Proof-of-concept implementation of a lidar-based object detection and tracking system for Stratom Robotics. Created during Mines CS Field Session.
- Brady Veltien
- Ethan Ko
- Lucas Niewohner
- Ryan Lopez
A node that tracks polygons using the Hungarian algorithm and detects movement in the polygons with centroid tracking.
A ros package that includes plugins and nodes to convert occupied costmap2d cells to primitive types. It was modified to work on ros2 humble from
Converts odometry information to a Tf message.
This was build for a docker container running on a Windows computer.
- Download and install Docker:
- Open powershell and update WSL: wsl --update
- Open powershell to the directory you want to install the git repository
- Run the command <git clone --recurse-submodules >
- Go into the directory
- Run and sign into Docker Desktop
- Build the image with the command: docker build -t <image_name> .
- Create a container from the image with the command: docker run -it --net host --ipc host --gpus=all --privileged -v C:\<path>\<to>\<repository>:/home/mines/mines_ws --name <container_name> <image_name>
- Run: colcon build
- Run: source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
- Run: source install/setup.bash
- Download and install XLaunch:
- Run XLaunch with default settings
- ros2 launch stratom_sim
Launches Gazebo simulation and all related nodes- [Optional] Select a different world from the stratom_sim/worlds directory world:=World1
- ros2 launch stratom_sim
Launches all nodes needed to read from a lidar scan and odemetry and output warning messages
Parameters can be found in src/stratom_sim/config/default.yaml
The py_tracker, statom_sim, and odom_tf2_adapter packages are under the MIT licence The cost costmap_converter package is under a BSD licence with other 3rd party dependencies that falls under the different licences.