description |
Explanation of most options in config.yml |
Options |
Explanation |
check_updates |
Allow plugin to check spigot for updates and announce you. |
relation_placeholders_enabled |
Enable PlaceholderAPI relation placeholders. |
timestamp_format |
Sets the way time is formatted. |
boolean |
Chose what the boolean messages will look like. |
ops_use_group_format |
If this option is disabled, OP players will need permissions for formats to work. |
Chat Filter Options |
Explanation |
enabled |
Enable or disable the chat filter option. This is to stop people from using certain words or phrases like swears. |
ignore_case |
If this option is enabled then the filter will ignore the case for the filtered words. |
list |
List the words and phrases that will be filtered and what they will be filtered with. It works like this: word-to-be-filtered;word-it-will-be-filtered-with so for example fuck;*** will replace the word fuck from chat with 3 asterisks. |
BungeeCord Options |
Explanation |
enabled |
Enable bungeecord option. Requires DeluxeChat on BungeeCord and backend servers. |
server_name |
The server name that will be used for bungeecord.server_whitelist. |
server_prefix |
The name of the server that will be displayed when using the placeholder %server% in global chat. |
join_global |
If this option is enabled all players will be put in the global chat when they join the server. |
use_server_whitelist |
This option will enable bungeecord.server_whitelist. |
server_whitelist |
List the servers which will have global chat linked to current serve |
Private Messages Options |
Explanation |
enable |
Enable private messaging. |
bungeecord |
Enable bungeecord private messaging. |
Formats Options |
Explanation |
priority |
Selects which format takes over in case of having permission for multiple formats. Lower priority takes over. |
channel |
Text that will be shown before prefix. |
prefix |
Text that will be shown before name. |
name |
Text that will be shown before suffix. |
suffix |
Text that will be shown before the message. |
name_color |
Color that the name option will have. |
chat_color |
Color that the message sent in chat will have. |
channel_tooltip |
Text that will be displayed when hovering over the channel in chat. |
prefix_tooltip |
Text that will be displayed when hovering over the prefix in chat. |
name_tooltip |
Text that will be displayed when hovering over the name in chat. |
suffix_tooltip |
Text that will be displayed when hovering over the suffix in chat. |
channel_click___commands |
Actions that will be executed when clicking on the channel. |
prefix_click___commands |
Actions that will be executed when clicking on the prefix. |
name_click___commands |
Actions that will be executed when clicking on the name. |
suffix_click___commands |
Actions that will be executed when clicking on the suffix. |
{% hint style="info" %}
The click commands you can use one of the following actions:
[EXECUTE] /command - Will execute the command when clicked
[URL] - Will open the url when clicked
{% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %}
Some of the options like tooltips and click commands are not required.
{% endhint %}