682.0,Prolapsed intervertebral disc without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N124000,96440.0,Schmorl's nodes of unspecified region,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N124100,67407.0,Schmorl's nodes of the thoracic region,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N124200,60629.0,Schmorl's nodes of the lumbar region,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N124.00,16082.0,Schmorl's nodes,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N124z00,71278.0,"Schmorl's nodes, region NOS",Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N125.00,1500.0,Cervical disc degeneration,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N126.00,4326.0,Thoracic disc degeneration,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N127.00,623.0,Lumbar disc degeneration,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N128.00,825.0,Degenerative disc disease NOS,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N129000,70843.0,Unspecified disc disorder with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N129100,9372.0,Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N129200,51550.0,Thoracic disc disorder with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N129300,28878.0,Lumbar disc disorder with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N129.00,27642.0,Disc disorder with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N129.11,23907.0,Prolapsed intervertebral disc with associated myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N129z00,56382.0,Disc disorder with myelopathy NOS,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12B000,25135.0,Cervical disc prolapse with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12B100,51691.0,Thoracic disc prolapse with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12B200,12750.0,Lumbar disc prolapse with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12B.00,20726.0,Disc prolapse with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12C000,24698.0,Cervical disc prolapse with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12C100,40333.0,Thoracic disc prolapse with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12C200,21025.0,Lumbar disc prolapse with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12C300,22866.0,Lumbar disc prolapse with cauda equina compression,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12C400,8823.0,Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc with sciatica,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12C.00,11212.0,Disc prolapse with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12..00,642.0,Intervertebral disc disorders,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12z000,56595.0,Other disc disorders of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12z100,37193.0,Other cervical disc disorders,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12z200,59346.0,Other thoracic disc disorders,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12z300,22690.0,Other lumbar disc disorders,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12z500,22791.0,Annular tear of cervical disc,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12z600,55065.0,Resorption of cervical disc,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12z700,41092.0,Calcification of cervical disc,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12z900,64377.0,Annular tear of thoracic disc,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12zB00,65660.0,Calcification of thoracic disc,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12zD00,24138.0,Annular tear of lumbar disc,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12zE00,63623.0,Resorption of lumbar disc,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12zF00,67223.0,Calcification of lumbar disc,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12zH00,6037.0,Cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12z.00,25742.0,Other and unspecified disc disorders,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,N12zz00,37512.0,Disc disorders NOS,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Nyu7000,95690.0,[X]Other cervical disc displacement,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Nyu7100,53831.0,[X]Other cervical disc degeneration,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Nyu7200,63609.0,[X]Other cervical disc disorders,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Nyu7300,101552.0,[X]Lumbar+other intervertebral disc disordrs with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Nyu7400,98570.0,[X]Lumbar+other intervertbrl disc disordrs with radiculopthy,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Nyu7500,109443.0,[X]Other specified intervertebral disc displacement,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Nyu7600,69781.0,[X]Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Nyu7700,106869.0,[X]Other specified intervertebral disc disorders,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Nyu7B00,69838.0,"[X]Cervical disc disorder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Zw04000,50224.0,[Q] Central disc prolapse,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Zw04100,72597.0,[Q] Posterolateral disc prolapse,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,Zw04200,73911.0,[Q] Sequestrated disc prolapse,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_intracranial_htn.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_intracranial_htn.csv
index f8b2750..1227562 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_intracranial_htn.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_intracranial_htn.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Idiopathic intracranial hypertension","F282.00","5433.0","Benign intracranial hypertension","Diagnosis of Idiopathic intracranial hypertension"
-"Idiopathic intracranial hypertension","F282.11","46041.0","Pseudotumour cerebri","Diagnosis of Idiopathic intracranial hypertension"
+Intracranial hypertension,F282.00,5433.0,Benign intracranial hypertension,Diagnosis of Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
+Intracranial hypertension,F282.11,46041.0,Pseudotumour cerebri,Diagnosis of Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_intrauterine_hypoxia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_intrauterine_hypoxia.csv
index 687aead..bafb242 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_intrauterine_hypoxia.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_intrauterine_hypoxia.csv
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","4H23.00","73394.0","Amniotic fluid -meconium stain","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","L263000","64335.0","Fetal distress unspecified","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","L263100","68431.0","Fetal distress - delivered","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","L263200","44828.0","Fetal distress with antenatal problem","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","L263400","24243.0","Labour and delivery complic by meconium in amniotic fluid","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","L263500","41102.0","Lab+del comp fetal ht rate anom wth meconium in amnio fluid","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","L263600","49485.0","Labour+delivery complicatd by biochem evidence/fetal stress","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","L263700","46514.0","Maternal care for fetal hypoxia","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","L263.00","13276.0","Fetal distress - affecting management","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","L263.11","95649.0","Fetal acidosis","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","L263.14","26837.0","Meconium stained liquor","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","L263z00","53863.0","Fetal distress NOS","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Lyu4800","52151.0","[X]Labour+delivery complicat/oth evidence of fetal distress","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q212000","96821.0","Liveborn with prelabour abnormal heart beat","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q212100","70850.0","Liveborn with prelabour hypoxia","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q212200","48274.0","Liveborn with prelabour meconium in liquor","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q212.00","5479.0","Liveborn with prelabour fetal distress","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q212.11","34132.0","Fetal distress before labour - liveborn","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q212z00","97471.0","Liveborn with prelabour fetal distress NOS","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q213000","64732.0","Liveborn with labour abnormal heart beat","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q213100","98422.0","Liveborn with labour hypoxia","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q213200","102969.0","Liveborn with labour meconium in liquor","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q213.00","42322.0","Liveborn with labour fetal distress","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q213.11","23009.0","Fetal distress in labour - liveborn","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q213z00","50281.0","Liveborn with labour fetal distress NOS","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q214000","94759.0","Liveborn with abnormal heart beat, unspecified","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q214100","53241.0","Liveborn with fetal hypoxia, unspecified","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q214200","101103.0","Liveborn with meconium liquor, unspecified","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q214.00","3620.0","Liveborn with fetal distress, unspecified","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q214.11","26401.0","Fetal distress, unspecified when, liveborn","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q214z00","16097.0","Liveborn with unspecified fetal distress NOS","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q21..00","41296.0","Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q21..11","36694.0","Intrauterine hypoxia","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q21..12","46502.0","Labour fetal anoxia","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Q311000","11693.0","Meconium aspiration syndrome","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Z264800","35054.0","Meconium stained liquor","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Z264900","39759.0","Old meconium staining liquor","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Z264A00","22597.0","Fresh meconium staining liquor","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","Z264B00","42131.0","Thick meconium stained liquor","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
+Intrauterine hypoxia,4H23.00,73394.0,Amniotic fluid -meconium stain,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,L263000,64335.0,Fetal distress unspecified,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,L263100,68431.0,Fetal distress - delivered,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,L263200,44828.0,Fetal distress with antenatal problem,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,L263400,24243.0,Labour and delivery complic by meconium in amniotic fluid,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,L263500,41102.0,Lab+del comp fetal ht rate anom wth meconium in amnio fluid,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,L263600,49485.0,Labour+delivery complicatd by biochem evidence/fetal stress,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,L263700,46514.0,Maternal care for fetal hypoxia,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,L263.00,13276.0,Fetal distress - affecting management,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,L263.11,95649.0,Fetal acidosis,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,L263.14,26837.0,Meconium stained liquor,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,L263z00,53863.0,Fetal distress NOS,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Lyu4800,52151.0,[X]Labour+delivery complicat/oth evidence of fetal distress,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q212000,96821.0,Liveborn with prelabour abnormal heart beat,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q212100,70850.0,Liveborn with prelabour hypoxia,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q212200,48274.0,Liveborn with prelabour meconium in liquor,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q212.00,5479.0,Liveborn with prelabour fetal distress,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q212.11,34132.0,Fetal distress before labour - liveborn,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q212z00,97471.0,Liveborn with prelabour fetal distress NOS,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q213000,64732.0,Liveborn with labour abnormal heart beat,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q213100,98422.0,Liveborn with labour hypoxia,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q213200,102969.0,Liveborn with labour meconium in liquor,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q213.00,42322.0,Liveborn with labour fetal distress,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q213.11,23009.0,Fetal distress in labour - liveborn,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q213z00,50281.0,Liveborn with labour fetal distress NOS,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q214000,94759.0,"Liveborn with abnormal heart beat, unspecified",Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q214100,53241.0,"Liveborn with fetal hypoxia, unspecified",Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q214200,101103.0,"Liveborn with meconium liquor, unspecified",Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q214.00,3620.0,"Liveborn with fetal distress, unspecified",Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q214.11,26401.0,"Fetal distress, unspecified when, liveborn",Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q214z00,16097.0,Liveborn with unspecified fetal distress NOS,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q21..00,41296.0,Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q21..11,36694.0,Intrauterine hypoxia,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q21..12,46502.0,Labour fetal anoxia,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Q311000,11693.0,Meconium aspiration syndrome,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Z264800,35054.0,Meconium stained liquor,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Z264900,39759.0,Old meconium staining liquor,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Z264A00,22597.0,Fresh meconium staining liquor,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,Z264B00,42131.0,Thick meconium stained liquor,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_juv_arth.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_juv_arth.csv
index 0b96411..4899386 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_juv_arth.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_juv_arth.csv
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N043000","50644.0","Juvenile rheumatoid arthropathy unspecified","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N043100","47831.0","Acute polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N043200","21533.0","Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N043300","36276.0","Monarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N043.00","4186.0","Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis - Still's disease","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N043z00","27557.0","Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis NOS","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N045000","42405.0","Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N045100","31181.0","Juvenile seronegative polyarthritis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N045200","28456.0","Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N045300","12575.0","Juvenile arthritis in Crohn's disease","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N045400","71083.0","Juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N045500","31360.0","Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N045600","46622.0","Pauciarticular onset juvenile chronic arthritis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","N045.00","7196.0","Other juvenile arthritis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","Nyu1500","94854.0","[X]Other juvenile arthritis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
+Juvenile arthritis,N043000,50644.0,Juvenile rheumatoid arthropathy unspecified,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N043100,47831.0,Acute polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N043200,21533.0,Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N043300,36276.0,Monarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N043.00,4186.0,Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis - Still's disease,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N043z00,27557.0,Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis NOS,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N045000,42405.0,Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N045100,31181.0,Juvenile seronegative polyarthritis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N045200,28456.0,Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N045300,12575.0,Juvenile arthritis in Crohn's disease,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N045400,71083.0,Juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N045500,31360.0,Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N045600,46622.0,Pauciarticular onset juvenile chronic arthritis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,N045.00,7196.0,Other juvenile arthritis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,Nyu1500,94854.0,[X]Other juvenile arthritis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_keratitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_keratitis.csv
index 8d39994..81ead0b 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_keratitis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_keratitis.csv
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Keratitis","A173200","55629.0","Tuberculous interstitial keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","A173400","30358.0","Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","A532100","27546.0","Herpes zoster with keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","A544200","10408.0","Herpes simplex dendritic keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","A544300","1082.0","Herpes simplex disciform keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","A55x000","90575.0","Measles keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","A771.00","35865.0","Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","A776.00","11319.0","Keratoconjunctivitis due to adenovirus","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","A903.00","50273.0","Syphilitic interstitial keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","A984300","72172.0","Gonococcal keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","AD67000","29763.0","Acanthamoeba keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A1.00","27749.0","Dendritic keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A2000","56042.0","Unspecified superficial keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A2100","5176.0","Punctate keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A2112","6749.0","Thygeson's superficial punctate keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A2200","40792.0","Nummular keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A2300","45168.0","Striate keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A2400","45610.0","Macular keratitis NOS","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A2500","27900.0","Filamentary keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A2.00","27545.0","Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A2z00","20305.0","Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis NOS","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A3000","16413.0","Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A3300","9279.0","Exposure keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A3400","49802.0","Neurotrophic keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A3.00","24948.0","Specific keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A3z00","44620.0","Specific keratoconjunctivitis NOS","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A4000","3581.0","Unspecified keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A4100","94899.0","Keratitis or keratoconjunctivitis in other exanthemata","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A4.00","44027.0","Other keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A4z00","15686.0","Other keratoconjunctivitis NOS","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A5000","7287.0","Unspecified interstitial keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A5100","53785.0","Diffuse interstitial keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A5200","20491.0","Sclerosing keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A5400","48197.0","Keratitis due to syphilis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A5500","94249.0","Keratitis due to tuberculosis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A5.00","39445.0","Interstitial and deep keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A5z00","107617.0","Interstitial and deep keratitis NOS","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A..00","515.0","Keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4A..11","12131.0","Keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4Ay.00","35193.0","Other forms of keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","F4Az.00","27797.0","Keratitis NOS","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","FyuD100","72913.0","[X]Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","FyuD200","72393.0","[X]Other keratitis","Diagnosis of keratitis"
-"Keratitis","FyuDA00","101578.0","[X]Keratitis+keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases CE","Diagnosis of keratitis"
+Keratitis,A173200,55629.0,Tuberculous interstitial keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,A173400,30358.0,Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,A532100,27546.0,Herpes zoster with keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,A544200,10408.0,Herpes simplex dendritic keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,A544300,1082.0,Herpes simplex disciform keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,A55x000,90575.0,Measles keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,A771.00,35865.0,Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,A776.00,11319.0,Keratoconjunctivitis due to adenovirus,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,A903.00,50273.0,Syphilitic interstitial keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,A984300,72172.0,Gonococcal keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,AD67000,29763.0,Acanthamoeba keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A1.00,27749.0,Dendritic keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A2000,56042.0,Unspecified superficial keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A2100,5176.0,Punctate keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A2112,6749.0,Thygeson's superficial punctate keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A2200,40792.0,Nummular keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A2300,45168.0,Striate keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A2400,45610.0,Macular keratitis NOS,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A2500,27900.0,Filamentary keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A2.00,27545.0,Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A2z00,20305.0,Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis NOS,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A3000,16413.0,Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A3300,9279.0,Exposure keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A3400,49802.0,Neurotrophic keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A3.00,24948.0,Specific keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A3z00,44620.0,Specific keratoconjunctivitis NOS,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A4000,3581.0,Unspecified keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A4100,94899.0,Keratitis or keratoconjunctivitis in other exanthemata,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A4.00,44027.0,Other keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A4z00,15686.0,Other keratoconjunctivitis NOS,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A5000,7287.0,Unspecified interstitial keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A5100,53785.0,Diffuse interstitial keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A5200,20491.0,Sclerosing keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A5400,48197.0,Keratitis due to syphilis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A5500,94249.0,Keratitis due to tuberculosis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A5.00,39445.0,Interstitial and deep keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A5z00,107617.0,Interstitial and deep keratitis NOS,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A..00,515.0,Keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4A..11,12131.0,Keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4Ay.00,35193.0,Other forms of keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,F4Az.00,27797.0,Keratitis NOS,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,FyuD100,72913.0,[X]Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,FyuD200,72393.0,[X]Other keratitis,Diagnosis of keratitis
+Keratitis,FyuDA00,101578.0,[X]Keratitis+keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases CE,Diagnosis of keratitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_leiomyoma.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_leiomyoma.csv
index 5f10a7f..bf7453d 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_leiomyoma.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_leiomyoma.csv
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-"Read_5","Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"7A54A","Leiomyoma of uterus","7A54A00","98291.0","Perc embolisation of uterine fibroid using fluoroscopic guid","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"7e+61","Leiomyoma of uterus","7E06111","4117.0","Excision fibroid","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"7E0DC","Leiomyoma of uterus","7E0DC00","93437.0","Transcervical resection of fibroid","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"B780.","Leiomyoma of uterus","B780.00","32719.0","Submucous uterine leiomyoma","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"B781.","Leiomyoma of uterus","B781.00","12512.0","Intramural uterine leiomyoma","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"B781.","Leiomyoma of uterus","B781.11","55349.0","Mural fibroids","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"B782.","Leiomyoma of uterus","B782.00","41134.0","Subserous uterine leiomyoma","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"B78..","Leiomyoma of uterus","B78..00","759.0","Uterine leiomyoma - fibroids","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"B78..","Leiomyoma of uterus","B78..11","432.0","Fibroids","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"B78z.","Leiomyoma of uterus","B78z.00","3402.0","Uterine leiomyoma NOS","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"BBK00","Leiomyoma of uterus","BBK0000","28324.0","[M]Leiomyoma NOS","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"BBK00","Leiomyoma of uterus","BBK0011","8655.0","[M]Fibroid uterus","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"BBK03","Leiomyoma of uterus","BBK0300","61404.0","[M]Epithelioid leiomyoma","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"BBK05","Leiomyoma of uterus","BBK0500","61105.0","[M]Cellular leiomyoma","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"BBK06","Leiomyoma of uterus","BBK0600","72251.0","[M]Bizarre leiomyoma","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"BBK0.","Leiomyoma of uterus","BBK0.00","33691.0","[M]Leiomyomatous neoplasms","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
-"BBK0z","Leiomyoma of uterus","BBK0z00","67322.0","[M]Leiomyomatous neoplasm NOS","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
+Leiomyoma of uterus,7A54A00,98291,Perc embolisation of uterine fibroid using fluoroscopic guid,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,7E06111,4117,Excision fibroid,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,7E0DC00,93437,Transcervical resection of fibroid,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,B780.00,32719,Submucous uterine leiomyoma,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,B781.00,12512,Intramural uterine leiomyoma,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,B781.11,55349,Mural fibroids,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,B782.00,41134,Subserous uterine leiomyoma,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,B78..00,759,Uterine leiomyoma - fibroids,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,B78..11,432,Fibroids,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,B78z.00,3402,Uterine leiomyoma NOS,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,BBK0000,28324,[M]Leiomyoma NOS,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,BBK0011,8655,[M]Fibroid uterus,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,BBK0300,61404,[M]Epithelioid leiomyoma,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,BBK0500,61105,[M]Cellular leiomyoma,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,BBK0600,72251,[M]Bizarre leiomyoma,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,BBK0.00,33691,[M]Leiomyomatous neoplasms,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
+Leiomyoma of uterus,BBK0z00,67322,[M]Leiomyomatous neoplasm NOS,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_leukaemia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_leukaemia.csv
index 81c4dea..fb076b7 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_leukaemia.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_leukaemia.csv
@@ -1,130 +1,130 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Leukaemia","1429.00","17177.0","H/O: * leukaemia","History of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B624000","65122.0","Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of unspecified sites","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B624300","65123.0","Leukaemic reticuloend of intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B624.00","27330.0","Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B624.11","5137.0","Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B624.12","87335.0","Hairy cell leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B624z00","73777.0","Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B640000","104325.0","B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B640.00","4251.0","Acute lymphoid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B641000","104328.0","B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B641011","107017.0","Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia of B-cell type","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B641100","107052.0","Clinical stage A chronic lymphocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B641200","106924.0","Clinical stage B chronic lymphocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B641300","107163.0","Clinical stage C chronic lymphocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B641.00","8625.0","Chronic lymphoid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B641.11","27790.0","Chronic lymphatic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B642.00","72774.0","Subacute lymphoid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B64..00","19372.0","Lymphoid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B64..11","4222.0","Lymphatic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B64y100","31586.0","Prolymphocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B64y200","37461.0","Adult T-cell leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B64y300","108656.0","B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B64y400","107643.0","T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B64y500","104939.0","Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia (HTLV-1-associated)","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B64y.00","49725.0","Other lymphoid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B64yz00","38331.0","Other lymphoid leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B64z.00","38914.0","Lymphoid leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B650.00","4413.0","Acute myeloid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B651100","105957.0","Chronic myeloid leukaemia, BCR/ABL positive","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B651200","102783.0","Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B651300","107236.0","Atypical chronic myeloid leukaemia, BCR/ABL negative","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B651.00","10726.0","Chronic myeloid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B651.11","31701.0","Chronic granulocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B651z00","27520.0","Chronic myeloid leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B652.00","63475.0","Subacute myeloid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B653000","52327.0","Chloroma","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B653100","39629.0","Granulocytic sarcoma","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B653.00","70724.0","Myeloid sarcoma","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B654.00","104788.0","Acute myeloblastic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B65..00","7176.0","Myeloid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B65y100","27664.0","Acute promyelocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B65yz00","66089.0","Other myeloid leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B65z.00","33344.0","Myeloid leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B660.00","19974.0","Acute monocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B661.00","27458.0","Chronic monocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B662.00","101606.0","Subacute monocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B663.00","108424.0","Acute monoblastic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B66..00","35875.0","Monocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B66..11","108715.0","Histiocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B66..12","67700.0","Monoblastic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B66y.00","99015.0","Other monocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B66yz00","103645.0","Other monocytic leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B66z.00","93342.0","Monocytic leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B670.00","42539.0","Acute erythraemia and erythroleukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B670.11","27340.0","Di Guglielmo's disease","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B672.00","57671.0","Megakaryocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B672.11","65777.0","Thrombocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B673.00","65721.0","Mast cell leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B674.00","50858.0","Acute panmyelosis","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B675.00","28276.0","Acute myelofibrosis","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B677.00","104273.0","Myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disease","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B67..00","37272.0","Other specified leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B67y000","72197.0","Lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B67y.00","94174.0","Other and unspecified leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B67yz00","99413.0","Other and unspecified leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B67z.00","30632.0","Other specified leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B680.00","4072.0","Acute leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B681.00","16416.0","Chronic leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B682.00","54793.0","Subacute leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B68..00","25191.0","Leukaemia of unspecified cell type","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B68y.00","34692.0","Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B68z.00","4250.0","Leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B690.00","61500.0","Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B691.00","22050.0","Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B692.00","104475.0","Subacute myelomonocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B693.00","105069.0","Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","B69..00","20440.0","Myelomonocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr0000","41734.0","[M]Leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr0100","6316.0","[M]Acute leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr0111","22071.0","[M]Blast cell leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr0112","64963.0","[M]Blastic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr0113","63570.0","[M]Stem cell leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr0200","72179.0","[M]Subacute leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr0300","31750.0","[M]Chronic leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr0400","72310.0","[M]Aleukaemic leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr0.00","40420.0","[M]Leukaemias unspecified","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr0z00","59929.0","[M]Leukaemia unspecified, NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr2000","12146.0","[M]Lymphoid leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr2011","20635.0","[M]Lymphatic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr2100","37410.0","[M]Acute lymphoid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr2300","41500.0","[M]Chronic lymphoid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr2500","46048.0","[M]Prolymphocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr2600","50928.0","[M]Burkitt's cell leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr2700","29335.0","[M]Adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr2.00","48155.0","[M]Lymphoid leukaemias","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr4000","70935.0","[M]Erythroleukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr4.00","46444.0","[M]Erythroleukaemias","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr4z00","100927.0","[M]Erythroleukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6000","71850.0","[M]Myeloid leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6011","37723.0","[M]Granulocytic leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6100","54585.0","[M]Acute myeloid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6200","106483.0","[M]Subacute myeloid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6300","52942.0","[M]Chronic myeloid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6311","66694.0","[M]Naegeli-type monocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6600","57316.0","[M]Acute promyelocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6700","46263.0","[M]Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6800","48049.0","[M]Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6900","108964.0","[M]Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6.00","35697.0","[M]Myeloid leukaemias","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr6z00","62330.0","[M]Other myeloid leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr7000","106197.0","[M]Basophilic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr9000","73088.0","[M]Monocytic leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBrA100","72222.0","[M]Megakaryocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBrA111","69299.0","[M]Thrombocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBrA400","5915.0","[M]Hairy cell leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBrA500","49327.0","[M]Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBrA.00","73066.0","[M]Miscellaneous leukaemias","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBrAz00","108316.0","[M]Miscellaneous leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBr..00","4637.0","[M]Leukaemias","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","BBrz.00","42297.0","[M]Leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","ByuD500","67029.0","[X]Other lymphoid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","ByuD600","61693.0","[X]Other myeloid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","ByuD700","89762.0","[X]Other monocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","ByuD800","89329.0","[X]Other specified leukaemias","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","ByuD900","65165.0","[X]Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","ZV10600","36693.0","[V]Personal history of leukaemia","History of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","ZV10611","94597.0","[V]Personal history of lymphoid leukaemia","History of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","ZV10613","110058.0","[V]Personal history of myeloid leukaemia","History of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","ZV67811","53477.0","[V]Follow-up examination after chemotherapy for leukaemia","History of Leukaemia"
+Leukaemia,1429.00,17177.0,H/O: * leukaemia,History of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B624000,65122.0,Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of unspecified sites,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B624300,65123.0,Leukaemic reticuloend of intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B624.00,27330.0,Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B624.11,5137.0,Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B624.12,87335.0,Hairy cell leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B624z00,73777.0,Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B640000,104325.0,B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B640.00,4251.0,Acute lymphoid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B641000,104328.0,B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B641011,107017.0,Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia of B-cell type,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B641100,107052.0,Clinical stage A chronic lymphocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B641200,106924.0,Clinical stage B chronic lymphocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B641300,107163.0,Clinical stage C chronic lymphocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B641.00,8625.0,Chronic lymphoid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B641.11,27790.0,Chronic lymphatic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B642.00,72774.0,Subacute lymphoid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B64..00,19372.0,Lymphoid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B64..11,4222.0,Lymphatic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B64y100,31586.0,Prolymphocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B64y200,37461.0,Adult T-cell leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B64y300,108656.0,B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B64y400,107643.0,T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B64y500,104939.0,Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia (HTLV-1-associated),Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B64y.00,49725.0,Other lymphoid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B64yz00,38331.0,Other lymphoid leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B64z.00,38914.0,Lymphoid leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B650.00,4413.0,Acute myeloid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B651100,105957.0,"Chronic myeloid leukaemia, BCR/ABL positive",Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B651200,102783.0,Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B651300,107236.0,"Atypical chronic myeloid leukaemia, BCR/ABL negative",Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B651.00,10726.0,Chronic myeloid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B651.11,31701.0,Chronic granulocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B651z00,27520.0,Chronic myeloid leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B652.00,63475.0,Subacute myeloid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B653000,52327.0,Chloroma,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B653100,39629.0,Granulocytic sarcoma,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B653.00,70724.0,Myeloid sarcoma,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B654.00,104788.0,Acute myeloblastic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B65..00,7176.0,Myeloid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B65y100,27664.0,Acute promyelocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B65yz00,66089.0,Other myeloid leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B65z.00,33344.0,Myeloid leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B660.00,19974.0,Acute monocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B661.00,27458.0,Chronic monocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B662.00,101606.0,Subacute monocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B663.00,108424.0,Acute monoblastic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B66..00,35875.0,Monocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B66..11,108715.0,Histiocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B66..12,67700.0,Monoblastic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B66y.00,99015.0,Other monocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B66yz00,103645.0,Other monocytic leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B66z.00,93342.0,Monocytic leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B670.00,42539.0,Acute erythraemia and erythroleukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B670.11,27340.0,Di Guglielmo's disease,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B672.00,57671.0,Megakaryocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B672.11,65777.0,Thrombocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B673.00,65721.0,Mast cell leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B674.00,50858.0,Acute panmyelosis,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B675.00,28276.0,Acute myelofibrosis,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B677.00,104273.0,Myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disease,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B67..00,37272.0,Other specified leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B67y000,72197.0,Lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B67y.00,94174.0,Other and unspecified leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B67yz00,99413.0,Other and unspecified leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B67z.00,30632.0,Other specified leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B680.00,4072.0,Acute leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B681.00,16416.0,Chronic leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B682.00,54793.0,Subacute leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B68..00,25191.0,Leukaemia of unspecified cell type,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B68y.00,34692.0,Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B68z.00,4250.0,Leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B690.00,61500.0,Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B691.00,22050.0,Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B692.00,104475.0,Subacute myelomonocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B693.00,105069.0,Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,B69..00,20440.0,Myelomonocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr0000,41734.0,[M]Leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr0100,6316.0,[M]Acute leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr0111,22071.0,[M]Blast cell leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr0112,64963.0,[M]Blastic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr0113,63570.0,[M]Stem cell leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr0200,72179.0,[M]Subacute leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr0300,31750.0,[M]Chronic leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr0400,72310.0,[M]Aleukaemic leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr0.00,40420.0,[M]Leukaemias unspecified,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr0z00,59929.0,"[M]Leukaemia unspecified, NOS",Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr2000,12146.0,[M]Lymphoid leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr2011,20635.0,[M]Lymphatic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr2100,37410.0,[M]Acute lymphoid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr2300,41500.0,[M]Chronic lymphoid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr2500,46048.0,[M]Prolymphocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr2600,50928.0,[M]Burkitt's cell leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr2700,29335.0,[M]Adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr2.00,48155.0,[M]Lymphoid leukaemias,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr4000,70935.0,[M]Erythroleukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr4.00,46444.0,[M]Erythroleukaemias,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr4z00,100927.0,[M]Erythroleukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6000,71850.0,[M]Myeloid leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6011,37723.0,[M]Granulocytic leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6100,54585.0,[M]Acute myeloid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6200,106483.0,[M]Subacute myeloid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6300,52942.0,[M]Chronic myeloid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6311,66694.0,[M]Naegeli-type monocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6600,57316.0,[M]Acute promyelocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6700,46263.0,[M]Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6800,48049.0,[M]Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6900,108964.0,[M]Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6.00,35697.0,[M]Myeloid leukaemias,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr6z00,62330.0,[M]Other myeloid leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr7000,106197.0,[M]Basophilic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr9000,73088.0,[M]Monocytic leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBrA100,72222.0,[M]Megakaryocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBrA111,69299.0,[M]Thrombocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBrA400,5915.0,[M]Hairy cell leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBrA500,49327.0,[M]Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBrA.00,73066.0,[M]Miscellaneous leukaemias,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBrAz00,108316.0,[M]Miscellaneous leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBr..00,4637.0,[M]Leukaemias,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,BBrz.00,42297.0,[M]Leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,ByuD500,67029.0,[X]Other lymphoid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,ByuD600,61693.0,[X]Other myeloid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,ByuD700,89762.0,[X]Other monocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,ByuD800,89329.0,[X]Other specified leukaemias,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,ByuD900,65165.0,[X]Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,ZV10600,36693.0,[V]Personal history of leukaemia,History of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,ZV10611,94597.0,[V]Personal history of lymphoid leukaemia,History of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,ZV10613,110058.0,[V]Personal history of myeloid leukaemia,History of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,ZV67811,53477.0,[V]Follow-up examination after chemotherapy for leukaemia,History of Leukaemia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_lichen_planus.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_lichen_planus.csv
index ba4456c..27cd401 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_lichen_planus.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_lichen_planus.csv
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Lichen planus","M170000","43912.0","Lichen planus actinicus","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","M170100","38610.0","Lichen planus annularis","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","M170200","18954.0","Lichen planus atrophicus","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","M170300","22154.0","Lichen planus bullosus","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","M170400","7983.0","Lichen planus hypertrophicus","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","M170500","40455.0","Lichen planus linearis","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","M170700","67900.0","Lichen planus obtusus","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","M170800","57469.0","Subacute active lichen planus","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","M170900","43358.0","Follicular lichen planus","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","M170.00","1621.0","Lichen planus","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","M170z00","38416.0","Lichen planus NOS","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","M240R00","16628.0","Lichen planopilaris","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","Myu3200","53843.0","[X]Other lichen planus","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
+Lichen planus,M170000,43912.0,Lichen planus actinicus,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,M170100,38610.0,Lichen planus annularis,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,M170200,18954.0,Lichen planus atrophicus,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,M170300,22154.0,Lichen planus bullosus,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,M170400,7983.0,Lichen planus hypertrophicus,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,M170500,40455.0,Lichen planus linearis,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,M170700,67900.0,Lichen planus obtusus,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,M170800,57469.0,Subacute active lichen planus,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,M170900,43358.0,Follicular lichen planus,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,M170.00,1621.0,Lichen planus,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,M170z00,38416.0,Lichen planus NOS,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,M240R00,16628.0,Lichen planopilaris,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,Myu3200,53843.0,[X]Other lichen planus,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_liver_alc.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_liver_alc.csv
index 9b44585..2669b36 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_liver_alc.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_liver_alc.csv
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Alcoholic liver disease","G852300","8363.0","Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver","Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease"
-"Alcoholic liver disease","J610.00","10691.0","Alcoholic fatty liver","Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease"
-"Alcoholic liver disease","J611.00","3216.0","Acute alcoholic hepatitis","Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease"
-"Alcoholic liver disease","J612000","21713.0","Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver","Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease"
-"Alcoholic liver disease","J612.00","4743.0","Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver","Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease"
-"Alcoholic liver disease","J612.12","100474.0","Laennec's cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease"
-"Alcoholic liver disease","J613000","17330.0","Alcoholic hepatic failure","Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease"
-"Alcoholic liver disease","J613.00","7885.0","Alcoholic liver damage unspecified","Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease"
-"Alcoholic liver disease","J617000","7602.0","Chronic alcoholic hepatitis","Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease"
-"Alcoholic liver disease","J617.00","7943.0","Alcoholic hepatitis","Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease"
+Alcoholic liver disease,G852300,8363.0,Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver,Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease
+Alcoholic liver disease,J610.00,10691.0,Alcoholic fatty liver,Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease
+Alcoholic liver disease,J611.00,3216.0,Acute alcoholic hepatitis,Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease
+Alcoholic liver disease,J612000,21713.0,Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver,Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease
+Alcoholic liver disease,J612.00,4743.0,Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver,Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease
+Alcoholic liver disease,J612.12,100474.0,Laennec's cirrhosis,Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease
+Alcoholic liver disease,J613000,17330.0,Alcoholic hepatic failure,Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease
+Alcoholic liver disease,J613.00,7885.0,Alcoholic liver damage unspecified,Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease
+Alcoholic liver disease,J617000,7602.0,Chronic alcoholic hepatitis,Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease
+Alcoholic liver disease,J617.00,7943.0,Alcoholic hepatitis,Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_liver_fail.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_liver_fail.csv
index 0411891..8e8300f 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_liver_fail.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_liver_fail.csv
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hepatic failure","7L1f.00","88994.0","Compensation for liver failure","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","7L1fz00","97650.0","Compensation for liver failure NOS","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","A700.00","55962.0","Viral hepatitis A with coma","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","A702.00","69053.0","Viral hepatitis B with coma","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","A704000","65050.0","Viral hepatitis C with coma","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","A704.00","69552.0","Other specified viral hepatitis with coma","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","A704z00","89587.0","Other specified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma NOS","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J600000","6690.0","Acute hepatic failure","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J600011","39945.0","Acute liver failure","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J600200","53704.0","Acute yellow atrophy","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J600.00","41480.0","Acute necrosis of liver","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J600z00","55637.0","Acute necrosis of liver NOS","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J601000","26490.0","Subacute hepatic failure","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J601200","69313.0","Subacute yellow atrophy","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J601.00","57324.0","Subacute necrosis of liver","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J601z00","69367.0","Subacute necrosis of liver NOS","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J60..00","48488.0","Acute and subacute liver necrosis","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J60z.00","65067.0","Acute and subacute liver necrosis NOS","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J613000","17330.0","Alcoholic hepatic failure","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J622.00","23511.0","Hepatic coma","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J622.11","22411.0","Encephalopathy - hepatic","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J625.00","24901.0","[X] Hepatic failure","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J625.11","21769.0","[X] Liver failure","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J62y.11","56070.0","Hepatic failure NOS","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J62y.12","23775.0","Liver failure NOS","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J62y.13","16062.0","Hepatic failure","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J634.00","49042.0","Hepatic infarction","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J635100","36107.0","Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J635700","41386.0","Acute hepatic failure due to drugs","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","J636.00","64451.0","Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","SP08600","6692.0","Liver transplant failure and rejection","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","SP14200","36194.0","Hepatic failure as a complication of care","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","SP14211","17222.0","Liver failure as a complication of care","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
+Hepatic failure,7L1f.00,88994.0,Compensation for liver failure,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,7L1fz00,97650.0,Compensation for liver failure NOS,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,A700.00,55962.0,Viral hepatitis A with coma,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,A702.00,69053.0,Viral hepatitis B with coma,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,A704000,65050.0,Viral hepatitis C with coma,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,A704.00,69552.0,Other specified viral hepatitis with coma,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,A704z00,89587.0,Other specified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma NOS,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J600000,6690.0,Acute hepatic failure,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J600011,39945.0,Acute liver failure,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J600200,53704.0,Acute yellow atrophy,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J600.00,41480.0,Acute necrosis of liver,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J600z00,55637.0,Acute necrosis of liver NOS,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J601000,26490.0,Subacute hepatic failure,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J601200,69313.0,Subacute yellow atrophy,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J601.00,57324.0,Subacute necrosis of liver,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J601z00,69367.0,Subacute necrosis of liver NOS,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J60..00,48488.0,Acute and subacute liver necrosis,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J60z.00,65067.0,Acute and subacute liver necrosis NOS,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J613000,17330.0,Alcoholic hepatic failure,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J622.00,23511.0,Hepatic coma,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J622.11,22411.0,Encephalopathy - hepatic,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J625.00,24901.0,[X] Hepatic failure,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J625.11,21769.0,[X] Liver failure,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J62y.11,56070.0,Hepatic failure NOS,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J62y.12,23775.0,Liver failure NOS,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J62y.13,16062.0,Hepatic failure,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J634.00,49042.0,Hepatic infarction,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J635100,36107.0,Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J635700,41386.0,Acute hepatic failure due to drugs,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,J636.00,64451.0,Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,SP08600,6692.0,Liver transplant failure and rejection,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,SP14200,36194.0,Hepatic failure as a complication of care,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,SP14211,17222.0,Liver failure as a complication of care,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_lowBW_SlowFetalGrowth.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_lowBW_SlowFetalGrowth.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d9ec02..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_lowBW_SlowFetalGrowth.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","L265000","31219.0","Small-for-dates unspecified","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","L265100","35139.0","Small-for-dates - delivered","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","L265200","102246.0","Small-for-dates with antenatal problem","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","L265.00","23495.0","Small-for-dates fetus in pregnancy","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","L265z00","55820.0","Small-for-dates NOS","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q10..00","34777.0","Slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q100.00","22032.0","Fetus small-for-dates, without mention of malnutrition","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q100.11","36894.0","Fetus small-for-dates (SFD), without mention of malnutrition","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q101.00","63290.0","Fetus small-for-dates with signs of malnutrition","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q101.11","95638.0","Fetus small-for-dates (SFD) with signs of malnutrition","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q10z.00","19575.0","Fetal growth retardation NOS","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q10z.11","4697.0","Intrauterine growth retardation","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q11..00","15563.0","Short gestation and unspecified low birthweight problems","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q110.00","26683.0","Very premature - less than 1000g or less than 28 weeks","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q111.00","23670.0","Premature - weight 1000g-2499g or gestation of 28-37weeks","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q113.00","50704.0","Light for gestational age","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q114.00","27888.0","Low birthweight","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q114000","61211.0","Birth weight 1000-2499 g","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q115.00","73682.0","Extremely low birth weight infant","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q115000","93732.0","Birth weight 999 g or less","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Q13..00","43004.0","Light for gestational age","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","Qyu1000","72974.0","[X]Other low birth weight","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_lupus_eryth.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_lupus_eryth.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 310fea1..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_lupus_eryth.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","F371000","44095.0","Polyneuropathy in disseminated lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","F396100","108072.0","Myopathy due to disseminated lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","F4D3300","94751.0","Eyelid discoid lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","H57y400","31564.0","Lung disease with systemic lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","K01x400","47672.0","Nephrotic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","K01x411","22205.0","Lupus nephritis","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","K0B4000","41148.0","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder in SLE","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","M154000","33449.0","Lupus erythematosus chronicus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","M154100","2667.0","Discoid lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","M154200","40797.0","Lupus erythematosus migrans","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","M154300","65391.0","Lupus erythematosus nodularis","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","M154400","46148.0","Lupus erythematosus profundus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","M154500","44984.0","Lupus erythematosus tumidus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","M154600","63955.0","Lupus erythematosus unguium mutilans","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","M154700","25390.0","Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","M154.00","4125.0","Lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","M154z00","7522.0","Lupus erythematosus NOS","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","Myu7800","100692.0","[X]Other local lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","N000000","20007.0","Disseminated lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","N000100","57675.0","Libman-Sacks disease","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","N000200","36942.0","Drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","N000300","29519.0","Systemic lupus erythematosus with organ or sys involv","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","N000400","11920.0","Systemic lupus erythematosus with pericarditis","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","N000600","101433.0","Cerebral lupus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","N000.00","7871.0","Systemic lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","N000z00","42719.0","Systemic lupus erythematosus NOS","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","Nyu4300","58706.0","[X]Other forms of systemic lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","ZRq8.00","51798.0","Systemic lupus activity measure","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","ZRq8.11","106086.0","SLAM - Systemic lupus activity measure","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","ZRq9.00","45726.0","Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","ZRq9.11","63283.0","SLEDAI-Sys lup ery dis act ind","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_macula_degen.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_macula_degen.csv
index 6634976..e713f5d 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_macula_degen.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_macula_degen.csv
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Macular degeneration","2BBH.00","8518.0","Retinal drusen","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
-"Macular degeneration","F424200","52090.0","Retinal pigment epithelium serous detachment","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
-"Macular degeneration","F424300","69892.0","Retinal pigment epithelium haemorrhagic detachment","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
-"Macular degeneration","F424400","99525.0","Retinal pigment epithelial detachment","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
-"Macular degeneration","F425000","2762.0","Unspecified senile macular degeneration","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
-"Macular degeneration","F425100","10343.0","Dry senile macular degeneration","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
-"Macular degeneration","F425200","26205.0","Wet senile macular degeneration","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
-"Macular degeneration","F425211","71225.0","Kuhnt - Junius degeneration","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
-"Macular degeneration","F425700","4424.0","Drusen","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
-"Macular degeneration","F425.00","118.0","Degeneration of macula and posterior pole","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
-"Macular degeneration","F425.11","6350.0","Senile macular degeneration","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
-"Macular degeneration","F425z00","1753.0","Degeneration of macula or posterior pole NOS","Diagnosis of macular degeneration"
+Macular degeneration,2BBH.00,8518.0,Retinal drusen,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
+Macular degeneration,F424200,52090.0,Retinal pigment epithelium serous detachment,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
+Macular degeneration,F424300,69892.0,Retinal pigment epithelium haemorrhagic detachment,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
+Macular degeneration,F424400,99525.0,Retinal pigment epithelial detachment,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
+Macular degeneration,F425000,2762.0,Unspecified senile macular degeneration,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
+Macular degeneration,F425100,10343.0,Dry senile macular degeneration,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
+Macular degeneration,F425200,26205.0,Wet senile macular degeneration,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
+Macular degeneration,F425211,71225.0,Kuhnt - Junius degeneration,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
+Macular degeneration,F425700,4424.0,Drusen,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
+Macular degeneration,F425.00,118.0,Degeneration of macula and posterior pole,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
+Macular degeneration,F425.11,6350.0,Senile macular degeneration,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
+Macular degeneration,F425z00,1753.0,Degeneration of macula or posterior pole NOS,Diagnosis of macular degeneration
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_male_infertility.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_male_infertility.csv
index 1776589..879a6c9 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_male_infertility.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_male_infertility.csv
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Male infertility","4914.00","38990.0","Semen exam.: low fertility","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","4915.00","61954.0","Semen exam.:very low fertility","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","4916.00","7273.0","Semen exam.: infertile","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","4917.00","4520.0","Semen exam: abnormal","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K260.00","3331.0","Azoospermia","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K260.11","32485.0","Young's syndrome","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K261000","102597.0","Oligoasthenozoospermia","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K261.00","1615.0","Oligospermia","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K262.00","102703.0","Aspermia","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K26..00","766.0","Male infertility","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K26y200","36264.0","Infertility due to efferent duct obstruction","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K26y300","101598.0","Infertility due to radiation","Possible diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K26y400","108577.0","Infertility in systemic disease","Possible diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K26y.00","99607.0","Infertility due to extratesticular cause","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K26yz00","58858.0","Infertility due to extratesticular cause NOS","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K26z.00","5292.0","Male infertility NOS","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K5B1000","94448.0","Primary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility","Possible diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K5B1100","99535.0","Secondary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility","Possible diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K5B6.00","54282.0","Female infertility associated with male factors","Diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K5By000","2014.0","Primary infertility unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K5By100","1943.0","Secondary infertility unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Male infertility"
-"Male infertility","K5Byz11","7246.0","Subfertility","Possible diagnosis of Male infertility"
+Male infertility,4914.00,38990.0,Semen exam.: low fertility,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,4915.00,61954.0,Semen exam.:very low fertility,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,4916.00,7273.0,Semen exam.: infertile,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,4917.00,4520.0,Semen exam: abnormal,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K260.00,3331.0,Azoospermia,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K260.11,32485.0,Young's syndrome,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K261000,102597.0,Oligoasthenozoospermia,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K261.00,1615.0,Oligospermia,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K262.00,102703.0,Aspermia,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K26..00,766.0,Male infertility,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K26y200,36264.0,Infertility due to efferent duct obstruction,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K26y300,101598.0,Infertility due to radiation,Possible diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K26y400,108577.0,Infertility in systemic disease,Possible diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K26y.00,99607.0,Infertility due to extratesticular cause,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K26yz00,58858.0,Infertility due to extratesticular cause NOS,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K26z.00,5292.0,Male infertility NOS,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K5B1000,94448.0,Primary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility,Possible diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K5B1100,99535.0,Secondary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility,Possible diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K5B6.00,54282.0,Female infertility associated with male factors,Diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K5By000,2014.0,Primary infertility unspecified,Possible diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K5By100,1943.0,Secondary infertility unspecified,Possible diagnosis of Male infertility
+Male infertility,K5Byz11,7246.0,Subfertility,Possible diagnosis of Male infertility
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_meniere.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_meniere.csv
index 7e725a6..7a1079f 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_meniere.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_meniere.csv
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Ménière's disease","1491.11","16593.0","H/O: Meniere's disease","History of Ménière's disease"
-"Ménière's disease","F560000","47541.0","Unspecified Meniere's disease","Diagnosis of Ménière's disease"
-"Ménière's disease","F560100","66733.0","Active cochleovestibular Meniere's disease","Diagnosis of Ménière's disease"
-"Ménière's disease","F560200","39499.0","Active cochlear Meniere's disease","Diagnosis of Ménière's disease"
-"Ménière's disease","F560300","55827.0","Active vestibular Meniere's disease","Diagnosis of Ménière's disease"
-"Ménière's disease","F560400","97882.0","Inactive Meniere's disease","Diagnosis of Ménière's disease"
-"Ménière's disease","F560.00","674.0","Meniere's disease","Diagnosis of Ménière's disease"
-"Ménière's disease","F560.11","18047.0","Endolymphatic hydrops","Diagnosis of Ménière's disease"
-"Ménière's disease","F560.12","44564.0","Lermoyez's syndrome","Diagnosis of Ménière's disease"
-"Ménière's disease","F560z00","16334.0","Meniere's disease NOS","Diagnosis of Ménière's disease"
+Meniere disease,1491.11,16593,H/O: Meniere's disease,History of Meniere disease
+Meniere disease,F560000,47541,Unspecified Meniere's disease,Diagnosis of Meniere disease
+Meniere disease,F560100,66733,Active cochleovestibular Meniere's disease,Diagnosis of Meniere disease
+Meniere disease,F560200,39499,Active cochlear Meniere's disease,Diagnosis of Meniere disease
+Meniere disease,F560300,55827,Active vestibular Meniere's disease,Diagnosis of Meniere disease
+Meniere disease,F560400,97882,Inactive Meniere's disease,Diagnosis of Meniere disease
+Meniere disease,F560.00,674,Meniere's disease,Diagnosis of Meniere disease
+Meniere disease,F560.11,18047,Endolymphatic hydrops,Diagnosis of Meniere disease
+Meniere disease,F560.12,44564,Lermoyez's syndrome,Diagnosis of Meniere disease
+Meniere disease,F560z00,16334,Meniere's disease NOS,Diagnosis of Meniere disease
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_menorrhagia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_menorrhagia.csv
index 3f7a8f9..ceb28df 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_menorrhagia.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_menorrhagia.csv
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","151G.00","29459.0","Length of cycle decreasing","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","1572.00","7089.0","H/O: polymenorrhoea","History of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","1573.00","10531.0","H/O: menorrhagia","History of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","1573.11","6238.0","H/O: heavy periods","History of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K592000","128.0","Menorrhagia","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K592011","812.0","Heavy periods","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K592012","100998.0","Heavy menstrual bleeding","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K592100","1077.0","Polymenorrhoea","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K592111","5277.0","Epimenorrhoea","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K592.00","23935.0","Excessive or frequent menstruation","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K592.11","20674.0","Frequent menses","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K592.12","35691.0","Hypermenorrhoea","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K592z00","20190.0","Excessive or frequent menstruation NOS","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K593.11","8544.0","Pubertal bleeding and menorrhagia","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K5A0.00","15022.0","Premenopausal menorrhagia","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K5A0.11","20795.0","Climacteric menorrhagia","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","K5A6.00","93526.0","Perimenopausal menorrhagia","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,151G.00,29459.0,Length of cycle decreasing,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,1572.00,7089.0,H/O: polymenorrhoea,History of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,1573.00,10531.0,H/O: menorrhagia,History of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,1573.11,6238.0,H/O: heavy periods,History of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K592000,128.0,Menorrhagia,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K592011,812.0,Heavy periods,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K592012,100998.0,Heavy menstrual bleeding,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K592100,1077.0,Polymenorrhoea,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K592111,5277.0,Epimenorrhoea,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K592.00,23935.0,Excessive or frequent menstruation,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K592.11,20674.0,Frequent menses,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K592.12,35691.0,Hypermenorrhoea,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K592z00,20190.0,Excessive or frequent menstruation NOS,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K593.11,8544.0,Pubertal bleeding and menorrhagia,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K5A0.00,15022.0,Premenopausal menorrhagia,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K5A0.11,20795.0,Climacteric menorrhagia,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,K5A6.00,93526.0,Perimenopausal menorrhagia,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_migraine.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_migraine.csv
index bde7a75..8f0b637 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_migraine.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_migraine.csv
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Migraine","1474000.0","103451.0","H/O migraine with aura","History of Migraine"
-"Migraine","1474.00","5029.0","H/O: migraine","History of Migraine"
-"Migraine","8B6N.00","11389.0","Migraine prophylaxis","History of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F260.00","3220.0","Classical migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F260.11","103502.0","Migraine with aura","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F261000","9633.0","Atypical migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F261.00","2424.0","Common migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F261.11","103602.0","Migraine without aura","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F261z00","41497.0","Common migraine NOS","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F262200","2861.0","Abdominal migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F262300","9004.0","Basilar migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F262400","10583.0","Ophthalmic migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F262800","103973.0","Migraine induced by oestrogen contraceptive","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F262.00","5509.0","Migraine variants","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F262z00","23621.0","Migraine variant NOS","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F26..00","161.0","Migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F26y000","3658.0","Hemiplegic migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F26y100","12511.0","Ophthalmoplegic migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F26y111","65262.0","Moebius' ophthalmoplegic migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F26y200","22685.0","Status migrainosus","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F26y300","27930.0","Complicated migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F26y.00","28031.0","Other forms of migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F26yz00","28092.0","Other forms of migraine NOS","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","F26z.00","14700.0","Migraine NOS","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","Fyu5300","53813.0","[X]Other migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
-"Migraine","K584.11","11138.0","Migraine - menstrual","Diagnosis of Migraine"
+Migraine,1474000.0,103451.0,H/O migraine with aura,History of Migraine
+Migraine,1474.00,5029.0,H/O: migraine,History of Migraine
+Migraine,8B6N.00,11389.0,Migraine prophylaxis,History of Migraine
+Migraine,F260.00,3220.0,Classical migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F260.11,103502.0,Migraine with aura,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F261000,9633.0,Atypical migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F261.00,2424.0,Common migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F261.11,103602.0,Migraine without aura,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F261z00,41497.0,Common migraine NOS,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F262200,2861.0,Abdominal migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F262300,9004.0,Basilar migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F262400,10583.0,Ophthalmic migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F262800,103973.0,Migraine induced by oestrogen contraceptive,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F262.00,5509.0,Migraine variants,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F262z00,23621.0,Migraine variant NOS,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F26..00,161.0,Migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F26y000,3658.0,Hemiplegic migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F26y100,12511.0,Ophthalmoplegic migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F26y111,65262.0,Moebius' ophthalmoplegic migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F26y200,22685.0,Status migrainosus,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F26y300,27930.0,Complicated migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F26y.00,28031.0,Other forms of migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F26yz00,28092.0,Other forms of migraine NOS,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,F26z.00,14700.0,Migraine NOS,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,Fyu5300,53813.0,[X]Other migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
+Migraine,K584.11,11138.0,Migraine - menstrual,Diagnosis of Migraine
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_mult_valve.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_mult_valve.csv
index 6014656..64425c1 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_mult_valve.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_mult_valve.csv
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Multiple valve dz","G130.00","8274.0","Mitral and aortic stenosis","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G131.00","49355.0","Mitral stenosis and aortic insufficiency","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G131.13","61250.0","Mitral stenosis and aortic incompetence","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G131.14","17596.0","Mitral stenosis and aortic regurgitation","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G132.00","33262.0","Mitral insufficiency and aortic stenosis","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G132.12","31759.0","Mitral incompetence and aortic stenosis","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G132.13","33907.0","Mitral regurgitation and aortic stenosis","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G133.00","31727.0","Mitral and aortic incompetence","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G133.11","94872.0","Mitral and aortic insufficiency","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G133.12","11878.0","Mitral and aortic regurgitation","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G13..00","10078.0","Diseases of mitral and aortic valves","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G13y.00","70698.0","Multiple mitral and aortic valve involvement","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G13z.00","29158.0","Mitral and aortic valve disease NOS","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G544000","40582.0","Disorders of both aortic and tricuspid valves","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G544100","19699.0","Disorders of both mitral and tricuspid valves","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G544200","18475.0","Combined disorders of mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G544.00","40239.0","Multiple valve diseases","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","G544X00","57338.0","Multiple valve disease, unspecified","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
-"Multiple valve dz","Gyu5D00","100910.0","[X]Multiple valve disorders/diseases CE","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
+Multiple valve dz,G130.00,8274.0,Mitral and aortic stenosis,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G131.00,49355.0,Mitral stenosis and aortic insufficiency,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G131.13,61250.0,Mitral stenosis and aortic incompetence,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G131.14,17596.0,Mitral stenosis and aortic regurgitation,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G132.00,33262.0,Mitral insufficiency and aortic stenosis,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G132.12,31759.0,Mitral incompetence and aortic stenosis,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G132.13,33907.0,Mitral regurgitation and aortic stenosis,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G133.00,31727.0,Mitral and aortic incompetence,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G133.11,94872.0,Mitral and aortic insufficiency,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G133.12,11878.0,Mitral and aortic regurgitation,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G13..00,10078.0,Diseases of mitral and aortic valves,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G13y.00,70698.0,Multiple mitral and aortic valve involvement,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G13z.00,29158.0,Mitral and aortic valve disease NOS,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G544000,40582.0,Disorders of both aortic and tricuspid valves,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G544100,19699.0,Disorders of both mitral and tricuspid valves,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G544200,18475.0,"Combined disorders of mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves",Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G544.00,40239.0,Multiple valve diseases,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,G544X00,57338.0,"Multiple valve disease, unspecified",Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
+Multiple valve dz,Gyu5D00,100910.0,[X]Multiple valve disorders/diseases CE,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_myasthenia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_myasthenia.csv
index cf1bc0c..fe41cee 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_myasthenia.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_myasthenia.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Myasthenia gravis","F380100","66740.0","Juvenile or adult myasthenia gravis","Diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis"
-"Myasthenia gravis","F380.00","5655.0","Myasthenia gravis","Diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis"
-"Myasthenia gravis","F380z00","27515.0","Myasthenia gravis NOS","Diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis"
+Myasthenia gravis,F380100,66740.0,Juvenile or adult myasthenia gravis,Diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis
+Myasthenia gravis,F380.00,5655.0,Myasthenia gravis,Diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis
+Myasthenia gravis,F380z00,27515.0,Myasthenia gravis NOS,Diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_myocardial_infarction.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_myocardial_infarction.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1f3b83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_myocardial_infarction.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+Myocardial infarction,14A3.00,35674,H/O: myocardial infarct <60,History of MI (1)
+Myocardial infarction,14A4.00,40399,H/O: myocardial infarct >60,History of MI (1)
+Myocardial infarction,14AH.00,50372,H/O: Myocardial infarction in last year,History of MI (1)
+Myocardial infarction,G310.00,23579,Postmyocardial infarction syndrome,History of MI (1)
+Myocardial infarction,G32..00,4017,Old myocardial infarction,History of MI (1)
+Myocardial infarction,G32..11,16408,Healed myocardial infarction,History of MI (1)
+Myocardial infarction,G32..12,17464,Personal history of myocardial infarction,History of MI (1)
+Myocardial infarction,G33z500,9555,Post infarct angina,History of MI (1)
+Myocardial infarction,G30..11,13566,Attack - heart,Possible MI or uncertain date (2)
+Myocardial infarction,G30..14,1204,Heart attack,Possible MI or uncertain date (2)
+Myocardial infarction,G30..17,17689,Silent myocardial infarction,Possible MI or uncertain date (2)
+Myocardial infarction,G30A.00,17133,Mural thrombosis,Possible MI or uncertain date (2)
+Myocardial infarction,G30X000,12229,Acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction,STEMI (3)
+Myocardial infarction,G307100,10562,Acute non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction,NSTEMI (4)
+Myocardial infarction,323..00,7783,ECG: myocardial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,3233,26975,ECG: antero-septal infarct.,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,3234,26972,ECG:posterior/inferior infarct,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,3235,55401,ECG: subendocardial infarct,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,3236,52705,ECG: lateral infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,323Z.00,59032,ECG: myocardial infarct NOS,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,889A.00,61670,Diab mellit insulin-glucose infus acute myocardial infarct,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30..00,241,Acute myocardial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30..12,2491,Coronary thrombosis,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30..13,30421,Cardiac rupture following myocardial infarction (MI),Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30..15,1677,MI - acute myocardial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30..16,13571,Thrombosis - coronary,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G300.00,12139,Acute anterolateral infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G301.00,5387,Other specified anterior myocardial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G301000,40429,Acute anteroapical infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G301100,17872,Acute anteroseptal infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G301z00,14897,Anterior myocardial infarction NOS,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G302.00,8935,Acute inferolateral infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G303.00,29643,Acute inferoposterior infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G304.00,23892,Posterior myocardial infarction NOS,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G305.00,14898,Lateral myocardial infarction NOS,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G306.00,63467,True posterior myocardial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G307.00,3704,Acute subendocardial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G307000,9507,Acute non-Q wave infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G308.00,1678,Inferior myocardial infarction NOS,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G309.00,30330,Acute Q-wave infarct,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30B.00,32854,Acute posterolateral myocardial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30X.00,29758,Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecif site,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30y.00,34803,Other acute myocardial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30y000,28736,Acute atrial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30y100,62626,Acute papillary muscle infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30y200,41221,Acute septal infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30yz00,46017,Other acute myocardial infarction NOS,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G30z.00,14658,Acute myocardial infarction NOS,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G31y100,68357,Microinfarction of heart,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G38..00,32272,Postoperative myocardial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G380.00,46112,Postoperative transmural myocardial infarction anterior wall,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G381.00,46276,Postoperative transmural myocardial infarction inferior wall,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G384.00,41835,Postoperative subendocardial myocardial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G38z.00,68748,"Postoperative myocardial infarction, unspecified",Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,Gyu3400,96838,[X]Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecif site,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,G35..00,18842,Subsequent myocardial infarction,Subsequent MI (6)
+Myocardial infarction,G350.00,45809,Subsequent myocardial infarction of anterior wall,Subsequent MI (6)
+Myocardial infarction,G351.00,38609,Subsequent myocardial infarction of inferior wall,Subsequent MI (6)
+Myocardial infarction,G353.00,72562,Subsequent myocardial infarction of other sites,Subsequent MI (6)
+Myocardial infarction,G35X.00,46166,Subsequent myocardial infarction of unspecified site,Subsequent MI (6)
+Myocardial infarction,G310.11,15661,Dressler's syndrome,Complications of MI (7)
+Myocardial infarction,G36..00,36423,Certain current complication follow acute myocardial infarct,Complications of MI (7)
+Myocardial infarction,G360.00,24126,Haemopericardium/current comp folow acut myocard infarct,Complications of MI (7)
+Myocardial infarction,G361.00,23708,Atrial septal defect/curr comp folow acut myocardal infarct,Complications of MI (7)
+Myocardial infarction,G362.00,37657,Ventric septal defect/curr comp fol acut myocardal infarctn,Complications of MI (7)
+Myocardial infarction,G363.00,59189,Ruptur cardiac wall w'out haemopericard/cur comp fol ac MI,Complications of MI (7)
+Myocardial infarction,G364.00,59940,Ruptur chordae tendinae/curr comp fol acute myocard infarct,Complications of MI (7)
+Myocardial infarction,G365.00,69474,Rupture papillary muscle/curr comp fol acute myocard infarct,Complications of MI (7)
+Myocardial infarction,G366.00,29553,"Thrombosis atrium,auric append&vent/curr comp foll acute MI",Complications of MI (7)
+Myocardial infarction,G501.00,35119,Post infarction pericarditis,Complications of MI (7)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_nasal_polyp.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_nasal_polyp.csv
index f5d2078..116e3c1 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_nasal_polyp.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_nasal_polyp.csv
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Nasal polyp","2D33.00","6411.0","O/E - nasal polyp present","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","7402900.0","25976.0","Excision of polyp of nasal septum","Procedure for Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","7402911.0","8225.0","Nasal septum polypectomy","Procedure for Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","7406000.0","811.0","Nasal polypectomy","Procedure for Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","7406700.0","69714.0","Nasal polypectomy using auto-debrider","Procedure for Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","7416F00","42166.0","Functional endoscopic sinus surg - polypectomy nasal sinus","Procedure for Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H110000","31837.0","Choanal polyp","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H110100","47466.0","Nasopharyngeal polyp","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H110.00","977.0","Polyp of nasal cavity","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H110z00","14749.0","Polyp of nasal cavity NOS","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H111000","36229.0","Woakes' ethmoiditis","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H111.00","44934.0","Polypoid sinus degeneration","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H111z00","50528.0","Polypoid sinus degeneration NOS","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H11..00","4686.0","Nasal polyps","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H11y000","91482.0","Polyp of frontal sinus","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H11y100","11744.0","Polyp of ethmoidal sinus","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H11y200","35897.0","Polyp of maxillary sinus","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H11y211","4341.0","Antral (maxillary) polyp","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H11y300","61281.0","Polyp of sphenoidal sinus","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H11y.00","56372.0","Other polyp of sinus","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H11y.11","19742.0","Nasal sinus polyps","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H11yz00","44518.0","Other polyp of sinus NOS","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","H11z.00","14888.0","Nasal polyp NOS","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
-"Nasal polyp","Hyu2300","69765.0","[X]Other polyp of sinus","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
+Nasal polyp,2D33.00,6411.0,O/E - nasal polyp present,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,7402900.0,25976.0,Excision of polyp of nasal septum,Procedure for Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,7402911.0,8225.0,Nasal septum polypectomy,Procedure for Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,7406000.0,811.0,Nasal polypectomy,Procedure for Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,7406700.0,69714.0,Nasal polypectomy using auto-debrider,Procedure for Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,7416F00,42166.0,Functional endoscopic sinus surg - polypectomy nasal sinus,Procedure for Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H110000,31837.0,Choanal polyp,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H110100,47466.0,Nasopharyngeal polyp,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H110.00,977.0,Polyp of nasal cavity,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H110z00,14749.0,Polyp of nasal cavity NOS,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H111000,36229.0,Woakes' ethmoiditis,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H111.00,44934.0,Polypoid sinus degeneration,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H111z00,50528.0,Polypoid sinus degeneration NOS,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H11..00,4686.0,Nasal polyps,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H11y000,91482.0,Polyp of frontal sinus,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H11y100,11744.0,Polyp of ethmoidal sinus,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H11y200,35897.0,Polyp of maxillary sinus,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H11y211,4341.0,Antral (maxillary) polyp,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H11y300,61281.0,Polyp of sphenoidal sinus,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H11y.00,56372.0,Other polyp of sinus,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H11y.11,19742.0,Nasal sinus polyps,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H11yz00,44518.0,Other polyp of sinus NOS,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,H11z.00,14888.0,Nasal polyp NOS,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
+Nasal polyp,Hyu2300,69765.0,[X]Other polyp of sinus,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_neo_jaundice.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_neo_jaundice.csv
index 55b9057..d479509 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_neo_jaundice.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_neo_jaundice.csv
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q430000","39164.0","Neonatal jaundice + glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defic.","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q430.00","70762.0","Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemias","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q430z00","103252.0","Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q431000","69317.0","Perinatal jaundice from bruising","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q431200","106539.0","Perinatal jaundice from infection","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q431300","98034.0","Perinatal jaundice from polycythaemia","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q431500","89653.0","Perinatal jaundice from bleeding","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q431.00","65651.0","Perinatal jaundice from other excessive haemolysis","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q431z00","57133.0","Perinatal jaundice from haemolysis NOS","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q432.00","7828.0","Preterm delivery associated jaundice","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433000","45303.0","Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice, unspecified","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433200","3211.0","Breast feeding inhibitors causing neonatal jaundice","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433300","59695.0","Lucy - Driscoll syndrome","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433500","94612.0","Neonatal jaundice with Dubin-Johnson syndrome","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433600","66985.0","Neonatal jaundice with Gilbert's syndrome","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433700","58833.0","Neonatal jaundice with congenital hypothyroidism","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433800","48638.0","Neonatal jaundice with porphyria","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433A00","8069.0","Neonatal jaundice from breast milk inhibitor","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433.00","35507.0","Other neonatal jaundice - delayed conjugation other cause","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433y00","71056.0","Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice OS","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433y11","93156.0","Neonatal jaundice - deficiency enzyme for bilirubin conjug.","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q433z00","55360.0","Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice NOS","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q434000","35625.0","Perinatal hepatitis causing jaundice, unspecified","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q434100","104225.0","Giant cell hepatitis causing neonatal jaundice","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q434200","48009.0","Inspissated bile syndrome","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q434.00","92680.0","Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q434z00","59451.0","Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage NOS","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q435000","47340.0","Perinatal jaundice due to congenital obstruction bile duct","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q435100","70324.0","Perinatal jaundice due to galactosaemia","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q435.00","63838.0","Perinatal jaundice due to other cause","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q435z00","64140.0","Perinatal jaundice due to other specified cause","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q436000","19583.0","Icterus neonatorum, unspecified","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q436100","28361.0","Transient neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q436200","3615.0","Newborn physiological jaundice NOS","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q436.00","19581.0","Fetal and neonatal jaundice, unspecified","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q436z00","28184.0","Unspecified fetal or neonatal jaundice NOS","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q437000","47802.0","Bilirubin encephalopathy","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q437.00","48012.0","Kernicterus not due to isoimmunisation","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q437z00","61800.0","Kernicterus of newborn NOS","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q43..00","7269.0","Other perinatal jaundice","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Q43z.00","1359.0","Perinatal jaundice NOS","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Qyu5800","68206.0","[X]Neonat jaun due/drg,toxn transmit frm mother/given newbrn","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Qyu5900","48869.0","[X]Neonatal jaundice due/other specifd excessive haemolysis","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Qyu5A00","35477.0","[X]Neonatal jaundice from other+unspcf hepatocellular damage","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","Qyu5B00","40869.0","[X]Neonatal jaundice from other specified causes","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q430000,39164.0,Neonatal jaundice + glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defic.,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q430.00,70762.0,Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemias,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q430z00,103252.0,Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q431000,69317.0,Perinatal jaundice from bruising,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q431200,106539.0,Perinatal jaundice from infection,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q431300,98034.0,Perinatal jaundice from polycythaemia,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q431500,89653.0,Perinatal jaundice from bleeding,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q431.00,65651.0,Perinatal jaundice from other excessive haemolysis,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q431z00,57133.0,Perinatal jaundice from haemolysis NOS,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q432.00,7828.0,Preterm delivery associated jaundice,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433000,45303.0,"Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice, unspecified",Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433200,3211.0,Breast feeding inhibitors causing neonatal jaundice,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433300,59695.0,Lucy - Driscoll syndrome,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433500,94612.0,Neonatal jaundice with Dubin-Johnson syndrome,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433600,66985.0,Neonatal jaundice with Gilbert's syndrome,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433700,58833.0,Neonatal jaundice with congenital hypothyroidism,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433800,48638.0,Neonatal jaundice with porphyria,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433A00,8069.0,Neonatal jaundice from breast milk inhibitor,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433.00,35507.0,Other neonatal jaundice - delayed conjugation other cause,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433y00,71056.0,Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice OS,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433y11,93156.0,Neonatal jaundice - deficiency enzyme for bilirubin conjug.,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q433z00,55360.0,Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice NOS,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q434000,35625.0,"Perinatal hepatitis causing jaundice, unspecified",Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q434100,104225.0,Giant cell hepatitis causing neonatal jaundice,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q434200,48009.0,Inspissated bile syndrome,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q434.00,92680.0,Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q434z00,59451.0,Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage NOS,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q435000,47340.0,Perinatal jaundice due to congenital obstruction bile duct,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q435100,70324.0,Perinatal jaundice due to galactosaemia,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q435.00,63838.0,Perinatal jaundice due to other cause,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q435z00,64140.0,Perinatal jaundice due to other specified cause,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q436000,19583.0,"Icterus neonatorum, unspecified",Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q436100,28361.0,Transient neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q436200,3615.0,Newborn physiological jaundice NOS,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q436.00,19581.0,"Fetal and neonatal jaundice, unspecified",Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q436z00,28184.0,Unspecified fetal or neonatal jaundice NOS,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q437000,47802.0,Bilirubin encephalopathy,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q437.00,48012.0,Kernicterus not due to isoimmunisation,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q437z00,61800.0,Kernicterus of newborn NOS,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q43..00,7269.0,Other perinatal jaundice,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Q43z.00,1359.0,Perinatal jaundice NOS,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Qyu5800,68206.0,"[X]Neonat jaun due/drg,toxn transmit frm mother/given newbrn",Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Qyu5900,48869.0,[X]Neonatal jaundice due/other specifd excessive haemolysis,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Qyu5A00,35477.0,[X]Neonatal jaundice from other+unspcf hepatocellular damage,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),Qyu5B00,40869.0,[X]Neonatal jaundice from other specified causes,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_neuro_bladder.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_neuro_bladder.csv
index a2ae2f9..964ef1b 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_neuro_bladder.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_neuro_bladder.csv
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","F246111","30941.0","Atonic bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","F246112","5309.0","Neurogenic bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","F246113","37444.0","Neuropathic bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K164000","32697.0","Hypotonic bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K164100","41628.0","Bladder inertia","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K164.00","49372.0","Atony of bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K164.11","11490.0","Atonic bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K164z00","56009.0","Atony of bladder NOS","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K165000","37502.0","Hypertonic bladder sphincter","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K165100","52174.0","Bladder sphincter paralysis","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K165300","6676.0","Detrusor instability","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K165400","5993.0","Unstable bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K165.00","34452.0","Other functional disorder of bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K165z00","25836.0","Other bladder function disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K16V000","29881.0","Neuropathic bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K16V011","25398.0","Neurogenic bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K16V100","98192.0","Overactive bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K16V.00","21278.0","Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K16W.00","11162.0","Reflex neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K16X.00","31097.0","Uninhibited neuropathic bladder, NEC","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K16y400","887.0","Irritable bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K16y411","2248.0","Detrusor instability","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K16y412","31318.0","Unstable bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K16y800","7680.0","Functional disorder of bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","K16y811","4998.0","Functional voiding disorder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","Kyu5200","108426.0","[X]Other neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","Kyu5E00","90866.0","[X]Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,F246111,30941.0,Atonic bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,F246112,5309.0,Neurogenic bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,F246113,37444.0,Neuropathic bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K164000,32697.0,Hypotonic bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K164100,41628.0,Bladder inertia,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K164.00,49372.0,Atony of bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K164.11,11490.0,Atonic bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K164z00,56009.0,Atony of bladder NOS,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K165000,37502.0,Hypertonic bladder sphincter,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K165100,52174.0,Bladder sphincter paralysis,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K165300,6676.0,Detrusor instability,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K165400,5993.0,Unstable bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K165.00,34452.0,Other functional disorder of bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K165z00,25836.0,Other bladder function disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K16V000,29881.0,Neuropathic bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K16V011,25398.0,Neurogenic bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K16V100,98192.0,Overactive bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K16V.00,21278.0,"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K16W.00,11162.0,"Reflex neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K16X.00,31097.0,"Uninhibited neuropathic bladder, NEC",Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K16y400,887.0,Irritable bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K16y411,2248.0,Detrusor instability,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K16y412,31318.0,Unstable bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K16y800,7680.0,Functional disorder of bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,K16y811,4998.0,Functional voiding disorder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,Kyu5200,108426.0,[X]Other neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,Kyu5E00,90866.0,"[X]Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_nonRh_aortic.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_nonRh_aortic.csv
index b8ffc63..dce64cf 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_nonRh_aortic.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_nonRh_aortic.csv
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541000","14998.0","Aortic incompetence, non-rheumatic","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541011","47887.0","Aortic insufficiency, non-rheumatic","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541012","10187.0","Aortic regurgitation, non-rheumatic","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541100","999.0","Aortic stenosis, non-rheumatic","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541200","1007.0","Aortic incompetence alone, cause unspecified","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541211","58810.0","Aortic insufficiency alone, cause unspecified","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541212","1005.0","Aortic regurgitation alone, cause unspecified","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541300","2343.0","Aortic stenosis alone, cause unspecified","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541400","10964.0","Aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541500","9591.0","Aortic stenosis","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541600","30610.0","Aortic valve sclerosis","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541700","49185.0","Aortic valve calcification","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541.00","4548.0","Aortic valve disorders","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","G541z00","19019.0","Aortic valve disorders NOS","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","Gyu1100","94521.0","[X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","Gyu5600","49272.0","[X]Other aortic valve disorders","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","Gyu5A00","71004.0","[X]Aortic valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541000,14998.0,"Aortic incompetence, non-rheumatic",Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541011,47887.0,"Aortic insufficiency, non-rheumatic",Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541012,10187.0,"Aortic regurgitation, non-rheumatic",Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541100,999.0,"Aortic stenosis, non-rheumatic",Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541200,1007.0,"Aortic incompetence alone, cause unspecified",Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541211,58810.0,"Aortic insufficiency alone, cause unspecified",Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541212,1005.0,"Aortic regurgitation alone, cause unspecified",Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541300,2343.0,"Aortic stenosis alone, cause unspecified",Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541400,10964.0,Aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541500,9591.0,Aortic stenosis,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541600,30610.0,Aortic valve sclerosis,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541700,49185.0,Aortic valve calcification,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541.00,4548.0,Aortic valve disorders,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,G541z00,19019.0,Aortic valve disorders NOS,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,Gyu1100,94521.0,[X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,Gyu5600,49272.0,[X]Other aortic valve disorders,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,Gyu5A00,71004.0,[X]Aortic valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_nonRh_mitral.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_nonRh_mitral.csv
index 4216acb..cfa99c4 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_nonRh_mitral.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_nonRh_mitral.csv
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G114.00","57633.0","Ruptured mitral valve cusp","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G11..00","1267.0","Mitral valve diseases","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G11z.00","30443.0","Mitral valve disease NOS","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G540000","5058.0","Mitral incompetence, non-rheumatic","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G540100","34240.0","Mitral incompetence, cause unspecified","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G540200","31839.0","Mitral valve prolapse","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G540300","39916.0","Mitral valve leaf prolapse","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G540.00","2977.0","Mitral valve incompetence","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G540.12","40949.0","Mitral valve insufficiency","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G540.14","9450.0","Mitral valve regurgitation","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G540.15","1294.0","Mitral valve prolapse","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G540.16","561.0","Mitral regurgitation","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","G540z00","24557.0","Mitral valve disorders NOS","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","Gyu1000","53756.0","[X]Other mitral valve diseases","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","Gyu5500","98560.0","[X]Other nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G114.00,57633.0,Ruptured mitral valve cusp,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G11..00,1267.0,Mitral valve diseases,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G11z.00,30443.0,Mitral valve disease NOS,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G540000,5058.0,"Mitral incompetence, non-rheumatic",Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G540100,34240.0,"Mitral incompetence, cause unspecified",Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G540200,31839.0,Mitral valve prolapse,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G540300,39916.0,Mitral valve leaf prolapse,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G540.00,2977.0,Mitral valve incompetence,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G540.12,40949.0,Mitral valve insufficiency,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G540.14,9450.0,Mitral valve regurgitation,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G540.15,1294.0,Mitral valve prolapse,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G540.16,561.0,Mitral regurgitation,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,G540z00,24557.0,Mitral valve disorders NOS,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,Gyu1000,53756.0,[X]Other mitral valve diseases,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,Gyu5500,98560.0,[X]Other nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_obesity.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_obesity.csv
index 217a003..cc2b53f 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_obesity.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_obesity.csv
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Obesity","1444.00","16196.0","H/O: obesity","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","212Q.00","52703.0","Obesity resolved","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","222A.00","59780.0","O/E - obese","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","22A5.11","7984.0","O/E - obese","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","22K5.00","13278.0","Body mass index 30+ - obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","22K7.00","22556.0","Body mass index 40+ - severely obese","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","66C1.00","38658.0","Initial obesity assessment","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","66C2.00","29538.0","Follow-up obesity assessment","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","66C4.00","3176.0","Has seen dietician - obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","66C5.00","64712.0","Treatment of obesity changed","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","66C6.00","38632.0","Treatment of obesity started","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","66C..00","11461.0","Obesity monitoring","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","66CE.00","17444.0","Reason for obesity therapy - occupational","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","66CZ.00","40153.0","Obesity monitoring NOS","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","7633.00","39123.0","Bypass of jejunum","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7611400.0","93378.0","Sleeve gastrectomy and duodenal switch","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7611500.0","89259.0","Sleeve gastrectomy NEC","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7611600.0","89148.0","Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7613100.0","34119.0","Partitioning of stomach","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7613111.0","59622.0","Mason vertical banded gastroplasty","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7613200.0","18863.0","Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7613300.0","88474.0","Partitioning of stomach using band","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7613400.0","56926.0","Partitioning of stomach using staples","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7613500.0","90600.0","Partitioning of stomach NEC","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7613600.0","97691.0","Maintenance of gastric band","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7614100.0","40977.0","Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to duodenum","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7615000.0","39797.0","Bypass stomach by anastomosis stomach to transposed jejunum","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7616000.0","7082.0","Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to jejunum NEC","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7616013.0","92957.0","Mason high gastric bypass","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7616015.0","48417.0","Printer high gastric bypass","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7616600.0","95929.0","Laparoscopic gastric bypass","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7633000.0","56107.0","Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to jejunum","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7633100.0","19929.0","Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to ileum","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7633200.0","62848.0","Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to colon","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7642500.0","90517.0","Duodenal switch","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","761A500","90454.0","Removal of gastric band","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7633y00","64123.0","Other specified bypass of jejunum","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","7633z00","60421.0","Bypass of jejunum NOS","Procedure for Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OK1.00","52034.0","Attends obesity monitoring","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OK2.00","67516.0","Refuses obesity monitoring","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OK3.00","52036.0","Obesity monitoring default","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OK4.00","49409.0","Obesity monitoring 1st letter","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OK5.00","55586.0","Obesity monitoring 2nd letter","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OK6.00","55585.0","Obesity monitoring 3rd letter","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OK7.00","70950.0","Obesity monitoring verbal inv.","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OK8.00","67517.0","Obesity monitor phone invite","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OK..00","32843.0","Obesity monitoring admin.","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OK..11","21744.0","Obesity clinic administration","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OKA.00","47439.0","Obesity monitoring check done","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","9OKZ.00","52735.0","Obesity monitoring admin.NOS","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C380000","38799.0","Obesity due to excess calories","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C380100","49250.0","Drug-induced obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C380200","38059.0","Extreme obesity with alveolar hypoventilation","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C380300","8854.0","Morbid obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C380400","22695.0","Central obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C380500","25968.0","Generalised obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C380600","104129.0","Adult-onset obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C380700","104421.0","Lifelong obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C380.00","430.0","Obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C38..00","66406.0","Obesity and other hyperalimentation","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C38y000","38294.0","Pickwickian syndrome","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C38y011","103574.0","Obesity hypoventilation syndrome","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C38y.11","24755.0","Pickwickian syndrome","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C38z000","11401.0","Simple obesity NOS","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","C38z.00","70898.0","Obesity and other hyperalimentation NOS","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","Cyu7000","69757.0","[X]Other obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","Cyu7.00","52782.0","[X]Obesity and other hyperalimentation","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","ZC2CM00","10728.0","Dietary advice for obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
-"Obesity","ZV45P00","97014.0","[V]Presence of gastric bypass","History of Obesity"
-"Obesity","ZV65319","17477.0","[V]Dietary counselling in obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
+Obesity,1444.00,16196.0,H/O: obesity,History of Obesity
+Obesity,212Q.00,52703.0,Obesity resolved,History of Obesity
+Obesity,222A.00,59780.0,O/E - obese,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,22A5.11,7984.0,O/E - obese,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,22K5.00,13278.0,Body mass index 30+ - obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,22K7.00,22556.0,Body mass index 40+ - severely obese,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,66C1.00,38658.0,Initial obesity assessment,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,66C2.00,29538.0,Follow-up obesity assessment,History of Obesity
+Obesity,66C4.00,3176.0,Has seen dietician - obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,66C5.00,64712.0,Treatment of obesity changed,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,66C6.00,38632.0,Treatment of obesity started,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,66C..00,11461.0,Obesity monitoring,History of Obesity
+Obesity,66CE.00,17444.0,Reason for obesity therapy - occupational,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,66CZ.00,40153.0,Obesity monitoring NOS,History of Obesity
+Obesity,7633.00,39123.0,Bypass of jejunum,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7611400.0,93378.0,Sleeve gastrectomy and duodenal switch,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7611500.0,89259.0,Sleeve gastrectomy NEC,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7611600.0,89148.0,Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7613100.0,34119.0,Partitioning of stomach,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7613111.0,59622.0,Mason vertical banded gastroplasty,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7613200.0,18863.0,Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7613300.0,88474.0,Partitioning of stomach using band,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7613400.0,56926.0,Partitioning of stomach using staples,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7613500.0,90600.0,Partitioning of stomach NEC,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7613600.0,97691.0,Maintenance of gastric band,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7614100.0,40977.0,Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to duodenum,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7615000.0,39797.0,Bypass stomach by anastomosis stomach to transposed jejunum,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7616000.0,7082.0,Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to jejunum NEC,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7616013.0,92957.0,Mason high gastric bypass,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7616015.0,48417.0,Printer high gastric bypass,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7616600.0,95929.0,Laparoscopic gastric bypass,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7633000.0,56107.0,Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to jejunum,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7633100.0,19929.0,Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to ileum,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7633200.0,62848.0,Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to colon,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7642500.0,90517.0,Duodenal switch,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,761A500,90454.0,Removal of gastric band,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7633y00,64123.0,Other specified bypass of jejunum,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,7633z00,60421.0,Bypass of jejunum NOS,Procedure for Obesity
+Obesity,9OK1.00,52034.0,Attends obesity monitoring,History of Obesity
+Obesity,9OK2.00,67516.0,Refuses obesity monitoring,History of Obesity
+Obesity,9OK3.00,52036.0,Obesity monitoring default,History of Obesity
+Obesity,9OK4.00,49409.0,Obesity monitoring 1st letter,History of Obesity
+Obesity,9OK5.00,55586.0,Obesity monitoring 2nd letter,History of Obesity
+Obesity,9OK6.00,55585.0,Obesity monitoring 3rd letter,History of Obesity
+Obesity,9OK7.00,70950.0,Obesity monitoring verbal inv.,History of Obesity
+Obesity,9OK8.00,67517.0,Obesity monitor phone invite,History of Obesity
+Obesity,9OK..00,32843.0,Obesity monitoring admin.,History of Obesity
+Obesity,9OK..11,21744.0,Obesity clinic administration,History of Obesity
+Obesity,9OKA.00,47439.0,Obesity monitoring check done,History of Obesity
+Obesity,9OKZ.00,52735.0,Obesity monitoring admin.NOS,History of Obesity
+Obesity,C380000,38799.0,Obesity due to excess calories,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C380100,49250.0,Drug-induced obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C380200,38059.0,Extreme obesity with alveolar hypoventilation,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C380300,8854.0,Morbid obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C380400,22695.0,Central obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C380500,25968.0,Generalised obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C380600,104129.0,Adult-onset obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C380700,104421.0,Lifelong obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C380.00,430.0,Obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C38..00,66406.0,Obesity and other hyperalimentation,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C38y000,38294.0,Pickwickian syndrome,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C38y011,103574.0,Obesity hypoventilation syndrome,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C38y.11,24755.0,Pickwickian syndrome,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C38z000,11401.0,Simple obesity NOS,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,C38z.00,70898.0,Obesity and other hyperalimentation NOS,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,Cyu7000,69757.0,[X]Other obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,Cyu7.00,52782.0,[X]Obesity and other hyperalimentation,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,ZC2CM00,10728.0,Dietary advice for obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
+Obesity,ZV45P00,97014.0,[V]Presence of gastric bypass,History of Obesity
+Obesity,ZV65319,17477.0,[V]Dietary counselling in obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_obstr_reflux.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_obstr_reflux.csv
index efcf6de..4b6f4d9 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_obstr_reflux.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_obstr_reflux.csv
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K110.00","2420.0","Hydrocalycosis","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K111.00","17778.0","Hydroureteronephrosis","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K112.00","27592.0","Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K113.00","10410.0","Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K113.11","8522.0","Hydronephrosis with pelviureteric junction obstruction","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K11..00","3277.0","Hydronephrosis","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K11X.00","28159.0","Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K11z.00","27302.0","Hydronephrosis NOS","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K133000","48616.0","Postoperative ureteric constriction","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K133100","4890.0","Stricture of pelviureteric junction","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K133.00","3485.0","Stricture of ureter","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K133z00","15835.0","Stricture of ureter NOS","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K134000","15688.0","Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K134.00","6792.0","Other ureteric obstruction","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K134z00","2365.0","Occlusion of ureter NOS","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K135.00","31841.0","Hydroureter","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K137.00","2421.0","Vesicoureteric reflux","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K137.11","4443.0","Ureteric reflux","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K196.00","8877.0","Urinary obstruction unspecified","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","K196.11","12095.0","Obstructive uropathy, unspecified","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","Kyu1100","72621.0","[X]Other and unspecified hydronephrosis","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","Kyu1200","107866.0","[X]Other obstructive and reflux uropathy","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","Kyu1300","105941.0","[X]Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","Kyu1F00","98067.0","[X]Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K110.00,2420.0,Hydrocalycosis,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K111.00,17778.0,Hydroureteronephrosis,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K112.00,27592.0,Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K113.00,10410.0,Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K113.11,8522.0,Hydronephrosis with pelviureteric junction obstruction,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K11..00,3277.0,Hydronephrosis,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K11X.00,28159.0,Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K11z.00,27302.0,Hydronephrosis NOS,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K133000,48616.0,Postoperative ureteric constriction,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K133100,4890.0,Stricture of pelviureteric junction,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K133.00,3485.0,Stricture of ureter,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K133z00,15835.0,Stricture of ureter NOS,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K134000,15688.0,Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K134.00,6792.0,Other ureteric obstruction,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K134z00,2365.0,Occlusion of ureter NOS,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K135.00,31841.0,Hydroureter,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K137.00,2421.0,Vesicoureteric reflux,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K137.11,4443.0,Ureteric reflux,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K196.00,8877.0,Urinary obstruction unspecified,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,K196.11,12095.0,"Obstructive uropathy, unspecified",Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,Kyu1100,72621.0,[X]Other and unspecified hydronephrosis,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,Kyu1200,107866.0,[X]Other obstructive and reflux uropathy,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,Kyu1300,105941.0,"[X]Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified",Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,Kyu1F00,98067.0,[X]Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_ocd.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_ocd.csv
index b52d82a..b253c9e 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_ocd.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_ocd.csv
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","E203000","5678.0","Compulsive neurosis","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","E203100","2030.0","Obsessional neurosis","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","E203.00","3208.0","Obsessive-compulsive disorders","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","E203.11","47365.0","Anancastic neurosis","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","E203z00","15566.0","Obsessive-compulsive disorder NOS","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","Eu42000","20634.0","[X]Predominantly obsessional thoughts or ruminations","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","Eu42100","22019.0","[X]Predominantly compulsive acts [obsessional rituals]","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","Eu42200","18399.0","[X]Mixed obsessional thoughts and acts","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","Eu42.00","5304.0","[X]Obsessive - compulsive disorder","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","Eu42.11","24251.0","[X]Anankastic neurosis","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","Eu42.12","21836.0","[X]Obsessive-compulsive neurosis","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","Eu42y00","38809.0","[X]Other obsessive-compulsive disorders","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","Eu42z00","22721.0","[X]Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,E203000,5678.0,Compulsive neurosis,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,E203100,2030.0,Obsessional neurosis,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,E203.00,3208.0,Obsessive-compulsive disorders,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,E203.11,47365.0,Anancastic neurosis,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,E203z00,15566.0,Obsessive-compulsive disorder NOS,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,Eu42000,20634.0,[X]Predominantly obsessional thoughts or ruminations,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,Eu42100,22019.0,[X]Predominantly compulsive acts [obsessional rituals],Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,Eu42200,18399.0,[X]Mixed obsessional thoughts and acts,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,Eu42.00,5304.0,[X]Obsessive - compulsive disorder,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,Eu42.11,24251.0,[X]Anankastic neurosis,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,Eu42.12,21836.0,[X]Obsessive-compulsive neurosis,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,Eu42y00,38809.0,[X]Other obsessive-compulsive disorders,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,Eu42z00,22721.0,"[X]Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified",Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_oesoph_ulc.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_oesoph_ulc.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..442511c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_oesoph_ulc.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101000,57039.0,Abscess of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101.00,592.0,Oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101100,2535.0,Reflux oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101112,7104.0,Gastro-oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101113,16605.0,Oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101114,15579.0,Peptic oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101115,16450.0,Regurgitant oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101200,34836.0,Chemical oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101300,47694.0,Postoperative oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101400,98929.0,Gangrenous oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101500,39323.0,Phlegmonous oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101600,5283.0,Ulcerative oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101y00,35037.0,Other specified oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J101z00,14760.0,Oesophagitis NOS,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J102000,24021.0,Peptic ulcer of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J102.00,2489.0,Ulcer of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J102100,49926.0,Fungal ulcer of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J102200,51013.0,Oesophageal ulcer due to aspirin,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J102300,94752.0,Oesophageal ulcer due to chemicals,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J102400,58603.0,Oesophageal ulcer due to medicines,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J102z00,42150.0,Ulcer of oesophagus NOS,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,J10y300,10060.0,Oesophageal erosions,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_oesophagitis+oesoph_ulc.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_oesophagitis+oesoph_ulc.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index c241a9f..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_oesophagitis+oesoph_ulc.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101000","57039.0","Abscess of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101.00","592.0","Oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101100","2535.0","Reflux oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101112","7104.0","Gastro-oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101113","16605.0","Oesophageal reflux with oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101114","15579.0","Peptic oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101115","16450.0","Regurgitant oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101200","34836.0","Chemical oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101300","47694.0","Postoperative oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101400","98929.0","Gangrenous oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101500","39323.0","Phlegmonous oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101600","5283.0","Ulcerative oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101y00","35037.0","Other specified oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J101z00","14760.0","Oesophagitis NOS","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J102000","24021.0","Peptic ulcer of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J102.00","2489.0","Ulcer of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J102100","49926.0","Fungal ulcer of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J102200","51013.0","Oesophageal ulcer due to aspirin","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J102300","94752.0","Oesophageal ulcer due to chemicals","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J102400","58603.0","Oesophageal ulcer due to medicines","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J102z00","42150.0","Ulcer of oesophagus NOS","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","J10y300","10060.0","Oesophageal erosions","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_osteoporosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_osteoporosis.csv
index 69303fe..5f91caf 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_osteoporosis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_osteoporosis.csv
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Osteoporosis","14GB.00","99817.0","History of osteoporosis","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","58EG.00","42354.0","Hip DXA scan result osteoporotic","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","58EM.00","39217.0","Lumbar DXA scan result osteoporotic","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","58EV.00","96342.0","Femoral neck DEXA scan result osteoporotic","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","66a..00","11603.0","Osteoporosis monitoring","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9kj0.00","98760.0","Bone sparing drug treatment offered for osteoporosis - ESA","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9kj..00","98433.0","Osteoporosis - enhanced services administration","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9Od0.00","65163.0","Attends osteoporosis monitoring","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9Od2.00","92887.0","Osteoporosis monitoring default","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9Od3.00","68122.0","Osteoporosis monitoring first letter","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9Od4.00","93455.0","Osteoporosis monitoring second letter","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9Od5.00","102017.0","Osteoporosis monitoring third letter","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9Od6.00","105290.0","Osteoporosis monitoring verbal invitation","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9Od7.00","61121.0","Osteoporosis monitoring telephone invitation","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9Od8.00","96779.0","Osteoporosis monitoring deleted","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9Od9.00","25534.0","Osteoporosis monitoring check done","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","9Od..00","36796.0","Osteoporosis monitoring administration","History of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330000","14967.0","Osteoporosis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330100","16307.0","Senile osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330200","9700.0","Postmenopausal osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330300","40428.0","Idiopathic osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330400","62702.0","Dissuse osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330500","24093.0","Drug-induced osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330600","70349.0","Postoophorectomy osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330700","93655.0","Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330A00","31580.0","Osteoporosis in endocrine disorders","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330B00","3346.0","Vertebral osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330C00","16857.0","Osteoporosis localized to spine","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330D00","25650.0","Osteoporosis due to corticosteroids","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330.00","277.0","Osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N330z00","34798.0","Osteoporosis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331200","39334.0","Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331300","33526.0","Osteoporosis of disuse with pathological fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331400","68019.0","Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with path fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331500","46894.0","Drug-induced osteoporosis with pathological fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331600","27597.0","Idiopathic osteoporosis with pathological fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331800","17377.0","Osteoporosis + pathological fracture lumbar vertebrae","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331900","12673.0","Osteoporosis + pathological fracture thoracic vertebrae","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331A00","48772.0","Osteoporosis + pathological fracture cervical vertebrae","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331B00","38395.0","Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331H00","45736.0","Collapse of cervical vertebra due to osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331J00","5841.0","Collapse of lumbar vertebra due to osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331K00","19048.0","Collapse of thoracic vertebra due to osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331L00","4013.0","Collapse of vertebra due to osteoporosis NOS","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331M00","11503.0","Fragility fracture due to unspecified osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331M11","93705.0","Minimal trauma fracture due to unspecified osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331N00","93497.0","Fragility fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N331N11","93981.0","Minimal trauma fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","N374600","36432.0","Osteoporotic kyphosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","NyuB000","57301.0","[X]Other osteoporosis with pathological fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","NyuB100","41755.0","[X]Other osteoporosis","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","NyuB200","102730.0","[X]Osteoporosis in other disorders classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","NyuB800","18825.0","[X]Unspecified osteoporosis with pathological fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
+Osteoporosis,14GB.00,99817.0,History of osteoporosis,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,58EG.00,42354.0,Hip DXA scan result osteoporotic,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,58EM.00,39217.0,Lumbar DXA scan result osteoporotic,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,58EV.00,96342.0,Femoral neck DEXA scan result osteoporotic,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,66a..00,11603.0,Osteoporosis monitoring,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9kj0.00,98760.0,Bone sparing drug treatment offered for osteoporosis - ESA,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9kj..00,98433.0,Osteoporosis - enhanced services administration,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9Od0.00,65163.0,Attends osteoporosis monitoring,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9Od2.00,92887.0,Osteoporosis monitoring default,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9Od3.00,68122.0,Osteoporosis monitoring first letter,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9Od4.00,93455.0,Osteoporosis monitoring second letter,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9Od5.00,102017.0,Osteoporosis monitoring third letter,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9Od6.00,105290.0,Osteoporosis monitoring verbal invitation,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9Od7.00,61121.0,Osteoporosis monitoring telephone invitation,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9Od8.00,96779.0,Osteoporosis monitoring deleted,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9Od9.00,25534.0,Osteoporosis monitoring check done,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,9Od..00,36796.0,Osteoporosis monitoring administration,History of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330000,14967.0,"Osteoporosis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330100,16307.0,Senile osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330200,9700.0,Postmenopausal osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330300,40428.0,Idiopathic osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330400,62702.0,Dissuse osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330500,24093.0,Drug-induced osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330600,70349.0,Postoophorectomy osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330700,93655.0,Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330A00,31580.0,Osteoporosis in endocrine disorders,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330B00,3346.0,Vertebral osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330C00,16857.0,Osteoporosis localized to spine,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330D00,25650.0,Osteoporosis due to corticosteroids,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330.00,277.0,Osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N330z00,34798.0,Osteoporosis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331200,39334.0,Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331300,33526.0,Osteoporosis of disuse with pathological fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331400,68019.0,Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with path fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331500,46894.0,Drug-induced osteoporosis with pathological fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331600,27597.0,Idiopathic osteoporosis with pathological fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331800,17377.0,Osteoporosis + pathological fracture lumbar vertebrae,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331900,12673.0,Osteoporosis + pathological fracture thoracic vertebrae,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331A00,48772.0,Osteoporosis + pathological fracture cervical vertebrae,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331B00,38395.0,Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331H00,45736.0,Collapse of cervical vertebra due to osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331J00,5841.0,Collapse of lumbar vertebra due to osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331K00,19048.0,Collapse of thoracic vertebra due to osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331L00,4013.0,Collapse of vertebra due to osteoporosis NOS,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331M00,11503.0,Fragility fracture due to unspecified osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331M11,93705.0,Minimal trauma fracture due to unspecified osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331N00,93497.0,Fragility fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N331N11,93981.0,Minimal trauma fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,N374600,36432.0,Osteoporotic kyphosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,NyuB000,57301.0,[X]Other osteoporosis with pathological fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,NyuB100,41755.0,[X]Other osteoporosis,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,NyuB200,102730.0,[X]Osteoporosis in other disorders classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,NyuB800,18825.0,[X]Unspecified osteoporosis with pathological fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_oth_anaemia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_oth_anaemia.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec4a37c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_oth_anaemia.csv
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+Other anaemias,145..11,5833.0,H/O: anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,1454.00,24953.0,H/O: anaemia NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,4234.00,35749.0,Haemoglobin very low,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,4235.00,3942.0,Haemoglobin low,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D00..11,882.0,Hypochromic - microcytic anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D00..12,539.0,Microcytic - hypochromic anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D00y100,4839.0,Microcytic hypochromic anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D00z200,40750.0,Idiopathic hypochromic anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D012112,59103.0,Megaloblastic anaemia due to dietary causes,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D012500,3981.0,Macrocytic anaemia unspecified cause,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D013.00,51489.0,Other specified megaloblastic anaemia NEC,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D013z00,56348.0,Other specified megaloblastic anaemia NEC NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D014000,64601.0,Amino-acid deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D014100,71773.0,Oroticaciduria,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D014.00,2452.0,Protein-deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D014z00,70835.0,Protein-deficiency anaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D01..00,11961.0,Other deficiency anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D01..11,4475.0,Megaloblastic anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D01y000,104812.0,Vitamin C deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D01y100,62257.0,Vitamin E deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D01y.00,58136.0,Other specified nutritional deficiency anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D01yy00,100576.0,Other specified other nutritional deficiency anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D01yz00,92106.0,Other specified nutritional deficiency anaemia NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D01z000,10506.0,[X]Megaloblastic anaemia NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D01z.00,57274.0,Other deficiency anaemias NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D01z.11,53799.0,Megaloblastic anaemia NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D0...00,7841.0,Deficiency anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D0y..00,26327.0,Other specified deficiency anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D0z..00,8054.0,Deficiency anaemias NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D210000,43330.0,Congenital sideroblastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D210100,41699.0,Acquired sideroblastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D210200,72276.0,Pyridoxine-responsive sideroblastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D210300,31550.0,Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to disease,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D210400,47225.0,Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to drugs and toxins,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D210.00,15936.0,Sideroblastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D210z00,94387.0,Sideroblastic anaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D211.00,2743.0,Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D211.11,45929.0,Normocytic anaemia following acute bleed,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D212000,48145.0,Anaemia in ovarian carcinoma,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D212.00,30637.0,Anaemia in neoplastic disease,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D213.00,16052.0,Refractory Anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D214.00,12176.0,Chronic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D215000,25394.0,Anaemia secondary to chronic renal failure,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D215.00,16929.0,Anaemia secondary to renal failure,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21..00,3265.0,Other and unspecified anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21y000,53422.0,Congenital dyshaematopoietic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21y011,31040.0,Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21y012,56752.0,Congenital dyserythropoiesis NEC,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21y200,33278.0,Leukoerythroblastic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21y300,70732.0,Hereditary erythroblast multinuclearity + positive acid test,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21y.00,34934.0,Other specified anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21yy00,58695.0,Other specified other anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21yz00,28768.0,Other specified anaemia NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21z.00,739.0,Anaemia unspecified,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21z.11,4670.0,Secondary anaemia NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21z.12,1702.0,Normocytic anaemia due to unspecified cause,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D21z.13,797.0,Macrocytic anaemia of unspecified cause,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D2...00,37539.0,Aplastic and other anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D2y..00,25876.0,Other specified anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D2z..00,35160.0,Other anaemias NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,Dyu0.00,71840.0,[X]Nutritional anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,Dyu2200,31205.0,[X]Anaemia in other chronic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,Dyu2400,51169.0,[X]Other specified anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,Q455000,99494.0,Congenital anaemia from fetal blood loss,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,Q455.00,31248.0,Congenital anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,Q456.00,19574.0,Anaemia of prematurity,Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,Qyu5C00,99222.0,"[X]Other congenital anaemias, not elsewhere classified",Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_oth_haem_anaem.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_oth_haem_anaem.csv
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index 7266930..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_oth_haem_anaem.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","1453.00","21335.0","H/O: haemolytic anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D100.00","7237.0","Hereditary spherocytosis","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D100.11","39682.0","Acholuric familial jaundice","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D100.12","64619.0","Minkowski - Chauffard syndrome","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D101.00","31107.0","Hereditary elliptocytosis","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D101.11","49822.0","Ovalocytosis - hereditary","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D102000","22531.0","Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D102100","44381.0","Favism","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D102200","49451.0","Drug-induced enzyme deficiency anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D102.00","71808.0","Haemolytic anaemia due to glutathione metabolism disorder","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D103000","107820.0","Haemolytic anaemia due to hexokinase deficiency","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D103100","55561.0","Haemolytic anaemia due to pyruvate kinase deficiency","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D103300","104454.0","Anaemia due to disorders of nucleotide metabolism","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D103z00","110176.0","Enzyme deficiency haemolytic anaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107000","57298.0","Congenital Heinz-body anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107100","45944.0","Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin [HPFH]","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107111","46322.0","Hb F disease","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107200","40545.0","Haemoglobin Bart's disease","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107300","31800.0","Haemoglobin-C disease","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107400","7624.0","Haemoglobin-D disease","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107500","32373.0","Haemoglobin-E disease","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107600","31662.0","Haemoglobin Zurich disease","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107700","7526.0","Haemoglobin-H disease","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107.00","1529.0","Other haemoglobinopathies","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107y00","45935.0","Other specified other haemoglobinopathy","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D107z00","31462.0","Other haemoglobinopathy NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D10..00","39456.0","Hereditary haemolytic anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D10y000","47598.0","Stomatocytosis","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D10y.00","72721.0","Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D10yz00","103151.0","Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D10z.00","14698.0","Hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D110000","39944.0","Primary cold-type haemolytic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D110100","49182.0","Primary warm-type haemolytic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D110200","57575.0","Secondary cold-type haemolytic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D110400","31734.0","Drug-induced autoimmune haemolytic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D110.00","3818.0","Autoimmune haemolytic anaemias","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D110.11","21369.0","Coombs positive haemolysis","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D110z00","39876.0","Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D111000","43367.0","Mechanical haemolytic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D111100","38327.0","Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D111300","29323.0","Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D111400","67088.0","Drug-induced haemolytic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D111500","63936.0","Infective haemolytic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D111.00","57897.0","Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D111y00","99308.0","Other specified non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D111z00","94214.0","Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D112000","91034.0","Haemoglobinuria from exertion","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D112011","5434.0","March haemoglobinuria","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D112012","100022.0","Marchiafava - Micheli syndrome","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D112100","35612.0","Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D112200","28238.0","Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D112.00","26437.0","Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external causes","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D112z00","52522.0","Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external cause NOS","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D112z11","48096.0","Cold haemoglobinuria","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D112z12","50495.0","Acquired haemolytic anaemia with haemoglobinuria NEC","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D112z13","61665.0","Paroxysmal haemoglobinuria NOS","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D11..00","27771.0","Acquired haemolytic anaemias","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D11z000","29933.0","Acquired spherocytosis","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D11z100","64468.0","Pyknocytosis, infantile","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D11z.00","15314.0","Acquired haemolytic anaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D1...00","3326.0","Haemolytic anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D1y..00","39967.0","Other specified haemolytic anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D1z..00","18631.0","Haemolytic anaemias NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","Dyu1300","87112.0","[X]Other haemoglobinopathies","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","Dyu1500","100388.0","[X]Other autoimmune haemolytic anaemias","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","Dyu1.00","99917.0","[X]Haemolytic anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","Q430000","39164.0","Neonatal jaundice + glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defic.","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","Q430.00","70762.0","Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","Q430z00","103252.0","Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_oth_haem_anaemia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_oth_haem_anaemia.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45d43e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_oth_haem_anaemia.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+Other haemolytic anaemias,1453.00,21335.0,H/O: haemolytic anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D100.00,7237.0,Hereditary spherocytosis,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D100.11,39682.0,Acholuric familial jaundice,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D100.12,64619.0,Minkowski - Chauffard syndrome,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D101.00,31107.0,Hereditary elliptocytosis,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D101.11,49822.0,Ovalocytosis - hereditary,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D102000,22531.0,Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D102100,44381.0,Favism,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D102200,49451.0,Drug-induced enzyme deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D102.00,71808.0,Haemolytic anaemia due to glutathione metabolism disorder,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D103000,107820.0,Haemolytic anaemia due to hexokinase deficiency,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D103100,55561.0,Haemolytic anaemia due to pyruvate kinase deficiency,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D103300,104454.0,Anaemia due to disorders of nucleotide metabolism,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D103z00,110176.0,Enzyme deficiency haemolytic anaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107000,57298.0,Congenital Heinz-body anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107100,45944.0,Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin [HPFH],Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107111,46322.0,Hb F disease,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107200,40545.0,Haemoglobin Bart's disease,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107300,31800.0,Haemoglobin-C disease,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107400,7624.0,Haemoglobin-D disease,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107500,32373.0,Haemoglobin-E disease,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107600,31662.0,Haemoglobin Zurich disease,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107700,7526.0,Haemoglobin-H disease,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107.00,1529.0,Other haemoglobinopathies,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107y00,45935.0,Other specified other haemoglobinopathy,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D107z00,31462.0,Other haemoglobinopathy NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D10..00,39456.0,Hereditary haemolytic anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D10y000,47598.0,Stomatocytosis,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D10y.00,72721.0,Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D10yz00,103151.0,Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D10z.00,14698.0,Hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D110000,39944.0,Primary cold-type haemolytic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D110100,49182.0,Primary warm-type haemolytic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D110200,57575.0,Secondary cold-type haemolytic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D110400,31734.0,Drug-induced autoimmune haemolytic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D110.00,3818.0,Autoimmune haemolytic anaemias,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D110.11,21369.0,Coombs positive haemolysis,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D110z00,39876.0,Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D111000,43367.0,Mechanical haemolytic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D111100,38327.0,Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D111300,29323.0,Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D111400,67088.0,Drug-induced haemolytic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D111500,63936.0,Infective haemolytic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D111.00,57897.0,Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D111y00,99308.0,Other specified non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D111z00,94214.0,Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D112000,91034.0,Haemoglobinuria from exertion,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D112011,5434.0,March haemoglobinuria,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D112012,100022.0,Marchiafava - Micheli syndrome,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D112100,35612.0,Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D112200,28238.0,Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D112.00,26437.0,Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external causes,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D112z00,52522.0,Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external cause NOS,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D112z11,48096.0,Cold haemoglobinuria,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D112z12,50495.0,Acquired haemolytic anaemia with haemoglobinuria NEC,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D112z13,61665.0,Paroxysmal haemoglobinuria NOS,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D11..00,27771.0,Acquired haemolytic anaemias,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D11z000,29933.0,Acquired spherocytosis,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D11z100,64468.0,"Pyknocytosis, infantile",Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D11z.00,15314.0,Acquired haemolytic anaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D1...00,3326.0,Haemolytic anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D1y..00,39967.0,Other specified haemolytic anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D1z..00,18631.0,Haemolytic anaemias NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,Dyu1300,87112.0,[X]Other haemoglobinopathies,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,Dyu1500,100388.0,[X]Other autoimmune haemolytic anaemias,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,Dyu1.00,99917.0,[X]Haemolytic anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,Q430000,39164.0,Neonatal jaundice + glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defic.,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,Q430.00,70762.0,Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemias,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,Q430z00,103252.0,Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_other_anaem.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_other_anaem.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 6583abe..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_other_anaem.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Other anaemias","145..11","5833.0","H/O: anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","1454.00","24953.0","H/O: anaemia NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","4234.00","35749.0","Haemoglobin very low","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","4235.00","3942.0","Haemoglobin low","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D00..11","882.0","Hypochromic - microcytic anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D00..12","539.0","Microcytic - hypochromic anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D00y100","4839.0","Microcytic hypochromic anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D00z200","40750.0","Idiopathic hypochromic anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D012112","59103.0","Megaloblastic anaemia due to dietary causes","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D012500","3981.0","Macrocytic anaemia unspecified cause","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D013.00","51489.0","Other specified megaloblastic anaemia NEC","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D013z00","56348.0","Other specified megaloblastic anaemia NEC NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D014000","64601.0","Amino-acid deficiency anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D014100","71773.0","Oroticaciduria","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D014.00","2452.0","Protein-deficiency anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D014z00","70835.0","Protein-deficiency anaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D01..00","11961.0","Other deficiency anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D01..11","4475.0","Megaloblastic anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D01y000","104812.0","Vitamin C deficiency anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D01y100","62257.0","Vitamin E deficiency anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D01y.00","58136.0","Other specified nutritional deficiency anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D01yy00","100576.0","Other specified other nutritional deficiency anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D01yz00","92106.0","Other specified nutritional deficiency anaemia NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D01z000","10506.0","[X]Megaloblastic anaemia NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D01z.00","57274.0","Other deficiency anaemias NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D01z.11","53799.0","Megaloblastic anaemia NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D0...00","7841.0","Deficiency anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D0y..00","26327.0","Other specified deficiency anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D0z..00","8054.0","Deficiency anaemias NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D210000","43330.0","Congenital sideroblastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D210100","41699.0","Acquired sideroblastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D210200","72276.0","Pyridoxine-responsive sideroblastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D210300","31550.0","Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to disease","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D210400","47225.0","Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to drugs and toxins","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D210.00","15936.0","Sideroblastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D210z00","94387.0","Sideroblastic anaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D211.00","2743.0","Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D211.11","45929.0","Normocytic anaemia following acute bleed","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D212000","48145.0","Anaemia in ovarian carcinoma","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D212.00","30637.0","Anaemia in neoplastic disease","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D213.00","16052.0","Refractory Anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D214.00","12176.0","Chronic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D215000","25394.0","Anaemia secondary to chronic renal failure","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D215.00","16929.0","Anaemia secondary to renal failure","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21..00","3265.0","Other and unspecified anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21y000","53422.0","Congenital dyshaematopoietic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21y011","31040.0","Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21y012","56752.0","Congenital dyserythropoiesis NEC","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21y200","33278.0","Leukoerythroblastic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21y300","70732.0","Hereditary erythroblast multinuclearity + positive acid test","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21y.00","34934.0","Other specified anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21yy00","58695.0","Other specified other anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21yz00","28768.0","Other specified anaemia NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21z.00","739.0","Anaemia unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21z.11","4670.0","Secondary anaemia NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21z.12","1702.0","Normocytic anaemia due to unspecified cause","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D21z.13","797.0","Macrocytic anaemia of unspecified cause","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D2...00","37539.0","Aplastic and other anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D2y..00","25876.0","Other specified anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D2z..00","35160.0","Other anaemias NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","Dyu0.00","71840.0","[X]Nutritional anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","Dyu2200","31205.0","[X]Anaemia in other chronic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","Dyu2400","51169.0","[X]Other specified anaemias","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","Q455000","99494.0","Congenital anaemia from fetal blood loss","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","Q455.00","31248.0","Congenital anaemia","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","Q456.00","19574.0","Anaemia of prematurity","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","Qyu5C00","99222.0","[X]Other congenital anaemias, not elsewhere classified","Possible Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pancr.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pancr.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 303a877..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pancr.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Pancreatitis","14CG.00","32954.0","History of acute pancreatitis","History of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","14CH.00","71633.0","History of chronic pancreatitis","History of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","A723.00","18544.0","Mumps pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","A785100","44278.0","Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","D201612","61326.0","Pancytopenia with pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670000","49499.0","Acute pancreatitis unspecified","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670100","1506.0","Acute recurrent pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670200","31395.0","Acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670300","44571.0","Acute suppurative pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670400","48685.0","Subacute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670500","12316.0","Gallstone acute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670600","105194.0","Idiopathic acute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670700","104385.0","Biliary acute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670800","104611.0","Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670900","105910.0","Drug-induced acute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670.00","1113.0","Acute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670y00","105066.0","Other acute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670z00","14905.0","Acute pancreatitis NOS","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J670z11","656.0","Pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J671000","24984.0","Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J671100","42278.0","Gallstone chronic pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J671.00","1419.0","Chronic pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","J672100","4650.0","Pseudocyst of pancreas","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","Jyu8400","49353.0","[X]Other chronic pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pancreatitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pancreatitis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0030f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pancreatitis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Pancreatitis,14CG.00,32954.0,History of acute pancreatitis,History of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,14CH.00,71633.0,History of chronic pancreatitis,History of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,A723.00,18544.0,Mumps pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,A785100,44278.0,Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,D201612,61326.0,Pancytopenia with pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670000,49499.0,Acute pancreatitis unspecified,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670100,1506.0,Acute recurrent pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670200,31395.0,Acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670300,44571.0,Acute suppurative pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670400,48685.0,Subacute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670500,12316.0,Gallstone acute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670600,105194.0,Idiopathic acute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670700,104385.0,Biliary acute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670800,104611.0,Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670900,105910.0,Drug-induced acute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670.00,1113.0,Acute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670y00,105066.0,Other acute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670z00,14905.0,Acute pancreatitis NOS,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J670z11,656.0,Pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J671000,24984.0,Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J671100,42278.0,Gallstone chronic pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J671.00,1419.0,Chronic pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,J672100,4650.0,Pseudocyst of pancreas,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,Jyu8400,49353.0,[X]Other chronic pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pda.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pda.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 086f91d..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pda.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","7A01000","50019.0","Division of patent ductus arteriosus","Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","7A01100","9573.0","Ligation of patent ductus arteriosus","Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","7A01200","36668.0","Closure of patent ductus arteriosus NEC","Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","7A01300","63163.0","Revision of correction of patent ductus arteriosus","Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","7A01.00","21090.0","Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus","Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","7A01.11","7342.0","Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)","Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","7A01y00","106081.0","Other specified open correction of patent ductus arteriosus","Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","7A01z00","2728.0","Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus NOS","Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","7A02000","12889.0","Percut transluminal prosth occlusion patent ductus arterios","Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","7A02011","19188.0","Percut translum prosth occlus patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)","Procedure for Patent ductus arteriosus"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","P70..00","2727.0","Patent ductus arteriosus","Diagnosis of Patent ductus arteriosus"
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","P70..11","94257.0","Botalli's patent ductus","Diagnosis of Patent ductus arteriosus"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pe.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pe.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e2b0e2..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pe.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Pulmonary embolism","14AC.00","10280.0","H/O: pulmonary embolus","History of Pulmonary embolism"
-"Pulmonary embolism","7A09300","45740.0","Open embolectomy of pulmonary artery","Procedure for Pulmonary embolism"
-"Pulmonary embolism","7A09311","34687.0","Trendelenburg pulmonary embolectomy","Procedure for Pulmonary embolism"
-"Pulmonary embolism","7A0A100","65459.0","Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of pulmonary artery","Procedure for Pulmonary embolism"
-"Pulmonary embolism","7A0B000","89238.0","Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy","Procedure for Pulmonary embolism"
-"Pulmonary embolism","G401000","18121.0","Post operative pulmonary embolus","Diagnosis of Pulmonary embolism"
-"Pulmonary embolism","G401100","96209.0","Recurrent pulmonary embolism","Diagnosis of Pulmonary embolism"
-"Pulmonary embolism","G401.00","1266.0","Pulmonary embolism","Diagnosis of Pulmonary embolism"
-"Pulmonary embolism","G401.12","9701.0","Pulmonary embolus","Diagnosis of Pulmonary embolism"
-"Pulmonary embolism","ZV12900","16976.0","[V] Personal history of pulmonary embolism","History of Pulmonary embolism"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pericard_eff.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pericard_eff.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index a88d337..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pericard_eff.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)","G50..11","45311.0","Pericardial effusion - acute","Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)"
-"Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)","G533.00","18293.0","Pericardial effusion - noninflammatory","Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)"
-"Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)","G534.00","2520.0","Pericardial effusion - acute","Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)"
-"Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)","G536000","107662.0","Chronic pericardial effusion","Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)"
-"Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)","G536.00","105192.0","Pericardial effusion","Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pericardial_effusion.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pericardial_effusion.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37bccf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pericardial_effusion.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory),G50..11,45311.0,Pericardial effusion - acute,Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)
+Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory),G533.00,18293.0,Pericardial effusion - noninflammatory,Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)
+Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory),G534.00,2520.0,Pericardial effusion - acute,Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)
+Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory),G536000,107662.0,Chronic pericardial effusion,Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)
+Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory),G536.00,105192.0,Pericardial effusion,Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_periph_neuro.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_periph_neuro.csv
index ed3e1ac..c1cbf8e 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_periph_neuro.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_periph_neuro.csv
@@ -1,165 +1,165 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","A531300","31709.0","Postherpetic polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","A72x100","97848.0","Mumps polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C106.12","7795.0","Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C106.13","16491.0","Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C108B00","24694.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C108B11","99231.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C108C00","41716.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C108J00","39809.0","Insulin dependent diab mell with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C108J11","60208.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C108J12","18230.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C109A00","72320.0","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C109A11","50813.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C109B00","45467.0","Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C109B11","47409.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C109B12","109865.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C109H00","40962.0","Non-insulin dependent d m with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C109H11","47816.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C109H12","66965.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C10EB00","68105.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C10EC00","46301.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C10EC11","91943.0","Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C10EC12","101311.0","Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C10EJ00","54008.0","Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C10FA00","62674.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C10FA11","95351.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C10FB00","18425.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C10FB11","50527.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C10FH00","35385.0","Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C10FH11","109197.0","Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C34y400","59344.0","Gouty neuritis","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C373200","28333.0","Familial neuropathic amyloid","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","C373K13","105825.0","Familial amyloid polyneuropathy type III","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","E011100","11106.0","Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis with peripheral neuritis","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F341000","35395.0","Median nerve neuritis","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F341100","23656.0","Median nerve compression in forearm","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F341.00","26420.0","Other median nerve lesions","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F341z00","29630.0","Median nerve lesions NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F342000","5384.0","Cubital tunnel syndrome","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F342100","27805.0","Tardy ulnar nerve palsy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F342200","62954.0","Canal of Guyon compression","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F342300","12097.0","Ulnar nerve entrapment","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F342400","18534.0","Ulnar neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F342.00","2002.0","Ulnar nerve lesions","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F342.11","3736.0","Neuritis ulnar nerve","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F342z00","14741.0","Ulnar nerve lesion NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F343000","2073.0","Acute radial nerve palsy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F343100","48724.0","Sensory branch of radial nerve lesion","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F343200","67043.0","Posterior interosseous nerve lesion","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F343.00","24606.0","Radial nerve lesions","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F343z00","23393.0","Radial nerve lesion NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F344.00","7915.0","Causalgia","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F345000","44033.0","Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F345.00","16293.0","Mononeuritis multiplex","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F346.00","22921.0","Median nerve entrapment","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F34..00","24331.0","Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F34y.00","23435.0","Other upper limb mononeuritis","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F34z.00","43063.0","Mononeuritis upper limb NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F350.00","1254.0","Sciatic nerve lesion","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F351.00","4174.0","Meralgia paraesthetica","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F352.00","32949.0","Femoral nerve lesions","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F353.00","26124.0","Common peroneal nerve lesion","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F353.11","18025.0","Lateral popliteal nerve lesion","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F354.00","48792.0","Tibial nerve lesion","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F354.11","58554.0","Medial popliteal nerve lesion","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F355.00","4239.0","Tarsal tunnel syndrome","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F356000","2219.0","Morton's metatarsalgia","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F356100","6884.0","Morton's neuralgia","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F356.00","15808.0","Plantar nerve lesion","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F356z00","54645.0","Plantar nerve lesion NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F357.00","23636.0","Superficial peroneal nerve lesion","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F358.00","43077.0","Deep peroneal nerve lesion","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F35..00","21781.0","Mononeuritis lower limb","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F35x.00","16540.0","Other mononeuritis lower limb","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F35y.00","44113.0","Unspecified mononeuritis lower limb","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F35z000","17247.0","Diabetic mononeuritis NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F35z.00","16452.0","Mononeuritis of unspecified site NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F35z.11","8591.0","Peripheral neuropathy - hereditary or idiopathic","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F360000","11542.0","Dejerine-Sottas disease","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F360.00","39528.0","Hereditary peripheral neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F360z00","38401.0","Hereditary peripheral neuropathy NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F361000","5584.0","Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F361011","34698.0","Charcot's atrophy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F361012","108834.0","Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F361.00","28901.0","Peroneal muscular atrophy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F361z00","70040.0","Peroneal muscular atrophy NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F362.00","7635.0","Hereditary sensory neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F363.00","8267.0","Refsum's disease","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F364.00","44512.0","Idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F365.00","46937.0","Neuropathy in association with hereditary ataxia","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F366.00","3958.0","Polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F367.00","2790.0","Peripheral neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F368000","56910.0","Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type I","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F368100","35465.0","Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type II","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F368200","106103.0","Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type III","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F368.00","32527.0","Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F36..00","18075.0","Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F36y.00","14884.0","Other idiopathic peripheral neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F36yz00","6908.0","Other idiopathic peripheral neuropathy NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F36z.00","14883.0","Hereditary or idiopathic peripheral neuropathy NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F370000","1607.0","Guillain-Barre syndrome","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F370100","24216.0","Postinfectious polyneuritis","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F370200","33841.0","Miller-Fisher syndrome","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F370.00","6376.0","Acute infective polyneuritis","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F370z00","63544.0","Acute infective polyneuritis NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F371000","44095.0","Polyneuropathy in disseminated lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F371100","47465.0","Polyneuropathy in polyarteritis nodosa","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F371200","62401.0","Polyneuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F371.00","57313.0","Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F371z00","71258.0","Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F372000","48078.0","Acute painful diabetic neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F372100","35785.0","Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F372200","24571.0","Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F372.00","31790.0","Polyneuropathy in diabetes","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F372.11","5002.0","Diabetic polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F372.12","2342.0","Diabetic neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F373.00","30537.0","Polyneuropathy in malignant disease","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374000","66336.0","Polyneuropathy in amyloidosis","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374100","73337.0","Polyneuropathy in beriberi","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374200","24355.0","Polyneuropathy in vitamin B deficiency","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374300","52089.0","Polyneuropathy in diphtheria","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374400","39692.0","Polyneuropathy in herpes zoster","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374500","68960.0","Polyneuropathy in hypoglycaemia","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374600","100064.0","Polyneuropathy in mumps","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374800","58758.0","Polyneuropathy in porphyria","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374900","40751.0","Polyneuropathy in sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374A00","19454.0","Polyneuropathy in uraemia","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374.00","56272.0","Polyneuropathy in disease EC","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F374z00","63555.0","Polyneuropathy in disease NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F375.00","2925.0","Alcoholic polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F376.00","24222.0","Polyneuropathy due to drugs","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F377.00","54124.0","Other toxic agent polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F378.00","24121.0","Intercostal neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F37..00","10722.0","Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F37..11","45081.0","Toxic neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F37X.00","31551.0","Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F37y000","69047.0","Serum neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F37y100","96256.0","Axonal sensorimotor neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F37y.00","41652.0","Other toxic or inflammatory neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F37z.00","15481.0","Toxic or inflammatory neuropathy NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F37z.11","24226.0","Polyneuropathy unspecified","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F3y0.00","37315.0","Diabetic mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F3y..00","42750.0","Other specified disorders of peripheral nervous system","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","F3z..00","29343.0","Peripheral nervous system disorder NOS","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu1300","93228.0","[X]Paraneoplastic neuromyopathy and neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu6900","107099.0","[X]Other lesions of median nerve","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu6A00","93868.0","[X]Other mononeuropathies of upper limb","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu6B00","72922.0","[X]Other mononeuropathies of lower limb","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu6C00","91741.0","[X]Other specified mononeuropathies","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu6D00","107322.0","[X]Other mononeuropathies in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu7000","97449.0","[X]Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu7100","97479.0","[X]Other inflammatory polyneuropathies","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu7200","97306.0","[X]Other specified polyneuropathies","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu7500","110363.0","[X]Polyneuropathy/other endocrine+metabolic diseases CE","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu7800","110567.0","[X]Polyneuropathy/other musculoskeletal disorders CE","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu7B00","39858.0","[X]Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu7C00","35537.0","[X] Polyneuropathy, unspecified","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","Fyu7.00","55076.0","[X]Polyneuropathies & other disord of peripheral nerv syst","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","M271100","11663.0","Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot","History of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","M271700","99855.0","Neuropathic foot ulcer","History of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","N035.00","49575.0","Neuropathic arthropathy","History of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","N035.12","36643.0","Neuropathic arthritis","History of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","N11y200","37759.0","Neuropathic spondylopathy","History of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","N134.14","10082.0","Ulnar neuritis","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","SD72200","18492.0","Neuropathic foot blister","History of peripheral neuropathy"
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),A531300,31709.0,Postherpetic polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),A72x100,97848.0,Mumps polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C106.12,7795.0,Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C106.13,16491.0,Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C108B00,24694.0,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C108B11,99231.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C108C00,41716.0,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C108J00,39809.0,Insulin dependent diab mell with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C108J11,60208.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C108J12,18230.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C109A00,72320.0,Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C109A11,50813.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C109B00,45467.0,Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C109B11,47409.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C109B12,109865.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C109H00,40962.0,Non-insulin dependent d m with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C109H11,47816.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C109H12,66965.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C10EB00,68105.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C10EC00,46301.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C10EC11,91943.0,Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C10EC12,101311.0,Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C10EJ00,54008.0,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C10FA00,62674.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C10FA11,95351.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C10FB00,18425.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C10FB11,50527.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C10FH00,35385.0,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C10FH11,109197.0,Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C34y400,59344.0,Gouty neuritis,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C373200,28333.0,Familial neuropathic amyloid,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),C373K13,105825.0,Familial amyloid polyneuropathy type III,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),E011100,11106.0,Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis with peripheral neuritis,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F341000,35395.0,Median nerve neuritis,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F341100,23656.0,Median nerve compression in forearm,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F341.00,26420.0,Other median nerve lesions,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F341z00,29630.0,Median nerve lesions NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F342000,5384.0,Cubital tunnel syndrome,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F342100,27805.0,Tardy ulnar nerve palsy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F342200,62954.0,Canal of Guyon compression,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F342300,12097.0,Ulnar nerve entrapment,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F342400,18534.0,Ulnar neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F342.00,2002.0,Ulnar nerve lesions,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F342.11,3736.0,Neuritis ulnar nerve,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F342z00,14741.0,Ulnar nerve lesion NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F343000,2073.0,Acute radial nerve palsy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F343100,48724.0,Sensory branch of radial nerve lesion,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F343200,67043.0,Posterior interosseous nerve lesion,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F343.00,24606.0,Radial nerve lesions,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F343z00,23393.0,Radial nerve lesion NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F344.00,7915.0,Causalgia,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F345000,44033.0,Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F345.00,16293.0,Mononeuritis multiplex,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F346.00,22921.0,Median nerve entrapment,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F34..00,24331.0,Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F34y.00,23435.0,Other upper limb mononeuritis,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F34z.00,43063.0,Mononeuritis upper limb NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F350.00,1254.0,Sciatic nerve lesion,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F351.00,4174.0,Meralgia paraesthetica,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F352.00,32949.0,Femoral nerve lesions,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F353.00,26124.0,Common peroneal nerve lesion,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F353.11,18025.0,Lateral popliteal nerve lesion,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F354.00,48792.0,Tibial nerve lesion,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F354.11,58554.0,Medial popliteal nerve lesion,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F355.00,4239.0,Tarsal tunnel syndrome,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F356000,2219.0,Morton's metatarsalgia,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F356100,6884.0,Morton's neuralgia,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F356.00,15808.0,Plantar nerve lesion,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F356z00,54645.0,Plantar nerve lesion NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F357.00,23636.0,Superficial peroneal nerve lesion,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F358.00,43077.0,Deep peroneal nerve lesion,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F35..00,21781.0,Mononeuritis lower limb,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F35x.00,16540.0,Other mononeuritis lower limb,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F35y.00,44113.0,Unspecified mononeuritis lower limb,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F35z000,17247.0,Diabetic mononeuritis NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F35z.00,16452.0,Mononeuritis of unspecified site NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F35z.11,8591.0,Peripheral neuropathy - hereditary or idiopathic,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F360000,11542.0,Dejerine-Sottas disease,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F360.00,39528.0,Hereditary peripheral neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F360z00,38401.0,Hereditary peripheral neuropathy NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F361000,5584.0,Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F361011,34698.0,Charcot's atrophy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F361012,108834.0,Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F361.00,28901.0,Peroneal muscular atrophy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F361z00,70040.0,Peroneal muscular atrophy NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F362.00,7635.0,Hereditary sensory neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F363.00,8267.0,Refsum's disease,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F364.00,44512.0,Idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F365.00,46937.0,Neuropathy in association with hereditary ataxia,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F366.00,3958.0,Polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F367.00,2790.0,Peripheral neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F368000,56910.0,Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type I,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F368100,35465.0,Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type II,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F368200,106103.0,Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type III,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F368.00,32527.0,Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F36..00,18075.0,Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F36y.00,14884.0,Other idiopathic peripheral neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F36yz00,6908.0,Other idiopathic peripheral neuropathy NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F36z.00,14883.0,Hereditary or idiopathic peripheral neuropathy NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F370000,1607.0,Guillain-Barre syndrome,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F370100,24216.0,Postinfectious polyneuritis,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F370200,33841.0,Miller-Fisher syndrome,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F370.00,6376.0,Acute infective polyneuritis,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F370z00,63544.0,Acute infective polyneuritis NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F371000,44095.0,Polyneuropathy in disseminated lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F371100,47465.0,Polyneuropathy in polyarteritis nodosa,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F371200,62401.0,Polyneuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F371.00,57313.0,Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F371z00,71258.0,Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F372000,48078.0,Acute painful diabetic neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F372100,35785.0,Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F372200,24571.0,Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F372.00,31790.0,Polyneuropathy in diabetes,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F372.11,5002.0,Diabetic polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F372.12,2342.0,Diabetic neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F373.00,30537.0,Polyneuropathy in malignant disease,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374000,66336.0,Polyneuropathy in amyloidosis,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374100,73337.0,Polyneuropathy in beriberi,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374200,24355.0,Polyneuropathy in vitamin B deficiency,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374300,52089.0,Polyneuropathy in diphtheria,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374400,39692.0,Polyneuropathy in herpes zoster,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374500,68960.0,Polyneuropathy in hypoglycaemia,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374600,100064.0,Polyneuropathy in mumps,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374800,58758.0,Polyneuropathy in porphyria,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374900,40751.0,Polyneuropathy in sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374A00,19454.0,Polyneuropathy in uraemia,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374.00,56272.0,Polyneuropathy in disease EC,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F374z00,63555.0,Polyneuropathy in disease NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F375.00,2925.0,Alcoholic polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F376.00,24222.0,Polyneuropathy due to drugs,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F377.00,54124.0,Other toxic agent polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F378.00,24121.0,Intercostal neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F37..00,10722.0,Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F37..11,45081.0,Toxic neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F37X.00,31551.0,"Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified",Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F37y000,69047.0,Serum neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F37y100,96256.0,Axonal sensorimotor neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F37y.00,41652.0,Other toxic or inflammatory neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F37z.00,15481.0,Toxic or inflammatory neuropathy NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F37z.11,24226.0,Polyneuropathy unspecified,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F3y0.00,37315.0,Diabetic mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F3y..00,42750.0,Other specified disorders of peripheral nervous system,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),F3z..00,29343.0,Peripheral nervous system disorder NOS,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu1300,93228.0,[X]Paraneoplastic neuromyopathy and neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu6900,107099.0,[X]Other lesions of median nerve,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu6A00,93868.0,[X]Other mononeuropathies of upper limb,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu6B00,72922.0,[X]Other mononeuropathies of lower limb,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu6C00,91741.0,[X]Other specified mononeuropathies,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu6D00,107322.0,[X]Other mononeuropathies in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu7000,97449.0,[X]Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu7100,97479.0,[X]Other inflammatory polyneuropathies,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu7200,97306.0,[X]Other specified polyneuropathies,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu7500,110363.0,[X]Polyneuropathy/other endocrine+metabolic diseases CE,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu7800,110567.0,[X]Polyneuropathy/other musculoskeletal disorders CE,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu7B00,39858.0,"[X]Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified",Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu7C00,35537.0,"[X] Polyneuropathy, unspecified",Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),Fyu7.00,55076.0,[X]Polyneuropathies & other disord of peripheral nerv syst,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),M271100,11663.0,Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot,History of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),M271700,99855.0,Neuropathic foot ulcer,History of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),N035.00,49575.0,Neuropathic arthropathy,History of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),N035.12,36643.0,Neuropathic arthritis,History of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),N11y200,37759.0,Neuropathic spondylopathy,History of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),N134.14,10082.0,Ulnar neuritis,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),SD72200,18492.0,Neuropathic foot blister,History of peripheral neuropathy
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4334ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+Peripheral arterial disease,14F7.00,106762,H/O: arterial lower limb ulcer,history of PVD during a consultation
+Peripheral arterial disease,14NB.00,59534,H/O: Peripheral vascular disease procedure,history of PVD during a consultation
+Peripheral arterial disease,2G63.00,9561,Ischaemic toe,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,A3A0F00,72632,Gas gangrene-foot,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C107.00,35399,Diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorder,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C107000,70448,"Diabetes mellitus, juvenile +peripheral circulatory disorder",Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C107100,63357,"Diabetes mellitus, adult, + peripheral circulatory disorder",Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C107300,69124,IDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C107400,56803,NIDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C107z00,65025,Diabetes mellitus NOS with peripheral circulatory disorder,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C108G00,64446,Insulin dependent diab mell with peripheral angiopathy,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C109F00,54212,Non-insulin-dependent d m with peripheral angiopath,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C109F11,54899,Type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C109F12,60699,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C10EG00,93468,Type 1 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,C10FF00,37806,Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G700.11,19155,Aorto-iliac disease,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G702.00,14797,Extremity artery atheroma,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G702z00,16260,Extremity artery atheroma NOS,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73..00,5943,Other peripheral vascular disease,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73..11,5702,Peripheral ischaemic vascular disease,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73..12,1826,Ischaemia of legs,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73..13,6827,Peripheral ischaemia,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G731.00,34638,Thromboangiitis obliterans,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G731000,23497,Buerger's disease,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G731z00,67401,Thromboangiitis obliterans NOS,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G732.00,9204,Peripheral gangrene,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G732000,5414,Gangrene of toe,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G732100,12735,Gangrene of foot,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G733.00,98174,Ischaemic foot,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73y.00,38907,Other specified peripheral vascular disease,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73y000,34152,Diabetic peripheral angiopathy,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73y100,23871,Peripheral angiopathic disease EC NOS,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73y200,4317,Acrocyanosis,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73y400,22834,Acroparaesthesia - Schultze's type,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73y500,25954,Acroparaesthesia - Nothnagel's type,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73y511,68698,Nothnagel's vasomotor acroparaesthesia,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73y600,3715,Acroparaesthesia - unspecified,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73y700,15272,Erythrocyanosis,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73y800,10500,Erythromelalgia,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73yz00,4325,Other specified peripheral vascular disease NOS,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73z.00,3530,Peripheral vascular disease NOS,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73z000,1517,Intermittent claudication,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73z011,6853,Claudication,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G73zz00,2760,Peripheral vascular disease NOS,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G740.12,5650,Aortoiliac obstruction,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G742z00,15302,Peripheral arterial embolism and thrombosis NOS,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,Gyu7400,73961,[X]Other specified peripheral vascular diseases,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,M271.12,6308,Ischaemic leg ulcer,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,M271000,24327,Ischaemic ulcer diabetic foot,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,M271300,11624,Arterial leg ulcer,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,M271400,8801,Mixed venous and arterial leg ulcer,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,R054200,53634,[D]Gangrene of toe in diabetic,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,R054300,31053,[D]Widespread diabetic foot gangrene,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,R055000,14796,[D]Failure of peripheral circulation,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,R055011,30484,[D]Peripheral circulatory failure,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G742400,2065,Embolism and thrombosis of the femoral artery,Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G742500,4539,Embolism and thrombosis of the popliteal artery,Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G742600,69232,Embolism and thrombosis of the anterior tibial artery,Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G742700,71860,Embolism and thrombosis of the dorsalis pedis artery,Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G742900,44835,Embolism and thrombosis of a leg artery NOS,Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G74y000,54865,Embolism and/or thrombosis of the common iliac artery,Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G74y100,32634,Embolism and/or thrombosis of the internal iliac artery,Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G74y200,56919,Embolism and/or thrombosis of the external iliac artery,Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
+Peripheral arterial disease,G74y300,27494,Embolism and thrombosis of the iliac artery unspecified,Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A10000,95573,Emerg aortic bypass by anastomosis axillary to femoral art,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A10100,23352,Bypass aorta by anastomosis axillary to femoral artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A10200,34153,Axillo-bifemoral bypass graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A10300,40302,Axillo-unifemoral PTFE bypass graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A12.00,36952,Other bypass of bifurcation of aorta,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A12000,48755,Emerg bypass bifurc aorta by anast aorta to femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A12100,2761,Bypass bifurc aorta by anastom aorta to femoral artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A12111,14895,Aorto bifemoral graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A12112,28166,Dacron aortofemoral Y graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A12300,15532,Bypass bifurcation aorta by anastom aorta to iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A12311,3778,Aorto biiliac graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A12312,42465,Dacron aortoiliac Y graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A12y00,55825,Other specified other bypass of bifurcation of aorta,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A12z00,64798,Other bypass of bifurcation of aorta NOS,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A19200,55402,Open embolectomy of bifurcation of aorta,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41.00,21927,Other bypass of iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41000,44250,Emerg bypass iliac art by iliac/femoral art anastomosis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41100,28616,Bypass iliac artery by iliac/femoral artery anastomosis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41200,72448,Emerg bypass iliac artery by femoral/femoral art anast NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41211,43648,Emergency femoro-femoral prosthetic cross over graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41300,36443,Bypass iliac artery by femoral/femoral art anastomosis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41311,30989,Femoro-femoral prosthetic cross over graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41400,68141,Emerg bypass comm iliac art by aorta/com iliac art anast NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41600,66917,Emerg bypass leg artery by aorta/com fem art anastomosis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41900,32492,Bypass common iliac artery by aorta/com iliac art anast NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41B00,55554,Bypass leg artery by aorta/com femoral art anastomosis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41C00,66804,Bypass leg artery by aorta/deep femoral art anastomosis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41F00,41768,Ilio-femoral prosthetic cross over graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41y00,52357,Other specified other bypass of iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A41z00,38921,Other bypass of iliac artery NOS,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A42.00,39039,Reconstruction of iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A42.11,63280,Reconstruction of common iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A42000,62818,Endarterectomy and patch repair of iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A42011,36065,Endarterectomy and patch repair of common iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A42012,59602,Iliac endarterectomy and patch,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A42100,51211,Endarterectomy of iliac artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A42111,44430,Endarterectomy of common iliac artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A42y00,50894,Other specified reconstruction of iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A42z00,62866,Reconstruction of iliac artery NOS,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A43.00,51331,Other open operations on iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A43.11,53580,Other open operations on common iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A43000,61256,Repair of iliac artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A43011,66437,Repair of common iliac artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A43100,61255,Open embolectomy of iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A43111,47562,Open embolectomy of common iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A43300,34037,Open insertion of iliac artery stent,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A44000,10827,Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A44100,66930,Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A44300,7111,Insertion of iliac artery stent,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A44400,24229,Percutaneous transluminal insertion of iliac artery stent,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A44y00,28894,Other specified transluminal operation on iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A44z00,55877,Transluminal operation on iliac artery NOS,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47.00,9099,Other emergency bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47.11,72491,Other emerg bypass femoral or popliteal art by anastomosis,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47.13,63238,Other emergency bypass of deep femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47.14,39776,Other emergency bypass of popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47.15,97606,Other emergency bypass of superficial femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47.16,11766,Other emergency bypass of femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47000,43651,Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/pop art anast c prosth NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47100,67818,Emerg bypass popliteal art by pop/pop art anast c prosth NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47200,52342,Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/pop a anast c vein graft NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47300,60693,Emerg bypass pop art by pop/pop art anast c vein graft NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47400,66820,Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/tib art anast c prosth NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47600,96255,Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/tib a anast c vein graft NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47700,66879,Emerg bypass pop art by pop/tib art anast c vein graft NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47B00,62775,Emerg bypass pop art by pop/peron art anast c vein graft NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47C00,48939,Emerg bypass femoral artery by fem/fem art anastomosis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47D00,70922,Emerg bypass popliteal artery by pop/fem art anastomosis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47y00,65692,Other emergency bypass of femoral or popliteal artery OS,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A47z00,68320,Other emergency bypass of femoral or popliteal artery NOS,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48.00,24692,Other bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48.11,61974,Other bypass of femoral or popliteal artery by anastomosis,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48.12,37787,Other bypass of common femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48.14,18060,Other bypass of femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48.15,12331,Other bypass of popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48.16,40732,Other bypass of superficial femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48000,27580,Bypass femoral artery by fem/pop art anast c prosthesis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48100,64555,Bypass popliteal artery by pop/pop a anast c prosthesis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48200,28030,Bypass femoral artery by fem/pop art anast c vein graft NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48300,24097,Bypass popliteal artery by pop/pop a anast c vein graft NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48400,39877,Bypass femoral artery by fem/tib art anast c prosthesis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48500,60465,Bypass popliteal artery by pop/tib a anast c prosthesis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48600,41823,Bypass femoral artery by fem/tib art anast c vein graft NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48700,48700,Bypass popliteal artery by pop/tib a anast c vein graft NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48800,67982,Bypass femoral artery by fem/peron a anast c prosthesis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48A00,53675,Bypass femoral artery by fem/peron a anast c vein graft NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48B00,68412,Bypass popliteal art by pop/peron art anast c vein graft NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48C00,45428,Bypass femoral artery by femoral/femoral art anastomosis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48D00,42115,Bypass popliteal artery by pop/fem artery anastomosis NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48E00,22016,Femoro-femoral prosthetic cross over graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48y00,42640,Other bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery OS,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A48z00,2066,Other bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery NOS,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49.00,31338,Reconstruction of femoral artery or popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49.11,73822,Reconstruction of common femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49.13,63396,Reconstruction of femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49.14,28125,Reconstruction of popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49.15,96809,Reconstruction of superficial femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49000,28777,Endarterectomy and patch repair of femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49100,52695,Endarterectomy and patch repair of popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49200,18816,Endarterectomy of femoral artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49300,36136,Endarterectomy of popliteal artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49400,57793,Profundoplasty femoral artery & patch repair deep fem artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49500,63605,Profundoplasty and patch repair of popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49600,47835,Profundoplasty of femoral artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49700,65669,Profundoplasty of popliteal artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49800,52869,Reconstruction of femoral artery with vein graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49900,69519,Reconstruction of popliteal artery with vein graft,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49y00,67083,Reconstruction of femoral or popliteal artery OS,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A49z00,6617,Reconstruction of femoral or popliteal artery NOS,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A.00,40397,Other open operations on femoral artery or popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A.11,60212,Other open operations on common femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A.13,20892,Other open operations on popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A.14,49319,Other open operations on superficial femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A000,33555,Repair of femoral artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A100,28119,Repair of popliteal artery NEC,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A200,9119,Open embolectomy of femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A211,16363,Open thrombectomy of femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A212,17336,Open femoral embolectomy,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A300,39437,Open embolectomy popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A311,42645,Open thrombectomy of popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A700,63368,Repair of femoral artery with temporary silastic shunt,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4A800,66869,Repair of popliteal artery with temporary silastic shunt,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4Ay00,24677,Other open operation on femoral or popliteal artery OS,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4B000,6356,Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4B100,29112,Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4B200,6256,Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4B300,52289,Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4B400,71041,Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4B500,40619,Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4B800,18030,Percut translum thrombolysis femoral graft streptokinase,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A4B900,81445,Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A50.00,20657,Revision of reconstruction of artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A50000,54071,Revision of reconstruction involving aorta,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A50100,49273,Revision of reconstruction involving iliac artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A50200,18038,Revision of reconstruction involving femoral artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,7A50300,65286,Revision of reconstruction of popliteal artery,Other PAD procedures (3)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_peritonitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_peritonitis.csv
index 97c887e..20560be 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_peritonitis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_peritonitis.csv
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Peritonitis","7618100.0","39496.0","Closure of perforation of stomach NEC","Procedure for Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","761C100","47725.0","Repair of perforation of pylorus","Procedure for Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","761J000","20677.0","Closure of perforated gastric ulcer","Procedure for Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","7623100.0","27955.0","Closure of perforation of duodenum NEC","Procedure for Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","7627000.0","4741.0","Closure of perforated duodenal ulcer","Procedure for Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","7635200.0","49392.0","Closure of perforation of jejunum","Procedure for Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","7648300.0","41256.0","Closure of perforation of ileum","Procedure for Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","773C600","16642.0","Closure of perforated bowel ulcer NEC","Procedure for Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","7812200.0","50881.0","Repair of perforation of gall bladder","Procedure for Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","A140.00","31409.0","Tuberculous peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","A32y200","58070.0","Diphtheritic peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","A98y500","39736.0","Gonococcal peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J110200","14671.0","Acute gastric ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J110300","71403.0","Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J111200","53336.0","Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J111211","11104.0","Perforated chronic gastric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J111300","71897.0","Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J11y200","36461.0","Unspecified gastric ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J11yy00","94397.0","Unspec gastric ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J120200","18324.0","Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J120300","48730.0","Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J121200","37643.0","Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J121211","23087.0","Perforated chronic duodenal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J121300","71881.0","Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J12y200","657.0","Unspecified duodenal ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J12y300","93436.0","Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J12yy00","28366.0","Unspec duodenal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J130200","5521.0","Acute peptic ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J130300","45304.0","Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J131200","37620.0","Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J13y200","64111.0","Unspecified peptic ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J13y300","96622.0","Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J140200","102177.0","Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J140300","106330.0","Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J141300","110244.0","Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J14y200","15979.0","Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J179.00","105959.0","Perforation of stomach","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J200.00","1999.0","Acute appendicitis with peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J201.00","16040.0","Acute appendicitis with appendix abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J201.11","16716.0","Abscess of appendix","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J201.12","4130.0","Appendix abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J203.00","104496.0","Acute appendicitis with generalised peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J204.00","104722.0","Acute appendicitis with localised peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J20z100","17014.0","Acute gangrenous appendicitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512000","37588.0","Perforated diverticulum of duodenum","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512100","48173.0","Perforated diverticulum of jejunum","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512200","42866.0","Perforated diverticulum of ileum","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512300","71130.0","Perforated diverticulum of small intestine unspecified","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512400","106340.0","Perforated diverticulum of small intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512500","37813.0","Perforated diverticulum of colon","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512600","48589.0","Perforated diverticulum of large intestine unspecified","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512700","50313.0","Perforated diverticulum of large intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512800","38941.0","Divertic disease/both sml+lge intestin with perforat+abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512.00","14942.0","Perforated diverticulum","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512y00","49066.0","Perforated diverticulum unspecified","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J512z00","69918.0","Perforated diverticulum of intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J550000","70431.0","Peritonitis - gonococcal","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J550200","32899.0","Peritonitis - tuberculous","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J550300","26219.0","Peritonitis - bacterial","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J550311","105518.0","Bacterial peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J550400","47775.0","Chlamydial peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J550.00","110756.0","Peritonitis in infectious diseases EC","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J550z00","101301.0","Peritonitis in infectious diseases EC NOS","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J551.00","47355.0","Pneumococcal peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552000","8044.0","Subhepatic abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552100","4745.0","Subphrenic abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552200","35656.0","Omental abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552300","56749.0","Mesenteric abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552400","6786.0","Peritoneal abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552500","65685.0","Subperitoneal abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552600","1126.0","Retroperitoneal abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552700","100357.0","Pre-ileal abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552800","27305.0","Pericolic abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552900","41484.0","Pericaecal abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552A00","48927.0","Retrocaecal abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552B00","15032.0","Male pelvic abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552.00","42334.0","Other suppurative peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552.11","5558.0","Abscess of suppurative peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J552z00","15784.0","Other suppurative peritonitis NOS","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J553.00","28895.0","Acute peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J554.00","105579.0","Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J555.00","105575.0","Sclerosing peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J557.00","105831.0","Streptococcal peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J558.00","105660.0","Ventriculoperitoneal shunt-associated peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J55..00","2179.0","Peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J55y000","45146.0","Chronic proliferative peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J55y100","35800.0","Peritoneal fat necrosis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J55y300","31430.0","Peritonitis due to bile","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J55y400","59056.0","Peritonitis due to urine","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J55y500","28918.0","Faecal peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J55y.00","42568.0","Other specified peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J55yz00","36165.0","Other specified peritonitis NOS","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J55z.00","27298.0","Peritonitis NOS","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J574A00","48819.0","Rupture of rectum","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J57yB00","2541.0","Perforation of intestine","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J654.00","11143.0","Perforation of gallbladder","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J654z00","66822.0","Perforation of gallbladder NOS","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","J663.00","26230.0","Perforation of bile duct","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","Jyu6000","94998.0","[X]Other peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
+Peritonitis,7618100.0,39496.0,Closure of perforation of stomach NEC,Procedure for Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,761C100,47725.0,Repair of perforation of pylorus,Procedure for Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,761J000,20677.0,Closure of perforated gastric ulcer,Procedure for Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,7623100.0,27955.0,Closure of perforation of duodenum NEC,Procedure for Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,7627000.0,4741.0,Closure of perforated duodenal ulcer,Procedure for Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,7635200.0,49392.0,Closure of perforation of jejunum,Procedure for Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,7648300.0,41256.0,Closure of perforation of ileum,Procedure for Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,773C600,16642.0,Closure of perforated bowel ulcer NEC,Procedure for Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,7812200.0,50881.0,Repair of perforation of gall bladder,Procedure for Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,A140.00,31409.0,Tuberculous peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,A32y200,58070.0,Diphtheritic peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,A98y500,39736.0,Gonococcal peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J110200,14671.0,Acute gastric ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J110300,71403.0,Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J111200,53336.0,Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J111211,11104.0,Perforated chronic gastric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J111300,71897.0,Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J11y200,36461.0,Unspecified gastric ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J11yy00,94397.0,Unspec gastric ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J120200,18324.0,Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J120300,48730.0,Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J121200,37643.0,Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J121211,23087.0,Perforated chronic duodenal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J121300,71881.0,Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J12y200,657.0,Unspecified duodenal ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J12y300,93436.0,Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J12yy00,28366.0,Unspec duodenal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J130200,5521.0,Acute peptic ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J130300,45304.0,Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J131200,37620.0,Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J13y200,64111.0,Unspecified peptic ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J13y300,96622.0,Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J140200,102177.0,Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J140300,106330.0,Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J141300,110244.0,Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J14y200,15979.0,Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J179.00,105959.0,Perforation of stomach,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J200.00,1999.0,Acute appendicitis with peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J201.00,16040.0,Acute appendicitis with appendix abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J201.11,16716.0,Abscess of appendix,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J201.12,4130.0,Appendix abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J203.00,104496.0,Acute appendicitis with generalised peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J204.00,104722.0,Acute appendicitis with localised peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J20z100,17014.0,Acute gangrenous appendicitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512000,37588.0,Perforated diverticulum of duodenum,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512100,48173.0,Perforated diverticulum of jejunum,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512200,42866.0,Perforated diverticulum of ileum,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512300,71130.0,Perforated diverticulum of small intestine unspecified,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512400,106340.0,Perforated diverticulum of small intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512500,37813.0,Perforated diverticulum of colon,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512600,48589.0,Perforated diverticulum of large intestine unspecified,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512700,50313.0,Perforated diverticulum of large intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512800,38941.0,Divertic disease/both sml+lge intestin with perforat+abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512.00,14942.0,Perforated diverticulum,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512y00,49066.0,Perforated diverticulum unspecified,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J512z00,69918.0,Perforated diverticulum of intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J550000,70431.0,Peritonitis - gonococcal,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J550200,32899.0,Peritonitis - tuberculous,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J550300,26219.0,Peritonitis - bacterial,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J550311,105518.0,Bacterial peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J550400,47775.0,Chlamydial peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J550.00,110756.0,Peritonitis in infectious diseases EC,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J550z00,101301.0,Peritonitis in infectious diseases EC NOS,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J551.00,47355.0,Pneumococcal peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552000,8044.0,Subhepatic abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552100,4745.0,Subphrenic abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552200,35656.0,Omental abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552300,56749.0,Mesenteric abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552400,6786.0,Peritoneal abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552500,65685.0,Subperitoneal abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552600,1126.0,Retroperitoneal abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552700,100357.0,Pre-ileal abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552800,27305.0,Pericolic abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552900,41484.0,Pericaecal abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552A00,48927.0,Retrocaecal abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552B00,15032.0,Male pelvic abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552.00,42334.0,Other suppurative peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552.11,5558.0,Abscess of suppurative peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J552z00,15784.0,Other suppurative peritonitis NOS,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J553.00,28895.0,Acute peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J554.00,105579.0,Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J555.00,105575.0,Sclerosing peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J557.00,105831.0,Streptococcal peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J558.00,105660.0,Ventriculoperitoneal shunt-associated peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J55..00,2179.0,Peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J55y000,45146.0,Chronic proliferative peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J55y100,35800.0,Peritoneal fat necrosis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J55y300,31430.0,Peritonitis due to bile,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J55y400,59056.0,Peritonitis due to urine,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J55y500,28918.0,Faecal peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J55y.00,42568.0,Other specified peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J55yz00,36165.0,Other specified peritonitis NOS,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J55z.00,27298.0,Peritonitis NOS,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J574A00,48819.0,Rupture of rectum,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J57yB00,2541.0,Perforation of intestine,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J654.00,11143.0,Perforation of gallbladder,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J654z00,66822.0,Perforation of gallbladder NOS,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,J663.00,26230.0,Perforation of bile duct,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,Jyu6000,94998.0,[X]Other peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pilonidal.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pilonidal.csv
index 00ca4aa..cf57506 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pilonidal.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pilonidal.csv
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773B000","57103.0","Excision of pilonidal sinus and Z plasty skin flap HFQ","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773B100","31272.0","Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin flap NEC","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773B200","63149.0","Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin graft HFQ","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773B300","33570.0","Excision of pilonidal sinus and suture HFQ","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773B400","1421.0","Excision of pilonidal sinus NEC","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773B500","28472.0","Laying open of track of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773B.00","1488.0","Pilonidal sinus operations","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773B700","16096.0","Drainage of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773B800","71740.0","Injection of radiocontrast substance into pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773B900","57629.0","Destruction of pilonidal sinus NEC","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773BA00","61171.0","Other specified excision of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773Bx00","3773.0","Excision of pilonidal sinus NOS","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773By00","34294.0","Other specified operation on pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","773Bz00","1110.0","Operation on pilonidal sinus NOS","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","M060.00","1420.0","Pilonidal cyst with abscess","Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","M061.00","33891.0","Pilonidal cyst with no abscess","Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","M062.00","26075.0","Pilonidal sinus with abscess","Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","M063.00","1109.0","Pilonidal sinus without abscess","Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","M06..00","5077.0","Pilonidal sinus/cyst","Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","M06z.00","5429.0","Pilonidal sinus/cyst NOS","Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773B000,57103.0,Excision of pilonidal sinus and Z plasty skin flap HFQ,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773B100,31272.0,Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin flap NEC,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773B200,63149.0,Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin graft HFQ,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773B300,33570.0,Excision of pilonidal sinus and suture HFQ,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773B400,1421.0,Excision of pilonidal sinus NEC,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773B500,28472.0,Laying open of track of pilonidal sinus,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773B.00,1488.0,Pilonidal sinus operations,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773B700,16096.0,Drainage of pilonidal sinus,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773B800,71740.0,Injection of radiocontrast substance into pilonidal sinus,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773B900,57629.0,Destruction of pilonidal sinus NEC,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773BA00,61171.0,Other specified excision of pilonidal sinus,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773Bx00,3773.0,Excision of pilonidal sinus NOS,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773By00,34294.0,Other specified operation on pilonidal sinus,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,773Bz00,1110.0,Operation on pilonidal sinus NOS,Procedure for Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,M060.00,1420.0,Pilonidal cyst with abscess,Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,M061.00,33891.0,Pilonidal cyst with no abscess,Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,M062.00,26075.0,Pilonidal sinus with abscess,Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,M063.00,1109.0,Pilonidal sinus without abscess,Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,M06..00,5077.0,Pilonidal sinus/cyst,Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,M06z.00,5429.0,Pilonidal sinus/cyst NOS,Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_plasmacell.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_plasmacell.csv
index 14dbb2d..5a971fa 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_plasmacell.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_plasmacell.csv
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B630000","22158.0","Malignant plasma cell neoplasm, extramedullary plasmacytoma","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B630100","19028.0","Solitary myeloma","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B630200","21329.0","Plasmacytoma NOS","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B630300","46042.0","Lambda light chain myeloma","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B630400","104418.0","Solitary plasmacytoma","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B630.00","4944.0","Multiple myeloma","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B630.11","43552.0","Kahler's disease","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B630.12","15211.0","Myelomatosis","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B631.00","39187.0","Plasma cell leukaemia","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B63..00","37182.0","Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B63z.00","43450.0","Immunoproliferative neoplasm or myeloma NOS","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B936.11","43312.0","Myeloma - solitary","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","B936.12","38321.0","Plasmacytoma NOS","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBm6.00","26135.0","[M] Alpha heavy chain disease","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBmE.00","52593.0","[M] Gamma heavy chain disease","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBmK.00","9172.0","[M]Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBn0.00","31671.0","[M]Plasma cell myeloma","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBn0.11","18744.0","[M]Multiple myeloma","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBn0.12","3672.0","[M]Myeloma NOS","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBn0.13","53647.0","[M]Myelomatosis","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBn0.14","39490.0","[M]Plasmacytic myeloma","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBn2.00","63864.0","[M]Plasmacytoma NOS","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBn2.11","102164.0","[M]Monostotic myeloma","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBn2.12","73135.0","[M]Solitary myeloma","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBn3.00","99702.0","[M]Plasma cell tumour, malignant","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBn..00","43459.0","[M]Plasma cell tumours","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBnz.00","64068.0","[M]Plasma cell tumour NOS","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBr3.00","64618.0","[M]Plasma cell leukaemias","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","BBr3z00","110349.0","[M]Plasma cell leukaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","C333000","10411.0","Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","C333011","108235.0","Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","C333100","101350.0","Alpha heavy chain disease","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","C333200","99067.0","Gamma heavy chain disease","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","C333300","108102.0","Heavy chain disease","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","C333.00","16527.0","Macroglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","C333z00","71994.0","Macroglobulinaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B630000,22158.0,"Malignant plasma cell neoplasm, extramedullary plasmacytoma",Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B630100,19028.0,Solitary myeloma,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B630200,21329.0,Plasmacytoma NOS,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B630300,46042.0,Lambda light chain myeloma,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B630400,104418.0,Solitary plasmacytoma,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B630.00,4944.0,Multiple myeloma,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B630.11,43552.0,Kahler's disease,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B630.12,15211.0,Myelomatosis,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B631.00,39187.0,Plasma cell leukaemia,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B63..00,37182.0,Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B63z.00,43450.0,Immunoproliferative neoplasm or myeloma NOS,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B936.11,43312.0,Myeloma - solitary,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,B936.12,38321.0,Plasmacytoma NOS,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBm6.00,26135.0,[M] Alpha heavy chain disease,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBmE.00,52593.0,[M] Gamma heavy chain disease,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBmK.00,9172.0,[M]Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBn0.00,31671.0,[M]Plasma cell myeloma,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBn0.11,18744.0,[M]Multiple myeloma,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBn0.12,3672.0,[M]Myeloma NOS,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBn0.13,53647.0,[M]Myelomatosis,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBn0.14,39490.0,[M]Plasmacytic myeloma,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBn2.00,63864.0,[M]Plasmacytoma NOS,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBn2.11,102164.0,[M]Monostotic myeloma,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBn2.12,73135.0,[M]Solitary myeloma,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBn3.00,99702.0,"[M]Plasma cell tumour, malignant",Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBn..00,43459.0,[M]Plasma cell tumours,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBnz.00,64068.0,[M]Plasma cell tumour NOS,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBr3.00,64618.0,[M]Plasma cell leukaemias,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,BBr3z00,110349.0,[M]Plasma cell leukaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,C333000,10411.0,Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,C333011,108235.0,Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,C333100,101350.0,Alpha heavy chain disease,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,C333200,99067.0,Gamma heavy chain disease,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,C333300,108102.0,Heavy chain disease,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,C333.00,16527.0,Macroglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,C333z00,71994.0,Macroglobulinaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pleural_eff.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pleural_eff.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dba30a..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pleural_eff.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Pleural effusion","H511000","43345.0","Pneumococcal pleurisy with effusion","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H511100","93010.0","Staphylococcal pleurisy with effusion","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H511200","108784.0","Streptococcal pleurisy with effusion","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H511.00","31689.0","Bacterial pleurisy with effusion","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H511z00","44842.0","Bacterial pleurisy with effusion NOS","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H51y400","33577.0","Hydrothorax","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H51y500","43807.0","Chylous effusion","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H51y700","7593.0","Malignant pleural effusion","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H51y.00","30065.0","Other pleural effusion excluding mention of tuberculosis","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H51yz00","18081.0","Other pleural effusion","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H51z000","60142.0","Exudative pleurisy NOS","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H51z100","68470.0","Serofibrinous pleurisy NOS","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H51z200","55211.0","Serous pleurisy NOS","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H51z.00","947.0","Pleural effusion NOS","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","H51zz00","9559.0","Pleural effusion NOS","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","Hyu7000","52850.0","[X]Pleural effusion in conditions classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pleural_effusion.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pleural_effusion.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91dcd7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pleural_effusion.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Pleural effusion,H511000,43345.0,Pneumococcal pleurisy with effusion,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H511100,93010.0,Staphylococcal pleurisy with effusion,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H511200,108784.0,Streptococcal pleurisy with effusion,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H511.00,31689.0,Bacterial pleurisy with effusion,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H511z00,44842.0,Bacterial pleurisy with effusion NOS,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H51y400,33577.0,Hydrothorax,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H51y500,43807.0,Chylous effusion,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H51y700,7593.0,Malignant pleural effusion,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H51y.00,30065.0,Other pleural effusion excluding mention of tuberculosis,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H51yz00,18081.0,Other pleural effusion,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H51z000,60142.0,Exudative pleurisy NOS,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H51z100,68470.0,Serofibrinous pleurisy NOS,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H51z200,55211.0,Serous pleurisy NOS,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H51z.00,947.0,Pleural effusion NOS,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,H51zz00,9559.0,Pleural effusion NOS,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,Hyu7000,52850.0,[X]Pleural effusion in conditions classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pleural_plaque.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pleural_plaque.csv
index aa89cb7..b52e2e2 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pleural_plaque.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pleural_plaque.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Pleural plaque","H410.00","5005.0","Pleural plaque disease due to asbestosis","Diagnosis of Pleural plaque"
-"Pleural plaque","H410.11","100994.0","Asbestos-induced pleural plaque","Diagnosis of Pleural plaque"
-"Pleural plaque","H510100","3409.0","Thickening of pleura","Diagnosis of Pleural plaque"
-"Pleural plaque","H510C00","102492.0","Pleural plaque","Diagnosis of Pleural plaque"
+Pleural plaque,H410.00,5005.0,Pleural plaque disease due to asbestosis,Diagnosis of Pleural plaque
+Pleural plaque,H410.11,100994.0,Asbestos-induced pleural plaque,Diagnosis of Pleural plaque
+Pleural plaque,H510100,3409.0,Thickening of pleura,Diagnosis of Pleural plaque
+Pleural plaque,H510C00,102492.0,Pleural plaque,Diagnosis of Pleural plaque
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pneumothorax.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pneumothorax.csv
index 775cbfa..e529164 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pneumothorax.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pneumothorax.csv
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Pneumothorax","14B5.00","5131.0","H/O: pneumothorax","History of Pneumothorax"
-"Pneumothorax","H520.00","27821.0","Spontaneous tension pneumothorax","Diagnosis of Pneumothorax"
-"Pneumothorax","H52..00","1550.0","Pneumothorax","Diagnosis of Pneumothorax"
-"Pneumothorax","H52y000","36017.0","Acute pneumothorax NOS","Diagnosis of Pneumothorax"
-"Pneumothorax","H52y100","70492.0","Chronic pneumothorax","Diagnosis of Pneumothorax"
-"Pneumothorax","H52y.00","23766.0","Other spontaneous pneumothorax","Diagnosis of Pneumothorax"
-"Pneumothorax","H52yz00","2486.0","Other spontaneous pneumothorax NOS","Diagnosis of Pneumothorax"
-"Pneumothorax","H52yz11","9101.0","Spontaneous pneumothorax NOS","Diagnosis of Pneumothorax"
-"Pneumothorax","H52z.00","28695.0","Pneumothorax NOS","Diagnosis of Pneumothorax"
-"Pneumothorax","Hyu7100","98427.0","[X]Other spontaneous pneumothorax","Diagnosis of Pneumothorax"
-"Pneumothorax","Hyu7200","53808.0","[X]Other pneumothorax","Diagnosis of Pneumothorax"
+Pneumothorax,14B5.00,5131.0,H/O: pneumothorax,History of Pneumothorax
+Pneumothorax,H520.00,27821.0,Spontaneous tension pneumothorax,Diagnosis of Pneumothorax
+Pneumothorax,H52..00,1550.0,Pneumothorax,Diagnosis of Pneumothorax
+Pneumothorax,H52y000,36017.0,Acute pneumothorax NOS,Diagnosis of Pneumothorax
+Pneumothorax,H52y100,70492.0,Chronic pneumothorax,Diagnosis of Pneumothorax
+Pneumothorax,H52y.00,23766.0,Other spontaneous pneumothorax,Diagnosis of Pneumothorax
+Pneumothorax,H52yz00,2486.0,Other spontaneous pneumothorax NOS,Diagnosis of Pneumothorax
+Pneumothorax,H52yz11,9101.0,Spontaneous pneumothorax NOS,Diagnosis of Pneumothorax
+Pneumothorax,H52z.00,28695.0,Pneumothorax NOS,Diagnosis of Pneumothorax
+Pneumothorax,Hyu7100,98427.0,[X]Other spontaneous pneumothorax,Diagnosis of Pneumothorax
+Pneumothorax,Hyu7200,53808.0,[X]Other pneumothorax,Diagnosis of Pneumothorax
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_portal_htn.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_portal_htn.csv
index ce5358b..4f11871 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_portal_htn.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_portal_htn.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Portal hypertension","J623.00","5129.0","Portal hypertension","Diagnosis of Portal hypertension"
+Portal hypertension,J623.00,5129.0,Portal hypertension,Diagnosis of Portal hypertension
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_post_term.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_post_term.csv
index 9a03685..429fb49 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_post_term.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_post_term.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Post-term infant","6355.00","33011.0","Baby post-mature","Diagnosis of Post-term infant"
-"Post-term infant","635..12","26867.0","Postmature baby","Diagnosis of Post-term infant"
-"Post-term infant","Q122.00","23341.0","Postmature infant - greater than 42 weeks gestation, unspec","Diagnosis of Post-term infant"
+Post-term infant,6355.00,33011.0,Baby post-mature,Diagnosis of Post-term infant
+Post-term infant,635..12,26867.0,Postmature baby,Diagnosis of Post-term infant
+Post-term infant,Q122.00,23341.0,"Postmature infant - greater than 42 weeks gestation, unspec",Diagnosis of Post-term infant
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_post_uveitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_post_uveitis.csv
index 56ed444..541b6b5 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_post_uveitis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_post_uveitis.csv
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Posterior Uveitis","A173000","37329.0","Tuberculous chorioretinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","A900.12","50581.0","Congenital syphilitic choroiditis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","A915100","72903.0","Secondary syphilitic chorioretinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","A94y200","58738.0","Syphilitic disseminated retinochoroiditis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","AD02.00","31619.0","Toxoplasma chorioretinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F401000","31684.0","Sympathetic uveitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F401100","21685.0","Panuveitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430000","39964.0","Unspecified focal chorioretinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430100","45908.0","Focal juxtapapillary choroiditis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430200","94848.0","Other posterior pole focal chorioretinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430300","55978.0","Peripheral focal chorioretinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430400","96303.0","Focal juxtapapillary retinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430500","27424.0","Focal macular retinochoroiditis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430600","97455.0","Other posterior pole focal retinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430700","55312.0","Peripheral focal retinochoroiditis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430800","98959.0","Multifocal choroiditis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430.00","34170.0","Focal chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430.11","16629.0","Retinitis and chorioretinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F430z00","32239.0","Focal chorioretinitis or retinochoroiditis NOS","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F431000","66369.0","Unspecified disseminated chorioretinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F431300","65993.0","General disseminated chorioretinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F431400","67906.0","Metastatic disseminated retinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F431500","22532.0","Pigmented epithelial disseminated retinitis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F431600","98424.0","Punctate inner choroidopathy","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F431.00","43496.0","Disseminated chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F431z00","99779.0","Disseminated chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis NOS","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F432000","4785.0","Choroiditis NOS","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F432100","16264.0","Retinitis NOS","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F432200","10999.0","Posterior uveitis NOS","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F432400","39882.0","Harada's disease","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F432.00","58055.0","Other chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F432z00","16194.0","Other chorioretinitis or retinochoroiditis NOS","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","F442300","36804.0","Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","FyuF000","53869.0","[X]Other chorioretinal inflammations","Diagnosis of posterior uveitis"
+Posterior Uveitis,A173000,37329.0,Tuberculous chorioretinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,A900.12,50581.0,Congenital syphilitic choroiditis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,A915100,72903.0,Secondary syphilitic chorioretinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,A94y200,58738.0,Syphilitic disseminated retinochoroiditis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,AD02.00,31619.0,Toxoplasma chorioretinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F401000,31684.0,Sympathetic uveitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F401100,21685.0,Panuveitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430000,39964.0,Unspecified focal chorioretinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430100,45908.0,Focal juxtapapillary choroiditis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430200,94848.0,Other posterior pole focal chorioretinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430300,55978.0,Peripheral focal chorioretinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430400,96303.0,Focal juxtapapillary retinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430500,27424.0,Focal macular retinochoroiditis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430600,97455.0,Other posterior pole focal retinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430700,55312.0,Peripheral focal retinochoroiditis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430800,98959.0,Multifocal choroiditis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430.00,34170.0,Focal chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430.11,16629.0,Retinitis and chorioretinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F430z00,32239.0,Focal chorioretinitis or retinochoroiditis NOS,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F431000,66369.0,Unspecified disseminated chorioretinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F431300,65993.0,General disseminated chorioretinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F431400,67906.0,Metastatic disseminated retinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F431500,22532.0,Pigmented epithelial disseminated retinitis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F431600,98424.0,Punctate inner choroidopathy,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F431.00,43496.0,Disseminated chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F431z00,99779.0,Disseminated chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis NOS,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F432000,4785.0,Choroiditis NOS,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F432100,16264.0,Retinitis NOS,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F432200,10999.0,Posterior uveitis NOS,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F432400,39882.0,Harada's disease,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F432.00,58055.0,Other chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F432z00,16194.0,Other chorioretinitis or retinochoroiditis NOS,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,F442300,36804.0,Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,FyuF000,53869.0,[X]Other chorioretinal inflammations,Diagnosis of posterior uveitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_postcoital_bleed.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_postcoital_bleed.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index e37900b..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_postcoital_bleed.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Postcoital and contact bleeding","1581.00","6301.0","H/O: post-coital bleeding","Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding"
-"Postcoital and contact bleeding","K587.00","12426.0","Contact bleeding of cervix","Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding"
-"Postcoital and contact bleeding","K597.00","1941.0","Postcoital bleeding","Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding"
-"Postcoital and contact bleeding","K59A.00","47026.0","Premenopausal postcoital bleeding","Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding"
-"Postcoital and contact bleeding","K59B.00","46997.0","Postmenopausal postcoital bleeding","Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_postmenopausal_bleed.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_postmenopausal_bleed.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a159fa..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_postmenopausal_bleed.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Postmenopausal bleeding","1583.00","4462.0","H/O: post-menopausal bleeding","History of Postmenopausal bleeding"
-"Postmenopausal bleeding","K59B.00","46997.0","Postmenopausal postcoital bleeding","Diagnosis of Postmenopausal bleeding"
-"Postmenopausal bleeding","K5A1.00","1583.0","Postmenopausal bleeding","Diagnosis of Postmenopausal bleeding"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_prematurity.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_prematurity.csv
index 1870e89..9572311 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_prematurity.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_prematurity.csv
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Prematurity","1546.00","11829.0","H/O: premature delivery","History of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","6351.00","29074.0","Baby premature 36-38 weeks","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","6352.00","27662.0","Baby v. premature 32-36 weeks","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","6353.00","17915.0","Baby extremely prem.28-32 week","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","635..13","164.0","Premature baby","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","6356.00","29996.0","Baby premature 26-28 weeks","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","6357.00","45702.0","Baby premature 24-26 weeks","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","635A.00","19598.0","Baby premature 37 weeks","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","635B.00","17968.0","Baby premature 36 weeks","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","635C.00","106617.0","Preterm infant status","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","635C.11","107078.0","Preterm","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Q110.00","26683.0","Very premature - less than 1000g or less than 28 weeks","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Q110.11","23926.0","Immature baby","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Q111.00","23670.0","Premature - weight 1000g-2499g or gestation of 28-37weeks","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Q112.00","48011.0","Extreme immaturity","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Q112.11","32439.0","Extreme prematurity - less than 28 weeks","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Q116.00","35209.0","Premature infant 28-37 weeks","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Q11..11","20429.0","Baby born premature","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Q11z.00","1211.0","Born premature NOS","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Q317100","46795.0","Prematurity with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Q432.00","7828.0","Preterm delivery associated jaundice","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Q456.00","19574.0","Anaemia of prematurity","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","Qyu1100","47154.0","[X]Other preterm infants","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
+Prematurity,1546.00,11829.0,H/O: premature delivery,History of Prematurity
+Prematurity,6351.00,29074.0,Baby premature 36-38 weeks,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,6352.00,27662.0,Baby v. premature 32-36 weeks,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,6353.00,17915.0,Baby extremely prem.28-32 week,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,635..13,164.0,Premature baby,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,6356.00,29996.0,Baby premature 26-28 weeks,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,6357.00,45702.0,Baby premature 24-26 weeks,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,635A.00,19598.0,Baby premature 37 weeks,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,635B.00,17968.0,Baby premature 36 weeks,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,635C.00,106617.0,Preterm infant status,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,635C.11,107078.0,Preterm,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Q110.00,26683.0,Very premature - less than 1000g or less than 28 weeks,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Q110.11,23926.0,Immature baby,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Q111.00,23670.0,Premature - weight 1000g-2499g or gestation of 28-37weeks,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Q112.00,48011.0,Extreme immaturity,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Q112.11,32439.0,Extreme prematurity - less than 28 weeks,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Q116.00,35209.0,Premature infant 28-37 weeks,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Q11..11,20429.0,Baby born premature,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Q11z.00,1211.0,Born premature NOS,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Q317100,46795.0,Prematurity with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Q432.00,7828.0,Preterm delivery associated jaundice,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Q456.00,19574.0,Anaemia of prematurity,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,Qyu1100,47154.0,[X]Other preterm infants,Diagnosis of Prematurity
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_biliary.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_biliary.csv
index 4fc68a3..f55b78a 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_biliary.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_biliary.csv
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B151000","65124.0","Malignant neoplasm of interlobular bile ducts","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B151200","89593.0","Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic biliary passages","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B151400","58088.0","Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic gall duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B151.00","16915.0","Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B151z00","61643.0","Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B161000","72445.0","Malignant neoplasm of cystic duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B161100","52537.0","Malignant neoplasm of hepatic duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B161200","7982.0","Malignant neoplasm of common bile duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B161211","36495.0","Carcinoma common bile duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B161300","105613.0","Malignant neoplasm of sphincter of Oddi","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B161.00","23433.0","Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B161z00","74896.0","Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B162.00","10949.0","Malignant neoplasm of ampulla of Vater","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","B163.00","35039.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of biliary tract","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","BB5D100","8711.0","[M]Cholangiocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","BB5D111","40438.0","[M]Bile duct carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","BB5D300","41313.0","[M]Bile duct cystadenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","BB5D700","107299.0","[M]Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","BB5D711","110147.0","[M]Hepatocholangiocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B151000,65124.0,Malignant neoplasm of interlobular bile ducts,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B151200,89593.0,Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic biliary passages,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B151400,58088.0,Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic gall duct,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B151.00,16915.0,Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B151z00,61643.0,Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B161000,72445.0,Malignant neoplasm of cystic duct,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B161100,52537.0,Malignant neoplasm of hepatic duct,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B161200,7982.0,Malignant neoplasm of common bile duct,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B161211,36495.0,Carcinoma common bile duct,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B161300,105613.0,Malignant neoplasm of sphincter of Oddi,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B161.00,23433.0,Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B161z00,74896.0,Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B162.00,10949.0,Malignant neoplasm of ampulla of Vater,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,B163.00,35039.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of biliary tract",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,BB5D100,8711.0,[M]Cholangiocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,BB5D111,40438.0,[M]Bile duct carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,BB5D300,41313.0,[M]Bile duct cystadenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,BB5D700,107299.0,[M]Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,BB5D711,110147.0,[M]Hepatocholangiocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bladder.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bladder.csv
index 6d681b4..0b2cffc 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bladder.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bladder.csv
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B490.00","38862.0","Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B491.00","44996.0","Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B492.00","35963.0","Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B493.00","19162.0","Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B494.00","42012.0","Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B495.00","41571.0","Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B496.00","28241.0","Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B497.00","42023.0","Malignant neoplasm of urachus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B498.00","105388.0","Local recurrence of malignant tumour of urinary bladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B49..00","779.0","Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B49y000","47801.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of bladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B49y.00","36949.0","Malignant neoplasm of other site of urinary bladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","B49z.00","31102.0","Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","ZV10511","35816.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bladder","History of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B490.00,38862.0,Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B491.00,44996.0,Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B492.00,35963.0,Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B493.00,19162.0,Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B494.00,42012.0,Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B495.00,41571.0,Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B496.00,28241.0,Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B497.00,42023.0,Malignant neoplasm of urachus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B498.00,105388.0,Local recurrence of malignant tumour of urinary bladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B49..00,779.0,Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B49y000,47801.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of bladder",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B49y.00,36949.0,Malignant neoplasm of other site of urinary bladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,B49z.00,31102.0,Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,ZV10511,35816.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bladder,History of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bone.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bone.csv
index 9e54b9f..3e0c619 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bone.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bone.csv
@@ -1,109 +1,109 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300000","53594.0","Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300100","53599.0","Malignant neoplasm of frontal bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300200","59520.0","Malignant neoplasm of malar bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300300","95458.0","Malignant neoplasm of nasal bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300400","55953.0","Malignant neoplasm of occipital bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300500","50298.0","Malignant neoplasm of orbital bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300600","54747.0","Malignant neoplasm of parietal bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300700","55595.0","Malignant neoplasm of sphenoid bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300800","62104.0","Malignant neoplasm of temporal bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300900","50299.0","Malignant neoplasm of zygomatic bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300A00","17475.0","Malignant neoplasm of maxilla","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300.00","59036.0","Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300B00","96445.0","Malignant neoplasm of turbinate","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300C00","44452.0","Malignant neoplasm of vomer","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B300z00","69146.0","Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B301.00","33833.0","Malignant neoplasm of mandible","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B302000","46939.0","Malignant neoplasm of cervical vertebra","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B302100","32372.0","Malignant neoplasm of thoracic vertebra","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B302200","54691.0","Malignant neoplasm of lumbar vertebra","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B302.00","16704.0","Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B302z00","49701.0","Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B303000","37842.0","Malignant neoplasm of rib","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B303100","49491.0","Malignant neoplasm of sternum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B303200","66639.0","Malignant neoplasm of clavicle","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B303300","60403.0","Malignant neoplasm of costal cartilage","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B303400","67763.0","Malignant neoplasm of costo-vertebral joint","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B303500","54493.0","Malignant neoplasm of xiphoid process","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B303.00","27528.0","Malignant neoplasm of ribs, sternum and clavicle","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B303z00","51237.0","Malignant neoplasm of rib, sternum and clavicle NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B304000","49054.0","Malignant neoplasm of scapula","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B304100","105797.0","Malignant neoplasm of acromion","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B304200","61741.0","Malignant neoplasm of humerus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B304300","92371.0","Malignant neoplasm of radius","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B304400","64848.0","Malignant neoplasm of ulna","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B304.00","71810.0","Malignant neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper arm","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B304z00","65880.0","Malig neop of scapula and long bones of upper arm NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B305000","57988.0","Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - scaphoid","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B305100","69104.0","Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - lunate","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B305A00","108638.0","Malignant neoplasm of third metacarpal bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B305.00","73530.0","Malignant neoplasm of hand bones","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B305.11","106069.0","Malignant neoplasm of carpal bones","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B305.12","72464.0","Malignant neoplasm of metacarpal bones","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B305C00","94427.0","Malignant neoplasm of fifth metacarpal bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B305D00","86812.0","Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of hand","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B305z00","73556.0","Malignant neoplasm of hand bones NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B306000","44609.0","Malignant neoplasm of ilium","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B306100","59223.0","Malignant neoplasm of ischium","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B306200","51921.0","Malignant neoplasm of pubis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B306300","40966.0","Malignant neoplasm of sacral vertebra","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B306400","66908.0","Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal vertebra","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B306500","50152.0","Malignant sacral teratoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B306.00","54631.0","Malignant neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B306z00","38938.0","Malignant neoplasm of pelvis, sacrum or coccyx NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B307000","56513.0","Malignant neoplasm of femur","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B307100","50402.0","Malignant neoplasm of fibula","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B307200","40814.0","Malignant neoplasm of tibia","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B307.00","68055.0","Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B307z00","62630.0","Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B308100","95182.0","Malignant neoplasm of talus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B308200","72212.0","Malignant neoplasm of calcaneum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B308300","34878.0","Malignant neoplasm of medial cuneiform","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B308800","69927.0","Malignant neoplasm of first metatarsal bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B308.00","105475.0","Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B308B00","92382.0","Malignant neoplasm of fourth metatarsal bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B308D00","58949.0","Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of foot","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B308z00","103354.0","Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B30..00","18314.0","Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B30W.00","67451.0","Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone+articulr cartilage","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B30X.00","43614.0","Malignant neoplasm/bones+articular cartilage/limb,unspfd","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B30z000","19437.0","Osteosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","B30z.00","16075.0","Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV1.00","8660.0","[M]Osteosarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV1.11","49862.0","[M]Osteoblastic sarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV1.12","59310.0","[M]Osteochondrosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV1.13","5052.0","[M]Osteogenic sarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV2.00","24539.0","[M]Chondroblastic osteosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV3.00","21447.0","[M]Fibroblastic osteosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV4.00","22561.0","[M]Telangiectatic osteosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV5.00","60631.0","[M]Osteosarcoma in Paget's disease of bone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV9.00","4118.0","[M]Myxoid chondrosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBVA.00","29337.0","[M] Small cell osteosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV..11","99665.0","[M]Juxtacortical osteogenic sarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV..12","63571.0","[M]Parosteal osteosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBV..13","105275.0","[M]Periosteal osteogenic sarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBW4.00","7941.0","[M]Chondrosarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBW4.11","68220.0","[M]Fibrochondrosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBW6.00","63659.0","[M]Juxtacortical chondrosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBW8.00","98559.0","[M]Chondroblastoma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBW9.00","52684.0","[M]Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBX1.00","68956.0","[M]Giant cell tumour of bone, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBX1.11","50859.0","[M]Giant cell bone sarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBX1.12","31673.0","[M]Osteoclastoma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBY0.00","4473.0","[M]Ewing's sarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBY0.11","49023.0","[M]Endothelial bone sarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBY1.00","38593.0","[M]Adamantinoma of long bones","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBY1.11","67430.0","[M]Tibial adamantinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBZ2.00","72443.0","[M]Odontogenic tumour, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBZ2.11","93175.0","[M]Intraosseous carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBZC.00","46741.0","[M]Ameloblastic odontosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBZG.00","97593.0","[M]Ameloblastoma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBZG.11","100267.0","[M]Adamantinoma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBZN.00","68730.0","[M]Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","BBZN.11","98483.0","[M]Odontogenic fibrosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","Byu3100","73296.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm/bones+articular cartilage/limb,unspfd","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","Byu3200","63300.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone+articulr cartilage","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","Byu3300","43151.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm/bone+articular cartilage, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","Byu3.00","40749.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","ZV10y11","46282.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bone","History of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300000,53594.0,Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300100,53599.0,Malignant neoplasm of frontal bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300200,59520.0,Malignant neoplasm of malar bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300300,95458.0,Malignant neoplasm of nasal bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300400,55953.0,Malignant neoplasm of occipital bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300500,50298.0,Malignant neoplasm of orbital bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300600,54747.0,Malignant neoplasm of parietal bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300700,55595.0,Malignant neoplasm of sphenoid bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300800,62104.0,Malignant neoplasm of temporal bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300900,50299.0,Malignant neoplasm of zygomatic bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300A00,17475.0,Malignant neoplasm of maxilla,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300.00,59036.0,Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300B00,96445.0,Malignant neoplasm of turbinate,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300C00,44452.0,Malignant neoplasm of vomer,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B300z00,69146.0,Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B301.00,33833.0,Malignant neoplasm of mandible,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B302000,46939.0,Malignant neoplasm of cervical vertebra,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B302100,32372.0,Malignant neoplasm of thoracic vertebra,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B302200,54691.0,Malignant neoplasm of lumbar vertebra,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B302.00,16704.0,Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B302z00,49701.0,Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B303000,37842.0,Malignant neoplasm of rib,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B303100,49491.0,Malignant neoplasm of sternum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B303200,66639.0,Malignant neoplasm of clavicle,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B303300,60403.0,Malignant neoplasm of costal cartilage,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B303400,67763.0,Malignant neoplasm of costo-vertebral joint,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B303500,54493.0,Malignant neoplasm of xiphoid process,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B303.00,27528.0,"Malignant neoplasm of ribs, sternum and clavicle",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B303z00,51237.0,"Malignant neoplasm of rib, sternum and clavicle NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B304000,49054.0,Malignant neoplasm of scapula,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B304100,105797.0,Malignant neoplasm of acromion,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B304200,61741.0,Malignant neoplasm of humerus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B304300,92371.0,Malignant neoplasm of radius,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B304400,64848.0,Malignant neoplasm of ulna,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B304.00,71810.0,Malignant neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper arm,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B304z00,65880.0,Malig neop of scapula and long bones of upper arm NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B305000,57988.0,Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - scaphoid,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B305100,69104.0,Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - lunate,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B305A00,108638.0,Malignant neoplasm of third metacarpal bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B305.00,73530.0,Malignant neoplasm of hand bones,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B305.11,106069.0,Malignant neoplasm of carpal bones,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B305.12,72464.0,Malignant neoplasm of metacarpal bones,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B305C00,94427.0,Malignant neoplasm of fifth metacarpal bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B305D00,86812.0,Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of hand,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B305z00,73556.0,Malignant neoplasm of hand bones NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B306000,44609.0,Malignant neoplasm of ilium,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B306100,59223.0,Malignant neoplasm of ischium,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B306200,51921.0,Malignant neoplasm of pubis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B306300,40966.0,Malignant neoplasm of sacral vertebra,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B306400,66908.0,Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal vertebra,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B306500,50152.0,Malignant sacral teratoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B306.00,54631.0,"Malignant neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B306z00,38938.0,"Malignant neoplasm of pelvis, sacrum or coccyx NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B307000,56513.0,Malignant neoplasm of femur,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B307100,50402.0,Malignant neoplasm of fibula,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B307200,40814.0,Malignant neoplasm of tibia,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B307.00,68055.0,Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B307z00,62630.0,Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B308100,95182.0,Malignant neoplasm of talus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B308200,72212.0,Malignant neoplasm of calcaneum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B308300,34878.0,Malignant neoplasm of medial cuneiform,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B308800,69927.0,Malignant neoplasm of first metatarsal bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B308.00,105475.0,Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B308B00,92382.0,Malignant neoplasm of fourth metatarsal bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B308D00,58949.0,Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of foot,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B308z00,103354.0,Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B30..00,18314.0,Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B30W.00,67451.0,Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone+articulr cartilage,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B30X.00,43614.0,"Malignant neoplasm/bones+articular cartilage/limb,unspfd",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B30z000,19437.0,Osteosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,B30z.00,16075.0,Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV1.00,8660.0,[M]Osteosarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV1.11,49862.0,[M]Osteoblastic sarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV1.12,59310.0,[M]Osteochondrosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV1.13,5052.0,[M]Osteogenic sarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV2.00,24539.0,[M]Chondroblastic osteosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV3.00,21447.0,[M]Fibroblastic osteosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV4.00,22561.0,[M]Telangiectatic osteosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV5.00,60631.0,[M]Osteosarcoma in Paget's disease of bone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV9.00,4118.0,[M]Myxoid chondrosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBVA.00,29337.0,[M] Small cell osteosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV..11,99665.0,[M]Juxtacortical osteogenic sarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV..12,63571.0,[M]Parosteal osteosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBV..13,105275.0,[M]Periosteal osteogenic sarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBW4.00,7941.0,[M]Chondrosarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBW4.11,68220.0,[M]Fibrochondrosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBW6.00,63659.0,[M]Juxtacortical chondrosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBW8.00,98559.0,"[M]Chondroblastoma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBW9.00,52684.0,[M]Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBX1.00,68956.0,"[M]Giant cell tumour of bone, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBX1.11,50859.0,[M]Giant cell bone sarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBX1.12,31673.0,"[M]Osteoclastoma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBY0.00,4473.0,[M]Ewing's sarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBY0.11,49023.0,[M]Endothelial bone sarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBY1.00,38593.0,[M]Adamantinoma of long bones,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBY1.11,67430.0,[M]Tibial adamantinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBZ2.00,72443.0,"[M]Odontogenic tumour, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBZ2.11,93175.0,[M]Intraosseous carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBZC.00,46741.0,[M]Ameloblastic odontosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBZG.00,97593.0,"[M]Ameloblastoma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBZG.11,100267.0,"[M]Adamantinoma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBZN.00,68730.0,[M]Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,BBZN.11,98483.0,[M]Odontogenic fibrosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,Byu3100,73296.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm/bones+articular cartilage/limb,unspfd",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,Byu3200,63300.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone+articulr cartilage,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,Byu3300,43151.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm/bone+articular cartilage, unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,Byu3.00,40749.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,ZV10y11,46282.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bone,History of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bowel.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bowel.csv
index e94442f..9702593 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bowel.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_bowel.csv
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B130.00","9088.0","Malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B131.00","6935.0","Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B132.00","10864.0","Malignant neoplasm of descending colon","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B133.00","2815.0","Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B134.00","3811.0","Malignant neoplasm of caecum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B134.11","22163.0","Carcinoma of caecum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B135.00","18632.0","Malignant neoplasm of appendix","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B136.00","10946.0","Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B137.00","18619.0","Malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B138.00","93478.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of colon","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B139.00","101700.0","Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B13..00","1220.0","Malignant neoplasm of colon","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B13y.00","48231.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of colon","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B13z.00","28163.0","Malignant neoplasm of colon NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B13z.11","9118.0","Colonic cancer","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B140.00","27855.0","Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B141.00","1800.0","Malignant neoplasm of rectum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B141.11","7219.0","Carcinoma of rectum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B141.12","5901.0","Rectal carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B142000","46159.0","Malignant neoplasm of cloacogenic zone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B142.00","24370.0","Malignant neoplasm of anal canal","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B142.11","9491.0","Anal carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B143.00","27897.0","Malignant neoplasm of anus unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B14..00","35357.0","Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B14y.00","55659.0","Malig neop other site rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B14z.00","50974.0","Malignant neoplasm rectum,rectosigmoid junction and anus NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","B1z0.11","11628.0","Cancer of bowel","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","ZV10011","68018.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of anus","History of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","ZV10014","57727.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of large intestine","History of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","ZV10017","62785.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of rectum","History of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B130.00,9088.0,Malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B131.00,6935.0,Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B132.00,10864.0,Malignant neoplasm of descending colon,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B133.00,2815.0,Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B134.00,3811.0,Malignant neoplasm of caecum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B134.11,22163.0,Carcinoma of caecum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B135.00,18632.0,Malignant neoplasm of appendix,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B136.00,10946.0,Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B137.00,18619.0,Malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B138.00,93478.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of colon",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B139.00,101700.0,Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B13..00,1220.0,Malignant neoplasm of colon,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B13y.00,48231.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of colon,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B13z.00,28163.0,Malignant neoplasm of colon NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B13z.11,9118.0,Colonic cancer,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B140.00,27855.0,Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B141.00,1800.0,Malignant neoplasm of rectum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B141.11,7219.0,Carcinoma of rectum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B141.12,5901.0,Rectal carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B142000,46159.0,Malignant neoplasm of cloacogenic zone,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B142.00,24370.0,Malignant neoplasm of anal canal,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B142.11,9491.0,Anal carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B143.00,27897.0,Malignant neoplasm of anus unspecified,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B14..00,35357.0,"Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B14y.00,55659.0,"Malig neop other site rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B14z.00,50974.0,"Malignant neoplasm rectum,rectosigmoid junction and anus NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,B1z0.11,11628.0,Cancer of bowel,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,ZV10011,68018.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of anus,History of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,ZV10014,57727.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of large intestine,History of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,ZV10017,62785.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of rectum,History of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_brain.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_brain.csv
index d1ea3b1..9f5c6d4 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_brain.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_brain.csv
@@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B510000","48073.0","Malignant neoplasm of basal ganglia","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B510100","61399.0","Malignant neoplasm of cerebral cortex","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B510300","99913.0","Malignant neoplasm of globus pallidus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B510400","70942.0","Malignant neoplasm of hypothalamus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B510500","62126.0","Malignant neoplasm of thalamus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B510.00","15711.0","Malignant neoplasm cerebrum (excluding lobes and ventricles)","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B510z00","54133.0","Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B511.00","42426.0","Malignant neoplasm of frontal lobe","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B512000","67236.0","Malignant neoplasm of hippocampus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B512.00","46792.0","Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B512z00","47556.0","Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B513.00","19226.0","Malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B514.00","39088.0","Malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B515000","46789.0","Malignant neoplasm of choroid plexus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B515.00","52511.0","Malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricles","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B516.00","45154.0","Malignant neoplasm of cerebellum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B517000","64557.0","Malignant neoplasm of cerebral peduncle","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B517100","49132.0","Malignant neoplasm of medulla oblongata","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B517200","93537.0","Malignant neoplasm of midbrain","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B517300","91240.0","Malignant neoplasm of pons","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B517.00","44089.0","Malignant neoplasm of brain stem","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B517z00","68641.0","Malignant neoplasm of brain stem NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B51..00","18617.0","Malignant neoplasm of brain","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B51..11","10851.0","Cerebral tumour - malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B51y000","59170.0","Malignant neoplasm of corpus callosum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B51y200","65241.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of brain","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B51y.00","71139.0","Malignant neoplasm of other parts of brain","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B51yz00","100733.0","Malignant neoplasm of other part of brain NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B51z.00","41520.0","Malignant neoplasm of brain NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B520000","64971.0","Malignant neoplasm of olfactory bulb","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B520100","70126.0","Malignant neoplasm of optic nerve","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B520200","65599.0","Malignant neoplasm of acoustic nerve","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B520.00","99621.0","Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B520z00","101086.0","Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B521200","109473.0","Malignant neoplasm of cerebral pia mater","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B521.00","28919.0","Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B521z00","70104.0","Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B522.00","51115.0","Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B523.00","49714.0","Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B523z00","67211.0","Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B525.00","9622.0","Malignant neoplasm of cauda equina","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B52W.00","53504.0","Malig neopl, overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B52X.00","49875.0","Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B542000","8550.0","Malignant neoplasm of pituitary gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B542100","39899.0","Malignant neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B542.00","59823.0","Malignant neoplasm pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B542z00","59718.0","Malig neop pituitary gland or craniopharyngeal duct NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B543.00","42460.0","Malignant neoplasm of pineal gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B544.00","57047.0","Malignant neoplasm of carotid body","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B545000","51795.0","Malignant neoplasm of glomus jugulare","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B545100","47840.0","Malignant neoplasm of aortic body","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B545200","46905.0","Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal body","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B545.00","50035.0","Malignant neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B545z00","103995.0","Malignant neoplasm of aortic body or paraganglia NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbB.00","8547.0","[M]Astrocytoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbB.11","27748.0","[M]Astrocytic glioma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbC.00","8328.0","[M]Astrocytoma, anaplastic type","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbE.00","45531.0","[M]Gemistocytic astrocytoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbF.00","27846.0","[M]Fibrillary astrocytoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbG.00","30273.0","[M]Pilocytic astrocytoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbG.11","61783.0","[M]Juvenile astrocytoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbG.12","98800.0","[M]Piloid astrocytoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbH.00","103047.0","[M]Spongioblastoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbK.00","50235.0","[M]Astroblastoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbL.00","23083.0","[M]Glioblastoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbL.11","9575.0","[M]Glioblastoma multiforme","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbM.00","66064.0","[M]Giant cell glioblastoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbQ.00","27744.0","[M]Oligodendroglioma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbR.00","49186.0","[M]Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic type","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbS.00","46404.0","[M]Oligodendroblastoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbT.00","34763.0","[M]Medulloblastoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbU.00","65952.0","[M]Desmoplastic medulloblastoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbV.00","31767.0","[M]Medullomyoblastoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbW.00","37473.0","[M]Cerebellar sarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbz.00","27653.0","[M]Glioma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBbZ.00","67587.0","[M]Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBc2.00","67288.0","[M]Medulloepithelioma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBc6.11","93097.0","[M]Glioneuroma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBc7.11","68479.0","[M]Neuroastrocytoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBcA.00","58902.0","[M]Olfactory neurogenic tumour","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBd2.00","27363.0","[M]Meningioma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBd2.12","96798.0","[M]Meningothelial sarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","BBdA.00","70176.0","[M]Papillary meningioma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","ByuA000","68027.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm/other and unspecified cranial nerves","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","ByuA100","41515.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm/central nervous system, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","ByuA200","63925.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","ByuA300","47633.0","[X]Malig neopl, overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","ZV10y12","48085.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of brain","History of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B510000,48073.0,Malignant neoplasm of basal ganglia,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B510100,61399.0,Malignant neoplasm of cerebral cortex,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B510300,99913.0,Malignant neoplasm of globus pallidus,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B510400,70942.0,Malignant neoplasm of hypothalamus,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B510500,62126.0,Malignant neoplasm of thalamus,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B510.00,15711.0,Malignant neoplasm cerebrum (excluding lobes and ventricles),"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B510z00,54133.0,Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B511.00,42426.0,Malignant neoplasm of frontal lobe,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B512000,67236.0,Malignant neoplasm of hippocampus,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B512.00,46792.0,Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B512z00,47556.0,Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B513.00,19226.0,Malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B514.00,39088.0,Malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B515000,46789.0,Malignant neoplasm of choroid plexus,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B515.00,52511.0,Malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricles,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B516.00,45154.0,Malignant neoplasm of cerebellum,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B517000,64557.0,Malignant neoplasm of cerebral peduncle,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B517100,49132.0,Malignant neoplasm of medulla oblongata,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B517200,93537.0,Malignant neoplasm of midbrain,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B517300,91240.0,Malignant neoplasm of pons,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B517.00,44089.0,Malignant neoplasm of brain stem,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B517z00,68641.0,Malignant neoplasm of brain stem NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B51..00,18617.0,Malignant neoplasm of brain,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B51..11,10851.0,Cerebral tumour - malignant,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B51y000,59170.0,Malignant neoplasm of corpus callosum,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B51y200,65241.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of brain","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B51y.00,71139.0,Malignant neoplasm of other parts of brain,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B51yz00,100733.0,Malignant neoplasm of other part of brain NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B51z.00,41520.0,Malignant neoplasm of brain NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B520000,64971.0,Malignant neoplasm of olfactory bulb,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B520100,70126.0,Malignant neoplasm of optic nerve,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B520200,65599.0,Malignant neoplasm of acoustic nerve,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B520.00,99621.0,Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B520z00,101086.0,Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B521200,109473.0,Malignant neoplasm of cerebral pia mater,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B521.00,28919.0,Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B521z00,70104.0,Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B522.00,51115.0,Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B523.00,49714.0,Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B523z00,67211.0,Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B525.00,9622.0,Malignant neoplasm of cauda equina,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B52W.00,53504.0,"Malig neopl, overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B52X.00,49875.0,"Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B542000,8550.0,Malignant neoplasm of pituitary gland,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B542100,39899.0,Malignant neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B542.00,59823.0,Malignant neoplasm pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B542z00,59718.0,Malig neop pituitary gland or craniopharyngeal duct NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B543.00,42460.0,Malignant neoplasm of pineal gland,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B544.00,57047.0,Malignant neoplasm of carotid body,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B545000,51795.0,Malignant neoplasm of glomus jugulare,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B545100,47840.0,Malignant neoplasm of aortic body,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B545200,46905.0,Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal body,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B545.00,50035.0,Malignant neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B545z00,103995.0,Malignant neoplasm of aortic body or paraganglia NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbB.00,8547.0,[M]Astrocytoma NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbB.11,27748.0,[M]Astrocytic glioma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbC.00,8328.0,"[M]Astrocytoma, anaplastic type","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbE.00,45531.0,[M]Gemistocytic astrocytoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbF.00,27846.0,[M]Fibrillary astrocytoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbG.00,30273.0,[M]Pilocytic astrocytoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbG.11,61783.0,[M]Juvenile astrocytoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbG.12,98800.0,[M]Piloid astrocytoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbH.00,103047.0,[M]Spongioblastoma NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbK.00,50235.0,[M]Astroblastoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbL.00,23083.0,[M]Glioblastoma NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbL.11,9575.0,[M]Glioblastoma multiforme,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbM.00,66064.0,[M]Giant cell glioblastoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbQ.00,27744.0,[M]Oligodendroglioma NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbR.00,49186.0,"[M]Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic type","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbS.00,46404.0,[M]Oligodendroblastoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbT.00,34763.0,[M]Medulloblastoma NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbU.00,65952.0,[M]Desmoplastic medulloblastoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbV.00,31767.0,[M]Medullomyoblastoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbW.00,37473.0,[M]Cerebellar sarcoma NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbz.00,27653.0,[M]Glioma NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBbZ.00,67587.0,[M]Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBc2.00,67288.0,[M]Medulloepithelioma NOS,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBc6.11,93097.0,[M]Glioneuroma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBc7.11,68479.0,[M]Neuroastrocytoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBcA.00,58902.0,[M]Olfactory neurogenic tumour,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBd2.00,27363.0,"[M]Meningioma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBd2.12,96798.0,[M]Meningothelial sarcoma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",BBdA.00,70176.0,[M]Papillary meningioma,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",ByuA000,68027.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm/other and unspecified cranial nerves,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",ByuA100,41515.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm/central nervous system, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",ByuA200,63925.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",ByuA300,47633.0,"[X]Malig neopl, overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",ZV10y12,48085.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of brain,"History of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_breast.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_breast.csv
index f55690f..8b00c68 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_breast.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_breast.csv
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B340000","23380.0","Malignant neoplasm of nipple of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B340100","64686.0","Malignant neoplasm of areola of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B340.00","26853.0","Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B340z00","59831.0","Malignant neoplasm of nipple or areola of female breast NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B341.00","31546.0","Malignant neoplasm of central part of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B342.00","29826.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B343.00","45222.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B344.00","23399.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B345.00","42070.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B346.00","20685.0","Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B347.00","49148.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B34..00","3968.0","Malignant neoplasm of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B34..11","348.0","Ca female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B34y000","95057.0","Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B34y.00","56715.0","Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B34yz00","38475.0","Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B34z.00","9470.0","Malignant neoplasm of female breast NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B350000","68480.0","Malignant neoplasm of nipple of male breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B350100","67884.0","Malignant neoplasm of areola of male breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B350.00","54494.0","Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of male breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B35..00","19423.0","Malignant neoplasm of male breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B35z000","95323.0","Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of male breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B35z.00","54202.0","Malignant neoplasm of other site of male breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B35zz00","48809.0","Malignant neoplasm of male breast NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B36..00","105488.0","Local recurrence of malignant tumour of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B830000","10387.0","Lobular carcinoma in situ of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B830100","18694.0","Intraductal carcinoma in situ of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","B830.00","7833.0","Carcinoma in situ of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB91.00","8351.0","[M]Infiltrating duct carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB91.11","21833.0","[M]Duct carcinoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB91000","30189.0","[M]Intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma with invasion","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB96.00","102593.0","[M]Noninfiltrating intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB91100","39760.0","[M]Infiltrating duct and lobular carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB92.00","62871.0","[M]Comedocarcinoma, noninfiltrating","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB93.00","58131.0","[M]Comedocarcinoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB94.00","40359.0","[M]Juvenile breast carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB94.11","67701.0","[M]Secretory breast carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB9J.00","12300.0","[M]Paget's disease, mammary","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB9J.11","60803.0","[M]Paget's disease, breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB9K000","12480.0","[M]Paget's disease and intraductal carcinoma of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB9K.00","42542.0","[M]Paget's disease and infiltrating breast duct carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","BB9M.00","3969.0","[M]Intracystic carcinoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","Byu6.00","12499.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","ByuFG00","53803.0","[X]Other carcinoma in situ of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","ZV10300","16639.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of breast","History of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B340000,23380.0,Malignant neoplasm of nipple of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B340100,64686.0,Malignant neoplasm of areola of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B340.00,26853.0,Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B340z00,59831.0,Malignant neoplasm of nipple or areola of female breast NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B341.00,31546.0,Malignant neoplasm of central part of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B342.00,29826.0,Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B343.00,45222.0,Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B344.00,23399.0,Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B345.00,42070.0,Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B346.00,20685.0,Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B347.00,49148.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of breast",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B34..00,3968.0,Malignant neoplasm of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B34..11,348.0,Ca female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B34y000,95057.0,Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B34y.00,56715.0,Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B34yz00,38475.0,Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B34z.00,9470.0,Malignant neoplasm of female breast NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B350000,68480.0,Malignant neoplasm of nipple of male breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B350100,67884.0,Malignant neoplasm of areola of male breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B350.00,54494.0,Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of male breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B35..00,19423.0,Malignant neoplasm of male breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B35z000,95323.0,Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of male breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B35z.00,54202.0,Malignant neoplasm of other site of male breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B35zz00,48809.0,Malignant neoplasm of male breast NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B36..00,105488.0,Local recurrence of malignant tumour of breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B830000,10387.0,Lobular carcinoma in situ of breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B830100,18694.0,Intraductal carcinoma in situ of breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,B830.00,7833.0,Carcinoma in situ of breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB91.00,8351.0,[M]Infiltrating duct carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB91.11,21833.0,[M]Duct carcinoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB91000,30189.0,[M]Intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma with invasion,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB96.00,102593.0,[M]Noninfiltrating intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB91100,39760.0,[M]Infiltrating duct and lobular carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB92.00,62871.0,"[M]Comedocarcinoma, noninfiltrating",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB93.00,58131.0,[M]Comedocarcinoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB94.00,40359.0,[M]Juvenile breast carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB94.11,67701.0,[M]Secretory breast carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB9J.00,12300.0,"[M]Paget's disease, mammary",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB9J.11,60803.0,"[M]Paget's disease, breast",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB9K000,12480.0,[M]Paget's disease and intraductal carcinoma of breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB9K.00,42542.0,[M]Paget's disease and infiltrating breast duct carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,BB9M.00,3969.0,[M]Intracystic carcinoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,Byu6.00,12499.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm of breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,ByuFG00,53803.0,[X]Other carcinoma in situ of breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,ZV10300,16639.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of breast,History of Primary Malignancy_Breast
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_cervical.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_cervical.csv
index 1b42721..54e3440 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_cervical.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_cervical.csv
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B410000","57235.0","Malignant neoplasm of endocervical canal","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B410100","53103.0","Malignant neoplasm of endocervical gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B410.00","48820.0","Malignant neoplasm of endocervix","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B410z00","50285.0","Malignant neoplasm of endocervix NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B411.00","50297.0","Malignant neoplasm of exocervix","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B412.00","58094.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of cervix uteri","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B41..00","2747.0","Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B41..11","3230.0","Cervical carcinoma (uterus)","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B41y000","95505.0","Malignant neoplasm of cervical stump","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B41y100","57719.0","Malignant neoplasm of squamocolumnar junction of cervix","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B41y.00","32955.0","Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B41yz00","43435.0","Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","B41z.00","28311.0","Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","ZV10411","23936.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri","History of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B410000,57235.0,Malignant neoplasm of endocervical canal,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B410100,53103.0,Malignant neoplasm of endocervical gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B410.00,48820.0,Malignant neoplasm of endocervix,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B410z00,50285.0,Malignant neoplasm of endocervix NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B411.00,50297.0,Malignant neoplasm of exocervix,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B412.00,58094.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of cervix uteri",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B41..00,2747.0,Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B41..11,3230.0,Cervical carcinoma (uterus),Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B41y000,95505.0,Malignant neoplasm of cervical stump,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B41y100,57719.0,Malignant neoplasm of squamocolumnar junction of cervix,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B41y.00,32955.0,Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B41yz00,43435.0,Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,B41z.00,28311.0,Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,ZV10411,23936.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri,History of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_kidney.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_kidney.csv
index f57df94..f820d43 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_kidney.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_kidney.csv
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","B4A0000","7978.0","Hypernephroma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","B4A0.00","1599.0","Malignant neoplasm of kidney parenchyma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","B4A1000","27540.0","Malignant neoplasm of renal calyces","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","B4A1100","101608.0","Malignant neoplasm of ureteropelvic junction","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","B4A1.00","12389.0","Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","B4A1z00","54184.0","Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","B4A2.00","15223.0","Malignant neoplasm of ureter","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","B4A..11","18712.0","Renal malignant neoplasm","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","BB5a000","10668.0","[M]Renal cell carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","BB5a011","52266.0","[M]Grawitz tumour","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","BB5a012","15419.0","[M]Hypernephroma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","ZV10512","47683.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney","History of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","ZV10513","28881.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney","History of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,B4A0000,7978.0,Hypernephroma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,B4A0.00,1599.0,Malignant neoplasm of kidney parenchyma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,B4A1000,27540.0,Malignant neoplasm of renal calyces,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,B4A1100,101608.0,Malignant neoplasm of ureteropelvic junction,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,B4A1.00,12389.0,Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,B4A1z00,54184.0,Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,B4A2.00,15223.0,Malignant neoplasm of ureter,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,B4A..11,18712.0,Renal malignant neoplasm,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,BB5a000,10668.0,[M]Renal cell carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,BB5a011,52266.0,[M]Grawitz tumour,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,BB5a012,15419.0,[M]Hypernephroma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,ZV10512,47683.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney,History of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,ZV10513,28881.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney,History of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_liver.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_liver.csv
index 8c1f79c..198dda7 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_liver.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_liver.csv
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","B150000","16126.0","Primary carcinoma of liver","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","B150100","31210.0","Hepatoblastoma of liver","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","B150200","68410.0","Primary angiosarcoma of liver","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","B150300","22187.0","Hepatocellular carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","B150.00","25535.0","Primary malignant neoplasm of liver","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","B150z00","44399.0","Primary malignant neoplasm of liver NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","B152.00","26393.0","Malignant neoplasm of liver unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","BB5D500","40240.0","[M]Hepatocellular carcinoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","BB5D511","20234.0","[M]Hepatoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","BB5D512","26814.0","[M]Hepatoma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","BB5D513","25641.0","[M]Liver cell carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","BB5D700","107299.0","[M]Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","BB5D711","110147.0","[M]Hepatocholangiocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","BB5D800","46771.0","[M]Hepatocellular carcinoma, fibrolamellar","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","Byu1100","43490.0","[X]Other specified carcinomas of liver","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","ZV10015","58177.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of liver","History of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,B150000,16126.0,Primary carcinoma of liver,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,B150100,31210.0,Hepatoblastoma of liver,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,B150200,68410.0,Primary angiosarcoma of liver,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,B150300,22187.0,Hepatocellular carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,B150.00,25535.0,Primary malignant neoplasm of liver,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,B150z00,44399.0,Primary malignant neoplasm of liver NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,B152.00,26393.0,Malignant neoplasm of liver unspecified,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,BB5D500,40240.0,[M]Hepatocellular carcinoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,BB5D511,20234.0,[M]Hepatoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,BB5D512,26814.0,"[M]Hepatoma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,BB5D513,25641.0,[M]Liver cell carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,BB5D700,107299.0,[M]Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,BB5D711,110147.0,[M]Hepatocholangiocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,BB5D800,46771.0,"[M]Hepatocellular carcinoma, fibrolamellar",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,Byu1100,43490.0,[X]Other specified carcinomas of liver,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,ZV10015,58177.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of liver,History of Primary Malignancy_Liver
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_lung.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_lung.csv
index e25e6da..09b16de 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_lung.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_lung.csv
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B220100","103946.0","Malignant neoplasm of mucosa of trachea","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B220.00","15221.0","Malignant neoplasm of trachea","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B220z00","37810.0","Malignant neoplasm of trachea NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B221000","17391.0","Malignant neoplasm of carina of bronchus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B221100","33444.0","Malignant neoplasm of hilus of lung","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B221.00","12870.0","Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B221z00","21698.0","Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B222000","31700.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe bronchus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B222100","25886.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe of lung","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B222.00","10358.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B222.11","20170.0","Pancoast's syndrome","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B222z00","44169.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B223000","41523.0","Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe bronchus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B223100","39923.0","Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe of lung","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B223.00","31268.0","Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B223z00","54134.0","Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B224000","18678.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe bronchus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B224100","12582.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe of lung","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B224.00","31188.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B224z00","42566.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B225.00","36371.0","Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of bronchus & lung","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B22..00","13243.0","Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B22y.00","38961.0","Malignant neoplasm of other sites of bronchus or lung","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B22z.00","3903.0","Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","B22z.11","2587.0","Lung cancer","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","BB5S200","34015.0","[M]Bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","BB5S211","36530.0","[M]Alveolar cell carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","BB5S212","16723.0","[M]Bronchiolar carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","BB5S400","57802.0","[M]Alveolar adenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","Byu2000","40595.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","ZV10100","49289.0","[V]Personal history of malig neop of trachea/bronchus/lung","History of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","ZV10111","32246.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bronchus","History of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","ZV10112","29284.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of lung","History of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B220100,103946.0,Malignant neoplasm of mucosa of trachea,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B220.00,15221.0,Malignant neoplasm of trachea,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B220z00,37810.0,Malignant neoplasm of trachea NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B221000,17391.0,Malignant neoplasm of carina of bronchus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B221100,33444.0,Malignant neoplasm of hilus of lung,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B221.00,12870.0,Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B221z00,21698.0,Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B222000,31700.0,Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe bronchus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B222100,25886.0,Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe of lung,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B222.00,10358.0,"Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B222.11,20170.0,Pancoast's syndrome,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B222z00,44169.0,"Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B223000,41523.0,Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe bronchus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B223100,39923.0,Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe of lung,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B223.00,31268.0,"Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B223z00,54134.0,"Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B224000,18678.0,Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe bronchus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B224100,12582.0,Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe of lung,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B224.00,31188.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B224z00,42566.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B225.00,36371.0,Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of bronchus & lung,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B22..00,13243.0,"Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B22y.00,38961.0,Malignant neoplasm of other sites of bronchus or lung,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B22z.00,3903.0,Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,B22z.11,2587.0,Lung cancer,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,BB5S200,34015.0,[M]Bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,BB5S211,36530.0,[M]Alveolar cell carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,BB5S212,16723.0,[M]Bronchiolar carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,BB5S400,57802.0,[M]Alveolar adenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,Byu2000,40595.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung, unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,ZV10100,49289.0,[V]Personal history of malig neop of trachea/bronchus/lung,History of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,ZV10111,32246.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bronchus,History of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,ZV10112,29284.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of lung,History of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_melanoma.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_melanoma.csv
index 368b3d0..b240f6d 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_melanoma.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_melanoma.csv
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","1425000.0","7761.0","H/O Malignant melanoma","History of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","4M3..00","57294.0","Breslow depth staging for melanoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","4M70.00","101198.0","Clark melanoma level 1","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","4M71.00","104609.0","Clark melanoma level 2","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","4M72.00","96280.0","Clark melanoma level 3","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","4M73.00","102116.0","Clark melanoma level 4","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","4M74.00","108866.0","Clark melanoma level 5","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","7G03J00","8640.0","Excision of melanoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B320.00","70637.0","Malignant melanoma of lip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B321.00","54632.0","Malignant melanoma of eyelid including canthus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B322000","59061.0","Malignant melanoma of auricle (ear)","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B322100","102145.0","Malignant melanoma of external auditory meatus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B322.00","57260.0","Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B322z00","73744.0","Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B323000","41278.0","Malignant melanoma of external surface of cheek","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B323100","71136.0","Malignant melanoma of chin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B323200","47094.0","Malignant melanoma of eyebrow","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B323300","68133.0","Malignant melanoma of forehead","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B323400","45139.0","Malignant melanoma of external surface of nose","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B323500","58958.0","Malignant melanoma of temple","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B323.00","47252.0","Malignant melanoma of other and unspecified parts of face","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B323z00","67806.0","Malignant melanoma of face NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B324000","55881.0","Malignant melanoma of scalp","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B324100","45306.0","Malignant melanoma of neck","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B324.00","65625.0","Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B324z00","99257.0","Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B325000","49814.0","Malignant melanoma of axilla","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B325100","32768.0","Malignant melanoma of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B325200","53629.0","Malignant melanoma of buttock","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B325300","34259.0","Malignant melanoma of groin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B325400","109002.0","Malignant melanoma of perianal skin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B325500","95629.0","Malignant melanoma of perineum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B325600","43715.0","Malignant melanoma of umbilicus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B325700","43463.0","Malignant melanoma of back","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B325800","51209.0","Malignant melanoma of chest wall","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B325.00","38689.0","Malignant melanoma of trunk (excluding scrotum)","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B325z00","45760.0","Malignant melanoma of trunk, excluding scrotum, NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B326000","50505.0","Malignant melanoma of shoulder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B326100","54685.0","Malignant melanoma of upper arm","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B326200","45755.0","Malignant melanoma of fore-arm","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B326300","62475.0","Malignant melanoma of hand","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B326400","25602.0","Malignant melanoma of finger","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B326500","63997.0","Malignant melanoma of thumb","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B326.00","65164.0","Malignant melanoma of upper limb and shoulder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B326z00","55292.0","Malignant melanoma of upper limb or shoulder NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327000","73536.0","Malignant melanoma of hip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327100","51873.0","Malignant melanoma of thigh","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327200","54305.0","Malignant melanoma of knee","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327300","39878.0","Malignant melanoma of popliteal fossa area","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327400","37872.0","Malignant melanoma of lower leg","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327500","42714.0","Malignant melanoma of ankle","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327600","61246.0","Malignant melanoma of heel","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327700","41490.0","Malignant melanoma of foot","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327800","36899.0","Malignant melanoma of toe","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327900","53369.0","Malignant melanoma of great toe","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327.00","46255.0","Malignant melanoma of lower limb and hip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B327z00","64327.0","Malignant melanoma of lower limb or hip NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B32..00","865.0","Malignant melanoma of skin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B32y000","96585.0","Overlapping malignant melanoma of skin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B32y.00","42153.0","Malignant melanoma of other specified skin site","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","B32z.00","28556.0","Malignant melanoma of skin NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBE1000","51353.0","[M]Malignant melanoma, regressing","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBE1100","58835.0","[M]Desmoplastic melanoma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBE1.00","579.0","[M]Malignant melanoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBE1.11","24551.0","[M]Melanocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBE1.12","7483.0","[M]Melanoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBE1.13","44157.0","[M]Melanosarcoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBE2.00","20982.0","[M]Nodular melanoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBE4.00","68889.0","[M]Balloon cell melanoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEA.00","17232.0","[M]Amelanotic melanoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEC.00","63574.0","[M]Malignant melanoma in junctional naevus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEF.00","20709.0","[M]Hutchinson's melanotic freckle","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEF.11","2705.0","[M]Lentigo maligna","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEG000","22692.0","[M]Acral lentiginous melanoma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEG.00","62088.0","[M]Malignant melanoma in Hutchinson's melanotic freckle","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEG.11","11922.0","[M]Lentigo maligna melanoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEH.00","24208.0","[M]Superficial spreading melanoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEM.00","73251.0","[M]Malignant melanoma in giant pigmented naevus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEN.11","4871.0","[M]Juvenila melanoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEP.00","23085.0","[M]Epithelioid cell melanoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBEQ.00","44061.0","[M]Spindle cell melanoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBES.00","92293.0","[M]Spindle cell melanoma, type B","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","BBET.00","40303.0","[M]Mixed epithelioid and spindle melanoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","Byu4000","56925.0","[X]Malignant melanoma of other+unspecified parts of face","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","Byu4100","19444.0","[X]Malignant melanoma of skin, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,1425000.0,7761.0,H/O Malignant melanoma,History of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,4M3..00,57294.0,Breslow depth staging for melanoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,4M70.00,101198.0,Clark melanoma level 1,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,4M71.00,104609.0,Clark melanoma level 2,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,4M72.00,96280.0,Clark melanoma level 3,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,4M73.00,102116.0,Clark melanoma level 4,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,4M74.00,108866.0,Clark melanoma level 5,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,7G03J00,8640.0,Excision of melanoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B320.00,70637.0,Malignant melanoma of lip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B321.00,54632.0,Malignant melanoma of eyelid including canthus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B322000,59061.0,Malignant melanoma of auricle (ear),Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B322100,102145.0,Malignant melanoma of external auditory meatus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B322.00,57260.0,Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B322z00,73744.0,Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B323000,41278.0,Malignant melanoma of external surface of cheek,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B323100,71136.0,Malignant melanoma of chin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B323200,47094.0,Malignant melanoma of eyebrow,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B323300,68133.0,Malignant melanoma of forehead,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B323400,45139.0,Malignant melanoma of external surface of nose,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B323500,58958.0,Malignant melanoma of temple,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B323.00,47252.0,Malignant melanoma of other and unspecified parts of face,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B323z00,67806.0,Malignant melanoma of face NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B324000,55881.0,Malignant melanoma of scalp,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B324100,45306.0,Malignant melanoma of neck,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B324.00,65625.0,Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B324z00,99257.0,Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B325000,49814.0,Malignant melanoma of axilla,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B325100,32768.0,Malignant melanoma of breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B325200,53629.0,Malignant melanoma of buttock,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B325300,34259.0,Malignant melanoma of groin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B325400,109002.0,Malignant melanoma of perianal skin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B325500,95629.0,Malignant melanoma of perineum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B325600,43715.0,Malignant melanoma of umbilicus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B325700,43463.0,Malignant melanoma of back,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B325800,51209.0,Malignant melanoma of chest wall,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B325.00,38689.0,Malignant melanoma of trunk (excluding scrotum),Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B325z00,45760.0,"Malignant melanoma of trunk, excluding scrotum, NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B326000,50505.0,Malignant melanoma of shoulder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B326100,54685.0,Malignant melanoma of upper arm,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B326200,45755.0,Malignant melanoma of fore-arm,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B326300,62475.0,Malignant melanoma of hand,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B326400,25602.0,Malignant melanoma of finger,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B326500,63997.0,Malignant melanoma of thumb,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B326.00,65164.0,Malignant melanoma of upper limb and shoulder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B326z00,55292.0,Malignant melanoma of upper limb or shoulder NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327000,73536.0,Malignant melanoma of hip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327100,51873.0,Malignant melanoma of thigh,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327200,54305.0,Malignant melanoma of knee,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327300,39878.0,Malignant melanoma of popliteal fossa area,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327400,37872.0,Malignant melanoma of lower leg,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327500,42714.0,Malignant melanoma of ankle,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327600,61246.0,Malignant melanoma of heel,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327700,41490.0,Malignant melanoma of foot,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327800,36899.0,Malignant melanoma of toe,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327900,53369.0,Malignant melanoma of great toe,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327.00,46255.0,Malignant melanoma of lower limb and hip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B327z00,64327.0,Malignant melanoma of lower limb or hip NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B32..00,865.0,Malignant melanoma of skin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B32y000,96585.0,Overlapping malignant melanoma of skin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B32y.00,42153.0,Malignant melanoma of other specified skin site,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,B32z.00,28556.0,Malignant melanoma of skin NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBE1000,51353.0,"[M]Malignant melanoma, regressing",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBE1100,58835.0,"[M]Desmoplastic melanoma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBE1.00,579.0,[M]Malignant melanoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBE1.11,24551.0,[M]Melanocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBE1.12,7483.0,[M]Melanoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBE1.13,44157.0,[M]Melanosarcoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBE2.00,20982.0,[M]Nodular melanoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBE4.00,68889.0,[M]Balloon cell melanoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEA.00,17232.0,[M]Amelanotic melanoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEC.00,63574.0,[M]Malignant melanoma in junctional naevus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEF.00,20709.0,[M]Hutchinson's melanotic freckle,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEF.11,2705.0,[M]Lentigo maligna,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEG000,22692.0,"[M]Acral lentiginous melanoma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEG.00,62088.0,[M]Malignant melanoma in Hutchinson's melanotic freckle,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEG.11,11922.0,[M]Lentigo maligna melanoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEH.00,24208.0,[M]Superficial spreading melanoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEM.00,73251.0,[M]Malignant melanoma in giant pigmented naevus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEN.11,4871.0,[M]Juvenila melanoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEP.00,23085.0,[M]Epithelioid cell melanoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBEQ.00,44061.0,[M]Spindle cell melanoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBES.00,92293.0,"[M]Spindle cell melanoma, type B",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,BBET.00,40303.0,[M]Mixed epithelioid and spindle melanoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,Byu4000,56925.0,[X]Malignant melanoma of other+unspecified parts of face,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,Byu4100,19444.0,"[X]Malignant melanoma of skin, unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_mesothelioma.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_mesothelioma.csv
index f0ac7a7..6d0d756 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_mesothelioma.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_mesothelioma.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma","BBP1.00","27509.0","[M]Mesothelioma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma","BBP3.11","104720.0","[M]Sarcomatoid mesothelioma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma","BBP5.00","47734.0","[M]Epithelioid mesothelioma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma"
-"Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma","BBP7.00","86820.0","[M]Mesothelioma, biphasic type, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma"
+Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma,BBP1.00,27509.0,"[M]Mesothelioma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma
+Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma,BBP3.11,104720.0,[M]Sarcomatoid mesothelioma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma
+Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma,BBP5.00,47734.0,"[M]Epithelioid mesothelioma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma
+Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma,BBP7.00,86820.0,"[M]Mesothelioma, biphasic type, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_multindep.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_multindep.csv
index 1be13ab..a3ad520 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_multindep.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_multindep.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites","B592.00","51352.0","Malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites"
-"Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites","ByuE000","64897.0","[X]Malignant neoplasms/independent(primary)multiple sites","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites"
-"Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites","ByuE.00","63598.0","[X]Malignant neoplasms/independent (primary) multiple sites","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites"
+Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites,B592.00,51352.0,Malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites
+Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites,ByuE000,64897.0,[X]Malignant neoplasms/independent(primary)multiple sites,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites
+Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites,ByuE.00,63598.0,[X]Malignant neoplasms/independent (primary) multiple sites,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_oesoph.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_oesoph.csv
index 0edd0be..8ff6927 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_oesoph.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_oesoph.csv
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B100.00","61695.0","Malignant neoplasm of cervical oesophagus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B101.00","41362.0","Malignant neoplasm of thoracic oesophagus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B102.00","63470.0","Malignant neoplasm of abdominal oesophagus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B103.00","50789.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper third of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B104.00","54171.0","Malignant neoplasm of middle third of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B105.00","42416.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower third of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B106.00","67497.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B107.00","98142.0","Siewert type I adenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B10..00","1062.0","Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B10y.00","53591.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B10z.00","30700.0","Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","B10z.11","4865.0","Oesophageal cancer","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","ZV10016","51001.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of oesophagus","History of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B100.00,61695.0,Malignant neoplasm of cervical oesophagus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B101.00,41362.0,Malignant neoplasm of thoracic oesophagus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B102.00,63470.0,Malignant neoplasm of abdominal oesophagus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B103.00,50789.0,Malignant neoplasm of upper third of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B104.00,54171.0,Malignant neoplasm of middle third of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B105.00,42416.0,Malignant neoplasm of lower third of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B106.00,67497.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of oesophagus",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B107.00,98142.0,Siewert type I adenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B10..00,1062.0,Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B10y.00,53591.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B10z.00,30700.0,Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,B10z.11,4865.0,Oesophageal cancer,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,ZV10016,51001.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of oesophagus,History of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_oroph.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_oroph.csv
index 638d477..87ed4e1 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_oroph.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_oroph.csv
@@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B000000","66270.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, external","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B000100","50296.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, lipstick area","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B000.00","73962.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, vermilion border","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B000z00","98740.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, vermilion border NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B001000","66384.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, external","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B001100","95480.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, lipstick area","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B001.00","67446.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, vermilion border","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B001z00","101707.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, vermilion border NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B002100","99001.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, frenulum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B002200","98500.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, mucosa","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B002300","90610.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, oral aspect","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B002.00","99493.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B002z00","100721.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B003000","67504.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, buccal aspect","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B003100","91843.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, frenulum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B003200","89909.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, mucosa","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B003300","94441.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, oral aspect","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B003.00","71147.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B003z00","96782.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B004000","73614.0","Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, buccal aspect","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B004200","68399.0","Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, mucosa","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B004300","100144.0","Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral aspect","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B004.00","61692.0","Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, inner aspect","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B005.00","96783.0","Malignant neoplasm of commissure of lip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B006.00","18882.0","Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of lip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B007.00","37553.0","Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B00..00","14712.0","Malignant neoplasm of lip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B00..11","9984.0","Carcinoma of lip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B00z000","100906.0","Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, external","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B00z100","94251.0","Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, lipstick area","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B00zz00","69761.0","Malignant neoplasm of lip, vermilion border NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B010000","34409.0","Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue dorsal surface","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B010.00","43431.0","Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B010.11","69671.0","Malignant neoplasm of posterior third of tongue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B010z00","91035.0","Malignant neoplasm of fixed part of tongue NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B011100","107258.0","Malignant neoplasm of midline of tongue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B011.00","43642.0","Malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B011z00","43781.0","Malignant neoplasm of dorsum of tongue NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B012.00","36161.0","Malignant neoplasm of tongue, tip and lateral border","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B013000","102142.0","Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue ventral surface","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B013100","63979.0","Malignant neoplasm of frenulum linguae","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B013.00","62840.0","Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B013z00","38488.0","Malignant neoplasm of ventral tongue surface NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B014.00","58121.0","Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B015.00","37096.0","Malignant neoplasm of tongue, junctional zone","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B016.00","24852.0","Malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B017.00","47205.0","Malignant overlapping lesion of tongue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B01..00","10283.0","Malignant neoplasm of tongue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B01y.00","41530.0","Malignant neoplasm of other sites of tongue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B01z.00","40557.0","Malignant neoplasm of tongue NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B020.00","4388.0","Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B021.00","51786.0","Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B022.00","70928.0","Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B02..00","20292.0","Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B02y.00","70696.0","Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B02z.00","50475.0","Malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B030.00","32024.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper gum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B031.00","49360.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower gum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B03..00","43400.0","Malignant neoplasm of gum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B03y.00","101753.0","Malignant neoplasm of other sites of gum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B03z.00","93218.0","Malignant neoplasm of gum NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B040.00","45408.0","Malignant neoplasm of anterior portion of floor of mouth","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B041.00","45986.0","Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B042.00","17912.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of floor of mouth","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B04..00","20092.0","Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B04y.00","56709.0","Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B04z.00","36716.0","Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B050.00","31364.0","Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B050.11","30402.0","Malignant neoplasm of buccal mucosa","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B051000","95772.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper buccal sulcus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B051100","97530.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower buccal sulcus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B051.00","103796.0","Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B052.00","37590.0","Malignant neoplasm of hard palate","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B053.00","40292.0","Malignant neoplasm of soft palate","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B054.00","37516.0","Malignant neoplasm of uvula","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B055000","96003.0","Malignant neoplasm of junction of hard and soft palate","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B055100","69951.0","Malignant neoplasm of roof of mouth","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B055.00","70819.0","Malignant neoplasm of palate unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B055z00","28559.0","Malignant neoplasm of palate NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B056.00","37724.0","Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B05..00","14792.0","Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B05y.00","37916.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified mouth parts","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B05z.00","55015.0","Malignant neoplasm of mouth NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B060000","26448.0","Malignant neoplasm of faucial tonsil","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B060100","101988.0","Malignant neoplasm of palatine tonsil","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B060200","102151.0","Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of tonsil","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B060.00","16241.0","Malignant neoplasm of tonsil","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B060z00","53884.0","Malignant neoplasm tonsil NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B061.00","24397.0","Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B062000","51926.0","Malignant neoplasm of faucial pillar","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B062100","99185.0","Malignant neoplasm of glossopalatine fold","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B062200","61510.0","Malignant neoplasm of palatoglossal arch","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B062300","93842.0","Malignant neoplasm of palatopharyngeal arch","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B062.00","55066.0","Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pillar","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B062z00","100002.0","Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B063.00","39554.0","Malignant neoplasm of vallecula","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B064000","26134.0","Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis, free border","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B064100","91895.0","Malignant neoplasm of glossoepiglottic fold","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B064.00","46728.0","Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B064z00","73439.0","Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B065.00","48519.0","Malignant neoplasm of junctional region of epiglottis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B066.00","56355.0","Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B067.00","90124.0","Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B06..00","22893.0","Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B06y.00","67323.0","Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx, other specified sites","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B06yz00","91037.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of oropharynx NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B06z.00","43200.0","Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B070.00","94390.0","Malignant neoplasm of roof of nasopharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B071000","33388.0","Malignant neoplasm of adenoid","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B071100","46548.0","Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B071.00","95429.0","Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B071z00","96869.0","Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B072000","37940.0","Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal recess","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B072.00","59004.0","Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B072z00","102205.0","Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B073100","106915.0","Malignant neoplasm of nasopharyngeal soft palate surface","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B073200","99386.0","Malignant neoplasm posterior margin nasal septum and choanae","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B073.00","44139.0","Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B073z00","100918.0","Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B074.00","66422.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of nasopharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B07..00","24675.0","Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B07y.00","55630.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of nasopharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B07z.00","28665.0","Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B080.00","43548.0","Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B081.00","39897.0","Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B082.00","57248.0","Malignant neoplasm aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B083.00","64462.0","Malignant neoplasm of posterior pharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B08..00","34012.0","Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B08y.00","88362.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified hypopharyngeal site","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B08z.00","28451.0","Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B0...00","19415.0","Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B0...11","24374.0","Carcinoma of lip, oral cavity and pharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B0z0.00","16297.0","Malignant neoplasm of pharynx unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B0z1.00","95016.0","Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B0z2.00","39084.0","Malignant neoplasm of laryngopharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B0z..00","46114.0","Malig neop other/ill-defined sites lip, oral cavity, pharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B0zy.00","49758.0","Malignant neoplasm of other sites lip, oral cavity, pharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","B0zz.00","39430.0","Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","BB5y000","16902.0","[M]Basal cell adenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","Byu0.00","58973.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","ZV10019","99931.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of tongue","History of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","ZV10y16","45803.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of tongue","History of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B000000,66270.0,"Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, external",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B000100,50296.0,"Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, lipstick area",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B000.00,73962.0,"Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, vermilion border",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B000z00,98740.0,"Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, vermilion border NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B001000,66384.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, external",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B001100,95480.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, lipstick area",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B001.00,67446.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, vermilion border",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B001z00,101707.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, vermilion border NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B002100,99001.0,"Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, frenulum",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B002200,98500.0,"Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, mucosa",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B002300,90610.0,"Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, oral aspect",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B002.00,99493.0,"Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B002z00,100721.0,"Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B003000,67504.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, buccal aspect",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B003100,91843.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, frenulum",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B003200,89909.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, mucosa",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B003300,94441.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, oral aspect",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B003.00,71147.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B003z00,96782.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B004000,73614.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, buccal aspect",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B004200,68399.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, mucosa",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B004300,100144.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral aspect",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B004.00,61692.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, inner aspect",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B005.00,96783.0,Malignant neoplasm of commissure of lip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B006.00,18882.0,Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of lip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B007.00,37553.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B00..00,14712.0,Malignant neoplasm of lip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B00..11,9984.0,Carcinoma of lip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B00z000,100906.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, external",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B00z100,94251.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, lipstick area",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B00zz00,69761.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lip, vermilion border NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B010000,34409.0,Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue dorsal surface,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B010.00,43431.0,Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B010.11,69671.0,Malignant neoplasm of posterior third of tongue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B010z00,91035.0,Malignant neoplasm of fixed part of tongue NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B011100,107258.0,Malignant neoplasm of midline of tongue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B011.00,43642.0,Malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B011z00,43781.0,Malignant neoplasm of dorsum of tongue NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B012.00,36161.0,"Malignant neoplasm of tongue, tip and lateral border",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B013000,102142.0,Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue ventral surface,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B013100,63979.0,Malignant neoplasm of frenulum linguae,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B013.00,62840.0,Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B013z00,38488.0,Malignant neoplasm of ventral tongue surface NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B014.00,58121.0,Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue unspecified,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B015.00,37096.0,"Malignant neoplasm of tongue, junctional zone",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B016.00,24852.0,Malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B017.00,47205.0,Malignant overlapping lesion of tongue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B01..00,10283.0,Malignant neoplasm of tongue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B01y.00,41530.0,Malignant neoplasm of other sites of tongue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B01z.00,40557.0,Malignant neoplasm of tongue NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B020.00,4388.0,Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B021.00,51786.0,Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B022.00,70928.0,Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B02..00,20292.0,Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B02y.00,70696.0,Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B02z.00,50475.0,Malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B030.00,32024.0,Malignant neoplasm of upper gum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B031.00,49360.0,Malignant neoplasm of lower gum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B03..00,43400.0,Malignant neoplasm of gum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B03y.00,101753.0,Malignant neoplasm of other sites of gum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B03z.00,93218.0,Malignant neoplasm of gum NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B040.00,45408.0,Malignant neoplasm of anterior portion of floor of mouth,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B041.00,45986.0,Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B042.00,17912.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of floor of mouth",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B04..00,20092.0,Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B04y.00,56709.0,Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B04z.00,36716.0,Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B050.00,31364.0,Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B050.11,30402.0,Malignant neoplasm of buccal mucosa,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B051000,95772.0,Malignant neoplasm of upper buccal sulcus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B051100,97530.0,Malignant neoplasm of lower buccal sulcus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B051.00,103796.0,Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B052.00,37590.0,Malignant neoplasm of hard palate,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B053.00,40292.0,Malignant neoplasm of soft palate,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B054.00,37516.0,Malignant neoplasm of uvula,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B055000,96003.0,Malignant neoplasm of junction of hard and soft palate,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B055100,69951.0,Malignant neoplasm of roof of mouth,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B055.00,70819.0,Malignant neoplasm of palate unspecified,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B055z00,28559.0,Malignant neoplasm of palate NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B056.00,37724.0,Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B05..00,14792.0,Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B05y.00,37916.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified mouth parts,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B05z.00,55015.0,Malignant neoplasm of mouth NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B060000,26448.0,Malignant neoplasm of faucial tonsil,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B060100,101988.0,Malignant neoplasm of palatine tonsil,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B060200,102151.0,Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of tonsil,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B060.00,16241.0,Malignant neoplasm of tonsil,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B060z00,53884.0,Malignant neoplasm tonsil NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B061.00,24397.0,Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B062000,51926.0,Malignant neoplasm of faucial pillar,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B062100,99185.0,Malignant neoplasm of glossopalatine fold,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B062200,61510.0,Malignant neoplasm of palatoglossal arch,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B062300,93842.0,Malignant neoplasm of palatopharyngeal arch,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B062.00,55066.0,Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pillar,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B062z00,100002.0,Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B063.00,39554.0,Malignant neoplasm of vallecula,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B064000,26134.0,"Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis, free border",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B064100,91895.0,Malignant neoplasm of glossoepiglottic fold,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B064.00,46728.0,Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B064z00,73439.0,Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B065.00,48519.0,Malignant neoplasm of junctional region of epiglottis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B066.00,56355.0,Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B067.00,90124.0,Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B06..00,22893.0,Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B06y.00,67323.0,"Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx, other specified sites",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B06yz00,91037.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of oropharynx NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B06z.00,43200.0,Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B070.00,94390.0,Malignant neoplasm of roof of nasopharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B071000,33388.0,Malignant neoplasm of adenoid,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B071100,46548.0,Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B071.00,95429.0,Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B071z00,96869.0,Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B072000,37940.0,Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal recess,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B072.00,59004.0,Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B072z00,102205.0,Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B073100,106915.0,Malignant neoplasm of nasopharyngeal soft palate surface,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B073200,99386.0,Malignant neoplasm posterior margin nasal septum and choanae,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B073.00,44139.0,Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B073z00,100918.0,Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B074.00,66422.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of nasopharynx",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B07..00,24675.0,Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B07y.00,55630.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of nasopharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B07z.00,28665.0,Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B080.00,43548.0,Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B081.00,39897.0,Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B082.00,57248.0,"Malignant neoplasm aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B083.00,64462.0,Malignant neoplasm of posterior pharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B08..00,34012.0,Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B08y.00,88362.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified hypopharyngeal site,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B08z.00,28451.0,Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B0...00,19415.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B0...11,24374.0,"Carcinoma of lip, oral cavity and pharynx",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B0z0.00,16297.0,Malignant neoplasm of pharynx unspecified,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B0z1.00,95016.0,Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B0z2.00,39084.0,Malignant neoplasm of laryngopharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B0z..00,46114.0,"Malig neop other/ill-defined sites lip, oral cavity, pharynx",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B0zy.00,49758.0,"Malignant neoplasm of other sites lip, oral cavity, pharynx",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,B0zz.00,39430.0,"Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,BB5y000,16902.0,[M]Basal cell adenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,Byu0.00,58973.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,ZV10019,99931.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of tongue,History of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,ZV10y16,45803.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of tongue,History of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_other.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_other.csv
index 9bbd4ac..897b192 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_other.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_other.csv
@@ -1,347 +1,347 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","4M20.00","60918.0","Lymphoma stage I","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","4M21.00","94935.0","Lymphoma stage II","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","4M22.00","32240.0","Lymphoma stage III","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","4M23.00","71672.0","Lymphoma stage IV","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","7G03K00","18270.0","Excision malignant skin tumour","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","A789500","27853.0","HIV disease resulting in Kaposi's sarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","A789511","108054.0","HIV disease resulting in Kaposi sarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B120.00","18613.0","Malignant neoplasm of duodenum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B121.00","43479.0","Malignant neoplasm of jejunum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B122.00","33871.0","Malignant neoplasm of ileum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B123.00","63995.0","Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B124.00","66166.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of small intestine","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B12..00","6806.0","Malignant neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B12y.00","99896.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified site small intestine","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B12z.00","43390.0","Malignant neoplasm of small intestine NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B15..00","8918.0","Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B15z.00","38978.0","Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B160.00","16105.0","Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B160.11","31393.0","Carcinoma gallbladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B16..00","54103.0","Malignant neoplasm gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B16y.00","60312.0","Malignant neoplasm other gallbladder/extrahepatic bile duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B16z.00","15907.0","Malignant neoplasm gallbladder/extrahepatic bile ducts NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B180100","65159.0","Malignant neoplasm of perinephric tissue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B180200","24048.0","Malignant neoplasm of retrocaecal tissue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B180.00","21330.0","Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B180z00","61555.0","Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B182.00","101907.0","Overlapping malign lesion of retroperitoneum and peritoneum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B18..00","44108.0","Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B18y100","59388.0","Malignant neoplasm of mesocaecum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B18y200","30165.0","Malignant neoplasm of mesorectum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B18y300","50898.0","Malignant neoplasm of omentum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B18y400","64516.0","Malignant neoplasm of parietal peritoneum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B18y500","39413.0","Malignant neoplasm of pelvic peritoneum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B18y600","69821.0","Malignant neoplasm of the pouch of Douglas","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B18y700","90290.0","Malignant neoplasm of mesentery","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B18y.00","46613.0","Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B18yz00","64106.0","Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B18z.00","16298.0","Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B1z0.00","17559.0","Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B1z1000","108667.0","Angiosarcoma of spleen","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B1z1100","72224.0","Fibrosarcoma of spleen","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B1z1.00","65460.0","Malignant neoplasm of spleen NEC","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B1z1z00","93778.0","Malignant neoplasm of spleen NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B1z2.00","94776.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of digestive system","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B1z..00","11009.0","Malig neop oth/ill-defined sites digestive tract/peritoneum","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B1zy.00","56918.0","Malignant neoplasm other spec digestive tract and peritoneum","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B1zz.00","51255.0","Malignant neoplasm of digestive tract and peritoneum NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B200000","71204.0","Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of nose","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B200100","98911.0","Malignant neoplasm of nasal conchae","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B200200","62761.0","Malignant neoplasm of septum of nose","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B200300","62182.0","Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of nose","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B200.00","23389.0","Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B200z00","42856.0","Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B201000","107916.0","Malignant neoplasm of auditory (Eustachian) tube","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B201100","98537.0","Malignant neoplasm of tympanic cavity","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B201200","54613.0","Malignant neoplasm of tympanic antrum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B201300","71946.0","Malignant neoplasm of mastoid air cells","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B201.00","24456.0","Malig neop auditory tube, middle ear and mastoid air cells","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B201z00","73537.0","Malig neop auditory tube, middle ear, mastoid air cells NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B202.00","32174.0","Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B203.00","54636.0","Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid sinus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B204.00","15684.0","Malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B205.00","65215.0","Malignant neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B206.00","39590.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of accessory sinuses","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B20..00","26652.0","Malig neop nasal cavities, middle ear and accessory sinuses","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B20y.00","96971.0","Malig neop other site nasal cavity, middle ear and sinuses","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B20z.00","55246.0","Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B210.00","318.0","Malignant neoplasm of glottis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B211.00","26165.0","Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B212.00","22441.0","Malignant neoplasm of subglottis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B213000","63460.0","Malignant neoplasm of arytenoid cartilage","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B213100","37805.0","Malignant neoplasm of cricoid cartilage","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B213200","107878.0","Malignant neoplasm of cuneiform cartilage","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B213300","47862.0","Malignant neoplasm of thyroid cartilage","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B213.00","43111.0","Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B213z00","97332.0","Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B214.00","50579.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of larynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B215.00","55374.0","Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B21..00","319.0","Malignant neoplasm of larynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B21y.00","26813.0","Malignant neoplasm of larynx, other specified site","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B21z.00","9237.0","Malignant neoplasm of larynx NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B230.00","67107.0","Malignant neoplasm of parietal pleura","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B231.00","106194.0","Malignant neoplasm of visceral pleura","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B23..00","31573.0","Malignant neoplasm of pleura","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B23y.00","98104.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified pleura","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B23z.00","34742.0","Malignant neoplasm of pleura NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B240.00","27483.0","Malignant neoplasm of thymus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B241000","63430.0","Malignant neoplasm of endocardium","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B241200","65605.0","Malignant neoplasm of myocardium","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B241300","94975.0","Malignant neoplasm of pericardium","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B241.00","95644.0","Malignant neoplasm of heart","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B241z00","50289.0","Malignant neoplasm of heart NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B242.00","27715.0","Malignant neoplasm of anterior mediastinum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B243.00","92720.0","Malignant neoplasm of posterior mediastinum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B24..00","62556.0","Malignant neoplasm of thymus, heart and mediastinum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B24X.00","61064.0","Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B24y.00","100232.0","Malig neop of other site of heart, thymus and mediastinum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B24z.00","66750.0","Malignant neoplasm of heart, thymus and mediastinum NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B25..00","39531.0","Malig neo, overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum & pleura","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B26..00","66646.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlap lesion of resp & intrathor orgs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B2z0.00","65793.0","Malig neop of upper respiratory tract, part unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B2z..00","44356.0","Malig neop other/ill-defined sites resp/intrathoracic organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B2zy.00","29283.0","Malignant neoplasm of other site of respiratory tract","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B2zz.00","42569.0","Malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B310000","59382.0","Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of head","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B310100","40014.0","Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of face","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B310200","48517.0","Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of neck","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B310300","60035.0","Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of ear","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B310400","49463.0","Malignant neoplasm of tarsus of eyelid","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B310500","108389.0","Malignant neoplasm soft tissues of cervical spine","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B310.00","43475.0","Malig neop of connective and soft tissue head, face and neck","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B310z00","73718.0","Malig neop connective and soft tissue head, face, neck NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B311000","50222.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of shoulder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B311100","64345.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, upper arm","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B311200","57482.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of fore-arm","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B311300","19321.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hand","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B311400","91586.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of finger","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B311500","63988.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thumb","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B311.00","53989.0","Malig neop connective and soft tissue upper limb/shoulder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B311z00","104913.0","Malig neop connective soft tissue upper limb/shoulder NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B312000","102949.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B312100","44805.0","Malig neop of connective and soft tissue thigh and upper leg","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B312200","54965.0","Malig neop connective and soft tissue of popliteal space","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B312300","30542.0","Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of lower leg","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B312400","54222.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of foot","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B312500","99572.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of toe","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B312.00","66088.0","Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of hip and leg","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B312z00","90546.0","Malig neop connective and soft tissue hip and leg NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B313000","29160.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of axilla","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B313100","54186.0","Malignant neoplasm of diaphragm","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B313200","72522.0","Malignant neoplasm of great vessels","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B313300","104139.0","Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of thor spine","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B313.00","22290.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thorax","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B313z00","98408.0","Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of thorax NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B314000","66488.0","Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdominal wall","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B314100","94272.0","Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of lumb spine","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B314.00","45071.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of abdomen","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B314z00","60247.0","Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdomen NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B315000","70463.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of buttock","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B315100","67324.0","Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of inguinal region","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B315200","59152.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of perineum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B315300","110192.0","Malig neopl of connective and soft tissue - sacrum or coccyx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B315.00","51965.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of pelvis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B315z00","58836.0","Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of pelvis NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B316.00","57471.0","Malig neop of connective and soft tissue trunk unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B31y.00","65233.0","Malig neop connective and soft tissue other specified site","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B31z000","104128.0","Kaposi's sarcoma of soft tissue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B31z.00","15182.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, site NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B420.00","28003.0","Choriocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B42..00","93762.0","Malignant neoplasm of placenta","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B441.00","49828.0","Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B442.00","101778.0","Malignant neoplasm of broad ligament","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B443.00","46153.0","Malignant neoplasm of parametrium","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B44..00","19141.0","Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B44y.00","97996.0","Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine adnexa","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B44z.00","65106.0","Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B450100","10698.0","Malignant neoplasm of vaginal vault","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B450.00","37328.0","Malignant neoplasm of vagina","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B450z00","60772.0","Malignant neoplasm of vagina NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B451000","47899.0","Malignant neoplasm of greater vestibular (Bartholin's) gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B451.00","43761.0","Malignant neoplasm of labia majora","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B451z00","59362.0","Malignant neoplasm of labia majora NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B452.00","58061.0","Malignant neoplasm of labia minora","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B453.00","53910.0","Malignant neoplasm of clitoris","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B454.00","4554.0","Malignant neoplasm of vulva unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B454.11","11991.0","Primary vulval cancer","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B45..00","4555.0","Malig neop of other and unspecified female genital organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B45X.00","26454.0","Malignant neoplasm/overlapping lesion/feml genital organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B45y000","27617.0","Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of vulva","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B45y.00","95421.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified female genital organ","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B45z.00","20166.0","Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B480.00","50681.0","Malignant neoplasm of prepuce (foreskin)","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B481.00","17841.0","Malignant neoplasm of glans penis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B482.00","48743.0","Malignant neoplasm of body of penis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B483.00","43392.0","Malignant neoplasm of penis, part unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B484.00","72127.0","Malignant neoplasm of epididymis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B485.00","63331.0","Malignant neoplasm of spermatic cord","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B486.00","47767.0","Malignant neoplasm of scrotum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B487.00","52570.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of penis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B48y000","68161.0","Malignant neoplasm of seminal vesicle","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B48y100","47668.0","Malignant neoplasm of tunica vaginalis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B48y200","68824.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion male genital orgs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B48y.00","67949.0","Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B48yz00","92329.0","Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B48z.00","63224.0","Malignant neoplasm of penis and other male genital organ NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B4A3.00","15644.0","Malignant neoplasm of urethra","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B4A4.00","72174.0","Malignant neoplasm of paraurethral glands","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B4A..00","13559.0","Malig neop of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B4Ay000","59286.0","Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of urinary organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B4Ay.00","44884.0","Malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B4Az.00","29462.0","Malignant neoplasm of kidney or urinary organs NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B500000","59041.0","Malignant neoplasm of ciliary body","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B500100","59381.0","Malignant neoplasm of iris","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B500200","106569.0","Malignant neoplasm of crystalline lens","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B500.00","98813.0","Malig neop eyeball excl conjunctiva, cornea, retina, choroid","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B500z00","56718.0","Malignant neoplasm of eyeball NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B501000","86996.0","Malignant neoplasm of connective tissue of orbit","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B501.00","45667.0","Malignant neoplasm of orbit","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B501z00","63104.0","Malignant neoplasm of orbit NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B502.00","64817.0","Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B503.00","63657.0","Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B504.00","73992.0","Malignant neoplasm of cornea","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B505.00","28069.0","Malignant neoplasm of retina","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B506.00","15991.0","Malignant neoplasm of choroid","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B507000","101805.0","Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal sac","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B507100","65357.0","Malignant neoplasm of nasolacrimal duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B507.00","71584.0","Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B508.00","45922.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of eye and adnexa","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B50..00","20160.0","Malignant neoplasm of eye","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B50y.00","40437.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of eye","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B50z.00","54956.0","Malignant neoplasm of eye NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B524000","63568.0","Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of head, face & neck","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B524100","61716.0","Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve,upp limb,incl should","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B524200","89258.0","Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of low limb, incl hip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B524300","63695.0","Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of thorax","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B524400","86046.0","Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of abdomen","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B524500","73988.0","Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of pelvis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B524600","50777.0","Malignant neoplasm,overlap lesion periph nerve & auton ns","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B524.00","24235.0","Malig neopl peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B524W00","106654.0","Mal neoplasm/periph nerves+autonomic nervous system,unspc","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B52y.00","88144.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of nervous system","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B52z.00","56490.0","Malignant neoplasm of nervous system NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B52..00","65458.0","Malig neop of other and unspecified parts of nervous system","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B540000","61390.0","Malignant neoplasm of adrenal cortex","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B540100","94220.0","Malignant neoplasm of adrenal medulla","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B540.00","28148.0","Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B540.11","18231.0","Phaeochromocytoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B540z00","70824.0","Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B541.00","4218.0","Malignant neoplasm of parathyroid gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B54X.00","87113.0","Malignant neoplasm-pluriglandular involvement,unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B54y.00","90659.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified endocrine gland","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B54z.00","64195.0","Malig neop of endocrine gland or related structure NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B550000","55098.0","Malignant neoplasm of head NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B550100","41931.0","Malignant neoplasm of cheek NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B550200","12490.0","Malignant neoplasm of nose NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B550300","51818.0","Malignant neoplasm of jaw NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B550400","16280.0","Malignant neoplasm of neck NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B550500","73510.0","Malignant neoplasm of supraclavicular fossa NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B550.00","68236.0","Malignant neoplasm of head, neck and face","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B550z00","58903.0","Malignant neoplasm of head, neck and face NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B551000","37618.0","Malignant neoplasm of axilla NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B551100","23861.0","Malignant neoplasm of chest wall NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B551200","97547.0","Malignant neoplasm of intrathoracic site NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B551.00","47286.0","Malignant neoplasm of thorax","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B551z00","64810.0","Malignant neoplasm of thorax NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B552.00","15976.0","Malignant neoplasm of abdomen","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B553000","57854.0","Malignant neoplasm of inguinal region NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B553100","89916.0","Malignant neoplasm of presacral region","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B553200","107126.0","Malignant neoplasm of sacrococcygeal region","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B553.00","52316.0","Malignant neoplasm of pelvis","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B553z00","55101.0","Malignant neoplasm of pelvis NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B554.00","27449.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper limb NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B555.00","31399.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower limb NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B55y000","68787.0","Malignant neoplasm of back NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B55y100","67217.0","Malignant neoplasm of trunk NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B55y200","94355.0","Malignant neoplasm of flank NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B55y.00","42218.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B55yz00","60052.0","Malignant neoplasm of specified site NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B55z.00","45267.0","Malignant neoplasm of other and ill defined site NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B591.00","26034.0","Other malignant neoplasm NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B592X00","65466.0","Kaposi's sarcoma of multiple organs","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B593.00","11035.0","Primary malignant neoplasm of unknown site","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B595.00","104324.0","Malignant tumour of unknown origin","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B59..00","47810.0","Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B59z.00","54267.0","Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B59zX00","49525.0","Kaposi's sarcoma, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B5...00","10995.0","Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B5...11","8693.0","Carcinoma of other and unspecified sites","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B5y..00","38736.0","Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified site OS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B5z..00","1056.0","Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified site NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B623000","69497.0","Malignant histiocytosis of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B623100","94415.0","Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes head, face and neck","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B623300","65642.0","Malignant histiocytosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B623.00","44267.0","Malignant histiocytosis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B623z00","58871.0","Malignant histiocytosis NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B625000","102715.0","Letterer-Siwe disease of unspecified sites","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B625200","102158.0","Letterer-Siwe disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B625800","54083.0","Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B625.00","34926.0","Letterer-Siwe disease","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B625.11","4870.0","Histiocytosis X (acute, progressive)","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B625z00","47204.0","Letterer-Siwe disease NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B626000","103900.0","Mast cell malignancy of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B626500","100615.0","Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B626800","31324.0","Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B626.00","15036.0","Malignant mast cell tumours","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B626z00","89657.0","Malignant mast cell tumour NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62x500","58962.0","Malignant immunoproliferative small intestinal disease","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62x600","95630.0","True histiocytic lymphoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62z000","108037.0","Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of unspecified site","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62z100","64427.0","Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node head/neck","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62z200","93384.0","Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrathoracic node","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62z300","103353.0","Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic intra-abdominal nodes","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62z400","107638.0","Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node axilla/arm","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62z500","71609.0","Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic nodes inguinal/leg","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62z600","109342.0","Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrapelvic nodes","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62z800","101465.0","Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of multiple sites","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62z.00","65434.0","Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62zz00","95792.0","Lymphoid and histiocytic malignancy NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B62zz11","70716.0","Immunoproliferative neoplasm","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B63y.00","64567.0","Other immunoproliferative neoplasms","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B63z.00","43450.0","Immunoproliferative neoplasm or myeloma NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B6y..00","30646.0","Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue OS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B6z0.00","50290.0","Kaposi's sarcoma of lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","B6z..00","49301.0","Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue NOS","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","BB5h100","60775.0","[M]Adrenal cortical carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","BB57.00","28272.0","[M]Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","BBcC.00","51878.0","[M]Aesthesioneuroblastoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","BBcC.11","39388.0","[M]Olfactory neuroblastoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","BBcD.11","106131.0","[M]Olfactory neuroepithelioma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","BBm4.00","57544.0","[M]True histiocytic lymphoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","BBT1.00","62348.0","[M]Haemangiosarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","BBT7100","98322.0","[M]Haemangioendothelioma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu1200","45766.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu1300","49292.0","[X]Malignant neoplsm/ill-defin sites within digestive system","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu2400","86997.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm/ill-defined sites within resp system","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu2500","50292.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu4.00","19144.0","[X]Melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of skin","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu5300","93665.0","[X]Kaposi's sarcoma, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu5400","101668.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm/peripheral nerves of trunk,unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu5500","105072.0","[X]Mal neoplasm/overlap les/periph nerv+autonomic nerv systm","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu5700","95671.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of peritoneum, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu5800","91896.0","[X]Mal neoplasm/connective+soft tissue of trunk,unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu5900","91457.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm/connective + soft tissue,unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu5B00","98361.0","[X]Kaposi's sarcoma of other sites","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu7000","64497.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa, unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu7100","57756.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified female genital organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu7300","55588.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ, unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu8000","57191.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified male genital organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu8200","45262.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of male genital organ, unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","Byu9000","45260.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of urinary organ, unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ByuB100","64309.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland, unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ByuB.00","40608.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of thyroid and other endocrine glands","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ByuC000","39027.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ByuC100","96226.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/other+ill-defined sites","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ByuC600","68332.0","[X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/oth+unspec parts/nervous system","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ByuC800","52029.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm without specification of site","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ByuC.00","35186.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined, secondary and unspeci","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ByuD400","102688.0","[X]Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ByuDA00","105025.0","[X]Oth spcf mal neoplsm/lymphoid,haematopoietic+rltd tissue","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ByuDB00","72500.0","[X]Mal neoplasm/lymphoid,haematopoietic+related tissu,unspcf","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C37y000","54411.0","Hand - Schuller - Christian disease","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C37y100","3845.0","Eosinophilic granuloma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C37y500","51718.0","Histiocytosis X , chronic","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C37y600","36736.0","Histiocytosis X , unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ZV10000","62814.0","[V]Personal history of malig neop of gastrointestinal tract","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","ZV10012","64568.0","[V]Personal history of malig neop of gastrointestinal tract","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,4M20.00,60918.0,Lymphoma stage I,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,4M21.00,94935.0,Lymphoma stage II,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,4M22.00,32240.0,Lymphoma stage III,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,4M23.00,71672.0,Lymphoma stage IV,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,7G03K00,18270.0,Excision malignant skin tumour,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,A789500,27853.0,HIV disease resulting in Kaposi's sarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,A789511,108054.0,HIV disease resulting in Kaposi sarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B120.00,18613.0,Malignant neoplasm of duodenum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B121.00,43479.0,Malignant neoplasm of jejunum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B122.00,33871.0,Malignant neoplasm of ileum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B123.00,63995.0,Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B124.00,66166.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of small intestine",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B12..00,6806.0,Malignant neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B12y.00,99896.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified site small intestine,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B12z.00,43390.0,Malignant neoplasm of small intestine NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B15..00,8918.0,Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B15z.00,38978.0,Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B160.00,16105.0,Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B160.11,31393.0,Carcinoma gallbladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B16..00,54103.0,Malignant neoplasm gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B16y.00,60312.0,Malignant neoplasm other gallbladder/extrahepatic bile duct,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B16z.00,15907.0,Malignant neoplasm gallbladder/extrahepatic bile ducts NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B180100,65159.0,Malignant neoplasm of perinephric tissue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B180200,24048.0,Malignant neoplasm of retrocaecal tissue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B180.00,21330.0,Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B180z00,61555.0,Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B182.00,101907.0,Overlapping malign lesion of retroperitoneum and peritoneum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B18..00,44108.0,Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B18y100,59388.0,Malignant neoplasm of mesocaecum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B18y200,30165.0,Malignant neoplasm of mesorectum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B18y300,50898.0,Malignant neoplasm of omentum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B18y400,64516.0,Malignant neoplasm of parietal peritoneum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B18y500,39413.0,Malignant neoplasm of pelvic peritoneum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B18y600,69821.0,Malignant neoplasm of the pouch of Douglas,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B18y700,90290.0,Malignant neoplasm of mesentery,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B18y.00,46613.0,Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B18yz00,64106.0,Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B18z.00,16298.0,Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B1z0.00,17559.0,"Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B1z1000,108667.0,Angiosarcoma of spleen,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B1z1100,72224.0,Fibrosarcoma of spleen,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B1z1.00,65460.0,Malignant neoplasm of spleen NEC,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B1z1z00,93778.0,Malignant neoplasm of spleen NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B1z2.00,94776.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of digestive system",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B1z..00,11009.0,Malig neop oth/ill-defined sites digestive tract/peritoneum,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B1zy.00,56918.0,Malignant neoplasm other spec digestive tract and peritoneum,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B1zz.00,51255.0,Malignant neoplasm of digestive tract and peritoneum NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B200000,71204.0,Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of nose,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B200100,98911.0,Malignant neoplasm of nasal conchae,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B200200,62761.0,Malignant neoplasm of septum of nose,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B200300,62182.0,Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of nose,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B200.00,23389.0,Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B200z00,42856.0,Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B201000,107916.0,Malignant neoplasm of auditory (Eustachian) tube,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B201100,98537.0,Malignant neoplasm of tympanic cavity,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B201200,54613.0,Malignant neoplasm of tympanic antrum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B201300,71946.0,Malignant neoplasm of mastoid air cells,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B201.00,24456.0,"Malig neop auditory tube, middle ear and mastoid air cells",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B201z00,73537.0,"Malig neop auditory tube, middle ear, mastoid air cells NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B202.00,32174.0,Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B203.00,54636.0,Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid sinus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B204.00,15684.0,Malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B205.00,65215.0,Malignant neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B206.00,39590.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of accessory sinuses",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B20..00,26652.0,"Malig neop nasal cavities, middle ear and accessory sinuses",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B20y.00,96971.0,"Malig neop other site nasal cavity, middle ear and sinuses",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B20z.00,55246.0,Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B210.00,318.0,Malignant neoplasm of glottis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B211.00,26165.0,Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B212.00,22441.0,Malignant neoplasm of subglottis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B213000,63460.0,Malignant neoplasm of arytenoid cartilage,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B213100,37805.0,Malignant neoplasm of cricoid cartilage,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B213200,107878.0,Malignant neoplasm of cuneiform cartilage,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B213300,47862.0,Malignant neoplasm of thyroid cartilage,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B213.00,43111.0,Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B213z00,97332.0,Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B214.00,50579.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of larynx",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B215.00,55374.0,Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B21..00,319.0,Malignant neoplasm of larynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B21y.00,26813.0,"Malignant neoplasm of larynx, other specified site",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B21z.00,9237.0,Malignant neoplasm of larynx NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B230.00,67107.0,Malignant neoplasm of parietal pleura,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B231.00,106194.0,Malignant neoplasm of visceral pleura,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B23..00,31573.0,Malignant neoplasm of pleura,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B23y.00,98104.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified pleura,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B23z.00,34742.0,Malignant neoplasm of pleura NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B240.00,27483.0,Malignant neoplasm of thymus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B241000,63430.0,Malignant neoplasm of endocardium,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B241200,65605.0,Malignant neoplasm of myocardium,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B241300,94975.0,Malignant neoplasm of pericardium,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B241.00,95644.0,Malignant neoplasm of heart,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B241z00,50289.0,Malignant neoplasm of heart NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B242.00,27715.0,Malignant neoplasm of anterior mediastinum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B243.00,92720.0,Malignant neoplasm of posterior mediastinum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B24..00,62556.0,"Malignant neoplasm of thymus, heart and mediastinum",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B24X.00,61064.0,"Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B24y.00,100232.0,"Malig neop of other site of heart, thymus and mediastinum",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B24z.00,66750.0,"Malignant neoplasm of heart, thymus and mediastinum NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B25..00,39531.0,"Malig neo, overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum & pleura",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B26..00,66646.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlap lesion of resp & intrathor orgs",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B2z0.00,65793.0,"Malig neop of upper respiratory tract, part unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B2z..00,44356.0,Malig neop other/ill-defined sites resp/intrathoracic organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B2zy.00,29283.0,Malignant neoplasm of other site of respiratory tract,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B2zz.00,42569.0,Malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B310000,59382.0,Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of head,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B310100,40014.0,Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of face,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B310200,48517.0,Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of neck,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B310300,60035.0,Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of ear,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B310400,49463.0,Malignant neoplasm of tarsus of eyelid,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B310500,108389.0,Malignant neoplasm soft tissues of cervical spine,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B310.00,43475.0,"Malig neop of connective and soft tissue head, face and neck",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B310z00,73718.0,"Malig neop connective and soft tissue head, face, neck NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B311000,50222.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of shoulder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B311100,64345.0,"Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, upper arm",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B311200,57482.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of fore-arm,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B311300,19321.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hand,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B311400,91586.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of finger,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B311500,63988.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thumb,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B311.00,53989.0,Malig neop connective and soft tissue upper limb/shoulder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B311z00,104913.0,Malig neop connective soft tissue upper limb/shoulder NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B312000,102949.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B312100,44805.0,Malig neop of connective and soft tissue thigh and upper leg,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B312200,54965.0,Malig neop connective and soft tissue of popliteal space,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B312300,30542.0,Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of lower leg,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B312400,54222.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of foot,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B312500,99572.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of toe,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B312.00,66088.0,Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of hip and leg,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B312z00,90546.0,Malig neop connective and soft tissue hip and leg NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B313000,29160.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of axilla,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B313100,54186.0,Malignant neoplasm of diaphragm,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B313200,72522.0,Malignant neoplasm of great vessels,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B313300,104139.0,Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of thor spine,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B313.00,22290.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thorax,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B313z00,98408.0,Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of thorax NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B314000,66488.0,Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdominal wall,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B314100,94272.0,Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of lumb spine,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B314.00,45071.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of abdomen,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B314z00,60247.0,Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdomen NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B315000,70463.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of buttock,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B315100,67324.0,Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of inguinal region,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B315200,59152.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of perineum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B315300,110192.0,Malig neopl of connective and soft tissue - sacrum or coccyx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B315.00,51965.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of pelvis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B315z00,58836.0,Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of pelvis NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B316.00,57471.0,Malig neop of connective and soft tissue trunk unspecified,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B31y.00,65233.0,Malig neop connective and soft tissue other specified site,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B31z000,104128.0,Kaposi's sarcoma of soft tissue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B31z.00,15182.0,"Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, site NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B420.00,28003.0,Choriocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B42..00,93762.0,Malignant neoplasm of placenta,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B441.00,49828.0,Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B442.00,101778.0,Malignant neoplasm of broad ligament,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B443.00,46153.0,Malignant neoplasm of parametrium,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B44..00,19141.0,Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B44y.00,97996.0,Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine adnexa,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B44z.00,65106.0,Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B450100,10698.0,Malignant neoplasm of vaginal vault,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B450.00,37328.0,Malignant neoplasm of vagina,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B450z00,60772.0,Malignant neoplasm of vagina NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B451000,47899.0,Malignant neoplasm of greater vestibular (Bartholin's) gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B451.00,43761.0,Malignant neoplasm of labia majora,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B451z00,59362.0,Malignant neoplasm of labia majora NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B452.00,58061.0,Malignant neoplasm of labia minora,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B453.00,53910.0,Malignant neoplasm of clitoris,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B454.00,4554.0,Malignant neoplasm of vulva unspecified,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B454.11,11991.0,Primary vulval cancer,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B45..00,4555.0,Malig neop of other and unspecified female genital organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B45X.00,26454.0,Malignant neoplasm/overlapping lesion/feml genital organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B45y000,27617.0,Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of vulva,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B45y.00,95421.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified female genital organ,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B45z.00,20166.0,Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B480.00,50681.0,Malignant neoplasm of prepuce (foreskin),Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B481.00,17841.0,Malignant neoplasm of glans penis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B482.00,48743.0,Malignant neoplasm of body of penis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B483.00,43392.0,"Malignant neoplasm of penis, part unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B484.00,72127.0,Malignant neoplasm of epididymis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B485.00,63331.0,Malignant neoplasm of spermatic cord,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B486.00,47767.0,Malignant neoplasm of scrotum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B487.00,52570.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of penis",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B48y000,68161.0,Malignant neoplasm of seminal vesicle,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B48y100,47668.0,Malignant neoplasm of tunica vaginalis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B48y200,68824.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion male genital orgs",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B48y.00,67949.0,Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B48yz00,92329.0,Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B48z.00,63224.0,Malignant neoplasm of penis and other male genital organ NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B4A3.00,15644.0,Malignant neoplasm of urethra,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B4A4.00,72174.0,Malignant neoplasm of paraurethral glands,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B4A..00,13559.0,Malig neop of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B4Ay000,59286.0,Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of urinary organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B4Ay.00,44884.0,Malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B4Az.00,29462.0,Malignant neoplasm of kidney or urinary organs NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B500000,59041.0,Malignant neoplasm of ciliary body,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B500100,59381.0,Malignant neoplasm of iris,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B500200,106569.0,Malignant neoplasm of crystalline lens,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B500.00,98813.0,"Malig neop eyeball excl conjunctiva, cornea, retina, choroid",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B500z00,56718.0,Malignant neoplasm of eyeball NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B501000,86996.0,Malignant neoplasm of connective tissue of orbit,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B501.00,45667.0,Malignant neoplasm of orbit,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B501z00,63104.0,Malignant neoplasm of orbit NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B502.00,64817.0,Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B503.00,63657.0,Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B504.00,73992.0,Malignant neoplasm of cornea,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B505.00,28069.0,Malignant neoplasm of retina,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B506.00,15991.0,Malignant neoplasm of choroid,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B507000,101805.0,Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal sac,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B507100,65357.0,Malignant neoplasm of nasolacrimal duct,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B507.00,71584.0,Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal duct,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B508.00,45922.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of eye and adnexa",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B50..00,20160.0,Malignant neoplasm of eye,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B50y.00,40437.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of eye,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B50z.00,54956.0,Malignant neoplasm of eye NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B524000,63568.0,"Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of head, face & neck",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B524100,61716.0,"Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve,upp limb,incl should",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B524200,89258.0,"Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of low limb, incl hip",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B524300,63695.0,Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of thorax,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B524400,86046.0,Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of abdomen,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B524500,73988.0,Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of pelvis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B524600,50777.0,"Malignant neoplasm,overlap lesion periph nerve & auton ns",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B524.00,24235.0,Malig neopl peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B524W00,106654.0,"Mal neoplasm/periph nerves+autonomic nervous system,unspc",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B52y.00,88144.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of nervous system,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B52z.00,56490.0,Malignant neoplasm of nervous system NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B52..00,65458.0,Malig neop of other and unspecified parts of nervous system,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B540000,61390.0,Malignant neoplasm of adrenal cortex,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B540100,94220.0,Malignant neoplasm of adrenal medulla,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B540.00,28148.0,Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B540.11,18231.0,Phaeochromocytoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B540z00,70824.0,Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B541.00,4218.0,Malignant neoplasm of parathyroid gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B54X.00,87113.0,"Malignant neoplasm-pluriglandular involvement,unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B54y.00,90659.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified endocrine gland,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B54z.00,64195.0,Malig neop of endocrine gland or related structure NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B550000,55098.0,Malignant neoplasm of head NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B550100,41931.0,Malignant neoplasm of cheek NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B550200,12490.0,Malignant neoplasm of nose NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B550300,51818.0,Malignant neoplasm of jaw NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B550400,16280.0,Malignant neoplasm of neck NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B550500,73510.0,Malignant neoplasm of supraclavicular fossa NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B550.00,68236.0,"Malignant neoplasm of head, neck and face",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B550z00,58903.0,"Malignant neoplasm of head, neck and face NOS",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B551000,37618.0,Malignant neoplasm of axilla NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B551100,23861.0,Malignant neoplasm of chest wall NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B551200,97547.0,Malignant neoplasm of intrathoracic site NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B551.00,47286.0,Malignant neoplasm of thorax,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B551z00,64810.0,Malignant neoplasm of thorax NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B552.00,15976.0,Malignant neoplasm of abdomen,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B553000,57854.0,Malignant neoplasm of inguinal region NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B553100,89916.0,Malignant neoplasm of presacral region,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B553200,107126.0,Malignant neoplasm of sacrococcygeal region,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B553.00,52316.0,Malignant neoplasm of pelvis,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B553z00,55101.0,Malignant neoplasm of pelvis NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B554.00,27449.0,Malignant neoplasm of upper limb NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B555.00,31399.0,Malignant neoplasm of lower limb NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B55y000,68787.0,Malignant neoplasm of back NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B55y100,67217.0,Malignant neoplasm of trunk NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B55y200,94355.0,Malignant neoplasm of flank NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B55y.00,42218.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B55yz00,60052.0,Malignant neoplasm of specified site NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B55z.00,45267.0,Malignant neoplasm of other and ill defined site NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B591.00,26034.0,Other malignant neoplasm NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B592X00,65466.0,Kaposi's sarcoma of multiple organs,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B593.00,11035.0,Primary malignant neoplasm of unknown site,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B595.00,104324.0,Malignant tumour of unknown origin,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B59..00,47810.0,Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B59z.00,54267.0,Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B59zX00,49525.0,"Kaposi's sarcoma, unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B5...00,10995.0,Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B5...11,8693.0,Carcinoma of other and unspecified sites,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B5y..00,38736.0,Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified site OS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B5z..00,1056.0,Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified site NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B623000,69497.0,Malignant histiocytosis of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B623100,94415.0,"Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes head, face and neck",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B623300,65642.0,Malignant histiocytosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B623.00,44267.0,Malignant histiocytosis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B623z00,58871.0,Malignant histiocytosis NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B625000,102715.0,Letterer-Siwe disease of unspecified sites,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B625200,102158.0,Letterer-Siwe disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B625800,54083.0,Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B625.00,34926.0,Letterer-Siwe disease,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B625.11,4870.0,"Histiocytosis X (acute, progressive)",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B625z00,47204.0,Letterer-Siwe disease NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B626000,103900.0,Mast cell malignancy of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B626500,100615.0,Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B626800,31324.0,Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B626.00,15036.0,Malignant mast cell tumours,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B626z00,89657.0,Malignant mast cell tumour NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62x500,58962.0,Malignant immunoproliferative small intestinal disease,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62x600,95630.0,True histiocytic lymphoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62z000,108037.0,Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of unspecified site,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62z100,64427.0,Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node head/neck,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62z200,93384.0,Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrathoracic node,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62z300,103353.0,Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic intra-abdominal nodes,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62z400,107638.0,Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node axilla/arm,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62z500,71609.0,Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic nodes inguinal/leg,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62z600,109342.0,Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrapelvic nodes,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62z800,101465.0,Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of multiple sites,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62z.00,65434.0,Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62zz00,95792.0,Lymphoid and histiocytic malignancy NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B62zz11,70716.0,Immunoproliferative neoplasm,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B63y.00,64567.0,Other immunoproliferative neoplasms,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B63z.00,43450.0,Immunoproliferative neoplasm or myeloma NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B6y..00,30646.0,Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue OS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B6z0.00,50290.0,Kaposi's sarcoma of lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,B6z..00,49301.0,Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue NOS,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,BB5h100,60775.0,[M]Adrenal cortical carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,BB57.00,28272.0,"[M]Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,BBcC.00,51878.0,[M]Aesthesioneuroblastoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,BBcC.11,39388.0,[M]Olfactory neuroblastoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,BBcD.11,106131.0,[M]Olfactory neuroepithelioma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,BBm4.00,57544.0,[M]True histiocytic lymphoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,BBT1.00,62348.0,[M]Haemangiosarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,BBT7100,98322.0,"[M]Haemangioendothelioma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu1200,45766.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu1300,49292.0,[X]Malignant neoplsm/ill-defin sites within digestive system,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu2400,86997.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm/ill-defined sites within resp system,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu2500,50292.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu4.00,19144.0,[X]Melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of skin,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu5300,93665.0,"[X]Kaposi's sarcoma, unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu5400,101668.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm/peripheral nerves of trunk,unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu5500,105072.0,[X]Mal neoplasm/overlap les/periph nerv+autonomic nerv systm,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu5700,95671.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of peritoneum, unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu5800,91896.0,"[X]Mal neoplasm/connective+soft tissue of trunk,unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu5900,91457.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm/connective + soft tissue,unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu5B00,98361.0,[X]Kaposi's sarcoma of other sites,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu7000,64497.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa, unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu7100,57756.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified female genital organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu7300,55588.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ, unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu8000,57191.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified male genital organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu8200,45262.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of male genital organ, unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,Byu9000,45260.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of urinary organ, unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ByuB100,64309.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland, unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ByuB.00,40608.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm of thyroid and other endocrine glands,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ByuC000,39027.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ByuC100,96226.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/other+ill-defined sites,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ByuC600,68332.0,[X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/oth+unspec parts/nervous system,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ByuC800,52029.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm without specification of site,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ByuC.00,35186.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined, secondary and unspeci",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ByuD400,102688.0,[X]Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ByuDA00,105025.0,"[X]Oth spcf mal neoplsm/lymphoid,haematopoietic+rltd tissue",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ByuDB00,72500.0,"[X]Mal neoplasm/lymphoid,haematopoietic+related tissu,unspcf",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C37y000,54411.0,Hand - Schuller - Christian disease,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C37y100,3845.0,Eosinophilic granuloma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C37y500,51718.0,"Histiocytosis X , chronic",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C37y600,36736.0,"Histiocytosis X , unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ZV10000,62814.0,[V]Personal history of malig neop of gastrointestinal tract,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,ZV10012,64568.0,[V]Personal history of malig neop of gastrointestinal tract,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_ovarian.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_ovarian.csv
index fd49eb7..587c538 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_ovarian.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_ovarian.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Ovarian","B440.00","7805.0","Malignant neoplasm of ovary","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian"
-"Primary Malignancy_Ovarian","B440.11","1986.0","Cancer of ovary","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian"
-"Primary Malignancy_Ovarian","BB5j200","9447.0","[M]Endometrioid carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian"
-"Primary Malignancy_Ovarian","BB5j500","103034.0","[M]Endometrioid adenofibroma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian"
-"Primary Malignancy_Ovarian","BBQA100","71301.0","[M]Struma ovarii, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian"
-"Primary Malignancy_Ovarian","D212000","48145.0","Anaemia in ovarian carcinoma","History of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian"
-"Primary Malignancy_Ovarian","ZV10414","52141.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of ovary","History of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian"
+Primary Malignancy_Ovarian,B440.00,7805.0,Malignant neoplasm of ovary,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian
+Primary Malignancy_Ovarian,B440.11,1986.0,Cancer of ovary,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian
+Primary Malignancy_Ovarian,BB5j200,9447.0,[M]Endometrioid carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian
+Primary Malignancy_Ovarian,BB5j500,103034.0,"[M]Endometrioid adenofibroma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian
+Primary Malignancy_Ovarian,BBQA100,71301.0,"[M]Struma ovarii, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian
+Primary Malignancy_Ovarian,D212000,48145.0,Anaemia in ovarian carcinoma,History of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian
+Primary Malignancy_Ovarian,ZV10414,52141.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of ovary,History of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_pancr.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_pancr.csv
index c43ecac..d7dc666 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_pancr.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_pancr.csv
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","B170.00","8771.0","Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","B171.00","40810.0","Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","B172.00","39870.0","Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","B173.00","35535.0","Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","B174.00","35795.0","Malignant neoplasm of Islets of Langerhans","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","B175.00","97875.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of pancreas","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","B17..00","8166.0","Malignant neoplasm of pancreas","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","B17y000","96635.0","Malignant neoplasm of ectopic pancreatic tissue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","B17y.00","48537.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of pancreas","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","B17yz00","95783.0","Malignant neoplasm of specified site of pancreas NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","B17z.00","34388.0","Malignant neoplasm of pancreas NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","BB5B100","63102.0","[M]Islet cell carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","BB5B300","95609.0","[M]Insulinoma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","BB5B500","32294.0","[M]Glucagonoma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","BB5B600","98825.0","[M]Mixed islet cell and exocrine adenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","BB5C100","49629.0","[M]Gastrinoma, malignant","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,B170.00,8771.0,Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,B171.00,40810.0,Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,B172.00,39870.0,Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,B173.00,35535.0,Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,B174.00,35795.0,Malignant neoplasm of Islets of Langerhans,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,B175.00,97875.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of pancreas",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,B17..00,8166.0,Malignant neoplasm of pancreas,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,B17y000,96635.0,Malignant neoplasm of ectopic pancreatic tissue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,B17y.00,48537.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of pancreas,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,B17yz00,95783.0,Malignant neoplasm of specified site of pancreas NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,B17z.00,34388.0,Malignant neoplasm of pancreas NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,BB5B100,63102.0,[M]Islet cell carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,BB5B300,95609.0,"[M]Insulinoma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,BB5B500,32294.0,"[M]Glucagonoma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,BB5B600,98825.0,[M]Mixed islet cell and exocrine adenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,BB5C100,49629.0,"[M]Gastrinoma, malignant",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_prost.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_prost.csv
index f5bdae1..2154f88 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_prost.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_prost.csv
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","1427000.0","102314.0","H/O: prostate cancer","History of Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","4M00.00","18503.0","Gleason prostate grade 2-4 (low)","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","4M01.00","18612.0","Gleason prostate grade 5-7 (medium)","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","4M02.00","26081.0","Gleason prostate grade 8-10 (high)","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","4M0..00","10178.0","Gleason grading of prostate cancer","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","7B20000","9541.0","Radical cystoprostatourethrectomy","Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","7B20200","10633.0","Radical cystoprostatectomy","Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","7B36000","4997.0","Radical prostatectomy - unspecified excision of pelvic nodes","Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","7B36500","12593.0","Radical prostatectomy without pelvic node excision","Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","7B36600","11492.0","Radical prostatectomy with pelvic node sampling","Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","7B36700","9533.0","Radical prostatectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy","Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","B46..00","780.0","Malignant neoplasm of prostate","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","ZV10415","37306.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of prostate","History of Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,1427000.0,102314.0,H/O: prostate cancer,History of Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,4M00.00,18503.0,Gleason prostate grade 2-4 (low),Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,4M01.00,18612.0,Gleason prostate grade 5-7 (medium),Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,4M02.00,26081.0,Gleason prostate grade 8-10 (high),Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,4M0..00,10178.0,Gleason grading of prostate cancer,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,7B20000,9541.0,Radical cystoprostatourethrectomy,Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,7B20200,10633.0,Radical cystoprostatectomy,Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,7B36000,4997.0,Radical prostatectomy - unspecified excision of pelvic nodes,Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,7B36500,12593.0,Radical prostatectomy without pelvic node excision,Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,7B36600,11492.0,Radical prostatectomy with pelvic node sampling,Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,7B36700,9533.0,Radical prostatectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy,Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,B46..00,780.0,Malignant neoplasm of prostate,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,ZV10415,37306.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of prostate,History of Primary Malignancy_Prostate
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_skin.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_skin.csv
index b5d4723..8fe877d 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_skin.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_skin.csv
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","7G05600","11834.0","Excision biopsy of rodent ulcer","Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","7G05D00","93402.0","Excision biopsy of basal cell carcinoma","Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B330.00","18245.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of lip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B331000","36731.0","Malignant neoplasm of canthus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B331100","55550.0","Malignant neoplasm of upper eyelid","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B331200","41958.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower eyelid","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B331.00","43087.0","Malignant neoplasm of eyelid including canthus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B332000","33997.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of auricle (ear)","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B332100","62080.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of external auditory meatus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B332200","33271.0","Malignant neoplasm of pinna NEC","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B332.00","53515.0","Malignant neoplasm skin of ear and external auricular canal","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B332z00","62399.0","Malig neop skin of ear and external auricular canal NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B333000","30645.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of cheek, external","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B333100","49403.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of chin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B333200","55670.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyebrow","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B333300","30576.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of forehead","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B333400","16202.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of nose (external)","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B333500","21327.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of temple","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B333.00","27370.0","Malignant neoplasm skin of other and unspecified parts face","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B333z00","46008.0","Malignant neoplasm skin other and unspec part of face NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B334000","37165.0","Malignant neoplasm of scalp","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B334100","43619.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of neck","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B334.00","54234.0","Malignant neoplasm of scalp and skin of neck","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B334z00","73760.0","Malignant neoplasm of scalp or skin of neck NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335000","70380.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of axillary fold","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335100","37969.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of chest, excluding breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335200","30543.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335300","18618.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of abdominal wall","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335400","67748.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of umbilicus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335500","66319.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of groin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335600","46458.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of perineum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335700","45077.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of back","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335800","62305.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of buttock","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335900","23480.0","Malignant neoplasm of perianal skin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335A00","66447.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of scapular region","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335.00","57446.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B335z00","15868.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum, NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B336000","43122.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of shoulder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B336100","42707.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper arm","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B336200","30577.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of fore-arm","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B336300","54352.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of hand","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B336400","25245.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of finger","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B336500","64406.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of thumb","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B336.00","30747.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb and shoulder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B336z00","60526.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb or shoulder NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337000","70988.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of hip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337100","58601.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of thigh","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337200","56954.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of knee","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337300","68197.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of popliteal fossa area","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337400","33682.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower leg","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337500","64270.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of ankle","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337600","104025.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of heel","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337700","70587.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of foot","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337800","65782.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of toe","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337900","67914.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of great toe","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337.00","57442.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb and hip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B337z00","61194.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb or hip NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B338.00","93352.0","Squamous cell carcinoma of skin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B339.00","24375.0","Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B33..00","4632.0","Other malignant neoplasm of skin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B33..11","876.0","Basal cell carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B33..13","1940.0","Rodent ulcer","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B33..14","37016.0","Malignant neoplasm of sebaceous gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B33..15","40443.0","Malignant neoplasm of sweat gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B33..16","3445.0","Epithelioma basal cell","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B33X.00","42429.0","Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B33y.00","18354.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified skin sites","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B33z.00","2492.0","Malignant neoplasm of skin NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","B33z.11","93490.0","Squamous cell carcinoma of skin NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB2A.13","94873.0","[M]Squamous cell carcinoma of skin NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB30.00","29282.0","[M]Basal cell tumour","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB31.00","3028.0","[M]Basal cell carcinoma NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB32.00","59919.0","[M]Multicentric basal cell carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB33.00","9885.0","[M]Basal cell carcinoma, morphoea type","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB34.00","29524.0","[M]Basal cell carcinoma, fibroepithelial type","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB35.00","35457.0","[M]Basosquamous carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB36.00","13574.0","[M]Metatypical carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB3..00","3516.0","[M]Basal cell neoplasms","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB3C.00","102417.0","[M]Superficial basal cell carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB3D.00","102547.0","[M]Basal cell carcinoma, nodular","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB3E.00","103440.0","[M]Basal cell carcinoma, micronodular","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB3F.00","103178.0","[M]Basal cell carcinoma, infiltrative","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB3G.00","103066.0","[M]Pigmented basal cell carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB3z.00","30853.0","[M]Basal cell neoplasm NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB60100","68783.0","[M]Skin appendage carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB61200","71627.0","[M]Sweat gland adenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB62100","38575.0","[M]Apocrine adenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","BB69100","34269.0","[M]Sebaceous adenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","Byu4200","57184.0","[X]Oth malignant neoplasm/skin of oth+unspecfd parts of face","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","Byu4300","56121.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm of skin, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","Byu5A00","60162.0","[X]Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","ZV10y14","47669.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of skin","History of of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,7G05600,11834.0,Excision biopsy of rodent ulcer,Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,7G05D00,93402.0,Excision biopsy of basal cell carcinoma,Procedure for Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B330.00,18245.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of lip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B331000,36731.0,Malignant neoplasm of canthus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B331100,55550.0,Malignant neoplasm of upper eyelid,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B331200,41958.0,Malignant neoplasm of lower eyelid,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B331.00,43087.0,Malignant neoplasm of eyelid including canthus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B332000,33997.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of auricle (ear),Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B332100,62080.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of external auditory meatus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B332200,33271.0,Malignant neoplasm of pinna NEC,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B332.00,53515.0,Malignant neoplasm skin of ear and external auricular canal,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B332z00,62399.0,Malig neop skin of ear and external auricular canal NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B333000,30645.0,"Malignant neoplasm of skin of cheek, external",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B333100,49403.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of chin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B333200,55670.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyebrow,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B333300,30576.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of forehead,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B333400,16202.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of nose (external),Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B333500,21327.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of temple,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B333.00,27370.0,Malignant neoplasm skin of other and unspecified parts face,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B333z00,46008.0,Malignant neoplasm skin other and unspec part of face NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B334000,37165.0,Malignant neoplasm of scalp,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B334100,43619.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of neck,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B334.00,54234.0,Malignant neoplasm of scalp and skin of neck,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B334z00,73760.0,Malignant neoplasm of scalp or skin of neck NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335000,70380.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of axillary fold,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335100,37969.0,"Malignant neoplasm of skin of chest, excluding breast",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335200,30543.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335300,18618.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of abdominal wall,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335400,67748.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of umbilicus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335500,66319.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of groin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335600,46458.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of perineum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335700,45077.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of back,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335800,62305.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of buttock,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335900,23480.0,Malignant neoplasm of perianal skin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335A00,66447.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of scapular region,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335.00,57446.0,"Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B335z00,15868.0,"Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum, NOS",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B336000,43122.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of shoulder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B336100,42707.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper arm,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B336200,30577.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of fore-arm,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B336300,54352.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of hand,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B336400,25245.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of finger,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B336500,64406.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of thumb,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B336.00,30747.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb and shoulder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B336z00,60526.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb or shoulder NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337000,70988.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of hip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337100,58601.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of thigh,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337200,56954.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of knee,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337300,68197.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of popliteal fossa area,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337400,33682.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower leg,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337500,64270.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of ankle,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337600,104025.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of heel,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337700,70587.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of foot,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337800,65782.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of toe,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337900,67914.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of great toe,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337.00,57442.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb and hip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B337z00,61194.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb or hip NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B338.00,93352.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of skin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B339.00,24375.0,Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B33..00,4632.0,Other malignant neoplasm of skin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B33..11,876.0,Basal cell carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B33..13,1940.0,Rodent ulcer,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B33..14,37016.0,Malignant neoplasm of sebaceous gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B33..15,40443.0,Malignant neoplasm of sweat gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B33..16,3445.0,Epithelioma basal cell,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B33X.00,42429.0,Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B33y.00,18354.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified skin sites,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B33z.00,2492.0,Malignant neoplasm of skin NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,B33z.11,93490.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of skin NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB2A.13,94873.0,[M]Squamous cell carcinoma of skin NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB30.00,29282.0,[M]Basal cell tumour,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB31.00,3028.0,[M]Basal cell carcinoma NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB32.00,59919.0,[M]Multicentric basal cell carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB33.00,9885.0,"[M]Basal cell carcinoma, morphoea type",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB34.00,29524.0,"[M]Basal cell carcinoma, fibroepithelial type",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB35.00,35457.0,[M]Basosquamous carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB36.00,13574.0,[M]Metatypical carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB3..00,3516.0,[M]Basal cell neoplasms,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB3C.00,102417.0,[M]Superficial basal cell carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB3D.00,102547.0,"[M]Basal cell carcinoma, nodular",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB3E.00,103440.0,"[M]Basal cell carcinoma, micronodular",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB3F.00,103178.0,"[M]Basal cell carcinoma, infiltrative",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB3G.00,103066.0,[M]Pigmented basal cell carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB3z.00,30853.0,[M]Basal cell neoplasm NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB60100,68783.0,[M]Skin appendage carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB61200,71627.0,[M]Sweat gland adenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB62100,38575.0,[M]Apocrine adenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,BB69100,34269.0,[M]Sebaceous adenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,Byu4200,57184.0,[X]Oth malignant neoplasm/skin of oth+unspecfd parts of face,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,Byu4300,56121.0,"[X]Malignant neoplasm of skin, unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,Byu5A00,60162.0,[X]Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,ZV10y14,47669.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of skin,History of of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_stomach.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_stomach.csv
index bd59d58..7b522b7 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_stomach.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_stomach.csv
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B110000","100584.0","Malignant neoplasm of cardiac orifice of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B110100","22894.0","Malignant neoplasm of cardio-oesophageal junction of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B110111","94278.0","Malignant neoplasm of gastro-oesophageal junction","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B110.00","32022.0","Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B110z00","37859.0","Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B111000","48237.0","Malignant neoplasm of prepylorus of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B111100","41215.0","Malignant neoplasm of pyloric canal of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B111.00","21620.0","Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B111z00","59092.0","Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B112.00","19318.0","Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B113.00","32362.0","Malignant neoplasm of fundus of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B114.00","43572.0","Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B115.00","42193.0","Malignant neoplasm of lesser curve of stomach unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B116.00","55434.0","Malignant neoplasm of greater curve of stomach unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B117.00","51690.0","Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B118.00","97499.0","Siewert type II adenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B119.00","96094.0","Siewert type III adenocarcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B11..00","8386.0","Malignant neoplasm of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B11y000","65312.0","Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of stomach NEC","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B11y100","96802.0","Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of stomach NEC","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B11y.00","55019.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B11yz00","65372.0","Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","B11z.00","14800.0","Malignant neoplasm of stomach NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","ZV10018","49447.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of stomach","History of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B110000,100584.0,Malignant neoplasm of cardiac orifice of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B110100,22894.0,Malignant neoplasm of cardio-oesophageal junction of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B110111,94278.0,Malignant neoplasm of gastro-oesophageal junction,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B110.00,32022.0,Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B110z00,37859.0,Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B111000,48237.0,Malignant neoplasm of prepylorus of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B111100,41215.0,Malignant neoplasm of pyloric canal of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B111.00,21620.0,Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B111z00,59092.0,Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B112.00,19318.0,Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B113.00,32362.0,Malignant neoplasm of fundus of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B114.00,43572.0,Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B115.00,42193.0,Malignant neoplasm of lesser curve of stomach unspecified,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B116.00,55434.0,Malignant neoplasm of greater curve of stomach unspecified,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B117.00,51690.0,"Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of stomach",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B118.00,97499.0,Siewert type II adenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B119.00,96094.0,Siewert type III adenocarcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B11..00,8386.0,Malignant neoplasm of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B11y000,65312.0,Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of stomach NEC,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B11y100,96802.0,Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of stomach NEC,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B11y.00,55019.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B11yz00,65372.0,Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,B11z.00,14800.0,Malignant neoplasm of stomach NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,ZV10018,49447.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of stomach,History of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_testis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_testis.csv
index f281946..dc82283 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_testis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_testis.csv
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B470200","7740.0","Seminoma of undescended testis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B470300","36325.0","Teratoma of undescended testis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B470.00","64602.0","Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B470z00","96429.0","Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B471000","21786.0","Seminoma of descended testis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B471100","9476.0","Teratoma of descended testis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B471.00","19475.0","Malignant neoplasm of descended testis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B471z00","91509.0","Malignant neoplasm of descended testis NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B47..00","15148.0","Malignant neoplasm of testis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B47z.00","38510.0","Malignant neoplasm of testis NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B47z.11","2961.0","Seminoma of testis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","B47z.12","15989.0","Teratoma of testis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","ZV10416","48808.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of testis","History of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B470200,7740.0,Seminoma of undescended testis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B470300,36325.0,Teratoma of undescended testis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B470.00,64602.0,Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B470z00,96429.0,Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B471000,21786.0,Seminoma of descended testis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B471100,9476.0,Teratoma of descended testis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B471.00,19475.0,Malignant neoplasm of descended testis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B471z00,91509.0,Malignant neoplasm of descended testis NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B47..00,15148.0,Malignant neoplasm of testis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B47z.00,38510.0,Malignant neoplasm of testis NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B47z.11,2961.0,Seminoma of testis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,B47z.12,15989.0,Teratoma of testis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,ZV10416,48808.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of testis,History of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_thrombocytopaenia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_thrombocytopaenia.csv
index 1833f63..be4bfcb 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_thrombocytopaenia.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_thrombocytopaenia.csv
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","42P2.11","16420.0","Auto-immune thrombocytopenia","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313000","12234.0","Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313011","21604.0","Idiopathic purpura","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313012","5181.0","ITP - idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313100","55582.0","Congenital thrombocytopenic purpura","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313111","58906.0","Hereditary thrombocytopenia NEC","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313300","38754.0","[X]Essential thrombocytopenia NOS","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313.00","22463.0","Primary thrombocytopenia","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313.11","46754.0","Evan's syndrome","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313.12","5144.0","Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313.13","71257.0","Idiopathic purpura","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313.14","65723.0","Megakaryocytic hypoplasia","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313.15","877.0","Thrombocytopenic purpura","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313y00","54005.0","Other specified primary thrombocytopenia","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313z00","57456.0","Primary thrombocytopenia NOS","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D313z11","45698.0","Essential thrombocytopenia NOS","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","Dyu3200","62795.0","[X]Other primary thrombocytopenia","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,42P2.11,16420.0,Auto-immune thrombocytopenia,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313000,12234.0,Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313011,21604.0,Idiopathic purpura,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313012,5181.0,ITP - idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313100,55582.0,Congenital thrombocytopenic purpura,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313111,58906.0,Hereditary thrombocytopenia NEC,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313300,38754.0,[X]Essential thrombocytopenia NOS,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313.00,22463.0,Primary thrombocytopenia,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313.11,46754.0,Evan's syndrome,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313.12,5144.0,Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313.13,71257.0,Idiopathic purpura,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313.14,65723.0,Megakaryocytic hypoplasia,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313.15,877.0,Thrombocytopenic purpura,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313y00,54005.0,Other specified primary thrombocytopenia,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313z00,57456.0,Primary thrombocytopenia NOS,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D313z11,45698.0,Essential thrombocytopenia NOS,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,Dyu3200,62795.0,[X]Other primary thrombocytopenia,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_thyroid.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_thyroid.csv
index e687bba..ed4db4a 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_thyroid.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_thyroid.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Thyroid","B53..00","5637.0","Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Thyroid"
-"Primary Malignancy_Thyroid","ZV10y15","35771.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of thyroid","History of Primary Malignancy_Thyroid"
+Primary Malignancy_Thyroid,B53..00,5637.0,Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Thyroid
+Primary Malignancy_Thyroid,ZV10y15,35771.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of thyroid,History of Primary Malignancy_Thyroid
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_uterine.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_uterine.csv
index ea5bc2a..9196e79 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pri_uterine.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pri_uterine.csv
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B40..00","2744.0","Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B430000","72723.0","Malignant neoplasm of cornu of corpus uteri","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B430100","68155.0","Malignant neoplasm of fundus of corpus uteri","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B430200","2890.0","Malignant neoplasm of endometrium of corpus uteri","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B430211","49400.0","Malignant neoplasm of endometrium","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B430300","45793.0","Malignant neoplasm of myometrium of corpus uteri","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B430.00","3213.0","Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri, excluding isthmus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B430z00","45490.0","Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B431000","59097.0","Malignant neoplasm of lower uterine segment","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B431.00","43940.0","Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B431z00","70729.0","Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B432.00","16967.0","Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of corpus uteri","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B43..00","7046.0","Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B43y.00","31608.0","Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine body","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","B43z.00","33617.0","Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus NOS","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","ZV10417","46779.0","[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of uterine body","History of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B40..00,2744.0,"Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B430000,72723.0,Malignant neoplasm of cornu of corpus uteri,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B430100,68155.0,Malignant neoplasm of fundus of corpus uteri,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B430200,2890.0,Malignant neoplasm of endometrium of corpus uteri,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B430211,49400.0,Malignant neoplasm of endometrium,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B430300,45793.0,Malignant neoplasm of myometrium of corpus uteri,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B430.00,3213.0,"Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri, excluding isthmus",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B430z00,45490.0,Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B431000,59097.0,Malignant neoplasm of lower uterine segment,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B431.00,43940.0,Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B431z00,70729.0,Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B432.00,16967.0,Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of corpus uteri,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B43..00,7046.0,Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B43y.00,31608.0,Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine body,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,B43z.00,33617.0,Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus NOS,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,ZV10417,46779.0,[V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of uterine body,History of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_prim_pulm_htn.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_prim_pulm_htn.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98385d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_prim_pulm_htn.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Primary pulmonary hypertension,G410.00,245.0,Primary pulmonary hypertension,Diagnosis of Primary pulmonary hypertension
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_psoriasis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_psoriasis.csv
index 800a0b1..74e8dd1 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_psoriasis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_psoriasis.csv
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Psoriasis","14F2.00","3437.0","H/O: psoriasis","History of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M160000","26368.0","Psoriasis spondylitica","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M160100","32149.0","Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M160200","21503.0","Arthritis mutilans","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M160.00","476.0","Psoriatic arthropathy","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M160.11","96880.0","Psoriatic arthritis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M160z00","12500.0","Psoriatic arthropathy NOS","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161000","162.0","Psoriasis unspecified","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161100","21104.0","Psoriasis annularis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161200","30272.0","Psoriasis circinata","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161300","42008.0","Psoriasis diffusa","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161400","18755.0","Psoriasis discoidea","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161500","21633.0","Psoriasis geographica","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161600","3193.0","Guttate psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161700","65839.0","Psoriasis gyrata","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161800","48257.0","Psoriasis inveterata","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161900","60169.0","Psoriasis ostracea","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161A00","8014.0","Psoriasis palmaris","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161B00","2945.0","Psoriasis plantaris","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161C00","24136.0","Psoriasis punctata","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161D00","4231.0","Pustular psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161E00","20222.0","Psoriasis universalis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161F00","30210.0","Psoriasis vulgaris","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161F11","93511.0","Chronic large plaque psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161H00","17094.0","Erythrodermic psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161J00","107494.0","Flexural psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161.00","22501.0","Other psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M161z00","172.0","Psoriasis NOS","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M166.00","105229.0","Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M16..00","3733.0","Psoriasis and similar disorders","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M16y000","11761.0","Scalp psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M16y.00","41149.0","Other psoriasis and similar disorders","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M16z.00","30975.0","Psoriasis and similar disorders NOS","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","Myu3000","66711.0","[X]Other psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","N045200","28456.0","Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","Nyu1300","59107.0","[X]Other psoriatic arthropathies","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
+Psoriasis,14F2.00,3437.0,H/O: psoriasis,History of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M160000,26368.0,Psoriasis spondylitica,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M160100,32149.0,Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M160200,21503.0,Arthritis mutilans,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M160.00,476.0,Psoriatic arthropathy,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M160.11,96880.0,Psoriatic arthritis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M160z00,12500.0,Psoriatic arthropathy NOS,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161000,162.0,Psoriasis unspecified,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161100,21104.0,Psoriasis annularis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161200,30272.0,Psoriasis circinata,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161300,42008.0,Psoriasis diffusa,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161400,18755.0,Psoriasis discoidea,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161500,21633.0,Psoriasis geographica,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161600,3193.0,Guttate psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161700,65839.0,Psoriasis gyrata,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161800,48257.0,Psoriasis inveterata,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161900,60169.0,Psoriasis ostracea,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161A00,8014.0,Psoriasis palmaris,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161B00,2945.0,Psoriasis plantaris,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161C00,24136.0,Psoriasis punctata,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161D00,4231.0,Pustular psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161E00,20222.0,Psoriasis universalis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161F00,30210.0,Psoriasis vulgaris,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161F11,93511.0,Chronic large plaque psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161H00,17094.0,Erythrodermic psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161J00,107494.0,Flexural psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161.00,22501.0,Other psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M161z00,172.0,Psoriasis NOS,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M166.00,105229.0,Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M16..00,3733.0,Psoriasis and similar disorders,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M16y000,11761.0,Scalp psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M16y.00,41149.0,Other psoriasis and similar disorders,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M16z.00,30975.0,Psoriasis and similar disorders NOS,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,Myu3000,66711.0,[X]Other psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,N045200,28456.0,Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,Nyu1300,59107.0,[X]Other psoriatic arthropathies,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_ptosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_ptosis.csv
index 23f30ff..b3416bf 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_ptosis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_ptosis.csv
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","2BE2.00","38956.0","O/E - ptosis present","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","2BE..00","8696.0","O/E - ptosis","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","2BE3.00","22097.0","O/E - Horner's syndrome","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","2BEZ.00","35069.0","O/E - ptosis NOS","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","7218000.0","17472.0","Correction of eyelid ptosis using levator muscle technique","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","7218100.0","43924.0","Correction of eyelid ptosis using frontalis muscle technique","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","7218200.0","27441.0","Correction of ptosis of eyelid using sling of fascia","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","7218300.0","36100.0","Correction of eyelid ptosis using superior rectus technique","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","7218500.0","17932.0","Correction of eyelid ptosis using aponeurosis technique","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","7218.00","1633.0","Correction of ptosis of eyelid","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","7218y00","49096.0","Other specified correction of ptosis of eyelid","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","7218z00","4141.0","Correction of ptosis of eyelid NOS","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","F4E3000","38413.0","Unspecified ptosis of eyelid","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","F4E3100","47614.0","Paralytic ptosis","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","F4E3200","66515.0","Myogenic ptosis","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","F4E3300","17923.0","Mechanical ptosis","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","F4E3.00","2232.0","Ptosis of eyelid","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","F4E3z00","35130.0","Ptosis of eyelid NOS","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","P360.00","8319.0","Congenital ptosis","Diagnosis of ptosis"
-"Ptosis of eyelid","P360.11","16690.0","Blepharoptosis","Diagnosis of ptosis"
+Ptosis of eyelid,2BE2.00,38956.0,O/E - ptosis present,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,2BE..00,8696.0,O/E - ptosis,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,2BE3.00,22097.0,O/E - Horner's syndrome,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,2BEZ.00,35069.0,O/E - ptosis NOS,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,7218000.0,17472.0,Correction of eyelid ptosis using levator muscle technique,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,7218100.0,43924.0,Correction of eyelid ptosis using frontalis muscle technique,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,7218200.0,27441.0,Correction of ptosis of eyelid using sling of fascia,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,7218300.0,36100.0,Correction of eyelid ptosis using superior rectus technique,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,7218500.0,17932.0,Correction of eyelid ptosis using aponeurosis technique,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,7218.00,1633.0,Correction of ptosis of eyelid,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,7218y00,49096.0,Other specified correction of ptosis of eyelid,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,7218z00,4141.0,Correction of ptosis of eyelid NOS,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,F4E3000,38413.0,Unspecified ptosis of eyelid,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,F4E3100,47614.0,Paralytic ptosis,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,F4E3200,66515.0,Myogenic ptosis,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,F4E3300,17923.0,Mechanical ptosis,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,F4E3.00,2232.0,Ptosis of eyelid,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,F4E3z00,35130.0,Ptosis of eyelid NOS,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,P360.00,8319.0,Congenital ptosis,Diagnosis of ptosis
+Ptosis of eyelid,P360.11,16690.0,Blepharoptosis,Diagnosis of ptosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_collapse.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_collapse.csv
index 8258cd3..f904a1b 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_collapse.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_collapse.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)","23E4.11","9855.0","O/E - collapse - lung","Diagnosis of Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)"
-"Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)","H580.00","3094.0","Pulmonary collapse with atelectasis","Diagnosis of Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)"
-"Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)","H580.11","7324.0","Atelectasis","Diagnosis of Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)"
-"Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)","H580.12","8370.0","Collapse of lung","Diagnosis of Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)"
+Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax),23E4.11,9855.0,O/E - collapse - lung,Diagnosis of Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)
+Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax),H580.00,3094.0,Pulmonary collapse with atelectasis,Diagnosis of Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)
+Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax),H580.11,7324.0,Atelectasis,Diagnosis of Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)
+Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax),H580.12,8370.0,Collapse of lung,Diagnosis of Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_fibrosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_fibrosis.csv
index 0d64705..9fa8a8a 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_fibrosis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_fibrosis.csv
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","23E5.00","2680.0","O/E - fibrosis of lung present","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","23E5.11","7994.0","O/E - fibrosis of lung","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","H55..00","7791.0","Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","H55..11","40953.0","Cirrhosis of lung","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","H563100","6051.0","Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","H563200","103472.0","Pulmonary fibrosis","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","H563300","103559.0","Usual interstitial pneumonitis","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","H563.00","6837.0","Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","H563.11","63174.0","Hamman - Rich syndrome","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","H563.12","5519.0","Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","H563.13","103753.0","Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","H563z00","28229.0","Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis NOS","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","Hyu5000","65060.0","[X]Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,23E5.00,2680.0,O/E - fibrosis of lung present,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,23E5.11,7994.0,O/E - fibrosis of lung,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,H55..00,7791.0,Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,H55..11,40953.0,Cirrhosis of lung,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,H563100,6051.0,Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,H563200,103472.0,Pulmonary fibrosis,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,H563300,103559.0,Usual interstitial pneumonitis,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,H563.00,6837.0,Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,H563.11,63174.0,Hamman - Rich syndrome,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,H563.12,5519.0,Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,H563.13,103753.0,Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,H563z00,28229.0,Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis NOS,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,Hyu5000,65060.0,[X]Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_htn_pri.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_htn_pri.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 45257dd..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_htn_pri.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Primary pulmonary hypertension","G410.00","245.0","Primary pulmonary hypertension","Diagnosis of Primary pulmonary hypertension"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_htn_sec.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_htn_sec.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f27fc3..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_pulm_htn_sec.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary pulmonary hypertension","G41y000","34065.0","Secondary pulmonary hypertension","Diagnosis of secondary pulmonary hypertension"
-"Secondary pulmonary hypertension","G41y100","102444.0","Thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension","Diagnosis of secondary pulmonary hypertension"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_raynaud.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_raynaud.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b1ab6b..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_raynaud.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Raynaud's syndrome","G730000","1002.0","Raynaud's disease","Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome"
-"Raynaud's syndrome","G730100","5595.0","Raynaud's phenomenon","Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome"
-"Raynaud's syndrome","G730111","23880.0","Vibratory white finger","Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome"
-"Raynaud's syndrome","G730.00","1231.0","Raynaud's syndrome","Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome"
-"Raynaud's syndrome","G730z00","39097.0","Raynaud's syndrome NOS","Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_raynauds.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_raynauds.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5354c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_raynauds.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Raynaud's syndrome,G730000,1002.0,Raynaud's disease,Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome
+Raynaud's syndrome,G730100,5595.0,Raynaud's phenomenon,Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome
+Raynaud's syndrome,G730111,23880.0,Vibratory white finger,Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome
+Raynaud's syndrome,G730.00,1231.0,Raynaud's syndrome,Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome
+Raynaud's syndrome,G730z00,39097.0,Raynaud's syndrome NOS,Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_reactive.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_reactive.csv
index 6c8c0f8..2905a6f 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_reactive.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_reactive.csv
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","A993.00","8103.0","Reiter's disease / syndrome","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","A993.11","2194.0","Reiter's syndrome","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","M211400","49472.0","Keratoderma blennorrhagica","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N011400","98710.0","Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the hand","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N011600","73438.0","Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the lower leg","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N011.00","62953.0","Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N011.12","49812.0","Arthropathy in Reiter's disease","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N011x00","31559.0","Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N011z00","70741.0","Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy NOS","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N013400","110574.0","Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the hand","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N013700","68096.0","Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the ankle and foot","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N013.00","8017.0","Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N013x00","107847.0","Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of multiple sites","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01w000","53334.0","Reactive arthropathy of shoulder","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01w100","99398.0","Reactive arthropathy of sternoclavicular joint","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01w300","61906.0","Reactive arthropathy of elbow","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01w500","58590.0","Reactive arthropathy of wrist","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01w600","68933.0","Reactive arthropathy of MCP joint","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01w700","101937.0","Reactive arthropathy of PIP joint of finger","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01w800","103172.0","Reactive arthropathy of DIP joint of finger","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01w900","33790.0","Reactive arthropathy of hip","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01wA00","94911.0","Reactive arthropathy of sacro-iliac joint","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01wB00","53339.0","Reactive arthropathy of knee","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01wD00","50465.0","Reactive arthropathy of ankle","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01wH00","103289.0","Reactive arthropathy of 1st MTP joint","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01wJ00","107875.0","Reactive arthropathy of lesser MTP joint","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01wK00","62937.0","Reactive arthropathy of IP joint of toe","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N01w.00","3936.0","Reactive arthropathy, unspecified","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","N038.00","22634.0","Reactive arthropathies","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","Nyu0300","53817.0","[X]Other reactive arthropathies","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","Nyu0400","90859.0","[X]Other postinfectious arthropathies in diseases CE","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","Nyu0500","73921.0","[X]Reactive arthropathy in other diseases CE","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,A993.00,8103.0,Reiter's disease / syndrome,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,A993.11,2194.0,Reiter's syndrome,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,M211400,49472.0,Keratoderma blennorrhagica,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N011400,98710.0,Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the hand,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N011600,73438.0,Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the lower leg,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N011.00,62953.0,Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N011.12,49812.0,Arthropathy in Reiter's disease,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N011x00,31559.0,Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N011z00,70741.0,Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy NOS,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N013400,110574.0,Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the hand,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N013700,68096.0,Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the ankle and foot,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N013.00,8017.0,Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N013x00,107847.0,Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of multiple sites,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01w000,53334.0,Reactive arthropathy of shoulder,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01w100,99398.0,Reactive arthropathy of sternoclavicular joint,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01w300,61906.0,Reactive arthropathy of elbow,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01w500,58590.0,Reactive arthropathy of wrist,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01w600,68933.0,Reactive arthropathy of MCP joint,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01w700,101937.0,Reactive arthropathy of PIP joint of finger,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01w800,103172.0,Reactive arthropathy of DIP joint of finger,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01w900,33790.0,Reactive arthropathy of hip,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01wA00,94911.0,Reactive arthropathy of sacro-iliac joint,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01wB00,53339.0,Reactive arthropathy of knee,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01wD00,50465.0,Reactive arthropathy of ankle,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01wH00,103289.0,Reactive arthropathy of 1st MTP joint,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01wJ00,107875.0,Reactive arthropathy of lesser MTP joint,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01wK00,62937.0,Reactive arthropathy of IP joint of toe,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N01w.00,3936.0,"Reactive arthropathy, unspecified",Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,N038.00,22634.0,Reactive arthropathies,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,Nyu0300,53817.0,[X]Other reactive arthropathies,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,Nyu0400,90859.0,[X]Other postinfectious arthropathies in diseases CE,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,Nyu0500,73921.0,[X]Reactive arthropathy in other diseases CE,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_resp_failure.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_resp_failure.csv
index ca71b2a..6699acd 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_resp_failure.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_resp_failure.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Respiratory failure","Fy04.00","38686.0","Sleep-related respiratory failure","Diagnosis of Respiratory failure"
-"Respiratory failure","H590.00","37961.0","Acute respiratory failure","Diagnosis of Respiratory failure"
-"Respiratory failure","H591.00","24814.0","Chronic respiratory failure","Diagnosis of Respiratory failure"
-"Respiratory failure","H592.00","94946.0","Chronic type 1 respiratory failure","Diagnosis of Respiratory failure"
-"Respiratory failure","H593.00","94486.0","Chronic type 2 respiratory failure","Diagnosis of Respiratory failure"
-"Respiratory failure","H59..00","25249.0","Respiratory failure","Diagnosis of Respiratory failure"
-"Respiratory failure","R2y1.00","3959.0","[D]Respiratory failure","Diagnosis of Respiratory failure"
-"Respiratory failure","R2y1z00","15779.0","[D]Respiratory failure NOS","Diagnosis of Respiratory failure"
+Respiratory failure,Fy04.00,38686.0,Sleep-related respiratory failure,Diagnosis of Respiratory failure
+Respiratory failure,H590.00,37961.0,Acute respiratory failure,Diagnosis of Respiratory failure
+Respiratory failure,H591.00,24814.0,Chronic respiratory failure,Diagnosis of Respiratory failure
+Respiratory failure,H592.00,94946.0,Chronic type 1 respiratory failure,Diagnosis of Respiratory failure
+Respiratory failure,H593.00,94486.0,Chronic type 2 respiratory failure,Diagnosis of Respiratory failure
+Respiratory failure,H59..00,25249.0,Respiratory failure,Diagnosis of Respiratory failure
+Respiratory failure,R2y1.00,3959.0,[D]Respiratory failure,Diagnosis of Respiratory failure
+Respiratory failure,R2y1z00,15779.0,[D]Respiratory failure NOS,Diagnosis of Respiratory failure
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_retinal_detach.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_retinal_detach.csv
index 3dd82df..c0e65be 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_retinal_detach.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_retinal_detach.csv
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","1481.00","8691.0","H/O: retinal detachment","History of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","7271000.0","50694.0","Xenon photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","7271100.0","6836.0","Laser photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","7271.00","2484.0","Photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","7271y00","1551.0","Other specified photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","7271z00","1552.0","Photocoagulation of retina for detachment NOS","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410000","29800.0","Unspecified retinal detachment with retinal defect","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410100","62901.0","New partial retinal detachment with single defect","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410200","62773.0","New partial retinal detachment with multiple defects","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410300","24347.0","New partial retinal detachment with giant tear defect","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410400","71651.0","New partial retinal detachment with retinal dialysis","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410500","24440.0","Recent total retinal detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410600","53020.0","Recent subtotal retinal detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410700","55469.0","Old partial retinal detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410800","53021.0","Old total retinal detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410900","61965.0","Old subtotal retinal detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410.00","32028.0","Retinal detachment with retinal defect","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F410z00","38463.0","Retinal detachment with defect NOS","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F413100","8506.0","Retinal round hole without detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F413200","21067.0","Horseshoe retinal tear without detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F413300","45509.0","Multiple retinal defects without detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F413400","38407.0","Retinal break","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F413.00","34183.0","Retinal defects without detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F413z00","34373.0","Retinal defects without detachment NOS","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F41..00","4232.0","Retinal detachments and defects","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F41..11","2496.0","Retinal tears","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F41y000","30514.0","Traction retinal detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F41y.00","47730.0","Other forms of retinal detachment","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F41yz00","35250.0","Other retinal detachments NOS","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","F41z.00","1202.0","Retinal detachment NOS","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","FyuF400","72901.0","[X]Other retinal detachments","Diagnosis of retinal detachment"
+Retinal detachments and breaks,1481.00,8691.0,H/O: retinal detachment,History of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,7271000.0,50694.0,Xenon photocoagulation of retina for detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,7271100.0,6836.0,Laser photocoagulation of retina for detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,7271.00,2484.0,Photocoagulation of retina for detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,7271y00,1551.0,Other specified photocoagulation of retina for detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,7271z00,1552.0,Photocoagulation of retina for detachment NOS,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410000,29800.0,Unspecified retinal detachment with retinal defect,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410100,62901.0,New partial retinal detachment with single defect,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410200,62773.0,New partial retinal detachment with multiple defects,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410300,24347.0,New partial retinal detachment with giant tear defect,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410400,71651.0,New partial retinal detachment with retinal dialysis,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410500,24440.0,Recent total retinal detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410600,53020.0,Recent subtotal retinal detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410700,55469.0,Old partial retinal detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410800,53021.0,Old total retinal detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410900,61965.0,Old subtotal retinal detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410.00,32028.0,Retinal detachment with retinal defect,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F410z00,38463.0,Retinal detachment with defect NOS,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F413100,8506.0,Retinal round hole without detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F413200,21067.0,Horseshoe retinal tear without detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F413300,45509.0,Multiple retinal defects without detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F413400,38407.0,Retinal break,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F413.00,34183.0,Retinal defects without detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F413z00,34373.0,Retinal defects without detachment NOS,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F41..00,4232.0,Retinal detachments and defects,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F41..11,2496.0,Retinal tears,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F41y000,30514.0,Traction retinal detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F41y.00,47730.0,Other forms of retinal detachment,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F41yz00,35250.0,Other retinal detachments NOS,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,F41z.00,1202.0,Retinal detachment NOS,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
+Retinal detachments and breaks,FyuF400,72901.0,[X]Other retinal detachments,Diagnosis of retinal detachment
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_retinal_vasc_occl.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_retinal_vasc_occl.csv
index b321b14..e13daab 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_retinal_vasc_occl.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_retinal_vasc_occl.csv
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423000","21794.0","Unspecified retinal vascular occlusion","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423100","7720.0","Central retinal artery occlusion","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423200","3602.0","Retinal arterial branch occlusion","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423211","8149.0","Branch retinal artery occlusion","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423300","11928.0","Retinal microembolism","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423400","21669.0","Hollenhorst plaque","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423500","57909.0","Retinal partial arterial occlusion NOS","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423700","50242.0","Retinal transient arterial occlusion NOS","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423800","4102.0","Central retinal vein occlusion","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423811","5223.0","Retinal vein thrombosis","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423900","5343.0","Retinal venous branch occlusion","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423911","7647.0","Branch retinal vein occlusion","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423A00","39989.0","Retinal venous engorgement","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423.00","5258.0","Retinal vascular occlusion","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F423z00","861.0","Retinal vascular occlusion NOS","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","F42y700","32480.0","Retinal cotton wool spots","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","FyuF500","53818.0","[X]Other retinal artery occlusions","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","FyuF600","95341.0","[X]Other retinal vascular occlusions","Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion"
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423000,21794.0,Unspecified retinal vascular occlusion,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423100,7720.0,Central retinal artery occlusion,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423200,3602.0,Retinal arterial branch occlusion,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423211,8149.0,Branch retinal artery occlusion,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423300,11928.0,Retinal microembolism,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423400,21669.0,Hollenhorst plaque,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423500,57909.0,Retinal partial arterial occlusion NOS,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423700,50242.0,Retinal transient arterial occlusion NOS,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423800,4102.0,Central retinal vein occlusion,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423811,5223.0,Retinal vein thrombosis,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423900,5343.0,Retinal venous branch occlusion,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423911,7647.0,Branch retinal vein occlusion,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423A00,39989.0,Retinal venous engorgement,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423.00,5258.0,Retinal vascular occlusion,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F423z00,861.0,Retinal vascular occlusion NOS,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,F42y700,32480.0,Retinal cotton wool spots,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,FyuF500,53818.0,[X]Other retinal artery occlusions,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
+Retinal vascular occlusions,FyuF600,95341.0,[X]Other retinal vascular occlusions,Diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_rh_fever.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_rh_fever.csv
index 6b5e5b2..ed71b0d 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_rh_fever.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_rh_fever.csv
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Rheumatic fever","14A1.00","5927.0","H/O: rheumatic fever","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G00..00","48189.0","Rheumatic fever without heart involvement","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G010.00","24636.0","Acute rheumatic pericarditis","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G011.00","36886.0","Acute rheumatic endocarditis","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G012.00","48099.0","Acute rheumatic myocarditis","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G01..00","44756.0","Rheumatic fever with heart involvement","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G01y000","23619.0","Acute rheumatic pancarditis","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G01y.00","73540.0","Other acute rheumatic heart disease","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G01yz00","105615.0","Other acute rheumatic heart disease NOS","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G01z.00","68849.0","Acute rheumatic heart disease NOS","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G020.00","69995.0","Rheumatic chorea with heart involvement","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G021.00","63252.0","Rheumatic chorea without mention of heart involvement","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G02..00","5326.0","Rheumatic chorea","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G02..11","20246.0","Sydenham's chorea","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G02z.00","72936.0","Rheumatic chorea NOS","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G0...00","764.0","Acute rheumatic fever","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G0y..00","59942.0","Other specified acute rheumatic fever","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G0z..00","14840.0","Acute rheumatic fever NOS","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G100.00","40957.0","Adherent rheumatic pericardium","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G102.00","72628.0","Chronic rheumatic myopericarditis","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G10..00","44376.0","Chronic rheumatic pericarditis","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G110.11","32435.0","Rheumatic mitral stenosis","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G111.00","51879.0","Rheumatic mitral insufficiency","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G111.11","21807.0","Mitral incompetence - rheumatic","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G111.12","22837.0","Mitral regurgitation - rheumatic","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G11..11","16545.0","Rheumatic mitral valve disease","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G120.00","9391.0","Rheumatic aortic stenosis","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G121.00","32211.0","Rheumatic aortic insufficiency","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G121.11","43347.0","Aortic incompetence - rheumatic","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G121.12","7963.0","Aortic regurgitation - rheumatic","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G122.00","63960.0","Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G12..00","18100.0","Rheumatic aortic valve disease","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G12z.00","50809.0","Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G140000","31505.0","Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G140100","60266.0","Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G140111","21980.0","Tricuspid regurgitation - rheumatic","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G140112","42239.0","Tricuspid incompetence - rheumatic","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G140200","93114.0","Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G14021X","93113.0","Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and regurgitation","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G14021Y","62186.0","Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and incompetence","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G140z00","72613.0","Rheumatic tricuspid valve disease NOS","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G141000","62207.0","Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G141100","54088.0","Rheumatic pulmonary insufficiency","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G141200","105626.0","Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis and insufficiency","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G141.00","44167.0","Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G141z00","36768.0","Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease NOS","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G14..00","68126.0","Other chronic rheumatic endocardial disease","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G14z.00","15132.0","Rheumatic endocarditis NOS","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G14z.11","59275.0","Rheumatic valvulitis, chronic NOS","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G1...00","9312.0","Chronic rheumatic heart disease","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G1y0.00","62404.0","Rheumatic myocarditis","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G1y..00","15643.0","Other specified chronic rheumatic heart disease","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G1yz000","53878.0","Rheumatic heart disease unspecified","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G1yz100","22262.0","Rheumatic left ventricular failure","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G1yz.00","57980.0","Other and unspecified rheumatic heart disease","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G1yzz00","59854.0","Other rheumatic heart disease NOS","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","G1z..00","20001.0","Chronic rheumatic heart disease NOS","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","GA0..00","107591.0","Carditis due to rheumatic fever","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","GA...00","107462.0","Rheumatic heart disease","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","Gyu0000","100051.0","[X]Other acute rheumatic heart disease","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","Gyu0.00","101539.0","[X]Acute rheumatic fever","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","Gyu1100","94521.0","[X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","H571.00","64799.0","Rheumatic pneumonia","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","M15y600","34916.0","Erythema marginatum in acute rheumatic fever","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
+Rheumatic fever,14A1.00,5927.0,H/O: rheumatic fever,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G00..00,48189.0,Rheumatic fever without heart involvement,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G010.00,24636.0,Acute rheumatic pericarditis,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G011.00,36886.0,Acute rheumatic endocarditis,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G012.00,48099.0,Acute rheumatic myocarditis,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G01..00,44756.0,Rheumatic fever with heart involvement,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G01y000,23619.0,Acute rheumatic pancarditis,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G01y.00,73540.0,Other acute rheumatic heart disease,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G01yz00,105615.0,Other acute rheumatic heart disease NOS,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G01z.00,68849.0,Acute rheumatic heart disease NOS,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G020.00,69995.0,Rheumatic chorea with heart involvement,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G021.00,63252.0,Rheumatic chorea without mention of heart involvement,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G02..00,5326.0,Rheumatic chorea,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G02..11,20246.0,Sydenham's chorea,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G02z.00,72936.0,Rheumatic chorea NOS,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G0...00,764.0,Acute rheumatic fever,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G0y..00,59942.0,Other specified acute rheumatic fever,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G0z..00,14840.0,Acute rheumatic fever NOS,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G100.00,40957.0,Adherent rheumatic pericardium,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G102.00,72628.0,Chronic rheumatic myopericarditis,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G10..00,44376.0,Chronic rheumatic pericarditis,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G110.11,32435.0,Rheumatic mitral stenosis,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G111.00,51879.0,Rheumatic mitral insufficiency,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G111.11,21807.0,Mitral incompetence - rheumatic,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G111.12,22837.0,Mitral regurgitation - rheumatic,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G11..11,16545.0,Rheumatic mitral valve disease,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G120.00,9391.0,Rheumatic aortic stenosis,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G121.00,32211.0,Rheumatic aortic insufficiency,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G121.11,43347.0,Aortic incompetence - rheumatic,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G121.12,7963.0,Aortic regurgitation - rheumatic,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G122.00,63960.0,Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G12..00,18100.0,Rheumatic aortic valve disease,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G12z.00,50809.0,Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G140000,31505.0,Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G140100,60266.0,Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G140111,21980.0,Tricuspid regurgitation - rheumatic,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G140112,42239.0,Tricuspid incompetence - rheumatic,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G140200,93114.0,Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G14021X,93113.0,Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and regurgitation,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G14021Y,62186.0,Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and incompetence,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G140z00,72613.0,Rheumatic tricuspid valve disease NOS,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G141000,62207.0,Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G141100,54088.0,Rheumatic pulmonary insufficiency,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G141200,105626.0,Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis and insufficiency,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G141.00,44167.0,Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G141z00,36768.0,Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease NOS,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G14..00,68126.0,Other chronic rheumatic endocardial disease,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G14z.00,15132.0,Rheumatic endocarditis NOS,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G14z.11,59275.0,"Rheumatic valvulitis, chronic NOS",History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G1...00,9312.0,Chronic rheumatic heart disease,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G1y0.00,62404.0,Rheumatic myocarditis,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G1y..00,15643.0,Other specified chronic rheumatic heart disease,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G1yz000,53878.0,Rheumatic heart disease unspecified,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G1yz100,22262.0,Rheumatic left ventricular failure,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G1yz.00,57980.0,Other and unspecified rheumatic heart disease,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G1yzz00,59854.0,Other rheumatic heart disease NOS,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,G1z..00,20001.0,Chronic rheumatic heart disease NOS,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,GA0..00,107591.0,Carditis due to rheumatic fever,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,GA...00,107462.0,Rheumatic heart disease,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,Gyu0000,100051.0,[X]Other acute rheumatic heart disease,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,Gyu0.00,101539.0,[X]Acute rheumatic fever,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,Gyu1100,94521.0,[X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,H571.00,64799.0,Rheumatic pneumonia,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,M15y600,34916.0,Erythema marginatum in acute rheumatic fever,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_rosacea.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_rosacea.csv
index c146f2a..c5bec52 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_rosacea.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_rosacea.csv
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Rosacea","F4C3100","30398.0","Rosacea conjunctivitis","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
-"Rosacea","M153000","1518.0","Acne rosacea","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
-"Rosacea","M153100","3582.0","Rhinophyma","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
-"Rosacea","M153200","64861.0","Rosacea hypertrophica","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
-"Rosacea","M153300","50603.0","Lupoid rosacea","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
-"Rosacea","M153400","36835.0","Ocular rosacea","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
-"Rosacea","M153.00","970.0","Rosacea","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
-"Rosacea","M153z00","16014.0","Rosacea NOS","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
-"Rosacea","Myu6900","53876.0","[X]Other rosacea","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
+Rosacea,F4C3100,30398.0,Rosacea conjunctivitis,Diagnosis of Rosacea
+Rosacea,M153000,1518.0,Acne rosacea,Diagnosis of Rosacea
+Rosacea,M153100,3582.0,Rhinophyma,Diagnosis of Rosacea
+Rosacea,M153200,64861.0,Rosacea hypertrophica,Diagnosis of Rosacea
+Rosacea,M153300,50603.0,Lupoid rosacea,Diagnosis of Rosacea
+Rosacea,M153400,36835.0,Ocular rosacea,Diagnosis of Rosacea
+Rosacea,M153.00,970.0,Rosacea,Diagnosis of Rosacea
+Rosacea,M153z00,16014.0,Rosacea NOS,Diagnosis of Rosacea
+Rosacea,Myu6900,53876.0,[X]Other rosacea,Diagnosis of Rosacea
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sarcoid.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sarcoid.csv
index 63da0f4..9d81f69 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sarcoid.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sarcoid.csv
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Sarcoidosis","AD50.00","33980.0","Sarcoidosis of lung","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","AD51.00","49075.0","Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","AD52.00","58841.0","Sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","AD53000","28952.0","Lupus pernio","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","AD53.00","27769.0","Sarcoidosis of skin","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","AD54.00","72595.0","Sarcoidosis of inferior turbinates","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","AD55.00","40613.0","Sarcoid arthropathy","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","AD5..00","3865.0","Sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","Cyu0600","73284.0","[X]Sarcoidosis of other and combined sites","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","F013.00","49454.0","Meningitis due to sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","F326300","55612.0","Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","F374900","40751.0","Polyneuropathy in sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","F396500","52519.0","Myopathy due to sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","G558300","47037.0","Sarcoid heart disease","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","G5y7.00","34437.0","Sarcoid myocarditis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","H57y200","3859.0","Pulmonary sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","J63A.00","26405.0","Hepatic granulomas in sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","N233200","47718.0","Myositis in sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
+Sarcoidosis,AD50.00,33980.0,Sarcoidosis of lung,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,AD51.00,49075.0,Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,AD52.00,58841.0,Sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,AD53000,28952.0,Lupus pernio,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,AD53.00,27769.0,Sarcoidosis of skin,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,AD54.00,72595.0,Sarcoidosis of inferior turbinates,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,AD55.00,40613.0,Sarcoid arthropathy,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,AD5..00,3865.0,Sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,Cyu0600,73284.0,[X]Sarcoidosis of other and combined sites,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,F013.00,49454.0,Meningitis due to sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,F326300,55612.0,Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,F374900,40751.0,Polyneuropathy in sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,F396500,52519.0,Myopathy due to sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,G558300,47037.0,Sarcoid heart disease,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,G5y7.00,34437.0,Sarcoid myocarditis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,H57y200,3859.0,Pulmonary sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,J63A.00,26405.0,Hepatic granulomas in sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,N233200,47718.0,Myositis in sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_schizo.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_schizo.csv
index 1d1c11c..8ce294c 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_schizo.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_schizo.csv
@@ -1,133 +1,133 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","1464.00","6325.0","H/O: schizophrenia","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","146H.00","12777.0","H/O: psychosis","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","212W.00","88275.0","Schizophrenia resolved","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","212X.00","85972.0","Psychosis resolved","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","285..11","4390.0","Psychotic condition, insight present","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","286..11","22644.0","Poor insight into psychotic condition","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E100000","15733.0","Unspecified schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E100100","23616.0","Subchronic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E100200","3984.0","Chronic schizophrenic","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E100300","57666.0","Acute exacerbation of subchronic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E100400","44498.0","Acute exacerbation of chronic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E100500","58687.0","Schizophrenia in remission","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E100.00","32222.0","Simple schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E100.11","73295.0","Schizophrenia simplex","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E100z00","53625.0","Simple schizophrenia NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E101000","66506.0","Unspecified hebephrenic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E101400","97919.0","Acute exacerbation of chronic hebephrenic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E101500","67768.0","Hebephrenic schizophrenia in remission","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E101.00","30619.0","Hebephrenic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E101z00","48054.0","Hebephrenic schizophrenia NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E102000","58716.0","Unspecified catatonic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E102100","99199.0","Subchronic catatonic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E102400","107222.0","Acute exacerbation of chronic catatonic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E102500","102427.0","Catatonic schizophrenia in remission","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E102.00","25546.0","Catatonic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E102z00","63867.0","Catatonic schizophrenia NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E103000","33383.0","Unspecified paranoid schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E103100","104760.0","Subchronic paranoid schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E103200","31362.0","Chronic paranoid schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E103300","51322.0","Acute exacerbation of subchronic paranoid schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E103400","53032.0","Acute exacerbation of chronic paranoid schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E103500","36172.0","Paranoid schizophrenia in remission","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E103.00","1494.0","Paranoid schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E103z00","9281.0","Paranoid schizophrenia NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E105000","102311.0","Unspecified latent schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E105200","94299.0","Chronic latent schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E105500","96883.0","Latent schizophrenia in remission","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E105.00","66410.0","Latent schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E105z00","102446.0","Latent schizophrenia NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E106.00","38063.0","Residual schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E107000","58862.0","Unspecified schizo-affective schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E107100","61098.0","Subchronic schizo-affective schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E107200","43800.0","Chronic schizo-affective schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E107300","58866.0","Acute exacerbation subchronic schizo-affective schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E107400","63478.0","Acute exacerbation of chronic schizo-affective schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E107500","56438.0","Schizo-affective schizophrenia in remission","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E107.00","2117.0","Schizo-affective schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E107.11","99000.0","Cyclic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E107z00","10575.0","Schizo-affective schizophrenia NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E10..00","854.0","Schizophrenic disorders","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E10y000","33338.0","Atypical schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E10y100","99070.0","Coenesthopathic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E10y.00","39062.0","Other schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E10y.11","92994.0","Cenesthopathic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E10yz00","49761.0","Other schizophrenia NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E10z.00","8407.0","Schizophrenia NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E120.00","14743.0","Simple paranoid state","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E121.00","3890.0","Chronic paranoid psychosis","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E121.11","109634.0","Sander's disease","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E122.00","14971.0","Paraphrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E12..00","4261.0","Paranoid states","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E12y000","66766.0","Paranoia querulans","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E12y.00","31589.0","Other paranoid states","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E12yz00","31455.0","Other paranoid states NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E12z.00","12771.0","Paranoid psychosis NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E1...00","15958.0","Non-organic psychoses","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E1y..00","16537.0","Other specified non-organic psychoses","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","E1z..00","22188.0","Non-organic psychosis NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20000","16764.0","[X]Paranoid schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20011","50060.0","[X]Paraphrenic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20100","43405.0","[X]Hebephrenic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20111","53985.0","[X]Disorganised schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20200","61501.0","[X]Catatonic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20211","20572.0","[X]Catatonic stupor","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20212","64533.0","[X]Schizophrenic catalepsy","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20213","35877.0","[X]Schizophrenic catatonia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20214","31493.0","[X]Schizophrenic flexibilatis cerea","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20300","60013.0","[X]Undifferentiated schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20311","91547.0","[X]Atypical schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20400","20785.0","[X]Post-schizophrenic depression","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20500","64264.0","[X]Residual schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20511","24107.0","[X]Chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20600","35848.0","[X]Simple schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20.00","34236.0","[X]Schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20y00","49420.0","[X]Other schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20y12","94001.0","[X]Schizophreniform disord NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20y13","18053.0","[X]Schizophrenifrm psychos NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu20z00","34966.0","[X]Schizophrenia, unspecified","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu21.00","39316.0","[X]Schizotypal disorder","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu21.11","91511.0","[X]Latent schizophrenic reaction","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu21.12","54387.0","[X]Borderline schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu21.13","64993.0","[X]Latent schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu21.14","62449.0","[X]Prepsychotic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu21.15","40386.0","[X]Prodromal schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu21.16","49852.0","[X]Pseudoneurotic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu21.17","71250.0","[X]Pseudopsychopathic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22000","34389.0","[X]Delusional disorder","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22011","2113.0","[X]Paranoid psychosis","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22012","11172.0","[X]Paranoid state","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22013","47947.0","[X]Paraphrenia - late","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22014","65127.0","[X]Sensitiver Beziehungswahn","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22015","4843.0","[X]Paranoia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22100","62405.0","[X]Delusional misidentification syndrome","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22111","55221.0","[X]Capgras syndrome","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22200","98821.0","[X]Cotard syndrome","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22300","101720.0","[X]Paranoid state in remission","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22.00","28562.0","[X]Persistent delusional disorders","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22y00","66077.0","[X]Other persistent delusional disorders","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22y11","40981.0","[X]Delusional dysmorphophobia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22y12","50248.0","[X]Involutional paranoid state","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22y13","55236.0","[X]Paranoia querulans","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu22z00","49223.0","[X]Persistent delusional disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25000","33847.0","[X]Schizoaffective disorder, manic type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25011","16905.0","[X]Schizoaffective psychosis, manic type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25012","51903.0","[X]Schizophreniform psychosis, manic type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25100","11055.0","[X]Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25111","35274.0","[X]Schizoaffective psychosis, depressive type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25112","41022.0","[X]Schizophreniform psychosis, depressive type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25200","33693.0","[X]Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25211","104763.0","[X]Cyclic schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25212","37580.0","[X]Mixed schizophrenic and affective psychosis","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25.00","9422.0","[X]Schizoaffective disorders","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25y00","58532.0","[X]Other schizoaffective disorders","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25z00","37681.0","[X]Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu25z11","33410.0","[X]Schizoaffective psychosis NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu26.00","101987.0","[X]Nonorganic psychosis in remission","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu2..00","17281.0","[X]Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu2y.00","30985.0","[X]Other nonorganic psychotic disorders","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu2y.11","31738.0","[X]Chronic hallucinatory psychosis","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu2z.00","11244.0","[X]Unspecified nonorganic psychosis","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Eu2z.11","694.0","[X]Psychosis NOS","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","ZV11000","22104.0","[V]Personal history of schizophrenia","History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",1464.00,6325.0,H/O: schizophrenia,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",146H.00,12777.0,H/O: psychosis,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",212W.00,88275.0,Schizophrenia resolved,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",212X.00,85972.0,Psychosis resolved,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",285..11,4390.0,"Psychotic condition, insight present","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",286..11,22644.0,Poor insight into psychotic condition,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E100000,15733.0,Unspecified schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E100100,23616.0,Subchronic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E100200,3984.0,Chronic schizophrenic,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E100300,57666.0,Acute exacerbation of subchronic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E100400,44498.0,Acute exacerbation of chronic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E100500,58687.0,Schizophrenia in remission,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E100.00,32222.0,Simple schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E100.11,73295.0,Schizophrenia simplex,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E100z00,53625.0,Simple schizophrenia NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E101000,66506.0,Unspecified hebephrenic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E101400,97919.0,Acute exacerbation of chronic hebephrenic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E101500,67768.0,Hebephrenic schizophrenia in remission,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E101.00,30619.0,Hebephrenic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E101z00,48054.0,Hebephrenic schizophrenia NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E102000,58716.0,Unspecified catatonic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E102100,99199.0,Subchronic catatonic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E102400,107222.0,Acute exacerbation of chronic catatonic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E102500,102427.0,Catatonic schizophrenia in remission,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E102.00,25546.0,Catatonic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E102z00,63867.0,Catatonic schizophrenia NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E103000,33383.0,Unspecified paranoid schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E103100,104760.0,Subchronic paranoid schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E103200,31362.0,Chronic paranoid schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E103300,51322.0,Acute exacerbation of subchronic paranoid schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E103400,53032.0,Acute exacerbation of chronic paranoid schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E103500,36172.0,Paranoid schizophrenia in remission,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E103.00,1494.0,Paranoid schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E103z00,9281.0,Paranoid schizophrenia NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E105000,102311.0,Unspecified latent schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E105200,94299.0,Chronic latent schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E105500,96883.0,Latent schizophrenia in remission,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E105.00,66410.0,Latent schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E105z00,102446.0,Latent schizophrenia NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E106.00,38063.0,Residual schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E107000,58862.0,Unspecified schizo-affective schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E107100,61098.0,Subchronic schizo-affective schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E107200,43800.0,Chronic schizo-affective schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E107300,58866.0,Acute exacerbation subchronic schizo-affective schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E107400,63478.0,Acute exacerbation of chronic schizo-affective schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E107500,56438.0,Schizo-affective schizophrenia in remission,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E107.00,2117.0,Schizo-affective schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E107.11,99000.0,Cyclic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E107z00,10575.0,Schizo-affective schizophrenia NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E10..00,854.0,Schizophrenic disorders,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E10y000,33338.0,Atypical schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E10y100,99070.0,Coenesthopathic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E10y.00,39062.0,Other schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E10y.11,92994.0,Cenesthopathic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E10yz00,49761.0,Other schizophrenia NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E10z.00,8407.0,Schizophrenia NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E120.00,14743.0,Simple paranoid state,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E121.00,3890.0,Chronic paranoid psychosis,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E121.11,109634.0,Sander's disease,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E122.00,14971.0,Paraphrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E12..00,4261.0,Paranoid states,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E12y000,66766.0,Paranoia querulans,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E12y.00,31589.0,Other paranoid states,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E12yz00,31455.0,Other paranoid states NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E12z.00,12771.0,Paranoid psychosis NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E1...00,15958.0,Non-organic psychoses,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E1y..00,16537.0,Other specified non-organic psychoses,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",E1z..00,22188.0,Non-organic psychosis NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20000,16764.0,[X]Paranoid schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20011,50060.0,[X]Paraphrenic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20100,43405.0,[X]Hebephrenic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20111,53985.0,[X]Disorganised schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20200,61501.0,[X]Catatonic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20211,20572.0,[X]Catatonic stupor,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20212,64533.0,[X]Schizophrenic catalepsy,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20213,35877.0,[X]Schizophrenic catatonia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20214,31493.0,[X]Schizophrenic flexibilatis cerea,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20300,60013.0,[X]Undifferentiated schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20311,91547.0,[X]Atypical schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20400,20785.0,[X]Post-schizophrenic depression,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20500,64264.0,[X]Residual schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20511,24107.0,[X]Chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20600,35848.0,[X]Simple schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20.00,34236.0,[X]Schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20y00,49420.0,[X]Other schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20y12,94001.0,[X]Schizophreniform disord NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20y13,18053.0,[X]Schizophrenifrm psychos NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu20z00,34966.0,"[X]Schizophrenia, unspecified","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu21.00,39316.0,[X]Schizotypal disorder,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu21.11,91511.0,[X]Latent schizophrenic reaction,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu21.12,54387.0,[X]Borderline schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu21.13,64993.0,[X]Latent schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu21.14,62449.0,[X]Prepsychotic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu21.15,40386.0,[X]Prodromal schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu21.16,49852.0,[X]Pseudoneurotic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu21.17,71250.0,[X]Pseudopsychopathic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22000,34389.0,[X]Delusional disorder,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22011,2113.0,[X]Paranoid psychosis,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22012,11172.0,[X]Paranoid state,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22013,47947.0,[X]Paraphrenia - late,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22014,65127.0,[X]Sensitiver Beziehungswahn,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22015,4843.0,[X]Paranoia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22100,62405.0,[X]Delusional misidentification syndrome,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22111,55221.0,[X]Capgras syndrome,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22200,98821.0,[X]Cotard syndrome,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22300,101720.0,[X]Paranoid state in remission,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22.00,28562.0,[X]Persistent delusional disorders,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22y00,66077.0,[X]Other persistent delusional disorders,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22y11,40981.0,[X]Delusional dysmorphophobia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22y12,50248.0,[X]Involutional paranoid state,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22y13,55236.0,[X]Paranoia querulans,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu22z00,49223.0,"[X]Persistent delusional disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25000,33847.0,"[X]Schizoaffective disorder, manic type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25011,16905.0,"[X]Schizoaffective psychosis, manic type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25012,51903.0,"[X]Schizophreniform psychosis, manic type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25100,11055.0,"[X]Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25111,35274.0,"[X]Schizoaffective psychosis, depressive type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25112,41022.0,"[X]Schizophreniform psychosis, depressive type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25200,33693.0,"[X]Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25211,104763.0,[X]Cyclic schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25212,37580.0,[X]Mixed schizophrenic and affective psychosis,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25.00,9422.0,[X]Schizoaffective disorders,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25y00,58532.0,[X]Other schizoaffective disorders,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25z00,37681.0,"[X]Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu25z11,33410.0,[X]Schizoaffective psychosis NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu26.00,101987.0,[X]Nonorganic psychosis in remission,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu2..00,17281.0,"[X]Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu2y.00,30985.0,[X]Other nonorganic psychotic disorders,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu2y.11,31738.0,[X]Chronic hallucinatory psychosis,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu2z.00,11244.0,[X]Unspecified nonorganic psychosis,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",Eu2z.11,694.0,[X]Psychosis NOS,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",ZV11000,22104.0,[V]Personal history of schizophrenia,"History of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_scleritis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_scleritis.csv
index f2f0d31..3eedb11 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_scleritis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_scleritis.csv
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0000","35599.0","Unspecified scleritis","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0100","47820.0","Episcleritis periodica fugax","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0200","6783.0","Nodular episcleritis","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0300","40365.0","Anterior scleritis","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0400","40647.0","Scleromalacia perforans","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0500","37665.0","Sclerokeratitis","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0600","51523.0","Brawny scleritis","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0700","28123.0","Posterior scleritis","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0711","65835.0","Sclerotenonitis","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0.00","15996.0","Scleritis and episcleritis","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0.11","136.0","Episcleritis","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0.12","5318.0","Scleritis","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","F4K0z00","44859.0","Scleritis or episcleritis NOS","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","FyuD800","101293.0","[X]Scleritis+episcleritis in diseases CE","Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis"
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0000,35599.0,Unspecified scleritis,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0100,47820.0,Episcleritis periodica fugax,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0200,6783.0,Nodular episcleritis,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0300,40365.0,Anterior scleritis,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0400,40647.0,Scleromalacia perforans,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0500,37665.0,Sclerokeratitis,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0600,51523.0,Brawny scleritis,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0700,28123.0,Posterior scleritis,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0711,65835.0,Sclerotenonitis,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0.00,15996.0,Scleritis and episcleritis,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0.11,136.0,Episcleritis,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0.12,5318.0,Scleritis,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,F4K0z00,44859.0,Scleritis or episcleritis NOS,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,FyuD800,101293.0,[X]Scleritis+episcleritis in diseases CE,Diagnosis of scleritis or episcleritis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_scleroderma.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_scleroderma.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index cd2f3b4..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_scleroderma.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Systemic sclerosis","F396600","55601.0","Myopathy due to scleroderma","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
-"Systemic sclerosis","H572.00","94996.0","Lung disease with systemic sclerosis","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
-"Systemic sclerosis","K0H..00","105976.0","Acute scleroderma renal crisis","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
-"Systemic sclerosis","K0J0.00","107382.0","Renal involvement in scleroderma","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
-"Systemic sclerosis","N001000","44141.0","Progressive systemic sclerosis","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
-"Systemic sclerosis","N001100","17675.0","CREST syndrome","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
-"Systemic sclerosis","N001200","110174.0","Systemic sclerosis induced by drugs and chemicals","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
-"Systemic sclerosis","N001.00","3670.0","Scleroderma","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
-"Systemic sclerosis","N001.11","68277.0","Acrosclerosis","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
-"Systemic sclerosis","N001.12","28417.0","Systemic sclerosis","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
-"Systemic sclerosis","Nyu4500","71763.0","[X]Other forms of systemic sclerosis","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_scoliosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_scoliosis.csv
index 0e956a1..e0efc43 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_scoliosis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_scoliosis.csv
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Scoliosis","2376.00","7136.0","O/E - kyphoscoliotic chest def","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","7J44111","22657.0","Dwyer anterior wiring of spine for scoliosis","Procedure for Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","G411.00","42901.0","Kyphoscoliotic heart disease","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N373000","755.0","Idiopathic scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N373100","14790.0","Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N373200","36682.0","Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N373300","45232.0","Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N373500","3059.0","Thoracogenic scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N373600","3705.0","Postural scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N373700","12549.0","Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N373.00","714.0","Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N373z00","11620.0","Kyphoscoliosis or scoliosis NOS","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N374300","40041.0","Scoliosis associated with other condition","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N374A00","64218.0","Scoliosis in skeletal dysplasia","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N374B00","45554.0","Neuromuscular scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N374C00","67445.0","Scoliosis in neurofibromatosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","N374D00","43192.0","Scoliosis in connective tissue anomalies","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","Nyu5300","72582.0","[X]Other idiopathic scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","Nyu5400","53874.0","[X]Other secondary scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","Nyu5500","56368.0","[X]Other forms of scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","PE22.00","4330.0","Congenital postural scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","PE23.00","9567.0","Congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
-"Scoliosis","PG18.11","28717.0","Congenital kyphoscoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
+Scoliosis,2376.00,7136.0,O/E - kyphoscoliotic chest def,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,7J44111,22657.0,Dwyer anterior wiring of spine for scoliosis,Procedure for Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,G411.00,42901.0,Kyphoscoliotic heart disease,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N373000,755.0,Idiopathic scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N373100,14790.0,Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N373200,36682.0,Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N373300,45232.0,Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N373500,3059.0,Thoracogenic scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N373600,3705.0,Postural scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N373700,12549.0,Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N373.00,714.0,Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N373z00,11620.0,Kyphoscoliosis or scoliosis NOS,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N374300,40041.0,Scoliosis associated with other condition,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N374A00,64218.0,Scoliosis in skeletal dysplasia,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N374B00,45554.0,Neuromuscular scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N374C00,67445.0,Scoliosis in neurofibromatosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,N374D00,43192.0,Scoliosis in connective tissue anomalies,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,Nyu5300,72582.0,[X]Other idiopathic scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,Nyu5400,53874.0,[X]Other secondary scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,Nyu5500,56368.0,[X]Other forms of scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,PE22.00,4330.0,Congenital postural scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,PE23.00,9567.0,Congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
+Scoliosis,PG18.11,28717.0,Congenital kyphoscoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_seb_derm.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_seb_derm.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6bafa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_seb_derm.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M100.00,3069.0,Pityriasis capitis - dandruff,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M101.00,359.0,Seborrhoeic dermatitis,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M101.11,7425.0,Seborrhoeic dermatitis capitis,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M101.12,653.0,Seborrhoeic eczema,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M118000,45407.0,Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis capitis,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M118011,6295.0,Cradle cap,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M118.00,3580.0,Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M118z00,21266.0,Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis NOS,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M15y300,57525.0,Leiner's disease,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M165100,18970.0,Pityriasis folliculorum,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M165200,48641.0,Pityriasis streptogenes,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M244.11,3453.0,Seborrhoea capitis,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M263000,38493.0,Seborrhoea corporis,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M263100,35810.0,Seborrhoea faciei,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M263200,62750.0,Seborrhoea nasi,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M263300,65283.0,Seborrhoea oleosa,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M263.00,2556.0,Seborrhoea,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,M263z00,20150.0,Seborrhoea NOS,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
+Seborrheic dermatitis,Myu2000,48473.0,[X]Other seborrhoeic dermatitis,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_LN.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_LN.csv
index 95d1bce..db5af01 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_LN.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_LN.csv
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560000","64918.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop of superficial parotid LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560100","66775.0","Secondary and unspec malignant neoplasm mastoid lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560200","33395.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial cervical LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560300","65253.0","Secondary and unspec malignant neoplasm occipital lymph node","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560400","92703.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop deep parotid lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560500","39433.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop submandibular lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560600","28059.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop of facial lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560700","38343.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop submental lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560800","44627.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop anterior cervical LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560900","68611.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop deep cervical LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560.00","49214.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes head/face/neck","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B560z00","67129.0","Secondary unspec malig neop lymph nodes head/face/neck NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561000","37919.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop internal mammary lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561100","105953.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop intercostal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561200","95378.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop diaphragmatic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561300","25366.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop ant mediastinal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561400","55463.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop post mediastinal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561500","58692.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop paratracheal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561600","67797.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop superfic tracheobronchial LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561700","69392.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop inferior tracheobronchial LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561800","62124.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop bronchopulmonary lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561900","52190.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop pulmonary lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561.00","64116.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop intrathoracic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B561z00","93716.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop intrathoracic LN NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B562000","41691.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop coeliac lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B562100","72713.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial mesenteric LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B562200","61677.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop inferior mesenteric LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B562300","18658.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop common iliac lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B562400","69132.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop external iliac lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B562.00","52736.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop intra-abdominal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B562z00","44931.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop intra-abdominal LN NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B563000","37540.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop axillary lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B563100","98626.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop supratrochlear lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B563200","50904.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop infraclavicular lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B563300","46409.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop pectoral lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B563.00","50199.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop axilla and upper limb LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B563z00","73538.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop axilla and upper limb LN NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B564000","54278.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial inguinal LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B564100","61289.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop deep inguinal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B564.00","63915.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop inguinal and lower limb LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B564z00","70747.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop of inguinal and leg LN NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B565000","84368.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop internal iliac lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B565200","101662.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop circumflex iliac LN","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B565300","47366.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop sacral lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B565.00","6701.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop intrapelvic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B565z00","72803.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop intrapelvic LN NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B56..00","9618.0","Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B56..11","7830.0","Lymph node metastases","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B56y.00","20159.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes multiple sites","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","B56z.00","15507.0","Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","ByuC200","66163.0","[X]2ndry+unspcf malignant neoplasm lymph nodes/multi regions","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560000,64918.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop of superficial parotid LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560100,66775.0,Secondary and unspec malignant neoplasm mastoid lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560200,33395.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial cervical LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560300,65253.0,Secondary and unspec malignant neoplasm occipital lymph node,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560400,92703.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop deep parotid lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560500,39433.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop submandibular lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560600,28059.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop of facial lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560700,38343.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop submental lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560800,44627.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop anterior cervical LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560900,68611.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop deep cervical LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560.00,49214.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes head/face/neck,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B560z00,67129.0,Secondary unspec malig neop lymph nodes head/face/neck NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561000,37919.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop internal mammary lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561100,105953.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop intercostal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561200,95378.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop diaphragmatic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561300,25366.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop ant mediastinal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561400,55463.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop post mediastinal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561500,58692.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop paratracheal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561600,67797.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop superfic tracheobronchial LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561700,69392.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop inferior tracheobronchial LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561800,62124.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop bronchopulmonary lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561900,52190.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop pulmonary lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561.00,64116.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop intrathoracic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B561z00,93716.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop intrathoracic LN NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B562000,41691.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop coeliac lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B562100,72713.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial mesenteric LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B562200,61677.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop inferior mesenteric LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B562300,18658.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop common iliac lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B562400,69132.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop external iliac lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B562.00,52736.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop intra-abdominal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B562z00,44931.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop intra-abdominal LN NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B563000,37540.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop axillary lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B563100,98626.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop supratrochlear lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B563200,50904.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop infraclavicular lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B563300,46409.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop pectoral lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B563.00,50199.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop axilla and upper limb LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B563z00,73538.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop axilla and upper limb LN NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B564000,54278.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial inguinal LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B564100,61289.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop deep inguinal lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B564.00,63915.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop inguinal and lower limb LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B564z00,70747.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop of inguinal and leg LN NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B565000,84368.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop internal iliac lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B565200,101662.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop circumflex iliac LN,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B565300,47366.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop sacral lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B565.00,6701.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop intrapelvic lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B565z00,72803.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop intrapelvic LN NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B56..00,9618.0,Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B56..11,7830.0,Lymph node metastases,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B56y.00,20159.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes multiple sites,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,B56z.00,15507.0,Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,ByuC200,66163.0,[X]2ndry+unspcf malignant neoplasm lymph nodes/multi regions,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_adrenal.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_adrenal.csv
index 8621dda..38055d3 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_adrenal.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_adrenal.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland","B587.00","36401.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland"
+Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland,B587.00,36401.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_bone.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_bone.csv
index b075df8..998ef32 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_bone.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_bone.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bone","B585000","18676.0","Pathological fracture due to metastatic bone disease","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bone"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bone","B585.00","7654.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bone"
+Secondary Malignancy_Bone,B585000,18676.0,Pathological fracture due to metastatic bone disease,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bone
+Secondary Malignancy_Bone,B585.00,7654.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bone
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_bowel.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_bowel.csv
index eeec9ca..b7fd3a9 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_bowel.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_bowel.csv
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bowel","B574000","55946.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of duodenum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bowel","B574100","110433.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of jejunum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bowel","B574200","99511.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of ileum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bowel","B574.00","64680.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bowel","B574z00","70026.0","Secondary malig neop of small intestine or duodenum NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bowel","B575000","28727.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of colon","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bowel","B575100","62909.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of rectum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bowel","B575.00","44529.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine and rectum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bowel","B575z00","36200.0","Secondary malig neop of large intestine or rectum NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel"
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,B574000,55946.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of duodenum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,B574100,110433.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of jejunum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,B574200,99511.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of ileum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,B574.00,64680.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,B574z00,70026.0,Secondary malig neop of small intestine or duodenum NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,B575000,28727.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of colon,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,B575100,62909.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of rectum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,B575.00,44529.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine and rectum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,B575z00,36200.0,Secondary malig neop of large intestine or rectum NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_brain.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_brain.csv
index 330686e..0f5ca4f 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_brain.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_brain.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B583000","5198.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B583100","38918.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of spinal cord","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B583200","5199.0","Cerebral metastasis","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B583.00","33843.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","B583z00","59375.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain or spinal cord NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B583000,5198.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain,"Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B583100,38918.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of spinal cord,"Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B583200,5199.0,Cerebral metastasis,"Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B583.00,33843.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord,"Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",B583z00,59375.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain or spinal cord NOS,"Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_liver.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_liver.csv
index b21beac..6b59dbd 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_liver.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_liver.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct","B153.00","36147.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver","Diagnosis of Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct"
-"Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct","B577.00","15103.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver","Diagnosis of Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct"
-"Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct","B577.11","4403.0","Liver metastases","Diagnosis of Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct"
+Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct,B153.00,36147.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver,Diagnosis of Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct
+Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct,B577.00,15103.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver,Diagnosis of Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct
+Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct,B577.11,4403.0,Liver metastases,Diagnosis of Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_lung.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_lung.csv
index 62a3865..e87ccef 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_lung.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_lung.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lung","B570.00","4137.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lung"
+Secondary Malignancy_Lung,B570.00,4137.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lung
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_oth_thrombocytopaenia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_oth_thrombocytopaenia.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f16cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_oth_thrombocytopaenia.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,42P2.00,4006.0,Thrombocytopenia,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,42P8.00,47751.0,Heparin induced thrombocytopenia screening test,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,C391200,31322.0,Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,C391211,42439.0,Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,D314100,38137.0,Thrombocytopenia due to drugs,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,D314200,108345.0,Thrombocytopenia due to extracorporeal circulation of blood,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,D314300,107488.0,Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,D314.00,20181.0,Secondary thrombocytopenia,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,D314y00,68333.0,Other specified secondary thrombocytopenia,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,D314z00,63910.0,Secondary thrombocytopenia NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,D315.00,880.0,Thrombocytopenia NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,G756100,21697.0,Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_other.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_other.csv
index 2e5f79b..879c5ef 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_other.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_other.csv
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","1D18.00","8600.0","Pain from metastases","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","5136.00","48991.0","X-ray metastasis control","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B571.00","51551.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B573.00","62584.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other respiratory organs","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B57..00","35053.0","Secondary malig neop of respiratory and digestive systems","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B57..11","6471.0","Metastases of respiratory and/or digestive systems","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B57..12","24301.0","Secondary carcinoma of respiratory and/or digestive systems","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B57y.00","56345.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other digestive organ","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B57z.00","66083.0","Secondary malig neop of respiratory or digestive system NOS","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B580.00","1952.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B581000","60134.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of ureter","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B581100","22146.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B581200","53528.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of urethra","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B581.00","73213.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B581z00","62828.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other urinary organ NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B582000","43930.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of head","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B582100","100296.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of face","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B582200","35999.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of neck","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B582300","41144.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B582400","63896.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of shoulder and arm","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B582500","48828.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of hip and leg","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B582600","9505.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of breast","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B582.00","19945.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B582z00","55096.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B584.00","54120.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other part of nervous system","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B586.00","44615.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58..00","5842.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58..11","27651.0","Secondary carcinoma of other specified sites","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y000","16760.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of breast","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y100","55090.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of uterus","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y200","73616.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y211","97832.0","Secondary cancer of the cervix","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y300","70736.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of vagina","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y400","60335.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of vulva","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y411","65490.0","Secondary cancer of the vulva","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y500","21590.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of prostate","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y600","34145.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of testis","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y700","49145.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of penis","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y800","104480.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of epididymis and vas deferens","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y900","45824.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of tongue","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58y.00","18616.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58yz00","22524.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified site NOS","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B58z.00","16500.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified site NOS","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B590.00","13569.0","Disseminated malignancy NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B590.11","6170.0","Carcinomatosis","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","B594.00","54679.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of unknown site","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","BB03.00","3197.0","[M]Neoplasm, metastatic","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","BB03.11","6985.0","[M]Secondary neoplasm","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","BB13.00","3152.0","[M]Carcinoma, metastatic, NOS","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","BB13.11","9366.0","[M]Secondary carcinoma","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","BB2B.00","24293.0","[M]Squamous cell carcinoma, metastatic NOS","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","BB53.00","5455.0","[M]Adenocarcinoma, metastatic, NOS","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","BB85100","54874.0","[M]Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","BBy2.00","104699.0","[M]No microscopic confirmation tumour, clinically metastatic","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","ByuC300","57481.0","[X]Secondary malignant neoplasm/oth+unspc respiratory organs","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","ByuC400","88022.0","[X]Secondary malignant neoplasm/oth+unspcfd digestive organs","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","ByuC500","97091.0","[X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/bladder+oth+unsp urinary organs","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","ByuC600","68332.0","[X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/oth+unspec parts/nervous system","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","ByuC700","54253.0","[X]Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,1D18.00,8600.0,Pain from metastases,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,5136.00,48991.0,X-ray metastasis control,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B571.00,51551.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B573.00,62584.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other respiratory organs,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B57..00,35053.0,Secondary malig neop of respiratory and digestive systems,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B57..11,6471.0,Metastases of respiratory and/or digestive systems,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B57..12,24301.0,Secondary carcinoma of respiratory and/or digestive systems,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B57y.00,56345.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other digestive organ,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B57z.00,66083.0,Secondary malig neop of respiratory or digestive system NOS,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B580.00,1952.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B581000,60134.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of ureter,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B581100,22146.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B581200,53528.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of urethra,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B581.00,73213.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B581z00,62828.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other urinary organ NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B582000,43930.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of head,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B582100,100296.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of face,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B582200,35999.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of neck,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B582300,41144.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B582400,63896.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of shoulder and arm,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B582500,48828.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of hip and leg,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B582600,9505.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of breast,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B582.00,19945.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B582z00,55096.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B584.00,54120.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other part of nervous system,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B586.00,44615.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58..00,5842.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58..11,27651.0,Secondary carcinoma of other specified sites,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y000,16760.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of breast,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y100,55090.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of uterus,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y200,73616.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y211,97832.0,Secondary cancer of the cervix,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y300,70736.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of vagina,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y400,60335.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of vulva,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y411,65490.0,Secondary cancer of the vulva,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y500,21590.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of prostate,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y600,34145.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of testis,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y700,49145.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of penis,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y800,104480.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of epididymis and vas deferens,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y900,45824.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of tongue,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58y.00,18616.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58yz00,22524.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified site NOS,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B58z.00,16500.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified site NOS,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B590.00,13569.0,Disseminated malignancy NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B590.11,6170.0,Carcinomatosis,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,B594.00,54679.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of unknown site,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,BB03.00,3197.0,"[M]Neoplasm, metastatic",Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,BB03.11,6985.0,[M]Secondary neoplasm,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,BB13.00,3152.0,"[M]Carcinoma, metastatic, NOS",Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,BB13.11,9366.0,[M]Secondary carcinoma,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,BB2B.00,24293.0,"[M]Squamous cell carcinoma, metastatic NOS",Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,BB53.00,5455.0,"[M]Adenocarcinoma, metastatic, NOS",Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,BB85100,54874.0,[M]Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,BBy2.00,104699.0,"[M]No microscopic confirmation tumour, clinically metastatic",Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,ByuC300,57481.0,[X]Secondary malignant neoplasm/oth+unspc respiratory organs,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,ByuC400,88022.0,[X]Secondary malignant neoplasm/oth+unspcfd digestive organs,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,ByuC500,97091.0,[X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/bladder+oth+unsp urinary organs,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,ByuC600,68332.0,[X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/oth+unspec parts/nervous system,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,ByuC700,54253.0,[X]Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_peritoneum.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_peritoneum.csv
index 3e5b99d..7966680 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_peritoneum.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_peritoneum.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum","B576000","35364.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum"
-"Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum","B576100","27391.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of peritoneum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum"
-"Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum","B576200","8154.0","Malignant ascites","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum"
-"Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum","B576.00","67396.0","Secondary malig neop of retroperitoneum and peritoneum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum"
-"Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum","B576z00","97672.0","Secondary malig neop of retroperitoneum or peritoneum NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum"
+Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum,B576000,35364.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum
+Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum,B576100,27391.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of peritoneum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum
+Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum,B576200,8154.0,Malignant ascites,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum
+Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum,B576.00,67396.0,Secondary malig neop of retroperitoneum and peritoneum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum
+Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum,B576z00,97672.0,Secondary malig neop of retroperitoneum or peritoneum NOS,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_pleura.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_pleura.csv
index 7fc3a14..f23ea11 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_pleura.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_pleura.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Pleura","B572.00","16213.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Pleura"
+Secondary Malignancy_Pleura,B572.00,16213.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Pleura
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_pulm_htn.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_pulm_htn.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ce649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_pulm_htn.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Secondary pulmonary hypertension,G41y000,34065.0,Secondary pulmonary hypertension,Diagnosis of secondary pulmonary hypertension
+Secondary pulmonary hypertension,G41y100,102444.0,Thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension,Diagnosis of secondary pulmonary hypertension
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_thrombocytopaenia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sec_thrombocytopaenia.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index f976dea..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sec_thrombocytopaenia.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","42P2.00","4006.0","Thrombocytopenia","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","42P8.00","47751.0","Heparin induced thrombocytopenia screening test","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","C391200","31322.0","Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","C391211","42439.0","Thrombocytopenic eczema with immunodeficiency","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","D314100","38137.0","Thrombocytopenia due to drugs","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","D314200","108345.0","Thrombocytopenia due to extracorporeal circulation of blood","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","D314300","107488.0","Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","D314.00","20181.0","Secondary thrombocytopenia","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","D314y00","68333.0","Other specified secondary thrombocytopenia","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","D314z00","63910.0","Secondary thrombocytopenia NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","D315.00","880.0","Thrombocytopenia NOS","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","G756100","21697.0","Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sepsis_newborn.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sepsis_newborn.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..764f451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sepsis_newborn.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q408200,96711.0,Eschericha coli intra-amniotic fetal infection,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q408400,39324.0,Group A haemolytic streptococcal intra-amniotic infect. NEC,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q408500,13303.0,Group B haemolytic streptococcal intra-amniotic infect. NEC,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q408600,96710.0,Pseudomonas pyocyaneus congenital infection,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40A000,39691.0,Sepsis of newborn due to Staphylococcus aureus,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40A100,56336.0,Sepsis of newborn due to Escherichia coli,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40A200,110079.0,Sepsis of newborn due to anaerobes,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40A300,60617.0,Perinatal coagulase negative staphylococcus,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40A.00,3613.0,Sepsis of the newborn,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40W.00,47693.0,Sepsis of newborn due to other+unspecified streptococci,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40y000,67438.0,"Intrauterine fetal sepsis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40y011,55606.0,Congenital sepsis NOS,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40y012,99123.0,Congenital septicaemia,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40y100,6097.0,Neonatal urinary tract infection,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40y200,22031.0,Septicaemia of newborn,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40y.00,68665.0,Other specified perinatal infection,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40yz00,66780.0,Other specified perinatal infection NOS,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Q40z.00,54637.0,Perinatal infections NOS,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Qyu4100,98669.0,[X]Sepsis/newborn due to other+unspecified staphylococcus,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Qyu4200,93976.0,[X]Other bacterial sepsis of newborn,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Qyu4800,98366.0,[X]Sepsis of newborn due to other+unspecified streptococci,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sick_sinus.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sick_sinus.csv
index a74b804..397ca5c 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sick_sinus.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sick_sinus.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Sick sinus syndrome","G57y300","5576.0","Sick sinus syndrome","Diagnosis of Sick sinus syndrome"
-"Sick sinus syndrome","G57y400","7410.0","Sinoatrial node dysfunction NOS","Diagnosis of Sick sinus syndrome"
+Sick sinus syndrome,G57y300,5576.0,Sick sinus syndrome,Diagnosis of Sick sinus syndrome
+Sick sinus syndrome,G57y400,7410.0,Sinoatrial node dysfunction NOS,Diagnosis of Sick sinus syndrome
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sickle.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sickle.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b87300..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sickle.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","1458.00","100001.0","History of sickle cell anaemia","History of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D104211","31075.0","Sickle-cell thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D106000","69964.0","Sickle-cell anaemia of unspecified type","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D106100","32937.0","Sickle-cell anaemia with no crisis","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D106200","31370.0","Sickle-cell anaemia with crisis","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D106300","31306.0","Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin C disease","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D106400","8119.0","Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin D disease","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D106500","93872.0","Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin E disease","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D106.00","23519.0","Sickle-cell anaemia","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D106z00","57397.0","Sickle-cell anaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","Dyu1200","48295.0","[X]Other sickle-cell disorders","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","F422100","11874.0","Proliferative retinopathy due to sickle cell disease","History of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","K0G..00","107027.0","Sickle cell nephropathy","History of Sickle-cell anaemia"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sickle_cell.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sickle_cell.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10ece6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sickle_cell.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Sickle-cell anaemia,1458.00,100001.0,History of sickle cell anaemia,History of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D104211,31075.0,Sickle-cell thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D106000,69964.0,Sickle-cell anaemia of unspecified type,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D106100,32937.0,Sickle-cell anaemia with no crisis,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D106200,31370.0,Sickle-cell anaemia with crisis,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D106300,31306.0,Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin C disease,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D106400,8119.0,Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin D disease,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D106500,93872.0,Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin E disease,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D106.00,23519.0,Sickle-cell anaemia,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D106z00,57397.0,Sickle-cell anaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,Dyu1200,48295.0,[X]Other sickle-cell disorders,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,F422100,11874.0,Proliferative retinopathy due to sickle cell disease,History of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,K0G..00,107027.0,Sickle cell nephropathy,History of Sickle-cell anaemia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sickle_trait.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sickle_trait.csv
index 1d067c2..ecb33d7 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sickle_trait.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sickle_trait.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Sickle-cell trait","677C600","106623.0","Sickle cell gene carrier","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell trait"
-"Sickle-cell trait","D105.00","3616.0","Sickle-cell trait","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell trait"
+Sickle-cell trait,677C600,106623.0,Sickle cell gene carrier,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell trait
+Sickle-cell trait,D105.00,3616.0,Sickle-cell trait,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell trait
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sinusitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sinusitis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb41e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sinusitis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Chronic sinusitis,H01..11,243.0,Sinusitis,Possible Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H130.00,4433.0,Chronic maxillary sinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H130.11,33437.0,Antritis - chronic,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H130.12,3624.0,Maxillary sinusitis,Possible Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H131.00,15163.0,Chronic frontal sinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H131.11,2984.0,Frontal sinusitis,Possible Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H132.00,1674.0,Chronic ethmoidal sinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H133.00,48703.0,Chronic sphenoidal sinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H135.00,17173.0,Recurrent sinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H13..00,2257.0,Chronic sinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H13..11,10546.0,Chronic rhinosinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H13y000,39501.0,Chronic pansinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H13y100,2233.0,Pansinusitis,Possible Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H13y.00,49548.0,Other chronic sinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H13yz00,54375.0,Other chronic sinusitis NOS,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H13z.00,5437.0,Chronic sinusitis NOS,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,H17..12,18572.0,Allergic rhinosinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
+Chronic sinusitis,Hyu2200,63733.0,[X]Other chronic sinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sjogren.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sjogren.csv
index 5c1034f..ba0f6b6 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sjogren.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sjogren.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Sjogren's disease","F396700","21022.0","Myopathy due to Sjogren's disease","Diagnosis of Sjogren's disease"
-"Sjogren's disease","H57y300","47364.0","Lung disease with Sjogren's disease","Diagnosis of Sjogren's disease"
-"Sjogren's disease","N002.00","2360.0","Sicca (Sjogren's) syndrome","Diagnosis of Sjogren's disease"
+Sjogren's disease,F396700,21022.0,Myopathy due to Sjogren's disease,Diagnosis of Sjogren's disease
+Sjogren's disease,H57y300,47364.0,Lung disease with Sjogren's disease,Diagnosis of Sjogren's disease
+Sjogren's disease,N002.00,2360.0,Sicca (Sjogren's) syndrome,Diagnosis of Sjogren's disease
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sleep_apnoea.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sleep_apnoea.csv
index 5d78f78..cae37c4 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_sleep_apnoea.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sleep_apnoea.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Sleep apnoea","Fy03.00","7603.0","Sleep apnoea","Diagnosis of sleep apnoea"
-"Sleep apnoea","Fy03.11","8148.0","Obstructive sleep apnoea","Diagnosis of sleep apnoea"
-"Sleep apnoea","H5B0.00","20748.0","Obstructive sleep apnoea","Diagnosis of sleep apnoea"
-"Sleep apnoea","H5B..00","23779.0","Sleep apnoea","Diagnosis of sleep apnoea"
-"Sleep apnoea","R005100","48539.0","[D]Insomnia with sleep apnoea","Diagnosis of sleep apnoea"
-"Sleep apnoea","R005300","36301.0","[D]Hypersomnia with sleep apnoea","Diagnosis of sleep apnoea"
-"Sleep apnoea","R005311","2506.0","[D]Sleep apnoea syndrome","Diagnosis of sleep apnoea"
-"Sleep apnoea","R005312","20438.0","[D]Syndrome sleep apnoea","Diagnosis of sleep apnoea"
+Sleep apnoea,Fy03.00,7603.0,Sleep apnoea,Diagnosis of sleep apnoea
+Sleep apnoea,Fy03.11,8148.0,Obstructive sleep apnoea,Diagnosis of sleep apnoea
+Sleep apnoea,H5B0.00,20748.0,Obstructive sleep apnoea,Diagnosis of sleep apnoea
+Sleep apnoea,H5B..00,23779.0,Sleep apnoea,Diagnosis of sleep apnoea
+Sleep apnoea,R005100,48539.0,[D]Insomnia with sleep apnoea,Diagnosis of sleep apnoea
+Sleep apnoea,R005300,36301.0,[D]Hypersomnia with sleep apnoea,Diagnosis of sleep apnoea
+Sleep apnoea,R005311,2506.0,[D]Sleep apnoea syndrome,Diagnosis of sleep apnoea
+Sleep apnoea,R005312,20438.0,[D]Syndrome sleep apnoea,Diagnosis of sleep apnoea
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_spina_bifida.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_spina_bifida.csv
index ebff860..5492e27 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_spina_bifida.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_spina_bifida.csv
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Spina bifida","7010111.0","98265.0","Insertion of Halber valve for spina bifida","Procedure for Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","7043100.0","5307.0","Closure of spinal myelomeningocele","Procedure for Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","7043200.0","29633.0","Closure of spinal meningocele","Procedure for Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","7043.00","9298.0","Repair of spina bifida","Procedure for Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","7043y00","50672.0","Other specified repair of spina bifida","Procedure for Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","7043z00","62742.0","Repair of spina bifida NOS","Procedure for Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P100000","5306.0","Spina bifida with hydrocephalus, unspecified","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P100100","109243.0","Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P100200","50565.0","Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P100300","57113.0","Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P100.00","42497.0","Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P100z00","98298.0","Spina bifida with hydrocephalus NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P101.11","63513.0","Closed spina bifida with Arnold-Chiari malformation","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P102200","57243.0","Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P102300","103284.0","Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P102400","60623.0","Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P102.00","98811.0","Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P102.11","104943.0","Fissured spine with hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P102.13","52683.0","Myelocele with hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P102.14","53471.0","Rachischisis with hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P102z00","47288.0","Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P103300","105767.0","Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P103400","72928.0","Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P103.00","93902.0","Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P103z11","90482.0","Thoracolumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P104.00","102628.0","Spina bifida with hydrocephalus of late onset","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P105.00","56362.0","Spina bifida with stenosis of aqueduct of Sylvius","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P10..00","46790.0","Spina bifida with hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P10y000","59218.0","Dandy - Walker syndrome with spina bifida","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P10y.00","73085.0","Other specified spina bifida with hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P10z.00","64717.0","Spina bifida with hydrocephalus NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P110000","101013.0","Spina bifida without hydrocephalus, site unspecified","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P110100","68221.0","Cervical spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P110200","96709.0","Thoracic spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P110300","96407.0","Lumbar spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P110z00","95018.0","Unspecified spina bifida without hydrocephalus NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P111.00","53578.0","Spinal hydromeningocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P112.00","67878.0","Hydromyelocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P113000","53929.0","Spinal meningocele of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P113100","67351.0","Cervical spinal meningocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P113200","91600.0","Thoracic spinal meningocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P113300","61862.0","Lumbar spinal meningocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P113.00","6866.0","Spinal meningocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P113z00","50365.0","Spinal meningocele NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P114000","99332.0","Meningomyelocele of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P114100","107144.0","Cervical meningomyelocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P114200","99299.0","Thoracic meningomyelocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P114300","47827.0","Lumbar meningomyelocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P114.00","9722.0","Meningomyelocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P114z00","57611.0","Meningomyelocele NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P115100","94598.0","Cervical myelocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P115300","66516.0","Lumbar myelocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P115.00","31775.0","Myelocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P115z00","73712.0","Myelocele NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P116100","107377.0","Cervical myelocystocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P116300","101493.0","Lumbar myelocystocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P116.00","59380.0","Myelocystocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P116z00","109893.0","Myelocystocele NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P117200","95478.0","Thoracic spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P117300","69397.0","Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P117400","71525.0","Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P117.00","99281.0","Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P117.11","56386.0","Fissured spine","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P117.12","67708.0","Rachischisis","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P117z00","73608.0","Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P118000","69370.0","Unspecified spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P118100","72018.0","Cervical spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P118300","65936.0","Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P118400","70923.0","Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P118.00","48609.0","Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P118z00","65246.0","Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P11..00","5431.0","Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P11y.00","99894.0","Other specified spina bifida without hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P11y.11","43593.0","Syringomyelocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P11z.00","98280.0","Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P1...00","3947.0","Spina bifida","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","P1z..00","21802.0","Spina bifida NOS","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","PG17.00","3336.0","Spina bifida occulta","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","Pyu0400","106579.0","[X]Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
+Spina bifida,7010111.0,98265.0,Insertion of Halber valve for spina bifida,Procedure for Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,7043100.0,5307.0,Closure of spinal myelomeningocele,Procedure for Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,7043200.0,29633.0,Closure of spinal meningocele,Procedure for Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,7043.00,9298.0,Repair of spina bifida,Procedure for Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,7043y00,50672.0,Other specified repair of spina bifida,Procedure for Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,7043z00,62742.0,Repair of spina bifida NOS,Procedure for Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P100000,5306.0,"Spina bifida with hydrocephalus, unspecified",Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P100100,109243.0,Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P100200,50565.0,Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P100300,57113.0,Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P100.00,42497.0,Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P100z00,98298.0,Spina bifida with hydrocephalus NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P101.11,63513.0,Closed spina bifida with Arnold-Chiari malformation,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P102200,57243.0,Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P102300,103284.0,Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P102400,60623.0,Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P102.00,98811.0,Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P102.11,104943.0,Fissured spine with hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P102.13,52683.0,Myelocele with hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P102.14,53471.0,Rachischisis with hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P102z00,47288.0,Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P103300,105767.0,Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P103400,72928.0,Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P103.00,93902.0,Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P103z11,90482.0,Thoracolumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P104.00,102628.0,Spina bifida with hydrocephalus of late onset,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P105.00,56362.0,Spina bifida with stenosis of aqueduct of Sylvius,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P10..00,46790.0,Spina bifida with hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P10y000,59218.0,Dandy - Walker syndrome with spina bifida,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P10y.00,73085.0,Other specified spina bifida with hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P10z.00,64717.0,Spina bifida with hydrocephalus NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P110000,101013.0,"Spina bifida without hydrocephalus, site unspecified",Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P110100,68221.0,Cervical spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P110200,96709.0,Thoracic spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P110300,96407.0,Lumbar spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P110z00,95018.0,Unspecified spina bifida without hydrocephalus NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P111.00,53578.0,Spinal hydromeningocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P112.00,67878.0,Hydromyelocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P113000,53929.0,Spinal meningocele of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P113100,67351.0,Cervical spinal meningocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P113200,91600.0,Thoracic spinal meningocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P113300,61862.0,Lumbar spinal meningocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P113.00,6866.0,Spinal meningocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P113z00,50365.0,Spinal meningocele NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P114000,99332.0,Meningomyelocele of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P114100,107144.0,Cervical meningomyelocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P114200,99299.0,Thoracic meningomyelocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P114300,47827.0,Lumbar meningomyelocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P114.00,9722.0,Meningomyelocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P114z00,57611.0,Meningomyelocele NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P115100,94598.0,Cervical myelocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P115300,66516.0,Lumbar myelocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P115.00,31775.0,Myelocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P115z00,73712.0,Myelocele NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P116100,107377.0,Cervical myelocystocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P116300,101493.0,Lumbar myelocystocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P116.00,59380.0,Myelocystocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P116z00,109893.0,Myelocystocele NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P117200,95478.0,Thoracic spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P117300,69397.0,Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P117400,71525.0,Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P117.00,99281.0,Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P117.11,56386.0,Fissured spine,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P117.12,67708.0,Rachischisis,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P117z00,73608.0,Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P118000,69370.0,Unspecified spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P118100,72018.0,Cervical spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P118300,65936.0,Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P118400,70923.0,Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P118.00,48609.0,Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P118z00,65246.0,Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P11..00,5431.0,Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P11y.00,99894.0,Other specified spina bifida without hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P11y.11,43593.0,Syringomyelocele,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P11z.00,98280.0,Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P1...00,3947.0,Spina bifida,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,P1z..00,21802.0,Spina bifida NOS,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,PG17.00,3336.0,Spina bifida occulta,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,Pyu0400,106579.0,[X]Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_spinal_stenosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_spinal_stenosis.csv
index 4ea06bc..da3c629 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_spinal_stenosis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_spinal_stenosis.csv
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Spinal stenosis","N130000","69388.0","Idiopathic cervical spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N130100","45296.0","Degenerative cervical spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N130300","93849.0","Cervical spinal stenosis secondary to other disease","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N130.00","12094.0","Cervical spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140000","41147.0","Spinal stenosis of unspecified region","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140100","62612.0","Thoracic spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140200","9912.0","Lumbar spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140300","106536.0","Idiopathic thoracic spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140400","73730.0","Degenerative thoracic spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140600","98630.0","Thoracic spinal stenosis secondary to other disease","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140700","72614.0","Idiopathic lumbar spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140800","43577.0","Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140900","93836.0","Iatrogenic lumbar spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140A00","97870.0","Lumbar spinal stenosis secondary to other disease","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140.00","15331.0","Spinal stenosis, excluding cervical region","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140.11","3370.0","Spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","N140z00","35117.0","Spinal stenosis NOS","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","Zw04300","52139.0","[Q] Central spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","Zw04400","91625.0","[Q] Lateral spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
-"Spinal stenosis","Zw04500","94588.0","[Q] Central and lateral spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
+Spinal stenosis,N130000,69388.0,Idiopathic cervical spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N130100,45296.0,Degenerative cervical spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N130300,93849.0,Cervical spinal stenosis secondary to other disease,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N130.00,12094.0,Cervical spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140000,41147.0,Spinal stenosis of unspecified region,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140100,62612.0,Thoracic spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140200,9912.0,Lumbar spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140300,106536.0,Idiopathic thoracic spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140400,73730.0,Degenerative thoracic spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140600,98630.0,Thoracic spinal stenosis secondary to other disease,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140700,72614.0,Idiopathic lumbar spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140800,43577.0,Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140900,93836.0,Iatrogenic lumbar spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140A00,97870.0,Lumbar spinal stenosis secondary to other disease,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140.00,15331.0,"Spinal stenosis, excluding cervical region",Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140.11,3370.0,Spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,N140z00,35117.0,Spinal stenosis NOS,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,Zw04300,52139.0,[Q] Central spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,Zw04400,91625.0,[Q] Lateral spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
+Spinal stenosis,Zw04500,94588.0,[Q] Central and lateral spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_splenomegaly.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_splenomegaly.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11ddc09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_splenomegaly.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Splenomegaly,D414.00,10702.0,Hypersplenism,Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
+Splenomegaly,D415100,96439.0,Chronic congestive splenamegaly,Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
+Splenomegaly,J61y200,1780.0,Hepatosplenomegaly,Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
+Splenomegaly,PK03.00,59741.0,Congenital splenomegaly,Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
+Splenomegaly,PK03.11,62455.0,Hyperplasia of spleen,Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
+Splenomegaly,R092000,29832.0,[D]Spleen enlargement,Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
+Splenomegaly,R092.00,3125.0,[D]Splenomegaly,Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
+Splenomegaly,R092z00,44281.0,[D]Splenomegaly NOS,Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_spondylolisthesis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_spondylolisthesis.csv
index b4f92cb..1683f6d 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_spondylolisthesis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_spondylolisthesis.csv
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Spondylolisthesis","7J34112","43211.0","Buck fusion of lumbar spine for spondylolisthesis","Procedure for Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","7J48500","11250.0","Spondylolisthesis operation","Procedure for Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","7J48511","63967.0","Gill excision of spondylolisthesis","Procedure for Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","7J48K00","20734.0","Reduction of spondylolisthesis and fusion","Procedure for Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","7J48L00","16743.0","Fusion spondylolisthesis in situ","Procedure for Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","N384000","65017.0","Dysplastic spondylolisthesis","Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","N384100","61817.0","Isthmic spondylolisthesis","Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","N384200","12371.0","Degenerative spondylolisthesis","Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","N384300","66732.0","Pedicular spondylolisthesis","Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","N384.00","2895.0","Acquired spondylolisthesis","Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","Zw04600","52889.0","[Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 1","Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","Zw04700","53931.0","[Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 2","Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","Zw04800","73565.0","[Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 3","Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis"
-"Spondylolisthesis","Zw04900","104348.0","[Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 4","Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis"
+Spondylolisthesis,7J34112,43211.0,Buck fusion of lumbar spine for spondylolisthesis,Procedure for Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,7J48500,11250.0,Spondylolisthesis operation,Procedure for Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,7J48511,63967.0,Gill excision of spondylolisthesis,Procedure for Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,7J48K00,20734.0,Reduction of spondylolisthesis and fusion,Procedure for Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,7J48L00,16743.0,Fusion spondylolisthesis in situ,Procedure for Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,N384000,65017.0,Dysplastic spondylolisthesis,Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,N384100,61817.0,Isthmic spondylolisthesis,Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,N384200,12371.0,Degenerative spondylolisthesis,Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,N384300,66732.0,Pedicular spondylolisthesis,Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,N384.00,2895.0,Acquired spondylolisthesis,Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,Zw04600,52889.0,[Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 1,Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,Zw04700,53931.0,[Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 2,Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,Zw04800,73565.0,[Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 3,Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis
+Spondylolisthesis,Zw04900,104348.0,[Q] Spondylolisthesis grade 4,Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_spondylosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_spondylosis.csv
index 7214d64..da858b2 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_spondylosis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_spondylosis.csv
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Spondylosis","F163200","8920.0","Myelopathy due to spondylosis","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","F337200","23699.0","Nerve root and plexus compressions in spondylosis","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N110000","38501.0","Single-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N110100","51531.0","Two-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N110200","15744.0","Multiple-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N110.00","2881.0","Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N110.11","771.0","Cervical spondylosis","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N110.12","17092.0","Osteoarthritis cervical spine","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N111000","27583.0","Single-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N111100","63192.0","Two-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N111200","58865.0","Multiple-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N111.00","8208.0","Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N112000","69912.0","Single-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N112100","62914.0","Two-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N112200","50448.0","Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N112300","18205.0","Dorsal spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N112.00","18217.0","Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N112.11","5183.0","Thoracic spondylosis","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N113000","64854.0","Single-level thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N113200","96103.0","Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N113.00","55628.0","Thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N114000","20791.0","Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N114100","52991.0","Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N114200","37097.0","Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N114.00","15015.0","Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N114.11","1565.0","Degeneration of lumbar spine","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N114.12","1100.0","Lumbar spondylosis","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N115000","41516.0","Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N115100","45730.0","Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N115200","63578.0","Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N115.00","11688.0","Lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N119000","55810.0","Single-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N119100","51318.0","Two-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N119200","56212.0","Multiple-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N119.00","10121.0","Cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11A.00","35851.0","Cervical spondylosis with vascular compression","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11B000","54852.0","Single-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11B100","103137.0","Two-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11B200","93977.0","Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11B.00","19386.0","Thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11C000","54843.0","Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11C100","65641.0","Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11C200","48810.0","Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11C.00","9834.0","Lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11D000","41378.0","Osteoarthritis of cervical spine","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11D100","47024.0","Osteoarthritis of thoracic spine","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11D200","22452.0","Osteoarthritis of lumbar spine","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11D300","53184.0","Osteoarthritis of spine NOS","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11D.00","18826.0","Osteoarthritis of spine","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11E.00","96948.0","Cervical spondylosis","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11..00","2001.0","Spondylosis and allied disorders","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11..11","2294.0","Arthritis of spine","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11..12","7429.0","Osteoarthritis of spine","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11z000","56594.0","Spondylosis without myelopathy, NOS","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11z100","35838.0","Spondylosis with myelopathy, NOS","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11z.00","3447.0","Spondylosis NOS","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11z.11","829.0","Osteoarthritis spine","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","N11zz00","17766.0","Spondylosis NOS","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","Nyu6300","71477.0","[X]Other spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","Nyu6400","55238.0","[X]Other spondylosis","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
+Spondylosis,F163200,8920.0,Myelopathy due to spondylosis,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,F337200,23699.0,Nerve root and plexus compressions in spondylosis,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N110000,38501.0,Single-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N110100,51531.0,Two-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N110200,15744.0,Multiple-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N110.00,2881.0,Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N110.11,771.0,Cervical spondylosis,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N110.12,17092.0,Osteoarthritis cervical spine,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N111000,27583.0,Single-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N111100,63192.0,Two-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N111200,58865.0,Multiple-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N111.00,8208.0,Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N112000,69912.0,Single-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N112100,62914.0,Two-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N112200,50448.0,Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N112300,18205.0,Dorsal spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N112.00,18217.0,Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N112.11,5183.0,Thoracic spondylosis,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N113000,64854.0,Single-level thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N113200,96103.0,Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N113.00,55628.0,Thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N114000,20791.0,Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N114100,52991.0,Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N114200,37097.0,Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N114.00,15015.0,Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N114.11,1565.0,Degeneration of lumbar spine,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N114.12,1100.0,Lumbar spondylosis,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N115000,41516.0,Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N115100,45730.0,Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N115200,63578.0,Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N115.00,11688.0,Lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N119000,55810.0,Single-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N119100,51318.0,Two-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N119200,56212.0,Multiple-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N119.00,10121.0,Cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11A.00,35851.0,Cervical spondylosis with vascular compression,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11B000,54852.0,Single-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11B100,103137.0,Two-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11B200,93977.0,Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11B.00,19386.0,Thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11C000,54843.0,Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11C100,65641.0,Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11C200,48810.0,Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11C.00,9834.0,Lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11D000,41378.0,Osteoarthritis of cervical spine,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11D100,47024.0,Osteoarthritis of thoracic spine,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11D200,22452.0,Osteoarthritis of lumbar spine,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11D300,53184.0,Osteoarthritis of spine NOS,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11D.00,18826.0,Osteoarthritis of spine,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11E.00,96948.0,Cervical spondylosis,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11..00,2001.0,Spondylosis and allied disorders,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11..11,2294.0,Arthritis of spine,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11..12,7429.0,Osteoarthritis of spine,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11z000,56594.0,"Spondylosis without myelopathy, NOS",Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11z100,35838.0,"Spondylosis with myelopathy, NOS",Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11z.00,3447.0,Spondylosis NOS,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11z.11,829.0,Osteoarthritis spine,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,N11zz00,17766.0,Spondylosis NOS,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,Nyu6300,71477.0,[X]Other spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,Nyu6400,55238.0,[X]Other spondylosis,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_stable_angina.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_stable_angina.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fcfa18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_stable_angina.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Stable angina,G33z400,32450,Ischaemic chest pain,"Chest pain, attributed to coronary causes (4)"
+Stable angina,14A5.00,6336,H/O: angina pectoris,History of stable angina (1)
+Stable angina,14AJ.00,57062,H/O: Angina in last year,History of stable angina (1)
+Stable angina,662K.00,13185,Angina control,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,662K000,19542,Angina control - good,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,662K100,15373,Angina control - poor,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,662K200,14782,Angina control - improving,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,662Kz00,15349,Angina control NOS,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,8B27.00,45960,Antianginal therapy,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G33..00,1430,Angina pectoris,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G330.00,20095,Angina decubitus,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G330000,18125,Nocturnal angina,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G330z00,29902,Angina decubitus NOS,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G33z.00,25842,Angina pectoris NOS,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G33z100,54535,Stenocardia,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G33z200,7696,Syncope anginosa,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G33z300,1414,Angina on effort,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G33z500,9555,Post infarct angina,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G33z600,26863,New onset angina,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G33z700,12804,Stable angina,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G33zz00,28554,Angina pectoris NOS,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,G34y000,24540,Chronic coronary insufficiency,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,Gyu3000,39546,[X]Other forms of angina pectoris,Stable angina (4)
+Stable angina,7928.11,5703,Percutaneous balloon coronary angioplasty,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7928000,18670,Percut transluminal balloon angioplasty one coronary artery,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7928100,33735,Percut translum balloon angioplasty mult coronary arteries,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7928200,42462,Percut translum balloon angioplasty bypass graft coronary a,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7928300,86071,Percut translum cutting balloon angioplasty coronary artery,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7928y00,41547,Transluminal balloon angioplasty of coronary artery OS,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7928z00,732,Transluminal balloon angioplasty of coronary artery NOS,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7929000,22828,Percutaneous transluminal laser coronary angioplasty,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7929300,19046,Rotary blade coronary angioplasty,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7929400,8942,Insertion of coronary artery stent,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7929500,42304,Insertion of drug-eluting coronary artery stent,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7929600,93618,Percutaneous transluminal atherectomy of coronary artery,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,792B000,22020,Endarterectomy of coronary artery NEC,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,793G.00,43939,Perc translumin balloon angioplasty stenting coronary artery,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,793G000,60067,Perc translum ball angio insert 1-2 drug elut stents cor art,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,793G100,87849,Perc tran ball angio ins 3 or more drug elut stents cor art,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,793G200,85947,Perc translum balloon angioplasty insert 1-2 stents cor art,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,793G300,92927,Percutaneous cor balloon angiop 3 more stents cor art NEC,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,793Gy00,96537,OS perc translumina balloon angioplast stenting coronary art,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,793Gz00,61208,Perc translum balloon angioplasty stenting coronary art NOS,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7A54000,733,Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of artery NEC,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7A54500,38813,Rotary blade angioplasty,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7A54800,70185,Percutaneous transluminal atherectomy,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7A56400,86773,Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of artery,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7A6G100,20903,Peroperative angioplasty,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7A6H300,64923,Prosthetic graft patch angioplasty,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,7A6H400,66921,Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vascular graft,PCI performed (2)
+Stable angina,792..11,737,Coronary artery bypass graft operations,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7920,18249,Saphenous vein graft replacement of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7920.11,8312,Saphenous vein graft bypass of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7920000,8679,Saphenous vein graft replacement of one coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7920100,7634,Saphenous vein graft replacement of two coronary arteries,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7920200,7442,Saphenous vein graft replacement of three coronary arteries,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7920300,11610,Saphenous vein graft replacement of four+ coronary arteries,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7920y00,7137,Saphenous vein graft replacement of coronary artery OS,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7920z00,51515,Saphenous vein graft replacement coronary artery NOS,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7921,9414,Other autograft replacement of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7921.11,7134,Other autograft bypass of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7921000,44561,Autograft replacement of one coronary artery NEC,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7921100,19413,Autograft replacement of two coronary arteries NEC,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7921200,10209,Autograft replacement of three coronary arteries NEC,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7921300,42708,Autograft replacement of four of more coronary arteries NEC,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7921y00,61310,Other autograft replacement of coronary artery OS,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7921z00,7609,Other autograft replacement of coronary artery NOS,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7922,31556,Allograft replacement of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7922.11,32651,Allograft bypass of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7922000,70111,Allograft replacement of one coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7922100,57241,Allograft replacement of two coronary arteries,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7922200,45886,Allograft replacement of three coronary arteries,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7922300,45370,Allograft replacement of four or more coronary arteries,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7922y00,59423,Other specified allograft replacement of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7922z00,48767,Allograft replacement of coronary artery NOS,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7923,19402,Prosthetic replacement of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7923.11,36011,Prosthetic bypass of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7923000,92419,Prosthetic replacement of one coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7923100,66664,Prosthetic replacement of two coronary arteries,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7923200,66236,Prosthetic replacement of three coronary arteries,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7923300,67761,Prosthetic replacement of four or more coronary arteries,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7923z00,19193,Prosthetic replacement of coronary artery NOS,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7925,37682,Connection of mammary artery to coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7925.11,28837,Creation of bypass from mammary artery to coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7925000,33718,Double anastomosis of mammary arteries to coronary arteries,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7925100,31519,Double implant of mammary arteries into coronary arteries,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7925300,51507,Single anastomosis of mammary artery to coronary artery NEC,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7925311,22647,LIMA single anastomosis,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7925312,68123,RIMA single anastomosis,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7925400,68139,Single implantation of mammary artery into coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7925y00,37719,Connection of mammary artery to coronary artery OS,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7925z00,56990,Connection of mammary artery to coronary artery NOS,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7926,96804,Connection of other thoracic artery to coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7926000,62608,Double anastom thoracic arteries to coronary arteries NEC,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7926200,67591,Single anastomosis of thoracic artery to coronary artery NEC,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7926300,60753,Single implantation thoracic artery into coronary artery NEC,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7926z00,72780,Connection of other thoracic artery to coronary artery NOS,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,7927500,5744,Open angioplasty of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,792C.00,55598,Other replacement of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,792C000,55092,Replacement of coronary arteries using multiple methods,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,792Cy00,93828,Other specified replacement of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,792Cz00,70755,Replacement of coronary artery NOS,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,792D.00,34963,Other bypass of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,792Dy00,3159,Other specified other bypass of coronary artery,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,792Dz00,33471,Other bypass of coronary artery NOS,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,SP00300,69776,Mechanical complication of coronary bypass,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,SP07600,12734,Coronary artery bypass graft occlusion,CABG Performed (2)
+Stable angina,5543,1021,Coronary arteriograph.abnormal,Results abnormal (3)
+Stable angina,3213100,1628,Exercise ECG abnormal,Results abnormal (3)
+Stable angina,3213111,19827,Positive exercise ECG test,Results abnormal (3)
+Stable angina,33B9500,5233,Exercise tolerance test abnormal,Results abnormal (3)
+Stable angina,322..00,8246,ECG: myocardial ischaemia,Results abnormal- indicative of ischaemia (T-wave changes or ST-depression) (2)
+Stable angina,3222,26973,ECG:shows myocardial ischaemia,Results abnormal- indicative of ischaemia (T-wave changes or ST-depression) (2)
+Stable angina,322Z.00,35287,ECG: myocardial ischaemia NOS,Results abnormal- indicative of ischaemia (T-wave changes or ST-depression) (2)
+Stable angina,32E4.00,42104,ECG: S-T depression,Results abnormal- indicative of ischaemia (T-wave changes or ST-depression) (2)
+Stable angina,32F2.00,26965,ECG: T wave abnormal,Results abnormal- indicative of ischaemia (T-wave changes or ST-depression) (2)
+Stable angina,32F3.00,46230,ECG: T wave flattened,Results abnormal- indicative of ischaemia (T-wave changes or ST-depression) (2)
+Stable angina,32F4.00,26967,ECG: T wave inverted,Results abnormal- indicative of ischaemia (T-wave changes or ST-depression) (2)
+Stable angina,5C11.00,58135,Radionuclide heart study abnormal,Results abnormal (3)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_subdural_haem.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_subdural_haem.csv
index 1604cbb..da9791a 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_subdural_haem.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_subdural_haem.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic","G621.00","4273.0","Subdural haemorrhage - nontraumatic","Diagnosis of Subdural haematoma – nontraumatic"
-"Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic","G622.00","17734.0","Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic","Diagnosis of Subdural haematoma – nontraumatic"
+Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic,G621.00,4273.0,Subdural haemorrhage - nontraumatic,Diagnosis of Subdural haematoma – nontraumatic
+Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic,G622.00,17734.0,Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic,Diagnosis of Subdural haematoma – nontraumatic
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_substance_misuse.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_substance_misuse.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..922dc0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_substance_misuse.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13c5.00,28642.0,Substance misuse increased,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13c6.00,35286.0,Substance misuse decreased,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13c7.00,49618.0,Current drug user,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13c8.00,35404.0,Reduced drugs misuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13c9.00,38125.0,Subcutaneous drug user,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13cA.00,26096.0,Smokes drugs,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13cB.00,38029.0,Misuses drugs orally,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13cC.00,47804.0,Continuous use of drugs,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13cD.00,44966.0,Episodic use of drugs,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13cE.00,25925.0,Prolonged high dose use of cannabis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13cF.00,41039.0,Preoccupied with substance misuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13cH.00,28766.0,Persistent substance misuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13cJ.00,32709.0,Previously injecting drug user,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13cK.00,69977.0,Current non recreational drug user,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13cM.00,93412.0,Substance misuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13r3.00,68327.0,Abstinent from drug misuse on maintenance replacement,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,13r4.00,94693.0,Abstinent from drug misuse when receiving blocking therapy,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,146F.00,12651.0,H/O: drug abuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T00.00,86002.0,H/O daily heroin misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T01.00,93554.0,H/O weekly heroin misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T0..00,82479.0,H/O heroin misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T02.00,88372.0,Previous history of heroin misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T03.00,89145.0,H/O infrequent heroin misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T10.00,92404.0,H/O daily methadone misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T11.00,93109.0,H/O weekly methadone misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T1..00,85097.0,H/O methadone misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T12.00,106342.0,H/O infrequent methadone misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T13.00,86771.0,Previous history of methadone misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T...00,85956.0,History of substance misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T20.00,95380.0,H/O daily ecstasy misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T21.00,92359.0,H/O weekly ecstasy misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T2..00,81441.0,H/O ecstasy misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T22.00,90442.0,H/O infrequent ecstasy misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T23.00,89698.0,Previous history of ecstasy misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T30.00,92232.0,H/O daily benzodiazepine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T31.00,93774.0,H/O weekly benzodiazepine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T3..00,85834.0,H/O benzodiazepine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T32.00,92993.0,H/O infrequent benzodiazepine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T33.00,91848.0,Previous history of benzodiazepine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T40.00,90664.0,H/O daily amphetamine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T41.00,88782.0,H/O weekly amphetamine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T4..00,85096.0,H/O amphetamine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T42.00,88781.0,H/O infrequent amphetamine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T43.00,83574.0,Previous history of amphetamine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T50.00,85091.0,H/O daily cocaine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T51.00,90109.0,H/O weekly cocaine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T5..00,82471.0,H/O cocaine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T52.00,87002.0,H/O infrequent cocaine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T53.00,84156.0,Previous history of cocaine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T60.00,88990.0,H/O daily crack cocaine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T61.00,90271.0,H/O weekly crack cocaine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T6..00,86035.0,H/O crack cocaine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T62.00,88844.0,H/O infrequent crack cocaine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T63.00,85671.0,Previous history of crack cocaine misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T7..00,96198.0,H/O hallucinogen misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T73.00,93193.0,Previous history of hallucinogen misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T80.00,86754.0,H/O daily cannabis misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T81.00,87502.0,H/O weekly cannabis misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T8..00,78442.0,H/O cannabis misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T82.00,83564.0,H/O infrequent cannabis misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T83.00,82476.0,Previous history of cannabis misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T90.00,95396.0,H/O daily solvent misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T91.00,99429.0,H/O weekly solvent misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T9..00,84215.0,H/O solvent misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T92.00,109471.0,H/O infrequent solvent misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1T93.00,89930.0,Previous history of solvent misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TA..00,93263.0,H/O barbiturate misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TA3.00,109849.0,Previous history of barbiturate misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TB0.00,93528.0,H/O daily major tranquilliser misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TB..00,101724.0,H/O major tranquilliser misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TC0.00,103881.0,H/O daily anti-depressant misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TC..00,99798.0,H/O anti-depressant misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TC3.00,106143.0,Previous history of anti-depressant misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TD0.00,88760.0,H/O daily opiate misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TD1.00,101377.0,H/O weekly opiate misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TD..00,86036.0,H/O opiate misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TD2.00,91029.0,H/O infrequent opiate misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TD3.00,91256.0,Previous history of opiate misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TE..00,86041.0,Uses heroin on top of substitution therapy,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1TF..00,85953.0,Does not use heroin on top of substitution therapy,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V00.00,97648.0,Occasional drug user,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V01.00,98528.0,Long-term drug misuser,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V0..00,97578.0,Misuses drugs,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V02.00,97698.0,Poly-drug misuser,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V04.00,110153.0,Misuses drugs rectally,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V07.00,101697.0,Notified addict,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V08.00,105999.0,Smokes drugs in cigarette form,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V09.00,107593.0,Smokes drugs through a pipe,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V0A.00,105104.0,Chases the dragon,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V0B.00,103844.0,Sniffs drugs,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V0C.00,98914.0,Drug addict,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V0E.00,100935.0,Health problem secondary to drug misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V...00,97025.0,Drug misuse behaviour,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V22.00,101892.0,Age at starting drug misuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V23.00,101394.0,Time since stopped drug misuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V26.00,100477.0,Misused drugs in past,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V30.00,109558.0,Injects drugs subcutaneously,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V31.00,109544.0,Injects drugs intramuscularly,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V3..00,97000.0,Drug injection behaviour,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V32.00,107780.0,Neck injector,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V35.00,103726.0,Shares drug equipment,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V37.00,103725.0,Drug injecting equipment hygiene,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V38.00,97811.0,Sharing of drug injecting equipment,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V4..00,103018.0,Priority of drug-related activities,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V5..00,98452.0,Routine of drug-related activities,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V64.00,97028.0,Illicit drug use,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V65.00,96925.0,Heroin misuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,1V66.00,97031.0,Ecstasy misuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,46QB100,107755.0,Urine methadone positive,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,46Qr000,108762.0,Urine buprenorphine positive,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,677T.00,96049.0,Substance misuse structured counselling,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,7P22000,30750.0,Delivery of rehabilitation for drug addiction,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8AA..00,54356.0,Drug abuse monitoring,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8B23.00,7496.0,Drug addiction therapy,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8B23.11,6111.0,Drug addictn therap-methadone,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8B23.13,9024.0,Drug dependence therapy,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8B2M.00,47083.0,Buprenorphine maintenance therapy,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8B2N.00,28976.0,Drug addiction detoxification therapy - methadone,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8B2P.00,30694.0,Drug addiction maintenance therapy - methadone,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8B2Q.00,43487.0,Drug addiction maintenance therapy - buprenorphine,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8B2R.00,51052.0,Drug addiction detoxification therapy - buprenorphine,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8B2S.00,93980.0,Opioid agonist substitution therapy,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8B2T.00,93979.0,Opioid antagonist therapy,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8BA9.00,3222.0,Detoxification dependence drug,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8BAc.00,42649.0,Substance misuse management stopped - self withdrawal,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8BAd.00,30598.0,Opiate dependence detoxification,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8BE0.00,90198.0,Reinduction to methadone maintenance therapy,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8BE1.00,96081.0,Reinduction to buprenorphine maintenance therapy,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8H7x.00,12856.0,Referral to drug abuse counsellor,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8Hh1.00,94686.0,Self referral to substance misuse service,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8HkF.00,93850.0,Referral to substance misuse service,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,8Hq..00,100178.0,Admission to substance misuse detoxification centre,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9G21.00,24849.0,Drug addict notific to CMO,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9G22.00,69963.0,Drug addict re-notific due,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9G23.00,60372.0,Drug addict re-notif to CMO,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9G24.00,65927.0,Drug addict-notify local SMR22,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9G2..00,29728.0,Drug addiction notification,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9G2..11,21623.0,Drug addict notific admin,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9G2Z.00,58743.0,Drug addiction notif NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9HC0.00,22530.0,Initial substance misuse assessment,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9HC1.00,58145.0,Follow up substance misuse assessment,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9HC2.00,45550.0,Substance misuse clinical management plan agreed,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9HC3.00,72663.0,Substance misuse clinical management plan reviewed,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9HC4.00,91939.0,Substance misuse treatment withdrawn,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9HC5.00,91277.0,Substance misuse treatment programme completed,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9HC6.00,96009.0,Substance misuse treatment declined,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9HC..00,31213.0,Substance misuse monitoring,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9K4..00,98763.0,SMR25a drug misuse initial assessment form,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9k50.00,62490.0,Drug misuse - enhanced service completed,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9k51.00,97586.0,Shared care drug misuse treatment - enhanced services admin,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9k51.11,103241.0,Shared care drug misuse treatment,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9k52.00,97676.0,Drug misuse treatment primary care - enhanced services admin,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9k53.00,98566.0,Pharmacy attended for drug misuse - enhanced services admin,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9k5..00,34398.0,Drug misuse - enhanced services administration,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9kS..00,98362.0,Drug misuse assessment declined - enhanced services administ,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9N1yJ00,107355.0,Seen in drug misuse clinic,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9N4i.00,30465.0,DNA - Did not attend substance misuse clinic,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9No5.00,98221.0,Seen in substance misuse clinic,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,9s...00,106802.0,Drug misuse clinic administration,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E020.00,3844.0,Drug withdrawal syndrome,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E021000,12628.0,Drug-induced paranoid state,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E021100,20026.0,Drug-induced hallucinosis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E021.00,45997.0,Drug-induced paranoia or hallucinatory states,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E021z00,26481.0,Drug-induced paranoia or hallucinatory state NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E022.00,15876.0,Pathological drug intoxication,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E02..00,16256.0,Drug psychoses,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E02y000,29783.0,Drug-induced delirium,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E02y100,62132.0,Drug-induced dementia,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E02y300,46244.0,Drug-induced depressive state,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E02y400,22103.0,Drug-induced personality disorder,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E02y.00,51135.0,Other drug psychoses,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E02yz00,28767.0,Other drug psychoses NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E02z.00,26002.0,Drug psychosis NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E240000,38034.0,Unspecified opioid dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E240100,43075.0,Continuous opioid dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E240200,20962.0,Episodic opioid dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E240300,27960.0,Opioid dependence in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E240.00,16243.0,Opioid type drug dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E240.11,689.0,Heroin dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E240.12,16374.0,Methadone dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E240.13,22059.0,Morphine dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E240.14,32804.0,Opium dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E240z00,24441.0,Opioid drug dependence NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241000,53025.0,"Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241100,26208.0,"Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241200,50778.0,"Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241300,48702.0,Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241.00,25344.0,Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241.11,35733.0,Anxiolytic dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241.12,23436.0,Barbiturate dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241.13,460.0,Benzodiazepine dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241.14,18210.0,Diazepam dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241.15,31862.0,Librium dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241.16,36223.0,Sedative dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241.17,37130.0,Valium dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E241z00,29797.0,Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E242000,25808.0,"Cocaine dependence, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E242100,25748.0,"Cocaine dependence, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E242200,39836.0,"Cocaine dependence, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E242300,52765.0,Cocaine dependence in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E242.00,11840.0,Cocaine type drug dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E242z00,33942.0,Cocaine drug dependence NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E243000,24616.0,"Cannabis dependence, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E243100,42923.0,"Cannabis dependence, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E243200,52794.0,"Cannabis dependence, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E243300,44991.0,Cannabis dependence in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E243.00,8284.0,Cannabis type drug dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E243.11,40720.0,Hashish dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E243.12,23712.0,Hemp dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E243.13,37316.0,Marihuana dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E243z00,33462.0,Cannabis drug dependence NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E244000,37472.0,"Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E244011,109077.0,"Amfetamine or psychostimulant dependence, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E244100,38360.0,"Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E244200,49585.0,"Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E244300,46800.0,Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E244.00,22186.0,Amphetamine or other psychostimulant dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E244.11,41476.0,Psychostimulant dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E244.12,25670.0,Stimulant dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E244z00,25646.0,Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E244z11,102440.0,Amfetamine or psychostimulant dependence NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E245000,92353.0,"Hallucinogen dependence, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E245100,71086.0,"Hallucinogen dependence, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E245200,73448.0,"Hallucinogen dependence, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E245300,70578.0,Hallucinogen dependence in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E245.00,32887.0,Hallucinogen dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E245.11,21683.0,LSD dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E245.12,72371.0,Lysergic acid diethylamide dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E245z00,68150.0,Hallucinogen dependence NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E246000,38072.0,"Glue sniffing dependence, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E246100,97375.0,"Glue sniffing dependence, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E246200,33774.0,"Glue sniffing dependence, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E246300,70761.0,Glue sniffing dependence in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E246.00,5203.0,Glue sniffing dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E246z00,59184.0,Glue sniffing dependence NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E247000,59676.0,"Other specified drug dependence, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E247100,24998.0,"Other specified drug dependence, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E247200,72564.0,"Other specified drug dependence, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E247300,64269.0,Other specified drug dependence in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E247.00,51197.0,Other specified drug dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E247.11,87505.0,Absinthe addiction,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E247z00,40781.0,Other specified drug dependence NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E248000,56194.0,"Combined opioid with other drug dependence, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E248100,64265.0,"Combined opioid with other drug dependence, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E248200,64277.0,"Combined opioid with other drug dependence, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E248300,52451.0,Combined opioid with other drug dependence in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E248.00,26061.0,Combined opioid with other drug dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E248z00,73737.0,Combined opioid with other drug dependence NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E249000,91260.0,"Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E249100,53678.0,"Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E249200,62717.0,"Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E249300,70900.0,"Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, in remission",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E249.00,14809.0,"Combined drug dependence, excluding opioids",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E249z00,72342.0,"Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, NOS",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E24A.00,21087.0,Ecstasy type drug dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E24..00,5105.0,Drug dependence,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E24..11,3519.0,Drug addiction,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E24z.00,29446.0,Drug dependence NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E252000,42140.0,"Nondependent cannabis abuse, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E252100,39983.0,"Nondependent cannabis abuse, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E252200,25448.0,"Nondependent cannabis abuse, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E252300,53071.0,Nondependent cannabis abuse in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E252.00,3635.0,Nondependent cannabis abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E252z00,25526.0,Nondependent cannabis abuse NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E253000,71060.0,"Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E253100,95955.0,"Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E253200,95956.0,"Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E253300,67462.0,Nondependent hallucinogen abuse in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E253.00,5610.0,Nondependent hallucinogen abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E253.11,60048.0,'Bad trips',Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E253.12,16071.0,LSD reaction,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E253z00,48131.0,Nondependent hallucinogen abuse NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E254000,66243.0,"Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E254100,95954.0,"Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E254200,65942.0,"Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E254300,68396.0,Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E254.00,60180.0,Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E254.11,29075.0,Barbiturate abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E254.12,43296.0,Hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E254.13,39051.0,Sedative abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E254.14,18285.0,Tranquilliser abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E254z00,94394.0,Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E255000,40536.0,"Nondependent opioid abuse, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E255100,58731.0,"Nondependent opioid abuse, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E255200,64382.0,"Nondependent opioid abuse, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E255300,95953.0,Nondependent opioid abuse in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E255.00,26831.0,Nondependent opioid abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E255z00,69508.0,Nondependent opioid abuse NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E256000,32931.0,"Nondependent cocaine abuse, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E256100,46896.0,"Nondependent cocaine abuse, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E256200,43901.0,"Nondependent cocaine abuse, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E256300,58934.0,Nondependent cocaine abuse in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E256.00,10860.0,Nondependent cocaine abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E256z00,64338.0,Nondependent cocaine abuse NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E257000,39058.0,"Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E257100,52841.0,"Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E257200,25229.0,"Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E257300,43176.0,Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E257.00,22481.0,Nondependent amphetamine or other psychostimulant abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E257.11,32751.0,Psychostimulant abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E257.12,46732.0,Stimulant abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E257z00,47836.0,Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E258.00,46962.0,Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E258z00,94436.0,Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E259000,56337.0,"Nondependent mixed drug abuse, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E259100,62887.0,"Nondependent mixed drug abuse, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E259200,52953.0,"Nondependent mixed drug abuse, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E259300,52842.0,Nondependent mixed drug abuse in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E259400,25175.0,Misuse of prescription only drugs,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E259.00,53008.0,Nondependent mixed drug abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E259z00,33838.0,Nondependent mixed drug abuse NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E25..00,7747.0,Nondependent abuse of drugs,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E25y000,63076.0,"Nondependent other drug abuse, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E25y100,54800.0,"Nondependent other drug abuse, continuous",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E25y200,64983.0,"Nondependent other drug abuse, episodic",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E25y300,52846.0,Nondependent other drug abuse in remission,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E25y.00,16161.0,Nondependent other drug abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E25y.11,8608.0,Analgesic abuse,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E25yz00,64316.0,Nondependent other drug abuse NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,E25z.00,1588.0,Misuse of drugs NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11000,42456.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due to use opioids: acute intoxication,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11100,37568.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use of opioids: harmful use,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11200,34249.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: dependence syndr,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11211,10538.0,[X]Drug addiction - opioids,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11212,4564.0,[X]Heroin addiction,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11300,36241.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: withdrawal state,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11311,25527.0,"[X]Cold turkey, opiate withdrawal",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11400,97488.0,[X]Men & behav dis due opioid: withdrawl state with delirium,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11500,50964.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due to use opioids: psychotic disorder,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11600,103991.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: amnesic syndrome,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11700,27652.0,[X]Men & beh dis due opioids: resid & late-onset psychot dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11.00,47335.0,[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11y00,52739.0,[X]Men & behav dis due to use opioids: oth men & behav dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu11z00,91801.0,[X]Ment & behav dis due use opioids: unsp ment & behav dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu12000,37389.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due cannabinoids: acute intoxication,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu12100,50343.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use cannabinoids: harmful use,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu12200,56504.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to cannabinoids: dependence synd,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu12211,21662.0,[X]Drug addiction - cannabis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu12300,65681.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due cannabinoids: withdrawal state,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu12500,38429.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due to cannabinoids: psychotic disordr,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu12600,97561.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use cannabinoids: amnesic syn,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu12700,57574.0,[X]Mnt/bh dis due cannabinds: resid & late-onset psychot dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu12.00,10655.0,[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use cannabinoids,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu12y00,64308.0,[X]Men/behav dis due to use cannabinoids: oth men/behav disd,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu12z00,64987.0,[X]Ment/behav dis due use cannabinoids: unsp ment/behav disd,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu13000,64210.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due seds/hypntcs: acute intoxication,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu13100,93407.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use seds/hypntcs: harmful use,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu13200,44330.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to seds/hypntcs: dependence synd,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu13211,25757.0,[X]Drug addiction- sedative / hypnotics,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu13300,61342.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due seds/hypntcs: withdrawal state,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu13400,44131.0,[X]Men & beh dis due seds/hypns: withdrwl state wth delirium,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu13500,69138.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due to seds/hypntcs: psychotic disordr,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu13.00,41317.0,[X]Mental and behavioural dis due use sedatives/hypnotics,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu14000,49566.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due to use cocaine: acute intoxication,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu14100,47739.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use of cocaine: harmful use,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu14200,50302.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use cocaine: dependence syndr,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu14211,11746.0,[X]Drug addiction - cocaine,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu14300,67535.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use cocaine: withdrawal state,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu14500,49565.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due to use cocaine: psychotic disorder,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu14700,102591.0,[X]Men & beh dis due cocaine: resid & late-onset psychot dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu14.00,32052.0,[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu15000,44742.0,[X]Mnt/beh dis due oth stim inc caffein: acute intoxication,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu15100,72712.0,[X]Ment/behav dis due to use oth stims inc caff: harmful use,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu15200,33493.0,[X]Mental and behav dis oth stim inc caffein: dependnce synd,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu15211,10045.0,[X]Drug addiction-other stimul,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu15300,48760.0,[X]Mnt/behav dis other stimlnts inc caffeine: withdrwl state,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu15500,49879.0,[X]Mental/behav dis oth stims inc caffeine: psychotic dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu15700,59163.0,[X]Mnt/bh dis oth stm inc caffne resid/late-onset psycht dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu15.00,43101.0,[X]Mental & behav disorder due other stimulants inc caffein,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu15z00,56650.0,[X]Ment/beh dis oth stims inc caffeine: unsp ment/behav disd,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu16000,66187.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due hallucinogens: acute intoxicatn,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu16100,67491.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to use hallucinogens: harmfl use,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu16200,65826.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to hallucinogens: dependence syn,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu16211,47784.0,[X]Drug addiction - hallucinogen,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu16300,56179.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due hallucinogens: withdrawal state,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu16500,54983.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due to hallucinogens: psychotic disord,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu16700,105346.0,[X]Mnt/bh dis due hallucngns: resid & late-onset psychot dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu16711,35196.0,[X]Post hallucinogen perception disorder,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu16.00,50265.0,[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use hallucinogens,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu16z00,92291.0,[X]Ment/behav dis due use hallucinogens: unsp ment/behav dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu18000,50136.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due vol solvents: acute intoxication,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu18100,59009.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due volatile solvents: harmful use,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu18200,52815.0,[X]Mental and behav dis due to vol solvents: dependence synd,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu18211,33585.0,[X]Drug addiction - solvent,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu18400,62106.0,[X]Men & beh dis vol solvents: withdrawal state wth delirium,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu18500,98618.0,[X]Mental & behav dis due to vol solvents: psychotic disordr,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu18.00,31736.0,[X]Mental & behav disorders due to use of volatile solvents,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu18z00,49068.0,[X]Ment/behav dis due use vol solvents: unsp ment/behav dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19000,60676.0,[X]Mental/behav dis multi drg use/psychoac subs: acute intox,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19100,62959.0,[X]Mental and behav dis mlti drg/oth psychoa sbs: harmfl use,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19200,45208.0,[X]Mental and behav dis mlti/oth psych sbs: dependence syndr,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19211,9615.0,[X]Drug addiction NOS,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19300,51290.0,[X]Mental and behav dis mlti/oth psychoa sbs: withdrwl state,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19400,65950.0,[X]Mnt/bh dis mlti drg use/oth psy sbs: wthdr state + dlrium,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19500,24637.0,[X]Ment/behav dis mlti drug use/oth psyc sbs: psychotc dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19600,106958.0,[X]Mental/behav dis multi drg use/oth psy sbs: amnesic syndr,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19700,56948.0,[X]Men/beh dis mlt drg use/oth subs: resid/late psychot dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19.00,10656.0,[X]Men & behav disorder multiple drug use/psychoactive subst,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19y00,93009.0,[X]Men/beh dis mlt drg use/oth psy sbs: oth men & behav dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu19z00,70961.0,[X]Ment/beh dis multi drug use/oth psy sbs unsp mnt/beh dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu1A000,60420.0,[X]Ment behav dis due use crack cocaine: acute intoxication,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu1A100,86034.0,[X]Mental behav disorders due use crack cocaine: harmful use,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu1A200,102582.0,[X]Mental behav disorders due use crack cocaine: depend synd,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu1A300,101738.0,[X]Mental behav disord due crack cocaine: withdrawal state,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu1A500,102475.0,[X]Mental behav disord due crack cocaine: psychotic disorder,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu1A.00,32640.0,[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due use of crack cocaine,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu1Az00,91577.0,[X]Ment behav dis due crack cocaine: unsp ment and behav dis,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Eu1..00,30034.0,[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive subs,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,TJ51.00,55126.0,Adverse reaction to methadone,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,TJ52100,48674.0,Adverse reaction to buprenorphine,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,U605012,69347.0,[X] Adverse reaction to methadone,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,U605015,73857.0,[X] Adverse reaction to buprenorphine,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Z1Q6200,60355.0,Methadone maintenance,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Z1Q6212,100632.0,Methadone therapy,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Z1Q6214,95460.0,Heroin maintenance,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,Z416.00,9273.0,Substance abuse counselling,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,ZV11400,21096.0,[V]Personal history of psychoactive substance abuse,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,ZV11500,30711.0,[V]Personal history of drug abuse by injection,History of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,ZV6D700,8463.0,[V]Drug abuse counselling and surveillance,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_substance_use.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_substance_use.csv
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/primary_care/CPRD_substance_use.csv
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-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13c5.00","28642.0","Substance misuse increased","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13c6.00","35286.0","Substance misuse decreased","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13c7.00","49618.0","Current drug user","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13c8.00","35404.0","Reduced drugs misuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13c9.00","38125.0","Subcutaneous drug user","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13cA.00","26096.0","Smokes drugs","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13cB.00","38029.0","Misuses drugs orally","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13cC.00","47804.0","Continuous use of drugs","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13cD.00","44966.0","Episodic use of drugs","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13cE.00","25925.0","Prolonged high dose use of cannabis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13cF.00","41039.0","Preoccupied with substance misuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13cH.00","28766.0","Persistent substance misuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13cJ.00","32709.0","Previously injecting drug user","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13cK.00","69977.0","Current non recreational drug user","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13cM.00","93412.0","Substance misuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13r3.00","68327.0","Abstinent from drug misuse on maintenance replacement","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","13r4.00","94693.0","Abstinent from drug misuse when receiving blocking therapy","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","146F.00","12651.0","H/O: drug abuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T00.00","86002.0","H/O daily heroin misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T01.00","93554.0","H/O weekly heroin misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T0..00","82479.0","H/O heroin misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T02.00","88372.0","Previous history of heroin misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T03.00","89145.0","H/O infrequent heroin misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T10.00","92404.0","H/O daily methadone misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T11.00","93109.0","H/O weekly methadone misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T1..00","85097.0","H/O methadone misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T12.00","106342.0","H/O infrequent methadone misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T13.00","86771.0","Previous history of methadone misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T...00","85956.0","History of substance misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T20.00","95380.0","H/O daily ecstasy misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T21.00","92359.0","H/O weekly ecstasy misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T2..00","81441.0","H/O ecstasy misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T22.00","90442.0","H/O infrequent ecstasy misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T23.00","89698.0","Previous history of ecstasy misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T30.00","92232.0","H/O daily benzodiazepine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T31.00","93774.0","H/O weekly benzodiazepine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T3..00","85834.0","H/O benzodiazepine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T32.00","92993.0","H/O infrequent benzodiazepine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T33.00","91848.0","Previous history of benzodiazepine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T40.00","90664.0","H/O daily amphetamine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T41.00","88782.0","H/O weekly amphetamine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T4..00","85096.0","H/O amphetamine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T42.00","88781.0","H/O infrequent amphetamine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T43.00","83574.0","Previous history of amphetamine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T50.00","85091.0","H/O daily cocaine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T51.00","90109.0","H/O weekly cocaine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T5..00","82471.0","H/O cocaine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T52.00","87002.0","H/O infrequent cocaine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T53.00","84156.0","Previous history of cocaine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T60.00","88990.0","H/O daily crack cocaine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T61.00","90271.0","H/O weekly crack cocaine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T6..00","86035.0","H/O crack cocaine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T62.00","88844.0","H/O infrequent crack cocaine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T63.00","85671.0","Previous history of crack cocaine misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T7..00","96198.0","H/O hallucinogen misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T73.00","93193.0","Previous history of hallucinogen misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T80.00","86754.0","H/O daily cannabis misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T81.00","87502.0","H/O weekly cannabis misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T8..00","78442.0","H/O cannabis misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T82.00","83564.0","H/O infrequent cannabis misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T83.00","82476.0","Previous history of cannabis misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T90.00","95396.0","H/O daily solvent misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T91.00","99429.0","H/O weekly solvent misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T9..00","84215.0","H/O solvent misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T92.00","109471.0","H/O infrequent solvent misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1T93.00","89930.0","Previous history of solvent misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TA..00","93263.0","H/O barbiturate misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TA3.00","109849.0","Previous history of barbiturate misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TB0.00","93528.0","H/O daily major tranquilliser misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TB..00","101724.0","H/O major tranquilliser misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TC0.00","103881.0","H/O daily anti-depressant misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TC..00","99798.0","H/O anti-depressant misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TC3.00","106143.0","Previous history of anti-depressant misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TD0.00","88760.0","H/O daily opiate misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TD1.00","101377.0","H/O weekly opiate misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TD..00","86036.0","H/O opiate misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TD2.00","91029.0","H/O infrequent opiate misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TD3.00","91256.0","Previous history of opiate misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TE..00","86041.0","Uses heroin on top of substitution therapy","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1TF..00","85953.0","Does not use heroin on top of substitution therapy","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V00.00","97648.0","Occasional drug user","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V01.00","98528.0","Long-term drug misuser","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V0..00","97578.0","Misuses drugs","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V02.00","97698.0","Poly-drug misuser","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V04.00","110153.0","Misuses drugs rectally","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V07.00","101697.0","Notified addict","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V08.00","105999.0","Smokes drugs in cigarette form","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V09.00","107593.0","Smokes drugs through a pipe","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V0A.00","105104.0","Chases the dragon","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V0B.00","103844.0","Sniffs drugs","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V0C.00","98914.0","Drug addict","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V0E.00","100935.0","Health problem secondary to drug misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V...00","97025.0","Drug misuse behaviour","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V22.00","101892.0","Age at starting drug misuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V23.00","101394.0","Time since stopped drug misuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V26.00","100477.0","Misused drugs in past","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V30.00","109558.0","Injects drugs subcutaneously","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V31.00","109544.0","Injects drugs intramuscularly","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V3..00","97000.0","Drug injection behaviour","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V32.00","107780.0","Neck injector","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V35.00","103726.0","Shares drug equipment","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V37.00","103725.0","Drug injecting equipment hygiene","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V38.00","97811.0","Sharing of drug injecting equipment","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V4..00","103018.0","Priority of drug-related activities","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V5..00","98452.0","Routine of drug-related activities","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V64.00","97028.0","Illicit drug use","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V65.00","96925.0","Heroin misuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","1V66.00","97031.0","Ecstasy misuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","46QB100","107755.0","Urine methadone positive","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","46Qr000","108762.0","Urine buprenorphine positive","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","677T.00","96049.0","Substance misuse structured counselling","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","7P22000","30750.0","Delivery of rehabilitation for drug addiction","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8AA..00","54356.0","Drug abuse monitoring","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8B23.00","7496.0","Drug addiction therapy","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8B23.11","6111.0","Drug addictn therap-methadone","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8B23.13","9024.0","Drug dependence therapy","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8B2M.00","47083.0","Buprenorphine maintenance therapy","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8B2N.00","28976.0","Drug addiction detoxification therapy - methadone","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8B2P.00","30694.0","Drug addiction maintenance therapy - methadone","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8B2Q.00","43487.0","Drug addiction maintenance therapy - buprenorphine","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8B2R.00","51052.0","Drug addiction detoxification therapy - buprenorphine","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8B2S.00","93980.0","Opioid agonist substitution therapy","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8B2T.00","93979.0","Opioid antagonist therapy","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8BA9.00","3222.0","Detoxification dependence drug","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8BAc.00","42649.0","Substance misuse management stopped - self withdrawal","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8BAd.00","30598.0","Opiate dependence detoxification","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8BE0.00","90198.0","Reinduction to methadone maintenance therapy","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8BE1.00","96081.0","Reinduction to buprenorphine maintenance therapy","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8H7x.00","12856.0","Referral to drug abuse counsellor","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8Hh1.00","94686.0","Self referral to substance misuse service","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8HkF.00","93850.0","Referral to substance misuse service","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","8Hq..00","100178.0","Admission to substance misuse detoxification centre","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9G21.00","24849.0","Drug addict notific to CMO","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9G22.00","69963.0","Drug addict re-notific due","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9G23.00","60372.0","Drug addict re-notif to CMO","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9G24.00","65927.0","Drug addict-notify local SMR22","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9G2..00","29728.0","Drug addiction notification","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9G2..11","21623.0","Drug addict notific admin","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9G2Z.00","58743.0","Drug addiction notif NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9HC0.00","22530.0","Initial substance misuse assessment","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9HC1.00","58145.0","Follow up substance misuse assessment","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9HC2.00","45550.0","Substance misuse clinical management plan agreed","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9HC3.00","72663.0","Substance misuse clinical management plan reviewed","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9HC4.00","91939.0","Substance misuse treatment withdrawn","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9HC5.00","91277.0","Substance misuse treatment programme completed","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9HC6.00","96009.0","Substance misuse treatment declined","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9HC..00","31213.0","Substance misuse monitoring","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9K4..00","98763.0","SMR25a drug misuse initial assessment form","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9k50.00","62490.0","Drug misuse - enhanced service completed","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9k51.00","97586.0","Shared care drug misuse treatment - enhanced services admin","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9k51.11","103241.0","Shared care drug misuse treatment","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9k52.00","97676.0","Drug misuse treatment primary care - enhanced services admin","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9k53.00","98566.0","Pharmacy attended for drug misuse - enhanced services admin","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9k5..00","34398.0","Drug misuse - enhanced services administration","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9kS..00","98362.0","Drug misuse assessment declined - enhanced services administ","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9N1yJ00","107355.0","Seen in drug misuse clinic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9N4i.00","30465.0","DNA - Did not attend substance misuse clinic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9No5.00","98221.0","Seen in substance misuse clinic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","9s...00","106802.0","Drug misuse clinic administration","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E020.00","3844.0","Drug withdrawal syndrome","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E021000","12628.0","Drug-induced paranoid state","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E021100","20026.0","Drug-induced hallucinosis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E021.00","45997.0","Drug-induced paranoia or hallucinatory states","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E021z00","26481.0","Drug-induced paranoia or hallucinatory state NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E022.00","15876.0","Pathological drug intoxication","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E02..00","16256.0","Drug psychoses","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E02y000","29783.0","Drug-induced delirium","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E02y100","62132.0","Drug-induced dementia","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E02y300","46244.0","Drug-induced depressive state","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E02y400","22103.0","Drug-induced personality disorder","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E02y.00","51135.0","Other drug psychoses","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E02yz00","28767.0","Other drug psychoses NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E02z.00","26002.0","Drug psychosis NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E240000","38034.0","Unspecified opioid dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E240100","43075.0","Continuous opioid dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E240200","20962.0","Episodic opioid dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E240300","27960.0","Opioid dependence in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E240.00","16243.0","Opioid type drug dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E240.11","689.0","Heroin dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E240.12","16374.0","Methadone dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E240.13","22059.0","Morphine dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E240.14","32804.0","Opium dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E240z00","24441.0","Opioid drug dependence NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241000","53025.0","Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241100","26208.0","Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241200","50778.0","Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241300","48702.0","Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241.00","25344.0","Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241.11","35733.0","Anxiolytic dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241.12","23436.0","Barbiturate dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241.13","460.0","Benzodiazepine dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241.14","18210.0","Diazepam dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241.15","31862.0","Librium dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241.16","36223.0","Sedative dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241.17","37130.0","Valium dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E241z00","29797.0","Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E242000","25808.0","Cocaine dependence, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E242100","25748.0","Cocaine dependence, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E242200","39836.0","Cocaine dependence, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E242300","52765.0","Cocaine dependence in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E242.00","11840.0","Cocaine type drug dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E242z00","33942.0","Cocaine drug dependence NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E243000","24616.0","Cannabis dependence, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E243100","42923.0","Cannabis dependence, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E243200","52794.0","Cannabis dependence, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E243300","44991.0","Cannabis dependence in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E243.00","8284.0","Cannabis type drug dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E243.11","40720.0","Hashish dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E243.12","23712.0","Hemp dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E243.13","37316.0","Marihuana dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E243z00","33462.0","Cannabis drug dependence NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E244000","37472.0","Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E244011","109077.0","Amfetamine or psychostimulant dependence, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E244100","38360.0","Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E244200","49585.0","Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E244300","46800.0","Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E244.00","22186.0","Amphetamine or other psychostimulant dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E244.11","41476.0","Psychostimulant dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E244.12","25670.0","Stimulant dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E244z00","25646.0","Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E244z11","102440.0","Amfetamine or psychostimulant dependence NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E245000","92353.0","Hallucinogen dependence, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E245100","71086.0","Hallucinogen dependence, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E245200","73448.0","Hallucinogen dependence, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E245300","70578.0","Hallucinogen dependence in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E245.00","32887.0","Hallucinogen dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E245.11","21683.0","LSD dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E245.12","72371.0","Lysergic acid diethylamide dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E245z00","68150.0","Hallucinogen dependence NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E246000","38072.0","Glue sniffing dependence, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E246100","97375.0","Glue sniffing dependence, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E246200","33774.0","Glue sniffing dependence, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E246300","70761.0","Glue sniffing dependence in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E246.00","5203.0","Glue sniffing dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E246z00","59184.0","Glue sniffing dependence NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E247000","59676.0","Other specified drug dependence, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E247100","24998.0","Other specified drug dependence, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E247200","72564.0","Other specified drug dependence, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E247300","64269.0","Other specified drug dependence in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E247.00","51197.0","Other specified drug dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E247.11","87505.0","Absinthe addiction","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E247z00","40781.0","Other specified drug dependence NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E248000","56194.0","Combined opioid with other drug dependence, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E248100","64265.0","Combined opioid with other drug dependence, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E248200","64277.0","Combined opioid with other drug dependence, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E248300","52451.0","Combined opioid with other drug dependence in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E248.00","26061.0","Combined opioid with other drug dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E248z00","73737.0","Combined opioid with other drug dependence NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E249000","91260.0","Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E249100","53678.0","Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E249200","62717.0","Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E249300","70900.0","Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E249.00","14809.0","Combined drug dependence, excluding opioids","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E249z00","72342.0","Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E24A.00","21087.0","Ecstasy type drug dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E24..00","5105.0","Drug dependence","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E24..11","3519.0","Drug addiction","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E24z.00","29446.0","Drug dependence NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E252000","42140.0","Nondependent cannabis abuse, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E252100","39983.0","Nondependent cannabis abuse, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E252200","25448.0","Nondependent cannabis abuse, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E252300","53071.0","Nondependent cannabis abuse in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E252.00","3635.0","Nondependent cannabis abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E252z00","25526.0","Nondependent cannabis abuse NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E253000","71060.0","Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E253100","95955.0","Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E253200","95956.0","Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E253300","67462.0","Nondependent hallucinogen abuse in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E253.00","5610.0","Nondependent hallucinogen abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E253.11","60048.0","'Bad trips'","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E253.12","16071.0","LSD reaction","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E253z00","48131.0","Nondependent hallucinogen abuse NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E254000","66243.0","Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E254100","95954.0","Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E254200","65942.0","Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E254300","68396.0","Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E254.00","60180.0","Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E254.11","29075.0","Barbiturate abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E254.12","43296.0","Hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E254.13","39051.0","Sedative abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E254.14","18285.0","Tranquilliser abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E254z00","94394.0","Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E255000","40536.0","Nondependent opioid abuse, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E255100","58731.0","Nondependent opioid abuse, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E255200","64382.0","Nondependent opioid abuse, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E255300","95953.0","Nondependent opioid abuse in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E255.00","26831.0","Nondependent opioid abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E255z00","69508.0","Nondependent opioid abuse NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E256000","32931.0","Nondependent cocaine abuse, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E256100","46896.0","Nondependent cocaine abuse, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E256200","43901.0","Nondependent cocaine abuse, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E256300","58934.0","Nondependent cocaine abuse in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E256.00","10860.0","Nondependent cocaine abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E256z00","64338.0","Nondependent cocaine abuse NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E257000","39058.0","Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E257100","52841.0","Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E257200","25229.0","Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E257300","43176.0","Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E257.00","22481.0","Nondependent amphetamine or other psychostimulant abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E257.11","32751.0","Psychostimulant abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E257.12","46732.0","Stimulant abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E257z00","47836.0","Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E258.00","46962.0","Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E258z00","94436.0","Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E259000","56337.0","Nondependent mixed drug abuse, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E259100","62887.0","Nondependent mixed drug abuse, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E259200","52953.0","Nondependent mixed drug abuse, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E259300","52842.0","Nondependent mixed drug abuse in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E259400","25175.0","Misuse of prescription only drugs","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E259.00","53008.0","Nondependent mixed drug abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E259z00","33838.0","Nondependent mixed drug abuse NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E25..00","7747.0","Nondependent abuse of drugs","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E25y000","63076.0","Nondependent other drug abuse, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E25y100","54800.0","Nondependent other drug abuse, continuous","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E25y200","64983.0","Nondependent other drug abuse, episodic","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E25y300","52846.0","Nondependent other drug abuse in remission","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E25y.00","16161.0","Nondependent other drug abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E25y.11","8608.0","Analgesic abuse","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E25yz00","64316.0","Nondependent other drug abuse NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","E25z.00","1588.0","Misuse of drugs NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11000","42456.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due to use opioids: acute intoxication","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11100","37568.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use of opioids: harmful use","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11200","34249.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: dependence syndr","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11211","10538.0","[X]Drug addiction - opioids","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11212","4564.0","[X]Heroin addiction","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11300","36241.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: withdrawal state","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11311","25527.0","[X]Cold turkey, opiate withdrawal","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11400","97488.0","[X]Men & behav dis due opioid: withdrawl state with delirium","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11500","50964.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due to use opioids: psychotic disorder","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11600","103991.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: amnesic syndrome","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11700","27652.0","[X]Men & beh dis due opioids: resid & late-onset psychot dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11.00","47335.0","[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11y00","52739.0","[X]Men & behav dis due to use opioids: oth men & behav dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu11z00","91801.0","[X]Ment & behav dis due use opioids: unsp ment & behav dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu12000","37389.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due cannabinoids: acute intoxication","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu12100","50343.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use cannabinoids: harmful use","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu12200","56504.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to cannabinoids: dependence synd","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu12211","21662.0","[X]Drug addiction - cannabis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu12300","65681.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due cannabinoids: withdrawal state","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu12500","38429.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due to cannabinoids: psychotic disordr","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu12600","97561.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use cannabinoids: amnesic syn","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu12700","57574.0","[X]Mnt/bh dis due cannabinds: resid & late-onset psychot dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu12.00","10655.0","[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use cannabinoids","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu12y00","64308.0","[X]Men/behav dis due to use cannabinoids: oth men/behav disd","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu12z00","64987.0","[X]Ment/behav dis due use cannabinoids: unsp ment/behav disd","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu13000","64210.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due seds/hypntcs: acute intoxication","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu13100","93407.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use seds/hypntcs: harmful use","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu13200","44330.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to seds/hypntcs: dependence synd","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu13211","25757.0","[X]Drug addiction- sedative / hypnotics","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu13300","61342.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due seds/hypntcs: withdrawal state","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu13400","44131.0","[X]Men & beh dis due seds/hypns: withdrwl state wth delirium","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu13500","69138.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due to seds/hypntcs: psychotic disordr","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu13.00","41317.0","[X]Mental and behavioural dis due use sedatives/hypnotics","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu14000","49566.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due to use cocaine: acute intoxication","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu14100","47739.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use of cocaine: harmful use","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu14200","50302.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use cocaine: dependence syndr","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu14211","11746.0","[X]Drug addiction - cocaine","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu14300","67535.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use cocaine: withdrawal state","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu14500","49565.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due to use cocaine: psychotic disorder","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu14700","102591.0","[X]Men & beh dis due cocaine: resid & late-onset psychot dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu14.00","32052.0","[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu15000","44742.0","[X]Mnt/beh dis due oth stim inc caffein: acute intoxication","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu15100","72712.0","[X]Ment/behav dis due to use oth stims inc caff: harmful use","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu15200","33493.0","[X]Mental and behav dis oth stim inc caffein: dependnce synd","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu15211","10045.0","[X]Drug addiction-other stimul","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu15300","48760.0","[X]Mnt/behav dis other stimlnts inc caffeine: withdrwl state","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu15500","49879.0","[X]Mental/behav dis oth stims inc caffeine: psychotic dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu15700","59163.0","[X]Mnt/bh dis oth stm inc caffne resid/late-onset psycht dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu15.00","43101.0","[X]Mental & behav disorder due other stimulants inc caffein","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu15z00","56650.0","[X]Ment/beh dis oth stims inc caffeine: unsp ment/behav disd","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu16000","66187.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due hallucinogens: acute intoxicatn","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu16100","67491.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to use hallucinogens: harmfl use","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu16200","65826.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to hallucinogens: dependence syn","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu16211","47784.0","[X]Drug addiction - hallucinogen","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu16300","56179.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due hallucinogens: withdrawal state","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu16500","54983.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due to hallucinogens: psychotic disord","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu16700","105346.0","[X]Mnt/bh dis due hallucngns: resid & late-onset psychot dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu16711","35196.0","[X]Post hallucinogen perception disorder","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu16.00","50265.0","[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use hallucinogens","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu16z00","92291.0","[X]Ment/behav dis due use hallucinogens: unsp ment/behav dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu18000","50136.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due vol solvents: acute intoxication","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu18100","59009.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due volatile solvents: harmful use","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu18200","52815.0","[X]Mental and behav dis due to vol solvents: dependence synd","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu18211","33585.0","[X]Drug addiction - solvent","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu18400","62106.0","[X]Men & beh dis vol solvents: withdrawal state wth delirium","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu18500","98618.0","[X]Mental & behav dis due to vol solvents: psychotic disordr","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu18.00","31736.0","[X]Mental & behav disorders due to use of volatile solvents","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu18z00","49068.0","[X]Ment/behav dis due use vol solvents: unsp ment/behav dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19000","60676.0","[X]Mental/behav dis multi drg use/psychoac subs: acute intox","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19100","62959.0","[X]Mental and behav dis mlti drg/oth psychoa sbs: harmfl use","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19200","45208.0","[X]Mental and behav dis mlti/oth psych sbs: dependence syndr","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19211","9615.0","[X]Drug addiction NOS","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19300","51290.0","[X]Mental and behav dis mlti/oth psychoa sbs: withdrwl state","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19400","65950.0","[X]Mnt/bh dis mlti drg use/oth psy sbs: wthdr state + dlrium","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19500","24637.0","[X]Ment/behav dis mlti drug use/oth psyc sbs: psychotc dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19600","106958.0","[X]Mental/behav dis multi drg use/oth psy sbs: amnesic syndr","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19700","56948.0","[X]Men/beh dis mlt drg use/oth subs: resid/late psychot dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19.00","10656.0","[X]Men & behav disorder multiple drug use/psychoactive subst","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19y00","93009.0","[X]Men/beh dis mlt drg use/oth psy sbs: oth men & behav dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu19z00","70961.0","[X]Ment/beh dis multi drug use/oth psy sbs unsp mnt/beh dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu1A000","60420.0","[X]Ment behav dis due use crack cocaine: acute intoxication","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu1A100","86034.0","[X]Mental behav disorders due use crack cocaine: harmful use","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu1A200","102582.0","[X]Mental behav disorders due use crack cocaine: depend synd","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu1A300","101738.0","[X]Mental behav disord due crack cocaine: withdrawal state","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu1A500","102475.0","[X]Mental behav disord due crack cocaine: psychotic disorder","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu1A.00","32640.0","[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due use of crack cocaine","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu1Az00","91577.0","[X]Ment behav dis due crack cocaine: unsp ment and behav dis","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Eu1..00","30034.0","[X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive subs","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","TJ51.00","55126.0","Adverse reaction to methadone","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","TJ52100","48674.0","Adverse reaction to buprenorphine","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","U605012","69347.0","[X] Adverse reaction to methadone","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","U605015","73857.0","[X] Adverse reaction to buprenorphine","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Z1Q6200","60355.0","Methadone maintenance","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Z1Q6212","100632.0","Methadone therapy","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Z1Q6214","95460.0","Heroin maintenance","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","Z416.00","9273.0","Substance abuse counselling","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","ZV11400","21096.0","[V]Personal history of psychoactive substance abuse","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","ZV11500","30711.0","[V]Personal history of drug abuse by injection","History of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","ZV6D700","8463.0","[V]Drug abuse counselling and surveillance","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_sys_sclerosis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_sys_sclerosis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00a28a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_sys_sclerosis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Systemic sclerosis,F396600,55601.0,Myopathy due to scleroderma,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
+Systemic sclerosis,H572.00,94996.0,Lung disease with systemic sclerosis,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
+Systemic sclerosis,K0H..00,105976.0,Acute scleroderma renal crisis,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
+Systemic sclerosis,K0J0.00,107382.0,Renal involvement in scleroderma,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
+Systemic sclerosis,N001000,44141.0,Progressive systemic sclerosis,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
+Systemic sclerosis,N001100,17675.0,CREST syndrome,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
+Systemic sclerosis,N001200,110174.0,Systemic sclerosis induced by drugs and chemicals,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
+Systemic sclerosis,N001.00,3670.0,Scleroderma,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
+Systemic sclerosis,N001.11,68277.0,Acrosclerosis,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
+Systemic sclerosis,N001.12,28417.0,Systemic sclerosis,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
+Systemic sclerosis,Nyu4500,71763.0,[X]Other forms of systemic sclerosis,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_tb.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_tb.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index e7333b2..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_tb.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Tuberculosis","1411.00","5319.0","H/O: tuberculosis","History of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","14P9.00","100469.0","History of tuberculosis drug therapy","History of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","65V9.00","32180.0","Notification of tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","65V9.11","16582.0","TB - tuberculosis notification","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","65Y1.00","47016.0","On tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","65Y2.00","91666.0","Streptomycin resistant tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","65Y5.00","102673.0","Isoniazid resistant tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","65Y8.00","97525.0","Ciprofloxacin resistant tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","65Y9.00","96477.0","Inactive tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","65Y9.11","95913.0","Latent tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","8BAD100","4247.0","TB chemotherapy","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A100.00","16265.0","Primary tuberculous complex","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A101.00","46272.0","Tuberculous pleurisy in primary progressive tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A10..00","22011.0","Primary tuberculous infection","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A10y.00","42630.0","Other primary progressive tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A10z.00","37694.0","Primary tuberculous infection NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A110.00","53701.0","Infiltrative lung tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A111.00","48580.0","Nodular lung tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A112.00","16331.0","Tuberculosis of lung with cavitation","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A113.00","62468.0","Tuberculosis of bronchus","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A114.00","16741.0","Tuberculous fibrosis of lung","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A115.00","15693.0","Tuberculous bronchiectasis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A116.00","9953.0","Tuberculous pneumonia","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A117.00","66441.0","Tuberculous pneumothorax","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A11..00","635.0","Pulmonary tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A11..11","47336.0","Lung tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A11y.00","18950.0","Other specified pulmonary tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A11z.00","38110.0","Pulmonary tuberculosis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A120000","37834.0","Tuberculosis of pleura","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A120100","39512.0","Tuberculous empyema","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A120200","14913.0","Tuberculous hydrothorax","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A120.00","23472.0","Tuberculous pleurisy","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A120z00","56890.0","Tuberculous pleurisy NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A121000","5145.0","Tuberculosis of hilar lymph nodes","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A121100","44129.0","Tuberculosis of mediastinal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A121200","49503.0","Tuberculosis of tracheobronchial lymph nodes","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A121.00","58827.0","Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A121z00","46926.0","Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A122000","93015.0","Isolated tracheal tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A122100","93948.0","Isolated bronchial tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A122.00","69260.0","Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A122z00","53473.0","Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A123.00","20333.0","Tuberculous laryngitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A124000","24413.0","TB lung confirm sputum microscopy with or without culture","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A124100","93071.0","Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A124200","62530.0","Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A124300","58588.0","Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by unspecified means","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A124400","44655.0","TB intrathoracic lymph nodes confirm bact histologically","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A124500","44039.0","Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea & bronchus conf bact/hist'y","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A124600","35443.0","Tuberculous pleurisy, conf bacteriologically/histologically","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A124700","24517.0","Primary respiratory TB confirm bact and histologically","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A124.00","31670.0","Resp TB bacteriologically and histologically confirmed","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A125000","47832.0","Tuberculosis of lung, bacteriologically & histolog'y neg","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A125100","41051.0","Tuberculosis lung bact and histological examin not done","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A125200","40605.0","Prim respiratory TB without mention of bact or hist confirm","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A125.00","7133.0","Respiratory TB not confirmed bact or histologically","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A125X00","69471.0","Resp TB unspcf,w'out mention/bacterial or histol confrmtn","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A12..00","63959.0","Other respiratory tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A12y000","37598.0","Tuberculosis of mediastinum","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A12y100","72402.0","Tuberculosis of nasopharynx","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A12y200","97658.0","Tuberculosis of nasal septum","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A12y300","45861.0","Tuberculosis of nasal sinus","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A12y.00","50902.0","Other specified respiratory tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A12yz00","50147.0","Other specified respiratory tuberculosis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A130000","54840.0","Tuberculosis of cerebral meninges","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A130100","46802.0","Tuberculosis of spinal meninges","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A130300","43791.0","Tuberculous meningoencephalitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A130.00","11975.0","Tuberculous meningitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A130z00","69322.0","Tuberculous meningitis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A131.00","57417.0","Tuberculoma of meninges","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A132.00","52199.0","Tuberculoma of brain","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A133.00","57398.0","Tuberculous abscess of brain","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A134.00","46039.0","Tuberculoma of spinal cord","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A135.00","46044.0","Tuberculous abscess of spinal cord","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A136000","93360.0","Tuberculous encephalitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A136100","31680.0","Tuberculous myelitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A136.00","59202.0","Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A136z00","72072.0","Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A13..00","41208.0","Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A13y.00","41383.0","Other specified tuberculosis of central nervous system","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A13z.00","70140.0","Tuberculosis of central nervous system NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A140.00","31409.0","Tuberculous peritonitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A14..00","2193.0","Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A14y100","39279.0","Tuberculosis of large intestine","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A14y200","31436.0","Tuberculosis of small intestine","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A14y300","29482.0","Tuberculosis of mesenteric lymph glands","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A14y400","59087.0","Tuberculosis of rectum","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A14y500","49433.0","Tuberculosis of retroperitoneal lymph nodes","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A14y.00","54570.0","Other gastrointestinal tract tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A14yz00","33372.0","Other gastrointestinal tract tuberculosis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A14z.00","54579.0","Tuberculosis of gastrointestinal tract NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A150.00","3273.0","Tuberculosis of vertebral column - Pott's","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A151.00","2208.0","Tuberculosis of hip","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A152.00","23451.0","Tuberculosis of knee","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A153.00","4907.0","Tuberculosis limb bones - Tuberculous dactylitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A154.00","17153.0","Tuberculous mastoiditis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A15..00","3596.0","Tuberculosis of bones and joints","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A15..11","22572.0","Tuberculous osteomylelytis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A15..12","24626.0","Tuberculous arthritis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A15..13","45318.0","Tuberculous synovitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A15x.00","37886.0","Tuberculosis of other specified bones","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A15y.00","42201.0","Tuberculosis of other specified joint","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A15z.00","44128.0","Tuberculosis of bones or joints NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A160000","52272.0","Tuberculous nephropathy","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A160100","50837.0","Tuberculous pyelitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A160200","49235.0","Tuberculous pyelonephritis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A160.00","3303.0","Tuberculosis of kidney","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A160.11","23940.0","Renal tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A160z00","67292.0","Tuberculosis of kidney NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A161.00","3830.0","Tuberculosis of bladder","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A162.00","53548.0","Tuberculosis of ureter","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A163.00","34657.0","Tuberculosis of other urinary organs","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A164.00","27399.0","Tuberculosis of epididymis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A165000","60040.0","Tuberculosis of prostate","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A165100","49481.0","Tuberculosis seminal vesicle","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A165200","30945.0","Tuberculosis of testis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A165.00","68821.0","Tuberculosis of other male genital organs","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A165z00","69154.0","Tuberculosis of other male genital organs NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A166000","72743.0","Tuberculous oophoritis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A166100","38920.0","Tuberculous salpingitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A166111","31349.0","Fallopian tube tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A166.00","57466.0","Tuberculous oophoritis or salpingitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A166z00","63796.0","Tuberculous oophoritis or salpingitis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A167000","49112.0","Tuberculous cervicitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A167100","12448.0","Tuberculous endometritis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A167.00","66584.0","Tuberculosis of other female genital organs","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A167z00","68973.0","Tuberculosis of other female genital organs NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A168.00","50489.0","Tuberculosis of urinary tract","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A16..00","37422.0","Tuberculosis of genitourinary system","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A16z.00","50261.0","Genitourinary tuberculosis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A170000","67637.0","Tuberculosis - lupus exedens","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A170100","16367.0","Tuberculosis - lupus vulgaris","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A170200","47430.0","Tuberculosis - scrofuloderma","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A170300","37492.0","Tuberculosis - lupus NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A170500","63351.0","Tuberculosis cutis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A170600","4621.0","Tuberculosis lichenoides","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A170700","62033.0","Tuberculosis papulonecrotica","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A170800","31445.0","Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A170.00","47881.0","Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A170.11","46675.0","Lupus - tuberculous","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A170z00","30687.0","Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A171000","23962.0","Bazin's disease - erythema induratum - TB hypersensitivity","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A171100","34640.0","Tuberculous erythema nodosum","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A171.00","44573.0","Tuberculosis with erythema nodosum hypersensitivity reaction","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A171z00","56833.0","Erythema nodosum with tuberculosis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A172000","3720.0","Tuberculous - cervical lymphadenitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A172011","40522.0","Scrofula - tuberculous cervical lymph nodes","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A172100","51110.0","Scrofulous tuberculous abscess","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A172200","5101.0","Tuberculous adenitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A172.00","4256.0","Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A172z00","26344.0","Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A173000","37329.0","Tuberculous chorioretinitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A173100","19652.0","Tuberculous episcleritis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A173200","55629.0","Tuberculous interstitial keratitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A173300","38342.0","Tuberculous chronic iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A173400","30358.0","Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A173.00","43976.0","Tuberculosis of eye","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A173z00","70491.0","Tuberculosis of eye NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A174.00","58673.0","Tuberculosis of ear","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A175.00","73590.0","Tuberculosis of thyroid gland","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A176.00","35760.0","Tuberculosis of adrenal glands - Addison's disease","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A177.00","66976.0","Tuberculosis spleen","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A178.00","56670.0","Tuberculosis oesophagus","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A17..00","55835.0","Tuberculosis of other organs","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A17y000","96668.0","Tuberculosis endocardium","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A17y100","50869.0","Tuberculosis myocardium","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A17y200","40231.0","Tuberculosis pericardium","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A17y300","46019.0","Tuberculosis of stomach","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A17y400","46147.0","Tuberculosis of liver","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A17y.00","46727.0","Tuberculosis of other specified organs","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A17yz00","46383.0","Tuberculosis of other specified organs NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A17z.00","45932.0","Tuberculosis of other organs NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A180000","31844.0","Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A180100","42479.0","Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A180.00","72008.0","Acute miliary tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A18..00","16414.0","Miliary tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A18y.00","32459.0","Other specified miliary tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A18z.00","53331.0","Miliary tuberculosis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A1...00","1840.0","Tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A1y..00","34430.0","Other specified tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A1z..00","15158.0","Tuberculosis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","AE00.00","65464.0","Late effects of respiratory tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","AE01.00","73273.0","Late effects of central nervous system tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","AE02.00","40990.0","Late effects of genitourinary system tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","AE03.00","73549.0","Late effects of tuberculosis of bones and joints","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","AE04.00","70911.0","Late effects of tuberculosis of other specified organs","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","AE0..00","29395.0","Late effects of tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","AE0z.00","61442.0","Late effects of tuberculosis NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","Ayu1000","73185.0","[X]Other resp tubercul,confirmd bacteriologicly+histologicly","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","Ayu1100","73225.0","[X]Resp tuberculos unspcfd,confirmd bacteriolog+histologicly","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","Ayu1300","55298.0","[X]Resp TB unspcf,w'out mention/bacterial or histol confrmtn","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","Ayu1400","106837.0","[X]Other tuberculosis of nervous system","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","Ayu1600","72680.0","[X]Tuberculosis of other specified organs","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","Ayu1800","106521.0","[X]Other miliary tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","Ayu1900","97922.0","[X]Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","Ayu1.00","73149.0","[X]Tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","AyuJ200","106978.0","[X]Sequelae of tuberculosis of bones and joints","History of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","AyuJ400","93768.0","[X]Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis","History of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","F004.00","11976.0","Meningitis - tuberculous","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","F033300","99925.0","Encephalitis due to tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","F033311","97778.0","Tuberculous encephalitis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","F040600","54908.0","Tuberculous intracranial abscess","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","F041300","105288.0","Tuberculous intraspinal abscess","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","F4A5500","94249.0","Keratitis due to tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","G500300","57126.0","Acute pericarditis - tuberculous","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","G500311","16996.0","TB - acute pericarditis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","G520600","91847.0","Acute myocarditis - tuberculous","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","H450.00","63172.0","Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis","History of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","J550200","32899.0","Peritonitis - tuberculous","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","K154800","56771.0","Cystitis in tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","K214300","109312.0","Prostatitis in tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","K43..00","27611.0","Female tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N018.00","97588.0","Tuberculous arthritis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N304000","70293.0","Tuberculosis of cervical spine","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N304100","67337.0","Tuberculosis of thoracic spine","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N304200","65994.0","Tuberculosis of lumbar spine","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N304300","97325.0","Tuberculosis of sacrum/coccyx","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N304.00","43370.0","Tuberculosis of spine (Pott's)","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N304.11","6553.0","Tuberculosis of spine","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N305000","99914.0","Tuberculosis of unspecified limb bone","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N305100","62963.0","Tuberculosis of the upper arm bone","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N305200","68154.0","Tuberculosis of the forearm bone","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N305300","59916.0","Tuberculosis of the pelvic and thigh bones","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N305400","57587.0","Tuberculosis of the lower leg bone","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N305500","95332.0","Tuberculosis of other limb bones","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N305.00","24372.0","Tuberculosis of limb bones","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N306000","99305.0","Tuberculosis of bone, site unspecified","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N306100","53864.0","Tuberculosis of the bones of the shoulder region","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N306200","99783.0","Tuberculosis of the bones of the hand","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N306300","67601.0","Tuberculosis of the bones of the ankle and foot","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N306400","71138.0","Tuberculosis of the bones of other sites","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N306500","99593.0","Tuberculosis of the bones of multiple sites","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N306.00","12338.0","Tuberculosis of other bones","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N306z00","70862.0","Tuberculosis of bone NOS","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","Q402400","55957.0","Congenital tuberculosis","Diagnosis of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","ZV12A00","18206.0","[V] Personal history of pulmonary tuberculosis","History of tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","ZV12B00","9158.0","[V] Personal history of tuberculosis","History of tuberculosis"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_thal_trait.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_thal_trait.csv
index c603378..7a1d967 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_thal_trait.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_thal_trait.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Thalassaemia trait","D104100","1174.0","Thalassaemia minor NEC","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia trait"
-"Thalassaemia trait","D104400","12235.0","Alpha trait thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia trait"
-"Thalassaemia trait","D104500","9864.0","Beta trait thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia trait"
-"Thalassaemia trait","D104800","27761.0","Beta minor thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia trait"
+Thalassaemia trait,D104100,1174.0,Thalassaemia minor NEC,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia trait
+Thalassaemia trait,D104400,12235.0,Alpha trait thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia trait
+Thalassaemia trait,D104500,9864.0,Beta trait thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia trait
+Thalassaemia trait,D104800,27761.0,Beta minor thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia trait
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_thala.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_thala.csv
index 8735dda..2900739 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_thala.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_thala.csv
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Thalassaemia","D104000","31405.0","Thalassaemia major NEC","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104011","45151.0","Thalassaemia major - Cooley's anaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104200","54429.0","Thalassaemia with haemoglobin S disease","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104211","31075.0","Sickle-cell thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104300","8866.0","Alpha thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104311","37808.0","Homozygous alpha thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104600","57144.0","Beta intermedia thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104700","46733.0","Beta major thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104811","21643.0","Beta thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104900","32943.0","Delta-beta thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104A00","71992.0","Hereditary leptocytosis","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104.00","1171.0","Thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104.12","105439.0","Mediterranean anaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104z00","4666.0","Thalassaemia NOS","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D104z11","66137.0","Mediterranean anaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","Dyu1100","73946.0","[X]Other thalassaemias","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
+Thalassaemia,D104000,31405.0,Thalassaemia major NEC,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104011,45151.0,Thalassaemia major - Cooley's anaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104200,54429.0,Thalassaemia with haemoglobin S disease,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104211,31075.0,Sickle-cell thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104300,8866.0,Alpha thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104311,37808.0,Homozygous alpha thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104600,57144.0,Beta intermedia thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104700,46733.0,Beta major thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104811,21643.0,Beta thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104900,32943.0,Delta-beta thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104A00,71992.0,Hereditary leptocytosis,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104.00,1171.0,Thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104.12,105439.0,Mediterranean anaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104z00,4666.0,Thalassaemia NOS,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D104z11,66137.0,Mediterranean anaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,Dyu1100,73946.0,[X]Other thalassaemias,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_thrombophil.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_thrombophil.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index a9bf7f1..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_thrombophil.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Thrombophilia","42jH.00","30873.0","Activated protein C with factor V deficient plasma","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","42Qc.00","23134.0","Plasma activated protein C resistance","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","42Qe.00","8674.0","Factor V Leiden genotype","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","43GE100","107447.0","Lupus anticoagulant positive","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","D303700","25971.0","Factor V Leiden mutation","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","D303800","44146.0","Homozygous factor V Leiden mutation","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","D303900","32933.0","Heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","D309.00","8479.0","Protein S deficiency","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","D30A000","105875.0","Primary thrombophilia","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","D30A.00","7516.0","Thrombophilia","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","D30B.00","26102.0","Protein C deficiency","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","N006.00","12177.0","Antiphospholipid syndrome","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_thrombophilia.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_thrombophilia.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07564b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_thrombophilia.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Thrombophilia,42jH.00,30873.0,Activated protein C with factor V deficient plasma,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,42Qc.00,23134.0,Plasma activated protein C resistance,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,42Qe.00,8674.0,Factor V Leiden genotype,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,43GE100,107447.0,Lupus anticoagulant positive,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,D303700,25971.0,Factor V Leiden mutation,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,D303800,44146.0,Homozygous factor V Leiden mutation,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,D303900,32933.0,Heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,D309.00,8479.0,Protein S deficiency,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,D30A000,105875.0,Primary thrombophilia,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,D30A.00,7516.0,Thrombophilia,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,D30B.00,26102.0,Protein C deficiency,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,N006.00,12177.0,Antiphospholipid syndrome,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_thyroid.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_thyroid.csv
index ae7a9b4..eb47056 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_thyroid.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_thyroid.csv
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","1431.00","6245.0","H/O: hyperthyroidism","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","1431.11","8038.0","H/O: thyrotoxicosis","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","143..11","4937.0","H/O: thyroid disorder","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","1432.00","3611.0","H/O: hypothyroidism","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","1433.00","35608.0","H/O: thyroid disorder NOS","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","212P.00","26362.0","Hyperthyroidism resolved","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","66B4.00","28530.0","Thyroid eye disease","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","66B..00","8268.0","Thyroid disease monitoring","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","66BB.00","95885.0","Hypothyroidism annual review","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","66BZ.00","28822.0","Thyroid disease monitoring NOS","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","8CR5.00","85955.0","Hypothyroidism clinical management plan","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","9Oj0.00","46057.0","Hypothyroidism monitoring first letter","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","9Oj1.00","46630.0","Hypothyroidism monitoring second letter","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","9Oj2.00","46640.0","Hypothyroidism monitoring third letter","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","9Oj3.00","19367.0","Hypothyroidism monitoring verbal invite","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","9Oj4.00","85661.0","Hypothyroidism monitoring telephone invitation","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","9Oj..00","28735.0","Hypothyroidism monitoring administration","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C020000","26702.0","Toxic diffuse goitre with no crisis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C020100","57011.0","Toxic diffuse goitre with crisis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C020200","100476.0","Thyroid-associated dermopathy","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C020.00","23315.0","Toxic diffuse goitre","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C020.11","44405.0","Basedow's disease","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C020.12","5257.0","Graves' disease","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C020z00","49334.0","Toxic diffuse goitre NOS","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C021000","26869.0","Toxic uninodular goitre with no crisis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C021.00","53280.0","Toxic uninodular goitre","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C021z00","61498.0","Toxic uninodular goitre NOS","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C022000","46985.0","Toxic multinodular goitre with no crisis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C022.00","11426.0","Toxic multinodular goitre","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C022z00","53981.0","Toxic multinodular goitre NOS","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C023000","68512.0","Toxic nodular goitre unspecified with no crisis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C023100","100004.0","Toxic nodular goitre unspecified with crisis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C023.00","15790.0","Toxic nodular goitre unspecified","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C023z00","49361.0","Toxic nodular goitre NOS","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02..00","677.0","Thyrotoxicosis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02..11","1472.0","Hyperthyroidism","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02..12","10760.0","Toxic goitre","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02y000","51273.0","Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin with no crisis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02y100","106532.0","Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin with crisis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02y300","19205.0","Thyroid crisis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02y.00","43136.0","Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02yz00","34220.0","Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin NOS","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02z000","26701.0","Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre or cause no crisis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02z100","3194.0","Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre, cause with crisis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02z.00","15565.0","Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre or other cause","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C02zz00","26699.0","Thyrotoxicosis NOS","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C040.00","28852.0","Postsurgical hypothyroidism","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C040.11","47521.0","Post ablative hypothyroidism","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C041000","11322.0","Irradiation hypothyroidism","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C041.00","50275.0","Other postablative hypothyroidism","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C041z00","51706.0","Postablative hypothyroidism NOS","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C043.00","25913.0","Other iatrogenic hypothyroidism","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C043z00","38976.0","Iatrogenic hypothyroidism NOS","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C046.00","31971.0","Autoimmune myxoedema","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C04..00","3290.0","Acquired hypothyroidism","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C04..11","1619.0","Myxoedema","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C04..12","14704.0","Thyroid deficiency","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C04..13","273.0","Hypothyroidism","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C04y.00","24748.0","Other acquired hypothyroidism","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C04z000","56722.0","Premature puberty due to hypothyroidism","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C04z100","59702.0","Myxoedema coma","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C04z.00","3941.0","Hypothyroidism NOS","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C04z.11","20310.0","Pretibial myxoedema - hypothyroid","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C04z.12","23014.0","Thyroid insufficiency","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C04z.13","18282.0","Hypothyroid goitre, acquired","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C052.00","26833.0","Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C052.11","3857.0","Autoimmune thyroiditis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C052.12","3436.0","Hashimoto's disease","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C053.00","70244.0","Chronic fibrous thyroiditis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C05..00","1346.0","Thyroiditis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C05y400","65907.0","Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C05y.00","65444.0","Other and unspecified chronic thyroiditis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C05z.00","20909.0","Thyroiditis NOS","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C06y100","69113.0","Thyroid atrophy","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","C134300","11146.0","TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone deficiency","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","Cyu1100","73107.0","[X]Other sp cified hypothyroidism","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","Cyu1300","72690.0","[X]Other thyrotoxicosis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","Cyu1400","95335.0","[X]Other chronic thyroiditis","Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","F11x500","47658.0","Cerebral degeneration due to myxoedema","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","F381400","61069.0","Myasthenic syndrome due to hypothyroidism","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","F381600","47695.0","Myasthenic syndrome due to thyrotoxicosis","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","F395300","51416.0","Myopathy due to myxoedema","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","F395400","48167.0","Myopathy due to thyrotoxicosis","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","F4G2000","1567.0","Thyrotoxic exophthalmos","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","FyuBD00","68626.0","[X]Dysthyroid exophthalmos","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","G557500","20035.0","Thyrotoxic heart disease","History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,1431.00,6245.0,H/O: hyperthyroidism,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,1431.11,8038.0,H/O: thyrotoxicosis,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,143..11,4937.0,H/O: thyroid disorder,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,1432.00,3611.0,H/O: hypothyroidism,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,1433.00,35608.0,H/O: thyroid disorder NOS,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,212P.00,26362.0,Hyperthyroidism resolved,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,66B4.00,28530.0,Thyroid eye disease,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,66B..00,8268.0,Thyroid disease monitoring,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,66BB.00,95885.0,Hypothyroidism annual review,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,66BZ.00,28822.0,Thyroid disease monitoring NOS,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,8CR5.00,85955.0,Hypothyroidism clinical management plan,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,9Oj0.00,46057.0,Hypothyroidism monitoring first letter,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,9Oj1.00,46630.0,Hypothyroidism monitoring second letter,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,9Oj2.00,46640.0,Hypothyroidism monitoring third letter,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,9Oj3.00,19367.0,Hypothyroidism monitoring verbal invite,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,9Oj4.00,85661.0,Hypothyroidism monitoring telephone invitation,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,9Oj..00,28735.0,Hypothyroidism monitoring administration,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C020000,26702.0,Toxic diffuse goitre with no crisis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C020100,57011.0,Toxic diffuse goitre with crisis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C020200,100476.0,Thyroid-associated dermopathy,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C020.00,23315.0,Toxic diffuse goitre,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C020.11,44405.0,Basedow's disease,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C020.12,5257.0,Graves' disease,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C020z00,49334.0,Toxic diffuse goitre NOS,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C021000,26869.0,Toxic uninodular goitre with no crisis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C021.00,53280.0,Toxic uninodular goitre,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C021z00,61498.0,Toxic uninodular goitre NOS,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C022000,46985.0,Toxic multinodular goitre with no crisis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C022.00,11426.0,Toxic multinodular goitre,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C022z00,53981.0,Toxic multinodular goitre NOS,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C023000,68512.0,Toxic nodular goitre unspecified with no crisis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C023100,100004.0,Toxic nodular goitre unspecified with crisis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C023.00,15790.0,Toxic nodular goitre unspecified,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C023z00,49361.0,Toxic nodular goitre NOS,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02..00,677.0,Thyrotoxicosis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02..11,1472.0,Hyperthyroidism,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02..12,10760.0,Toxic goitre,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02y000,51273.0,Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin with no crisis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02y100,106532.0,Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin with crisis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02y300,19205.0,Thyroid crisis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02y.00,43136.0,Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02yz00,34220.0,Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin NOS,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02z000,26701.0,Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre or cause no crisis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02z100,3194.0,"Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre, cause with crisis",Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02z.00,15565.0,Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre or other cause,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C02zz00,26699.0,Thyrotoxicosis NOS,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C040.00,28852.0,Postsurgical hypothyroidism,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C040.11,47521.0,Post ablative hypothyroidism,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C041000,11322.0,Irradiation hypothyroidism,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C041.00,50275.0,Other postablative hypothyroidism,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C041z00,51706.0,Postablative hypothyroidism NOS,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C043.00,25913.0,Other iatrogenic hypothyroidism,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C043z00,38976.0,Iatrogenic hypothyroidism NOS,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C046.00,31971.0,Autoimmune myxoedema,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C04..00,3290.0,Acquired hypothyroidism,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C04..11,1619.0,Myxoedema,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C04..12,14704.0,Thyroid deficiency,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C04..13,273.0,Hypothyroidism,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C04y.00,24748.0,Other acquired hypothyroidism,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C04z000,56722.0,Premature puberty due to hypothyroidism,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C04z100,59702.0,Myxoedema coma,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C04z.00,3941.0,Hypothyroidism NOS,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C04z.11,20310.0,Pretibial myxoedema - hypothyroid,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C04z.12,23014.0,Thyroid insufficiency,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C04z.13,18282.0,"Hypothyroid goitre, acquired",Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C052.00,26833.0,Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C052.11,3857.0,Autoimmune thyroiditis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C052.12,3436.0,Hashimoto's disease,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C053.00,70244.0,Chronic fibrous thyroiditis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C05..00,1346.0,Thyroiditis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C05y400,65907.0,Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C05y.00,65444.0,Other and unspecified chronic thyroiditis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C05z.00,20909.0,Thyroiditis NOS,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C06y100,69113.0,Thyroid atrophy,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,C134300,11146.0,TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone deficiency,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,Cyu1100,73107.0,[X]Other sp cified hypothyroidism,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,Cyu1300,72690.0,[X]Other thyrotoxicosis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,Cyu1400,95335.0,[X]Other chronic thyroiditis,Diagnosis of Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,F11x500,47658.0,Cerebral degeneration due to myxoedema,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,F381400,61069.0,Myasthenic syndrome due to hypothyroidism,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,F381600,47695.0,Myasthenic syndrome due to thyrotoxicosis,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,F395300,51416.0,Myopathy due to myxoedema,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,F395400,48167.0,Myopathy due to thyrotoxicosis,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,F4G2000,1567.0,Thyrotoxic exophthalmos,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,FyuBD00,68626.0,[X]Dysthyroid exophthalmos,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,G557500,20035.0,Thyrotoxic heart disease,History of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_tinnitus.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_tinnitus.csv
index 9cd8bdc..961ceab 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_tinnitus.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_tinnitus.csv
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Tinnitus","1C2..00","9927.0","Tinnitus symptoms","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
-"Tinnitus","1C23.00","12809.0","Ringing in ear","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
-"Tinnitus","1C24.00","17555.0","Hissing in ear","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
-"Tinnitus","1C2Z.00","36213.0","Tinnitus symptom NOS","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
-"Tinnitus","F583000","44714.0","Unspecified tinnitus","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
-"Tinnitus","F583100","44519.0","Subjective tinnitus","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
-"Tinnitus","F583200","59173.0","Objective tinnitus","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
-"Tinnitus","F583.00","338.0","Tinnitus","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
-"Tinnitus","F583z00","33737.0","Tinnitus NOS","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
-"Tinnitus","Z911200","46011.0","Fit tinnitus masker","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
-"Tinnitus","ZEB..00","45977.0","Observation of tinnitus","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
+Tinnitus,1C2..00,9927.0,Tinnitus symptoms,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
+Tinnitus,1C23.00,12809.0,Ringing in ear,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
+Tinnitus,1C24.00,17555.0,Hissing in ear,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
+Tinnitus,1C2Z.00,36213.0,Tinnitus symptom NOS,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
+Tinnitus,F583000,44714.0,Unspecified tinnitus,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
+Tinnitus,F583100,44519.0,Subjective tinnitus,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
+Tinnitus,F583200,59173.0,Objective tinnitus,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
+Tinnitus,F583.00,338.0,Tinnitus,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
+Tinnitus,F583z00,33737.0,Tinnitus NOS,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
+Tinnitus,Z911200,46011.0,Fit tinnitus masker,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
+Tinnitus,ZEB..00,45977.0,Observation of tinnitus,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_trifasc.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_trifasc.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index ecf54bb..0000000
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_trifasc.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Trifascicular block","329B.00","100234.0","ECG: trifascicular block","Diagnosis of Trifascicular block"
-"Trifascicular block","G565400","10712.0","Trifascicular block","Diagnosis of Trifascicular block"
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_trifasc_block.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_trifasc_block.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..399f08e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_trifasc_block.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Trifascicular block,329B.00,100234.0,ECG: trifascicular block,Diagnosis of Trifascicular block
+Trifascicular block,G565400,10712.0,Trifascicular block,Diagnosis of Trifascicular block
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_trigem_neur.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_trigem_neur.csv
index 1fa9d46..2d8eeaf 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_trigem_neur.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_trigem_neur.csv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Trigeminal neuralgia","1475.00","16481.0","H/O: trigeminal neuralgia","History of Trigeminal neuralgia"
-"Trigeminal neuralgia","A531200","11498.0","Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia","Diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia"
-"Trigeminal neuralgia","F300.00","7584.0","Post-herpetic trigeminal neuralgia","Diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia"
-"Trigeminal neuralgia","F301000","4912.0","Tic douloureux","Diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia"
-"Trigeminal neuralgia","F301.00","1541.0","Other specified trigeminal neuralgia","Diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia"
-"Trigeminal neuralgia","F301z00","6581.0","Trigeminal neuralgia NOS","Diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia"
+Trigeminal neuralgia,1475.00,16481.0,H/O: trigeminal neuralgia,History of Trigeminal neuralgia
+Trigeminal neuralgia,A531200,11498.0,Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia,Diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia
+Trigeminal neuralgia,F300.00,7584.0,Post-herpetic trigeminal neuralgia,Diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia
+Trigeminal neuralgia,F301000,4912.0,Tic douloureux,Diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia
+Trigeminal neuralgia,F301.00,1541.0,Other specified trigeminal neuralgia,Diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia
+Trigeminal neuralgia,F301z00,6581.0,Trigeminal neuralgia NOS,Diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_ulc_colitis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_ulc_colitis.csv
index 9ea3229..e2cc077 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_ulc_colitis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_ulc_colitis.csv
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Ulcerative colitis","14C4.11","5749.0","H/O: ulcerative colitis","History of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J410000","48732.0","Ulcerative ileocolitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J410100","704.0","Ulcerative colitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J410200","24858.0","Ulcerative rectosigmoiditis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J410300","8347.0","Ulcerative proctitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J410400","22516.0","Exacerbation of ulcerative colitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J410.00","6650.0","Ulcerative proctocolitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J410z00","33456.0","Ulcerative proctocolitis NOS","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J411.00","30433.0","Ulcerative (chronic) enterocolitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J412.00","42822.0","Ulcerative (chronic) ileocolitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J413.00","104259.0","Ulcerative pancolitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J41..00","5133.0","Idiopathic proctocolitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J41..11","23950.0","Mucous colitis and/or proctitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J41..12","1784.0","Ulcerative colitis and/or proctitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J41y.00","24550.0","Other idiopathic proctocolitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J41yz00","43090.0","Other idiopathic proctocolitis NOS","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","J41z.00","15207.0","Idiopathic proctocolitis NOS","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","Jyu4100","53743.0","[X]Other ulcerative colitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","N031000","17641.0","Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis","History of Ulcerative colitis"
-"Ulcerative colitis","N045400","71083.0","Juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis","History of Ulcerative colitis"
+Ulcerative colitis,14C4.11,5749.0,H/O: ulcerative colitis,History of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J410000,48732.0,Ulcerative ileocolitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J410100,704.0,Ulcerative colitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J410200,24858.0,Ulcerative rectosigmoiditis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J410300,8347.0,Ulcerative proctitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J410400,22516.0,Exacerbation of ulcerative colitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J410.00,6650.0,Ulcerative proctocolitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J410z00,33456.0,Ulcerative proctocolitis NOS,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J411.00,30433.0,Ulcerative (chronic) enterocolitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J412.00,42822.0,Ulcerative (chronic) ileocolitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J413.00,104259.0,Ulcerative pancolitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J41..00,5133.0,Idiopathic proctocolitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J41..11,23950.0,Mucous colitis and/or proctitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J41..12,1784.0,Ulcerative colitis and/or proctitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J41y.00,24550.0,Other idiopathic proctocolitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J41yz00,43090.0,Other idiopathic proctocolitis NOS,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,J41z.00,15207.0,Idiopathic proctocolitis NOS,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,Jyu4100,53743.0,[X]Other ulcerative colitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,N031000,17641.0,Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis,History of Ulcerative colitis
+Ulcerative colitis,N045400,71083.0,Juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis,History of Ulcerative colitis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_ulcer_peptic.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_ulcer_peptic.csv
index 8d9be49..c223f3b 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_ulcer_peptic.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_ulcer_peptic.csv
@@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","14C1.00","2812.0","H/O: peptic ulcer","History of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","14C1.11","6321.0","H/O: duodenal ulcer","History of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","14C1.12","7108.0","H/O: gastric ulcer","History of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","7612111.0","92695.0","Balfour excision of gastric ulcer","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","7612500.0","64710.0","Resection of gastric ulcer by cautery","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","761D500","45981.0","Endoscopic injection haemostasis of duodenal ulcer","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","761D600","63718.0","Endoscopic injection haemostasis of gastric ulcer","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","761J000","20677.0","Closure of perforated gastric ulcer","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","761J100","64014.0","Closure of gastric ulcer NEC","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","761J111","70005.0","Suture of ulcer of stomach NEC","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","761J.00","23688.0","Operations on gastric ulcer","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","761J.11","6865.0","Stomach ulcer operations","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","761Jy00","94104.0","Other specified operation on gastric ulcer","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","761Jz00","33914.0","Operation on gastric ulcer NOS","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","7627000.0","4741.0","Closure of perforated duodenal ulcer","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","7627100.0","37268.0","Suture of duodenal ulcer not elsewhere classified","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","7627200.0","55350.0","Oversew of blood vessel of duodenal ulcer","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","7627.00","5928.0","Operations on duodenal ulcer","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","7627y00","56005.0","Other specified operation on duodenal ulcer","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","7627z00","55933.0","Operation on duodenal ulcer NOS","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J110000","64165.0","Acute gastric ulcer without mention of complication","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J110100","30054.0","Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J110111","11124.0","Bleeding acute gastric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J110200","14671.0","Acute gastric ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J110300","71403.0","Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J110400","109546.0","Acute gastric ulcer with obstruction","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J110.00","24040.0","Acute gastric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J110y00","24342.0","Acute gastric ulcer unspecified","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J110z00","44324.0","Acute gastric ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J111000","48946.0","Chronic gastric ulcer without mention of complication","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J111100","63582.0","Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J111111","36583.0","Bleeding chronic gastric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J111200","53336.0","Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J111211","11104.0","Perforated chronic gastric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J111300","71897.0","Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J111400","67356.0","Chronic gastric ulcer with obstruction","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J111.00","18654.0","Chronic gastric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J111y00","64556.0","Chronic gastric ulcer unspecified","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J111z00","44309.0","Chronic gastric ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J112.00","63001.0","Anti-platelet induced gastric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J112z00","89227.0","Anti-platelet induced gastric ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J113.00","89023.0","Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced gastric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J113z00","97993.0","Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced gastric ulc NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11..00","1262.0","Gastric ulcer - (GU)","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11..11","6333.0","Prepyloric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11..12","3101.0","Pyloric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11y000","73338.0","Unspecified gastric ulcer without mention of complication","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11y100","57958.0","Unspecified gastric ulcer with haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11y200","36461.0","Unspecified gastric ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11y400","73697.0","Unspecified gastric ulcer with obstruction","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11y.00","53081.0","Unspecified gastric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11yy00","94397.0","Unspec gastric ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11yz00","44284.0","Unspecified gastric ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11z.00","29771.0","Gastric ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11z.11","2877.0","Gastric erosions","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J11z.12","52323.0","Multiple gastric ulcers","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J120000","44335.0","Acute duodenal ulcer without mention of complication","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J120100","18001.0","Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J120200","18324.0","Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J120300","48730.0","Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J120400","73417.0","Acute duodenal ulcer with obstruction","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J120.00","18027.0","Acute duodenal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J120y00","53822.0","Acute duodenal ulcer unspecified","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J120z00","53797.0","Acute duodenal ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J121000","33438.0","Chronic duodenal ulcer without mention of complication","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J121100","48951.0","Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J121111","18625.0","Bleeding chronic duodenal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J121200","37643.0","Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J121211","23087.0","Perforated chronic duodenal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J121300","71881.0","Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J121400","44073.0","Chronic duodenal ulcer with obstruction","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J121.00","9853.0","Chronic duodenal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J121y00","52138.0","Chronic duodenal ulcer unspecified","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J121z00","51406.0","Chronic duodenal ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J122.00","22918.0","Duodenal ulcer disease","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J123.00","3462.0","Duodenal erosion","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J124.00","29317.0","Recurrent duodenal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J125.00","89234.0","Anti-platelet induced duodenal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J126.00","85989.0","Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced duodenal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J12..00","352.0","Duodenal ulcer - (DU)","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J12y000","71150.0","Unspecified duodenal ulcer without mention of complication","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J12y100","2814.0","Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J12y200","657.0","Unspecified duodenal ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J12y300","93436.0","Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J12y400","71904.0","Unspecified duodenal ulcer with obstruction","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J12y.00","53669.0","Unspecified duodenal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J12yy00","28366.0","Unspec duodenal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J12yz00","65737.0","Unspecified duodenal ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J12z.00","15175.0","Duodenal ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J130000","68661.0","Acute peptic ulcer without mention of complication","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J130100","44637.0","Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J130200","5521.0","Acute peptic ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J130300","45304.0","Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J130.00","32856.0","Acute peptic ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J130y00","67711.0","Acute peptic ulcer unspecified","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J130z00","50048.0","Acute peptic ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J131000","99430.0","Chronic peptic ulcer without mention of complication","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J131100","53126.0","Chronic peptic ulcer with haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J131200","37620.0","Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J131400","52313.0","Chronic peptic ulcer with obstruction","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J131.00","40997.0","Chronic peptic ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J131y00","70390.0","Chronic peptic ulcer unspecified","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J131z00","69663.0","Chronic peptic ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J13..00","670.0","Peptic ulcer - (PU) site unspecified","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J13..11","15821.0","Stress ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J13y000","67082.0","Unspecified peptic ulcer without mention of complication","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J13y100","70456.0","Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J13y200","64111.0","Unspecified peptic ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J13y300","96622.0","Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J13y400","99670.0","Unspecified peptic ulcer with obstruction","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J13y.00","50497.0","Unspecified peptic ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J13yz00","60249.0","Unspecified peptic ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J13z.00","19928.0","Peptic ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J140100","96628.0","Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J140200","102177.0","Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J140300","106330.0","Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J140.00","45184.0","Acute gastrojejunal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J140z00","42274.0","Acute gastrojejunal ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J141300","110244.0","Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J141.00","96090.0","Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J14..00","23082.0","Gastrojejunal ulcer (GJU)","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J14..11","23487.0","Anastomotic ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J14..12","64913.0","Gastrocolic ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J14..13","9981.0","Jejunal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J14y100","60346.0","Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J14y200","15979.0","Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J14y.00","63482.0","Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J14yz00","66092.0","Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J14z.00","15403.0","Gastrojejunal ulcer NOS","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","J17y800","18319.0","Healed gastric ulcer leaving a scar","History of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","ZV12711","26261.0","[V]Personal history of peptic ulcer","History of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","ZV12712","40489.0","[V]Personal history of duodenal ulcer","History of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","ZV12C00","41271.0","[V] Personal history of gastric ulcer","History of Peptic ulcer disease"
+Peptic ulcer disease,14C1.00,2812.0,H/O: peptic ulcer,History of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,14C1.11,6321.0,H/O: duodenal ulcer,History of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,14C1.12,7108.0,H/O: gastric ulcer,History of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,7612111.0,92695.0,Balfour excision of gastric ulcer,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,7612500.0,64710.0,Resection of gastric ulcer by cautery,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,761D500,45981.0,Endoscopic injection haemostasis of duodenal ulcer,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,761D600,63718.0,Endoscopic injection haemostasis of gastric ulcer,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,761J000,20677.0,Closure of perforated gastric ulcer,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,761J100,64014.0,Closure of gastric ulcer NEC,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,761J111,70005.0,Suture of ulcer of stomach NEC,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,761J.00,23688.0,Operations on gastric ulcer,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,761J.11,6865.0,Stomach ulcer operations,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,761Jy00,94104.0,Other specified operation on gastric ulcer,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,761Jz00,33914.0,Operation on gastric ulcer NOS,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,7627000.0,4741.0,Closure of perforated duodenal ulcer,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,7627100.0,37268.0,Suture of duodenal ulcer not elsewhere classified,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,7627200.0,55350.0,Oversew of blood vessel of duodenal ulcer,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,7627.00,5928.0,Operations on duodenal ulcer,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,7627y00,56005.0,Other specified operation on duodenal ulcer,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,7627z00,55933.0,Operation on duodenal ulcer NOS,Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J110000,64165.0,Acute gastric ulcer without mention of complication,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J110100,30054.0,Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J110111,11124.0,Bleeding acute gastric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J110200,14671.0,Acute gastric ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J110300,71403.0,Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J110400,109546.0,Acute gastric ulcer with obstruction,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J110.00,24040.0,Acute gastric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J110y00,24342.0,Acute gastric ulcer unspecified,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J110z00,44324.0,Acute gastric ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J111000,48946.0,Chronic gastric ulcer without mention of complication,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J111100,63582.0,Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J111111,36583.0,Bleeding chronic gastric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J111200,53336.0,Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J111211,11104.0,Perforated chronic gastric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J111300,71897.0,Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J111400,67356.0,Chronic gastric ulcer with obstruction,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J111.00,18654.0,Chronic gastric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J111y00,64556.0,Chronic gastric ulcer unspecified,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J111z00,44309.0,Chronic gastric ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J112.00,63001.0,Anti-platelet induced gastric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J112z00,89227.0,Anti-platelet induced gastric ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J113.00,89023.0,Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced gastric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J113z00,97993.0,Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced gastric ulc NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11..00,1262.0,Gastric ulcer - (GU),Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11..11,6333.0,Prepyloric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11..12,3101.0,Pyloric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11y000,73338.0,Unspecified gastric ulcer without mention of complication,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11y100,57958.0,Unspecified gastric ulcer with haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11y200,36461.0,Unspecified gastric ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11y400,73697.0,Unspecified gastric ulcer with obstruction,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11y.00,53081.0,Unspecified gastric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11yy00,94397.0,Unspec gastric ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11yz00,44284.0,Unspecified gastric ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11z.00,29771.0,Gastric ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11z.11,2877.0,Gastric erosions,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J11z.12,52323.0,Multiple gastric ulcers,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J120000,44335.0,Acute duodenal ulcer without mention of complication,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J120100,18001.0,Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J120200,18324.0,Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J120300,48730.0,Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J120400,73417.0,Acute duodenal ulcer with obstruction,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J120.00,18027.0,Acute duodenal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J120y00,53822.0,Acute duodenal ulcer unspecified,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J120z00,53797.0,Acute duodenal ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J121000,33438.0,Chronic duodenal ulcer without mention of complication,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J121100,48951.0,Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J121111,18625.0,Bleeding chronic duodenal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J121200,37643.0,Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J121211,23087.0,Perforated chronic duodenal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J121300,71881.0,Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J121400,44073.0,Chronic duodenal ulcer with obstruction,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J121.00,9853.0,Chronic duodenal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J121y00,52138.0,Chronic duodenal ulcer unspecified,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J121z00,51406.0,Chronic duodenal ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J122.00,22918.0,Duodenal ulcer disease,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J123.00,3462.0,Duodenal erosion,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J124.00,29317.0,Recurrent duodenal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J125.00,89234.0,Anti-platelet induced duodenal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J126.00,85989.0,Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug induced duodenal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J12..00,352.0,Duodenal ulcer - (DU),Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J12y000,71150.0,Unspecified duodenal ulcer without mention of complication,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J12y100,2814.0,Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J12y200,657.0,Unspecified duodenal ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J12y300,93436.0,Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J12y400,71904.0,Unspecified duodenal ulcer with obstruction,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J12y.00,53669.0,Unspecified duodenal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J12yy00,28366.0,Unspec duodenal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J12yz00,65737.0,Unspecified duodenal ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J12z.00,15175.0,Duodenal ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J130000,68661.0,Acute peptic ulcer without mention of complication,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J130100,44637.0,Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J130200,5521.0,Acute peptic ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J130300,45304.0,Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J130.00,32856.0,Acute peptic ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J130y00,67711.0,Acute peptic ulcer unspecified,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J130z00,50048.0,Acute peptic ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J131000,99430.0,Chronic peptic ulcer without mention of complication,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J131100,53126.0,Chronic peptic ulcer with haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J131200,37620.0,Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J131400,52313.0,Chronic peptic ulcer with obstruction,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J131.00,40997.0,Chronic peptic ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J131y00,70390.0,Chronic peptic ulcer unspecified,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J131z00,69663.0,Chronic peptic ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J13..00,670.0,Peptic ulcer - (PU) site unspecified,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J13..11,15821.0,Stress ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J13y000,67082.0,Unspecified peptic ulcer without mention of complication,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J13y100,70456.0,Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J13y200,64111.0,Unspecified peptic ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J13y300,96622.0,Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J13y400,99670.0,Unspecified peptic ulcer with obstruction,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J13y.00,50497.0,Unspecified peptic ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J13yz00,60249.0,Unspecified peptic ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J13z.00,19928.0,Peptic ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J140100,96628.0,Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J140200,102177.0,Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J140300,106330.0,Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J140.00,45184.0,Acute gastrojejunal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J140z00,42274.0,Acute gastrojejunal ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J141300,110244.0,Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J141.00,96090.0,Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J14..00,23082.0,Gastrojejunal ulcer (GJU),Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J14..11,23487.0,Anastomotic ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J14..12,64913.0,Gastrocolic ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J14..13,9981.0,Jejunal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J14y100,60346.0,Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J14y200,15979.0,Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J14y.00,63482.0,Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J14yz00,66092.0,Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J14z.00,15403.0,Gastrojejunal ulcer NOS,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,J17y800,18319.0,Healed gastric ulcer leaving a scar,History of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,ZV12711,26261.0,[V]Personal history of peptic ulcer,History of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,ZV12712,40489.0,[V]Personal history of duodenal ulcer,History of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,ZV12C00,41271.0,[V] Personal history of gastric ulcer,History of Peptic ulcer disease
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_undescended_testis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_undescended_testis.csv
index 50a4aba..a132844 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_undescended_testis.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_undescended_testis.csv
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Undescended testicle","B470200","7740.0","Seminoma of undescended testis","History of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","B470300","36325.0","Teratoma of undescended testis","History of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","B470.00","64602.0","Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis","History of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","B470z00","96429.0","Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis NOS","History of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC50000","44918.0","Cryptorchidism, unilateral","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC50100","47565.0","Cryptorchidism, bilateral","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC50.00","10965.0","Cryptorchidism","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC50z00","33424.0","Cryptorchidism NOS","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC51.00","5241.0","Ectopic testis","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC5..00","634.0","Undescended testicle","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC5z000","6794.0","Undescended testis, unilateral","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC5z011","46552.0","Maldescent of testis, unilateral","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC5z100","6451.0","Undescended testis, bilateral","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC5z111","19026.0","Maldescent of testis, bilateral","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC5z.00","28215.0","Undescended testicle NOS","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
-"Undescended testicle","PC5z.12","12695.0","Maldescent of testicle","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
+Undescended testicle,B470200,7740.0,Seminoma of undescended testis,History of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,B470300,36325.0,Teratoma of undescended testis,History of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,B470.00,64602.0,Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis,History of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,B470z00,96429.0,Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis NOS,History of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC50000,44918.0,"Cryptorchidism, unilateral",Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC50100,47565.0,"Cryptorchidism, bilateral",Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC50.00,10965.0,Cryptorchidism,Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC50z00,33424.0,Cryptorchidism NOS,Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC51.00,5241.0,Ectopic testis,Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC5..00,634.0,Undescended testicle,Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC5z000,6794.0,"Undescended testis, unilateral",Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC5z011,46552.0,"Maldescent of testis, unilateral",Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC5z100,6451.0,"Undescended testis, bilateral",Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC5z111,19026.0,"Maldescent of testis, bilateral",Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC5z.00,28215.0,Undescended testicle NOS,Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
+Undescended testicle,PC5z.12,12695.0,Maldescent of testicle,Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_unstable_angina.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_unstable_angina.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d1cfb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_unstable_angina.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Unstable Angina,662K300,29300,Angina control - worsening,Worsening angina (2)
+Unstable Angina,G311300,34328,Refractory angina,Worsening angina (2)
+Unstable Angina,G311400,18118,Worsening angina,Worsening angina (2)
+Unstable Angina,G311.00,36523,Preinfarction syndrome,Unstable angina (3)
+Unstable Angina,G311.11,4656,Crescendo angina,Unstable angina (3)
+Unstable Angina,G311.12,39655,Impending infarction,Unstable angina (3)
+Unstable Angina,G311.13,1431,Unstable angina,Unstable angina (3)
+Unstable Angina,G311.14,19655,Angina at rest,Unstable angina (3)
+Unstable Angina,G311100,7347,Unstable angina,Unstable angina (3)
+Unstable Angina,G311200,17307,Angina at rest,Unstable angina (3)
+Unstable Angina,G311z00,54251,Preinfarction syndrome NOS,Unstable angina (3)
+Unstable Angina,G312.00,39449,Coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction,Unstable angina (3)
+Unstable Angina,G31y000,9276,Acute coronary insufficiency,Unstable angina (3)
+Unstable Angina,G33z000,66388,Status anginosus,Unstable angina (3)
+Unstable Angina,G311500,11983,Acute coronary syndrome,ACS diagnosed (3)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_urine_incont.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_urine_incont.csv
index e6736d6..e209d28 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_urine_incont.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_urine_incont.csv
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Urinary Incontinence","1593.00","15918.0","H/O: stress incontinence","History of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","16F..00","5196.0","Double incontinence","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","1A23.00","6161.0","Incontinence of urine","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","1A24.00","1929.0","Stress incontinence","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","1A24.11","5844.0","Stress incontinence - symptom","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","1A26.00","3887.0","Urge incontinence of urine","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","3940.00","13421.0","Bladder: incontinent","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","7B33800","98767.0","Insertion retropubic device stress urinary incontinence NEC","Procedure for Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","7B33C00","94021.0","Insertion retropubic dev fem stress urinary incontinence NEC","Procedure for Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","7B42111","58675.0","Insertion of Kaufman prosthesis for male incontinence","Procedure for Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","7B42113","106791.0","Insertion of Rosen prosthesis for male incontinence","Procedure for Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","8C14.00","2739.0","Incontinence care","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","8D71.00","48601.0","Incontinence control","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","8D7..12","17637.0","Incontinence control","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","8HTX.00","25899.0","Referral to incontinence clinic","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","K198.00","3182.0","Stress incontinence","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","K586.00","17620.0","Stress incontinence - female","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","Kyu5A00","52763.0","[X]Other specified urinary incontinence","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","R083100","31220.0","[D]Urethral sphincter incontinence","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","R083200","17320.0","[D] Urge incontinence","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","R083.00","3283.0","[D]Incontinence of urine","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","R083z00","15400.0","[D]Incontinence of urine NOS","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","Z9EA.00","45495.0","Provision of incontinence appliance","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
+Urinary Incontinence,1593.00,15918.0,H/O: stress incontinence,History of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,16F..00,5196.0,Double incontinence,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,1A23.00,6161.0,Incontinence of urine,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,1A24.00,1929.0,Stress incontinence,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,1A24.11,5844.0,Stress incontinence - symptom,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,1A26.00,3887.0,Urge incontinence of urine,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,3940.00,13421.0,Bladder: incontinent,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,7B33800,98767.0,Insertion retropubic device stress urinary incontinence NEC,Procedure for Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,7B33C00,94021.0,Insertion retropubic dev fem stress urinary incontinence NEC,Procedure for Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,7B42111,58675.0,Insertion of Kaufman prosthesis for male incontinence,Procedure for Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,7B42113,106791.0,Insertion of Rosen prosthesis for male incontinence,Procedure for Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,8C14.00,2739.0,Incontinence care,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,8D71.00,48601.0,Incontinence control,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,8D7..12,17637.0,Incontinence control,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,8HTX.00,25899.0,Referral to incontinence clinic,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,K198.00,3182.0,Stress incontinence,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,K586.00,17620.0,Stress incontinence - female,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,Kyu5A00,52763.0,[X]Other specified urinary incontinence,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,R083100,31220.0,[D]Urethral sphincter incontinence,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,R083200,17320.0,[D] Urge incontinence,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,R083.00,3283.0,[D]Incontinence of urine,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,R083z00,15400.0,[D]Incontinence of urine NOS,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,Z9EA.00,45495.0,Provision of incontinence appliance,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_urolithiasis.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_urolithiasis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9785c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_urolithiasis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+Urolithiasis,14D3.00,24994.0,H/O: urinary stone,History of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,1A52.00,640.0,Renal colic,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,1A52.11,6770.0,"Renal colic, symptom",Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G41.00,34584.0,O/E: oxalate renal calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G42.00,24165.0,O/E: phosphate -staghorn-stone,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G42.11,32858.0,Phosphate kidney stone,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G43.00,27786.0,O/E: uric acid renal calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G44.00,49783.0,O/E: cystine renal calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G4..00,8399.0,O/E: renal calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G4..11,6979.0,O/E: kidney stone,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G4Z.00,38461.0,O/E: renal stone NOS,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G6..00,14276.0,O/E - ureteric calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G7..00,45245.0,O/E - urethral calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G81.00,74021.0,O/E - vesical oxalate calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G81.11,31773.0,Oxalate bladder stone,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G82.00,93608.0,O/E-vesical uric acid calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G82.11,29242.0,Uric acid bladder stone,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G83.00,102293.0,O/E-vesical phosphate calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G83.11,65920.0,Phosphate bladder stone,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G8..00,6978.0,O/E - bladder calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,4G8Z.00,64699.0,O/E - bladder calculus NOS,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B05000,4139.0,Unspecified open removal of calculus from kidney,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B07000,41619.0,Nephroscopy and ultrasound lithotripsy of renal calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B07011,36157.0,Endoscopic ultrasound fragmentation of renal calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B07100,60234.0,Nephroscopy & electrohydraulic lithotripsy of renal calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B07200,43350.0,Nephroscopy and laser lithotripsy of renal calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B07211,8677.0,Endoscopic laser fragmentation of renal calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B07400,34139.0,Endoscopic extraction of calculus of kidney nec,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B07.00,8190.0,Percutaneous renal stone surgery,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B07.11,56462.0,Nephroscopic percutaneous lithotripsy of renal calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B07.12,2315.0,Percutaneous lithotripsy of renal calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B07y00,66743.0,Other specified percutaneous renal stone surgery,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B07z00,7119.0,Percutaneous renal stone surgery NOS,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B0B000,17685.0,ESWL for renal calculus of unspecified size,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B0B100,52721.0,ESWL for renal calculus less than 2 cm in diameter,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B0B200,94219.0,ESWL for renal calculus 2 cm or more in diameter,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B0B.00,7682.0,Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B0B.11,21401.0,Extracorporeal fragmentation of renal calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B0By00,66113.0,Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus OS,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B0Bz00,28514.0,Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus NOS,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B17000,39511.0,Nephroscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B17011,58004.0,Nephroscopic laser fragmentation of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B17100,23897.0,Other nephroscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B17111,20813.0,Other nephroscopic lithotripsy of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B17200,45673.0,Nephroscopic extraction of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B18000,36792.0,Ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B18011,28790.0,Ureteroscopic laser fragmentation of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B18100,16025.0,Other ureteroscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B18200,38804.0,Ureteroscopic extraction of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B18.00,5366.0,Ureteroscopic operations for ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B19000,18190.0,Cystoscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B19100,41871.0,Other cystoscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B19200,37073.0,Cystoscopic extraction of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B19211,10587.0,Basket extraction of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B19212,24933.0,Dormia basket extraction of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B19300,35743.0,Cystoscopic catheter drainage for ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B19400,39048.0,Cystoscopic dilation of ureter for drainage of calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B19.00,4216.0,Cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B19y00,72447.0,Other specified cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B19z00,58149.0,Cystoscopic removal of ureteric calculus NOS,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B1C000,51305.0,Extracorp shockwave lithotripsy of unspec ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B1C100,61904.0,Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for stone in upper ureter,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B1C200,101583.0,Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for stone in mid-ureter,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B1C300,71131.0,Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy stone in lower ureter,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B1C.00,3449.0,Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of ureteric calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B1Cy00,29477.0,Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of ureteric calculus OS,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B1Cz00,29464.0,Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy ureteric calculus NOS,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B1F000,102036.0,Endoscopic extraction of calculus of urinary diversion,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B25000,23381.0,Open removal of bladder calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B29100,28595.0,Other endoscopic extraction of bladder calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B29400,9323.0,Electrokinetic lithotripsy of bladder calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B2B400,40272.0,Removal of bladder calculus by urethral catheter suction,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B42300,34097.0,Open urethrotomy and removal of calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B42400,90777.0,Open extraction of calculus from urethra,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,7B43900,28953.0,Endoscopic removal of urethral calculus,Procedure for Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,C341100,43744.0,Uric acid nephrolithiasis,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,C341111,9162.0,Renal stone - uric acid,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K100600,2939.0,Calculous pyelonephritis,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K112.00,27592.0,Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K120000,10282.0,Staghorn calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K120.00,4928.0,Calculus of kidney,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K120.11,24047.0,Nephrolithiasis NOS,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K120.12,1858.0,Renal calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K120.13,2258.0,Renal stone,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K120z00,3906.0,Renal calculus NOS,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K121.00,3308.0,Calculus of ureter,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K121.11,2410.0,Ureteric calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K121.12,6048.0,Ureteric stone,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K121.13,36972.0,Ureterolithiasis,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K122.00,33746.0,Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K12..00,9950.0,Calculus of kidney and ureter,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K12..11,8777.0,Kidney calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K12..12,3669.0,Urinary calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K12z.00,1256.0,Urinary calculus NOS,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K140000,67386.0,Calculus in diverticulum of bladder,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K140100,94420.0,Other calculus in bladder,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K140.00,5729.0,Bladder calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K140.11,1912.0,Bladder stone,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K140z00,59834.0,Bladder calculus NOS,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K141.00,2105.0,Calculus in urethra,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K14..00,47869.0,Lower urinary tract calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K14y.00,46291.0,Other lower urinary tract calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K14z.00,44648.0,Lower urinary tract calculus NOS,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,K1A..00,52569.0,Urinary calculus in schistosomiasis,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,Kyu3000,106912.0,[X]Other lower urinary tract calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,Kyu3100,23917.0,[X]Calculus of urinary tract in other diseases CE,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,Kyu3.00,45765.0,[X]Urolithiasis,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,R080000,15201.0,"[D]Renal colic, unspecified",Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,R080100,6147.0,[D]Ureteric colic,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,R080.00,6087.0,[D]Renal colic,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,R080z00,33747.0,[D]Renal colic NOS,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_urticaria.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_urticaria.csv
index 782dd46..a9b5c99 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_urticaria.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_urticaria.csv
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Urticaria","2F82.00","39255.0","O/E - weals present","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","2F8..00","7031.0","O/E - weals present","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","2F8Z.00","65374.0","O/E - weals NOS","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M12A200","15310.0","Solar urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M280.00","6400.0","Allergic urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M280.11","38554.0","Drug induced urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M281.00","8948.0","Idiopathic urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M282000","7651.0","Cold urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M282100","30016.0","Thermal urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M282111","17710.0","Heat urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M282.00","16294.0","Urticaria due to cold and heat","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M282z00","45386.0","Urticaria due to cold and heat NOS","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M283.00","1594.0","Dermatographic urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M283.11","43163.0","Factitial urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M284.00","20919.0","Vibratory urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M285.00","9041.0","Cholinergic urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M286.00","6678.0","Contact urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M287.00","24845.0","Physical urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M28..00","1272.0","Urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M28y000","20986.0","Urticaria geographica","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M28y100","50836.0","Menstrual urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M28y200","51725.0","Urticaria persistans","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M28y.00","1869.0","Other specified urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M28y.11","11883.0","Nettle rash","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M28yz00","23645.0","Other specified urticaria NOS","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M28z.00","15138.0","Urticaria NOS","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","M28z.11","7244.0","Hives","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","Myu4000","49257.0","[X]Other urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","Myu4.00","70628.0","[X]Urticaria and erythema","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
-"Urticaria","PH32100","1876.0","Urticaria pigmentosa","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
+Urticaria,2F82.00,39255.0,O/E - weals present,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,2F8..00,7031.0,O/E - weals present,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,2F8Z.00,65374.0,O/E - weals NOS,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M12A200,15310.0,Solar urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M280.00,6400.0,Allergic urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M280.11,38554.0,Drug induced urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M281.00,8948.0,Idiopathic urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M282000,7651.0,Cold urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M282100,30016.0,Thermal urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M282111,17710.0,Heat urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M282.00,16294.0,Urticaria due to cold and heat,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M282z00,45386.0,Urticaria due to cold and heat NOS,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M283.00,1594.0,Dermatographic urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M283.11,43163.0,Factitial urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M284.00,20919.0,Vibratory urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M285.00,9041.0,Cholinergic urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M286.00,6678.0,Contact urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M287.00,24845.0,Physical urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M28..00,1272.0,Urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M28y000,20986.0,Urticaria geographica,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M28y100,50836.0,Menstrual urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M28y200,51725.0,Urticaria persistans,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M28y.00,1869.0,Other specified urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M28y.11,11883.0,Nettle rash,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M28yz00,23645.0,Other specified urticaria NOS,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M28z.00,15138.0,Urticaria NOS,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,M28z.11,7244.0,Hives,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,Myu4000,49257.0,[X]Other urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,Myu4.00,70628.0,[X]Urticaria and erythema,Diagnosis of Urticaria
+Urticaria,PH32100,1876.0,Urticaria pigmentosa,Diagnosis of Urticaria
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_varices.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_varices.csv
index e8129fd..bda310c 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_varices.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_varices.csv
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Oesophageal varices","7609300.0","43404.0","Local ligation of oesophageal varices","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","7609400.0","20912.0","Open injection sclerotherapy to oesophageal varices","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","7609.00","24220.0","Open operations on oesophageal varices","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","7609y00","107975.0","Other specified open operation on oesophageal varices","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","7609y11","62038.0","Tanner devascularisation for bleeding varices","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","7609z00","20233.0","Open operation on oesophageal varices NOS","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","760C300","11960.0","Fibreoptic endoscopic injection sclerotherapy oesoph varices","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","760C500","16759.0","Fibreoptic endoscopic banding of oesophageal varices","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","760F300","47214.0","Rigid oesophagoscopic injection sclerotherapy oesoph varices","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","760F400","46647.0","Rigid oesophagoscopic banding of oesophageal varices","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","761D800","89717.0","Fibreopt endoscop rubber band ligation of upper GIT varices","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","G850.00","24989.0","Oesophageal varices with bleeding","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","G851.00","30655.0","Oesophageal varices without bleeding","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","G852000","96756.0","Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases EC","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","G852100","73139.0","Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases EC","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","G852200","26319.0","Oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of the liver","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","G852300","8363.0","Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","G852.00","44424.0","Oesophageal varices in diseases EC","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","G852z00","62582.0","Oesophageal varices in diseases EC NOS","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","G858.00","10797.0","Oesophageal varices NOS","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","G85..11","1641.0","Oesophageal varices","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","Gyu9400","105611.0","[X]Oesophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
+Oesophageal varices,7609300.0,43404.0,Local ligation of oesophageal varices,Procedure for Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,7609400.0,20912.0,Open injection sclerotherapy to oesophageal varices,Procedure for Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,7609.00,24220.0,Open operations on oesophageal varices,Procedure for Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,7609y00,107975.0,Other specified open operation on oesophageal varices,Procedure for Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,7609y11,62038.0,Tanner devascularisation for bleeding varices,Procedure for Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,7609z00,20233.0,Open operation on oesophageal varices NOS,Procedure for Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,760C300,11960.0,Fibreoptic endoscopic injection sclerotherapy oesoph varices,Procedure for Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,760C500,16759.0,Fibreoptic endoscopic banding of oesophageal varices,Procedure for Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,760F300,47214.0,Rigid oesophagoscopic injection sclerotherapy oesoph varices,Procedure for Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,760F400,46647.0,Rigid oesophagoscopic banding of oesophageal varices,Procedure for Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,761D800,89717.0,Fibreopt endoscop rubber band ligation of upper GIT varices,Procedure for Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,G850.00,24989.0,Oesophageal varices with bleeding,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,G851.00,30655.0,Oesophageal varices without bleeding,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,G852000,96756.0,Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases EC,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,G852100,73139.0,Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases EC,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,G852200,26319.0,Oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of the liver,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,G852300,8363.0,Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,G852.00,44424.0,Oesophageal varices in diseases EC,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,G852z00,62582.0,Oesophageal varices in diseases EC NOS,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,G858.00,10797.0,Oesophageal varices NOS,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,G85..11,1641.0,Oesophageal varices,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,Gyu9400,105611.0,[X]Oesophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_vitiligo.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_vitiligo.csv
index e62520d..b4534c9 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_vitiligo.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_vitiligo.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Vitiligo","F4E5311","43328.0","Vitiligo of eyelid","Diagnosis of Vitiligo"
-"Vitiligo","M295100","975.0","Vitiligo","Diagnosis of Vitiligo"
+Vitiligo,F4E5311,43328.0,Vitiligo of eyelid,Diagnosis of Vitiligo
+Vitiligo,M295100,975.0,Vitiligo,Diagnosis of Vitiligo
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_volvulus.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_volvulus.csv
index 42c3cf1..7ea7b0e 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_volvulus.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_volvulus.csv
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Volvulus","771D100","44951.0","Open reduction of volvulus of caecum","Procedure for Volvulus"
-"Volvulus","771D200","32765.0","Open reduction of volvulus of sigmoid colon","Procedure for Volvulus"
-"Volvulus","771D300","2265.0","Open reduction of volvulus of colon NEC","Procedure for Volvulus"
-"Volvulus","771R200","20698.0","Passage of flatus tube to reduce volvulus of sigmoid colon","Procedure for Volvulus"
-"Volvulus","J173200","50797.0","Volvulus of duodenum","Diagnosis of Volvulus"
-"Volvulus","J502100","4385.0","Volvulus of the small bowel","Diagnosis of Volvulus"
-"Volvulus","J502200","17831.0","Volvulus of the ileocaecum","Diagnosis of Volvulus"
-"Volvulus","J502300","23573.0","Volvulus of the sigmoid colon","Diagnosis of Volvulus"
-"Volvulus","J502.00","3403.0","Volvulus","Diagnosis of Volvulus"
-"Volvulus","J502.11","54395.0","Torsion of bowel","Diagnosis of Volvulus"
-"Volvulus","J502z00","15594.0","Volvulus NOS","Diagnosis of Volvulus"
+Volvulus,771D100,44951.0,Open reduction of volvulus of caecum,Procedure for Volvulus
+Volvulus,771D200,32765.0,Open reduction of volvulus of sigmoid colon,Procedure for Volvulus
+Volvulus,771D300,2265.0,Open reduction of volvulus of colon NEC,Procedure for Volvulus
+Volvulus,771R200,20698.0,Passage of flatus tube to reduce volvulus of sigmoid colon,Procedure for Volvulus
+Volvulus,J173200,50797.0,Volvulus of duodenum,Diagnosis of Volvulus
+Volvulus,J502100,4385.0,Volvulus of the small bowel,Diagnosis of Volvulus
+Volvulus,J502200,17831.0,Volvulus of the ileocaecum,Diagnosis of Volvulus
+Volvulus,J502300,23573.0,Volvulus of the sigmoid colon,Diagnosis of Volvulus
+Volvulus,J502.00,3403.0,Volvulus,Diagnosis of Volvulus
+Volvulus,J502.11,54395.0,Torsion of bowel,Diagnosis of Volvulus
+Volvulus,J502z00,15594.0,Volvulus NOS,Diagnosis of Volvulus
diff --git a/primary_care/CPRD_vte_ex_pe.csv b/primary_care/CPRD_vte_ex_pe.csv
index bcd7c90..b0d69d6 100644
--- a/primary_care/CPRD_vte_ex_pe.csv
+++ b/primary_care/CPRD_vte_ex_pe.csv
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-"Disease","Read code","Medcode","Descr","Category"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","14A8100","5614.0","H/O: Deep Vein Thrombosis","History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","8CMWA00","106566.0","On deep vein thrombosis care pathway","History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","9kg0.00","102776.0","DVT stage 1 service level - enhanced services administration","History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","9kg..00","101655.0","Deep vein thrombosis - enhanced services administration","History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","9kg0.11","104290.0","DVT enhanced services administration stage 1 service level","History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","9kg1.00","102777.0","DVT stage 2 service level - enhanced services administration","History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","9kg2.00","107023.0","DVT stage 3 service level - enhanced services administration","History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F050000","55885.0","Embolism cavernous sinus","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F050.00","36568.0","Embolism of central nervous system venous sinus","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F05..00","49715.0","Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of intracranial sinuses","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F050100","64467.0","Embolism superior longitudinal sinus","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F050300","84404.0","Embolism transverse sinus","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F051000","22006.0","Thrombosis cavernous sinus","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F051.00","31390.0","Thrombosis of central nervous system venous sinuses","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F051100","20161.0","Thrombosis of superior longitudinal sinus","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F051200","3585.0","Thrombosis lateral sinus","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F051300","28309.0","Thrombosis transverse sinus","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F051z00","61366.0","Thrombosis of central nervous system venous sinus NOS","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F053000","55883.0","Thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F053.00","41180.0","Thrombophlebitis of central nervous system venous sinuses","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F053100","70455.0","Thrombophlebitis of superior longitudinal venous sinus","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","F05z.00","65855.0","Phlebitis or thrombophlebitis of CNS venous sinus NOS","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G676000","39344.0","Cereb infarct due cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G676.00","37947.0","Nonpyogenic venous sinus thrombosis","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G67A.00","101733.0","Cerebral vein thrombosis","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801.00","3576.0","Deep vein phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801.11","824.0","Deep vein thrombosis","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801.12","25478.0","Deep vein thrombosis, leg","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801.13","3392.0","DVT - Deep vein thrombosis","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801600","15382.0","Thrombophlebitis of the femoral vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801700","55661.0","Thrombophlebitis of the popliteal vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801800","95077.0","Thrombophlebitis of the anterior tibial vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801900","106482.0","Thrombophlebitis of the dorsalis pedis vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801A00","61760.0","Thrombophlebitis of the posterior tibial vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801B00","32002.0","Deep vein thrombophlebitis of the leg unspecified","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801C00","42506.0","Deep vein thrombosis of leg related to air travel","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801D00","22038.0","Deep vein thrombosis of lower limb","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801E00","48920.0","Deep vein thrombosis of leg related to intravenous drug use","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801F00","98526.0","Deep vein thrombosis of peroneal vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801G00","104342.0","Recurrent deep vein thrombosis","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G801z00","27284.0","Deep vein phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg NOS","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G80y.11","38099.0","Phlebitis and/or thrombophlebitis of iliac vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G80y400","58166.0","Thrombophlebitis of the common iliac vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G80y500","94496.0","Thrombophlebitis of the internal iliac vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G80y600","58023.0","Thrombophlebitis of the external iliac vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G80y700","91282.0","Thrombophlebitis of the iliac vein unspecified","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G80y800","70467.0","Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the iliac vein NOS","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G81..00","8769.0","Portal vein thrombosis","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G820.00","20676.0","Budd - Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis)","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G820.11","57100.0","Hepatic vein thrombosis","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G822000","97808.0","Thrombosis of inferior vena cava","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G822.00","43555.0","Embolism and thrombosis of the vena cava","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G823.00","5503.0","Embolism and thrombosis of the renal vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G824.00","100103.0","Axillary vein thrombosis","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G825.00","105403.0","Thrombosis of subclavian vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G826.00","106850.0","Thrombosis of internal jugular vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","G827.00","107851.0","Thrombosis of external jugular vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","Gyu8000","97853.0","[X]Phlebitis+thrombophlebitis/oth deep vessls/low extremites","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","J420200","54205.0","Thrombus of the superior mesenteric veins","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","SP12200","1224.0","Post operative deep vein thrombosis","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","ZV12800","19562.0","[V] Personal history deep vein thrombosis","History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","ZV12811","17847.0","[V] Personal history DVT- deep vein thrombosis","History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),14A8100,5614.0,H/O: Deep Vein Thrombosis,History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),8CMWA00,106566.0,On deep vein thrombosis care pathway,History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),9kg0.00,102776.0,DVT stage 1 service level - enhanced services administration,History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),9kg..00,101655.0,Deep vein thrombosis - enhanced services administration,History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),9kg0.11,104290.0,DVT enhanced services administration stage 1 service level,History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),9kg1.00,102777.0,DVT stage 2 service level - enhanced services administration,History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),9kg2.00,107023.0,DVT stage 3 service level - enhanced services administration,History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F050000,55885.0,Embolism cavernous sinus,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F050.00,36568.0,Embolism of central nervous system venous sinus,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F05..00,49715.0,Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of intracranial sinuses,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F050100,64467.0,Embolism superior longitudinal sinus,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F050300,84404.0,Embolism transverse sinus,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F051000,22006.0,Thrombosis cavernous sinus,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F051.00,31390.0,Thrombosis of central nervous system venous sinuses,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F051100,20161.0,Thrombosis of superior longitudinal sinus,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F051200,3585.0,Thrombosis lateral sinus,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F051300,28309.0,Thrombosis transverse sinus,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F051z00,61366.0,Thrombosis of central nervous system venous sinus NOS,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F053000,55883.0,Thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F053.00,41180.0,Thrombophlebitis of central nervous system venous sinuses,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F053100,70455.0,Thrombophlebitis of superior longitudinal venous sinus,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),F05z.00,65855.0,Phlebitis or thrombophlebitis of CNS venous sinus NOS,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G676000,39344.0,"Cereb infarct due cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic",Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G676.00,37947.0,Nonpyogenic venous sinus thrombosis,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G67A.00,101733.0,Cerebral vein thrombosis,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801.00,3576.0,Deep vein phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801.11,824.0,Deep vein thrombosis,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801.12,25478.0,"Deep vein thrombosis, leg",Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801.13,3392.0,DVT - Deep vein thrombosis,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801600,15382.0,Thrombophlebitis of the femoral vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801700,55661.0,Thrombophlebitis of the popliteal vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801800,95077.0,Thrombophlebitis of the anterior tibial vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801900,106482.0,Thrombophlebitis of the dorsalis pedis vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801A00,61760.0,Thrombophlebitis of the posterior tibial vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801B00,32002.0,Deep vein thrombophlebitis of the leg unspecified,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801C00,42506.0,Deep vein thrombosis of leg related to air travel,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801D00,22038.0,Deep vein thrombosis of lower limb,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801E00,48920.0,Deep vein thrombosis of leg related to intravenous drug use,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801F00,98526.0,Deep vein thrombosis of peroneal vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801G00,104342.0,Recurrent deep vein thrombosis,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G801z00,27284.0,Deep vein phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg NOS,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G80y.11,38099.0,Phlebitis and/or thrombophlebitis of iliac vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G80y400,58166.0,Thrombophlebitis of the common iliac vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G80y500,94496.0,Thrombophlebitis of the internal iliac vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G80y600,58023.0,Thrombophlebitis of the external iliac vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G80y700,91282.0,Thrombophlebitis of the iliac vein unspecified,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G80y800,70467.0,Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the iliac vein NOS,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G81..00,8769.0,Portal vein thrombosis,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G820.00,20676.0,Budd - Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis),Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G820.11,57100.0,Hepatic vein thrombosis,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G822000,97808.0,Thrombosis of inferior vena cava,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G822.00,43555.0,Embolism and thrombosis of the vena cava,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G823.00,5503.0,Embolism and thrombosis of the renal vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G824.00,100103.0,Axillary vein thrombosis,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G825.00,105403.0,Thrombosis of subclavian vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G826.00,106850.0,Thrombosis of internal jugular vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),G827.00,107851.0,Thrombosis of external jugular vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),Gyu8000,97853.0,[X]Phlebitis+thrombophlebitis/oth deep vessls/low extremites,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),J420200,54205.0,Thrombus of the superior mesenteric veins,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),SP12200,1224.0,Post operative deep vein thrombosis,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),ZV12800,19562.0,[V] Personal history deep vein thrombosis,History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),ZV12811,17847.0,[V] Personal history DVT- deep vein thrombosis,History of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_1ry_pulm_htn.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_1ry_pulm_htn.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index dc06f00..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_1ry_pulm_htn.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Primary pulmonary hypertension","I27.0","Primary pulmonary hypertension","Diagnosis of Primary pulmonary hypertension"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_2ry_polycythaemia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_2ry_polycythaemia.csv
index 4e65aa2..a81cdd1 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_2ry_polycythaemia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_2ry_polycythaemia.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Secondary polycythaemia","D75.1","Secondary polycythaemia","Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia"
+Secondary polycythaemia,D75.1,Secondary polycythaemia,Diagnosis of Secondary polycythaemia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_2ry_pulm_htn.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_2ry_pulm_htn.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index a0cfa1e..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_2ry_pulm_htn.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Secondary pulmonary hypertension","I27.2","Other secondary pulmonary hypertension","Diagnosis of secondary pulmonary hypertension"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_AAA.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_AAA.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a1e56a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_AAA.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,I71.4,"Abdominal aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture",AAA without leak or rupture
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,I71.6,"Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture",AAA without leak or rupture
+Abdominal aortic aneurysm,I71.9,"Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, without mention of rupture",AAA without leak or rupture
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ADHD.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ADHD.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..132a60f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_ADHD.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Hyperkinetic disorders,F90,Hyperkinetic disorders,Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_AF.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_AF.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea34f7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_AF.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Atrial fibrillation,I48,Atrial fibrillation and flutter,Fibrillation and flutter
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_AKI.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_AKI.csv
index 8a2e09f..30f3812 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_AKI.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_AKI.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Acute Kidney Injury","N17.0","Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis","Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury"
-"Acute Kidney Injury","N17.1","Acute renal failure with acute cortical necrosis","Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury"
-"Acute Kidney Injury","N17.2","Acute renal failure with medullary necrosis","Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury"
-"Acute Kidney Injury","N17.8","Other acute renal failure","Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury"
-"Acute Kidney Injury","N17.9","Acute renal failure, unspecified","Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury"
+Acute Kidney Injury,N17.0,Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis,Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury
+Acute Kidney Injury,N17.1,Acute renal failure with acute cortical necrosis,Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury
+Acute Kidney Injury,N17.2,Acute renal failure with medullary necrosis,Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury
+Acute Kidney Injury,N17.8,Other acute renal failure,Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury
+Acute Kidney Injury,N17.9,"Acute renal failure, unspecified",Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_Autoimm_liver_dz.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_Autoimm_liver_dz.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index cc3fd43..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_Autoimm_liver_dz.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-"Autoimmune liver disease","K74.3","Primary biliary cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease"
-"Autoimmune liver disease","K75.4","Autoimmune hepatitis","Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_BAD.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_BAD.csv
index e967a22..08b89bc 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_BAD.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_BAD.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","F30","Manic episode","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
-"Bipolar affective disorder and mania","F31","Bipolar affective disorder","Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania"
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,F30,Manic episode,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
+Bipolar affective disorder and mania,F31,Bipolar affective disorder,Diagnosis of Bipolar affective disorder and mania
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_BPH.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_BPH.csv
index 269a092..f53f2f2 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_BPH.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_BPH.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Hyperplasia of prostate","N40","Hyperplasia of prostate","Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate"
+Hyperplasia of prostate,N40,Hyperplasia of prostate,Diagnosis of Hyperplasia of prostate
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_CF.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_CF.csv
index fa68177..e686966 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_CF.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_CF.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Cystic Fibrosis","E84","Cystic fibrosis","Diagnosis of Cystic fibrosis"
+Cystic Fibrosis,E84,Cystic fibrosis,Diagnosis of Cystic fibrosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_CHD_NOS.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_CHD_NOS.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df68a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_CHD_NOS.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,I25.0,"Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, so described",Diagnosed
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,I25.1,Atherosclerotic heart disease,Diagnosed
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,I25.3,Aneurysm of heart,Diagnosed
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,I25.4,Coronary artery aneurysm,Diagnosed
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,I25.5,Ischaemic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosed
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,I25.6,Silent myocardial ischaemia,Diagnosed
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,I25.8,Other forms of chronic ischaemic heart disease,Diagnosed
+Coronary heart disease not otherwise specified,I25.9,"Chronic ischaemic heart disease, unspecified",Diagnosed
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_COPD.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_COPD.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d43cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_COPD.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+COPD,J40,"Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic",Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,J41,Simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,J42,Unspecified chronic bronchitis,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,J43,Emphysema,Diagnosis of COPD
+COPD,J44,Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,Diagnosis of COPD
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ED.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ED.csv
index 7b1e37f..163203f 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_ED.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_ED.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Erectile dysfunction","F52.2","Failure of genital response","Possible diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
-"Erectile dysfunction","N48.4","Impotence of organic origin","Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction"
+Erectile dysfunction,F52.2,Failure of genital response,Possible diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
+Erectile dysfunction,N48.4,Impotence of organic origin,Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ESRD.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ESRD.csv
index 52ea6bd..603cd0a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_ESRD.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_ESRD.csv
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-"End stage renal disease","N18.5","Chronic kidney disease, stage 5","Diagnosis of End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","T82.4","Mechanical complication of vascular dialysis catheter","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Y60.2","During kidney dialysis or other perfusion","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Y61.2","During kidney dialysis or other perfusion","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Y84.1","Kidney dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z49.1","Extracorporeal dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z49.2","Other dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z99.2","Dependence on renal dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","N16.5","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","T86.1","Kidney transplant failure and rejection","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
-"End stage renal disease","Z94.0","Kidney transplant status","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
+End stage renal disease,N18.5,"Chronic kidney disease, stage 5",Diagnosis of End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,T82.4,Mechanical complication of vascular dialysis catheter,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Y60.2,During kidney dialysis or other perfusion,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Y61.2,During kidney dialysis or other perfusion,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Y84.1,Kidney dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z49.1,Extracorporeal dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z49.2,Other dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z99.2,Dependence on renal dialysis,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,N16.5,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,T86.1,Kidney transplant failure and rejection,Procedure for End stage renal disease
+End stage renal disease,Z94.0,Kidney transplant status,Procedure for End stage renal disease
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_Female_infertility.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_Female_infertility.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 8727aaa..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_Female_infertility.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Female infertility","N97","Female infertility","Diagnosis of Female Infertility"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_GCA.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_GCA.csv
index 910e442..5f18622 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_GCA.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_GCA.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Giant Cell arteritis","M31.5","Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica","Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis"
-"Giant Cell arteritis","M31.6","Other giant cell arteritis","Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis"
+Giant Cell arteritis,M31.5,Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica,Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis
+Giant Cell arteritis,M31.6,Other giant cell arteritis,Diagnosis of Giant Cell arteritis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_GN.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_GN.csv
index 6a84b4b..9db4718 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_GN.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_GN.csv
@@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
-"Glomerulonephritis","N00.0","Acute nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N00.1","Acute nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N00.2","Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N00.3","Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N00.4","Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N00.5","Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N00.6","Acute nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N00.7","Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N00.8","Acute nephritic syndrome - Other","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N00.9","Acute nephritic syndrome - Unspecified","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N01.0","Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N01.1","Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N01.2","Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N01.3","Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N01.4","Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N01.5","Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N01.7","Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N01.8","Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Other","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N01.9","Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Unspecified","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N02.0","Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Minor glomerular abnormality","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N02.1","Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N02.2","Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N02.3","Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N02.4","Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N02.5","Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N02.6","Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N02.7","Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N02.8","Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Other","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N02.9","Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Unspecified","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N03.0","Chronic nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N03.1","Chronic nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N03.2","Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N03.3","Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N03.4","Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N03.5","Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N03.6","Chronic nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N03.7","Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N03.8","Chronic nephritic syndrome - Other","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N03.9","Chronic nephritic syndrome - Unspecified","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N04.0","Nephrotic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N04.1","Nephrotic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N04.2","Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N04.3","Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N04.4","Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N04.5","Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N04.6","Nephrotic syndrome - Dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N04.7","Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N04.8","Nephrotic syndrome - Other","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N04.9","Nephrotic syndrome - Unspecified","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N05.0","Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N05.1","Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N05.2","Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N05.3","Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N05.4","Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N05.5","Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N05.6","Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N05.7","Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N05.8","Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Other","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N05.9","Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Unspecified","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N06.0","Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Minor glomerular abnormality","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N06.1","Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N06.2","Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N06.3","Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N06.5","Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N06.6","Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Dense deposit disease","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N06.8","Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Other","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
-"Glomerulonephritis","N06.9","Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Unspecified","Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis"
+Glomerulonephritis,N00.0,Acute nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N00.1,Acute nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N00.2,Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N00.3,Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N00.4,Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N00.5,Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N00.6,Acute nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N00.7,Acute nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N00.8,Acute nephritic syndrome - Other,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N00.9,Acute nephritic syndrome - Unspecified,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N01.0,Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N01.1,Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N01.2,Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N01.3,Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N01.4,Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N01.5,Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N01.7,Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N01.8,Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Other,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N01.9,Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome - Unspecified,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N02.0,Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Minor glomerular abnormality,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N02.1,Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N02.2,Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N02.3,Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N02.4,Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N02.5,Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N02.6,Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Dense deposit disease,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N02.7,Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N02.8,Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Other,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N02.9,Recurrent and persistent haematuria - Unspecified,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N03.0,Chronic nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N03.1,Chronic nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N03.2,Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N03.3,Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N03.4,Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N03.5,Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N03.6,Chronic nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N03.7,Chronic nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N03.8,Chronic nephritic syndrome - Other,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N03.9,Chronic nephritic syndrome - Unspecified,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N04.0,Nephrotic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N04.1,Nephrotic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N04.2,Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N04.3,Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N04.4,Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N04.5,Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N04.6,Nephrotic syndrome - Dense deposit disease,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N04.7,Nephrotic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N04.8,Nephrotic syndrome - Other,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N04.9,Nephrotic syndrome - Unspecified,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N05.0,Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Minor glomerular abnormality,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N05.1,Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N05.2,Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N05.3,Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N05.4,Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N05.5,Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N05.6,Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Dense deposit disease,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N05.7,Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N05.8,Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Other,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N05.9,Unspecified nephritic syndrome - Unspecified,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N06.0,Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Minor glomerular abnormality,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N06.1,Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Focal and segmental glomerular lesions,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N06.2,Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N06.3,Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N06.5,Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N06.6,Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Dense deposit disease,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N06.8,Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Other,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
+Glomerulonephritis,N06.9,Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion - Unspecified,Diagnosis of Glomerulonephritis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_GORD.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_GORD.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d5739f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_GORD.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,K21,Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_HBW.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_HBW.csv
index f953d4e..10b6c0a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_HBW.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_HBW.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"High birth weight","P08.0","Exceptionally large baby","Diagnosis of High birth weight"
-"High birth weight","P08.1","Other heavy for gestational age infants","Diagnosis of High birth weight"
+High birth weight,P08.0,Exceptionally large baby,Diagnosis of High birth weight
+High birth weight,P08.1,Other heavy for gestational age infants,Diagnosis of High birth weight
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_IBS.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_IBS.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cc5375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_IBS.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Irritable bowel syndrome,K58,Irritable bowel syndrome,Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_IDA.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_IDA.csv
index cabd05c..293b138 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_IDA.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_IDA.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Iron deficiency anaemia","D50","Iron deficiency anaemia","Diagnosis of Iron deficiency anaemia"
+Iron deficiency anaemia,D50,Iron deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Iron deficiency anaemia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_Intracereb_haem.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_Intracereb_haem.csv
index 2b490e3..a800a16 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_Intracereb_haem.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_Intracereb_haem.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","I61","Intracerebral haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage"
-"Intracerebral haemorrhage","I69.1","Sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage","History of intracerebral haemorrhage"
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,I61,Intracerebral haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Intracerebral haemorrhage
+Intracerebral haemorrhage,I69.1,Sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage,History of intracerebral haemorrhage
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_Isch_stroke.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_Isch_stroke.csv
index 9e4f259..988210b 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_Isch_stroke.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_Isch_stroke.csv
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-"Ischaemic stroke","I63.0","Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","I63.1","Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","I63.2","Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of precerebral arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","I63.3","Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","I63.4","Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","I63.5","Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of cerebral arteries","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","I63.8","Other cerebral infarction","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","I63.9","Cerebral infarction, unspecified","Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke"
-"Ischaemic stroke","I69.3","Sequelae of cerebral infarction","History of cerebral infarction"
+Ischaemic stroke,I63.0,Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,I63.1,Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,I63.2,Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of precerebral arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,I63.3,Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,I63.4,Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,I63.5,Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of cerebral arteries,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,I63.8,Other cerebral infarction,Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,I63.9,"Cerebral infarction, unspecified",Diagnosis of Ischaemic stroke
+Ischaemic stroke,I69.3,Sequelae of cerebral infarction,History of cerebral infarction
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_LBBB.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_LBBB.csv
index 511538b..661b34e 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_LBBB.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_LBBB.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Left bundle branch block","I44.7","Left bundle-branch block, unspecified","Diagnosis of Left bundle branch block"
+Left bundle branch block,I44.7,"Left bundle-branch block, unspecified",Diagnosis of Left bundle branch block
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_LBW.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_LBW.csv
index a07e415..3aaa7bb 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_LBW.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_LBW.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","P05.0","Light for gestational age","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","P05.1","Small for gestational age","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","P05.9","Slow fetal growth, unspecified","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","P07.0","Extremely low birth weight","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
-"Slow fetal growth or low birth weight","P07.1","Other low birth weight","Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight"
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,P05.0,Light for gestational age,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,P05.1,Small for gestational age,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,P05.9,"Slow fetal growth, unspecified",Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,P07.0,Extremely low birth weight,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
+Slow fetal growth or low birth weight,P07.1,Other low birth weight,Diagnosis of Slow fetal growth or low birth weight
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_MDS.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_MDS.csv
index 5513bc9..7e0143e 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_MDS.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_MDS.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Myelodysplastic syndromes","D46","Myelodysplastic syndromes","Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes"
+Myelodysplastic syndromes,D46,Myelodysplastic syndromes,Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_MGUS.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_MGUS.csv
index a1b92b6..eff9f13 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_MGUS.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_MGUS.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)","D47.2","Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)","Diagnosis of Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)"
+Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),D47.2,Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),Diagnosis of Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_MND.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_MND.csv
index 4fb8c24..59891fd 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_MND.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_MND.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Motor neuron disease","G12.2","Motor neuron disease","Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease"
+Motor neuron disease,G12.2,Motor neuron disease,Diagnosis of Motor neuron disease
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_MS.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_MS.csv
index bbef2cc..eabb63b 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_MS.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_MS.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Multiple sclerosis","G35","Multiple sclerosis","Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis"
+Multiple sclerosis,G35,Multiple sclerosis,Diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_Male_infertility.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_Male_infertility.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aef12d..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_Male_infertility.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Male infertility","N46","Male infertility","Diagnosis of Male Infertility"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_NHL.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_NHL.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d47e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_NHL.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,C82,Follicular lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,C83,Non-follicular lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,C84,Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,C85,Other and unspecified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
+Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,C86,Other specified types of T/NK-cell lymphoma,Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_OA.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_OA.csv
index 264c6b7..10e6712 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_OA.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_OA.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","M15","Polyarthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","M16","Coxarthrosis [arthrosis of hip]","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","M17","Gonarthrosis [arthrosis of knee]","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","M18","Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
-"Osteoarthritis (excl spine)","M19","Other arthrosis","Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)"
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),M15,Polyarthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),M16,Coxarthrosis [arthrosis of hip],Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),M17,Gonarthrosis [arthrosis of knee],Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),M18,Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
+Osteoarthritis (excl spine),M19,Other arthrosis,Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis (excl spine)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_PCB.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_PCB.csv
index 3608580..4655a88 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_PCB.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_PCB.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Postcoital and contact bleeding","N93.0","Postcoital and contact bleeding","Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding"
+Postcoital and contact bleeding,N93.0,Postcoital and contact bleeding,Diagnosis of Postcoital and contact bleeding
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_PCOS.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_PCOS.csv
index 145390b..05ec468 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_PCOS.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_PCOS.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Polycystic ovarian syndrome","E28.2","Polycystic ovarian syndrome","Diagnosis of Polycystic ovarian syndrome"
+Polycystic ovarian syndrome,E28.2,Polycystic ovarian syndrome,Diagnosis of Polycystic ovarian syndrome
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_PCV.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_PCV.csv
index 5fd1658..3d8e267 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_PCV.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_PCV.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Polycythaemia vera","D45","Polycythaemia vera","Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera"
+Polycythaemia vera,D45,Polycythaemia vera,Diagnosis of Polycythaemia vera
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_PD.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_PD.csv
index 3af97a4..ba84254 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_PD.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_PD.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Personality disorders","F60","Specific personality disorders","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
-"Personality disorders","F61","Mixed and other personality disorders","Diagnosis of Personality disorders"
+Personality disorders,F60,Specific personality disorders,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
+Personality disorders,F61,Mixed and other personality disorders,Diagnosis of Personality disorders
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_PDA.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_PDA.csv
index a0e222e..85195a8 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_PDA.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_PDA.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Patent ductus arteriosus","Q25.0","Patent ductus arteriosus","Diagnosis of Patent ductus arteriosus"
+Patent ductus arteriosus,Q25.0,Patent ductus arteriosus,Diagnosis of Patent ductus arteriosus
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_PE.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_PE.csv
index 9ccf71d..d5f0fac 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_PE.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_PE.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Pulmonary embolism","I26","Pulmonary embolism","Diagnosis of Pulmonary embolism"
+Pulmonary embolism,I26,Pulmonary embolism,Diagnosis of Pulmonary embolism
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_PID.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_PID.csv
index 5501fa6..2679b91 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_PID.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_PID.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Female pelvic inflammatory disease","N70","Salpingitis and oophoritis","Diagnosis of Female pelvic inflammatory disease"
-"Female pelvic inflammatory disease","N71","Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix","Diagnosis of Female pelvic inflammatory disease"
-"Female pelvic inflammatory disease","N72","Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri","Diagnosis of Female pelvic inflammatory disease"
-"Female pelvic inflammatory disease","N73","Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases","Diagnosis of Female pelvic inflammatory disease"
-"Female pelvic inflammatory disease","N74","Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Female pelvic inflammatory disease"
+Female pelvic inflammatory disease,N70,Salpingitis and oophoritis,Diagnosis of Female pelvic inflammatory disease
+Female pelvic inflammatory disease,N71,"Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix",Diagnosis of Female pelvic inflammatory disease
+Female pelvic inflammatory disease,N72,Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri,Diagnosis of Female pelvic inflammatory disease
+Female pelvic inflammatory disease,N73,Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases,Diagnosis of Female pelvic inflammatory disease
+Female pelvic inflammatory disease,N74,Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Female pelvic inflammatory disease
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_PMB.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_PMB.csv
index 57fdcc6..2b662dc 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_PMB.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_PMB.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Postmenopausal bleeding","N95.0","Postmenopausal bleeding","Diagnosis of Postmenopausal bleeding"
+Postmenopausal bleeding,N95.0,Postmenopausal bleeding,Diagnosis of Postmenopausal bleeding
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_PMR.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_PMR.csv
index c0ee7f8..2844373 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_PMR.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_PMR.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Polymyalgia Rheumatica","M31.5","Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica","Diagnosis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica"
-"Polymyalgia Rheumatica","M35.3","Polymyalgia rheumatica","Diagnosis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica"
+Polymyalgia Rheumatica,M31.5,Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica,Diagnosis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica
+Polymyalgia Rheumatica,M35.3,Polymyalgia rheumatica,Diagnosis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_PSA.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_PSA.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca894f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_PSA.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Psoriatic arthropathy,M07.0,Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
+Psoriatic arthropathy,M07.1,Arthritis mutilans,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
+Psoriatic arthropathy,M07.2,Psoriatic spondylitis,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
+Psoriatic arthropathy,M07.3,Other psoriatic arthropathies,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
+Psoriatic arthropathy,L40.5,Arthropathic psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_PTH.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_PTH.csv
index a863fe3..f2d2b85 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_PTH.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_PTH.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Hyperparathyroidism","E21.0","Primary hyperparathyroidism","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","E21.1","Secondary hyperparathyroidism, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","E21.2","Other hyperparathyroidism","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
-"Hyperparathyroidism","E21.3","Hyperparathyroidism, unspecified","Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism"
+Hyperparathyroidism,E21.0,Primary hyperparathyroidism,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,E21.1,"Secondary hyperparathyroidism, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,E21.2,Other hyperparathyroidism,Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
+Hyperparathyroidism,E21.3,"Hyperparathyroidism, unspecified",Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_Parkinsons.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_Parkinsons.csv
index 875e89c..4aca843 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_Parkinsons.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_Parkinsons.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Parkinson's disease","F02.3","Dementia in Parkinson's disease","History of Parkinson's disease"
-"Parkinson's disease","G20","Parkinson's disease","Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease"
+Parkinson's disease,F02.3,Dementia in Parkinson's disease,History of Parkinson's disease
+Parkinson's disease,G20,Parkinson's disease,Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_RBBB.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_RBBB.csv
index 089764d..0afe688 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_RBBB.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_RBBB.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Right bundle branch block","I45.1","Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block","Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block"
+Right bundle branch block,I45.1,Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block,Diagnosis of Right bundle branch block
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_RDN.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_RDN.csv
index 422a74b..2214b70 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_RDN.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_RDN.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Respiratory distress of newborn","P22","Respiratory distress of newborn","Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn"
+Respiratory distress of newborn,P22,Respiratory distress of newborn,Diagnosis of Respiratory distress of newborn
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_RhA.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_RhA.csv
index 80cb1f6..4dd2fc0 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_RhA.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_RhA.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","J99.0","Rheumatoid lung disease","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","M05","Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
-"Rheumatoid Arthritis","M06","Other rheumatoid arthritis","Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,J99.0,Rheumatoid lung disease,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,M05,Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
+Rheumatoid Arthritis,M06,Other rheumatoid arthritis,Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_Rh_valve.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_Rh_valve.csv
index a0bdbc5..e5a2e55 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_Rh_valve.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_Rh_valve.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Rheumatic valve dz","I05","Rheumatic mitral valve diseases","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","I06","Rheumatic aortic valve diseases","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
-"Rheumatic valve dz","I07","Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases","Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz"
+Rheumatic valve dz,I05,Rheumatic mitral valve diseases,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,I06,Rheumatic aortic valve diseases,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
+Rheumatic valve dz,I07,Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases,Diagnosis of Rheumatic valve dz
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_SIADH.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_SIADH.csv
index a12eb21..1c1d373 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_SIADH.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_SIADH.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone","E22.2","Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone","Diagnosis of SIADH"
+Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone,E22.2,Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone,Diagnosis of SIADH
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_SLE.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_SLE.csv
index 7eaccae..17c7b98 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_SLE.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_SLE.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","L93","Lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
-"Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)","M32","Systemic lupus erythematosus","Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)"
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),L93,Lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
+Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic),M32,Systemic lupus erythematosus,Diagnosis of Lupus erythematosus (local and systemic)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_SVT.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_SVT.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a2fe6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_SVT.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Supraventricular tachycardia,I47.1,Supraventricular tachycardia,Diagnosis of Supraventricular tachycardia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_Stroke_NOS.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_Stroke_NOS.csv
index 3d66f3e..1f918ae 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_Stroke_NOS.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_Stroke_NOS.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"Stroke not otherwise specified","G46.3","Brain stem stroke syndrome","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke not otherwise specified","G46.4","Cerebellar stroke syndrome","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke not otherwise specified","G46.5","Pure motor lacunar syndrome","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke not otherwise specified","G46.6","Pure sensory lacunar syndrome","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke not otherwise specified","G46.7","Other lacunar syndromes","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke not otherwise specified","G46.8","Other vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke not otherwise specified","I64","Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction","Diagnosis of Stroke NOS"
-"Stroke not otherwise specified","I69.4","Sequelae of stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction","History of stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction"
+Stroke NOS,G46.3,Brain stem stroke syndrome,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G46.4,Cerebellar stroke syndrome,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G46.5,Pure motor lacunar syndrome,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G46.6,Pure sensory lacunar syndrome,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G46.7,Other lacunar syndromes,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,G46.8,Other vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases,Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,I64,"Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction",Diagnosis of Stroke NOS
+Stroke NOS,I69.4,"Sequelae of stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction","History of stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_Subarach.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_Subarach.csv
index caa7908..16b9f32 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_Subarach.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_Subarach.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","I60","Subarachnoid haemorrhage","Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage"
-"Subarachnoid haemorrhage","I69.0","Sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage","History of subarachnoid haemorrhage"
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,I60,Subarachnoid haemorrhage,Diagnosis of subarachnoid ahemorrhage
+Subarachnoid haemorrhage,I69.0,Sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage,History of subarachnoid haemorrhage
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_TB.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_TB.csv
index 2723b88..c69774e 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_TB.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_TB.csv
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-"Tuberculosis","A15","Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A16","Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A17","Tuberculosis of nervous system","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A18","Tuberculosis of other organs","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","A19","Miliary tuberculosis","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","B20.0","HIV disease resulting in mycobacterial infection","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","B90","Sequelae of tuberculosis","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","J65","Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","K23.0","Tuberculous oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","K67.3","Tuberculous peritonitis","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","K93.0","Tuberculous disorders of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","M01.1","Tuberculous arthritis","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","M49.0","Tuberculosis of spine","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","M90.0","Tuberculosis of bone","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N33.0","Tuberculous cystitis","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N74.0","Tuberculous infection of cervix uteri","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","N74.1","Female tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
-"Tuberculosis","P37.0","Congenital tuberculosis","Diagnosis of Tuberculosis"
+Tuberculosis,A15,"Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed",Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A16,"Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically",Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A17,Tuberculosis of nervous system,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A18,Tuberculosis of other organs,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,A19,Miliary tuberculosis,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,B20.0,HIV disease resulting in mycobacterial infection,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,B90,Sequelae of tuberculosis,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,J65,Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,K23.0,Tuberculous oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,K67.3,Tuberculous peritonitis,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,K93.0,"Tuberculous disorders of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands",Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,M01.1,Tuberculous arthritis,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,M49.0,Tuberculosis of spine,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,M90.0,Tuberculosis of bone,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N33.0,Tuberculous cystitis,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N74.0,Tuberculous infection of cervix uteri,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,N74.1,Female tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
+Tuberculosis,P37.0,Congenital tuberculosis,Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_TIA.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_TIA.csv
index 779efaa..867ecf5 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_TIA.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_TIA.csv
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","G45.0","Vertebro-basilar artery syndrome","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","G45.1","Carotid artery syndrome (hemispheric)","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","G45.2","Multiple and bilateral precerebral artery syndromes","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","G45.3","Amaurosis fugax","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","G45.4","Transient global amnesia","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","G45.8","Other transient cerebral ischaemic attacks and related syndromes","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","G45.9","Transient cerebral ischaemic attack, unspecified","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","G46.0","Middle cerebral artery syndrome","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","G46.1","Anterior cerebral artery syndrome","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","G46.2","Posterior cerebral artery syndrome","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","I65","Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction","Diagnosis of TIA"
-"Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks","I66","Occlusion and stenosis of cerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction","Diagnosis of TIA"
+Transient ischaemic attack,G45.0,Vertebro-basilar artery syndrome,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G45.1,Carotid artery syndrome (hemispheric),Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G45.2,Multiple and bilateral precerebral artery syndromes,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G45.3,Amaurosis fugax,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G45.4,Transient global amnesia,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G45.8,Other transient cerebral ischaemic attacks and related syndromes,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G45.9,"Transient cerebral ischaemic attack, unspecified",Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G46.0,Middle cerebral artery syndrome,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G46.1,Anterior cerebral artery syndrome,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,G46.2,Posterior cerebral artery syndrome,Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,I65,"Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction",Diagnosis of TIA
+Transient ischaemic attack,I66,"Occlusion and stenosis of cerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction",Diagnosis of TIA
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_TIN.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_TIN.csv
index 2893e51..c20307f 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_TIN.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_TIN.csv
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N12","Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N14.0","Analgesic nephropathy","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N14.1","Nephropathy induced by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N14.2","Nephropathy induced by unspecified drug, medicament or biological substance","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N14.3","Nephropathy induced by heavy metals","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N14.4","Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N15.8","Other specified renal tubulo-interstitial diseases","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N15.9","Renal tubulo-interstitial disease, unspecified","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N16.1","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in neoplastic diseases","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N16.2","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in blood diseases and disorders involving the immune mechanism","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N16.3","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in metabolic diseases","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N16.4","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in systemic connective tissue disorders","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N16.5","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
-"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis","N16.8","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis"
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N12,"Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic",Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N14.0,Analgesic nephropathy,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N14.1,"Nephropathy induced by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances",Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N14.2,"Nephropathy induced by unspecified drug, medicament or biological substance",Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N14.3,Nephropathy induced by heavy metals,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N14.4,"Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N15.8,Other specified renal tubulo-interstitial diseases,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N15.9,"Renal tubulo-interstitial disease, unspecified",Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N16.1,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in neoplastic diseases,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N16.2,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in blood diseases and disorders involving the immune mechanism,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N16.3,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in metabolic diseases,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N16.4,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in systemic connective tissue disorders,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N16.5,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
+Tubulo-interstitial nephritis,N16.8,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Tubulo-interstitial nephritis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_VT.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_VT.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d4e3aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_VT.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Ventricular tachycardia,I47.2,Ventricular tachycardia,Diagnosis of Ventricular tachycardia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_abdo_hernia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_abdo_hernia.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 3664f1d..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_abdo_hernia.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-"Abdominal Hernia","K40","Inguinal hernia","Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia"
-"Abdominal Hernia","K41","Femoral hernia","Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia"
-"Abdominal Hernia","K42","Umbilical hernia","Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia"
-"Abdominal Hernia","K43","Ventral hernia","Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia"
-"Abdominal Hernia","K45","Other abdominal hernia","Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia"
-"Abdominal Hernia","K46","Unspecified abdominal hernia","Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_acne.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_acne.csv
index d03f5b0..ba18433 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_acne.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_acne.csv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-"Acne","L70.0","Acne vulgaris","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","L70.1","Acne conglobata","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","L70.2","Acne varioliformis","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","L70.3","Acne tropica","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","L70.8","Other acne","Diagnosis of Acne"
-"Acne","L70.9","Acne, unspecified","Diagnosis of Acne"
+Acne,L70.0,Acne vulgaris,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,L70.1,Acne conglobata,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,L70.2,Acne varioliformis,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,L70.3,Acne tropica,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,L70.8,Other acne,Diagnosis of Acne
+Acne,L70.9,"Acne, unspecified",Diagnosis of Acne
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_actinic_keratosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_actinic_keratosis.csv
index 6139989..6713b83 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_actinic_keratosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_actinic_keratosis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Actinic keratosis","L57.0","Actinic keratosis","Diagnosis of Actinic keratosis"
+Actinic keratosis,L57.0,Actinic keratosis,Diagnosis of Actinic keratosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_adhd.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_adhd.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 875f915..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_adhd.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Hyperkinetic disorders","F90","Hyperkinetic disorders","Diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorders"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_agranulocytosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_agranulocytosis.csv
index fe49c1e..292da70 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_agranulocytosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_agranulocytosis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Agranulocytosis","D70","Agranulocytosis","Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis"
+Agranulocytosis,D70,Agranulocytosis,Diagnosis of Agranulocytosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_alc.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_alc.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 8472fca..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_alc.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-"Alcohol Problems","F10.1","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Harmful use","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F10.2","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Dependence syndrome","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F10.3","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Withdrawal state","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F10.4","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Withdrawal state with delirium","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F10.5","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Psychotic disorder","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F10.6","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Amnesic syndrome","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F10.7","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F10.8","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Other mental and behavioural disorders","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","F10.9","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Unspecified mental and behavioural disorder","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","E24.4","Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","G31.2","Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","G62.1","Alcoholic polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","G72.1","Alcoholic myopathy","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","I42.6","Alcoholic cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","K29.2","Alcoholic gastritis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","K70","Alcoholic liver disease","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","K85.2","Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","K86.0","Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Z50.2","Alcohol rehabilitation","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
-"Alcohol Problems","Z71.4","Alcohol abuse counselling and surveillance","Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_alc_liv_dz.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_alc_liv_dz.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f0399a..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_alc_liv_dz.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Alcoholic liver disease","K70","Alcoholic liver disease","Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_alc_problems.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_alc_problems.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e2b5cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_alc_problems.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Alcohol Problems,F10.1,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Harmful use,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F10.2,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Dependence syndrome,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F10.3,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Withdrawal state,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F10.4,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Withdrawal state with delirium,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F10.5,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Psychotic disorder,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F10.6,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Amnesic syndrome,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F10.7,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F10.8,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Other mental and behavioural disorders,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,F10.9,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol - Unspecified mental and behavioural disorder,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,E24.4,Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,G31.2,Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,G62.1,Alcoholic polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,G72.1,Alcoholic myopathy,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,I42.6,Alcoholic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,K29.2,Alcoholic gastritis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,K70,Alcoholic liver disease,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,K85.2,Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,K86.0,Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Z50.2,Alcohol rehabilitation,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
+Alcohol Problems,Z71.4,Alcohol abuse counselling and surveillance,Diagnosis of Alcohol Problems
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_allergic_rhinitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_allergic_rhinitis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc647ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_allergic_rhinitis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,J30.1,Allergic rhinitis due to pollen,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,J30.2,Other seasonal allergic rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,J30.3,Other allergic rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,J30.4,"Allergic rhinitis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
+Allergic and chronic rhinitis,J31.0,Chronic rhinitis,Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_alopecia_areata.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_alopecia_areata.csv
index 5bfb2b1..52f1643 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_alopecia_areata.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_alopecia_areata.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Alopecia areata","L63","Alopecia areata","Diagnosis of Alopecia areata"
+Alopecia areata,L63,Alopecia areata,Diagnosis of Alopecia areata
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_anal_fiss.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_anal_fiss.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index d7bd1c0..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_anal_fiss.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-"Anal fissure","K60.0","Acute anal fissure","Diagnosis of Anal fissure"
-"Anal fissure","K60.1","Chronic anal fissure","Diagnosis of Anal fissure"
-"Anal fissure","K60.2","Anal fissure, unspecified","Diagnosis of Anal fissure"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_anal_fissure.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_anal_fissure.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eda4fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_anal_fissure.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Anal fissure,K60.0,Acute anal fissure,Diagnosis of Anal fissure
+Anal fissure,K60.1,Chronic anal fissure,Diagnosis of Anal fissure
+Anal fissure,K60.2,"Anal fissure, unspecified",Diagnosis of Anal fissure
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_angio_colon.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_angio_colon.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index b8bc44d..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_angio_colon.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Angiodysplasia of colon","K55.2","Angiodysplasia of colon","Diagnosis of Angiodysplasia of colon"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_angiodysplasia_colon.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_angiodysplasia_colon.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed31e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_angiodysplasia_colon.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Angiodysplasia of colon,K55.2,Angiodysplasia of colon,Diagnosis of Angiodysplasia of colon
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ank_spond.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ank_spond.csv
index daed50a..0f42ebb 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_ank_spond.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_ank_spond.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Ankylosing spondylitis","M45","Ankylosing spondylitis","Diagnosis of Ankylosing spondylitis"
+Ankylosing spondylitis,M45,Ankylosing spondylitis,Diagnosis of Ankylosing spondylitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal.csv
index cb7155f..1c9ec6f 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Infection of anal and rectal regions","A51.1","Primary anal syphilis","Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions"
-"Infection of anal and rectal regions","A54.6","Gonococcal infection of anus and rectum","Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions"
-"Infection of anal and rectal regions","A56.3","Chlamydial infection of anus and rectum","Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions"
-"Infection of anal and rectal regions","A60.1","Herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectum","Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions"
-"Infection of anal and rectal regions","A60.9","Anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecified","Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions"
-"Infection of anal and rectal regions","A63.0","Anogenital (venereal) warts","Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions"
-"Infection of anal and rectal regions","K61","Abscess of anal and rectal regions","Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions"
+Infection of anal and rectal regions,A51.1,Primary anal syphilis,Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions
+Infection of anal and rectal regions,A54.6,Gonococcal infection of anus and rectum,Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions
+Infection of anal and rectal regions,A56.3,Chlamydial infection of anus and rectum,Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions
+Infection of anal and rectal regions,A60.1,Herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectum,Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions
+Infection of anal and rectal regions,A60.9,"Anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecified",Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions
+Infection of anal and rectal regions,A63.0,Anogenital (venereal) warts,Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions
+Infection of anal and rectal regions,K61,Abscess of anal and rectal regions,Diagnosis of Infection of anal and rectal regions
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal_fistula.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal_fistula.csv
index 68d69e8..f7cafd4 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal_fistula.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal_fistula.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Anorectal fistula","K60.3","Anal fistula","Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","K60.4","Rectal fistula","Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula"
-"Anorectal fistula","K60.5","Anorectal fistula","Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula"
+Anorectal fistula,K60.3,Anal fistula,Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,K60.4,Rectal fistula,Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula
+Anorectal fistula,K60.5,Anorectal fistula,Diagnosis of Anorectal fistula
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal_prolapse.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal_prolapse.csv
index 521c187..6ab7cdc 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal_prolapse.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_anorectal_prolapse.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Anorectal prolapse","K62.2","Anal prolapse","Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse"
-"Anorectal prolapse","K62.3","Rectal prolapse","Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse"
+Anorectal prolapse,K62.2,Anal prolapse,Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse
+Anorectal prolapse,K62.3,Rectal prolapse,Diagnosis of Anorectal prolapse
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ant_uveitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ant_uveitis.csv
index 6a0f43c..883c41f 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_ant_uveitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_ant_uveitis.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","H20.0","Acute and subacute iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","H20.1","Chronic iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","H20.2","Lens-induced iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","H20.8","Other iridocyclitis","Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","H20.9","Iridocyclitis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","H22.0","Iridocyclitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","H22.1","Iridocyclitis in other diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis"
-"Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis","H30.2","Posterior cyclitis","Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis"
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,H20.0,Acute and subacute iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,H20.1,Chronic iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,H20.2,Lens-induced iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,H20.8,Other iridocyclitis,Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,H20.9,"Iridocyclitis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,H22.0,Iridocyclitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,H22.1,Iridocyclitis in other diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis
+Anterior and Intermediate Uveitis,H30.2,Posterior cyclitis,Diagnosis of Anterior or Intermediate Uveitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_anxiety.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_anxiety.csv
index 7b97353..eba6088 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_anxiety.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_anxiety.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Anxiety disorders","F40","Phobic anxiety disorders","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
-"Anxiety disorders","F41","Other anxiety disorders","Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders"
+Anxiety disorders,F40,Phobic anxiety disorders,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
+Anxiety disorders,F41,Other anxiety disorders,Diagnosis of Anxiety disorders
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_aplastic.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_aplastic.csv
index 2afec8b..cda2ea5 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_aplastic.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_aplastic.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Aplastic anaemias","D60","Acquired pure red cell aplasia [erythroblastopenia]","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
-"Aplastic anaemias","D61","Other aplastic anaemias","Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias"
+Aplastic anaemias,D60,Acquired pure red cell aplasia [erythroblastopenia],Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
+Aplastic anaemias,D61,Other aplastic anaemias,Diagnosis of Aplastic anaemias
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_appendicitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_appendicitis.csv
index bd38513..60e74d7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_appendicitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_appendicitis.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Appendicitis","K35","Acute appendicitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","K36","Other appendicitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
-"Appendicitis","K37","Unspecified appendicitis","Diagnosis of Appendicitis"
+Appendicitis,K35,Acute appendicitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,K36,Other appendicitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
+Appendicitis,K37,Unspecified appendicitis,Diagnosis of Appendicitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_asbestosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_asbestosis.csv
index 91331d9..153abc7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_asbestosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_asbestosis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Asbestosis","J61","Pneumoconiosis due to asbestos and other mineral fibres","Diagnosis of Asbestosis"
+Asbestosis,J61,Pneumoconiosis due to asbestos and other mineral fibres,Diagnosis of Asbestosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_asp_pneumo.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_asp_pneumo.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index b1add48..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_asp_pneumo.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","J69.0","Pneumonitis due to food and vomit","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","J69.1","Pneumonitis due to oils and essences","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
-"Aspiration pneumonitis","J69.8","Pneumonitis due to other solids and liquids","Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_aspiration_pneumo.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_aspiration_pneumo.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35149c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_aspiration_pneumo.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Aspiration pneumonitis,J69.0,Pneumonitis due to food and vomit,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,J69.1,Pneumonitis due to oils and essences,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
+Aspiration pneumonitis,J69.8,Pneumonitis due to other solids and liquids,Diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_asthma.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_asthma.csv
index d6194d4..fb01ced 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_asthma.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_asthma.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Asthma","J45","Asthma","Diagnosis of Asthma"
-"Asthma","J46","Status asthmaticus","Diagnosis of Asthma"
+Asthma,J45,Asthma,Diagnosis of Asthma
+Asthma,J46,Status asthmaticus,Diagnosis of Asthma
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_autism.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_autism.csv
index b83acd0..da59fcc 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_autism.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_autism.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","F84.0","Childhood autism","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","F84.1","Atypical autism","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
-"Autism and Asperger's syndrome","F84.5","Asperger's syndrome","Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome"
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,F84.0,Childhood autism,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,F84.1,Atypical autism,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
+Autism and Asperger's syndrome,F84.5,Asperger's syndrome,Diagnosis of Autism and Asperger's syndrome
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_autoimm_liver.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_autoimm_liver.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27fda9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_autoimm_liver.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Autoimmune liver disease,K74.3,Primary biliary cirrhosis,Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease
+Autoimmune liver disease,K75.4,Autoimmune hepatitis,Diagnosis of Autoimmune liver disease
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_autonomic_neuro.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_autonomic_neuro.csv
index 43cd579..4b619d9 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_autonomic_neuro.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_autonomic_neuro.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","G90","Disorders of autonomic nervous system","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","G99.0","Autonomic neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","G99.1","Other disorders of autonomic nervous system in other diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
-"Disorders of autonomic nervous system","M89.0","Algoneurodystrophy","Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy"
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,G90,Disorders of autonomic nervous system,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,G99.0,Autonomic neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,G99.1,Other disorders of autonomic nervous system in other diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
+Disorders of autonomic nervous system,M89.0,Algoneurodystrophy,Diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_1.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_1.csv
index e20a106..8b24db9 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_1.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_1.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Atrioventricular block, first degree","I44.0","Atrioventricular block, first degree","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, first degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, first degree",I44.0,"Atrioventricular block, first degree","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, first degree"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_2.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_2.csv
index b91d38c..44e9314 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_2.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_2.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Atrioventricular block, second degree","I44.1","Atrioventricular block, second degree","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
+"Atrioventricular block, second degree",I44.1,"Atrioventricular block, second degree","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, second degree"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_3.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_3.csv
index c840867..1313961 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_3.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_av_block_3.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Atrioventricular block, complete","I44.2","Atrioventricular block, complete","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, complete"
+"Atrioventricular block, complete",I44.2,"Atrioventricular block, complete","Diagnosis of Atrioventricular block, complete"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_b12_def.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_b12_def.csv
index c7456e8..f891f42 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_b12_def.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_b12_def.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia","D51","Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia","Diagnosis of Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia"
+Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,D51,Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_bacterial.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_bacterial.csv
index e5f2c24..3d721ab 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_bacterial.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_bacterial.csv
@@ -1,154 +1,154 @@
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A00","Cholera","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A01","Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A02","Other salmonella infections","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A03","Shigellosis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A04","Other bacterial intestinal infections","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A05","Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A20","Plague","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A21","Tularaemia","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A22","Anthrax","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A23","Brucellosis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A24","Glanders and melioidosis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A25","Rat-bite fevers","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A26","Erysipeloid","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A27","Leptospirosis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A28","Other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A30","Leprosy [Hansen's disease]","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A31","Infection due to other mycobacteria","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A32","Listeriosis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A35","Other tetanus","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A36","Diphtheria","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A37","Whooping cough","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A38","Scarlet fever","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A39","Meningococcal infection","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A40","Streptococcal sepsis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A41.0","Sepsis due to Staphylococcus aureus","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A41.1","Sepsis due to other specified staphylococcus","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A41.2","Sepsis due to unspecified staphylococcus","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A41.3","Sepsis due to Haemophilus influenzae","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A41.4","Sepsis due to anaerobes","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A41.5","Sepsis due to other Gram-negative organisms","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A42","Actinomycosis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A43","Nocardiosis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A44","Bartonellosis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A46","Erysipelas","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A48","Other bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A49","Bacterial infection of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A50","Congenital syphilis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A51","Early syphilis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A52","Late syphilis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A53","Other and unspecified syphilis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A54","Gonococcal infection","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A55","Chlamydial lymphogranuloma (venereum)","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A56","Other sexually transmitted chlamydial diseases","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A57","Chancroid","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A58","Granuloma inguinale","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A65","Nonvenereal syphilis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A66","Yaws","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A67","Pinta [carate]","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A68","Relapsing fevers","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A69","Other spirochaetal infections","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A70","Chlamydia psittaci infection","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A71","Trachoma","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A74","Other diseases caused by chlamydiae","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A75","Typhus fever","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A77","Spotted fever [tick-borne rickettsioses]","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A78","Q fever","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","A79","Other rickettsioses","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","B20.1","HIV disease resulting in other bacterial infections","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","B92","Sequelae of leprosy","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","B94.0","Sequelae of trachoma","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","B95","Streptococcus and staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","B96","Other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","B98.0","Helicobacter pylori [H.pylori] as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","B98.1","Vibrio vulnificus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","G00","Bacterial meningitis, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","G01","Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","G04.2","Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","G05.0","Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","H62.0","Otitis externa in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","H67.0","Otitis media in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","I00","Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","I01","Rheumatic fever with heart involvement","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","I02","Rheumatic chorea","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","I05","Rheumatic mitral valve diseases","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","I06","Rheumatic aortic valve diseases","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","I07","Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","I09","Other rheumatic heart diseases","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","I32.0","Pericarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","I41.0","Myocarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","I98.0","Cardiovascular syphilis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J02.0","Streptococcal pharyngitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J03.0","Streptococcal tonsillitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J13","Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J14","Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J15","Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J16.0","Chlamydial pneumonia","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J17.0","Pneumonia in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J20.0","Acute bronchitis due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J20.1","Acute bronchitis due to Haemophilus influenzae","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J20.2","Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J34.0","Abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of nose","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J36","Peritonsillar abscess","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J39.0","Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J39.1","Other abscess of pharynx","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","J86","Pyothorax","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","K61","Abscess of anal and rectal regions","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","K63.0","Abscess of intestine","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","K67.0","Chlamydial peritonitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","K67.1","Gonococcal peritonitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","L00","Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","L01","Impetigo","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","L02","Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","L03","Cellulitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","L05.0","Pilonidal cyst with abscess","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","L08.1","Erythrasma","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M00.0","Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M00.1","Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M00.2","Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M00.8","Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M00.9","Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M01.0","Meningococcal arthritis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M01.2","Arthritis in Lyme disease","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M01.3","Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M03.0","Postmeningococcal arthritis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M03.1","Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M49.1","Brucella spondylitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M49.2","Enterobacterial spondylitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M63.0","Myositis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M65.0","Abscess of tendon sheath","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M65.1","Other infective (teno)synovitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M68.0","Synovitis and tenosynovitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M71.0","Abscess of bursa","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M71.1","Other infective bursitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M72.6","Necrotizing fasciitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M73.1","Syphilitic bursitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M86","Osteomyelitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M90.1","Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","M90.2","Osteopathy in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N13.6","Pyonephrosis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N15.1","Renal and perinephric abscess","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N29.0","Late syphilis of kidney","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N39.0","Urinary tract infection, site not specified","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N41.0","Acute prostatitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N41.2","Abscess of prostate","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N41.3","Prostatocystitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N43.1","Infected hydrocele","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N45","Orchitis and epididymitis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N70","Salpingitis and oophoritis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N71","Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N72","Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N73","Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N74.3","Female gonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N74.4","Female chlamydial pelvic inflammatory disease","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N74.8","Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","N75.1","Abscess of Bartholin's gland","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","P23.1","Congenital pneumonia due to Chlamydia","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","P23.2","Congenital pneumonia due to staphylococcus","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","P23.3","Congenital pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","P23.4","Congenital pneumonia due to Escherichia coli","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","P23.5","Congenital pneumonia due to Pseudomonas","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","P23.6","Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","P36","Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
-"Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)","P37.2","Neonatal (disseminated) listeriosis","Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)"
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A00,Cholera,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A01,Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A02,Other salmonella infections,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A03,Shigellosis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A04,Other bacterial intestinal infections,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A05,"Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A20,Plague,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A21,Tularaemia,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A22,Anthrax,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A23,Brucellosis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A24,Glanders and melioidosis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A25,Rat-bite fevers,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A26,Erysipeloid,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A27,Leptospirosis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A28,"Other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A30,Leprosy [Hansen's disease],Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A31,Infection due to other mycobacteria,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A32,Listeriosis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A35,Other tetanus,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A36,Diphtheria,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A37,Whooping cough,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A38,Scarlet fever,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A39,Meningococcal infection,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A40,Streptococcal sepsis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A41.0,Sepsis due to Staphylococcus aureus,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A41.1,Sepsis due to other specified staphylococcus,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A41.2,Sepsis due to unspecified staphylococcus,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A41.3,Sepsis due to Haemophilus influenzae,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A41.4,Sepsis due to anaerobes,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A41.5,Sepsis due to other Gram-negative organisms,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A42,Actinomycosis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A43,Nocardiosis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A44,Bartonellosis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A46,Erysipelas,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A48,"Other bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A49,Bacterial infection of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A50,Congenital syphilis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A51,Early syphilis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A52,Late syphilis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A53,Other and unspecified syphilis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A54,Gonococcal infection,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A55,Chlamydial lymphogranuloma (venereum),Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A56,Other sexually transmitted chlamydial diseases,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A57,Chancroid,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A58,Granuloma inguinale,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A65,Nonvenereal syphilis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A66,Yaws,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A67,Pinta [carate],Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A68,Relapsing fevers,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A69,Other spirochaetal infections,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A70,Chlamydia psittaci infection,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A71,Trachoma,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A74,Other diseases caused by chlamydiae,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A75,Typhus fever,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A77,Spotted fever [tick-borne rickettsioses],Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A78,Q fever,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),A79,Other rickettsioses,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),B20.1,HIV disease resulting in other bacterial infections,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),B92,Sequelae of leprosy,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),B94.0,Sequelae of trachoma,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),B95,Streptococcus and staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),B96,Other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),B98.0,Helicobacter pylori [H.pylori] as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),B98.1,Vibrio vulnificus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),G00,"Bacterial meningitis, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),G01,Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),G04.2,"Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),G05.0,"Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),H62.0,Otitis externa in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),H67.0,Otitis media in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),I00,Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),I01,Rheumatic fever with heart involvement,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),I02,Rheumatic chorea,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),I05,Rheumatic mitral valve diseases,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),I06,Rheumatic aortic valve diseases,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),I07,Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),I09,Other rheumatic heart diseases,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),I32.0,Pericarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),I41.0,Myocarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),I98.0,Cardiovascular syphilis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J02.0,Streptococcal pharyngitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J03.0,Streptococcal tonsillitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J13,Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J14,Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J15,"Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J16.0,Chlamydial pneumonia,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J17.0,Pneumonia in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J20.0,Acute bronchitis due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J20.1,Acute bronchitis due to Haemophilus influenzae,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J20.2,Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J34.0,"Abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of nose",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J36,Peritonsillar abscess,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J39.0,Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J39.1,Other abscess of pharynx,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),J86,Pyothorax,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),K61,Abscess of anal and rectal regions,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),K63.0,Abscess of intestine,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),K67.0,Chlamydial peritonitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),K67.1,Gonococcal peritonitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),L00,Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),L01,Impetigo,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),L02,"Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),L03,Cellulitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),L05.0,Pilonidal cyst with abscess,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),L08.1,Erythrasma,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M00.0,Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M00.1,Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M00.2,Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M00.8,Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M00.9,"Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M01.0,Meningococcal arthritis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M01.2,Arthritis in Lyme disease,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M01.3,Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M03.0,Postmeningococcal arthritis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M03.1,Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M49.1,Brucella spondylitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M49.2,Enterobacterial spondylitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M63.0,Myositis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M65.0,Abscess of tendon sheath,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M65.1,Other infective (teno)synovitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M68.0,Synovitis and tenosynovitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M71.0,Abscess of bursa,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M71.1,Other infective bursitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M72.6,Necrotizing fasciitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M73.1,Syphilitic bursitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M86,Osteomyelitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M90.1,Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),M90.2,Osteopathy in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N13.6,Pyonephrosis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N15.1,Renal and perinephric abscess,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N29.0,Late syphilis of kidney,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N39.0,"Urinary tract infection, site not specified",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N41.0,Acute prostatitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N41.2,Abscess of prostate,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N41.3,Prostatocystitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N43.1,Infected hydrocele,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N45,Orchitis and epididymitis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N70,Salpingitis and oophoritis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N71,"Inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N72,Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N73,Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N74.3,Female gonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N74.4,Female chlamydial pelvic inflammatory disease,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N74.8,Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),N75.1,Abscess of Bartholin's gland,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),P23.1,Congenital pneumonia due to Chlamydia,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),P23.2,Congenital pneumonia due to staphylococcus,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),P23.3,"Congenital pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B",Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),P23.4,Congenital pneumonia due to Escherichia coli,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),P23.5,Congenital pneumonia due to Pseudomonas,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),P23.6,Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),P36,Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
+Bacterial Diseases (excl TB),P37.2,Neonatal (disseminated) listeriosis,Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases (excl TB)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_barretts.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_barretts.csv
index 81a3979..dcab7b7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_barretts.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_barretts.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Barrett's oesophagus","K22.7","Barrett's oesophagus","Diagnosis of Barrett's oesophagus"
+Barrett's oesophagus,K22.7,Barrett's oesophagus,Diagnosis of Barrett's oesophagus
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_bells.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_bells.csv
index fffd5df..4871ef0 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_bells.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_bells.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Bell's palsy","G51.0","Bell's palsy","Diagnosis of Bell's (facial) palsy"
+Bell's palsy,G51.0,Bell's palsy,Diagnosis of Bell's (facial) palsy
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_benign_brain.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_benign_brain.csv
index 5480248..80362c0 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_benign_brain.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_benign_brain.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","D32","Benign neoplasm of meninges","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","D33","Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","D35.2","Benign neoplasm: Pituitary gland","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","D35.3","Benign neoplasm: Craniopharyngeal duct","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","D35.4","Benign neoplasm: Pineal gland","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","D35.5","Benign neoplasm: Carotid body","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
-"Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system","D35.6","Benign neoplasm: Aortic body and other paraganglia","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system"
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,D32,Benign neoplasm of meninges,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,D33,Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,D35.2,Benign neoplasm: Pituitary gland,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,D35.3,Benign neoplasm: Craniopharyngeal duct,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,D35.4,Benign neoplasm: Pineal gland,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,D35.5,Benign neoplasm: Carotid body,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
+Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system,D35.6,Benign neoplasm: Aortic body and other paraganglia,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_benign_colon.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_benign_colon.csv
index 067c1b4..e21351a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_benign_colon.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_benign_colon.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","D12","Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","K62.0","Anal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","K62.1","Rectal polyp","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
-"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","K63.5","Polyp of colon","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",D12,"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",K62.0,Anal polyp,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",K62.1,Rectal polyp,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
+"Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal",K63.5,Polyp of colon,"Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_benign_ovary.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_benign_ovary.csv
index 573895e..73925b1 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_benign_ovary.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_benign_ovary.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","D27","Benign neoplasm of ovary","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","N83.0","Follicular cyst of ovary","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","N83.1","Corpus luteum cyst","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
-"Benign neoplasm of ovary","N83.2","Other and unspecified ovarian cysts","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary"
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,D27,Benign neoplasm of ovary,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,N83.0,Follicular cyst of ovary,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,N83.1,Corpus luteum cyst,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
+Benign neoplasm of ovary,N83.2,Other and unspecified ovarian cysts,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of ovary
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_benign_stomach.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_benign_stomach.csv
index c491655..7eec2e1 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_benign_stomach.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_benign_stomach.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","K31.7","Polyp of stomach and duodenum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","D13.1","Benign neoplasm: Stomach","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","D13.2","Benign neoplasm: Duodenum","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
-"Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum","D13.3","Benign neoplasm: Other and unspecified parts of small intestine","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum"
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,K31.7,Polyp of stomach and duodenum,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,D13.1,Benign neoplasm: Stomach,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,D13.2,Benign neoplasm: Duodenum,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
+Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum,D13.3,Benign neoplasm: Other and unspecified parts of small intestine,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm of stomach and duodenum
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_benign_uterus.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_benign_uterus.csv
index 9328bf7..c46ecc7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_benign_uterus.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_benign_uterus.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","D26.1","Other benign neoplasm: Corpus uteri","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","D26.7","Other benign neoplasm: Other parts of uterus","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","D26.9","Other benign neoplasm: Uterus, unspecified","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
-"Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus","N84.0","Polyp of corpus uteri","Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus"
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,D26.1,Other benign neoplasm: Corpus uteri,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,D26.7,Other benign neoplasm: Other parts of uterus,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,D26.9,"Other benign neoplasm: Uterus, unspecified",Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
+Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus,N84.0,Polyp of corpus uteri,Diagnosis of Benign neoplasm and polyp of uterus
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_bifasc_block.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_bifasc_block.csv
index d9e02dd..887dd3d 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_bifasc_block.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_bifasc_block.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Bifascicular block","I45.2","Bifascicular block","Diagnosis of Bifascicular block"
+Bifascicular block,I45.2,Bifascicular block,Diagnosis of Bifascicular block
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_blind.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_blind.csv
index fbd0f60..ea58201 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_blind.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_blind.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Visual impairment and blindness","H54","Visual impairment including blindness (binocular or monocular)","Diagnosis of Visual impairment and blindness"
+Visual impairment and blindness,H54,Visual impairment including blindness (binocular or monocular),Diagnosis of Visual impairment and blindness
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_bone.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_bone.csv
index 2b901c3..5ab38ef 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_bone.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_bone.csv
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-"Infection of bones and joints","A18.0","Tuberculosis of bones and joints","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","A54.4","Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","B45.3","Osseous cryptococcosis","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","B67.2","Echinococcus granulosus infection of bone","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","B90.2","Sequelae of tuberculosis of bones and joints","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M00","Pyogenic arthritis","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M01","Direct infections of joint in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M46.2","Osteomyelitis of vertebra","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M46.3","Infection of intervertebral disc (pyogenic)","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M46.4","Discitis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M46.5","Other infective spondylopathies","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M49.0","Tuberculosis of spine","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M49.1","Brucella spondylitis","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M49.2","Enterobacterial spondylitis","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M49.3","Spondylopathy in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M86","Osteomyelitis","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M90.0","Tuberculosis of bone","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M90.1","Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
-"Infection of bones and joints","M90.2","Osteopathy in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints"
+Infection of bones and joints,A18.0,Tuberculosis of bones and joints,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,A54.4,Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,B45.3,Osseous cryptococcosis,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,B67.2,Echinococcus granulosus infection of bone,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,B90.2,Sequelae of tuberculosis of bones and joints,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M00,Pyogenic arthritis,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M01,Direct infections of joint in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M46.2,Osteomyelitis of vertebra,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M46.3,Infection of intervertebral disc (pyogenic),Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M46.4,"Discitis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M46.5,Other infective spondylopathies,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M49.0,Tuberculosis of spine,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M49.1,Brucella spondylitis,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M49.2,Enterobacterial spondylitis,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M49.3,Spondylopathy in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M86,Osteomyelitis,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M90.0,Tuberculosis of bone,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M90.1,Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
+Infection of bones and joints,M90.2,Osteopathy in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infection of bones and joints
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_bronchiectasis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_bronchiectasis.csv
index 80782a0..38e412a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_bronchiectasis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_bronchiectasis.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Bronchiectasis","J47","Bronchiectasis","Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis"
-"Bronchiectasis","Q33.4","Congenital bronchiectasis","Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis"
+Bronchiectasis,J47,Bronchiectasis,Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis
+Bronchiectasis,Q33.4,Congenital bronchiectasis,Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_caliber_dm_hes.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_caliber_dm_hes.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2295e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_caliber_dm_hes.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+"Name: dm_hes ","E10","Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus",3
+"Version: 1 ","E11","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus",4
+"Source: HES ","E12","Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus",5
+"Author: Julie George, Emily Herrett ","O242","Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus",5
+"Date: 19 Dec 2012 ","E13","Other specified diabetes mellitus",6
+"Timestamp: 15.04 23-Apr-13 ","E14","Unspecified diabetes mellitus",6
+"Categories: ","G590","Diabetic mononeuropathy",6
+"1. History of diabetes ","G632","Diabetic polyneuropathy",6
+"2. Possible diabetes ","H280","Diabetic cataract",6
+"3. Insulin dependent diabetes ","H360","Diabetic retinopathy",6
+"4. Non insulin dependent diabetes ","M142","Diabetic arthropathy",6
+"5. Secondary diabetes ","N083","Glomerular disorders in diabetes mellitus",6
+"6. Diabetes not otherwise specified ","O240","Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent",6
+"7. Diabetes excluded ","O241","Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent",6
+"8. Diabetes resolved ","O243","Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, unspecified",6
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_cardiomyo_oth.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_cardiomyo_oth.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d5c20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_cardiomyo_oth.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Other Cardiomyopathy,I25.5,Ischaemic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,I42.3,Endomyocardial (eosinophilic) disease,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,I42.5,Other restrictive cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,I42.7,Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,I42.8,Other cardiomyopathies,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,I42.9,"Cardiomyopathy, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
+Other Cardiomyopathy,I43,Cardiomyopathy in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_carpal_tunnel.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_carpal_tunnel.csv
index 34d378a..ecfb40a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_carpal_tunnel.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_carpal_tunnel.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Carpal tunnel syndrome","G56.0","Carpal tunnel syndrome","Diagnosis of Carpal tunnel syndrome"
+Carpal tunnel syndrome,G56.0,Carpal tunnel syndrome,Diagnosis of Carpal tunnel syndrome
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_cataract.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_cataract.csv
index b2d3712..9bfe1aa 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_cataract.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_cataract.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"Cataract","H25","Senile cataract","Diagnosis of Cataract"
-"Cataract","H26.0","Infantile, juvenile and presenile cataract","Diagnosis of Cataract"
-"Cataract","H26.2","Complicated cataract","Diagnosis of Cataract"
-"Cataract","H26.4","After-cataract","History of Cataract"
-"Cataract","H26.8","Other specified cataract","Diagnosis of Cataract"
-"Cataract","H26.9","Cataract, unspecified","Diagnosis of Cataract"
-"Cataract","H28","Cataract and other disorders of lens in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Cataract"
-"Cataract","Q12.0","Congenital cataract","Diagnosis of Cataract"
+Cataract,H25,Senile cataract,Diagnosis of Cataract
+Cataract,H26.0,"Infantile, juvenile and presenile cataract",Diagnosis of Cataract
+Cataract,H26.2,Complicated cataract,Diagnosis of Cataract
+Cataract,H26.4,After-cataract,History of Cataract
+Cataract,H26.8,Other specified cataract,Diagnosis of Cataract
+Cataract,H26.9,"Cataract, unspecified",Diagnosis of Cataract
+Cataract,H28,Cataract and other disorders of lens in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Cataract
+Cataract,Q12.0,Congenital cataract,Diagnosis of Cataract
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_cerebral_palsy.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_cerebral_palsy.csv
index 64465ea..36089bd 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_cerebral_palsy.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_cerebral_palsy.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Cerebral palsy","G80","Cerebral palsy","Diagnosis of Cerebral palsy"
+Cerebral Palsy,G80,Cerebral palsy,Diagnosis of Cerebral palsy
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_cholangitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_cholangitis.csv
index 0f723c8..0505659 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_cholangitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_cholangitis.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Cholangitis","K80.3","Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
-"Cholangitis","K83.0","Cholangitis","Diagnosis of Cholangitis"
+Cholangitis,K80.3,Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
+Cholangitis,K83.0,Cholangitis,Diagnosis of Cholangitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_cholecystitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_cholecystitis.csv
index 6b134ec..510e476 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_cholecystitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_cholecystitis.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Cholecystitis","K80.0","Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","K80.1","Calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","K80.4","Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
-"Cholecystitis","K81","Cholecystitis","Diagnosis of Cholecystitis"
+Cholecystitis,K80.0,Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,K80.1,Calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,K80.4,Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
+Cholecystitis,K81,Cholecystitis,Diagnosis of Cholecystitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_cholelithiasis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_cholelithiasis.csv
index 78e0984..9b7ace1 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_cholelithiasis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_cholelithiasis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Cholelithiasis","K80","Cholelithiasis","Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis"
+Cholelithiasis,K80,Cholelithiasis,Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_chr_cystitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_chr_cystitis.csv
index 13ea29a..c2e3fe7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_chr_cystitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_chr_cystitis.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Non-acute cystitis","N30.1","Interstitial cystitis (chronic)","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
-"Non-acute cystitis","N30.2","Other chronic cystitis","Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis"
+Non-acute cystitis,N30.1,Interstitial cystitis (chronic),Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
+Non-acute cystitis,N30.2,Other chronic cystitis,Diagnosis of Non-acute cystitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_chr_hep.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_chr_hep.csv
index 2be158d..f12e149 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_chr_hep.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_chr_hep.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Chronic viral hepatitis","B18","Chronic viral hepatitis","Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis"
+Chronic viral hepatitis,B18,Chronic viral hepatitis,Diagnosis of Chronic viral hepatitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_chronic_fatigue.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_chronic_fatigue.csv
index a1fc939..dea5971 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_chronic_fatigue.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_chronic_fatigue.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","G93.3","Postviral fatigue syndrome","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","F48.0","Neurasthenia","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
-"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia","M79.7","Fibromyalgia","Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",G93.3,Postviral fatigue syndrome,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",F48.0,Neurasthenia,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
+"Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia",M79.7,Fibromyalgia,"Diagnosis of Postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia and fibromyalgia"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_cin_cervical.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_cin_cervical.csv
index e08d4de..08dc1c2 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_cin_cervical.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_cin_cervical.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","D06","Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
-"Carcinoma in situ_cervical","N87","Dysplasia of cervix uteri","Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical"
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,D06,Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
+Carcinoma in situ_cervical,N87,Dysplasia of cervix uteri,Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ_cervical
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_cirrhosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_cirrhosis.csv
index 7dcee2c..ab66fcb 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_cirrhosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_cirrhosis.csv
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","K70.1","Alcoholic hepatitis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","K70.2","Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","K70.3","Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","K71.7","Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","K74.0","Hepatic fibrosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","K74.1","Hepatic sclerosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","K74.2","Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","K74.4","Secondary biliary cirrhosis","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","K74.5","Biliary cirrhosis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
-"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis","K74.6","Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",K70.1,Alcoholic hepatitis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",K70.2,Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",K70.3,Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",K71.7,Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",K74.0,Hepatic fibrosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",K74.1,Hepatic sclerosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",K74.2,Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",K74.4,Secondary biliary cirrhosis,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",K74.5,"Biliary cirrhosis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
+"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis",K74.6,Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver,"Diagnosis of Liver fibrosis, sclerosis and cirrhosis"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_coeliac.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_coeliac.csv
index 59181a6..b4845d7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_coeliac.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_coeliac.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Coeliac disease","K90.0","Coeliac disease","Diagnosis of Coeliac disease"
+Coeliac disease,K90.0,Coeliac disease,Diagnosis of Coeliac disease
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_collapsed_vert.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_collapsed_vert.csv
index 700bb48..ebef85e 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_collapsed_vert.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_collapsed_vert.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Collapsed vertebra","M48.5","Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
-"Collapsed vertebra","M49.5","Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra"
+Collapsed vertebra,M48.5,"Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
+Collapsed vertebra,M49.5,Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Collapsed vertebra
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_congenital_septal.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_congenital_septal.csv
index 6a9b3bc..5702a63 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_congenital_septal.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_congenital_septal.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","Q21","Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
+Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,Q21,Congenital malformations of cardiac septa,Diagnosis of Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_copd.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_copd.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 12e79ad..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_copd.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"COPD","J40","Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","J41","Simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","J42","Unspecified chronic bronchitis","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","J43","Emphysema","Diagnosis of COPD"
-"COPD","J44","Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease","Diagnosis of COPD"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_crohns.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_crohns.csv
index 0209d95..463e819 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_crohns.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_crohns.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Crohn's disease","K50","Crohn's disease [regional enteritis]","Diagnosis of Crohn's disease"
+Crohn's disease,K50,Crohn's disease [regional enteritis],Diagnosis of Crohn's disease
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_dcm.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_dcm.csv
index 97bd5ff..076635e 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_dcm.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_dcm.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Dilated cardiomyopathy","I42.0","Dilated cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy"
-"Dilated cardiomyopathy","I42.6","Alcoholic cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy"
+Dilated cardiomyopathy,I42.0,Dilated cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy
+Dilated cardiomyopathy,I42.6,Alcoholic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Dilated cardiomyopathy
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_deaf.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_deaf.csv
index b3e2951..81fe8af 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_deaf.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_deaf.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Hearing loss","H90","Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","H91","Other hearing loss","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z45.3","Adjustment and management of implanted hearing device","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z46.1","Fitting and adjustment of hearing aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
-"Hearing loss","Z97.4","Presence of external hearing-aid","Diagnosis of Hearing loss"
+Hearing loss,H90,Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,H91,Other hearing loss,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z45.3,Adjustment and management of implanted hearing device,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z46.1,Fitting and adjustment of hearing aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
+Hearing loss,Z97.4,Presence of external hearing-aid,Diagnosis of Hearing loss
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_delirium.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_delirium.csv
index f56a279..c3a9c32 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_delirium.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_delirium.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","F05","Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
+"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances",F05,"Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances","Diagnosis of Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_dementia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_dementia.csv
index 6d5df80..c572e7c 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_dementia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_dementia.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Dementia","F00","Dementia in Alzheimer's disease","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","F01","Vascular dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","F03","Unspecified dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","F05.1","Delirium superimposed on dementia","Diagnosis of Dementia"
-"Dementia","G30","Alzheimer's disease","Diagnosis of Dementia"
+Dementia,F00,Dementia in Alzheimer's disease,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,F01,Vascular dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,F03,Unspecified dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,F05.1,Delirium superimposed on dementia,Diagnosis of Dementia
+Dementia,G30,Alzheimer's disease,Diagnosis of Dementia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_depr.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_depr.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 49ac8be..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_depr.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-"Depression","F32","Depressive episode","Diagnosis of Depression"
-"Depression","F33","Recurrent depressive disorder","Diagnosis of Depression"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_depression.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_depression.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..427fcd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_depression.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Depression,F32,Depressive episode,Diagnosis of Depression
+Depression,F33,Recurrent depressive disorder,Diagnosis of Depression
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_dermatitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_dermatitis.csv
index 9daa301..1e1ae3b 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_dermatitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_dermatitis.csv
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L20","Atopic dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L23","Allergic contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L24","Irritant contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L25","Unspecified contact dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L27","Dermatitis due to substances taken internally","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L26","Exfoliative dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L28","Lichen simplex chronicus and prurigo","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L30.0","Nummular dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L30.1","Dyshidrosis [pompholyx]","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L30.2","Cutaneous autosensitization","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L30.5","Pityriasis alba","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L30.8","Other specified dermatitis","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
-"Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)","L30.9","Dermatitis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)"
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L20,Atopic dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L23,Allergic contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L24,Irritant contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L25,Unspecified contact dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L27,Dermatitis due to substances taken internally,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L26,Exfoliative dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L28,Lichen simplex chronicus and prurigo,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L30.0,Nummular dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L30.1,Dyshidrosis [pompholyx],Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L30.2,Cutaneous autosensitization,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L30.5,Pityriasis alba,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L30.8,Other specified dermatitis,Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
+Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified),L30.9,"Dermatitis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Dermatitis (atopc/contact/other/unspecified)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_diab_eye.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_diab_eye.csv
index d3b0b68..ab32e6a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_diab_eye.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_diab_eye.csv
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","H35.0","Background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","H35.2","Other proliferative retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","E10.3","Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","E11.3","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","E12.3","Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","E13.3","Other specified diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","E14.3","Unspecified diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","H28.0","Diabetic cataract","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
-"Diabetic ophthalmic complications","H36.0","Diabetic retinopathy","Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications"
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,H35.0,Background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,H35.2,Other proliferative retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,E10.3,Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,E11.3,Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,E12.3,Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,E13.3,Other specified diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,E14.3,Unspecified diabetes mellitus - With ophthalmic complications,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,H28.0,Diabetic cataract,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
+Diabetic ophthalmic complications,H36.0,Diabetic retinopathy,Diagnosis of diabetic ophthalmic complications
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_diabetes.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_diabetes.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc62cc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_diabetes.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Diabetes,E10,Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus,Insulin dependent diabetes (3)
+Diabetes,E11,Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus,Non insulin dependent diabetes (4)
+Diabetes,E12,Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus,Secondary diabetes (5)
+Diabetes,O242,Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus,Secondary diabetes (5)
+Diabetes,E13,Other specified diabetes mellitus,Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)
+Diabetes,E14,Unspecified diabetes mellitus,Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)
+Diabetes,G590,Diabetic mononeuropathy,Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)
+Diabetes,G632,Diabetic polyneuropathy,Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)
+Diabetes,H280,Diabetic cataract,Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)
+Diabetes,H360,Diabetic retinopathy,Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)
+Diabetes,M142,Diabetic arthropathy,Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)
+Diabetes,N083,Glomerular disorders in diabetes mellitus,Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)
+Diabetes,O240,"Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent",Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)
+Diabetes,O241,"Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent",Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)
+Diabetes,O243,"Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy: Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, unspecified",Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_digestive.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_digestive.csv
index 2927a1b..db38493 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_digestive.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_digestive.csv
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-"Infections of the digestive system","A00","Cholera","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A01","Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A02.0","Salmonella enteritis","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A03","Shigellosis","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A04","Other bacterial intestinal infections","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A05","Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A06.0","Acute amoebic dysentery","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A06.1","Chronic intestinal amoebiasis","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A06.2","Amoebic nondysenteric colitis","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A06.3","Amoeboma of intestine","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A07","Other protozoal intestinal diseases","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A08","Viral and other specified intestinal infections","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A09","Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious and unspecified origin","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A18.3","Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A21.3","Gastrointestinal tularaemia","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","A22.2","Gastrointestinal anthrax","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","B05.4","Measles with intestinal complications","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","B46.2","Gastrointestinal mucormycosis","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","B78.0","Intestinal strongyloidiasis","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","B81","Other intestinal helminthiases, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","B82","Unspecified intestinal parasitism","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","B98.0","Helicobacter pylori [H.pylori] as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","K23.0","Tuberculous oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","K23.1","Megaoesophagus in Chagas' disease","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","K63.0","Abscess of intestine","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
-"Infections of the digestive system","K93.0","Tuberculous disorders of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands","Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system"
+Infections of the digestive system,A00,Cholera,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A01,Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A02.0,Salmonella enteritis,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A03,Shigellosis,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A04,Other bacterial intestinal infections,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A05,"Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A06.0,Acute amoebic dysentery,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A06.1,Chronic intestinal amoebiasis,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A06.2,Amoebic nondysenteric colitis,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A06.3,Amoeboma of intestine,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A07,Other protozoal intestinal diseases,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A08,Viral and other specified intestinal infections,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A09,Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious and unspecified origin,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A18.3,"Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands",Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A21.3,Gastrointestinal tularaemia,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,A22.2,Gastrointestinal anthrax,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,B05.4,Measles with intestinal complications,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,B46.2,Gastrointestinal mucormycosis,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,B78.0,Intestinal strongyloidiasis,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,B81,"Other intestinal helminthiases, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,B82,Unspecified intestinal parasitism,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,B98.0,Helicobacter pylori [H.pylori] as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,K23.0,Tuberculous oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,K23.1,Megaoesophagus in Chagas' disease,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,K63.0,Abscess of intestine,Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
+Infections of the digestive system,K93.0,"Tuberculous disorders of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands",Diagnosis of Infections of the digestive system
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_disc_dz.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_disc_dz.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 41a9a3f..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_disc_dz.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","M50","Cervical disc disorders","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
-"Intervertebral disc disorders","M51","Other intervertebral disc disorders","Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_diverticular_dz.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_diverticular_dz.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 675e52a..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_diverticular_dz.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","K38.2","Diverticulum of appendix","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
-"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","K57","Diverticular disease of intestine","Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_diverticuli.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_diverticuli.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98050d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_diverticuli.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),K38.2,Diverticulum of appendix,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
+Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic),K57,Diverticular disease of intestine,Diagnosis of Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_dm_neuro.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_dm_neuro.csv
index 344cbda..8d35769 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_dm_neuro.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_dm_neuro.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Diabetic neurological complications","E10.4","Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","E11.4","Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","E12.4","Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","E13.4","Other specified diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","E14.4","Unspecified diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","G59.0","Diabetic mononeuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
-"Diabetic neurological complications","G63.2","Diabetic polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications"
+Diabetic neurological complications,E10.4,Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,E11.4,Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,E12.4,Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,E13.4,Other specified diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,E14.4,Unspecified diabetes mellitus - With neurological complications,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,G59.0,Diabetic mononeuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
+Diabetic neurological complications,G63.2,Diabetic polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_downs.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_downs.csv
index 1bb7ca2..e56c46f 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_downs.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_downs.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Down's syndrome","Q90","Down's syndrome","Diagnosis of Down's syndrome"
+Down's syndrome,Q90,Down's syndrome,Diagnosis of Down's syndrome
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_dysmenorrhoea.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_dysmenorrhoea.csv
index b21db36..5fe70bb 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_dysmenorrhoea.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_dysmenorrhoea.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Dysmenorrhoea","N94.4","Primary dysmenorrhoea","Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","N94.5","Secondary dysmenorrhoea","Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea"
-"Dysmenorrhoea","N94.6","Dysmenorrhoea, unspecified","Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea"
+Dysmenorrhoea,N94.4,Primary dysmenorrhoea,Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea
+Dysmenorrhoea,N94.5,Secondary dysmenorrhoea,Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea
+Dysmenorrhoea,N94.6,"Dysmenorrhoea, unspecified",Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhoea
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ear_urti.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ear_urti.csv
index 000f476..7d70430 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_ear_urti.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_ear_urti.csv
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","A18.6","Tuberculosis of ear","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","A36.0","Pharyngeal diphtheria","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","A36.1","Nasopharyngeal diphtheria","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","A36.2","Laryngeal diphtheria","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","A54.5","Gonococcal pharyngitis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","A56.4","Chlamydial infection of pharynx","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","B05.3","Measles complicated by otitis media","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","B27","Infectious mononucleosis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","B44.2","Tonsillar aspergillosis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","B87.3","Nasopharyngeal myiasis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","B87.4","Aural myiasis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H60","Otitis externa","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H62.0","Otitis externa in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H62.1","Otitis externa in viral diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H62.2","Otitis externa in mycoses","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H62.3","Otitis externa in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H62.4","Otitis externa in other diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H65","Nonsuppurative otitis media","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H66","Suppurative and unspecified otitis media","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H67","Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H70","Mastoiditis and related conditions","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H73.0","Acute myringitis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H73.1","Chronic myringitis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","H75.0","Mastoiditis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J00","Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold]","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J01","Acute sinusitis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J02","Acute pharyngitis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J03","Acute tonsillitis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J04","Acute laryngitis and tracheitis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J05","Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J06","Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J34.0","Abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of nose","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J36","Peritonsillar abscess","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J37","Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J39.0","Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections","J39.1","Other abscess of pharynx","Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,A18.6,Tuberculosis of ear,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,A36.0,Pharyngeal diphtheria,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,A36.1,Nasopharyngeal diphtheria,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,A36.2,Laryngeal diphtheria,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,A54.5,Gonococcal pharyngitis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,A56.4,Chlamydial infection of pharynx,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,B05.3,Measles complicated by otitis media,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,B27,Infectious mononucleosis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,B44.2,Tonsillar aspergillosis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,B87.3,Nasopharyngeal myiasis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,B87.4,Aural myiasis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H60,Otitis externa,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H62.0,Otitis externa in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H62.1,Otitis externa in viral diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H62.2,Otitis externa in mycoses,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H62.3,Otitis externa in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H62.4,Otitis externa in other diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H65,Nonsuppurative otitis media,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H66,Suppurative and unspecified otitis media,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H67,Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H70,Mastoiditis and related conditions,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H73.0,Acute myringitis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H73.1,Chronic myringitis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,H75.0,Mastoiditis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J00,Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold],Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J01,Acute sinusitis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J02,Acute pharyngitis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J03,Acute tonsillitis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J04,Acute laryngitis and tracheitis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J05,Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J06,Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J34.0,"Abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of nose",Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J36,Peritonsillar abscess,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J37,Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J39.0,Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
+Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections,J39.1,Other abscess of pharynx,Diagnosis of Ear and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_eating_dz.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_eating_dz.csv
index a84f84d..d22eb54 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_eating_dz.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_eating_dz.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","F50.0","Anorexia nervosa","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","F50.1","Atypical anorexia nervosa","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","F50.2","Bulimia nervosa","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
-"Anorexia and bulimia nervosa","F50.3","Atypical bulimia nervosa","Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa"
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,F50.0,Anorexia nervosa,Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,F50.1,Atypical anorexia nervosa,Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,F50.2,Bulimia nervosa,Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
+Anorexia and bulimia nervosa,F50.3,Atypical bulimia nervosa,Diagnosis of Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_enceph.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_enceph.csv
index f9e155d..ec0f907 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_enceph.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_enceph.csv
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-"Encephalitis","A83","Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis","Diagnosis of Encephalitis"
-"Encephalitis","A84","Tick-borne viral encephalitis","Diagnosis of Encephalitis"
-"Encephalitis","A85","Other viral encephalitis, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Encephalitis"
-"Encephalitis","A86","Unspecified viral encephalitis","Diagnosis of Encephalitis"
-"Encephalitis","B00.4","Herpesviral encephalitis","Diagnosis of Encephalitis"
-"Encephalitis","B01.1","Varicella encephalitis","Diagnosis of Encephalitis"
-"Encephalitis","B02.0","Zoster encephalitis","Diagnosis of Encephalitis"
-"Encephalitis","B05.0","Measles complicated by encephalitis","Diagnosis of Encephalitis"
-"Encephalitis","B26.2","Mumps encephalitis","Diagnosis of Encephalitis"
-"Encephalitis","B94.1","Sequelae of viral encephalitis","Diagnosis of Encephalitis"
+Encephalitis,A83,Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis,Diagnosis of Encephalitis
+Encephalitis,A84,Tick-borne viral encephalitis,Diagnosis of Encephalitis
+Encephalitis,A85,"Other viral encephalitis, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Encephalitis
+Encephalitis,A86,Unspecified viral encephalitis,Diagnosis of Encephalitis
+Encephalitis,B00.4,Herpesviral encephalitis,Diagnosis of Encephalitis
+Encephalitis,B01.1,Varicella encephalitis,Diagnosis of Encephalitis
+Encephalitis,B02.0,Zoster encephalitis,Diagnosis of Encephalitis
+Encephalitis,B05.0,Measles complicated by encephalitis,Diagnosis of Encephalitis
+Encephalitis,B26.2,Mumps encephalitis,Diagnosis of Encephalitis
+Encephalitis,B94.1,Sequelae of viral encephalitis,Diagnosis of Encephalitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_endometrial_hyper.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_endometrial_hyper.csv
index e30e73c..9e14471 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_endometrial_hyper.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_endometrial_hyper.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","N85.0","Endometrial glandular hyperplasia","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","N85.1","Endometrial adenomatous hyperplasia","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
-"Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy","N85.2","Hypertrophy of uterus","Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy"
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,N85.0,Endometrial glandular hyperplasia,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,N85.1,Endometrial adenomatous hyperplasia,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
+Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy,N85.2,Hypertrophy of uterus,Diagnosis of Endometrial hyperplasia and hypertrophy
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_endometriosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_endometriosis.csv
index b5e364f..1b7bfcc 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_endometriosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_endometriosis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Endometriosis","N80","Endometriosis","Diagnosis of Endometriosis"
+Endometriosis,N80,Endometriosis,Diagnosis of Endometriosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_entero_arth.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_entero_arth.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 40b4823..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_entero_arth.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-"Enteropathic arthropathy","M07.4","Arthropathy in Crohn's disease [regional enteritis]","Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy"
-"Enteropathic arthropathy","M07.5","Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis","Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy"
-"Enteropathic arthropathy","M07.6","Other enteropathic arthropathies","Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_entero_arthro.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_entero_arthro.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f45291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_entero_arthro.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Enteropathic arthropathy,M07.4,Arthropathy in Crohn's disease [regional enteritis],Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy
+Enteropathic arthropathy,M07.5,Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis,Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy
+Enteropathic arthropathy,M07.6,Other enteropathic arthropathies,Diagnosis of Enteropathic arthropathy
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_enthesopathy.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_enthesopathy.csv
index 382377c..d2bcfdc 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_enthesopathy.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_enthesopathy.csv
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M46.0","Spinal enthesopathy","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M65.2","Calcific tendinitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M65.3","Trigger finger","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M65.4","Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de Quervain]","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M65.8","Other synovitis and tenosynovitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M65.9","Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M66","Spontaneous rupture of synovium and tendon","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M70","Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M71.2","Synovial cyst of popliteal space [Baker]","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M71.3","Other bursal cyst","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M71.4","Calcium deposit in bursa","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M71.5","Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M71.8","Other specified bursopathies","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M71.9","Bursopathy, unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M75","Shoulder lesions","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M76","Enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M77.0","Medial epicondylitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M77.1","Lateral epicondylitis","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M77.2","Periarthritis of wrist","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M77.3","Calcaneal spur","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M77.5","Other enthesopathy of foot","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M77.8","Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
-"Enthesopathies & synovial disorders","M77.9","Enthesopathy, unspecified","Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders"
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M46.0,Spinal enthesopathy,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M65.2,Calcific tendinitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M65.3,Trigger finger,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M65.4,Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de Quervain],Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M65.8,Other synovitis and tenosynovitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M65.9,"Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M66,Spontaneous rupture of synovium and tendon,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M70,"Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M71.2,Synovial cyst of popliteal space [Baker],Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M71.3,Other bursal cyst,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M71.4,Calcium deposit in bursa,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M71.5,"Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M71.8,Other specified bursopathies,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M71.9,"Bursopathy, unspecified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M75,Shoulder lesions,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M76,"Enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M77.0,Medial epicondylitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M77.1,Lateral epicondylitis,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M77.2,Periarthritis of wrist,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M77.3,Calcaneal spur,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M77.5,Other enthesopathy of foot,Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M77.8,"Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
+Enthesopathies & synovial disorders,M77.9,"Enthesopathy, unspecified",Diagnosis of Enthesopathies & synovial disorders
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_epilepsy.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_epilepsy.csv
index 01fe95a..b5d14dc 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_epilepsy.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_epilepsy.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Epilepsy","G40","Epilepsy","History of Epilepsy"
-"Epilepsy","G41","Status epilepticus","History of Epilepsy"
+Epilepsy,G40,Epilepsy,History of Epilepsy
+Epilepsy,G41,Status epilepticus,History of Epilepsy
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_essential_tremor.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_essential_tremor.csv
index 8acfeec..caac7a7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_essential_tremor.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_essential_tremor.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Essential tremor","G25.0","Essential tremor","Diagnosis of Essential tremor"
+Essential tremor,G25.0,Essential tremor,Diagnosis of Essential tremor
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_eye.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_eye.csv
index 211c379..943e483 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_eye.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_eye.csv
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-"Eye infections","A18.5","Tuberculosis of eye","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","A21.1","Oculoglandular tularaemia","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","A54.3","Gonococcal infection of eye","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","A71","Trachoma","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","A74.0","Chlamydial conjunctivitis","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","B00.5","Herpesviral ocular disease","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","B02.3","Zoster ocular disease","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","B30","Viral conjunctivitis","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","B58.0","Toxoplasma oculopathy","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","B69.1","Cysticercosis of eye","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","B87.2","Ocular myiasis","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","B94.0","Sequelae of trachoma","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","H00.0","Hordeolum and other deep inflammation of eyelid","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","H10","Conjunctivitis","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","H13.1","Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","H19.1","Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","H19.2","Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
-"Eye infections","P39.1","Neonatal conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis","Diagnosis of Eye infections"
+Eye infections,A18.5,Tuberculosis of eye,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,A21.1,Oculoglandular tularaemia,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,A54.3,Gonococcal infection of eye,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,A71,Trachoma,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,A74.0,Chlamydial conjunctivitis,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,B00.5,Herpesviral ocular disease,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,B02.3,Zoster ocular disease,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,B30,Viral conjunctivitis,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,B58.0,Toxoplasma oculopathy,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,B69.1,Cysticercosis of eye,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,B87.2,Ocular myiasis,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,B94.0,Sequelae of trachoma,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,H00.0,Hordeolum and other deep inflammation of eyelid,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,H10,Conjunctivitis,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,H13.1,Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,H19.1,Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,H19.2,Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Eye infections
+Eye infections,P39.1,Neonatal conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis,Diagnosis of Eye infections
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_fatty_liver.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_fatty_liver.csv
index f6d8cfb..15162c8 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_fatty_liver.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_fatty_liver.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Fatty Liver","K70.0","Alcoholic fatty liver","Diagnosis of Fatty Liver"
-"Fatty Liver","K75.8","Other specified inflammatory liver diseases","Diagnosis of Fatty Liver"
-"Fatty Liver","K76.0","Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Fatty Liver"
+Fatty Liver,K70.0,Alcoholic fatty liver,Diagnosis of Fatty Liver
+Fatty Liver,K75.8,Other specified inflammatory liver diseases,Diagnosis of Fatty Liver
+Fatty Liver,K76.0,"Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Fatty Liver
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_female_genital_prolapse.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_female_genital_prolapse.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bece1fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_female_genital_prolapse.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Female genital prolapse,N81,Female genital prolapse,Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_female_infertility.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_female_infertility.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d694023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_female_infertility.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Female infertility,N97,Female infertility,Diagnosis of Female Infertility
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_fibromatoses.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_fibromatoses.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index bc0f73c..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_fibromatoses.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-"Fibromatoses","M72.0","Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
-"Fibromatoses","M72.1","Knuckle pads","Diagnosis of Fibromatoses"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_fibromatosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_fibromatosis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..973472d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_fibromatosis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Fibromatoses,M72.0,Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren],Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
+Fibromatoses,M72.1,Knuckle pads,Diagnosis of Fibromatoses
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_fol_def.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_fol_def.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index fdd6e0e..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_fol_def.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Folate deficiency anaemia","D52","Folate deficiency anaemia","Diagnosis of Folate deficiency anaemia"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_folatedef.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_folatedef.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d65be1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_folatedef.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Folate deficiency anaemia,D52,Folate deficiency anaemia,Diagnosis of Folate deficiency anaemia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_frac_hip.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_frac_hip.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 36313e8..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_frac_hip.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-"Fracture of hip","S72.0","Fracture of neck of femur","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S72.1","Pertrochanteric fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
-"Fracture of hip","S72.2","Subtrochanteric fracture","Diagnosis of Fracture of hip"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_frac_wrist.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_frac_wrist.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index f059a35..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_frac_wrist.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-"Fracture of wrist","S52.5","Fracture of lower end of radius","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
-"Fracture of wrist","S52.6","Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius","Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_fracture_hip.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_fracture_hip.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3f6b1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_fracture_hip.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Fracture of hip,S72.0,Fracture of neck of femur,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S72.1,Pertrochanteric fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
+Fracture of hip,S72.2,Subtrochanteric fracture,Diagnosis of Fracture of hip
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_fracture_wrist.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_fracture_wrist.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf2be14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_fracture_wrist.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Fracture of wrist,S52.5,Fracture of lower end of radius,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
+Fracture of wrist,S52.6,Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius,Diagnosis of Fracture of wrist
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_gastritis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_gastritis.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d19a8..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_gastritis.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Gastritis and duodenitis","K29","Gastritis and duodenitis","Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_gastritis_duodenitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_gastritis_duodenitis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eac60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_gastritis_duodenitis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Gastritis and duodenitis,K29,Gastritis and duodenitis,Diagnosis of Gastritis and duodenitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_glaucoma.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_glaucoma.csv
index 857332d..7e705cf 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_glaucoma.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_glaucoma.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Glaucoma","H40.1","Primary open-angle glaucoma","Diagnosis of Glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","H40.2","Primary angle-closure glaucoma","Diagnosis of Glaucoma"
-"Glaucoma","H40.9","Glaucoma, unspecified","Diagnosis of Glaucoma"
+Glaucoma,H40.1,Primary open-angle glaucoma,Diagnosis of Glaucoma
+Glaucoma,H40.2,Primary angle-closure glaucoma,Diagnosis of Glaucoma
+Glaucoma,H40.9,"Glaucoma, unspecified",Diagnosis of Glaucoma
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_gord.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_gord.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 61b6c26..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_gord.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","K21","Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","Diagnosis of Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_gout.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_gout.csv
index 05c8495..26734b7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_gout.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_gout.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Gout","M10","Gout","Diagnosis of Gout"
-"Gout","M14.0","Gouty arthropathy due to enzyme defects and other inherited disorders","Diagnosis of Gout"
+Gout,M10,Gout,Diagnosis of Gout
+Gout,M14.0,Gouty arthropathy due to enzyme defects and other inherited disorders,Diagnosis of Gout
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_haemangioma.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_haemangioma.csv
index e2670aa..828dc4c 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_haemangioma.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_haemangioma.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Haemangioma, any site","D18.0","Haemangioma, any site","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
+"Haemangioma, any site",D18.0,"Haemangioma, any site","Diagnosis of Haemangioma, any site"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_heart.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_heart.csv
index 0637926..e1f108e 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_heart.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_heart.csv
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-"Infections of the Heart","A39.5","Meningococcal heart disease","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","A52.0","Cardiovascular syphilis","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","B33.2","Viral carditis","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","B37.6","Candidal endocarditis","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","I30.1","Infective pericarditis","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","I32.0","Pericarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","I32.1","Pericarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","I33.0","Acute and subacute infective endocarditis","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","I40.0","Infective myocarditis","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","I41.0","Myocarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","I41.1","Myocarditis in viral diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","I41.2","Myocarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","I43.0","Cardiomyopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","I98.0","Cardiovascular syphilis","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
-"Infections of the Heart","I98.1","Cardiovascular disorders in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart"
+Infections of the Heart,A39.5,Meningococcal heart disease,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,A52.0,Cardiovascular syphilis,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,B33.2,Viral carditis,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,B37.6,Candidal endocarditis,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,I30.1,Infective pericarditis,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,I32.0,Pericarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,I32.1,Pericarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,I33.0,Acute and subacute infective endocarditis,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,I40.0,Infective myocarditis,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,I41.0,Myocarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,I41.1,Myocarditis in viral diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,I41.2,Myocarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,I43.0,Cardiomyopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,I98.0,Cardiovascular syphilis,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
+Infections of the Heart,I98.1,Cardiovascular disorders in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infections of the Heart
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hernia_abdo.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hernia_abdo.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b9a30b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_hernia_abdo.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Abdominal Hernia,K40,Inguinal hernia,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
+Abdominal Hernia,K41,Femoral hernia,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
+Abdominal Hernia,K42,Umbilical hernia,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
+Abdominal Hernia,K43,Ventral hernia,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
+Abdominal Hernia,K45,Other abdominal hernia,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
+Abdominal Hernia,K46,Unspecified abdominal hernia,Diagnosis of Abdominal Hernia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hernia_diaphragm.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hernia_diaphragm.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df48c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_hernia_diaphragm.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Diaphragmatic hernia,K44,Diaphragmatic hernia,Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hf.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hf.csv
index a075bd6..63f5937 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_hf.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_hf.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Heart failure","I11.0","Hypertensive heart disease with (congestive) heart failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","I13.0","Hypertensive heart and renal disease with (congestive) heart failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","I13.2","Hypertensive heart and renal disease with both (congestive) heart failure and renal failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
-"Heart failure","I50","Heart failure","Diagnosis of Heart failure"
+Heart failure,I11.0,Hypertensive heart disease with (congestive) heart failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,I13.0,Hypertensive heart and renal disease with (congestive) heart failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,I13.2,Hypertensive heart and renal disease with both (congestive) heart failure and renal failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
+Heart failure,I50,Heart failure,Diagnosis of Heart failure
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hiatus_hernia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hiatus_hernia.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 95efd1d..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_hiatus_hernia.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Diaphragmatic hernia","K44","Diaphragmatic hernia","Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic hernia"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hidra_supp.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hidra_supp.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 75b979f..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_hidra_supp.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Hidradenitis suppurativa","L73.2","Hidradenitis suppurativa","Diagnosis of Hidradenitis suppurativa"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hidradenitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hidradenitis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26b01be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_hidradenitis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Hidradenitis suppurativa,L73.2,Hidradenitis suppurativa,Diagnosis of Hidradenitis suppurativa
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hiv.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hiv.csv
index 49996ab..a6a5f04 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_hiv.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_hiv.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"HIV","B20","Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in infectious and parasitic diseases","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","B21","Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in malignant neoplasms","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","B22","Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other specified diseases","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","B23","Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other conditions","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","B24","Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","F02.4","Dementia in human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","R75","Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]","Diagnosis of HIV"
-"HIV","Z21","Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection status","Diagnosis of HIV"
+HIV,B20,Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in infectious and parasitic diseases,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,B21,Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in malignant neoplasms,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,B22,Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other specified diseases,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,B23,Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other conditions,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,B24,Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,F02.4,Dementia in human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease,Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,R75,Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV],Diagnosis of HIV
+HIV,Z21,Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection status,Diagnosis of HIV
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hocm.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hocm.csv
index 27b3add..a9996e2 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_hocm.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_hocm.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy","I42.1","Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy"
-"Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy","I42.2","Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy"
+Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,I42.1,Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
+Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,I42.2,Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,Diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hodgkin.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hodgkin.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 57557c5..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_hodgkin.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Hodgkin Lymphoma","C81","Hodgkin lymphoma","Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hodgkins.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hodgkins.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b49fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_hodgkins.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Hodgkin Lymphoma,C81,Hodgkin lymphoma,Diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hydrocele.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hydrocele.csv
index e6a3c70..d37136a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_hydrocele.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_hydrocele.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","N43.0","Encysted hydrocele","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","N43.1","Infected hydrocele","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","N43.2","Other hydrocele","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","N43.3","Hydrocele, unspecified","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
-"Hydrocoele (incl infected)","P83.5","Congenital hydrocele","Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)"
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),N43.0,Encysted hydrocele,Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),N43.1,Infected hydrocele,Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),N43.2,Other hydrocele,Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),N43.3,"Hydrocele, unspecified",Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
+Hydrocoele (incl infected),P83.5,Congenital hydrocele,Diagnosis of Hydrocoele (incl infected)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hyper_nasal_turbs.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hyper_nasal_turbs.csv
index a45ac4c..015c3d7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_hyper_nasal_turbs.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_hyper_nasal_turbs.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates","J34.3","Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates","Diagnosis of Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates"
+Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates,J34.3,Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates,Diagnosis of Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hypertension.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hypertension.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82dbd32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_hypertension.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Hypertension,I10,Essential (primary) hypertension,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,I11,Hypertensive heart disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,I12,Hypertensive renal disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,I13,Hypertensive heart and renal disease,Hypertension (3)
+Hypertension,I15,Secondary hypertension,Secondary hypertension (4)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_hyposplenism.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_hyposplenism.csv
index 4ea0aa7..c3c0d26 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_hyposplenism.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_hyposplenism.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Hyposplenism","D73.0","Hyposplenism","Diagnosis of Hyposplenism"
-"Hyposplenism","D73.5","Infarction of spleen","Diagnosis of Hyposplenism"
+Hyposplenism,D73.0,Hyposplenism,Diagnosis of Hyposplenism
+Hyposplenism,D73.5,Infarction of spleen,Diagnosis of Hyposplenism
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ibs.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ibs.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index aee4433..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_ibs.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Irritable bowel syndrome","K58","Irritable bowel syndrome","Diagnosis of Irritable bowel syndrome"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_immunodef.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_immunodef.csv
index d679f9c..826ee4c 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_immunodef.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_immunodef.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Immunodeficiencies","D80","Immunodeficiency with predominantly antibody defects","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","D81","Combined immunodeficiencies","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","D82","Immunodeficiency associated with other major defects","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","D83","Common variable immunodeficiency","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","D84.0","Lymphocyte function antigen-1 [LFA-1] defect","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","D84.8","Other specified immunodeficiencies","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
-"Immunodeficiencies","D84.9","Immunodeficiency, unspecified","Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies"
+Immunodeficiencies,D80,Immunodeficiency with predominantly antibody defects,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,D81,Combined immunodeficiencies,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,D82,Immunodeficiency associated with other major defects,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,D83,Common variable immunodeficiency,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,D84.0,Lymphocyte function antigen-1 [LFA-1] defect,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,D84.8,Other specified immunodeficiencies,Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
+Immunodeficiencies,D84.9,"Immunodeficiency, unspecified",Diagnosis of Immunodeficiencies
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_intell_dz.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_intell_dz.csv
index f399e78..badc1ca 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_intell_dz.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_intell_dz.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Intellectual disability","F70","Mild mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","F71","Moderate mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","F72","Severe mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","F73","Profound mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","F78","Other mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","F79","Unspecified mental retardation","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
-"Intellectual disability","F81.9","Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified","Diagnosis of Intellectual disability"
+Intellectual disability,F70,Mild mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,F71,Moderate mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,F72,Severe mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,F73,Profound mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,F78,Other mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,F79,Unspecified mental retardation,Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
+Intellectual disability,F81.9,"Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified",Diagnosis of Intellectual disability
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_intervert_disc.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_intervert_disc.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b687a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_intervert_disc.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Intervertebral disc disorders,M50,Cervical disc disorders,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
+Intervertebral disc disorders,M51,Other intervertebral disc disorders,Diagnosis of Intervertebral disc disorders
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_intracranial_htn.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_intracranial_htn.csv
index 1d64815..a9ba207 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_intracranial_htn.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_intracranial_htn.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Benign intracranial hypertension","G93.2","Benign intracranial hypertension","Diagnosis of Idiopathic intracranial hypertension"
+Intracranial hypertension,G93.2,Benign intracranial hypertension,Diagnosis of Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_intrauterine_hypoxia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_intrauterine_hypoxia.csv
index ef7ccb5..31af5c7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_intrauterine_hypoxia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_intrauterine_hypoxia.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","P20","Intrauterine hypoxia","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
-"Intrauterine hypoxia","P24.0","Neonatal aspiration of meconium","Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia"
+Intrauterine hypoxia,P20,Intrauterine hypoxia,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
+Intrauterine hypoxia,P24.0,Neonatal aspiration of meconium,Diagnosis of Intrauterine hypoxia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_juv_arth.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_juv_arth.csv
index 71a4b24..8602c15 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_juv_arth.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_juv_arth.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Juvenile arthritis","M08","Juvenile arthritis","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
-"Juvenile arthritis","M09","Juvenile arthritis in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis"
+Juvenile arthritis,M08,Juvenile arthritis,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
+Juvenile arthritis,M09,Juvenile arthritis in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Juvenile arthritis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_keratitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_keratitis.csv
index cbdc7cb..4a07c89 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_keratitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_keratitis.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Keratitis","H16","Keratitis","Diagnosis of Keratitis"
-"Keratitis","H19.1","Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of Keratitis"
-"Keratitis","H19.2","Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Keratitis"
-"Keratitis","H19.3","Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Keratitis"
+Keratitis,H16,Keratitis,Diagnosis of Keratitis
+Keratitis,H19.1,Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of Keratitis
+Keratitis,H19.2,Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Keratitis
+Keratitis,H19.3,Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Keratitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_leiomyoma.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_leiomyoma.csv
index cdf6ce0..61655dc 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_leiomyoma.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_leiomyoma.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Leiomyoma of uterus","D25","Leiomyoma of uterus","Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus"
+Leiomyoma of uterus,D25,Leiomyoma of uterus,Diagnosis of Leiomyoma of uterus
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_leukaemia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_leukaemia.csv
index 92aa426..6440223 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_leukaemia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_leukaemia.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Leukaemia","C91","Lymphoid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","C92","Myeloid leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","C93","Monocytic leukaemia","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","C94","Other leukaemias of specified cell type","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
-"Leukaemia","C95","Leukaemia of unspecified cell type","Diagnosis of Leukaemia"
+Leukaemia,C91,Lymphoid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,C92,Myeloid leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,C93,Monocytic leukaemia,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,C94,Other leukaemias of specified cell type,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
+Leukaemia,C95,Leukaemia of unspecified cell type,Diagnosis of Leukaemia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_lichen_planus.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_lichen_planus.csv
index deb8691..01cc261 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_lichen_planus.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_lichen_planus.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Lichen planus","L43","Lichen planus","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
-"Lichen planus","L66.1","Lichen planopilaris","Diagnosis of Lichen planus"
+Lichen planus,L43,Lichen planus,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
+Lichen planus,L66.1,Lichen planopilaris,Diagnosis of Lichen planus
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_liver.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_liver.csv
index 53202e6..e3465ca 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_liver.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_liver.csv
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-"Infection of liver","A06.4","Amoebic liver abscess","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","B15","Acute hepatitis A","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","B16","Acute hepatitis B","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","B17","Other acute viral hepatitis","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","B18","Chronic viral hepatitis","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","B19","Unspecified viral hepatitis","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","B25.1","Cytomegaloviral hepatitis","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","B58.1","Toxoplasma hepatitis","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","B67.0","Echinococcus granulosus infection of liver","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","B67.5","Echinococcus multilocularis infection of liver","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","B67.8","Echinococcosis, unspecified, of liver","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","B94.2","Sequelae of viral hepatitis","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","K75.0","Abscess of liver","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
-"Infection of liver","K77.0","Liver disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infection of liver"
+Infection of liver,A06.4,Amoebic liver abscess,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,B15,Acute hepatitis A,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,B16,Acute hepatitis B,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,B17,Other acute viral hepatitis,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,B18,Chronic viral hepatitis,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,B19,Unspecified viral hepatitis,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,B25.1,Cytomegaloviral hepatitis,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,B58.1,Toxoplasma hepatitis,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,B67.0,Echinococcus granulosus infection of liver,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,B67.5,Echinococcus multilocularis infection of liver,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,B67.8,"Echinococcosis, unspecified, of liver",Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,B94.2,Sequelae of viral hepatitis,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,K75.0,Abscess of liver,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
+Infection of liver,K77.0,Liver disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infection of liver
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_liver_alc.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_liver_alc.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5460944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_liver_alc.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Alcoholic liver disease,K70,Alcoholic liver disease,Diagnosis of Alcoholic liver disease
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_liver_fail.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_liver_fail.csv
index f1b496e..84b2c28 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_liver_fail.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_liver_fail.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"Hepatic failure","B15.0","Hepatitis A with hepatic coma","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","B16.0","Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) with hepatic coma","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","B19.0","Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","K70.4","Alcoholic hepatic failure","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","K71.1","Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","K72","Hepatic failure, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","K76.2","Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
-"Hepatic failure","K76.3","Infarction of liver","Diagnosis of Hepatic failure"
+Hepatic failure,B15.0,Hepatitis A with hepatic coma,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,B16.0,Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) with hepatic coma,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,B19.0,Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,K70.4,Alcoholic hepatic failure,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,K71.1,Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,K72,"Hepatic failure, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,K76.2,Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
+Hepatic failure,K76.3,Infarction of liver,Diagnosis of Hepatic failure
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_lrti.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_lrti.csv
index 18a6ff0..36bf8cf 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_lrti.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_lrti.csv
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","A06.5","Amoebic lung abscess","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","A15","Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","A16","Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","A20.2","Pneumonic plague","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","A21.2","Pulmonary tularaemia","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","A22.1","Pulmonary Anthrax","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","A31.0","Pulmonary mycobacterial infection","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","A37","Whooping cough","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","A42.0","Pulmonary actinomycosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","A43.0","Pulmonary nocardiosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B01.2","Varicella pneumonia","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B05.2","Measles complicated by pneumonia","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B25.0","Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B37.1","Pulmonary candidiasis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B38.0","Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B38.1","Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B38.2","Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B39.0","Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B39.1","Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B39.2","Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B40.0","Acute pulmonary blastomycosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B40.1","Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B40.2","Pulmonary blastomycosis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B41.0","Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B42.0","Pulmonary sporotrichosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B44.0","Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B44.1","Other pulmonary aspergillosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B45.0","Pulmonary cryptococcosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B46.0","Pulmonary mucormycosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B58.3","Pulmonary toxoplasmosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B59","Pneumocystosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","B67.1","Echinococcus granulosus infection of lung","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J10.0","Influenza with pneumonia, other influenza virus identified","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J11.0","Influenza with pneumonia, virus not identified","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J12","Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J13","Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J14","Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J15","Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J16","Pneumonia due to other infectious organisms, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J17","Pneumonia in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J18","Pneumonia, organism unspecified","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J20","Acute bronchitis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J21","Acute bronchiolitis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J22","Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J44.0","Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J44.1","Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J65","Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J85.0","Gangrene and necrosis of lung","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J85.1","Abscess of lung with pneumonia","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J85.2","Abscess of lung without pneumonia","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","J86","Pyothorax","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
-"Lower Respiratory Tract Infections","P23","Congenital pneumonia","Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections"
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,A06.5,Amoebic lung abscess,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,A15,"Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,A16,"Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,A20.2,Pneumonic plague,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,A21.2,Pulmonary tularaemia,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,A22.1,Pulmonary Anthrax,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,A31.0,Pulmonary mycobacterial infection,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,A37,Whooping cough,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,A42.0,Pulmonary actinomycosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,A43.0,Pulmonary nocardiosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B01.2,Varicella pneumonia,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B05.2,Measles complicated by pneumonia,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B25.0,Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B37.1,Pulmonary candidiasis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B38.0,Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B38.1,Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B38.2,"Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B39.0,Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B39.1,Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B39.2,"Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B40.0,Acute pulmonary blastomycosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B40.1,Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B40.2,"Pulmonary blastomycosis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B41.0,Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B42.0,Pulmonary sporotrichosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B44.0,Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B44.1,Other pulmonary aspergillosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B45.0,Pulmonary cryptococcosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B46.0,Pulmonary mucormycosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B58.3,Pulmonary toxoplasmosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B59,Pneumocystosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,B67.1,Echinococcus granulosus infection of lung,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J10.0,"Influenza with pneumonia, other influenza virus identified",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J11.0,"Influenza with pneumonia, virus not identified",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J12,"Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J13,Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J14,Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J15,"Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J16,"Pneumonia due to other infectious organisms, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J17,Pneumonia in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J18,"Pneumonia, organism unspecified",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J20,Acute bronchitis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J21,Acute bronchiolitis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J22,Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J44.0,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J44.1,"Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified",Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J65,Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J85.0,Gangrene and necrosis of lung,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J85.1,Abscess of lung with pneumonia,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J85.2,Abscess of lung without pneumonia,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,J86,Pyothorax,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
+Lower Respiratory Tract Infections,P23,Congenital pneumonia,Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_macula_degen.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_macula_degen.csv
index ba0c8fc..a5707f3 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_macula_degen.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_macula_degen.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Macular degeneration","H35.3","Degeneration of macula and posterior pole","Diagnosis of Macular degeneration"
+Macular degeneration,H35.3,Degeneration of macula and posterior pole,Diagnosis of Macular degeneration
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_male_GU.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_male_GU.csv
index cf5af68..ffc64f9 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_male_GU.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_male_GU.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Infection of male genital system","B26.0","Mumps orchitis","Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS"
-"Infection of male genital system","N41.0","Acute prostatitis","Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS"
-"Infection of male genital system","N41.2","Abscess of prostate","Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS"
-"Infection of male genital system","N41.3","Prostatocystitis","Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS"
-"Infection of male genital system","N43.1","Infected hydrocele","Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS"
-"Infection of male genital system","N45","Orchitis and epididymitis","Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS"
-"Infection of male genital system","N48.1","Balanoposthitis","Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS"
+Infection of male genital system,B26.0,Mumps orchitis,Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS
+Infection of male genital system,N41.0,Acute prostatitis,Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS
+Infection of male genital system,N41.2,Abscess of prostate,Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS
+Infection of male genital system,N41.3,Prostatocystitis,Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS
+Infection of male genital system,N43.1,Infected hydrocele,Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS
+Infection of male genital system,N45,Orchitis and epididymitis,Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS
+Infection of male genital system,N48.1,Balanoposthitis,Diagnosis of Infection of male genital system NOS
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_male_infertility.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_male_infertility.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab8a9fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_male_infertility.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Male infertility,N46,Male infertility,Diagnosis of Male Infertility
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_meniere.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_meniere.csv
index 3fc2143..b2594fa 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_meniere.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_meniere.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Ménière's disease","H81.0","Ménière's disease","Diagnosis of Ménière's disease"
+Meniere disease,H81.0,Meniere's disease,Diagnosis of Meniere disease
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_meningitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_meningitis.csv
index 99827f5..6eb645e 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_meningitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_meningitis.csv
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-"Meningitis","A17.0","Tuberculous meningitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","A17.1","Meningeal tuberculoma","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","A20.3","Plague meningitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","A32.1","Listerial meningitis and meningoencephalitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","A39.0","Meningococcal meningitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","A87","Viral meningitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","B00.3","Herpesviral meningitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","B01.0","Varicella meningitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","B02.1","Zoster meningitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","B05.1","Measles complicated by meningitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","B26.1","Mumps meningitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","B37.5","Candidal meningitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","B38.4","Coccidioidomycosis meningitis","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","G00","Bacterial meningitis, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","G01","Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","G02.0","Meningitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","G02.1","Meningitis in mycoses","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
-"Meningitis","G02.8","Meningitis in other specified infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Meningitis"
+Meningitis,A17.0,Tuberculous meningitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,A17.1,Meningeal tuberculoma,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,A20.3,Plague meningitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,A32.1,Listerial meningitis and meningoencephalitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,A39.0,Meningococcal meningitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,A87,Viral meningitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,B00.3,Herpesviral meningitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,B01.0,Varicella meningitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,B02.1,Zoster meningitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,B05.1,Measles complicated by meningitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,B26.1,Mumps meningitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,B37.5,Candidal meningitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,B38.4,Coccidioidomycosis meningitis,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,G00,"Bacterial meningitis, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,G01,Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,G02.0,Meningitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,G02.1,Meningitis in mycoses,Diagnosis of Meningitis
+Meningitis,G02.8,Meningitis in other specified infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Meningitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_menorrhagia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_menorrhagia.csv
index 43f898a..e2bfef4 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_menorrhagia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_menorrhagia.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","N92.0","Excessive and frequent menstruation with regular cycle","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","N92.1","Excessive and frequent menstruation with irregular cycle","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","N92.2","Excessive menstruation at puberty","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
-"Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea","N92.4","Excessive bleeding in the premenopausal period","Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea"
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,N92.0,Excessive and frequent menstruation with regular cycle,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,N92.1,Excessive and frequent menstruation with irregular cycle,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,N92.2,Excessive menstruation at puberty,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
+Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea,N92.4,Excessive bleeding in the premenopausal period,Diagnosis of Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_migraine.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_migraine.csv
index d9f53bd..b68ddad 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_migraine.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_migraine.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Migraine","G43","Migraine","Diagnosis of Migraine"
+Migraine,G43,Migraine,Diagnosis of Migraine
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_mult_valve.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_mult_valve.csv
index bf05ceb..d1be797 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_mult_valve.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_mult_valve.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Multiple valve dz","I08","Multiple valve diseases","Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz"
+Multiple valve dz,I08,Multiple valve diseases,Diagnosis of Multiple valve dz
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_myasthenia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_myasthenia.csv
index dfd4fe3..c4536cc 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_myasthenia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_myasthenia.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Myasthenia gravis","G70.0","Myasthenia gravis","Diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis"
+Myasthenia gravis,G70.0,Myasthenia gravis,Diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_mycoses.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_mycoses.csv
index 7fb0556..005a5a2 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_mycoses.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_mycoses.csv
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-"Mycoses","B20.4","HIV disease resulting in candidiasis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B20.5","HIV disease resulting in other mycoses","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B20.6","HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B35","Dermatophytosis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B36","Other superficial mycoses","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B37","Candidiasis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B38","Coccidioidomycosis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B39","Histoplasmosis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B40","Blastomycosis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B41","Paracoccidioidomycosis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B42","Sporotrichosis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B43","Chromomycosis and phaeomycotic abscess","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B44","Aspergillosis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B45","Cryptococcosis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B46","Zygomycosis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B47","Mycetoma","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B48","Other mycoses, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B49","Unspecified mycosis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","B59","Pneumocystosis","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","G02.1","Meningitis in mycoses","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","H62.2","Otitis externa in mycoses","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","J17.2","Pneumonia in mycoses","Diagnosis of mycoses"
-"Mycoses","M01.6","Arthritis in mycoses","Diagnosis of mycoses"
+Mycoses,B20.4,HIV disease resulting in candidiasis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B20.5,HIV disease resulting in other mycoses,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B20.6,HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B35,Dermatophytosis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B36,Other superficial mycoses,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B37,Candidiasis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B38,Coccidioidomycosis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B39,Histoplasmosis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B40,Blastomycosis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B41,Paracoccidioidomycosis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B42,Sporotrichosis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B43,Chromomycosis and phaeomycotic abscess,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B44,Aspergillosis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B45,Cryptococcosis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B46,Zygomycosis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B47,Mycetoma,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B48,"Other mycoses, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B49,Unspecified mycosis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,B59,Pneumocystosis,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,G02.1,Meningitis in mycoses,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,H62.2,Otitis externa in mycoses,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,J17.2,Pneumonia in mycoses,Diagnosis of mycoses
+Mycoses,M01.6,Arthritis in mycoses,Diagnosis of mycoses
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_myocardial_infarction.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_myocardial_infarction.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..089a974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_myocardial_infarction.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Myocardial infarction,I252,Old myocardial infarction,History of MI (1)
+Myocardial infarction,I21,Acute myocardial infarction,Acute MI not further specified (5)
+Myocardial infarction,I22,Subsequent myocardial infarction,Subsequent MI (6)
+Myocardial infarction,I23,Certain current complications following acute myocardial infarction,Complications of MI (7)
+Myocardial infarction,I241,Dressler's syndrome,Complications of MI (7)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_nasal_polyp.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_nasal_polyp.csv
index fd306de..9975e62 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_nasal_polyp.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_nasal_polyp.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Nasal polyp","J33","Nasal polyp","Diagnosis of Nasal polyp"
+Nasal polyp,J33,Nasal polyp,Diagnosis of Nasal polyp
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_neo_jaundice.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_neo_jaundice.csv
index 2d05cff..476514a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_neo_jaundice.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_neo_jaundice.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","P58","Neonatal jaundice due to other excessive haemolysis","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
-"Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)","P59","Neonatal jaundice from other and unspecified causes","Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)"
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),P58,Neonatal jaundice due to other excessive haemolysis,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
+Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn),P59,Neonatal jaundice from other and unspecified causes,Diagnosis of Neonatal jaundice (excl haemolytic dz of the newborn)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_neuro_bladder.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_neuro_bladder.csv
index e487626..611a6b9 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_neuro_bladder.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_neuro_bladder.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder","N31","Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder"
+Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder,N31,"Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_nhl.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_nhl.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d42a9f..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_nhl.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","C82","Follicular lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","C83","Non-follicular lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","C84","Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","C85","Other and unspecified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
-"Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma","C86","Other specified types of T/NK-cell lymphoma","Diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_nonRh_aortic.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_nonRh_aortic.csv
index a61f048..2f4afa0 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_nonRh_aortic.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_nonRh_aortic.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","I35","Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders"
+Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,I35,Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_nonRh_mitral.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_nonRh_mitral.csv
index b5d3087..c1590ec 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_nonRh_mitral.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_nonRh_mitral.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","I34","Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders","Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders"
+Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,I34,Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders,Diagnosis of Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_obesity.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_obesity.csv
index 5b68e78..92328e2 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_obesity.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_obesity.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Obesity","E66","Obesity","Diagnosis of Obesity"
+Obesity,E66,Obesity,Diagnosis of Obesity
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_obstr_reflux.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_obstr_reflux.csv
index 8e47e01..d4a3f6f 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_obstr_reflux.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_obstr_reflux.csv
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","N13.0","Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","N13.1","Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","N13.2","Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","N13.3","Other and unspecified hydronephrosis","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","N13.4","Hydroureter","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","N13.5","Kinking and stricture of ureter without hydronephrosis","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","N13.6","Pyonephrosis","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","N13.7","Vesicoureteral-reflux-associated uropathy","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","N13.8","Other obstructive and reflux uropathy","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
-"Obstructive and reflux uropathy","N13.9","Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified","Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy"
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,N13.0,Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,N13.1,"Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,N13.2,Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,N13.3,Other and unspecified hydronephrosis,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,N13.4,Hydroureter,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,N13.5,Kinking and stricture of ureter without hydronephrosis,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,N13.6,Pyonephrosis,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,N13.7,Vesicoureteral-reflux-associated uropathy,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,N13.8,Other obstructive and reflux uropathy,Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
+Obstructive and reflux uropathy,N13.9,"Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified",Diagnosis of Obstructive and reflux uropathy
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ocd.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ocd.csv
index d4970e8..c70377c 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_ocd.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_ocd.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Obsessive-compulsive disorder","F42","Obsessive-compulsive disorder","Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder"
+Obsessive-compulsive disorder,F42,Obsessive-compulsive disorder,Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_oesoph_ulc.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_oesoph_ulc.csv
index d8b5dd6..002370b 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_oesoph_ulc.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_oesoph_ulc.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","K20","Oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","K21.0","Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with oesophagitis","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
-"Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer","K22.1","Ulcer of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer"
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,K20,Oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,K21.0,Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with oesophagitis,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
+Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer,K22.1,Ulcer of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Oesophagitis and oesophageal ulcer
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_osteoporosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_osteoporosis.csv
index 753e64d..0300ee8 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_osteoporosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_osteoporosis.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Osteoporosis","M80","Osteoporosis with pathological fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","M81","Osteoporosis without pathological fracture","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
-"Osteoporosis","M82","Osteoporosis in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Osteoporosis"
+Osteoporosis,M80,Osteoporosis with pathological fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,M81,Osteoporosis without pathological fracture,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
+Osteoporosis,M82,Osteoporosis in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_anaemia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_anaemia.csv
index 5a59155..399af7c 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_anaemia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_anaemia.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Other anaemias","D53","Other nutritional anaemias","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D62","Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D63","Anaemia in chronic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
-"Other anaemias","D64","Other anaemias","Diagnosis of Other anaemias"
+Other anaemias,D53,Other nutritional anaemias,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D62,Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D63,Anaemia in chronic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
+Other anaemias,D64,Other anaemias,Diagnosis of Other anaemias
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_gu.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_gu.csv
index 848da74..51992cd 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_gu.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_gu.csv
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A18.1","Tuberculosis of genitourinary system","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A51.0","Primary genital syphilis","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A54.0","Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland abscess","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A54.1","Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract with periurethral and accessory gland abscess","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A54.2","Gonococcal pelviperitonitis and other gonococcal genitourinary infections","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A56.0","Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A56.1","Chlamydial infection of pelviperitoneum and other genitourinary organs","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A56.2","Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A57","Chancroid","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A58","Granuloma inguinale","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A59.0","Urogenital trichomoniasis","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","A60.0","Herpesviral infection of genitalia and urogenital tract","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","B37.3","Candidiasis of vulva and vagina","Diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","B37.4","Candidiasis of other urogenital sites","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","B90.1","Sequelae of genitourinary tuberculosis","Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","N75.1","Abscess of Bartholin's gland","Diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","N77.0","Ulceration of vulva in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
-"Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system","N77.1","Vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system"
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A18.1,Tuberculosis of genitourinary system,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A51.0,Primary genital syphilis,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A54.0,Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland abscess,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A54.1,Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract with periurethral and accessory gland abscess,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A54.2,Gonococcal pelviperitonitis and other gonococcal genitourinary infections,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A56.0,Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A56.1,Chlamydial infection of pelviperitoneum and other genitourinary organs,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A56.2,"Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A57,Chancroid,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A58,Granuloma inguinale,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A59.0,Urogenital trichomoniasis,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,A60.0,Herpesviral infection of genitalia and urogenital tract,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,B37.3,Candidiasis of vulva and vagina,Diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,B37.4,Candidiasis of other urogenital sites,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,B90.1,Sequelae of genitourinary tuberculosis,Possible diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,N75.1,Abscess of Bartholin's gland,Diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,N77.0,Ulceration of vulva in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
+Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system,N77.1,"Vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere",Diagnosis of Infection of other or unspecified genitourinary system
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_haem_anaemia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_haem_anaemia.csv
index 3d33cf3..2d7993f 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_haem_anaemia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_haem_anaemia.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D55","Anaemia due to enzyme disorders","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D58","Other hereditary haemolytic anaemias","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
-"Other haemolytic anaemias","D59","Acquired haemolytic anaemia","Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias"
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D55,Anaemia due to enzyme disorders,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D58,Other hereditary haemolytic anaemias,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
+Other haemolytic anaemias,D59,Acquired haemolytic anaemia,Diagnosis of Other haemolytic anaemias
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_nerv_sys.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_nerv_sys.csv
index 1bf8b8e..513643c 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_nerv_sys.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_nerv_sys.csv
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-"Other nervous system infections","A06.6","Amoebic brain abscess","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","A17.8","Other tuberculosis of nervous system","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","A17.9","Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","A52.1","Symptomatic neurosyphilis","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","A52.2","Asymptomatic neurosyphilis","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","A52.3","Neurosyphilis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","A80","Acute poliomyelitis","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","A81","Atypical virus infections of central nervous system","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","A82","Rabies","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","A88","Other viral infections of central nervous system, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","A89","Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","B02.2","Zoster with other nervous system involvement","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","B06.0","Rubella with neurological complications","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","B43.1","Phaeomycotic brain abscess","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","B45.1","Cerebral cryptococcosis","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","B50.0","Plasmodium falciparum malaria with cerebral complications","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","B58.2","Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","B69.0","Cysticercosis of central nervous system","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","B90.0","Sequelae of central nervous system tuberculosis","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","B91","Sequelae of poliomyelitis","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","G04.2","Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified","Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","G04.8","Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis","Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","G04.9","Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","G05.0","Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","G05.1","Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","G05.2","Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","G06","Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","G07","Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","G08","Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
-"Other nervous system infections","M89.6","Osteopathy after poliomyelitis","Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections"
+Other nervous system infections,A06.6,Amoebic brain abscess,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,A17.8,Other tuberculosis of nervous system,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,A17.9,"Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,A52.1,Symptomatic neurosyphilis,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,A52.2,Asymptomatic neurosyphilis,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,A52.3,"Neurosyphilis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,A80,Acute poliomyelitis,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,A81,Atypical virus infections of central nervous system,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,A82,Rabies,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,A88,"Other viral infections of central nervous system, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,A89,Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,B02.2,Zoster with other nervous system involvement,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,B06.0,Rubella with neurological complications,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,B43.1,Phaeomycotic brain abscess,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,B45.1,Cerebral cryptococcosis,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,B50.0,Plasmodium falciparum malaria with cerebral complications,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,B58.2,Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,B69.0,Cysticercosis of central nervous system,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,B90.0,Sequelae of central nervous system tuberculosis,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,B91,Sequelae of poliomyelitis,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,G04.2,"Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified",Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,G04.8,"Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis",Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,G04.9,"Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,G05.0,"Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere",Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,G05.1,"Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere",Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,G05.2,"Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere",Possible diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,G06,Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,G07,Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,G08,Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
+Other nervous system infections,M89.6,Osteopathy after poliomyelitis,Diagnosis of Other nervous system infections
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_organisms.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_organisms.csv
index 1807e5a..ecc1034 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_organisms.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_organisms.csv
@@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","A08.5","Other specified intestinal infections","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","A09","Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious and unspecified origin","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","A41.8","Other specified sepsis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","A41.9","Sepsis, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","A63.8","Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseases","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","A64","Unspecified sexually transmitted disease","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","A81.0","Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease","Diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","A81.8","Other atypical virus infections of central nervous system","Diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","A81.9","Atypical virus infection of central nervous system, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","B94.8","Sequelae of other specified infectious and parasitic diseases","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","B94.9","Sequelae of unspecified infectious or parasitic disease","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","B99","Other and unspecified infectious diseases","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","G02.8","Meningitis in other specified infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","G04.8","Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","G04.9","Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","G05.2","Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","G06","Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","G07","Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","G08","Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","G53.1","Multiple cranial nerve palsies in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","G63.0","Polyneuropathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","G94.0","Hydrocephalus in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H10","Conjunctivitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H13.1","Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H19.2","Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H60","Otitis externa","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H62.3","Otitis externa in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H62.4","Otitis externa in other diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H65","Nonsuppurative otitis media","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H66","Suppurative and unspecified otitis media","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H67.8","Otitis media in other diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H70","Mastoiditis and related conditions","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H73.0","Acute myringitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H73.1","Chronic myringitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","H75.0","Mastoiditis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","I30.1","Infective pericarditis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","I32.1","Pericarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","I33.0","Acute and subacute infective endocarditis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","I40.0","Infective myocarditis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","I41.2","Myocarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","I43.0","Cardiomyopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","I98.1","Cardiovascular disorders in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J00","Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold]","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J01","Acute sinusitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J02.8","Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J02.9","Acute pharyngitis, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J03.8","Acute tonsillitis due to other specified organisms","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J03.9","Acute tonsillitis, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J04","Acute laryngitis and tracheitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J05","Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J06","Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J16.8","Pneumonia due to other specified infectious organisms","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J17.8","Pneumonia in other diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J18","Pneumonia, organism unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J20.8","Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J20.9","Acute bronchitis, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J22","Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J44.0","Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J44.1","Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","J85","Abscess of lung and mediastinum","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","K75.0","Abscess of liver","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","K77.0","Liver disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","L08.0","Pyoderma","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","L08.8","Other specified local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","L08.9","Local infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","L30.3","Infective dermatitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","M01.8","Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","M02","Reactive arthropathies","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","M03","Postinfective and reactive arthropathies in diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","M46.3","Infection of intervertebral disc (pyogenic)","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","M46.4","Discitis, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","M46.5","Other infective spondylopathies","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","M49.3","Spondylopathy in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","M60.0","Infective myositis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","M63.2","Myositis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","N08.0","Glomerular disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","N10","Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","N16.0","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","N29.1","Other disorders of kidney and ureter in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","N30.0","Acute cystitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","N30.8","Other cystitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","N30.9","Cystitis, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","N34","Urethritis and urethral syndrome","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","N48.1","Balanoposthitis","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","N77.0","Ulceration of vulva in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","N77.1","Vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","P23.8","Congenital pneumonia due to other organisms","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","P23.9","Congenital pneumonia, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","P37.8","Other specified congenital infectious and parasitic diseases","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","P37.9","Congenital infectious and parasitic disease, unspecified","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
-"Other or unspecified infectious organisms","P39","Other infections specific to the perinatal period","Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms"
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,A08.5,Other specified intestinal infections,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,A09,Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious and unspecified origin,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,A41.8,Other specified sepsis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,A41.9,"Sepsis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,A63.8,Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseases,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,A64,Unspecified sexually transmitted disease,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,A81.0,Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,Diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,A81.8,Other atypical virus infections of central nervous system,Diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,A81.9,"Atypical virus infection of central nervous system, unspecified",Diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,B94.8,Sequelae of other specified infectious and parasitic diseases,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,B94.9,Sequelae of unspecified infectious or parasitic disease,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,B99,Other and unspecified infectious diseases,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,G02.8,Meningitis in other specified infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,G04.8,"Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,G04.9,"Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,G05.2,"Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,G06,Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,G07,Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,G08,Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,G53.1,Multiple cranial nerve palsies in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,G63.0,Polyneuropathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,G94.0,Hydrocephalus in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H10,Conjunctivitis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H13.1,Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H19.2,Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H60,Otitis externa,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H62.3,Otitis externa in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H62.4,Otitis externa in other diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H65,Nonsuppurative otitis media,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H66,Suppurative and unspecified otitis media,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H67.8,Otitis media in other diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H70,Mastoiditis and related conditions,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H73.0,Acute myringitis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H73.1,Chronic myringitis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,H75.0,Mastoiditis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,I30.1,Infective pericarditis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,I32.1,Pericarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,I33.0,Acute and subacute infective endocarditis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,I40.0,Infective myocarditis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,I41.2,Myocarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,I43.0,Cardiomyopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,I98.1,Cardiovascular disorders in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J00,Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold],Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J01,Acute sinusitis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J02.8,Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J02.9,"Acute pharyngitis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J03.8,Acute tonsillitis due to other specified organisms,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J03.9,"Acute tonsillitis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J04,Acute laryngitis and tracheitis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J05,Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J06,Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J16.8,Pneumonia due to other specified infectious organisms,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J17.8,Pneumonia in other diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J18,"Pneumonia, organism unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J20.8,Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J20.9,"Acute bronchitis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J22,Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J44.0,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J44.1,"Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,J85,Abscess of lung and mediastinum,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,K75.0,Abscess of liver,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,K77.0,Liver disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,L08.0,Pyoderma,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,L08.8,Other specified local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,L08.9,"Local infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,L30.3,Infective dermatitis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,M01.8,Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,M02,Reactive arthropathies,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,M03,Postinfective and reactive arthropathies in diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,M46.3,Infection of intervertebral disc (pyogenic),Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,M46.4,"Discitis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,M46.5,Other infective spondylopathies,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,M49.3,Spondylopathy in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,M60.0,Infective myositis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,M63.2,Myositis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,N08.0,Glomerular disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,N10,Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,N16.0,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,N29.1,Other disorders of kidney and ureter in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,N30.0,Acute cystitis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,N30.8,Other cystitis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,N30.9,"Cystitis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,N34,Urethritis and urethral syndrome,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,N48.1,Balanoposthitis,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,N77.0,Ulceration of vulva in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,N77.1,"Vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,P23.8,Congenital pneumonia due to other organisms,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,P23.9,"Congenital pneumonia, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,P37.8,Other specified congenital infectious and parasitic diseases,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,P37.9,"Congenital infectious and parasitic disease, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
+Other or unspecified infectious organisms,P39,Other infections specific to the perinatal period,Possible diagnosis of Other or unspecified infectious organisms
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_organs.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_organs.csv
index 63c4ead..284b289 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_oth_organs.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_oth_organs.csv
@@ -1,224 +1,224 @@
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A02.2","Localized salmonella infections","32.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A02.8","Other specified salmonella infections","21.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A02.9","Salmonella infection, unspecified","216.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A06.8","Amoebic infection of other sites","8.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A06.9","Amoebiasis, unspecified","12.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A18.7","Tuberculosis of adrenal glands","22.0","Diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A18.8","Tuberculosis of other specified organs","328.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A19","Miliary tuberculosis","763.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A20.8","Other forms of plague","1.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A20.9","Plague, unspecified","12.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A21.7","Generalised tularaemia","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A21.8","Other forms of tularaemia","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A21.9","Tularaemia, unspecified","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A22.8","Other forms of anthrax","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A22.9","Anthrax, unspecified","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A23","Brucellosis","51.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A24","Glanders and melioidosis","28.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A25","Rat-bite fevers","4.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A26.8","Other forms of erysipeloid","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A26.9","Erysipeloid, unspecified","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A27","Leptospirosis","98.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A28","Other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified","186.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A30","Leprosy [Hansen's disease]","22.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A31.8","Other mycobacterial infections","281.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A31.9","Mycobacterial infection, unspecified","425.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A32.8","Other forms of listeriosis","4.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A32.9","Listeriosis, unspecified","81.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A35","Other tetanus","69.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A36.8","Other diphtheria","34.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A36.9","Diphtheria, unspecified","26.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A38","Scarlet fever","774.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A39.8","Other meningococcal infections","141.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A39.9","Meningococcal infection, unspecified","172.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A42.1","Abdominal actinomycosis","46.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A42.2","Cervicofacial actinomycosis","7.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A42.8","Other forms of actinomycosis","126.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A42.9","Actinomycosis, unspecified","94.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A43.8","Other forms of nocardiosis","26.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A43.9","Nocardiosis, unspecified","15.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A44","Bartonellosis","14.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A48","Other bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified","1165.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A49","Bacterial infection of unspecified site","19119.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A50","Congenital syphilis","66.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A51.2","Primary syphilis of other sites","20.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A51.4","Other secondary syphilis","24.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A51.5","Early syphilis, latent","5.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A51.9","Early syphilis, unspecified","8.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A52.7","Other symptomatic late syphilis","27.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A52.8","Late syphilis, latent","35.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A52.9","Late syphilis, unspecified","22.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A53","Other and unspecified syphilis","392.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A54.8","Other gonococcal infections","202.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A54.9","Gonococcal infection, unspecified","74.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A56.8","Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of other sites","51.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A59.8","Trichomoniasis of other sites","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A59.9","Trichomoniasis, unspecified","12.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A63.8","Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseases","826.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A64","Unspecified sexually transmitted disease","13.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A65","Nonvenereal syphilis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A66","Yaws","19.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A67","Pinta [carate]","5.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A68","Relapsing fevers","31.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A69","Other spirochaetal infections","686.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A70","Chlamydia psittaci infection","31.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A74.8","Other chlamydial diseases","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A74.9","Chlamydial infection, unspecified","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A75","Typhus fever","13.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A77","Spotted fever [tick-borne rickettsioses]","9.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A78","Q fever","31.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A79","Other rickettsioses","21.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A90","Dengue fever [classical dengue]","249.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A91","Dengue haemorrhagic fever","7.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A92","Other mosquito-borne viral fevers","16.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A93","Other arthropod-borne viral fevers, not elsewhere classified","6.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A94","Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever","11.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A95","Yellow fever","7.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A96","Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever","2.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A98","Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified","9.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","A99","Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever","10.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B00.2","Herpesviral gingivostomatitis and pharyngotonsillitis","1092.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B00.7","Disseminated herpesviral disease","61.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B00.8","Other forms of herpesviral infection","470.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B00.9","Herpesviral infection, unspecified","2257.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B01.8","Varicella with other complications","674.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B01.9","Varicella without complication","4353.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B02.7","Disseminated zoster","79.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B02.8","Zoster with other complications","331.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B02.9","Zoster without complication","8631.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B05.8","Measles with other complications","26.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B05.9","Measles without complication","305.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B06.8","Rubella with other complications","1.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B06.9","Rubella without complication","139.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B20","Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in infectious and parasitic diseases","3354.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B21","Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in malignant neoplasms","1850.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B22","Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other specified diseases","525.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B23","Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other conditions","1730.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B24","Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease","8420.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B25.2","Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis","0.0","Diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B25.8","Other cytomegaloviral diseases","469.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B25.9","Cytomegaloviral disease, unspecified","3821.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B26.8","Mumps with other complications","2.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B26.9","Mumps without complication","370.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B33.0","Epidemic myalgia","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B33.1","Ross River disease","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B33.3","Retrovirus infections, not elsewhere classified","102.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B33.4","Hantavirus (cardio-)pulmonary syndrome","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B33.8","Other specified viral diseases","480.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B34","Viral infection of unspecified site","104301.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B37.0","Candidal stomatitis","35384.0","Diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B37.8","Candidiasis of other sites","16558.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B37.9","Candidiasis, unspecified","7130.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B38.7","Disseminated coccidioidomycosis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B38.8","Other forms of coccidioidomycosis","3.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B38.9","Coccidioidomycosis, unspecified","30.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B39.3","Disseminated histoplasmosis capsulati","3.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B39.4","Histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified","5.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B39.5","Histoplasmosis duboisii","1.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B39.9","Histoplasmosis, unspecified","11.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B40.7","Disseminated blastomycosis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B40.8","Other forms of blastomycosis","4.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B40.9","Blastomycosis, unspecified","1.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B41.7","Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B41.8","Other forms of paracoccidioidomycosis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B41.9","Paracoccidioidomycosis, unspecified","1.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B42.7","Disseminated sporotrichosis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B42.8","Other forms of sporotrichosis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B42.9","Sporotrichosis, unspecified","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B43.8","Other forms of chromomycosis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B43.9","Chromomycosis, unspecified","4.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B44.7","Disseminated aspergillosis","30.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B44.8","Other forms of aspergillosis","325.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B44.9","Aspergillosis, unspecified","2492.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B45.7","Disseminated cryptococcosis","10.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B45.8","Other forms of cryptococcosis","6.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B45.9","Cryptococcosis, unspecified","27.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B46.1","Rhinocerebral mucormycosis","8.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B46.4","Disseminated mucormycosis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B46.5","Mucormycosis, unspecified","32.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B46.8","Other zygomycoses","3.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B46.9","Zygomycosis, unspecified","3.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B47.0","Eumycetoma","8.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B47.1","Actinomycetoma","9.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B47.9","Mycetoma, unspecified","182.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B48","Other mycoses, not elsewhere classified","173.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B49","Unspecified mycosis","1957.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B50.8","Other severe and complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria","117.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B50.9","Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unspecified","1458.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B51","Plasmodium vivax malaria","216.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B52","Plasmodium malariae malaria","29.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B53","Other parasitologically confirmed malaria","110.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B54","Unspecified malaria","306.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B55.0","Visceral leishmaniasis","41.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B55.2","Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis","3.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B55.9","Leishmaniasis, unspecified","61.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B57","Chagas' disease","7.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B58.8","Toxoplasmosis with other organ involvement","63.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B58.9","Toxoplasmosis, unspecified","155.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B60","Other protozoal diseases, not elsewhere classified","112.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B64","Unspecified protozoal disease","1.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B65","Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis]","169.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B66","Other fluke infections","11.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B67.3","Echinococcus granulosus infection, other and multiple sites","3.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B67.4","Echinococcus granulosus infection, unspecified","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B67.6","Echinococcus multilocularis infection, other and multiple sites","4.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B67.7","Echinococcus multilocularis infection, unspecified","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B67.9","Echinococcosis, other and unspecified","99.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B68","Taeniasis","9.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B69.8","Cysticercosis of other sites","10.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B69.9","Cysticercosis, unspecified","1.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B70","Diphyllobothriasis and sparganosis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B71","Other cestode infections","24.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B72","Dracunculiasis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B73","Onchocerciasis","19.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B74","Filariasis","16.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B75","Trichinellosis","0.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B76","Hookworm diseases","28.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B77","Ascariasis","25.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B78.7","Disseminated strongyloidiasis","9.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B78.9","Strongyloidiasis, unspecified","40.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B79","Trichuriasis","13.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B80","Enterobiasis","1488.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B83","Other helminthiases","139.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B87.8","Myiasis of other sites","10.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B87.9","Myiasis, unspecified","76.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B89","Unspecified parasitic disease","21.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B90.8","Sequelae of tuberculosis of other organs","60.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B90.9","Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis","723.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B92","Sequelae of leprosy","1.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B94.8","Sequelae of other specified infectious and parasitic diseases","1217.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B94.9","Sequelae of unspecified infectious or parasitic disease","213.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B95","Streptococcus and staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters","128681.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B96","Other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters","312924.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B97","Viral agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters","20222.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B98.1","Vibrio vulnificus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters","10.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","B99","Other and unspecified infectious diseases","1982.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","G04.1","Tropical spastic paraplegia","57.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","G53.0","Postzoster neuralgia","2631.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","G53.1","Multiple cranial nerve palsies in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","16.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","G63.0","Polyneuropathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","122.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","G94.0","Hydrocephalus in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","32.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","J09","Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus","198.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","J10.1","Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, other influenza virus identified","2600.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","J10.8","Influenza with other manifestations, other influenza virus identified","108.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","J11.1","Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, virus not identified","1071.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","J11.8","Influenza with other manifestations, virus not identified","65.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","J37","Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis","400.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","J85.3","Abscess of mediastinum","77.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","M60.0","Infective myositis","3451.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","M63.0","Myositis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","77.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","M63.2","Myositis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere","2.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","M65.0","Abscess of tendon sheath","224.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","M65.1","Other infective (teno)synovitis","1092.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","M68.0","Synovitis and tenosynovitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere","1.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","M71.0","Abscess of bursa","136.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","M71.1","Other infective bursitis","457.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","M72.6","Necrotizing fasciitis","2057.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","M73.1","Syphilitic bursitis","1.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","P35","Congenital viral diseases","726.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","P37","Other congenital infectious and parasitic diseases","1689.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","P39.0","Neonatal infective mastitis","123.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","P39.2","Intra-amniotic infection of fetus, not elsewhere classified","8.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","P39.8","Other specified infections specific to the perinatal period","1660.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
-"Infections of Other or unspecified organs","P39.9","Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified","1213.0","Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs"
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A02.2,Localized salmonella infections,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A02.8,Other specified salmonella infections,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A02.9,"Salmonella infection, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A06.8,Amoebic infection of other sites,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A06.9,"Amoebiasis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A18.7,Tuberculosis of adrenal glands,Diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A18.8,Tuberculosis of other specified organs,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A19,Miliary tuberculosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A20.8,Other forms of plague,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A20.9,"Plague, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A21.7,Generalised tularaemia,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A21.8,Other forms of tularaemia,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A21.9,"Tularaemia, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A22.8,Other forms of anthrax,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A22.9,"Anthrax, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A23,Brucellosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A24,Glanders and melioidosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A25,Rat-bite fevers,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A26.8,Other forms of erysipeloid,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A26.9,"Erysipeloid, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A27,Leptospirosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A28,"Other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A30,Leprosy [Hansen's disease],Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A31.8,Other mycobacterial infections,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A31.9,"Mycobacterial infection, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A32.8,Other forms of listeriosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A32.9,"Listeriosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A35,Other tetanus,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A36.8,Other diphtheria,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A36.9,"Diphtheria, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A38,Scarlet fever,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A39.8,Other meningococcal infections,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A39.9,"Meningococcal infection, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A42.1,Abdominal actinomycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A42.2,Cervicofacial actinomycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A42.8,Other forms of actinomycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A42.9,"Actinomycosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A43.8,Other forms of nocardiosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A43.9,"Nocardiosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A44,Bartonellosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A48,"Other bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A49,Bacterial infection of unspecified site,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A50,Congenital syphilis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A51.2,Primary syphilis of other sites,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A51.4,Other secondary syphilis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A51.5,"Early syphilis, latent",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A51.9,"Early syphilis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A52.7,Other symptomatic late syphilis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A52.8,"Late syphilis, latent",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A52.9,"Late syphilis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A53,Other and unspecified syphilis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A54.8,Other gonococcal infections,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A54.9,"Gonococcal infection, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A56.8,Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of other sites,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A59.8,Trichomoniasis of other sites,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A59.9,"Trichomoniasis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A63.8,Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A64,Unspecified sexually transmitted disease,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A65,Nonvenereal syphilis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A66,Yaws,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A67,Pinta [carate],Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A68,Relapsing fevers,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A69,Other spirochaetal infections,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A70,Chlamydia psittaci infection,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A74.8,Other chlamydial diseases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A74.9,"Chlamydial infection, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A75,Typhus fever,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A77,Spotted fever [tick-borne rickettsioses],Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A78,Q fever,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A79,Other rickettsioses,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A90,Dengue fever [classical dengue],Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A91,Dengue haemorrhagic fever,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A92,Other mosquito-borne viral fevers,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A93,"Other arthropod-borne viral fevers, not elsewhere classified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A94,Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A95,Yellow fever,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A96,Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A98,"Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,A99,Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B00.2,Herpesviral gingivostomatitis and pharyngotonsillitis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B00.7,Disseminated herpesviral disease,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B00.8,Other forms of herpesviral infection,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B00.9,"Herpesviral infection, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B01.8,Varicella with other complications,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B01.9,Varicella without complication,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B02.7,Disseminated zoster,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B02.8,Zoster with other complications,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B02.9,Zoster without complication,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B05.8,Measles with other complications,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B05.9,Measles without complication,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B06.8,Rubella with other complications,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B06.9,Rubella without complication,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B20,Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in infectious and parasitic diseases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B21,Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in malignant neoplasms,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B22,Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other specified diseases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B23,Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in other conditions,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B24,Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B25.2,Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B25.8,Other cytomegaloviral diseases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B25.9,"Cytomegaloviral disease, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B26.8,Mumps with other complications,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B26.9,Mumps without complication,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B33.0,Epidemic myalgia,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B33.1,Ross River disease,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B33.3,"Retrovirus infections, not elsewhere classified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B33.4,Hantavirus (cardio-)pulmonary syndrome,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B33.8,Other specified viral diseases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B34,Viral infection of unspecified site,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B37.0,Candidal stomatitis,Diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B37.8,Candidiasis of other sites,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B37.9,"Candidiasis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B38.7,Disseminated coccidioidomycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B38.8,Other forms of coccidioidomycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B38.9,"Coccidioidomycosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B39.3,Disseminated histoplasmosis capsulati,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B39.4,"Histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B39.5,Histoplasmosis duboisii,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B39.9,"Histoplasmosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B40.7,Disseminated blastomycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B40.8,Other forms of blastomycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B40.9,"Blastomycosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B41.7,Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B41.8,Other forms of paracoccidioidomycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B41.9,"Paracoccidioidomycosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B42.7,Disseminated sporotrichosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B42.8,Other forms of sporotrichosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B42.9,"Sporotrichosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B43.8,Other forms of chromomycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B43.9,"Chromomycosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B44.7,Disseminated aspergillosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B44.8,Other forms of aspergillosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B44.9,"Aspergillosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B45.7,Disseminated cryptococcosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B45.8,Other forms of cryptococcosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B45.9,"Cryptococcosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B46.1,Rhinocerebral mucormycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B46.4,Disseminated mucormycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B46.5,"Mucormycosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B46.8,Other zygomycoses,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B46.9,"Zygomycosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B47.0,Eumycetoma,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B47.1,Actinomycetoma,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B47.9,"Mycetoma, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B48,"Other mycoses, not elsewhere classified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B49,Unspecified mycosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B50.8,Other severe and complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B50.9,"Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B51,Plasmodium vivax malaria,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B52,Plasmodium malariae malaria,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B53,Other parasitologically confirmed malaria,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B54,Unspecified malaria,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B55.0,Visceral leishmaniasis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B55.2,Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B55.9,"Leishmaniasis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B57,Chagas' disease,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B58.8,Toxoplasmosis with other organ involvement,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B58.9,"Toxoplasmosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B60,"Other protozoal diseases, not elsewhere classified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B64,Unspecified protozoal disease,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B65,Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis],Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B66,Other fluke infections,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B67.3,"Echinococcus granulosus infection, other and multiple sites",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B67.4,"Echinococcus granulosus infection, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B67.6,"Echinococcus multilocularis infection, other and multiple sites",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B67.7,"Echinococcus multilocularis infection, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B67.9,"Echinococcosis, other and unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B68,Taeniasis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B69.8,Cysticercosis of other sites,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B69.9,"Cysticercosis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B70,Diphyllobothriasis and sparganosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B71,Other cestode infections,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B72,Dracunculiasis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B73,Onchocerciasis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B74,Filariasis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B75,Trichinellosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B76,Hookworm diseases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B77,Ascariasis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B78.7,Disseminated strongyloidiasis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B78.9,"Strongyloidiasis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B79,Trichuriasis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B80,Enterobiasis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B83,Other helminthiases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B87.8,Myiasis of other sites,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B87.9,"Myiasis, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B89,Unspecified parasitic disease,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B90.8,Sequelae of tuberculosis of other organs,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B90.9,Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B92,Sequelae of leprosy,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B94.8,Sequelae of other specified infectious and parasitic diseases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B94.9,Sequelae of unspecified infectious or parasitic disease,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B95,Streptococcus and staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B96,Other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B97,Viral agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B98.1,Vibrio vulnificus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,B99,Other and unspecified infectious diseases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,G04.1,Tropical spastic paraplegia,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,G53.0,Postzoster neuralgia,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,G53.1,Multiple cranial nerve palsies in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,G63.0,Polyneuropathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,G94.0,Hydrocephalus in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,J09,Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,J10.1,"Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, other influenza virus identified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,J10.8,"Influenza with other manifestations, other influenza virus identified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,J11.1,"Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, virus not identified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,J11.8,"Influenza with other manifestations, virus not identified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,J37,Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,J85.3,Abscess of mediastinum,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,M60.0,Infective myositis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,M63.0,Myositis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,M63.2,Myositis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,M65.0,Abscess of tendon sheath,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,M65.1,Other infective (teno)synovitis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,M68.0,Synovitis and tenosynovitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,M71.0,Abscess of bursa,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,M71.1,Other infective bursitis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,M72.6,Necrotizing fasciitis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,M73.1,Syphilitic bursitis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,P35,Congenital viral diseases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,P37,Other congenital infectious and parasitic diseases,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,P39.0,Neonatal infective mastitis,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,P39.2,"Intra-amniotic infection of fetus, not elsewhere classified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,P39.8,Other specified infections specific to the perinatal period,Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
+Infections of Other or unspecified organs,P39.9,"Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified",Possible diagnosis of Infections of Other or unspecified organs
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_other_cm.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_other_cm.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e2bd79..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_other_cm.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","I25.5","Ischaemic cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","I42.3","Endomyocardial (eosinophilic) disease","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","I42.5","Other restrictive cardiomyopathy","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","I42.7","Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","I42.8","Other cardiomyopathies","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","I42.9","Cardiomyopathy, unspecified","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
-"Other Cardiomyopathy","I43","Cardiomyopathy in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Other Cardiomyopathy"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pancreatitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pancreatitis.csv
index 23fca22..68852a3 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pancreatitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pancreatitis.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Pancreatitis","K85","Acute pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","K86.0","Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","K86.1","Other chronic pancreatitis","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
-"Pancreatitis","K86.3","Pseudocyst of pancreas","Diagnosis of Pancreatitis"
+Pancreatitis,K85,Acute pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,K86.0,Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,K86.1,Other chronic pancreatitis,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
+Pancreatitis,K86.3,Pseudocyst of pancreas,Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_parasitic.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_parasitic.csv
index cdfddda..0a168a5 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_parasitic.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_parasitic.csv
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-"Parasitic infections","A06","Amoebiasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","A07","Other protozoal intestinal diseases","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","A59","Trichomoniasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B50","Plasmodium falciparum malaria","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B51","Plasmodium vivax malaria","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B52","Plasmodium malariae malaria","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B53","Other parasitologically confirmed malaria","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B54","Unspecified malaria","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B55","Leishmaniasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B56","African trypanosomiasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B57","Chagas' disease","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B58","Toxoplasmosis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B60","Other protozoal diseases, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B64","Unspecified protozoal disease","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B65","Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis]","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B66","Other fluke infections","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B67","Echinococcosis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B68","Taeniasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B69","Cysticercosis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B70","Diphyllobothriasis and sparganosis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B71","Other cestode infections","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B72","Dracunculiasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B73","Onchocerciasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B74","Filariasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B75","Trichinellosis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B76","Hookworm diseases","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B77","Ascariasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B78","Strongyloidiasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B79","Trichuriasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B80","Enterobiasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B81","Other intestinal helminthiases, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B82","Unspecified intestinal parasitism","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B83","Other helminthiases","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B85","Pediculosis and phthiriasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B86","Scabies","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B87","Myiasis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B88","Other infestations","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","B89","Unspecified parasitic disease","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","J17.3","Pneumonia in parasitic diseases","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","K23.1","Megaoesophagus in Chagas' disease","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
-"Parasitic infections","P37.1","Congenital toxoplasmosis","Diagnosis of Parasitic infections"
+Parasitic infections,A06,Amoebiasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,A07,Other protozoal intestinal diseases,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,A59,Trichomoniasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B50,Plasmodium falciparum malaria,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B51,Plasmodium vivax malaria,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B52,Plasmodium malariae malaria,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B53,Other parasitologically confirmed malaria,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B54,Unspecified malaria,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B55,Leishmaniasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B56,African trypanosomiasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B57,Chagas' disease,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B58,Toxoplasmosis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B60,"Other protozoal diseases, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B64,Unspecified protozoal disease,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B65,Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis],Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B66,Other fluke infections,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B67,Echinococcosis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B68,Taeniasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B69,Cysticercosis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B70,Diphyllobothriasis and sparganosis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B71,Other cestode infections,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B72,Dracunculiasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B73,Onchocerciasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B74,Filariasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B75,Trichinellosis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B76,Hookworm diseases,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B77,Ascariasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B78,Strongyloidiasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B79,Trichuriasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B80,Enterobiasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B81,"Other intestinal helminthiases, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B82,Unspecified intestinal parasitism,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B83,Other helminthiases,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B85,Pediculosis and phthiriasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B86,Scabies,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B87,Myiasis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B88,Other infestations,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,B89,Unspecified parasitic disease,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,J17.3,Pneumonia in parasitic diseases,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,K23.1,Megaoesophagus in Chagas' disease,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
+Parasitic infections,P37.1,Congenital toxoplasmosis,Diagnosis of Parasitic infections
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pep_ulc.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pep_ulc.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index fa5fb99..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pep_ulc.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-"Peptic ulcer disease","K25","Gastric ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","K26","Duodenal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","K27","Peptic ulcer, site unspecified","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
-"Peptic ulcer disease","K28","Gastrojejunal ulcer","Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pericardial_effusion.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pericardial_effusion.csv
index 62213cb..56a1918 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pericardial_effusion.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pericardial_effusion.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)","I31.3","Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)","Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)"
+Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory),I31.3,Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory),Diagnosis of Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_periph_neuro.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_periph_neuro.csv
index acd4671..ba76004 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_periph_neuro.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_periph_neuro.csv
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G56.1","Other lesions of median nerve","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G56.2","Lesion of ulnar nerve","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G56.3","Lesion of radial nerve","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G56.4","Causalgia","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G56.8","Other mononeuropathies of upper limb","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G56.9","Mononeuropathy of upper limb, unspecified","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G57","Mononeuropathies of lower limb","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G58","Other mononeuropathies","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G59","Mononeuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G60","Hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G61","Inflammatory polyneuropathy","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G62","Other polyneuropathies","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G63","Polyneuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","G64","Other disorders of peripheral nervous system","Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","M14.6","Neuropathic arthropathy","History of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","M49.4","Neuropathic spondylopathy","History of peripheral neuropathy"
-"Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes)","E85.1","Neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis","History of peripheral neuropathy"
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G56.1,Other lesions of median nerve,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G56.2,Lesion of ulnar nerve,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G56.3,Lesion of radial nerve,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G56.4,Causalgia,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G56.8,Other mononeuropathies of upper limb,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G56.9,"Mononeuropathy of upper limb, unspecified",Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G57,Mononeuropathies of lower limb,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G58,Other mononeuropathies,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G59,Mononeuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G60,Hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G61,Inflammatory polyneuropathy,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G62,Other polyneuropathies,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G63,Polyneuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),G64,Other disorders of peripheral nervous system,Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),M14.6,Neuropathic arthropathy,History of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),M49.4,Neuropathic spondylopathy,History of peripheral neuropathy
+Peripheral neuropathies (excluding cranial nerve and carpal tunnel syndromes),E85.1,Neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis,History of peripheral neuropathy
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf90897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Peripheral arterial disease,I73.1,Thromboangiitis obliterans [Buerger],Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,I73.8,Other specified peripheral vascular diseases,Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,I73.9,"Peripheral vascular disease, unspecified",Peripheral vascular disease (7)
+Peripheral arterial disease,I74.3,Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of lower extremities,Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
+Peripheral arterial disease,I74.4,"Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of extremities, unspecified",Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
+Peripheral arterial disease,I74.5,Embolism and thrombosis of iliac artery,Leg or aortic embolism or thrombosis (8)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_peritonitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_peritonitis.csv
index 727ca26..6b0042b 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_peritonitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_peritonitis.csv
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-"Peritonitis","K25.1","Gastric ulcer - Acute with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K25.2","Gastric ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K25.5","Gastric ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K25.6","Gastric ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K26.1","Duodenal ulcer - Acute with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K26.2","Duodenal ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K26.5","Duodenal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K26.6","Duodenal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K27.1","Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Acute with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K27.2","Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K27.5","Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Chronic or unspecified with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K27.6","Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K28.1","Gastrojejunal ulcer - Acute with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K28.2","Gastrojejunal ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K28.5","Gastrojejunal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K28.6","Gastrojejunal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K35.2","Acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K35.3","Acute appendicitis with localized peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K57.0","Diverticular disease of small intestine with perforation and abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K57.2","Diverticular disease of large intestine with perforation and abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K57.4","Diverticular disease of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K57.8","Diverticular disease of intestine, part unspecified, with perforation and abscess","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K63.1","Perforation of intestine (nontraumatic)","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K65","Peritonitis","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
-"Peritonitis","K67","Disorders of peritoneum in infectious diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Peritonitis"
+Peritonitis,K25.1,Gastric ulcer - Acute with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K25.2,Gastric ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K25.5,Gastric ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K25.6,Gastric ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K26.1,Duodenal ulcer - Acute with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K26.2,Duodenal ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K26.5,Duodenal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K26.6,Duodenal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K27.1,"Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Acute with perforation",Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K27.2,"Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation",Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K27.5,"Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Chronic or unspecified with perforation",Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K27.6,"Peptic ulcer, site unspecified - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation",Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K28.1,Gastrojejunal ulcer - Acute with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K28.2,Gastrojejunal ulcer - Acute with both haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K28.5,Gastrojejunal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K28.6,Gastrojejunal ulcer - Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforation,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K35.2,Acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K35.3,Acute appendicitis with localized peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K57.0,Diverticular disease of small intestine with perforation and abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K57.2,Diverticular disease of large intestine with perforation and abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K57.4,Diverticular disease of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K57.8,"Diverticular disease of intestine, part unspecified, with perforation and abscess",Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K63.1,Perforation of intestine (nontraumatic),Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K65,Peritonitis,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
+Peritonitis,K67,Disorders of peritoneum in infectious diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Peritonitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pilonidal.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pilonidal.csv
index e144534..66e53a1 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pilonidal.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pilonidal.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","L05","Pilonidal cyst","Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus"
+Pilonidal cyst/sinus,L05,Pilonidal cyst,Diagnosis of Pilonidal cyst/sinus
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_plasmacell.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_plasmacell.csv
index a89f112..08cfa79 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_plasmacell.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_plasmacell.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","C88.0","Waldenström macroglobulinaemia","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","C88.2","Other heavy chain disease","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
-"Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","C90","Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms","Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms"
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,C88.0,Waldenström macroglobulinaemia,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,C88.2,Other heavy chain disease,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
+Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,C90,Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,Diagnosis of Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pleural_effusion.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pleural_effusion.csv
index 4228214..c4195f9 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pleural_effusion.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pleural_effusion.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Pleural effusion","J90","Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
-"Pleural effusion","J91","Pleural effusion in conditions classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Pleural effusion"
+Pleural effusion,J90,"Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
+Pleural effusion,J91,Pleural effusion in conditions classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Pleural effusion
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pleural_plaque.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pleural_plaque.csv
index ffba703..d120c83 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pleural_plaque.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pleural_plaque.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Pleural plaque","J92.0","Pleural plaque with presence of asbestos","Diagnosis of Pleural plaque"
-"Pleural plaque","J92.9","Pleural plaque without asbestos","Diagnosis of Pleural plaque"
+Pleural plaque,J92.0,Pleural plaque with presence of asbestos,Diagnosis of Pleural plaque
+Pleural plaque,J92.9,Pleural plaque without asbestos,Diagnosis of Pleural plaque
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pneumothorax.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pneumothorax.csv
index 3d5f51d..99b7394 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pneumothorax.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pneumothorax.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Pneumothorax","J93","Pneumothorax","Diagnosis of Pneumothorax"
+Pneumothorax,J93,Pneumothorax,Diagnosis of Pneumothorax
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_portal_htn.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_portal_htn.csv
index b19ffe8..4a6ad35 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_portal_htn.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_portal_htn.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Portal hypertension","K76.6","Portal hypertension","Diagnosis of Portal hypertension"
+Portal hypertension,K76.6,Portal hypertension,Diagnosis of Portal hypertension
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_post_term.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_post_term.csv
index f2c8864..2011793 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_post_term.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_post_term.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Post-term infant","P08.2","Post-term infant, not heavy for gestational age","Diagnosis of Post-term infant"
+Post-term infant,P08.2,"Post-term infant, not heavy for gestational age",Diagnosis of Post-term infant
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_post_uveitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_post_uveitis.csv
index b42447c..b5920e2 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_post_uveitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_post_uveitis.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-"Posterior Uveitis","H30.0","Focal chorioretinal inflammation","Diagnosis of Posterior Uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","H30.1","Disseminated chorioretinal inflammation","Diagnosis of Posterior Uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","H30.8","Other chorioretinal inflammations","Diagnosis of Posterior Uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","H30.9","Chorioretinal inflammation, unspecified","Diagnosis of Posterior Uveitis"
-"Posterior Uveitis","H32.0","Chorioretinal inflammation in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Posterior Uveitis"
+Posterior Uveitis,H30.0,Focal chorioretinal inflammation,Diagnosis of Posterior Uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,H30.1,Disseminated chorioretinal inflammation,Diagnosis of Posterior Uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,H30.8,Other chorioretinal inflammations,Diagnosis of Posterior Uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,H30.9,"Chorioretinal inflammation, unspecified",Diagnosis of Posterior Uveitis
+Posterior Uveitis,H32.0,Chorioretinal inflammation in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Posterior Uveitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_premature.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_premature.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 9189494..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_premature.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-"Prematurity","P07.2","Extreme immaturity","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
-"Prematurity","P07.3","Other preterm infants","Diagnosis of Prematurity"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_prematurity.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_prematurity.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aff0d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_prematurity.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Prematurity,P07.2,Extreme immaturity,Diagnosis of Prematurity
+Prematurity,P07.3,Other preterm infants,Diagnosis of Prematurity
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_biliary.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_biliary.csv
index 95bada2..df93864 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_biliary.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_biliary.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","C22.1","Malignant neoplasm: Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
-"Primary Malignancy_biliary tract","C24","Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of biliary tract","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract"
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,C22.1,Malignant neoplasm: Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
+Primary Malignancy_biliary tract,C24,Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of biliary tract,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_biliary tract
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bladder.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bladder.csv
index 6df917e..4cadbcf 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bladder.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bladder.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Bladder","C67","Malignant neoplasm of bladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder"
+Primary Malignancy_Bladder,C67,Malignant neoplasm of bladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bladder
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bone.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bone.csv
index 4df5263..e5d662d 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bone.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bone.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","C40","Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of limbs","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
-"Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage","C41","Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of other and unspecified sites","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage"
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,C40,Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of limbs,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
+Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage,C41,Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of other and unspecified sites,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Bone and articular cartilage
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bowel.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bowel.csv
index 5174362..7d66289 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bowel.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_bowel.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","C18","Malignant neoplasm of colon","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","C19","Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","C20","Malignant neoplasm of rectum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
-"Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus","C21","Malignant neoplasm of anus and anal canal","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus"
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,C18,Malignant neoplasm of colon,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,C19,Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,C20,Malignant neoplasm of rectum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
+Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus,C21,Malignant neoplasm of anus and anal canal,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_colorectal and anus
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_brain.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_brain.csv
index e36d861..e62d858 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_brain.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_brain.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","C70","Malignant neoplasm of meninges","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","C71","Malignant neoplasm of brain","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","C72","Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord, cranial nerves and other parts of central nervous system","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","C75.1","Malignant neoplasm: Pituitary gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","C75.2","Malignant neoplasm: Craniopharyngeal duct","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","C75.3","Malignant neoplasm: Pineal gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","C75.4","Malignant neoplasm: Carotid body","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","C75.5","Malignant neoplasm: Aortic body and other paraganglia","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",C70,Malignant neoplasm of meninges,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",C71,Malignant neoplasm of brain,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",C72,"Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord, cranial nerves and other parts of central nervous system","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",C75.1,Malignant neoplasm: Pituitary gland,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",C75.2,Malignant neoplasm: Craniopharyngeal duct,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",C75.3,Malignant neoplasm: Pineal gland,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",C75.4,Malignant neoplasm: Carotid body,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",C75.5,Malignant neoplasm: Aortic body and other paraganglia,"Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_breast.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_breast.csv
index 7de7277..b19a2d2 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_breast.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_breast.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","C50","Malignant neoplasm of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
-"Primary Malignancy_Breast","D05","Carcinoma in situ of breast","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast"
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,C50,Malignant neoplasm of breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
+Primary Malignancy_Breast,D05,Carcinoma in situ of breast,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Breast
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_cervical.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_cervical.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdbad24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_cervical.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Primary Malignancy_Cervical,C53,Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_cervix.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_cervix.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 4418374..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_cervix.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Cervical","C53","Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Cervical"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_kidney.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_kidney.csv
index 3874902..8186583 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_kidney.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_kidney.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","C64","Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except renal pelvis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","C65","Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
-"Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter","C66","Malignant neoplasm of ureter","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter"
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,C64,"Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except renal pelvis",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,C65,Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
+Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter,C66,Malignant neoplasm of ureter,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Kidney and Ureter
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_liver.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_liver.csv
index 7088283..d36c6cf 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_liver.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_liver.csv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","C22.0","Malignant neoplasm: Liver cell carcinoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","C22.2","Malignant neoplasm: Hepatoblastoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","C22.3","Malignant neoplasm: Angiosarcoma of liver","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","C22.4","Malignant neoplasm: Other sarcomas of liver","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","C22.7","Malignant neoplasm: Other specified carcinomas of liver","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
-"Primary Malignancy_Liver","C22.9","Malignant neoplasm: Liver, unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver"
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,C22.0,Malignant neoplasm: Liver cell carcinoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,C22.2,Malignant neoplasm: Hepatoblastoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,C22.3,Malignant neoplasm: Angiosarcoma of liver,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,C22.4,Malignant neoplasm: Other sarcomas of liver,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,C22.7,Malignant neoplasm: Other specified carcinomas of liver,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
+Primary Malignancy_Liver,C22.9,"Malignant neoplasm: Liver, unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Liver
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_lung.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_lung.csv
index ad664f8..d062374 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_lung.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_lung.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","C33","Malignant neoplasm of trachea","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
-"Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea","C34","Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea"
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,C33,Malignant neoplasm of trachea,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
+Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea,C34,Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Lung and trachea
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_melanoma.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_melanoma.csv
index f2e6681..693c860 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_melanoma.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_melanoma.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma","C43","Malignant melanoma of skin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma"
+Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma,C43,Malignant melanoma of skin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Malignant Melanoma
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_mesothelioma.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_mesothelioma.csv
index 1477910..a8b1b57 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_mesothelioma.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_mesothelioma.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma","C45","Mesothelioma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma"
+Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma,C45,Mesothelioma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Mesothelioma
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_mult.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_mult.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 3322480..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_mult.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites","C97","Malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_multindep.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_multindep.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a91826c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_multindep.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites,C97,Malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Multiple independent sites
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_oesoph.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_oesoph.csv
index c5db191..141cd9c 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_oesoph.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_oesoph.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal","C15","Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal"
+Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal,C15,Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oesophageal
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_oroph.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_oroph.csv
index 33d1911..a486853 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_oroph.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_oroph.csv
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C00","Malignant neoplasm of lip","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C01","Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C02","Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of tongue","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C03","Malignant neoplasm of gum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C04","Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C05","Malignant neoplasm of palate","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C06","Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C07","Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C08","Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified major salivary glands","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C09","Malignant neoplasm of tonsil","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C10","Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C11","Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C12","Malignant neoplasm of piriform sinus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C13","Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
-"Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal","C14","Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity and pharynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal"
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C00,Malignant neoplasm of lip,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C01,Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C02,Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of tongue,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C03,Malignant neoplasm of gum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C04,Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C05,Malignant neoplasm of palate,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C06,Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C07,Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C08,Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified major salivary glands,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C09,Malignant neoplasm of tonsil,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C10,Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C11,Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C12,Malignant neoplasm of piriform sinus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C13,Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
+Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal,C14,"Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity and pharynx",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Oro-pharyngeal
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_other.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_other.csv
index 4dcc433..c10c1a7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_other.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_other.csv
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C17","Malignant neoplasm of small intestine","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C23","Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C26.0","Malignant neoplasm: Intestinal tract, part unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C26.1","Malignant neoplasm: Spleen","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C26.8","Malignant neoplasm: Overlapping lesion of digestive system","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C26.9","Malignant neoplasm: Ill-defined sites within the digestive system","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C30.0","Malignant neoplasm: Nasal cavity","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C30.1","Malignant neoplasm: Middle ear","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C31","Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinuses","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C32","Malignant neoplasm of larynx","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C37","Malignant neoplasm of thymus","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C38.0","Malignant neoplasm: Heart","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C38.1","Malignant neoplasm: Anterior mediastinum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C38.2","Malignant neoplasm: Posterior mediastinum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C38.3","Malignant neoplasm: Mediastinum, part unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C38.4","Malignant neoplasm: Pleura","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C38.8","Overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum and pleura","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C39.0","Malignant neoplasm: Upper respiratory tract, part unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C39.8","Malignant neoplasm: Overlapping lesion of respiratory and intrathoracic organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C39.9","Malignant neoplasm: Ill-defined sites within the respiratory system","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C46","Kaposi sarcoma","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C47","Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C48","Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C49","Malignant neoplasm of other connective and soft tissue","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C51","Malignant neoplasm of vulva","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C52","Malignant neoplasm of vagina","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C57","Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C58","Malignant neoplasm of placenta","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C60","Malignant neoplasm of penis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C63","Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified male genital organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C68","Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified urinary organs","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C69","Malignant neoplasm of eye and adnexa","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C74","Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C75.0","Malignant neoplasm: Parathyroid gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C75.8","Malignant neoplasm: Pluriglandular involvement, unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C75.9","Malignant neoplasm: Endocrine gland, unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C76","Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C80","Malignant neoplasm without specification of site","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C88.3","Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C88.4","Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [MALT-lymphoma]","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C88.7","Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C88.9","Malignant immunoproliferative disease, unspecified","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Organs","C96","Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue","Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs"
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C17,Malignant neoplasm of small intestine,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C23,Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C26.0,"Malignant neoplasm: Intestinal tract, part unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C26.1,Malignant neoplasm: Spleen,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C26.8,Malignant neoplasm: Overlapping lesion of digestive system,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C26.9,Malignant neoplasm: Ill-defined sites within the digestive system,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C30.0,Malignant neoplasm: Nasal cavity,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C30.1,Malignant neoplasm: Middle ear,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C31,Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinuses,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C32,Malignant neoplasm of larynx,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C37,Malignant neoplasm of thymus,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C38.0,Malignant neoplasm: Heart,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C38.1,Malignant neoplasm: Anterior mediastinum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C38.2,Malignant neoplasm: Posterior mediastinum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C38.3,"Malignant neoplasm: Mediastinum, part unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C38.4,Malignant neoplasm: Pleura,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C38.8,"Overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum and pleura",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C39.0,"Malignant neoplasm: Upper respiratory tract, part unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C39.8,Malignant neoplasm: Overlapping lesion of respiratory and intrathoracic organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C39.9,Malignant neoplasm: Ill-defined sites within the respiratory system,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C46,Kaposi sarcoma,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C47,Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C48,Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C49,Malignant neoplasm of other connective and soft tissue,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C51,Malignant neoplasm of vulva,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C52,Malignant neoplasm of vagina,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C57,Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C58,Malignant neoplasm of placenta,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C60,Malignant neoplasm of penis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C63,Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified male genital organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C68,Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified urinary organs,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C69,Malignant neoplasm of eye and adnexa,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C74,Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C75.0,Malignant neoplasm: Parathyroid gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C75.8,"Malignant neoplasm: Pluriglandular involvement, unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C75.9,"Malignant neoplasm: Endocrine gland, unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C76,Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C80,Malignant neoplasm without specification of site,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C88.3,Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C88.4,Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [MALT-lymphoma],Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C88.7,Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases,Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C88.9,"Malignant immunoproliferative disease, unspecified",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
+Primary Malignancy_Other Organs,C96,"Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue",Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_ovarian.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_ovarian.csv
index fca1187..3d3c0c2 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_ovarian.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_ovarian.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Ovarian","C56","Malignant neoplasm of ovary","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian"
+Primary Malignancy_Ovarian,C56,Malignant neoplasm of ovary,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Ovarian
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_pancr.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_pancr.csv
index 05b85a2..b7ee7cc 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_pancr.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_pancr.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic","C25","Malignant neoplasm of pancreas","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic"
+Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic,C25,Malignant neoplasm of pancreas,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Pancreatic
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_prost.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_prost.csv
index fbf2fce..1d5ac7c 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_prost.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_prost.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Prostate","C61","Malignant neoplasm of prostate","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate"
+Primary Malignancy_Prostate,C61,Malignant neoplasm of prostate,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Prostate
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_skin.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_skin.csv
index 6bb4aff..024c160 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_skin.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_skin.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue","C44","Other malignant neoplasms of skin","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue"
+Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue,C44,Other malignant neoplasms of skin,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Skin and subcutaneous tissue
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_stomach.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_stomach.csv
index eeeac04..46d36e1 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_stomach.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_stomach.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Stomach","C16","Malignant neoplasm of stomach","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach"
+Primary Malignancy_Stomach,C16,Malignant neoplasm of stomach,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Stomach
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_testis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_testis.csv
index 3de6236..1483250 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_testis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_testis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Testicular","C62","Malignant neoplasm of testis","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular"
+Primary Malignancy_Testicular,C62,Malignant neoplasm of testis,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Testicular
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_thrombocytopaenia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_thrombocytopaenia.csv
index e7e21e3..18e0290 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_thrombocytopaenia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_thrombocytopaenia.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D69.3","Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia","D69.4","Other primary thrombocytopenia","Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia"
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D69.3,Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
+Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia,D69.4,Other primary thrombocytopenia,Diagnosis of Primary or Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_thyroid.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_thyroid.csv
index efd256e..2e09669 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_thyroid.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_thyroid.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Thyroid","C73","Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Thyroid"
+Primary Malignancy_Thyroid,C73,Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Thyroid
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_uterine.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_uterine.csv
index ebf3798..16c4d64 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pri_uterine.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pri_uterine.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","C54","Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
-"Primary Malignancy_Uterine","C55","Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified","Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine"
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,C54,Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri,Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
+Primary Malignancy_Uterine,C55,"Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified",Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Uterine
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_prim_pulm_htn.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_prim_pulm_htn.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82f270d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_prim_pulm_htn.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Primary pulmonary hypertension,I27.0,Primary pulmonary hypertension,Diagnosis of Primary pulmonary hypertension
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_prolapse.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_prolapse.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index e2ac619..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_prolapse.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Female genital prolapse","N81","Female genital prolapse","Diagnosis of Female genital prolapse"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_psoriasis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_psoriasis.csv
index 35590b8..5a195f0 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_psoriasis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_psoriasis.csv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-"Psoriasis","L40","Psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M07.0","Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M07.1","Arthritis mutilans","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M07.2","Psoriatic spondylitis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M07.3","Other psoriatic arthropathies","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
-"Psoriasis","M09.0","Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriasis"
+Psoriasis,L40,Psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M07.0,Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M07.1,Arthritis mutilans,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M07.2,Psoriatic spondylitis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M07.3,Other psoriatic arthropathies,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
+Psoriasis,M09.0,Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis,Diagnosis of Psoriasis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_psoriatic_arth.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_psoriatic_arth.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 550c0ea..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_psoriatic_arth.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","M07.0","Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","M07.1","Arthritis mutilans","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","M07.2","Psoriatic spondylitis","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","M07.3","Other psoriatic arthropathies","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
-"Psoriatic arthropathy","L40.5","Arthropathic psoriasis","Diagnosis of Psoriatic arthropathy"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ptosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ptosis.csv
index 9113d1d..321f42d 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_ptosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_ptosis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Ptosis of eyelid","H02.4","Ptosis of eyelid","Diagnosis of ptosis of eyelid"
+Ptosis of eyelid,H02.4,Ptosis of eyelid,Diagnosis of ptosis of eyelid
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pulm_collapse.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pulm_collapse.csv
index a5f4fd5..d1f18f7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pulm_collapse.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pulm_collapse.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)","J98.1","Pulmonary collapse","Diagnosis of Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)"
+Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax),J98.1,Pulmonary collapse,Diagnosis of Pulmonary collapse (excl pneumothorax)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_pulm_fibrosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_pulm_fibrosis.csv
index 362a8fe..c3d8a66 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_pulm_fibrosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_pulm_fibrosis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","J84.1","Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis","Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis"
+Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,J84.1,Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis,Diagnosis of Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_raynauds.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_raynauds.csv
index ca53ddf..1b060d2 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_raynauds.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_raynauds.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Raynaud's syndrome","I73.0","Raynaud's syndrome","Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome"
+Raynaud's syndrome,I73.0,Raynaud's syndrome,Diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_reactive.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_reactive.csv
index bc743e2..3924d4b 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_reactive.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_reactive.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","M02","Reactive arthropathies","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
-"Postinfective and reactive arthropathies","M03","Postinfective and reactive arthropathies in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies"
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,M02,Reactive arthropathies,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
+Postinfective and reactive arthropathies,M03,Postinfective and reactive arthropathies in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Postinfective and reactive arthropathies
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_resp_fail.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_resp_fail.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index e711eca..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_resp_fail.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Respiratory failure","J96","Respiratory failure, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Respiratory failure"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_resp_failure.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_resp_failure.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a86f77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_resp_failure.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Respiratory failure,J96,"Respiratory failure, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Respiratory failure
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_retinal_detach.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_retinal_detach.csv
index 235ec31..2ed9059 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_retinal_detach.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_retinal_detach.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","H33.0","Retinal detachment with retinal break","Diagnosis of Retinal detachments and breaks"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","H33.3","Retinal breaks without detachment","Diagnosis of Retinal detachments and breaks"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","H33.4","Traction detachment of retina","Diagnosis of Retinal detachments and breaks"
-"Retinal detachments and breaks","H33.5","Other retinal detachments","Diagnosis of Retinal detachments and breaks"
+Retinal detachments and breaks,H33.0,Retinal detachment with retinal break,Diagnosis of Retinal detachments and breaks
+Retinal detachments and breaks,H33.3,Retinal breaks without detachment,Diagnosis of Retinal detachments and breaks
+Retinal detachments and breaks,H33.4,Traction detachment of retina,Diagnosis of Retinal detachments and breaks
+Retinal detachments and breaks,H33.5,Other retinal detachments,Diagnosis of Retinal detachments and breaks
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_retinal_vasc_occl.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_retinal_vasc_occl.csv
index 7c4e0e0..2214766 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_retinal_vasc_occl.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_retinal_vasc_occl.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Retinal vascular occlusions","H34","Retinal vascular occlusions","Diagnosis of Retinal vascular occlusions"
+Retinal vascular occlusions,H34,Retinal vascular occlusions,Diagnosis of Retinal vascular occlusions
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_rh_fever.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_rh_fever.csv
index 8b28f5d..24c1444 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_rh_fever.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_rh_fever.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-"Rheumatic fever","I00","Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","I01","Rheumatic fever with heart involvement","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","I02","Rheumatic chorea","Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","I05","Rheumatic mitral valve diseases","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","I06","Rheumatic aortic valve diseases","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","I07","Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases","History of Rheumatic fever"
-"Rheumatic fever","I09","Other rheumatic heart diseases","History of Rheumatic fever"
+Rheumatic fever,I00,Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,I01,Rheumatic fever with heart involvement,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,I02,Rheumatic chorea,Diagnosis of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,I05,Rheumatic mitral valve diseases,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,I06,Rheumatic aortic valve diseases,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,I07,Rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases,History of Rheumatic fever
+Rheumatic fever,I09,Other rheumatic heart diseases,History of Rheumatic fever
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_rhinitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_rhinitis.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index bc45f30..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_rhinitis.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","J30.1","Allergic rhinitis due to pollen","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","J30.2","Other seasonal allergic rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","J30.3","Other allergic rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","J30.4","Allergic rhinitis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
-"Allergic and chronic rhinitis","J31.0","Chronic rhinitis","Diagnosis of Allergic and chronic rhinitis"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_rosacea.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_rosacea.csv
index 6a51efc..b88d7aa 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_rosacea.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_rosacea.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Rosacea","L71.1","Rhinophyma","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
-"Rosacea","L71.8","Other rosacea","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
-"Rosacea","L71.9","Rosacea, unspecified","Diagnosis of Rosacea"
+Rosacea,L71.1,Rhinophyma,Diagnosis of Rosacea
+Rosacea,L71.8,Other rosacea,Diagnosis of Rosacea
+Rosacea,L71.9,"Rosacea, unspecified",Diagnosis of Rosacea
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sarcoid.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sarcoid.csv
index 45fbc3c..1cbe6d2 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sarcoid.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sarcoid.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Sarcoidosis","D86","Sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","G53.2","Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
-"Sarcoidosis","M63.3","Myositis in sarcoidosis","Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis"
+Sarcoidosis,D86,Sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,G53.2,Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
+Sarcoidosis,M63.3,Myositis in sarcoidosis,Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_schizo.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_schizo.csv
index 5754dc1..6e7b8c5 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_schizo.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_schizo.csv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","F20","Schizophrenia","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","F21","Schizotypal disorder","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","F22","Persistent delusional disorders","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","F25","Schizoaffective disorders","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","F28","Other nonorganic psychotic disorders","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
-"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders","F29","Unspecified nonorganic psychosis","Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",F20,Schizophrenia,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",F21,Schizotypal disorder,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",F22,Persistent delusional disorders,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",F25,Schizoaffective disorders,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",F28,Other nonorganic psychotic disorders,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
+"Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders",F29,Unspecified nonorganic psychosis,"Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_scleritis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_scleritis.csv
index ba63ad4..016ebda 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_scleritis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_scleritis.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","H15.0","Scleritis","Diagnosis of scleritis and episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","H15.1","Episcleritis","Diagnosis of scleritis and episcleritis"
-"Scleritis and episcleritis","H19.0","Scleritis and episcleritis in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of scleritis and episcleritis"
+Scleritis and episcleritis,H15.0,Scleritis,Diagnosis of scleritis and episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,H15.1,Episcleritis,Diagnosis of scleritis and episcleritis
+Scleritis and episcleritis,H19.0,Scleritis and episcleritis in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of scleritis and episcleritis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_scoliosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_scoliosis.csv
index 3ceeaa6..2e0ba35 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_scoliosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_scoliosis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Scoliosis","M41","Scoliosis","Diagnosis of Scoliosis"
+Scoliosis,M41,Scoliosis,Diagnosis of Scoliosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_seb_derm.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_seb_derm.csv
index 557a78b..bc3c0c7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_seb_derm.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_seb_derm.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Seborrheic dermatitis","L21","Seborrhoeic dermatitis","Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis"
+Seborrheic dermatitis,L21,Seborrhoeic dermatitis,Diagnosis of Seborrheic dermatitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_LN.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_LN.csv
index 657a1f8..41a9e8f 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_LN.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_LN.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes","C77","Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes"
+Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes,C77,Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lymph Nodes
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_adrenal.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_adrenal.csv
index 4a4a2a5..cc18f57 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_adrenal.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_adrenal.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland","C79.7","Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland"
+Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland,C79.7,Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Adrenal gland
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_bone.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_bone.csv
index f518db0..f28e598 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_bone.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_bone.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bone","C79.5","Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bone"
+Secondary Malignancy_Bone,C79.5,Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bone
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_bowel.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_bowel.csv
index 96b6606..31fdf78 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_bowel.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_bowel.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bowel","C78.4","Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Bowel","C78.5","Secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine and rectum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel"
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,C78.4,Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
+Secondary Malignancy_Bowel,C78.5,Secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine and rectum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Bowel
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_brain.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_brain.csv
index bc9b76b..ea913ad 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_brain.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_brain.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","C79.3","Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and cerebral meninges","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial","C79.4","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of nervous system","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",C79.3,Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and cerebral meninges,"Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
+"Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial",C79.4,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of nervous system,"Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Brain, Other CNS and Intracranial"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_liver.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_liver.csv
index eec5a77..cce923a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_liver.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_liver.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct","C78.7","Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct","Diagnosis of Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct"
+Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct,C78.7,Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct,Diagnosis of Secondary malignancy_Liver and intrahepatic bile duct
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_lung.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_lung.csv
index 2f43d30..260d2ed 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_lung.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_lung.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Secondary Malignancy_Lung","C78.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lung"
+Secondary Malignancy_Lung,C78.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Lung
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_oth_thrombocytopaenia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_oth_thrombocytopaenia.csv
index 65c51e8..17ce3e9 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_oth_thrombocytopaenia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_oth_thrombocytopaenia.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","D69.5","Secondary thrombocytopenia","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","D69.6","Thrombocytopenia, unspecified","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","D82.0","Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
-"Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia","M31.1","Thrombotic microangiopathy","Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia"
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,D69.5,Secondary thrombocytopenia,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,D69.6,"Thrombocytopenia, unspecified",Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,D82.0,Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
+Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia,M31.1,Thrombotic microangiopathy,Diagnosis of Secondary or other Thrombocytopaenia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_other.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_other.csv
index cdf13ad..dafbef6 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_other.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_other.csv
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","C78.1","Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","C78.3","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified respiratory organs","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","C78.8","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified digestive organs","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","C79.0","Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney and renal pelvis","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","C79.1","Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder and other and unspecified urinary organs","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","C79.2","Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","C79.6","Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","C79.8","Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
-"Secondary Malignancy_Other organs","C79.9","Secondary malignant neoplasm, unspecified site","Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs"
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,C78.1,Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,C78.3,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified respiratory organs,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,C78.8,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified digestive organs,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,C79.0,Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney and renal pelvis,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,C79.1,Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder and other and unspecified urinary organs,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,C79.2,Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,C79.6,Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,C79.8,Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites,Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
+Secondary Malignancy_Other organs,C79.9,"Secondary malignant neoplasm, unspecified site",Possible diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Other organs
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_peritoneum.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_peritoneum.csv
index 3aa546d..752e2e2 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_peritoneum.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_peritoneum.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum","C78.6","Secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum"
+Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum,C78.6,Secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_retroperitoneum and peritoneum
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_pleura.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_pleura.csv
index a4f404e..5b1aabe 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_pleura.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_pleura.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Secondary Malignancy_Pleura","C78.2","Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura","Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Pleura"
+Secondary Malignancy_Pleura,C78.2,Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura,Diagnosis of Secondary Malignancy_Pleura
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sec_pulm_htn.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_pulm_htn.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f386d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sec_pulm_htn.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Secondary pulmonary hypertension,I27.2,Other secondary pulmonary hypertension,Diagnosis of secondary pulmonary hypertension
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sepsis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sepsis.csv
index af875a6..9ff056e 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sepsis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sepsis.csv
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-"Septicaemia","A02.1","Salmonella sepsis","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","A20.7","Septicaemic plague","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","A22.7","Anthrax sepsis","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","A26.7","Erysipelothrix sepsis","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","A32.7","Listerial sepsis","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","A39.1","Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","A39.2","Acute meningococcaemia","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","A39.3","Chronic meningococcaemia","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","A39.4","Meningococcaemia, unspecified","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","A40","Streptococcal sepsis","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","A41","Other sepsis","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","A42.7","Actinomycotic sepsis","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","B37.7","Candidal sepsis","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
-"Septicaemia","P36","Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Diagnosis of Septicaemia"
+Septicaemia,A02.1,Salmonella sepsis,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,A20.7,Septicaemic plague,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,A22.7,Anthrax sepsis,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,A26.7,Erysipelothrix sepsis,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,A32.7,Listerial sepsis,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,A39.1,Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,A39.2,Acute meningococcaemia,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,A39.3,Chronic meningococcaemia,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,A39.4,"Meningococcaemia, unspecified",Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,A40,Streptococcal sepsis,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,A41,Other sepsis,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,A42.7,Actinomycotic sepsis,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,B37.7,Candidal sepsis,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
+Septicaemia,P36,Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Diagnosis of Septicaemia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sepsis_newborn.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sepsis_newborn.csv
index 42c08dc..7ceb798 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sepsis_newborn.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sepsis_newborn.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Bacterial sepsis of newborn","P36","Bacterial sepsis of newborn","Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn"
+Bacterial sepsis of newborn,P36,Bacterial sepsis of newborn,Diagnosis of Bacterial sepsis of newborn
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sick_sinus.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sick_sinus.csv
index 6a38a68..5bcc47a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sick_sinus.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sick_sinus.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Sick sinus syndrome","I49.5","Sick sinus syndrome","Diagnosis of Sick sinus syndrome"
+Sick sinus syndrome,I49.5,Sick sinus syndrome,Diagnosis of Sick sinus syndrome
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sickle_cell.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sickle_cell.csv
index bdc5323..ce8fbfe 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sickle_cell.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sickle_cell.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D57.0","Sickle-cell anaemia with crisis","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D57.1","Sickle-cell anaemia without crisis","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D57.2","Double heterozygous sickling disorders","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
-"Sickle-cell anaemia","D57.8","Other sickle-cell disorders","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia"
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D57.0,Sickle-cell anaemia with crisis,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D57.1,Sickle-cell anaemia without crisis,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D57.2,Double heterozygous sickling disorders,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
+Sickle-cell anaemia,D57.8,Other sickle-cell disorders,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell anaemia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sickle_trait.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sickle_trait.csv
index 45c64b6..5a45736 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sickle_trait.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sickle_trait.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Sickle-cell trait","D57.3","Sickle-cell trait","Diagnosis of Sickle-cell trait"
+Sickle-cell trait,D57.3,Sickle-cell trait,Diagnosis of Sickle-cell trait
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sinusitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sinusitis.csv
index ec4ba4a..e677e73 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sinusitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sinusitis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Chronic sinusitis","J32","Chronic sinusitis","Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis"
+Chronic sinusitis,J32,Chronic sinusitis,Diagnosis of Chronic sinusitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sjogren.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sjogren.csv
index 4850d20..0d29d8a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sjogren.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sjogren.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Sjogren's disease","M35.0","Sicca syndrome [Sjögren]","Diagnosis of Sjogren's disease"
+Sjogren's disease,M35.0,Sicca syndrome [Sjögren],Diagnosis of Sjogren's disease
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_skin.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_skin.csv
index 902b619..d27d1be 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_skin.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_skin.csv
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A06.7","Cutaneous amoebiasis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A18.4","Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A20.1","Cellulocutaneous plague","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A21.0","Ulceroglandular tularaemia","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A22.0","Cutaneous anthrax","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A26.0","Cutaneous erysipeloid","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A31.1","Cutaneous mycobacterial infection","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A32.0","Cutaneous listeriosis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A36.3","Cutaneous diphtheria","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A43.1","Cutaneous nocardiosis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A46","Erysipelas","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","A51.3","Secondary syphilis of skin and mucous membranes","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B00.0","Eczema herpeticum","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B00.1","Herpesviral vesicular dermatitis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B07","Viral warts","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B08","Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B09","Unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B35","Dermatophytosis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B36","Other superficial mycoses","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B37.2","Candidiasis of skin and nail","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B38.3","Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B40.3","Cutaneous blastomycosis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B42.1","Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B43.0","Cutaneous chromomycosis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B43.2","Subcutaneous phaeomycotic abscess and cyst","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B45.2","Cutaneous cryptococcosis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B46.3","Cutaneous mucormycosis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B55.1","Cutaneous leishmaniasis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B78.1","Cutaneous strongyloidiasis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B85","Pediculosis and phthiriasis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B86","Scabies","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B87.0","Cutaneous myiasis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B87.1","Wound myiasis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","B88","Other infestations","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","L00","Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","L01","Impetigo","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","L02","Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","L03","Cellulitis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","L05.0","Pilonidal cyst with abscess","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","L08","Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","L30.3","Infective dermatitis","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","P38","Omphalitis of newborn with or without mild haemorrhage","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
-"Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues","P39.4","Neonatal skin infection","Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues"
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A06.7,Cutaneous amoebiasis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A18.4,Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A20.1,Cellulocutaneous plague,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A21.0,Ulceroglandular tularaemia,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A22.0,Cutaneous anthrax,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A26.0,Cutaneous erysipeloid,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A31.1,Cutaneous mycobacterial infection,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A32.0,Cutaneous listeriosis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A36.3,Cutaneous diphtheria,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A43.1,Cutaneous nocardiosis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A46,Erysipelas,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,A51.3,Secondary syphilis of skin and mucous membranes,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B00.0,Eczema herpeticum,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B00.1,Herpesviral vesicular dermatitis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B07,Viral warts,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B08,"Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B09,Unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B35,Dermatophytosis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B36,Other superficial mycoses,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B37.2,Candidiasis of skin and nail,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B38.3,Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B40.3,Cutaneous blastomycosis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B42.1,Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B43.0,Cutaneous chromomycosis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B43.2,Subcutaneous phaeomycotic abscess and cyst,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B45.2,Cutaneous cryptococcosis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B46.3,Cutaneous mucormycosis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B55.1,Cutaneous leishmaniasis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B78.1,Cutaneous strongyloidiasis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B85,Pediculosis and phthiriasis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B86,Scabies,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B87.0,Cutaneous myiasis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B87.1,Wound myiasis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,B88,Other infestations,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,L00,Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,L01,Impetigo,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,L02,"Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle",Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,L03,Cellulitis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,L05.0,Pilonidal cyst with abscess,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,L08,Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,L30.3,Infective dermatitis,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,P38,Omphalitis of newborn with or without mild haemorrhage,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
+Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues,P39.4,Neonatal skin infection,Diagnosis of Infection of skin and subcutaneous tissues
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sleep_apnoea.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sleep_apnoea.csv
index 852ca29..a601450 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sleep_apnoea.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sleep_apnoea.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Sleep apnoea","G47.3","Sleep apnoea","Diagnosis of sleep apnoea"
+Sleep apnoea,G47.3,Sleep apnoea,Diagnosis of sleep apnoea
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_spina_bifida.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_spina_bifida.csv
index 3efcba4..c5ef172 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_spina_bifida.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_spina_bifida.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Spina bifida","Q05","Spina bifida","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
-"Spina bifida","Q76.0","Spina bifida occulta","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
+Spina bifida,Q05,Spina bifida,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
+Spina bifida,Q76.0,Spina bifida occulta,Diagnosis of Spina bifida
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_spinal_stenosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_spinal_stenosis.csv
index 5fadbbb..4230b7a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_spinal_stenosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_spinal_stenosis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Spinal stenosis","M48.0","Spinal stenosis","Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis"
+Spinal stenosis,M48.0,Spinal stenosis,Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_splenomegaly.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_splenomegaly.csv
index 2a89f52..368a89a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_splenomegaly.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_splenomegaly.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Splenomegaly","D73.1","Hypersplenism","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
-"Splenomegaly","D73.2","Chronic congestive splenomegaly","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
-"Splenomegaly","R16.1","Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
-"Splenomegaly","R16.2","Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Splenomegaly"
+Splenomegaly,D73.1,Hypersplenism,Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
+Splenomegaly,D73.2,Chronic congestive splenomegaly,Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
+Splenomegaly,R16.1,"Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
+Splenomegaly,R16.2,"Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Splenomegaly
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_spondylolisthesis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_spondylolisthesis.csv
index 21c29e2..877e45d 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_spondylolisthesis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_spondylolisthesis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Spondylolisthesis","M43.1","Spondylolisthesis","Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis"
+Spondylolisthesis,M43.1,Spondylolisthesis,Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_spondylosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_spondylosis.csv
index 2d74a45..d87696c 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_spondylosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_spondylosis.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"Spondylosis","M47.1","Other spondylosis with myelopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","M47.2","Other spondylosis with radiculopathy","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","M47.8","Other spondylosis","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
-"Spondylosis","M47.9","Spondylosis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Spondylosis"
+Spondylosis,M47.1,Other spondylosis with myelopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,M47.2,Other spondylosis with radiculopathy,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,M47.8,Other spondylosis,Diagnosis of Spondylosis
+Spondylosis,M47.9,"Spondylosis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Spondylosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_stable_angina.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_stable_angina.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e41ec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_stable_angina.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Stable angina,I20.1,Angina pectoris with documented spasm,Stable angina admission (4)
+Stable angina,I20.8,Other forms of angina pectoris,Stable angina admission (4)
+Stable angina,I20.9,"Angina pectoris, unspecified",Stable angina admission (4)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_subdural.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_subdural.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index cf27d90..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_subdural.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic)","I62.0","Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic)","Diagnosis of Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic)"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_subdural_haem.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_subdural_haem.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..967ec3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_subdural_haem.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic,I62.0,Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic),Diagnosis of Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_substance_misuse.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_substance_misuse.csv
index 948be24..b0fab7b 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_substance_misuse.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_substance_misuse.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","F11","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","F12","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","F13","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","F14","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","F15","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","F16","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of hallucinogens","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","F18","Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of volatile solvents","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
-"Other psychoactive substance misuse","F19","Mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances","Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse"
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,F11,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,F12,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,F13,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,F14,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,F15,"Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine",Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,F16,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of hallucinogens,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,F18,Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of volatile solvents,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
+Other psychoactive substance misuse,F19,Mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances,Diagnosis of Other psychoactive substance misuse
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_svt.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_svt.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index cba4bb5..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_svt.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Supraventricular tachycardia","I47.1","Supraventricular tachycardia","Diagnosis of Supraventricular tachycardia"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_sys_sclerosis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_sys_sclerosis.csv
index 2c55326..49ebdb8 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_sys_sclerosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_sys_sclerosis.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Systemic sclerosis","M34","Systemic sclerosis","Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis"
+Systemic sclerosis,M34,Systemic sclerosis,Diagnosis of Systemic sclerosis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_thal.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_thal.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 978107c..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_thal.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"Thalassaemia","D56.0","Alpha thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D56.1","Beta thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D56.2","Delta-beta thalassaemia","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D56.8","Other thalassaemias","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
-"Thalassaemia","D56.9","Thalassaemia, unspecified","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_thal_trait.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_thal_trait.csv
index 20ff85f..6afba54 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_thal_trait.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_thal_trait.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Thalassaemia trait","D56.3","Thalassaemia trait","Diagnosis of Thalassaemia trait"
+Thalassaemia trait,D56.3,Thalassaemia trait,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia trait
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_thala.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_thala.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d92fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_thala.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Thalassaemia,D56.0,Alpha thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D56.1,Beta thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D56.2,Delta-beta thalassaemia,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D56.8,Other thalassaemias,Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
+Thalassaemia,D56.9,"Thalassaemia, unspecified",Diagnosis of Thalassaemia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_thrombophilia.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_thrombophilia.csv
index 7d26ad4..0fc6cdd 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_thrombophilia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_thrombophilia.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-"Thrombophilia","D68.5","Primary Thrombophilia","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
-"Thrombophilia","D68.6","Other Thrombophilia","Diagnosis of Thrombophilia"
+Thrombophilia,D68.5,Primary Thrombophilia,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
+Thrombophilia,D68.6,Other Thrombophilia,Diagnosis of Thrombophilia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_thyroid.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_thyroid.csv
index f74e117..ecb95ae 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_thyroid.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_thyroid.csv
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E03.5","Myxoedema coma","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E03.8","Other specified hypothyroidism","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E03.9","Hypothyroidism, unspecified","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E05.0","Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goitre","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E05.1","Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E05.2","Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goitre","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E05.5","Thyroid crisis or storm","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E05.8","Other thyrotoxicosis","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E05.9","Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E06.2","Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E06.3","Autoimmune thyroiditis","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E06.5","Other chronic thyroiditis","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","E06.9","Thyroiditis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
-"Hypo or hyperthyroidism","H06.2","Dysthyroid exophthalmos","Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism"
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E03.5,Myxoedema coma,Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E03.8,Other specified hypothyroidism,Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E03.9,"Hypothyroidism, unspecified",Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E05.0,Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goitre,Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E05.1,Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule,Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E05.2,Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goitre,Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E05.5,Thyroid crisis or storm,Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E05.8,Other thyrotoxicosis,Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E05.9,"Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E06.2,Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis,Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E06.3,Autoimmune thyroiditis,Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E06.5,Other chronic thyroiditis,Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,E06.9,"Thyroiditis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
+Hypo or hyperthyroidism,H06.2,Dysthyroid exophthalmos,Diagnosis of Hypo or hyperthyroidism
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_tinnitus.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_tinnitus.csv
index e7dd961..54bdabe 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_tinnitus.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_tinnitus.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Tinnitus","H93.1","Tinnitus","Diagnosis of Tinnitus"
+Tinnitus,H93.1,Tinnitus,Diagnosis of Tinnitus
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_trifasc_block.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_trifasc_block.csv
index 3b24212..82c5709 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_trifasc_block.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_trifasc_block.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Trifascicular block","I45.3","Trifascicular block","Diagnosis of Trifascicular block"
+Trifascicular block,I45.3,Trifascicular block,Diagnosis of Trifascicular block
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_trigem_neur.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_trigem_neur.csv
index 1ce8950..50fa8f7 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_trigem_neur.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_trigem_neur.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Trigeminal neuralgia","G50.0","Trigeminal neuralgia","Diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia"
+Trigeminal neuralgia,G50.0,Trigeminal neuralgia,Diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ulc_col.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ulc_col.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a49d29..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_ulc_col.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Ulcerative colitis","K51","Ulcerative colitis","Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ulc_colitis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ulc_colitis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bcea97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_ulc_colitis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Ulcerative colitis,K51,Ulcerative colitis,Diagnosis of Ulcerative colitis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_ulcer_peptic.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_ulcer_peptic.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..732ad7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_ulcer_peptic.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Peptic ulcer disease,K25,Gastric ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,K26,Duodenal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,K27,"Peptic ulcer, site unspecified",Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
+Peptic ulcer disease,K28,Gastrojejunal ulcer,Diagnosis of Peptic ulcer disease
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_undesc_testis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_undesc_testis.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index d773142..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_undesc_testis.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Undescended testicle","Q53","Undescended testicle","Diagnosis of Undescended testicle"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_undescended_testis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_undescended_testis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..707aa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_undescended_testis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Undescended testicle,Q53,Undescended testicle,Diagnosis of Undescended testicle
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_unstable_angina.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_unstable_angina.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccd8d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_unstable_angina.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Unstable Angina,I20.0,Unstable angina,yes (1)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_uri_incont.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_uri_incont.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index ef47721..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_uri_incont.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-"Urinary Incontinence","N39.3","Stress incontinence","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
-"Urinary Incontinence","N39.4","Other specified urinary incontinence","Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_urine_incont.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_urine_incont.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3609926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_urine_incont.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Urinary Incontinence,N39.3,Stress incontinence,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
+Urinary Incontinence,N39.4,Other specified urinary incontinence,Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_urolithiasis.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_urolithiasis.csv
index 7682f77..dd5fbce 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_urolithiasis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_urolithiasis.csv
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-"Urolithiasis","N13.2","Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","N20.0","Calculus of kidney","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","N20.1","Calculus of ureter","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","N20.2","Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","N20.9","Urinary calculus, unspecified","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","N21.0","Calculus in bladder","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","N21.1","Calculus in urethra","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","N21.8","Other lower urinary tract calculus","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","N21.9","Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","N22.8","Calculus of urinary tract in other diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
-"Urolithiasis","N23.X","Unspecified renal colic","Diagnosis of Urolithiasis"
+Urolithiasis,N13.2,Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,N20.0,Calculus of kidney,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,N20.1,Calculus of ureter,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,N20.2,Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,N20.9,"Urinary calculus, unspecified",Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,N21.0,Calculus in bladder,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,N21.1,Calculus in urethra,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,N21.8,Other lower urinary tract calculus,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,N21.9,"Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified",Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,N22.8,Calculus of urinary tract in other diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
+Urolithiasis,N23.X,Unspecified renal colic,Diagnosis of Urolithiasis
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_urticaria.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_urticaria.csv
index 789243c..dcb4a66 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_urticaria.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_urticaria.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Urticaria","L50","Urticaria","Diagnosis of Urticaria"
+Urticaria,L50,Urticaria,Diagnosis of Urticaria
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_uti.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_uti.csv
index 3369942..c01d40e 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_uti.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_uti.csv
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N08.0","Glomerular disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N10","Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N13.6","Pyonephrosis","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N15.1","Renal and perinephric abscess","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N16.0","Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N29.0","Late syphilis of kidney","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N29.1","Other disorders of kidney and ureter in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N30.0","Acute cystitis","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N30.9","Cystitis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N33.0","Tuberculous cystitis","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N34","Urethritis and urethral syndrome","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N37.0","Urethritis in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
-"Urinary Tract Infections","N39.0","Urinary tract infection, site not specified","Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections"
+Urinary Tract Infections,N08.0,Glomerular disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N10,Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis,Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N13.6,Pyonephrosis,Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N15.1,Renal and perinephric abscess,Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N16.0,Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N29.0,Late syphilis of kidney,Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N29.1,Other disorders of kidney and ureter in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N30.0,Acute cystitis,Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N30.9,"Cystitis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N33.0,Tuberculous cystitis,Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N34,Urethritis and urethral syndrome,Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N37.0,Urethritis in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
+Urinary Tract Infections,N39.0,"Urinary tract infection, site not specified",Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_varices.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_varices.csv
index 9fd572b..2feba33 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_varices.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_varices.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Oesophageal varices","I85","Oesophageal varices","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","I98.2","Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
-"Oesophageal varices","I98.3","Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices"
+Oesophageal varices,I85,Oesophageal varices,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,I98.2,Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
+Oesophageal varices,I98.3,Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Oesophageal varices
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_viral.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_viral.csv
index d8b8962..11134b0 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_viral.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_viral.csv
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A08.0","Rotaviral enteritis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A08.1","Acute gastroenteropathy due to Norwalk agent","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A08.2","Adenoviral enteritis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A08.3","Other viral enteritis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A08.4","Viral intestinal infection, unspecified","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A60","Anogenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A63.0","Anogenital (venereal) warts","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A80","Acute poliomyelitis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A81.1","Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis","History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A81.2","Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A82","Rabies","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A83","Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A84","Tick-borne viral encephalitis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A85","Other viral encephalitis, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A86","Unspecified viral encephalitis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A87","Viral meningitis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A88","Other viral infections of central nervous system, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A89","Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A90","Dengue fever [classical dengue]","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A91","Dengue haemorrhagic fever","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A92","Other mosquito-borne viral fevers","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A93","Other arthropod-borne viral fevers, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A94","Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A95","Yellow fever","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A96","Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A98","Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","A99","Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B00","Herpesviral [herpes simplex] infections","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B01","Varicella [chickenpox]","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B02","Zoster [herpes zoster]","History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B05","Measles","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B06","Rubella [German measles]","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B07","Viral warts","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B08","Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B09","Unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B15","Acute hepatitis A","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B16","Acute hepatitis B","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B17","Other acute viral hepatitis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B19","Unspecified viral hepatitis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B20.2","HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B20.3","HIV disease resulting in other viral infections","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B25","Cytomegaloviral disease","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B26","Mumps","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B27","Infectious mononucleosis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B30","Viral conjunctivitis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B33","Other viral diseases, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B34","Viral infection of unspecified site","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B91","Sequelae of poliomyelitis","History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B94.1","Sequelae of viral encephalitis","History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B94.2","Sequelae of viral hepatitis","History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","B97","Viral agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","G02.0","Meningitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","G04.1","Tropical spastic paraplegia","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","G05.1","Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","G53.0","Postzoster neuralgia","History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","H19.1","Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","H62.1","Otitis externa in viral diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","H67.1","Otitis media in viral diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","I41.1","Myocarditis in viral diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J09","Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J10","Influenza due to other identified influenza virus","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J11","Influenza, virus not identified","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J12","Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J17.1","Pneumonia in viral diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J20.3","Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J20.4","Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J20.5","Acute bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J20.6","Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J20.7","Acute bronchitis due to echovirus","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J21.0","Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J21.1","Acute bronchiolitis due to human metapneumovirus","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J21.8","Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","J21.9","Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","M01.4","Rubella arthritis","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","M01.5","Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","M89.6","Osteopathy after poliomyelitis","History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","P23.0","Congenital pneumonia due to viral agent","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
-"Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)","P35","Congenital viral diseases","Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)"
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A08.0,Rotaviral enteritis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A08.1,Acute gastroenteropathy due to Norwalk agent,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A08.2,Adenoviral enteritis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A08.3,Other viral enteritis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A08.4,"Viral intestinal infection, unspecified",Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A60,Anogenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A63.0,Anogenital (venereal) warts,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A80,Acute poliomyelitis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A81.1,Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis,History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A81.2,Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A82,Rabies,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A83,Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A84,Tick-borne viral encephalitis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A85,"Other viral encephalitis, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A86,Unspecified viral encephalitis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A87,Viral meningitis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A88,"Other viral infections of central nervous system, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A89,Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A90,Dengue fever [classical dengue],Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A91,Dengue haemorrhagic fever,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A92,Other mosquito-borne viral fevers,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A93,"Other arthropod-borne viral fevers, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A94,Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A95,Yellow fever,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A96,Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A98,"Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),A99,Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B00,Herpesviral [herpes simplex] infections,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B01,Varicella [chickenpox],Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B02,Zoster [herpes zoster],History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B05,Measles,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B06,Rubella [German measles],Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B07,Viral warts,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B08,"Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B09,Unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B15,Acute hepatitis A,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B16,Acute hepatitis B,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B17,Other acute viral hepatitis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B19,Unspecified viral hepatitis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B20.2,HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B20.3,HIV disease resulting in other viral infections,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B25,Cytomegaloviral disease,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B26,Mumps,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B27,Infectious mononucleosis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B30,Viral conjunctivitis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B33,"Other viral diseases, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B34,Viral infection of unspecified site,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B91,Sequelae of poliomyelitis,History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B94.1,Sequelae of viral encephalitis,History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B94.2,Sequelae of viral hepatitis,History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),B97,Viral agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),G02.0,Meningitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),G04.1,Tropical spastic paraplegia,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),G05.1,"Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere",Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),G53.0,Postzoster neuralgia,History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),H19.1,Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),H62.1,Otitis externa in viral diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),H67.1,Otitis media in viral diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),I41.1,Myocarditis in viral diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J09,Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J10,Influenza due to other identified influenza virus,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J11,"Influenza, virus not identified",Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J12,"Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified",Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J17.1,Pneumonia in viral diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J20.3,Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J20.4,Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J20.5,Acute bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J20.6,Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J20.7,Acute bronchitis due to echovirus,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J21.0,Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J21.1,Acute bronchiolitis due to human metapneumovirus,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J21.8,Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),J21.9,"Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified",Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),M01.4,Rubella arthritis,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),M01.5,Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),M89.6,Osteopathy after poliomyelitis,History of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),P23.0,Congenital pneumonia due to viral agent,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
+Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV),P35,Congenital viral diseases,Diagnosis of Viral diseases (excl chronic hepatitis/HIV)
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_vitiligo.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_vitiligo.csv
index 801a1cf..b84f92a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_vitiligo.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_vitiligo.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Vitiligo","L80","Vitiligo","Diagnosis of Vitiligo"
+Vitiligo,L80,Vitiligo,Diagnosis of Vitiligo
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_volvulus.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_volvulus.csv
index 5c9d9f9..39a573d 100644
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_volvulus.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_volvulus.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-"Volvulus","K56.2","Volvulus","Diagnosis of Volvulus"
+Volvulus,K56.2,Volvulus,Diagnosis of Volvulus
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_vt.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_vt.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 9797d74..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_vt.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-"Ventricular tachycardia","I47.2","Ventricular tachycardia","Diagnosis of Ventricular tachycardia"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_vte_exPe.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_vte_exPe.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 349219e..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/ICD_vte_exPe.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","I80.1","Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of femoral vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","I80.2","Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other deep vessels of lower extremities","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","I63.6","Cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","I67.6","Nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous system","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","I81","Portal vein thrombosis","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","I82.0","Budd-Chiari syndrome","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","I82.2","Embolism and thrombosis of vena cava","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
-"Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)","I82.3","Embolism and thrombosis of renal vein","Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)"
diff --git a/secondary_care/ICD_vte_ex_pe.csv b/secondary_care/ICD_vte_ex_pe.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12b432e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/ICD_vte_ex_pe.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),I80.1,Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of femoral vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),I80.2,Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other deep vessels of lower extremities,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),I63.6,"Cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic",Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),I67.6,Nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous system,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),I81,Portal vein thrombosis,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),I82.0,Budd-Chiari syndrome,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),I82.2,Embolism and thrombosis of vena cava,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
+Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE),I82.3,Embolism and thrombosis of renal vein,Diagnosis of Venous thromboembolic disease (Excl PE)
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_ESRD.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_ESRD.csv
index 516f79e..6b06898 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_ESRD.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_ESRD.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"End stage renal disease","L74.6","Creation of graft fistula for dialysis","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
"End stage renal disease","M01.1","Autotransplantation of kidney","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
"End stage renal disease","M01.2","Allotransplantation of kidney from live donor","Procedure for End stage renal disease"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_GORD.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_GORD.csv
index 2cf7a1e..ea16d54 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_GORD.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_GORD.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","G24","Antireflux operations","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","G24.1","Antireflux fundoplication using thoracic approach","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
"Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease","G24.2","Antireflux operation using thoracic approach NEC","Procedure for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_pda.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_PDA.csv
similarity index 95%
rename from secondary_care/OPCS_pda.csv
rename to secondary_care/OPCS_PDA.csv
index 3d17191..b8d9b10 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_pda.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_PDA.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Patent ductus arteriosus","L02","Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus","Diagnosis of Patent ductus arteriosus"
"Patent ductus arteriosus","L02.1","Division of patent ductus arteriosus","Diagnosis of Patent ductus arteriosus"
"Patent ductus arteriosus","L02.2","Ligature of patent ductus arteriosus","Diagnosis of Patent ductus arteriosus"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_anal_fissure.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_anal_fissure.csv
index 00da7a3..2ac53ba 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_anal_fissure.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_anal_fissure.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
"Anal fissure","H56.4","Excision of anal fissure","Procedure for Anal fissure"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_ano_fistula.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_anorectal_fistula.csv
similarity index 92%
rename from secondary_care/OPCS_ano_fistula.csv
rename to secondary_care/OPCS_anorectal_fistula.csv
index 8a19550..9656dad 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_ano_fistula.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_anorectal_fistula.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Anorectal fistula","H55.1","Laying open of low anal fistula","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
"Anorectal fistula","H55.2","Laying open of high anal fistula","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
"Anorectal fistula","H55.3","Laying open of anal fistula NEC","Procedure for Anorectal fistula"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_anorect_prolapse.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_anorectal_prolapse.csv
similarity index 96%
rename from secondary_care/OPCS_anorect_prolapse.csv
rename to secondary_care/OPCS_anorectal_prolapse.csv
index 7695031..06abedd 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_anorect_prolapse.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_anorectal_prolapse.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Anorectal prolapse","H36","Other abdominal operations for prolapse of rectum","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
"Anorectal prolapse","H36.1","Abdominal repair of levator ani muscles","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
"Anorectal prolapse","H36.8","Other specified other abdominal operations for prolapse of rectum","Procedure for Anorectal prolapse"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_Appendicitis.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_appendicitis.csv
similarity index 95%
rename from secondary_care/OPCS_Appendicitis.csv
rename to secondary_care/OPCS_appendicitis.csv
index 8e129ea..132b836 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_Appendicitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_appendicitis.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Appendicitis","H01","Emergency excision of appendix","Procedure for Appendicitis"
"Appendicitis","H01.1","Emergency excision of abnormal appendix and drainage HFQ","Procedure for Appendicitis"
"Appendicitis","H01.2","Emergency excision of abnormal appendix NEC","Procedure for Appendicitis"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_carpal_tunnel.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_carpal_tunnel.csv
index 5b36060..d6b9a66 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_carpal_tunnel.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_carpal_tunnel.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
"Carpal tunnel syndrome","A65.1","Carpal tunnel release","Procedure for Carpal tunnel syndrome"
"Carpal tunnel syndrome","A69.2","Revision of carpal tunnel release","Procedure for Carpal tunnel syndrome"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_cataract.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_cataract.csv
index 2dc05e9..1fbe7fb 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_cataract.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_cataract.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Cataract","C71.1","Simple linear extraction of lens","Procedure for Cataract"
"Cataract","C71.2","Phacoemulsification of lens","Procedure for Cataract"
"Cataract","C71.3","Aspiration of lens","Procedure for Cataract"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_collased_vert.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_collapsed_vert.csv
similarity index 93%
rename from secondary_care/OPCS_collased_vert.csv
rename to secondary_care/OPCS_collapsed_vert.csv
index d75a48d..c1fd1bf 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_collased_vert.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_collapsed_vert.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Collapsed vertebra","V44","Decompression of fracture of spine","Procedure for Collapsed vertebra"
"Collapsed vertebra","V44.1","Complex decompression of fracture of spine","Procedure for Collapsed vertebra"
"Collapsed vertebra","V44.2","Anterior decompression of fracture of spine","Procedure for Collapsed vertebra"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_congenital_septal.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_congenital_septal.csv
index 464f187..70711c6 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_congenital_septal.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_congenital_septal.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","K04","Repair of tetralogy of Fallot","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","K04.1","Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using valved right ventricular outflow conduit","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
"Congenital malformations of cardiac septa","K04.2","Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using right ventricular outflow conduit NEC","Procedure for Congenital malformations of cardiac septa"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_diverticuli.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_diverticuli.csv
index cfd4003..2ba8d61 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_diverticuli.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_diverticuli.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
"Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)","H12.1","Excision of diverticulum of colon","Procedure for Diverticular disease of intestine (acute and chronic)"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_fibromatosis.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_fibromatosis.csv
index 8cad785..0f24b01 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_fibromatosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_fibromatosis.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Fibromatoses","T52.1","Palmar fasciectomy","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
"Fibromatoses","T52.2","Revision of palmar fasciectomy","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
"Fibromatoses","T54.1","Division of palmar fascia","Procedure for Fibromatoses"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_fracture_hip.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_fracture_hip.csv
index e976d75..c6c1779 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_fracture_hip.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_fracture_hip.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"Fracture of the hip","W19.1","Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using pin and plate","Procedure for Fracture of the hip"
-"Fracture of the hip","W24.1","Closed reduction of intracapsular fracture of neck of femur and fixation using nail or screw","Procedure for Fracture of the hip"
-"Fracture of the hip","O17.1","Remanipulation of intracapsular fracture of neck of femur and fixation using nail or screw","Procedure for Fracture of the hip"
+"Fracture of hip","W19.1","Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using pin and plate","Procedure for Fracture of the hip"
+"Fracture of hip","W24.1","Closed reduction of intracapsular fracture of neck of femur and fixation using nail or screw","Procedure for Fracture of the hip"
+"Fracture of hip","O17.1","Remanipulation of intracapsular fracture of neck of femur and fixation using nail or screw","Procedure for Fracture of the hip"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_glaucoma.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_glaucoma.csv
index e30c2e5..36e486a 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_glaucoma.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_glaucoma.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Glaucoma","C60.1","Trabeculectomy","Procedure for glaucoma"
"Glaucoma","C60.2","Inclusion of iris","Procedure for glaucoma"
"Glaucoma","C60.3","Fixation of iris","Procedure for glaucoma"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_abdo_hernia.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_hernia_abdo.csv
similarity index 98%
rename from secondary_care/OPCS_abdo_hernia.csv
rename to secondary_care/OPCS_hernia_abdo.csv
index 7baaaef..060a4ec 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_abdo_hernia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_hernia_abdo.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Abdominal Hernia","T19","Simple excision of inguinal hernial sac","Procedure for Abdominal Hernia"
"Abdominal Hernia","T19.1","Bilateral herniotomy","Procedure for Abdominal Hernia"
"Abdominal Hernia","T19.2","Unilateral herniotomy","Procedure for Abdominal Hernia"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_diaphr_hernia.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_hernia_diaphragm.csv
similarity index 93%
rename from secondary_care/OPCS_diaphr_hernia.csv
rename to secondary_care/OPCS_hernia_diaphragm.csv
index 7f360b5..c6d99ec 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_diaphr_hernia.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_hernia_diaphragm.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Diaphragmatic hernia","G23","Repair of diaphragmatic hernia","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
"Diaphragmatic hernia","G23.1","Repair of oesophageal hiatus using thoracic approach","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
"Diaphragmatic hernia","G23.2","Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using thoracic approach NEC","Procedure for Diaphragmatic hernia"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_intervert_disc.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_intervert_disc.csv
index 0e27e79..b518282 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_intervert_disc.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_intervert_disc.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Intervertebral disc disorders","V29","Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
"Intervertebral disc disorders","V29.1","Primary laminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
"Intervertebral disc disorders","V29.2","Primary hemilaminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc","Procedure for Intervertebral disc disorders"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..989bb15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_peripheral_arterial_disease.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Peripheral arterial disease,L50,Other emergency bypass of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L50.1,Emergency bypass of common iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to common iliac artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L50.2,Emergency bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to external iliac artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L50.3,Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to common femoral artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L50.4,Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to deep femoral artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L50.5,Emergency bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of iliac artery to iliac artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L50.6,Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to femoral artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L50.8,Other specified other emergency bypass of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L50.9,Unspecified other emergency bypass of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L51,Other bypass of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L51.1,Bypass of common iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to common iliac artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L51.2,Bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to external iliac artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L51.3,Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to common femoral artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L51.4,Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to deep femoral artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L51.5,Bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of iliac artery to iliac artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L51.6,Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to femoral artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L51.8,Other specified other bypass of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L51.9,Unspecified other bypass of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L52,Reconstruction of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L52.1,Endarterectomy of iliac artery and patch repair of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L52.2,Endarterectomy of iliac artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L52.8,Other specified reconstruction of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L52.9,Unspecified reconstruction of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L53,Other open operations on iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L53.1,Repair of iliac artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L53.2,Open embolectomy of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L54.1,Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L54.2,Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L54.4,Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L54.8,Other specified transluminal operations on iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L54.9,Unspecified transluminal operations on iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L58,Other emergency bypass of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L58.1,Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L58.2,Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using prosthesis NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L58.3,Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using vein graft NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L58.4,Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using prosthesis NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L58.5,Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using vein graft NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L58.6,Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using prosthesis NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L58.7,Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using vein graft NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L58.8,Other specified other emergency bypass of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L58.9,Unspecified other emergency bypass of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L59,Other bypass of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L59.1,Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L59.2,Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using prosthesis NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L59.3,Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using vein graft NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L59.4,Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using prosthesis NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L59.5,Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using vein graft NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L59.6,Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using prosthesis NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L59.7,Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using vein graft NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L59.8,Other specified other bypass of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L59.9,Unspecified other bypass of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L60,Reconstruction of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L60.1,Endarterectomy of femoral artery and patch repair of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L60.2,Endarterectomy of femoral artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L60.3,Profundoplasty of femoral artery and patch repair of deep femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L60.4,Profundoplasty of femoral artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L60.8,Other specified reconstruction of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L60.9,Unspecified reconstruction of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L62,Other open operations on femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L62.1,Repair of femoral artery NEC,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L62.2,Open embolectomy of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L62.8,Other specified other open operations on femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L62.9,Unspecified other open operations on femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L63.1,Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L63.2,Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L63.3,Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L63.5,Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L65,Revision of reconstruction of artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L65.1,Revision of reconstruction involving aorta,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L65.2,Revision of reconstruction involving iliac artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
+Peripheral arterial disease,L65.3,Revision of reconstruction involving femoral artery,PAD procedure performed (3)
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_Peritonitis.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_peritonitis.csv
similarity index 92%
rename from secondary_care/OPCS_Peritonitis.csv
rename to secondary_care/OPCS_peritonitis.csv
index ae78e26..3533584 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_Peritonitis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_peritonitis.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Peritonitis","G35.1","Closure of perforated ulcer of stomach","Procedure for Peritonitis"
"Peritonitis","G36.2","Closure of perforation of stomach NEC","Procedure for Peritonitis"
"Peritonitis","G41.2","Repair of perforation of pylorus","Procedure for Peritonitis"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_pilonidal.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_pilonidal.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6a6b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_pilonidal.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H59.1","Excision of pilonidal sinus and Z plasty skin flap HFQ","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H59.2","Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin flap NEC","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H59.3","Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin graft HFQ","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H59.4","Excision of pilonidal sinus and suture HFQ","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H59.8","Other specified excision of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H59.9","Unspecified excision of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H60.1","Destruction of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H60.2","Laying open of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H60.3","Drainage of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H60.4","Injection of radiocontrast substance into pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H60.8","Other specified other operations on pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
+"Pilonidal cyst/sinus","H60.9","Unspecified other operations on pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_pilonidalcyst.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_pilonidalcyst.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eb11bf..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_pilonidalcyst.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-"Pilonidal cyst","H59.1","Excision of pilonidal sinus and Z plasty skin flap HFQ","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
-"Pilonidal cyst","H59.2","Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin flap NEC","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
-"Pilonidal cyst","H59.3","Excision of pilonidal sinus and skin graft HFQ","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
-"Pilonidal cyst","H59.4","Excision of pilonidal sinus and suture HFQ","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
-"Pilonidal cyst","H59.8","Other specified excision of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
-"Pilonidal cyst","H59.9","Unspecified excision of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
-"Pilonidal cyst","H60.1","Destruction of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
-"Pilonidal cyst","H60.2","Laying open of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
-"Pilonidal cyst","H60.3","Drainage of pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
-"Pilonidal cyst","H60.4","Injection of radiocontrast substance into pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
-"Pilonidal cyst","H60.8","Other specified other operations on pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
-"Pilonidal cyst","H60.9","Unspecified other operations on pilonidal sinus","Procedure for Pilonidal cyst"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_ptosis.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_ptosis.csv
index 84f8e43..2ea10ce 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_ptosis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_ptosis.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Ptosis of eyelid","C18.1","Correction of ptosis of eyelid using levator muscle technique","Procedure for Ptosis of eyelid"
"Ptosis of eyelid","C18.2","Correction of ptosis of eyelid using frontalis muscle technique","Procedure for Ptosis of eyelid"
"Ptosis of eyelid","C18.3","Correction of ptosis of eyelid using sling of fascia","Procedure for Ptosis of eyelid"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_retinal_detach.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_retinal_detach.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d6081c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_retinal_detach.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+"Retinal detachments and breaks","C81","Photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Procedure for Retinal detachment"
+"Retinal detachments and breaks","C81.1","Xenon photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Procedure for Retinal detachment"
+"Retinal detachments and breaks","C81.2","Laser photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Procedure for Retinal detachment"
+"Retinal detachments and breaks","C81.8","Other specified photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Procedure for Retinal detachment"
+"Retinal detachments and breaks","C81.9","Unspecified photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Procedure for Retinal detachment"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_retinal_detachment.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_retinal_detachment.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index cc00477..0000000
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_retinal_detachment.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"Retinal detachment","C81","Photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Procedure for Retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachment","C81.1","Xenon photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Procedure for Retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachment","C81.2","Laser photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Procedure for Retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachment","C81.8","Other specified photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Procedure for Retinal detachment"
-"Retinal detachment","C81.9","Unspecified photocoagulation of retina for detachment","Procedure for Retinal detachment"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_spina_bifida.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_spina_bifida.csv
index 47e2f9c..9bc1225 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_spina_bifida.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_spina_bifida.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Spina bifida","A49","Repair of spina bifida","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
"Spina bifida","A49.1","Freeing of spinal tether NEC","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
"Spina bifida","A49.2","Closure of spinal myelomeningocele","Diagnosis of Spina bifida"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_ulcer_peptic.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_ulcer_peptic.csv
index 5d2af46..bbe060e 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_ulcer_peptic.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_ulcer_peptic.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Peptic ulcer disease","G35","Operations on ulcer of stomach","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
"Peptic ulcer disease","G35.1","Closure of perforated ulcer of stomach","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
"Peptic ulcer disease","G35.2","Closure of ulcer of stomach NEC","Procedure for Peptic ulcer disease"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_urolithiasis.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_urolithiasis.csv
index ce2e2d5..f190557 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_urolithiasis.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_urolithiasis.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Urolithiasis","M06.1","Open removal of calculus from kidney","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
"Urolithiasis","M09","Therapeutic endoscopic operations on calculus of kidney","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
"Urolithiasis","M09.1","Endoscopic ultrasound fragmentation of calculus of kidney","Procedure for Urolithiasis"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_oesoph_varices.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_varices.csv
similarity index 95%
rename from secondary_care/OPCS_oesoph_varices.csv
rename to secondary_care/OPCS_varices.csv
index 3bd2c7c..b830409 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_oesoph_varices.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_varices.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Oesophageal varices","G10","Open operations on varices of oesophagus","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
"Oesophageal varices","G10.1","Disconnection of azygos vein","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
"Oesophageal varices","G10.2","Transection of oesophagus using staple gun","Procedure for Oesophageal varices"
diff --git a/secondary_care/OPCS_volvulus.csv b/secondary_care/OPCS_volvulus.csv
index 676c76c..c21fb2d 100644
--- a/secondary_care/OPCS_volvulus.csv
+++ b/secondary_care/OPCS_volvulus.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"Volvulus","H17.2","Open reduction of volvulus of caecum","Procedure for Volvulus"
"Volvulus","H17.3","Open reduction of volvulus of sigmoid colon","Procedure for Volvulus"
"Volvulus","H17.4","Open reduction of volvulus of colon NEC","Procedure for Volvulus"