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357 lines (351 loc) · 50.3 KB

File metadata and controls

357 lines (351 loc) · 50.3 KB



This is a list of UNIX commands most of them are included in most stundurds[fn:1], [fn:2], [fn:3] which is a part of the Single UNIX Specification (SUS). These commands can be found on UNIX operating systems and most UNIX-like operating systems.

addpartsimple wrapper around the “add partition” ioctl+
admincreate and administer SCCS files+
agettyalternative Linux getty+
aliasdefine or display aliases+
arcreate and maintain library archives+
archprint machine hardware name (same as uname+
asainterpret carriage-control characters+
atexecute commands at a later time+
awkpattern scanning and processing language+
base64base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output+
basenamereturn non-directory portion of a pathname++
batchschedule commands to be executed in a batch queue+
bcarbitrary-precision arithmetic language+
bgrun jobs in the background+
blkidlocate/print block device attributes+
blockdevcall block device ioctls from the command line+
calprint a calendar++
catconcatenate files and print on the standard output++
cccompile standard C programs+
cdchange the working directory++
cfdiskdisplay or manipulate disk partition table+
cflowgenerate a C-language flowgraph (DEVELOPMENT)+
chconchange file SELinux security context+
chcpuconfigure CPUs+
chfnchange your finger information+
chgrpchange group ownership++
chmodchange file mode bits++
chownchange file owner and group++
chrootrun command or interactive shell with special root directory+
chrtmanipulate the real-time attributes of a process+
chshchange your login shell+
cksumchecksum and count the bytes in a file++
cmpcompare two files+
colfilter reverse line feeds from input+
colcrtfilter nroff output for CRT previewing+
colrmremove columns from a file+
columncolumnate lists+
commcompare two sorted files line by line++
commandexecute a simple command+
compresscompress data+
cpcopy files and directories++
crontabschedule periodic background work+
csplitsplit a file into sections determined by context lines++
ctagscreate a tags file (DEVELOPMENT, FORTRAN)+
ctrlaltdelset the function of the Ctrl-Alt-Del combination+
cuutility for establishing a terminal connection to a remote system+
cutcut out selected fields of each line of a file++
cxrefgenerate a C-language program cross-reference table (DEVELOPMENT)+
dateprint or set the system date and time++
ddconvert copy a file++
delpartsimple wrapper around the “del partition” ioctl+
deltaMake a delta (change) to an SCCS file+
dfreport file system disk space usage++
diffcompare two files+
dirlist directory contents+
dircolorscolor setup for ls+
dirnamestrip last component from file name++
dmesgprint or control the kernel ring buffer+
duestimate file space usage++
echowrite arguments to standard output++
ededit text+
ejecteject removable media+
envrun a program in a modified environment++
extext editor+
expandconvert tabs to spaces++
exprevaluate arguments as an expression++
factorfactor numbers+
fallocatepreallocate space to a file+
falsedo nothing, unsuccessfully++
fcprocess the command history list+
fdformatlow-level format a floppy disk+
fdiskmanipulate disk partition table+
fflists the file names and statistics for a file system+
fgrun jobs in the foreground+
filedetermine file type+
findfind files+
findfsfind a filesystem by label or UUID+
findmntfind a filesystem+
flockmanage locks from shell scripts+
fmtsimple optimal text formatter+
foldwrap each input line to fit in specified width++
fort77FORTRAN compiler (FORTRAN)+
fsckcheck and repair a Linux filesystem+
fsfreezesuspend access to a filesystem (Linux Ext3/4, ReiserFS, JFS, XFS)+
fstabstatic information about the filesystems+
fstrimdiscard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem+
fuserlist process IDs of all processes that have one or more files open+
gencatgenerate a formatted message catalog+
getget a version of an SCCS file+
getconfget configuration values+
getoptParse command-line options+
getoptsparse utility options+
getrlimitget/set resource limits+
grepsearch a file for a pattern+
groupsprint the groups a user is in+
hashremember or report utility locations+
headcopy the first part of files++
hexdumpdisplay file contents in ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, or octal+
hostidprint the numeric identifier for the current host+
hwclockquery or set the hardware clock (RTC)+
iconvcodeset conversion+
idprint real and effective user and group IDs++
installcopy files and set attributes+
ioniceset or get process I/O scheduling class and priority+
ipcmkcreate various ipc resources+
ipcrmremove an XSI message queue, semaphore set, or shared memory segment identifier++
ipcsreport XSI interprocess communication facilities status++
isosizeoutput the length of an iso9660 filesystem+
jobsdisplay status of jobs in the current session+
joinrelational database operator+
joinjoin lines of two files on a common field+
killterminate or signal processes++
lastshow listing of last logged in users+
ldattachattach a line discipline to a serial line+
lexgenerate programs for lexical tasks (DEVELOPMENT)+
linkcall the link function to create a link to a file++
lnmake links between files++
localeget locale-specific information+
localedefdefine locale environment+
loggerlog messages++
loginbegin session on the system+
lognamereturn the user’s login name++
lookdisplay lines beginning with a given string+
losetupset up and control loop devices+
lpsend files to a printer+
lslist directory contents++
lsblklist block devices+
lscpudisplay information about the CPU architecture+
lslockslist local system locks+
lsloginsdisplay information about known users in the system+
m4macro processor (DEVELOPMENT)+
mailxprocess messages+
makemaintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs (DEVELOPMENT)+
mandisplay system documentation+
mcookiegenerate magic cookies for xauth+
md5sumcompute and check MD5 message digest+
mesgpermit or deny messages+
mesgcontrol write access to your terminal+
mkdirmake directories++
mkfifomake FIFO special files++
mkfsbuild a Linux filesystem+
mknodmake block or character special files+
mkswapset up a Linux swap area+
mktempcreate a temporary file or directory+
moredisplay files on a page-by-page basis++
mountmount a filesystem+
mountpointsee if a directory is a mountpoint+
mvmove (rename) files++
nameifollow a pathname until a terminal point is found+
newgrplog in to a new group++
nicerun a program with modified scheduling priority++
nlline numbering filter++
nmwrite the name list of an object file (DEVELOPMENT)+
nohuprun a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty++
nologinprevent unprivileged users from logging into the system+
nprocprint the number of processing units available+
nsenterrun program with namespaces of other processes+
numfmtConvert numbers from/to huma-readable strings+
oddump files in octal and other formats++
partxtell kernel about the presence and numbering of on-disk partitions+
pastemerge corresponding or subsequent lines of files++
patchapply changes to files+
pathchkcheck whether file names are valid or portable++
paxportable archive interchange+
pinkylightweight finger+
pivot_rootchange the root filesystem+
prconvert text files for printing++
printenvprint all or part of environment+
printfformat and print data++
prlimitget and set a process resource limits.+
prsprint an SCCS file+
psreport process status+
ptxproduce a permuted index of file contents+
pwdprint name of current/working directory++
qalteralter batch job+
qdeldelete batch jobs+
qholdhold batch jobs+
qmovemove batch jobs+
qmsgsend message to batch jobs+
qrerunrerun batch jobs+
qrlsrelease batch jobs+
qselectselect batch jobs+
qsigsignal batch jobs+
qstatshow status of batch jobs+
qsubsubmit a script+
rawLinux IPv4 raw sockets+
rawbind a Linux raw character device+
readread a line from standard input+
readlinkprint resolved symbolic links or canonical file names+
readprofileread kernel profiling information+
realpathprint the resolved path+
realpathreturn the canonicalized absolute pathname+
renamerename files+
renamechange the name or location of a file+
renameRename or delete a command+
reniceset nice values of running processes+
renicealter priority of running processes+
resetterminal initialization+
resizepartsimple wrapper around the “resize partition” ioctl+
revreverse lines of a file or files+
rmremove directory entries+
rmremove files or directories+
rmdelremove a delta from an SCCS file+
rmdirremove directories+
rmdirremove empty directories+
rtcwakeenter a system sleep state until specified wakeup time+
runconrun command with specified SELinux security context+
runuserrun a command with substitute user and group ID+
sactprint current SCCS file-editing activity+
sccsfront end for the SCCS subsystem+
scriptmake typescript of terminal session+
sedstream editor+
seqprint a sequence of numbers+
setarchchange reported arch in new program env and set personality flags+
setprivrun a program with different Linux privilege settings+
setsidrun a program in a new session+
setsidcreates a session and sets the process group ID+
settermset terminal attributes+
sfdiskpartition table manipulator for Linux+
shshell, the standard command language interpreter+
sha1sumcompute and check SHA1 message digest+
sha224sumcompute and check SHA224 message digest+
sha256sumcompute and check SHA256 message digest+
sha384sumcompute and check SHA384 message digest+
sha512sumcompute and check SHA512 message digest+
shredoverwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it+
shufgenerate random permutations+
sleepsuspend execution for an interval+
sleepdelay for a specified amount of time+
sortsort, merge, or sequence check text files+
sortsort lines of text files+
spawnfork and exec process, not part of POSIX standart+
splitsplit files into pieces+
splitsplit a file into pieces+
statdisplay file or file system status+
stdbufRun COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for its standard streams.+
stringsfind printable strings in files+
stripremove unnecessary information from executable files (DEVELOPMENT)+
sttyset the options for a terminal+
sttychange and print terminal line settings+
surun a command with substitute user and group ID+
suloginSingle-user login+
sumchecksum and count the blocks in a file+
swaplabelprint or change the label or UUID of a swap area+
swapoffstart/stop swapping to file/device+
swapoffenable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping+
swaponstart/stop swapping to file/device+
swaponenable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping+
switch_rootswitch to another filesystem as the root of the mount tree+
syncflush file system buffers+
tabsset terminal tabs+
tacconcatenate and print files in reverse+
tailcopy the last part of a file+
tailoutput the last part of files+
tailffollow the growth of a log file+
talktalk to another user+
tasksetretrieve or set a process’s CPU affinity+
teeduplicate standard input+
teeread from standard input and write to standard output and files+
testevaluate expression+
testcheck file types and compare values+
timetime a simple command+
timeoutrun a command with a time limit+
touchchange file access and modification times+
touchchange file timestamps+
tputchange terminal characteristics+
trtranslate characters+
trtranslate or delete characters+
truereturn true value+
truedo nothing, successfully+
truncateshrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size+
tsorttopological sort+
tsortperform topological sort+
ttyreturn user’s terminal name+
ttyprint the file name of the terminal connected to standard input+
typewrite a description of command type+
uldo underlining+
ulimitset or report file size limit+
umaskget or set the file mode creation mask+
umountunmount file system+
umountunmount file systems+
unaliasremove alias definitions+
unamereturn system name+
unameprint system information+
uncompressexpand compressed data+
unexpandconvert spaces to tabs+
unexpandconvert spaces to tabs+
ungetundo a previous get of an SCCS file+
uniqreport or filter out repeated lines in a file+
uniqreport or omit repeated lines+
unlinkcall the unlink function+
unlinkcall the unlink function to remove the specified file+
unsharerun program with some namespaces unshared from parent+
unsharedisassociate parts of the process execution context+
uptimeTell how long the system has been running.+
usersprint the user names of users currently logged in to the current host+
utmpdumpdump UTMP and WTMP files in raw format+
uucpsystem-to-system copy+
uudecodedecode a binary file+
uuencodeencode a binary file+
uuidgencreate a new UUID value+
uustatuucp status inquiry and job control+
uuxremote command execution+
valvalidate SCCS files+
vdirlist directory contents+
viscreen-oriented (visual) display editor+
vipwedit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group file+
vipwedit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group file+
vlimitget/set resource limits+
waitawait process completion+
wallsend a message to everybody’s terminal.+
wallsend a message to everybody’s terminal.+
wcword, line, and byte or character count+
wcprint newline, word, and byte counts for each file+
wdctlshow hardware watchdog status+
whatidentify SCCS files+
whereislocate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command+
whodisplay who is on the system+
whoshow who is logged on+
whoamiprint effective userid+
wipefswipe a signature from a device+
writewrite to another user+
writesend a message to another user+
writewrite to a file descriptor+
xargsconstruct argument lists and invoke utility+
yaccyet another compiler compiler (DEVELOPMENT)+
yesoutput a string repeatedly until killed+
zcatexpand and concatenate data+


[fn:1] IEEE Std 1003.1™-2008 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface, [fn:2] ISO/IEC 23360-1:2006 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) core specification 3.1 – Part 1: Generic specification [fn:3] POSIX-1.20080