Send scheduled emails / text messages easy and fast.
Use composer to install on your SilverStripe 4 website.
composer require silverstripers/scheduled-messages dev-master
- SilverStripe 4+
- PHP 8.1 +
Require the package via composer and run dev build.
The module will add schedule messages to the settings / site config area in the CMS.
Define the types you want to send messages against
Pick your dataobjects that you want to send emails to and implement them by
That will essentially force you to implement four new methods.
// return the merge fields / methods available for the messages to use as merge tags
public function getMergeFields() : array;
// return the fields that are used to run various comparison queries
public function getComparisonFields() : array;
// returns the phone number to send text messages
public function getMessagePhoneNumber() : ?string;
// return the email address to send emails to
public function getMessageEmail() : ?string;
Unlike emails text messages are different. There are so many way to connect SMS gateways, email to SMS services, Rest apis, WSDLs, SOAP etc. The module lets you define your own SMS transporter.
Create a class and implement SilverStripers\ScheduledMessages\Interface\TextMessageTransporter
, which will force you to implement a sendText