Track your real objects and track them in VRChat. All SteamVR/OpenVR supported trackers are supported. Demo
Needs App. Available on:
1 beta keys can be requested via support
Hackebein's VPM Listing:
- Hackebein's Research Lab at
Everything before version 1.0 is to be seen as pre-release.
Pre-releases are essentially test versions that have undergone less rigorous testing and may contain bugs. These versions have limited compatibility and are typically designed to work only with the latest provided App version.
- Add VPM Listing: to VCC
- Add VPM "Hackebein's Object Tracking" to your Project (not "Hackebein's Object Tracking Setup")
- Add Empty Game Object as child to your Avatar
- Add "Hackebein's Object Tracking Base Component" to the GameObject
- Update Tracker (Once/Continuously)
Update Once: Generates new Game Objects for Trackers which are not on your ignore list. Updates Trackers with "Update in Edit Mode" set.
Update Continuously: Same as Update Once. Running on every Scene redraw. (ex. hold right click in scene window)
Add Menu: Basic Menu to toggle objects. Also contains a toggle to stabilize your position. (You can create your own. List for Menu Items can be found below.)
Identifier (if no device data): Identifier for OSC
Position Damping: Smoothes position. Values from 0.00 (0%) to 1.00 (100%)
Rotation Damping: Smoothes Rotation. Values from 0.00 (0%) to 1.00 (100%)
Hide Beyond Limits: Hides the objects beyond the remote/yellow, as well as beyond the local/red area
Update in Edit Mode: Allows to update this tracker from the Base Component
Toggle - Enables Object
Toggle - Stabilize movement if a lot of movement is going on
Button - Shows if stabalization is active
Toggle - Switches to remote view.
Toggle - Resends config to App.