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  • dataset: opus
  • model: transformer
  • source language(s): bel bul ces chu csb dsb hbs hsb mkd orv pol rue rus slk slv szl ukr
  • target language(s): chm est fin fkv hun izh kom krl liv mdf myv olo sma sme udm vep
  • model: transformer
  • pre-processing: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k)
  • a sentence initial language token is required in the form of >>id<< (id = valid target language ID)
  • download:
  • test set translations: opus-2021-02-10.test.txt
  • test set scores: opus-2021-02-10.eval.txt


testset BLEU chr-F
Tatoeba-test.bel-est.bel.est 13.3 0.632
Tatoeba-test.bel-hun.bel.hun 52.3 0.704
Tatoeba-test.bul-fin.bul.fin 69.7 0.745
Tatoeba-test.bul-hun.bul.hun 41.3 0.634
Tatoeba-test.ces-fin.ces.fin 62.1 0.739
Tatoeba-test.ces-hun.ces.hun 44.1 0.652
Tatoeba-test.hbs-fin.hbs.fin 62.8 0.775
Tatoeba-test.hbs-hun.hbs.hun 23.0 0.574
Tatoeba-test.hbs-sme.hbs.sme 9.8 0.263
Tatoeba-test.mkd-est.mkd.est 23.0 0.759
Tatoeba-test.mkd-hun.mkd.hun 23.0 0.574
Tatoeba-test.multi.multi 32.0 0.527
Tatoeba-test.pol-chm.pol.chm 6.1 0.157
Tatoeba-test.pol-est.pol.est 15.8 0.378
Tatoeba-test.pol-fin.pol.fin 38.0 0.605
Tatoeba-test.pol-hun.pol.hun 39.3 0.624
Tatoeba-test.rus-chm.rus.chm 1.4 0.176
Tatoeba-test.rus-est.rus.est 51.1 0.703
Tatoeba-test.rus-fin.rus.fin 38.3 0.624
Tatoeba-test.rus-hun.rus.hun 36.2 0.590
Tatoeba-test.rus-izh.rus.izh 14.7 0.389
Tatoeba-test.rus-udm.rus.udm 6.7 0.265
Tatoeba-test.slv-est.slv.est 23.0 0.795
Tatoeba-test.slv-fin.slv.fin 33.7 0.601
Tatoeba-test.slv-hun.slv.hun 22.9 0.460
Tatoeba-test.ukr-est.ukr.est 40.6 0.693
Tatoeba-test.ukr-fin.ukr.fin 47.5 0.649
Tatoeba-test.ukr-hun.ukr.hun 40.2 0.647

  • dataset: opus
  • model: transformer
  • source language(s): bel bos bul ces hbs hrv mkd pol rus slv srp ukr
  • target language(s): est fin hun izh mhr sme udm
  • model: transformer
  • pre-processing: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k)
  • a sentence initial language token is required in the form of >>id<< (id = valid target language ID)
  • valid language labels: >>hun<< >>fin<< >>est<< >>sme<< >>udm<< >>mhr<<
  • download:
  • test set translations: opus-2021-02-18.test.txt
  • test set scores: opus-2021-02-18.eval.txt


testset BLEU chr-F #sent #words BP
newssyscomb2009.ces-hun 14.0 0.457 502 9733 0.988
newstest2009.ces-hun 14.2 0.445 2525 54965 0.976
Tatoeba-test.bel-est 13.3 0.632 2 31 1.000
Tatoeba-test.bel-hun 52.3 0.704 3 16 1.000
Tatoeba-test.bul-fin 69.7 0.745 11 79 0.948
Tatoeba-test.bul-hun 41.3 0.634 195 1090 0.994
Tatoeba-test.ces-fin 62.1 0.739 88 408 0.957
Tatoeba-test.ces-hun 44.1 0.652 1911 10352 0.979
Tatoeba-test.hbs-fin 62.8 0.775 15 94 1.000
Tatoeba-test.hbs-hun 23.0 0.574 1 6 1.000
Tatoeba-test.hbs-sme 9.8 0.263 3 15 0.931
Tatoeba-test.mkd-est 23.0 0.759 1 5 1.000
Tatoeba-test.mkd-hun 23.0 0.574 1 6 1.000
Tatoeba-test.multi-multi 32.0 0.527 10000 58751 0.954
Tatoeba-test.pol-chm 6.1 0.157 5 36 0.819
Tatoeba-test.pol-est 15.8 0.378 15 98 0.893
Tatoeba-test.pol-fin 38.0 0.605 609 3293 0.941
Tatoeba-test.pol-hun 39.3 0.624 1934 11310 0.985
Tatoeba-test.rus-chm 1.4 0.176 2750 18977 0.903
Tatoeba-test.rus-est 51.1 0.703 598 3572 0.979
Tatoeba-test.rus-fin 38.3 0.624 3643 19319 0.934
Tatoeba-test.rus-hun 36.2 0.590 2500 15072 0.974
Tatoeba-test.rus-izh 14.7 0.389 8 33 1.000
Tatoeba-test.rus-udm 6.7 0.265 54 300 1.000
Tatoeba-test.slv-est 23.0 0.795 1 5 1.000
Tatoeba-test.slv-fin 33.7 0.601 32 164 0.918
Tatoeba-test.slv-hun 22.9 0.460 42 206 1.000
Tatoeba-test.ukr-est 40.6 0.693 16 85 1.000
Tatoeba-test.ukr-fin 47.5 0.649 32 186 0.962
Tatoeba-test.ukr-hun 40.2 0.647 464 2433 0.996