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move more things around (#11854)
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Simn authored Dec 11, 2024
1 parent a9d7988 commit a3a23cc
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Showing 11 changed files with 432 additions and 446 deletions.
345 changes: 0 additions & 345 deletions src/codegen/
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@

open Ast
open Type
open Common
open Globals
open Extlib_leftovers

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,152 +47,6 @@ let get_properties fields =
| _ -> acc
) [] fields

let add_property_field com c =
let p = c.cl_pos in
let props = get_properties (c.cl_ordered_statics @ c.cl_ordered_fields) in
match props with
| [] -> ()
| _ ->
let fields,values = List.fold_left (fun (fields,values) (n,v) ->
let cf = mk_field n com.basic.tstring p null_pos in
PMap.add n cf fields,((n,null_pos,NoQuotes),Texpr.Builder.make_string com.basic v p) :: values
) (PMap.empty,[]) props in
let t = mk_anon ~fields (ref Closed) in
let e = mk (TObjectDecl values) t p in
let cf = mk_field ~static:true "__properties__" t p null_pos in
cf.cf_expr <- Some e;
c.cl_statics <- PMap.add cf.cf_name cf c.cl_statics;
c.cl_ordered_statics <- cf :: c.cl_ordered_statics

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

on some platforms which doesn't support type parameters, we must have the
exact same type for overridden/implemented function as the original one

let rec find_field com c f =
(match c.cl_super with
| None ->
raise Not_found
| Some ( {cl_path = (["cpp"],"FastIterator")}, _ ) ->
raise Not_found (* This is a strongly typed 'extern' and the usual rules don't apply *)
| Some (c,_) ->
find_field com c f)
with Not_found -> try
if com.platform = Cpp || com.platform = Hl then (* uses delegation for interfaces *)
raise Not_found;
let rec loop = function
| [] ->
raise Not_found
| (c,_) :: l ->
find_field com c f
Not_found -> loop l
loop c.cl_implements
with Not_found ->
let f = PMap.find f.cf_name c.cl_fields in
(match f.cf_kind with Var { v_read = AccRequire _ } -> raise Not_found | _ -> ());

let fix_override com c f fd =
let f2 = (try Some (find_field com c f) with Not_found -> None) in
match f2,fd with
| Some (f2), Some(fd) ->
let targs, tret = (match follow f2.cf_type with TFun (args,ret) -> args, ret | _ -> die "" __LOC__) in
let changed_args = ref [] in
let prefix = "_tmp_" in
let nargs = List.map2 (fun ((v,ct) as cur) (_,_,t2) ->
type_eq EqStrict (monomorphs c.cl_params (monomorphs f.cf_params v.v_type)) t2;
(* Flash generates type parameters with a single constraint as that constraint type, so we
have to detect this case and change the variable (issue #2712). *)
begin match follow v.v_type with
| TInst({cl_kind = KTypeParameter ttp} as cp,_) when com.platform = Flash ->
begin match get_constraints ttp with
| [tc] ->
if List.exists (fun tp -> tp.ttp_name = (snd cp.cl_path)) c.cl_params then raise (Unify_error [])
| _ ->
| _ ->
with Unify_error _ ->
let v2 = alloc_var VGenerated (prefix ^ v.v_name) t2 v.v_pos in
changed_args := (v,v2) :: !changed_args;
) fd.tf_args targs in
let fd2 = {
tf_args = nargs;
tf_type = tret;
tf_expr = (match List.rev !changed_args with
| [] -> fd.tf_expr
| args ->
let e = fd.tf_expr in
let el = (match e.eexpr with TBlock el -> el | _ -> [e]) in
let p = (match el with [] -> e.epos | e :: _ -> e.epos) in
let el_v = (fun (v,v2) ->
mk (TVar (v,Some (mk (TCast (mk (TLocal v2) v2.v_type p,None)) v.v_type p))) com.basic.tvoid p
) args in
{ e with eexpr = TBlock (el_v @ el) }
} in
let targs = (fun(v,c) -> (v.v_name, Option.is_some c, v.v_type)) nargs in
let fde = (match f.cf_expr with None -> die "" __LOC__ | Some e -> e) in
f.cf_expr <- Some { fde with eexpr = TFunction fd2 };
f.cf_type <- TFun(targs,tret);
| Some(f2), None when (has_class_flag c CInterface) ->
let targs, tret = (match follow f2.cf_type with TFun (args,ret) -> args, ret | _ -> die "" __LOC__) in
f.cf_type <- TFun(targs,tret)
| _ ->

let fix_overrides com t =
match t with
| TClassDecl c ->
(* overrides can be removed from interfaces *)
if (has_class_flag c CInterface) then
c.cl_ordered_fields <- List.filter (fun f ->
if find_field com c f == f then raise Not_found;
c.cl_fields <- PMap.remove f.cf_name c.cl_fields;
with Not_found ->
) c.cl_ordered_fields;
List.iter (fun f ->
match f.cf_expr, f.cf_kind with
| Some { eexpr = TFunction fd }, Method (MethNormal | MethInline) ->
fix_override com c f (Some fd)
| None, Method (MethNormal | MethInline) when (has_class_flag c CInterface) ->
fix_override com c f None
| _ ->
) c.cl_ordered_fields
| _ ->

PHP does not allow abstract classes extending other abstract classes to override any fields, so these duplicates
must be removed from the child interface
let fix_abstract_inheritance com t =
match t with
| TClassDecl c when (has_class_flag c CInterface) ->
c.cl_ordered_fields <- List.filter (fun f ->
let b = try (find_field com c f) == f
with Not_found -> false in
if not b then c.cl_fields <- PMap.remove f.cf_name c.cl_fields;
) c.cl_ordered_fields
| _ -> ()

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

Expand All @@ -216,204 +69,6 @@ let bytes_serialize data =
let tbl = Array.init (String.length b64) (fun i -> String.get b64 i) in
Bytes.unsafe_to_string (Base64.str_encode ~tbl data)

module Dump = struct
Make a dump of the full typed AST of all types
let create_dumpfile acc l =
let ch = Path.create_file false ".dump" acc l in
let buf = Buffer.create 0 in
buf, (fun () ->
output_string ch (Buffer.contents buf);
close_out ch)

let create_dumpfile_from_path com path =
let buf,close = create_dumpfile [] ((dump_path com) :: (platform_name_macro com) :: fst path @ [snd path]) in

let dump_types com pretty =
let s_type = s_type (Type.print_context()) in
let s_expr,s_type_param = if not pretty then
(Type.s_expr_ast (not (Common.defined com Define.DumpIgnoreVarIds)) "\t"),(Printer.s_type_param "")
(Type.s_expr_pretty false "\t" true),(s_type_param s_type)
let params tl = match tl with
| [] -> ""
| l -> Printf.sprintf "<%s>" (String.concat ", " ( s_type_param l))
List.iter (fun mt ->
let path = Type.t_path mt in
let buf,close = create_dumpfile_from_path com path in
let print fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun s -> Buffer.add_string buf s) fmt in
let s_metas ml tabs =
let args el =
match el with
| [] -> ""
| el -> Printf.sprintf "(%s)" (String.concat ", " ( (fun e -> Ast.Printer.s_expr e) el)) in
match ml with
| [] -> ""
| ml -> String.concat " " ( (fun me -> match me with (m,el,_) -> "@" ^ Meta.to_string m ^ args el) ml) ^ "\n" ^ tabs in
(match mt with
| Type.TClassDecl c ->
let s_cf_expr f =
match f.cf_expr with
| None -> ""
| Some e -> Printf.sprintf "%s" (s_expr s_type e) in
let is_inline_var v : bool = v = Var { v_read = AccInline; v_write = AccNever } in
let rec print_field stat f =
print "\n\t%s%s%s%s%s %s%s"
(s_metas f.cf_meta "\t")
(if (has_class_field_flag f CfPublic && not ((has_class_flag c CExtern) || (has_class_flag c CInterface))) then "public " else "")
(if stat then "static " else "")
(match f.cf_kind with
| Var v when (is_inline_var f.cf_kind) -> "inline "
| Var v -> ""
| Method m ->
match m with
| MethNormal -> ""
| MethDynamic -> "dynamic "
| MethInline -> "inline "
| MethMacro -> "macro ")
(match f.cf_kind with Var v -> "var" | Method m -> "function")
(f.cf_name ^ match f.cf_kind with
| Var { v_read = AccNormal; v_write = AccNormal } -> ""
| Var v when (is_inline_var f.cf_kind) -> ""
| Var v -> "(" ^ s_access true v.v_read ^ "," ^ s_access false v.v_write ^ ")"
| _ -> "")
(params f.cf_params);
(match f.cf_kind with
| Var v -> print ":%s%s;" (s_type f.cf_type)
(match f.cf_expr with
| None -> ""
| Some e -> " = " ^ (s_cf_expr f));
| Method m -> if ((has_class_flag c CExtern) || (has_class_flag c CInterface)) then (
match f.cf_type with
| TFun(al,t) -> print "(%s):%s;" (String.concat ", " ( (fun (n,o,t) -> n ^ ":" ^ (s_type t)) al))
(s_type t)
| _ -> ()
) else print "%s" (s_cf_expr f));
print "\n";
List.iter (fun f -> print_field stat f) f.cf_overloads
print "%s%s%s%s %s%s" (s_metas c.cl_meta "") (if c.cl_private then "private " else "") (if (has_class_flag c CExtern) then "extern " else "") (if (has_class_flag c CInterface) then "interface" else "class") (s_type_path path) (params c.cl_params);
(match c.cl_super with None -> () | Some (c,pl) -> print " extends %s" (s_type (TInst (c,pl))));
List.iter (fun (c,pl) -> print " implements %s" (s_type (TInst (c,pl)))) c.cl_implements;
(match c.cl_array_access with None -> () | Some t -> print " implements ArrayAccess<%s>" (s_type t));
print " {\n";
(match c.cl_constructor with
| None -> ()
| Some f -> print_field false f);
List.iter (print_field false) c.cl_ordered_fields;
List.iter (print_field true) c.cl_ordered_statics;
(match TClass.get_cl_init c with
| None -> ()
| Some e ->
print "\n\tstatic function __init__() ";
print "%s" (s_expr s_type e);
print "\n");
print "}";
| Type.TEnumDecl e ->
print "%s%s%senum %s%s {\n" (s_metas e.e_meta "") (if e.e_private then "private " else "") (if has_enum_flag e EnExtern then "extern " else "") (s_type_path path) (params e.e_params);
List.iter (fun n ->
let f = PMap.find n e.e_constrs in
print "\t%s%s;\n" f.ef_name (
match f.ef_type with
| TFun (al,t) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s)" (String.concat ", "
( (fun (n,o,t) -> (if o then "?" else "") ^ n ^ ":" ^ (s_type t)) al))
| _ -> "")
) e.e_names;
print "}"
| Type.TTypeDecl t ->
print "%s%stypedef %s%s = %s" (s_metas t.t_meta "") (if t.t_private then "private " else "") (s_type_path path) (params t.t_params) (s_type t.t_type);
| Type.TAbstractDecl a ->
print "%s%sabstract %s%s%s%s {}" (s_metas a.a_meta "") (if a.a_private then "private " else "") (s_type_path path) (params a.a_params)
(String.concat " " ( (fun t -> " from " ^ s_type t) a.a_from))
(String.concat " " ( (fun t -> " to " ^ s_type t) a.a_to));
) com.types

let dump_record com =
List.iter (fun mt ->
let buf,close = create_dumpfile_from_path com (t_path mt) in
let s = match mt with
| TClassDecl c -> Printer.s_tclass "" c
| TEnumDecl en -> Printer.s_tenum "" en
| TTypeDecl t -> Printer.s_tdef "" t
| TAbstractDecl a -> Printer.s_tabstract "" a
Buffer.add_string buf s;
) com.types

let dump_position com =
List.iter (fun mt ->
match mt with
| TClassDecl c ->
let buf,close = create_dumpfile_from_path com (t_path mt) in
Printf.bprintf buf "%s\n" (s_type_path c.cl_path);
let field cf =
Printf.bprintf buf "\t%s\n" cf.cf_name;
begin match cf.cf_expr with
| None -> ()
| Some e ->
Printf.bprintf buf "%s\n" (Texpr.dump_with_pos "\t" e);
Option.may field c.cl_constructor;
List.iter field c.cl_ordered_statics;
List.iter field c.cl_ordered_fields;
| _ ->
) com.types

let dump_types com =
match Common.defined_value_safe com Define.Dump with
| "pretty" -> dump_types com true
| "record" -> dump_record com
| "position" -> dump_position com
| _ -> dump_types com false

let dump_dependencies ?(target_override=None) com =
let target_name = match target_override with
| None -> platform_name_macro com
| Some s -> s
let dump_dependencies_path = [dump_path com;target_name;"dependencies"] in
let buf,close = create_dumpfile [] dump_dependencies_path in
let print fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun s -> Buffer.add_string buf s) fmt in
let dep = Hashtbl.create 0 in
List.iter (fun m ->
print "%s:\n" (Path.UniqueKey.lazy_path m.m_extra.m_file);
PMap.iter (fun _ mdep ->
let (ctx,m2) = match mdep.md_kind with
| MMacro when not com.is_macro_context ->
("[macro] ", (Option.get (com.get_macros())).module_lut#find mdep.md_path)
| _ ->
("", com.module_lut#find mdep.md_path)
let file = Path.UniqueKey.lazy_path m2.m_extra.m_file in
print "\t%s%s\n" ctx file;
let l = try Hashtbl.find dep file with Not_found -> [] in
Hashtbl.replace dep file (m :: l)
) m.m_extra.m_deps;
) com.Common.modules;
let dump_dependants_path = [dump_path com;target_name;"dependants"] in
let buf,close = create_dumpfile [] dump_dependants_path in
let print fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun s -> Buffer.add_string buf s) fmt in
Hashtbl.iter (fun n ml ->
print "%s:\n" n;
List.iter (fun m ->
print "\t%s\n" (Path.UniqueKey.lazy_path m.m_extra.m_file);
) ml;
) dep;

Build a default safe-cast expression :
{ var $t = <e>; if($t,<t>) ) $t else throw "Class cast error"; }
Expand Down

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