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This section is intended for those who wish to contribute to this project. You can contribute in many ways:

  • Reporting problems of any kind: things not working correctly, wrong/missing docs, etc.
  • Solving existing issues.
  • Creating PRs with code/docs/etc.
  • Forking this project to create your own.
  • Becoming a project maintainer.

To do so, you have to agree with the following Code of Conduct.

Code of conduct

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.0.

Our Pledge

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.

Our Standards

Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:

  • Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
  • Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
  • Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
  • Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience
  • Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

  • The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind
  • Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
  • Public or private harassment
  • Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission
  • Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting


Start your local dev environment by activating the virtualenv. I recommend using pyenv, but whatever suits your needs is fine. Don't worry about Python versions, use any of the supported ones. The pipeline will test the rest of them.

After that, install dependencies with poetry install --sync.


Poetry manages all dependencies. Project-related dependencies are handled at the project's root, whereas doc-related dependencies are treated separately in the docs subdir.

Splitting dependencies like this is a bit annoying, but it was necessary due to an incompatibility between mkdocs and flake8 (due to importlib-metadata). And it turns out to be not that bad, given that now we can create a proper requirements file for Read The Docs.

Therefore, you will need two virtualenv: one for the project, and one for the docs. However, if you use invoke then this is taken care for you, and you don't have to worry about the docs venv: it will be created automatically as needed. If you need to interact with said virtualenv, make sure to activate it when entering the docs subdir (poetry should take care of this for you, too).

Upgrading dependencies

To upgrade dependencies, run poetry upgrade; then check outdated pins with poetry show -o, analise, and adjust pins accordingly; run poetry upgrade again.

Proceed to update docs dependencies using inv docs-reqs --update, or cd docs, and repeating the poetry upgrade stanza.

After upgrading dependencies, run all checks: inv check, which does the following:

  • Run code formatting: inv reformat
  • Run code linting: inv lint
  • Run all tests: inv tests
  • Run security checks: inv safety
  • Run a short fuzzing session: inv fuzz

Finally, ensure docs are working properly: inv docs, and navigate through some of them, specially autodocs.

Special considerations


When working with BLAKE3, please import the blake3 function from the hashers submodule: from blake2signer.hashers import blake3 instead of importing it directly from its package.
This is because the package is optional, and it may not be installed.
That module handles it properly, and will raise an exception when the function is called without the package installed.

What's the fuzz

When adding a new signer, or a new public method to a signer, please add a fuzzer for it in, and update the fuzz invoke task accordingly.

Making PRs

Write your code. Then create a changelog fragment using scriv create with a short description of your changes in the corresponding category (added, changed, fixed, etc.).
You must include the necessary docstrings and unit tests so that coverage remains 100%.

It is preferred to contribute with short, reviewable commits rather than huge changes.

Finally, the following commands must succeed locally:

  • inv reformat: format code using YAPF.
  • inv lint: static analysis for compliance of PEP8, PEP257, PEP287 and many more.
  • inv tests: run the tests' battery.
  • inv safety: run a security analysis over dependencies using safety.

You can alternatively run inv commit (or inv ci) to run all the above, and commit afterward.

If the linter complains about code too complex, run inv cc -c (or the long expression inv cyclomatic-complexity --complex) for more information.

Working under PyPy

You can install and run this package in PyPy without issues but if you are using PyPy to contribute to this project, you probably noticed that running poetry install fails: that's due to a mypy dependency, typed_ast, which will probably never work under PyPy. What you can do is poetry remove --group dev mypy and let the pipeline run mypy for you.

Other than that I once tried to run the performance tests, and my machine froze during the serializer tests because it exhausted the memory. I tried again using fewer iterations, and it worked.

Working under Stackless

You can install and run this package in Stackless without issues, but if you are using Stackless to contribute to this project, you probably noticed that running inv tests fails with a segmentation fault: I have no idea what causes it, but it is related to coverage and pytest. The solution is to run pytest --no-cov directly, and letting the pipeline show the coverage for you.

Releasing new versions

I choose to stick with semver, which is compatible with PEP440 (but only the syntax for version core).

Once everything is ready for release, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new release branch from develop: git flow release start <M.m.p>
  2. Edit pyproject.toml and change version (you can use poetry version major|minor|patch accordingly to one-up said version part).
  3. Edit blake2signer/ and change __version__: __version__ = '<M.m.p>'.
  4. Collect changelog fragments: scriv collect
  5. Edit the changelog to properly indicate the version: CHANGELOG.rst.
  6. Copy the edition to the changelog in the docs: docs/docs/
  7. If necessary, write the upgrade guide in the docs.
  8. Update docs requirements, so it installs the newest Blake2Signer version: inv docs-reqs -u
  9. Run all checks, including fuzzing: inv check
  10. Commit, push branch and create MR to develop. A CI job will publish the package to Test PyPy as a pre-release. If something went wrong, fix, commit and push again; the CI job will change the release number and publish it again.
  11. Merge into develop, and create MR to main.
  12. Merge into main.
  13. Create an annotated tag, signed with minisign: inv tag -s <M.m.p> (alternatively, git tag -a <M.m.p> and then inv sign-tag <M.m.p>).
  14. Push tags and notes: git push --tags && git push origin refs/notes/commits. A CI job will publish the package to PyPi.
  15. Create a release in Gitlab and properly sign packages.


To sign a tag, run inv sign-tag <tag name>. To sign a file, use inv sign-file <file name>.

Read more about signatures in this project.