Releases: HerpDerpinstine/DDSS.LobbyGuard
Releases · HerpDerpinstine/DDSS.LobbyGuard
- Improved Player Detection for Doors
- Added Productivity from Task Completion setting (Default is ON)
- Fixed an issue with Productivity not changing when Tasks get Completed
- Fixed an issue with PlayerTriggerSecurity spamming errors
- Fixed an issue with Firing causing weird Workstation Assignments
- Fixed an issue with being Disconnected when Exceptions are thrown
- Fixed an issue with Workstations sometimes not allowing control by the Sitting Player
- Fixed an issue with the Mute/Unmute buttons not showing unless Host
- Fixed several issues that lead to Error Spam
- Implemented
Player Velocity Enforcement
- Implemented
Hide Slackers from Clients
- Implemented
Character Names in Player List
- Implemented
Character Names in Text Chat
- Improved Player Detection Volumes
- Improved Collectible Placement Validation
- Improved Sticky Note Validation
- Improved Toilet Validation
- Improved PlayerController Validation
- Improved Printer Validation
- Improved Document Text Validation
- Improved Phone Validation
- Implemented an In-Game Settings Panel
- Fixed a Game Issue with Janitors not being Fired correctly
- Fixed a Game Issue with Workstation Cursor being jittery when clicking
- Fixed an issue with Sticky Note Text sometimes not setting properly
- Fixed an issue with Lobby Chat Validation not validating Message Length
- Fixed an issue with Filing Cabinets not completing Organization Tasks for the Host
- Fixed an issue with StickyNoteHolder causing Errors on Placement
- Fixed an issue with ModHelper requiring Clients to have LobbyGuard installed
- Fixed an issue with not being able to place Sticky Notes when joining other games
- Fixed an issue with FireExHolder breaking when not Host
- Fixed an issue with KeyHolder breaking when not Host
- Fixed an issue where Placing Sticky Notes would cause errors if not the Host
- Fixed an issue with Filing Cabinet Drawers completing an Organization task when Opened
- Fixed an issue with Players not dropping all Usables on Disconnect
- Fixed an issue with FireExHolder not spawning the Fire Extinguisher when joining Lobbies
- Fixed an issue with KeyHolder not spawning the Keys when joining Lobbies
- Reimplemented Usernames on Sticky Notes
- Implemented a Config Option for allowing Sticky Notes to be placed on and grabbed from Closed Doors. (true by Default)
- Implemented a Config Option for adding Usernames to Sticky Note Names. (HOST_ONLY by Default)
- Implemented a Config Option for allowing Sticky Notes to be placed on and grabbed from Players. (
by Default) - Fixed an issue with Sticky Notes becoming stuck to the Ground when Dropped
- Implemented Initialization Error Prompt
- Implemented Update Available Prompt
- Implemented a Config Option for allowing Sticky Notes to be placed on and grabbed from Open Doors. (
by Default) - Fixed an issue with Player Kicking sometimes randomly causing the Lobby to Close while in a Match
- Fixed an issue preventing Promotion/Demotion of Assistants