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🍥 Next Generation LLM Gateway and AI Asset Management System

Calcium-Ion%2Fnew-api | Trendshift

license release docker docker GoReportCard

📝 Project Description


This is an open-source project developed based on One API


  • Users must comply with OpenAI's Terms of Use and relevant laws and regulations. Not to be used for illegal purposes.
  • This project is for personal learning only. Stability is not guaranteed, and no technical support is provided.

✨ Key Features

  1. 🎨 New UI interface (some interfaces pending update)
  2. 🌍 Multi-language support (work in progress)
  3. 🎨 Added Midjourney-Proxy(Plus) interface support, Integration Guide
  4. 💰 Online recharge support, configurable in system settings:
    • EasyPay
  5. 🔍 Query usage quota by key:
  6. 📑 Configurable items per page in pagination
  7. 🔄 Compatible with original One API database (one-api.db)
  8. 💵 Support per-request model pricing, configurable in System Settings - Operation Settings
  9. ⚖️ Support channel weighted random selection
  10. 📈 Data dashboard (console)
  11. 🔒 Configurable model access per token
  12. 🤖 Telegram authorization login support:
    1. System Settings - Configure Login Registration - Allow Telegram Login
    2. Send /setdomain command to @Botfather
    3. Select your bot, then enter http(s)://your-website/login
    4. Telegram Bot name is the bot username without @
  13. 🎵 Added Suno API interface support, Integration Guide
  14. 🔄 Support for Rerank models, compatible with Cohere and Jina, can integrate with Dify, Integration Guide
  15. OpenAI Realtime API - Support for OpenAI's Realtime API, including Azure channels
  16. 🧠 Support for setting reasoning effort through model name suffix:
    • Add suffix -high to set high reasoning effort (e.g., o3-mini-high)
    • Add suffix -medium to set medium reasoning effort
    • Add suffix -low to set low reasoning effort
  17. 🔄 Thinking to content option thinking_to_content in Channel->Edit->Channel Extra Settings, default is false, when true, the reasoning_content of the thinking content will be converted to <think> tags and concatenated to the content returned.
  18. 🔄 Model rate limit, support setting total request limit and successful request limit in System Settings->Rate Limit Settings

Model Support

This version additionally supports:

  1. Third-party model gpts (gpt-4-gizmo-*)
  2. Midjourney-Proxy(Plus) interface, Integration Guide
  3. Custom channels with full API URL support
  4. Suno API interface, Integration Guide
  5. Rerank models, supporting Cohere and Jina, Integration Guide
  6. Dify

You can add custom models gpt-4-gizmo-* in channels. These are third-party models and cannot be called with official OpenAI keys.

Additional Configurations Beyond One API

  • GENERATE_DEFAULT_TOKEN: Generate initial token for new users, default false
  • STREAMING_TIMEOUT: Set streaming response timeout, default 60 seconds
  • DIFY_DEBUG: Output workflow and node info to client for Dify channel, default true
  • FORCE_STREAM_OPTION: Override client stream_options parameter, default true
  • GET_MEDIA_TOKEN: Calculate image tokens, default true
  • GET_MEDIA_TOKEN_NOT_STREAM: Calculate image tokens in non-stream mode, default true
  • UPDATE_TASK: Update async tasks (Midjourney, Suno), default true
  • GEMINI_MODEL_MAP: Specify Gemini model versions (v1/v1beta), format: "model:version", comma-separated
  • COHERE_SAFETY_SETTING: Cohere model safety settings, options: NONE, CONTEXTUAL, STRICT, default NONE
  • GEMINI_VISION_MAX_IMAGE_NUM: Gemini model maximum image number, default 16, set to -1 to disable
  • MAX_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MB: Maximum file download size in MB, default 20
  • CRYPTO_SECRET: Encryption key for encrypting database content
  • AZURE_DEFAULT_API_VERSION: Azure channel default API version, if not specified in channel settings, use this version, default 2024-12-01-preview
  • NOTIFICATION_LIMIT_DURATION_MINUTE: Duration of notification limit in minutes, default 10
  • NOTIFY_LIMIT_COUNT: Maximum number of user notifications in the specified duration, default 2



Latest Docker image: calciumion/new-api:latest
Default account: root, password: 123456

Multi-Server Deployment

  • Must set SESSION_SECRET environment variable, otherwise login state will not be consistent across multiple servers.
  • If using a public Redis, must set CRYPTO_SECRET environment variable, otherwise Redis content will not be able to be obtained in multi-server deployment.


  • Local database (default): SQLite (Docker deployment must mount /data directory)
  • Remote database: MySQL >= 5.7.8, PgSQL >= 9.6

Deployment with BT Panel

Install BT Panel (version 9.2.0 or above) from BT Panel Official Website, choose the stable version script to download and install.
After installation, log in to BT Panel and click Docker in the menu bar. First-time access will prompt to install Docker service. Click Install Now and follow the prompts to complete installation.
After installation, find New-API in the app store, click install, configure basic options to complete installation.
Pictorial Guide

Docker Deployment

Using Docker Compose (Recommended)

# Clone project
git clone
cd new-api
# Edit docker-compose.yml as needed
# nano docker-compose.yml
# vim docker-compose.yml
# Start
docker-compose up -d

Update Version

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Direct Docker Image Usage

# SQLite deployment:
docker run --name new-api -d --restart always -p 3000:3000 -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai -v /home/ubuntu/data/new-api:/data calciumion/new-api:latest

# MySQL deployment (add -e SQL_DSN="root:123456@tcp(localhost:3306)/oneapi"), modify database connection parameters as needed
# Example:
docker run --name new-api -d --restart always -p 3000:3000 -e SQL_DSN="root:123456@tcp(localhost:3306)/oneapi" -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai -v /home/ubuntu/data/new-api:/data calciumion/new-api:latest

Update Version

# Pull the latest image
docker pull calciumion/new-api:latest
# Stop and remove the old container
docker stop new-api
docker rm new-api
# Run the new container with the same parameters as before
docker run --name new-api -d --restart always -p 3000:3000 -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai -v /home/ubuntu/data/new-api:/data calciumion/new-api:latest

Alternatively, you can use Watchtower for automatic updates (not recommended, may cause database incompatibility):

docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock containrrr/watchtower -cR

Channel Retry

Channel retry is implemented, configurable in Settings->Operation Settings->General Settings. Cache recommended.
If retry is enabled, the system will automatically use the next priority channel for the same request after a failed request.

Cache Configuration

  1. REDIS_CONN_STRING: Use Redis as cache
    • Example: REDIS_CONN_STRING=redis://default:redispw@localhost:49153
  2. MEMORY_CACHE_ENABLED: Enable memory cache, default false
    • Example: MEMORY_CACHE_ENABLED=true

Why Some Errors Don't Retry

Error codes 400, 504, 524 won't retry

To Enable Retry for 400

In Channel->Edit, set Status Code Override to:

  "400": "500"

Integration Guides

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