- #921 Add support to libraries: places, visualization, places, and geomerty. And keeps support for previous heatMapLibrary prop to avoid breaking older usage.
- Fix default and lib imports
- #878 Fix heatmap options not being updated
- #864 On resize it's getting undefined minZoom
- #873 Moves marker dispatcher binds to componentDidMount
- Rewrite library using create-react-library
- Breaking Move
to module import, meaning that instead of doing:import { utilName } from 'google-map-react/utils
you will doimport { utilName } from google-map-react
- #835 Add dev folders to .gitignore
- #827 Updated China base url
- #778 Add UNSAFE_ prefix to deprecated lifecycle methods
- #769 Move prop-types to dependencies
- #759 Add shouldUnregisterMapOnUnmount prop to persist map object on unmount
- #754 Add prop 'onDragEnd'
- #738 Revert #726 Google Map loader respecting the app language change
- #739 Revert #722 Add shouldUnregisterMapOnUnmount prop to persist map object on unmount
- #726 Google Map loader respecting the app language change
- #722 Add shouldUnregisterMapOnUnmount prop to persist map object on unmount
- #728 Fix: Update heatmap layer when heatmap positions prop changes
- #696 Add React 16 createPortal with backwards compatibility
- #679 Revert #593 (had a problem with the way of importing libraries)
- #655 Add math abs to avoid negative values when calculating zoom
- #656 Pass map instance to onDrag handler
- #593 Added feature: update heat map on data change + fix linting
- #634 Custom div style options
- #645 Revert #643 Use React 16 map portal to render map overlay. Was causing problems for users using React version < 16
- #631 Add passive scroll
- #643 Use React 16 map portal to render map overlay
- #620 Fix bug in fromContainerPixelToLatLng()
- #615 Add prop
- #605 Fix build
- #603 Remove marker jiggle, Issue #575
- #570 Avoid null error
- #594 Add guard around mapDom event listener
- #592 Move dep for react-dom
- #580: Scales tiles properly
- #577 Move react-dom to dependencies
- #572 Add weights to the heatmap
- #559 Fix soom animation for google maps' version 3.32
- #548 Improves to documentation
- #535 Remove lodash completely, using our own functions, now the build size is 4 times smaller.
- #533 Fixes some of the examples in the documentation
- #555 & #563 Fix error Target container is not a DOM element
- #521 Upgrade .babelrc
- #211 Call zoomControlClickTime on all clicks
- #530 Set latest release version as default if user does not specify a version
- #504 Added loose to es2015 for IE10, IE11 support
- #517 Fix error about fromLatLngToDivPixel
- #525 Accept 0 as zoom value
- #529 Update package.json
- #441 Add heatmap functionality
- #496 Fix support for china
- #494 Add support for China
- #485 Add fullscreen check for Internet explorer 11
- #482 Make
preserve center when full-screened - #483 Updates yarn.lock to fix @mapbox/point-geometry warning
Add prop onDragEnd
to react on the dragend
Add google-map-clustering-example
Add prop onTilesLoaded
to react on the tilesloaded
Add: bootstrapURLKeys
(object) instead of apiKey
prop is now deprecated)
key: API_KEY,
language: 'ru',
Draggable markers support, examples comig soon.
Add OnChange({center, zoom, bounds: {nw, se}, size, ...oherMapProps})
Add deprecation warning to onBoundsChange
Add utils
functions, with fitBounds
and other functions
import { fitBounds } from 'google-map-react/utils';
const bounds = {
nw: {
lat: 50.01038826014866,
lng: -118.6525866875,
se: {
lat: 32.698335045970396,
lng: -92.0217273125,
const size = {
width: 640, // Map width in pixels
height: 380, // Map height in pixels
const {center, zoom} = fitBounds({nw, se}, size);
Add minZoom calculation, to prevent situations when one map point can have multiple screen coordinates.
Add ability to access to internal google api
<GoogleMap onGoogleApiLoaded={({map, maps}) => console.log(map, maps)} />
(to prevent warn message add yesIWantToUseGoogleMapApiInternals property to GoogleMap)
Add: defaultZoom
properties, it closes #9 #10
Support center
prop as {lat, lng}
Add onClick
, onZoomAnimationStart
, onZoomAnimationEnd