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351 lines (331 loc) · 14.5 KB

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351 lines (331 loc) · 14.5 KB




基于 jsencrypt 扩展分段加解密功能

npm 安装:

npm i encrypt-fragment -S


开发:<script src="./bin/jsencrypt.js"></script>
生产:<script src="./bin/jsencrypt.min.js"></script>



这里只扩展了长文本的分段加解密,其它 api 请查看官网

  • encryptLong() 长文本加密
  • decryptLong() 长文本解密


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />

        <input type="button" id="btn" value="点我" />
            placeholder="enter key size:(512 or 1024 or 2048 or 4096)"
        <textarea id="tra" rows="15" cols="65">
        <textarea id="sra" rows="15" cols="65">
        #key-size {
            min-width: 300px;
    <script src="./jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="./bin/jsencrypt.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        document.getElementById('btn').addEventListener('click', () => {
            let startTime = new Date();

            // 使用设置公私钥
            const enc = new JSEncrypt({
                    Number(document.getElementById('key-size').value) || 1024

            // 一段长文本json
            let data = {
                code: 200,
                result: {
                    timestamp: 1572321851823,
                    interaction: [
                            type: 'shootYourBullet',
                            body: '{"actId":"241532192085135360","timestamp":1572321762049,"actTempId":"2","queIds":["10020"],"actTime":60,"online_trace_id":null}',
                            liveId: 100066318,
                            lecturerId: 'XN014604',
                            tutorId: 'XN014606',
                            parentType: 'interaction',
                            module: 'START',
                            command: 'START',
                            stuId: null,
                            online_trace_id: 'fhCb3oVqjM'
                    upStream: {},
                    downStream: {},
                    liveStream: []
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                    email: '[email protected]',
                    phone: '+1 (835) 467-3075',
                    address: '528 Crescent Street, Bellfountain, Ohio, 4527',
                    about: 'Excepteur anim incididunt labore voluptate aute veniam magna magna laborum reprehenderit. Duis ea amet quis et cillum elit sint. Culpa et incididunt incididunt consectetur ipsum. Magna eu cupidatat reprehenderit ex Lorem nulla velit adipisicing laboris ex ut fugiat proident mollit. Duis duis adipisicing est elit enim culpa occaecat elit dolor irure ipsum officia.\r\n',
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                            id: 0,
                            name: 'Faith Hampton'
                            id: 1,
                            name: 'Oneil Woods'
                            id: 2,
                            name: 'Marci Mccray'
                        'Hello, Craft Terrell! You have 10 unread messages.',
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                    phone: '+1 (814) 433-2521',
                    address: '117 Rutledge Street, Walland, Maine, 2459',
                    about: 'Non velit enim nisi eiusmod nisi nulla aute occaecat Lorem. Nostrud proident minim velit proident laborum nostrud cillum nisi. Ut pariatur consectetur dolore proident ad elit consequat. Proident Lorem dolor veniam tempor ut amet laboris. Deserunt deserunt Lorem reprehenderit exercitation esse proident nisi sint. Reprehenderit sunt reprehenderit laboris occaecat veniam.\r\n',
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                            id: 1,
                            name: 'Queen Dickson'
                            id: 2,
                            name: 'Robyn Hess'
                        'Hello, Carroll Sears! You have 7 unread messages.',
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                    email: '[email protected]',
                    phone: '+1 (849) 513-2465',
                    address: '264 Schweikerts Walk, Lynn, Alabama, 1193',
                    about: 'Excepteur exercitation velit consequat excepteur aliquip ad qui ad magna fugiat nisi adipisicing. Incididunt officia proident magna id eiusmod nulla amet tempor culpa magna minim amet id occaecat. Dolor cupidatat exercitation amet qui magna duis cupidatat. Non do mollit consectetur ut deserunt irure adipisicing eiusmod non quis cillum dolor.\r\n',
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                            name: 'Clara Holt'
                            id: 2,
                            name: 'Carmella Solis'
                        'Hello, Calderon Chen! You have 2 unread messages.',
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                    email: '[email protected]',
                    phone: '+1 (935) 568-2208',
                    address: '141 Frank Court, Richmond, Texas, 7846',
                    about: 'Proident velit amet dolor minim irure aute consectetur ea incididunt in fugiat esse. Reprehenderit quis labore minim labore pariatur eiusmod sit. Deserunt eiusmod exercitation id do nostrud ex non sint. Eiusmod in excepteur fugiat cupidatat id incididunt ad. Minim et adipisicing commodo enim. Ut voluptate ea deserunt ut magna deserunt aute Lorem ad non enim. Enim ea do ea eiusmod aliquip consectetur tempor enim ex officia ea et.\r\n',
                    registered: '2021-06-03T06:19:21 -08:00',
                    latitude: 14.9813,
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                    tags: [
                    friends: [
                            id: 0,
                            name: 'Kelley Huber'
                            id: 1,
                            name: 'Raquel Hansen'
                            id: 2,
                            name: 'Rollins Oneal'
                        'Hello, Mclaughlin Carrillo! You have 7 unread messages.',
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                    address: '220 Ludlam Place, Shelby, Connecticut, 9246',
                    about: 'Consectetur Lorem ea laborum fugiat reprehenderit consectetur ea deserunt duis et. Do Lorem est non adipisicing ullamco aliquip duis ipsum ex dolor ad aliquip sint. Aliqua nisi qui amet duis nisi tempor tempor consequat incididunt. Pariatur incididunt minim aliqua est aliqua pariatur id ad. Dolore sunt consectetur ea do velit ut non dolore sunt duis minim est sint commodo.\r\n',
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                            name: 'Kay Campbell'
                            id: 2,
                            name: 'Abbott Reilly'
                        'Hello, Summer Grimes! You have 10 unread messages.',
                    favoriteFruit: 'strawberry'
            let encrypted = enc.encryptLong(JSON.stringify(data));
            let endTime = new Date();
            console.log('加密后数据:%o', encrypted);
            console.log('加密时间' + (endTime - startTime) + 'ms');
            let uncrypted = enc.decryptLong(encrypted);
            console.log('解密后数据:%o', uncrypted);