diff --git a/docs/robotics/perception/audio.md b/docs/robotics/perception/audio.md index e69de29bb2..e48bfbc746 100644 --- a/docs/robotics/perception/audio.md +++ b/docs/robotics/perception/audio.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +The NAO has four microphones, which are located in the head. +They support frequencies between 100 and 10,000 Hz. + +For more details, have a look at the [documentation](http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-8/family/nao_technical/microphone_naov6.html) by Aldebaran. + +The audio cycler contains only two nodes, the microphone recorder and the whistle detection. + +## Microphone Recorder + +Reads the audio samples from the `MicrophoneInterface` and stores them in the audio cycler [database](../../framework/databases_and_types.md). + +## Whistle Detection + +Detects the whistle. +Similar to regular soccer, the referee uses a whistle to signal the start and end of the game. +More details on that can be found in the official [SPL rules](https://spl.robocup.org/wp-content/uploads/SPL-Rules-master.pdf) + +The whistle detection works (simplified) by comparing the average power of the audio samples withthin a certain frequency band by using the [FFT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Fourier_transform). +This approach is not very advanced but works well in practice. + +!!! tip + + The [Nao Devils](https://naodevils.de/) have put a lot of research into this topic and published datasets and [papers](https://naodevils.de/publications.html) regarding whistle detection and whistle localization. diff --git a/docs/workflow/competition.md b/docs/workflow/competition.md index 32a3a90d95..157ee179c8 100644 --- a/docs/workflow/competition.md +++ b/docs/workflow/competition.md @@ -59,3 +59,13 @@ For games, a strict schedule is created, which looks like this: Sometimes parameter changes are still made after this stage. - 30 minutes prior: Golden Goal
A kick-off against an empty field is performed. This is the final test before the game. + +## Game Rules + +Every team member should be familiar with the [SPL rules](https://spl.robocup.org/wp-content/uploads/SPL-Rules-master.pdf). + +Generally speaking, one goal of the SPL is to stay as close to the official soccer rules as possible, however, there are some key differences. + +!!! note + + It's a good idea to read the rules before the competition, even if you are not refereeing yourself.