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Redeem is the Replicape Daemon that accepts G-codes and turns them into coordinates on your 3D-printer. It's similar to Marlin and Teacup, only it's taylor made for Replicape and it's written in Python.
Software features:
- Accelleration with corner speed prediction.
- Printer settings loaded from file
- Controllable via OctoPrint, ethernet, USB, Manga Screen (Toggle on 4.3" LCD).
Redeem documentation on the wiki
Most users should probably use the Kamikaze CNC image, it is a complete BeagleBone eMMC flasher image that comes with Redeem.
If you have a different Debian distro, you can use the .deb packages form the thing-printer feed:
wget -O - http://kamikaze.thing-printer.com/apt/public.gpg | apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=armhf] http://kamikaze.thing-printer.com/apt ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install redeem
These instructions assumes you have a kernel with a cape manager, meaning kernel > 4.
You can clone this repository directly on your BBB:
ssh [email protected]
cd /usr/src
git clone https://[email protected]/intelligentagent/redeem.git
For Debian, install swig, python-smbus:
apt-get install swig python-smbus
Compile the native path planner module:
cd /usr/src/redeem/
python setup.py install
mkdir /etc/redeem
cp configs/* /etc/redeem
cp data/* /etc/redeem
Get and compile the device tree overlay.
For Kernel 4.1, see the instructions for the new cape overlay repository
Disable HDMI with sound (will load HDMI without sound):
For post uboot v2014.07/v2014.10/v2015.01 images
nano /boot/uEnv.txt
Change this line:
After a reboot, you should see a the cape firmware load:
dmesg | grep -i replic
Enable the redeem service:
If you have the Debian package based version installed along side, you have to change the startup script from /usr/bin to /usr/local/bin:
nano /lib/systemd/system/redeem.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart redeem
If you do not have the file "/lib/systemd/system/redeem.service" instlled:
First modify the redeem.service file to update redeem 'binary' location.
Since the software was sintalled form source, it is added to /usr/local
nano /usr/src/redeem/systemd/redeem.service
Edit line
Copy redeem systemd startup script into place, enable it for startup on boot and start it now.
cp /usr/src/redeem/systemd/redeem.service /lib/systemd/system/redeem.service
systemctl enable redeem.service
systemctl start redeem.service
Try to be PEP8 compliant: http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
Do an "updatedb" and then "locate Redeem.py". It should give you the location. Please note that if you install from source, the files will have a different location than if you install from a deb package. /usr/lib vs. /usr/local/lib/.
As for the firmware files (the code that runs on PRUSS), they are moved to /tmp during compilation, but should reside in a sub directory from Redeem.py before compilation. A recompile of the firmware can be triggered by touching /et/redeem/local.cfg
Elias Bakken Mathieu Monney Daryl Bond
- Disable universal cape manager nano /boot/uEnv.txt delete cape_universal=enable
- Download and install Replicape firmware git clone https://github.com/eliasbakken/bb.org-overlays cd bb.org-overlays/ ./dtc-overlay.sh ./install.sh
- Manual installation of redeem from feed
- Disable logging to file nano /etc/redeem/local.cfg
- Disable loading overlays nano /opt/source/adafruit-beaglebone-io-python/source/spimodule.c
- Install socat
- Install octoprint
- Install python-octoprint-redeem