If you notice that something is missing, please open an issue or submit a PR.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Arduino Nano 33 BLE added as test version
- Valid_Range descriptor for analog characteristic writable, and sets reference voltage
- anaCharacteristic subclass frm BLEcharacteristic
- notify only on trigger conditions
- rpi-AIOS-client : recoverConnection when BLE connection lost
- Automation-server : time triggers for notifying temperature,humidity,TVOC,eCO2
- rpi-AIOS-client : BLE receiver on raspberry pi using bluepy lib
- Environment-server uses triggers for notification on Temp,Hum,CO2,VOC
- not use notifications for analog channels as they can not be distinguished
- having correct Voltage scale for analog channels
- cosmetic : displaying labels and units
- client only requests notifying if quantity is shown
- more trigger rules for aios notifications implemented
- various BLE descriptors added to characteristics
- first operational ble client server version