MASDAP (Malawi Spatial Data Platform) is a GeoNode customization based on geonode-project.
Install the native dependencies for your platform.
Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper, Create a local virtual environment for your project and install Django into it.:
$ mkvirtualenv geonode $ source geonode/bin/activate $ git clone -b 2.4.x
Create a new template based on the geonode example project.:
$ startproject masdap --template= -epy,rst
You should NOT use the name geonode for your project as it will conflict with the default geonode package name.
Install the dependencies for your geonode project into your local virtual environment:
$ pip install -e masdap
Install and Configure GeoServer
At this point, you should put your project under version control using Git or similar.
In order to install for production on a remote machine or to a local VM for development, you will need to install ansible:
$ sudo pip install ansible
Note: It is advisable to install ansible system wide using sudo
Next, you will need to install the ansible role for geonode:
$ ansible-galaxy install ortelius.geonode
Setup VirtualBox and install vagrant, then setup your virtual machine with:
$ vagrant up
Note: the vagrant installation uses Ansible, so you will need to follow the steps in the previous section.
Update /etc/ansible/hosts to include your webservers host or dns entry:
[webservers] ###.###.###.###
Then you can run the playbook to install the masdap project:
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml
Setup the database:
$ python syncdb
You will be asked to provide credentials for the superuser account.
Start the development server:
$ python runserver