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File metadata and controls

164 lines (126 loc) · 10.5 KB

Haskell-esque non-lazy web development lang that transpiles to javascript. Seems to be possible to develop for mobile as well.

May be installed via npm: npm -g install purescript spago

Differences from Haskell

Partially gotten from here

  • Strict evaluation
  • inability to stuff declaration and assignment into the same line, i.e. this: i :: Int = 1 is legal in Haskell but not in PS.
  • explicit forall, i.e. foo :: a -> a type annotation will result in error, it has to be foo :: forall a . a -> a. It supports though.
  • String and Char are UTF16 for some reason that goes back to JS.
  • [a] syntax not supported, it has to be Array a or similar.
  • in data Foo = Foo {a :: Int} the a is not globally visible and instead you refer to it via a dot as a property.
  • function composition: <<< instead of .. That's because dot is the property accessor.
  • deriving show, here are details why/how this code works:
    import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
    import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
    data Foo = Foo{a :: Int}
    derive instance genericMyADT :: Generic Foo _
    instance showMyADT :: Show Foo where
      show = genericShow
  • return replaced with pure
  • "Records" are not data and work somewhat differently. Records enclosed into braces and then their fields are referred to via a dot. But there's more to it. Given this example:
    foo = {a : 1, "b" : 2, "A" : 3, "A B" : 4}
    First two fields are referred to by foo.a and foo.b and are basically the same. But the other two can't be referred directly as such and instead this syntax is used foo."A", foo."A B".


  • tools:
    • current list, may be useful because some tools are deprecated by others.
    • purs the compiler
    • spago a build tool for PS, there are: stable non-developed (Haskell-based) and unstable actively developed (PS-based) versions.
    • pulp an older build tool for PS, was used together with bower before spago.
  • "array comprehension": import Data.Array and then use e.g. 1 .. 5.
  • async API is provided by Effect.Aff and starts with launchAff which converts Aff a → Effect a.
  • logShow (from Effect.Class.Console): to print from Aff to console. At least with HTTPurple it shows up in terminal as expected.

HTTPurple misc

A backend lib for processing http methods.

  • URL path/queries parsing is called "routing"
    • routes are declared as a record passed to mkRoute function. The record content is basically constructing the URL. Example from the docs:
    route :: RouteDuplex' Route
    route = mkRoute
      { "Home": noArgs -- the root route /
      , "Products": "categories" / string segment / "products" / string segment
      , "Search": "search" ? { q: string, sorting: optional <<< string }

Halogen misc

A library for UI in html + js.

  • HTML tags are created by calling a function that creates a tag and passing it two arrays: 1. properties for the tag 2. children. Example, if we want this HTML:

    <div id="root">
      <input placeholder="Name" />
      <button class="btn-primary" type="submit">

    we code it like this:

    import Halogen.HTML as HH
    import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
    html =
        [ "root" ]
        [ HH.input
            [ HP.placeholder "Name" ]
        , HH.button
            [ HP.classes [ HH.ClassName "btn-primary" ]
            , HP.type_ HP.ButtonSubmit
            [ HH.text "Submit" ]
  • underscores: when HTML and PS keywords clash, Halogen adds an underscore in the name, e.g. type_. But then Halogen has also shortcut-functions ending with underscore for when you pass no properties, so instead of div [] … you can write div_ …

  • caching: inside component handleAction, if modify_ \state -> … is called, the state is the cache. It will later be the input to render.

Parent-child messaging

First, bad news: if you had read Halogen praises about how it's good in type-safety and well designed, well, this is where that ends. The messaging part is a bunch of useless abstractions where you can easily forget something and stuff silently breaks. For example, you can forget to insert the useless receive = Just <<< Foo, and everything will compile just fine but child won't be receiving inputs the parent sends it. Usually, with such huge abstractions you'd expect support for monkey-typing because there's too much to bear in mind, but for some funny reason Halogen is exactly the framework where it doesn't work. You have to study all those useless abstractions and make sure you got them right, or expect hours in debugging.

Given two components (things created by mkComponent), they can exchange kind of like signals with optional data. Here, the parent is the component that inserts the other one via slot function.

slot inserts a component similarly to how a HH.someTag would insert a tag. Args: given a call slot id subId component input mapChildOutputToParent:

  • id: a unique slot name defined via type-level magic like _button = Proxy :: Proxy "button". The text should match the name inside type Slots = ( button :: ButtonSlot Unit ), where this Slots type is being used in the parent's render and handleAction functions.

    Purpose: it's given to H.tell function to send some signal/data to the slot.

  • subid: in case you'd like to render the component multiple times, you can distinguish them by subid. Pass unit if not interested.

  • component: the child created by mkComponent

  • input: data to be passed to child's initialState

  • mapChildOutputToParent: a function that takes child output and produces a parent "action", the one that handleAction takes as parameter. Typically it's just a parent-action data constructor that wraps the output.

slot_ is similar to slot but with the output omitted, for cases where the child doesn't produce anything a parent would be interested in.


Child must provide to H.defaultEval a field receive = Just <<< Foo where Foo is a data constructor ChildInput -> ChildState, and then the data constructor is handled as the parameter to handleAction. The receive = … is the key — you'd think handleAction should be enough, but apparently Halogen authors decided it should be confusing and error-prone, so they introduced this useless proxy-method that serves no purpose and you can easily forget to add it. Though, it can be omitted when input is only provided via tell (so e.g. you initialize the slot with unit).

With that out of the way, there are two ways to give an input to a child:

  1. Implicit (bad): inside parent you call H.modify_ to modify some state that inside render gets passed to the child. This is error-prone, because if compiler determines the state wasn't modified it won't trigger the child. This is a problem when you have no input for the child but just want to signal it. But it's also a problem for when there is an input but child does something besides. Imagine invoking a modal window for certain data. If a user dismissed the window, Halogen won't ever invoke it again till the data changes.

  2. Explicit (good): parent calls tell id subId QueryConstructor where first two parameters are mentioned before and QueryConstructor is a constructor that may or may not pass some value, but the last mandatory argument you leave empty and then it's returned as pure (Just next). Idk what it's for.

    For this to work you need to declare a separate function handleQuery, similar to handleAction, but taking the QueryConstructor type instead. Apparently handleAction wasn't enough for the authors, so now you need to bear handleQuery in mind as well, because if you forget to declare it thinking about handleAction, stuff will just silently break. Example:

data ButtonQuery a = SetEnabled a
mycomponent = 
  handleQuery :: forall a . ButtonQuery a -> H.HalogenM ButtonState ButtonAction () Unit m (Maybe a)
  handleQuery (SetEnabled next) = do
      do something
      pure (Just next)


Libs are ultimately an FFI-shim to a JS library, implying that if you ever get stuck beyond the basics, you can often search for solutions in JS-field and interpolate to PS. There're also examples here, see dirs with "react" infix.

There're two implementations: react-basic-classic and react-basic-hooks. The "classic" is a class-based implementation (pun is noted) that predates "hooks". Nowadays "hooks" are preferred.

  • atomic nodes (a button, label, etc) are represented by JSX type.

  • "component" is a single React-managed DOM-tree (made of JSXes and handlers)

    • Component is the type, which is an alias to Effect (props -> JSX). The props is an arg to be passed when instancing the component with renderRoot.
    • Running Component is done by unwrapping from Effect and passing over to renderRoot.
  • "root" is a location for the first component to attach with renderRoot. Created by createRoot. There may be many roots.

    Bear in mind, just nesting components doesn't require creating new roots.

  • Nesting components example (a label inside a div):

    labelComponent :: Component Unit
    labelComponent = component "Label" \_ -> do
      pure $ R.label_ [ R.text "Hello, world!" ]
    divComponent :: Component Unit
    divComponent = do
      c :: (Unit -> JSX) <- labelComponent
      component "Div" \_ -> do
        pure $ R.div_ [c unit]

…vs Halogen

  • much simpler
  • React has special CSS type, whereas Halogen has just a string instead.
  • Halogen doesn't allow to execute Effect before rendering the initial state. So you have to jump through the hoops by assigning useless "initial state" which gets immediately replaced by the actual state in handleAction&co. In React you just execute what you need in Component and then pass it over to the lambda that will be creating the component.
  • React elements (JSXes) are Monoid, Halogen's aren't. This simplifies conditionally rendering elements: instead of doing a [many, children] <> if a then [anotherElem] else [] you just write [many, children, guard anotherElem], where guard is the Monoid's. Much shorter, right!