NOTE: 2017-07-03: This document is still very much a work in progress. We welcome suggestions on improving it.
The Provider Screening Module is a Java EE Enterprise Application
using Gradle to manage builds, the Spring
framework for core web
application functionality (including providing an API),
Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping
(interacting with the database), and jBPM and
Drools for business rules management. See
for more details on component versions and installation requirements.
Within the PSM codebase are several "projects" within the psm-app
directory. The major ones are:
(contains XML-defined Java data types, e.g., license type) -
(includes callbacks into Java from jBPM) -
(includes Hibernate entities, binders that map frontend elements to Java handles, definitions of EE services thatcms-business-process
implements) -
(MVC, web controller, UI, HTML, CSS)- See
for design related to PSM reports
- See
(generates EAR file, and is where TopCoder JAR files live) -
(manages JavaScript used on the frontend, see frontend/ -
(contains prose documents for end user help)
A diagram of the components mentioned above is available at
for a diagrammatic representation of the jBPM workflow defined in
Originally, the PSM used JSP templates, as detailed in issue #238. We have converted some of these JSP templates to Handlebars, for easier reuse. Handlebars templates can be used with code written in any number of languages, not just Java. For this reason, they are not as exactly tuned to Java development. JSPs are able to hold more complex logic than Handlebars, and work well for the PSM's screens, which are so specific that they are unlikely to be reused. The framing templates of the PSM (the headers, footers, and navigation bar) have been converted to Handlebars, since they are the most likely to be reused in other applications or in pieces of the PSM that might be written in another language.
As part of this conversion, we deduplicated many of the templates. When you are editing a piece of UI functionality, it should appear in either a JSP template or a Handlebars template. Use the correct formatting for whichever style applies.
See for more detail about this conversion process.
The PSM has four types of users, each with their own permission level:
Service agent
Service agents should be able to create, view, and edit enrollments for their provider clients.
- Can view: provider dashboard, enrollments, profile
- Can create an enrollment
- Can edit draft enrollments
- Can view submitted enrollments
Service admin
This user type can edit and view enrollments just as a service agent can, but it can also edit provider types and the screening schedule. This user type is most likely appropriate for someone working for a state and overseeing enrollment and service agents.
Can view: provider dashboard and enrollments
- View and edit provider types
- Edit screening schedule
- Add and edit agreements/addendums
- View, create, edit, and delete other service agents
System admin
This user type is purely for managing users, which none of the other user types can do.
- Can only view "user account" screen
- Functions
- Create, edit, and delete users
- Edit the abilities of user roles, but doesn't seem to be able to create new roles
The user type with the lowest level of permissions, a provider should only be able to create, view, and edit their own enrollments.
- View own enrollments
- Create and edit enrollments
Note: the following is one possible way for the PSM to handle screening and management. It is included here as a start for discussion, not as a conclusive decision.
The PSM is a screening module, meaning that it focuses on determining whether providers are eligible to participate in Medicaid. However, the information that providers enter into the PSM is subsequently used by the state to manage those providers, and by the providers to manage their own enrollment in Medicaid and other state programs. For this reason, screening and management modules can be difficult to disentangle. A provider should have one front page to use to both apply for enrollment (be screened) and manage their enrollment.
One approach is to present these two tasks through the same portal for the provider, but to separate them from a technical perspective. To do this, the screening application would essentially just be a form that takes information from a provider, runs automated checks on it, allows an administrator to review the information, and returns a status of either "enrolled" or "not enrolled." The screening module would send the bundle of entered data to the management module, which would use the same SSO solution, so that from the provider's perspective the two modules feel like part of the same application.
The homepage for providers could look something like this:
| | Logout | |
| |
| +-----------------+ +------------------------+ |
| | Click here to | | Click here to | |
| | apply to enroll | | manage your enrollment | |
| +-----------------+ +------------------------+ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
"Apply to enroll" would be the screening module, and "manage your enrollment" would be the management module. The latter would include "update your information," "renew your enrollment," and "terminate your enrollment." In a fully-fledged management module, providers would also be able to see and track the status of their claims in that area. It might be worth adding another button to the homepage for a separate billing module.
| | Logout | |
| |
| +-----------------+ +------------------------+ |
| | Click here to | | Click here to | |
| | apply to enroll | | manage your enrollment | |
| +-----------------+ +------------------------+ |
| |
| +-------------------+ |
| | Track your claims | |
| +-------------------+ |
For state reviewers/administrators, there'd be two kinds of action: reviewing the information provided for screening purposes and reviewing/paying claims. Their portal would reflect these two kinds of task. When a provider updates information or renews or terminates their enrollment, that new set of information would go into the "screening" queue for state reviewers. The management module would need to have some way of bundling that information up and sending it back to the screening module, perhaps with some metadata about what changed, e.g. "the only piece of information that changed is the address."